(Chatham tmi Siler City Niitimrs. :i.Crn,N. C, June 2, ItOS. TlllltSIUYi, Jl'XESO.lSlM. An interest! p.? -.vrn'o of base mill wok played here, on last Sat- Sir. many, imec n i me .nit. i'lfasaut 'i',e 11K,st interest in- topic of town and the I.' tttsbr.ro team, re- tiK, ttrtV is tll0 Kt.iio.il. suiting in a victory for (hp former iVot. S. T. Al.h i.lt;.-, of Pamlico oy ii sicon oi i.t u iz. hurtlieh-l of COW 1' bile, ut O. S. Foe Son. tot U. None Jr. lias for sale n lot tof nice now mid stylish busies, ticap. Summer tires., poods, orpin tlics. lawns A;'., m" cm tffff at 1). S. Toe v Son's. -Straw hats, ladies ymw vests Vud jjents bdhriernn under-wear at cost, nt (. S. Foe A' Sou's. Mason's fruit jam, 70 cents Jor trunrt uml WO cents for one li-ilf gullex at O. S. Foe A Son. There will be a pi t trneb-d meetinu' at the LV.plisi Church at tliis j. late, Lcjriiu.Luj; with the third Sunday ia .July! If yon want to 'liny a pane-mill and evaporator, t;et tiie price of the ChatK:ioo;;a at O. S. Toe A &ou'h, before you I my. Dr. A. (!. Mf-lton, who was born near la re, died at .ihimsvi.r Jast Weimesday. lie had recent ly praduated and be nun pract isim,' medicine. j The editor of I lie l:-yo't;i lias accepted an invitation to speak at the Fourth of July celehration liett Monday at lhudap's Store, near Ore Hill. i Tlie remains of l!o:!. John M. Morinvr, who was lurie.l he-re i;i 185)1, were exhumed bst Friday and carried to Llou College, where Ins family now reside. If applicatit ! is made promi t-! lv the llrtoao may scenic a schol arship at the- I'niversity for some ' worthy boy iu Chatham, vL is, Vuuble to py his tuition. ' All low cut shoes are si'iii1!:? nt jrreatly reduced pii.es at J!v iiuai A 1 adcii's. Tin v have a "brand new stock if all styles and j fd:-:"s of A;.',L;lt-r's shoes, 'lh ..; ihoi mail-: j Dr. Ihrie (IVmisti can ie; found d iilv i:i his new old-- at Ids! resilience, pivp ired to ,to .ill kind of de-.it i! work.ut r.'.is.eia'e prie"-;, !ut ter ns must 1 understood he fore work is done. The stock (-i milliie-rv is not so f id l.ow :d F.vnil'litV ! L adi l.'s, luit they still hnv-' a few nice trimmed hats and i i 1. ;-: at iriv 0 liar.'uilis. oil should see the. a hc fore yon buy. The rtilro id far-' wiii he on ly SS.IO from this place . Atlan ta und return for nil t-x-Confodei'-ate .-t -rans. who i.i;,v attend the jrrand i ; 1 '.' .! to he l.e!d tin re ou the 201 h of July. llo.v nbvtt year frail jars.-! ThcV have plenty of L-en utih"! Popular Stoie d V. . I.. i.-;..lou A j Son. They are cir.v:p this year. ! They have nice xinc i a:h tuh-. ' Just ree.'iel aiiol!.i 1. 1 .,f tie-s.. idieap chairs and l.un-aus. i,i arm rock.-r for .f 1.2."i. ' Tf you wish to he. p c.. ('.' rme of tie; v i-e'it t:e ; lii:ce-i,il Is ; they are sellin-.' at the J'opuiar Store of V. li. .London A So-.. A!-' Hn take a look at their cia-!s units' nud nh'.paca coats and vest.-.: they are flit ap. A !'W o: 1 ho:.i ehee.p ; lawns and organdie-; htiil iel'l. j On hi-,' Saturday a hor.-w he- j lolUilli;' to t'apt. J. J. t.'lM:i!p was killed in tj'i'te a p.-T.liar way. . i. was heiiiu-d.t iveii to a v.-.iiei and ; steppe ! oe.a l-rokeii r ail lyin r i i ' the road, and one end of the rail; flew up and i'l-lii fed a wound i'. I the horse's st-a itii titat caused; its death in a few minutes. i reu'inniiiLv with its nest issue the LK.eoiui w ill print id! the lat est war news Loth on its outside us well us on its inside, together with maps i!lt:sfra(ii:ir and ex- plHinin-r the Latlleti.-his and t t irf iihe-.es of interest. Ti 11 your )' ich- . bora to suhscrihear once, and keep i fully posted. 