l)c (tljntljnm Rfcorfc Ctottem il. A. LONDOIt, EDITOR AND PROPBTOR. BATES Of ADVERTISING Cue square, ono insertion $1.00 One squire, two insertions. ... 1.60 One squars, one month . 2 19 Fur linger a lvurf "Jernents liberal CUIltrUl'tH Hill I'd Il)Hll' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTS, $1.50 PER YEAR Striciiy in Advance. VOI,. XX. riTTSUOUO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, TIM USDA V, ,1 1'NK 2, 181)8. NO, 10. 0MAN5 77--W v '. N "Si II AI'TKK IV. love, vriisrs Mnvrr. ' 'I'lii' weeks pus .-d, uml Urinn was stilt n lixtui" in tin' quiet little llstiing town. 'I I"- i l.iim - of he mint In Nantucket iv. i:- i'iti ii'i1! v foigoii..i. a letter written soon alb r hi-coming to SVonsot hnvlncr Kali -li. .1 .- sense ill obligation. I-.1, id-mly S'i-iiiw hud developed now chame for liim sheo th- day ho hn'l i .urnl il- dullness so oppressive that s-1 I m' in. 'I 1 1 n only reasonable or possible ii 1 1 . 1 1 imi. inl Margaret. Inn ing awakened liim be; in vv view of Him place, was prne ti.nlh redi'ing that constant limiting i.:i i-li" had ui i-.' rolirti il so strongly. Sh- .ii. i,i . i i iiiiiiihi' him, nnithiT 1U1 i 'e I 'i'lii i! him. Shu iliil not seek his i . 1 1 i Hi i ' i r i i t - . nor J 1 she show by the iidioii tint il was distasteful hi II r a ' i i vv ui" of uncertain cs- sii.' I-1 'Hi iiiiinv hours with hitn on . i "i!"li. Sh- walked with hlni In the Ii: Ii' I'mI -pring vv-nthor, gathering eiMh .iii'l spirits fn m the glad sun and : v . . -s-ii i i j -j a!r. Sii- I.al talo n liim throiiijh many of 1 i-l'is, mill 1 1 - -1- enthusiasm had .-.i'..!i.. hU d tmant interest Klin ,1 l . v -i lii lis., way to the light "ii ". .i i I !"g- iln'i' they hii'l climbed 'i" net. winding st.iirw.ty, gazed Im i . - .'Iv m i n 1 1i" wonderful Tump, uml 'in i!i it height lipiV i' ii : ni'Mii, lying like a ! -i.it- l..'i.'.- tlii'in; upon tlin ; in tie mi-t t.f di-taiiee. hihI i-t I't'-.i'h "I restless watcH r tin' r.p- uii'l dashing tleon IH v at th.. f.... of the l.luT. 'lis I, eh 'I g Ml Ii I p. i.'lni I out th. silvery waters a, sd lik" a i vvl in tho I i" i I, im I only separated an I y a narrow hell of pand : 'fi.'i -.vnrd they ti l l climbed V l:. I-,., He i-f rn Ncvers, a verdant hug ! 'I'llv out against the !. aiel Mopitin to the waters -trn I" mm: a' it f.-ei. i 'ii i iii-, hul l pi'.iinontory thoy ha I v;-t"l'i 'I Ii" miii ipieneli liN tiros In tin i .iiM Ir.ui his tii'iiil'liriK light? aoroic ti " In'- -. An I through tho lingerlns I" '. ' v -f lit ;'i. r-L,'low they had nono I ." :i!m i;; the lonelv and dosortod hour of Riieh rompinfonahip i.i I- for.'.'tt. n. 'I'- o I l" l-ln '"I i-l Iiriati r.'.ilizi d this. In all I'M';, h id l.ei ii toe!h"r ho had . in io latlioin Martinet's fo. ) hii.i. I nt hi- lio'iste.l skill as a i" i i-1 had faded in her enso. n .Mi of i liar.ieter. eouiaiieoiiR il e - -1' ivmy syiiipothy mndo a and I'i'f re-h i eontraRt :i n!K ii il women ho had hith . l i i lie y did not constitute tho -I'll lor hi. pleasure In her rnm- ,'l" I, 1 I iv '. er !' ii i-o l-a I ahont lonvincr n p! 1 lor,.. ' le -aid to her ono day. "I l h- I .. nl. I Mayhem a year un- I" " '. ' It ' llllislll IH'OS. " I .".ui I -ia here looer,"wns hor a-jie t roi'l imenl.-ivo reply. : i.i I. t lh" day rai'i" when sh . ' -i n.n.t h ave. Khe had written to t II h ; Iliil. . ii of her Intention, and uii'l !' r - lin:: that i-he must makn the i . .1 in r l ot le-nrs, sho had p;ono i!" a I Hie I. -ii.-li, where tho tisherm n w. r-. jn ! I.riimin in the day'R harvost. .... i ,. . 'ai din:: l.v thedories, wateiini 111' !;i.".i' ll-h with a sort, of fafieinatod j.a... when r.riaii joinod I.or in his iiaual fii'i-' i. iiciiii us fasliioii, "I' i ... t I'o an ns;.- dlnoo I aw yon 1 o !,' h" d.'. dared, utterly lutiorin tln tn I Hi ii h" had ti. enwith her tlin day l.i-fo".-. ' Shall we walk down tho liaoh ? The air i- loi'i. his," She nod l. d in tho nltrmat ive, and tli ' inoved awav toeihi.f. "Why .lon't yo:i say pomolhinR?" ho iii-l;".!. . tier tho silence had lasted pnmo ji.iini'i . ' I . n't fee! In a talking humor," Rh rii.-". . I . cn-eioiis of a disat;rooallo ile i" to i.iianel with sumo person or thintr. " I tlonk yo i iniejht try. I havo th I'l'ic:. liih' fully, i wUh you'd rlieer I:.'-. d ry one i. f your own proscriptions," f!io f-iii...,'"-:...!. 'The hlues are a phypl- i al coielnion. tliey tell us. You'll hnvo a.i opp.'t tiiniiy to vindicato tho diploma you've !ii-':;ed around so long. .Vast n... tin. e lioais coming in on tho break ers Ai.n't tiny graioful? I wiih I v. r" a ledieriniin. " ' W hat mi idea. How could you man a,". to live her"'' "Mow' Why, as thoy do, of ronrso, villi tie Riuht of tho con over beforo mi : the music of tho breakers always in my ears; in close and constant com munion Hith the very sublimity of na ture, il.e.v can their lives be either l.npeb s-. nr uninteresting'1 Though, to a I" i on of your energetic tempera rieiit, I d ue say, they would b tire l one . " ' I iiave a notion you intend that for f iiica-m," he retniiied, good-nnturdly. " Mow am I to take youV ' "No way, ph ase; I am not to be taken jll-t le.W." " Tlicre, you snap me up. You have been an rnignin all through. Sometime- mvi a re all sweetness, and at ot h crs you lly at mo and lecture ino most iinii'ier. i tn 1 1 Still I like to be with you. " "Much obliged, I'm'stiro; but t didn't ('ino here to amuse you." i:-.liiill.yiuabiid humor," thought f'.n.iti. M-.'iug tlx' sliarp tone. "I believe you've missed your vooa t'on." he said aloud. You werolntended ti r one of the Yankee school ma'ams v o lead ah. ul. How you would have loet-ur'-d the iinfoituiiiite little chaps. And jour Im.