l)c l)citl)am Retort. ffii (Ctattam 11. A. LONDOJb, EDITOR AND PROPBrETOR. BATES Ci-- ADVCflTISiriG One Bfjuare, ouo iuscrtioti $1.00 One fiqure, two iiiscrtiuna. ... 1.60 Oue eijuare, one mouth '2 X8 For Iiirp;i r a Ivci tij-muutj lllraJ contracts wiil bo made. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR St. idly in Advance. VOL. XX. ri'lTSIiOUO, CHATHAM CO 1 1 XT V, N. (..THURSDAY, JULY 21, 181)8. NO. 17. r 7 WUUX MSIILTS I1WN UUH trrlTS. fl Santiago, and Eastern Cula, Has Fallen, arcl Gen. ToraJ, With '20,000 Spaniards, Surrendered. Tiir nnnun ninini nr m rituuu imm ur The Conquered Spaniards Surrendered On the Condition That They Be Sent Oack to Spain at Our Expense. The Vhit.vWined Messenger of Peace Come, From Spain Holding Out tho Olive Branch. T lie Irene Incident May Assume Serious Proportions. Rights of Individuals Suspended by the Spanish Government. Tho Fourth Expedition Has Sailed for Manila. vYir'i in- I'vin ii Statks Ti:oh!', i Hofoio Santiago i i!y Cable!. -The ro- . verso to tho Spanish anus in eastern Culm is- complete. Santiago has fallen, and W illi it all tho custom end of the island, tioticra! Toral, the Spanish commander, agreed to tliu general l.?rms of the mu render nt a persona! in- tcrvicw with (ieticral Khafler, at which j (lencral Miles win i resent. Tho vie-J lotions American iiriuv, niter 11 rum- j paign of three weeks of almost utipio- j co-lenti-d l.ird-diips fur lioth ullicers iiml mi ii, Hi'i'it tho in' v. with heart felt relief. Tin! victory I, creator than appeared nt liv I. All the Spiiinsli troops in tho Foui ih col ps, tli.; military division of Santiago pi oviuce, from u lino drawn norlli tiniii Aserrudero, 1 miles wot of Santiago, through )os I ill i in 4, Palma Soi ihiia. leant aa, to Snguu ilu Tuti amo, mi tli! imi'ili const, an I eastward t" Ci;pe Muysi, are surrcudoi ml ami ; tho territory is nb.iiidoiiO'l. lietweutl A ; is.i.n i an 1 jo.oii'i ;-pani.-h prisonprs aro takt-n, iih. nit I i ,f wiioiu nio in San t i a: . I lie ri'iiiiiimlur are al iuautnii iiiih', aii.l ntlirrs aru yarriHono I in the tntt if-i'f fa!i-rii Culm. All tho.ia troi.pn in c tn hi1 i inliai 1 r.l iiml scut hack to !-i :iin in. tier purole. " I'lii! lii ntiiitioii wliii h c--.il in i nn t oil in 1 1 : e miii iimli'i of llciiuial J'uial liavn l iM'ii iliauit; on fur ten days, with the mti'i inisMoii of Mii.ila.v ami Mon ilay. wh'.-n oiii batteniM n:ul Ih'pt liotn haiil I tliu cnetny'H pui.it ion. Through out tin- e pel ioiis of tni.-e. (icnurnl Tom! has shrowiliy plnvoil for time, ul yj iln'liuiii; to KM MMt'lei uuiMinIi tiunaUy n-.nl tailing Liu-k, when hunt proiso l. upon tho statement that ho wua Kimply a Mihoiiliiiati! nml powor Icbs to iuti'O to tho propoHalB without tlio saiu'tiiiii of hii liiipcrio! 8, exeept uinler penalty of lioin eoni t-uiai tinloii. At tho nu no time hu seeiuuil to inti mate that, porsiimi'ly, ho thought it tiHuiess to liohl out any longer. J!ut ho aint his trarrisnu w ei e sohlierx, ho eaiit, niiil eoulJ ilio, if iiL't'eaaury, obeying oiiltm. '' ienei iil Tornl i.s a limn of i!i yenrs of a'o. w ith a strong, ruoil fane ami finu Bolilioi ly bearing. His binve wonls in ppireil a fi olitijj of respcet uui iiiliuirn ti' ii in the hearts of Ins ndverHuries. Nevertheless, I ho Spanish nunoral'H amiety to uvoiii further sueritieo of life The I. ant I .Xi('(litini. TLopo eliunipion lilibusters, tho Flori.la ninl I'liuitft, umler ronvoy of tho little auxiliary n''Ubont l'ooriu, w hieh proved liei self a veritable dare devil, hnvo lauded the largest and probaiily the List expedition sent to ant of the iiirtiii .'ents. It wns a task boset with perils and dilliiMilty. eostiiiK one man his lite and wouuds to half a dozen others. iirll-.t Outbreak Kinhieiit. 'J'ho Madrid correspondent of tho Loudon Standard says: " J'ho Cai list agitation is assuui.ui; proportions in many of tlio um -them province. Spo rial iitleii'Miu is bei;i yivon to tho I'y lunnean liuiitior, wheio stuiilers on both side", tlio I'leiieh legitimists in 0 lending a willing hand. The authori ties arc convinced that anus ami war fitores h ue boon introduced mid that tho Cnr!i.; have been supplied with money from abroad." Tlio ll.iivordat I'ortsiiioutli. 'Iho I'nitoil States etuiflcr Harvard, in coinnuiud of Captain Charles I-'. Cot ton, from Santiago, having on board 1,0'Jf Spanish prii-oncrs, has arried iu l'ortsmouth, N. II. I ;. i reel una I'n nle-S trie ken. LnM'ON tl'y Cable.. - It is announced in a special dispatch from Hareelonn, that tho inhabitants of Hint city are pniiR' strieUen Thov I c'.ievo the Amer iciiiis will .elect defenceless I'nrcelona as the lirt oint to bdinbnrd. Arrived nt l''irt Iimi-oe. The liinspoi! liroakwater, arrived at Fort re Monroe, from Soutiai(0 da ( 'u' a. uu-! 