$!jc !jtttl)nm fltrorfr. I)C !)nll)aw ticfoi r. -1. LOXDOA, EDITOR AND PROPB'KTOB, j - UK I A D V' it fi T if 3 5 H CI On .:wr. cfi- i:.rM-'i. . SI "0 j (up Mi:yri. iiif'M, ; f . 1.40 jOiil' -'pllllP, ., ! . . i VJ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. VOL. XXI, rriTsnouo. Chatham coiMw x c.MiriiSDAV, skpthmiwu i:.,i808 no.:;. Xf If II' lit The impress of Austria Killed in Geneva, Switz erland, by an Italian Anarchist. IlfflllllWISISItlSlIllS!!!. The President App)ints a Commlttpn of Investigation to Examine Into the Conduct of the Commissary, Quartermaster and Medical Bureaus of the War Department. $32,000 Gold Nugget. As eej;,l from Geneva. Switzerland, of Soplt -ruber I'', says: The 1 !ui press of Austria was :is:-.n ..-mated this afternoon. It appears 1 hut 1 lor Majesty was walk ing from lu r hotel to the lauding jiluco of tlio itcamur nt nbout 1 o'clock, when an Italian anarch ist named Luc- "lion i, who xx ho xvus boi n iu ! 'm is, of .liuliaii parents, suddenly approached ami stubbed her to the heart. The Ein- iro:s fell, gnt up again and was carried to tlio steamer, a conscious. The boat started, Imi seeing tlio Empress bad mot recovered consciousness, tlio cap tniu returned uud the Empress was cur ried tn tlio Hutol Peaurivugo, whero tdio expired. Another account of the assassination of Win Empress of Austria, nays: "Af ter having been :-talihoil from behind, the Empress inn iukI walked on board the steamer, whero sho fell, fainting. Tlio captain did .iot wish to put oil from tho ij'ia.v, but d:d so at the renin's of the Empress i;ud hor suito, thoro being no appi iih'Misloii thut shn wusseriously hurt. 'I ho steamer was turned buck be fore leeching tho open lake, nml tlio V.nipiess, uncom-cmus, was carrieil to tlio lintel on a t tretehcr. After striking the blow tlio iissassu rau along the lue iles Alps, with tlio evident tnteu lion of cult-ring tho Sqnaro des A I pes but before reaching it he was seized by' two cabmen, who had witnessed tli" crime. I hey minded Inniover ton boat man, nud a giunl.iim,', who conveyed liim to tlio pohcu station. The primmer inailo no resistance. He ovou sang imbis walked along, nivin: 'I li'l St,' a:i l 'nil.) must be dead." At the i ol ico :it:r inn tie declared thnt lie win a 'Hiiiviug anarchist with tin lii.tiivl for the poor, but ouly for the rich. ' Later, heu taken to the court lioinn and interrogated by the uiagiatiaie, iu the presence of three mom I 'crs oi i he local govern men t uml the police I'lliciii!:', ho pietpinleil uot to );uov I'lcuch uuil rcfuseil to answer qiit'stio!!.!. i .o police, on foaichinn liim, 1'ihhkI o il icuinmit pIiowhiu his iiamo to bo Lui Laochini, born in I'aiiii in is.',':!, in Italiau noblicr. Me will Lu tricl ui-coiiiiii to the can ton in v. iii.-!i tiio crime was couiiniltiu), vhit'li forinil iMpilal pi'.iiishiiiont ami make life imprisonment t ic must so veto penalty that can bo imposed. The l'resiilcnt. i f !-;wu,ei himl ainl other moml'i is of the novoruineiit wero Btiin lieil wilii liurrnr uml KT'cf when the uowm rcM'iicil t he palace that tho Inu luess, ho beluveil by all I iuropcaus, hail fallen u victim to au u-smsm with in the biii-.L-rs of thoir country. The I'eileial nulhorities htnl been ill forme I i f the visit of the Kmpross, uu-.l they lioti'icil '.ho (iovernois of tlio Clin tons the Liopies." cxpectcil to visit, in utriicMiij,' them to take special police uicaMiit'S f.,- her couifort and safety, if it appealed necessary. They wore not inform". 1 if llir Miiiesty's in ten -tiou to i-it i leueva, uor wero tho of lieiuls aivai o i t her presence, as she was travi li'i;; i'lcomto. Tlio police aio not l.h.ii.o l, though tho oircuui fluuees lespeii il.ii! for tlio lii'di of lo catttii iii aio widely rcgielted. Al I Switoi Ian ! is profiiM.lly Ktnroit with iionr.w iiud iinliiiiition. The papers of nil cities have printed extms exprc-p..iiij; hoj ror of tho orinin. I lie Lmi iess of Austria was born 1 lot eiiiher '.' ', !-.:;. !- hensa dsn::h- tei oi 1 uv "!: ; M't I inn 'if lUivtiria, nn I was ii n i ii 1 Lra'ieis .lo-oj h. Km-jicro;- el Aiistiia uml bin;: of llun ptry. A; ril .!. ';' I. I'liey ! three cliildn :i tlio i ch IiicIidks t i iMila, who is m ii : 1 1-- I ! I 'i nice Luitpobl of Ha Tar in, if. -J A : eii'icku Uudnlp'i. who mai l id i i ii ' e-. . Mopluiuie of Celinii), nud wliuM i - m i iijjlv J iissussiuiited in I1--' nn i ti.e Arclitbicbpsa Mann Vab iia. u!,i. m.i.-ried the Archduke J 'ran. Mi'-ir nt Austria Tuscany. Tho lain , !iii, i -c-i i na i an enthusiastic horsetto.iiiH'. t b.n.uia's Oaics. A Bppci'i! fj :.- Havana pays; Tea thousand in ':i: ;; its under the com mand of ii.