B tCOfd TKISbDU. AI'GIST 4, 1MW. More soldiers are living of di.s '6:ise than from Spanish ImiK-ls. Miss Aduoy will rc-opcu her ramie school Monday, August Hih. Car loail of fit 1,1100 long loaf heart pine rived shingles for .sale, by B. None Jr. Now and lar?e stork pants just received at Uynuni and lead en "a. They can lit anyone. Toll your neighbors to ro to Fearrinirton's mill on the 121 h to hear ex-tfov. Jarvi-i ami others ex-Uov. Jarvii ami others;. " "'" ', ' ' ,k. iw" eorpoi-.-.tionsandthe ilal- Urli V Western l!,il,ay, the lat- The next session of the Pitts- ter company having obtained . Academy will be-in next re draiuin- order .-..dnst an al- speak, boro Mouday arid u lar,e;e attendance is expected. - -- - so-called "re- 1 t) " , i . ., lorin piipei pu.-io-Ji Mr. l.a.l- FjI,T (U, .),-Mi,i!:4.At the last have called themselves "ivform ey s letter to Uussell. Are they meetin-of the count v commission- ers"-to the letter of Mr. ,F. W. afraid to let their readers see it? . V i i -Groat reductions in colored Biurts ni iyuum .v iicinirns. ntruw ami crash hats at less than cost. - Every piece of summer u'oods in Bviiiim A" Headen's store isnow beiupr Sold at Mlashimr reductions. lou never saw wich barLr.nns. -Mr. B. Nooe's son David B. Htuek a nail through Ins toot a f. w a"" 'o ' oruer, v . i,. w n:iams, 'days ago, which caused hii l to If. Hackney, ,1. A. Oldham, 'Buffer very much but is now much' Dark, John Jones, (). !i. ,Io!in better. l,,'!,,, l:'r,ell Sr., J. A. Chipp, The first Thursday in Aup-ust used to be our election day, and many farmers always sowed their, turnip patch before puiiy to the election. j . . - , Dr. Ihrie (Dentist) enn be found daily in his new othce at his 'residence, prepared to do all kind of dental work, at reasonable prh-ea, iui terms inisr. ne undersioo i i,e - fore work is done. lhe lufiiiit son of Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Pickett, of I )iirham. died last U..4..-.1 I 41... 1 1- .-. I . 4fmti4Kl.lii ill lilt- lioiueoi 1 1 ;- ;i i i- father Mr. J. II. Ward in .Wil- .l.nnn c.M 1.-, IHlIieu.ll All. in end c iiir.-li. ------ Prftftchers and in.t;,'ist rates must allix a ten tint lruio.c stamp on every certificate of mi:r riufje, before retuniiii,.' it to the refrister of dr. ds. So, the war makes marryiiiLT liiher priced. I It will now be in order for '4-prtniii "refoi-iii" n:iti..vs .l1i,-i. - i"-i bolders. who have l.ru boastin - I , . t . t . bo loudly of fusion reform, to pro- 1 . . t 41 ' 1 . . ceed Pt once to reform their Mate Board of Arriculture. w hose dis graceful acts are 1 :. posed i u M r. Bailey's letter. We would call the nlirlition .t ..... ... it. . .1 41...4.1 .... v. iiii.l i.iiif.i . .1.411. ii.. i iiii.i.iii, , . , , . must put atm, cent revw ntr.n.p on 'verv certiheate to ;i I'-aiHerii''. 1 , . ... 1 1 r of jinlh'iiieiit, and the clerk of 1 e miperior court cannot d ,1 transcript of judgment unless tl o certiticate is duly stamped. ' ' We are requested lo announce j omm.:. j H.-rvhes rs i.'it.ird, that tliere will be a picnic .ml 1 -kD-s. W. If. Moore, of it ickiin,'- j H. W. Bland, for corn, public speaking at Fearriinrton's hum, is visiting Mrs. A. J. P.y-. t . S. Poe .V Son, for sup Mills, in Williams township, on; "inn. plies, Friday of next week, the P2th.j Mrs. II. mi-y Bland is here on n ! W. L. I .oiulon V Son, for Speeches will be made by ex-(ioy. ; viidl to her brother, Mr. C. C. ' imppjies, Jarvis and others, f-verybody in vite.l and a bir time on p. ctrd. Bejfinuin Thursday liiorniuvr August 4th, and coi.t inning or me week only, tl.e entire Mock of U.iuiburs and Ihuiir-ii.leries at the Popular Store of W. L. Lon don V- Son will be so'd ;it a dis count of '2"y per ce nt. These piods will U on a table in 11 l.trrot .store and will tv sold strictly lor i.ih. Mr. Thomas .1. Coldsl on, ol ituii township, died M-ry sudden ly on the PJlh of July, lie had been ill his usual health .lii.l ate ii hearty breakfast, and soon after wards was stricken with pmdysis aud died about 1J o'clock ihat morning, i lo was 7o years old and was one of Chatham's most respected citizens. The ending.' of the st ason has not decreased the stock iii'eimd-t at W. L. London ,v Son's s. th.