I (Sit QI hsiSam 3ncoi Till BS.I&Y, APKH 31, tMW. H. A. LOTTDOlt. Editor. Yashi:u!o!i I.ti i m- Proinoiir R.-ai:lr (Jim"-i)'.ii.i r . W.vhino'R'V, April 15, 5S'.'8. Major General l-'itliuc't Ia'i -, Commandim? 1-. 8. Army of occu pation, in Cuba. 1 low does (ii.it Tnt. 1khyv Minnis-va of w-.trmu-t T m t by an ir-. i-.u bi taxa'ii-n, ami iu'cuul in'lt Cunyress is pre parin;? to levy additional taxes. Already the wars and means com mittee of the House of Kepresevj., 't-itires have nearly completed s Wa no-w seems inevitable. In- bill tor I bat purpose, which wilr loed it bii.i ulrcudv Kvu decl.H-Ptl, soon l-s parsed. Ihis bill lovies mmiul? It Mr. .JleKin.ey v::vn.- for M Cfeihrfttoi can declare it. many of the old internal n-imw P: "' V"!'.' the rMhldtiru. passed by tho taxes that were paid for .s,-,eral .r.JJir'ltir si.- House and Senate ur.i only an- yearn after the war. It iff proposed ;mt o (i1);l .mJ ., u( h, : i i-t thorize lirrf? also direct' ?lio Presi- to increase the tax on itiiirmfuetur- .President to employ the .:liv. dent to iwa the entire-Iaild ai.d n'i tobacco mid snuit frM. six to land ud naval fores of ii,. I . X., val force of this country in driv- ' twelve cents a pound. Tea is to 1u;,VJ;,,;t,,,fl J h; iiiff the Spaniards i,t of Cuba. taxed ton cent a pound and uvl The aeenea in Coiiiriwjr i the'uVe three eenta. Ihe old rev- jal.msy does w,.t preei.t. it is piiHH.ijro of these war rewhiiions enue tax is to be placed ou every likely that Fit-! Lee's oi(U :,:! ti'hf tfere. "liwurl. Tho House of mort-u-o and other business in- will read soniethimr like tr i. -v, l ' i- e Ktvmwt- tore he is many davs older, he Tteptee-entatm, on an occasion of J- . h;is tl)U M., Mt.Ki,lU.v lh;il !;,. 'uch p-reat responsibility and sol-: additional tax to bo raised v.;sLos t j,.u.iv i) )!lt .. emnity, was thosmie of a riot and by tins bill v.ill be over one linn- Consul General, lmt as a pari of free fi"hf ltead of dicus"iijc died million dollars a year, and the army sent thereto drive the andcovin-s.M-ioTislv aiulsoU 'tlio Secretary of the Treasury is Spaniards oat, and his knoicke nnlv so imoo-trit a nution as ' authorized to borrow S5(H,000.000 l" ' Vf rmi so impo tpu -.i.ou a make hun an ideal eoiniii.uidri n: ; 'i' .ideelaratiou of war deserved, ouv. to be-in the war with, bo taat nrmy of wylK.Vl it KeproHentatives '.V Congress pofi while our .overnmPnt may extend M llCi-pssary for the I'.S.. to s-.-nu; tofi-htiu;roilt.!;iiof.l-,craiidsh.)wed ll!lt'f b- strusrg-Hiiir Cubaiw, it but jeajoasy has already beena fliciplves utterfv unlit to be in- will be at a heavy ex,.ense to our roas.Nl m some oaart.-is ly f.e tervoniu to jrivo'a stable govern- -wii jvople, and our relief will be ( 'n em 'S nlid 't ment to'auother country! j itidctinitely postponed. ipi-ow sutliciently powert'nl to pre- Kacli brawh of ( 'oiurress wish-1 v. rr- ; vent his jrc-ttinjr a military a - 'i.-:!- d'topassadirt'.i-niHetof res..