l)atljau) ttcrorl) H. A. LOUDON, EDITOR AND PROPBTOB. BATES Of ADVERTISING Ono sqnare, one insertion $1.00 One sfjnere, two insertions. ... 1.60 One square, one mouth . 2JS9 For larger advertisement liber U TERK1S OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. VOL. XX. PITTSnOKO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, JULY II, 1S1KS. NO. 10. j contracts will be made. Xlic i)at!;am Rccorb. CtettaE ftwoMANS Influence rl - i I . .&tlza rllAI'Tt.K "V CnnlHme.l. Ono- in her room. Margaret did not go to bod, but changing her dress to a light wrapper she ran to Miss Hilton's apart nun! Are you usi.tp- sti" caneu, eon v. ,,.,,. ,,. (lllj,.Si i.r,ir ,11V ..cased to li.ing an-w -r.-d m the negative, she hl,ir lilli(Il!) opened the door and entered. ; Margaret lut 1 laid aside her uiniiril- ' Hoar Miss llilion. she cried, "..nig ,-,. h.st ,;. sin,.,, un. to tin-side of the bed an I placing her .a,,.'-,e.,th lllmw I was the scene of hand with caressing ponllciiiis.s o the ivi, j,, Mul otherwise her life was hot. t'tiront.irg brow. "Are y hi better ,,.,, th !lmi. jt ,. ,M,0,, ,,. You should have let me stay with you. j iuM lw,.v months " No. dear. I'm .'lad I didii t. I really ; H,,r ;.t. ward I'.ri.in was un fed iMti.-li leM.-r Your bathing had a , ,..1. She was Kind and coi,sj,ei- Inagicil ell ct I have I n asleep ever H(l no ,.,,. ...,.pll(. la:.-, iK 1 their so Ion .;. .ui.l I teel w.-ucitil now. Hid j,,, ,.re,U' .... A n v demon si rat ion . .1' nt' you have a pi. a-;;n! evening: r,.,.,j,,n ,, j ,,.., calle.l f. rill anger oil "Yes, so pi. ;is;:ii! . 1 he t oloiiel was sin-iniglil scold her-clf in tli" really ipule eiiiirmtiig. I forg.i to led S(.,.,.,.,.v , '.r ,..,,,. .),,. might unhappy ov. ii a moment. alone i,,r it by a hundred clru atlen- "l hop" yon will a .ways know ""', t,on-. l,t the' l.-eiiug was th. re, wait- fc.rgeUuim s-, Miugaret. You have -. ; , ,., , show i,-,-ir. much to malic you happy, so many who A, ,.,.j.in S.IW iu As ,;. w,.n, , love you dearly. My brave little woman ,..in,,.,, ., ,.,., Wl!, .mn.;l ,IOsire and mu-t l.otpvewny to tin despondency. a1I.r.,il(.h Margaret will, oiilv friendly Hit here for a while, if you are cut n . tired, and we will tall;. Was Alice .pi te ','t'was all wr..e.. Marn uvt was forced v"','.' . , ... to admit. In her moments of self re- .1Ws.1"',f"''"-V- A'"' M' ,l:II'!'-V' ' I r a. h. Yd wno was to blame, lirian Hiljoii. or she? Mainai; had wrought a K'l'ea'er llie i,..te ..f pain II. the lew-pokcl! ,.,,.,..,. j,, ,if . ,.VI. she had words tilled Miss H,li,. w.th va.e UI i,.,,,.,,,.,, W!ll Mi.- Hilton's dc- r" "" ' i " "Naturally she would be hippy. I should be soiiy to see her otherwise, iliirearet, ciiild. ale you . Initio iinte riKhtr" There was a moment's silence alter this abrupt .iie iion. Mar.'nrot 1 uried lier face in her hands, while a luimiie I doubts and .jiie-tions rii-!i.l through her inin I. Tin n, looking up witii a new dctermtnati n up. II her face, she said Willi dcci-ion "Yes, Mis- lidtoli. I have e.me oer thai old cateehisin with myseh so many, many tin. -, lie u-ou'eie lies with my views .-f lit... 1 e;i. I started out with i.lees of .do.. I I have f. .tin I real- : iti', all I it 'li-appolntin. 1 have such a cape if. for nappiucss, ,,r pain, that I aliiio-' fri.M.li iiivseif. All tli.-e fore- i arc a.-;.:: w i; liin tne now." Mi.-s llipoti -i-hed. -I am sorry ., hear ..a link : o, she -a. I. "I want to leave V...I lia ! slid . ol.tcnle I.'' l.evc H e li.. ic in pai m -a:i that. ' ' -. ii. in m.e.y i.c . i ; e it...! Margaret, look- . - urpr.tjc. ' i.ij eiuinot i I d... 1 tliouht you id il . I' e been t llill'.- .-. in.. I I in. n i ,! tell . out l '- just II- Well v. . d her h ind lo i si on : oW w ,lh a lei., oelit ie- la.- ti.ci: Mill," Co d . Willi . u. !i I. elii,,,'. .. ! !. that I am art -il-'i ; i n' my ei-ier i- in '!' lie re. . ip , nt h of ; d ill h-v a''!i tion my I-'-. . I am sere ...i n,. : L.-.n- cliiid. !v ,y s I, with .on. at d li.e Wevll .11 ;. I '' ' av- u I ..ii. Mi- . -in 1, With ;:. Mi-.. i. i- i..'V ': 'be1. '' eo'ir-e, ' '" '-'"I' yon b. h.-.v I hale Hi" Wei' I-, M :: in the pi:l .vv. ,".! ; lb.- brov, n I,. (Ml-.: e, ;'.o. .'ii -. lit.; . . int.;..e '. ; I...- I. v a- I. n. '' "I hav M 1 (he - lf-repr a! all. I ci. to-night, an : iug 1U" ma nml ii'uly -.'Iv ho liar II : .1 1. :i'!l, '.V.'s ' a ' ri4 .i W-..,lel ;,ll I 111 f... US 1 tho-. .It. o: your leas - : le. I ; hat I am re. illy , up my ..Id life, and il is ii tee. such .a grel. Y!ar- ' I am - it: r garet. I wi-ii I niiglii lay il soieiv lo nu.l tin-Colonel. I was growing late your low- spirit ., I at I fear th. -re is a and the Colonel had wanted to cmc deeper rcas n than that. I vv :.di I could . with her as far as Klmuood, but Un make you s. . y..ur new life in it.