3& djjtaifcam ecori. J OBAI RECORDS. Go to hear ex-Go-v. Jarvis ;:t FcartiugtonV mill tomorrow (Fri day.) Come hero to the hi-? barbe cue ami let us have an old fashioa eil rally. Only 50 cents for tho ItEfoni) from now until Christmas. Sub cribo at oeo. Every voter in Chatham ought to road the. RiiCOKT) and thus keep fully jiosted. The late residence of John H. During our civil war W6 wera blessed with bountiful crops, and how, by a singular "Coincidence, du ring1 our war with Spain wo nro blessed with an rtnmu.illy pood crop. UK C:toV,D .'.ri'!:':.!'i:l m.i ('"yitA".:- m ! " he l.l'.hit :! TIio largest watermelon thai ! ( '''-' !,iI-'lt " -'b.-.' wo have iic.ii l of in this county is!' H ' :':i duo raised l;v Mr. I.-. .H. i! mini, I -' ; ;u that weighed .u!i!i.l:t. H.'h'isjiii' some olhon f., vt rim.', which ii'i ! " '''' I thinks will wMghas i The Veterans Kc 1'iiinn. ttio llAf.w:aT,Ai a iath'ijf , 'J Kto,W " Vf 1 . , ! of the Democratic executive e.-.,i- Mum Lemni '"Ic let today :. EUoHTtri.occAM.-.N-TAi!'i' ! ,;dtto of this conn: v, 1. '.!..;. l",iK i!""';'v V , '"V'1'""" cent n j. Ml.,! V, V -'i : t'l'dav, if was d a ide I to have 7 m. - .r ibis pSs'-c. ou Saturday,! he i';u til1' 'i!i' . '' y.ri .f tmsmoidh K-iiv. .!:n--j",'1"1', v' : ' ' ; is, !hm. 0. 15. Ayeoe!. and oth :'. ' ( . , oistinguished sj..mi...ts ie.ve been ' lliV ' 7 . ; invited to be present jind discuss b ."'' ' 'he imporrent issu. s of ( I .- daw : ' 7iiv''::' ei... v. to i-ii;ui I, i.v .. ...... I liif lit',ll t ) "nil' Tin: popilak stokf. r.v"rvii. )'!v is invite : ,.,:.'-. S l'.'hi- I. to it ti.!- hi-.-., bid !. ami i:io.,: :o .- ia Jti.is ..:. i ( for vet. "Tans," and j r 1 1 1 i i v la.i ' .2111:: HQ ....... ; wo ciin say I on t tin!i;.'h ti.c iic.v j live in t in: 1, tii.y havo tl.oj iu.-t i:ir..i'i.sl i.f i!i.ir hfit i vt! co!!;i- v tv at iu'iut. f. rovt'i'i' tlu Hold;- IS 3 tnnkawi.l WM-h:.s la;.,'!,, lit . Lc ! U'.o mv.so .or; u, ! , wijt.'.u1 icond to ti.-ir past polit- ivEvoui) cannot vouch tor lias p:mn.. Isi.-r ra("Tw?i:i; h . , (liIi!int'ionft. The tiiws has now 1,1 provtHl by ocular demount- coaa ibuu t-the cgoyiaont ",f ! (,)lao wlu,, riil .0k1 ,!( ir.ens nhonld llou- occasion and not!;... to i.mr its . ( t)ur Rtl(1 in r(.a(,)r. it. i i . . rnt i i i in,e "Do-1 ;'ovorn:.iPiit to our t:ooij l.' ."''-'' We co'iirratulan! our county- ilio crow 1 iu fili n.in,!.. was , j r,, ," ' !t-rt ).,,( !:, .;!'?' :!v t;t .Ciic. d c "wy'pouh ass-.tny ,s , , . , jollr tnowiht ! ri.t ak pi.j.y beWal'C OI ( H I ou the 20th, ol hearing .soo:,i.iii"!)t j two thousand p.'i-sous i. 'lr.:' y;;-A- ' f .,..,s . p. . j.:., j t,J '.. s. i.t.M: . T .ivrv k r;i a. t"? 8 mid rntcrtaiiiiu-r a penker a ilon. I ent. There wcro i.!Mut -" et- lfUl-' ',s.,('!(1 , j "' "', i t v. i v s i..- ; . I, -i i v. hereon th,t day. ou will had not n.oc each ol:.. r s.mv tne , wn, , ntvt , h(, ,,lh, ; fu.oi ten, and i'i afii r ; M then hear f.--n h.n. one o the dose of t ho war ,ev.'. I w..rol bor : f ,5:,.! 'Vi.i, h jiltMI ti.v.-.--1 ti" l1 ' iMh B.O ).Ut V ilie Ccnuinc Oliver Uhslled greatest spiv-lios ever uiiido in vlio had :tu.''u to'tlier in ti: : ... v... ... . , ,, . , . , ....,! .,!.,!,.. 1 wav l:eji- niiii-is' bowler, deceased, iKforrent. Apply 'Iiatham. Toll all your ind-h-jH:. rvu.y nr. j .,..t i.n-r 1 ef;,e r,,w; ' Ll,t ,1H mu; ',;!!v! u ill revert iv.:ni;,, :;;! , If) $ to It. Hs Hayes. bor.