-! Ulir.N the United States army nnmt thathe eould a.v-t-:. U- b lutions; onetime it looked invars Cuba we hope that it will l;! as if neither would yield to t! K've the peoile ot that island a ilot hesitated to sav m,. His time other. A committee of conference better ovcrument than it .-rave to inii i(.,.n tajlMI ';dmost iniirelv ,'.'1i aupointd by the Senate and the people of the South during the since he arrived in Washington i;i liivniff niiormaiioii ciuitM- iovi-u-yress or some other branch of i !, roverunient, and his popularity is f.Towin.y all the tiia'. In-.t hi--I.e.:. I isii't swelled. Most of the demoi-rats Ji I i tl pop ulisis in Coui:'ress sotii'lrt to in corporate a recognition uf li.e i:i depeiidei!c' of the repul!i' !' t'-.i-b:b in that foreihie iiiterv.'iii ion joint resolution, hut the most they could do was to J nit t heips ! ; s i i record by sunnortinv' a result! '.; berr !a" I'.iii.u w e 1 ;i ii! ,- ci i e .'eaiii 1 vl:r. t; y ) .'..-nt th.e r:i - v. '( v. . O'.l' : ;i a;-ii ie;.r-. n in , :-ml was one of oi:r 1 o:i:ii:';:t soi.s. Me, i : I'.l.'C STi)!li: I T II 12 l V ) IT LAll S'l 6e tat i "; in liinis le'ii'' .:'-'. YV.v-hni-ton, April S Aethi.if ;t r i'lsiraeiioiss from the Span ish miaist -r here ' !; Spanish em siils i;: various paitsi.f the copr t c- ;. r making a: i nnemi nl.; for :l V-artiDV of ! he Siaiii.-h i ol le.iies ':. their s-vt-ral hvaiitii a. i In; Sp.'e.ish e-vei anient jia s ;!:e C;u ':s.s s !' idl t 'r-.T ,-iio .to Cub i or ot'ier Sj.-iii.-li jo: ts. 'I his e.'.u'ral taov- ineat is rot ia-pircd by any tea! ot i':di:.'ui( ii s but is t'l.e io the cilsfoii atv io. i of ru en vtionai v '. .'.lure t hat t he saiijett-of a hostile pov, v rSVKTKX. MH?KOr.K. VA.. MAY tith-: th. iw u. v mill p.'W( lno i wher troin i!.e y wit!: ). is at v ar. of a colony '--2 Si'Mi'i terr-torv ol ilie ivi that ho.'iile l'l:e lirst a. tm.i oci uvred today, !i ;t'.-iilents of li: l.i'i Wo ti;k-. 1 i;e-;e r.wy. - ci onioia l! ! lit'1!. ri'::::i:i li vUTlil'l'N I'.UTIST CoWi'v- , Tin: A.'.u:!;)i'.VN i'Ai-i iM' I'Vl'iON So: I!TV AND 'i'iil' !a:,'- ;Ve'. i-i r M issiox.vi'V m '' k i' i Noiiioi.i;, M..v S I. i !-;:i r, in this srou''. wii want to tkll n a. .ir Lit t on M :- :i v.ui of ,eet iie . ai a ra'.e oi cm: t:h: i;ocm riww Their . ra n sen ice hich is iia;r- b.;s been am.: n.e':t-. il 1 on ?' a y .'t il, ol the 1 'Ccia thing bcut Ttcss Eirirts. M:uvn mm: ..K inrsi: j-kikts wnirn auestt i.j - i y y.-t-: (ii tii-ni) M'.n iavu. in vai'.ietyop K. pi; , s f ;.u i IS. T." (IS, n ;). 1 , $3.50, $5.00 AN IT ."'). A Ii5.rt Wais Treat for All. M",lV!' V l.'NK OF :il!tr v. AIST. AT PKICESinAT ST K-.K KiK I iiKil.-jL'.bVLS, YOU bllOULD ISEE CTUIl Cff ( i: s i s a Is-1 . taii'.iia, 1 la., le'.t on a ste ina r chartered to carrv ih- '.n to !!a vaaa. Most of those :'r- ia IV-s;,u a'.al other points .-.re ahle l:..!;e.! otinT men, w ho v. i!! he available for military spj iei- aL't.-r ti.eii m i ;.:i at Havana. .sew laa'Mi.e luadf t mi a:si v the sea noon. S intilt ri ill !5j:t. York, , rii 1 1. 