KuKt-r tn 1! ?ucr. "No, minium." mild .MeamliTliiiT Mlltc, fin sorry, but It's ii.v'iii my principles. 1 cnti'l split no wood." Well," she iiusweivil. "there will le n loml of eonl li'-ro thin nfU'iuooii, uinl " fin sorry ny'lti. hut I can't -:in-y no 4t,;,l. lint 111 h 11 .toll what 1 will do. Til ooniprouiis. . l:r )''' i U'.is jiinvo fll turn i-u ilu I'"'- 'e." W:ishim;.-.:i Sl:ir. A man in'tv.' allows v.-'ii't lie can ih li !"' ''' ,,';''u '''of''1-'4 t;.:'t l.i' has mil. A u-iii -res. c iv:. ...m: I,, . :va Alii'"." ii.. .-ri-l. "I I;.,;.-, ,!, : . I'.i:- :l Cecil 1 1 ! rl I WI'.IU-' I it hi ir as :.. ik'V'l. I ve '''!'. "l- i 1 ' 1U., A' i::;;lit I li-iv- m-scI iijh ii my K ,!. : i ;;,; l!iu':,r'l -Hi.! nst.-ra Ill ! II. I ( I!:," i;. fa r -t'rl i I : . 1 1 i ' ' - liii.iw v!::i; i-tin' in:'!' r with .lull. '" si ii t pi." '.ptei or i; ''. oi: iuv.1 ...:;. -i." ai Mm-1 : ; fal;1 : n'!i: is tv:ilivii on :. : i! I : i i I 'm.-. Ii fair. . . mn iin Sil.v :i l'r In:- i ' 1'irst T inc. A iiiuntry I i'.v 1 n n isr i ' riji l:i ;i ;c:.. ' -'!' "- .;-''ii:ii.ii 11:1,1 Mlfii i" .ic.i.f'i:iny Iii- father in a !!!;! i-.i;- v.):' -1, :i !:-" ' hit" ' rai'- nil; p.ls-. s. Till' llliil'l."! .'li'"!'!- hi- Ml'- rival, v.i. -iiu,it. :iiiir in '!" i:r.i'i!-. 'i behind l:-':i.-. in which '.' wi-n; H.i.Viii'. h" b'helil wiili '.t.'ii'l -rim; eyes a train f. by. l-''r :i n:o "I be ''''- in :i i Ii. i : r in -- :H i i i' i iis'.i.itlsliiil.'Ut, I ill i: .niiniii- ..! 'in' hutl-c I'.' vii t.l ' '.-:!:. :'. fa; li.-:". ' '" '"" : .,.,., ., :.--ii::.l !y s.i ! r.i:. I'iT w i' ,. I ..V ,f .s,.s. I.IM.'s ,! , by l- I . : "J'" hi. . 'ii'i: :iH'-H."s. '.i; 1 1 oil L!i.,'ii.i:.ir. ,i : : t ; ti n- i i;i ,i i v - a n oil v rm so i A- tir-1 i-i t!i.- 'I.-.rnin-,- .w ':.:i I to 1 .1 v.' i -.- ; ' p!y he :!! y-.iif i:: --:''i a p-.T. t!ii:i, s'l-.risii i- ii, l.i; .:. ii l i-'-i u.'t !.", U. ' ir str-n ::! na-1 y..tt ! ti-t S-t ill" I'-'-'-tit (.' v..-.r . I -ir .a,- and 1 - ;j Mr 'iu- .,-irt trv tl." toiii an I purifying (-.: .1 il".'s s.u:i: :ii:!:i. uar iv. r I . r ir. will i "'1. Hood's SarsaDarilla I- A:i -r- .. - i.:.-;'-,--! ?1- -. ....... HooU's Pills ' iic .! l.-'-f -",.;!.. Oria:s of lh HoriJ ' li'o.ipidc r- ii.;. V:;-.- ti-ily Th, . . :- i;j :-'. N: i..!.is. A :'; .. : :: vo:i ..;' t !'. ' . : !..;..;. -Mo.'-i- V.-. V e'!""'. - '. :' : !':-. ft- ;; Ity t!.' i... I'-'.''' I iiiA ;h.- w ! - - ' v.' M. .!.- -lo::i;. ! v . Im; . . ' V.': Ci i. I.Vf s-.KKr. Mrs. r-L.:;.-. . -.. t:- i i;.:r &r a:i ii-rTro 'oli. 3, -X 'V. " '-.-' 4 '' ' ''. - . I a.'', ;:i a iv ';.'.. i.f a Vvi :s,,"',"L a mi I ! ."in r.v.iia i;. a :::,! -, V. -e-'- o::ip . .il ml. . : I . .- tal. n -f it r.'- - ' :. . . . ..... Y . o ,a-:,:y ti"t iifi - -' - t '; ' .. ::.' a -'-:r r.. i . 1 . a:.-:- pi-..;.- v.. :r V. :-e,..i ; c.-:r;- 1 !,, mueii. My li'lsl.p:;.: I ?-..,: , aehar:--,; i'i ' v.-a-!. . -. . ... f r . -a..j '' s. V' .- I ". . "I ' ... CUf?C CONST.?ATICM. ... l.fllf.5 U.a.tl.. l... Ilefc.. JUna-'i,. rrl. : ;2 Mft TO 9JC !"l.l Ji1 !s-n'-M I-t r itrnf lU'lU'SW i .; ;.j ( t RL I'-jMcvO Uab.t. Tried to Run the Blockade, But in Vain. ADMIRAL CERVERA CAPTURED. - - AiniTlc.Hi I-oss Jnly )m liillcil ami (liii"U ii ii'il. I'rlnoncrs Ta ken. Muny Killed mid WuiiikK-iI. l l:e New Yurie Herald baa roi'oivod Uiu i'ollinvm dclin ui tlio iloslriii tfon of .ih:iii.il t'orvura's iljot: Thrco of tlio .S u:iis!i truisvrs that wcio liottii'd ill. iu Suitia-o lmihor and the two tor- , ,. I peuo boat dc:;tioyer . wore l oumlod into holfie is lii-.'