fil)c l)atl)mn Record EI)C (Hhatljaru Itccor II. A. LONDON, EDITOR AND rROPBTETOR. BATES ADVERTISING One square, one insertion. . ... 91.00 One square, two insertiona. . . . 1.60 One square, ouo mouth ..... 2. St TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 FEE YEAR St, icily in Advance. VOL. XX. ITITSIIORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, Til I'KSDAY, MAY ID, 18!)S. NO, 38. Tor lurgir n lvoiti8ineuti liberal ;ontruct will I 'ft mad'). CMtem IBB ffW0MAN5 Mia I H.ll'TI II U. 1 UK Col BINS " tin- southeastern const of Nan ueket 1-laml is situated the little town ! Mitpvoii-i't. formerly a lishing hamlet, V.iundod Iiy bravo and hardy men, who built Up ii Ivx-like cabins on the hot I Muff la-in-; from this dangerous coato, "lid wrested from its waters tln-ir har vest, ol ru l and pollock. Vor Ivvo tcntuiii'9 this place hud an viicvriiitul, unprogressive existence, tin biti ly the hand of lmpiov ement has t'iii'-lic I il . iind under the ti llu-lu-c, ii in giaduully tending lo wiiids the i'',ili:'aioii of that mil' h-;:bu-e 1 thing, a summer resort. to the world in general, il is still eoni-part-livcly unknown, but to tho-e f.i ni'.iat"' ciiiiuuli in hav. spent a siiinnii'i' t'i ne t'.h the inspiration of ils life-giving .or. i1- ihiiiining, unc' nvi nt onal fo.i t'll iilf-rd ii tle-nto f"l never-ending irane. Margaret i halloed to heal uf (his Id oil of en .-itiiei. and longing for saine t hi il 4 "II "'. the oldiliuiy lull, decided ;o tiv its iiinonv i-uti"tial fr hun. ind- wiihst Hiding the a mui and Miss Hit-inn'.-adM' She had re ! boon v ery vv ell I hi : ii iti inter, and i h" doctor, dis- i-'viing a general breaking down, had t n -cnbel ohango of scelio uud air u? i!i l-c.-t oltee'.ive laed:eine.'itet choerfullv agreed with ttttit. 'p 1 l.v gladly availed herself of this .(."! t oi!.! v i.i .- ape for a 1 une the iin pp a.-uitr !otor:e'y which 1 el late in h iitae e , , hoi , mi 1 the more 'hall llo'iellv cltuies ,if politic inieha-.. "i'h ambition, matrimonial ll ..- ! .1 their l--po live jewels. ie did md rcilie Mi-t. Hilton's fear I'.V !'. Ltl'"I,;i g III r Selci'tioll of SY'lls"t. :e . I i; I ,,:(, n.e.rl and delightful. Its ii' f. .it'.ii, s amply ntinieil for d'liln. an I with tme h to till her t v'. mplain "f (no. J .... v. . .. j !..;i.,ii!! walk- along well -'."p: r'v'.s ;..-re the irn.i:-. wlvse t-v.ellir.; in. Iishili-n - of 1 1.!:' , nlnriii.j " "! "-. '... ;, impi . --ive tuaii the :i:i ief vi the .-c:t -! einild i:evi-r V ha.t.-vei- its lliood. the I'l'ld i- p.'ia- i 1 hjindy wtiter- ;,pp. aicd to n t :th a fa-e;!! !':".'! whi h "'i;v i's Jov is .i;det,'a:.d. ihe old houses, many of which had heard llm s'."iin- of two ceitturies un I iav.- mnpl.i e'!He of the fait, Ml- !;i '.o.-d aip.tli.-r i lenient of variety. H'.v. a.!!ty ile:ir;h:iul houis siio s-fcti! in t ir i'n,:y iii'vriors, olimbiu h-ovv ! eid d'.'iu dmv li.r .-tops, to t l.'ip !: ; In a I :iy.i'li-l the I'aftt 1- of I !!!'iv Ii t e atUi -. h'anlin out the tits ": Im iiiiai.' v !ic!i looked !. ridiculously i! a ai i m i ai -o!i witli lie' room tlc-v " upie-i. 01 i ' : i : in tli1 tall, t-piuiile--.;-'e. li i:: - I'. Sore til- bload lire-place 'v-' !.!, tin- liuriiiii.i: los aiid listeniiii; iota',.- ..)' iliMi." r ai"l ad iifire upon tli.' f ,. .. si:- loved ii'Uhiiu I'l'tlef than to pore '' If the io I O'lkS iUI'l follow ill IlIKUi- .I'.i'.ii th' S'. haling 'dition"' other 'l Hi' re pi o.-penai -i oays. Ai d tic "hi . .iptains, in whose odd v. sis ..oid ipiaait .- i iii.ns sue took such u-cl iatv i . .-!, were niways happy to M ia the!' v;mi- -m-h .ipnreeiiitive :!-. I ii'.is -lie - .Ill v erew in publie la va, sh h-ip, i Aunt Mann to make d and l ake l ean.-, mid ate her full e ot ih -ia afti rwcld. She delighted -ha old "'ai'taiii Ha-.ter hy pietenditi. to b-- I. eve ln ii!i.'oi!-, jonal'le tale -, and she :.-ue!i an impression ou Captain Mollis thai he tailantly and un Musl'ine'.v !' lni-. , -i,.. wo- th- kind ol Kill he likvl. Siie v. is ri . iillv "ml thoroughly enjoy ii hio f ef. iiiitwith-itaiidiiii;. Mi $ 'ii t Hi pre ou-cived notion' n"t I" le i on ovad. e 'l.t toied t will' d l-i'ul leite-s. in whi' h sympathy f ir Mar sate1, in h i' -iiipo-ni dreuiy -ur!'-'i!idii:'s a- nrrfev r.-Oominant, to.n!iii one ot Hi-.-- . oni!iii-eratin,i note- oa the tiea.-li ope nfi. rnpoii. Mar naret en;. not i. frain I r mi smilinu a -1 . ..mi aie. her actual surro'iudiugii with tho-e pi. ture I ! .he writer. The dav w a-excepti iiially, line, rleai. nnd wurni. the hriht .-nil and soft w inds seemip to hol.l the prouns' of earlv sun in r. The ea. so often wil l upi u tic diiii.-ioo is cons, wh unusunliv c-ilui. nnd ta-wa. s roiled in with lau Kind l li i li tii it - unison, a ipiivering swt-op nf l.dii.. wati ri. breukinji into a curl loam up 'ii ta- hiidi, bioud beach. From the bold bluff looking out upon the reth'.s:i incan to the wave-washed In rizon io.-e the little village, a marve! of iiiai!i!. p'l it:re?i)iie : auty, with its n it. li--h.n-!cil cottages of curious de . i-u ii I -till more curious architeelure. la-voud lay a broad expanse of nioor, risini; in o a range o luw-lyln hills, and imther Mill the distant, sparkle ol the sea. Ui i all a i loudle-s S o Hi3 't s.'