-tL-auil. poor man " " Cray spare your pity. Such indefinite objects don't need It. There are too ii any real living ones upon whom it jnigiit 1 1. e. ended whh advantage. Y'ou ten, mil i 'f llioso very generoiia peo- p! who inn aro'iinl collecting BubBorip uuitb Cur the heath! wiiU bvadroda ot nw NFLUENCE poor Christians are starving nmun 1 them. I don't like such discriminating charity." "Well, I haven't been collecting any Bubscriptlons. and I'm a mighty poor Christian in the bargain, so you needn't, blind mo with that sand ymi are digging up so ferociously. " Margaret colore I and desl .to l from her occupation. "I beg you pardon," she said. "I did not intend to send it in your direction. It Is a vent for my ovei ch irged feelings.. I suppose that is a childi -h acknowledg ment, but I shall not recall it. I r I of Ii piece of Injustice lids morning, and it lias lllled mo with indignation. I be ''cve I'm in a constant state of rebellion n.'ainsr trie ncccpieii onier ; things. Why do you laugh?" "Not at you, certainly. Seriously, I am half afraid of you - y..ir bad opinion, I mean. What inlbu i you could osoit river some m"ii. I'o yon like me, Mar garet?" The name slipped unconsciously from his lips, and he drew nearer to her. Sin nverted her head and answered in the lone of one measuring her words care fully. "The degree of my liking depends Upon yourself. " Urian was o Identl.v not well piitisiied with this frank admission. "You couldn't like me well enough to ho my wife'?" he persisted, drawing more closely to her and endeavoring to ta'. her hand, an action she resolutely op posed, " Po you mean wh it you say' " she said, tu a slightly repressed voice, con scious of something wanting in his man ner. Ho hesitated at her words. "Po I mean that I love yru? Yes, Margaret, I do, ironi the Mist moment I saw you. If f could only make you understand my position. n1- longing to win vmir love and make vou my wile. J'ut " His pllUS" WHS eloipien'. "Jiul wha'?"sho I'epeatel. in a rpiick, (hanged voice. "Why, h-ov you I'.ok n inc. Mar caret!" At this complaint she turned her fa 'e aside and allowed her eye to follow the motion of a bird. "You see," h" went on. llV-f" lit ease in tho absence of those searching gray eves .' m.'irriii''o between us is unite out J of the tjuesiiiiii. If you were " ' If I were rich, I suppos", you moan, she interrupted, in a somewhat hard voice; ' but, admitting I'm poor, what then'" You must see how il is; wo couldn't live on two thousand a year.'' "And your profession," she supple mented. It seems to nie you might be much worse olT. Any one witli an m- omical turn " "I hate peo, with an e oiiomieal turn, and I 'lon't intend to work myself to death trying to cure a lot of ungrate ful people. My (list year's allowance won't much more than pay my debts. I must have money. A gentleman is obliged to live in a "citain styl... ' "Oh, I dare say, even If h" st' i ilices everything els" in the effort , .ui love me, but you oo i.ioiey lietter. Have I stated the case coi e 1 1 y ' lie glanced lit her mid, imp.. net rati!" face. ' How hard y. i are. Margaret," 1c r.al I. reproa 'hfullv. oiid ert under stand the dilll' tilty. I.ove inaiottjige is well enough iii I henry. Inn no fan in practice. I could i,i, I... happy nnd"r such circumstances. I lov yo i deal ly, and If I t!ily had a iitib' m-ui' y. 1 should like nothing better than to marry ,vu." "Thanks," was ,. ipiiei rejoiiider. " Your n-siirance is quite consoling, but I don't b -lie- e I ipiile lijipl'eei Oe the honor you would . outer upon i.i". ' 'f COUrse the idea of m po-s;l.e objeetion has not entero I ymir iu!n I. I'teler the iri'umstanees 1 may regard your l,,-su my gain." How truly his l-,ss w.is her gain she 1id not pause lo l' lle t. "You are excellent at sarea-m," lie re oined with rcpr,.ai'h. "I was only speaking of my wP"hes. It' you Im,! lold mo two weeks ago, how t iioroughly you despised mo I might have been a iser man to day. " Margaret undeisto , his meaning. She felt that he had in right to speak io her in litis way, yet his words pained her. Ill imagination sli" went back to the first hour of their meeting. She remembered ,,,w gia s!,. had foil thai they would be thrown together for a short time in this fpiiet place. She remembered what faith she had placed In the exist' Hi'" of tlio.e o,. I iplaMti"; Miss Hilton ha I mentioned, and what, hopeful bulging, and ci ;! evpec!;. lions had tilled Hie hours. .f h cr com panionship with him. and now Imr li iippointmeni was both keen an i latter. It lent n now shni piiess to her answer. "You dam not blain" nie for any a ' tion i;f yours," sli'"said, cinleavoriug to speak quietly. 