'I' wounded uud sick oliliers. ft ...iWvO'- ar--Ail'''' Qm oraioi in his commnnd wan manifest fttid li lhl nut hi'Hitutu tn ask fur tnno to chiii niiiiiK'ato tho situiition to Mii'linl, al thnii'li lie (liiliioiisly Hhooli his htiail hi'ii hu Kpuko of tlio prubnlilo ro- SplHISK. Hu lllso VdllllltlMMfll tho in fn luntion uhon (ionerul M lies ''ullant- tv iui!iired attor (icneral 1 iniiies' v-.iind, that the latter would probably i.i cestitate the ninl il'iitioii of his li lt in 1.1 at tlio rihouldf-. ( iolieral miles lit i he iutii vmi did not attemptto iiHstimii Co direction of the iieyot iutiotis, but in u'ciieial oi' the I 'liited Mates army ho vouched for tho conditions (ieuorul .Shaf tor ottered. i 1 1 'ilil I n;t Out the Olive Itriincli. j Lho Madrid corrospoinicnt of tho j London Ihiily Mail says: 'J'rtlimiuu ! ry uoKotiatinus for peaco are already 1 under v. ay in tho shape (if indirect in ' iiiiines i e,','ardiii' tho tonus of America ! which Spam niL-ht accept. M. Cauiboii the I 'l eiieh A iiibai-sadoi- at W aidiiiitiiu, ! iii'd Sir i.'eui v I :riiiiiiiiond-Wolil. I'.nt , i-.li aml'iissmlor at .Madi iil, are netiiiL' ; : e .".;etive!y on behalf of Spain and I iieTiea m tho eondiict of inquiries wni. li at preKcnt ui c iiutii iiiformnl. I 'like Aluiodi.vnr do ltio, Minister of I'oieij,'!! AI'laiiH, nml Senor (laum.o, M irsier of CtUio liistiuctiou and l'uo:ic Works, have been appointed by the unverui'.ient to conduct the tiejiotia t:o,i... l ino of the chief reasons w hich have diivt-n the novcrntuout toward peace is a fear that tho Americana may u'ct a footing in I 'v.-to Kico, thus edtab-li''!.ni-C a htioiiL-er claim to iucluUe that i-iatid iu the dcmiiiids for territory. Siocks are rising on tho Madrid ex chalice every dav, streniclhetiiug tho coiiMctiuu that peace is mar." I lie l ever Ml mil ion. Suryeon (ireeulenf cabled the War I 'cpartinent ns follow s: "Sihonej', .Inly ! . Inly '.! cases of yollow fever iiioi three deaths w ithin tho past '-'-I hours. The type of the disease is mild. The camp site is moved whenever prac ticable. Have taken vigorous sanitary precautious toprovuut tho spread of the disease " I'eaee, Mi s SaKiistn. The TnKehlatt's Madrid eorresiioud ent says Sanasln has declared that ho is now coiivinced that tho Americans would bo defeated by tho laud force, in Cuba, and that the Americans knew this themselves, but Riiiee Spain no longer has a tteot tho Americans could itaive tho islaud without subjecting themselves to exiosuro of the Spanish bullets. Hence he has resolved to bi in;.' about peaco as soou as possible. lien. Allies lo Ciiiiiiiiainl. The I'orto liican expedition will be commanded by ticnoiai Milea in per son, though tieiieral lirooke, now in coininaud at 'iiiiip 'J'homas. is expected lo bo his main dependence. The sio ul the expedition will depend on (iou einl Miles' wish, although it is believed that '.'j, iiiHJ men will besuilicieiit for the purpose. I'riiise irom the Kngllsli Press. All the Loudon papers louder an am ple meed of praise for tho success of American MrateKy in seenrino posses sion of eabteru Cuba with so little bloodshed. They recognize further re sistance on the part of Spain is kopn lesa. Clara Ward leail. The Huda Pestli correspondent of The Libre Parole, Paris, autiminces the death of Clara I.. Ward, tho divorced wife of Prince Joseph, of Chimin.- and ' Caiauinu. I oitnll Mill I'liililie. .Inhn II. Mason .V .':oii:i, or.o of tho oldest maniifnetiiriiii: I. tins in Pi ui i!nee, P. I., urn liuatieia1 ly ombar .as'ivl. Tiie lialulitics of the liriii aio placed abuve S'KHi.tHiO, l A 35.j P'ollrl ll l-'.vpeilil Ion Has I. ell. The fourth Manila expedition, con M.".tiux of the lhii;.diip of Major Cen- oral t His, City of I'lieblo and the trans' port ship I -i ii. Tho City of I'neblo i-airies IJio icuiaiuiim crimpauioM of tiie I'oiiiteeiith I uited States Itil'aiitry; ro ! t-ruits of the First and Second liattal j ions t f tho lfih'.eenth and Tweiity ' third Hoimeuts; enlisted men of tiie I Filth North 1 akota, First Wyoming 111-1 I- it nt lilulio, mo I Hill oliieers and inoinbeis of the hospital corps, a total lot men. iho lumps on tho i'eiil consist of a s -iiailrou of tho Fourth Culled States ('avalrv, li;;ht Imtteries of tho Sixth F.'.ile l State:i Artillery, n detachment of tho Third I'mtcd States Artillery, a detachment of the siuul corps umler Captain Kussoll, a detuch iiiniit of volunteers, medical ollieers ninl mcmbcis of the lio.spital corps, about '.U'o men. I' lhts ol' Imlli lilunls Suspi-iiili'il. i ho t'llieia! ia.olto nt Malii.l pub lishe.i a royal decree, temporarily eus po'idin' throughout tho .Spanish peniu t nlii tho i L'hts of individiiitls as ouar- i iifitced by the conslitutiou. 