'i lit- sii'o toipeih boat ',tio!!and" , o mv . , .id dives .I'tl de- at-'d I t r abiliiy to wet i:er in !!:.riiaii bay this aiiei- 1 1. "jieeoust ruction tin vs. And we also hope that Cr.ba may not be infested and aftlicted with the same puis? of "carpet-bakers," who so badlv plundered our Southern peo ple! ' I'm may nut history repeat it- House, kPtl for some time they nmhl ni.fc ai?fee, bst finally aftr litKlr J-?;l.fc on last Monday an a sfl'ienieut was roaeJii-vl and both branches of C'oii'?refls adopted (he n-solatioiis published in the next i'olumn. The vote on the tinal T'i,a?sv2''? these resolutions in the self.J .louse ts 310 to 0, mil in the j - - Senate it was not so unanimous. i'sroa Derlnrw lor War. beini? 42 to ;h". The chief point Pioth branches of Congress have of d i lie rence between the Senate ; passed the following resoluthms, Mm: 'rJ oSe was ihe recouiiu'i'on of ' v hich aniount to a declaration of the so-called "Kepuhlic of Cuba" war against Spain: which is alleged to exist some! " hereas, The abhorrent co- li whei 'n the enm-hnikes of tiiat ' tions which have existed for more 'uihappv island. it!.lil ,t,nw -vMrs iu th,, ,;!,n'1 .,'' .... . I of Cuba, so near our own oorders. ihe I resident is expected hmi- - ...V .i,,,...,.,! ti, st.ns of On mile a::.i a depth of ! I' The s..,t l-.lr dive she i-u: for Kiibiiic-r-red to t! II to foiiiteen ft no lU'.ii her H It li t coaeii:- I 1 a el . was .-.boat . teat of si f a- nearly did Uoi :. o ,.-.,1 feet v,, r. she went und r L'-(iu: i ters of a ot water ovi r 1 un.h. r 'v:ili r s, alul she va- -(trial li. oiVc. I.ee.ia i;u- a'oi,- t!i- i i iille and W;is ; !y l!:e s.n.ie ' ..: the ,; mi. ni in I ie ':: en is eeclal. I i:'S tl'Mil v. !M !t a e .;!:;i.: :t i:' oil i.o- n. haviiv.- : I t :e!a ! our Chapel C;ir, inwliiih sta siee uil! be held :'o; ;..:.v t! t tiio. The soa ' s.-r. tee v. ili be con. la-. ' by ': Vs -li'sohn. who is i;:l. d V il U ih'. i ! roil;.- lit on of Atl.elia. ( r ly.;:.'i.-i.-:--e tieriy p;..-.-.. il- ' l:i..iiv..:e.i liaed Hook and ' :u.'--lot he t "i e i oeiii :o-: cm II on a i i.e to my i'epi'esi'ni'il I-, e .f i .v. , .,- ' boa i ll A ir i .iii. i -r to ! T. I. AMTIISON, j (lem-ial .I'ie-i'ii.ci'i' .;re':(, Corisnuaitii, Va. rKir;:! :;.cn-:s is x.w. Tim: Sr.vroA?;!' .' Vi I 'Sr. .xorxr-: i:s '1'ilK !ol !.teV!Nu ill.iaTl'O j 11.VTI.S S l ' :t I A ! . ( ,-C.a- mo.ss to VAKi: i ;. ; .: ) v. li ViiTlMi)! 2,irJi:::oli. V d i ' N i .-T ! I! v. : ; ; . v ' ! t ! v. '- n :: W.T V, V , ::; v i ir;r lit: ICI-.T I i; It K MIMv'SV::) WOMAN; USEFUL T(T ; YK'J.l V I S i I HH lOli A PLUM UAYi; lllC UKHlT SOUP UERI5 i,p 5- VI' !'i:lY TltlMMKD roil YOU AND IF M il' ..a', WK ' AN TtliM ONE b'OIi YOU r w i r. . i vine.-: ; n v wiUi astonish w i r p.- i o oi-u mii.linei.'y. , LONDON ci SON, '1 Farmers Bank, ,1 S! TA ' ' I. :: i'ai.l T 'M'lllt! 1 i . providing I iit'i'eior repoi toil ov minority of the I'oreicu C' tee, which was beaten by a .!! ; !!l to 1 .