.Ui by tlo i;ii:m of Adni.rnl 'aiupsoi:.'n deot, on Sumiuy, duly.:, in a vaia attempt to e:-eapo from tho har bor. The vessels wero beached to save as mauy of tho lives of tho crews as po.-sib!e. Admiral C'ei vern, on board tho Cris tobal ('ohm. iieinli'd tae ilout iu all at tempt to i;et av. ay at about '.:.!0 o'clock. So little wore the .Vueneuim expecting the liusU that tho t!..:,-s';iip New York was cruisiiit; up tho coast to the east niul totuiiK-d only iu time to see tho finish of the tiuht, an I lire a shot or t.io at tho torpB'lo boat destroyers. Tho Iowa. Indiana, Oromi, Mnssa cliiisetts, Texas i'.vool.ly and tho ca vorted vai'iit liiom-jster. formerly Urn Corsair, formed iu position toivo but t1.. . u , -ii ,n tlw r.iV-i u i q hied i vouad!C- tho wie.'k of the Merrimae. 'I ho American v ..-.cis did not open tiro I at .mc; thoy alio I until fervora's shq.s were out of t!u tnti'c of Morro'a ijuus hefore ;ui!i: liaitliv l orvcru I hea led to t!.o wet. the Colon m the j U'.id, f.iliowe I by tho lcaya n'.d tiie I i 'ipiendo a:nl the destro". ers. u!i i'n uiu' I riipnllv. I AlU.f tho :.ii !: -.i:i bttit!.!-'ni;--' oped I ed iiro .it I'll co nr. i ti.e Spaui-.ii we ."null ill a i: :n rii'.iiu snot inn f ' '-.- I'- si X ' : f ' v V ' ' r . : . ! j "--"tZf i AliM :!;. I j but Colon k-i ' . j iiliour t.-n i.-.ic-. I .'.!. it.-) Ca.-Ce. . I !. v,:.. tl tj t!:-.-j : .. Vii- !i'u.-:;i: b" i.i- '.;n i i;e : V ' .'.: :l.i- Uf -., r ; :.. ' 1 . . a I'll. t. V il.e'v .-a tun:.- i ;.ci,e i l.er. of pi.ices. an I tin- '. si.u u.- i art i-: ti.e L.i: i- .;..t r.i . . ster. I i an i w a , l: v Ara At li: : I.-. L.I. At lir.-' t.. - 1.1:. l-.i-i y : a a I ii -a ."i a at :.r.- ..ad i.a th.l ' '. .Vii '.li . - ,1 i..rl :..-t Mj . u -.: a , i ..- ,.y .- a.-ro ..; ! :: , t'-ie e..'a'h s.ml s-.'i.ded I .'-.';v, a:; -i.-.ioU-.v. .;' i:u! fa- 1 .L: 1 , i l.Yi v;aan Ciiarh-! i'ls ey,-.i.-ii: :s de-troye I, j face, a, ia; an 1 che-". l aiiv . lu,-: hi; i bu::- Ntlil- I. I..-. ;.i:;l.t!:lr,..-. . . e e . in.' in-, -a M Iss . '.,- I. :t i -. ti.e en-: :;. " t';e t l.v ''iir.s;.,n sfe-.a.-r Smfdy, p.v-.al-a'tiui ai. i ;'a..er Islaud, s stiiu-k by l.:. h rin. oi. .lulv :.o! known bow iua:.y utre on ::..!. I at it is r.id there weio Maav. l.ovi vi r, werj i c - ,i-:p'.- i'.:':!! Vra. t ! , 1 : ' ;i:i l :.ie to v. a tu oi' the c.:v aa r.ter, n;i th,. is 1 1- jA. , no ,Vr- t i p u t I' ,m i). ,-.. . It ma ii; l ::' 1 '. w, tra-i - ':i:: ,1.; '. no ,--.-iitu.su ; ie. a, .,;x oili.-ers . .i.ni a. I in .1 ;,a.) I i.eyte came out. liti I :.il,T: I.o'.).-'i i Ouicers iroiii tlio f.i-: arid lilty loiii' :i en, in J-'th tlio ispuai., 1 v. s-, ol a river near Main.l: to i.,o, having es'iauste l ommtt'iitiuu I a:id fofi.i in rep"!l:f : aita ka by in-,;ir- j "u:s. 'lie uad o:i 1 0.1: a litiy-t-vo o.ll cers an t ninoty-foiii- men, naval 131J ui'litarv. b"-itrue'lj Monty."' i NORTH CAROLINA PENCILINGS. ! KAiui) ikh; m:ai; t iiakloi i k. Alt.icks Ml tie lilrl ami lutUcts n Severe Woiiml. IiOiiio, tlio 4-your-old duiiKlitor of Mr. V. .1. Hill, of theMiut Hill hoc lioii, ueur t'hurlotto, wos liltun iu tbo juoutli liy u rubiil dog. The do,' wont iuto Mr. 1,:11' houna mid iioiiiieod upon hit; tlojr whi(4i was I viii iieiii-tlm eer.ter of tlio room. Mr. lull's do.; mm no frightened that it jumiieil ;ii tlio liod where the eliild was l.viut;, followed elosoly liy the Htnu-e doi;. As stiou u:i tlio do,? i:ot ou tho hod tiio riiliid ilor iurneit his uttout'uu to 1 lie eiiild, ai.d bi'iin isnapj'iiii at lier. i l;o ehild liuido ilosemlo ell nts to free heii-elf. lull, I'oloi'o hho could