l)c Cl)atl)am Record. r l. - .... . . $l)c tgljalljaiv fucoriJ II. A. LONDON, EDITOR AND PKOFJWOR. I ADVERTI8JNC ' no fiiifirt, urn' nisettiou.. . . . fl.00 lt UrlllFl I' tWll IIINIirlK'UM. . 1.60 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. ' :e '.pil.! !.' IM-.'Ulii 111.' .!'WJ VOL. XXI, ITITSIJORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, SKITICM IIKK s, S!iK, NO. 2 n A Deputation of Rich Philippine Natives Called on Consul Williams and Urged That j EVERY POSSIBLE EFFORT Of the Whole of the Philippine Islands. The President Visits Camp Wikoff. Reported Capture of Khartoum- 10,000 Lives Sacrificed. Resignation of Cavaignac, A Manila upeciul suyt)'. "A lloug KotiK deputation representing tiio southern Philippines, aud consisting of the best aud richest natives iu Pan Ay, Mindmo, Cebu aud Miudauo, vis ited I'uitud States Consul Williams re cently uud urged that every possible of fort bo mudo fur uuuoxutiou of tbo w holo of tho l'hiliipiuo Islands. Tbo deputation declined thut ull classes, tho warlike mouutiuueors, as well as thunu .ugagod in tnereuntilo pursuits, wotihi welcome tho Stars uud Stripes, uud hud resolved never to submit to Spanish or Tagnl rule. 'I hey also suid there was -1,000 inoii, muiiy of thorn armed with Till en. near lloilo, roudy to Biipport tho Americans. Thty refiiHo to joiu iu tbo clamor for independence, which they 4'ouHiiler n mistake uud inipruotioublo. Thev only wirdi for annexation to tbo I'nited Mutes. AgtntiuLlo remains at. Itukooi. lio roooutly wroto au impertinent letter to (enoral Otnj, which resulted iu his re ceiving n sharp snub. Tbo insurgents' lender tvl probAbly render himself ouje'Jiih'.e to tho Amorieau authority. Kcsiun.itiiiii of Cavairnac. ' 51. t'avaiKiino Bout tho folluwiu lot terof rHijj;iiution to M. lirissuu, l'remi or ami President of tbo Couuoil: "I Lavo tho honor to Bond you and hex you to tluuHinit to tbo President of tbo rxpuhlir, my resiuatiou uh Minister of av. J here exists u iliouKrueuieut be tween us, which, beui prolonged, "would pHiulvii tlio covernmout nt time when it most needs full uuity of decision. I romuiu convinced of tho L'tiilt of Pieyfus uud uh dotoruiiued hb heretofore to combat a revision of tbo caso. I do not intend to shirk tho ro oponsiliiltioH of tho proHont situation, but I t'uuiiol hhsuuio tbeiu without lio iug in uccoril with tbo chief of the liov- I'lumeut to whom I huvo tho honor to bolonu. " . In I ine Cmiditiiin. I he fourth nuuuul report of tho Houtbein liuilwny Compauy for tho year ouiliun .Tu-.e 'M, bus just beeu issued. It is u complete aud comprehensive statement of tbo (trout railway's business ailairu, and nhows a nioRt oucouraurin increase iu receipts aud profits over tho precedm year in all bmuches. The report shows tho j;rohs eariiiu'H of tho road from opera tions to huvo boon SJI,tl!l"),!;!H. 7"i; tho oporatiuK expuascs uud tuxes 1 1,5(11, -xtU.-M, u (jro;s iucroan of i,.,,UH!,:i;(S.,.l over IMC, which makes tho net earn iu'B from o(icrntiou Sii,ri!l,!,'.t74.;tl. a not iucicuBo, of SM7,ii:).4!. Tho state ment thoi tthows tho net income trom other Nodri'oH, and other expouditurert, as interest, rentals, uud ot tiers, which livtvea a bulauco curried to tbo profit and 1.ih of .I,uu7,01l.0:i, or au iucrouso of i'.l,o:)::.4 l. PcpnitcJ Capture of Khartoum. A report, which lacks continuation, was current in l.oiidou Kept. :t that tho Auglo-lCh'yidiau I or cos bad captured Khartoum. It was reported that tho loss of tho Aulo-Kfjyitiuu army was J.tKHJ inon, wiiilu that of tho l'orvisbos was i luceii at s.oilt). Aliji-r and Su'ruhcrg Much Relieved. The report of ( inn. lioyuton us to tho couditiou of ChickKUiiiuaa military bos pitaU lias (really icus.Mired tho otli ciuls of thu anuy aud udmiuisti utiou. Secretin v Al'ei. is lielihted with tho refutation of tho seuHittioual charges. Huryeou tieiierul StcrubfiB, who has lou deciilly wutnod, ii; much relieved by tho rupoi t. liciicral Viatias' Cleter Action. A si..H'iul from (iuayamo, 1'orto liiuo, Bays: aptuiu I'ulina, of the Spauifh civil guard, brought (ieneial lirooko under a lluu ol truce, a dispatch, from (it'lieral Mucins, extending to the Americnu geiieml, the use of liitt pri vate residence at Kio I'iedius, nearSau ,luau, duriuf.' Ceuerul Hrodke's slay there. ti. n. I'aiidn in New or k. (ieti. uud Mi;'. I'uudo urnvod iu Now York recently from Havana. It is understood that (iuiioral I'ando has come to Sow Vork toooucludo arranpo nionts that liavo been uiakini; for transporta to convey tboSpanish troops from Havana to Spuiu. Ocstniud hy a Torpedo. '1 bo ijovciniueiit eteauiship John It. Meier", was totally destroyed by au ex plosion at Knit St. l'bilip, l.a., recent ly. Slut hail aboard Lieutenant Jer vev uud a paitv ouuuccd in roiuoviu the toi otlos laid iu the Mississippi river during the beiuniuK of tho war. Lieutenant .let vov hud a narrow escupo. The kill.nl v, in-. Captain Starr, com mander oi tlc boat, Serjeant .luliii cm.iii. it lint eniiicoia; l'al Curios ami Ualpii 11 lloerx. 