die (tl)Qll)nm heard. tlje l)nll)au) ficrori) n. a. Lonnoii, EDITOR AND PROPB'SETOE. BATES Of ADVERTISING One square, one insertion 11.00 One eijupre, two insertions. 1.60 One square, oue mouth - 2 Sf Fur larpr-r advertisement liberal contracts mil be made. TERUS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Adwanee. VOL. XX. lTlTSliOUO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 7, 181)8. NO. Vk tit. SANTIAGO SURELY OURS. All of the Outer Fortifications Taken by the Americans. Sampson Achieves a tilorloiis lelory-Thc Loss in Dead atxl Wounded l I he Am, i deans Over a 1 liuiisi: ml One Company Alnio-l Swept Awny by a llurstlug Shell--Itc-euforccmcnt for Si.iuftcr to He Scut 1m ittcil In t el I lie Spanish Loss Very Heavy. Tn addition to Iho splendid work ac complished ly Admira1 Sami bou, Gen eral Shuftcr, in ooininuud of tho hind forces before Santiago, hail bo fur pro gressed in the carrying out of his plans fur the reduction of tho city that ho de manded the immcdiato surrender of tho $paiiitd forces, which is expected short- Frldays llallle. All Associated I'm 1 dsputch from I .Jurugiiu, Friday, I p. tn. . vin 1'ort , Anttiiio, Suuinluy, .Inly says: Tho1 policial oiilcr for uli advance wan issued by (ieneial Shaflcr nt dark Inst uiuht j At J o'clock hundreds of bugles raug I out tin) reveille nn 1 before tho sun lini 1 t i : i tli.) ;;rciit Hue win complete. To the extreme left wits General l'ulliolil, j with Urn Thirty third Miehigun. his ! cuiiiiiianil having reached tlio Agtlu- I (lores budge by trmu. Next to tho j uoi llnvt' t 'van ( ieneral Kent's division, I u liaie niiil a half from sea, nuil held ui a reserve force. Tho coulro of the liuo i was held by it cavalry divisioii, which ! tintll tii.-u-jral W heeler urrived nt noon, j was cuiiiiiiuiiilcd by General Sumner, j SCENIC MAP CF THE DATTLC CRCUND ARCUMD SANTIAGO DE CUBA, OS :v;t Owiiit; lo (ioneral Vcui'V. illness, Col. Wood, of the li'jiii.'h liiiiei fl. ciMuiiiiiinicd his biiii'te. w hich consisted of the I'll st luvulavs, tiie ir.t 'olunltcis inf.! tho Tciuh lieiilai'i anil one buttuliou of tho Nhitli llcular Cuvulry, nil dis mounted with the txeepth n of two troops on the cxtrcmo riyht, iiuder Con-Tula l.uwtou niid Chalt'ee, fully live miles from the sea. It hud beeu uria::.:i'd that (ieuerid liullield shi.'.ld lmike a feint of iittiickiNi." Aundore.i in oi iler to draw ultentiiiu from the mam moM'iiient, aud at .' o'clock (ienerul l.awion'H troops moved forward, led by a buttery of the l ust Artillery uu dcr command of Captain Allyn ( apron. Tho lirst : -hot was tired from tho bat tery at ii: I ) by Cnptiiiu Cuproii. whoso nun, ('upturn Allyn K. Capr.iu, of the tioiih li n lei h wui killed in tho bnttle nt Suvilht. i'ho slmt m directo.l nt Ciiuoy, where the Mpanniiibi were in force nud it fell in tho heart of the tow n. I he til ill.; con- WAIi MAT OV r.AsTI'IA' ( ITU, fiHOWINO THK AMTttK AN AND SPVNISII I.INl'.S ASD THK I'OINI'S KliOJt WHICH l.IN Vlii'.S K.X l'l'.l ' I l.l ' i:i:iNKOtil V.MV.S I'd. linued for Oil minutes w ithout response. Meantime tho cavalry division had moved forward on tho niniu Santiago trail, headed tiy a lurht battery of the Second Artillery under ('apt. (Irimos. Tlio movement of this battery was a hourt bre; '.i;i task, owin to tho steep hill. I'nuer tho musketry lire of the cavalrymen tlio Spaniards in tho litt'o town of 1.1 Nimo retreated. After tint enemy had been driven from 1.1 Puso, VI idiots wore lit t- I ! Capt. (iriiues and Cnpt. I'm n i. f. out tliitt position into the outer loi tilicatious of Sautiuo before u i si i use cuuio. When it did como, however, it cauio with unexpect ed accuracy, tho shots boiuj; from three mid t'tvo aich ru i I tlre ritleu, evideutlv taken from Admiiul Cerveru's war fh'l'S. ulul inouated behind tlm Crops Itulneil and People Killed. The Vienna correspondent of The Standard, suys: There havo boeu ter rific thunder and hail storms, with cloud bursts, in Hungary, especially in the north and northwest districts. Property and crops to the value of 40, OOO.OiH) fraucs have beea damaged or destroyed. Many persons and innum erable animols have been killed. There have been mnilar storms in Austria, wkoie. also, there have been fatalities, BLid tiic crop losses 801'ioiis, fortifications. The Spanish gunners rukeil tho hill onwhieh 1.1 I'uso Munds and which, luenutiiue, had been made tho headquarters of ( ieneral Sumner ami the Cuban gen cruls, Garcia, Castillo, Capote