net oil' tlio hed tliedor: hit her in (ho mouth, ; s" 'iM" " " nill , Ihoclulds Kwnuiu.t were uoaul liy j,-,, . to her asMstaneo. ')'1,(. ,l;:t, n:i:mu! nt!eniited to hite Mr. Mill, hut u vol! umi'.'d h!ow with an o felled tlio dnr. "Ah toon us pocfiiblo Mr. I ! ill hiti'liod Inn ti uiu u:id wont to l bar lotto wiih bis cbiht. uinl hud tlio mad Hlouo applied to tho wound. It renir.iii d eliuuiii to tl,o wound for ne:::iy two luiiirs. I iciiteimnt Willi, im l.warl Mli p I.ioule'uaiit William l. Hliipp, of tho Tenth I'aviuv, I'. S. A., who was kill ed iu tho battle at Sniitia'o. was a t.oii of the lulcliiilo William M. hipp. of ( 'harlo'.ie, aud uss :i7 ymirs of a,-o. Ilu iimther v,nr, a sister of the Into Colonul .lohu l l aiiieiou, ol Ashevillo. Ilu v a i i a.linstc-d at West l'oint in iss I, Mamliiij; bih in his clu-s. ( lu l adua lion ho v. as nssignoil, at his own re quest, to this tenth cavalry, which is ci uipoM d of in j;roes, and was ordeicd to Ai l.'o'.iu l lieic lie I pent severill venr :. I lc w as lor I wo or lareo year "'" miht.n v oiheer at tho i laws .school " i had u-joii.cl ni.i cuw !"''. ' - ' ' '' ttf s i.e.va.ed. I. o. i Win:,, i.o: were t-iw;:; I ivt-r. in-: .h an oi .1' ' ! .) thev .-. :i : i s I.Ike Murder i .ni l -ay and Xch ilwurt up the Trend; i.io.i.l : Asheviiio. thoy ohsi'i s od . u' upru tilt' water w inch a- t!,.; bc.dv of a child. '1 he v i .' I to the object, and . 1 ie:i j nithiu live Icet of i! II. ey made a rab for it, but :: --iii.k. Mr. Lindsay '-iivs I lun it v:is a child pel hups twe.voor i Uhteen m- iitlis old. He left .-cvirai ' boys bo.;(s to w:;t-.'h ii.r il.e body to n-e, w 'nie be and tin. eoinpaniou went i on toAshi-viUo Mr. I.in ls.iv am-pecta tin-; f iu play nai been pructiced and w; .1 no ali :;i h; power to recover the body. Attention I .illed In Norlh Carolinian. Senator frito'iiii'ii called at tho White lloii,-e and .-ailed t!r.i .ittent!!:n of the I 'resident to the j art t.ikou bv i apt. i'liadd. 'is V. .Lm-s and other North C.:: oilman i ia the tijjlit at Santiago. : , .-.'-e-.ti.! :ve skinner Mi'.v tho Presi dent r.i t.-.e ..:'.c:o: of Serpen:. t J". M. la:. u: on, l:. , now at Sautiu'o, who took a pri.:-::nent part in tho lij.":it!ai; there. Serjeant ( 'iiineroH has boua lec .ri.ii.i'ii'i 1 fo- ruiuotion to a sec ond lie '.t.'-.iii.i y. but was held back be cu:e of a ii.-iht detect in !;ea:".n-. New I in iid i I. :' . t a I... e: il: oi f,-:- :!. In.-,t:..:i i. i i '.:.d i a !.:,:e: f the i-n.t. s.ctia nit;.-, i !i v. ::l 1 e ( 'no w:.. be a; ti.o at the ed ill'-', b i.l.ii:. Il i,.i' to be l-.l-ccte.i. i.' b .aid of trust. x-i f ; !:o 1 'e,.f. I ':;:nli ,1 C: is .!" t.v.i i:i!W biiad u:. i th-j other lo!:. '. -l.-l, o! tl.rt i.r.i: A iv; W I.I I.:. i.:;-:. rit.es. i- l.as ! i !, :ii-i.al . t . i -, ! , t o a! ti.e I.;. I. ni llo tho I W : 1 out. and i.i.:i a; ; -.a: . .1 Woo l As. u I end .- :.l. 1 .;;,., ; l.isthi. ''i'---1 l: ",-'t """ ... i . i ..e: CVlilil , W : 1 01 i.-i s S.-ll ?orris. .1 loud. iu uis arin ial report, shvr : in re :s aoout .-f l,''i" of scl-oo! !::ii'!s o:i l.an i : i uo ai portiua-.d to thy various ;iwti!i:-s. A I.are oiisia niio-nl of t'otiaeeo. Twent v-sfiveu ti. : ;es of leaf tab i.-eo wero Mi'.i'.lv sliipj ud from A "untitle) to l.ija l in l.ui;. - - j V. ill .Wens - His i::-.',!l:, Cs I),ii li. j ".My brother was l.il.'t -1 iu Sau' in-o and 1 want ;o ......ist ia ti.e a- n,v, was the sta'i-: f-..u:o'l l:. of a Vuii:: r ia:.u mho pre ' at ' !.. ,r I ':;u i tent at I ami, i ". ihe out.tv :s of ill.tliola bo i ti e ai-'i ,a of a ...il' it. ' c. Ml -a -jut 1 .am ian A:--,c:a!..i to t i reVto, .!. !. tt.