!)c &!)atl)iiu) ftccorii C J.I '.. - , '.- II. A. LOItJDOA, EDITOR AND PROPUrTOB. E.TES ADVERTISING- One Bijuaro, oi iiintii lioti 51.00 One Hiijr, two insoi t:ou. ... F60 Oue mj'iaie, one mouth 2 M TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR St.ictly in Advance. r..r )'t: Mint fx ia . ..-rt. Mild" VOL. XX. ITITSJJORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, A I 'GUST is, 181)8. NO, 51. alt tttettom D Immediately After the Signing the President Issued Orders for Hostilities to Cease. E Commission to b? Appointed by the Belligerent Governments to Settle the Details. COMMISSIONERS WILL MEET IN PARIS OCTOBER 1ST, Secretary Day, Senator Allison and Senator Gorman Will Probably he Appointed Commissioners. Hawaiian Commission Off. Ar. Offer to Surrender Cervera. WAHHINOTON, P. C, (Spec- ?S hill. With simplicity in koo- lr55 in.' w ith republican institutions, tho war which has raged botwooii Spain and tin) Fuitod States for a period of three months und days, was quietly tormiimt.nl lit minutes past lo'dock, oa tbo afternoon of August li, wliuu Secretary lay, for tlio United States, ami M. Cuuibou, for Spain, in tbo pres ence of Pre i.U'Ut MoKinloy, segnod a Protocol which will form tbo basis ut a ilelinito trout v of peace. Immediate. y following tbis eoromuiiy, Acting See reetury Allen, of the Nuvy Department, Socrotuiy Alger nud Adjutant Ucnerut Corbm appeal ud, hitting boon bum moiud lo tbo White lloiiBO by tbo President, und tboy were admitted mto tbo tabuid room juut in Benson to wit nous one of tboinost impressive feature:! of tbo ecuuioiic, wbon tbo President requested tbo band of tbo umbussudor. un.l tliioiigh bun returned thaiikstolho Muter if public of Franco for tbo exer cise of her good ollices in bringing nboiit peace, lie also tbanked tbo uui i... ...... i,,.. .IK- f ir tbo important part bo bud pbiyod in tbis matter, and tbo Utter replied in suitable tonus. As n further murk of bis deposition, Pies idout . Mckinley culled for tlio procla mation which bebud oausod to bedraw n up suspending hostilities, and Binned it in tbo presence of M. Canibon, whocv pres-od bis appreciation of tbo action. Without delay. Acting Secretary A l eu hastened to the telephone uud directed that cable messages bo immediately Bout to nil tiio naval commanders Dewey in tho Philippines, Smupsou at (iiiiiiituuamo, and tho various com manders at navy yards and stations - to cease hostilities immediately, i hero is it dispatch bent at lloug Kong, and it is tielieved that it cau roach lieu. Mer lin iu -I hours, at loj speed. Ou tbo part of tbo aiiu.v, while Soo leturv Alger availed himself of tho tel egraph, Adjutant lioueral Coibui braved tbo storm and rushed ucioss to tho War Dopuitineut. w hero bo imme diately isMiod tho orders which had been prepared in advance, to ull of tbo military commanders to coubo their on ..r...,..,w 'I I,., sintu I iniuirtuiout tilled its duty bv uutifyiiigulldiplonintioaud consular agents of the action taken. All tbo formalities having been dis posed of, tbo President spent half uil hour chatting with those present, und then at 4:-"S, tbo ambassador and bis ftcretary entered their carriage aud was driven to tbo embassy. The Protocol was prepared in dup licate ut tho Stuto Pepartiuoui. olio copy to bo retained bv tbo Tinted Stuies government and the other to be come tlio property of Siain. The text is handsonielv engrossed in a running old Fnglish script. Much copy of tho Protocol is arranged iu double column, French and Publish, stumliug ulong aulo for easy coinparisou its to tho exactness of trunslulioii. Thottvoopp- CiinJc'imied b) a Mass Meeting. Public in.liguutioii over tho lawless act of the Nmth Cavalry in diking ouo of their uiun from jail, focussod iu a bij; muss meeting recently at Tnuipa. Stroug resolutions wero pussed con demning tbo tillair aud thoollicors wore ueiioiinoed for allow iuy their men to leave tlio train. I bo Seeretury of War is requested to take proper action iu the cai-e, uud Congressman Spurkstuau is urged to sco that it is not dropped. An Offer !o Surrender Certera. Spuiu bus refused an olVer of tho 1'nited Stated to surrender to her Ad miral Corvcra and ull tbo naval prison ers at Annapolis, Portsmouth, N. II., mid the naval bospitul at Norfolk. Tho reason given for this refusal is that tho Si nnisb government did not consent to the acceptance of tbo parole of Ad miral Corvera uud tbo otbei ollicois of tho.Sp.iuis.li tlcet. The Sau Francisco Call says: Serious trouble in interior Alaska is uppro beuded by tbo I'uited Slates govern ment. Food riots uro feared at Fort Yukon and otbei up-river points, grow ing out of the failure of tbo triiuor tuliou comjiair.es to get supplies iu there ou the prevailing low water. Promotions for the UUitm of the l icet. Tho President has