-;. ti lLiyia Ibulerisues nn l (iciii inl I in, have sun ondorcd Jluvnihi Mii.l v, ill attempt to enter the city 1 1 1 1" ; t j the slay of Aluoi MMU peace ci'in'ii'.s -dniii'i :-. J'hi'iear.i with them many itcunri'iili adoes who are sutler inir wiiii liiincr, Tims far they huvo remain. d several miles from tho punish lilies mid have thrcuteuod no ibMiiwtislrn.iou, but persons in authority tear huiioub trouble will re sult if the.v attempt to cuter Havana. Tho lnhiii'culs, however, tlechtro that thoir cuiuinj; is with no warlike in teution. They itiiuk they should bo allowed to enter peaceahl". rmpcrnr William's Idea of Peace, l'.mrercr William, spaaking at a ban. plot nt Lorta, Westphalia, on tb (ubjoct of the nuvemuiout labors, laid: "Peace will never bo better guaranteed than by the (iermau army thoroughly cfliciHirt and prepared for war, sections of wb'cli w e now have the pleasing opportune.'- i f seeinj: and admiring. God (Tin.: mi may always he able to cure for lb). . ld's peiv o with this keen and veil me served weapon," Men and Wnmcn Weepin,? in tlw directs. Tho news of the ic-sa- siuation of the Queou of Hungary and Kmpress of Austria wai received with consterna tion at Hudaposlh, lluiixnrv. Men and ttomea were seen wei-pi i;; iu the stroots. Everywhere nn-uriiiii;: bi-mieis are displayed. Kmi cror I'ruu. .L.s.miIi received tho news at Schoeubi unu. His .Majesty's journey to atteud tho liiiiuoimes at Zips, Hungary, wa. ahaudonud. Till IWISTI'iUliiN CtlM'tirTi!. Complete I ist nf fh.ise AskcJ t Snrc Cel. Kan I iiiiniiit Hue nf the Nunihcr. The Preiddeiit has uivo 1 tho fullou ini; named eutleuieii, uinoii- othois, to accept a place on the cin.imme i re pieste 1 by See; otary Alor t ) l'ivesti j,'nti) tho conduct of tho w.u : 'lent ial John M. Sciioiield, tlou. John I!. tlordon, .en. tiranlieid M. l'od.:e, I'residcnt l. '. (iilnian, ie:i. t harl-s F. Maudo.-seu. Ili.'i. Ki.bert T. Lincoln, lion, tiauiel S, I anient, I'r. W. W. been and .lames A. S. vton, The mesa,-!' winch President Mc Kinloy addipsse I to each of theso fol lows: "Will y "i lemii r fie cmintiva s;rent service b.' aeccptniL a iiointnielit as u member et the committno to exam ine into the conduct of the commis iiiy, ipiii'toiinaster nud medical bu leans of the war dm a Imont dm in;r tin war, and into the extent, eaiises and treatment of slelaie--, 'ii the lield and iu the camps.' It i i my desire that the full and e.-.acl tru'li s!;uli bo ascii lamed mid lunde I.Uii'.vn. t ca iin t ton slloiij.' ly impress upon un my ear ue: t wish that this coi.nait'teo shall b:; of i ueh hifih charaeter as will command the couipletn enntidenee of tho country, ninl I trust you v,;ll consent In serve, (ineili Wn.i.ii-i M. !isi.i;v. " (ieneral .lohu P.. lioidnu has ileclin ed tosurvo on tin coiiuiiisrioii ; i .pic.sti d by Secretary A .-c to invest in'.o tho conduct of I'm, !- aiii .ii- mertcau war, i v 1 1 1 bu 1 1 a .nn Ins unstable health, Mulilj':, Inn..- Me-.-ts W.triii Kc.plinn. A special from ( imiSuriuau nn i that h'hnhfii Ab.tiiil.in ,i lew- days lit fi ro tho arrival nf tii. Aiiu'io I'uyptiou entiy heard thai a fo: ci) oi' white inou i ivu pied I'astind.i, a tow n on the we-t bank of tho Whrtn Nile, four hundred miles south of bh.'i'toinu. I ll,' Nbnl ta im mediately sent iv.o hleamurs to invei tiate tho lepni t. I Hicof thei.i returned ami MiiTondeiod to (ie:i. Kitchener. 1 ho commamli'i of tho steamer reported that on his arrival at I'ashoda ho found that liu phico was occupied by a force !' whites. 1 ho latter I'pi'iicd a iicivy iiie en tln steamer, which mirrn" dy escaped loi: iiiiiiihilati.'i!, '.'ici'KH insiii;: manv l.i!i cd and v. minded. Many buLeis w.-.. embt'ililed 111 liic hil'l i t t!;e It Heems to be i'f rtaii' t nai t'm wi it.-. at I'ashtida are a (nice of I'l'iicn li : . Tho l.ri'iish cei;niiiii!.er wrl s n 1 . Ilotilla of i.;il'ilionls up tho White -i to invpstiuate tin) iiM'air. 'i ho .'i! ' i'.V ptt.i'i cii.i'iv has cap',. lied Kie principal w.i'e oi tho 'viialii'a. Hi.- ini'th-r of ' '--iiiiiii lum:i ami Shei Kdd::i. I hey were !o:'ud in exileum iltistllutioii on the le!t banu of the Nile. .-sAw. A Special from V aucoim or. P.. ('. , sas: Au -tisliiui advices received hero on tho sti'iuner aiiow uiu .-.ay an nii mensu bi'UHii'.toii has i ee.t ere-tte I nl over Ar.stialia l y tl.o di-iMnny mm Lake Wynne, of a uold mi,;:jpt weih iu II") pounds and Valu."! at I (. 1 tic rriiti'inl AilepK'il. A Special from Madrid says tho Scu ato has adopto l tho II ispano-American protocol by a sittin;; mid stnndiUi.' Votu. I in-iiin in Cnlordiln. Fusion between tho Democrats, Pop ulists till. I tho Toller branch of the sil ver Iiepiiblicaus w as arranged at Colo rado Springs recently. Aftnr n strui.:. le lastiuf; oiihi'iirs ln'twoeutho confer ence committees of the thico parties an agreement w as re.iclio I iy which the ollices were apportioned butween tho parties. Tho Pernod atj received tho (jovernorsliip. - ..WIW." Tho fi()iec.iii!..'iit's Report. The returns fc- cotton to the statisti cian of tho Department of Agriculture initicates nn average condition of ;s. s on Septemln'r !. iisc.impnrcd within.;.' oa AiiKiist l-l, a decliuo of 11 poin'j during the month. Joseph Chimbcrlaln in New York. Right Hon. Jos. Chamberlain, Sec retary of State for the British oolociea, aud Birmingliaru's representative iu Parliament, arrived iu Xew York re oeutly on the White Star liner Majestic He