'T have endured your cnipany. Could I do otherwise" You hnvo tri"d to win m affection by all tin' nrts in your power. I supi o.-. ymi found Ihe pastime amusing, an I probably you Imagined that you hud so far sueceede , that if it suited your pleasure to honor me with a proposal of marriage, I would accept It with thanks. I hope y,.u lei v.. Jlseovereil your mistake. I would led marry you to save myself from stnrva !on. You have insulted ino unite pnough." "Not insulted, Margaret," he said, re proachfully, looking into her passionate 'flee. "Jielieve in", I hate intended no Insult. I respect and admire you lo . much, and 1 love you far more than I can ever love my i-omin. Y.t. I hae ho alternative. I um-t marry her or starve." Margaret's lips moved. She was about lo make an angry rejoinder, Lu' with an t'ffort she colltlolied the impulse. "You will starve royally.'' she said, somewhat bitterly. "I consider marrv Ing for money contemptible. You have lllTorent iews. We have learned some thing new of each other. Money stands above love in your c-tiination. You l annot forego (lie luxuries of life for the sake of one you pret. nd to love with r-i. h dovotedlio.-s. Now, if I oed a liiau," sh" continued, with a slight tremor in her quid v.,. e, ' I would sa" lith'e my fondest de irei for his sake. In poverty or wealth, ho would be equally dear. I would count no ei on mny menu, no labor lost, that i oal.i con tribute to his comfort or happiness. Pis-(-race might conic between w, but pov erty never. You know tha' money can not buy happiness. The desire for its lequlttition it) the meanest of nil ambi tlona, IX I bould laarry a mm ly bid I osskflsions mereiy, t would despi.io my self hi arlily and ilmrou ghly. Ph. why have you disappo ntcl ne?" 'I In. words escaped her iilmon un coils.' iously, and their mingled pain iind regret. suljil'isrd even hers If. !llt l'.iian iliil not hear them. He was too deeply engri.iRsetl with his ow n thoughts, and too deeply hurl by Margaret's plain ly expressed opin'on. lie longed to vindicate himself in Ii t eyes, though he felt thai such a thing was Impossible. No words of his would belter his p isltioll. He must leave S'oonsd imnieiiat"ly. 'Ihe n"es-lty for this step became very appatent. 1 1 it tuned with this decision to so Mar garet preparing to leave the beach. Ho realized that in all probability lr would never so,. lir again. A thousand longings surged through his heart. Im pulsive words rushed to his hps, but witli a determine. I will h" repressed them. "Try to forgive me, Margaret." h begged. "Try to forget the pain I have caused you." "Pon't distress yourself," was her cold, proud answer, "You are holding my hand, and I am tired of standing." Me looked at her with a longing he could not have put in words, an I re leasing hor hand without oven a good ley h" stood watching her, until the winding streets of the village shut her from his sight. Then, with a feeling that something had gone out ol his lite, he tnrew rii'msou tipon the satid witli a misery nt heart no language could ex press TK HE rONTINI'FII I He Hitt the I nforinutliiit. FVder Hund;!. who has been married only two weeks. Iris left his wife. Ihmdy is a little nuiii. and his wife weighs 1 wo hundred and forty pounds, and wits the relict d' the late Set h I'otts. Aliottt ten days after marriage Untidy was surprised, on awakening in the morning, to Ilml his lad tor half sitting up in bod. crying a if her heart would lireak. Astonished, he asked the cause of her sorrow, hut. receiving ru reply, he began to sur mise (hat I her" must, he some secret mi her mind which she withhold frrun him, ami which was the cause nf her anguish, sn ho remarked la Mis, I'., that as they were married she might to (ell Ii i in the cause nf her grief. s that, if possible, lie might lessen il. .After considerable coaxing I liciied the fidliiwillg frnlll her: "Last night I dreamed I was sin gle, and its I walked through a well lighted street I came in a simp where a sign in front advertised htisli:imU I'm' sale. Thinking it curious. I en tered, and ranged along the wall on either side were men with pries allixo l t" tlieiu such beautiful men - some lor mie t ii'iusatid dollars, soup for live hundred dollars, and so mi ( mie hundred ami lift v dollars. And. its I had ivd that amount. I could not purchase. '' 'I'liiiikirig to conrnlo her. P. placed his arm lovingly r.rnund her, ami ask-d: "And did you see nnv men like me there.'' oh, yoV she replied, "lot like you: they were tied up like asparagus, and sold lor ten cents per hunch." limidy got up. and went In as; his lawyer if he hail stilllejent gtnitud fur a dlvnrce. Wi.ini'M ami Opera taiiM-i'-.. Two wotiii'i drop in at t I.e mat iitee. Coining in that wa' they are without glasses. "Shall w" take one nf these theater glasses, dear?" "Yes: (Imp a dime in and tlm tiling opens. Have ymi t