0. S. Foe A Son have the; best line of shoes io o found in! the County, l-.eeeived this week . j rtrt from (In- hu-tory a lar.-e lot of! nhoes, the cheapest ever o;o-red in , this town. Thev have n lot of Misses Oxford. Ties, former prices $1.00 and !f 1.2-1. they -ire oil'ri in ' the Kame at (So cents a pair. From and after tomorrow you In list put a two cent internal rev-. wine stamp on every Lank check, ; bote, or order for the payment of money that you si-n. All deeds! and mortiraes mu.-d he stamped with a BO cent stamp when tin consideration is between li0aiid .100, and .10 cents additional for every $.li)0 additional. Mr. O. S. Foe of tin's ph.-e, has the lil'.est Jerst y ton tliat we haveccr seen. Siie ies .very tlay six ;:allons of milk (measuie I after it is strained) wcirhisi : 4' pounds, from which two poiimlsof delicious butter are t hai.ied, I e sides leaviier ;.n abuiid.i'iie l.-r th.e fa:ui!y'rf uae. Louitei !i pounds uf hilti. r eei i w . k fl-'H, oie in'.' comity, u eraduate oi Trinity t'ol- hi", and I'nd. J. Jj. (irillin, ot l'lttshoro, a lormer studeiit of Wake Forest, wen- in town last ....... i t r i i minutoH to Lrin-it a bucket of , ' 11 ' 1 j .,,, i .... .. i . , ., 1 iiey were iinaui.aoa-ilv endorsed n.uri. Him inn mi ji-i iu iati ine I - ,:r,; ... . 1 A colored man in Capo Fear township wis plowim with a'stoer, n e days hlto, and left it a few I... : i : l : . . ! ,.(.. 1. . 1 1." 1 . 1 .i-i i " .u i iti.ei..-. soil i u Hi'.' ufliii'is rn'iu iiiki ii. urn o I Its I i !"le l n i l i : f i i i - i ol tli'i jicad.emv w;ll Iv i'e;-uinusi- i'.nl pfot it lasiimed 'hvonvh ihe i ; ,' . ,i ,' , .i , i ii i f i 'do in tue lent they will tarie rum-on ihe luidie In' so iiirh' 'hav . ,. ,-,i. , i if .. ...l l . .i i i i t charge ot tiie seliool. ttould no' be released, and he llioulljt.rs f tll llL y man had -oh, 11 ht. 'church liave put hlinds tn tia- Tl,,, ,...,..,! ....u.,,. ji buiidin.-r and mveu ii a noivcuat "hint cotton bloom" has arrived, and the first sent the Cix'oim was oi paint, it ii'. Lis very muc.i to its appearance, and it u now tpiite a 1 n. 1 1 c eil : I., e I -7 ' if('i' The meinlit-ra of the Faptist til euurcil nave tteciueu o imjinr.e their huildimr. At an early date the lid hi- has re;ii'd in that siin e the rtsi eet; ii'.e lieu- !eof iiissi.-sippi vii t i .l!v dne.c im tnt of their si.::.-, lie is a plucked on hi-,fc Mifnday by Mr. Thomas V. Seu'roves, of Oakland township. And t lie nest was sent P ii 1 vv 1 1 Tv IT f. f'.itili (o whom it Was o-iven by 31 r. ('. VK' w 1,1 uTai1' "!Ul. 1"11!, ",,!:t'r son-in-law of the late 1 ei-i-anin i'. Y. Cross, of Cpe IVar t.ivnKhip. "U-rovemenU m tuc mieriortn the j-..,,,,, ami wiuei;L-d at We.t who is said to have the best field b,i.J ' U1?-, . . ' Foi'it. of cotton i.: this comitv. I V'1" ,u; llV':H .'l ;'r" A prominent citiauil .-f Minn.-s-,- ' .raying themseaea in tie ir n-w i,t, ;.w iu Washington, .vs t t!a lite el t lOK-o tUftorV lit M"' o i.-i'...m, ui lun.i i;,n i.u ,, , ,..,1 s Hint oil ! ! ;:il- sti!,-- iniieu ii:e saii.e spun, ami touay Hiey that eould 1e adopted. ' Tn ,S,,H,,M,rd S!,1'!,i' ( il iC3' lieiirwentativeCarmack, ol'Tenii. nslun.vtou, Jut.'-. 27.--'! h" ad doesn't fancy the talk of an alii- miid.-itrateai today ihial:.',' c to auee with England, and dfiese't a decision Ann ncan b -lieve that the people do; eie.ise- Hijiiatlroii to tie' Spanish c. s -t and fluently he has 0th red a resolution into the Mcdil. i ranean. tit-NCi-t declaring that this country looks times since the war broke ml i.i with disfavor on every surest ion mors to the etu-cl have he. n . ir of an alliance with any European filiated but the pivh-ei had i...