1 ho dei-reO adds that the j-overiimont will render 1 an ace. unit to Parliament of the uso it may muko of this measure. Tim pub- licuiion of tho decree is ccncrally ac cei'.i d as beini; couviiieiiiii pi oof that Spiiin is now ready to mioI'iT peaeuuud that uootintions to that eli'ect are ac tualiy iu progress. The overinneiit wishes to have full power to mippress any evidences of discontent or it-bel-lion wherever they appeal-. The Car lists are furious and are nut e toattenipt I to create trouble. Annoyed nt ticniiuiiy. A Washington Special says tho at t i t ii to assumed by tha (iermaii naval ' coiiiimmdi'is iu tho I'liiiij pines is with out doubt a source of a:ino a-.icc and api'ieheusioii to our jr.ivoru I meiit. 1 lie spirit of ipulibliujr, I as botweon the insiiru'ent forces iu tho Philippines, attributed to ion ncrniaii Kovornmcui iy us own papers, is far froui satisfactory. Still our .'overumeiit is satislie.l that its inteiosts are safe iu the bauds of Adiiiiial I'cwey an 1 is adhci in to its original inteiition of allowint,' h.m a free hand to deal with the situation. The Sillily 1 1. iv Inebli'iit. The Loudon I duly Mail'allon Kotiir correspondent cables that it is "now known here that Admiral Pewny re 'inested the corrcspoudctit at Maiulii not to give the full story of tho Irene incident, for laur cf aroiisint; feolin;,' iu America which miht lead to comphen tu us with (iormauv. When tho full de tails became know n it w ould be seen I that the incident was mure serious than j it lirst appeared to bo. Premier Sansto declares that neither the Madrid nor the Kovernmet in Cuba has intervened iu the negotiations for the sin render of .Santiago. Satlsliicltoii Over Saul Info's I nil. The London weekly papers ex press ijreat satisfaction over tho fall of Santiago do Cuba. The Speaker thinks the event presages the end of tho war, but describes it us "a s'troko of good fortune which Iho Americans had no right to expect.' It adds: "lho i tonus of surrender are not dishonor- able. They reflect credit upon both ! udos.'' Corbelt and McCoy tn Meet. j (ieorgeF. Cousodino, representing lames .1. Corbelt, and W. It. (tray, j ro tesouting "Kid'' McCoy, met am! ! en nit! to au agreement for the men to ! meet at liultalo on September loth, bo- ' tore tho Hawthorne Athletic Club in a . '.'U-roiiud boxiuK match. j An Alaskan Steamer Comes In. ! A private dispa'ch from Victoria, , II. C. , .ays that tiie .teamer Cottage City, arrived therefrom Alaska, with a : number of passouuera from Law sou City, who have a largo amount of fold i dust ami drafts, estimated nt Sl.Ut'l),- ! uuo. I lie Cominiiisliiii. lion. Miles appointed (ienctals Wheeler ami l.awtnn nml Lieutenant Miiey ns u commission on behall ol the I lilted St'4:es to itriaii'e Iho details Im- ciirrving into eli'ect tho capitulation of Satiago and east." U l uba. I'llC :ll- I. .mil ' l ho subseriptiotis to the new 1! per cent, war Imnnl .-'oo, i..'.o"ii. which, eh sod on the t -,!';, , nei m 1 :iig the oilers un. lc by Mtoln !., will amount tol ri.-.'oo, ooo,o .ii, (,r mx times the amount ' oi the issue. s-rjraTTj WOMAN i iu. V. .v' , z-' II - I 11 Ml . 4 iililiiiueil. T.ic lo st n.o ii n M.u g not leerivril ' n tioto It., n the r.vtoiv a.-k ng lo r to enini. io .irs. Iwiis. who was very si' It, ' W j i i ; 1 1 4 oiiiy f re h.o.ty I'li-al.ta-t, aiel ; obeying liii'iii'-. n -! I ii.-tii ns to wrap hi'-el wal lilly. :l:e io'lilleil oil In'l' . M latiil ul' lie ivy. I 'I llt-ollgll tie' p. .1 i fill illi't of 111" I Sel.li.'ith I... .in i n' -!o' iiiii'b' her way ' over t o wop k.-i t nenl, iniil i ho ' l i nelio I tlio I'l'. ti.i v, nu illlpl o'l-iit inns . Iill;i !i"iis , -ii : in:; I. a k in an i ipi.iiU Ulip:vt.'hli"ii - g.il'il II. A MUT'.V.-. l.".-il, t: pathway led tn tic Ilio I ; I . 1 1 l.l 1 1 -. .'ill I I'll ol Hit fl'.f it Wore liny l.e-'hi ; ! dead lli.-.ver.i. alniitid : Im o h'el' S.- ' Ii ins t h" In own leaves . 1 1 1 1 . .-1 ' '-I' . ,i ..iv. -ly. Mai;.'. ire' .'. r !: : v.a-. allsV.eli' l liy a tire.-;..ol.:iig maei s : -v.inf. Alio lo I llm wav into i!,e i .i y I'll 1 1 i .-1 I l:ttl5 parlor. h.l h - , f .mn.- 1 tlm gil l lis to lo'l' Illi-Il-' ' "I! :i;lon Mergalet's eyes ti.-iv led v. ;.-', i ',!! v n! u it 111'" iiioei. h -Iiei-.y !..::e! lo'- . l.ot even III.' il'siliii'.io'ii.in : iii. In i ui poverty. colli. I i inii-.'ly d - "!. et tie ro w.is Miin- i li ng ;i'.;e y jethe io iu lie wvm ch.-.irs, the r.e I !. ;,l i ost I l,i en. linn e, earpo': lie' few ih-.m-i ns.v : oaui -iit ., and I In' lillllii'.o . - l::iil,ell.l'ts; little pi-i li ii-ions P. e ml. ii I .-lie! luxury, wh elldi'll tin;.' is h.l I f.l-ihiolieil ilil" pretivi: je.iv. ..-'.i os. all pre." nling til" long lill i I il'.el,! let or. thoiis-lnlul I . . v . and ti lei. 1- . ;,.;ii.'., sn nilen Wl-o'lglil ill!" tt.- .o s.-S'.HI . of tho I ' , . I p si ;i: i' ,n ' !e- ii r r. o;n h ' In. ltd tile i-I.IVe l.'.tie I'. Ill -..ll'l I'il'l SI" 111- i"l si well o:r ii !"W days l.olore, " lo' lie' I I'll .". I.e. I nf Weakness, til ' bit y I la : II Ii" '" : ei . '. lying i. vor lite w.