-t von can't tind all you want there. Their stork is always ron.ph te 1 ..11 ... 1 1 ttii.i 111-vei iiiioi.r.i i' i.iii mu , ... ,. , ., ... NllOtltU'l'S l-llll Tlllil T I'i'l' :l ill t 111 II" they want at any season of thr year aud that is why they are al ways busy. The Populist convention for this Coiiyression.il district wiill.e held at Bilei-rli, on the day of September, for the pcrpose of nominating a candidate for Con presn. Amoiio' the reported car.di dateH for the iiouiination mv (bir rett, of Vance:Mitchell,of Frauk lin: Cade, Wilson and Aver, of Wnke: and Stiowd and Jenkins, of Chatham. ,f We much regret to hear the death of ex-.d.rriil' i. J. Wil liams, which occurred mi hist Sun day at his residence in Williams township, lie was one of Chat ham's most popular and promin ent citizens, und u as !. rilt'of this county for several years just idler the war. Chatham now lias only only one liin' ev-shei ill'--Mr. Sjience Taylor. New Oiui'oiiatioxs. In another' ''U11 tho notice of me nicorporauon 01 me ;ortn Carolina Coal and Coke Company, ; which we are nitormoil will lease unl operate the coal mine on the "Taylor place" (near Gulf) which has recently been bought ly tlie Taylor Place Coal Land Associ- ation. 15o!h of these- companies ' are nev corporal ions and have no connection wha'u rr with the owners of the Cumnock mines nor wiili the llaicih and Wcsleni J ia ii way. 1 hey are composed of ; diH'erent persons, or stockholders, iiiid tlieir coal property is entirely distinct-, the Cumnock mines l,e- inir i:i Uaiilan.l township on the s nilh side of Peep river, and the Taylor place lieiny in lull' town ship on tlu north side of l)crp river. In fact there has already some litigation arisen between tl h'ed unlawlul interference w ith its roadbed by some of the pro- ..r m... ." :. . , ' - 'erstiie followii::,' were drawn as jurors for the next term .rior com t of this con mi of fi,i mii ii-rior court oi tins countv. which 1Mrj i-jfins on the h of September . and continues two weeks: Fust d'c.-.J. .. Williams, V. .). llarnnni, P. S. Sih-r, r. K l!ios, r. U. HaiiinL'ion, 1. 11. llcain, (1. 11. Wiiiiie, T. W. Moses, Isaiah ,Co'e, V. 1). Dunlap, -Joiiu .j. Jlar- ; ltovc, (taston (rooilwin,.). II. "W'il ' li'ims. W. J.Johnson.C. !v. Wicnu, A. ex. i-.,d.iiiis, ,). ,j . Andrew, u. Wavland Mooie, U. V,'. ihiiwii, J. A. P.irham, J. 15. Miliikeii, 1'. C. Phillips. B. A. Speiice, Phi!. Lea, L. Dark, Ca.l. ('pchuivh, N. i lliiiiaid. r.'.'..-M. N.Dark, V. T. ! Kd wards, J. W. JoiniMou, Isaac B. '(,,.., 1,1 . J Dar-.-rove, John i.i:d:irr, T.ivl r WirC r, Thomas ' V. Wicker, (i. (i. Ilrrndoii, W. i. ! . ( enie:its. Welch, Brvint B ! Perry. John A. I uar.l.' 1' C. Mc.'l.mus, J. H. Kilin.e-to.'i, Fields S It il.' r V n.-if .. .-iier, A. r-. lia.ld. rs, U.tint , . . IV,sn.w. h,:Ms.-A lare num - ,,.;- ,:; icd.-s (.'.ell I i ClUel! fli oi,;., ,.i ,,.i .11 ... ..1 , i 1 n !--.-'.' 1 - ,1 ii' i . 1 1 11 1 1 , i 1 1 1 ,-11 re. Ill I the veterans' reunion at Mount ! Vernon Sprin-s today 1 Thursday l. Mrs. Herbert Norris and son, of Apex, are hereon a visit to her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. , Burns. Mrs. ie-r.." A. Matton and , (. l,ji, i,vn ,,f .rt p,.; ..,. vi.s.;t. .' ... I m .. . :i ip .11 111:: le-i .-sifter, .ijrs. Ji. 1 . l.miDiri. l r:.. ..-..... i. ... , ., ' 1 '4I''-' mine l 1 1 1 is 1 ire lias re- 1 ,,.,,,. 1 t . 1. I .'Hi. -'. 1. 'Ml 11 ii.iii 10 iii-i HIMierS j at u.; rh l(ii!it m (,.loi j I- 1 , . ,r ...e.lllll'l .1.1 .111. Jl. l. Ijllieuei i . . , . , Mis-. N,.,e Spence, of U.