determined to recommend to Congress that actiug Hear Admiral Sampson be advanced eight numbers aud Commodore Schley six numbers. This will result iu luuk iug each a rear adutirul, but with Com modore Scblev ranking immediately below Admiral Sampson. Cajit. I Urke, of tho Oregon, will be recommended for an advance i f six numbers in tbo captain x guide and Lieutenant I om mander Wamwright will go up eight numbers. ies are alike, except thnt Iho ono held by tbo i'uited Stuto.'i government ban tbo Ktiglish text iu tho lirst eolumu aud tho signaturo of Societal y Pay iibjild of that .if M. ('ambon, while the copy transmitted to Spam bus tlio French in tirst eolumu and tho signa ture of M.Cauibou after that of Secre tary Pay. Tlio pen which was usod by Secretary Day in signing the Protocol wus given to Chief Clerk Michael, of tlio Sliito Department, w ho bad spoken for it. M. 'I hiebaut secured that used by the Freii'.'h umbaasu lor. HIiiLkiiilc OiJcrcJ UiiscJ. Tho following cabled ordors wora B0.it to Admirals Sumjisoii nud Homey: "Xovy Poi'urtiiiiiit, Washington, Aug. 12. Sampson, 'alltillgo: Suspend nil bostililies. Iduciido of Cub. i ami 1 nl'to Pico is raiseil. Unwell ordered to as Bemb'c vessels at key West. Procoo I with New York, P.rookl.vn, ludiuna, Oregon. Iowa mid Massachusetts to Toiupkiii'iviUo. PUco iiii.uitois in u safe bur bur iu Porto Pico. Wutson transfers his llag to tbo Newark und wilt remain at (iiiaiitauaino. Assoiublo nil j.ruicru in unfit lnti-lwn-H Order lnu- ! lines north in Kesoluto. Migued. Al len. Acting Secretary." "Navy Pepurtuieut, YYashingtou, Aug. 12. -Poiimy. key West: In ac cordance with tin) President's procla mation telegraphed you, susiend im mediately all hostilities. Commence withdrawal of vessels from bluckuilc. Order blockading vossols iu Cuban waters to assemble at key West. (Signed) Alleu, acting secretary." Thorn is good authority for tho staiomeut that Secretary I lay will bo at tbo head of the commission, uud that two I'uited Stales Senators will bo members of it. Senator Allison, of Iowa, uud Senator (ionium, of Mary land, have been proiiiiiiouti v mentioned for places ou the commission, uud it is known that they have been uuder con Hidoiutiou by tbo President. It is not believed by members of the adminis tration that the commission can com plete its vtoik in time to cause an extra session of Congress to consider legisla tion which the treaty will necessitate, although there is a prosieet thut an extra session of the Sciiato might bo called in November, to consider the treaty of eaee. Tlio I'rnliitol. Following are tho main features of tho Protocol: 1. That Sj'ain will relinquish I'll claims of sovereignty over the title to Cuba. 2. That Porto iiico uud other Suu isb islands iu tho West Indies uu 1 an island iu the I.udrouos, to be so'ected by tbo I'uited States, shall bo ceded to the latter. :i. That tho Fuited States will oc cupy mid hold tbo city, bay uud bur- A New tirk Tragedy. Policeman Henry C. II aw ley, of the Tonderloiu station, while iu a (it of drunken rage, shot bis wife, bis mother. Mary Haw ley; bis son, -I years old, and his daughter, ii years old. Ho then shut himself in the iieu.l. Ho was taken to liellovuo Hos.itit!, whero bo died soou nftorwurd. Tho others were tukeii to the New York llosjiiiul, where, later, they died. Town ofCiiamu Capture,, (ien. Wilson took the town of Coamo with u loss of ouly seven men wounded, ouo mortally, all membors of tho Six teenth Pennsylvania Hegi'iient. The Spanish are known to have lost thoir commander. Major Yello. cits, Ciijtuin Fcaute, Cuptain l.opo. und nine pri vates, all killed, and to have bad :r wounded. Tho Americana captured SO prisoners, practically tho whole forco if Spaniards, txeept tho cavalry. (iutiTMiicnt Agent at Sjniiago. Tho North Auiericau Trust Company lias tih;d a bond of 320,oU0 with tho Secretary of the Treasury, uud bus been made tb cid ueut of tho govern ment at Santiago. Indications of a Conflict. A sensation bns been caused at Copeuhugou by tho sudden measures that are being taken to place the sea ports of Copenhagen iu a Btate of mili tary efficiency. It is aupposed that these measure: uro duo to fears of u co'itlu't between Croat lhitain and Hussiu. The Italian government tint of regard for the I nited States has given the government f Columbia an extension of eight moutlH in wb.eti to settle tho Cerruti claim. bor of Mauilo, j0'.idiug tho conclusion of a treaty of ponce which shall do tcrniino the control, disposition and goveriimont of the Philippines. 