-nits i,' a gr. v.- n .am'dy, the tireless ee r. siing :' :.i I. Near tho 1"'. Mil Mr. Iv.'ii... 11." I nr ol the iimst nu ll ipu'.'ir e!i .1 : eii i n S . 1 1 e was a in;; u of Ii any tein:-. eld lit '.ainnieii I s, but llhl'nltlllll.'ely f,.- I.ii., ell lie l leUel III." t-e!f ennhi'i M -.' I; i al'.V tn meet ,'il;. 1 lUi'l'eo l.e t!l lii'liel.',; '. i.l' life. Alalgaf-t .i o ', .-m i ne lei-tond a li.i tu.e mi similar io !; r lather's. She 1 i o;. i ,: I ; he ..-.si: !i iii ! n mi uk an i iioiiiii1 y ';' ' .! Iieid -n umler an over lna-ti I U ; il:,:;i "l;ee, I s'-.o inbiiileii 111 lti:i!lt:e - wh.i !l I.! ! :r!'- rn'.lel no! s, o. N..w ii" sh ' ;:'.'.' l.i'iu ii. w.-d by th ' r l'.el.e.v ul' a e n; .,: great snrr.'V,-. h ld ing t !'e Io-; . .'. ha :;d I Inn I sinoot h--ii m.'i y iii ; e.ii; ie- :'i.r him. ye! w In .Ii. II ul aid i- hi! '. i,ei.' n line bo In-. ' ('.: h"i- lumrl li.l ! wit a a cum- p.'l-S iill 111) Wi.l'.ls c eild e ple-S. lie tn.. s" e ;,:o-s,. ; w.ili li'a grief tli.it .. - i.i-eeiy leeie.. : her as ki.i J Hi." I V gl ! m in hoi beside the bed, I u' .Mr-, h ens liinl h- r d l.n- a!-inn-t im s. ! toob.tep:- ::ii-l o; ened ln r eyes w. a, ily. "An, i! .-- vmi, Mar;;i:re! ." she said wit'i a ;i.i.:iii :i'..i y Ilu -h ' pb-ii-iif' 0:1 her a1-' I'.u. .M;u-. ii' i in ild.-d die. r.ly. and laid hoi' In.ln!. V." Mil : s-'otl:!! ,' tenilelll".--, on the h -i, iliv.il.l.iiig I:- "I. "Ho. - it it' ll ' lull.' l ' ' h'l- ..l-liCil. "No, M i'g.-i.e-.. only a Ii l!'. Will vn i ti ll Miirv li get tl'ie i hil'l roil reioly lor seiio I - !i ..ild b -,p to do it. my IS. I !', I.ii! I ii-n very tile!. "I ii...-i't I lieve'vni: i vlmilled as nun h ie oie." v.'.-i.i .'if; . i-i-l'--. rather llli-t'-:i Iv ;.n -w ' i .n.' c'lihlien wuh 'l gn in m I;i ol pi.iiav. It is Suii diiv. " "Smiiiiiv. :i:"l I lyin. In l'"! .Tames, win iliiln t y.iii tol! me 'Vo had so li.ueh t" d" tn-da.v. ' II. I- .os :.n..'ht Iter III banl'p. I.II. lie im - l.i .kin;; la.ln-i v . -1 : i Ily nl Mur- e.U-.t. Matgar. ' .-. ,'ni the li:.spnl.en lalignngo of 1h."! '-.a:!' o, and she found l! veiy dittiei.i; i n an n-. or cheeifniiy. "We .-no uo:n,' Inlet vmi be hr.y In day. blli-u.'ii I Im I l'nio;i.ialile aiinmiil' ol vvnili in .- t wan ur iiim'-'i i Sunday. I inteiii! in::-sort my no i hoi ily, an I. io begin. I'll I1 l ore while Mr. 'velis eats 'in.. Ii.aklast. "..my toil mo to .si ml hlin down." I he g. nileii.aii toolt ltd- hint, and, as ohe Hem ,-- a i h id, left f.e room, lie knew that I lb n was -afe ami happy in .Marciirefs h.uub., an l eii a ly he f-lt belter for her iho"-;';d, heljuul l les eliee. Hall' -way down tim Ma rs lie wa- met by a prelei naturally j:lae child of H i ins wlnse .'.i.-it it eyes g ize l badly into hi-. I vid. I'tly had I., i n wag ing l"i- him. !';' wiili'iut a word sho ht"l ipiiet'-. t" I.;- -i ; and a How d her l.i ml ingiile wi'.'nr a--iir."g r.j uip.ilhy illln his. Iii I hi:- - w ..- t ey : en 'ie. m,, din in ;-fi "a-, w : '; e M i ; y ha I L ea l.fa.s on Ih" tai'l". an I tlnee tots iiged, le sp '.'lively, - te l. ir.il t'.vn scale. I :n their high : I.e. i '. w.o ling tor papa. I .it i lo w.n.l'i !'a' Marg.-re'-s mm. I shoiit.l be !1. . I v,r!i pa uhil iho-mlits ,,t ties. ;..!.i"-. a. sin. s..t by their mother - b. ..- i!e. or ihut hei eyes be. nine m. im... v v. .en I'iteii mpi. -sed t.'.l.ll glilt 11.:.' im- he: 111 tell t.-'DS. I' miii old;, i.n. v. h..w gbul '.t enilies me t.-'iin I'M'i; a I -,:le lor V ol,'' he I . w.t1. a -triis-: " ;' .-peak nt m'y. 'bm See, it is Sil S' hl OII I e.lll be IISollll. lil.ll 1 am pal tie. .nu y ; lo.i I imv.-. If I P. .1 I eel; i-, I !. ,.ee : siio il t h..ve :.i.,.-r ii;. ii!i-..: ; a a pr.-! . ;. i -. ' '" i s, .i. j ,..; l.i . I I I .'ii it !::..-. M-'rga:i-:. i. what i: . p. I e pi nl-. It a:-.! to le.ni and l.i ihil.tr-n." '1 !,,. ..;. o i - .ul. ' p i.n. 1 ! ave l ;;. i . iir iiioi an-wcrcd. "II: l.e I. n w n : i:e p.l II all! i r I : I .- : il 'I i:,. s . ' III ' are o in e c:: ! ha i,. I o n.i-i I '.,: .' in -ie! ' t:..'i '.'.v i.l .: II "l ha.- .:!! .. - ' ' lie: ! '' i'-e 1 "ie o lap. "I; sn II i! Ie- lib :-.!.. .-I .. I w :n i oo veil t r g it "I: " M I- n ll" s 'I . I' ll -ml .lag. and to mu.ii to 1.-, -vhile t am kuro : rrt .. 5 NFLUENCE helpless. Vnll must belp m(. to get w ell, .Margaret. Help me to get strong, j Why do jiui turn your eyes away? Is it ! I oeniisi- Ah! is it I aus you think I shall never be well again ' Soii-i-times I have though! sn too, and I have I prayed that it may not he sn, fm- .Inim-n' j mi In- and my babies. " ! The Weak' V.liee broke, mid Margaret, ' ineapablo of a wmd, -mild only pro. the lint hand between her own eon! ones : hi e her eyes biniioil with iho tears j P ie lolllld sn hal'il tn witlihoiil. , She was very glad wl en th-' ree'or ' came in a few inom. nt., In-er an. I she i eollld leave th" loiiln to o ereollle hi r oinotion ami write lln- following nolo t" , I lian: "I'l-All It 1(1 A N I II lint expo.'t me, lioine to dinner. Mrs. n . Is very ill. I Will yo i i nine hero this n I'lei iinnn .' I , mil milieus In ,.ee you I' lulling a boy, Mai '-m ot liii.'i ted bila to leave the llnte at I hnWlH.d. II ll'll IC Mil. I 11111 A N S I Ui:l Tills ill I. , When Ilrlnii en iii ih" ii rl ii-y th.r .