-y, and the of a glorious sun pei. LyiiiL.' at full length on the boach, Margaret en loved the culm serenity of the tceiie aiiout hei. Out shewn, let left long in undis nul'cd i'ii. :. t he i uncut of her though' Hi; rather rudely diverted from Mi-s Hilton and her lettr to th. speetacle ol ln-r hat sailing gra'-efully up the hen h under the impulse of n K'lst rai.-eii for tin occasion. Wiih an e.M lamalion ni"!e fcrcibl" tiuiti eh gant, t-h- sprang to her feet and hastened ill pur-U't. nntii she was hrouglit to a breathless Mundstill by a n ry audible "Hello!"' And tin- next second a head, followed immediately hy the hody of a ouug num. made itself visible from behind o f He llll -OIH dories lining the l ea ll. nil! cried Margaret, somewhat star tle.l and wi ii'leiii'g whether the siidden apparition bad laib n from the idoinl or am cli'l-d t'oiii the -nli'l. I I e' your pardon." remarked this i.'ii -".li .lie a.;.p,iritiili. surprised in hi. ti I,,. . p.! di-pl.i iiig a remiirkal'le H loj'V ii I 1 1 1 U "II lOS feel. l'' been .l-leep, I'idllt KlpiW It soul W'flM Influence liroilllil. Mop. i l Inivi ii t ll !!ilonei you." ' t'h, no! you are md very let midable, only '' "You didn't expect to se me, he put In with a light in the laughing blown eyes, which Margai '. found eti'an-4ely familiar. I dare say he th'nk- T m ovcii om with delight," was hoi inward comment, iieeompatiii d w ith some slight rc-eni-ineut, ll feclil'g soon d'.-pclli d by iilio'.her glaneo in the frank, hami-ome face. "He is certainly good-looking," she ' told hcl-elf. a a' n-ult of thi- brief ; seiutiny. '1 wonder lo.w undet Ip aviti he found hi-way heie. 1 imi-l Iind u'. I ' Strangcis are real euriositie-i at ll i j Hensoii. " she said nloud. partly following : up her own tin tight and partlv rephiin; ; to a remark of his. hi re ar- no visit : ors here, only the lisheiinen and th-ir , wives, and a limited supply o children." ' I know; awful pro' y. Isn't it.' I'd die ' in no time. You me di'l'eiei.t. thoui;h." i " Ye.A, uud while I've be ii wa-ling my ; time in ta'king, mv hat is e ,n .." ! "So it has. in ,... . I'm n'viully sorrv." His eye ''oH.c.v-'l h-is m the ha' , rising ami f dlui'i on an outgoing wave. , " W a- it va'u.i' io-" j ''Cofr' lit'y ceii!.-. -h- i-pl'cd. .' deavoring to pre-'i-e In r i-i.i v ity. I siippo-e it h '. (tone tor g I, ai d I l might as well b going h i "Vh, lio! don1!' ' h- i li'.n a' al, with 1 boyish eageriie-s. 'I'm ,,wl'ai,' urd -f ' my ow n i o:npan . 1 "Candid, upon m v. or I. l i! - I y a . little while, bu' I .ail v I ! -ii I !-l t ' I' ll should." 1 mighl well ipie. t l"ii the pro 1 pl iety'of Ip r a. tiop. she i. t -in .in d : that Mi-s Union would p u ,i p'o,,. tiu-i , eotilideiitial ii.t'iio r with a -I i ang-r, i -'III t'.- "Wire tiaa.- -lie ell. V!u II a j -ii'-'ger-tio'.i of iuiio lie v 1.- the .-pi, e i which give- a varietv to die. la s was one : them. She in-ended to b'ow ait the liue of Cola ho -t pi o o-e I l.ilin. i -elf w lieu -he i am to tin- n. : w. i l.l, i- it were, namely, in do a- -lie pl.-as.-d. j lust now she pice. -od to -tay and talk with this youn -; nan. i l lo .a .-iic '. -it nil unaceoiiulal 1 hkiu g. S;.- la" I s m.c j ."-uriosity lo liisiovi-r hi- uai-.-. an I his i i-easons for visitiu- 'coi:s.. . In sotun j IVUV f!ie tell ha.l s. -I c be a . .. 1 lore. ! While she wa- th s t!i nk ng nti 1 ; knitting li-r 1 l vei tlr- agu-' re- (.etii'lalice, lie wa- w ab iiiag In 1 l.n ! ivitli a srrutini.'.ing itiiere-t. i iilaaciiig up. -!e- 1 1 1 1 t his eye-, and i liuding it - hn-noi i out ;.;.o she v. as I -ooii laugh IU as nc iKiy a- I:--. I ' W,. are I . r a-, ii'iaint .1" I ' i-ried gav ly, whi I -i:" Woipicrcd ;o Ii. i ; .apai ity for noli-et: It ,V"i ''ant ! 1-noWii per-on ja -i laugli vvi'h tip m. ' 1 iiai's n;y theory. Not'.ha' I -iaiald be ; I -iMghlng. t!:ou-ii. v in g v. --ui l lie'.t-r ' -alt mv c t litioii in 'i.i vai "f t i r -. j Won't voc. sit dow-ii. Jli 1 ! Smith." supph m-iif-d Margaret, ah ' it;u him the i.anie -he ha-1 ii-suito"!. ! "S eith; you d u r k line a Smith. : l'u: I'm glad i :-:i't Co'l.n or !' d .: f. 1 You are tpi' a e. I !.!:. i".-.i--; fit her-. You li on ! it evi-r so ,-oi:.- loH.-iUe. I'llvi'in'V ni'!,r. I'o t!.e.- ti-'.l it. tie se I i.uig- - ' in I lii's-' dm i. - ' I'll y. - : i: . i - . r I to interesting t" vvrl h theia. j "Well. 1 sh-iuhin1: bad .he iM-.ii:i. " iniu.-ing Is tint ...v von r iina-- ' i e.i-t in this lo.d-f 'l -ak.':i no'. - i gl KvMenil y '.:. ! a: ,.!-. -i i'- 1 nature."' s'.i-' r-iiiaike.!. in ratio r nr.- ' llat'ering tones, a.- lie i. a j of the s-Mt 1," oil, . d !o V. ! No. I apple. -i ,i i - ta ip .ft- ,' j civdi:ed li'e iiioie. I'm pot .- roiaap'.:- kind of iiitul. yi .u . . I'm !: d I thi all-end.-, i-niv l'u. b...r po-Kii; ;:. I to .. I've 'b -. n in Nan! a ki-t a v I Hauled up ! h'-i i- to - an act-aiia'. i.iu I mint of my mother' -. Sh- -.-t it u:t- In r iieaii iii .r -h- .- ! i '-- v. i'i,...r a sight . f l- v p- inly . -. ' ou had i i.'iipa - on on i.. . ' ' Ye-; that wa- p. ll i- ! I f-.u!i I !:: j helV to-d.IV. S!o 1 ll!-a i "I' ! !.- U'.