l)c l)atf)am Record. U. A. LONDON, EDITOR AND PROPBrETOR EATES Of ADVERTISING One equare, one iueei tiou.. .... $1.00 Ono stpicro, two insertions. . . . 1.69 Ouo stpiare, one month ,.. ..- 2 5 Tor larger a IvortiaemenU libtral TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR St btly in Advance. VOL. XX. ITTTSliOltO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. ('.. 1 ll I'liSDAY. MAY.). IW. No. :!(. ; contrai ls will ho made. flfMhrfta A WINTER NIGHT ATMS." A Tale of Love, Desertion, dience. BY BRET 1 1 ARTE. Ml APTI'Il 17. -Continued. ' It'll hold one less to-i:l,'ut," she said lo.jl.iir.' at 1 lie lire. ' V. urn you talking obou!;" he usk'd in queruiuii-: eufr:cln . H o 'In v a pap. r from her pocket, lt'o that lv;i; cf yours that you wero cr.izv ijj:h to f-iau Dawson's n;tir.o to. It was hing out there on the desk. I lf r l (in it if-ii'i a thiny you care to h.iv, kept a ovidou o, even be vout bholi'll ' in 'In' flames until it was CO;.? O.i. ' I'v .'uve, your head is level, Lottie!" hn rui l, w.th mi n lucruMon that was ri'.. however, v.'.tiiout a won Is reserve of tyispie i.:i. ' No, it isn't . I wouldn't bo hero,'' the said. -" . i My. then she aM. d. as If liUmis-hng ti.u subj -ei; 'Will, what did you u :i ho.-.-' i U;i. I t i,d I u.ot yo". la Now Y'ork. You 6i o, I tii')iii;!it she might think it, on per it' 6' io kn"w I only met you in Sen I'tiiiioi-ou three weeks ago. Of co'd'so. 1 said wo were married." . She h oke 1 :U him with weary astin- i-Mlllieiit. And, of i o .is ', whether things go right or not. she'll liiol o it that l'o got .". hu l.it:'l iiv ng, that 1 nevyr mot you :.u N.v . tit. hut on tint steamer, an I hut yoYve l.o I. 1 c.ou't tie the use -! it. said you woie going to tell t!to whole thing squarely ami say the MuMi. u:.d that's why 1 enmo t help you,' i Vi a, l-';t don't you see, hang It nil!" ho f lamia, if.j, in the irritation of weak oorifn.-i n. i had to toll her something. 1 tMier won't dare to loll her the truth, no i'iom then l.o w.jl tlio neighbors. Ho'Ii !.i!-h if up, you bot; ami whon wo t.:;- Mr ng liv-d you'll go ami get yo tr ,j.v, r , o. y.ri know, und we'll be in-rri d i i v;-t.-iy o i the square." Ih: 1. nl..' I vague, f-o immature, vet v, j.i'.i .'d'-ooniiilont. that the ':i.i:ii- ,i ii'h' i h:r liaii'l Axit'i n laugh '!U i tni-d him on the back as she i.ii:.'iit I p.M.. n dint. Thon f.ho pi o 1 i" :!!.. uloiii.-i in tho idt. li.'-i. hen t'io it'i.i wonii n ri turnoi! to r; h.-r t'.ii-y v.-, ro oi.ii-nt!y m thr tc-t "t.S;:'ii'l: t'l.it ih' ii'r.n with Mio i :iy I'detion ot a thullotv nature bo aui'i hi : .-i.. i ; . r- ;ln i oxalti d, ov. n to nn tltat Olla r'uiij'tii n of thiK-e Now 'Ii : II! 1.0 TT IN HIE II AME " You: i r.:'-i on whi.'h tl;o p.ltrnal Uny had r-vt s-ij .-Ji !oio. He complacently .J 'il !;:'..o i Mir iii'-i ho tss by whioli ho h.inl ciYo I V-:. l':i".-.on. how ho ha 1 hiln-ei-lf w;i':,;i 1-'.t,-r lri'in his father i-.-.h. i o.i i: , !:.. b in io r.-ttirn 'o take hi- bo ii r h ::. o a:id h'ov h had Miown it to t!--.' li: 'o. an i l'oen 'h'-co months f lu : nr; i i ::i:i..-. o lookiii;,' for work nn I iswi-iin J.o.iio at t'.io ihealer, until a I fouviotuiu of tlv righteou: neS3 of his i oi.u-e, i ? l:.-i;'s i o;i,b nod with the fact "I that tli.-y wi.ru also short of money and ,1 ehc h.o' ':o i nagoinc nt, Impelled' )iim f fo this pi--i nt hi-iii'.o step; allot -which " Kuleik i lis-tened to with childif-U Intor- fst, but eiiperlor appreciation of his OLmpani'ii. Tiiofuotth.it this woman was an acirc-sa, an abomination vaguelv ' ollmled to by her father as leing even , more ta.U-s-.ouMy wicked than her j th or a;i-l tiC't!i'.-'r, but correspondingly 1; e-cltin:; oai.r.n,- a po?ihlu pevnianent i!ii.f t" the mi.n.j-.ony ot hor home life, teemed to exc-u j h';r brother's weak ness, bhe v a? a:a.o! roa-ly to hecomo hi p-iiti-.au a!'-r rli'i had f-oen her inthf-r, 1 ii:y l,n 1 talked largely of their plaus; t!:ey ii.i 1 ."itlod small details of 'the fu ture an I tho anan'-'oment ot the prop r'y: tlioy had usrord that Zuloikn fiiodd to rolieveii of her hous-ehold diinU'ciy, find fien'. to a fasliionable ' fci-hnol in San 1 1 ui.oiiro with a iiims-Io i' tearhei' and a di t".s n.aki-r. They ha I f ili-.ou-bO I t i-ryti'.iug but the pieoii-o niiiKKi in tho roi-i'lati'in th-uild bo ioiivi ved to Hay - There was ;,hll 1 ph nty ol tiino for that, for ho would not rttuni until to-moirow at noon, find it , wa ; already tn -illy undorstoo I lliat tho thi le of transiidssion f hould lie a li t tei from the Humii.it Hotel. Tho possi ble f oniiiifxenoy .if a sudden outburst of hu iii) pafrsimi not entirely controlled by religious ee ling was to be guarded e'a'ust. Tluy were fritting coinforiably before the r . idenh'hed lire, tho wind was ttill nionui.c in tho thimney, whon. In a lull 01 the storm, tho oirid of tdelvth bells ft eaie 1 to till the room. It was folh'Wed by a voice from without, and, with a hyitei i ':il ciy iuloika started to her feet. The fame bia hle?s smilo with whieh ' ehe hud greete I her i-rotlur an houraco we.? u. on her lips as fhe gasped: "Loid sivo us! Vn it's dad rorae I aiiovo (o pay thai her" the doughty r-iUV.-ser of dom stic wrongs and re-. tri-V.