-'ft.'! noon lilnrgiii'i't ,-i k.d him in ;.. i . . and see Mrs, Im iis. , "I Wish ln'il- eall lid opilbol!, ' she sibd. "I think ti" ;.- uti id, b-r llll-u 1 i mil the Olle to gie Up l.n'll lolei . lol ill Ml." i I r.'in his la ief vi-jt poian ea me bi e.i n 1 Willi a M'l'inls I; .SatK'-ir'-l was s'niiding in the Inivi r hall, mil oio- ; glain o ma Ie In - lieaie sini. hem ily. " IllO ease is ,!.-o l'e-s," he sai l, ill HU .'.ver In (lie iiie.s.ioi .In' wic triiiie 10 li:i"ie. " em ,-n nrry b-r you." " b'a'hor be :-oi'iy for t Ii -n i . tin- re- ; j":ne,l, living to shut out Hi.- -yinpa t'lo'ie lil' O. wha il m.l i" it i,o." ililtlelli! , I'o! IliT tn ho cilini. " ho .V ill teli billl I'll voll -llppi Si' he e.'.ll i ',.r be feet mi l':lo I t" l.el' loss'" "I ili-u't know-.' iio' i'p .-id I'.rian. fur . Wallt of ft b 'tli'l C'liwer. I sllppo.-o ' We IIIIIS' ail he lei i.!H'i!e i to vvbnlevel e .In. s to i-s. ' "Mi! don't, il 's i ra. i In tall; . I l ei-.'g reei i;e le I. I'd nei.r I" rei' ii-' eiie.l. Never! Wi'h th s-' abrupt v . -Iii- siai-i. i! to move iiwiiy, i nt :.er t. ar- I. limb d l.e-. and she would I live la!b n I ml i,. ' blian, i,ii ol. I" di'' t he.' V. a !. Ii . ., eaiight hi-r in his a; ia .. " J his Will Hot .1", -.lillViliel." he : a il, : w ilil mmr a .'.'an i'y. "I think you ha i belter j.-o home v. ; 1 1 1 u.i Vim will laai." v.nir-i'ir 111. ' Wh.T, n .-.is, n Kri-.n! III Irom Walehiiig h f"V. h. -; s -. i! il a ' . 1 Iri-iid: ' I wo I In': 1. Iii t" Ii .e i' t ;.i iii'".' ih" ra .-. I li . i- i.ii! i i y-i.-.o w'i akn ess. " "Aroll't tln-ie ot':e . ! . .;,. f..r Ml''. Iveiis':" he nt. I, I'll. Wi'h some iviiiinlh. " Why 'a old i: all f.ol - n .":; -h nl ''"I s ' " "A. II tali - !-. !i'.y i !;n il.b rs ii.'i. I'.ilan. h e.v x ..:l do e:. -p. r.:' ni"' e.eir-e .!( ro are other . I'Vn'y i' tlnm. I.vi-ryt ii ly lav- I'.-r. I u: for .'...mo n a e n .-hu iilii- to me -.v.:!i I;. r. An ! With her I in'en 1 . ." " I hen ..(ay v .ii tin v." h" i.n-w I. I.e et.Ug ,eV ',e!i !:' ' .V . " I si !,':! j inrry yo'i away iy 'o'ily lor e. tlna.gli I 0"ii'; (Iii n I. .',.' i . h-uiid have -..ii r .".i n way in ii - I v . .; o. I l.i.v . i;e r. ij.i .: to innko. Peril:, p.. yo'l W ill i Oiale.-. el.il : t" re-i.e t p. I j . . . i " t loll , nr. It." "I ii in not one of the i i 1 1 :i i.n.d " !" i':!:i"d Me:-': : et ,..'..i:; ; iiji -'airs, "i'i ...i l y be- tin- pres. hi. Vi a may ei.ll i.eir: n-.v, it yn i '.v.;1. ' : Pria-i .li.i ea.! :. -n i'i : i. v.- and Inn- s ml vlr-il only eol.lir i.e i tin- i pinion ex I- s ol ill ln-! re. Mr-. h-:.s was by im ft'olli lliii-peeia1 'il ase, i III !l'":n i 11 (.'lailna! givilo; away .1' .h vital! for. o .. A lite of - are ami anle y. e ! a'i'.iis and pi ,v "ion- and v.arviiig ' . i -U'.'gb : t" mat. e b i!i eiei. . moot, had j !"!'l at III-' ".I I ll" dell". .a 1 t l!llt loll. ; Many v.-i i. lit) by fie v.a r-i.e ar" ;:"' lei bravo than ih- r-e v. .. n ,-o- tie- niiir'yi-'- -.'ill o. and, il th" in t hero.-. ir e t 'ii'-e w l.o I .ar life's bniib n-. mi-' ooniplibi'iiigly, Mrs. Inns mu'.h' u-l y wear t he e- .w n . !' ! e.-":: in. j Malgillo! VMI. -Ii t it M 1 I" ll'T lllir-'. i t '! ,i'is eame an ! . nt, I lit -lie ri-U'lltl.i'd i : y the s , k I" d. I I'ian evh.oisled ills t 0 treaties ill Velll and even l lil-i t :.as , live eoal I no temp. In r I" leave Ie r . Irend. "i on tel! in" h r hours ar" n umber si . I. el lie- fi-iiy u:i' i! l:e end. liiain."'. be '. e''V i "iig liovv. ' I Ami brian .-aid no mure, Mrs Iveiis' lir.ni'. w. ie, indeed, mini- : b.-red. I h lla. ii - ol lite burnt Ian, lei and t.i.nier. mil wlnu the light "I 1 lii'islimns live p.i. i-d int" tin- ilavvn of -Christina. Pay. ih" angel- of lib- ami dent a i I". i : I'd ll their pa ' h vv a v , and Hie llreil soul loiind the land in el pet ual . I'tt-lh- joys of i'n eternal mo; n nu'. ; The Incident.- of tlm-o . losing moments ' woo imlolihly holographed on Mar liai'i't's miti I Sim had in be l.i'iiv.' mil strong til th' Silk- of tlll-S'i so ,-;n,y Per ave I. , Mary had sobbed and I lie rector had ! ..vv'ed hi-- hernl in a u ;-ln d ifiiet. I lit ..in- had r In d im I", r. s he had bioiisht . thero'elin iiVM- -ll'llek ehiiitr.'ll to 111- il Mint I'.er'n side -In- had : I'l-i Ihekls.-i- i illtinl'e teinii I in- p.e- id 1 1 1 II ... h : ra 1 I. tlio f: . e her In nit had e ho.