1 huso wound d ero l-'t Kick nd 1. H. Hddw. BE MADE FOR UIHN Till 1'M.SIIMNr U W Vtlkdll. He Kcxit wvii theCabarv an.1 Made a 5pciclt. A I'dllieltc lilitdeilt. 1'reHidcnt Mclinl..y spi.ut live huiiiv utCuiiii Wikoli rei-iMitly. bin vheinled most (if t iui t ini.. viulo:... ti... . .... i. the hoHpitalu ami in.-. cctin tli -l! iu iiieir can oi .men . lio made a Bpecch to th is:,'oii,i.!td infantrymen, ami reviewed the c iv nlryinoii. tieiierul U heeler, ins, stall', arid nearly every otliccr of pruiuiiieueo in tho camp, mot tint I'losiduut at the station, except (ieneial Shatter, who was still iu tb detention hospital. After (,'reetin.s nud intrdi. ln,us on thu ludway pbitfoi ', ilm President took ( iouvi al Whecl.-r's arm and went to a eairla-o. Colonel Theodore Koo-o Velt, of the Houijh l.'i.lels, was uiimu a u roup of hoi.MUioii near l. Mr .Midxiuley saw him and iot oni of tin carriuo to speak to linn. ( iloim: Koosov.dt hastily dismounted and tussled with a Kiiiiullot for i!teen socc;;ids so that u u-lc f.! ho mi-lit bhake iiamlf. T!ie cwliiinii ot cai l laiies wotllid Up it lull, o.-coitud t.y ibu Hind ( ttvaliy Hej,'iiiieut and the inuiiule.l bum! of tho Sixth Cuvnliy. riicp:ut paused a moment ou tho lull and the President bmlied otlt on tl" v. ido.uu iliilaliiiu rape, wntct l.cuud on eithei side, nud whitened ,u the levels uml hllltopn liy tho touts of is.iioij men. ' oui in yoiunetrio Imm. Mr. McKinley diuvo to t lei.eiel r-llaf I ter'B tout iu tho detention, v.imp. I lu (onoru!, wh,. i',.,0li ,,,( wt.u.; from a mild cuso of iiiuhii iul fever, wa in full uniform, sitting in a cliaii ul tin door of the tout, lie tried to l is... Inn Mr. McKinloy said: 'Stm where yol aro, t'otiorul. Vou entitled to lest, luo Prosiduut coiu'iattilated lieiietui Shaftur oU tbo Simliut'o caiupuin and after a few minute' lest proceeded ti thofc'onerul hosiMtal Wliou sociuiiihIv till tho wurdsof tin, penuial lio.-pital had been puo throiuh uud the President was about to f;et in a can toy, Attoi lies tieiierul (irijjjr.t det'iitn d inm. "Mi heelei has told Div, tuid be, -'of u Lieut, Pludo, w ho is in a tent back lieu by himself, uud he is in a dym- eondi tiou. Ho bus asked ubtiiit v'( hi iMiiiint; and Miss Wheeler bus pi ommd thutyoii shall see him." ( 'ortainly. let us j;c to him," Mr. MeKiuley .aid. T beoth eiboftho party discreetly icuiuiutd outsiilo tho tout. Tbo Piesident ieai poured with tho nui so a iniuuto or two luter, his eyes momt and downcast, The 1'iipulat.c lnlluiiad In I'oslcrx. A Puris special of Sept id suvh: The lroyfus iiKitutiou is not ubatiUK. The populace was uuiu inllumed todav bv jioMters, printed by The Sieclo, with which tho town has boeu plastered. They reproduce two letters which Hreyfus wrote to tbo Minister lor Win, iu N!M, and one winch ho vvroto to his counsel, M. 1 ouiime, m ls:i, protest iuc bis iunocem e and donyiny that hi bud ever even beeu guilty of indiscro tiou. Tho posters also cull utlentiou to tho fact that Col. I'iciiiart wrote ou July !i, utlirniiti the falsity of Lieut. -Col. Henry's duciiiueiits and they do uouuco tho arrest uud imprisonment ot Col. Piciiiurt. On tho roconuiiMiidatio!! of the Hwodish-Norwejjiau council, lvinn OBcur has notuied tbo C.ar of his ac ceptance of the invitation to send dele gates to a pouco con fore uco. Iiriat l ire in a Muhii;,iii Town. Owosso, Mich., was visited bv u destructive tire recontly. Tho foll'iw in;,' linns were liuiued out Wood wurd'H Furuitiuo l actoiy, couseitnu of a three stoiy ivurehousv, Ulllis and lumber yards, totally dustru.ve .1, h.as jllM).(Mil); tbo (tworso Plowing Com puuy, loss, tli n I; Crown A- Payne's implement store, loss -jlii.tiilii; Win. JoplinB livery I'stublisiimont aud several suiallor buildiiiys, uiJKreuiiiiH about 5f'J"i,UUO. All the I arts lleslnitiil. Tbo Pii itish War Hlico has leceived a dispati h from Nusri, on tho Nile, saying that a uuii boat hud loturiiod there uud bud lupol ted that tliern wen no cusualtios aiuunu Aiulo l.r.yiitiau forces iu tlio battle of I 'imlm man, unit that thu I'm lit bank ol tho river hud been completely denied of forts; thut the forts ou Tuti Muml, opposite m durmuu hud beeu demolished and that the kuiis bad boon captured. The disputeh also said that the bowiters pi active of Kirdar'a force was excellent1! The ollicials of tbo tienuau I oicilmi ( llico assert that tho Loudon repoits of au otlensivo uiid dctcnsivo ulliuuce having beeu concluded between tircut liiitaiu uud (lermutiy arecutircly uuli out fouudutiou. No More lll.uk I'owdcr. Probably tho navy hits fought its l ist war with I'laek iKJUilur. I. Ms w.v opened recently at tho Navy Mepai t nieut for supplying tlio new viai .inp with l.uii'l.iMMI poiunts of hiuiikuiess powder, a nuut it v siilVicieut to supply at least tho secondary ba'tenes ol ui thu ships in t be sol v:co and til's sup ply will be iiuuuinted fiom tiun) to time until witliiu tin com c f a year or two, alt tho blin k pcudci wiil huva been retired, except possibly enne that will 1 rAipi '- ,leiT'' 'MfopceB, AKMY AM) NVV IifllMiS. The Muvemonts yf Our