-r ot tin family honor lapsrn, white-f.u i d. in his chair, hlealess and ''. ticmulous. It was his lralier eompan'on who rose to tlvi oc as-.on an 1 even pa t - lv diavtrted him with her. (io back to the hotel.'" -he said, quickly, "and take tii Md v illi yon; you are not lit to fa him now. but ho docs not know me, and I will May." To lli f taring Zuleika' lama f.'raii' r, t-toppod ny a broiion f.Jeii:li on my "T, to th" hut. -I. Lenvo fi,. (o n o. ov clear out, both of VO.l. I'll let h.lli il'." ' rd;,- ; !'.. ! : t'.dent.Belf-ontalned J and Vl.J .!! -tl. a: lb" th-.mht of ( po- S t t"ii !""i'r i-ii'ei'-d tli"ir inindo, and and Disobe- ns nn in, pa b ht rnppirg io n fr mi tho t'oor tlioy t in r, U a half-imi a'o nt, half-'a i . h ng iies'uro, U;vo tln'in before her fioiti the ro an. Wlm th-'y had disappeared i:i tho ib': i'. osiiutu'll d to tlio trout .'-lor, mil ol'e I an 1 open' d It. Hay liinnd r. h out ot the ni"w v.-,th a mm o.ed ix.'laniali'.n. and t n n. th" Ii;,'!' U'.m t'le epi n i lii.'o ji.or levc:i!el a .-tiaujior. si-n-.o I i.n 1 tell baek. "Jliss Ilfivs 1" bu-y," F:.d the v. Oman quii My, I inn al'laib on my ;.." tint Hut my MoiVh ! r"i tiown oa the v.av 1o th'i hotel, .".ml I mir f .icrd i i g. I out heio. 1 "p;'oHili is .dr. Ii;:y-.-" Afliaii.-e w.pman by her dio.-s and npp aiaiue i oiy -i lidiin.'. nt.d e'-en bruvoi in l'"'!.o it. i , j c i Mi. .ii many he had ";".i in the iti-iha I, in epilu of all his i rec.iiitioii.-, l,ill"ii thei t of the hold and b en tie ipba el uj on h m. Yet under Iho iniiiio.'.oo o'' inimo o Id a li ft ra- tioit he was afi'oct-vl by ii le;.- than ho tou'.d h.avo 1 e!ie . d. il-'eveiia. hieved uiule bow a-ho bolo d tho doer ami ushered In r into the od'i 'o. Mure thu'i thai, h-! lound hbiircif e-p!ainiiig to this fa;r livsi asser tiie ic i?ous of liis rolu'u to his own home; for, like a d.re. t man, ho had a tou-ciou.-ness of some incon sistency in his return, or in iho cir 'iiiii t'anoes that lndu e 1 a ohm .e of plans, which might coiircl-ntiously ro uiuo on explanalii u. Vou tee, ma'am, a r.vher f-ingular thing happened to mo ufier f parsed the Summit. Three tin e-t I lost the track, got off it hoaich'i-.v, and found myself liaveling in o el;c! '. Tiie thir I ibi'.e, when I sir.ick my v.u tin I:- again, I coiiciudoil I'd ju t lo'.low li.ei'i lack here I atppo:? I b l.Iit !:av. g..t t.:e road again by trying and l:..i:tin" the fiiow, but there": c in.; ;li,n-.' - : ot worMi the I'gliMn'. 'Jliii. w." a mafer o-' bn.-i-iiof3, and, .ifiei', a!i, ma'am, I- i.-ir.e. 3 ain't ovorMliii i.-. ; ." He v-.n I--.-,.., n:iy :n p-.m" ei.-a ual mo:j,l, the 1:1. "J l.:l -A ,t:i eel'i i.i rci- el-lit n.-'tif'1;. of'ei, lompo'. t!iem to mal e tlioir hri"f e l;l.il ,. 'i to lif er -.iii-HUi rs laMi'T than ii:i..r: t iem ;o lu-.-'i-" ii:t:m.ito li-.en l . v.i.o ,i. .-a- a:!.r-v..-:,d ..'i:i nd th' Ml : t l.o.i' " ' a . Sic aur.ed h.ul p!.'-'. oit v. 1 u! j in it tc ob'-ioufdy to e:.eito .-u-i.eii n. i "Ami you pieleiio l 1: v.ur bi..-ine-s go. ami lomo I a.'U to tiie c i;i:l'i t of j our o;rn homo an i famiiv. " "The co r Jo t el my homo and family?" ho repeated :n u diy. ih 1 l or ito voice. "Well, I I'Ckon I n n't been lompnd much by that. That isn't what. 1 meant." liutiie went I ack to the plra ;o, repent ing it rimiy. es if il were so ae manda tory text. ' The c'.i!. Ion o.' u.y own home and famiiv! Well, tfatin hasn't f-et lhat trap f u' my b.oi y t. ma'am. No! V? saw my dau-htoi.' well that's ail my family; yo s o this room.' that's ail my homo. My wife' ran mMiy from me; my daughter Co.. red out. ivo: my eklosl fn, i'.fcwa.s ,;t'i ii e here, iji-.O lie I with me and roeloln to ret up a rival biis.nosa a-ja n-t ri No." he f-a d, stil mni'" nn diiativeiy and .o il era'oiy. "It wasn't to come l a k to the . omions of my own home and l;.mily iliat 1 la -cd l'onn I on Iloavyti oo J i ill. 1 reckon." As tho woman. ; r e riaiu reasons, lind no di sire to cln e's liii.s 'U p;eio-is aioi iiii!o 'k"d-!''-i i n.i.b no . idi.i pa t ion My waited. 11a;.- rem.". : nt f"f an in"-tan'. wat'P'ir.'i id' hands In fore the ilro. ninl t-'i-u 1" i'.'-'I up inier roitivoi.'. "A pi'i'i'i.'-'or of i. i;.:'.:'i. m :':i!n. ur tinder i o:, 1. iiun ' "Not exac.lv," sat 1 liio l,:dy. f-miiing. ' 'Kxcii.i" me, lull in .-mie et your line clothe.. I reckoned you hud a i-criuiis look .ill-t now. A l'i ::i!i i" of 3-1 ipi'llo, maybe"'' 1 know the Bibb'.'' "You remember when tho ang 1 with the llaming swoid appeared uiiti Saul on the road to Damascus-1" "Y'-s." It nvuit h"v boon -: hin' in thit style that stopped mo," ho said Fdowly and teiiiatively. "1 hough nat'rallv I didn't See anything, and only had Iho y.iccr feolln'. It might hev boon that that sh ed my maro ou" tne track." "But t-aul was up io -01110 wiekodnots, wasn't he?" said th- lady, smilingly. "while you were simply coi;,g some where on busuo S3. " "ios,"satJ Hays, thoughtfully, ' but my hustiKS might lu-v seemed llko per secution. I doa't uiie.d t'dbn' vou wmit it was it' you'd care to 1 ston. i at m-b-bee you'io tired. Mel,fo y-u '-.'Hit to retire. You know," he wviit en with a fadden hospitable ouMmrsi, "you needn't be in -any hurry Io an; wo kin ta';ocare of you hero to-night, and it'll coat you noilim'. And I'll send you on with my sl'dgh in the moinin'. ivr'aps you'll like MpUm' to e.it a cup of t-a or 1 11 o. ill ..il- ii;.'