-t ,,,,..,. matured. Jf. reijiiin-d the! pan- Anir.n- Hie. volunteer bvie.-idiei-s iwll movement toW.-.rd tin- Phiii noiiiinated this week w ;va the no- pines le, ti:. mia's souadroi toriouH Adelbert Ames, whose cav- ei.le the Nas y Department to :,d eer as a carpet-bair Si naior from opt this hold st...v-. 'l i.- :'.-! Mis and as rrvorn.v of that announcement today thromyn a vtat', both under the military recr- bulletin posted at t he X.y ! v ime and tiurintr the short tinie t hat piolmeiit of the overma -a', s ia it was umW nefrro domination, fentiou wes r.vied v. ith incr. d must be well remembered in that lliv- '1'l:,,,v u.-pn i..:. ;har state. His home wan in Mass.. the tery w.is I -ur.- Jtnat d t . :- before he became eailiet-bai'- "'iv'' tie ! ' p.;!.-.;, Jlowe Tin-: l-oiTLAi: stouk. I t ! j 1 : r ) 1 ; r ij.jiJJJ3 Jill 111 I1L1I s t Tii 3" o z oc $ n ?' v-".r. n a & W. 1, LONDON k r-UT. to lie j3r-.lr..':r C-rCTfjroa JBslcv . -,r ,.f Th.. ('. t'huits ,'o. !;! ' I new lu-'t and ,-iv!"'-' S 1. ('"). The!-ni 0 ii r.o p,Mi Lns pmce !;. eu torn dow n, and oioeu uie saiue spun, anil louay thra-oio 1. fusion h: s I.e. n . f- pai't of 11s m.-.tevials is, U-m:! lf l'a.",er f(V;,(1 i,,t,VH,, t5;i ,,.p,,, l in iiuiioin a barn. J.ins s:u tlie only loli icco f ictory ever op erated in this county, aril was built and sue is pnMmiim;' a ut.v l;...lllSi thede:,.,,crats .and ih . , op fleanaiwl la-auliiul appearance. ; I;1jsl .ltlll h(v vl ,,, ,.!(,l t i.m neA uu :,i A to 11.. us 1 as ,,,. T(;..a 'j . .-v:, nii-nt. Intel iu the d:.v, when tin- ( it te.il of the Ve.'-.v: ;S K(!e; led toconsti! ut,. 'o:,:n.o ',;'. .- .n's ija-.'. .! 11 sijuadrou v. as aimou-iced and ot'iici.d t.r-.. rs wi-f-e Im I 1 provision the lie. 1 e .1 :'o.;.- ' 1 . . :.tl it hecai :e ej -.i. to the h;'-.i doubter that the -ownuie ;, w; s in car;:1 s! in t ms p.:rp t pai'.-ii 1 lie Heel 1-. iv.,: o; t:,l e v.'Vi l . se'ei !-d hae .-'.'a! i aha rely i ; to tvpol'i News to t- .1 . ;ai (-.!,: 'A i s ,:; oli:--l nil'.; e-.o-.i :,v )'l p-lii' '.! :.':- i- i'-.r cents. A f. v. ;.e- :-l.-.l. , i . e. . -ir t!e vortii - o to ie.'t I' 1' .iioo 1.1:1 . s .oi tl: bom !.' 1 .no. i...o, !,.,. ho: ; y -. ill m.W !." :-oid. I-., IV, ,1-: ;, I i". 1 1 ' f-ir i di. ! .!. 1 1.; - old I'oi ! Le sold 1, all worth o v. ol ... '.;. f. 1.1 Ve i:. , 1 .7 ,.M I:e SOU! Mid -(O C. his Oil hav;i reioili- maen:;):, wl.ien ;a run l.v m-'Ji wlio are in olih e only for 'wliat there is in ii', is i.fi'-nsive to thousands of rood t'itiy.(ns w h. h:r ;e supply of tov coal, it 'lire nii.i.u a .'.i-e!; 10 . 11 to S,i:,i,.-;.in's ii.-'-!, - bh'.I't is to he made !..!. 1 li it wiii he i,;.pos.,i:.!,- ii-r ( d.re V;.ta.;: to :.i t ,-r,a' . . .1 .1 ii..... .... ... operated ly le.-srs. noici. eiiiu ny Jir. 1.. ,101111- 1: .. Js.tac Loinr and Luciaa Jhr.-n.'it u ami nameii aa- r ourcounry is about fort y-!i ve years a -o. .It. has 11 .Vl r' V '-h' 'Old t'..:i:modioi;.s not been used, as'a tohac-o factory building ami adds mmdi to the Hi'm e t!:e war, and ha 1 fallen into appearance of the: decay. jot tl:e L.wm - - A movement is on foot amonu' . 1,.,.,... .i;.i..(. .'.."(i ,. v. ;..!.. he imdi!!' .( an Uey. (. f,. S:rin-!iell. ofThd-ithecolol ed population to erect a' I J :.l,lo c!e-n.. i-!,d u n'mler " i'i!. for the tir. t chrh, preach, d al eit. Oiie.ad, i ; Al. E. ctiurch laiiiain'. Tm-yuro The debate .m the re;a'luion for thw coimtv. 0:1 l.-ist Smi.I.-ir ...orn- succecillil. ' very we.l in tn -irel- :is- . '!';.. c.