Army Brcillv Told. an J Nav 1 I (ion. Wheeler il' iir'uii..i!ii7 Priii ! deut M"liiiiy duiiug; bis recent tri ! iDimup Vt Ikolt salll: ' 1 lio l'vs!ilc'.lt of our great ootiutry has come hero to Kieot the soldiers that uiiiichcd so gal lantly up Suu Juuu hilloh fill v 1st. I'm comes hero U( f)pn;!H tlta nation's tbuuliHj i wish to toll yoit t'xt " L")!! Vr iTusiduUt sent o heir If y weeks mro to .'oimiiiut tliis cuuip ho enjoini'd ou iu vie most emphatic lanuairo that 5 should, without regard to expense, exercise uny and every uiithoi ity no cossury to make comfoi tublo this body of biave meu who by their courage have raised tblB ropublic In tho hn;liost position muoiip; tbn (treat tiutiotis of tho oaith I ha'to tho honor uud plciisuro f ,.!tlieducin to you the President , tho I'uitod States, " ' Tbo paiude of the Si.-v-mll1 Army Corps was thu tuost uiUciliti: rrtt i".tli tary pii(;oant mor sien i .(' f.r,u vilio. Nearly !'tm) lueu were iu li;,e, uud every reimvut rOKo'uted a tltii) n:i poaraiioo. (i. weather favored tlio Boldie;; BUJ u0 u ,l0p of ruiu tell Cliiriui; tbo day. Tho piececsii'n s'Hi tid Past th r'ir;tiig Btiind iiccup:ed by lini,int Loo uud stall at ;):!". and it was -r : : t . J before the last le.'iiueiit marched by. The streets ahniu theh.iu of march were lined with thousands of people, who cheered uud iioplM'H,.l the Mobli'irp, t.'Ht'h H'jtlhleut seeiniunlv Uet tiun; its full share of nip'iiuse I ol. uuel Win. .'. Jiry?u. iu :jiii!imiid ol thu Third Nebraska Ueiuiotit, received continuous ovatiou all uloiij the line of march. Pol ios! chaices have beeu prefot red a0'aiust Major lieuuett uml Mior Lon', of the ronrtli Illinois lieu iinei:t, by Coloiiol Atnlel u I'lmrrls of un due!. nubi)i'oiiiijr ob'n.'iii:i and t;eut;i' men at'.d they wi 1 bo trio 1 by c I'li t inartial. Major Klliott, who was id so under airost, bus been released an I le stored to his battalion. I lie i lia " (row out of u joiut teleuram sct'i ihe (ioveltiol- of UllliolH, uti'tili;; tloi' : lie refjinit'iit ilusirnil to o tu ' "im. to winch statement Colonel t 1 look exceitiont'. Mexico iu the Now World ha toe litrjje.-t htaudin army, with n war strength of liiti, iKio, while Pra'.h : second with JS.IMIU uud .M.imhj : ,f dannes. While tho slimdiin; "i ii o tho Puitod States In but i"i,i) io m r,.m:--of peace, il is estimated tlio 1'ie ii CoUld call 1(1,111)0,00 III1!!! Ii lieeeS! rv Tbo Ar;;eulino l!op'il!ic has a pe i fin co ol I .'.IJUU. Canada li nairi-.iiel with '',)) I'.ritish troops, with au ad ditiouul 1.000 Cnii.dinu :ilii; i'si;1 and a militm tif Mv.itdt). Now that hostilities uro over, the I'nited Stutes is at liberty to rece v, from tho Pritish bin dels the lie cruiser Albany. Hicr si'lp to II Ni'W lll b.'i'iis, 0. h:cii wii'i oil'! oT t!ie ! uciiiired from Prazil just pi:-'i to nr. outbreak of tho war. Acting :'ec .tail Allen ordered Pust-cil Assista.ii I it CiUeor Norton to priee. I at i-:i i,. Newcastle-en Tyuo. Pnuinii I, In iii-er vise nud inspijet tho tonii'letto i of the muclimery of the AH.u'iy, 1 he ti ausport City of Alix'c, w.t' (ieneial Shullur on ini'ld. has lie !.- Moutniik Point fioiu Suiit.ao. i 1. City of Mexico had ou board, hi.-id lio iciul Shatter, tho ineml eis nl h -stall. As "ooii as (ieiicial Whee i i vmi: notilicd of tieiierul .'build's lO'iiv.ii, be ordered u : uluto of I i !;uns t . in Cred ami troops M, P., C, II. and K. o! tbo Second Hernial Cavuiiy, w. rede tailed to cicort (ionerid Shatter into camp when he should laud. Au order has boon issued by the Nuvy I eai tineut detaching Coiiuu ) dole .1. W. Philip from e leinaud .d the battleship Texas, at New Voik, an! placing h l in in command ol tho second siiadron of the Ninth Atlantic licet, with the cruiser New York as his d.ii; ship. Ho thus succeeds to tho co.u mund formerly held by liner Admiral W. T. Suinpson, us CMiiuiandcr-in-chief of the North Atlantic lleet. A soldier dead for thieo days was about to bo dissected ut thu Algiers Military Hospital when ho Woke up. and, before tho doctors recovered from their surprise, ot oil" thu dissecting table and wulkod mto tho next room, where ho wrote dowu some words ou a piece of paper to make suiu that howa- alive uud awuko. Tboiioctus now sav that he has completely recovered from his lotliamy. The department of the dull' was ordered Ui t-elid all the recruits for the regular army now in tho department to Moutniik Point at once. I'loyil W. liay. Company I', Sixty tilth New Voik Pediment, charged with lobbing tho muds at Camp Al;:cr. hn. been dishonorably discharged from hoservii'o of tho I'nited States, foi leitiu all pay uud allowances, and sentenced to servo throe years at hard lubol iu the military prison lit Port Leuveiiworth, Kan. Tho Becotul division of tho Seventh Corps wus ruviewed roceutly by tiou. Leo ut Jacksonville, I In. ( oiiusel lor Surgeon L. c. Iuiichii, of tho Twenty-Becoml Kansas, huvo made application to tliejudiciul author ities at Pail fax, Vu. , for tho release of their client on bull, but this will not bo tiually passed upon until