lie chin .or '' No, I only "have live eents. " "Wei!, I have the that mak. it." Then the two dear creatines drop (wo live cent pieces into ( lb' slot . an I when it does not wml; are at:i,ie and indignant. I "slier is summoned, who vainl.fi tie. to explain, and there is a pretty exeitiiu time until tin man drops in a ten-cent piece from his own pocket and procures for them the glasses. I believe, however, til l! to this la.v they hav an idea that t liei" is smne snrt of swindling in I lie odd little apparatus attached tn the ater chairs. A lti-viHinnarv SiiIiIUt' ( lillilreti. There an; now living in this State live children of Colonel (Ja-s.twav Wat kins, who s"i ved as an niiic r nf tlf Maryland line throughout ihe i-eMiliit inn it v wtir. They ate .lohti S Watkitis. wlm represented llowatd County in the Maryland Senate. imlaMv in Is'il during tlm session at rreilciick: Mrs. t an, line Watkins. widow; Mrs. Margaret lias-awav Wiitlleld, widow of Albert, ti. War Held; Mrs. Albina Clarke, widow ..I' William Clarke, all of Howard Coiiu. ty. and Mrs. I'riscilla Ketily. wife of fieorge T. Kenly, of Halt imore cil . They are all hale and Imai'tv and can recount many interesting reminis cences of the revolutionary v.-,r as told to them by their hemic father, who II veil to see all his children grown. lialtiniore sun. JJeotrlclty Nut Hrtlijjeruu. The llgures recently published by the city of Huston dhow how unfair this cry has been and the fact that the trolley is not half so black as it is painte.J. for in one year the West Km I electric cars carried 1 Iu.imhi.imiii people, which is many more than all t he railroad lines in ami out of Hos toti carry. In one year th" number of deaths on suburban railways was twenty. In the same year five peo ple wore kill d hy horse ears in l!os tou. and only thr"e as a result of ac cidents by electric cars. The rnreiit llitrli. Ctranite is the lowest rock in the earth's crust Ills the bed rock of the world. It shows no evidence of animal or vegetable life. It is from two to ten limes as thick as the united thicknesses of all the other rocks. It is the parent rock from which all other rocks have been cither directly or indirect y dm ived. A KTP.lt having lived happily together for more than thirty years, a New York wile, aged sixty years, applied for and secured a divorce from her UusImuO gwd 70 years. J'Kllll lll'Mi;i,KI).SI.IX. A CHAPTER f ROM MODCRN HISTORY THAT IS WORTH TEH. INC. i'tie Spaniard llatl lii lt-t unco Auain-I ltt I't't-tiviattt tin. I sent ii Siiiiiiliiin In rtoiili Them - 'I In. Altai Klin; I b .1 , U us Man lilv 1'iit out il .i linn. i I A chapter from modern Spanish his. j tory which was m i " -lindowt d in this i connliy by events of greater iinmr- j titnoe, but which seivcs to gii some j indication nf what Spanish gunnery ; was a lew years ago, is worth retelling j lion, Spain had a grievance against l i t u in I K'id lii'niii'i' smne of her -ub jci Is had lieen maltreated theie, and , she sent a sqil idfon nf seven vessel -i, inouuiiiig '.'II gnus, to punish tlm j I'et minus. I't'te had no navy at tint ! time, but Lor neighbor ('lull came to i iir aid w it Ii t hrcv m.ss(. t . theKsmer- I ii I J:i. cat lying t:f small bores; the Vic- j toria, a small one gun monitor, and ! Ihe l,oa,a iliminutivR Merrimac.plali d I with iron, and mounting two t'.s poiindi is. A writer in the army an I i n:iy .Imnnal describes the ntlair. ' I he I v nicrahlii," ho i ay, 'met , the Spatii-h gitnhoiit CaMiudago itlm e , giinsi ami captured her hi lwe;f v ' minutes w itlpmt the loss of a man. ; The Spam n d -t tired only tin if shot . i Tli-y had two men killed and foiiitien j wounded. The loss of the Cavandago, ! followed by the capture oi an armored launch, s i chagrined the Spanish a i i miral, I'ateia, that ho Mew out li:s ! Iitaius iu Ins , aliin. I "Admii il Nunc, who siicei-c.le'l I rnieja, tln ii g illaut ly assailed the tie- ! feucclcs-i alparaiso, w here not a , single gun wa i mounted except a few saluting pieces. Not a shut was tired 1 from the town and the. inhabitant - j piomptly ova uaied il. This Spanish .'idiniral, in - pile of the protests of the foreign men of-wnr in the lun'liof, tliiew from ;!il'i'Mt) li shells into it j from his tlee' of six vessel . The ; Slainisti gunnery was so wi etched that I liMle daniage w a ; done except by tiic. : which destroyed j?l u.Oiili.uilil worth of : neutral I-. l waa a mo-t wauloii i piece ol h'li bin ly, for if the Spaniard ' 1 had had a landing fore they could , haM. taken the t'.v.n without lit nig a shot. "The galla'd N'une next a--au!t.,l , tlieeitv nt Calla-i, which taught iiiui . t he ilillereiiee between tin open town ' ami one tli d w a ; a le.Uatel y ilefeip it d. In four or li.e hour'; tlio Spaneii ' spl i lroii w.i. badly used up, and was glad to tiawl hack to Spain as Led , it could in its crippled condition. The Villa do Madrid, lil'ty-six guns. ! got a shot in her steam chest, and wa- ! tow ed out of act ion. The I!t i engaela, i thirty six guns. had a hole twenty feet ! siiiare knocked into her near Hie ' w:;tc: ii:m by an exploding shell, imi I , ct aw h .1 out of rimge ('impair dam ' ages. ' "Ihe ammunition in two oilier Spanish vessels gave out after a Iwo lmiiis' light, and they had to rctne. : one of them having been twice on lite in the neieli,, h,,,,, of the. imtgai'io. 1 Tills le't t w o ve-s' I , the Numam ia, iroiii'lail, and t he A linana. Two hours t lalci these t nn vessels ceased their ' Iii e arid w it lull t-'i, I he ( hiliaiis I'm,, I ;0 tin in until llit'i v.eie beyond lang". '1 he Si-ani-li n.s is not exactly known, ' I'll! is siippo.se 1 lo have been about i 'J'1 l. 1 'ollllmilld. r Lodge. .:, ('. S. N., , ( -1 1 in a 1 1 1 1 tlie o,s ,.f the Chilians at sn, though oihei.s giM- a larger iium lier. No . -ei ion:; it. image was done m eitlol : hips or fort- by the lire bey , ti l that mimed. Tim Spaniards then w t! lid: c'.v iliscoiulit.'d fi otii t he I in i lie, la "dug iiorl of s'.oi c t and ammunition and with th"ir vt.-els foul for the want id dot king, 'liny had eMail lishetl a La-e at lie Chinclia Islands, Lul they had no facilities for repair.'' In .-'peaking of tins lia.-tro a naval ollicer said: "Spain has in a measure shared iii the movement toward more formidable, ships ami guns, hut it is the pel soiuil factor w hich tolls in n naval engagement now as much us it did a century ago, when bailies were fought with wooden ships. This is recoen ji'il by n anthni ities on naval . war hi re, although the uninformed are, apt to think thai the modem gunboat i. a complicate. I machine- which lights auoi.uaUcHlly. linoil gnu service m ill ', win agai'iM gloat odds iu nrmaiu.'iit, ami in this part tciilai we liae good lei -mi to he!ieo that we me much s,iciiorto Spain. It is a well i-s 1 fabii-hcd fact that the laitm ni.-cs do : not develop good gunnel s. Whenever tin. Spaiiisli uiuy lias attempted lo shotv it . skill with guns in (lie he! ; half cental y it hi; made it ill' ndicu lolls." ! I I 41! Ci-iiiiilll. (in to the it-l.i. j "I'lii. I'l'ii-i Leeins in I'lesdcn at i 7 o'clock im! closes at lh,"wiitcs I d ban P.ell I rem lici din to the Ladies' Home .loninal. "The best scats are j absurdly cheap, anil whole families, hole schools, whole communities, I ' should say, pi there together. Coin ing straight liom Taris, from the the- ! atrieal, vi .acioii:', enthusiastic l icmh : audicipc::. tin-, first (iernian iiiidiencc l sceiiiMil sciioiis, thtutghtfill, Hpiu 0' ial - I ive, but nnciithuRiastic. They use ! lmire judgment about apphmsu tliau '. the French. They never interrupt a j scene, or own a musical phrn-e, with mi -place. 1 applause. Their apptceia tioii is slow, but hearty, and alwavs i worthily disposed. The French me1 gi'.eii to exaggerating an emotion and j to applauding an ecccnti icity. Fvon I their subtletv is oeldolie. The tier I mall drama is t leaner, the family tie is j made much of, sentiment is em oat ' aged insti ad of I cing ridiculed as it too olli-ii is in Anien.'ii, but thetiei -iii. mi poiul of iew of Aincinans is quite as much distorted ns the French. That statement is severe, but true, it would be utterly impossible for the American gill to be nun e extpiisitch misunderstood tliHU by French ud Uoiwau men." I.IFC ON A FRENCH PENAL SHIP. l-litatiltt; I'lt-iilt VI hit It litltii'is t uilils lo fi lial 4 eleloi -. The Flench Hiinsport shijt Cala douie, 1 1 eeiitiy lyini.; at I 'tut Turn pa. was an object of much cm iusity. This gi im scii pi isoii annually coiiw -ysnLout two thousand souls froin the land of tin- li.iiig- the gay French republic to all enduiiliu ib ath on the Safety I s hinds. The Caladoiue is an iloii ship of I Lin tons. For the let ten years it has been iu the employ of the Flench government 1 1 an-poi ting ei iiniuii! ' fioin I'l ance and Algeria to the penal colonies on the Safely Islands, thi'ly miles nil (lieeoast .. Flench liuiaii.i. Four let I cagt s. each with a capac ity n l"'l. lire ready for the male pri soiiei .s a s tiny coiiie al'oard, while a pin. h smalier one, capaL-c ol holding only thirty niii! person :. is siillici. nl I'm Ihe female cmivaMs. 'I'lii- latter ca :e i : in the all of tin ship, and is widely : epai ated 1 1 un I lie ol liei s. The women are tieil'd with a gnat deal more con -idiral i' hi than the men. They haver, gular berths and al c gi m.i Intlel tare. The inell sleep in canvas h on i ii o' ks, and me given the m diiiai y itamau's latn.n, which is substantial if not very clabolate. A very interesting feature and one lei libit- to i t.iitetiiplatt! is tile facility with which the Healil cat! be used upon th uiv ids should they attempt to lake possession of the ship. Pipes ate so analiged that vvcie sie-h au at te.npt to be niiido it would be possible for tie nllii ns of the vessel to scald i . ei v pi isiniii'i to death in less tune than ii would take b count them. Cap'ain lam never had such a t asn in ee on board his ship, bill it often becomes necessary to give them n lit -ill' sleam to quell di-coulelit. As a lule, however, th' eightv guards who in c i egulai I v d.'laile I for service on l.oanl are suflieicut