was acoompaniod by his wife and Miss Chamberlain. A cablegram from ( ieneral 1'rooke, at Porto Kioo, to the War Department in dicates that while tho charge that American tioi.ps are lift receiving proper medical attention is unfounded, there ie an increase of sickness. ARMV AND IUYY DOINGS. Die Mevcmenls nf Our Army anl Navy Rreiflv Told. Members of the Third Alabama'neni o) enotfd iu a riot at Annistou, Ala., recently, which came near having tor ious results. A member of the rei men t w as arrested by the police for disorderly cunduct and lodged in jail. Members" of tho Third Teuneasoe und . Ce. ti I Arkne.Mis assisted in upholding die law. At ni;ht nearly .ion of the I bird Alabama Mipped out of camp and went to town with tho intuiition of liberating their comrade. At the prison they who met by the provost piiard. I'hey then gathered at another point heio there weto white soldiers nud fit i. tens, here a riot was noon in pro gress and a doeu or more pistol shola iM ie lired. 'Two nofji'o soldiers and n iiic.iibor of tho Second Arkansas wero shot. 1 ho w hite ollloors finally formed the iii'oiii soldiers in lino aud inarched them back to camp. The wounds wore slicht. Tho transport Mississippi reached New York recently from Ponce with ii:;.' moniO civilians and 1P4 horses.the soldiers heloning to Troops A and C, New York Cavalry; First City Troop, of Philadelphia; Sheridsn Troops, of I'vrone, l'a. ; the Governor's Troops, of Ilarrisburg, uud Battery A, PonnGyl vuniu Voluutcor Artillery. The Presidont has made the follow ing lomotions for distingushod ser vices at Snntiiitfo: To be major-generals of volunteers, Urigadior lienor! Wm. Ludlow aud Jirigadior (leuerul S. S. Sumuer; to be brigadier generals. Colonel Hichard E. Com! a. Fifth In fantry, and Lieutonant Colonel Joseph T. Haskell, Seventeeth Infantry. Major (ieneral John I!. Piocke, tl.o Americau commander, has arrive I safoly ut llio I'iodrus, suburb of San luim, Poilo liico. Colonel Pino, the local Spanish commander at llio i'ie dins, rode to the outskirts of the town an I greeted General I'.rooko, in bohalf of Captaiu General Macias. It is tlio purpose of War Department io establish a rendezvous for troops in tbo vicinity of Honolulu very soon. 1 'in' of tho purposos of tioneral Mor rinm'd trip to Hawaii was to ascertain .I s.iituhii) cnuipiuK grounds could be obtained, and tho Wur Department ex pecis to li ivo a report from him within a short time. ( uo ro.-uh of tlio war will bo the e-i tabliHhine.it of a permanent fleet nf ai my transport vessels on the Atlautio and on the Pacilld. To tins end, mid for the purpose of ndmiuisteriug the iill'airs of this new branch of military sci vice, a transportation bureau of tho ijtiiii'teriunster's department will be es tablished. I ho Pniled States transr ort ibdam, having on hoard Mnjor General Nelson . Miles and his stulV; Major Green leaf, ( apiaiti Whitney, '.ho Second .'n'imont of thirty otticers aud xni men, mid the hospital cups, from ; o: tn liico, arrived at No.v York re cently. Mirceon Generiil Steinberg has re I'.'Ut'd a dispatch from th 3 chief B'lr .coi! at Ponce, Porto lilco, nuyitig iltnt that there wero four cases of yellow lover and one death amont, the troops there. This is the lirst repm I of yellow ft'MT among tho troops in I orto Kico. Camp WikotV is now u camp of rojii lars, o.nisl horse and t, muji loot. Tho last of the vo!untcer.i, save tho Hough liidurs and tho sick, have left for thoir homes, i .leven hundred reel nits for iho rcguair infantry have arrived from :-oiithoru posts. Tho gun boat Wasp, Captain Win d, sailed from San. I nan, Porto liico, for harleston, S. C. , recently with ('apt. W. M. Poller, KiiHign lilackley and 'adet Nelson, of tho Now Orleans. Lieutenant Commander Dey is left iu command of the Now Grleaus. General Lawtou's bulletin from San lingo on Sept. !', reports tho death of Dr. K. S. Tynor, acting assistant sur geon, from yellow lever. Also two other deaths. " Total sick is P.'O; total iever, .'Ho; total new cases fever, :is; total returned to duty, 71. Tho Eighth Ohio Hegiiuent, known is tho "President's Own," rem bed 'ineinni'.ti recently in three sections. When the train arrived tho Hcgimoiil had two hundred und thirty sick, but uoiie in a so iouecouditiou. Tho steamship City of Homo has been chartered by Captaiu Kulate, of the Spanish navy, to transport bm -paiiLh ollii'i'is and t , :j m men. The Navy Department has detiintely Ictei mined to send the battloships Iowa mid iii-on around luto tho PaeUlo, for sta'iou in lluwaiiau waters. I no steamship Pumuun arrived at Poll Mouroo recently from Porto liico, bringing .,.".i soldiers bslongingto Mas s.iclnisi'tts, Iowa, Pennsylvania aud I Minois regiments. Thirty of the men wi re sick. It is said a. the War Department that the in, ops which will bo nsed to garri .oii Cuba pending the establishment of i-o'iie permanent government thoro, w id bo principally regulars. The reg iments, however, have not yet been selected. Governor Tauuer, of Illinois, has se lected Miss Daisy