-llalay N 111:1 it.-.!. 10:1 viiir.i'i ton, I r-.. ,s v. il. The f.r.'t .-ay after ta war rove-iiii-3 bill went into e.'b.'i.'t there were J. i.i n tr.hea in ut t:.o reveiiiio clli.-o at ilaieiyii iro:a tha'. s-aini ii alone. A ?l eeial from Ihirbam Fay.t that thn 'ar I lorartitieut has i.nlorcd a carload ct iliill i'ui h'ii.i siaoLiu tobaaeo to i t. auipl e.l t-j aaiiiifo. DEETli OF THE WORLD. Total Apprn-.im.'ilc i ",M:!0,OIHJ,OIIO lllterei.t. .UU.),lHH),;il Tho ili-lils of the world uppruxliii.ito ."i,.s;:(l,Hiil,l.ii(i. li v.-.-is e ::!li!i:i:. d Just twi-iity years s:;j. that llii' -;hl i-.-ti hirpi-st nation:!! di-bt.-i uiiioniui il in ilu-u.-re;;iili- to i I :.t M :( . ti. A sum i-f 11:ii".iioi.',ihii v,;is allowed for tic im in 'rims iiilimr In,,: nw ci's: nr. I tliis l."i.i-4lit the mm: 1 in.li-bt. ilm- t i ill nut t'l,(.".i),(li(l,i;i,-,i, v.li'i li ii-.i'iius i, nit tlier.. ; ll.-is been un 'i-i-r-ill tin- i '.v.i i.'-- I i-.'i.f's of ,-is :.,u. ii ,-,s 1 1 . ..'(". 1 Tlu-ri' li.iw li. ii f- iv iioi--wi-ri by d-- : i-i-oi.s.-s - ilios. ili'iil of tin-. f.ri:- j !l i !1 b.-is yo... i;.,-. i, t'l'i-ill t'T'l.''"'' " ill i I'-Tii to i-il.'i.isi.-.i'i il. li'.-ll i-ll II.- i l.il--l ! S : ; 1 1 s from fH; '.i'o ' I !'.' j I"-', utul t!-i, ..f -: : ini.y fr.c.i j ioii.i i' i to t ..!( si'i'i'. I' ;t I ' i im.ioii'y uf i'.- i-. I -..!: .v ci - !i.i . - i til-ell r rue In li '.iiiii.i wi-;i!.li.-. -. ;ii"l have j incis-iised t!i' :i' o'iPlm; ''oils : vliili' aj ll is I of Kiii.-i!!.-;- p -l.i.'- I. .iv,. :ipp.-:'Vil j upon the m- l-'rain-e, ::li i-i-y tir-t I III n-uaril to ; ii.- n-.r-.-i-i -:iti-, i-- al.i lii--. , iu I'l'unrd tu Mie i'..T.'.-i I'm- w lieiea-i ; I'S debt III I'-Tii U.'l- !!: llivnli-llt of i fji H i.i hh l.f if mi. I....I .Mar It ui:s i'ill.il to il.'Mi.omi.uiHi a n-i- of t ."".sm i.im mi.iii h i. A list rln 1 1 in it, ii y i.i .- "i 'oi id tu I'niiii'e in this p.'irii.'-.il ir wnli an lurieilse of t'JJ'.M'iO.i'iii.; ;ii.l,i is tliiid wltli nil lui-i'i'iise of t' iii i.i ii .i i, iii :ii; niul 1 1 u I y fiuirili Willi n:i in. i-i'ii-i- of I IJi.ii'ti.'f'i'. The tl'.i.'tnatlo'is in tin- principal .Icb's In tin' perlm! uiuii-r iiisru-.-ii.n nre slii.wii In tin- follow ii:i; tn'ole. from v. i.;. li t::c u.ni niis nnKi.itiiiii nr.. omit ted: 1st; i, -..'.. l,.-. I i.e. f-.i i-.- a 1 1 -so t;iso j. . i;:-..:r i :-!.. i : i .... T-1 ;:, .... : v ! ill -1 1 V"' In -'.-ii-i-The oril 'l v, nrs :o I, l.iil.i'.l. At: it mi: l.::l:n " .-"' " ally led been iaai:i- ; o! luelit.l via iliii'iravy 'tl sp.'el.il ilobl !i ii ti 1 tli ::. in. .Il il.'lil id' 1 .. 'IP I. as ui' i.e un lom liflii to third; I tnlv ' M-il founli, Uussia is llfth it:- j I stead 1. 1 I'liib a::d Alls! l.lll. la.si.i is, CaliUila. ! i'IkIiMi in--. end Ibnllu'h its ind lii.ss l.as iti.reiis.'d ; Very n i'- l ially. now raiiKs afp-r Ar Ki'iiiin.'i. with IT !.': '. ". nnd Is only Jiisi a'., -ad of .lapan. v. l' ii t'y.'. t M. i-o. il may be well to i bsii.e. woald I'ot show iToditaMy. as the Iiu ve sn-.-s ii-,ii.-!it... ir -.v.- M.-nt int.. ! ..H . i- ...... i ulii -I, tin- re.iil.-lioli i .ill-, nl tin- ,. IJ III UUP li tin r. urn i ion 1 I :.f ,!,''.: I. Ii!i'.r - ! ! s : .ii -i -siV s been of:.-, 'led. Aii'.oliu'llie i .tri.s wl.osi- ,1- b;s i.;v i.-it.-r- . ,:,is,.eI!:,:,, os .trills), P-s- will. 1 1 . . m . '; l,oii'ii;lti:a. . :1 1 1 o' ! I (If' , with -I iii.- ' -,' . 1 II ill. I Nofo.l.l. i'J...oii-i,. !:h 'ii.' ' t1: Si-rvia. 1 il.-l.