Ctottem l)e !;atljauj Itccorb JT. i. LOUDON, EDITOR AND PROPfiTOR BATES ADVERTISING Ouo etjimro, oko inucr.iuu $1.00 Ouo situvre, two ii.;oi iiona. ... 1.60 Ouo tMjiiitre, olio mouth . 2.59 l'or J.:r. r i.'lvoil.neiueiiU HbarkJ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. VOL.XM, ITIXSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C.riU RSDAV, OCTO.MIJKIJ i, I81W no, fioLiruet., v. Cfff mM-t mm n tin iiiuiiiiiu i. uu mu uliil Passed Quietly Away at the Home oT J J His Daughter. AN AMERICAN GUARD KILLED. Santiago's C:iS (imi.niiii.iit; Cohans lie ing Appiiiige.i - Nov Jersey Dcniucrdts Three Jumped tu Deaf li. )i'.iiiam, Mass., (Spociul). Thomas F, Huy aid ilicdu' IhIO Wednesday af ternoon nt Kuilstein, the nummcr eot tugo of his daughter, Mrs. Samuel 1). Warren, after nu illness of six weeks. Ilia deuth was without pui ji. His wife, liis two duiightirs, Mrs. Wnrrcii ami Miss i I ore i ioo Ciiyiud, mid his hoii, 'l.omu! P, I'ayiinl, Jr., saw hiiiidiuw his lo't breath" ami tlio third daughter, tlio Cciuitnss Pnueiihiiupt, was on her way to leilhum. A consultation of physicians was held A ugtist 'Jiith, and they agreed that Mr. liayiiid was suf fering from ui lorio-coloros.is and u gen erul breakniir down, incidout to aye. Ho sulluied no pain to any iioliconblu degree mid tho thief teudouey wus to sleep. Thulium Francis Cit.ynid was a distin guished member of an eminent family. Jsiiieo lung liufuro tho Kovoiutiouiiry war, tho liayurds huvo been conspieu oiik iu tho country s history in iittrk.ta and ttlnttibuicn, and ;icitrrod inilituiy fame. Ho wus horn in Wilmington, Del., October Sutli, is.', and waa a yotiugur son. Ho begun lifo as a clerk in a mcrcnutilo establishment, hut abandoned this and studied law, be in;,' admitted to tho bur in I il. When tho civil war began Mr. Hayar.l connissioN invi i I : N . AI.LX Mn:i. M (MiiK. ( I X (.('V. J A M l'S A. Ill- A I !., fii:i:iiAt, iionct:. was pursuing his profossiou. W ith tho lirst nnilteriu's of war tho people of Wilmington tut about eotublishiu' nieaus of self protection. A militiu iioiuiiuny was ori;aiiiod mid Thouius 1'. Hayard was elected its first lieiiteunut. Ju.luuo, (Mil, tho fuiuuiia peaco meet ing of citizens was hold ut lovoi, and Lieiiteunut liayai d wus olio of the i in cipul speakers. He dciiouucod tho war. aud his roimtrks on that occusiou wore The New .Lrse HeimKrats. Tho 1 )einoci alio Statu conv .'iitio'.i, held at 'I'routoii, liomiuutod for (lover nor of New Joisey, ldviii W. ( rauo, tho rostif utor of l!ssex county, aud udopted a platfonu which in a meaiune fiipports tho I emocralii! national plat form. Tho convention, however, de feated u pro osition to spoeiully u:i dorse tho phitt'niui adopted by thoChi cut;o convention el' lmi. Tho silver men ucceptjd the situation e,rucefully. A Sale at ula's House. A speciul from l'aris says tho lioliso ami fuiiiituro of I'.mile Zola nio about to bo sold to sutisfy a ju 1'mont of ;;n, (MlO francs, obtuiued uLSiiusf hini by three baud-writing exports, who re- ' ceutly wuu u libel suit, -rowiu out -ji , tho I re. 'us caso uainst tho mithor. 'J'ho cxp . ts havo refusod tho offer of 1 M. Octavo Mirubcnii to bo rospousiblo ! for tho tiuiouut. ' Japanese Mifster Resigns. A special from Vokohoiua fiivs Mm istor of .1 uslice ( diiuashi will resign bo causo of tho agitation unions the iiiein bors of the bench an 1 hi r uaiust his iinfituosa for tho ollico ho has been holding. '1'ho agitation iu favor of tiio State purchase of railroads coutiuuos. The British l ied l eaves Ta ku. The British lleot has left Ta Ku, proceeding for Wei Hat Wei. Vice Adiuiiul Sir lidrtiiids H. Seymour, coiuniaudin' tho China htutiou, has returned to Cho l oo. It is ruiuoied t hat tho dedans of thu Pnwiyer Km I ross havo been eutiroly successlul. I'rnieU of dreat Hcntf.t. A number of scientitic succoios limo boeu scored by iiu'iius ol tho lloenteu rays i:i tlirt piuvni.'