Leiter, daughter of Levi ',. Leiter, of Chicago, to christen the battleship Illinois, which will be launched at Newport Xews the lattor part of this mouth, Tho I'uited Stats transport, Seneca, arrived at Sau JuiiuSopt.il with Ad miial Sc!ilev and ( ieu. ( tordon of the Porlo Kico military commission. She then proceeded to Ponce, with JI,ik', coo for tbo troops. Lieuteuunt Guy Morgau, of iho Twenty-second Kansas, who was tried by general court martial mi u charge oi desecrating the graves of Confederate soldiors iu tlio South, has boen a? iU:tted. I-ivc hundred Hebrew families from various cities aro ready to emark as set tlers ie I Yrtn Kico. Secretary Alger tins announced that l.o inteu.'s to make a toui of the various c.iiif.is ai. which largo bodies oi men mo i.ow stationed with a view to ascer taining for himself tlio exact coudition of affairs. General Shatter is having great li fli cuiiy with desertions among the regu lars iu camp. Over three hundred have 1.0110 from the srmy since it hi leturnt'd from Santiago. I be Si nub Ii truusport Sail u-li. ni . mined Satitander, Spain, fui:.i ?'it'ii,: do Cuba. I I ere weie ''j deuiLs on boatd of her during the voyage. - , ... -rr:wyr-A '- c,i -'-rr -v ' ! :;vv I I ! M ' 1 ' MjfeQa '"' XU. a n- v.ivu. a n its i'I nisiiment I'r. Philips, w'l-.os.. rteiignlzed partner 1 'riii ii became, had I Mown him from the j I m nl only remind you of the necessity h'i'.r oS Ii:;. I Irth. iiinl on this account, I t keep y.'ur hciil'h'nnd strength." nil ' !" c;:iim.. t o, n' the deep friendship et me slay with hlio," she replied, i-iitei t line I lor hi - fn'lier, he took more i with i.n elTort to cnmptnmlso, "and I than u na iuier...-.' in him. 1'omisn tn be dnello in nil elsj. Ah, I "I waip tn n'e in ynu the worthy sue- j s e Hertle. He h is heard." cesser of my old frli nl,"ho said one ; Yes. bertie had heard; and Hertle, as day. "Ymi can wotk out nn honorable j n-na!. emild not hide his fooling as he career, an I y u should. You owe iliawi Margin et messages nf sympathy ii"i only 'n his men ory buta'snto that ' from the friemD who-e liearis were t'.i ar, sw, ei wife of ymirs. Let her he iic.i r n,..re truiy lo is than in thi- hour your itii-pir.i'ion. f piomisel your fa'ln r of lo r tuc.it. l-i. wln n h wax ii'-ing thai I wi.u'.d net t It I part "I I tliemi to I.-". I don't bell.v.. 11 U'l Kit V Ml I. I i..,i : that itn'i o .'ft- t'wi'ly Uiiti ly '"!!- sinnow nr. .hi h. -h hu y.'i'.'' I Two .lays pn-i-ed and no clui'in came. ' j ,' n'.d icf'.-i'.n. Poet nr. In all Hint , i h" sun !a warm and bri:;li! on the I - ten- 'or i:e. I - Margaret as the lawn niits d". Th liitd- .ihj their JT li.p'.ili;' lii-'i:ve. 'J hU 1 I-'- cuts a'iy . - i ; 1 1 - - s-.-.c-t run,'. Th- breath nf tlowers le.-fi..,; of e.i ii i my p.;r., eiol I inn ; i ei . uie'd Ui siiinnier air, and the im- whliiijr thi! ; he li-.'l' have Ui w-p. i-ipni! hat tie i w-cn u f- an I 'ient h st Iii d s 'i'.e I en -iii, l ;r, iie erthe.t s-, n.y v. m; on .n Hi" .l ir..i iie. io nn. v. ii.ii: ii.:l- Ihsp rather rhdcfuliy. ' ; bert e s-n.e'bi t.- int up to relieve ;.il-i"i nud ill., ii .us.-, on' Miil''a:e'. "ir. I'tfi;; .mv- 1 lii'Vii dc n s.v.et g i e w ay in u ni". v.'lt'e. V h.i iio 'oi; ifiink i f tn.U. Mar- "!' U nnly the beg uniiii," si,., sai l, ,,;.iev' ' I'll nti-nc to V. i;s cxpo-lnliitioiis. "Thr he i a man clven in over- ' ' "l;.v '""'. , Af'"f awhile J will pinis. ." repii-. I laigaret, glancing up Hl" I'- , '"'';. lion, the oMii s :. was embrnidering. ' "I ' ,,i;v ' 1,1 " w''i,l.v "A v. iv ui." man. thmih," she added. v-;i:"" "" '';"i.' m.;.i;.- wmild t'irnii'g tn her '.'or'.; mice more. ' Sn s'.iiud i;n wn1. i. oed in tci' an I so t.ooj to voti." , bhc onl li r . ire t he n:v- ' He was e sicliitg l.nlPn'd her chair, "' " a .leliimm w., ; Lmngiit t.'o und he: t his hei. 1 to look into hor eve-. I i ' 1 " 1 '"(:' '"' uvidly beb.re h-r. Ncrvo ,,.. under su h eto" contact she : sh- eonid i-f ,s , n to the .dirpient s'il". d tip, an I mad. a met use of nr- l'I'M ling-' l"i' l"M' hi snch w.-ak tint ranging s m- bo,.:;s npnu'a small table. IcImmi sen!..; , 1,01 hear In r i.wn r.- 'I lie -'h with wiiicli his eve iollowed I'1'" r ml. ly. I'll I. P peiled by hi . her a ,'.a Uei.e.l In h.r henrt unme I win i? i of r 'inor.-c f. r what, she felt oblige 1 to ii.iili"'-, wit en ttnr. a-n'inlde betrayal of iil-ht;t:i.r r. "Cor;." back to your .-hair, Margaret. Yo:l e il b very ' ruel M'nii'tillies.' "Il.'ve y u any light in blame me. l;, i o . glanee.-ifli':. face mado her regret i. '.,-.( ' I he i.d it ni.-s. ,1 nor It, but b ei'o:.' she i . tbd recall it h I,.: I !.-" l':e room, with th- words dos. life I ' . ivtu'nJier heart through many long. Life- ..;., 'No, Maig.-.r-;. Sn light at nil. I I I "' V" '.!! I" '' is I n. for me. " : il ell. '' A' few ni'liul-'s '-'.or sh hcerl Lie 'I ho hours i',i-.. el slmvl v The - jlen-e so 'lei " U S hor ' hoofs nil th" ilnve '. was lllibroi. exei'pt by the liuilllllitt.; oi oli'oiiie. 1; .'.