-.l I l-le's i rv . I align -h when lor the l-i-t 'inn.. ' h il bitio la a 1 w a- pillowed in a I ,!.i"g n , Pie '- biv,-t. vol I.e. eves I, Ml I -.! i hard an i il v. though the 1 a n.ui , ti"li!en i.g el her throat had made Ie i .!o I j'.o ; ' be I. II I II I I" lliese moth. : - le s I. It, eon -. :,, l.i. i I to -peal., CI . '. !l I'l.W Ilio li'ills. VVOIll'l OO' i le. tl , -ii. h : ll ' I ii I thou !;! and ih.-igiit II. 'it h r ui ii I ...i wear.-. j I he sunshine lav all al on! le-r. Hie bright, gl d - oi -him ol I'liii-lina-: oa 1 the thiol', V. c. -' th ' rill e' looked o ! fa led iiml vvoi n. . ,. 'he in; :....- that mien's linger- h.-d m. nd. il - . ..i:. n and so pa! n id !v i" l l e i' i.id bu -v da v s , n I e old chin;.', t. la. ni i in- vv Ivrng !, .VV Ml call' . -I. " thoight l.-r Iv while the hear ! lender, im-ei;'.-!! lev,' had inn le the- Inni-e a h.-ine. m all ti'.ii givi i. t'".i word Us highes'. Indiesl nu niiiiig, vv.i ( er i-'tiunl in n- bi-t . .-ei"ti, il'l I 'I ill'i',',. pati' l.t hall Is lav 1 .hied In th" l-.lill. H's! to I 'I blokell I.e . . i again. ! ,v m I ; i :' e ball' She sialic I up j ' . i; I, n i la mar: ,r o I ol Willi lone , ei :n.i '.' he; neivieis a:.. I -I'lsinu-. a;' i : i o 111 U' " had bi'i'll : i -! f'l. I v n !1 ,. i ilbv V .'i.s Were awed !" s'.'ell 'e. ; I h- heav. o.,lsteps ,ai red -ll .V.!y "1' i ri.'i!-,. I hey were not Mai '- ami nut the rector's. 'I In y w ei o briaii'-. He .111. 'led the III lie I'oi.iii VV le le -he ! ' as p'.v.ng !" rest, and wi ll Id-. - . n.pa -I'.v rell. 'ile ! ill his !ti e. cine I.l !i"i Mary has t -Id me," lie s.ihl. ipiietlv . 1 inn so Sony. I Mipposo I i.iay take , you hon.e now. It is f'hri.-tma yo-j know, and I " "I'liii-liniis:" she eel 1. in a far away volie. "Are yi ii sure, Idiiin' (hi.slimii always brings happ lies,, I tlm tight, mid then- ism. hap in. so iiere. I am ready t" go homo, lining n 1 be lieve I have belli wail lug for ymi. I am so I rod, so very tired. I don't ti e! that I can over bo rested again." brian looked his cone 'rii. l-'u -Ii wenk-ne-s was Mill-in. 1 in Margaret. "I am afraid vmi have il - wriiin.," le said, Willi some I ep: oaeii . " 'i on should hav e taken my mlv c, Margirei: lilt I sll,ll o it is too lilt lor Id now. "l on i I rest. 'J hut is . v dent. Mar,: a rot rrriieidy hoard him. Sic Ins.- riiHier unsteadily and sinrli d lo have t lie I in !n. In! wil h -ii'ldiei remem bian. e sl,i. tun. e I l a k with the words: I shall tu tie tl o ehi'dr- ll to I Imv-.i .d. Christ ma- la!-' would be a mm lerv ha Ha m." A .-had" of aiiiniyaii. o a e I nv-'i hi face. "ll Would 'be llsele-s In le.p.o, Voll I Veil it I desite 1 to d" so, he Ii" tunic !. "Take them, of einir.-e I ul ih li t Mrs. Pavis cate t..r them. I vn n't have Villi VVoIIVII's y.illl-elf ill'o.-rll Ill ness'. I believe in a certain ami, nut ..I -ymp ithv , but too niu. h i- ton mmi.1i " 1 only w ant l- "" t" be I and . 1... forever," was M a i "ai ! 's nii-wer. I am so tii i'd troui being ..nrry. " "Ihen the s oni r von g" home lb" b-Her. I have the il 1 1 ia ge. .11 I if ,"ll are ready -" 'Inn sei omi. I halt. I will no- !,, e V' .11 vv ait n ; long. " I'll s tit f wail ing iv as -prat le. Mnrgarel ill Hie dai hem-d 1 1 uii. v.n, i. Ho- re.-toi' .-.it bv ail that I'en -iiii, i I b hi n of a beloved vv'il... Sle- ap r.'io'he.l th" i iill t.,r:n an , pie-S 'd II long I. is- oil !he pale blow. She tell t e reel"!' s blllllillg I'll'.-. Upon 1 1. r .-.lei .- Ii" be. 1 1 li Hie h 'ar-' vv ,,r Is with -.'. -iieii li" I ui in-'! '" her: ' Ib vv am I to live my lite al.'ii-' She a I'g' d !" the power t :!"l i hiiii. yet ail Hi.- r- v i-ipnthy slm , ,1 . pi e-s .-.'"m.-d to lend I Ii" ino 'io ry ..I easy . on-ol ! ion. " I ll 1-' llle lie' I ' 1 1 '. 1 1 1 I'll, ' she s.il'i " .'I loVV V"i, .'. l o l ol 114 title , J.'.r in make ..ur life le . loii. lv . Am! 'lo r. I-l" d, 'lb- solid- He' it.".-, ."lid II. -.mis ih" sin m'-li to belli' it. W e se, r-o .l.i,, y. W ha' s. , in- so hard I u -"'ti l. a I.ii due r ,m , ur Put !.. I band". We must linger I el'' in - u'Ti r i.U ati-l ' t i ' u at mi. I ui lor l.er ii I a- , .,', e !!: e the el' r- h.l I gio".:i t"" h- avv. I a h. r, I. a. 1 i hearl- :., - ,., ' l .'V VV.I! I e d' i'i'.' " I e IV il!-.; t! ho of la T I I I! V .1 I " 1 1 ; 1 1 I Iii i . Mar. a el joined :ri.,ii, vv it n th- four rrn v .--taee I children, upon V'.l..-e , hlldi.-h III It I- til" in ' all'. I I'I'' shadow . ml -i "i iiad ma le sn . a ,"- . mil in. pro- .jon. She !o::m it i ai'd !" lie '! t !" pa' h-ti.-iii'l iiiiy i it !h a by eve-, a no he v. .: iUI! e I i lie . I'd W a 11 -h .!'i 1 1 V lie. 10 VV dial L'"S ' ll" loll ll.V c e ol '.ll" r-liri II e I Ml . I'l.V.s. . el I -l.e vv . iii !. I . ., i.n. I slop- lor He' n s a ml- r o! Hi" da v . a m I '.v in li diiiio r time ni- I i ve.l In f 11 -i H it i Ii W. le -o lie- ded! ., a I t ri-ing h.-i I .-he eon) i -. '.'