-, true j Margaret bad opposed, declaring Ilia1 light, and . i..h you thai, with all its she would not be eil her lom lv or alr.il ' added iliitic and responsibilities,, it j t. after she had -tart. s,e di.l f.-.-l holds the sweet liop. s and tetuler possi-i bilities which c unplcte and crown a woman's life. Veil understand me, dearest . " "Yes; I am so anxious to learn. Miss ' Hill win e vou are Ii. re to help me. waved their bare bran. -lies like spectr I I '.vi-h I did i;.'l gro ;v so iittacln .1 to old arms. Tho wind soughed disunite fiieuds an I obi customs. 1 wish I could an g the ilea 1 leaves, ami even love half way. I ut I can't. 1 love with faint red 'a the sky ha 1 a chill oil. nil my soul, and 1 lia'c in proportion. I j against the low line oi gray hills. . should like to cl.aii.'e my miture, if that , whs all i.iiuilerahly dreary, ami M. -were possible. I want to do better; 1 gar. t gave u sigh of relief when si e want to help myself ami help lirian, ami reached her cheerful sitting-room, vy- Ii J am so weal;. Mis- Hilton." its flowing lite and comfortable, luxi - She i a i-e.l. v il h a half sigh. ; ions furnishing. 1 our desire will make you strong," She was sum -what surprised to was the oiiiet reply. "I .1. n't think y.ui Toiim standing holme the mantel. ,ic have a wcik will. ! arg.iiei . " ' had 1 n ill New York lor several .'.:.s Margaret caught tie suspicion of a an I she .;i.i not know .t his return. Millie en the . Id I. dy's lace. " I am glad you have com" at la-t. he "No," sin- an-vv. rc'l, hall'-suiibtig in said, looking up a' her cut r.i nc1. "I tot her turn, "but '- i - .a verv unreasonable here ah,. ul four o'clock P. lii.d y..u ; : will. Ali -s Mil:.,'.. A!..iv. Hunting to do what il : in ail. in'!. I tin I ii very I tlOllble, ..',ic. Y II See, 1 ll.'l Vi ' ' ' . 1 i ! ! 1 ' i ', oil yea -o long. I nave tonne omioit in vo ir -ympa' liy in that I shall . - v ,.11 n..,; . i realize. IPlI I am l'.."li':g v ti'.i say i.uv nc :. I v. ..aid i i 1 a Ivl ". ;.iii I can il I wi.l lot ha.e J'fU think Ina! lam j la nig n ,1 - elil h lies."!'. belol'e your III. Ill 1' 1 duly. I mlt.'lit be ti m; tcl to.!., -o in c,v pro-cut Hut., of mind, so i had b 'iter t.. I . I. Are v.ci sure i ."re i .a ,;ug I .-an .' for yell' I' 'III b- : real ; t : ,r . Miss Mil:, it diev te.. at, vou- , i " e, low p to r. end i;i - : l' vv III a lii.g, . - ' in..;, lend, r a . ;.M;i. "Try lo I- h.'i py." she said, "that !', will leas ' :: c a I I Hung-': and n .loll I 1 .'. i..', ii .1 l:iaii a! hi--:. : lie tuc in i 't' 1, del.-, tiv" ir.iiiueg and - education. ! .-im nbei-. a. ... Lh 1 v. hat- ever hi ' I.ll, e- ie'b-ve- Vo :. .'.Il l lbloin.'ll , tint! Im i1 j.,.. . :,n i .. . I v in li II ii .ii . i'v or him. " ii..,v, go... I 1. ,!d. .ic.u . lubl, 1 iti.o you will -I. ep .v"l. ftotw'nle.iei.d'ug tltis vaiu'-iUy v. I pressso.1 hope, Margaret lay awake for many Hours, thinking ol .Miss unions words, mid making ninny resolutions for tho rutun. IIIM'TItt XII. WKIllllNfl lll l.l S. From tho beginning 1 1 :i i boon agreed that Margaret und Alice should be mar ried upon tho same day, mid the double wedding, both from the circumstances connected with it und tho social prom inence of the principals, created no lit tle sensation in the society of S . The interest coinniiiiiioato.l itself to all classes, and the fortunate few who were present on the o 'fusion wero se cretly envied by the less privileged out siders. Tho latter contented themselves with speculations a ml prophociosjaiiil thowed ilini; jouriiev was accomplished and the lv vi, in. n.,il cms I,,, I &,.! t liil ilnmi ). eart urc wen t he he n ul coiimanions i n anil ch. ei l'ul iiitlueliee which mcimt so much to her. I'.mmi Urian sccme i to miss their com mon friend. He certainly mis-e.1 some thing; thoic.'h what wa- not very clear to his mvii mind. He felt it in a row in ilisatisfaeti.nl. The restlessness w hich cms! iuite.i such a hi rue portion of his make-up be.'aii to a-seit itself Willi 'in i-1 in.; lotce. He found his days iiinin toiioas. and th" ennui, which he laid t'i the dullness of country life. Mar.-airt ascribed to lack of d.'dinite piirp..-c ; -id settled employment. " It is iiuthin in the wcrM but lai'.i nes.s," -he ,isseili-d tor h. r own cui- Mcll.Cl. He knows il. ton; -o I sha'll't tell him. I'm ine.l ,f -rerla-liii. pica !iin.'