olhcial advice is received of the court martini trial. I'liiicuu'a trial by thu State uilthol itics is set tor September I'.ilh. Piivuto Alex Lal 'like. Company I, Second Wisconsin Volunteers, was placed iu tho Podoiat prison ut Leaven worth, Ixuusus, recently, to remain for life, for tho murder of Private Thomas Stalt'ord, of tho Thirteenth Piiited Stutes Infantry, iu a saloou row at Ponce, Pot to It ico. Medical officers at Cnmp Wikolt, Moiituuk Point, deny that there have been deaths at tho camp hospital fiom yellow fever. Colonel Kimball, deputy iiiartm ii. aster general received lieu) tieiierul Miles u disputeh dated Ponce, Septoiu ber I, stating that I.imiu troops sailed ou thut date fiotu Puerto liico on too tianspotts Manitoba, Mississipin, ('on elio, luino, ( hostel and Otidaui. He buns If sailed ou tho Ohdani. 'J ho transports will all come to New York. 1 ho follow in;; troops huvo been oi deied iiiiistured out: Ninth Mu.iuchii sett". Seventh Illinois, Fifth Illinois, Sixty-iifth New York, Fifth Ohio iu lantry. First Wisconsin, Third I'uitod States Volunteer Cavalry. Fourth Teias YVUIYIHMJ IMI Li ii n xx. i "v " rt.I4rn'Toy j siii lli'iiouiffrly. irt.st (mm I have had a vey hurd diiy's Mi ivaret. work. lllfi.'lirel t n ne I i.ii.m entei.l lb from her book as loom with these w..,... ' iln'c f.i ie -In rtski I Mow Mi-c yon udl lind your Well-eailied test. S e. your chair is waiting tor you." ' It'-diall uol bi- empty a minute loinpT. Ii in woii.l.rlnlly comfoitiilil.'. Sit then . wc u t you I like to see your lie it t.-. us- " "Then I may i oiihhlej-myself iim-iuI, ri-' v. --It a. ( iiciineiitiil." she laughed, ;r,.ii,iMi -. r Iks vebellloiis color : iio'ild lly t.. h r lace in smil s '.!?-a greeal.le'wny When did vim ;;el my lie bsasjo, Mar g.n cf: ' he nked. l.ont I o'clock, 1 think. I was i.i-i V mil c,,iil, i, nt l Ollie home loilm A oe lia-.e '' ''t s "f i oirey" ! int.! ii.i ii; lor -en , ' Ut r-' lu:i,.sl. "I hadn't time for any other; i o many imp rtniil eas . brought in to ilrr, 'lh:s hospital practice is worth a gr'at deal to inc. 1 tell you. was gelling ru-ty, an I it bun polished me up C..i-id.'tMM. I sllpl'.sK MlMi Hilton lefl, lOflln 11" nde.l?- sh" w 'Pt . m-lv tl'ls iill"iipioi 1 ('.is :iii-iM r w:iri i(iteii with ' fnlti-l-!li;; V i- e. I'ear M.u jaict," he said with I ! -iin', "I know iiow you will miss her. I v i.--.!i you would let me coiut'ort you. i Mn't go a way. nt.u fit ! biiiihle-,'' .stie up. .u. ie.l haliiy. "i am coming Inn k. Inie to her pr ise she letnriiel ipiiekly, with a small tray in her hand. iniv s no cake ali i coffee," she said, to in. ike up for that apology for a .Tinier I u.nel" . cnlTee Im you 1 him; ) mi w ill like it ' "Willi? It fmgrai is suUli i'lit ly templing." I'.riaii jumped troin hi chair, and look tli.M I ay 1 roiiiyViarga ret 's ImihIs. "I'm .jn-.l lieginninto realize Tii-, ,W' wil' heir no' '" .sV " I It c. Ul'se. 1,111 he I Margaret. I want to sli..w my ap nary ability. N.U'nli ollile a lillished cook n ee. ii. 1 If we - ii ileal.) it Wolll.l be I eeiation of eilli thinks I wil; le in time This is I smiiim l'.lii"o.l il III be lleSile.l Y' n lii.e il ' I am gla I. 1 want yoii to tell mellow 11 ali o of VoUf sefioll.s ri.ee. It h.oke.l ever so long when I I'll me iii. " ' ii'; the len-t Inl niixious al t you. I tear. vou are h-sing the old strength used in I na-l of. limi t slml.e Vonr llelei .so .1. esle.lly, i see Willi all ex peii. -need eye ( saw lii.w that ring sdpped about when mui weie pouring this eo'.eo, illld si'Vell IIH'lltllS ago, when I put il there, Margaret, it was vi'i-y'iht un.l siiU!. I w.int to see ii so again. Ymi no. .1 t lie ount ry hi eees. 1 km.v. thai T'lmw I is the magi, al lne.l e ne which yui case ileinands, nud if I prescribe It. I don't believe m.ii Will fill.l it so bitter to take. ' -And you.-" she asliol, after a mo ment's .ih'ln e. "That i- Iii be ju-'t as y.ni say, Mar garet." '"I'll, n, ': be r. tiuio .l with a radiant la,-.-, we will both Iii.nie. W la n Wilson leaiii.id of this dc-isi The I., .ciiiiit on -of New York hat.-1 n exercised in isrn," be do. line I. 'I tl.iii'; v.. ii will Illld sollietliing to regret wie n son Iiiim' gone from Us. Still I ilia sine you w II realie a niueli nee.le.l , tietti'lil . and ill ieW of that I must be glill'lillt .Villi will .-. . enjoy the pl-a-uie of tl .1111 1 IV. - 1 hope Jon W lil l.o! MUite forget II s. '' I w.ll never f..ii;et you," Was the im- l. ! -i e .Ills wer. ' The sel vice J-..II have lemlereil l-.i-in i I i ami. d veil rcall,-..-, nee Ii le -s t hank yo i f..r. The most I en. lo is in gi vou a place among the liieinls I cherish most highly, lirian an i 1 w ill h .pe to -ee you ipiite often. I ki-n.v vim will like l.linw. od. It is so b. a .tiful I liever I-new In. vy much I I.., ,. I In see it until tins monii-iit. I hoi eve I haven't dared lo think. The other day I to d; a h'lig ride on the Ma Ii - 'Il av eniie e ii-.. ju-t for something to do, and when wc got nut iu the nine-lie- iheio vva, a !' ill little bil of colilill y before us. I cunt I not slay in the ear. 1 h sua I '-iillv seemed so much brighter; a id '.'