-.rit 'tho dllinn)lll flf tir. ppliHt t.i. i!"'olUc..rs say it is very ins rue counry, h.,s been on a slcrt vis. t . (H.u(i u, t,(1.mit,,.,. f,f tjlis ,.,, v! . I've and much needed by he hoys lu .hiss I imiiy I ,e mips. 111. ' j )nr rille i;in-e is completed and Miss Mamie Slraujv. of Allan- ('iiiiimisiiiiiici' ,'ilecllntr. !''H day li'ii;' you can he;ir the ta. is visitin" her sister. Mrs .7 rt.t . . crack of rifles, and .some of the ...I. 1 .m.'fiL i.ti M,,Li'i . ..i iM. .I. ,. ,. . . W.i'hto,, thne. 1 u';;1;,,,, i-,,i..,r. 1 1 H.,;,:.l:to Ihrie. ; .'... ....ui..-. .iii.i 1,1:11- : j,v ...... .1 ..... .. ,;Hit,(, , , , 1 I I ' 1 mipei inn. Mrs. Henry Dnoie, of Sa v.,iinali, 1 her;, on a i-dtti Mrs. J. A. U.drii. Mr. Louis Criiv v.s. of Chapel r.l'red. IJvimm.:' liiii, is visitin .' M .. 1 aroroii;ru, insoi C.IMilAM Tr.A.M 'l"To;s. The.1 e.lit fees, iiiiitch 'hii.e of base ball, played W. C. 1 'earsim, for eon vey oii last Friday at ihuiii-toii, re- j in' F.iiinie Atwab-r to suited in a .dorioiis victory for jail, our Chatham boys by a score of il J.is. A. Hancock, forcolliu to .'I. ()n!y ei-.-ht inuiiiiu's were! for lilizulieth Pearson, piaw-d, 1.-1 the Wilmington tea tn : a pauper. . saw ii was no u-.e then to hope to (i. W. Moore, for exauiiua , 'chain-.- tl.e result. While ,-d I our t hm of Fannie Alwntcr, 1,..H ,-,. .s,-.i,l 4,, r.it- ol.-ied well. tl.e chi' f credit lor the victory is t. !?. Cole, for collui for line to the skill of t heir pitcher , Po!l i! i:re,sbee, l V. iiii'ir.isi. Tlie Wilmimrlou Mm- t'. F. Tuomas, for sum-tiH-i-r in its report of the Hine! moninv; a w ituess, s .id, "i hi- ereat trouble uith our . S. Dixon, insolvent fees boys was their inability to master John 1'ike, for curing for tlie curves of the visitor's t wirier." . Fveline Cox, The followiii;.' are thi' names of (). S. J Mxoii. for conveying tiie Chatham team: Henry M.' Morris Pitman ,0 jail London icapt.iiui, Wiiliam ). Wil- . A. (ides, for services as ii 11. is, A morose Fowler, Fred, iiy- attorney, mi'ii, A. .I. Moore, Kd. ilkie, V. S. Dixon, for expenses holiert t'.dw iil'ils, Di.Mil Newllli and W. H. Taylor. i 't he foilowim.,' is lhe tabulated .1 score ol tne LTinu 1 iiaTiIam T:n: Fowler, catch Williams, pitch Bynuiu. 1st base Moo.e, iud base Wilkie, :ird ba.M' l.dwiii'd t, short stop Neull'li, left li.1,1 Taylor, center Held Loudon, riedit held WILMlNdTo.N A II. I! It II. a :i 2 5 o o 1 0 0 4 11 4 2 o 4 1 -2 "1 1 1 4 0 0 1 2 1 aim mi. 1 1 O t II o I o o :t 2 1 Ii :t 0 o :t 0 1 : o o :t o o : o o wishes to try to re- and 110 Tiivh.r, c.-'teh Tate, pitch and :ir,l base Batch, 1st base Slocomb, i'nd base Sweeney, :!rd b. anil p.tel Sellers, short slop Jones, left tield Orrell. ceiilei tield James, ri.'ht li. Id The Wibnin' t-n team play another raipe and deem their lepiilation. doubt our bo.s will be pleased to yi'-e tie.iu the oopoi tunity, Disthh .t( 'oxKKiiF.xcK. Theyear ly district conference of the Fay ci " iii i u i v, .1.-1 nn'i ,n out-i City lust week. Tim introductory sermon was pre. teiieii on mc.iucs- day ni.idit ly t!ie J lev. 1'.. .'. .Sell. The prosidinir rider, ev. F. . Hishnp, was present and presided at the conference. 1'he i.ele:Mles and vi warmly welcomed an l pilably eiitei iahicl h people of Kiirr Citv in and all unfitly eiijoyci ;ito;s were most hos tile -ood :1 vicinity, the occu- hioii. The delegates elected t ithenn- nual North Carolina .'Conference are Messrs. W. J. Womblc, li. Ii. I!,.,,,,,,, .,,,,1 i .' j .,,,,1,,, ,.f n.isi i iiilin .inn .i. 1. ij.inine, oi tins cmnty, and Dr. Bet is of Fayette- ville. Jlev. Teiiiamiu Black was ' 1,1 pointed in .i,. ,, ' I i,,.,,, !. .u;.'eoiiiie i rep l.l- , ,, , , year, to Id! o.il the unexpired (rim .nfllev. 15. Holder who had retired. a' The next confeieice will be held "t Brown's chapel, in t his count;-. er circuit lor the remainder of ( no Mr.. Bah.K.y's LiriTK!!. We would al! th" serious ntlenlioii of our i..,. u.. ..r , ii-.niuii if h i unit in lliw.il- nun Jlai'.iu- ml dressed to ( iov. ltussell. i i.:i!.ii:,...i ;.. ..I,. al..... ....in, ..ii No true North Can. nnaii or ion- est citii four State can read it without fee my is hained urn in- diirm.nt thai our irood old Slate should be disgraced by sue! (loveriiiir amf J'oard of Agricul ture. ! Mr. Bni'cv's statements and char'.'i s cannot be lightly dismiss- Cd as "a J Vinoerntie lie,'" for he is too Weil known as the talented ed itor of the .'