and ltabi. r.e shell struck a lurgo Uigur store house on tho red corrugated roof of which stood ten Cubans viewing tun fight. I he roof fell and tho Cubitus wore wounded and thrco of them will die. A detachment of utl Cubans went forward from Id I'aso aud then Col. W'oi.d willi the liotigh Hitlers, tho First aud Tenth Cavalry, started down the hillsides, idruight for tho enemy's for tilieutiotis. Col. Wood's eoiiiiiiaud behaved with great bravery, tiring bteudy and deadly voliojn, with the enemy's shells scieechiug aud bursting over their heads. Twenty niiniites of fearfully hot work silenced the Spanish butteries. Away to the left (ienerul Lawtou's divisiou. with Chalice's men and ( a P'ou's battery were lighting liercely w ith the enemy entrenched iiiiuidubuiit ( 'tt'ii'. I ho Spaniut t ('untested every inch of ground bitterly, and fought w ith unexpected coolness and courage, but the irresistible onward movement ( f tho Americans slow ly forced them back tipou and beyond t'uuuy. About 1 1 o'clock the terrible lire from Captain Ciipioh h tuns and the mu.-kcts of the men broke the S aiiisli lino mid n re treat bean toward the lino of outer toitilicutions. All this lime (ieiierr.l Sumner hud oiuiiiriainled tho centre, iuviu' to (ioii elal WliCflel's illiiets, but about ll::i'l (itlieral W heeler Blurted on tho two miles joiirnev to the front in an ainbu lanco. Abou! half wav to tho frout he nu t a liuiubcr of li'.tors bearing the wounded. 1 ho veteran, under protest by tho suroiii:, im n.ediulelv ordered his hor.-e, n'ld after persunally assist ing lite wounded into the inobiilauco, ni'iuuted u:nl r.nie oiiw urd. The men burst into frantic choi rs, which follow ed the j;eiiL-i ul all uloii the line. I!y iH'Oii, although still very ill, (ieiieiul Wheeler hud established headipiartera at t!io extreme front aud centre of the line. Th it hiinl jst iihtin of tho duy sooiiis to have been on the rilit llauk and ;f"ti:iii jCki'-'tt!- J J i .! j heavy casualties are reported from there. The a.lvauce there w.rs more rapid than lit other points on the line, und (ienerul 'batten's brigade w ;is tho I lirst to cross the Little Sun .luiiu river j close to the line of outer fortifications, j Many dramatic incidents occurred : durinu tho day, with numerous evi ! deuces of splendid personal bravery of the American olticers and men in their work of emit iu nous and intense physi- cul strain ow in' to the hills und swamps und the tierce tropica! sun w hich hum -; mured upon them the greater part of : tlio day. 1'he Cubuus behaved with ! skill and valor und rendered valuable uid. (ienerul (luicia, and tlio other ' Cuban eneruU led the troops iu per son and showed ureat coolness in tmht pl 'ces. 'Hie Spauisli fouijht stiiliborn- A Proposition Made to I'el lrli lis. The following dispatch wm received at lierliu, July I, from iloii Koiii;: "According to trustworthy iutelliyonce from Manila, tlio Spauish Kovoruor geueral had a few days uo, at his own reipiest, a meeting with Admiral lied riehs ithe comuiamiur of tho (ieruiuu naval forces in the far Nsstj in order to ptopose, iu bohulf of the Spauish gov ernment, that Mauilu should bshauded int tho provisional chanre of a neutral eommauiier. The propoaul was rejected by Admiral I'v Irichs, in view of the American bioci.mle. " ly throughout, mid the retreat, thongh steudy, was slowly aud colly conduct ed, i hey coutested every inch of the way und fought with unexpected skill, their ollicers bundling the troops with bravery und good ju Ignieut' In the churjre on Sun.luan Heights a bursting shell almost annihilated uu entire company of our troops. ttccoiinoltcrlng With lialloons. The military balloons usi:d by the sijjnul corps for tho purpose of obtain ing accurate information of the location of the enemy aud the character of their defences, provod of inestimable service in yesterday's engagement. Tho bal loon sent up yesterday llouted just over tho tree tops and was easily guided aloug three miles of the roud toward the lilies o( ttie enemy. Whenever it aiimv HAi.r.ooN in: i n waoon. (Tlnr balliiiui is eoiini'i.'ti' i with Him reel nt the eii'l. trim w hl 'U It iisei'iels lo survey t!n ilnfeiise.4 an 1 operations of the eueuiy.) halted fur the purpose nf taking a photograph of the fortifications below, tho Spaniards seized tho occasion for t illing pop shotsatthe mid air monster. At one time tho big balloon hung over San .iiiuii, not over ei'i yards from the enemy, and for