. lieu I hoard th" hens and saw the diiel.s and geese walking along the nar low pay. 'im nts I wanted to sit down and crv." Wilson .smiled. hid you think better of the impulse'-" lie Ijill'sti tied. 'Uh. ves. I nrtiiiialely. I came upon a woman -llling oil the gra-s with the Willi. -I, latlest baby alliiiisl ever saw. I .uioie babies, iiiid I began to admire that one est r,i v .i,.ant ly. The luiilher vv i - delighted, iiinl by way of ree.nii p.. ', I presiinie, gave lie- a detailed hi-: ay ..I the -even latter and whiter hi. . which had pr .b d this one. liy Ih - lil he liiii-hed I had forgotten thai I ever wauled to eiy." So tho baby proved an effective anti dote. oii were very fortunate in your in. cling. Now, I In lieve I must hurry nwiiv. I c. uld mil steal a moment just to tun in to -nv good-by." 1 don't I olu-vc you have staved that moment, " coinpliiiiu d Margaret, 'and I am Mile il .vu were very anxious you . ..in I stretch it ju- t tlie least hit. Kriiiu will In' s.. sorry not to have seen you. Are vou . Very busy, lloctnrV" Well, tiithci. was the half hesitat ing reply. Summer is near at hand, and that is a time of w retcheillief.s fnr the uiil'oi tuiiaie p.. r. 1 wish we had a larger corps of tr lo. tors. We cer tainly n 1 thein iu those crowded, mis: cr ibie districts, where the nhitu crapo and tiny b. iiises tell their own Mory of i.iilleiing and death. 1 have brought a shadow to your fnco; I wdl nay no more ' ' Vou in-, merely giving lite II glimpse o! tiie other side of life,'' she said thoiuhtlully. 1 find tho contrast, as usual, sad ant? etrouu. I wish the world led Ulnh liellamv's order of tlihiM".' Wilson lulled "I f.-ar mi h too I toi'tiiii e'ei to )e lea'i.i d.' .r b-r l hi' an f were I. "l'etliups., tliougli 1 dale i ay Am you really g..:; g? Well, ili,"n I mu-t s.iy goud liy. 1 hope It is i:ot '-".v fur luo to repi-ut the as-iii nnee thu'. I'.liuwooil iilwayrt ho!d: a udtfoiiiu for you 1 lliank you 'or inir good wisln-,, Uud 1 Wieh mi t" I eiin ilili "i that I np j.lech'lo mole thill I liifM pmi'i leek pu ss Ih.i -liappin' ss yon h.i ve !n I ( give lie " No more,'' -;i.i WIT wit h ubriiptiioHri. "My sin vice I-' hlldl lllelltioll." W ithout aiio'her word h'e press li.ind "d was gutie, leaving In r m.trpl in'-d at his iiiiiimi.iI uniiiiiel. a in I'll 1 ; wort h ' .1 her I at her II. l -1 l it . x l. EI.MWOOII A A 1 N . gavet had liiii-lied In I lueakfa-t, ii alter Prian had h it s'n- t-till , ll,u liilile, her lieiill tilled With Ciiite,l, ,'llei liSt e! i -' lull Wit l ppv tear-- that shut from In r (is,i',Il Mili um! el S'lt "v tl He- familiar ol.Vets nl For she vva- home. Ftinw I. l'd 'n'W . 'itl' l ' illl ellilei! to J l-i ! 1 1 ,i .e I fast III three lliolltle-. b'lil and feast In r eye. ollt Ih lb. lie dearol.l 'g Wl.ril slnl lle- . i hi. j. -t l.reak p. w.-n.te.t t" -it ll oil the nlll :'! el'-e'. avVlls Wln re the l.llglil sun sill .1 itselr thro'igh ,; l-.txurf.int network ol j green brunches, and tin- Ilia. r l 'he hawlhorn w.re bursting into a I Tenth of t mora lit llovvers, au I my to hers. If . It is o I t" he here. "he i"pi ul 'd the -nine words to lirian iiv 1 1 I h. i-;nni in ..t I'lni-h. "ii. an I be, looking at In r l.o'e. a'lm -' mil v-el.-J at the chaiiue sh it had . mue om i ,;. . "I daf.' say, you are riuht, Ma'gir-t ! it is g I for you to be here 1 don't believe I LNeggerate VV'llell I declare 1 thai I! i n- Is nil ca. ..nine . o'm in voir check.-. W hat hav. v : I -n ...'n , w ilh yoiirselt t his n.ornliig '' I 1 .T.n'l te lle' ' I cf.tr hi-gill to fell Veil. Fiitjl, there iis ,-o nri' h to tall, ; III oat with Mr-. Iiav ... We bav I... '. laving our heads (..gethcr and i volvin sn'i lelightful plan .. You will . the le lilts aft. r awhile; 1,11 I I hell. thi.- ; lMl'1 'I.'.'" I 11111"! H" tO Til' nihil -. I am pili ng for a sight ''! I!" C"!,,i., i " j "And he, to doubt, is pirne ; t"i a . sight of yon. I .-uppo .e that wdl cmn- plcle v our llilppillcss. ' I "As nearly as it can I inpleie 1. I In. von r. member how .vi h fl l.lniw I, I l'.rian, ilim.'.r t1'. cTHI I ",.hl .,r win. ; ter. iiiid we r.-tuin to it in the j.iv n il glad I csiin-e, l on - I a eept it as all . on iin, I I am - very nappy. i She left tin- table w.th these words a". i vv 'like I t t he op n window, lirian j follow. I, il. 'Let me shire vour liiip ines-. he: sa d, in a low voice. "Purling, tin- pi'" b ii ion ha-. 1 ii very long. ' II.. -lippel his hand about liei wa s!, Hid drew hei (.. the v. rail la out-i.te. ' " 'nl ic'i" in'.i'i our e .in) ni I ' I -hull keep it - lie .-lit o of lliHt until ll,o da i ics that you shall bid br.'aU It. And it will i'..me, Maigaret, n - cert linly il:- V'.e both -'illld llcfe. You wiil lilld me very pat en; until I have won my victory, for 1 fe d that cv.n the price wh i'I.'J i- ob paid lor lb, -hoi is not to . dear t . pa !.' vmi V.vv iu., I t-ll ymi vvhat I have In i i, don .