-,o. The j 'i ii.v ad-.; ' Air. AleKiilh-y's !ev:eoi!M the resolution ih.it was willlolliv llloppl"- V.'M s in ' House declares i! peco'a o! , ha t o be fn Ihe Sjl-li:i-:l l.on.le... . ! na-. tify Spain today of thu acti.'ii of Mj,ie of the United Statet. : ignores tin trover CoiU'-ivss. only t wentv-foiir have been a dis-race to Chrisiian m''l;c of Cuba, w hours will be "riven for her to th- civilization, eulmniatinjr. as u.ey . , , i t t 'have, tn the destruction ot a l nit- Cido to remove her troops nun , . , , , . -(. j . . .' . . ed States battleship, with -( of Cum. A prompt refusal is antic-; its ;i,.,.rs au, ,.,Vw, while .ai a pr.t-id, as thei" i- nt.enfi excite-' friendly visit in the harbor of Ha inent th,-.r:i;hout Spain, and our v.-.na, and cannot lon.?er be endur fleotwill probably sail for CubiL1;;!. bas lnvn i set forth by the i. li'illU'lil Ol lite V mull .--l. lie.- hi his messaire to Coneress tf April 11, lS'.ls, upon which the ae-tloii I of Congress was invito.!, therefore, : -H'fore this week expires. Our arm;, ix lri:i'? raiiti!y concentrat ed at Tani'ii, Mobile. New Or leans, uud other exposed points in the South Hint it isthedutyof!!,,'ll,n,t,,.H1! t!. . r' - i., i- i . t i l .. l i honor at tne oil:- .Jet ersoi; i i i m Deii n-lTiien'- eon n'l. f lets : t lie K n ited States to deniiind, and , . . , , JA'pai inn nr. touiaius i.ittn. . . ,. .. , ; day banoiiet. uiven umier tin' .a us- bee ,. ., . -,, i the (.oveniiiieut ot the limed, . ... . . ... . t-nres that wn, surprise most s a,H.rt h,.r,.,(V demand, that 1 1' " the a lo.ul Ass:,. , :, i..,, P,P- llhe t!overnmei.t..f Spain at once f ''l ri "' U h' ' V, iYhile everybody ,at least in 1 relinquish its authority and rov- lUa .t the toast. . hoaias .,, (.. e.e. An Vu iid statement, issued hist n-'iuleiit week by the I 'nited States Treas- ; Second nry Department, Jtni peo1 nne every ootiy ;a least in reiinqui this sectioni is conuTlainiiiir of the : eminent in t. ju...-., .-.r fldu '-.-e..-i.,. 'withdraw it statement shows that more money and im.h-pen.l-id. riina io ! I ee hich has (ed fir three v war i'.i?ainst Spain. lio'.'.: -'-, the ri'soliition i-; as e.Ki'a to brisi:? war with Spain as w. : i iu-tual tleelaratii'ii of war. i-;' ties in ('oii rress v.ili ! j lie I pini? to lij lit t la - v. :i: .' ilild successful on;. -!i;sii.:i, j;; ?ett iair re venire up" e,i sp.i Ik :' r h.-v treacherous destrm lioa of ti.e I Maine; v, hen Se;:in i: v.; i.1 . U.-solved, first. Thai the poopi ! Ueke.l will Iv l,m.'e,-..u:.d: :o,..--,.f ihi. Isbmd of Cuba nr.. and of ! CU'-s oilser phases uf t !; !:,;, 1 1 .1. ri-ht, oii'jht to be free and indo of time. !y t mini '.!. IS. --The si ', of 1 "'on i ' iaier, . ,.. h' ur ihaiii. for eniei :.. t il ,0 r .lived :s n.oa.i id ),,drv ... i l-.i'lf o 1 trip, t.clo with iiu J Nation. Ilat.'o: :! (' ., .i : IVil .' ;.. -.o- tr. . ;t. to i't ! ot't: 1 e i.' !.- DE.'EMBEIi la. 1S9T $ 100,000.0(7 20,000.00' S.351.72 fm,J 19.3(5- .id o'l dej'otits. it .'i..-i:.ieiit with safobank- lent. . ! i.; isOX, Vice-rreHident- i '.' vKUX, Assistant Cashier. ;;, : n. A. A. Tilo-.ii'si.'N.llaleijrh. . : ' , !!. A. V. V v.i:, Aberdeen.' .:!'