- in., late tiovv. She the I .... s I el ' si e : !l window. In;' i Veil t;,uG w.i't nn i: his r- urn. Then -h '. Itriau'n . . ;'-i'. rug- were s'ibt il f..r Wolle! 'e '. I, ini ho'.V sol'I'V she WC.s. til- llnio I ice ie Ill ll f i I: 'lie I , .1 1' g.l : e; ' s She v ..i .. i-l why th" inomi iils na.' ie nvl sh fe t lie. eye- up.-n her ih .ii:;;- I o M.'.'ivily, s arcely an I r : !.n'", bet the;.' ".a - im int liigeit .. in had pa-.-ed sin-e i i-iiin ha I ieu he,- it th-ui. md r ih . u. i -s of delirium j iiUe liiiee. Th. sound nf ' After a linl.. whi.e In' l.e;nu nn-e re so. i;e iii.-nr!.. .nee down sn'rsc.im" io in give . xpr --inu l - Id le.ie -! '.in her c.ir i. V. ith a nervous stall she ties. ll.-nei. d a ,e n-iy. 1 here v H I.n mis-; It was aHvav M:i'--a '. nn I tli" shad tai.ii:; I lie I nni"d ('ols'es and M'b- ,ev be!vv-e:i them, .''.inn.' iret r.'pimieiii.ig ib;.'d vo c ... S'Hi i'tii.ng uiinsiial hn ! or repu! -ing h' m. or M-irgaret, helpful InipP' io'd. j and en. on: a ;iug. With n niiid liih'd wi'h terrible dread, Ami Merge et . -uM onlv ill and iil'd a hc:i !- i'-eiing in aiiniist su!tea- listen; tlin-igh ' h n iiis . halp cry rang tion. ; !i lie,-. d..v.u lhe:es, along the liiioiigh tii-sd m f t he ron ii. " Mai - hall, ai d intn the libraiy, and then 'garet. 1 ie.'i't s.-ey.ei; where me yon, N.. ! to ii-k l'.e m.- tler r.nw. Dnrii g Maignr.'1 sh pine I h r li.oi i be-id- a e n l, in v.hi. h she seemed to die a j Lim, mid c. c-were i in !nvv, wr. I. he i ac hni! ire I 1 1 1 ( . she iix'.iln the white , ecin fn e an i - til! form iip-n th- sofa, nud i "Here. I ram; . o i .- e y.i i. I n t tiien, w'.iii. n; even a cry. but with an 'vol fee! m li.iei- 'i'hey IT' Ii .'din ; e;.j r '.-e-o,i tliat lixe l it-elf Indclih'y ' yo'irs.'' upon th' minds of those v ho saw if, i I'll Ifl' V : "'.rat., tea' diiii silo Uoelt b. side tliis remnant nf the 1 bre ill .' 'ornne s. eiei t -he tim i;ht -. bfe ; ;i I .-'I', ng'h o. nn hour be'ore, an I, ! l'"it t-". The h".v y frii" I to,,. taiiii , ; ii-'cnld hnmls 1, ! vv en her own. I her face mi. .'lied and pros -el them in h-r etr,,, ; "Han s' Who sa'd Ie. !. !-.' nh, yes. tnli .io; be k their lost warmth, pn-r ' rein..u;i. r n w. Vi -iu I it. Margaret, hand--' i: liiilc vvliil- agosh- ha I shrink ' !'":i't you l.n. w y, n -a-i iv ,r h, n j tro .. 'h-n conlio'i, ao i now they wove. II 1 v... ;;d be iu mine. p.i y.iu tii.nk nf ) i,Wl-i e s, too helpless .i lespnli.l eV. n ; i'l ' High' ' Atld I - all. I S'lld -- to I., r t'-ec ,; v "t 'she v.-nuhl still hoid ! !i it d d I -S'i.v them, ; n I, perhaps, nl'tera !iin"h' neght fe, I. Hie v. o dd lay h r In nr! on hi . he vv-.-'d h-'nr its beating and might U i-;l';'l. She wcll.d " i a i ga re;. " s;',. Ii ,rd I "; nanie n peat" I r-oftlv; she Id' a 'e iol" t 'II h t.p i, her shold ib r, a ' i a s lung ha-d p.l'tit g I i r (mm h.r . ro e'l-ii.g i o-! hei. a .,,1 she raU.-d : Ion- face. 1 a-gn'd nn i drawn vv.th miI fei ng, to in. c I'r. i hiii, s' syn.patheti ginnc". ' D- n't g!e way," he said kindly, see- ing i lie i;uestioii in her eyes. "We must get him to his mom, and meanwhile w Inav hnne that things are not sn bad as thev ee. Ill " "I'. o:- idiiid," In murmured nft-T h" h id I' I, h-r; "and pnnr l'.ri. n. I little llini giil, wli.-n I saw him sn 1! ai d stri i:g y. sierday, that to-day he would I o so near d"".th. A sad ending to hi yonn ; en r er. i vv moiueins' he sald.wl'li ipu-t an- While Margaret sat by Prian's lu d, thority. " I he weather is pleasant. trying in the pain and remorse which 'I homas will take care of bri-in." Iliied he, h- n I t" ' vei'thuviiig to imii" Wjtlia snrt of Me, h a nica 1 obedience tin nn :t nl ti-' few atti'litinlis she c.inld i she foil. .wed him tn the hmad p;aa. lav ish uj i :i him. a tlmught eamo tn her ! v, her- th- pine air wunn run and odor bk" a ray n" I i p". !i,J sweet How er- scenic, I d-ubiy grate- "I c id ask hhn tn prune, she 'aid! fid a'ter the cio- alnesi'iee of the nn-. i' her bieith. "1 wiM ask lorn In sii'i; r.'nin. c .',". Did v"'i call me. Miiiin '' She. lie wa - siloet for sum- "lids Ex I bent mil' liin bed and in;i'il mutely .!, ut ly he found i: diiM, ;'t 'o li his up 't tl; lint innb" s fa-e. No, llrian j tlcugh's in suite bp. la i -u : . . I,:-.! li'd cii'lcl. ni'd vvith a hcaribrnken j Mie saw end iiinh'is' "'I !i s l.esitn-.-gii she I ui in' I nvva.v toxvrde the tele- ; limi. gii'ii th r;i w.i- t- ted Wiison of, "I know wh't y.ei v.o .1 I ni.v," she JilMl'i'" dnugei'. t 1 r ke in. enxerin; her bi.-e w".h lief An! t hree hours ln'er Wil-ot! cr.nie. . loin Is. "I knn.v so veil, bm hnv" Wet; might Margaret tny, as her hand ! Io urd brain. Vmi iiii h r-' and. And jes'.cd in his svinpa'hetie clasp: ;un must read- i;..w w i.-,; a hard, un- "I felt so sure tha' you would come. I, n I, umlulilu! wi'e I Im en. Your pres. ti.o gives me stietigth nml' V.hatn----" Ion-. I feel thnt h will be ssto In ; "Hus!i, e intorraii'.'d. i: -a -lmiue. yn ir hands.'' i..i e "I ? . s i . i n-t ali i v even y. ur lip.s "As si" us these hands i an n ake :n sr.