live wiuutei Cue Span iards below tried iu vain to puncture it. Spauisli Loss Heavy. The American army is not uloue feel ing the ell'ect of the three days' shock of arms. Melinite, positive informa tion i i at liiind, that Santiago ban been literally torn to pieces, and that in the wreck and ruin t f ilemolishe build ings tho Spanish casualties numbered fully l.iiiio. This is a lilting oilset to any ipialms raised by the reports from the American lines. This in formation came from one of the foreign consuls slutioued at Suutiago, who re ported to the representative of his or.Nrutr. MNi.i:n. (Tho Ppiinhh (ieicral In eJiiimJin l of the forces protei'Ung SanllaK"-) country in Wushiugton tho fearful havoc within the city wrought iy the American iiiiny und tho tleet. The biiiiiting shells from our licet douo tho greatest damage inside of the city liuiidiugs were i .dilied with title shot and mown down with the huge shelU and colid proiectiles from tip) ships. Most sorioiis of all, tho Spanish com mander, (ieneial Linares, occupying a plac'! similar to that of (ienerul Shatter in tiie American army, was seriously w out. ded. This last fact hud been grudgingly ndmitlo 1 from Madrid. Sntiiril.i) 's Until '. I'oiir batteries f artillery, which were placed iu position this morning, beguii the dy with bombMiding tho Sun Juan ipiuitoi'of Santiago nudthu Spaiii:di position iu front of our right. After u itiurter of un hour's shelling, (ienerul law ton's troops, who had boon reenforced, pressed forward upon the enemy's loft llauk, pouring in an exceedingly hot lire, which was con tinued during the greater part of the afternoon. A ireat Hepoi't From Dewey. The Navy Department made publiit tho following eablegiam from Admiral Dowey: Hong Kong, July 1. --Three transports aud tho Charleston arrived yesterday. i'ho Chuilestoii captured (iiiuui, l.ndroue lsluuds, on June '.'1st. No resistauee. llrought tho Spanish ollicers from tho garrison, six ollicers and fifty-four mou, to Manila. (Mi June v'.'th tho Spanish vessel Leyte came out of a river near Mauilhtand surrendered to mo, bavins exhausted ammunition and food iu repelling attacks by insur gents. Sho had on board lil'ty-two olli cers and ninety-four men, naval and military. i(Siguedi Dewev. " Latest From Shutter. Tho War Department gave out tho following: "lleadiUurteis fifth Army Corps, Near Sautiago, July:t. Tonight my lines completely Hiirrouud the town from tho bay on tho north of tho city to a poitit on tho San Juuu river, on tho south. T he enemy holds from the west bend of San .Tiiun river, nt its mouth, up the railroul to tho city, (ieneial I'ando, 1 liud to night, is some dis tance away, and will not get into Santiago. (Signed' "riiuri i n. " VA'oiliiili'il at l int .Macon. At I'oit Macon, iu tiring tho annual national fourth of July salute of fortv six gnus, the eighth shot exploded prematurely, aud seriously, if not fa- j tally, wounded Artilleryman Clrirles llusier. His eyesight is destroyed, j and his face, anus mid chest badly binned. j Can't Land the Ciii'g . j The governor genet al of I'orto Hico cables tho Madiid government that it ! will bo dillieiilt to save the cargo of the Spuuish steamer Antonio Lopez, which was run ashore at Hulitias, near tlio en trance of the harbor of Sim Juan de I'orto Uico, to escape the l ulled Ntutes auxiliary cruisers St. Louis and St. Paul. Major llointiigne. Killed. A dispatch t 1.1 Inipurcia!, Madrid, from Havana, suvs iaiur Dnmiugut. w us killed iu tut lighting ul i.l Cauey. 1 Madi-id (ireatly Dist in In (1. I Tho Mu bid correspondent of The .London Si.mdurd suys: " I ho olllciul ibsputch with lefeieueo to the lighting . at Santiago bus c used u puiufiii .-eusa-j tiou. I'ho (,)ueeu iieent has tint uu I expression of her syuipuihy to Sonoro J, inures, w ilo of l ien. i.iuares, v ho HI residing in Madrid. I he greatest I anxiety is feit by all classes. Tho press of all sections is angry because ' no proper measures huvo bee i taken to re-enfureo ( .eiieral Idnai cs. I he (tueeu lfegent is decly concerned an I has re quested her ministers to f-'icl her ail dispatches, no mutter at w hut hour they urnve. " Loudon (diiiineiit. J he editorials in the Ihulv (iraphic und Tunes fairly epresent tne opinions ui I no i.oinloii iiewspupers. 