. ami I dare -ay he'll soon erow p. think I niarrlc I him n.r nothing in the world but to play the shrew, i hat.' it. Nevertheless, he sha'll't keep on this way. I hat I'm determine I on. ' In spite of this resolution, lirian did not display any fresh industry, unless it was in o,,jMlr i,, the eiiy, where he was fond of spending his time. At lirst he returned home every even lm:. like many . t Id- m iuhl o''s w ho w.-re rc.,ilar commuters, ami went to bn-i-lies- ev. ry day; but in time he failed to r. c.i;:iii.,o i'i en lid-duty. :IIn his visi;.; toN'e.v York leliutlieic-d Ihei. r eli es i,, i day-, and o easioiially w hole we. i; pirf -e I wilhoiit .darar--t ie' him. He always had an . x.-u-e t h thea ter, his. club, tiie importunities a t'ri 'lid. Margaret receive I ail in -il. nce. "W'. t !,er 1 X1' o;- stay matter hit;., to her, decided lliian. I. lit !. wn-nd--tak.n. hi- inditfer. nee paiue I his y..un.; w .t'e l.iol'e li.an she Aoidd ll.l e lldti.ille.i pel - ! .;-. Mie i:c i-eaily - arted .eit .!'.h I lie .let 1 III. lie d I II t . ' se ;.. make up j ea'iic.t end. neir what die la.v.id m wc-iii'.:, o!' lee.iiig, ..nd her -ens1.'!' lailare wa-verv kc a. She . u. n : .,in b- i-e'f to tei.r.'.iei, hm I, can-" sh" .... ll.te.l her ngnt t" .1.. ... la.; I I.c ri gi't lo f.-'d u , ...1 ai ii 1 lei'. SI.e w.i- leiii-'iin ; s .i.i I i'l. r h--..ii . Itn im: iii -so early da' s ..' i nian ie i i:'e; .'iid i.i.i h a-', am., ii" !h"m was ii. .'. atr.i -i vvlii. h Alice'- id.- oifered ! ilel s. Sh.. would I'. tiru i'r.ei: her vi-it-c. The r dai -,. fr.-m i!"1 .'ii . t h. iv ot i . f, el ;. ppi TP S Winch . !le. to f IUI l.,.e, in fee her healt .e.ele.tne by . i n -Ii of feeling and lillcd w n h :; v agu, Mti.l ii.deliiia'.'le hoiucsickm--. I nu-ually h.'tivy-I.eart.'d she inin, evening from ii davsp.-iit w.th li. . lonely, i.ml she be-aii to wish to- ,. 'inpaliioli in her long, cold walk. The winter twili.'hl was beginning to fall, and through the indescribable melan- eholy of t he darkening scene, the tr. andth dace as lonely a- the i. you en .. y.,nr nil. .' di In'i rid", re, in" i Mar. . e'.t-'iidim: Icr Ii Ii I- I'v n wall; ii.::' V rg 1 1 ' I ; ' U hv. . . !h ini 1 I was ia.l ! i : i i' d. ' lirim ."t r. '"' '" ; oaper- ,t I.i. : i'. a ; t. l.ei v ..i. e. I, it he did i. c . r i ul. 1,:. c and we:i-;e.l air. h 'it .; word be drew i. . i, .,. to the . an I ..!,,, her in i'. I e 'i bello . e. . r I. ' "'. i,e -a at w ;l n , v iety; I vi i ai v o i would"' 1 l rv '. , i, treiiglli l.ir. .dar :;ret. I he w a,: ,as too I. 'Pig for yo i.' "I li. ll.'l th'.llk -" blai'di.g ;'ie wail; ai grow.ng lazy, and l! I am not f aid I'm . ,.eV -III.' of il I'd go ...t this ii . I ii . . . ami walk: utt'.il I dr.. pi' l. I hm" U . ad oo." I 'I'd have some say in that." rcsp .nnVJ lirian, iiiorinu h.r closing words. "Y'nlkin for the purpose of dropping, would be a very sensible pcrloriiiam-e. wouldn't it? 1 wi-h ,v..ii wouldn't walk without me after this.'' Margaret cleale.l lmr eyebrows rather I'xpressludy. "What an unself ish man,' she returned. "How many 'walks do you think I . old. I take under those circiinistaiici s. I'..r the last month, yo i've been hon nly at liiKht, and not every ni)!it liy any means. I have a prejudice in favor of sleeping at nifiht. 1 tliin.$l shall still continue to take my walks alone Your mind is above such simple delights." With these words, Margaret bent her head and watched the pink lines between her Angers, lirian walked to the otner side of Hie room, ami played a tattoo on the window. "It is so dull here," he remarked, alter a moment of this performance; "and as you lon t care whether 1 s ay or not. I don't see the use uf spoiling my pleas ure." "Don't spoil your pleasure for worlds. If taking some interest in your home is likely to do so, you i I only forget you have a home." "My home!'' lie n eat. d. with a bit terness raised by h.r hall-concealc.l sarcasm. "When I consider my posi tion here, do you think 1 can call tins a home'''' A change a- -e, over h. r face, an 1 for a n omen! she could not answer, though when sh" did it wasiuatoli.) whose lightness belied all..' deeper feel ing. "I always gave you credit for a lair shai f sens ., ldiaii, but. now I liml you sadly wanting. If you think lam going to humor your b t I temper you are mistaken. " lirian was not mollilied al these woi.ls. "It is no use in turning it off that way, Margaret,'' he said. " Your actions tell me plainly that you n.an i. .1 me be cause you fell under obligation to do -o. You blame the .me who marries lor money, but I think marrying for pride is just as bad." "How .tare you!" broke in Margan t. when anger permitted