-nai'l., v. ii !i ill-' I'll I: - I '".1 in He. tal 1 . iis .-imoiii't ; j, is . -1 I i : I .' ::irt -. .i l iiati.-f.- I.. .iii-. ' .'i than in I :i;ll.'.l. I '.';. ,: an IIV .. !ta; ro. I . Id. :i 7 I it i ' ;. v,-:,ii- in Mr- was ,i-! i--.dy a li -piiia. Il..-.'.!l-.'i. In'!-.!-'. Ill Iv .iii ! -iiiT-T" I from i t iv isii !. -r Iu-, a: LV'-I- p.nlyt for !.. i-v.-r i;. .- -p. J iii i .V- ir . r- in I1 it v. ,-r-l :!i" -rv i;riite oi..-. Was .- :n., I .1.. . r:.; rail.i-'-r :'::-j:i''n'-'. I r .-niti'-iit ia-' w- r- .- .a--. .:.- !. Ill l-i'- it If" I -li.-'il Wits ,o- . Vj':l : ;.v i'ii.i; pii;.. a ",".' ...t.'ia.j -a ! u is ' '.la.i.'i.'i fr i:n lit' i" -rl:.X 'o'l-ards a..-. I :.::. v - ti!e I ' v (: ::'.' kit-'! ! i y 111" cry -.v'io was -i i -.- ! :,- r ..a an laii-r -vi-.- I I. "I in en-I'.r.-'l .' ...a,.. I- ' I of V lip I. Mv I ' a- t 'I! - All- C. i : aii.s to Ml" .!l-l-i II'. ,tl fo K I ill :.rsi li-i s oi l: Ilennly ,r.ot Deep, .le.i... by i .; ail 11.1- .y I It'll . !-:,t,-Kli, ":. .. :n. . -.1 -a I v ' :l t. I- : 1: ( -. A li j!ruJ-.iiiUi- I, iOi-, ,uOc. -lo, tatil i In. 1 ,o.l n't , i. pl.i. , Ctci s. -i' :hy can nudi- rOOOOOOOOOO XK00sOO0OKKW Maybe Hie grocer is "just out of Ivory Soap but has another just as good." No other soap is just as good. Insist that lie get Ivory Soap lor you. A V.'ORIl OP WARNINf! -There arc many white sops, each represcnleJ to he " Just as rooJ as the ' him-'," lh"y ARE NOT. bat like all counterfeits, lack tho pi-i-u'iar anj leniarkat-ie .jualities of Hie i'..-nuine. Abk f.ir " Ivory " Soap inj nsist up-in i:cti .-.j: il. I -rthl. "PB". I. Ttt rrnrtti ImiM Ct .C'ur.KMlL O-OO 0-CKCK0000 ooo I THE STATE NORMAL AND HTers 'in- vi-ntu: wnnii-n of the Stat. ihoniiu.ti iirofr-si.ui'il. liU'rnrv, la-s'.a,, -i lent. fie .u.'l iii.iu-.inal i-.p i iiti.m. Annual KMy.-ii-e 8 to ft U). Km-uity "f iiii-iiiti.'r-. Slwv ll-.nii I'll n-iniUr himli-iil... ibis iii.-itr, iilated nli. a.. l.'.'! siiiili-nl-, !-. ji:-i -i -il :-i; . , vv c uu.ly i:i Ilu Sinf n vrpt t .mi. I'nu tii-e ali't Olm -l-vnlinii iiool r Hl.i.Mt :.im ii..'N. 'In ..rriiri' b.mr.l In l.iniillorle-i, utl Irei-luillon up q pl ui, .us nnikl In- maile In l.iri- A mn si I. I . in .ii'.i'iii'" i n viit-'i I rum "iiii-' $ ib-sliini; .-. .m ;.ot : nt train. -.1 ii n -lii.ra. Kit rumlnnui- n ml utln-r iiifnrimiti.ui, address PRESIDENT M'lVER, ocic0WO00C . Wl, ilU .,1PW (jH.cmi M.riitt was a fiiri,..,,. iK,.-vi-i the New York - .... :1T1, rK..1KS. i,lt We were not ex- ,,,.,:,.,, Tn inirii'i-ni"lit before lie was ! p.'Mltl. an , j ; -.Ji ' i t ! Don't Tobnero Spit aid Smoke Tour Ufa , To quit lebaiTO easily ami forever. 'k';":i'I.,'e;nT'!n,,, .'" !.,"T" '-".!'''-r-worl.-fr. that tea.;.- '.'. ak men Mr.ie, All (iriii'i;isirt,;iJiMH Jl. I urc irnurun Lu Boekl.-t ai:a e.imi.le free. A.l.lrem soling Ueautdf Co.. CIi.vuko cr lien York, ,,; !n,Uuar f ,mit..h,, u M : -,..,1,,,,,,,!,- in l-'r.iii..., .lln. I ..rt.iL'nl, Italy ( ir ii--' i mania nir-l .s.-rvin. TrrTinw rr.-p-i n . ii.'-.n- i th:i,.- -. v . ih'.-i ..- i li.l.l-.-:. i i -' v v;.-r.- .,- a I ITI'IV I Al'l- Id it. .'.. a:'.d in i !.--s t- A l'r.-i. -i u-ri!'-r.'i'.;.' S'-ai.f.-h ..!ii"-i t tl ;lii-:i- ar- tau.-n, l.-i I.i--L tiiat li. To rum -..nt,-:it 'an l oreveF. Tnl:-' f .in . ii ts . o: i. ' .oi. ir' l-v orTM. If f. C. C. la. I lov-jr. . .:i'...,s r- IuLd iv,ucy. I. .- -.Us I. ni; a: :r. ni.!.-a T. , :);.. ..- . . 1 1. Jto-To-Ilne tne t-tfly fen, IV. nimraiin . u 'r.l a i r. M..I i - . i; a.:" m-Jll liit'il siroui., L,c-. i oae. M'C.ll. All vli utsiA K'tnrr.li. Your Itowrla 'l'Ii ('rtsrr.TAta. i-i .