1 here is no word of bhuie, but ralhei in, stinted admiraiiou lor (ienerul v hufter's bravery, yet all remark that America finds Santiago a tougher tnsl lliiin she anticipated. Spain, it is s,i-gostnl, might now sue for peuce on honorable terms, but it is not tnou ;ht Phe is likely tu do so. Ke-Kiiforeeiiients lor Miaftcr. A speciul from Chickaiiiiiuga suys an order came from the Win- Department to (ienerul lirooke, to designate about ao.Ooo men for innuediute dei'arture to the South, and at once there was ex citement and bustle iu cuuip. (ienerul lirooke declined to make public the oilier, but it is understood that ho has selected tho l ust Division of tlio 1'irst Corps and two brigades of the Second I'ivisiou to re tinned at once. A spec iul from Snvunuuh. i la , suys the rail roads have been ordered to ariango for tho transportation ut once of "i.inl'1 troops from l iimi u to Savannah. They will be brought hero for the purpose of eiiibailuiig them on the Atlantic, transports to go as re enforcement! to (ienerul Shafter. Miss liarlou an l Nurses at Work. Chairman Ihututi, of the lied Cross Society, has received tho following ca blegram from ( lain liurtoli, the ills patch coming thioiigh the War De partment from I'hivu. del I'.ste, and bearing liate , Inly :;: 'Lesser aud his force aro lauding s.i plies from the Statu of Ti'Mis, in the surf, duy mid night, without docks, under great dif tieulties und duugeis. I ienerul Shafter seinhi us urgent a, j , ;il from the front for medicines mi I !,od; nouo there. W'iil try lo send i.y lour-mulo wugoiH to him to-uiyht and go on ourselves.'' Mcrrit ( allies lllllloiis. The steamer Newport, with Oonorr.l Merrilt for the I'hiiippiues, carries, it 2- nr.. KBt. wi'si.kv mi:ii:. . . is said, boiwteu .I.Odit.llilo und t.iniii, (Mlil iu gold for the pay nioitt of soldiers and pui chase of supplies. J r. in-poi ls Ai' ixeul M iiin.i. A spe. oil dispatch from Ib-ng hoc;, July l, says: I'ho rutted tutes dis pinch boat Zul'uo, which Iclt Cuvile, Manila harbor, on July I, 1. ,. d ariive.l here. Sho reports that the American troops in the transportsCii v of Sidney, City of Peking uud Aimtiuli i. convoyed by tho ( hiiilooton, arrived ut i avito uu Juno ::oth, h iTing taken tin' Nadroiio islands o i the way, and having lelt men there. I ho Spanish ( iovt rnor and oilier olliciuls cuplured weie broiigiit to Cuvile. I'ho I luted Status troops coiiiuielicod to disembark at I avite oil July 1st. Trjingto l.spliilii I lie Matter. The lierliu correspondent of The Tunes say a: (loruiun public opinion and the ( iermuu press, which aro not always identical, mo now thoroughly uwukeiied to the inconvenience of the position in which (ieiuiun policy has been pluced by uiifoi t u nuio urtu lcs on the subject of the I'hiiippiues. 'I he. pa pers aio now tryiug lo explain tho mat ter away. New-paper It--ii .oe s!inrc A uevspaper d.spat.-li ho.il, tiio Nly" went .I'diolo on u i.'ckv p.iint, n.iai the ei-H'i:i end of .lumuica. i.iiiigilon !-!!!.' !i. a col re ; h.'i 1 .'tit. w as on liourd oi lid at the I o.ie t lie e IV t 'use of ellmv Kf IT. (illi.ial dispatches from McUeniy, d.ss.. about the yell-'W fever situaiioii, report one new c.i -e. Kol.ert 1. '!. lulu-. -Kill I'm- la. nude a ( hatioi id in law l.il- left lifli'iiad luis'.;i' s -. III. 1 ii 11 mv. A soine .i hat l e k less Mnitli w ho ha 1 Clili-te I for tii - wui and had spent bis tliue .11 1 uuiii II! v. i it ing In hi if I. I lll.illi V, ti lill'V s. lit : il I- te ll'L I ill II US "a , ho, io I ul If i . I iu shot oil in sii.ni bntl C. Se-.d uli t :.n.l on . an. " To iin . t he ..id man r plied : ".-on: I'oii t i.i.ow v.. ur iiuiiil... s, but w.dci. leg u- 1 - to y.ni by e K -s. If il..,-. n t '.ii. get eiiiiiti . .: j ei t. r to phmn it. ' es; love. AT 1'idoi o'lo bus a mining tew 11 nunc 1! Wall s'tieet. P0iian'5 Influence L I jf j At d',i. i ii M'l i . I i a : i . hi H as i o-.ioi ! I i..eil"V "II. ;n. old le'.l -v.-l lolo o,:i .pol' forgo'ii'ii ,vo..r In. n I-, or ;i:o voiir I in m Lt'.i -o ooeiipi.-.l v. i : , i the la.r l:.r gaie; iha" in.- gii.ticint ni'-ii l.lc i: ' on gain no on! r.iio-e inio i h . iniier l- i -. . of y.oir ii. in !:" Ilriai: wu- -itt ng in tio- lil'iaiy with hi- l'i i t g.-i fully oli.'v.ii d. no I hi lt. ind ih op in t In it. giit. and Iho Miiiiy llioli: oi a cigar, w :e n He: ll.' l-ur-i iu I upon him wi'h tf,i- ::i oi'i ing. lie jiin. pel 1 hi- f. et W tlio sound ul the w.-ll-r. -men. lii-re I voice, .'iiol making a gnili for liei-ib-'- limid, wruii;: it :or -onie -oiiils in -di'ii-'i-. " It li aliy vou." ho -aid. when ho found li.i Mil'-.'