her to speak. " wonder you have the efirmitery to say such things to me, ami I wonder how I can sit here and let you say iln in. Now, don't excuse yourself. Y ou ale forever insulting me and then begging my par don. I'm tired of it. Sometimes I wish you w. u Id stay in the city. That is I don't w ish anything of the kind. I'm a gouse. I'lcu-e go and lix yourself for 1 1 i 1 1 1 . r. 1 will soon be ready, mid I hope you dnii'i intend to go to the table that way." i'.riau acted upon this hint to make himself more presentable, and during uiiiiief lie tried to make hi- peace with Margaret. In thi- ho was successful, as ii-ual. for her ill-temper was short lived. At the same 1. , he noticed thai she wa- paler and Ihii r than .-he had been a l vv w.-. k- before Wh it was the caiise. and why ha.! he not no ticed the change." "Hon t 'on i v 1 1 grow lir.d.u lllm- w ! " be'a-ked Icr. with a rather -harp glance. ' NeVel!" W as I be deeld. i al.-W'.l'. "I love I'.llllW . od too ".',!. I beileV. il would break my hea't ;o leave ji. " It is -irange." he a idd w itli a si ;h; ' a . I il. r n -e in ni-i . it .ci. I .-iii; The life which Mi.:...- ha pc :i . s- is all cin im -s an I '!;s:i; l"'i :i:.. !,i to ,ne. Tuc -h.'idow of a ti i.-g rcal.ty. "I think you ina'; it . nly a -ha dow, Urian. Il cu d be Letter, I know. You ha V" t he talents an 1 a !'.. li la.,. - to in. li.e a great mini. ' "In the.. iv, Marg.'i'et. but not in practice. Yfy laine--, f v.ui will, i t o thoroughly i n .'i a itie i lor that. You in n't like la .y p.-- pie. do yoii'r" "lie; I I don't. I wi-h y I 1 nd s. oi.e . .! h. r r .'e just for i... . It . ''I mink-; I in a I raid la v mi lire i loo con -ervative; lli.uis.li I ! -It ' I know lut what I may iry my skill in i.ndi ine for v.. in biii.-i;., .lou t lil.e veur pale C!,ees I'll I h.e.. V e .e-. "That i -a' . on plt,,., Marv , Mer... v '. a V"i III'-, his t ' lallglied c "I a ic may b" a !:: riu i M g it o I ,,v. r oa -ee old age." a ' ' i'i- i ! i. i.ot lung in, ' ; i ! oil oi InldliiL i iiii.la s iiov cl- I a I habit- in m -li. d VM' till . Ia.l .l.d II tin It.,' la.,.-. "1 11 le .11 ha- icll e.llie.l I he i.i'l I. is. i 'n I vv i I I I -:, a bull ..!' .. .i ii diiing -I..-!; agt'liis! :m i hing i,n' wc. : - I .i' r, " - it. I t ' V. t '..iirl ri .lr. "I wa- i ra .el'ii. in Mexieo ;i '".v ;,. ai's ago : tclat Moitt .fey a little "ii' -riiig' clicis vvdii tin 1 1 a '.: i r i e ai I aclilnelil was eliil it ing. In the i. ut 111 was a lattt" ami l'ei..oi.,iis-!oi,h-,iig I ion. vv 1 1 id i was pr, icla :niei as t lie Icrror of the .ttiitiial ct. at ion. A Mexican cat t Icm tn was an int et csi ei spcclulni. and w liilc t In1 t .-ul w is full he mounted a seal and idl'cicd to bet the proprietor of iltc show l.mai that lie hail a bull that c.uild whip t he lion in ten minules. 'I'he wager was accepted an. I the next day set for the lull tie in th" local bull pen. The lion was tinneil loose in the inclostii" and a young lamb thrown to hint, lie killed and ate it. anil i he taste lihiod seemed to make him frantic. Then a black, wiry. Spanish bull was tinned in. YV i I limit a moment's hes .1 il ion I li" lion sprang ai him. but taunts caught him on his needle-like horns ami threw linn thirty feel. The li 'ti did ii"i appear anxious to i. i ew host iltl ics, but the bull was in fur a light to a Ii 1 1 i -li. I le rush, d at bis enemy anil cave hitu an .1 li, r -a v age loss. The limi retire.! to tiie farthest cot tier of l lie ii.cl -til'' Ittld 111"! Iii scramble i. ill. but wa- i'Iu'.ImI back. The bull made an. .tin i ru-h. an I this t line he . oi . a li : t, ;::' bi- apt it... !: .s and lev, t I . d :s. mil ,v e i I him. ilv , rv bit of light in I lie ii' ii v. gone, 'Til" bull si,,,,,! - lb'' i ,-: !' of the inch sure, pawing and Icllu.v ipg. and 1 In (error uf lim atiiiici! kingdom was .Iraggi'd .nil and an at tempt made to save hi- iii". Th. bull was In s, from lie- iii' tiieiit he entered 1 lie arena." i . I ...ins t , 1 .!,, - D.lil'CI'.ll. TTi'l price nf anthracite mi! i ; to be rais. d again. The g. nt 1 1 1 1 1 1 .it soci;i)ci in the Itcnling c.ti In le' asscit liiis is purelv in ..id !' in g. ; the business on a -i be basis, bui ii lo iks lunch asihoi.gli tln .v would fur tiisii their slab!.