-to come. nuiee tnev :A t.arted nt the en.t :f j ' ilfa-i- n; r, ;.-..... U.-. T , J Tkb taeoiuTTn reliahlr i..-' fi1" htM1 r,,'' i:l'!t f';,,-V;! j H-HKP; oo Ysn;?Vhr.i!' f ' l I. .. , ( !.e t ( '!:.:(- . O. !0 . . Car load of aO,(KH) ln lt,-if , f-rrtiil tluti jl .-Iirtvl .si'li .-o.i- ' j'" . lf1, .'.''It. i ''.Vi'i1 ,!' ''.'im'V s,,l'f "f fusion, if unv. iil tl.. ie !lM j.1!1 " t(1 , , . heartpine rived sluughx for vale Mittflonina t)k tllP last census of i7';,,: V ;''',J ! 1 i. Clialhoia this vu-y No mat.! -U.ss ....rc 1 .... ..;,v.-.. o, A':.-: J?OJ OItI R byRNowJr (the ,.uhli.. hc!,.m1 childreu i:i ono T ; 'f ' T vi ri o'-v givo a ,-.'iaih .".ml j...,-. '",'.'. is m;,j ,r. !)'.ir..Mn A i i j -We UW plensure in calling f. hfl. ';-,rhipsof thi. county. Kg J: '".ll it.'C Hive. aus,v,-to ti is ; . ';;;;;; ! i, .,f Attention to the. "mi" of the Siler tins is t ,e Ihst tnne th,t a eoh.r-UX l i; U -t iaiu-vai! i .'!'V":y U,'!" U. f"" : : s,. s ,' "... i0!i C Ul Wty Intit.,te. f Ws"1 -ihcally v.s,t,d the Auii ,,,,,, ,,fti5,v " y::.- nsv i ...re ; ; V fl,.v. i..!-1 Wf ! 10X13 M . liorncs and Jiov.ses of tho- v.-hit'!,j ()-. ( ,. ,j M ' !i.h-! ! '''!' id U.v-.v v " .'" "' 1 11 j . j . v ii New and largo stock rants : people of this county, and th: is : ;,' 1' V. i .' i i,,,;!! ;.V 1 ' J ! ' M ;v t;" ' ' ' ""' "n'l. u- I" '.' 1 !. ' ,,, .. . , ! ' ? .' ,.'!.. ' ' just received at Uvnem and Head- one of tho "reformM civH, u bv t'j, ,1 " vl;l ""''v u-.-e.'.l in!. 1 "!.. 1 v A ,1: :.l.:e ae I w , j. vn s, .!. , Thoy can Htjmytuie. VimUt fusion with Kepul-licans! f; (,Sl,r..i;,r4 ,.f ,u.. (ln, : their s-Hlsh ,. j,-.,:,- ,,, r.,,.,,,.,,,, ;.;-' j ;-; . pj-avf f? ,hirt. at IJynum lien's. -'''" J, ...... wu!.,,-. of. H: VA crf u'l Straw and crash hats at less tbm h''0;11 '"'V. 1 "f I . i - 1 ri- i' V 'l!v 1 ' '''' " --P i! - ,:i' '": ; c " '" I ,.rp Straw and crash hats I'ORt. ' , ' '. ' .iliiw.in r.f I lull' fv,.l,,'i. ,, .... I'OSSleli an I I'l.'l' e (ill! I '' (ill 1 1 1 1 V - ( ..(, ' . 1 , , tfe UtTiv.n s. 1'' "ns fI ,,,,n oM.-lil '. was . ! , . Iier, t.iat I le.'e mii.-t be fo r.l (on in s at etla,f-troyejlby lire T,!;,day of -i;;':- . o,v-..a ci- in u,P ..f t! ilast v..sk. Tho lire eau.-l;t lr..in VJ1 n ' '1 .' ,i 1 .'" oicevs ..:iid a t i.-k.-t ,. n; ,v i.iei-. : ' And still the o-calhtl "re form" papers do not publish Mr. 1..M ... I. .11 A... ! .. I).. o 1 " j:Liiev a tener i.i ti iv. i iiis.se . i. ' i i n t ... 1 o saved neariv u rue lurintuiv in ouuer wny tiinately they wee wheat ou tne premises when tht tirf: was discovei'til. and the men Every piece, of summer rnods in JivnunicV Headen a store lsno-u being sold at slashing reductions. lou never av stich baraina. I , , ,...., , . , 1 nere .-ii'" a tbrt-shM.r i ;n1' V' l;.","'ta.!'-V!"Mitll!'"1Mns:;-t t!,;,r its or r '. i:e'i n un ia. surrc;,- , . . ,,. 1 . j . . 111...' mui of tin U'Th! v i;i r.ru . v. 1 .1. out .11 1. 11 - , 1 , . 4i ; .. . . ..it. ... . 1 r ( V Wl Uf1 N'. t U .i I liU . '.' . III ! I It 1 .. ! nil .1 tie H. i.;ii,;;..ii..s v.-!.--. 1 I'V Mi:lt i.a'.e o!li- ! e oiin! ',' oiiiee: io He-j ;;c !i!iel r-! : 1 l.'Mll!. fie lioi.i.s A;. m:' !.v .;.!.: ; T. :-J, u'l ...... -.:-,rj, -.fA caar!?v saved nearly U the furniture in '"; r!::' " " V?;' v'cirs ao. v hen i 'he v . . "'U .'"V ".T'- V,, .' ';; ! A i!;..r-ti--'!i "' the house, and yvvvnt- d the the , U'-""1 " .aVe t!, p s viu- oliice ui : ( " : ' !' . 