.' "I'o 'are! I wmd b.'l have Known mil. Tal.e a elciir hi. J In.ilie y,nir i ll a' leinte. Had all I'l.-a Vou d t Hi Ii up. '' "i.il e a I ,-nl penny." I tit in I or:i. " bv Ih" v r.y, Iha' simile i. ;i i n.t worn (..it. I: -liolll.l I"' lele-.ateii .i . I, i..N in on p. my wit I: the tlne.'ml.are ;,i,i... oi inoi h.-i --ii, -law iiii-i - nam -gill-. How's tile iiil:e M HUM let 'r 'i oll'le a lueky ie il ,, i ielli v. 1 liiiov. Inn on,; girl us g I a- Mar-:i:et." "And wh i i- -i.e.-" l'i il'.- - iiiled know iiigiv ,'ii: I walehel the -u. ii ur.iiig aii.e.e h:s lead, in Ineil.lilMV" siii nee. "A - -el"! ju-1 now," h" suiil ii'tor a p;n -e. "lii'. to ii -ti.ru lo iar.,.irel. She'.- a ji v.el w'orih the wearing. I iiii g- h. ivi turn" 1 o 1 ioi'iunuti-ly lot' y.ut. I to 1 you. I . it mighty :-ur l..r vou III one lid ', an I .Mnrg.ire: noil ::l! en! i. p ul.unl it. 'I lie lo-- ..f iho money w.uii.l haw- i'o, n luli: r h ud mi you, eh ' liitlh 1. " t: ft'. ' 1 lo i Hi. ;ilii.'ll to change tin- - o.;e :. ' i on I. a. en'; told III.- Vet v. v ;,"lo.' .. " 1 . -i r lev .. i- : i ;. my l-.iy. I .c S '. Il.il'il op. .11 the pa. !,:ul lli.il .it .'1 lll'i- at I. g v.i ), l.-iie. a- tie p..:-t - - ;y. Mv I e e.e.il IV.hoi- h.i I H. o I I, - feriuue. ii .', h - li-iii I. to m I- !-... I C'i in. oil I ll.-it .!iipill-:e Mat .. :,.! II.: I I'-lll - 'li II I . II ' A .'ho e eUl I i li- v li ,: v..r . .. A p I l.e i ha' ' - ! Ha uu. lit . o mv p .-'-.i . .-tor 'I p. il -. t lo- I H I'O .Li! I 'il to Pli HO. Ul mv lie 1. i ' .1 i i . 1 1 '. j : i : lilt I i nlii-d lo: i . ;,;t , ! e .. "Tii.il is lii - I,:- o i iv r, ;iou. Very tcu.'ii. i i; n u ' '" . i i here ill i. ':i 1 II '. -d I it'll ' " i ' - e m i lo d iii o . i t.inW I. " I "i L.'ij' , ' n" ur: i u .' la u . in ; ' : . I-. rt:. p. in. .1 i iii' l.i, , !..-.. .1 '"''i ome' ," h ' ! '!i d, " I''.. v...:i.o i i . mile- . !..':. g i th- : "in i ll I ! :!..:. ' . . ' dm'.r I :'.-!i i . e.. u o r. " I I:..' a. :e i.oi .,: vou - i- a - : :. 1 .... I w I: i"i if y. u I'o .' i r i : .. u I - :" ilii '.a r-'o u I i o i o'-- t . . . ii - I l- i ' : " now he i a-;. I c. w id i.. .. i..r i.iio ,1. I', oi I . I. ..v.: "Ho doe . io , ! i el., i'o !. .1 M. I -g.ll'et I'll'l.llig In I'U.Ml nil I o o- I o. ,;ig to dl'.UV I il l. I I lie ' o.,l el It .. 1. ' i a ui i.fi aid yiuo' -y n p... v ' ii'i a ,', a ii hi. i'. I mo. , .on: ' . . in i- . lo a;-. I i i. h . I I.- lc!:.V I. if e -.,' 1; :. -,pi ! i.li I..'.',. I. I'..- a. it.i I uu. I .l ou - ii iv. i.il, X i . !'.' ' ..1 ' .:--'.. i !. I Unit f.l II l.p ii .1 I'H.i ! la . l-ar. i' i o .- uu". . l- I ' a I. mui'K-i-g ..I..".; mi two n ,...., . i , Tlll.-I , ,-oi-i ' ', .. h r i uu - I'd it.v oi' ,.iv ' I ' 1 lo i -u, e l'i tain.; : -U II -I shie'v.." ' i I. oi.!.- 1 - .i.i.iir iiileiei i. ir. I '-:' Vou, en i old ' oil I 111 I 1 1 Hi o'l 111 ,1 oil ! lit' il i . I... w .-o to a' .-Mpi nop..-- d 1. las .-. I h i - e ii-. v. i h ' . p. ,y i a ; h. i no lo i.iir I" tiiica.o. nil. .d Hid. m. I il ill 'II g il I 1 " -ee Oo. 'A oll't V oll III'." .; pari '-' I'm 'pi !' del' 11 . ; -. I.l I'll l.riaii h:i- sat h"ieoiiieiiy an I a. low. -I no- t i I.y .it li. v iv. ii I : 1 1 1 1.--. " I bat v.'uu t ' ' 1 ii'l ot Id li.ii. I - up- po:-e he con d.. i'o. I .1 oil e.plu, 1.1 ill. - I'U i' II. " ".III-! I .l -ll . Ml il it. HI," p t iu lieriie. ".UI iiu W h i ul oid. l'o w a ke.l t wo tiii i - - : - . . .. tiu'ii'ute lo-i a cei tain i Midi) .: e . -I . a- .1 m-1, id ,.! accept ill:: kill I'.V i t lit ."II , Uo sic ti, nio- I iu :'i " ,. p, ,.,.),. ;:!'.,! lilule I." I ii. ,:, il i.,i, im. k.l. ; J ir tl '". il- II '' il''. I'' .: '''I II is.; all ,ll-;'l I li:-.' -' I ' I ' .11.1 :;.. e. . , , M i-.ll I.l . . il.-ell- ; ' '-'i- l " -.!. i :.V'i uu I ...M d. ' Ml - I! : ' ' !- . ii- 1 I I. oi dinner, if ol I:, i : 1 . .1 . a .11.. ic, o :r I.e I : e, . .h i i any. ' t-u-'l Ih i'i '. a M i ; 1 ' ' 1 a ii , il. II- I '.". ho i 1"U I - o '... d Mi- - II Ilo i ii.- Liu ., ! "1 hilt do: eh :-. " i ' uu -v.' ed. I II" j 1,11. ei la 1 1 v 0' the 1 ,.!. r' le I" 1 1 j ciit- any .-.-tn.- I cul- ,1! -,. ; II I il inn v I"' so 1 . : - ;,...! : . .. I to re! urn in i lie . . v . ii'-.u : : h - , .-v. i..r if lheie'-- a i'i', io: 1, pi 1 , to New . rk 111 I f: 1 1 !o 1 -nine a 0. Il would 1,1 r -ml ti e. 1 11 iu Mai - uu,--!. ' I 1" I e e 1 siioii.d ! 1 d . lo - 1 y , olilile-toi'io- d;..p r.unu' j " il i- 11 r. v.1,1' !. 11 I ' 1 ' 1 "'I i' t. tion.eiil do. r. i-. i 1 ad - 1 I .1,. 