- I t.l 1 thought it v. i a on I I, a -,': l i.t 1 ha.cii't s en .iiii'lino. I;. ; i '. -- He add.-d tiie la -t v.-.. id 1 v w a v . t qu-iiilii.ati.ei, i:i,i gav .ii.o. ; ; ia terrogaiive -'at!... . "I lipi 0e 11,'t.' wa-ll.", !lal"p;il ! . ply. linle.-s ymi -a-v in d'eams. V a should hive .liosep a livi ii '.- -ea-. n i: is perfectly c'narnung in to .-iiuii-i r. Now. Tiiin-s .-ire ire i'livl t" I .-sIoa. "llath.-r." h" 1 n- olilv. Hop-, s in the bargain. 'Ho-Lru'- ' haul. I me from Nan' m l; t . opp ! . very iv-tuinut-s to get hi- li-.'.i'h. ll v. , -wearying "ii my pati. io -. I a-s ir- von. Viol the old r-ipiain who dr.e .. m" .. -more vvejuyiag than ih- l.oi-e. 'Ih.. stories h" e ted tne p. .-v. alio.c v.eie an insult to my iutelligeii. c. I. think this air inii-l breed i-.ipla.n-. tin vale so wiiii'l-rl'iilly prolil'-. J'verv Messed mail I've no S i-,- i-apt-p". or would l ave be.-n if Ih- whal- ( -1 1 I i . bad k-pt up. I've been Irving to np T t j - ..r-!:n ny sailors."' ' Ferhap.s -ai!"is w.-r- io" in v-."p on VVliaiill.g l.'sS,.s, - -! e.e-p'.l .'I:!'-!-.!. with lilui'isl graviiv. .' -ilp I r ma u "That's .mother ! ,i , t . ' ... i..i,.r. rtiPted abruptly, "liie j- ,!!-.-. I 'id y. a over In-ar an .-tiling lo b. a! n- Viv,!. eclly iuoiioIliIioh-to h-ir CullMi. l-'ol-;--. and I'itman. I' ! .md i ".::n " Theio s nothing in a n mi.'.' i n n . .' Margaret, ligh'lv. "A mi-tal;e aitoge'li, r. A nam- rev everything. Take mine. ! ; in -' a t. ,-j - lSrian Leigli. Nmv. tin. .ri,in p..i What s tip matter " He might well a -k tips .pie-rion. I without the l.-ast warning M iigaret Irnl slipped hastily In. m p.-r s. ,-o . on the boar, and stood regarding him with, a curious blending ft " i pb .t.y an I ut prise ' Idian l.eigh, ' .-lie repbed. in an in credulous ( ; ia i i-iMv Hria" Leigh - ' "1 have alnay understood --o." tp answer-' I vvth a lau-gh and a pii'.!! ! glance a: her Vice. "I 'l.-n t I oa I can be inisiaki-ii." I am vciy looii-h." -he lemavk.-ib linximis to ilivoi-i !i - " u -pi- i-.u -, bi!e hue still regarded him i m her curioii-1 v . ) though with a never tad .l-.per ii. t t-l-esl . Siie nnd. ist "'.I i i " v the-tiaiig J seniblan.-e uncvpla u-d beieie. -oi.e- I thing in th- eye, and nei.nh re. ailed vague memorp - oi I . r b-rii-i. and In:- . likeness, fauit a ii wa-. rved t- : kn'uketl ll-W leelmg III le - lili'ilJ. Sl' Wante.l to I e .dope lo tn pi. of tip- ll. H i mid up. vpei '. J t a- i . . ,.n I I- S'-e j was ii'il iv.'i: t-i '. i -t.i I!., '-ii in rolnoidell f lll.-' ...-etpg i, '.;- . . , i id-l he-way place i-ei nied (on cur oa- M I i' Itll'lely I'irlli-iili'll.'l". Vet. II- sll' ll 'el lu'.l-l uecrpt It. What w.'cil.l Mis. lli.lo'i :-..y? Should .-In i. lo r. N... :m ,,uid h- tell her I I IP-ill lll.l' -be V. .. . Ill . i'largilii t who had taken b;- b ! lin: i i-.,i Inni'' No. again; an I . ii ro'ild uiv e h-i self I'm'. ,i-.:i for 111- - - - in'l. "Ii isieria lily .-ti.'i'ii..' tha ve.ii.'ild be thrown togellnr." t h- ta pi u l-.e I n hei -eif when : h had bat lo-. ,11 a lew p. nute- I iter. "I idu o-t wish he v. mid pot g . back l Nalilii'-ki-l to-iii-..lil . il lie sjoaild stay h"'e a lev days mi ;M have an opportunity to study his i h ir act. r. He doesn't seem to be imp h iron! o 1. .No depth nf f. . I n.:. I m aiia-il. lie acts more like n .;iy i ..doge toy. I think I was rather siilv, to.. I'm really a-hained of my--!f. V. II, I'll await ijevidopiin ills." Margaret dreamed of hereon- n tha lii'.ht. uud in e ii-xt moriiing sldl llpnk Ing of h in. I 11 M'l I 11 III . IIN TtlKsANlS VrS'lKN-tl I lie day cam - in damp and hill." The uti lelused to make I is .'ippeara m e, and l lie heavy fog hanging over the sea crept sto.-ilth ly inland iniMl t lie out line of Hie v illage were lost ill ils sub do. my.-terimi- fold. 'latgiiet viewed the lmd - ap from tip- lonlin-d spa-e of Ip r I -d-r. o:u w in.loi- "I'.'.inp. -he cniiimenied. I dai e -a v I sha'i l e dinwip d ill tills mist. I ui out I intend to -i. nev el theie.-s. T'-ue to her word. he put i n mbb -r I a'., b ots. and cap, and. feeling o'n. iMi.ituelv wa'.i-r-pr "if, slait - I to - th ..l.-.-rle.rb-.i- h Tp." iui-1 had lift 1 somewhat, bp tiie .a via- veiyhigh. and ;h' i-'ills i'o-.v-over Hp- rolling surf like tii.y i.-i ii oa tin- -ray hori::oii. Margaie" - e l. l.i,e their gracelul panpiii as ih-v I'Ppe.l their ,VIlg t'l I'.O' Se I 111 Og w iv. -, or lose wiih sweeping .-..iH.-e '. I io -u- their onward I'.ight. ' lI-.-.v r -V "king, " -!p erlaim-d 'I did think tha' glorious suiisot na-ant nice weather to-dav. I siipo it ;s ra'li-r wi.-ked Piwi-h for sunsiiiiic uli.-a 0 il Captain Pit 'nan wains ia n to IIP h,s ia stern. It vvmild puzzle l iod to ph-a-e everyl'Ody. I wonder if ikf.-e gmi-foi-.-t'i U a st -rm 1 liav -n't the b-a-t ide i about the direction of Hi" wind. I. et me see: that is the e:i-t ier there, and thai is the north, in j .Veil. Id. - laie! ' In lo ating the points ; tie-eompa-s, h- r eye had in- ount- red b. v -oii-iii. and he. -eemg her a' ib -ia.e moment, began lo mak- the I" -' "V li way to join h'-r. waving hi- clai- .