.' and liM"-' with an expie.-Mon of a'vkw.ird i-m.-n.-v. Hut Iho lady, aiiTit. with a soll-s ;M fli d frpariilo in her daili eyes, In re e.ire-le:i-iy a-sur-d him that ZuleiU.i h id el ready given her retieshmont, and. iu d. e I, wa - ' that moment preparing hor own loom lor her. She l egged he would not interrupt Ins interesting stui v. Hays Jooki d relieved. "Veil, I reckon I won't rail her, for what I was goln' ti say ain't exactly th-' 6ort o' thin' tor nn inno. -nt, sunplo soil o" thing like her to hear I moan," ho interrupted himself hast ly, "lhat folkn of n ore rsporienee of the world like you and mo don't mind speakin' of. I'm sorter Ukin' it for granted that you're a married woman, ma'am." The lady who had regarded him wjili sudden rigidity lice re axed her ex pression and nodded, "Well," oonMiiiiecJ flays, resuming his plaoi by the tiro, ".mvi ecu this yer man I was go'.n' to sio lues about four mhos beyond the Summit ou a ranch that furnishes most of the hay for the einok that sido of the uivide. lie's hin holdin' oil his next year's omh.r t wiih n e, hopin' to make better term liom the prospects of-a Into .-prins and higher prices. Ho hold his lo ao m gbty high and talked of wait in' hi- own time. I happened to know he uldli t . o it." lie put bis hands on his knees and slnreil at the lire, and Mom u.-c'. i-u " Ye see this ma-i li.t.5 hud 'i'f-"' - and family triais. Jle had a il" I ha I lei! him lo ioin a lot of I a.ly dai)e i'. ; painted women in tie1 Tii.-.'o pi .y-ho-.isvf wlu-ii he w.i'- li- ia' in tho Si.uih- , ei it eieinli v You'll py tiwi io like I i I rry ovn crso mil mebb-e iii..r v. a a ! why it c;iiiii lo lum to toil me ill on' it j but tiie c!i!!'eri n;o betwix-him and m' Was tiii-, iiictead of jestin' tu. to the l.o d and hiid n li:in, mid plilekin out tho eye tfcttl oifcn led him 'i ordiu : to Hie Scripture, iio followed nfier her, u lu' to t'et her ba k, until, iii.d n' tint v.esr.'t no use, hi took . leg disjust nud came up here to hidehisse f whore lln ie wasn't no play-home nor phiy-aev is, and no women but Ir.iln s piaws. He jre-cmpt'd iho land, and, nat'rally thO'-e beln' no one rs care I to live there 1 u! himself, ho h .d it nil his own way, n tide u j ay, mi i. as 1 wassayin' bo'o' e, held his hi at'i hi ll for prices." Wi II yo i irn't get'.iu' tired, ma am?" ' 'o," t aid tho lady, icsUi g her check en her hand and gaz'un at the lire; "it's nil very ii torc-ling: undso odd that you two ni' ii, wbh nearly Mie sumo experi enees, sliould be neighbors." "Say 1 uyer nil seller, ma'am, not noi-hbors at lea-t. s-rptooi ily nor friends. Well now this is where the spesha! proidenee comes in only this ntteiiioon Jim Prisgs, hoarin' me speak i f Horsi lev'ij oflisiiness " "Wl.os .. ollMsness?" fipkod the lady. ' lior-oloy's ofllshno-s liorseley's t'i" naiiie of (he man I'm ta'kin ab ni! . Well, hcarin' that, he cays, 'Vou ledd n. Havs, t n I he'll climb ('own. That v ile of ids lias left the siago-et sick ot it and is driftin' ro.nl in f'ri oo wiih f.onj fellow. M her. !! r-eiy g-'., t'-i hear tbat, vou can't ke-p h'm "i srrro's utts is mil kavsV here; he'll seiMe up, sell out. r.n 1 re nl;.:e r n evi 'ryihlng lv's goi io ;. o aft' r li'M' a -.ii. you b' t.'' That's what U igss i-a.d. Wo'.!, Unit's wh-it sent me u;, to llolfoiey's to-id'.d.t to ct tin 1 . ill-) the news, and then i.in him Oo n in Mi i i iitra-t." "I' lo. ked 1 ke a goo 1 stroke of 1 ud 00" en I a fair one,'' Sl id t!i la ly, in an odd vot:e. It v.tis So 0 Id that ili'.vs looked up. Tut she had soi.yv.li.it altered li r po-i'i.ui and va- g-iiiig at til.' c ilia :, and with hor hand tolur fa.'O seemed to h.avo just re, ovo: i d from a sbglit yawn, at whi -ii h j hesil tctrd wiih a new and timid smso of 1 dliieno-s. "You're getting tired, ma'am?" "Oh, dear, no'" she said In :he same voice, bur i louring her thioat willi a littic eoii',-h. "And why didn't yo i see t ils Mr. Horsoley afterali? Oil. I forgot you said on changed your laipd from Foniethiug you'd heard." ifa had turned his eyes to the lire again, but without noticing as he aid so tint sb.o slowly moved her fa-'O, still half hidden by hor hand, toward him ami was wa' hing him inlcuMy. "No." he aidslowly. "notliin' I heard, Bometliin' I h it. It mout hev ben lhat that tot me off the track. D kem lo me all of a sudden that ho might be sittm' thai- calm and peaceful as I miylit be here, hevin' forgot all about hor and his t rou bb and biro was me goin' to drop down upon him and start it all afresh agin. It loi bed a little like or.-oouiion yo.-., like perse' ution. I gof ii lof it. s.iyin' to myself it wa -n't bu.