0 ih- .'the ' day. un I I 1, e Itlfuu! i.l. 1 :. -i' ill : 1 : I' ' I : Hie. I1'"''' ' -Ui l'i i 1 -i ' ' r I- - I HI-.. ' ' i on Id ,0:1 --. ha t in- ll.-t io I- . !,:.li,-.l. I leliiy- , ' V t . e are a 1 1 h und pio-i e . 11 1 penple. 1 '111 t!eu-ll! ul . I li" ., - V 1 a Hiii" li- and thou-. .11 I- ol If uiu h , inn-ut'" -titr. in :. l;y w lav. i n--t ice do you I e.-.me: le -, hui ' " "My dear M u,'-.! et , cnr ip.i'-'h'U suggest n -iil.ie.u ur a luiill .1 ' ale. A. -I. the t Ii: i i d -c . It If',. I''1' " ou -jM-.il, loo luiill.-. , nr. an. l i.u -w ii. .tiling ol I he tariff, l it I know tiiat i:y -.ii-.- ot j. -ii.... :s I.e lug 'oiitii.iialiy 0 ltilf..'1'l. I .1 I Hot I I- ie.e Ih.f ,o 1 siioiild din.- , f ,, H i- and g. 1 ! und ot: ei- want lor luei.d the p oie-t .real ,re wa- i ei tii.iiiy I ui n with .-n: 1 i.hl-. I'on'l laugh". pl an-; I don t c ti-.. I r the .-l.l'j. el allUlsil.g. ' ' Nor I. my .c-ir.' r.-m-.r:,.-.! M. Hil ton, with a ii ioiiig -.lai id briiiii. ' ' n .-tie so earnest. .Margai.-i.'' In--uid. ly w,,v of e. u-e. ' I iiy th for , real 111'.-, I,,' doll t lelo-Ve iu link.- r 1 1 ii n i: e ehiiri'.v. Il tend- to in- e. il-e p.l'.J eli-lil. Money colli tn eu-.v. an. I III ii.....--jiy for iiiirli is- ill ill" ii . a i Wit h. " " 'i n ,r rub- u.iiv u p! . tn other- n v. ,u a- tin- ..or, w a - I iin h.i I - i.rtil'.il I I " v . I .hui I Ihink il hull - iiu.i i.ti i.'.iii Ii ng I.. In- laugh! ih .1 l.tiin.ihi y I- lo Ipf'd und teud.-i'-h. i.rle l. l! .1.' j. I .do- I... mill: to led that ol lie - .'lie e.'ll-.d.-l-i.li-ly e .. pa.-.-innate lol I..-v.oo- in.. I I ii I a pi. u-iii. in i miir buiii.g to hi- io.pp In 1 1 w a-a -ii"h action tllil! . hull, oil iho eli.Tel.l .,: .lean il I - j- an'- li!-. And ilo- world i- lull . I I-un ai an- wailing lor ih -ir gi'uii, of i 1 1 ' i , I'a g 1 1 1 1 ill. No. Ilei'iie. I am l ot clilil 1 1 .. t..-: i n i in. I i thild, ,. I.u- I do in'. I hif .- ill thai money can i.uy: I do i,"l miu'.v an hour'.- iii-u niml. m' '.! e Will! I o! even il illMiry. IU I lie. lll.-e . "!,: .. my ph my I n I it - w ,1 1 I" the l.U.nrtiUofe- I 1,111 I. II. del 1 1 1 I II e .- k I ' -. II i- il .li -lol'.-d i'le I. U i.eli I I'. II'I "' II ' IM IU..II pie io.l g Hie til.iv thil.g ''I' .ii.,e .-he p,,,M.-.., . 1,, 1;, . p a..oi,- la iu'Ii "t li- iii I e.ii.. 'Ui' .-i upon tic slii I- Oi' when I Ii, !f o! II -lal'v, I g i i at. ,i'e : baring he I en,.-! ". : It w ii" i.U - I.fi .Mil I ei II -t . I I . II e - l..e- tn.l.g "I tie' cliiirif. wiil.-h . iiM'ti'tu a Iliull irude of sil.s, ill": w io li 'i, I" pl'.li-e Hie I fell il - big II l:Vp. e . e 1. - iin. e pliarl-if .-al ii.dii ine.'il.- who-, ii hginli eon-i-ls in gmllg I.l . Iiur.-h . I, siiool.'iy ami pi.-kil.;. oil lie- pull- "I In m rinon lii lli.iik th -Ir ifigub ,r . should l ii' iice. a id wlio-e el. ai ,iy . -gin- w .th a sun -r.pt :on li-l ami . u i-- W'llh Ibid'- -el. I In I in- ll-lfhell. I doll't ii'lllille llio-e people. I. el I. 1 lii " -omelnii.g e-e. I -. e olli I. -plOtillg eye, Mi. -.4 Hiboll. .'Ill I I i ' i' I'l'i.iu i.'ii.ghiug. a- ii-iiiil. I w.-ii 1 1 I Tow a lf!e mole s i-l! -i i -l . . Wl.ul do .ui -,, , I'er : ' 1 Vntir .hi i:. -in... ren in I- me of U'll- MM. "loll I'emeUiliei- llilll. Iiru.il. lie 1.. ..1, Id- ilegree of nii'dicll. W , III Voll. lb- .- 11. I de .pule il lep II I if loll III ills prole- .-..ui ..ml any n imiuT of pliy-i.-ia u- of io ue y. if - uu i long'-r ptueiiee are glad I" , a I I. II'I 111 . o!o Ili'Uli 11 lie Wlf. Ii.'.a..: I '...it l.il hie ill il - WUV. lira II V 1.1. d ail l!,u:. i i -h. :.. .." I - Ii I I.l ! 1- .- in New ..rk- ' " l. lie ':: t ' lol '' nlj.-nt:,. lie', n. o I ! .1: lo. I Ut llilll'!. his nil II i .it !!.- u c il I. f d for e.,,1,0 u:o i: I,: ,!,. i' a,, cent di-ii'ic: -. .uiriii.: , , i j io ' -. :-"u.ei ii:..-- when 10 i . ! lo .1 !. I' .1. . I." Inn I I.e liol on. V Pin- ;. - I.l;, l.t.l I aio- the '! i.U I i i i . - ' .. in ih. I., gam. ' ' . i e I- u ! ' i. . .!,..;. oil ild !.!!:.!.'!!, .IV. nil Mid he nnllid .-. . , u ! , t- - i ":,! . to ; ,, h.i - I.eV.'i : ..ill ..lied ,j,., ,, 11 . I ,. 1, ! I.'.-- ! i II -W lib. I. I ! el o:- ...;:.!: , ..I..; in u.' --. d I I ..i. 'V "i... I" w I le ,..-:!..! he loo , I.l I!.'' I II IO" W It We Wei' - o ' i' : ' ::. !... r. H;..gi.'..,d pm, I. - i...'. o o I I .,.. .1. I lea". I'o 0 ... I ; I '.:'. j . elii:r o" i.'l.s. II !, - op I.l tie':- .!.- 'lil ; . , :' I- :,, I o I egl ei III! I hit! i. I', I e t ..: ., a'.' i. iu- p.