.', Iv . i e i -. It .ii a ii'l ii ii P. iii n lie I Iiml ii. e lather dol. Iu, at I" t. -he ll III II ke I i" t In' h" V V eV , . ami rae, l.i" I I.: -, win. h looUi .1 ii! in r 1 1 1 . n he ndi'rii!-. "I s,i;p,,-e I iuii-1 Hy lobe i ll' el le. " but her sl.-aT tail, vv.'h 111- e. iu-t be-t.il-o . . 1 1 1 ii r, did In'l t- lei I" briulit- Ii her I ir t -. I il.' child had spo'.ell ro ei.ril. -I i.V "I I ll" ;.l ea! cal ' l.er lii.-t bel 's deal li iiad h II upon li. r. and x;-re-; e I s.ie!i a ; ;;- ll.e'.ie V.-lrd. I.l gl'..W bigg. I- so tin. I ;-h" I ; help p., i more, that Mar-.-ir. I -,..iii,. it haiii I" answer calmly wi'h I h"-.' at in - ; eves u;.ici her. Vol, may be bu'..'. Ill-ie. yet you . an help p., pa .'v. n I -e.v. The lilt ' f ''l an I..' lii-'le iii In-- service, Ih; d. a face in. iy alw.iv - wear a smile fur him, an I t!d- tender l.t'le li.-arl may Inv alid eo.nturi him in ev. r.v imubl". " Lit! e p. ,.p'e. an I big people. Ion. . ill I.V .lo 111. -if best." poor l.t'le ..t," ,-oin'ni Tito! I'.rian, VV In 11 M.irg.ll.-I lep.-ii'ed ill!- i . 1 1 I T -: I t.oa at' it ilium r. " l.el ii- me think "I ! ".'Ill any n o! e t. -ll ee, l-:,::irel. , ; u- try I" be !,a; py. I ani " rv " r i In i-l ii a h i- been in 1. I g' l v -"i '!.;. Ii He lemeiub: am-" ami I r ili.v i:ave mil had a hilllee to giv it Io Von. - i -my a lemeinbiaii " sin- asl.eil, t il. Ili.t 'lie I -Ulsile lil'.le jewel, d p ll ir--in In-- hand. This i- Iii !"i a prin . i'-s. II. w il liashi s in the ll".hl. il da.'b s me. 1 - I 'h-n't know I ...iv le i ha iik -iii, a!-..! I have ii.-tliing lor voa, Pr an." to nr. i o-.Tivri-.n I lie II.o. H: -!",,,'. The "lb-el t I SI. lie." a fain m- rlgV I ITU Oil! ll -iV MOW ill till' li'.ltl-i' lnsetllil. wa-iii-"oVi leil in tin- Veil I ;:o.i bv M. Pun .ltd. a I n-n -b i x p!oror, near Kn-ett t. a sciimt ot l.ii'-.er l-lev pi. It is of black bj-ait. ab.. ui liiit.v i in In, b'tig bv ilnitv vv ido. w il 1; three engraved iti-d il I ion- upon it- -in I. i-v. 'i bo lli-t "! Ilie-e is in Hick. Ill" -ei'iilld I- .1 .-oiigl rat i"ii "f liii i."..'l pliie- an I th' lliinl i- t 1 1 . 1 1 f : ; 1 1 writing, a - 1 1 in ii-ed l-.v t iio Fgypt inn- in re-'iird-itig i vi iv-dav lo.-illci- Alter veal of labi-rinii- i . -. .ii i ll Ho' -uv.'ir,; . :d Film!-' a-i'i'i I; d thai I lie I hive in .crip! lull- VV.'I'e III!.!' Vel-i'ils of a ilcgi. In In inn ol I t leiiiv Kpipbin o by I lie pi i- -I- "I Kg i pi. bee iii- n li.i 1 icniii tel t heir l.ixi I' d- it .1.1 1 nl relic dai.'- I'.n '. t ' ::;""il the i. .11 L'oo P '. Plii'.lib Ipll I ! I.. I Vlive I III l.el A e-nb ti! ol Kni-lal-hip. II. I . . vv ii- a I Ill kl'V lu ll I hat in t i. in v k. I - Ili- f.ltllllv Well -llpplleii Will! lining tlllkov- but -olin I inn - -in p; i-es I ho I ; I ; ! i i ! v bv t Im p i -i n' ::l n n of a mixed bun d. Hi !.t-1 " ' T -I 'll, afll'l -e! I iliU I 11 iliileeeg- f"l In-r usual term ol .neiilei! i m. -!ie vv.i- fnillnl tl the! iinenil".: In l ' I ng over t .'li lining l ui kei - and ii ' lining iipi's-itm. il Inning r. -. , 1 1 . i I nu. turkey egg- i" produce um- 'j,... uiii. Tlie young .mi in 'H"'-i e '. was ati nil tin' -i.e ". a b.i'i'-gr. v. u i. it, and wa- lo-Cing uiuloi t h I iirke.i a teiiti'div ;i any "in- of I bo ice, I iniale b I. I n i 1,1. II C.. ..-r. 'I',, eel Is t ill. -"'del and dirt dl' oiil e.,p.i'i' hot 1'iiiiv mi a- I" make i lii'in eloa'i. eh ..ii llr-l in a I- i i in : -"liillini nl' I liroe i:ills eau-l ie -' .ia. olio part niter ami tl ve parts w a t t. and I ben in dilute -ul piiui ic acid; i r dip i 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 ; t c 1 1 in Win in nitric aci-l. -i, eiib' s;r;iiiy I.-, ami wa-h ini tnodiittoly in ruiiiiiiiL' wafer. The Day ol God Ushered in the Day of Peace- SHAFTER TAKES POSESSION. At lllghmion Hie I'lag ol' Tyranny Povvei cd a n-1 the I' lag ol l.ll'tTly liaised A Salule ol' l i ent. -Oue .uns lo Old l.loi v. Ham i Aoi i, ( iibii Py Cable;. Amid ilupiesivo ci i eiuonies. tiio Spanish troops laid down tacit aims bet'.ieeu tho linos of lho Spatn-.ii uud Aiuoricau forces, at 'J o'. loel, .- ti u. lay iimming (thoK'. tleiieia! .-hatter and a di vision ninl a brigade cuiiiiuaudur nml thoir static vvero e-ci rled by u troop of cavalry, and ticiiei il loi.ii and his htull by 10' i lucked men. Ti iiiupt-'.ei -s o a both sides saluted with lluiiritdios. I.eiHT.il .'-I. alder ro tiirmal to 'iei.e'i.l "loiul tiie hater's sword, niter n ha i been handed to the American coiau.iiad-'i . 'ur troops lined up ut ! ho 1: i i in s. and wert "ye vi Itnessus to the iv ! ii y. At the piiinci. e'ain sale ci el ioir.es tool, place. Ilx.ieil'. ,.i i.ooii the Ameri can tlag was e.ii- e-'i over Hie palace and was sainted by ." .oi;:..: I, , ( .-iprii u s but tery. At tlio samel I. u: all tho regi ment j1 bands ia oai I ino p!a ved "the Star Span.-led J ::..i. ,: . " idler which 1'rof.i.leht .Mc.'iial.'