'j" V:.. '"Ti ' ..! 1 i V :!:'" . i " ! t ' from spreading,, ll--n...uiM-K- - do.a!. ,.. : '.?" it-' 11 ' i i', Vt ! Of no ius ol, i'.,,.-.:s this a . i ; ..... ,,-,. ;. . .,,,1, 1 ,1 , 1 , ..',,. I , , V'lieu Ins Or.l :-'.e'.t nrire'.: on !;s , , . 1 . !'' :ca, wile 1 11 - I : ill I I-1 o 1 ; ;.. ) r.i c. .0 ! . 1 j h. . .:. .... w.. '.. m ,.ir ,i....ds ..r ku-om.;:.. h.i.i:i.. to ye,.rs;..; --, ,.t;i; ;l.,t,-,.,. .!.,. ;. I'Srried eil. Ann l.iell Mlili!. SO:: oi-mfcif ' -.V-I.M.-M.-V. I. .'i'i.,. wave ctmira :vs to ti eir t:.'cit re-'ular nnorterlvcotifei-.-iu-eof the I uus.11 ; '..',. 1 va.or. .1 1." i.f the ruioiv.1 'i-s dike The croiw are "laid bv, wat- 'ni'"""iH( ' ' omp.sm -n.o , , , -; r ...e,., ! nari:-a s 1. ;-. n. ) .lemamt rl. frrmelonsnre ripe, fruit w nbuu- 1 Pittsboro circuit was held, on ; . iu h-'v "f "!'' 1 ni,,.- dant, sweet tide is plentiful nn.1. '"',t Mo:.biy, t aiou ct.urch a b..ut j ' ; ' 'V;',.-; , ' J . , i'',.1,' i end that their r.i which wives a- Lv,.; d. "Id.r A.m'4t." irtrt..t;i.,ru hiv ' two nules Ko lit. J-ftis-t of tlo.1 place- , : ' ' ' u i bout llH I ? of i ! , .. f.i.doii vole ill Wun. " Tho preshiin-e!.!.-.-, He v. 1'. A. , '! " '. ' ;'!'- i .'hj.thuiu 1 mu.t i.t-o.i-iy r;i.: e;,n-i g Uishop, was pves,,,t and )..,,.,!,..! .h;r nv '.,ts.:.,:;m!.'r O, A. I la.J.er. UA M. , !;( ,, ,,1.' The l'ittatmm Academy kns1;;-"'!'Is,.v '-'J'Tning Kerv icc. . i.;?'- !i' ..'.'V. j '' !''' i;;vl!'1 Wnn Ibis aeHHion with an uWn-1 n' lvmV ,;..,!,,,," ,,,,s,,uws v 1 I? "V,.... ' I wl.. a. e -rein theii , ally larg princ mnkin iou. argo attendance, and the new trammel...!. I he next q.mrtcr.y ; ; ' ; .', ' ;;. ;; ' ; pioL.Lms n.l l.o.ie-r m i' .-ii , il.nl, Mr. 1). K. Mellae. is oonfere..,,. will be l,A, at Chatham , - ; ; , . H ;V " 1 i-lilienl p. i!.,-!.-. ui,. .','.!.,, , in most favorable iinpres- U'hnrvK -1,1 . 1 ,. I'i r h ' it : !'1-V -'ie.aiy v-rej", ' 1 On the ndjournn eid of I he siuar- ",: ;,,t -'s!; ': A"-' - '..':; 'd .as lhe dnl tw!t .... .v-.o ' - I terlr conference a protracted me-! - mcne ...spcoc. o, welcome, v, a.ct. f ;t. ',. j ;, ,;,,,.,,,, t.;r )r. llirio t Dentist) con be 1 in-was !.e.ru,-, at i-.,, ,-hi:r-h 1 v 1l'A J-'f.-.t appropriately, la.':,,, !ir.( l,,..,s,.,i ,lltv ,,!,,: Veil- jus I p. r tne (!. l)r found dnilv in bis new otliee nt hi ' t,r. vmwo.r ir..v I. !' 'I'li.-m-. . .s:-1.. Adj-U.'llt i.1;.' ent.ip, ii. A. lehi rni.li.nee.tireinrxl to rlo 11 l.in.l : -ld..tt u III'. ...to it. n: n'l t,i ...!-' ''. w...; c.dh.d !! to rci'.Po, ,d t of dental irk.nti'oasonable price:;, but tenns must be understood bc f:.ro work is done. irh- A : Ustimf:.y 1 V.atu. Mr. Doss : 't 'V'' 'as: ; '." I ll'.ll I Kill died at 11 place on SO..-....1 01 W(!i.'l.ie. t.y.i.'-i ; !es were made by ( e-. I;. ue. 1 ' ii.. McNeid of .".o-i, . .-or. . . 1. .-!. ) i with !:.; p:iny ihni is chi.-lly les-! ipf-lisi- ll 1. V t.'.i!' l.l'.-'.eilt lilSineiiil 1 M u,e::;. in i!.e .;i an tim.' tiu !'.' j 'v.illlie:.. lot of w ire-p s'ii'i ; t; ; 1. i !-:.n:ip".i!!iioi' :!i'.":o: m.--n ca:l in r ; i '.i .'I! r itito ti'.e cold I i . 1! tint !' ', i. .0' . 11 a bolt of li-i.t-iii-. bnii-iiu.r j:ot i'u.i other sohli- -.e si ;-;::c l ,oei ois- ot tt;el l i 1 i! condition. . . !j.i i.e-i ! Death. . si .: :.; -O, t '., .Ul.L USt S. .. 