tokecplhe prison ers quiet. Should an oiitluc.ik al any time occur a ' ioit.il of alarm calls aM hands t" the l.ti Iship seel ion of the ship.and tiieu all III" ladd-'i s leading to the upper th ck of thi - .section aie drawn up, the lower doois Ism ieinled, and the i mil ful i . u 1 1 1 1 a u ' i e r s have il qiticUy improvised but a strong foil, which on. Li aces the boiler and eii'.' I uc room, the mseiial and provi sion room.., I he otlieci s' headquat tei s. tl haU an I stci ling rooms, and the b'"id'.;e. Tiic io, iv id-, caiiliot coi,ii in :u 'enough to si ah- the wall- or to l atter down the do .is on account ot I lie scalding sliam. win hi f'-oiii the betie-s the glial ds uml crew can shoot t hem as they appear. CUR BIC HAvVA"-.N TRADE. I 'itii.. tiii. ship. I.tir.v 'Iii' Hulk r the '.nine it ... I'liiingtlie year Is IT I J 7 vessels, with a ton!.i;e of M.l.sji;, iiiterel tiic polls ef the Hawaiian Lepublic. The I nil" I States sipl 1 Is the v. hole w "I Id ill the number of slops and aggicga'e tonnage engaged i'l t1"' l!a M'.iian trade Ships ciirving the American May, liiimbee. ''si;, wit'ti a I mi mere of .'.Tii.lt I ". while all ol her mi tioiiiih !cs only unlabeled 111, with a tonnage of 'i :.7s. 'I he is a good iiicua t over the figures ol IS'.'t;. hut what will be part i.-nla r Iv i at ny im: t Am. i it .ins i.-- th.- lad that I he ino ease is almost mi ii i I v IU our favor. Of the morciee of II n : els weie A no i lean, winl" al! other lountti.s had only t w .. Ihe above pgui, - do not fully show the pi . ,'oiidei ance of American l"d I'.m-, btcaii.se. they include steamers loin -liing lu l e only to di-charge mail and a few pas scngei s. ' 1" 1 1 inaioiity ot these steaineis al" I'.iiteh, and as th. y cai ry little frepglit to and from those islands, it is mish adnif: to m i hole th. iu in any lepoit of the na tumidity of vtssi ls loiiploycd by the llawaiiaus iu then lomnic'i e with the woi Id. Only one steamer the Alls Italia makes this phc e her port of discharge, and she is owned by Amer icans and lias au American regi-ti r. She plies between here and San Fran Cisco, making thirteen ti ips each your. To appreciate how- much of the pro duds of these islands is carried iu nii i i.'.m boitoms. the steam tonnage should be deduct, d. Ill l -d7 sailing e -si Is 1. 1 I lie number pf -"I, with a tonnage ot' .'I -'.,-.!' .', elitei ed t he pol l s of those islands, i H this number J !7, with a tonnage of lot, I'll'., or s' per cent., wire Aineiiean. whilethn-o from all ot hot count i ies on I y u umbel e I ol, with a t"iiiia;o of fiii.s.'iii. Now York Pics-. I.i.ll'bill Ni'H st i''l i he lls. "I v.ii.iti Foiideti on the day that the new s of 1 he sinking of the Maine wa- Ibehed over the cattle." said Mr. W. I". ( 'he tcr of San I'l aiicisco. I he lie w.-impt'i s of the laiglish capital cni.ov men to perambulate the streets with big notices of stint ling i vi ids placnt lied on their- bodies in the way of adv ci lisenieiit for pending editions. The-e 'sandwich men,' in they call them, lime the sensational legend in hi : type: "'Ihe I'tiitttl Stat, s battleship Maine blown up by the Spaniards." 'This annoitm eiuetit certainly created a stir in London, and there was a rush for the newspapeis of almost unprecedented pi oeoi 1 ions. Alter buy mg them the public soon caught onto the fa that the vv al k ing a Is. Iiad lie. n iua way a snaio and delusion, but lilt deception catocd tlio sa'e of many thousand extra copies."- Wash ington Post. In I .,i.-, ii i:ii-i, ,i i: .n. Apply l.ci -es-iqie. luipht ha, or turpen tine, cither of which will, iu ashoit lone, pciietnite In two "ii tho nut and bolt, and sn allow the nut to be un screwed without trouble. I'.qiially ef ficacious in rusty hinges and locks. There is mi minion"., garden in China that cnibiaceH au hich of ol,U0U suuuie Uiilcs. SCIFNTIFIC SCRAPS. An iiM iage star of the lit si magni tude i- one 1 1 1 1 it,!: ... I I lines as brig lit iim i I the sixth magnitude. Tu- fainte-t stal l visible t-. the liak" I eye are of the sixth magnitude ; t'le faintest teh'se pi., stars are leek one I of tie sixteenth or seventeenth magnitude. I'l fes'.ii li' lbeai says that w ha! e callc I stupidity is simply the imllca ti-iii that a eel lam Icaiu area is not properly iinuieli.'d or is without eoiu lii ti 1 1 1 -;i I i. ti Willi the nerve lilue. 'I he miii im' lamprey's adlp sivi: power Is su.-h that I J I pounds may be raised without I "iciii:: i! to lose it hold. P I - .. t.'li.l.'l ei . of hi',, that it - h a I lemaiiis for h mis attie'ied to a - "lie w I its b .dy ! . t-.eled. 'I h" I '.iii 'I" an h a net i J Ii m u by Hi. I,. O. Il'twaid to h.r." exi-led near New Y-nk ctiy for at e et tin y y.'ai ;, ye' it ha - - pie.id I 'O mile I u Jiui-opi lii.. pecie- li uailv iiih.il'll' ..ii' h hi -es, liql in A in a I he lie I s aie al mi -t in vai iab!y built in h llovv trei -. The vv lii':S of bud- a' e tol only to aid I oe mint i ui in I he a i . but als i on tie ground and water. One binl even has i laws m the "elliows'' nf it j wings to aid it in climbing. The ddliing i a iiiodilication of the skin, ju-t a- hair arid Halls are. and siiipt t lues t l lose ly 1 Hsombles hall. The t iei man imperial post 'lli'-e au thoiities havtMleci'led to lutioduee the intei nut ional ohm in p'a e ot the Siemens unit, and have oulen d that hereafter ail I u.