-.ine-s. But I'll got O'f thO I'nad li e litime, and l:ad to lind it again, ,- n 1 w.e no- ,r 1 ot Ii '.ok to the tr.n'U and was pointed for Irs liOiiso.it all t-o- mcd to come bac't o.i liio and set me I'll' again. Win n that happened lliren times, I turned round and star' ed lor homo.' "And do you moan to say," s lid tho lady, wiih a oiscordaut liuuli, "that yo.i believe, because you didn't goth -re and break the news, that noboly else will? That ho wi n't hear of it from the lirst man he meets?" ' He don't meet any one np where he lives, and only 1'riggs and myself know it, and I'll see tint Brigcs don't tell. But it was mighty queer, this whole tiling eomin' "upon me suddenly, wasn't it.'" "Very queer," replied the lady, "for," with the samo metallic laugh, 'you don't seem to be Riven to this kind of weakness with your own family." If there was any doubt as to the sareas tic suggestion of her voice, there cer tainly could be none in the wicked glit ter of her eyes hxed upon his faee under her chueling hand, but Imply ho so med unojiiscious of both, and even aefepted her statement without an ulterior slg nilii anee. "Yes," ho sai.l communin'.-ly to the glaring cmt ers of the hearth, "it must have be. n a special revelation." There was something ,i0 fatuous and one-Meted iu hh attitude and e:- pn s.-ion, so 1'ions.trou-ly iiienii-isiont an I iii.elo ijimto tii what wna golii on arouicl luni, and s hopelessly stupid if a more sim u at on Unit the angry suspicion that lie v as acting a part slowly laiel from hor eyes, an I a hysterical smilo began to twitch her s-t lip. she siill fazed fit hi.n. The wind howl d drearily in tiie chimney; all that was economic, grim and ciioorless in the room seemed to Hither as flifing shadows around that central lifture. Suddenly she arose with such a quick rustling of her skirts that ho lifted his eyes with a start; f-r the was standing Immediately before him, her hands behind her, her hand some, audacious faco bent smilingly for ward, and her bold, brilliant eyes with in a foot of his own. "Now, Mr. Hays, do you want to know what this warning or special revelation of yours really meant? Well, it had nothing whatever to do with that man on the Summit. Xo. The whole inter est, gist and meaning of it was simply this, ihar you should turn round and eoine slraie,h! back here and" she drew 1 a k and made him an exaggerated theatrical courtesy "nave tne supcctne pleasure ot making my aequointan 1 hat was all. And now. os yi u've ha I it. In five minutes I n.u t be off. You' mi offered mo already your horse and sle gh to go to the S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . t . f aerepl it and ,o. (io,,l-by: " lie knew nothing of n woman's e.v ri clou humor, h" know still b"-s ol lual niil.de Sl.l-eflOltl Wilidl il' r Mnee. t llO, Mlid I il l'e-.ioll 1H I'OlloW'ed. ho had II" I- now lodt'e of the bill lm pie enio- I 1) that VOe'O, gOst.i'O. nn 1 ex- v. i i, I l'i w . k Ml ose I to I I ualiy nn I la t Mo- ). io-, !, it nn ' i1 wa sin.: ;: tlii h" was .' ! . ; liiiine bys ei-ie en. d ., fiiay it all. li- tii.eigbl r. chani' terls' e and real, i it IP. rally, lb c so nr..! a ' Lf T. ti a !'itr;t "o a ud get ih" hor ei. n't slay, v hy I'll 1 ! " :-. he ;iin't bin p 't up Vet ' "bo. ilea e. I lie giiu.lv resu'i.ol h's eont and hat I and dt: app'i arcd through t!;e i aisage I into tii" kilchcn, whence, a mom. nt j la'i'.'i', u'oika catne llyiiu. j "W. 1!, wh it lps h- pp-ne I ' she sa d, I ca jelly. 1 Us nil r.uhf, sntd th won-.an. qul-kly. ' though ho knows not'one y.-t. Hut I've i.o! things fixed gem rally, so that he'll be quito rea ly t- have it broken to him by this time tc-moiiow. Hut oou't you "soy anytlrnj Mil I vu seen Jack and you hear from him. member." She spoke rapidly; her -leeks were quite glowing from so. no fudden f.inrgy; t o were Z.joika'f with the ex titeaunt of curiosity, rresentlv the found . r -loi: Il bells' Ugl'lll fided tii' ;-o itti. ' v is Hays h a inj the h it o c id loigls to iho do n, beneath a star hi skv, ttisp Hi el a mu'ilK ast w'ud Xiio fair stranger cist a s guiic aat i;iali'" at u ci a. and whispered i. .1 riedy; " Y' u kii"..- !i" inu?t pot eni.ie wiMi ii..-. Vou nm-t i-.eep him h re." ' liii! Vi.ii canii'.'t go a'oiie." s lid llas. with awkward eouitosy. ; was kalbil.i'in' " ioi'ro too tired ti get out again, dad," brol-ein Zuleika. quickly "'ioj ain't lit; you'io till gray and l.rlnkly i.o". , lil.o as "hen you had one ot voar lasi spells. She'll send the tletgh baek t i-morrow." "I can lind my way," raid the lady, 5 risk'y; ' there's oi ly one turn off, I believe, and that ' "Leads to the s'agc-statit n three miles wist. You needn't be afraid of geltin off on that, for you'll likely se tlie iiow n-etage erossin' your road as Soon as you get clear o'T th ranch. ' ' Ciood night," sa'd the lady. An are of wl.jie spray sprang belor; the for ward runner, and the sleigh vanished in the ;oad. Father find deu-'hter returned to tin oflbie. "You didn't get to kc"w lmr, dad, did ye''" queried ididcika. ' 2s"o." responded llavs, gravely, "ox- cepl oi rou sue v u u i. ,it. i.uL'i.ii'ii"mii 111 UUlaitiei 1 ill ,' M. Now. lh-ie , ll... lond n' w-man, a- knows hor on m i d I and your-. i'..i tint a mini like jeer 1 r. M;er .'eo!; oiiyii'' r e k out wh- n h- I'll ..t:i' fa- e bni'-.'.od 1 e'dlid 1.-i f:l li; r. ' i oil ,':lu t g .;tg lo sit un air.- : 1: ng-r. did " iho said, n - .-h n.iti. e I i bin. iv.-iiii.u his .'m :t l-v Mi; lire. ' ll '- ! geitui l ite, and you . .k in -la. r; '.- i i. d out v.-itii yi ur i::-;it's work." I ii yon know w ha' she said Zii!