'i'i- . , II. ov;: !;. 11I.1. ii ! 1 ..'clot ': .'.' . '. ! .- I V- e..l -i ii.! i h: ii ,r.. :'. j .. .' . '.: . !'', 'AiO! ! I I e m 1 . i .:! : ;. '.' i . :!i I ' 1 l': t1.. ! the 1 t I I I J ;: .! 'i ' ' I 1 ! 1 III '.II. iniei ;u Voe.ii 1 liist'-!i:!..'!ii:il Musir.. r. .1! I.' iw..., I S....I 1 f 1 1 : 1 1 i ' 111 r.M' 0 01 an. i" 1 o ' -1 uti-'ur.-v.r 1 Ur Si-Ja.M: atr lr:i' T!i..l'O0: ' '.'..'...I soil! in the ciiv. ib..";l i" V" '-l,t(3 yi-, . s doKais. 5n c'it.bs from ; ' ... 1 -ni.;.io:i, n'i.ii' ii'.v (.'ii t it ! in 11 town. No to :il: :s tronf I. CIIAFI.HILL SCHOOL. Fur hovs &VAI Atibr Str ! :? J-i h H ( !i-tiH i;a s ,v !i. :!) , N. '., ' Oil ;,.r-.!i'i: ..f ihis o.-.!. d.ei. i!' A . . ,. . 1 naiurtii: v, ai't'ti . l eni.i anil oi,f , , ,. .,. .. . T . . hh.-.h.i...i.-ii 1 -. ...... -.. very interesting tr.mo of. , . , , ., . 1 f.iord. m-v. . '. It. l.:r.vii..ii 01 1 . . l.asr ball was jdaVed at Alt. Vcr- i V,'.; " ' , V. ,. v V, liY'r . Mooro courv, Mr. Y. l. Wood of j vo,.'.. rilv ,.r. lion Springs, on last J hnrsdav a ti i ; f .. . 1 , 1 ..,1 A.d.'et.o.-o, 1 r r. ( ). v . I iisc.mI, i j; . ' tl T, , 1 lie deal 1 ot anv o et 1 or.e !- , , . , . . , . n .;,. , .. . ( u.r o 11.11.; ternooD, between the lU.pe Kalge w f;liUt u is ,,,. w . 'i ;-- '. , " 1 ' " and Carbontou teams, wut-h iv-! , ,v, , !1:;M,n,.a one has ,,V Ty 1 J-,I-',triiS ": t,J,, 4 ,! u:!. 1 bym-rnvd bells will ring ulted in a vtetory for I he latter by j . ( .(tta:H.a ,,,,.;,,! tti,, (!.,, 'f'" M1'",.,,':,K; ".r , r:,! ''7 s11',,'t ' ' "' b.wn tomorrow at icon. i promise of n imig life. It seenn ! MV'r . wm-i I r.... im-iiuu,..! riM.si.or.., s..,,,..,.. ;,. :. .,11 .,. , ,M.y not buy you a suit of.,, t tj:(, vj u.,:(.(i f.,r d-n.- .... var a.,.-.-;,, e !. (!,: .,,,), vVid ,.d , . tuo altar : ,,,, .- iV .- ,, , . ,, r.;,.:1.; ;;, idothes when y..n t-sii get theiu sc. ! n, , 1 .i ...,,1. f -dr. l'r,; cat" I : ta-m-..'.- ; Ib-ttie. the etiracf.ve iu.dl-.: : .. . -, ; ,' dmapy lheynresell.ngthecheap- the i.-.aatiate reaper--lint a dentu "omp ete .-d ot h,s ....I eom-,r,.i(.r dtiug -t.-r Air. ul...m ! ,Kn(! ,,,,, , .il!f :l ,,, est cloth,, g at the iVpnh.rSbnviHk( M(;H s,( Hufi,u,.l: pauy. a.:d -ever,! m tap wer- . A f-on aad xsl-r d o,;r v. pn-sen- ..r ltl., mil. , S ,;: .v. . A s- of V. h Lomlon A- Smyouexerj Thi, v ,v luitv1 ..h'irt r. sp, when ei.'.r:,,,,,, r 1 U rem,. 1 5irt .,7lil)1I..i , jmw. Ihey will ho. this ;vcek !ni(it;K, ,.... mnlh).r ftIhl nnta.v, wre e,i.od J !m ei.e.vme. District C..,o..!,.i,.v la id m!ji s,.,..,.,,. . ;;,7, large lot of odd pants at extra low ,,;vot.sl b mid wrapped up in one f fr.hve.ed n.th n.-vera! a. -s , K,n. w;s t,Kress, t;, i. ily, n.ev-( ; ,fl V"1' nnother. And it was his deep vooudeer e, o.r, m iiy of the i ;..iiy and nls.o all, sii'!i mi! iy. M (.no , ,;i : .; H AfeZTu'T TThTn V (- h.vo for hi- mother that caused v:''1 J""'1'1-' 1:1 Htng som.-. ; p,.,s. ufc crpn-ssed , ;,i':iis?i .-a as! ,.. j- A j-,,, Alesnrs. W. Jj. Ijondon, r.l. . . , , . . of Hit old war songs hiic 1 as ' I .i; ; .,, vi-i.' sm-nt s-i h ; .V (,'. i . , . p.n ,. n 1 n bun to vield (o her tearful entreat- . ,., - ., : ,u'l -' ' 11 -anj ...o-'. 1 ' .r,.!-A.-en . i 01 (sue .! 1, . Um.