.el (tuiihr (the most influential leliious paper in the Sinte) forany one to doubt his honesty and truthfulness. When a in.Hii of his Iii;:!i character feels compelled from a sense i f duty to make public such charges against our public oliici'i's (one of whom i.-i tl.e (Sovei'iior1, honest citizens without retrard to party politics should seriously consider them, and ask t'nejnselves, "W hither ale we drilliis-?" Soon niter I'ussell and hissyco- 'phanti the A 'iiehnieu t' h. ..-..-I. of laitmeiit it !i,-,:;:urai was publicly alleged that it was 1... ;., ,.-',..!..' ii .T,,.,.;, ...., ,.i the Stale's' manure pile"- fur pile 14' 1 1 ' Kd'' by This is now de liailey to be true, i f ... ;.. I I . , in. -n-j "'4 Ii-ilj let ter he sa vs "it has iuslitul ion for (he Z .r. ., ..t ;i ...... r-,.. , , I'. 1 1. 1 , it.... ,,1. ! willi'liUle i.un.oseof oublictrood'.-'' j And yet this is the institution this is the department of our State ; .','overiimriit --that was established : ei.-lu.-iieiy for t lie benefit of our : n.-'ricu!! m-.u lnterrsls and ol our : farmers! i A ... 1 . . t i . 1 ll,,,4 ...... ..f lt,..u,. . .11.1 . - - . 1. mr. ik... .-i, - . ,.. .-- U'oi'.mdssioners of .Wieulture.. , ., , , .. ,. respmisdil for this disgraceful : . Htale .dallans, is so zealous a ''"- .... -f.. i i 1 :... i. "V :"1 eom .Mss, on -rs me 1 rr.i ....... ....... . i ne couniv comiiMssio.-ier.s mei joa l.ist Mond ,y and Tuesday and , . .r. c n . . nun i;.(i lie o iowiiLT accounts; r , , . , . , - ' IV. 1. 1 01 1 j 1.10 1 1, 101 s, 11111, ? - 1" ; J Uli 1-511 1 , , wiii-i..'.. l-;,l.w ' J. Oriilin. for corn,' ' 1 U' M lv, -.-..v f,,.. - "; -d IS I . M. 1 al laoiiuli, lor fierv- . "'y"1' - V '"'V"' '''.. , 2 r.o 1 (Id a lunatic. 1 Oi) - dd ia 2 2 nr! :i -2 ) in se.-iiv.iine- tor audcou ey ii;e;Carier Hanson to jail. .1.1 to I. Pasehal. for m.ikin ' abnt ract of taxes for Stale Board of Ftpiali- dion, 00 as clerk to Board, J. T. Paschal, 011 account of w n'kllo'.lSe, Jlicliai-.l IhtMsey, for serv ices :s janitor of court house, illia a Kiddle, for black smith work, (1. P.. Piikiurton, for med- l.-r , ... o-' 2 no :t to F.'L'. aids .V p.roii.'hlon, he t ! re.-eipf bo, ..s, J. I. Je.iklMS, jail fees. Byiiliai iV lleadeli, for sup plies, W. O. Farrell. f..r serv ices as coiimi issioiii-r, J. H. Bright, for services as commissi" uier, W. A. I .in.'bel ry. for serv ices ,is c'linmissioner, ld 2:! 2' 2'l I'd 2S Od -,-., ,, . p,:,t W. S. Petty be al- l e.srd ?1 ii mouth for the support t - of ( 'Inn lin Alston. - 1 Or.lsrcl, that L. I). Hobby bo ininwon a uioiun ior mo sup p.n-t f JJt-ttic Pearson, r i re I, that llynuin & Ifoaden discussion auioicj' tin; military nr.- allowed a month for the critics, it is not for us to say support of Jerry Bynuin. i whether or not there was too much I precipitancy in (Jen. Shatter's ny- , , nr ukiuhu. irressive movements of July 1 and A !i at ha m Soldiers s Letter. j 2. It lmH tempered ourexulta Cami' Ci'ii.v LiiiitK, Jacksonvii.u:, tion over the victory to rmcmlicr I'l.OltllM. Mil. LniToi:: As requested I will "ive you a few camp notes.: Col. W. J. JJrynn has arrived with his regiment of Nebraska infantrvi ... 1 1 .. . . :i 1 1 .1 i . . and have pitched their tents at .. i iinamn i aru, aoont, lour lin es' 'P they have a ,"V. ''"'!,. '''"''i and seem Well pleased with the location. .1 ..... -v laie nuiiieiice irreeicil lO.'j . , n . . i- r " ,, .... , - ,, . . lent, of tlieir minor I urn v lo r 1 s- niifiiiiu uie iihihoi iinieianii iie.ir:;i.'i and riorida are cohiiiil' to see th' men whom we are so proud of and it is worth the trip, for it is har.ily possible that the public will 'ct ;i chance to see so many men of fame together after they have left here. Colonel Bryan in his nddress a beautiful remark,' in relririii ' :o politi: b in war. lb said because he was Colonel of a regiment that it did not infer