- '"; retui.'io'l h'TlaMier. ali. r a paioo. v.lneh turned out lo have btcu a Ion .' sii- nt hiugh. t " So. ' "She snid." ho repeat d. slowly, "lhat she reckoned I came I a-k here to-niiit lo have the pleasure of her acquaint aueo." Ho hrnugut Ins two f andsln-ncily down upon his knecs.rubbing ihem dow n deliberately towa'd his ankles, and loan ing forward w i'h his Ineo to ha tire and a long-sustained smile of compute though t.rdy appreciation. Jle was falill iu this attitude when Zuleika loft him. Tho wind crooned over him lonlid- ntially. I u; he sl il sat there, given up apparent v in some po-thnmous en oymcnt. o'' h .- vlsitoi 's departing wit'leism. It w as scarcely daylight when Zuleika, wli.le dressing, heard a ipnok tapping upon her Mentor. She op. n d it to the Seared and bewildi re l" !'.. of her brother. " What happened with h-i fttd father la t nigi'.'-" ho said, hoar-el c " Not , ing why?" "Jbad titat. It was lneight o. n-e half an lar.r iuo by- a nan m dad' ; sh'igh. from th- st:o sta'iou. ' lie handed her a crue l i" I im'o eith tieeibl.ng ligur. i-. She too , o an I ieid "The game j. up a-d bin out of i Take my advice an I clcr ii-i: of it ino, until you eaii ocmo ba-k in b ! or shape. L'ou't bo such u fool as lo try and fol- nc nu Ari'AiiENri.v si nk roawAim." low mo. Your father isn't one an I that's where you've slipped up." "lie shall pay f..r it whatever h-s done," said hor brother with aa ace ss of wild -a -Mi n "W hero is he.'" "Why, Jaek, yon v.-.mhin't dare U- see him l)...w." ' Wouldn't I?" Ho lu neit and ran, convulsed v it!i pn- t ion, licioro Ike win lows towar I M.e fii n' of the house. Zuletka slippi d o it of her bod-room and ran to her father s iron!. He was not there. Alrea ly f lie e-'uld hear her brother htimmormg frantically aiainst the lo'died front' oa:'. The doi'rof the oili' e was pirtly ope n Tier father was still there. AMo .p. Yes. for ho had apparently sank for ward before the cold hearth. Hut the hands that, he had always been trying to warm were now cold' -r than the hearth or ashes, and he h rase f never again spoke, breathed, nor stnre I It was rieimed providential by the neighbors that this youngest and fa vorite son, alarmed by the news of his father's failing health, had arrived from the Atlatitte States so opportunely. Hut it was thought singular that alter 1 he division of the property he entirely abandoned the ran-h. and that evu ponding the division his beautiful but fastidious r.a-toru i-r.de decline to vi.-it it with her husband. Mi., rvri 'iiu; ipaiii jewel- ol IUi-M.1 are v;Mi,e I at s! I .onO.-loo, but sollt itiieti' a! Americans Mill take up i otioei ions in (i dor to Iced tlio. (."zar'a st.irviu : slll-ieets ,lti,l tllUS (elUOllt the aiP'iellt fii; iciMiip tx h h the inau who lliiuiit tho lewel fitiil itiiores (lie faniitie, '. i ll- V. to A IU-AIU.Y IH'KMKliAN. A NEW 1CPKER V;riO MAKfJS AND THROWS IT WITH PHEC. SI0'J. no f.niilie.l tiie S..f-i-et rre.m III" V;;ti i f;f Ail-llall.l - I he Oiiiilllv ni' Mo. id I .-i'il lie. jrueli io ;jx, ith tii.'JI-.x-(cllolici' ef llitfi Vfty ll jnt;i' Wc.ipeii. ("'iviiied people, especially ol the English speaking races, piide them selves up m their disco-cries ul rdr. ti'icity with which they now opciale the guns of great ships of war. and they point with i'ear and !i '.'tabling a w ell ns satisfaction to th j ei fec'ioii iu a!! soiti of dynamite bombs mid explosives which they may. on occa sion, u-o to kill people by the hun dreds: but w it H all biiir e Io oriit-ss . says the l't'ioit J-'tr-e l'i esi, tLeylur- never loanic'l to make v. hat a tn . aee cau fashion out of o c.ooke I stick. It has lie-en stated that there is p.. ta in? made ol v. ood whieii a Yankee boy oa'inot Copy w nli the aid of his jaek kniie, I nit tiie man ' no said that bud pT- l'fil.iy neii'l' lo a d ul a l.oomei an.'. JI'-liHo rakoi oi Nov York, wlm oj-'ent several y.-ar. in Ansti alia, and went "booiiieranc. cay," i) said to he the 111 st white inau who ever made b-iUiM-'.-tinrts that v. oiiid "go." and he h arp.ed to make Mie.u by aim. st li. -ing with the s.i tig s ami v j-ehnig thetn as they sat v. hittliux away at a piece of wood wu'.i their crude stouo hatchets and slim p .-.lo lls. Hosiib s th-se w hich he has imido himself, Mi. Haker ha" the laigcst collection of leal Ati-tralian black man's hoomeiaiigs in thi-i country. There are almost a humbcl e ftliein. and a queer lot they are. Some of them are haggled as if the savage ha l ustil bis teeth to make them, yet as tine to the boomerang principle as the perfectly carved specimens w iiich ib.c nr.it e his walls. Jle keeps them hun up in clusters as some men hae thou guns and pistols arranged with a view to proud display before their friend-. A few of these .la'e ft.-.av hark to M.e time when Captain Cook la id, d "U the c-a-t of Australia. "Why is i' -o dillicait to make a liooinei an-said this cnnn-i-si'iir of the ciookel stick. "i'-'eii. b.cao.so 11 is so dell -a'ol y ba!.. ice 1 that tin- lci-t divergence lio.a tho prooer .'oc-ilo will al'o; its cniirsu ;:i !li ; air ami pieveiit the perfe.-t levolutio't viii.-h i' ne-o mi i-y to i' - Ui-.Lt. Wh-r. cot i c. t 'y hi ' io. a l-OO t.c sh-lli'l b. dalle ' o :. 