-l t ?l iv ' ,! iesamlVesist his patriotic int.ui- ,,rt'f"!jil"r! !"'' f0' i V' '4 "I'lu.r'.tnty t rms , ll; fV T it r;mrJ S V pj ",'t'w to volunteer at the beginning , l"''"1!" ".teres mm-. tho Jm.j.uabty of our people. N);W i) V K!! T 1 S !'! 1) M tile, J. it. iUilakeu, . 1. (iiiiuoro , ... ... ' ' ' dent was .h introduclitu, to t l.e au-, .....iocmeiit was 1101 one s . ed . .. . . - j.i'.i.o. Mi.m Tni'io: Vt I'i, 1 n V.C-:. iO.ild 1.9C ! .."o per moiiti 1 .rdaloen... Chapi.. Hill, N. C. ..;. no, 1. ..:! ,eu- i! can. in poni'i.ii.' I ve i' becsme ii.'lil- ' ' "" "nil-; v V'.sy " '! .-w--.r'"'i Tif' T;'-r--irq IiTiTr s VA ' V 'I !'. 'i'i" VV i 'X!:: i . i: iV.. Slocli. I':. id i' v..:'t :. '.tie..,! !'.. -Ai-'..1 i i-:..'t, . " " ' ' ; '. I .: ' liny i e.,t. .N. I..' -tvsl I S' S : i ' :i 1 I : i p j ij'.,.. ... ; . ; . . , , i v .. n ;;,o i.u. ;i e. s ,.) -e,! '..d'.MH! :l !" 1.'7 I I.i :.0;id.O uo.diio.t'C ft.sr.i.v 3-.'..ym.ai t Oil ill iisi-b-i,. i o i saftj baiit-" ointel a commitlee of iirraieje- lnents for tho big barbecue and rally to lie held hero ou the 2th. ib v. iuKi rutal le are (.Sod's ways! Peukonai, Ttkms. Mr. Thomas Hiirun.u, of Indiau i, accompanied dteueeofthe. vciterableMra. Nancy 1 V,,,-. or ,mr .., I(, ,..,i,-,e h;,iii.'l 9 AV:i SAbl-' -P.V VilH IT. !' Si inn- .n--.!i .a-vd !.iy of tln.t i thog.M.d men within', and have ! i 'o.r!- .an.n 4..-0 ..1 ii i...,. !ei;T!.b,.r!a....l ho is in he, '.-;), that their sli.v in 01: v "'"'7 ' !" ' !" ' '' year ami is std! 1 enmrkably w 11 ; oonr.i.m.ity was a bea-di. tn.., t. Ur,,:'J ",' .rVCX''v'.....,. You will find this week on : by his hci ai..Maighter, is on :i ! l'r,,8,'rv'' 1 '"U ana mm. . o.-y-all, i.n.t wo would not object .four .....,., .. ....,..,.. r.ai .;..; renter counter of W. L. London, v visit to his relatives in this conn- ,'." ;',o ' V 1 i'vsMii.g iuur wom.i see nt n, , ','lMl , I '.v Son'8 Popular Store looo yards' ty. Ho removed from (Miatlm.a h1' ,n,,0.71, ,",t'r'' ! l"01' lh" ''".vtt'Vl ' .Jl-Zi: i'V e. r ealicoes, your -hoic 4 cents per ' several years before the civil war,!?"''0 "i,'v""'1 ftri,4J ' ivceive , ,,, t,.u and mm e if perman- , lM ; .h .;. t .. ..r,v ., .. ,., vard. Some of these, are tin. best but Mas hero m a visit about sev- i ' j mil, an I .1 assure, the members .-.. ;,..i ..imi -. u. makes, also a few lawns left will en years ago. f.irnis.Kv near y an entire eom-i V(,r weham , to it next year would ..ric, n.,,cr a ,,.,,:: .... i,.,u.. 1 , 1 .1 . ; ,i !.;'.,,', . party to tliel onfttlerate army fiom 1 ,(. em, hid aiul hear! v as it was "", 'rt f A i'- "".1" '.'r be sold at same price 4 cents per Onr talented Voung countvman, I . , . ...,,f,. ;..., '" u ,IS u w a-A : ...!, r 11, 1 .... 1. ... yard. Other nice lawns extra rruf. ;. y. l'J1Schal, now of ake! ,w v.l , M i1" .f':":1' f . . :.u a. u ,.,g .i,,, it. ... 11 i- . t.tst ei....in,s. liie siieienee at t lis pace was ,..,.ii rf ,;Cr. 1. u, in.-i lLe"1- lorest (. ollege, is spending part A rcess of an hour was taken !.!., lir.t ,td V,.v V a' n;.l... 1 , L . t.e", ei ., ; ........ .-, 111 inn ii.ii.ii-... (ii inr, ,,i,4 . Some days ago as Mr. Franklin near Silcr fit v .out one o clock atitl buekets of 1 nur I 'r.siiliiii' f '.lil.n- nvr h.'I.I lie 1 On- in I ir .: 14.- 1 Jt. ice lemonade were handed : round Llw.d...