- with a dog ta lha tiiaiigct1 THE FINAL Bombardment of Santiago Begun With Firing From the Enemy. tien. Miles Has Sailed tor I'lilm The Ity the Kiissians Tliaiiksglln Ueluyeil ITugs Hoisted on Irene Wasiiini.ton, I'. ('. (Special, 'The bombardment of Santiago bos begun." That was tho verbal information ob tained nt the YY'ar 1 icpurtmout Suinluy (loth). Almost immediately three bulletins were posted, tho most impor tant of which was from lioneful Shatter. TLis didpi'.teh anuounee.l that t ieueral Torul, who KUi'ceedo.l ( leneral I, inures in command of tho Spanish forces in Santiago, whou tho latter was wounded, li u,l declined to surrender uncondition ally, and that tho bombardment of the town would be beigun by tho army and nnvy about 4 o'clock in tho alter noon. .'hiring the past week (ion. iShaftur has received re-enforcements of both artillery and infantry, liandolpk'b but tery of twenty-four guns is now ia po sition beforo Santiago, and as one of of the War dopartmout ollieials express es it, "When thoso Long Tom's of Kninlolph's begin to talk, something will happen in Santiago." General Shatter has nearly lifty siege gnus and a large number of 7-inch mor- S 0 xn.'-ov . mi. . lil'.XF.r.Af. lars, iiesidcs light urttllerv at his dis posal. These guns, taken in connec tion wil'u the wovL, that ciin In. .loiio by the licet will, it is believed, carry ter ror ami destruction to Santiago. "II lie- o the Hi-olit. ( 'n w:i.i.sro, S. ('. iSpv Sixth Massachusetts Keginn battalion of iho Si:;th lllinni .ml.) - The at and one , embiuke.i i.nl. in an, I 1 ago to I1,. C'liilell is '.ll tlli llil'. Ndi'U . the light oil the cruisers mid Co ine now en rotilo to Sa clilorce Shafter. 'iho c coiniii.iinlc.l by To igadier ( A. tiarrelt on. I Ieueral Miles and his stall' boarde. house tender Wn.teria, and went out to the Yule. I Ins was m ueco: dance with previously iii raug'i'd plan.-. li.e Sixth Massachusetts is .pun ten d . m t he Yaie, vvi.ilo the Illinois men are on . hp Cali fornia. The expedit'.ou numbers in all 1, r .'U men. War tot lie Kml, Says lilaucii. I'.miis, Franco i ly Cahle'. -A lette1' from Madrid says that (ieueral Hlanco, in reply to the government's request for his views of the situation urges "war to the eud," und asserts that the 1 Cuban voluuteers cannot be reconciled to the idea ot the handing over oi the island to tho Americans, especially now that a great majority of the Culmus favor Spam. Why I'etice Is Pclavrd. London. Kng. My Cable.) - The Madrid correspondent of the Observer says: "I'he uriuy is the obstacle to peace. It is not willing to yield with out further lighting., deuerul Hlanco and the other military lenders uro ashamed to ask for peace, without test lug their light iug capabilities with the Americans. Il they ai e deprived ot the opportunity they will rise mid light in . Spain against tne government ami in Cuba on their own account against the invaders. This is the explanation of perplexity and irresolution of tho gov ernment Wounded vfeu Arrive. I he tntiisports Iro'tuois and Chero kee ii.'l'ivi.l at Tuinu with -I..U Wounded men from Santiago. Senator Proctor ."lakes n Tali,. At thank-i-ivi'i"; si-i v ices ut Mutlan.l. 't.. Senator I'n . i ir made u ijceeh. in which ho -uid: "Wo me in tho midst cf the w ar, bin there are tilings worat than war. There tiro wrongs which cannot bo righted iu any other way yet devised, except l.v force. Tho American people decided that Hie long continued tyranny of Spam in Cu.m lim it stop. 1 hu only way to make that sure was that her llag must leave tho island and this war is the result of that decision, " mm I - . 7l"V.-,V W RATTLE I. 81 Aitierieuns are Kcgiu dcd as "lloodoos" ut the Natiunal Capital -Why Peiice Is lies -Day of Mourning in Havana. tin' Church Is I Jlaincl.ns, ! YY'asiiimihin, p. (.'. (Special.) Tho i Senate committee on claims ma.lo its report npou tho investigation ma le by tho coinaiittee into the payment of the claim of tho Methodist Hook Concern, and the payment by .Major I!. I!. Stahl mai; of jluu.snii as an agent in getting the claim through. The report of the committee says: "Tho tostiiijony be fore the committee clearly shows that no part of tho money received by Stuhimau was paid to Messrs. Uarbee aud Smith for their personal use, or to auy Souutur or member of Congress, or to auy other person for corrupt pur poses. " Our Loss at Santiago. Wasimxutos, I. ('. (Special). The War 1 epartnieut has roi oive.l tho fol lowing dispatch from (ion. Sbafter, giving in detail the dead and wounded, with tho exception of (ijn. Wheeler's division: in 1. sw ton's division there are killed, 1 o'licors aud Tt men; wouudod, 11 ollicers and 117 mo r, puss- I'm n O CnMJi VM'IMi nu: .Mi ing, otic mull. In Ken 's division, kill ed. 1'.' oiiicr:- 'iinl s; men, wounded, M ollicers, ."ci.- men; missing '' lain. In ihite't t'.ligadc. killed, I iii'.-u; wound ed, '.' i. Iliccr- und .'.'. t::cti ; inis' itig' "i men. Signal Corps, killed. 