1 V oil a l.r.ilo blade held at It- cell tie. f il doe-u'l balance, some rji l. whitMin-' must bo dune on tho hca-y en I. That seems ea-y enonch to wi.itlle a piece ot i nred wool lot a llrM shape so that the ends balance e (i. tly and il that w.-ie all there i- to it, any boy could make one. The hard part of it is to cut the edges in Mich a way that they will stiike tiie air nt ii certain ancle in one pait of the cm vo, and at another in another part, and so ou until every hue of both edge- con tlibmes to the' perfect revoliiMou ot the weapon. Then, when it i-whirled, it has two motions, the lot.iry mie, which is a result of its shape, and lie forward one. given it in the iluowii g. It's a pity tiiat tlio ba-"ba!l player cannot 'get ..ii'.o' those black iLliow-' 'curies.' A pitcher w ho could doit would make his foi "iiic- "The ipi.lity of wood u-ed has a gl i it ileal In do w ith the ?:;'' ih'ii. o of a boon, ei a ng. The Australian hi a e will tramp piiie- t . lind a Ic auoh id the I i-.it shayc. and a w o "t of the pie i , d. n it; . .ii. ri d t rei io e at a p i e Hi 1 '. 1 '. 1 1 th i e , and t lie lio:n io I Woo l is Mie lies! I t,-.' il.oiil':i '. it " col i ,'- s ponds the !.. a- c to t'uo tie.-- il" y like best. I il .- pi .-. e lor the I e:ei aug is usual,;,- out whoie a hi audi cunt's out li nut the t:ee trunk, lor this is the liio.'! lmuual riroli'U the tree's loi mat ion. ' In throw in.' a boomcraiv.;. the sav age holds it by one end over his right shoulder. his body turned to the light, then without straightening the arm he w hills the bodv back to f c at posit ion, biiueing the weapon with the. aim still bent, with it, then suddenly lets go, straightening the mm a! the elbow as he does so. This a Ids iho force of the whole body to the moment-am ol the weapon, instead of depending en tirely upon lhat of the arm. It will go whirli.ig around, keeping tdiaigbr alien ll'or u ceitain eii -tunc.', then giad Uully swerve to the left and at last re turn to tho throwoi. "When a savage wants to kill or disable a kanraioo, ho tluows it so that it will stiike the ground at a siated di-t.rieo honi hi. a and Mien be pin tin uing -o.ic r.-.mli.- until it n-.n h- -the Uaiig.ii oo. r'.i'ikl'lg hi. a eieli 1 It- i with such i. - a- to break a leu ... hiii hliil, if 1' -'.likes oil the he id "O. Hippo-e l;o see" il lb . I; i f ducks swimming about on iho l r. . : . Jle deeps tip soMiy hchin.i a clumo i 1' tiee.-, throws h;- iiof.ii.i ; en j 'v- , eoi the tree tops in a ciiive.l ln.o ' hich be can ca'.eidalo a- - o'ia- a civ ilized gunner eights a s!i. light on.', ntl.l d"W ll CotlH's t',10 l!yi!lg l iok U'.l !l : the duck-, fleppi'ig hk(t a li' o tlii i.;. and kihitig or oisaMitig oeiyl!oin. wiihin reach cd iU wooden wni. s It really looks v.-iy lunch like a bi.d in it s ilight tliroiigh the air. 'The savages have many ditTcrent varieties of these weapons Tho av erage long. his t ivonl y-l'our or t w. ntv fcix inches. Such us these aie use I in hunliug birds, lubbits and olhei small game, and none nf them v. eiiriis over threL-cjuaitoit.of a pound. ihoteaie immense hnntiiig and war woaioiis whi-h a-o ur much a- three feet b n . but tin y are in; i ly used, an I no! o.lv has sulltcient itiength to tltiow thotu so that they will ret io n. " O-t of .1 !:nn I ... . It Cost- looiiec I i be cic :ie i a 1 : r net iu I'.u.M.iii'i. ' i .'. i"i M hi'.'. fnl ill! ta.luT, -h; Me t b" i o. ,.i ,:..'.i' 111 i o.dv iiio t I . I . io. "i ol e' : bit i .a .'."it ' t ii.-ii ue i".ii ni oi hi . t-ltMitioit n a- lea f. :;.. ii . DiTiY'lT-'IR. All A "ii il l ..:(' : I' .s." ! ! i ic a ' : -I ,i . !. ijatev c n.ay lia . e b '. a lo.. ,,j i -1 o' ii.it id o.'lioeis I- o 1 1 N li en-0 o! i'.e ies ami be: -lies, aln! no !''' ' ,'li:g th i' tin-y haw- jet.. ; to I ii h I,.' "I !:n pae niiaiic gill: i m-ii I'tglils eiwj li.otr hi. Ml au.th' toe. Iheio lias li"'...! b.-.d ti.iv dill r u e of up' ni oi ii . t i tiie or. at v aloe o' t h o w eiipo'is iu lo un Hi' il i ii tj uud ri . ou Met ininl 'i;' lit the 1'ombardmotit i. - vandria by the bi.-li h Heot yea ! It 'MID l..",,,,ti"fa'e 1 that the e l'i" i f bleh pow : - 1 ..nils ag liu-t i.c.t. and f'ir-tili-a io c- ol all kind- . a - ho les- do Pli l'.ctt' e Mian i:il i beey tl'll leipnted. I'oKig" lia - al cilice .- v.lm .. nuiiied M e P it- alto. Mie homii t-'meu! were i. -:: t .-i, i. ,i'.. p. m .., - .iid th it the foil- l'i ll i ba'. 0 hi o 1 put !o .! l"fi 1) si v e cm hie i neit: hi a veiy t-lout lime ioi I t let t i ri.g'.i-j, l!."-: would ll.- I Mill'- I" ! se : I , ! V il . i tii. U-t ami trail - ! 'i ; v lis i u- I by evp-it eii.,ne .-. ( aphrn i ! , '( o I u-le.l Stat.-- '. i v , i ." a i .i . ; . I o a ,! ,( i-to-i o! 1 1- i"a!:'h i:i - .n e- a Met too h ..r.. i i.'oeet. ;,..d 1- Jai' 1 th it n.oitar lite '.v. .ii Id hav, in. eu !:i mole e.'.e.'tivv in io hi in- th" i'n t- and in driv mg out l tie enemy. High p-i've; ed p: 'jv li'es t -,r.'e':i.i..r iu a iiu' 1 1 n , . ot i y may p.i-s eom picti ly 0' i r and tar b .yond a b. t befol e st' ll.ing. 1 heir iiiiiie- u to. t is comparatively small, and the d.i .ia! o is not v. idespreu b lint huge oliaig. s of high explosives la id-1 tn-ult: a fit would do teriil'le eee ution. The gnus of tho Vesuvius tan lire tloee diiieient shells. The hun lied pound charge of guncottoii, equivalent to a'loiit tour hundred pounds ol powder, cm be throw n two and erne-half mile.