-..d .,.! k..,.,.;u.. 1 ,..l, ' 1 J 'J M"- . .V. J ...M. ugalongthe roadhe found a hawk! Misses Oeorgie and Mamie to (l; veterans, and then Ihcy idiacreii..!, end jndgmeni that onei i-'-u''":"l'"u- "'n't,C.T' ind aiiake in a demlly light. The Palmer, of iuston. and Miss scattered in groups under the trees : won Id have ihoiedd i wes nearer' c..:011.!.. mwk had caught the" snake in its (Jeorgie Hamwr. of Slier City, are ! to f.-.t on the big bas'.-t . of .-oie, than liie . u,it. i .,.... ... ,,.-,;;:.:... ,, 1V1T( .ill and then the snake had wrap-j visiting Mrs. C. ( . Hatch. "creatitr, eomforls" which had llev. W. II. Pu.-k.-ll spent two, c.u-..-4 -iVt...Vs.!-uc ., i.t. ed itself around the hawk, and 1 Miss Sallie J. H ill. of Wnsbii,.'- been proviled for 1 hem b the bos- i,i ..artilb .,t m i.l. i r.. r. roi im,. vu.i'.in.v r r w.i -i.t 1: .a Jones, of Iladly township, wasgo iugalongthe road he found a hawk and a hawk bill a ped itself around tho hawk, ami1 Miss Sallie J. H ill, of Washing- j been proviled for 1 hem !. (ht. hos- ( ,,;.;!, hi in our i!la:e last w. el., ! r- r. i'oi irn,, a i;i.: .1-1.-neither could getaway from the lou, and Mrs. AV. d. Calvert and ; pil.'.hh citi.-nsof the sum. u,i. ling ! rv iu.,d:ii.- hiene on 'l 1, 111 -.lav. lb1! other. Mr. Jones killed them both, daughter, of Port -mouth, are visit- country. I Wa mvaspaiiied by "diss .M innie ' T u " " . ., ' . f" ',; r,.. . ing Ml. N. M. Hill. This being the time for the an-! Willis, who will spend two 'f 1 c,n I'-'u;' "."'-.'i'' r uTi''.v'nn T"..'jVi '' . t cougrntnlate Mr. J.ih..m Mr n J; ii,,,. rv is alteud- Section of otlicerH of the vet-j..,re w.vks. isithu- her ",dd col-1 u. ...r.io .!..:- f 1.1- i.v.., ...;i- .: Ij. (fritliu upon his li.ippy mar- ;u., the mectiii'' of the Stato Alii- rsiH orgamz'ition, known as l.e- leto" f; i. iul. Airs, Alice 1 ucke't. ."""'' m.-v. rvi..- .. ,- r. age yesterday, at Si 1 er ( ity, to ftuce, at llillsboro, as the delegato : "" M.nitt Camp Ko. .V87 j (iii, nl.mv numlHT fr...u this ' lu-i' 7.'-" 7V ,,n.,.. Miw Jlettie renii he happy from this county. , 1 . C. ., the old otlicrs were un-' ti.,,, mjended the reunion at """ 'civ V" rouplc, acconipanied by several shei.hard lbvan of Atlnn- 1i:"!u,'1!k1v re-(deele,l, as fo!!,.s: Mi. Vernon Springs au.i spent a u,, e.,:,,- -.-u -n - AV'r'l !;1 t, hasboti here on Aiortviiti ( V ' '-", , --.v enjovab!.: Hue with .i.r old 7 ' - f; i-i-r-i- ; " to the residence 'of the ..room's to his sister, Mrs. H. A. London father, near this place, where a do- Jr. 11 1 nMi..N, r .. n .V,7.7'f.''.V. .- 'Hl.l i'tvi a, i'. 1 t ri.. our 'ia. .' .si u.eui-t onim.iiiticr, isaiic ;i. vcteiv.ns auirnail. ) l'jts!..,,. s i-, reet.rded ,,f 1 ;..,.,.,.,., .....1. .. it- tt ,1 1 .... . it .,1. t r., 1 ;.. r - o." . . ........ 1 1 .. .... I Misses Annie and Ella l'eav. of ,-7 ' V " ,u- "' ",.'. archives , ,,e past, v.-vc- , joyed at night. puHmn, are visiting their grand- A.;;i.,Ilti H,.lirv A. !,!.,, :'!,,,,:;,:,,,;. S(.ni in... ;l :'.;;',,..'' : in r iter, ir. i. i;o trauei rei'ti. 1 ei, ,.,'.; i;.. 1 u . 1 ,i ' . . , i.i . . 1 , U 1 pl.t 111, lu. esse I ,. r utt il. .-alloli to lil.li s.'id i"i' t I '." i'e -At nearly every post office inj Mr. William Hooker, of Allan- Surgeon. Dr. 1'. J). Las.er. 'u , ', ' r L , 0 i, . Chatham there are ,.ers,.,, eagerly ta, is on a visit to his sister, Mrs. I ),rier-Master, Ambrose L- r : v t. . c t waiting, when the llEcoan arrives, J. M. Foust.at Mt. Vernon Spriin.