- to day '" "Yes; I shall like very much . hear.' "W, II, 1 hav bee), lakii g with Pr. Philips. Iwi-h V. II Would let llie nee your la e, Margaret. It will be iimre eliei.tiiagii.g th.i'l ",r ''in U Tlieie, that i- heller; thank vo.i. 1 oi In. Philip as I -aid and i told him m' my wish to build up a piai-ttee here. Ju-t a- I expect.. I. In- feel. hi:, adviiin-iig .years, and will 1..- v. ry glad . f it vmin : llSslStlllli He I- di !l"'ht' d to help he son "f he. "Id ai h- toll in- t-n you H'i 1 a lit j, .1 ; i. 1.1..1I v l'o- iin.it. I i nn si. p right itii"h .- hoe-., and, though I limy lilld them vcrv bug.- "Vim will grow.' .in in Maig.iref. glad of tic- new turn t.. the ciivm -a-timi. "And I am very mil' ii p'. ax.l," she added, tunic gravely. "So am I. It i- the lii'-t step toward Winn ng my vv if.-. " A ball hoiil later Margaret w a , ...I ting in Ih.- chair of honor m li, .' looms, half-l.iiighiiig. hull -crying, and trviiigtoiisk iiml u'1-.wer iii I -in the silinc htenth. ' Pill g.-llg til keep V. Ill II few III 1 I II I all t.l iny-clt," declare I Mice, I ecause I have so much to t. il y..ii, Mingaret. So mil -h I could only hint al it m my loiters. I could ll"t I'Spl. -s nil, aif the hnppilics- I h 'tig' d I" v on lo - linre. " "I :i in so glad, dea.." Margaret an- sweied. "So very glad lor vmi and tor Port ie. I ell m all a I nut It how. " Il was fully lilte. i. minute.- before Alice -cut tin- inc. age telling In r inn ' that Mal'gai.jt vva- tier.-. Il blought 111.' I ololl.'l in v. i , i,iii k tun. . "i h. Clou. -I," :'l i. d. an I tin- I ext second she wa- lo.. I In Id- atm-. "I'.uck again. M.u-alcl. I nm m. glad, hild. I'lli- time V,e ll.ci.l, to keep ymi. Pies- xour dear heart; It does my eyes good to i-ee you. T.v . il Ihnugh yoa have gtown wi thin and vour fa. e i , w hit- as our ow n snow balls. '' "Colonel, ymi hii.t in v vanity. I shall grow won. b rliilly tin and well m a few weeks. Ymi won't know inc. lirian thinks: I have i .dor already." priiiul Let Prian u ' t" the devil! 1 beg your pardon, my dear. 1 m e 1 have hoirili.d you. I nm not ovcr pleaseil with l'.rian, a- )mi may glics-,. 1 dure say you litid es-us. - for the scamp, however. I am glad he lias some grace left. You women urn Usually manage men. I was getting ready ' to eonio ai d sliooi hill., but I must acknowledge that your method has been more elTectual." " lie is growing tiled of doing noth ing," she ainvveie.T without meeting the Colonel's glance, "and h. ban de cided to practice his pr. fcs.io n here. 1 dure say he w iil become a- highly re spected lis ilea r uncle Stephen was." "Highly res, ted! Flddb-tiekf. There il is again, Margaret. The eut cnuie of prejudice, most proliil.lv. I beg your pai.bm a second time, and predict that Prian will become all that vou want to make him. It ho doesn't 111 " Shoot him, 1 sup ose," put in Mar garet, w ith laughing eves. " That would be n fatal blow to my hopes. I beg ymi you wdl spurn mo the humiliation of failure. Ami please give llrlun credit on his own ii' count." "Certainly, my deal , an ho deserves, though I must add thut 1 dmi't consider the demand nxoessivo. Alice, isn't that that your raisonlly husband bawling down-stairs? I hope you huv uo iu- fctaWW-WrMWIWWiW we- it iTercut. t wieb v lililii hU !i it f Koiug"to hit;'!. I.-V'i u i ', (, and eo'ee up tn you ii..iii( then;," ol.Kciv. d Mar- . v I n i'iny at 'In' bmrf. h''iivv i tmles O-eelellllg the "til 'Alice, dotl't la.' j e T us, pi, use. if I ,f-v !! lieiUe is no- ot t lie nl'-' st lie n lu I in w.u 'I lialiks !"r tin- c-.li plum M'. wh'e'i iM.-u't Intended t--r my J .1" ' aid trom g'ouu tlcit you hi.d ol..li s. i I'll' I ! b' l'"l n- "I'll a v.fit. Mil lie, Ii. I ',1 I the I J i j.. :., i.nlnial lo lilld ' ' ' he eel, ! " r.'iln r I. eh. ten year- V.iUfg.U ,in vmir m i AU-a hett.r . hi e. And v "ii ate iiiui ii i.-ttei- than i la tlo'i di f'gl.t. H; ... ;. ' out ot T' I'H.Vi "ll's -O l.le. p:.!e M argil ' Null -. II e," llle- I Dpt.- 1 til- ' h'Ue', I a 'In l I V hi, I . . III. ' I" ... M.i lie a to .', I l I II. . I. . I.. I V. d bottle. will f;ii Ii I, m . n,V ilppl' cill'iVO ,1 ,.vv- iii a h"irtioli of my i..i. nt,. to -'uprise tiiin into lit", :'" - , j, .... , .. oil II u-t -oil think n n v t lit iv.; el it. I!" - vr.v pioud of me." Humph"' wa - ih- - f. : -'l nous ii plv. ill whi'li Matgi.r t am! Aliie li1i.k..i"-.( '- I h'l-ii'.'ie.nt 'In' Vhat the cl I f'll b.idiiiage I'i '. "t"1 when sh.' was loa I v !" g" I mil". ."'!' 'I lit'le pi '.-'. u i e to slay longer, h i' - d elated Ins ml I'tion of rid lig with In r. l vmi- g od of V.ill to ii. me." She ,.a, i .I'i I 'le had let! I li- Cedars .,,,, i... ,,.,,1 , ,., '- id Id - plea-mo in Pi cur- changed c ml". ' ' "' km'"' I !,., I thing I" -ay ! in i.' ' . or ..v.- . tell ail your i e t-. Mi one'. th"' is thai sotiielhin r'" . .... v.. u no' gii.'.Hr It aite. ts lirian ii v. i have ill way a beell Mlcll go i lio n Is uutl1 ey lal. ly. and 1 am m. ill. Moil f..r tho-'- oln Jei lings I.. I iviv.'l 'The . ir. urns alien ; of y.'ir I.I I lie V u. were not v. ty plea-iiiit. i! leti ende t i Vi -. and perhaps y ..ii I'.