-ili. -M v.-.iy :" on a. wdi 1. vl this! o i:' t::.'! at poini '. ; :!. .-1 1 . 1 r-. r ' -: - .; - : ' 'J. 'w: ' :v hefol liisiue.-i .seciion1, , . -ii 1,. ,, ,,. t:.....K. ,. ,',...,.,, the 4th of .', u! v. " I. is v. 1 .aid ,-t-e a clique as ever disrat rd a Mate, to l;e an anspieiou.-i h- : J'-u- t! . on i-iii 1 a: time in ti lust iiv, start IV rid to ait :ek ;ht (cache's. !' t - : pi.oo. the i.nn.'xrdioii of Hawaii has not world's la-W v.'. inland at rd.rht condiuled the 1 l"i'ts. nnd eipeet t l.intd al un : ,.,..,,i:li ti,,. ii!:;, i:o, .0. .. ; Lui-pe. ,o att-nod i services in th- J !.-. it church at , "''X a;i-T , , , I the Senate, ami it may not. S'-me deny 1 n .H he -over mie tids j.hiee. Mr. Sirin-.-ll-ld is the!, -'li1. i'. -L Ha dey has purchased j ,,f t. nnti-ania-Mit ionisis have enced in t.rd. rin;.--tl.i.-i tiuancial a -enf of the Ih-o.lisM'e-' "ts on the sta.e road, and 110-, 1 ti,..f i,v .:, st... ...i,.,4 hy a di sire to eiie. k t!.. male. niversi'.y now heiuj-b.rdt . l")-si :i civciimr a naiuisome resi at Iblh'i' h. mid we undev:-! a:ul ! 'leliee at on; e. that his en u-r.s m hehait 01 (his I u.-ic a numner oi our peoj.le j :.j.ti,.s (hey w.u wortl.y iimieria!:in:r are m.-etiii''-! v-111 i'iree..i me pi -aie m 1 .' :;map s ; (..1.;,,.,. ., V().(, ' ,, III. .! !.?. ti... Jll. ..n.l ,.. .11.1 ...... ...... , on in.icu H.i.-ce.n. 7 "" v " '1 " euioerat :s. ve--ar 1 's ; rn t ieiroo in Ih'ii'ie. d i made to I is i:i;hi- I O.-i'.el.i ; i-. i j :v:s j 'vv .C. 2. 1 'i-. Gonii-if-:" . .. ' - -0 r-., I-! . .:,c:ii:a.i.. i'ood i'dibr.Klei'iii.i;- would do. and that after they L.d (,d, d their ob- ! not (-.;. pos- .,,.f o.i i lie 4i;i, ana are uniieipaiiii-r a .lno-rats, re-ar l!-s-. of tht iv' :-Lli:,'V,ll"".V. , , . i inion .f annexation, tidi.kil wouM A ceri'! 'Spoil. lent ot t!:e MJer '-i;s.-i i.i.t rt:n r, who lias i:een ; ,,, ., ,n,,l tlri i - 'or ('.-! --n to City Jr..-.-,r, in htstwe. k's is-jconhm d t her room for some ! ro..7t iu 's.-ssi-.n while t!:e wvr is sue, nr-.i-eo. lae nonM iai ion o; l apt. time is now convalescent, ami wnl H. C. Lon -r as tiie Jleubiiean ! soai he aiiie t o he up a-.'ain. eaiili lite for t!.. Senate, on thej The J, strict d iK-'i'ence if Fay rron:i'!of ids steadfast devotion : el(e iiie div,riet wi.l convene at toti.e I : -pub !iea:i party ii':rin; this pl.i'.'e, he.ub'.niiijr on tlie 2-Sth the days of its adver'etv. rd.mv j of July, and emhr.tcin- the forth to M an.i time ta,- i!.e a el hire:.;.- p 11). i l"S i .. l'-'P''.Vienns are "poiiti.-.d pie," wh m.i.-h less r iee to their th.an t'apt. Lon.r hae. in.'..- en;..vinr'Siu:day. V. have rendered i oecupy ti:. K i". A. jlishoi hair. A hir.- pal del for paity Ne.y Mi:as'.i Co,(i'A:,-v.?.rr. ". 1'ario.; is t-v'eeii u I t'-.-l I ' a li'.im-ii.-rof visitors fi-i.a oilier paints. We extend a cordial invitation to our Ivtsiioro fiii n is, aiid v...uid : . i uncvt'ii, oi 1 1 i'.-c'isoi ; , i o" pie.i.s.Mi to a ive many ol t'e'.'il sold for . ::!). (!; ! that valuable tr.e-t ; visit our l )'.vn (Luring it's session. Mr. Wiliie ihooks, sup' riat'e. deiit ?dt. 'e i;ou '. J church, spent Sun. lav iu t.nvn, visit i;i.r Lie hi. Sun i;y se-i.iol. lie v.ae accoaii' aide ! dy id-i v-. in-. ,-.'..1 v. ere the.;i:ests of Mrs. J5. "N. Mann. M:. A. lh tlehdei'son,.)! (Ii'eet'-e-boro, X. t '., is visi, in r her piireiil ',, Mr. and .Mrs. C. L. .lohuson. Mr. A. L. FiookM.of ?.!t. Veinon Sprim-s, N. ('.. is i:i ur o: 1 .;id, ne ir t!;df, known as the 'Tavl-.r p! i v" an I nole-.l for its coal deposil . Th.e purchase-swill proceed once to (! ".e'.,.p end operate l..i property on an ex t" :sive sc i:e, and f--r tint purjtose i.ave tibiaiie-d a ' ir;.