1 lain;; wounded. I man. llciici.il Y''hec cr's I - I'll' i t;; t v ct r. ccivcii. 'I lis A incricii it- its ll.iod i s. !. ..;".'., I'.ng . Special . iie-l're-s of all the ceti: ii.i'iita. cities i ; .i:e:-t actively dlseil -sing !., ;ri,..-its ,.f p. ncc, propagitlitig vain us ii.inorslo (no general cllict that the l.cgoluiti' ii:' ii.-" all to vc'-.v little pro:';!. I i.u I,i.-.mhii -at els are vc.y hitler aga.n t tiie I til led St.-ltcs. i'he St. I'e el b i'g- N:,. vosli chafiictei i.es tl.o des!mct..tn of Admiral Curvern's l!"c! a ' I rabt! slutigh'.er ' und accuses th" Vmeiiciiii of etiip! i.vitig "suiue k'.ud of new ex plosive machine or bomb, coiitruiy tJ iiitei national 'aw. " The Delaware Lost (III II.irntn.it. An. win' Cm, N . .1. "Special, i The Clyde Lilio steamer 1 'claw are, from New Y'ork for Charleston and .luckson- ville, was iibiind jned oil' Murnegat, the ' Hteumer at the time being on tire. Tho passengers aud crew were rescued by the members of the Cedar Creek Lite Saving Station, with the aid of the crew of the lishiug smack S. 1'. Mil ler. Klaus llolsleil on the Trenches In front of Santiago (My (able.) - rders have beeu issued that each regiment in tho American lines hoist a, llag on the trenches in front of tho posi tion it occupies. This gives the Span iards an excellent idea of the extent aud location of our lines, but it also makes a very imposing appearance l'li.ink-gi lag at (lie Nation's Capital. Sunday was a day if thanksgiving and player in Iho nation's capiial. i'he iicsideut's recent prochimiilion was the basis of a concert ot putnot'c utter ances from many pulpits. Thanks v. ere given fur lln gloi ions tctoi ie id' iioricaa arms and pi a vers were ollor .1 tur an eariv ciiiisutiiiau; ion of peace. I he Y ellow I-ev ci .uiislic.l. Wvs.'im, .,.,, !. c. Special, j i'iio Mio iiiu Hospital Se: i.'e gave cut a copy of iho telegraphic lepuil fr.,111 the f-iugeou in charge of Mclleury, Miss., unuoiiuciiig ihu discharge of the lust case uf yellow fever. Spanish Nonal l,os-cs. Saiu's naval losses have been t vveiity-onn warships and twenty one merchantmen, against puicticailv no losses on the American side. i xirKD stai ks jx;ki:ss. I'roccillngs of Senate and llouso Kroiii Pay to Dnj. Tin: sr: NAT!!. Jii.viiin The i-tiiiito piis.-od the resolutions of iiuiaMitmn of Hawaii by a vote of -1 . to 'JI. ii;ttigrovv oll'eled a lesolutioii tendering the thanks o! Con gress to (.'omuiodoro Schley and the men under him for their gallant con duct in the destruction uf the Spanish fleet; referred to committee on naval alhiirs. Senate concurred in the House amendment to tho general deficiency lull, thus passing the last of the appro priation measures. Conference reports wero presented on a bill for protection of harbor aud coast defeucos and on a bill tu increase the force in the ordnance do purtmeut in the army; both agreed to. At o;.il) p. in. the Senate went into ex ecutive session, and at ii:lo p. in. ad journed. .1 1 I. v Tin. A bill conferring upon Adjutant i -ii tn ti S I 'orpin, the rank, pay ami itl low iincc:, of u major genera), was passed by tint Senate. I Miring tho greater part of tho session tho i-cnate considered unobjected bills on the gen eral calendar, passing a large number uf them. A bill making appropi lutiou to pay sermon employees of the Homo of liepriHcutativos and for other pur poses, was passed, with the follow ing amendment : To enable the Sec retary of War. in his dihen tion, to cause to lie tl iiuspoi led to their homes, the reinaliiti of ollicer i ami soldiers who die ut military camps, or whoaie k.litd in action, or who d:o in tho tield at places outside of tho limits of the ('lilted States. Allison called up the House resolution providing for the ad journment ef Congress and had it re ferred to the committee on ii;, propiiatic.us. At I: hi p. in., tho Senate went into executive ses sion, and at '1:1'.' udjuiirucd. '1 HE HOUSiS. .Ti i.Yili ii Tho House alter a debate of four hours concurred in the Senate amendment to the general deticieuey lull authorizing the seeietary of the luteiior, tho Attorney (leneral and the Secretary of tho Treasury to settle, with the approval of the l'resideut, the indebtedness of the Central and YY'estern roads to tho government. An amendment was oll'ered aud adopted to the l'acitic! road amendment providing that unless settlement was reached within one year the President should begin foreclosure proceedings. Tho conference reports upon the bills to increase force of nuluauce department and protect harbor and coast defences were ad. , , At l;"ii the House u l- joiirui 1 .In.