- such tiul.ln I words ;.l ei' vour l.b'i, Mr-. Leigh. IT-i's... tin I, your ;s,. f .1 i,, y aie in.; de-cn i'd. en lay colli, donee v, ill to' b m!t-p!a"e'i. ' i ton much slie s i.p ui wleil I;- 'ays. I' !;:rgar't iieiself scareeiy reali. e.l the ; forgetting t. at i 's or,!;, the raxing of pvt. nl nf this i n illdenee until she ha I : ... Pr.u i.. in:,. 1 ..e me his e . n taken Wil.ou to 1 rian s room, and : Ihlant and I I."1 t' 1 r. judge. xmi ,! e. w i'.h a -urpctise that il'i.niint d "bm iiuan t ' " . ;.. answered, tn mi'll.V th" npitlinll Which she felt re-sing Ii, i '-,.;. I.,L ;' .; oi xvoul 1 mcitu so t"uci. 1 i ett not kite" ' - hi 'red h-: :ngs She watched his face anxiously, but j the mnlin. ' mi II icvefilcd little, and ouly by n siifi le ( meaning sn mil. ' -i .; i i;li.,'iil did sh- und rsfiiiid tli -it he i 1'ieii,. but I do. I . i IIM ;, , t : -i '. i ii li dan's st.it,i nins! eritienl. i I. .re lee, and tue last ', , ''Tin l!-' iasi gleam of hope living i'i,v I spio.c unkiu Ily. .-, , . ff.-:i h.r hcait, fhe fnllntt'.-d liim tl'nin forget it licxet'. I Hint t Lit ' ' I n ti ro mi. , linn. I intended to tell him I was s. i "'llie truth," she pleaded, pressing J bad no chance. They brought Mm Iot hand to her ejes. " J he whole tMit'.i. Ah! you hesitate. That Ie mm " - ii'.'l still lean bnir the truth best. ' l our ehdd. " he uiwweiV'l. "uii nai-t ;nt giie way to thia 'lespulr. Yet, since on ufh nio fn the truth, J will lioi (I :ve you. p.rinu's comllii 'ii is ii est p: iirieu-i. The odds lire all (.gainst him. fie bus Put one bare chance " "lie has or." chance," t-lio repeated, Hatching nl this st awof hope. " J h'-li, Doctor, we will h.ific I :i .' I. o.t of that o. e chance. ifo itnnot light, for h m- elf; iv,. ,..nvt i!,i f.,r him.'' "We v.ll light f r him,' wcii .VlUon't r. ply. " Yi ur eo'.Tago und I ravsry nmst win en. I I fliutl excrcP-e nil in v skill met nil my experieiic" tor him. I shall lv. - jr i i ii ; mi il in' e! v for a i rofessional nurd", mid s nee we me In work together un-ii'iiuing lips. i. for ih - p"W. r tn tivo It n 4n in . " she ii ied iii the anguish nt Inr I'e'i t. "ni, inr nun moment nf i oti-.-cioit r,ess in whicii he might luider-i-tand." I'!'i' -Icep induced l.v b-t Illy weariness wi.-i .Jeep end I'-ng, nil I it wa- unite la' ' ,l:1' i'n,iiig di n Margaret reach- " I Ih i.-.n' .r o n. W il- on it slide. "lie hp- llo'illg .il- her wi'h .".-i "ir'iuiragiir: c ;i cry ipie l he said. yes I I hour' ipn" I "I, ;i, a s.; :ti ii i mall ili .if, a v. . an i I' n'. i s- -on is I -I 'd a :a :; I. , l'!'o - le '. . .-ymp.vli. gib ' !.:p.'r A I I-'IO e . lid ',! l, i "i i" v.-.is i ;;nt .; h ; . n I crl.i: ; upn.'j M.-f ' I he;.. n ! in an a gu '' tie r i pre s i . , -h. i tl- , ilioW be id- Il ' I can t I" ar V . I . i "'.dd fl d 11 . i he,- fa. ;'t I" er v.' r .si. pa-sinn. ro'v. ' I- ar it. ' i eat- I tin- : ei Itear it All. Ii"; I c.r'l I , contempt. Y-u are- s- hard: hurl up -li me r i!i in r-pin. -li you. N ri-ht at ai'.'' Per h ad sun!; ,e.V'l'. Sh- C"'.!l lilld I. ii a'! w-r tn tac-e l itter i.oiiip'adiin.-.'V ,., Mil -d si ! uddeli y she fop a hand upon her n I'd-r. and raiin .' her mi-era Pie fa, .. s,ny Wil-ou siaiid ng ov- r her. ' W Ml v.ci i' im' mil in tio air for a back so. Nov? h cannot know; hn can- not understand tiiut 1 "".ui'l suntr any pain for u mm iclil nf eoiisidceiOfSs to t.'U til in 1 am sorry. God will uot tif.'d me even that - not even that." "Why will you think nf all these i. l i r.li " I It im' lolllllLll to be it little Ulliri'.ld eniiit 1 i ' J Then look at th" other nine uPo. What y ei have done tor Brian. We inn.d not levv.d! the past, Int go on l r.iv. !- to lie i t the t'ut'ire, pn.niiiig o:n- hei til ey.- to do I, -iter and bel ter You .'..nil' t" go In now?'' .. , .,"i'i, I te-d nr. iiger, and I in. n . y''i." Th diiys p is e I, l .-'org ng but H'tt" I creep! ii.'e e a'i,;c in l imn'- con I. tii.t. Pi. I the erl if. c.i'i: i (it 1'isi. t.r ei iiily li;" f." er s,,.-!.; ilsclf, mil the tiic I !!' c, ..iiii. I witli i;n bm; ft:' ;i g. , .-:'.:!. into n i-t'ipor ) d alli-Id-.e o'dy th- Inint Ie art bents l-iel llill' I t- IVII . i :.l there. Mlitut 1-new ! ha' lie vvou'd cither vvnlj, ii vvih ;i . ';e. v le.-.-.. of iile - pass In -1 'Int d-i pev si.;, tlui knows in va-iiig on lliis s'd.' of eternity. She 'va'ch nn ! waited, nn l prayed Inr the loiu hoii"s to i a.-. The shadows n' ninht. which seem"d to hiiv Ic d l e iti'giiisti of years, gave p ...... e to tli- lig'it oi" d'lwn. I In' lines i f b'ui' vv d-.-per und deeper in tho tii 't. iho :le of Hit- rising . nn reti"t upon the I r w of ih" hiils, and the dis tant i low ng of a cock, welcoming the open ng day. came like a clarion nolo through the ii Icnce. It r-a hel I rian's oar. lie turned linens. ly. .Margin'"' was on her kit is in ii i c iiu.1, a feeling half j".v, half f"a" cluichii.g at her b.-irt. Sho I cut le-r la e ,-!., ,. to h;-. P. riot . he real: i , !: r presence, for he tun . ga n an I n mi in' I s-ghtlv. I!is ,.. i, in; eiind wa i s.'rugghng for i n i pr. iieesion, his cyeiiil- ti.ving to tli o-.v , -V ii; heaviness, that h"id them .'