4. Thut Culm, Porto Pico aud other Spanish inland in tho West Indies shall be immediately evacuated nud that tho commissioners to bo aiqmiutcd witlnu ten days, fchull, within !JU days from the feigning of the Protocol, meet at Havana aud Han J mm, respectively, to urraugo and execu'.o tho details of tho evacuation. .". That the United States aud Spain will each nipout not more than live commissioners to negotiate and con clude a treaty of poaco. Tho commis sioner aro to meet at Paris not later than tho 1st of ( Mobor. Ii. On tho siguiug of tho Protocol, hostilities will besusioii(led and notice to that oiled w ill be given us toon us possiblo by each government to their commanders of its military uud naval forces. The Missouri Democrats. Tho Missouri Democratic Sluto con vention which recently met iu Sj ring field endorsed tho Chicago platform nud demanded tho freo coinage of silver and gold at Hi to I, without waiting tor tho consent of uny other nation; ex press coiilideuco iu Win. J. liryun as the leading oxioneut of thoso priuci plesjaBsert that the .declaration of war agaiust Spnm was justified bv tho causes which it sot forth; demands that Porto Itico und all S finish ten i lory in the West Indies, except Cuba, shall be seized by tho Fulled Stutes, or bo tuliou possession of by arms and held under the sovereignty of this country, and express opposition to the acquisition of tho Philipiiines, or other territory iu tho Pastern Hem isphere, other than necessary harbors uud co.'.ling stations. fit-Rro Troeps Take u Prisoner. A special from Harlow, Flu., niys ShcrilV Fibs went to I.ukeland for a negro charged with telling liquor. Ho in rented his man, hiiuilctillbd him and hud him on tho cur. While waiting for tho train to pull out, twenty five or thirty of tho leuth Cavalry "'a negro regiment i walked into the eiir und de manded thut the hber.ll' release bis prisoner. This Slier ill' Kllis refused to do, w lie ii up went their revolvers and ! iu a moment Sherill i:i:is was looking 1 down twenty-live or tinny revolver burrels. I ho soldie-s advance 1 and I b ok the prisoner from tho hherill' and walked oil' with him. Chiiicsc Railroad Siluafioii. I 'All tho London pupois, including the I tiipportors of the government, have at. j tacked Ford Sulisbury for weakness iu dealing with the Chinese question. 1 be 1 aily Chronicle suya: " but is lo bo Iho result nobody can tuy. There is room for the gloomiest forebodings. Does the country leuli.e that for wuut of u little foresight and lirniiiess, (ireut Hritaui may ere long be pluugud into a eolossul war? Sucli without the least doubt or ex.iggei utiou, is the ajq alliug jiossibility. " Illumines Reach Sanfijifii. -Tariff PuMsfteJ. Iho l!io ( iruudo has in riv ed at San tiago with tbo Fifth Volunteer Immune Heginient, under Col. Snrgoiit, and tho Second Hegiilar ( uvulrv. Hie enlisted men Rio ina i illy from Mississiii uud Alabama, but some lire from Illinois, (ieuernl Wood has published u titrilf, which is ollieiul, for retailers, under iogal ioiiulties. T he scale of i ru es wus agreed upon utter conferences with luercbauia in ull branches of trade. Ycliiiw I ctcr of the W n.-sl Tvpj in Motlco, Yellow fever of tho worst typo pio vails ut Meiida, and bad appeared in the interior of tho States of Yucatan i.nd Cuiuioso. Tho heat is sull'ociit ing. Tho health of tho City of Mexico has not boon improved biiico the ruins bo guu and it is proposed to adopt tho o emut:oU system on u Urge :-eale. Vcllow fetcr in l.uuisiana. An fctlicial report having been re ceived that ono death h:td occmrud from yellow fever at Fiiniklin, Fit., Dr. dob ii F. Hunter, Seeietary of tho Stale Poind of Health, has quarantine. 1 iho Sluto of M issisi.ii against the town of Fiunklin and St. Mary's purisli, iu which it is situated. Hawaiian Cuiiiiuissiim Off. Tho steamer Maripusu, conveying iho Hawaiian commissioners, uud I.Vi men of the First New York Volunteers bus suited for Honolulu. l iinnally Assents to All the Conditions. The Pekin correspondent of the l.ou dou Times says: "Tbo Tsiing l.i Ya- men i I liiims.i' I 'm .i,'n I 111!.... i lnw ,. ii ,. I ...I ........,t ,.. ..II ,l 1.1.. .". .... I posed by tbolliissiau charge d'alliiues, M. PavlolV, regarding the c.jntiact for tho Niu. Cbwuug Kuilroud etteusiou loau. These conditions are in dnect conllid with tho terms of tho contruet und uro ileMgned to blockudo the com pletion of tbo final coutract." Americans Repulsed. An ottieiul ilisuteh received nt Madrid from Sun .luuu do I'm to Pico, buys: "Auiericau forces returning from I II .. II i, mi, .,11.... I.. ...I !... 1 1.. ... liiiunui. A guerilla force, nadir Major ! '. .iuvi.. v .