-. . const leru moils consent i House whs given to f meipiires by uuaui I ew of importance wero passed, uient tit A resolution for tin ul adjoiiru .' o'clock to.uonovv was agree 1 to. Then follow ed n clamor eh.iructe.i' Btic'.f the closing duvs of a session, members in largo numbers In ing ul most constantly upon their feet, ap pealing for recognition and considera tion t.f their local i.ica uivs. Mr. Merry, I lemoci'iii, oi Kentucky, s. cured tua reading of 1,;. lesoiiuiou, thank ing (.'omuiodoro ,-chioy and the otlicers and men under hint for the victory ov er Ccrvera. I'he Senate resolutions i i"iidiug thauks aud di rectitig the giving oi medals to Lieu tenant K. II. N eweomb and the ollicers and i .en ot the lliuisoti. in the tight at Cardenas, and .liiccting (he retirement upon lull pity of ( u) i. I'aniel M. Hodg son, uf the Me. 'ulloiii. in the Manila battle, were Ini.! before the House. Tho House accepted l he Senate provision h.r un appropriation of .-'-'no, non to pay tho cost of Iran spurting dead American seamen sml soldiers to their homes. 'Iho bill to incorporate the Ituernu tn.iial American I '.auk was called up, but hv unanimous consent it went ever to the lirst e-liti'.-day lifter Con- mess shall lac the adoption oi Hcpui'lican.'-l I elected Sj'eal.-.-l Palell, el ' Unit main utit ' the sigiiiiVii,. ..i' in I . iiiher. liy n. I'avpe, as formally ;'W York. pro tc r t -a us c i. cut. 1. to till and in lueiit oi .Ifl I".' Hon- titr-ie... i lag in Cltii.i'.'ii. I,, . : C. ." ' ' ,. v ie ' . I ti-- p. : ti ' 1 1 .,' : ' . . : - .ip M i;ie i . i :.- t ,-otii h. t ,' o Ci.e.i w ,:. nr.-: ':. .' !i. 1 ri" . n.oe-m. Il is I lie ll: ,v 1 ti .! , o , r. d p.n t of t he v ra - s . i' I' I :;.. , i. ci .-vi 1 1",-.. : i he o. i i .'ti i,: 1 ,,e ali 11," 'lee 1 V h " .1. i la', il. . M 1 1 . ll I. li.e . . V ... ,'..;- ptopos-l b;. Mr. M .1;. s. and was Mil 1 1. ipat. d :!' Pv iCrl y loiiinc- li.. Ill Ihe liitied St;.'".-, 'i'he Cubans in HaV.'.l.a J , c 0 lo make ii an annual memorial i- i 1 .1 -tion for the ih ad sailors of the Maim . Mr. Mages has exhibited the ll.t.; 111 several pla.es of historic inlet. si. ll has hen rair-cil and . h, r, .1' 011 .-otae of the South. 111 oat: I. li. bis 1 n Ms way ha. k to Chicago, and Ms ov. m r says he hop".- to see i; vit rai -ed v. oh to, p. a Iiaiil of the Maim- over th- rinrs of old lo! ro C.istie. Two I'll!. an M-auistresses wet! tin St. 11- .Hid Si 1 ipes ioi. ; lie 1 ' ' tin' tour ist, w h 1 10. :!' lie at ra ng.-ia. ;':. for the tiler:... ,..! servic. Ct i. Int. I- (.e. 111. .1..-. pi 11. I: -, la. "I !b gheny C'ty. !'a.. com, s t t h I rot' w i:ii th.- -,."!-w bai . uio -" -!::.-.. -thm thai 111" j.resei't ci; 1. - ,,f N.",v Y ..!,, ri,l!.l'b lp!,::i a", I I 'tee:::-', b IV t'.e.l "to -.,-p:i la i e I.ot ': .., '..I . ' .! : 1 1 1 ' : v --.,!: s. ll. -!'!'!'-" o1' !''- .;g : -.!..;!. Mr. 1-v. in !.-er -I tl C.01 -li:il!ietl of 111" l'eile.; S' at :!,. y ticv . r d:' miih .1 I li.; i t ' 1 1 11 .ci '.ir.pilie.l v. i,i iVopi iii : . i-lil,'-v "dd sprhii. in ibis eoiit.iiy with o.iio.ii.i inb:i'. 1,1 tii: !-: they would I'tiv mad.' -onto provision for e.mvt rl- ill'I til'-Ul into Sl.l'es. Mei'ofe C"IIVe:'I- il'u il'" .-'" ell 'e- into States. Mr. Irwin's Id. -a is to annex to o.-p h of iheiti enough sii'.Totui ling, terrie.'iy to g ve tin.';:, re spect. 1! le areas. Vhiioiilc love Is a sort of piv'.';;iie to the l.al thing. SONGS HUD CHEERS. A Great Outburst of Pctr iniiciii in the House. CLOSING OF SENATE QUIET. ... -- l'resideut Signs Many Kngrosseil 12111 Seniite aud House Pass Keso -liitions of Tlutulis to 1 heir I'lesbl ing Oihceis. Wasiiis. .ton, D. C, .7 ll no 8 (Spe cial. ) 'I'he end of this session of Con gress iu the House was inaiked by two notable incidents. Ono was Bonsa tioually partisan, well nigh resultinu iu pursouul conllicts upon tho tloor of the Mouse; the other was notably patriotic und swept aviuy all signs of the former . Mr. Handy, I leinocrat. by moving to strike from tho record a part of the speech which appeared us that of Mr. liav, Kepubiicun, ol Now York, pre cipitated a dispute w hich brought on a closing incident uf a seiisatioual uat lire, during which u .pieslioii of veracity arose between Messrs. Kay anil llau.iy, iiud liuaily Mr. Camion. Ilepnblican, of llhuois, liy denouncing Iho liotnoeruts for delaying iui -iness by calling for tellers ou tne mutiou to strike out, came near precipitating a riot. At ' o'clock, when Speaker UeeJ an nouueed ' this second session of tho CougresE adjourned without day," a great cheer arose and theu began a