that ..ii ii, ., , ii.... f.. sueli is not the case, for t wo-thirds are sound money mm. 1 But the .anm patriotic spirit 1. . .I...1I ft ... l f . l a lead-all olns to drfendo lr IIiil', I .i . .... , , amt party principles are loruotten in the cl,r..e to the lVo.d The boys are looking forward to tlie arrival of a South Carolina reeiment with much pleasure. For the i' ,,,,1, .... i . i . , i .vut mill troois are a little in arreaisat lu'esent. But nevertlit less they miuaee to hold their own. There is some talk of movm" IHIK. Ill 111II1M'' . . . . . the N. C. ft intent hack to Aslie- ville. but hardly think there is any ti nt li in it. Tlie boys all continue to be very healthy and very little sickness finds its w ay in our camp. ilmLiiu' from all the hospital re- pons uie noin nern i roups stand li"' weather much lirtlri than any oi ui" resr. iur sick list snowed . tiiat t wo-thirds of the sickn. ss is ' H"' I'oi lhern troops. So ir w e nave only lost one man since c-.iiie here, and that is remark- " "en compared wiiu some oi 1 tlie other ree-imenls. ! A sham battle was foiieht be- i1'-":''!. h Nv Jersey and Jiliuoi and N. C. rc'-iments. New Jersey 1 in 1 in- "i had the iieiensive and Illinois and ...'iiii. ,111'iinri in n- uie iiiiitu:in and ewryhoily eiijoyed it very much, and the tirinj.' was excellent ami the boys were highly praised by the i iriiiiiandiiiLT ollioers and v...-fi. 11... : 1 1 . . ; tvv" eon..an!es of Jersey troops wi re captured by the North Caro ' lin.'i luie.1 I 4. vi. 1. i-f n citiiiti. Im44h. I -1, 1 .- ' 1 4 ' ' . win ne ion 'in every wcck now. as ,,, ,, 1)lki to . ,.,,,1;.. , ' " , ' fxVw .tueii ciedit. ,. , t , .. 1 A mlield Quart.-He add ' much to the pleasure of tlie camp. And nearly every ni'.'ht their sweet sin . in- is' heard. They are com - ! posed o I the folhnviny: L. A. ll.irdw ick and A. K. Tiice, both of Co. 1., and John Lumsden and il'li.i-j ( ! nf C11 K' nil V. , Carolina boys, ami they have 11 ivi-rv eiivnibli reputation aiUOlli; ih - boys of the seventh 11 riny corps. he m ide a v.rv elooiient uddreyy i v;""1- 1,11 " 'l,";!nM ' "' l'. ' ' " " ' " f foii-lit luajjiiiluviitlv; Imt ourmen, s -"'V l-Kmsed ith the tl,ZrimH; Umri:ur up epuo.i i.c or-. ! stee.p inclines 'I'Miust a sheilered .,K,t?'1 rl'''w,.l.7 ". , ' I1'' fl'.(,m;u,d intrench. enemy, wrrethei I lne soldiers are looking for " w,,nl lo pay day with many erins, - ;h , (in.! (he paymaster should put in ' his appearance 111 a short time. The recruits aiv comiiiL.' in slow - ! ly and are he in-.: drilled and put in ranks as ouick as possible. M'iiy improvements arc brin m.i.te 111 and nrouiul our cuiup, such as drainage and puttim; up IIC'.V iMtard houses etc., alld the Second Illinois have sentry boxes for their 'iianls and the whole . , 1 ' . camp looks like a new place. I 1 must oniiir tins letter to a close, trust in.' I have not intrud- i ...1 1.,.. , , .- 1 .... u..... I. 4.1... .4.4.4 space. 1 remain I (il-.O. KrilANKS, C 1, 1st N. C. V, liiiifuiis Ncrn Soldiers. Athiiit.i, August 1. A serious riot whs narrowly averted this af ld (Ml teriioon, at Fort Mcpherson, and 1 but for the prompt arrival of the 1 corporal of the jruar I and a Wire 'sipiiidof men, together with the isisiiiuce of Marshal Kyan, )(f j Oakland, one mini would in all I probability have been lynched by ' an infuriated mob of uero soldi- .is . i Wilkesborn Cliroiiicle: Mr. T. ' C. Hix and daughter Miss Ida narrowly esrii!ed drowniii'' at 11 . 1 - . t .. 1 1 .4 n.i iiiiiiiiuii m iiim liisi 1 iiiiiiv. 1 nev j had started to Watauga. The riv er was up, but Wiis not considered past fordine;. Soon after tliey drove in the horse and bue-o-y !. , iraii lloatitiu' do wu stream. It was III. .Iili;.-..l4v 41, 4 t.- Uiv id the bank with his daughter. The horse and bue-y were eotteii out some distance down the river. ' Nc.iton Fnterprise; Barker, the Populist Senator from this dis tn. t, has received his reward for voting for Pritchard for Fnited Slides Si'i.Mti .r It., lmu !