.....,, '. ! II....' i,,i sli-tltiv fell vv i. r. Mid their sl.OV '.'.'ande: il.g ! ; if- ' S tpnn Margaiei ' i fa c. a ta-e ivi,:;.' iit-i .i'r.-ttii tTniii 'i-ig and niixio'is wa'. h i.- Lip r veal ng a st ay of h.-.e. 'I' i , . , . vv iv nn! ..low to i e id. ' Tli " ', lioi, ' mi i fir: i.f... i llria. i. w til ,-n , .... io ir. er. n;. e !i s ic'eii-e wca ;- I . ' y';i c.'l'et. V'.'l I'"." il. e at ', Oi a i ry of p.i-s;onate ,oy she buried ! he- ; e upon his bre. ist ""Ii, I'.rian, i n miicir sn much that I i co. i d , if livo w thicit yon." ' Ih.i'.k tiol," li" mi id again, in a vo -e carcely noun u whisper, yei v . i '."ir.: witl'i s'adi inexpressible hiippi ii. - that it I'c.i-hed Wil on, as he sin!" .-:l- n:i.v from t c iuopi, " "hi i I ' ... i. f , ii 1 1 1 . 1 v . . 1 1 r i r i ; e i , 1 a ee ii t hist. m dailiiig. my wife. . urtrii" resting i place. It is a weak delen- now." "li is n.y i h .sen res; an I suppnr;,'' j -he umiweii.il, wit!) brl'mnthg eyes, . c it 'hiig and holding in it.- place the -.veal, n-in tim! had tried to clasp her so , 'nviiigly. "It i vv vik now, but it will j !--tr..;:: so ei. L i ui" b an upon its si i en gili n i ways. Let me have your ; !o in I, a- yo i hnve inine. luliy iiiol.ei- j tir.'iy. ('li, if ;. on could know hot I I ui ii 1. 1 ,!! von' tin-, a- I sat by y.ui dir ; ng 1 ii'-.-!, ii ii s when v-n could lot i under !:oi !; h c n'leti I laid my heart j upon v .".i s ii-pii g yon mi.hi hear IS j aliltg. Ml I imivbe l-rillze th:l' it wa ', lull n' h'V to "oil' Vi.uilil Hot l.llo'.'.' i. bu v u kn.iw tio.v. ini. 1 - yen n ay ; !,; s veil'!' w ife." j l'.':an c .ipd l-d spenli. but his.ef-i !'!bd wn!i snnie'hiiig strangely liii" ;. nr., as : lie hei I In r b ving, blie-'iiii" ':. for th- i t;g, ten ler Piss he h ft ..poll her lips. Neither s; "li" ng .in . V. ith hi: hand in .''i.'ilgal'et's, lir.llll was oi'il.'ll! to lie i stid ui.ti! ovcre.iiii,' i y i.''',d iiess h" j i i m; i i i set f. ' lie Future I iill.nl Mali -. "TilO poplll.lt 'nil "f 111" I'tiited ; St :t t os iv i',1 inclin e fnt iii.iny yeurs yei, but never ;ig;ii:i iu si grctt ;i r.itin ,is diiring tli- last ceiiiut ," j s:ud Pr d. IJnwar.l W. Sliuw. nnvv ;U tii- Smit lid ti. " I'lils I-. inn i i v can sllpp.ii 1 ft p ! ilbll iull 'f .'ilin.noil.linii mil -!i 1 1 1 1 r I'Usily than FiMiiee cm siiiipnil b-r pi.imii.iu'ii, but nf'-r vv- I . tnih'll Hie liDtiiired intllifiii lUme rir im !' Use will ! i' sh'W. It i client) ' it.ei: , ;iiid lii-'li v, ,i. tlmt lew at- truet it'liniglM! ''ill. I o'.v-priced hu d v.ii! "neii iii.:iii;.",ir and with it win. i;o lligli w;ig. s. ib'.o i ; I he vvis i.eii i f ' ; lt"s,e!l. '1 !.oi, ilist-ad ol g n i stanl s r.'i III i.f Itoliii'-c 'he! s ieiigj ini i . nii i i-a. ;i 1 1 1' .siile;-.!i!o st ; i ,i':i j vvd! p.'iiir mi: to :.rd- t! fe;i ih- j himb. ..f Mi'ttll Aiifi-ica uud iur b"fii ! Atl'ie.i. Pitch' '-.nn v i. piob liiiy le-. -in I ho I we ii ! i-l ! c n! ii ry Willi so,., l o '.OOll p!,-. be i i! ,! vv !i if be e! es ! W !! Il ,! 'I i'lf foes" "! .!o. I 'I'."''.!. I I", t ba' t due t ! e l"'.:;mi:ii r of I ii" j 'We'll V-'ils' relit Hi V We X ' I be II i li lu g' lie ,;:s i eif'le. There will h l:o 'i'11-cr 1 risji-Americans and Ger tiieii Auicri-ans, but cveryliin'y vxbl 'n Atii' i'icari j.uvc and simple. Tlnj tuii'iv strciims th:' nr- now flowing bit lierv. ar I trmii ;t!l puis. if lairnpe will have amalgamate I, and the re. suit vxiil h' i'ii" nf i be best l..'ihinecd Mild most iitl eih et Hill peoples til" xx .r'nl hnscw! kti'ixxn." ' ihd c-1 lem i'"tat. Trunk. Tlu rc at'ec'iiiipar.itivcly few roiiud t"p tni'iks made miw. The idea was 'thai ut'ciitei j.sist itig power ivllid be id'taitie I u it i iegst weight b imitat ing 'n some , ti t,t the shape of an egg. which, as we Uii"x. will bear ;m iil snidii great wi ii:bt. Inn unfurl u n.iti Iv llieie was im giiarantce. limi tli- l'.'i-e.!i.i'--m:isio'r would ;tlvxays stand the 1 1 nnl. I ic riglit v.av up. His failure tn do this gave number less iviniii'li is of ;!ie 1'in'I that nn . box is si riuig.-r ! h ui .:t its weakest piilit.au 1 l In' ihitn.igcil sides liccaiii" veiy i'nmiiiM',1. N i .vv nm-l trunks aro made with t r f I Ini s. and arc s(1 i stiiing al! nvi-r Ilia! il is ivy ilitli cull, i yen I'm- ;ine"'it i runk-smnslt-i"', fi lie ik niie. Xr.llli'l il IVornis. Tbo latest triumph nf Yankee in x cut i ve gen in - is a ti India-1 libber lts.li wiu'in. Ii is said to he a reinarknlilv g"o, itnii uit.il nf ihe c iinmnii earth xvoiin. is iiid. st t net ihle, aiifl in actual us- proves as alluring tn lb" INhes as the genuine artl'de. xxoi!.' in b Ih" promiiter if v.iltiab!.' life, xve must km.xv , x . : -:ii it ami witbiu xx hai, 'ii: -is i ,: "vcix bing else, -.c mils! n-t. 'i Lout abusing it. DLL THE OUEEI. Prediction That Siivela V.'ill De velop Into ? De spt ic Dic'ator, . SENATOR GFiY APPOINTED. I't'pfts-siie h.inenl C .rcu -f c - a' Camp Wikid! Wan.s U a. : ( I ! i' ii-f'c-Tnrkislt lriiips M i.t he W.tlulr.'w.i." IifU', in. rt:v : ciger snys that temp! wa i l i ie Wiihpltnina lieni of Ltrtcht and I nb'e ) -'l im Lokalnu a fori'ii.:h ag. an I i a.s.i-sin "d '.'nee i Aui.