.-'.s con. ii.tuiiitory teleermu wa. r,-.. i I i o.-ii icgnue'it. 'J ho I Im tc"i:!h an I Vialii : ".-1 m-.-lits of lufali'iy will lein i iim the oily to oiifoici! i -i-.il r ai d i-xi elite i I'.iutcipul llllthal li,. i he .-.,'il-l f'llce-iillo to eucampi..;t..le of e-:i- ii:.e... sii.iiie: ciiici.ii :;. !iiT. Saoi ll I' ( 'I ;-. i, .liilv I I. "Ad.Ul- t Hit ie!.i nil t'nit. I Stales Army, Washing-.. no i i ave in.- honor In an nounce l m.i the vii.it lean ll..g has been this iii -t. 1,1, 1 .' o'c hoisted over the I. on." .1 1 1..: ,; -. ri : . i , . i."i- in Sail tiaan. .' n l;::; i ,", e . ..;., :.. e ( l' peo ple was l I's-iil. . .. .a n :: i I cnva.i-y lllnl il li"glliielil o! li.la-.tri !' '-eliled anas a-. I the hand !:.;. c I liatioaat mis. A light ba'U-i.. i.iol a 'aiiiteof 'I guns. I'i'i-fi- t i" i. .' i ' tiling m.nii tuiaed by t'l.i mu a !"! ; -i 1 go . ... iuue.it. I ho il' ie- I- .. : ju-ai, . ut llillo siciie;:- :a to: ,-. , ! v aiiv ii,l,,vv lever. ' -in.!,! .;:,;i " -a1 and annul n seamen odi bv I ';.'.'. i.a ..- siiri.,i- ere 1 I ho i. ' : acta..;- a-a being lu lniiv.'d lioiu ti e ;n iiita i ! tie.' IihiTi.'I-. I ' pol: cola:! . I :. '.he ei' v i disc iv- Oled e. i cl lict i i:;.:i.c:!i'. ill of uo- linecs. I i: !,! 1 a ,; I ne aMiird . did the l.isl ,av, p. -. aid I.s..' c. st ...twill ives to have 'ah. !',. i ii'.-iiiion- of Splilll-h tiliop. I:.;-...- iee'i I ie I a im I I i g arms i;a e .lav ii i.! a the ui :.i"i t . o.er winch I have -nail . lo.'ii.iai I, i ill formally i ar.ende: i ! tie. rl:, "i uii'l all rtoii's at a it. in. (Signed; " W. I '. - . i v i 1 1 i , ;'.)!' I .eiieial. " Art ii lc- ol gi a eoii'iit . 'I lie agiveuit ' oa-o I - ol lime article-, I ho ii; I n'c tluii a l 'io- tlhtics shall eca-o p- ".:: tie: agree Hit-ii ? ot liuai i-tpli i'n: t.-.t .' ecoml I ha! ll,e ,:,;.! u !..' :.ui ni clu'.los all tin: S; ..si 1- : . uud tho sun t-luler ot n'l '.'.. .. i.a-: iiii v. i . it ill tliu prescribed iiei:t- Third Ino i"iu ; .11..11.11 of the troops to Km,. a i.l li e earne d po.-si. lo IllOIUClit, l.'lll'il lol CI! '' b" l all.al kci ill the lien' e-t ni t. Fourth That ti e - i.-osii nllicoi shall retain the:! -idi: .11 in-' and the oil listed men tla,r lei-. "alii prooeity. Fifth I hal niter tin- ii.ud eapil 11 1 a lion, the Spiiui-ii foi, - s si.ali u.si.-t 111 the reiiiov al of n'l ac. .ons to na . i- glltloll 111 Slllltla.- , l.a i.,.; Sllh I hat alt-'- 'lie Iliad capllill i tion the ce'iiilnaa !i..g ohleei - shall l.:r-lil-h a couipli t" iliveii'.oi..- id all ill 'as uud nun, 1110,;.. el w.o nml 11 lopiu t of the soldiers iu tao Mist: tot. Seventh 'I i:at tliu panisli general Phllil be pel mil led to 'ill.e the. l.lliltaly iiiciiivns and ie. -i ids with linn I Tghtli Mint ail gii.-r.lia- and Spau ish iiTngiihii slunl i-e jieimitled to 10 iiiiiin in l iiba il ttie.v s 1 elect, givin.: a. pin ole that tin", will not 11 .am tnl.u up 111 ins aeiiiiist tin- I aite I .-tales unless properly released fi.un ar.ile. Ninth J hat 1 he Spnni.-li l"i . 'en shall be 1 ennitted to iiiiueli oiil vviih nil lho honors of war, ileposit 1 ng their 111 i.s to he disposed of by lho l ulled St. i'es 111 the future, the Aiiniaau commis sioners to recommend lo their govern ment that the ill in - ol the soi, hers bo returned In those ' who so b:ucl de fended tiieiu. I 7 ,Oi Ml Klllos I 1 1 it I 1 11. Adjutant tb uoini Cm bin made pub lic the follow ing disj ateh loon 1 b-m nil Shnl'ti'.-: "Ilcii.hpiarle;-. I.S. in:v, Santiago, .luly i ',. Ad inieu 1 lem-ia'. Fiiited States Al nu , Hn !i,'igi"ii '-ly ordlialice oliieer repel ts about li.'.il lilies turned ill todiiv and Ca ". " 10 1 .11 - tndges. At tin.- a1 h ot the Inn ! 1 there ill e iUilo a linn.l'er ol line m i cm guns about n ineh. al i two bntn-i les of mountain gun-. l-':ether with a -aiming battel-vol' t.lteea nldbioiie guns. I 'isarmiiig and I, lining iu will ei on t" iiiorrow. I. i-l of 1 a metiers not yet taken. Siiviiin. Maj. ilea.'' I'nr Spain nml I". 1 lo Ulco al On, -. Watson's s'ltindi o'; is prepar' ig to go to Spain, and sevcial vessels me piuiiig for the expedition to Poito lvico. lienora! Miios mi a i-ullic eat force will lie sent to tho island al o.o-e to take and hold it. Hntv Penee C011I1I lie 1 1 ;i - I e : 1 .-. The Madrid coi respiiudeiit of The Loudon Statidai d iiv'.' : " i lie prospects of pence could In- 11,11. h promoted ll I tol Fntteil stales m ci e i 1 eon:, oi pi ,- , v tho im piitieiiee ami aiub.tiou ..I . u the ( Ill-nil and I liil pp : e ,1. ill ,e lis. ' able I'ouihI bv Aeell u:. The hist cable from 1-nutiago do ..' .t was ci. light liv tb" a n '.0- o! the v'a I lllllsett 1 Ileal' Ag'i.n. 'iv Me !il!!!!!g 11,1 the e:i!.e was a .laoetiil. ll m, I, eon decided to hi: -v the caldo lor iutiuu , Due nud not to cut it.

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