-. niu, i.ci i up ii eoniin.ioiis lire for nu hour and hold the position, I iu,, v.ic'iiij n moon nuiug uiueiaieiy i repulsed. Wo sull'eied no loss. J be euemy's losses are not kuotvu. Carranra A.iraiu in Montreal, l.ieuteuunt lluymon tlo ( airun.a, formerly uuval uttneliu of tlio oq.auish embassy at Wushiugtcli, who wus sup posed to have sailed for llnglund iu uc cordauco with uu older from the t aua diuu government to leave tho country, bus appeared ut Mouti. al again. .Mrs. Mckinley's tittle Hit by a Street Car. Joseph S'uxton, uu uncle of tho wife of Presidout McKiulev, was stiuck by a street car and seriously injured ui ( uutou, t). Ik is well advanced iu yeurs and sullered flout dctectivo luar lug. His injuries uio uot ucces-unly lata). Wiicclcr's (Ipi'.incnt Withdraws .ludgo liichitr.i.-ou bus withdiavri from tlio race lor ( i.ng!ii ngn iist tieu. Wheeler, in the I igi.'.li Mil an. a district. En s II A I 'l l It X I - C .Mil "I sii. .i e that i'l u r. bilk.; t in.'," Margaret ina. le iiiisW 'I- to til" Doctor. "o'l see, I It'll lilWiirt're.t.K- to iln.ioe evi iylhlii : uud ev. rvb.-ily but myself." "Wliieli le.ds imp loving fiidly," in teriiosi'd I'l. ..ii, .'iiii'itiig ut this mo il:. 'lit. "t lone a srol.lmg lor you, Mar gate'.. 1 thooght " "I know," iinsw. r.-.l M.irgiir. t, rather coutriiely. "I inn really very sorry. I'.ieli r Vil.-oii bus excused me, i.ml I bave iiromis. ,1 to ,:.i l'.'tl' r for the lu tlile. So no line'". pl":;S"." "No mole. 'I li.it is always your cry wli, u ii need a lecture. 1 see you und Wil-oii ate filmi.Iri iilr. a-ly. I th.umht you would be. Fifed.- of l.in ired tunics. Where did you will this afiern. on? To the end of irciiti.liV ' "Uli, no. ('nl.v within the b muds of New Yolk. 1 wii:' en! gone so very long, r.-n'iv; I ut I decided to go to lute that- " "Another inopportune lc 'ish n. I won der when you are half way to b.'iiveu if yen wop't turn Uvk and try tho other phi just to differ from the red of the world. Wiis hi, behold the very inenr liuti. ii of M'if-wiil. Leaving out this lit! le failing, i-he .!. si'l'V. s llertio's eulo. uies, ii ml 1 uin w. ii.b-rlully pnui I of her.' ! " Very i onsioliiig. I thank you, nir. I For I'ewur I I'll give you your it.inier. I I'aie siiv v.ui nr.' r Iv for it." I "Jleei'deilly, Mll'gulel. I had ;i j wretched bin h und my itppelile is uva i in prim coiiibti'.ti. I wish Vt ilson w.ml.l j inn :. a like admi i'.'II juM to keep me iu ' I'olllltelialic.'. I .loll't expert lllllcll from ' J-oll. Sl'.'lll We 1 -"gres-.r" I "I have been telling Mi's. Leigh how much I iidiiiire o-,ir charmiiig home," ! leiuai k.'d ib'i'ii when i hey were . oui- I fortai'ly neat.il uhout the table. "I have ulways ha 1 a i reju.liee agaiust 1 iq'urtmeiit.i, but this oue 1 a i tbo ongh.y ; roiiverted n e." ' . MM' III. Ml. c...., ,.,, ,, ,.,, , , oiisoii.-, g.iiiie ii : i . ii 1 1 uic looiii. "Mue'.i in re io: v (I nn a liou Th's . lie was my i h nice, though Margaret gave me the cue, I must let herlmvo the . le lit for uk these lixings, however. 'I ll's mmi was much more empty when we lir-t moved in; no.v it so. -ins real h unrlike. It is iistonis ling what a woman's ha uls ran do." "A'i. n shing," repeated Wilson, nnn- in ;ly. "1 ou t luaKe me b.-waii my lone ly estate moie ileeply, 1 heg of you. 'I hill!. In. w ! he; e delightful rooms com pare with my dull quart is. No wonder j'i tl d. n't . are t" s ll w yo:r-elf then;. i ii ! r. i iicli a si i anger ll.ai I was won dering to .lay what, yo.i do with your self." "Wb.ity" rpcitcl Margaret in her ow n min I, wbde she gave I r.au u rather bciircJiing glance. He pretellded ll"t to see it, boWeVel'. "nh, Flu iireiiud gen. ia'ly," he an i.werrd rail. or uus.itis ai-;..rily. "I .'on t lind m iv liiilinuily in oe - i j big my time. I'll run in upon you sunn uight. Though while .M irga ot Is her " " ir.i will :'je Liking her ;i I -u t a great di n', of ii'iliBP. I mlcr tln.se eii'cinn staiiees don't ennslder inc. I hope you like sigh! .seeing, Mrs. I.eigii. other wise you ir.tist Ii ii 1 it e'.e'i,ey lire b.'lne. I r I I'l hal'S villi ute " ( tlios. fortiiiiate iudivi ilia's wh.-i" . itdiirnnce is idway.. eusl to th emergen y." ! "llmluraii. e," repeat,-I Margaret,1 starling from her train of t!i"i.glit. "lo ! you know, Di ctor. I th nl; . inliiianc" is : mailing mrio than det. mi nation or j w:il. It i- -.villi li e, at lees'. If 1 make up my mind to bear u thin.; I always i bear it, niu, if 1 don't, I .lou't. You I seem amused, Frhin, but I'm sure you j ci.n say the same thing if you would, j When 1 wr. .i child I usel'o pinch n y i arm lo se. hi long I .oiil l .-tulid th" i .uin wiihoiii crying, lu.t a reproving I tap fio.u my old nurse sent me iuio spusu s of weeping. Thai wits ull will, I you t-ee. "AH will," ie.eate I lb iaii. "I thank ' you tor tilling us, Man.aiet. 1 can! imagine b w you tried that jour old' nur.-e. What are you intending t'. iili.s tialer" "Simjily tliat t ir w ills l.avc every thing to do v.ph our feelings. Dr. Wilson wants i-. know i'' 1 tl ml ,-ight -seeing 1 lii-' oiino. am al'r.iid 1 do. li.it I like I it. nud s'j I quite forget that the hard pavements tire my feel most diva. piilly, uud M.at when I rule I'm jostled inmost j t.'dr.l'h. lb.iUv. I'o. to.', v.m iiiiiv sav , Vi hat V"!i please ill i iiy. I'm 1 ill nk its your wonderful .