.'.'.. .1. lh Si!i.! t!!:i:i, llaleighj- ; i i r::, llab'iirh. ii. A. I, i.M'oN, I'ittsboro. . ! : i rl i;. in . aa: is d .! !,sts ;:;e com llice-l ! Soaiii.-!i i'vni'.-t v i tln.i ai ! V. ill l e . be! '..eel! Kepub iVu I ; r : They o .iv t e-iiu col t li i ; a i . i . : . I 0 1 . . ii o i N;);; S, nther.i l-apih ; i; 'i.s. K. 1 ami 1 7 1 t I'.ii. .-V- G. F. 6 Y. Y. BilLffAT; (ILL. KlOKlVEB. ('.i,e trd. ii wiiii !; i ai --nil T' n.;i iiiiii ( i I ::! ii ; ' i -ck!e lit ot :'A''i ot of l oiuleiisod Schedule. (:, . lV- el Aj'ril K'.l., 1898. 1ml lb.n. AY. .1. ibvaii i visit to Washineioii i thl '.e.-i., ii of -h-m tiel'si.i; l.ir .iili: -it'ic- at id U ol t c t na in 1 1. r . l wilj t'i" co;u '.l't. ! is i rai:-;. i;.-', clled. l.i. I. ,. ICii i: t il; id I island of Cuba and landand naval forces! from Cuba aud Cuban waters. , i ''hird That the President of' tn circulation in the United t1( United States be, and is, here Statesnow than ever before! by directed and empowerctl to use The amount now in eircuh.ion ! tlio entire land and naval forces of ; iJ-;'TH,r,8,64.VWhich is five time ! tho ITiited States, and to call into As lunch as was iu circulation in i A ' ,:i;f:., ilrt ov.ii-.l ! 's may be '" I .' ' " "lr,u " " ,1., : !?oi il little move til-ill la- I i T - I i . ... . I I .1... ........... II i .-i .: 1 linns mtn I'Hwt. I . . ......... . Lrie .t.t-Mi ' ' .-'i-i . I v I'liit'i l ii fi . i . S'lTl -I'M los Sl.-ll'l smind JelVerson demoe!;:. -: :'i-.m start to tinish. inclinlinu- his r-f-ereuce to and approxal of ih. cor.rse that has been followed by the democriits and p-'pnl.s .; C(!iuress oil the Cuban iiueii..ii. He l:.as eoiie to New J !n land, where he will make se era! so. eei;- Ne ui.deh .., -d 1 l.CIM.I .d-r li t !. t.-r: Tie I or mi !o tese r: I aev A .. ::v Line or v, i i r. .i.A. i (ie:.i:d rate ill IV tie to Sc-di r.i a; Itll l ('. . .1 1. . i-hildreuo: i- fr- foo. use of th. il:'i r Avert, t-aiion: h, the "?ood old times," just before, states, to such extent as the war. And, in contradiction of ' necessary to carry tnese reso of I. that money is yearly scarcer, this Treasury shows that duiim? the becoiiini!?' i-ourin, una uie muni '"."" havim'-about thr. statemeut.,wir.,,- 1?'-""'" .-i j derisively of populists, that one ate ivist "1 XOU,M ,1' '-them wanted to. Toss centipedes ami I'.ii -t re-iitv. liirisitietionorcoiitro. over i -.. ... i- i i .' i . . . wirii iii'i i:s lit iio.'s in oilier in.ir luomiis nit- itunuiub ot uiine iu billd Islalltl, CXt ept ioi i ue pa uit it circulation has The tive llaituia.a of Moot; years (mlVdrriile ,; I:,'J ; (. Tee Capo b e;ir Cnepb r, I'a'. );:- '''l ol'the Collletlei ae. d. s ri'l'jfo ;i! form ;i Museirn f .rt !: State. h:r.e ''os. id bejj-iiu the col lect i-! of Celif. dcr d ,-sk the assi--.tam-e por j,tck tu. adAchc, malaria, bu- a!l .North l a lUii snpp Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect o der by the occasional use of h- Tutt's Liver Tills. Th.ey reg ulate tlie bowels an J produce A Vlsrorous Body. . . 