-; the two hundred pound chaigc, equiv alent to ei.'hl hund.oil jiotiii is ..f powder, cau be thrown r mile uud a huh. and the live loin ire 1 pound charge, equal in charee tn two thou sand poll, ids of pnwde''HU he- th: ow u ni" .in. a mho. It ba:- been I ei'. .O'div d. -iioiit-t' iitc 1 tl; it t! e i- i ee -'i ii-i'dy a-o'i:.o. a id e.U-'iVe 11 i he laae 1- Uii" n. Ill a h .iibardiiie!.! It" ra::--..e c.i i ce: iiv he f nind. a;ii hi t at i a o -oell- . -otl! 1 be I.,!,-. I 11,-td" a net V. iMl j l'i l: 1 O I -O. I' O " ii'- " Ol I to ol ti;'. ' e. pi p e l li" I " I ! i'l I i V" I bl 'i a l .i t r:if.:t. o! nity ' . I. I lie I'.e.'! of -U' i: If ! ' I O.o I II- I " : - a h . i ea i he . ,i -il o i a,i :' ii- I la t ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1: itiilig 1 lie 'i n I c'liiaily impoi taut u-'. s I he t h. ii iu iv he iio ow a iu I o a I i.o h .; a n.l a m -a liqi i haiiliol. al dlli'.-eol 1 1 -1 : ! : ' . and belli..; Iithd w itn a iiclaye.1 a i i 1 1 hue, which allow s the i-hidl to sink : erne distance helm o tploi!in, tiie -hock will lend to destroy tiieeiiemy U minis ami all Iho elect ricd ooinifc tions used to lire them. Xaval ollicois have admitted lliat a eha'iU! 1 i .cil I bt? oieue'l for a lice! in Ihis iiiatiner al a point defended by mini-- which could Hot bo lotiinved or pnl out of a c! I oil in an v ot In t pi an loo . The gnus o tii. 'e- i v in- in c gn n eotl'.ii.- Xt 'V Yolk ll( laid. In ..nth-liesi-i niii I'liilit. 'f he cliiei' loaso'i vv i.y iilf.ill.i hay will grow in the short-grass muiitiy is tint it ha'- lo.ig io a-. Tiny havi i en I; li, v ii to t i il;-' ! i i ii: v live h i t. th Oil o Pin, -lure. 1 Ue I ml '-.i,l Hot thliv c, tin- i f.i o, m Ml, that is pot o: o.i an I de p. Aii i Ii a' l.o-c .,i n -:.t! .-'. fl I.- ab'llg Mi llll b. ,t toe:'- U! tit w osteru pol oi I. a ii a-- laud n u I. i '. I., h gieal i .k I ic -l ! il' i," I- ill - 1 1 1 - 1 : li.ile.- lie . ,1 .i - i.-lill I, oi l lell ! t 1. I III . ll e !' b. '.'V. ' ' ! so ia. o Tin l o ! - "! a. i hi i oi it y pu.-ii d.on ii P) tin- water and dl.iik when tl.ey 1K-. 1 ni. Us! lit e. and ti.o I is lit is li.at ihe plant bio. oins aii 1 p.-i -pei;i. and becomes a lie . i r-fahi ig s. uii e of revenue to the man who ci;l tivites h, i .r the rolling ujlanil-, whole there is rcaiceiy nn average lainlall of tweuly live iuc'ies a year, the plant w ill hie and pto-hp o hay in ai ly always. It makes g nd )iasiue age under ordinary coiidi.ioiis th. ic, i:ud i- aliii.': t o. rtaui evciy via' ti pi'i'diieoa lino crop of seed. Ad the nplirids ate fori lie on."gh. (he only ti ouhle ahoul rn.'il.i ;: use in thai hi tility i cing tiie lr. k of iiinisiuie. Ii i i geMon has not yet silt ceedoil in In log in. jwatei 1:1 ahuudaai c t i the as-l-l a-ieo ol ihe llil-.i ef tho soil in this l .'-ion, irit I t i : i-i eft'i'e euily sin li a pi a n t. can live as has dfep roses, and a r tina. t ih it c'-ou ih.i i..a wind.' of iv i a i - i' i i i. shiiiv - l'i i.ikliii .'ho - Mi- .-, I'l Ma . , s W- ei.lv I h.. ( cm- in "Im It v.-,. 1 ..p. ,1. an 1 c coo 1 I he ir. to. t 'lilt tee V...J c would t 11 -w Mi blli'..!1... i.i!'' ..id. ioa, lot' t '.e old ...I .1.1 vv h i' w ;i c I d ot hi:.' .1. When M, . i ii" .'..I t ii tlio 1 oilt id iho U t, Mo cattle oa i e in an i tho woive . ih-- v -.oped a hi to loi be I pis i thi' 1 a ii. .i'l del - I h. .0 I . . -. in ti h.:i -.M ih -m ". n'i i i.b . Si it', d ; -iu I 1 -.!. b ll hlpil i- i : el t lid tl 1. I i 'il .1 --im.il. gl idll.-l' Iv a!'l" 'o t-.e r.-i elien I all tin ... , Mi : d -. .iio I t t " it ,,f th ii ay. I hey l il.o tiie r .lives lii sl, and .hmi ihecnws; I u! a band of wolves can pull demit til.' biggist steer. Tne c.itt o made out hi light tho smiiliet coyotes. On one big luucli 1 have ftt u a pa t of the rows stay wish iho smaller calie-. while Ihe other ha f wont to water. Hut the 1 ange ca' lo in v or w olf able to cope w it h t In1 I i : '; ay wch.es. A i uMi of wolves into a ban I of eii'tle will send I'neui o!i in a i'.iwliiig i .l-li, lcaung one i f t heir ii ll i a ' ! v ! tun. hi- .pi ;l Mi ll- it I emu t think tl at 'i-h - ; ' .;.:, I I I'en : i.' ot 1" II I 'I lie I I ..;. . i";l I !"-, ei'-od the . :of" i'!i- . -I a lii b .. V ;.. p. I . - - ' "O ' oci 1 Will ' "in o i i Ml I '"'il a .d In c ho, i be'..., " If 1 d'-ue. - I 1 "d. - j, ; helitll.g h i., m Coilii'l 's Wetl.lv. SCit.NTi.IC ECfUf'5-. The iirj:ii.sl 'empei tHui e of lish ia 77 (bgleoS. Humboldt said that a ringle pound' of f he- liiiest spider webs voul'.l reach around Ihe ' o: Id. "iie inch cf ia:u falling upon one sij i.:!e: mile is eqiu v ali-nt to ubout 17-, .ju",oqi.l gallons of walcr. Oat- groivn on Liimue toil contain a mufhg, eater percentage nf nitrogen than those ou ore.inniy lands. tne of ihe c oistiMients c! ihe best-, quiilities of viuiiishi- a re-n i;uown a- h nui i. whi h i- only foitnd in iew tuinii'l. A dog ha-in hi upper jaw six iuois o; s, two' i auini s and fix molars oil eRch side, in the lower, s! incisors, two canine- uud se-voii moiio s on each side. , 'J'he hca-.itilul a... I dclcate colore observed oil iho e-.,s ot biiibs are not Ncrv fa-t to Pmiit, moie especially 'whin iltfv be',,:,., p. tne I i cuter class to tne ligUter of i cior. Val'.