-.... .... pointed a brandy surveyor. Thus tne iiroriainme is beinj; carried nj hoM n,i .-..uv,-y u au.-n iT' imi., r.-ai out. I'very Populist w ho voted I1"1"1' min"! a the c".-,..ian.-ii n...- n for Prit chard is ''ettiu" his re- '""" i'o""" 'Tai.i uiii.-.-..i.-i .... 1 m t-i-ii'lui-l"! 1m busiueis. ..... .4. .American Courage Vindicated. The military side of the ttanti- j - ajro campaign will tor a lon time furnish a theme for controversial' ii u un ...... f.ll,. !,., .1 IK. ' was the conjlict, what fearful risks .our men uiilliuchine-Iy assumed, ' and how many valuable lives were1 sacrificed. About, one aspect of, 1 1. u.. ..i :.. : ... i ' i Hi" OHI a ii l .11 I 'a i'rii, iioeei,; Li -hi r. i I there will he iimiiiiinitv. (oead r , . . personal coura;.'c l as never been xllilit,Mj ; 'w,ufn.v than o,,r . ., . .... ,. . , f. , '. t n . I volunteers sliov eil to t he a e- r i mi l t ones whose qualities were put to the full test. There were plenty j of men on foot at Santi io, pri vates as well as ollicrrs, wiio allow ed that same sort of ldrli spirit that 1 loliKon had shown some days before by his brave net in th har bor. Fill rope had quite L'elirrilliy believed that Americans wiT' trad ers and nionr-y-makrrs and that they were not lighters. Tlie ;-ov-ernments and the military autli- I 0,n',,,Y.' h,ir,,M i n"" ' j !'f"'tiao;o and revised tlieir op- """"in I"" :1T l" ""''i posed that with drill under trood i 1 . , ... ., , . , . , ; oil leers and with the. latest pat- i . f i . i terns of smi.ll annsand cp.ipnieiit I almost any sort of human catth i would do very well in tlie ranks j as food for bullets. This Santiago 'eieiieice i ow win lo iriiuiei ! ,, 1 ... ,. , .. , .. , lions of modern warfare may not, after all, lie so diH'erent as had been supposed from t he condit ions . ,.- -.. , ,, . ,. i i it mi l'l ii.r 1 1 i,u4 u-li.'r.i t he on 1 1 v- 1 1. , .. . uai man was oi some account. From "The Progress of the World," in the .lmrf,; MiutUly Jirrn-ir Unfit ws for August. Mr. Calvin Dennis, while p!ow iii!'iu hispotido patch near Jones boro, on last Thursday, wasstruck by 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i . 1 r and instantly killed, as was also his mu'e. Mi W A I) V KIM inf,.ui;nts BTATi Of SOlll ll C4.IIOI.IV4. -CHI N I T OI en i ikm-iv 1 in st:i't aoii curiiiv ' r. lUnlwIy. A,lll.!iill''or ft Wll ui))' Hull Aka lint Tit'imH T "iiim 1 1 .vi 1 ii, uih.irii 1 1 ln tyneltl tr.....tii for Cm fltiM oouin nl Bta.'iiiii .,f ih- iiiittniilT i 4.1 1 1 1 1 - mau' I iiu,.uoi ih wiiu nf lll Intuit l'l., :i I H , li.irlu4 l' in siuli.fL..ri ..riiin riiurl iii'.n unt il tvlt'U .1 1 li" ilaf.'ii l .ni I'li im i Y ,iiiij IU11 non rf lent i f nils v,,-n mi l ,..ini.,;, f due iliaganrr, lirfou 1 1 Uik-kIii, aii-1 thin hn nun aa liiiurM'. In tlili iir-i'-n-Mliii; :m 41 .1 riixf .-s ( HAM MiftiMiint In 11 if",Mr I'Ari)' itii'T'-in, 1,4. 111 hri'f re'iulrnil in ripar anl Arn.w.'i- nr ili:m uriollia I'litlniirr iiii,iIiIiii 4.1 i.flkB ul Uir l-ks of Ilia 'Mu,i.,r 4uurl -if mt n miif of Clilhni, mi the I3.li .Iny of n.'ii.mnlicr, I HI, or IlinrAI'et lm4U'll llierpiu will im grmilnj. .1. II. I HON, C. 3.C. a. a. r.ovruN, r.aiu in Tor. ill(, . itt I AND SA Id', RV VIKTFK OF miiirlnr of tin. muiivir roan 'I CI11 Ii4rn t,m ilf, rii'lTiil i Mr Th-hi 111 lu run' ! Ilmr, In pn lliig wli"r,i Sini'ini sn.-. w. ,1 11111 I llfTnn, A. W. Jurilfiti oi'ii wnro iIai,Jm.ih, wu lliu iintlrtrilminl 0'iintiCi.i...iii.. ivul inifii "fT r f.,m,.li i.uoii,-. n i.ui ,11 at u. .-.un ii,i 1 d'",r 1,1 ,,"' 0 ' u M "" ,:"v a,. 1 Mh 'i""'. A ''""""- ;,r,.,f , .., , tU .sw u w. of bi.,i i:u . cn-i'k nni .iij.ii,iim u.i 1 i,' H.'iiirr , i. J..r.in, jnn. r-iwar ; -1 i i. unl iui iili'T ir.ici of 1 111 1 mi t'lirtciwli, iji.;nlntli litii'li. nf J A. iicill'.n l. .1 g Mnlih ooiunlnlim St ncrim I1. D1 .t snia irnvi IkUi,-tUfoi.i.i(..l.-it,-rllii.,i In . m ,r,.i i-e. ii Mm lhe 111 1 I'.rofMa nil. b; . -V, J.iJimi ivinl J.g Sml.li lo Mil Hi-iile M. Hi l-ii. TorinsoIiAlF vuli. II A. I.eM'eM, li. 