i-cone which, while similar to the usual closing scenes of sessions, fur surpassed iu err! husiasui and manliest uoud fuel ing any simili " episode in tho memory of tho oldest member of the House. The occui tints of the packed galiei ioa w ho had risen to go, paused us they heard a half doeu members begin siugiug "America." Other members hurriedly crowded around the Speaker's stand and joined the singars until with in a short time it seemed all members present were aiding iu swelling tho volume of song. 1'reseutly a voice here and there in the galleriei joined iu, and it was not long ui.til moiubuis and si ectators were singing tho patriotic hymn. "Tho scene was a marked transition from the party deinonsti ut ion which had beeu w itnessed siu h u short time before. Ileinocrats ami i'.epnbiicims were now singing in accord a national anthem. Whuu tiie si ng ceased, some member proposed three cheers lor the "nation's lie-i'leiit. ' and the roar of sound that followed came in. in a united house, liieii "'sioth. Smith, l a-t and West, a liiitel Country"" was pro posed, umt then in turn came the he rocs uf the war, I cwcy. Sceh-.v. llob sun. Siiiiipsuii. and ti in.. I..- H nuer iiep resciitntive. l.ei.cral loe heeler, who is now clinging, though iii. to his com mand iu front of Santiago, was naiiiod, and tho hull resoiiiidcil with cheers of thrilling streiigt.i. Then the sinning proceeded. Mount nun Sergi a'.it at Arms llr.ssell huii brought in vi in small American i'.ags and every u, embers was now waving one. "i lie s i sir Sf angled Manlier'' was ..ling, whlio tUvg" waved and 1 he galleries eheeied. ! .uloi' fid low ed "Yankee Poodle' and "! ixie," the hitter perhaps for the lirst lime iu tho llou-i', joined iu by members from every suction of tho country, (liters for tho Speaker were mveii. Tho patri otic tlcn.otistral ion continued a half hour, and then the members began leaving', suying farewell lo colleagues. "Home, Sweet Home'' and ' 'Alibi Lang Syne supplanted the patriotic aits and iiii!" cssc.l more strongly upon the heaivi's Cat another session was en d. ! he Sen in a ;. per till let. 's 1. 11-1 II. iv a (od c" so sun tie a- tal" t he . '.".'.iitc, at '.' o,', 't One. almost ,'IOC , iliioiit duy. ! exciting" sec None of tho acs usually drai'iii'i. atlemii;, ( ongre-: ill g hem upon the a. i.e. 1 rami nt uf ... ere eic-ccl tKtlii.g tliec'os 1:1 the Seiia'.c. It had been icu .ie Senate ceiivciiud at agiced. when noun, thai tin it! for the 11, 1 I i oii-c I'csoi ut icu provi.t lUruiaeal nil 'otigrtt-s at V! lid he adopted nr. 'iiiatancx-.-siou bluiiiid i'C h"!d to coU :. 11 ions in the military and : l.i li rti . a 1 . .0' iiliidimcu! s. No other l.u.i liivM "Tit I'lilir U'.ci't.-t routine na ture was '.,. be transacted ihe ar rangeiiieir. w as cm ried out to tho let ter. Mr. Allen, of Nebraska, 1 . crod a r'.solutioti thanking Seuatur liye, I 'resident pro tempore of the Senate, for the able aud courteous manner iu w hich he had presided over the deliber ations of the Senate during tho present session. It was adopted. A similar restitutio!, was ollernd by Mr. Cockrell of Missouri, thanking Vice-President Hobart. and was adopted with a rous ing aye. Vice, l'resideut Hobart then, the hour uf '.' o'clock being indicated by the Sen ale timenece, formally declared the Senate adjourned without day. lor nearly uu hour previous to adjourn ment. President Mc! liiley and ul I the members of his cabinet, except Secre taries Pay ami Long, were 111 the President's room, adjoining the Senate chamber. I 'tiriuig t nut time the Presi dent signed a largo number of engross, ed bills, many of which would have failed had 11 been ueccs-iiry to scud them to the exec ittve m.iu-iou for his Mgna'.uro. A 1'atiiot liiii.'c V V. I . , I). C. -1; Senator Camel on, who n don. has cab ed to S. cr i.'l'erii." the "oi 1 nme'il 1 1: '1. c-ul ' I'.X- iiow- m I ,ou i-'oi; v 1 .oug, ' li re use for !.) da tale .'it .' lloval, pin j o : I ll II I I -III magnificent es I, i f posito I ort ( . I- il'st Sv n. pill li.v I.cMhiv, l ing. 1 1 !y i sc ver s Y i.-ii 11a con " I ho Sig'iis! revel": ' s pa 1 11. e. i he I lb to. lent says: have can od 0M lieio a fresh oiltiiiuV. ol i v iupathv with Si i;in, litel there i-11 ti titter prospect ol Intel vci't'eii povv thuti at any ire vi.. us iter to.t "1 the war. i ho Ninth (ierman l.ovd slennier lit. land sailed from I'u'liinoro for Mor dciitix, liance, with about I, pin lu,;.s hends of tobacco. .'J be w huh. ship i, ca pacity is taken up w i!h tho to' a.'co, shipped government uccouut.

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