-, i .- . -.- ! ' : .:( i--re.f. ; .i'-j,-.. . iiC.CC I -.,...'.., l.-;..au a.L,.y. I lo ore ii ' old in Hue ll.iv. ...-in l-.-irl-.-r ar i- i:.-ili-. . ..rliai.-l. .::.-! ..f-i. I ; r -. ai-ia .1: :c. . 1 i-i I , ,vi,. I I v !' - I LTo al--i- lit ., . .- t.l '. . .-U. .I t. i r. .-.! - y i.'iy ..Ih.'i- p.- a la tic c-ir- for i ..I. -t hi,.. !.. :.,:,.-t.-. Ii.-i. 1 1. lc iimi'I.i.. .-.ii-il-.ry I. 1 '!. in,: syri;, f.ir'MMrn . M. Mr. '.ViL-l.'sS (.-.-:..:.:;. -.1 laili..ill:i5 '. 1.' rr ins. ft- 1 i a .; uiaainib te-. win I , ..!..'. -i o j -1 -j Vr Aft... 'i In- . -.ii,. iir.i I.TT.e I. a-tan l--n o ill and .'a.ei in i h,. Ii.ii.'I-"f n'l its 'iii-ki-t Aki-hIs ut i-ril.e i d ;i-.int-. i! ar A tin-, -boaiiii.- I lie I'liit.-.l Slid". I-..1! "li '. i;l.t i :,--, Cain Vi r.-ni.il Paili'ptti-- Islands, n . n nml its i.iii.-. r . -1 ti a d. t ol. Mid ui, it..-,,s ,,i t, A i.rl 1. N.r'll Atie r. a. Ilai.'.'si iiad Si.ulli Atncri. a. 1 li. A l ii-i-s :. full . i'.I.em ,'li.n. tui'l il! (.r. o t .-I vt r.- ii a--i--t in,-,, in u aili-rstniiil -inirtl,.' ni-it .-a. .-ii' : It.-.-t. and ni-iuit- n-h-iv. n in Hi-ii.'-v-;..ip r-. ( n :- . ..nil! ..ttl,.- L-i't-1. fx h-i, I l-i 1 1 , iv on' tiiis A da-,, i In- s-i i.l..-,ril Air bit..- s. .ii,:,. :!... I . il:irn,-,- ..t tM i-tlt;. -lit .- ..-I.-- rat li. wni.lll:, llifn-i i..::iiilisl. 'i ln-v .-.in ) ..- ..t.f -. i t...i me. a a-,- li.-ution I,. k,-.-tlI .. li. J.I" s, iit::l:'.l-s or li, ...I .1 liill-r-m. '..-ii.-r.il Pa s. n-. r Ac io, P..n -111..11' Ii, V.i. STOPPED FREE ' Pormrneatly Cunte Iniunitv P.enU bf OH. XL'ftE'S S.IEAi BFoVE RESTORER l! V,:iSi. mut.tar iu'V. 'l l'llen j $2 trial liottil -v-o--oo iv j ro -t-c -o-c o ci j -, i. - i.i,ii --. A "nlile ' i.. i.-.!i- : liii'.'l I :- li'i'i-. :f. : I O 1 oiii'i It. It IV- .- i.i-t ik i fiMtn ,1 I llllU 1 r v.- -i-r.-l Pi.l'n! ii'.un Vbii It L-io.nies in.- to 111 -v. mv lot 11-..flea a . I il. siir, and ih,. all wiih,. 1 ..rii--r wlu-r there uiu)- be -.-.s. " ow-r. ft. lit. ijm ; ...'.. ni-.'. eu..l.lin ii-t" -I-" 1 " i' t'.-.t'-r I"bs tl'" It mini.! '.- pa- lid' f'-r im- to ..Hiei-rt ise do I'l-o-M i, re i.-O'l.- farmers tvanl. d as iik-ellt . t.i-.-sa-e 1 1 1 -- 111 see rue ir,i- t!.-al in.., it tt-asv- vii lav. ati.in. r.te (it-lore kiiii. in,.- ,-l e .;ei , t-oviisalp or i' .uniy. I J. A. YOliHC, Urrrntbera, IS. . .. I .i : ! "; ( iij-" rllu5lirrll 38 !.-. i n. frei V.t',l..'ol ooo yoooooc INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE, I GHEENSBCRO, N. C. lClil'VA TOMA L. BUSMESS .K.V' l.W ,fT"" .-xi- rieiin.. iirn-iu.ii.-a tu cshI ,..sii...n" Writ- (.. A. II. VVII,M.li. rriu.. Wa.liliinloii. .l . VOSBCHNE'S f AW. . "., ,.,. Mn (ha .D.nor caSio -- - - - . An II ni flTTC Pfl t U C DPI A I VV. iillAHLUI It lUNIMutMAL UDLLEGE, CHofttOITt. H. C W.LU RE-O E.-J StPT. 7, liJ8. I I, ..roil .1,1 v ,v. . ii. s .,: . I ,-..l!.-. -, V.V.t l'..it:t n Iii! Ar.linp..!".. II. .'i il lnl 1 - i.i-ii ..I.. I i. .;.!.. h -.i'.'-i i a', iliitiu!.-. j-.'.' a - rtr. I'..r i.tii-ti .it. . il - .. .-:i .whir. Hr. haia-l. . 'Itirpli), . M. rriuil pii!. , a i ll' i 111... '.. I . mm COLLEGES - iiniiiii. r . .il. .: .toil I'. U.I.I..I th.rlianl. Y - ,.-,im i, ... i iti. -a e'S-i.r. a - ..,-..'. la I.-', ili.nl I.i -I 1C-!K, U filiiii ila-.-.nl end l.-nipli . ) !' Masscy's ;-r" HI. I Mil: 1.4. - .-a 1 f .r i.-4i.'i;iai Nw. c 1 rJ '--''iOfiVIBSOH 001 LEGE, DAVIDSON. Iu C. ! .six '. y biLua.) yif-.K iui,in .si.i i. sava. :. . ti I'oiv C ' I it A I !i 2 ul!l.rii:i.r. - - rScSIDEKT. lldi-i" I'.i'i.ii a, An I. a-' 1 1--' '" hot pr-.v.