-lc. -modically meanwhile, 'v'hen her ... her imally he was ijuit" breat-iie--. ' ','ulte hard work, isn't it? ' sai I i '. -garot. ns he stood panting l-fofe I,- . l iic sand i- - J soft and vi-l ling. ' ' I shoi.l 1 say so. I b. li.-ve i h.r.e a 1 ei-i; of it in my shoes. Ibd v..i i .p.. do.', n h.-re to kill yoursrif. or niT. I.- !! th-pleasure of .'ing i.eio H oige ..v-r that nind." I didn't come far the l'ir-1 .l.;o- '. lainly; and as for the se.-om!. p r. a iv didn't i-lil'-r my mind. 1 hive a v.-v nature. I like the things lin.t most people dislike. l or insl; pc . I i ev i ! i;i lain and dampness. I !ov. to -.' in a p.'Uring tlpivver. It do --n t iuirt n. e, i-iih-r. I'm a! normally heil'hy. ' -.Viol abnofiady imprudent." h .-.I led ' ll I had any authority, v ,.. shouldn't -it lo i-. ' ' i;ui vo i haven't anv auth- i iv, .n. I T l ave' an iiau-uai picjiidi e ia la -T of my nw n way. Why ihd'.'t y.'i go to Nauli.i kef I.i ' nigh' 1.- it po-M ! y" i hav e ip.ali.iged t" .-' i v ive .-o I .p, in this ( .o..l-fors.ik:-ii hole- I'-lian caught Ih- -pi.--, of Pds.'uief in lip'e words. ' I though; I'd slay a few- dav-. h exphiine.l. in answer. ' nreade.l the too. I haven't any anbila n to 1 O fretted to lie, lt!l ill !ho- tuts. i. . sides I wanted to liud m;.-. -;-yti In r.." He i hievv Uim-elf beside h r an i tivel hi- i'i upon h T lace. !.- m o I ir-ii'-.-,v inni r t his sc utinv. I . i UK I I'M ' N ' ' I ' !ula-.i - l .i l a I ut t. A f;i';-ii!alio!i 1 1 : t - bcosi p.iadc tl'" bipabl! i'.e rc ul! -. I'l'im an e.'oiponi- l! pnilll "! vi'-w. of the -til--tli Ml l"ll f tip l"t i-i'i! a file', whi'di h.t ti"v !'"f oino time been pra'd i.-e-i !!l I ' . 1 I till palls id 111- s-'CHll -e- i.i'diiig io this ti e low. st g'"id- of v icuipii pan of ni'M.-t s contain 1 1 -: 1 1 Jll .l t!'l per I'' lit of s-g.u. which antpd I..' ett.!ct-.t by i i-tii:g ina 'him r, .ml. o-t in., i! ing a barrel of .'ich in. il.i t i !"' worth in t "" r-lits or s'l, ;hi 1 t 'mil a 1 a itpI In .Ids 'loi.i piiiui'U of inolaes. Up- lun'ia-v whip 1 1 ih us b vni t h .up oi i wo ct.-nls i oalli.n. an ! !'io;ii cievcpl li lo me-til'tli i f a cent p. r .nnd. Nmv. I'iitsl.tug i oal bi-aiglii to the siiga--bou-o I'm ince lias o t'.ai v.-ai.- r .uic-lH'lll of a c-lH 1 or I oupil. !.. las-es burn with a high h'-at in ivin binatioii with wood "- wo.-, I (11 !-. - that by sprinkling i' "it lb b.i-.i-so I I iv ilry stalks "I' the sugat atier Ihe saccliai ine juice l,a- I-. u .'c-sod from itan ev i-l!' ui I'm I .a great power !- obtained, ll viouid appear from the-.- -iippl da' i. an I 1 '-! itii itiug that niiiy oip -!i,i't tin j lU.ltlt i t v of is-e- .;..i!'P ..- i ; - i i- I I -r 1'iicl. a substitute j- iiiiiii-hi'i i'-. r loin t,, p ii.,i,i i,,h ,.f .. ,. I 1I.ui;it III llulMlllnv l !ie. J It might n.'t b- siippo...-.! ti,.-,t dao-ei- links ill I lie I'eli.a'e o; iTa'i.ui ! ban ! ling I'ou. i . yet painf il, tui'ii.l ii- VVolll.ds ill" ileiUeltly lc. elV..'. by the .1 rk 1 1 io n N.-aily . v.-ry on- who h i -bad long and a. 'he ei,i'! i.v!io IP in di ' I el a I ll.'VV. r st'.les v.'IU show llUII-.ToU - scars, and it is i -ommoii in ! u-v l i. a I -wav -hoi 4 and other hit g" 1 I ill til" trad.- to s. e a propr.elor or -.wial of bis n-.-ii.-i.niis with l am lag. d tin r- Ihe tiiorn-of i'osi s eau-e ih- g.ein--t p-i!iiei llori-'s ii-eiibe then n.o-t !-i't i. ms hurt to po,son aboi'bed in li .t -hom-o production- which hiv - 'in.i. r- gopo a stioii ; vermin-killing pr-i" '. A i: umber of the deab is inl'.-r ihat, . ill. -r ina.iv applications, the iiiiey parltot the pi'in'3 boeome impregnated with p .i-n. . . i lltlll-ellii. The p.p.ibrelhi is undoub'. d y ..!' Ing'i a io .0 ml y , appoaring in van, n- ("in -i i, en Hei si ulpture I inoipiineiit . of I ;; l.t, V-sv-ria, (.reei", and I ouie, .md Pi hot . i.illll! I'ics it has been i, e sin. .' tie. .lawn of hi-lerv a a miii-Ii i.L- n i -igndied by iis n mi.', il. reol fo'iii j tli- I .al in umbra, n -had-. I lil Unit. j i ii. board -!nt th" .lav i diM-i.-.l be'-en w atoliHit, '' ltK''KriTS I'oi; THE AliMA'i0"" "'!in '",s fr,"u ,!i0 tin ? I ohice iu .Jersey City, ami is rejected ' idler me lical cxauiiuniiou becuase Ins ONLY HERE AK'O THERE A MAN j t,,,. are e-i.e.l TAKSH AMONG VHE APPLICANT- "A fell..,- (l,,''t have l lire a cun willi hi f-ol, dues ho." be grumlile't A. 'lanv us Mil i in. jdntes t tin. a. ii" pa ddh s duwii .-tail's. Ai .i.v in a sini,. ii;ly ,,i ii,,,. ij,.. j ( Inly lp re pn I there i-i foiiinl a iiiau . i-iithm om-t 1'iibiiii iiiity u iihziii n, pi up t(J lndo .'.a n't slandanl. An i iji.-ii lieii iiiriuiiiaiiii ..i- i:,-.-n,iis. j At.-r he is pi onoiineed lit by the mu til til.n.y living from n .seeiiu-l- i genu he si-us tho fiilii-tinenl pa, era f-i n v windiivr shinvs that the tenant is ' ati'l if' thenei fnit'a tho properly of tho I' ne'e Sam. t)vci' tho eutianee is the I t'oveiiiinent. He goes to l'oi t SI--legiui 1 "Lr. S. Kecniitiug OiHee."' cum, 1 avid's T-lainl, to bo made into 'l'Uc .diiee is up one flight of r.iairs, a a soldier, uud from there he goes niuUi. bu.iiuess-likij looking room, ' whitip.u- tho powers that be may move furnished with some clutirs, two desks j him, u pawn of inliuitesiuial iinpoi iiiid a typewriter r-t mid. At the main j t iuee and iiiliuile ju.