-;-, or letters of i.ieovji-ire.f ion, froai th S.-.-r. far;.- of Stale. Tiie ineorp .rators are Mes a's. ( ieoi'..- 1'. Simor.fen, Howard Sid 1. 1!,, .b.: p!i A. Jhd:- r. !'. S. Fow.-.' ai d Ih F. Lvder, of I hihtdelphie, who will meet at ' ireensl .-) o in n.-:;t AVediiesd. y for tlie p i:'p .s.' of or.-iniziiij-th- ir c :j.,i;.y and eVcthur of ;i 'er. Th.e nan a of ih ' con:!. u,y is ;!a "The 'i'ayh r Fhue C'oah L.'-.n-1 X '.':.. -in. :h .l id its priu ''pd p!:i:'e of Iiasii.ess will !."i'ii it- property in thin county. The or; ani.'.it io i of ti.i ! covpmiy aid lie i!.-e!opn;ent of this vn'u.d'.'.e eo .i prop.-i ly be of .,'Veat heli . !'.; to this section, and we wish its pi'iam.!'. is the -l.-attst suc cess. F-asosu. Iri-'.Ms. Fiof. F. I., i'.is. ; ;.l, principal d ne of the t iry sc! dois at Fort Wori h, Tex i-'. is on a visit to his old home iu this county. Mias M.-i.. Alien, of K.dehr!. and "diss Josephine Alston, o! E'an-aei Kprhms, are visiiii;..- tipt. .lames I . .lsio;i. Dr. limed T. Hynum sa.i!. d for France on Satur.iiiy to peifm-t hi'ais -If in tiie i.lodern hiuru.ia.es. Mr. A. J. 1 -yir.ru Jr., has rfturn- orkin in r';-' iater .-l of t lie Mu tual Li.'.- L .smi .-.le i 'o ep.-u y. Lev. I. N. Mann haa been con tinedlo ll:.'h i;s- f..r t!i. pas! six Wee!..-., he ; : o be ili:pi'ovil slowly, and is j ;-,( 1 mfin ii:.'.; t. . b ao.e io ;. i. round home. J . s n.i.-se.l from hi; .'.-cu.-to'i i d place in the ciiui' -ii. :.::! his nuii.y friends w ill I.-' ;'!.;' to . e hi:ii luoviii"? a -moa.i. st us o:i'.. m-: . Lev. W. r . ( 'r :v. a, our new pas tor is done,- v'.ii.J and e fleet uu! work a-iio;.;.' us ( his year. It is t':re.:h his pers- veraa. e an i i-u-ery tnat the M. ii. ( huic'i has re- e've.l its impr-.v meiits, as he L:'oin;r on, iniiy play a nit .-re impor tant part in post poniu.-.r a v.-i.-on annexation than is now apparent. It is well known th.t tie- lvpuh liean u-o j-r.imme is to hurry ;.!- i: aii-io-ui; f .-itt.-r tlie inline i, . ill 1 I i,. l,;,:,l-a,.e .:.t,.ot-,.! !- tl.'.. Senate. Jevrv Sim.soi. mi-mi-T-d b) pour I''1 :" 'l a.a , !... J..-..,..15.1.. il.i.. ii..,r....t.i ,- S'l. a" ! '-i So. five i hosveiior I'm his r..i:uv. :- sent-ition of tlie d"Uioera's, t i:e sil ver republicans, and populists in ids speech to the ( il.io r: pa! -i i"".!l con-ntioii. in w liicli he charged nine out of every t. 'i of tia-m with heviu'r voted against every ap pro! .rid ion for the conduct of !!. wa: , except t'e lirst oi.e for ?r"n,- (11.(1,00,), Lei'..;,. l.t. ,v; him! oU'cu it point of order. Jerry said ; t'.'t-r re.aiii'n' t !:at portion of tijosv.ni or's .-peecii t-ont.iiniu:'; the rliain : "'Tiie assertion as leir; r !s the vote to-A n !(,' n.e-.jd -ers on this side is fah-e. e :st w ard of f :.e ( 'a.p j!, ; J. ;l v. . not heliev d that the S.p..nisii ;.i miral could b-- 'fuiitvoi ih.-f.-1,' of uiieove.-in.:' his jmni" p. jits : (Ids fashion, but iiia.-e-iu' h , s h S-.e-:,S d"ern.ii"d to tio so. t !;. . val str.ale.dsts coiil l im, t;;au (..:: advant i-'o of ) i... , lie. ..t opp- -l ! .!! it y t ' i:n a! ( ;:o': s r a ' i ! 'm .-k F. !:e: r an. fi..!i.:.l 1 r.r-.d .crr.;: o:-' uoiiM'io:; v.''.'. I p. !'; id.-d iX'i: ,!!;'.' o; 'I'he.j i.-: iiie aa. tie- te, i-.v at e.L : moi'ey I: i-am cii.L. ions to; 1-20 pu; Every man on this si-. has voted a:, ;it:e :.:a ,e oi for every appropriation hid, ami .jusl ju.i.'th it ; no man would have cast the r.