-a'ia i- the llftule on to one of the latest M'tetoirU liisioveied, o.' lie, '11 h'lr.U' tl i''.:tl:Li lloceaiili of Mie 'ini..iin ohsei '.uioiy, who has coui ylllt;i if. com .-e lioeiilgeii lavs have proved of great a - isiancc lo tin- mo goon? of the 13rit isii a iny in iloaiing with gunshot wounds among the lumps eaga.aed iu tho hiokics? i-vj edition on 'ho iudiau frontier. Ac. 'ending to ihe lereut calculations ol i'n. h" sor J. C. K.ipteyn of Amster dam ;i'o.'Hio miles a day is tho velocity with which Mie situ -red iis pinucls aie spieling tiiiouiii -pa.- in a noitherly llileelioil. The hi :gi.'.e': t '. fur in thn . jail of the hia'-fii" towaiel which wa aie going is the 1 :ilii:liit Vcju iu tht coiistollatien I .yi a, a sun iiiiii'.iestiou ttbly niiicU picatei than our-. very yea'r, by i'lclessor h njii tj n's estimate, we draw some tin c1 iiuudie l laillion miles nearer to thi.'1 star. A v. i iter in s ion' e tl"-t-ii"es a curi ous iiioust.o-i'y wiii'-h ba-C'liue under his i b.-e: vi.ti' ii. i iu- is a i ce.'it wiih no si :n-. ! spio up ll tile t ils!, loi eh - i irpid spot !i 1 I'io of th t,t:i ii..- a; peat- v. itll ft o-e:p'.o ei v ei ll! ".I t !:' ll- .1 1, ."I i itOuli , gl vin- I no i e HIP. o ol 'n in .;. ino ll sj.'u s an iioi a't;n ii h-eh. but ii; e i "'- i it.-, "i .! of -if.:- I v I: i - but. o ia . i I io itiek .111'. ' lt un e '..ii : - aie fir a;,. I ill ie , ni. ii- ca-6 is in eat a. e. Ml U. . i .1' :l I iinn.il" 1 1. ,t I III ill '11, li i ,'l,l I n ,-. pit. I in. oi -li, n I - a' I-in'" n in l'uri, c. hie ot lioUii 1 Iiic- hi moils "Hope" ii: in. on '. a-i.l ai noils of l'limo.s have -tea l!,ing ah.lit lately ifgaidiiig it.--a'" Tins hi-' Uloiis diiiiiiond ta : not I..- disposed of except by authori: ai i-u i f tlicCouit of Chancel y, and ) ei-o.i in chaige a', the com t say ti" app.ic.tion hie- been made for its' sale, bi t !io -me ho t cf its being tfi'ked ahoul I lings up many luteicsinig evcnt.-i.t n hi-iory. J'ew have s.eu ihe- bi-toi'i- gem, w hi.-li. since J s;o, l-a- b. en iu safe kerpinu in a I.oi.ih"! 1 ,;M.. M- hls torv is one ot i iio i L.e.i'ii e'' ot gieat: jewels, hu it w.i- brought by lavei nier Horn iu o ia i.i TM.', ami sold a quarter of a eii.lui v hi t; io Louis XfV.who woie U on so. no occasions of great state. I'l ')',";'-! It was Stolen a;ou.r wna ia -iiy oil. or 1 1 1 a-ntes, to ho hidh i i;li l--" '. "i tn ii nppenreii hiv.-tt I 1 e- v in 'nc i oil loll lillllket,. :i i: j v. ... i. .i . I t p.; .-.iii.tiyn by M-. ll,' ,;., i i li.q .hut tiieso I'iguies in.- ...t i ii, w t" lepicsent iitivtht'ie el s r : o.i' mouo. Pining i'- v .1, i. i ni : two to. s have been eu! lie, i it - ue of whit.il loiuiil its. way iui.i the I. tike of !' : f, sw ick's collc'tioii - leaking its pieseiit weight li 1-1 emit-. L'.perts distinguish thi- diamond hota sa) phire.-, not by color otily, but by it. isometric or cub'.e sy-t,-ii of . iNstaii.atioii, that of tiie le s valti ibi" '. lone iieiug hexa gonal. lifiing loileoi stul li.v llitsnets. 1 T.vo; y one knows ilia! a inagnet will attiai t' and h't ct l 1 stc-.l, but few hir o hit hi l to h, eu a.vao .hat it will hit redh'.it me'.il. Yet thi- is done, hourly at ihe pia'e mill . 1 the Illinois SMeel compauy. Tiie ma 'nets there are said to he , a; .. o ot lining live tons ol icdhot sit t-1. a:id not only so, but each i.iagut t w id pi-k up half a dtiZell llll go steei plate - il U 1 thnp them. ' ouo at n lime, who tin- ie nihility of clockwork, s-o ob-ci!v nil quickly do they lo idcct tin- '. 'vc that they so in t el c. ed wji'i aii io ' human ill ti'lilgelh e. l ie way i'n pieces of pta tuoii. e i . '.eel p; ok u ' tho steel plates that lopure a tl-. 1 1-'; t i hoist under any o io-. . i . o o: t no', s and plai-t tio lu in llo d- i -. i t l - said to bo Hilly 'teo 'ed i 1." It wit tol elcctiiei ,n lies . !..- Imq i ''.dcm of opera! lict tin' ma nets -.i tiia' the 1'lato.s t an ho tii-: pt d o'.ie u' a time. I lldllS'l ie - illl.i I I 11 1 I, . ,.i"l t ul PI mi-.. Air. li. W. Wii-e. ,,i M. hq-an-ni'n' of aiii'-uhu e. ;a'-- tint tb lnineral fond cutis, unod by plants i of t vn kind-, fioiue unti'ial;, such as plio-phoi ie acid, poi.i -h. lime ami liiague: ia, mo f ss.ntiu! tn tho nour ishment of tho p'aut. "Hut plants have also a general appetbef n miuei al substances, eating li elv iu icldi f ion to the quantity lit.cc- ary to their proper nuhii ion. " .Mr V. i t v adds that plants seem to t'i i.o best where t'neii appetite h'l no .- s - t'tia' iiiiuer nl hiod is gia'i.ie i. lie mciudo- soda iu this kind of p'ittit oiod. .'i t eiiili 1 1 tiati i-u.. IV h'. Ug a -i. . .1 I . de-ei lile ,1 I, ll 'I " I, I, ! ell 1 " I I 1,1.1 ii.i'llil.. tol b or. h e laad ' M a hni' wloii. vei Old I'l ll I., c i he' I. 11 llll I'c ; d.-ii' i I ' i',. ,,! 'I' ,s w i '! ij" , booj a " i i d int nothing, and some j t elv goes and telN. " - I it ,ii.