-inetiib r if to .. ' .'iu' . " ng' to .. to folg. t it. W h. nil- all -ill toll lilive .oi:e Vol' llie M l , I teci My ciitilide.it licit y.ni wid ie. i re- ; l-i-' I'll Vol o I III-- Is im I llie, I I n I. ist. ni. I! n . ol Ii under V hell -land mi li goo Ine - a- v.i ..' ' I ndnl: id that, jt j- al! th- hi ; to lot-.. I the in ill', ring ho has eaiised ymi. Ti i hi' pr- I enn in d lomise. Ma t gat m . " "i h. v.s. yen .an. 'I I"' - nil' 'in.' peak- of mav have be, u of in a' ad va'itag. . 1 'iciv "' " i,e the b' H' I and the stronger foi' If P'sid. s. I.ii.ui lm struggled' and siilfer.-l .' '" " can never Utinvy To'.v iin.eh. Kveii I 'an li. ver know how- ii u h And hci-tiy-iim i,i,w, I or I hat hede-eiv.. cndit. Itlil.k ! tiwiil have to do ii . I vf .sh, llel'tie. "lie I ., I "f '!!'" Thmv, I li .v- no'hiiig If I" my. eu nl wn. - have your way. Idiu'riiy vv.- ili.-i't" realie what briali had t" h. i. ii.c befote he w n his vi. torv, mi I us r.ii rv lav words or to'timis al'.' , cr I. In- shall !,"" " rcniitider id -I:.- piod." ' 1 llillllt you," vv a:. th- grateful illl ' -wci "I i. ver li'.e l v..,, better m ad l.ii.'.n veil Ini'ie t'l I" I do low. ,. Midi,., I bis r. -spoil-, n- !.. luili.'d in at thega'cs of I'.'m' 1 Asthi'vap- .i'oiiehe.l tli,. ilnnr Margaf'i -..w To Tin waiting to meet In r. It- had evidently not e.xp ;. Itio, and Margaret noticed 'inb.iira-'sii.ei t upon hi- be c I l;lV.. Ih ltie Willi li. e." riding eln- ',' 'nm lb- h.i the way fi'oli. I I"' ' ' '' " " Lit tie bv i .... -1-i 1 e. " im 1 1 unit 1.1 tl -light .-III. I, III- all e.t b.rl ii think under hi:, bl'e.ltll. "i L.n't v.i.uig to tell lib-:" , I I... p. l sc. oiei he had a- -i-t.-d 1 Ii,.... '. el h . -e iiiid I'll I- d lo la I: No W.-ld p.l--. 'I belWeOU til' II'. l-.l their hand da p l.'chi " huig .ag-' ami a lie ail ing ..I il - ottll. 'i. i i.i. i ovum in ' liANt'l. .!:! I-'WOM PLANTS. . Helaliles Who I. liiu' Wn ami lilll'nv - I .ie'- AIh.iiI ampin". s. vital vciy curimis siil.-.tate i - of : at; iiilliiiiiuial.le nat hi, am ptndiiccd I by pi. ml-. -.I id a nat iiiali.-t t" ;i Wudi it'igti.ti Mar wlilm. Many veget ibl. I species Imii wax. which in lln- hum I of luiillili scale- oil the -ill l.l.'o id th'' ! plum iind idle r si,,iio linn makes what is called the "1.1. ...i.! " It cx I ist- -o al. uml ml ly in tin I" t iiit of ,r I Virginia injilo that tlf l.H i Ibi ! c. oi ve I in ti.iilic uf "cull. lie !, liy ! T'lc'se la ies iile . l.li. cte.l III gll at ! .plant il ie- f.ir t h-ir wa v ,i'id i ti-1 I in nl. i'i.iiii t liein bum wil b i.'iu.ii l.a- ble biiglitness and freed I'min sii.,,e. ill t lie same t llie' giving "Ul .1 plei-aiit Ir.igt: e A wax I., iiriiig I ie- eis s in Smit h A Iii. .t. tic I" 1- ri f w bu ll v i.M .1 siilisl.uii . vv Inch U 1 1 1 ; i . I e lulu i ;iti. lies I I In I hitch T'll.Te HI'' SCV.f.ll -pecie. ..I U.lX p.iiiu- in Smith Ann tiei i it.e .d tlimn has it- . .ii, s e.v. t. , will, -I ales ,. w il x. .v bile I be 1 1 milt "I aii oiln r kind iscovctcl with tl- wax n with a v at nish A -ul. -tancc v. n like t i,,..u . yiehbd by a It.c ill I b'li.i. t1' " vessels of which an hai l. Lr. wi i lui-lts. lla.'li of tin-in cm, I. iin- i . , li.ill.d w bite kernels,; ilm ut t be s... 11,1 sh.i,c 1. 1' hacliiiits. 'I'I I. lie i- have siniill slmies itisiio llictn. ai-iiii.! vvhii h the fatty inaiici lu s l'l. tii the i.il uf tin stmic an ml fm hint, ing ill lami s is pi-essel. A iliiii-l all tho candles ,is,. in Ih.- s,uih .( ( hilia Ul'' lll.l.'.e to this v. gel. il l. ta'ili.w . A 1 tec ah iitiels ..n t In Mai ab.ir co ast id In. Ii.i . ailed tlio ' pincv" which hens a pulpy tnut that yields a gteitt .piiti.titv of solid tallow ap pl.. aching wax in tlriiui.ss and sti periof (o annual fill for the liiiliiil hu'tiito of candles. A tint her teiiiat kiiblc iiiiliiiiiiual'lc siil.sliince so, r. ti .1 by plants is ciuii phi,r. It is chicliv .d taiiicl tt'oin -i spcilesl'f lailiel li.-ltivc t 'thc l-'.a-t I ni 1 is. In ptcpiu ing il i -- s i, the ru ds arc put ink uu 'i "ii ti s-"l tighllv CdVllel When t he vessel i - heated the camplim rises in ihc Imiu of vapm- uml is coinb-im d mi t lie civi't-. That is tin- priiiutivc nut IomI, al all evmits. though I believe lhitt it is iiiipiovcl ii mi by tn wh i n v -i:t I pr. esses. In old trees 1 lie c ii'iplinl iliiet Mill's found, vvh' ll t he t I link-: :i i split, i. pell, ill it very pure -tat '. f.. l ining small con. -vet ion-, or tea's " M Yi l:i-t siiit.ir. M r W ait, Ve," magli'-t ii'. Hello Yes. 1 1 1 i tit both pubs. May What g.ive ih. ymi iiiiilii.-' lii-llc -x positive negative. -Truth. -rg.-.l Fratiix-aiid Gurniany My iotuWar Over tin: Urcylus Cas;. . - - AN ANGLO-GtHMAfv ALLIANCE. Wi'.u:. t-li.irwi.. "ams1 ure"ii lltfWiard' Sited l' liisiirKtiils '-"v ' tiiriiijii W.udiip: '...! ith If awn from Maine l.n.li! en Cvi sfa's Capture. A ,-:;i'.. ial liotii I in i: siiya Cue luosf I issimti tic teeings i-xittV It It thccutaiiioii helm that "rout Prittan aud liussia uro mi the e of war, ami thu' tho '.".);ise.iieiices of tlio- Hreyfus bcttiulttl "ill involve Franco iuwuiwitUi (iermuny. The goveruiuont is il'miJ itr Lust to stem tho i isin-.r tide of unita tiou by i etudicd iiuioscituce which eeau.lulics l'Lc Journul lebata uud other papers. 