- ui.i:!' lift n-io .i; IU" - ' j, c .. ihi- i-eiiiiitl; Mar.:. uo, 10 .. j.,,,. i' o i.,t lo, bi.ud I y Mi -M id,, u. - nl id i. in !.-'.! I .'i I ..- lor ii '..I.l..' "I I i'.l.-ll'U -. l.., I .l ie ... t , , :..lg, " Oil ,I.o d '.i,,! .: , . ' o ; Hilton i,. i v, iii :;'...' t, i 'null . In- I "f . acli . Ih. r - . .. ty. ' I Oil. pi,'.'.' Ul.d 111,'. el. pill ill I'. i. I w uy. Mat', oil el. -p. n'.- . g ol e; int.V. i f 1 .Iter is il '. ,. t " "1 ,,, I . .... . : ... ii . ii In- 1 1 .1- i.i i . r-uude ,- ',. - !-. iho , ' t: i.i! . oid, I hear lulu do- ii-- I " I ' !... p iu iii" -nuig' -i 1 ,. -id . :. i iu ., a "I It .cl a - lint you'll , , :,;.- ',,, lind "11! li. i.-ll'.'.s'- l-i I'll .-up y- i: : in- i ' i : 1 1 i y all he t oi " ipiet-r 011 ,p, alt"..'." I, el '. Il c Ul-dl.de.l. II I x.-ty re-pi c.fuliy. An r.-i . ..r. M aiguiet . hi .,!i j- niieii iy ii'iiiniiig ..cr Ins i'. p ted triumph." i n u n i: M 1 1 , y . 'ivii. i ihi s ii n 1',. t I e - hill e V. il- lV,-l.o., N.I lilli'.ii. . - i -: " 1 1 1 I o 1 1 oi 1. Iliper n.l tlio putt ol hi 1 'lie I' ' ud I Ul - I'O. I hi- ...I, .iltd tho ,gh . . I.l v e lo- hi I pu - .1. I:.- W il - ill .ul . n I v ,1 li si ..re a 1 I he ( ' da i - Im an in- .1. 1 1 1 1 . ! polil. I. lie mu ii- Ilo- ! .-I' h - o p u iimily Iu i!i;..yiiig Mi-e - m.c.'v. and Hi' 1 ' !i n "1 lulled grim id hi- In. .t iling 1 in' In- w.i- i;nl nt ii vacillating ehur-oe-.o:', ui. i o- lime w. i,t on, and mallei's ha . !"'! I. ii i" d il d' I'll. lie seliietilelit. io- I, .ul. !o . ic. -.del' Iho il'lv fill', lily nf - a ta-ii . -ii i.i- ul !. d 1 1 1 Iii- idea .li vi. . b. ea me 1 a I her .".j i diy i .1. 11. i'le ,, no A lice in the -II in.; i 'i one he -i li iu. lie r.'- aide I lio ui hso-dly ..r a mo- .11- !d, iil-d With a b'.'k ol gl .111 detel llilll- ui mu. and in word- w . i.-h tell with the '. a ol a I o:n! -hod on I Ic- ear- ol In u: .1- d -I. I. I -. ue . 'a llie.t Vt ..I liol Ilea ' u , ' '' V o I ! w o mop , II. io le 1,1 ( , lit, und !l-e. 11 I ill: -; i io ' iii; ., li- . I n:' heav.-u -..i,o ,e. h . v e p ,td, . lo'uuil lo a-', t : . . : lo I . your w i f -. h.-n I w u .- lift... j Voll1 ltl.il tier I -aid pill - lie like I 1 al -uid -II" h,l II t I lill UW.lV. 'I i.i- i o'l e- of ..i,i i . ri.i-t-ng too.iug May I.ot i e- I.e pal . w.th u.-'i v oii'i .: n inn ..-' h. i '- -be got o I d liliU bet. -,!. v.i Uliteel. d Per! if, or , iii ; hi- I.i I io r - di ' e: iii iha l mil ol I;. Ulul vol, e. lie i. "I i he r .o w,. h ubf-i-ity, and I a -ill.. dn.VTl I he lollg liud looked II. to ev.'iy i "!u lait no ! wa- lo be - . 1 1 . i. .;.e, i door 'o uojii j in'o t Im . , Ien -u ,,'-!,- I hoi I o- d'le It ode I it . "ip . nl iniinc naieiv he !.d;.,v ed .' " lu.ilov pulil V. Sell led ton -uui'li.T ! . i" i iiu l -I - I, i , ,:ig f him i.i I lo- I ou." m Id.' To. l . -. 1 I ed. W ,t : lo W .... -U'le- l: in h - ton -. I I' lo ver I.e iv e nn do. it- . I ' -be e .' :.,l"d W .til II' 1 I. fit 1 I' i! O'l ill lo r li.iu.i-. ulul I ei Vol. c in;i:ih lather -! o. y ol lear -. 1'. or fiituer. I di.i'l Ihiii-i h" de--. r . - you" ill-will, lo o. i: i , A ic-', I hit V . olli.-! h n : !.. 1.11 v. .11. lo'lUlo. V U doll i ieliie u.e I'll h:Ue vn ti. "It is ve ry well to say thai while your face 1.-covered, my. lour. I nit for', u mutely 1 l.iinvv vou don't tie nn it. My hud Inn In el) -o'coipietll-h iilld lioe.."i tile Willi j-.. m:iiv sW-.-.-l song- that I am g'"d -i .- lu-r l iije.l iii lu-t. Now. a- -lie -r-.-i.-t.-nt iy l efii-e-to in, . )..-. In r . y.-sln the I., a iy o! my count, nance. I shall p:oe. e.l t. take luiiit. i- in my ow" halt " J h .- threat he irompt'.v carried out. Di.-lmni lin-g ler re-;-i.in.e, h" lilted Imr lii:..-hill ; la"" until he eoiild look into liei- dionpnig .ye-. i Imii, appar- elfiv -u!i-lie. W.lll h- lellg. Illtelll gil .". im dew he: eio-el' lo llilll. all. I i,i-- d her iiiiie-i-t ii . ii),- with ii fc'ani 1 I'lldel'lles-. "Aliee. i wa- li.l.t: vou ilo like ino a ii-tie." A hall In If lute:'. A i sii.MH"l Hui ii-iv i-.-il'iiily ,.l I'.u i ,ni,i." 1 . I Im t . ...n.-l. Ji.-riie a.-ipii.--,-.-, r.-b.et.u.tly. "( o me ii.." . -ailed tlm o,d g' litlcn int, if- tl.ev l,e-i:.ied nt tlm do-'l'. llow m.-tiiy mil..- did ymi have t't travel to liud '.,i .' , u've I . en g' in jll-1 Ibi: IV -li e lull, I'e -, I'd 111 lorgive v. u:. liuiiii v. ii ve n ii hi .id ft th ' iud Iliull. '!i-" o ouid!l i iuive ,1 Wife nl my clioo- ng'' di. n .. W aided un old loure p. your bmug. Humph! Vol. en. p!.V p;.!.'