-si l,i it i-s in the ile ksits tho sergeant in charge. A game of war. New York Sim. corporal sits al another le.'k woi kiai fteadilv at a ieilger; another corporal per I', urn upon the typewriter, and ti third e !ior il ginvsi buck ami forth b 'tween tiie orliee tunl tho room for ine Ii.jal examination, further down the passage, where the surgeons sit in f-e.ret slat.'. Stuiii is the place at v Ii i.-li they niuilr who wish lo serve fheir e i'ium v ri tho ranks for ?l:i u ! The silver nud gold used in ils decor iji(lit'ii iiiion are alone viorth .i2.jOI. It is a vi i v huiv phi-., at I'l-eseut. "hile air. Thomp-oti's home is in Not m ir. .pi. ntlv iM nu n apidv there ! S:l"lil lJ"'''-ar.i, he has mi extensive ia it sin-.le dav, of ii."iluiis. a : r'"",h ,u Centura County, Cu'iil'oitna, d .-.-a a.e ac.-eptcd lis soldi.-is fUld be- 1 n;"' " ls 1',-!'1' lh'lt bo makes li e of his vme Hi.' a. .proved proparlv of LTneb; ! ""tal,!" I'lopcily. T'ho saddle is ,-f s.ani aflc i! t- ecrtiiie.I tlu-v are i U'l'teal M"Mcaii paM.-rn, with-a hi-ii g io I bit- of iu p'hi.iei'V. At ti o'; ! I'":""" ' vll-h..llovve I seat mil tun iu 'he Punning tho' of th" !"'' ''! 'borate oi' tiappings. leil-er i at his desk, and two hoars s,"'J-it hue emboed Ici'li- later tho typewriter is clicking, the tl ' s, ! tbi-k with sliver buttons and js waiting for, ! ''" .;; the pommel is e:iea- I with the sergeant is iu his phu-e. iin.l ihe ! ,Kl '' ,!u' ''"'neM of the upioii are uiliee is opc'i i'e.r the dav s work ol i fll')'1' 1 ltli lt ,uo stitrups mo transforming r iw material into mtny. Not uncommonly the raw material is wciting about the entruneo lor opera tions to beg'.u, ami us tho sign, 'tJriimi tipeu." goes up on tho door they uliiilUe, saunter, tramp and inarch in. The iiv.-t t" c in is, peihapi. a respectable-looking fellow- with his coat buttoned ns to Sil'.l tightlv urniiDil the neel: absence of colhn- t,. his shiit. Tiie sergeant beckons to Llm and li- walks ovoi' to the ilgsk. " ido y - w ant to etUisti' r p "Yes! sir." 4 I low o'd in e you?" I'vveiil y-i l tht." ''il'in. v.'ii look mere. Can v.ei brill t pl'i'Ol et vour ligV i v. a-i b.u-a'iiere. " I'hev bdd mo I CJ".I I gel proof at tho City Hull." ave v.ri -at anv refei-eiices-" ' N i I didn't thin.'; of tha. ' v'. .'.'.ia b.i !; hero .'o-moriov with .'.-I en-es lor this last, six mouths." j Ih.'.i terminates the- mint-view. 1 s.-e- out ot tour ol the I'..'-;et to bring rei'eoo.ce, or exhibit siirie i ic at banning that the nation rwiauc-i ivrtui-ates of good charaeter ,.f ,.. ..,,,.-,v iu-t. ns .... ml,.., ,.,. . i v.- i.s I,..', .-,".,- ... .....v. ...... -. ......t-.-. al, eager f p. od hul. who takes oil' his hat .. . i 1.... .... i US UU U ,'iv-a'. U'.S lur DVIpVUUl illi.1 tA -: iv ant to join the ai'uiy.'' i .- ol I arc veil;'' 'I'l'illlV.HIO." "' (' . 'When'-" ' ' "Next Dclober." ' "i'luiii ba.'k thin. YotCro too y.-.t'ig. " "Wi'i't ycut put my name ilcvvn. s:-gaaiit-" says the voting fellow wi.-t ".illy. "I'd hk" t. have my nuuiu on the list. " "1'hut's al! right, sonuy," replies the soi-ge.ttit gOiid-natiiredly. "We'll re'.i- 'ab.-i' you tvli;i you coup' b.i..!; iu lct..bcr."' " "iii-'II lc all ueec bv then." uiitt- t lie app.p . ; . s tin, pi. : .' .'.I'd mute .'dbgout f.' disoollti . , man w tt'i I . il s!;oi-i an I uu i;v'1 m - !u - i it s vour u-ks thg b c.t ave fee' .' lit." aids t i' I'm strong an ir itiehes. ain't cam. -tl v. j tiaiek. and L cm sta' d imu'o'i! iuot big uien." 'I'l l afraid you're under the height Aie vuu live feet four us you stand o in vour bare feet . '' ' As I stand." ' Can't take von. then That's t'a. re .tiire-t height, uud vour shoes iuid half an inch." "pLti't I wish they did !" excliiims the tna:i as he looks down at a. sole worn to the thianess of paper. "No chan-e for me, sergeant?" "Not unless you grow. Those are t'l- regulations. " Oat goes tho in-.m, commenting up Pi his hard luck and foll.wved by two other men somewhat shorter than hi an I "-a Into the place left vacant by stalwart voutig fellow. .- v. hat dull face. Alter he ted tho preliminary tpte : 'iofilv and pre iluce-.l his i lie ottjaet' asks him if he . 1 writ.? JVugljsh. 1. ..1 good," is tiie reply, -.. i lie if 1 got t . Ln.' 1 ain't m i reel -i I l.i.i 'a'i' I i-.i- .pa a pen. il hi? t ul-opaeiv ut-Uces on a niece uf p.'". '' .-.'hat- .In, savs the MLf. ur name .J" ' len v I'lyun." "W.'ed. i'lyun, you come back hero to '.a .! i'.ov, ami if the doetois tiud he ad -ound we'll make you a bet ter man with a musket than you are n il ii n pen ' "I'm tha' ea-y,'' savs Flvnu. as he stride.. out w P ii shoulders s.piared and ch:.'i apliltcl. ' looks like No. 1 for to-day," re.ii.irka one of the corporals. So come - and goes the stream uf ap pli 'itat s. Now it is a couple of fifteen-year oi l hoys? tired by visions of ; o.o'.-y; now an old "time expired."