'I. IIAYl -i l i( t, H'S". .'"i!iiiili.!l'.nerx. . . ..' 1 1 11 m ; A'O TCL' OF SCOIU'OUA TO.W btatc or Mnrn cak'imsa. im -i. ..f suir I ojmiuh oi-m-i. i . c mm. ' TcZ rAMV ioims.-.H t Num. i;,.r..i t.,vu, n'iiuc,.fi!ii.,o'riirtori. uro .i-uei-i r i.nit- .u. Th-uniwll ImniK-I, n. w. UyUr, llf,wril -"i ' "" 1, ...1, 4Vt llior 111 IT Hi. ',-1 Urt Wll'l ll'.ill : ll,Ml'iTl 1 prln oi.ial i!'i "f lm.liif Kli'ill ; In 1 h iihm ! eauaij. M -I tl. I'ltmllnii, wi ll I.imi -Ii i.m n urh "' ii-" i" mi- Nnvti iLn id turi.m of mm rori ran, ., ri,i, w -my T'ra rj.lii siook li ;o.( i'i, ,1hl.:e I Int., lhrf 'f I W .-IWI 1. 111 lli tin la n ihm- -r 11 n A'lou ttinll lm II114; of op'-milii un ir lfii-n 'ii o IKrwi.o ;iro,'Mif fu .l l mut, by tnlnii-K, illlOK A'l.l lrn-.i iranti In iiim k"i en. r..l un durljrliiKlliit pr".ri- of . r ,ni,nv, n 1 t . hm rin Ami n)iiy nil Km . ruiiii bii.' irl!len pr'.i'i'r 1: I iirriiiaury f"r w tH ij 11 nln-- il'Ti.l(i,..J ilirrwiii, an Kclln- r i.t ir I114: ducli oilinr In. n.i ih 1 1 m,, fif itKn av I ' uV.tuiAi.,ii to ilio r -rii r .1 01 In ilu-pr, . tl .n of 10 iu.iniu 1 Ih-0 .ir.. ul-! f ,if ., lion 1 u l op 'tHT, hi d trili fi.ll .,mr.r .,,ui. aiA, loll a,l i-i, j.,)- u -ii nni ..r i.n, pr,,prir nivniwy or r-ul -rllor 1 . i iir.. -p ll.TM.Il n I Un. vir.'iyor luw- a.' inn.ii i.nd .-., - nun oimimir-. n n. ihx.iv, Au. t. H'i Clork .iii.il .r e. urt. yor (: of i.co!i'(ti;.rio 1 piAii.oi- mm; rii eiiMii..x, 1 uni .ISii: .-1 curin 'i ciicn iv. i.t o- ir c-i t, So'l-n is h.-i.'l.y ul vn i.f Un- Ii,i-. . ,111 I 11 Um TAVI.OIl I'l.ACi: COO. I.M AS-11 I 1 I ION In Cii'.iiaii- ..f Sm ill Cur-mil Th 11 ih - 1111111 "flhi. lim.rHir.'t:nr' in. rt..rn" T. M 1 .ui 'ii H.iwr.l Sl'l.l. li, ....,., . Hik-v . 1 . s r.. .. ,., H. K, lir-lxr, Ati l sii.'ii iinr Hi -V in n h-, rUli wlHi Ili -iii. Mm? Hi - p -..-:i , ,i , .. . IH-..H nhill In. In en iMnn i-mniy, N-i Mi e . r-II HA, with ImhiI'-'I ofll'-n re kii,-1i uMiit .l .,.-. ii.- mHJf '"' 1 ,"'" 1,1 e'T'H"" 'I'lll l'..lly liinitSni of ,1 I , ,1 i -i Hint Hi.- i- no , k l mil l:v ..- 11,',, u,r, ,.; f n , . ami lluil 1 1.. I'li-lni'!. .if Hi-. ...r;.,rv On i-h-ill t llill.llii.'. .!i:na i -1 lriHj r'l. a in ilk.- . ul lll 1 Ihv, H14.1 1 : ,ii.- un I ,.iii,. mlni-rnls in, I, r IrlttaT III ' Taylor .!h,-.-" .t.....'i- m ni I .- .1111 ty. All'l ll-Olli; All-l 1111.11 Ilfi4i-tll! ili t ' ... 1 1 Tt,-f all 'mlii'-ta Krowinj ili.-n Willi all .w.e., rlKhiv ii. .rlvll.ica r..j .- una n,-.- -,- 11 y f.,i 'lnriliiK ami w iiklin: in., m il--, li v -1 . 1 ""wiAH'OniiHira.-'iiriiu'ii," i l""l'riy. s well as ism tu,-i,i s.i III -. "1 HHliI Ii ..Hut I'U-I I10BH U HHH prO'llNi't as nny I, .v..iii.i-r..Uf t.i Hix ivirn .r.itlon. 111. full .h... .... i.. ..i.--.. ii. u uixu.N.c b c THE VOVVLAK STO '. W. L J.ONDON & SON- Have ci XTice I-ict cf u.rnifare and OtHeiT I-i:ou.S3l5:33pIr2S" 0-ood.s -wlxiclx Tii97 Ssllin-g- "Very Clieap. liarure Bock in;,' Chairs for .f 1.25 up. A Nii e Set of Chairs for ?:i.-i:. Hand-Made ( hairs for cents up. Children Chairs. Bureaus from 'l.i!i) up. Cots '.() cts., !?1.25 and c I . " . If You Want iUnnU call at the Fopular W. L LONDSM & SON- PIT rSBOKO, N. C-. '"'' CHAPEL HILL SCIIOOI For Hoys and (iirls. I'.iht teachers, 1-V.i pupils. Tuition 1. "ill per month. Board $?. to i-Pumi. Mush- in,. lAi'l. Write for cat aloyue. C hapel Hill, N. C. J in,.- i. Is'.ik. Commercial and of ic.v i.i':i;ii. STA'l l'.M I'A'T . I.,. . . . 1 1 iipitid r-nocK 1 aid 1 p Surplus Fund, Net Fndivided Prolits, Deposits, 3.S4,1.M Sale deposit boxes for rent. No interest paid on deposit. Oilers ils customers every accommodation consistent with safebiyjJb 1:11'. A number of Lfoo l business ollices for rent. J. J. THOMAS, President'.'" ALF. A. TIK )MPS()N, Vice-President. !!. S. JKBMAN, Cashier. 