-. Voll'v .- got ih,- v.iy gil 1 picked olli I. I Vn II, I Ii III. I iiave tu-le', . h'.' U ed. .-li- 'ii I- i.d v.ei a dunce, i-lm's e.,t tlm ,,". ip- ,,w i, i.-iipr, anl you're :t 'oil! 1ml e: UU . . - I . " "I a lii V.u.r -on. vv.t . U.e illlj el'tiirl.il. I ." ! p.v". "1. -. v. -. Vol ...y d t'olliv I'.tlnilgu. ou il li.' v.-r Lav. y",,,ir lull:, l'- .-e,-e, l.y. i on, I. ei- . Vou id.! e I II pietto, i,:,"l !.. - v., ur I.l' b . I , 1 . liellie. Voll -'un.p'. ii vim d ui't : v.- ii.u- -.. iv'lfiig -he wan! -. I'll .-: i. ! y Now ideal . i, . I olli - f you. V'-u'ii l ii.' my ! Wil li I I ruin Al. eb ar . if Ilo ;.- , d. vv.'.h alaeiily. lo.i.ng ih.: day - I Iiii P. iif.v..-I liir an a- d Alio.- r,:, a great de.'ii of each o";o-, lilt III - . oil -til II I . ou.pl, Ili(ln-hil w.i- iiuiigl.t ii... re ni pain ih .ii ' f plens- 1.1. tn Mutgar. t. ior the l.itpj v . nlllelM- uo id vv.iii-u ido-d A I e '- h. arl mocked I or w i:h Hi.- i.io.wl. .1 . ..I -..iivbiii-g V- .Id ! g 111 ho: . I life. I ill' I'll II WIH b: I b li in lo r . wu Im ,ii. but In r doubts i.li I e IIS P.UI.d ..if.Vald fM l-es-ioil ill lo run- re-ll. - m --. a lin k . f ..elinito purpn-e Mid ...' i.i - i f spd il-. Many liiim- ,. : lie lepin.l. h her-dl -ev.l'ely io' ilh.v. ihg sui h I. eiillg- !" illllllell. -t he ; bill, do Wil.ll -Im Would, -he . Uli.l IV I iini-h tlm v.o.-ue i ,, n wdli wi.i. li si,e....l,e I t,,v..f d ;,. ii, I ut lire. "It i . I o! thill 1 .UU lii I ..p.'.V. ' -'c I hl hef-s.-lf. "I. HI II i - til' I O- -il, Int.V "f W h.ll lie- I el"!.' U.e." i d e ev ei. ing. di,: ing . im of brum's I el judical v i-i! - n I. ti. Woo I. -he Ill Willi llilll to Hike , .mil. r if, 'I lie I I'd. lli-S-be found tli" iv, i.ii g I liol ni.glily elf jo-,.ilie, and tor tie- Un., b .ii-f -uo laid do her d",r. . on! ill. I w a Hi i'l'il iiui.t pirit-. I I.e t o oio-i v i n.-e vein w i- arlieiilari.v I. , ; y. Let h' r bv hH -Id.- and iiiiuie i. .:,.-. :! ... - luhv i u : iiuii. :i g. ' mi im.-dti'i I .- j.-., l.ui- Im -fiid to ii: Ian. "y.ui ii i i. .,. y u I h i ' tin -s p,, -, nlly . No I,. ; e io i, o d loii.o. -. nll Vn Ilg oo .. i. I,.,'.;- 1 " diitio , -.1 Wi, ';,!:, t . :..i'i I. , ud-.. I.... i'o- uud 1 ig"' y.-ui . Ui, !.' u- I- lil'o.n ioile d It ti.e U'lgU . i.l e I ., I,; . !: -.'. i if iv ii. I, i. , '. ... ! u : :a : , ii- V. :.s .,, i: - !,n 'J I 1 1 I . , I I i'i b '. i d id it - ; e 1,1 ., I' . Xp.. .. II l. r.ng ' lo i i-ie n. i,, I, ' ii.d in r guv so :. - I u i ;; way t , . iioui I. i- My .1,1 i.u' ii o I !.!.! SI e -et : , o . the VV to- i . il.' r ol. . -el V . i In V - I - . : ii i ei a it :. . . .... 1 v.:., ! !" I . too.- o'l. 1' ::.,' am -"i i". lev i I , Had,' .M u :..i. . If II.; Ut III e i,' : , ii.,:- 1 ,e! If- I e :o:u, th.i.g ii- r tin- m. I., still liir.lcr I.-.1, I'.r.a a lr;e i i v . of li r f.me ill I e two cat': iage iim.p So tut-: le-r uu a w h di iu- i. d !...; I Pli. ii..-., . a. ii i. The pi,,:!-- ,d III A pl'.dll.ll !n. -.1' - .' bit- ii'i pain.!. 1 ' id-1 i I 'I I -lid Vf ll.lll If - I'M ,, Imp.'. Man i-i i V. ' v. i . ed . :iu. our loin,. i.:. w : il i W " li.i v " u a 1 1 old V. b ..'" " !t: 1' i ill .1 Vet'.ioe p I O' l'i .I-i p oil ui ,i vv ou : I n ; . tl i ill'" III I -' I' W I- I t i. iii I hat ,-l V v. I i.idtui Vi.-!. YA a i e .ji , w lug , o . ::i;lk :!. .Mp'Iii!. '!' ! i..i,i nut : i. 'i.e ". Tlm e,, . a ,ij -,,! ...i- )..', o,, . v. ., i I : lie - 1 lie o. , hi I, lo d I .1 1 - .if tlm fuifli v. vvc -li..y.e, i.y i j! . ve Inive tfU.r !u!f,:i '.V Wo i I I i.d ! - t i .-1 Willi -111 ill) I i.-lbllit if- 111 t : e -oi i 'l I b. 'Il III it 'ui -eel l.ili-. We -ii "VV d. I" , lli.il il' ilevcl'.pnmiil ui,! pi nlii"i o n i i : pr...:' I f Ii.u! In i u pin imlin liul. .uud hui the growth nf i r i l v i r-die ) mum;, fUCtllffs lll.'lile u i.d l .lid U'l'g ! Im l.u-l tie i!ll- nf .'Vol- IT, UO" llevv i'l iiii-i fie-. Now. t ike II. t- Mel nmo ls. ..ur :i i ed pii.pi fly I'd- lin-rmi-eii - , lillil, I It M t, ot a . ip I,, life, ,ii '.ilililig t 1 t lie re nit - I.u l-:ui' Wlmit ;i -eel ud fill ill'!'' 1 1 1 1 1 i ' I -n 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 il! I vi UU- -veil ye;ii- -lurtitig Willi mid liutth' lnd.l- and nun- I"! u--t I t be nut look i. itgbl in If bl ight. Till, bad l...y will be snrry w In I. elect lie, tl tuuifii' is U 1 1 . Vel-al! adoplvvl.

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