-r-f.ui, roviiio mil l. ' man cuie; ge.l . e nn '. Iii e I ' r.'v ilvcr Tii.. ii-,!..i mi. o th ho Ith- c'l'i v; of :i Ji Iho Willi 1 bu ue ed. He is supposed to from iiehiii'i a tn ut lier .'Lij-!y i,luei'U but p'oug ily in atteiid'inep nasi in wnii m ie.-ti be an I'.llgl'.-'l an ecrecy 1 i ' l i eu to the nlV-iir. in r oiijnyiiieiit of t tivities. a- chist. .riiestrictest le.'.ii'iaiiicd lntheto as i dcr i'"t to d. stui b the o (.'hi 'ijoimuiout los A Kcspi'ln !!' t.t'.ar. The follixviiu: sla'enicut has beer liiinle by an imporlii'it i-'paiiish ct'tcial ; "Si'lior Si'v! hi the Iciidi r of a sectinu of the Coiisci van. art..- refuses tha govt'iiiint'lil tho Mtpi : t id his pat tv, although he is luliy uwa'" of tho dilli tnlt'es of the Mtiiate. :i. Ho is doubt less pro ttd by iii.) iic-iii) in C'litail- p.uvvtr. We will .hi all '.u fir power t realiehis dcsiw vmhshoit delay. I'lio ci uutty wil llu-i s. e i'-.i .smm the man. vi be ! i: w j ,..-n ,' as a I: Hera), will be tiau.-foiii".'i.l :;itv :l.f-i'Of.e. diclutoi'. " T'-s bi.f i n pi : J'rcsideni Mchind-. .ein'!. Milet- ed t ien. i.:rd"ii a i o- r i- a .f -'iber of "a co:.'i!iH-s;i u l e:. tm i.e inlii tho c ndiictof the cn,iiei:s .... . and med ical ib'pllltlilfl.t of t ;,' ll'lnv in tbtr recent w,it .v.!':i S;.ai,i I lo-ud.'Ut MoKiule.v ex;,iess.. the imi--tt t isr. General 'oe.i .n w.np I ! i Ih - ciintty a groilt Ht'l Vif- by ,tee lug a ,' i.i1l"H on the commission aini earned y impel tint he would see lit tn he. one a mom ber. T!ie Pre -dciit has a'so tendgred Maj. Gen. SchoimM a pi.icu on iho commission xx ith (ieu. inrd.ni. biiprts.'-.xi.' ri.u-.r il Scrxii .s. 'J ho lined tii'i 'I'cssi'.i! n-e'ie xvitnessej since Camp Wiko.V r:.s i"g.iiii.?.l oc curred when 'iiliplalll P'ii'i-mi'.v, of tim Hundicd aud .-'ex cnty ti'-' -'"v York Hegimci'.'. i ei I th.. i ,i "id thedeH'l over the bodies ..I laic;, e 'A h. .fur, Jr., nud Lieut. Kirl.i at i w l.o xx erw droxxnel rcceiilly. J !'" .sho e enui showed their ' x mj a: 1 y wiih ienerul Wheeler in his cai ..-.ui.nv. lie Ins-i of theso txvo young eliivis ha east a great shadow over iho cimp! Sc:t ii if lira.. :i ;' ia !. The President iismo i ecittor I g9 (ray, of 1 -elaw aie, : s ;i:e ii.'ta iio-nber of tho peace commis!. '.u;. in'', coui pletes the perai tr ei of t .e conn nwiiu, which stands: ; .c:ot ii;, i'uv, S"uu tors Davis, ITyo and G'i'.v. ! linn. Whitolaxv lieiil. lu se.-in... : cuntm' tiroy, tho Plt'sldetit l;:i gixt'li I'emo crutic rcpieoeutatiiiu i n .ho commis sion. Turkish Trenpi Axe.t 'G'.'i I. Tho aduiiruls of llie foreigu powem reply ing to tho pi id.-.-1 if tiic iittaii cxecutixo comiuittt'o .i:.;: ns: ti.e lu.'is Facro by the Turks linxc dc nu'd that, t boy will reccuiineiid tli d ti c'i lesive- tivo govcrnnie'it s.i;v. detinitely by tiic l nif'i'i ish troops from tins i-ie the appointment nl i: ; lected by the powers. -j ... U ii'ii.-a iji.-'ici, i 'r. Kstoile M. G i ! ' , has boon iippointi I d i of that city. he x i . I s'e"i f : em ! ho I li'.l ; ', ill (hat city. t o.i e n. M lHsotli l. has up; . ,'i ! V. M ll, Id iiis i t, - id ., of St. i 'hat Ic iu t imt 1 i Mr. -I iil:i;s Lance. -iioii i ni k - .ii nut i. I l slCillll .d-d im d i liege, O'l-, ol I MinkiH fe city Mi'.'cee.l In S'.l! Tamil is l"d '!'ie .-cinciii!:.. The Lit; I i id it deno'is nil- pin clmsi'd the Spauisii go!,!. Mixer in I nutes found on tho lutanla Maria Teresa after Iho battle of .Inly ', pioposeto dispose of the w hole lot to the public at a prem:;ii,i exes 'he tm e value, as interesting histoi e'u! m ii enit-. i lie coins are tai iiislic I in- bin uud water and tho notes me lumi .bed. In Merer ei in. u (,l i.v i. The Dutc'u iciden' i of Wilh-'miii'i Caroline c itiut v, '!,! , h dd i I :t;b. c d" bration of Ihcr .'..it leeenilv m honor of their ' i--'i. They xvoun I up by feiil.ug a .".!'' i :: ra i i to her Miiiesty co rgi n .. i.n i con veying tiie "love il l I i.oo I xx ish .s nf the lloihrid us in . I : nrns eolo-iy. " - -s;r (: tn Ci ;. I: ;-rvc A nechll fiom ! ichmofd, Ky., iavs; (ieneiii! i n : in M. i i.ix, thesu.eof W'lnie II a! i, : "i tie-u c : .fi I e, a d i v.; ce from m . " i v ! , i a i ; ichni ,h ,m ( lay, bv .1 ndge . : i. i i i !.., xn lisiei ( Hn ut v i n ci : ' .; : i i.e di . ii.. i e stniif,' th" .!,.'. ... f. ,n ii leu name, Dora i.iei :: i Marx (.':.": . V. ! n. ,.r. Manv imi'o: ' i'". e- s : .: ..vi'.l oeouv in the arm v ;t id in . r iuii'i.; ;h'j ro niftinn..; months ! th' pi-. en' w-tr. '1 lli'MI ftl e lltl" to he nil! HI! ll' c 111 SIX of events and are lit im X'.i-e the re-nit of tho war w ith I inn. 'I wo brigadier geueruis nf the in ii'V und four rear ad mirals f the navy xvill pi im tlieio tiled list by opeiulien of iiixv on ae cniiut f age, lu'iMug viciineies wbifli will result iu pmiiioteoi:, ui' .-, ong ihe line in both (.el vi.n j .H'

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