! with tiie iio-ire- of army hie i"iii.' upon hied u mill t the tirst sc at, i f p....liie war. Swaggering toughs uri ivc an I ara turned out sharply, nn 1 pair iota' drunkards are turned out mild ly. An applicant is fouud suitabb. an 1 a ! s wii i: - io he is to g i on. suo- p. ::; ;- h" lseullding lath'Mirivv . Tiiev 'ju'i lam to lu 4.7 i A l nllv Mobile. The richly bespangled saddle of tho Mexican raueheio has finally been eclipsed, nud by an American. Tho remarkable saddle which Iiiim won this distinction for the Uniteil States is owned by 1). V. Thompson, of Santa liaibaia, Oal., nnd is worth Sint.'ti. f.n'L'l and edged with fiber half an inch thick, elaborately chased nil I carved. Tli saddle-tree is hung with silver lings to r.iiswer the v.i-jucr.-.'s rodiiifeuielits. 'i'lie giith which secures the saddle in place is woven from horses' manes by native urtisnus, nu 1 is f nil v tight ! lu'-''" blie rem-, marttngaie ! an I v.-iij are e imposed of solid s.l- ' ver in v.-o veu s:r oids. Ihe headstall is covered with llute I silver with lai-g silvei- rosettes ut the side, and :i:i elaborate u-.s-e-pieeo with n silver L-haiii umii r th? ia'y. Tiie bridle, I'elUs I !-- - i - i-- - w eigh over ttt vivo p'Ulllds. T -. ST.. 'PI. . . 1 1 . ' -' vcai .m. iii iii,, o, -u n ms ' something to t'e- et pii-ite lo ni'.y aa l I value ,.d tho ;a I lie. alt hough i' has ! a.i...i tv eo.-t a sum v, up n repveseiits a v. l.v ci-imtort i''b.' i I'i'dadclphia l'i . , s II I V acoiuo. ling l ' ;i I'm I, V,1 Wl.-.l i , , ' , ; ui ntuine' entUusia -ii the Ami.vio ft ,c V , , ' I u iii si.!? lie bf lU UIlV ,. , ' u' '' J'1-. ,"-1''' I l'V.'s v.iii p.iuoat I c.r l.eut-r t I of the teftt'erv tiiiii. has been worked. , I ' , . win ia v-itii i;:i.i a number of nuggets h are uuii-u.dlv lurg-. j Speaking oi' his dis.-ov ery, al. j W.-u. I sai l: ' I ha t t'.vo Indi m". with iu-, w i ! king us eiud - i and ..mipao- ioii.i. . iter n i,ai 1 d,.y'i, tramp I hp" lilt ordei to p. t l-'adv tor pitohi'lg il c.i'aii'. and il'..a--t.d the Indian . uiu ' e to place the niche. i'viugiUn i t.t. d I threw myself ou the giouiid be.-' le tLo river to take a le.-t. I was just iloiug otf tvlitn tiie Indians came to me uu-.l sat.' the location would have to be changed, as they had sli'.t-k lock which lua le i impossible to sink the holes deep eao'.ut'u to hold. ,-, up and .'pig oal uud t'o-b' i'.ii nugget, 'i lirt tiiev hud ! tii t it wa- thick ii- l lrip'.l out to be t ii'..t. ly pun pmi nds - lea cubic vi.i .ls ,.f t- " ;iulllL'. "'H I 1 dpt. ... . ., . It is t ) tat .ditv." -Mid Mi. : wn.i. -ii, I p.'.po , to tike p.y ppty. Alt' r v. e -take oh oar chuui lii.iow:!! be lo.'-a i..r t ,i only thop. .-:i'l no ici s. a-i i vei vlm-Iy vvdl ! a' 'le to -i.t apieuiv it fn-v uiboiilv "1 ii lot' It. "One to'. ll i ith- r skill, laoiiev i mining iu m dor ti i Alaska. V-ii it Le id t' C) the ve:y ! H a' know Igug I doc- 1 eipiire tu. lest extent, pi-.vk ltiilu-try. i Tie-u he is aliao-t certain of success. I . , , UI I,?L'1 "l-ou iu,'... lor i.uviLi.-g . -.oi eieuieui oui, n n piuu vvnt only work he will van." Washsnutoa Slur." Ki-il I Kgli-. itr of (lie Vnltiutrer. b.eil Eagle, a I'reneh-lroquois In dian, who was present at the death of Sitting Bull during the Sioux itprisiug in the winter of 1SJ0. described the iuci.i'.ut at the Volunteer barracks last uigut. lugit Laglo is a voting man I hlU aUll rather ' liandsome.'' iu feature i'tiving little token of his Indian d, I scent. He drc.-sos in uu Indian coj- tiline cf some ,stui' 1 1 seiabli buck I'liug'd .-km. pleutif'ii'y frilled am abou' i!ie v. I'll l'a;p..le by l .. :i ..!. In- eov-iiu nud co cod i-vc I'il'ltll- t!' ll Set .''I' red and yellow of II- I a1' mt blink ban . bdiin r loosely a1' a id- .; piciio e-j'i . i al m i i. .. I p. v. i. i "li' t to Ul : h. 'o i u - U ' led 1 1 "ill tip tu-it --il astride I: lb- I Ka-Ie In man. I "f Lugii-h :-"d llavur. I w i w ir that seems ti a it ia.u k ib!e c ni II i.. talk 1- bii-hl. !t a io;i; h and rea ly take iianiotun'! v v it u h..-areis. He is i type of the tri liliouai I ndiuu orator in that he pos 'esses a i ei iain simple elooueuce i-oiipled with a power of pnttingthings that h"ld the aHealton of his audie !1C0 t Li'-oiighout. L-'or Ihe la.-t sevcj years .p'iims l.ieea t ugagi-d in missionary work, chieily ami nig the india:,s. No-v he is travcliti f in tiie iiit.-rei-t uf the 'i'!i;tittn-s of America. Oaiaka Lite. Hie l'ii.e-onl.iii- U niiiK. The ip. w s tii. i' the Lbphe-s of Con h'lVg'ii' ipokes n pipe will ooilii-V a i-n. 'ck to tue world . f fn-iii ui ia two hepi.-phere i. 'tin I bi-he.s.s hs alnavs be-u rcgar i -l it' a put-agon of di.raity. re i..e, tale.i ny and g I form She is i. t. u-to i fi i.e. i ..f Oiii.'!i Vi 'ton. i. nnd t''i-i up au' it -teitf lUit1, New Ivik tn' up a JvJUiui. iXMiiEk r.Mi m;i!(n;s. DA'!I40 KFiATS IN WHICH I 0C DUIVHR 3 I'iSK I.IM3 AND Mil I'lii'in .'l'i.. I i-iii-e .-in- Tln-v ii" llpv I . i;. No. ,1.1'. I. em line II. lion; I. eg Iii Vii.iHi.-l I.Md.iils ul ll.i.loli I'.lit'i .I'll-, a I, ell. ,11 kill. le ;in-b.; miiI.ii. I'ow n the foamni'g chaiiin l of e',i.v liver that !..w- ii-oni the mountain lakes and tangled swamps ol the Adit ilidack wilderne-.s ot blown spi iice log i at. ip.