-tsiire an ever- i lasfng .'.-.;:; ' I have lie frlise," e-be laugh. 'III. of cmh.T.iii i ui..?' "V ('.'I! a called dull. s. i. e lo any civilize I town." !iill.J t" .-ay in their .le itte I the Po.'tor. Willi il y are l ad. I 'oes your i.b a extend In Social duties oily. W l.y should lin y be I on h i I hat u special !ha! w.t I. l! cullies with ol obligation, and obligit- taste for the sell- e ,i( : s ( ' .. J. ' , c-u, ble. ' I Wilson, rather v you are right. . i , : .. .(.. -l,'ir. qui'irullv. '1 tlioiig!i. Duty i an I n.o-t uu.eusaut. We are q i ly coti-tltut-'d at bed." " I think we in - i ii di. r natural," added Murgiitet "It isn't to ! e c eete.l that we woiiu n should 1 ke to ilo tvltn W" led we ought. Ju t put mils' l e oie a r 'quest ami it g.o.-.s .li-agieeiiblo nu ni 'dlately for hi". I might go to a lull and dunce nil night w.tli a la jing head ache, but 1 w -nl.lh't think of going to ihuiv'i in the sale c. n litiou. I'd le much too ill. I'm giving you a drea Iful example. .I'll 1 In'!' Wei!, I can cnly advise veil to do in ii'e'i as I say nor us 1 "I u'.wy.v p in t-" "..u he the kill I. F'-i in s mi oi: -li pi, wo'i'.in. ' W r .1 dees wo'iicli l a! im n who r Th. v ar- i igiit you religious, Mar- c Hex er thought anything of it'turned Maig.ire!. meeong .. hi. l.U- eves. ' Why dollld m S 'tiply be. untie I'm a ha' a r. ie-im. I belie t e tho think religion was maile t..r ou 1 ten men, though It is the ally need i'. Poor women ! ..! ligc I t . wabi sti' and ligli in a eit I'll i ctte.i true i Th UlU n't. do 'i:'s. '.h'-y n.ustrrt .lo i.l'ii;, j flW0iMAN5 NrLUENC uud they mustn't do throdier, uniil they nro so eneotupiiSHi'.l l.y u wu'l of musts i i nd intiHtn'te that I wonder Iho;' have '; any Individuality lo't." " j "Tliiink heaven you h.iveii"! lo-t your iiidivi.lu.tlity yet, Miirgiiret. WiIkom, y.m . were regretting your lo:;ely estate ; iiwhiln ugo; nl let' listiniii to such re-' ui.irk.s from (he mouth of one womiuii, beware of ull other" and rejoin.; ut your ' escape," j "Come, Doctor," said Margaret, be- I fore Wil-oii eoubl n ply, " will go to' th j urlor, ami I iromise to lie very j quid and sedate for the re.-t of t ie cm n- j big. No douht, von will find Li'luii's j . onversiition mil. h more instructive und ; entertaining." j W hen Wilson b.ij taken his .b' art lire an hour or .i Inter, Margaret turn. 1 to ' I'.r.nii with the reii uric ' I urn : o glad you I r. light him, I rian. ' I like htm so much." j "'1 hen I d. ui't believe I'll biing him ligaln. I'm jealous of him. lint, s 'li oiisly, Margaret, he is quite u lino fel low. I wbhl w. re h tif us lino. Y ii i bou'd liuvo heard the nice things b ' said about you. lie is very i.nxio'i:; that you should see more of New York, and ho mentioned several phires that I had for, otien lib lit. lie says you would like to see them, and o von shall. I've j left you very mil. h alone lately, but I intend to bii more iitteiitive liereiifl. r." ; He knew that Margaret was pleased, I from tb b ipiy light that stole into le r i "I believe that I shall be gi.'l I of the day I ne t Doctor Wil-on," thought Mnr guret, iii hhe erej.l in;o lei in hour biUr. en a i-ri-:it wit. a i 1 1 1 1 mi ok tiii: i I.' i n To P.riiin, the knowledge that Mar garet hud not lt all feeling I'oi him. mi. I that her faith in him was strong, mil withstanding his many fall.-, brought new strength and courage. With the ower of strong .le'ermina li.'li he n'.'ined to he gain ug a victory over that old habit. Not mi entile oil", of curse. Margaret could hot expect io much. Somelin.es a friend could lure him away, t ut thi.s was s-el huii, mid never since iheir talk in her room had he lo-t the entire command oi bin: . elf. Fiider ilies,' e'reii'iislv.iie. i Margaret felt her heart .-oii-iderably lighten.' I. She could lo i; foi war 1 1 1 1 1 - luyi fully to the future, mid her letl. r.i to. 1; in SOU ell'illg of lief oWI. cheerful spirit. l'.r.an . .ml. I not fall to see the change, uud it was e.iuullv aw ureal In il-n:i, js ft.w (.j..f Jle. ni.v dropped I . in ii.on rare occasions mov, heidom i j stayed long, and always claimed th it he ! was too busy even to lind time to so j hitt I'ricinN. ' 'I biipj.ose we must ii.cep. y. iir rx I euses, J)oe!or,'' Margaret lepllel n:,e i levelling to his usual ,. a. "lau'ty.eii , teach you u'ienis soiii" idea of th" lit- Hi's i of tilings? W hy should they all I get sick toge ber.' 1 tleiik a 1. w might j wait until the others are well." "So they might. Mrs. l.elg'i, if they I could see the imitl.T from your oint of v.ew. I iilorliina'ely, however, din 'ss, like time mid tide, waits lor im man. W e have had a very trying winter, and pn.'iiin "iiiu is very prevalent. Tim' has a Ide I eonsiilcr.il. ly to my labors. I con fess 1 am thoioiiglily tir.d out when night comes, and ouiv too glad to creep int.. bed." "And sleep ill the . om'ol'lable : ell-e that your rest 1 we 1 cartiel.'' "Ye:-.," he laughed, "though that is no : proof against its being broken. 