-.-i bis wi; in ''''' "'-','s 1:1 "''' . ,...s'o:i tii- ,'.;: -'.'..ia-'l his .i--a.s::.!l "ft an "l pii-!i'"l -in iu;i' r d" ; of Hie slabb ..pen :i.i 1 s'-'-'l 'o 1 'r r.'iiboad doof with his 'h :i::d wont In'o Mi" liel-l and h.lped liln.-if to sra-f. Me wiia .Iv'.ei !."! by tiie pr:n!s of liis tccl'i 0.1 tlie cross, bars of tin- i!.n-r. Jap-n H.' ...Ivlnaily t ivtl z-i v-.iy of China. '1'o-d.iy -h? .s.'iid.i s.-!-...!ar. ami men of iem e tu insini. : th " c hi new. ,t 1H UC.Y THAT COSTS $iR TO $5. H ,,,::r'Ti:;,;,;":::u;:':.:"'rr,-: 1. r.-l l"..i -1 1 - '' Ti jllll.l. Iwn I 11- r High. . il. I ,. - K. ' - -J - '-.' srv i-i ' - '- " - a I., I , at -(, -. tv o i,, !.. . i ROC K HILL BlOi.V CO., K cK 1'Hl. S.t.y y T Y1 r ni-h Ml m iti aYTl hi if ' 1 iHMiiii ' uwm i i.r.lerjui: iimiil. 1. ni-.- ,t ,1 uiu Iii- 10 i.iur a num.. 1 lhln impi-i . . I Personally ' (inducted Too.- lo I'roi i (leiiee, lloston. iiiiu W Mill- .ITouii tali.s, via S. A. I- ''! M. I .Ctf. .1 1 1 v :: bc.' 1 .it's !'' -..I.I I- 1 d. , i- Hi" i, 1.. j r. ',,te -eli-rt -I l.-r III-.-, ;,l. I-.-.- ia --iil'..-..i -' .V !ii ls' I t-.-ii,.. - ' i. 1 -.s ;n ,,. i, and t'i 1 1 si- ,,, ill I,., I -ail .1 O.lUciaj -11.: ii- ! - io i. I un, ,, r a ; i . r aa i. h li ii., .... ... .-a ,.:.'! -'-ii-.l lie w iii .ia-, i- it. - '7 r. m. j 1 1 c. .a. '...i-.il . '".'tii-i. -11111 hip ' or: . .ii 1 his o", ,i-...ri ': Me J,. .- iti-nioiii li r'-h '. i ..'.(Mi.r.irnii.t r-l e t.. ill !..- fiirinfli liceii -'.' .: s,i .a,., li.ai-.-ts. without i X'ril el, in,:,-. 'I ile e ipaeitv th.- sle.-in.i r is.nl' eulirsii iiltii!' d nnd eicilieii :i.ui ..r re nation si,,,:, 1,1 i.e in-..!,- iia.arly a ti.i.I.1o in order ln-.-eiir. tt -- li.-t n -rinn. niiaiatieli. M. A. 1.. 'I i. k. l A:.'.-i t at Aiiiint.i. ,,a.. will make reservaiioi.s nnd lurnisi, iiiiiiih. r of i" "ins o. tapi.-il. I ll- P.-isseiij.-r li.-partiuent 1 Hie r-rlo.,r.l A.r lane ,, I'ortsm utli. N'n.. Iiae i'-in I ..a nt! tailiti" liiner.ry of tliis trip, ei.pii's ..t Hlil.h nlllle fiirni-lu .l ua"w ayn 0 iiiijn to any .S. . I.. A a-"tit. THE KEELEY CURE" :do you know what it does ? II ri lieves a person of 5 nil ile ro for ulnmit , drink nr dniKs, rcstnroi IiIh nervous system til 2 Its norni'd ennilition, J niul reiustati'H a man to liisliniiiii hihI huslness. fur i.irli(-nl.ii-s mlilri'ss i-it.hcr of tin. loll.iwlnit: TITt I K. ;ri-iilnro. X.V. V..VVhlinil...i. 11.4'. Au-lilli. Itnlliilliiri., .ld. II,.-KKKI.I V l- CHICKENS MONEY IT tOU IIIVK TllliW nri.r. Ten eannnt .i till.-, null " yim iin.leralinfl them ami aiii.w linw 10.11'i r imlielr n-iiiiri-in'iiis: mill v annol atiru.1 n-a-s 1111 1 ii.ill li irnuu l.f ex- ;ierleiic-.,m.i"i t.i'in bilvliw kn iwl-l.-e a.uirail -by olliera. Wo ejer II1I11 tu y.u for ulily ei.Bia. YOU WANT THEM TO PAY THEIR OWN WAY. eren If you merely keep tlinin tt n til. erl.in. In or der to Iino.lle Kuwla JilIIi-i mi ily, you iiium know omelliliiK alKiul tlietn. l.i in.'l llii wimt tveara n-lllnji a boon lnw the miwii'iu'l' i ftjtX 9f5 of lijir.iclle.il poultry raler K,rwl"J 'ul twenty-five yearn. It wan written li amaii wlin put all hla mln.t, an4 time, anil mo.iey (.1 maklnn a u nnnf Chicken rallDic-not a. a paatlme, lint aa a liuslueiw ana If you Hill prollt l,y Ilia twenly-a reara' work, you eau aave mauy Ckkiki aunuallr, an.l make your Kowla earn Uollara for you. Tha imlnt U, that yon muni be able to ilctoot trouble la lli 1'oullry Yard at oon a It apoene". t""! know liow I.. rumlv IU Thla book will K-a.:li you. II telle how to a.-t.