-llee- . eyten.hmr ironi t : ii upon a lai'i.e iortiou ol ties ' t he t !i to l i. i Iocs '. ml ai.iei 1 in tee SM eeh of ! ! h" '-.".it i'. end t th" u-eiitlemau i'roia Ohio, were h .Me.; iinan: i aliv .;' in t in;.:. u the Ane-riean l!e-ei. aih-. aili it , i.i take w it h it ci n.i- !:oi as ii, a entire n.ish -. w:t il de tail n.-ois of i-v.-rv li.-.rhor an.i it:: hirtilie.it ion.-'. The hoard has: a lanss of t..;s lufiU-ia: .t.-ei ! :..!'. it toiiay, .and '.p--:;t a l'o id p n t of ill.' .lay s: t'd ;:ir Spa.uisii eiialts i.i; ! foriii'caiioiis w.lii a view to oi;t:iniu:.'tl.e s-riesof i-i-.ws which are to he ,i.-lie!.-,l ;-,...ii;.:; i;.,nie. 'I he F.:;i: i.. ui Sr'.o d. 'e ar-- in ri e- !p t.f th - (';'..- h' .1." of iiie Fill-!. Mil He! 'rd h f its Jii.lt i: year. Loe.-.t' d i.e.-. r A.-he-vilh-si.e-d Lstll witli a.-.-.iMMo !.-,- ii.--. the i; ':iM...v.s iL'durim: the e:.r '.'!a-n; i ; : j- an a i'e.-. !'.-;,:.. ai d 111. on rida and hems on vl- ii'.:- !o . ! j ' 1 1 1 : th.n ham's i-4 (ioiir: 'i. j. t; IF. s. J '.' .'.'- 1. d.'i':; ih N. i'; ih F. :: I'ln-.o. i TlIoMAs A. :I ;i. r. '. ..'.! . I ..',':'. ' .1. m u: .a. .'".. t!. A. !. :- Ii.o.imo.c.' o.lM'O.OO :isi.;ii!'.;!.j -is. .'. i.ii sai'e bank-'- Fresident; :t Casliier. !hd.-i-h, A in r.ie.'U- :.. ihd. i-h: ,' '.'i".':-, i'..;! .:.-'.? .;;!.!: u-ive tl,e w. V'.i ms own perso.i'ii,.,, a(1, . t ((, it -pj. .: supe:vio.i. iie tl.H .the chuivh ! .,,., i, i fl;tt ,; on a l l-'ner siuvirital i li.aii.e I nan 1 ,.,..a ! ,-, . it l as b n for some ;i r.e, and he is derv, til -,- popular with all d" noii.ie itions, iiisvork bein.rtru", sin.-eie, and for the elif i:i of ill. Mi; Ih'tlie Tucker, .;-eom-panied hy le r nice, Annie Mann, !eiV.. for Asheville Friday liioi iiiie; jo sp-mtl ii month, vbit -iu r "A neri.vi's S.viPa'rlau.h'" not tlead to all sense- of honor m ,1 h i!" truthfuiiless, haviii.u' in his p. '. ta. Ii" s.osion tlie facts with -vhieh the ! hoy ; eat iemt ii must have h.en fami liar."' The democratic Hi Maters have decided todefcif th.e I, id rec-miy passed by tie' H.mj .v.iiiori-.-.;ij..: volunlf .-r sohli"is io v.-.'.-- ;'" ( ou rri suiau in lia ir ear. os, r. 1- !.-!' .d' th" tactics thev ;. y have jrollial hid .li- t ..f the Miies the l. I'e. lend n'overilinent t"C'e.!i-oi td:e polls at Cotijrro.ssioiial . h iioiis the fame r- cognition :'; : by the notorious Feaeral ei-'.-'d'ai law.: v hi.'h was r.-pealed a f--w yt-iii's a,'.-o v, !deh has always l..-e:i op posed by the democratic party. '.I m4 .. ''e f i. ii .. i.i l.;'tln.' . . -: . 1 ; , ,- , . . . . I (.'I . i-'ie i in. an- ii..;.: ...i.-ii .un- .1 fiosi- in .,, m, v lloius Adaiii. Killed. :.. A at Last man Ihisin.ss Coin ve Irs. A. Ihi'iehas returned to her home here alter un ahseaee of sevt r.'d n.oiiihs. Miss Jauie Tilliimh ;st, of Fay-ett'-viile, is on a vi-nt to Miss May Faker. Miss ?.r:i.i'ri" ''!.-'.-, of Oreenn-l-oro, is visdiuu' Mh.s -J ulia Fynuui. M is'-'t-s A::iie ami JCate Ili'.l have returned from a visit to Smithhehh Miss Ma.-v llaie-h, of Fav. l'.e viile, is visit'imr Mrs. N. M.'Htll. i-.li i .11:1 mi Letter. Kr un eir Itdtf-il.e. :. .rr.-ri.-r.il n-. W.UMNiiToN', June 21, ls.'J.S. More Spani-'h rumors; more caution, hi '.ilat ioi: end delay! The fears of delay in landia.;' !";. Shatter's army after it re iche.l Ad miral Sampson's th t v.viv ;!! re alised. Tin army arrived olt' San tiago on schedule time, last Mm- blici s Acu'iib-iilii Me.'iiphis, Teuii., .':;'.(' I. occurii- I. i.i I'une.o, Miss., this aKernoon. 'I'he i'.i'si s-etio.i of th- train, cai r . in Tor rev '-s rourh. riders, suliaied sev . rly, t!;:ve hi in- killed and Is in iure.h 'i'iiere ;ire no oitieers am. -"the l.il!"d. ;,s I,..