-.v coming in steady piui-e-sions t,.ua"l. the and pulp mills in toe -ui I pbng village-, n heie tin- gan- miw - and olioU 1'i's aie waiting g'iudy bn them, say -a Wat. i ton u iN. V.i 1 1 -1 -h 1 1 to the Ni'iv Y"i k Sun. Thi- is a si-ht that will be seen here tor ou y a lew veins mole, bu ihe accessible parts of the great bnest ic-ioii aiebiing stiipped i t In- kind ol lumber. I he driver, tin- hen. of the lumber woods, is a pict in es.pie tiuiue us he leap- iiiiu'iiy Iroin one lolHag !..g In a-iCin-l. cia 1 m le ight-hue I Manuel ii!i!' l,i!iii-, with long-leg'ge'l spiked boot-, g. ii-ring ins fo! midable peim v, in .an' hook, or hi n.1f-n-lo .1 I .u-v h.-ok. as i,e , alls til" pil.e pole, w il U h 111: ( Itiv ll-es. lb I'll '. oiled up m a blanket on. th- damp -i loin I. all- r -t. inning, p. i hap-, n I il.i . w ui-l oe. p ": t lie P v n a -1.' i . and int.- hi- I h nty no a'- "i b.ik. d beans. I. ul. d .'i , sub lat'.is I.i--. lit and p.oi.i- .liiiig be-p',,. j, i o;n in -mill, hi.-, or. -ni'. bo, .ml ou u una ft bus amid tieim. No othei w oi k 1 e-tpiue- mi miicii skill and n;ility. Alter ttie logs w it a a ' ou' cashing of ne hive been tuiubbd int. the sti earn f: .mi tiie i oil w iiys. wheie the bnubei men's so d" uepo-ite'l them, th. y go pushing .low u with the spring f, esliet. una. I then begins the dangei otis and dillicult part of the liver diner's ta-k. One gang follows along the biiuks ot tin stie.'im to keep all the 1. gs moving, while a smaller pal ty, know u u tue rial- drive, follows in big liver boats to pickup ad ftiay logs. phe lit u I drivers have no more siib-tanti.d eiatt on which tu cru.-s and l.v,,.-. ihe f'-amiag rr-ei than a green spnnv I -g. St. tn hi. g i-e-t ou this, v. it'i hi- -i-ik-d i.o t igi j,,g him a b'otli .',.1. and tie 1 .n. Low le. 'k Used Ilk- a I ope-", a Ike'.'' I ; l.iucillg p"!". " t" i':oai hi -liP! e: ;. i I. lib llu -It iver w ill .. ,.' i ap: is v, in i . t he . Ul 1 ' n! : v eel- a: ...ll" i llllge f."l.-. V It h the o- ; i.a.'.ii n: all iib-'ii! iiPu. H a- ii i.o : . a i . - that th-' cm lent is getting ;.;.;.-!i on I t'o -tn am l Wl iealu . olll. tiie wm-il I- pi-.-d back to t - . -o-'.HU '. ha t'.p ' e 1- a a:. i I ahead i t i ping tro-ii !"g t log. ami riinniug'- liie sif ace ot tue mov ing ta i l oi timber, th- pi-k..-d m. '.i -a the ciiv. -.i'lie- at the sooae id the I ii'iili'i-, wlieie. ( lied again-i .--i-.iie lock ii'iii-i-ti a ii m . a c di-talitlv gflihoi i ng moil' to a ot log- i - f"i mm. . lau u in: up tip- -ti. pp. lio-.ii i...iik t" link l'i... pi-a." i-cd i y- 1 t h- b-s-i -...ii picks "Ui tip I,, v ..g tha' ' ' im 'tig tut -trouble. I li I - 1 - ;a lo.i tli. I'.c.ittil at tiie iciitie ot the u:u an 1 at 'lie l .wei side of the o L-rUaligltig mo'lut um of b g. lt uiii.t be pru-d loose or i hopi e I aw :ty. Some oaf- must go out beueatii that moiiutain of timbers, whi. h. when the key log is loosened, wiil ; u sh . low n -p ea n vv it a t h- f e . e it an av aigii'lie. uud m"t delbe.ate- Iv s- t fie I 'a. It. I'.l IP lllo'l !l bo I hi.-. j f a' ma bout 1 I ,:i- i... : -ll b I - i I v ! -' " I'll I , ilte th o. it h !.o I ,l. " t , hi I -ir. .,;, I ;! :' ;. i . . ' t ! I '. a. d . i I the liloUl t.tltl oil! . .' o I'ie- abie , a; ,,, tliedi iv or tn! .... - an ,i , p'jt.'.v j'i'i Iniik-s a .I.i h i"i ha- ;o i - -s -in- tumbling logs to t'ne -ho.. '.e-.i-nes ip i u.'t so '..p'Jiiii!.' as to t egaiu the bank, uud :u I a , a g t i.e hea 1 iv ii'ei - , f tiie A'liiOU dack -lini'ii. ale i he b .n.Iy gi av es of th,--' 'in!-. ;: e'nl.ei, d hero-. .., e,,e ot t ip -e -a iv b. g sailors have won i. putu'iuu tor iiaiiug deeds, (lin o these. I'a kett liiver .loe, or .'vi -j''! I homa-. wasn't much to look ab tli-nose had been broken, and in-ii' e wa- ri-co-sed with knife cuts, but he hid a hero's he nt. At I o! i"u. st. I .. v i ,-o-e county, lu ' . ii- iv. ' o , ,,,., mite, wa- earned .' n " ini . : a !" . . :iip I t . save - i i - I -i. i : i. over Co! ton ! t'.l" . v, e e i ,.. I ll el take a b-.p .tv 1 1 .-, ' I' I '.-ill t bv I . I . . I .'. I I I. .1 leap vbetl I -li'V tna' I . I. lint o la',-. Ii" tii.e v 'be line t , III " bud I V " OU lio' le i-.. I 'I I V lllg 11 1 ' .-ll-ellt'v to 'aid deal h. the pit e l'i enclimiu 'ia -d ,i old s!..i.'h bat ti . t he I 'leu! !, le - - I lie II OU shol e. pi Ull I - ed his p.e for ! he middie of t iie si ream, and. a- it -iod ..i.-r tiie b'-uik. bap. d Pi' n, t ,-iu I dm. I hcii'lio ig inn, the chin'. i. '( o: p. the sin Pu e rltl- be!"w and -w -i-n ii -h u e. Am it I pa' w el . k now u i inn a I.i along Ihickett ip.i-1 is ", fio d Yet" Chine, who i iu lie don n au! regain hp- Ic t ..; - bind oil hi h. a I op a -ix-teon meli .- v. ul .. i; g. tunii tip snl. s ot in- -pn i d b..,a- ii, i "Hod' I;..-,,. u ; tip.- g,.,':t id the ,b ni'n, ii I,,, shoiibie u taiidai'l ,p!U,-e lo.g iind walk utV ii 'tii. it, although a ,,.av v I' -il 1 I T six bi. -n v men ' I'lp" Knapp, w I. . ai it-eeiitly ilro'vue-l w LiU ti MU to le-n.ue n btjatii.-ad of i ii il-li rn mi the Wdlameile livr-r. Ore- g vv ;i i Ihe man w I e Uinpeit ip I . -i the St. licgisip.ei at I'ulish Vlde, ivhelell p! II l.ges I mI W c-II loeky v-oil.. ' l.vleell let I apail. by this ex ploit "lip "em ned funic and escape"! 1. ot.i a .! w ho bad a v.iiiiiill') p.. I, on. thi. worn o's Bicr.r si rijwp. II an 1 1,-1 i . i f.Mlli.nliii ,, .ll..i, "f .' Ill I'l l II Ill a b tl. i lo the Chi. .1 Ib'colil from, "VI t . 