-t fit int'-llt s shall Le standardlt d and ;i I j 1 1 -1 -. 1 to the ohm, which has now bcei universally adopted . as t lie tan da I d of i e-jsta IP e. M. Hoiiiii'i has been trying the oiled of lb eiitgen lays on the grovvih of seeds, especially hiiulvv 1 '-t't-il, while pre -crying the giane Irointhe intlueiec o led a'ld the electricity. Ile tin. Is that th" growth of th" plant is mai kcdly quickened by Ihe rays. His experiments v. c o b.-ouglit be for,, tip. A'-adcmie dc- Sciences. It has long ben held that lyph id fever e 'lss. i,i:iat"d by bad wat'-r. or gei m inte-ted mill., and let by dl'i'ol clitagi' ii. Ib-eeiiily typieil fe, i r a noiig s ddiers iu a Miiall bai l-l ks I, as be n d,,,. -t ly llaced to dust from the ( In oxa uiiuat 'ti t ho di-ease pro. hieing bacteria were found ill tip sweeping .. an I ile locality of the . 'ts e inied oi;t the c !ivi. t"ll. l-.lt. mi Xi ii-i I "..-s ii 'reli.i!t'tiir. IMison. iu a iicciit ski-'cli. makes a singular confession. He say-: 'Any thing I have begun Is always on lny iniipl. and I am not easy while away tn. in it until it is tiiii- h-. I ; and then I h ile it. When it is ad done and is II sip ess I . an t ben th- sight ol it. I haven't ti e I n telephone in ten years, a'ld I would go out of my way any day to miss an in candescent light. " Im luli-eii years -..iis,,u ha- woilo d on an aieiag" twenty h .uir a diy.and now- he is "iiMtieg" on bun teen or ti'l. i u horn -' vv e k o 1 oil he t w only liUi . Hi-- lib-, n 1 1 - .ti iu woi k has e.l rem - pha-e. I'm- "I thee is i i I n - t .i'edin in iui id-lit whi- li occei red one Pi"i 1 1 i 1 1 o alter he ha I had three day-- .ml t in if m-lit s almost ti nnil-r 1:: c t-'it v. o! I, on his m:r: nel le tu e si p ar a' r. While the table was being y i I i hliii.-e' f and hi - iiia'pei r h b I1 a -!-ep in Ins chair. Tie in imi g. i . i:"t vv ,. Inn:', t-t . 1 1 -1 1 n 1 . him, went on v. it ! In- me.il. l!er iiin-hieg lie had I d is . -h n e "I ii ' i novel, and t he e ui-tv dele- v.- I .- pi i, ,-d 111 Inmt of tl'.e' I-- " : . Wh-u Fail sou aw. do he s.i.v the t rupty .li-hes bet. re him. a-o p, put on be 1i.it end was making L.i the do,., I.. l -p.-k b, fie mill, when iii- mauag-.r iiiii-nn.-il linn that ins breakfast, instead of having been ellell. was b- ilig kept hot tor htm in t In- !. it. -hen. St. I "ills ilobe IVuio ct at. t'tne Im- na lo'litlo. Mr. Ciiluiette, who was, some years ng". mie ol the ui". t brilliant pupils oi Pasteur, an I is the brother of M. t iaston ( 'aluielie. tie v. i II know n v. I'ter on t'e I'lgll". H e edited with having male :"i impoitaiit meilnal t!l-c -.i-ry. lPiinelv. that of a perloclly ei'ic.'i I'.;; - ini'idole to. snakebite. Tin- ciisi.,ts of a I p i cent, solution of ell!"' I b- e -ol-1, b n ill op.- of w liei, I llj. t . I I'llo a guiiPM pig. pigeon, oi l ibl'il linl'i'--liately siithecs to dedri'V IP' to. ic natuit of a diop of the s.inke Vellolll. Five I o lei I ll be c. Il t line tee "I I ho s.ihlt IP o s UltieU III l-i ' o I i.le a- t th- p. i u I'l a bile v. li ph I - tat il I ' a d" :. a moil k. v . and pi obal'l y I a mac. I be do -e has li . III i 'b i ts. It . mis. .. no earn, and by up ica-ing it. ai'-oluie lu'eiiiuiiy lioiu the poeo'i i s nbtained. Th- sol u dltloti ! Le luitille I I- that the solu tion ; li' til !l be lellablo. -1 .-i J 1 1 . ed. and kep' I n a 'la - k vial t" pr. - el t it li om the i itiui-nce e! sunlight. Il i- in p-ct"l with an oidimny by p-'lei mie r-yi ingc. Ir. Calmetle, irli" is tliree tor ol th- I'.a tei l"l"gi.':, n.s.itni,. at Saigon, ha-- been ecgaged f"i some time piel in the study ol antidotes ., vaii. "is mi- i . .bp mi eases, notablv , holi-ra and the p. -!. I'all Mall i:e otte. fin er lb il i-lt I , 'intitii v . It In-. nflcu appealed to camlid celuniercial ebscrvci s that lip- col"! less nil' lie i"' some oi' too I'.iileh consul-' lepoi is has abiei.-t siig.gested that the pi omo' ion ol I a it !'h i u le! ests is not tie IP si oh:, d of the -e gentle men. I'hei el"! e. It is lien nd ive to till. I ii-iui Ciii-.ii-. lie. mt admissions ill the 1 1 til .. '! '- 'ami. le th-d Ileal ly "ll' I ciis ils an I eou-.i!.i: ego it s are not I.i ll eh su!.ed s :,t all. The a . toiindnig plea Is advim'el that lliii c nurse is much die iper. I! i-!ikely to be a very expeieivo gain" in the end. It, h o', ever, Iui nishos a t in ions iijstiin e oi the oiauky side ()f l!i iti-U eevunniy. Nevv Yuik Times, PEARLS OF THOUGHT. Fvery sin makes its own hell. Walking is learned by falling. Idb loss invites all t lie misci ios into one's life. The amplest way to get good is to give good. Owls have thi-ir orgies while doves are ash op. There is tp. music for the old, lik an old I il lie. Moio owe success in life to struggla than to In lp. The practice of using oppol lunitiea multiple- them. Conscience a word that once had (lolitlltl'.ll I'L.sobtt. Those who know- when to speak, klP'VV VV hell I" Le sllelll. Itoii't cove- your neglected duties u itll the ch'iik of excll.