- ;:s i.as 'ii as.- - t h :n any t.t school ;.a' the whole '-'olid.. 'i.'v.a v ir.- ,'iw1, a1'! : t:..' m tier '! ! ia- F. t-. M iiit :ry and v.d Acii.h mies ?daj. F.'i.n'ii.'.ai ' f i'.u'e.l th'. y an. .- men . ! , mtii Carolina- 11 scholarships, .:s:,- each, to be av.ai.h-d ly tlie Coii : ri a n for t ia.-ir o. n i i.-t .-i.-t: and i .V iiie two S.. ia;,n. t'e :-'!;i.l,- i.t ho'.;.- loilie nii;..' ic. n i ho r-hoidd v.iath.-ni hy ..te.M'U hi -heat ill a c. .nip. '.i'.'v : : id. - a'.ion on J-.--.-nsn. -'.! itnaa ( t.'-onr .oi.v a:, i the Hist, r l':d!."l ,-tai"s. I There v.. re coi'.d-l -r.-bly l r -t- j t!i:i'. I'- 1 t ea'i' lilor-. : " d aii !' -! schohi : ;n:p-i !a;e ! u oe. : hy oiiu-; m.-u v.d; -1 ave: a d hi ". in ability and r....ies;u.-s. Nearly ail ih" i". m-.l.n i.. !. v ii::r Co:i:p!.'le-l the .-. .'.i! -: ' W h -:;-cess, the S'-'h'.r ddps :.' '.ae.. :. e"c-pt for ti: sth ! J ni' I and opi n lor i ... ;i i-.;. a-.a m. An Kxamin n ion wi.i be '. hi ii . Leave !' . ii. il ii. '.' ' 1 1 ' : Lv. !':'i I ! ' Lv. ' ...... i: i.v. i.i:.. d. ( I-' i !.'.. Lev." i ' !'a!ic::. 1'2 ' i.v. ( ' O'h. ,;.::, ! - -Fena I ' Ar. :.':". ;a.". ' '. !' i I i . a- - ; Lv. i': :.:. -, - '' i.v. Carl , too, '. Lv. Lav. Fi-.M In - ' i.v. : ."- Lv. .-;-:;-' .', ! Lv. I . : ' ' I Al'ii.e i . ' -.".- : - i ! i : ii I i : !'. ! ii:. -. ieM d the "i a- : Lua: 1-. K 'h : :: 1 1.111.-. ol:; :- Tin"- .-: !ih oi'V. - : ; : ;m; i -pv, wh ode Cub m rai'.ti.u'o -e . u!-a, savs a it lu-ii ef '-rr.-r exists .-.mono' idl la.-.sen there, owin-- to the ni'dit'y ;.t- i ic'.s of the Vesuvius wit:: the terrible exidosiou of her dynamite shells. i i.rL. ... i I.. .1 . r t- i i j oav, Dili ii w as rvvo ii.-o. s laier i ... i" i i ucaie ii iiii. ei i.aien;i:, . .-.:...-.: . . i ... t i M il ... It it e 1 . is isitin- r. .1. 1!. Matthews Iviim-e niia.rd vus lauded, i r.-i.iair! ' tl v Li . m uf ll.e uilil Miss IWti Harris, of Jhileih, is s,ri,'M y.Ldin-tl:at the Sp-mish vi -ituir -Mrs. Jam.-s Lm.ch. i garrison at Sautia.ro consisted of Mr.J. E. b-.ives, of Florida, ha ' 40,nt)) m. a; and it is unoiiiciai'iy bv-ti on a shoit is it here. i'md'-rstood that Santiago is mt to Mrs. J.J. .Jenkins is visit in-r 'be attacked until the reinfoive- her sister at Chapel Hill. Albemarle Etiterpri-.": Frank Cooper, a resident id Aiheiai.rle. has a pair of boots he h,.:; been weai imr for ten years, .ml often used them to plow in. They have never l.cen half soled and there is no indication that thev need it. And lids is'ii hard country on si.oeK. . : ' !)i inecral if Li.iiu:re -huial Cm -v.utioii, Vi dniiimiau, N.C. July !i, Fs'.i-s. On account of this occ-iston. the Heahoard Air Line oii'eis special he.v rates. Ti. kcis on sle at ail liriiicioal oliices to he :sohl July i.ienfs which have been rush, d ''-O a:e I l.t Ii, -.o. ,l p . li.'tliru until ' i from Camp Alaer ahoard of the!j"lv '-'i". ; auxiliary cruder harvard amF F -b Anderson, ( hm'l F.'isM t-! Vale, at "Newport News, sliall have 1 P-' A-ent, Fortsi.ioiith, a. ! joined lea. Shade;'. It looks as! - j each Dist; l!U'llst O'l se."ii l'I..: I .'.I ' rri-:"-: as hi. Distii.-l , a tor n r the sea-- ? , and : pj t i I !i' i;- ni n th" Sana; !.; : ' ... : 1 ; . . ! li : I...-- i nt tin mi o'.ai t !i.v. a - i 1 . . !i .1 ; r on - a '. :: :r. - p.M'd.- ". ! f.-.i s. ;-,.-n-; ' : l-:a ; r to ha : 1:,:. . A d Viiio sii.-;i . -Si!.:i!l d C!-i- .tiii .;i '. ; -ii. Aa.o for ; J'"' :'! : ii:- ;t,'.-.:a r: -"! x V. ' v a PViiibi '!::: i;n is. .-I.-;.; . -a . r 'a.. I I..INII-.S ( hii.e'e W.i'.ltii !.' (. St. !' 'er-h'ii -,-, June 2M. --ln'..r- li.