-s biks 1 ' l ' ' , j , to borrow a copy b. read befoy.,! MisH0B Ratio and Fleida John-! Cmtnis-arv. J..ha Ihinineer. piV,!, 7 ,l..V h-""' the subscriber can get a chance to 8oa of Oreenaboro, arc visiting' laaten.! of diminisiaing in i iter-e -old cUoU.u " ' read it. Wo would respecttiilly their uucle, Mr. J. T. Paschal. est. th. -e annual reunions ,.f our ''diss j,'. VP!U W1J im, 15 "1 Ii'I .7 ' -r..ii . . 1 i Miss Dixie Leach, of Reidsville, "id so.aicrs are. each succeeding charci" !' t he musi, 1 - - borrowers we rowing vour 1 be man enough yourself! .M TT-rt'T: . ut,,ur- . : together and -Il rhti.ig o'er :l.idabiliU'. h.,,1 b..i,..!, t,.. '" nile fttteutSing the reunion Alms Annie Urewer has return- 1 1,,.;.- I .... fi..u n.:,. " t. . .1 : . ' . ,l n.v t nr. ir i. 1 . . . .. . ............. .,...(., ...,.i at iui. neruon isprnigs, rvn last lhursday, we were pleased to sei I 1 Mr. George P.James, of Wil- Mid v.;ti,-.,s their enjoyment, and and l.tcnie are all coiiticed to their ''"'-'--! aort. But itmnotsurpmmg.for milltrton. is vimtinir Mr.il. M. hear th.M toil of their 1 a-tth s b:,!s ,r !:;:.,,.;. ;.!. .. ..i '-''-" i r . - Its mineral water is unsurpassed LolJtion foii-hi and u.-torie- won .. ! ..., r,...,... rvl " ": ' ' !' for its medicinal properties, and a ,r . ,, ... , , .. ...,., ,, .-.. t. , ... . i ',. v.- .. . . '' 1 ' , 1 ' " " ' t a At i i Mr. . A. McHenauau of -or- m... .i t.inoi ".... ...t rne p. . eo . . 1 . t :m . ee is si e !.. ' .. i , ......... -i . ... more pleasant or re-ttul resort . ' " , ,i(r ,., .i.,,,i . . . . . . 1 AT- . loin, ih on it ms,, nere r -1 s o . , ,. (.. - . n. i ih u- : ( i ,i a :.ei i o Mrs. , ' r...l .. .1 )..-r...w A .. I .. ...... iiww us I a... i ,. i ... ... I1OU10. ' .. . ,u, .i nun:- i.ii'ei ... ,;i e.iar .1 otc. Oil iiliV. Ii.'i' v:i it -is t u' liiirvivors sts-m t'iver t 'ire;. i! .' ...... r ! each other llev. K. I '. H.cn.r. d.i I.t ni.-t. c 1 m, 1 . , i. ..ml f.. ( l ; . - 4i.,:.. . i : . . . . .. . . - . t . t i .... .i .i ... ''.i ii...-. in. .ii, nun i;. s ti. ins w lie. as inane in ii i . "' -- .. ,i i- i.i.iit lei i croueu jet. mey always 3lr..l. AI. Leach ,s hen. on a old army friend-bios which n.dh-'M.e -..dt.it at Ma. li oeist cl-o-. l, '''" ! i-r-j-w ,,n, sua rocmt lor on more. visit to h is tprnily. i-,, . si,,. ',! . ... ...... r , , , .i.t.'.-t eitt.iir n u. n.x in.',,!., i ... :'m.. bu iiuesn i. !;c- J. .1. Tii 'MA':. !'r:.l i, II. d ii:M AN, Cas'.iei. ,1 T U. 1!. 1' A-.i'.V. Kai F.KU.. Piiii.i.u-s. ' L'.joa.s 11. !'.:.:.' U. W .' At 'KSt N, A .-ot:;;i Cxshii r. TOT.ZZ T.2 CTOS: A. 1 1 '::!. 1 . . loo. A. A.TiioM'-.-.-i.Uideigh. .1. 11. Hi! l. ii i.-b-d'. A. r.'...:i Ab; ideeti, !. W.Jiia ri.s.r:' o-d..!. la. Sim : Kaleighf ,. .'. : I i'r-: ; I-. P.nleii i;r.-'. V. V'.'. Mtsboro. imiNisTuvr-dirs NtTi'-i:-- dcoib .4. Hitvuw Ni;r.M .,.h.!.'..M.r it oxrsrn ):2SW5f : i ... r.l .tiy.. i an i i l. .1 1 . ''!K '"i Ntw FiAiritrs. I. ml L''A1. a. il. hav:-., am... j The Aeadeii'V is evw . '.mvleted J''l!"',lw'', J.'.d r.-ady for lie- l"'h. Prospect Vt) ''( 7v ol' I .':'(!. A ''(. A". ...ml progressives !u;, !. Enrolled in.. ..fs.t e diiy aO pupi " ""' '.(.. ; in'iPs t." :.-'.. rof.s. S. I 1- 1. r-i y r.lv f Hi.. I,.- ii- :v. r , ,, A11,.M,I l':.. l,.,...r- I l I . 'N . ' ' ' . , i ' ' ' . r " I m l.ni'gunges. 