-e. I- I'lellt V in little tilings j i ono of lh HI rest le -t of ell, II ad' I . Ill the i lid we will b" Hemp-lit to have ,'oiie as w oil as vv o ha v ". Wii' in ver we car) give anybody th i in . - lout lial we klio.v mole thill wa will till we fed that ve have accom plished solnellllllg. A senso of our own su pel iorit V Alld II hope that It will nit una! ely be rec g ii i ... t are about the onlv lliincs that make life w ort h living. Shun the iii'iiiisilivo. for you will be sin,, to find liim b iky. Open ears i o not keen coll. icielil Mil v w hat has been intruded to them, ami a word once spoken flies, nevei to lie recalled. The tuft ti -t soul, aie llioso who ure oiecioiis of ihe iiiiiver.siil svmnhoUT. and who "ive I lieu lull and vvrjliug co laboiatioii lo the vast and coiupli ca.ed concert which w e call civilization. Hike idoiie a. ) - ni.i.ii like. There fore do not ami nd by uasoiiiug, hut by exiiiiiple. ypproaeh feeling by feeling ; do not L-.pe to excite love ex cept by h vc. Ho wha! you wish ther.lo be. -.in... la. t yourself, and not y our wi , s pl each. MIS SUPREME COURT CARS. lite I't. -it itiaiil luro. Hie .tiv. Iilit .14 it aii'll.nl'l IVi-ii. I'd iilitiil. Heiein sh ill be named no names. Hut th" exterior make-no of a famous western lav, y er, w ho recent ly appeared. in 1 1n i haml.'i i- of t lie supreme coiilt I lie t lilted .Mll'i'l ot AliiellCll tO an ile a cis,.. m eds to be set down it nlv to indicate iliat the world has moved some siiiceol'l fashioned judges ordered poi ky young barristers out ol court rooms for Ipi . I ng a u iiisiilliciency ot powder in their wigs. This famous w csIli n law vci is i ( 'hi. ago man. al though most of Ins piaeiuo is in a state adjoining Illinois. He is a i lever man and a I'lofouiid lawyer. He will. in all lil.elih"" I. win the t a , th it he in ; ued iu tins rig : A -lat. 1 I. w id- .-kilt" I frock coat, with slut- colored aim facings: a velvet waist t, the groundwork of which wa Tyri.tn puipic, with silk v iolets scattered in i "ui.irlv tinougll- OUt : dove ( ,d. .it'll woi-sted tlotlselS, eica-el to a razor edge, w into an I bla.k strip,"! s,;,.. pointed gray suede .' hoes; red and glecli striped shin, with an euoiiiiim . glootl puff tii . kept 111 place by :. di e,tl"ll'l of gig hn ip pr itpoi ii.ta.-; -li. .'g'nt collar, cut ting lit, ih I tin- L'b.'s of hi- eais; non all. I. liable w i i I band-that practically cove, i I hi-, vv !i.i!e hand :. and j"vv elry wati I. e ., in--, lobs, inig-, etc. ad lib. A ay top hat w.-iil with the lig when the pioloiind we-lein lawyer appeal'' d on t be .-! i ed. " The lcg.d man v.n-ri't a 1"! rattled when a I'll'-!, "f Lla'-U ganitie followed him .low ii Pi iney !v ii'.ia a. en mo in quii ing of him. "Say, mist'iii. w'en do, s do p'eida stall', and vv beili's ,1- bandV" i'mt he gave Wa-hliigtoll a quiet lit tle knock t" lip: legal tl I' nd w al kin JJ vv ith li lln. ' Washington's n -ood deal lik Keokuk, isn't it -aid he. Washina;- t.'ll 1'llSt. Xlui pltinoiiiaiii.i. Much informal ion is giveu com-ern-in;: t".er lmn- n m a w-ik on the itroipliine ha'-ll. labd.v published ill Pans. Jt i--. s,-,j. th, i, ihat (icruiiiny, I ranee ami th- Fnii-1 S'at-s are the co 1 1 r 1 1 r j e in w he h th- liabit is most. hi le-piead. but iliat 0 h.r i's victims ill Pus i.i, Sv.nl' II !! "l Till key, lltlll I hat even IU the t v'l I list mo! - phni" as a tiareotie is supplanting opium. Slat istic ale Iniirlshcd of I oilii rii- cs, colli. 'ted f. o.n all pails of tho vv. ild i, 'al im n and ;'.il women. These statisti. s show thai ot the mala luol phiiii: t : tie medeai profession supplies the hi'ci'st number, (it per cent. Men d science come next, with lo per cent, rtheii men hauls, eight per ei ut.. while t lergy men. laborers and politicians occupy the lowest positions on the list. Women of means are the most numerous class among the fe males. -1 ' per cent.: follow ol by wives of medical men. 111 per cent. In Ger many there arc entile villages whose inhabitants are addided to the use of th- drug, hut the general belief that the morphine habit is mine extensive ly practiced in Paris tluri in any other city is emit radicted. Morphinomania is said to occur with the gieatest fre quency between the ages of and 40. 1 III M OIII'V III S I II Vi I. I-l t I-s. To show how much money theie is in sti aw bet t ies w hen the giov.er sells at home, we will give one or two in stances. On Monday Fie I'ohinsoit picked -7.i quai ls of ben i-s. He whs otl'eied Hi cents a quai. which be promptly accepted, making a total of . 1 1 tor Ihe one day's picking Kio has three picking days in each week, ami he averages ever two hundred quarts at cadi picking. When a fair price, is nfl'emd ho is always wise enough to sell, mid who would want a Letter Klondike than thin'. - Orlando tHa.) HopoiUi'.

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