'I he only time in v profession bring- u regie; : is when I In ar my night b -,1 jing.ing j ami 1 am tailed from a delightiul "ap." j ".lust as I ve always said," observed , llrliin. with a si le glni. e at Maigm.-t. I "A doctor's life is all work on I in. ilb'.v." I "And you l,l;e the play be -i ; don't ' you'.'" she I'.'jo'ned, quickly. "Slill, iu'. i or not, I'di.-'ii. it is a i.-ry noble p:..!e.i ' sion, and when I wa- a did I I a.w.ivs j declared I should be a doctor's Wife." Tin re was a decile I question iu the I eyes she llxed upon him. I "P.O.' Mui-gare'," he replied, j" niiig ; ill Wil-mi's laugh, "what a mire 'able loucein yoi managed t" get. t'o'v the beginning of one. ' "Don't b so geiierou- wit 'i your sy:u jii'liy, plea-e. A beginning is h" t. r than not'iing. An acoin is only the b, -ginning of an i nk. I n: we don't despite the acorn hecau-e l! is no! n:i oak Wil.-on, as well as Prim delie i!e eiiiphas s on l! e iingi,! the i-t, mi I he answer, d Willi a halt lui.'o "Priiin w-,11 I i me an honor. b r of the prof", sion b.-fore his . ml. .1. I pi" li t :! ;!', Mi-. I , "Ah. 1 have quite decided t i: lo il Marg.n e;. pr..m't ,y. known that a i well a I couhlli t have uli my chd lisli t'd lll.'lli- llll'.'s III e H." ' " l'r I da- t oll i upset. I ll-e I t i t II ' Ilk I c e Stephen t!i" v.'iy p. rictic nion ..,' c.ii things goo I mi i noble, und Iwomb ic l then if his son w. r nnuliirg like him You see I ha I me met lirimi j "Ami now, Margaret, that you met liiiii'" I'.riati came behind her .hair I Ibis que.-tlon. She glilll.-cd bio k : with h;m mid smiled. "I never t tiii an opinion of a took filter l eu ling only its lir.-d age. 1 must go deeper to ceo if il tv.il ll'llil,'.' or .il-- nppoint my I'tpcdution-. 1'e-i.bs. I don't air my views in public, speaking ot views," she continued i v Igh'.y. "I have some 1 want to sh tv y.-u, hec tor. You must pioniis- to think them very beautiful, or I shiil le ilisup pointed. l'.rian, will ton gel tli m. please?" At tips ro.,ues' Hii.ingol out a sm.i'l I 1 ! f. lio of tv. od cuts and pen ji.-t .ire , various scenes ubo .t Jllmwo-d an 1 th surround ng country. They w.-ie all excellent, and W ils n's np.iveiut ion tvu wiis warm elpiiigli to siiti -! y i t cn Mat -gar.'l 's enthusiasm. "Devon wonder '.hut I .th p'oid of Flinwooil'" she a-lod, ntter an m l luated description o' se.eralo'. its t ne-t pouts. " In you won ler that I shoul I love it so dourly ' My w m ler is that Priu'i doesn't i are for i: as 1 .1 . 'or h was I.. Til there. 1 1 li'n k he I' is the least bit of fen ines.i for a Uo! em ua i x ;s t- n' '. I a ii sorry f i him. be. a i-e I do llni'k i' u mos; unsa' isfad": y s r' . I life. I agree with Ce. rge l iod il at tv nil should hu e op., li.nno spot thut h.VI,!on I clearly i u' in intin iy to tt hi'-h i ur minds . inl he.ris'ia tvitvs return, no matter how fur v e :nd I liuvo tvntidere I rom it.' It -ir:iret brokeolT w tbasiKit "Thi."j she lidded, taking i'p (.il!her pleln-e In home hustc,"i:. a si le vlel'. i ' heCcliirs Colon. ! Pio ton's hom. bll.'lti ind I were '-. inking of Pel tic wfn' 11 ,VOU ' '!"' in. He h o. Ili.isln.l bis book iinu the publishers predict II m'iil leiceess for If.-'' "Vi , I read it in the iiinu'iscript Mimo time ugo. 1 thought i! exc -lb lib M'-rtio' iM lull of p it 'Ii an I deserves s P.y th" way, I m -t h'lii to-day. lie was in cheerful' f pint. II'- le'ls me h" ha i a ehnrin n? wife. Y. u knw her, of course. Mi's. l.i'i,;h," "Almost like a sister, f mnv say. 1 hear from her qi iti; fn"ii.'iitly. Sho wiiles' very deliglitful Itvtcrs. Sh- is j i t ii-.laiitly exj.r, .-s ng th" fear tli if ij shall bet'oiii" so jiil.ituate I with Nev York mid its pleasures that Ishr.il for get what she calls their rural .lep ','h!. 1 try to ronvinci' her that lucre i i.o danger ot that. " "No. 1 fear yon r.ie l. o firm in vo ir opinions ever to be c-.unei'O'i, no niaiti r how earnestly we m:: try." As 1,,. Kpolo-, Wiis..,i lei' the Ir.hlc i,n, ibew a rle.b- diti' be -id- Ii"'', .'ir.i! ioi'ih bu-ie.l himself iu ('c'.h.'!:iig hp th.' seallereil i.icl ,11 0 -. "I ackiojwledg.. ihnt f lil;. y.,:T city the lo ist li.t ! Iter than I il:..'." ad mitted Murgiir"t, "out f;irth r thai; 'hat 1 can no! I tot -got to t - - i I yoiitha' 1 saw your il!t!" i ""p; b ',o-diiv. I siio'ild t'.i.i'i f-i. 1 v.- .s ,'eiy i'l." "lb r b;'o m i. mif.ii rot but n frv iv. "Us a', mosi," wis hi-1 :i!.-v.vr. 'J thmi t yi.u for your ii.t r'.