1 1, ii. . i s, I" I II : each h should have a hundred hm-h:: et pai tit ni..ri ioi ir ja!i i:'.al : us increased $2HS,-;tiou thereof, ami asserts its deter- j hj!mN. .,)tlu.r t(, (l,jiss .,. t. rs..f t: -. Confederacy. . rCmh d increase last month i 'tiou wh-u that is accomplish-, ou th), ihtniu- bit- so the"t '-rate ' if --ai-s. All and any ai . lp!lto 1,J:lve, tlie irovermuent tlu.v t.ouIll woik at ni-ht. ami still tie! s ,,iM be M.!.;..bh. and accep ! the control oi tue jsiauu toiiicj ...... ti,P n-u tv.-i.wi-. .. i milkweed w ith the straw! s, t!-.-11V. so s to have strawberries and cream tin the same plant. Mr. il: v! ;;i;.n aid thitt the words were used b m iu tlescribimrlieii. .1. S. Cocv, I whose wild idt'as w.-re i'lt. rwarrls 333,445, Wis f 2,.),081,'JSt j. iau iuic.ii ur'u . in- v 1 i people troller of the Currency allows that j .. larger sinus are on deposit in the! Spain I'n-pariiiK fur Yar l l 1. . il t.f :.. I niitioiuit ojiujia iitiiii cici nviuir mi , ... .-, r.i,, l, .,,a s;i .... . . ,! lenenflo, Canary Islands, Aiuil;,. the history of this country. And : liS--r;K Spanish authorities here i ll' omcial reports show that tne tie- j,.,VP ju-ouired all the principal: posits m savings bank er than evrr before. there may be so much money ;m,ntH of tr(Hn.sexpet-te.lhere. .uullf ' lie republican coiive.da.n seems mighty hard for most peo-;to hoKl tiie stores, which are aljnf he discoverctl that that par- n a Inirptnnvnf I ..!,-, d t .,-.- Uvmi t l.V w as eimeil oi 111- to ui.iive i ini, r ....... .,.-.!, ... ... "Imreiios me to be used lor null-1 v""- r"-' DlRING tho resolutions by leries of the Senate and House "... ' .u in- e.x,, ;n.a ,,tf ' on the milkweed, aud then 1 111 j i... -o. e 'i .-.win- ..... . vera livhTirpd pvpvv dllV OV an ex- i ,.,,.1 !,.,.- ,Tnu Imt'B inst hepn ! Stl'awl ifirU'S and ,(,.' bel iousr.ess, constipation and kin- f I .:i:eh- dreu disease?, anabsolutecnre TUTT'S Liver PILLS . 1. :ili I' ii K'i li -l !, w l ii - a:n i i'. .1 .ii ! I" table, th Con not cha: t!:o the i a,-e coma :te v itr " a- u w iiat i !' . but t!i"-- w dh th- ih that time; ii military iiiustr.itin;'- uks are p-eat-i warehouses at this place and lkt i tnied uow n by the p.-pidist Na- But w hilJ the C.rand Canary for the accom-1 ( '''nyidion, am.o v.lioia I.' u . 11 , : motlatiou of the lar-e re-enforce- h added: "by jvatlu.-? t.a- r.-c- iintl Id staiulard debate ou tho Tiar'tary purposes, and the strength of Howevs b.oom on the same plant. Cm'resrthe 11 thfortitications is tieini? increas-i and Jie ii?ht very easily cnt tiioe , C ongress, the pal-, t thp lattor ,ms Wp, that strawberries could be buoo. u r: on ti I 1....4. ! t . . oited and enthusiastic crowd, that i mounted iit the clnet lantl battery, , i".o.. -.-.. ",- mildly at.rlaudc.l evtry utterance vhich w situated ou a promontory ! jhat a j?re.u cu-al .u the won; o. vtilMy atptaudvd eurj -"r j t.lumiiudini? the-town and harbor. , the republicans was do,a; m tae iu favor of war. Lon? before ton-j palmaslar-e quantities of mi-lit time, aud he naturally eo:.