1 1 1. -her Mathemat- hi oi, i, ;,, I'ook-keepiiii . I hysical Geo " " '"' graphy. Vc. ') ;'"" Mi -Vila Wade, 'i'rov, N. ( '.. In r ., sinn tor in lustruinental Mn-ic, eini'iMcing I'iano. Organ, (iuitai l" . and N'i.'lin. Alo Assistant In "77! s- 'n tir in the l.aiinnyt s ami i hi iier classes. ,';. V. W. Kuhl. Wi'miie-b..,, N. C " I :f ' i iieloi- in 1:. i,e .-.asiiip and As '' -i-ifi'd ill Plil ;- v and il'.tt lliie '" .iiale classed. ! T. W. Church::!. llavvo,l, N. -.,, i C.. t':... popular 'hi-s-l.cad',r of Cli.'.ihaui. will ;.;-:! 'i'i in Vt.c.l Hi.' I IVI.OH I I.A. i: .- .!. I..M. in Hi- tno ..f N .r.l. e .r .lli.'i 'I'll r .1... ;.--.; i I'.'i - il- i -r ' I .nul l ! t h i!. -1 h , I, t. II, ! ... r. i i. Hy-i.-r, in. 1 .-..I -a i'-.in-t', ii. -i. Ii".-,. , I'I, Hi. in: lire III-- ..-:..'r ,' ...... .'I'tll l . In . -lie. I n .-'.inlv. .i. will. 'i-v; a 1:1. n. -if h ; ..l!.i l... kl-i .;, I an.l : ii'i 1:-.'. - 1 I. -U l-i 1 M.ive I i .it ions a won Mav -r. ,,1 ,p and Miss Khelt Leach, of K.deigh, year, increasing in interest. And azaia this m mv. and will resume ' ' '"' '. are visiting Mrs. J.M.I(each. .although the ranks of the v.-i.v.ns h, t ,u f!i,. f ITV.T "VV " lieigtll.or M paper and , " ' Hie il.eieasin.r (,...i-v .. .-..I t' . . -,! 'Vi.- . . i fiVimo-'ve-ou' e.. in- ; r.i. gh to aubscribeforit Dr. John H. London, of Wash- " ' j" . , v' d -7i ' T i" "V," "'r ''l ' ' im'ton D C is hereon a vis t to SU'"V i 4k n."vWl'1 "iul oil. year u her eh:, and that of cua.y. v-oh ... i,.. a,,,. iLt.n :..:' .IM-.t to t.TOl!W..l pt.Hrture mthus na.-ti.ig itself ictiliesl.. hersiedin:. worth. '"-'" W " - -o .' o,- ,, . i . . . , , : together and "t.rhtmg oVr aa.l ability, a.id be-.vaU'the ap '"'' -f ..-r:-..-t... i.m.him v, ;m Miss Annie Brewer has return- their battles ain." And it is a premtit.u of our people for ber. 'ZZ- X-..Z:V ist ed from a v.sit to relatives at ,,d .pi.-a-ire for t Lei- fdends , lte;li..e,ue ha., been received n;:i; . 4t r p. -." i.'.i i .-, ,! . ee C.reenshoro. ami kiiibed io ,.:,. i with tl.-ui 'thai Al.s. J. . M.inn, TLurman ...H."....r..,.r.y f .... ....rW -...a. r. v k I il-,- - Ml' in, , -t: ! ! en hardly le found. Mr. am .T. M. Vm.rtt Art- both ill d n i-r nil tb.tv ... . . , M. 1T....1.,... I.' V :.. f t . . ... .. tm . .. 1. . ....... , , ' to be . r-.Wll Iieaier to en.- , ,1 .-. I!,.,- U" I 1 1 iOL'.'.iiJ bibLidl. Apo i.ildo :d .-.,.-. Al h ic clsss o Alhvd, I'tiiNcnvii.. I''. .1.11 '-iiouid An.-nst 1'jth. For !!ovs im (niv L. i1. a I. V. hUjji'ii. of their guests, and while their ho- l"I,t',,t last Sum lay here. K-jjlti ..i:-l;- JO.TX GILL. I:. :-J Fir. t'ondonsti1. hedr.If. In crtV.d .1 ii ; y :tr.;. Is'.i; Leave Sih-r City " !.: p. m O i ,. .o-, iv. Sisk ford J.::o p. nr. ! .. .. ::-o g 2 p. i'i.. liMiilvlo,. i .; i p. j.i. .'.'."'i'vi,' - '" ,)a11- -:!.:.- a-!;- boro ,i; lo p. u. , ... I. .'. ; , Oo j,. .: v. ! ,-i-iv.. Siler Ci( -. 1" !' Iboi. . ir..Ml Wiin.ing ' ,"',:'; to.i. I'.iviievii!. ...i,; y.:,x,u:Vx .l-I B.iell II. H( .111.11,1. n.1 t .u t . 1::2 p. m. Dai'y fw;a (i(-ena. ' boro, V. ; hint ('.'.. m; d Mt. Airy- S'oid.iy, it ua suppiiVsl by l.r'.- ,, ;: i , n! in .! i.i, II w I.I t-'Mli'l'l.1 ! f I ! 'll'''. I l-ll 1 ..iv..i.!.iy k.--i .vy ' ,, !. !.. -u- '.-It'.li.ii. U-ins. -hi f-nu ol'.tt ikI Krtl tlifinu'lvos Tory KVLf, Ol'i!. Pai.S. A"(lik h IMS. J. V. ri(V, ft:! Xi.-:.:-er.