-t ii. le r.' ' Piciise don't. tl.Buli li e. I'm w-r.-.l-r'nllv seif.-a'isi'cl, ,-.-id t limy b. gin to think I've d. s: ir) 'thing me: ito.-i-ons. Jtrian, do c-ri.e ilotn in-iplul n:y chair. Y..U m.'ik.i me tliihit (I batu:l. (i. t ill frmiL o: lie.1 i.'.ea.e. ' "Tiiaiikii for y our e i.j.llnif Y. e camloi' is really "hlrig. 1 v.:.n! '.. bear nl out 11'" r-v n::f. rt u:a'o I j guessed from yon' l'i.c- ;! ,!,!n r li'.al. i you had I een.o; soi.e err.in-l of li'vy. ' "1 nm son y my face (ai. no' kc;',; a I se ret l elt. r. D.'ii t ioru;udo l'r. Wil- j ion t!:i' 1 am ;.'.! in eta';g;b!e Si. Hi:- . fib. 'th. evel' ''"lit :!! ehal'ita'.l" missions, v. hen 1 urn merely u yoni'C v.mi -in wi.o j want i who doesn't quite UW what i he wants." "i..e.-n't she? I !'ln!( .-!: --;?'-.! very well In polling i'. If o'l ivll! j play St. llliab.-tli. I s idv mi v. y j of mine will have any died. I -.i:. i onlv mildly In p 'hat y.ui will rot qn't j kill yourself. Put serioii -le. f .lo no; j like l.i think of you going moun I in till (..rts ..f i.elghl h'.ods mul ri.e-iiu a' I j k in:-, of rharaders. I if com -e. n her- ! i- il-on re. i'l. go enlii'i 'omm, nds, Iv on v.".: ' 1 til id.1 n'! l'lgk . Wii j'...: melit. though. , thought." 3IU nig'i'. Vi elRlit la t.oM. it :in:iu.ii ccr. tiionv 'Tub I) in M;ili;ii.r.:U 'J'r.'iv.ir.'ir.y ;.;:':ii;ist ;it: lillVilielil WelL'tit !! gold. .'!..: lo'.ni- j I'olllld ;'g:l;il. it ili'lC'.IVs t'. 2l'.ti I 1 eeti e ll liicfei! t.iiis year '.villi pre it ' oiiii;ind :'ei'c!i! -iii'. for the present i M:ib:ir;i.:ih i l !I hda cf tile. ;.rtbo- .o tyje. W, o n-piivs I'l !.Ce. tip '.il'.' t r.ulit ions of Iii. boiiso. Sumr iiiniitbs I befo:e t he ci't'i'lnriUV tile (iol'C: titllcllt I , li:iivi.'isc;l tbio'.igli it i'i,::iine:.'ial j ;ig. tit ;:t A !Ici e.v ili .mt lw. Cunti- ' silliil- weight .d pure gul l. Die gTeMt I er p:ut of wbi di v;is c nvritci jpio 'coins for this miiisc. A ft or pr--, o.'iii ing tin c!i'ib:tiit ami "(Tcrincs t . ! the sbrin. . Hie Mali;i'';i.'.ih O'it'.Ted i lb" l.iiihliii: prepared for tin- mva I si ui. iiu l bavitig i iiiiiplrtrd the pr -; liniinary ceietnoiiies, niotiiiteil otic of tb" scales. Tb" swotd and shield I wcif laid in bis lap; in the other -d,lo ' of Ibe s'ale gold coins, struck f..r Hie ; i. 'casioti. were placed by the lltst an 1 s ml princes, till it ttui b-l (be 'ground ami flic Mahata.iali lose in the air. tbe priest tin aliw bile chant ing Weilic bllllis. Volleys wero 11 ret I. the band plated, and tbe troopi pi e-etite.l anus. 'I'lie Maharajah w .; s'.iipe.l at the sbrine. and thou went to il;" palace. SubseqiP-iit ly tli" Prtvnn 'i:"i dlmi ollicia!-. tlistrib- ii! d I b t'S !r-ni t lie fort pat --to tllte.-tl t li. 'US i tl ' 1 .1 ;i!i !i! I II iiic i! tl.i r.jes Hill- Knly Icle. Dr. I.. WebMer I'.. (Medical and Surgical Ibq nrtei'i f .ninihit cs let', rules on l!i. pie.'t va' i..ti of the vis ion: I. D . li d all. w light lo fall up .11 the f.nv of a sleeping ;:i':ii:l. I '.i not allow babi. s to ga e at a btieb! light. .'!. Do not semi cliil- i li -1 1 to s'lin .1 before (be age of t 'ft. not iW hildrcn lo n.'.ir . !'! t- s;ud', . 1 1 n d n , t.,,1 lo ! allot ial lig. lis.' I I Do I!' by art iii tbtiii 7. Do I . i Mai; iv p lint a! ."' railwat i; boy: .- . eig:i,-.'t!. ascri',, I tit ! 1' la -ir- lo ind ':-' t lo ' xcil ing .in Ha- ini'eraht s; i,..c '! n ,.; i.-.o til" I" If.! Vi -li. or a I ..0:Til.ll. Till to !'!'t n : 5 -! i l ik.il !'l.i;l'i'-!.'l U: n! wale ! .f.ist wi', .ii;!cx'-ci , u ! 1 ;p e '.iii- llie I: l.nly. a "in e c-;i a ! I'tt ! d.tV r tii.ig id t ii' train !. i d eti-n pM. .iiic ! i:r- b.'iti e-s ;m I ;!, :i pi'! i a! i"!i Ibe t in--i i -'il I'll- . '.'. t e! t beiidlciai :i tlio ounce ..f r..-' nigbt and tin 'i ii ! of soft siioiue ri, dlv -.. ay. w tl' !'. : g b.V InriV'ls . r litiep i'VI Ii D i- s.inl thai blu-h-d-;-' a I it - ui nostrum, is "til; a wo;i'f 1 1' : rt iii igip sia suip'i in wale IS .till I t.-. There is nothing to compare with a tincture or a strong infusion of c.ip-sii-tiiti nniittmn. luixed with uu rqiia! I uik of linn ilage or gp.in ar.ildc. and wi'b tbe a.b'utioti of a few Cr s of glycerine. This should bo painic i all .cer ttie b:iiis"d surfaco. with .1 eatml's bair yvneii, r.nl allowed to dry on. a mci:'.! or third coating be ing appiird as w.on as the first is drt. If done ;:s si mi as seen as the indue is itillictrd, tlio trentan nt will invati iildv p-otcnt tli" blackeai!!"; ot th" briiis'.l tissae. The s line r. loo I v ii.is no o ill il in tlii 'inictii.'. y.i .v stiii' tu - ck. Mcdiol ' Itili'jl. mm Blockading Fleet at Havana Ven tured Too Near, FLAG OF TRUCE NOT RESPECT F.D Ait!.ii!cr Rich I:inil in Utc Kii.nJike- C'wn tcrfAfcri llterhaulcJ Tlic Cost of the Y, ar- Cff to a R xelpts a! Saliajo. Tl'idlngsi.ip Sa:i I rauciscn, tho mou itf.r Miiititi noniab and iho uuxiliary viicli .