1 1 nm v succeed iu KWttilifc,' over the crisis Almost all tho UjitiJi'terM. it li' believed, uro unw IU fa vor of revi.-'ioti M Cnv a 'gnuc is alone: obdurate, insisting that In must first fin ish his depart mental impiiiew, and thut even then be will only not under prt"o sure of u throat of publication abroad of uttch diHclosute: lis would Kuvo hiui no alternative to icvitioi:. .) A Reiismil Decided t poll. A Bpeeiul dispnt..1! to The Loudon P.voning Stun. bud. tryiu Puns, says the FlCU'heuhiliet l as lU-clilwlou aro- isiou of the luiyfus cuso. All Aiurl'i tn.rii:.ill Uliailcc. A s.M'-ml from i.ouduii of Sept. si',, nays: Arepott was ciii'ieiit here today thut u tttaty id iillh:m e I etwceti t Weal lintniti and I lern'atjv. " t tin? hues ot the speech of Mr ' iiao.ii'jiiin. tins Su'r..nry of State bn the Tnivnn-9, was uct'i.tll v completed yesterday" It is suid Unit is a .pud P'o UU" lor tii't niuny's support lu l.gvi't. i .lent Uritaiu will lecogiU.'O ( le.'inii'.y'.s clailii to iltil ii; Syria us a, i out let lot ber polui tioii. ' l lie i Hiily Mail siivs: "Welearu that Mr. IbtHmir ami tlm i ici tuaii am bussiilor. Count Veil llutfedl, haver signed duciiiueiit prel imuiary to a tieut.v vvbii !: will give leriaany u free lmuil iu Asm Minor and uibiw T.tigluud toleuse lbdngoa Hav L"iu Poitiigul, ut a cost of bctweuu L-'.' , 'and l- UilD.O'iU. tiermanv will, us a lurther condition-, nipport (.lent PrttvnuV. (hum for tli o abolition of mixed tril-nu uls iu llgvpt. Ml. Sebomborg Kerr McHonabL the l'reii.ii'r I" vute secro tary. bus lett London Im the 'Hitinout to silbm'.t to l.oid ,-iili-l.!i'.V a copy of tho treaty. " Seruiis Cli.ire.s ifist Sari'emi ihilibard )r. (. A Pnxtei . ol TiiittuutM'gii, bus I.H'biired i bulges of conduct unhu.'mn iug an of!i-ir uml a gent lemnii aga'Ust Mujur Sin goon tvunuicl I' Hubbard, of the Ninth New Ymk Logimeiit. '1 bo H.ei iTicatioiis arc that I t Hubbard "eiirsed mid swore' id I r. (.uXU-r uud other ( huttiiuoo,.u plusieians who lia'f been culled to I'ttciid smgeiint Frank, ot the Ninth New Yolk, who was ro cently in unci umlcr tin- wheels of a moving lailioa.l train, that Hubbard bud removed Flunk, who nm in a htutu of plofouud shock troin hi.' ilijurioB. nguinst the protest of I'.axlci ami othel plij.-i'.'iniiH, aud that as u i oiiseiiueuee. Frank du d en his way to the division hospital, losing thi only chance lie had nf recovery bv being in. properly ban died. ' In T-c Wiilnlr.iv.il I mm M.inili n'llil olliclal note l:-siied at Perhu, says. A state of peace biiviii g been ro DBtublisbe.l between tin- l iuted Suites; and Spain, m.ieis have lu. n given thut the ici iinin iiuvtil fotce ,.i ylaiiiliitioro duced to one ol two -hips, which.. J-riuliiig the comp lele restot ntion tit oi iters itt the I 'li 1 1 1 1' ' 1 Ii Island '. will sullice fm tli!' piotcclloli efl.elinall Bllbjects uud llilen i ts in that region. New I mitt mi ceici.i :, Liipluie. Ill a looout report, i ie-miiuibly to (ieu. lio me. I mil. Culixto (uncut do cluros A.I ii: i i ut Ccvi.iu nseipcd by lutul. and sin lendeied to ul.i.iis. who de- livcicd him with the inci lean uav y linn '.iilui- to the Seized I'v liiui vents A Manila special snys Several ship loads of iiisingunt troops have invado'l the Soiitbcl II islands, with the view of seizing ev ei y ihnig iiossiblo riot to thu settlement of the peace conditions lieiieinl Plos, the Spanish couiluander, with a tlotillu of gnu boids, is uetinc eiiergetii ully, but tho insurgents have cuptuteil thi) outlay ing islands of Itom bbiu and Palawan, where they fouud ticiisines to the uinount of '.'LfHT lour Men killed h llviiiinntc. A si'iLi'ial from llh.oui itigton, hid , soys: "A horrible uccidunt occurred nt Stiuosville iu which four meu were instantly Killed by a dytiamite explo- Biou an 1 1 many minus sei lou-iy injiiieu 'The men were blasting lock tot a new mle when u tutriiio cxiiIohiou of dvtiu inito ccctirred. " The I ever at Orweod. Tho Marino Hospital Service was otli ciully advised of tho ton unw cases o' yellow fever which huvo been discov ered ut iirwood Mihs. The nlliciulB aro at sea us to tho origin of the fevei thorn, and have no deliuito theories to wotk i.i .on. Ilifiuty State Treasurer Shaft. 'I ho hhmtago of jfo.lHMI in the lie counts of foi uiei Heputy Stale 'I n urer Hiiaiii P. (iernsb, of New 1 1 n -,. i "line, lias been uiiiimiticed by i- lulu J reaHiirt r Cut ter. T bo Statu loses nothing by the shinlii-e, as Major I ierrisb's boiidsiiieu huvo made good tho amount. 1 our Yiuittjr Women lln, wind, liy the accidental jibing of a sail of a pleasure yacht on I 'rescue Isle Hay, ueur F.rio Pa , fiinryoiiug women were svren' olf lDtu the vi'w pi) d'owndj. J3Wit'y.lliKW'ly'J'Ji.!U'iiuw..i .niiiiw"i-"-e

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