1 1 . . n . ..i 1 1 s uipl idil ilesi'i ibes tiie '.-ilum. ! nml ilecla' ) ip. mimed the Miclitg and tbn I.i 1 e,".t in the vvo'ld. ll can deliver 'J.. ".iio.iiiiii gallops id waloi i-ery hour in the without bi ing ciow led to its limit uf iiipiu ity, loiil il v ill do thi woi k w ith s. iiic lv '. pin. I. noise as' is made by the operatinii id an old style sewing machine. Mntside tlin doois of the gieiit I iiiiding which liomis it, no soiitid is heaid fiom within, uud. standing beside the niou ster. upunthe brink ot the pit con ne. ted vvoh the lake fiomvvhiih thft wat r i- taktu. a!nio-t tiie only sound In aid is in- none of tli" silitioll, as with i-veiv stioke !."!! loan 1 '"'" gal-I.e.- .,. lltted. l'i I'-lly. I' i ' a iiiple expansion piimpm- i tigiii". woli a i.ipaiity of i.n.iiiiii i e . j , , I j -. -i ..a .ing nearly 50 Let in heigh', nnd i-'ii.iing 1000 h a l ow .i i. i i' . .. i a utt..ii. It has I..., n !... e l by Pdit-I b -is that tho Ip-nlu il i iipli Ity .an be tn-ilv maill i mi' .1 bu ! m l. -Mill.- time without .napvoi s'! inn. aiol M ui' .'lshe'l to i i,,l! ei.pti. ity tin- iimp oiil'l haa- tlle .ipplo.'-.iuia'tei.v 7."',,l:,o. I galbiUH ill J I i iill-eotltive lloiii i. J ho duty ..f the pump is tn furnish walei foi the pi, at stau.p nulls uf the ( alumet and Hilda .! y. which lias ! w cut v-t no steam ptliaps iu C0I1 ti ii us operation, daily i ulv ei aing .ji.l.iil toliF of entig'ioine, ale nvk into smid so tine t iial i' uu b" i avt ied ii way by nstieum of sv.iitl, iininiug r. His pump i- ii.-' se t in a spe cial building near tun sh ; e nt J orih lake, and behov tip: ...bis, ami it forces a steady ttreti-.i of water to the mills, where iuniimel a' le small jets play upon 'he giint-ipm t., ..--s ami jig-. Hei e tit" sp.-i l!i g: a H v ot the tin.- parti, b s i i i',ppei iibiiued in tli ik, s-p.i'ii'-: tip- n uieial from w.ethl--s -and. . lol lit. -IZ" imd fuiet ,.i the . ti ,ei!a- ui v,i''i ii" s') nicely i . g ! 1 1 ' I a to v i-'u a v i v the saml. a'l'l v.: cai v wni H tin piiuini'tul of '"I f I a .;... in-.-, i . it 1 1 -ii. ii. Miss 1,1a liguei 'vittes ab, a? he l.inl- -in' di-se at il. ne." iu : t. Ni.'h.'l is. Ml- Ho duett 111 a .i.iti-'li w hi.'se chief gioiy in the l'u-' vv a - in it i wairior tl.ns. it is 1. 1 al that -lag- -hotild r!,iy a chief pint t.i the spoit, an 1 ih-plavs of th. ulldl-en I l.e !'ag b -tn al.w hidl 1 it. 1 ..p the t.ith dav of th tilth tiu'iitii. i- the eieil dav uf the Veil ','!.,y.i All th. toV-i .ii-played t'l lie -bops fo. ..!.. time pievious are i.. -pei i.ill.v bu them. .lags and bnnueis. t..y weiP,'!!5o! all kinds, with mi .g-s i f lo--1- -.'L'ue.s, foot poldie.s, .eiicial- au' the national heioes, are vvidely soi l. Among the saumiai tami'.ifs it v. ,i- the custom to buva.umpie'" -e' " i ipse toy for i ii . II s ll Lol '., ii u I on ti is b ast dav Im. , Li o. .pi .-it an I cllS- mIi.v, 1 v.. i in- I i - - -Meets L.l gi.o.te -I. ui tho b n-. . u 'he I' - p'.l llt-d (it .i "t ',.,( I paper - h b-.e pnper i.e iwn1 M.-iuv : p -I Oh family .,' in-, '.in- w ith i i ' i i . it ii i ic- .'.'.' ' homes , im. ih.. . iiipof . ii e-i 1 in" A i o-g 1 eai-. or in tie la iiillv. - g - t p i'i'l down . , -.: t . b.ttl ... , ., , me -..i-ill , - I. . di : huge IP th., I ti.e.e 1', I'm- m H'.'i'..-.: t no t -. - -V.' id . 1!! lil, I- bauiiei. uud WO dell Swords tied w It I - , , llbbonS on their shi'iil lei -. It t a i e iutifnl an I lnspp nig -l'g'nt. ,ti i o a '. v to make the young im - udo-. p. o t beat high with pi pb- and -y Hhi'n. t I- ... . . "When you con iii.' sail a rail road man. "that u-ii pe .,-i in the txtieuio southelll section of New Jer sey ha e ceed of stone I n bniidiug purposes t'uey have to c.i ;, huudred ot lno'te miles b.r it. i' is ti..t suipns mg that the homes down the e, and even the bi hotels .-ne in vat iably , !: -t noted oi" v. I V "-. at Cape M.i.v. l'oi in-'an. -. 'I,, v h r. e a seawall I'i-i'.ii.', ii'i'l i-i'ii pound ..( im kin it hoi t" I.,, , ,'. I , i,,ie. av. 'iv .In i i, i . i 1 ! x -1 v i i . i i ; i ' I it. ui. Id') the lb a. ling .. ti i .. -t ill! I. t il" cost . .at i,e oj.fci . - bn v m !".; 'he Hue a I i... .lope ts ' a "M - 'lt i : vv i i l e the 1 1. g i - ti neks I I'b id. Iphiii 1 1 1 , . .(.,.! 1 it.n cty. The." ... - I ; et.'!,. S o .l . . , i. . id till. Wol k. a'l'l lull. !l il. ' vv I '. Ill g sellt d"WU ' to be li-e.l be I ip, P I l ain oil eiiii-pai y i- i .ii IP'I i t '. -) in. ruli-v -. ' lie. ol I. Il.i, ll.-ard ll.r lll.l i....-, liirl. I'dward W. I'.... write- ,,f li,.. jm p..i tiince of the betiothul vv ill, . hatac tel p t ic bu ee ami em in -,!n. . iu the la'die-' Horn., .loiuni' An engage ment to marrv h- i-i'ler most :--nun . -..mi u.-n ip life. as sacred as ppi! i pioi-.'iud only tip' tii-. tr extra -M-.liniov i a i-'iii-i.tii' i- w aiid wurrant It i b. pig b ,.l,, I -, ntb.91 ig- ip y ' h I n l-l ..;:-.! le fm Pp. ' b ol. i hi a' t s .ta I n , , lven Ihiu biok-n bet-oihahi. Bok ft inkly 'iiys tho ii man looks upon an nit Hll-l J, d gii I a; 'i b-e . Up.U a t'tn-'h with much -' 'a- I "...i.i tubbed.

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