- i-iii. lit i iiiiii inpv won e. ueeo tne . t l cress would meet every momim?: i,,. i,ra, ir,d moin C-ildfrtl TVlllll.1 Vu Crowded with ,ivc r.1. tll.dr mil' t-l.ore A- services of the liti'htniu.i: a ritices ii"d self ih-iii i!s of ' ait!:, rn jieop!. the straits' ai-.l t oid.i i va net s of daily life a home as v. ci! as in the camp ami held. Photo-Tap! s of North Car-: olilta Col.feuer.de sohiieis i,Uti tid.ariy ilesin-d. 'tin' chi:.ter is pi pared to receive and care for; any articles s.-; t them, either as a; pit; or loan, and n 'pi- st that ev-' t-rv article he accompanied by the iianie of the donor, or h la'.- r, or the person who makes the j, ,;ui or donation and with tie written his tory of tlie article. No pains or e ciise has I . . a soared in arraicr inir forth.' si.:'.-:;.- end :.-enr;ty of til -' a, eloir. ve!i. s, w hich mrr.il so n.ueh to ?v.rt!i Caroiiii.t and will tell ;o i, neh of her glorious .i.-fi-rv. and the Chaider hopes to be able in tne m t lire, as mm k mm, 123 and 12 " Fayetiovide Street. I Tucker's Store, RALEI3H, M. C. OUR smirr l.i- f. .tin1 It li- jiSO 1I I TSiblilt) N. t Mil l!."t Nl. Nil 2 i.v. vrilmi'i'j'tou I) 00 am. A: ! :.vc:t. il!e 12 10 pin l.v. i'.iv. tt. ville 12 22 " i, . i .i , et'.eville J u:u tion 12 27 " I... .-';-'; ford 1 " l.v. (ioi.i.arox 2 24 " !.. C::i,..ix :5 47 " Ar. (on i.sboro 4 20 " l.v. Cleee.-iboro 4 30 " l,v. :-tokesi!ale 5 17 " J ,v. V ainiit Cove 5 47 " l.v. ibn.il Hall 15 " Ar. Mb Aiiy 7 45 S. : I t ! M. No. I PAII.T i .. T.'t. Airy 8 40 a.m l.v. Hur.tl iiall 10 04 " V, .diint Cove 10 33" i... :-oe,. sd.de 11 UG"' Ar. :: eer,sb. .ro 11 55 ' !.v. t Ireensboro 12 15 p nl l.. Climax 12 43 " .v. (ioi. n, -ion 2 07 " ','.. Saniord 2 3(5 " Ar. t'avelte ille Junction 3 50 " Ar. i avt iv.-ville 4 0!) " I..-, i aVi iieville 4 10 " Ar. 'A ilmiiiii'ton 7 20 " X .1:111 I'. iU i. No 4. iAii.f. l.v. beam ll.sille 8 00a. m r "aa'doii SI 0U " l a. V. a s ton t 07 " l.v. Ue, Spring U 35 " l.v. ii-.pe Miiis 10 20" Ar. l.'ay. tieville 10 40 " -i.riii ii.ic.ni. No. 3. DAII.T. l.v. V u-el'c-viilo 4 50 p. m t.v. Ho;..- Mills 5 07 " l.v. Ih'd' Springs 5 43 " Ar. Marion (5 11 " l.v. Max ton 6 15 " Ar. lh unettsville 7 15 " V N'.lKl'i. U H'Al). nV w ST at lew pr'css. Oft'ico at ciwa'.!ir!; on street ca-jt of store of'V. L. Loiidcn 2: Son . It.llilSeUr . ( iini iv (IreeHsli. ro , ( O'eeusl'oro , :-..okes,hilo en standing? m, to War nd ed hau , t, , j (,iy the ' " v,idsU-ma,.y stvies Beeallthatad-htlsaidaiiddoue. iUU,nuit f f.,,,!. to I':.ht r-the ( tmfedcraey bn tMl,,.w onrs-i;:v unsiirpas-.-And the excited applause of these' r.Ut,K5 WUt tOUl"'-ia! breed the centipede withthe IVrk- Ma,,- may va w w , ,,, in (., rf.