-ti.o.i l.i.je-: I e.che. ! i ere to i he eitei t i In! d-ii ie ; a r.-. t i.t ty pho. ai Fort All hill' .1 t'liil.e-'e toipedo ho,. I h -!' i ' w.s dlben ,",s hole iiial pill lain were ill owned. 'Ihe L.t. si. ill warship Si.-oi "o ld.v iS! : oi lh" (ova1) was :!;' I ! .h i ':.- tt: - ; . -u thoii.'h that t'iihle srat iou atCu- antaimmo F;iy, which put the Ad ministration ia i oi.iniuniea.t ioii With Shafier and S,mi.son. w;is le-opem d a few days too Kootl. ' IVl'iiaps if there h id been no ar il' is from Washington Liere wtuiid 'have been less delay. It is now alated, lliieldciediy, (: course, that the movement .ux.-iim-l l'o;to Fico l:as heer. snsp.-utit ! until the Sall ti.'.'.o c.iinpaiioi is over aiidthitt the whole avaih'.'i le army may be -. nt Io lielp Sled'iertiikeSantiao. Can! ion is ;i o-id thiii":, in mod '::;;'':, hu" i-verciiition iu the t -: i.iv- i ".u i . abcir thv -.' ej'ii I.l.i-r irojl ir r...:it'.2T Tr.'.t !'i n-ri.-m r:; ':,'v: -:i, i-j.l '!i? r.mu wlio r.r, !v I U a.-; I ::!. r. tf.r.l f.r l...(,l!a A h-f)? ! ' r..-i .,' le.ij l'i;ur iKk.-ii leer aii.i ta.-ii .a Uia-a ::. I.vtr in i-rra-.-t r.r.'T. If i' i a-n i.-s '7flopl. lir.-wiii' Iran l-"a:. ri ' i .-.;.' ii pi rn?.nrr.tlT. Slr.-tiwi !i n. i : , e. i-'il n.'wr.i fl!( i:s n i. .r.,' ir. .i J!i:i u To) I I y c'.l ikait;.". Tlie Fopnlis'sTf the third dia- tlict have Uoieill-lteil Colmi'i'HS- m-ui John ii. Fouler for re tdec tion. v ! Full term b. ,;,- .buy I . . iS'.ty. t)l;i'i.s ;,ii iiiitji '..-. i-ijinil i i to :i 1 1- l!i.i;li ( ra :.i School. ' ! Ncv Academy j . iiiid all Uiodei n eiui.iiieiil i Foard iu hiinili.-s iVom .vi;.i:u ,'o S.:i. per month, or in clubs at !ia:l tiiisiuice. 1'itil in,: fr. ' I .(ui to S2.mi. Frepaies !, r S'i-rhom chi'.s in coile.e. Write i..r pall uhii'v.. G i L 1 k i -ail: -Li i.' i. J.J N. C. iih LIV2IIY m IW&l 1733 biagbam School g SHEYILLE, L. li, Ahrcd. SVNm.''i FblNCil'AL. t!or:i s and Vo.'sivdcs Tin. ':'''MkT JO! IN L id.. i::; ; :vi:a. Frlldcr ' ' :'.:-V.r dull?. Ja , :';. :: a u : .. hi:A . -.'.a.;- ; ii . No. 2 1 Ml V ,v. V';i ,-i.n : " hi aim I : .- 10 a."i pt: .... : . ..... .: . j ite .; ."....;-o 1 1 -2 - .-.'....: 12 :;-.! .!.i ... ( -ol ! :-:.. J (IS " .v. on : V 2 21) ' - i M-ei ' CO " i ., :. ': :t !o " .... '-;.-i.e,. ;i ."s ' .- . '.'. a'nni i .v. 1 2'l " ... II:.: .! !: ,: .' .'o' " A::..' " a P....- ,. " N.v 1 I'MI.V :.'". '..'.. .'.,. . '' a. id ..". : -.,-..! Si "I " -.:::ii. to :; : : ,-. ;- :.. 1 i nu " -. L .-: i I ol" i... t . .. 1;- pip nt L- . '.ma . '-I Io " L-. ; - 2 oT L .. ::.:'." 2 ::." " i : - ' '. -' i;.;. don :j .,o ' .-. .: :: :i ' i.-. ! . . : 1 or. - i:: V .. ' . 7 lu -..;...:: i . No iL IIAII.V. Lv. - - s i na. n A". ",. ' .':t - ...''. : ' ''7 " i .. : . - o ;:o I . I;- , ' 20': Ar. ; ; ' ' '; ;o - ; a. i: . No. I?. 1'VII.V. i.-. s'. . - " 1 :':.!. ii I.. : -- ! " " . ' " V , . ''; , r. mi ' ;.-.'.. : I'.to" V Io " n ; i.; i- .... . N'- Li Mix.',! '' -d'v Fvc'p; :-'arid..y Lv. ;;.-.' ii !,i ;i. in L-.( " :! ' '...'. ! . : 0 17 " Lv.. ' .-. o :;5 " I.-.. - ; 1 ! 07 " Ar. - " 11 -.a ii; -. No 15. Mieir f'.'dy livc'pi 1... : 12 :iopm Si Mi ': 115 " Ac ( : a r . J ::o " I .. ( .'-.:: I! :.. ' :i ro " Ai. :. 5 :;o ; i ':""TV23 ' .. ;!: v i;h Atlaiitid 1 ''.( t -. ;.: a 1 . .a w it h ( 'ui'ii-' ;o.'i c. i- : :: . i . I. at Ltd S. ; ! 1 1 u i ': i ' i,'- d i' I iii'js and F-.wii. i., ,! .,.!. a. Sanford -Mlh . : . L-iee, at (illlf V id, ! '.' i : ' I.V. Chi. '.'He Ihlil- I" ah i i ao , ith South-' i ai I .-i V. a'nat Love will' ' 'i - . ii I.'eilv.av. ..... .,. !'.,-.. . "Ml . '' : :--...'....