-l anil i-urrt lUionWi to feM for effK"'in.l al" lor fattening! whleli fowl" lonarefu la-ee,nnK purrtirtea; and evrrytlilnit, lnilee., you iK.ulit know on una iul.Jai.-t bi make II i.mnttl.la, baat postpaiil tor twenty-tlva ceau la aouupa. Book Publishing House 1.14 LttVABD tlT.. K. V. CltT. MACjlllXEIlY. Engines, Boilers Gin Elevator Systems, Saw Mills, lulleys. Shafting, Wood Planers, Gin Machinery A Specialty Just Now. Write LIDDELL COMPANY, CHARLOTTE. N. C. Science Iriiiniphs as prosily In pre Velitilii; waste as ill illseoverlllK Ili'VT supplies. An iron mill In Alabama is Invo'din a inillioii 1l.1ll.1rs In works for tin. utilization of by products that for merly were thrown away ,-is worthless. We lire liiiilluK that then- is iiniliiiie so liienii and bii.se as to be iiltotrethep worthless. , In ..r.J. rt . Li nt FACTORY PRICES ..11 I'linnis and iir-.-iiis the ...;.. lai-... .-,11 n.'r,-,'il to .-oli-ii 1 1 .1 ,,m ri.-l,i. 1 , iv, i.-.lii.ri,, N. C., 1,,-ti.r,' but 1111: i-Im-w Iu-i-,-. STOL. -,o (j i:rs . .. PROTECTION OR FUN, X ' Mioots Aiiimoiila, Water 'o loK'ie, or Miller Liquid. It Is 11 w-lipi'fi nht'-!i prol.-i-ts m.-y.-lietH ii-.'iiin.-t tn-Ioiis dot and fo- l-p.-t'ls; traveler nu'.'.iiiet ii.li'.'.'r.s toi l t.-uitlis; li, an against I'i.-u. , .-.ad tr.'ia.p.-. ai,. I Is ad-ipt- d t-.i 'iiaiiy ..tli.T . iliiala.ii.--. ltd not Kili . r h.iur.-; It is pi-r.-- tlv s.i!" to haiidi.-i niak-'s no noise or ,-:i:i,K -: t.ri .,i.s n., law ai,tt .'r.-at -s no la-tini r.--,-r,-t-. as il .'-s ih,-I ail, -t pistol. It -Imply 111 d .-i'i. 1 !y pr o .:.-, by -itnp- 11::,!.' tl," fo" to civ.- lUidltid" I ..tt.-iitioii l" liitii- l: f..r aulil'o 11. -t. a ! of tie- 11, t. -lid- I li -ti 11. li ;-t:i' only real w.-apoii wlii.-li 1 mle'tH iii .l al-o a-iiht's fun, .-iui:liti'i an.l lot- of it; it -li.,-.:-, i ut on.'". Put iiiiiiiv tuae.s without ri'i.iii!iii'i .ind will .r..'..-,-t by U-. .-ippe,-:r.-ei.-i ia 1 1 in. of liini-i-r. nill.i iicli laii li'd only with li., aid. L d s-.s ia,t .-t nut of order; i-dnr-ii'iie. litii..! ia" mid iii"!.ie , l.il.-.l. .s.-iit I nve.l an, I po-rtpiiid by mini with full In. -'lion- I1..1V t- use ..r .Ml .'.-uis in 1 post-iu:-. Muni) -. p.. -toll! -i tnoii'-y order or ex-pr-'s m.-ii. t .-r !"r. A- to oar r.-linl ilitv, pv-f-rt . II. li.'hLNN A 1", r bllAUSi libbT !i iii.-r.-antiie a-..'.-ii.-n-. f!EW YQ "X mm SUPPLY CCMP'r-. !.'!."i hcotiiird SI, Now Voi-lv. rJ.er.ey in Chickens J I i.i il'.ur, I 11. .1 am:. -..1.1-kllK "S. T. I. n .i..a.ir- ..ai in-nl i.uriinc itt f i.(ir. il !.-..i:..s now . O.-t.-ol ,i,.. iir.. i.i.,-i...-s; n-i-l I..rl-.oc 11 ,,.,t l-.illt-liiiii tvlia-ll i-'iavl.tl Mive .,I lire. , In..'; i-v.-o-rt.i,u res iiiil. Hi Lit ;-i-...i 0.0I.9 l'ulIt- rat ,1.,:. i.lllilv I-I ltl.l-.ill.Ml .O, 1 tl Loa.ua -slis-el, .Now 1 mi. y n- r ri in vxa y y saws. ribs. EllISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, &c, l-l Ui AN 1 M K K ,lK I.IN. Fr,'GiiiFf;. B'il. Ro A'iD PRESSES Vtl.l l.cpr.li-s b,' i:ni- M.lftll.e. I'tllli'vs, l'-illliv in''-, t.rs. i'o.es. nlv.-s .ml I llllncs. I.(i;!!!l!;!) HiiiN WuliKS i Sl'iTLK CO, It lil'STA. liA. Bovol-Gear Chainless Bicycles WAKE HLL CLIMtlNC EASY. Columbia . ninr Chain W heels. $75 M VI yn Hartfords. . . 50 !fopifii,t VcJcttcs, $-10 & 35 g f F0PE WFG. CO., Vi't-s,-, Harlloril, L- .-; t-r: r;7;Jui Conn. V-.V( J-,,. ( i'-V SrtO-.-.iT'-': ifw-.vr l.-v ni,,! (tnlrli tlrllv d I .i 1,1:1, -un: v,ir..wo MiHr; vmnL Ail. tot 1 II. ut t'.ivuti ayrup. Tu-itM t tu li'i'f. N-hI v ijrv,-.r!, -A TV nnon dq

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