-ctioii ! I Vsii.'n, ii an.l fXfar UtAlvn as .tn I shireho-rin oAler to raise a in;.:- ai:cat..,, ,,,, pride the u-suit v(,,Lll,il!sh;p. made ot tue most idle loafers was mistaken as an evidence of the feelinsr pervading the great body f tlie coBservathe .,,1., ... l,i rv Exeiteinent in Puerto Rifo Island of St. Thomas. West In dies. Anril Is'. Today's advice While these idlers at Washiu??-1 fmm S;m Juan. Ihierto Rico, re- ton (many of whom expect to make (port that the excitement in the is numev bv the war) are thus clam , huid is iucreasiufr, and tlie inhab- dred hams to each animal, f want to call attention to the fact that Le went direct to the maah r of the republican party and nccoti ated with him, ami one of ihe re sults was that (if-n. d. S. Cey rode through the State ot Ohio, of their e'ioi ts. tt..i; .1, ...,,., :. ...i.l st .1.1 at 1 Ml letters on the subject, and f,'f ,..,. f,,i o, l.e ai-Mcciated. We likewise sel! a special i;ne . . . . , . 1. ..1 11... fight,- tlx working peopie oi at.tjitY continue. eountry (wlu will Lave to lear the 'V . . . . - i i t .t. - 11:.... 1 ... . 1 r.w.i.i rhu lTiipresi in 1 11 rt -111 1 11 1. .1 11 m . , . 1 .1 lrjiins are tieot ttiii iur ..-. --.t .w. n ..... . - 1 orinfffora war for other people to 1 . . Mii;. ,h.m., and rartv. iu a private car. paid for at , " ' . - 1 . ..1. 1 1 ..: .1 ... theevpense ot i;uti ii.ia.1.1. u.- ie fore Mark Ilanua snct-eeded not burdens vf tlie war) are quietly do-' .... of Dufbnnl have 1 ,-t1!. " 'ill, iV.! mg their daily work and trying: to fiitHi wUh the railroad commission : ji,;, iJU so j,. ',ov t..,n!d earn an honest living by the sweat ; & petition for an order for a union ; uSC1"at itt tut a!w ho c( their brow. psenr depot thre- tll i-ithies or p.-n -kaes should be addressed o Miss limn: Jasiks. Ch'ia'n liitorv ami Ke'.ics, Com., i. C, iimintoii, N. C. A V. tii.!:r."u! Pl-icorrry. T'; ';''. 't-T 'I" a c-iii.iiy r-rU : :.: hi,:;v.!,'l lil'vrirlf) in nw.-iit liif I .' a ' t.i-. h't.-,' (ici-.itiiiiIis!'-.''! m.-Te of Ladies Shirt V. ah t us by the makers of .V, j.jrts pell', ctioil ill 1 'rices '.'.. ?1.2:i an Uiaoe loc il lie.iiiipe cry detail ;2 .IH. I'rompt and tiioiie-hful attei.tion 'ivt?i to onhrs by mad. Xoiir t.ir.iei'3 are yobcitctl. W. nil A"??: X. c. Ar. yia.iiso'i k-)U I ti i:..fM 1..'. Madison l.v. M-.kes.bde Ar. ( -ret n-.boro l.V. (i.e.-llsbol'O ,v. Climas Ar. loimseur No. 19. Mixed Daily Exc'p Sunday. 6 40 a. in 8 25 " 9 17 " 9 35 " 11 07" 11 55" No. 15. Mixed Daily Exc'p. 12 yOpin 1 15 " 2 30 " 2 45 ' 3 50 " 5 30 " ! il' i-t- t'i i. v.-,-.:ua it 1 o mm Iwa iivSi u'littiS'bj'ali i'-iv'w. A pi. iil. 1 '"' j OONSF.CTI0MS ! At I'a vi- tteville with Atlantic Coast Line, at Maxtou with Caro lina Central ltailroad, at lted Spri-i?s with the Ked Springs and Ilowie.ore Hiilroad, at Sanford w it h Seaboard Air Line, at Gulf with the Durham & Charlotte Rail roiid. at (ireensboro with South- l'..:i ly.itniilPnva tl-itlt mjm l':il II.IIH-mII. HI iiiiiuiHu.w " " ff PR'.--5 n Hor5C3 rA VcbiolC rcc! Norfoik .v Western Kail way. . at Reasonable Rates. LIYS Y. ;'.. Kvri:. (Jen. Fass. Agent. J. W. ldCi, Cioii'l Manager.

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