-thnwero filed ujoii by tbo liuvami" l iittcries ihortlv before o oe'ocli ut! the morning of the 12th. One H or i-'-'ucli shell htritck tho Sau Francisco's stem ns kIio turned to get oi't if 'iiuge, nod line a hole about a foot ;n dimnele,', completely wrechies Commidi ic llow.-ll s quarters, i'5.j (masloi g i:i', N ok' case to fragment? Nobody wus nijiireo, and being under ii dels not lo atiiirk iho baiterios, tho sliipN rdrealed as fast us their engineu coii'i.l cunv tl.i.:;i. The euing pieced ir.g the. v.y'rsbii.a drew n: f!oior to thoi slioie !l, i:: i-vei. I !jj ( f Truce Im.'. Ucpcctcd. M. l oi't.j Fico, iPy Cublo. Ccn.-i-'d of ii ;ici .! ies K'u! a j avty wmi o nag .. i:oi j'y iho Spanish of the .ii of iiosiil.lic ... but the ting !",s; e v ii a ;. O! H ot ', I i d -ii. I his wus Iiy order ,',:: :o. r a! IMi'.ciiis. As (ten communication, bo tlf olf from ollicia! s'l iiatiou. although cut tbl'o.'gb ! - i' : ,i,c .". v. - tio-r li ! !. I bculi CI -i i oi :i..'i:ls i.m !i lii'ty t!.l'-- .--.i! ! oi 'otl'i. i.tcil i ! fin ."at'iv" i.tivn l.i e S;.lll:.i illo.s J s ..ere-. D'Uii'i. mil. lU! " f'hiet ' S. i v i.'i .1 li jit-usury .Secret in Detroit, Mich , -tie s whose iqier . o ', ei ii in ut con- iiieie wero also k i.ud o'l') ?'.' Win- l oiiig fi"!urded us Ce'aiiter 1'iU t which r.p to I bo diseov- cui iilieatc, iu the 1 1 it. i i a gi;:;g '. litmus ha-.- ;.i , -.cr il t:. I sii'uHii.le u-'i' ic. : tufcfti Uli v ;':.' I llll.l ! li-ill b.i.e li:e 1,11! the iu st iiil-ii I iiii:dj i s i.pprarai ! cry : f tue - Mi j fl'l.bg et 1 ve:;:' 'v.bfi'i'-.v'f r-!;icrt w mi .i (iiuic. Ml? i'l. '.li-' tlOorveil, tile oldest iTfmua iu Ne!!a:'La. ' ccviitly died if !.er loiii'c v.cKi' j a'o.e l'.ock. She was a I'.ii.iil g.t' idifi 'A',-, h.ngioii was Pios iueut. a..;. !:.. "i.ii '.hut she wits born i!i i7;:-. i lgiil ur vbo hiiVJ known '.,'.1' I'.T ; 0 years believe slio was about i:d y.r.vs . ..I. M..' luiirth busluind uicd'o! i.' 1 ,igv a "i'i.ii ler of a century ;e- p tuslcr.i Rccip;:- af Santiii.c'i. I ;i!i.:iii. .h:tfter repoits totheWiir Fcj iii'lm.'ii! ( o::ce; limg the custom ro I ceid i at Sniiliugo. us follows: "I bnve i the lienor to ii in' ! tor vcur infoimiv- t.on tl'.il ClsioUl August there we''e ht'U-e i ere. tl "tb. ii..'!iisive taken iu at tbo em .1 nl v ai th to , f.VVI.o.--l. : i i.-, Maj ( leu. Die Cnsi oi the War. Although the ttui' with Spuin lusted only 111 diivs.it is i stnnated Hint it bus cost the government so lur .s-'loi'.tMui,. lino, of which .:'.,u. en l."'"' bus been ne ti.ii'liy l aid out of the Ircasiiry. 'i be ttd'irciiarged to the Viir i 'ejiai I melit is f.::.,eoii,o:io; tot.d charged to the Nuvy Pcpurliiicut, er- .'. 7-h, utii. Annlhcr kcli Inul. A special f'oiu .liiueau. Alafkn, says: What is rcgirdt'd as it most im pt.rtaut discovert- of rich placer dig gings, is ir.oiled to have been lo on Pine creek, a into A 1 1 1 n lake, gisil J he di.-c small Hlreaui emptying' a feeder id i.iike 'J u ovei v is located in the S i. flawed Territory, t aniniii. : -.liii ThiaiKs I r;i"cc. P ike Almoloviii del Pio, Minister t f Fccfigti Allans, has usked M. Pnfe r.oiie, the French ambassador ut Madrid, to transmit to bis government tbe thanks of Spain let' the good i.fliees which !.: vo lesiilted in the curliest ji issible signature ef a pi otoco! oT peace i lt'j l'pe i'li'.ted States. II, 'biicsit Mas c I all. YYilliaiii. while out riding -H'.lie. was ii'pioiic!ieil by ciirying boilquds, whiclt F.:ii! c ..t. AY i 'be : lie ! ! . d to -bo I ! I is M iijest y. '1 lie Fin -dot-, n to a. cept the boil hoi -e i .'iii rd and nu ll . Ma icsty w as mini .v g about the accident, ! -t. rd and I dill lied to !'. Wl.i e.l b:i: lira! iiiai.r rritc:i. T.r .r . .'ii Anit.-i.u.iga I ki. of the n'.iM-r : .iv-,-, bii.i in i ited in , oi. the ti amer Itio .1 uu - ncv to I .ou. Ion. where bo ' .' ,.i,ie i il.;.1, mi pel intend- IU I il .'! It I. d two CI llisl'l s ; i -: i; i n his government lg tic -, C's of tho world. .ftf "Mpat'ics f-.r (i.irr.si ii Duty. M. iii:!, of D ibnna, has in fg: .iu f." in Adjutant (ien i !t-- igp.ug tl.e t w o indo le! od cr.nipiiiiies at Camp i colc cii captains, to San risen out . 1 he companies to tu. CLiVg.l 1. t: U..I Coil resilient c M'lU!.' HI'. t'.ag .'I' The !i : i:rccrls Wjil Cease Ilrinir. Tbo Wui Dej aitmeut bus been ad vised through (he Cubau junta, thut tbe Cr.bau iaturgonts will accept tho tertr.a of tins race ;i olocol bdtt een tbo 1 nited Mates uiui Span, uud that hoi; tii'.t:eswio ituseon tiit-;r purt. Uci.b'd on a I -rtnch Railroad. Ihe. night liaiii on tho ruilrny to Fisiet,;., Iii miles n-i of Caon, t.us de utile 1 ue ; llotjvi' ers, and six persons vert; Lii.cl atsd il were iuj tired.

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