11. W. JACKSON, Assistant Cauhior. J.J.TnoM'.s, Ihilri.rh, A. Ho:;ni:, Chiyton. A. A. Thompson. lUleiph. li. N. In Ki., Dm ham. J. B. iln.i., Bii!ei;-li. A. F. Paoi'., Aberdeen. I!, ii. l!.Ni.i, Ihilei-h. J. W. ScoiT, San ford. J. K. Siii:i'in:i;i), BaleiK'b. Fi:i:i. Plin.r.irs, Tari-ro. Cai;I-:y J. Hi Mil;, Balcie-h. Thomas H. Bitiuus, Ihdei-h. H. A. Lonuon, Pittsboro. ( Ii o. ". Watts, Dm ham. n m 1 x 1 st it to 1 1 s Nt t 1 i : aviui! iiiHllflri iis n luiliitf tr'kt'.r fii.-irli'r II Wlllll'll-.. .li-.-a.-i-I, 1 li.-r.-l.) I- -'Cy i.Hl,is.,iis liiil-lliii; i-liilius ,'.k'iiiiii.i s'.l-l .Itr.'il. I . "Xliiliii ilu' Hitiun lo mi-, mi - r 1 ff"i'i- -Inly ilH ,Hi!.. L. 1'. MAl.liWl.N. II II IliVKS. All .rany. Jnlyai, ls'.il. - . .. . .... 1133 Blngbam School fl SHEYILLK, KalabllahMl In I7M. Mai. U. IIINUHAM. LESS iuary'l'lloi'. Arffl'y 11 II P UHioar deiallcd. W U PITTSBORO iUMl For 1. 1 M, Principal. MuS liwis EwniiSj iSniiiii Tin' i on w .l.i.i will I'.-piln M .ii lay. AuiHt ! i-in. ii-'jk. ! 'tli'.r. iiBli liiMo'.-'it '-n will I'lvpn In thr it Unary RikIIkIi I run- Ii i.inl al" In IV.IBJ 'lr,i'k. anil Iti-ii'Ii aii'l 10 ni a:i ,11 'Ii-.ii.'I Tiililoiiln Dip Ish i.ran. i ft- in 41 Vi I,, in Ml1 4 111' ll'll, for -.-i-l "f Hi" I'l.-r IM'B ii.k-l-s, 11.00 K'ra; i-'ill'IHKi'llI !''. ''''' a !':'-!. ,11. , lllll. H ill l.o S.-lll nil! HU H l.lj , '.I, I I oiviiic j Hon til hi- mail" f"r ui o.-u-v, i-x.o,.i wi.xn Ih'' ! tmi'll ! nnavul'lal'ly k-;'l a v iy wi as l aiy a l"ijiii r w l i hi 1 ill r' i v :i-,i,i. : ic.f.-, r f n- THE UNiVEHSnY. Largest piilioiume and I'ull sl eiiiiniieiit in ils history, 'acuity, Sludeuts, .'iiS: Ac (domic Courses: .'1 Kleelrie , ''nurses, Tliroe I ri il'si ic,i 1 Vhools. in Law, Medicine and I'luiriiiacv. AilVillicod ( lasses open to .oiiien. Tuition Mii a year. Hoard s. a nio'iih. Ample opiiortuiii - ties for s. lf h. lp. Scholarships ind loans for (1 cdy. Summer v hool for Teacher ors, ls.'i Students, lielit, 1170. l'or ( lr. ss, Total enroll- tiilouuc, iid- CIIArEL XXZLL. T7 W. J. Iluutei CEAPEL HILL, -. C. mi m m mm. Horses and Vehicles hired at Reasonable Rates. . c THE POPiXAlt .STORM MattTrfSOfl. Sprin-.' Beds. Sheets and 1'illow ('Mtr.fe'. Lace, Muslin, Serin, and other Curtains. Towels, NapkiiiH. Table Cloth. A Few Pieces of Choice. MftttHtft will a sold cxtii cheap. Store f lsfis - Farmers Bank, IN. O. OF CONDITION DKCEMBEU IS. 1R'7 J 1(K),000.N) tW.OOO.O H,3.r1.7t SUCOIMD HO N I KK 4(' A UKM V. Ni:v FuATfRKs. The Aeiidemy is now eoinplet'ii and ready for tlie IKtli. Prospect are very itucouraijiii for a larcA and progressive school. Kurollel urHt day so pupils. ;oltt'S OK INSTr.lXTOUH. J . H. Allred, Principal, Instructor in Languages, Hiirher Mathemat ics, Book-keeping, Physical Geo graphy, Ac. Miss Ada Wnde, Troy, KG, In structor in j9tTunieiital Music, cmbririn.: piano, Orran, Guitar and Violin. Alm AsM.tant In structfir in tlie LaiifjViaea and hk'her chisses. F. W. Kuld, Wilminpton, K C. Instructor in Penmanship and Ac sistant in Primary ami Interme diate classes. T. W. Churchill, Haywood, K ('., the popular Class-Leader of Chatham, will instruct in Vocal Music. IIOOMS. . i- ,- t . i o Ajiplications for rooms should be UHlde at OIICC. Mllsic cillSS OpCIIS Alle;UHt 12tb. "r qrT A 11 1 Jj, XLi 21.11X6 (I PIllNCIl'AI x ,w 1 "TVlT mimH mtm July 11, 18'JS. C. F. & Y. T. RAILWAY. JOHN GILL. K. riTi.. Condensed Schedule. In effect Juiy .'lid, 1898. ' Leave Siler Citv i:;i2 p. ni. Dailv, arrive Saa- fortl 2:30 P. m.. Favetteville 3:51 rs U1- "n"Rt 1- p. m. Daily, arrive (lrena- horo 3:4(1 p. in., Mt. Airy7:tM) p.m. Arrive Sil(r ('ity 2:lli p. in. Daily, from Wilming ton, Fayetteville ami Sanford. 1:112 p. ni. Daily from (ireona boro, Walnut One and Mt. Airy. W. K. Kyle, (.en. Pr.sa. Ajjrnl. L W. Fky, (ien'l Manafw. CaTaau, ant Tmia-Uark o.atnl. an afl r rut huiiliM coixttieaad tor Maataata tiwm. C'ja Ornei ia OaMaiTt .m. rTr 0'r9 a4 a caa tKiira imi l.i lrai tkm laiaa MH iiaoa t-om WaabtnfHm. Srnil raodol, dfrwTnf or f,hMA., M) I all ilfjk lion. W a4iaa, 14 aamatKt r at cnargr. U4l aa ol ta nil naaii la aiwiaa. a faLtT. "How toOaatka waBakaA ramra of artaal ellM a 7047 llaaa, , m Iowa, atut fraa. A4WraM, C.A.SflOW&OO. . . PaTinT riet. WaaMiaarvn. aW i