.i ui uitoi'iial luedi cues. I quotea! in later years us nn a'gtiinent ! uguiust his uvailul.il it ai u i reMideutiiii J cuudiduto. Moiiiiwhiii! Mr. liiivunl's I ui'iilurity i:i hm nutiv.) Statu kept i growing lt;i(l!y, und i:i I"iiM lio was j ?!t,0,J V -"eeed his father iu the I l liltiiil Statua !-cnnto, uud was subse- . qiicutly twieo rc t'lui'iul. it in lioto I worthy that on the day ho wits elected i for tho full term, his father, who hud ttS oi igitiu! tei in. This is th- only l'iic fo a fu'.her a::d son ln;iu voted for hy tho fatno leialaturo to till n ! inatjiial f I'h'cv Almost i.l the .'ir.M-t of liis hcn.i tonal c ii eer Mr. Unyai A tool; u lead ing poi-iuoii on tho I 'union aln' ; ilu. In (lelo'itr. l.i', Senator i'liyiiid was miuiiedto huiiiiu, daughter ol '.losiuh l.ei-. a I iidtiiuol ii luiiilicr. Twelve ehil dr. n '.solo thu result i f tho union. WJ Vi;v - stigating tiiu conduct oi; the war. 0- MM M4 rttji t; i. v! I N i Ti .1; i n .!:! ;. in. '.: ,1. ;- HI.. JA.M1 A. sKX'lnN. I W hen the I 'cinoi'i utic i oiivtiititn w m held iu l-v'i, his lii.iml.-i iplliediu loico to Mcure his iu munition ur tho presi dency, and siicii w a their sti eiitli and i the popular fooi,iirf for h:m th.it on tho lirst ballot ho stood next to Hancock, w ho win eh cled I'll tho second, ill tho I 'ciiiocratic convent ion of I - I, ut v. hich II ,- I l..,..,l...l i a. j , I M. j ihi.vard rocoive l tho next laiist volo I to tho successful luiuhdato on tho two j Three Jumped to IK'j'.li. An explosion of powib r in tho base ment of tho four story biiildin,; of I'. .V W. Mcl.aiu, iu St. l.ouis, Mo., dealers iu lishiuir tacklo uud sp.utin0' 'oods, fired tho huiliiiti;,. Thiuo women jumped from tho third lljor without waiting tor :insiitaucu nud were fntailv injured. The fn e was communicated tothoSt. I.oius ( lockorv Co. lheMe J.aiu biuldiiij; was totally destroyed. I talemeiit in a Siiiaifiiiie. A l euiai kahle scene occul t ed inasyu aoue ut lloston, wheu liablii llaph eal l.asker uuiioiiiii-od the veto of tho l ieuch cabinut iu favor of a revision of tho I 'icy f us ease. ild cxcitometit in terrupted the solemn sci ice of tho lay of Atonement, and men shouted uud chipped 1 heir huud.i. 1 ho exc.teunuit w is so great that several woinou fumt ed. ...kj, I'estruvtive I'rairie lire. A I'divci, Col., dispatch suys that u piuu :o tire, 1'iobably stai te I by il spark from u locomotive, has burned over thousands of iu'hw of uru.iuj; lauds lie twieu Kioa uud I'.ijou creckf, in Morifiin county, and destroyed thoiis nut! i of tons of Lav. The III, clle KiiseJ. Tho I 'hint steamship MvotU, has been successfuliv raisod ut l'ernuu- 1 diiio, l-Tu. , and work will bo com- ! meiicod at once to put her iu shape to I lie placed iu tho dry ilock. 1 ho I'll- ollo auiik at iho qu u autiiio station some tune iiijo, while taking on coal. Dunimite I vplu Jcs. I New s has jus; muched i utile. Wush. , ' of an explosion of a w iiou load of dy lt u to it o near Ni-w V. Iiu'coiiib. I women ; and o'i" buy uiu i epor'.c I i.iilol. Sev I oral o'h'iv Wilsons aio luiuiod. t . i i , i . r. it" ballots whieh were tul;e;i. In March, Mr. ihi.vurd was appointed ni liassador to tho Court ol M. Jaino.J, and tcrvud dnrni; Mr. Cluvoland a sec ond term. Mr. ISa ard's first wifo dlod dining tho lirst year of his term as i-oere'ary of Stale. I our yeai glaler ho wus marrio I to Miss Mary ( lemur, ot' Washington, who survives him. Au Auicrkan (iuard killed. A I'crto ltirnii, at AKUudilhi, near Muyu'iie. asliod jnotoetion of hoth the Aiiicriiaii nud Spanish troops uuitist doi'io hitiuus hy outlaws whii'h it was predicted would occur. In re sponse to his reiue.-d tho Americun urn hoi dies tcnl to his residence t.vo soldiio ii of a Kentucliy riginient, who i an lveil thero alter dark. Jlo had nut notified tho Spaniards that lie had re ipiostcd A inn n un protection, and homo I Spanish Hoidicrs who had Iiaeu sent to (.'iiard tho houso iurlvo,l ufter the I Americans, and mislook tho latter for joutluws. Iii tho coufusiuu resiilting i 1 iio Spaniards lired, uufortuuatoly liill I in; ouu of tho Americavis. Santiairi.'s Ciil (iiv.eriliiieiit. ! The synloiii of civil (."'Vi rnment a ' taldisheil liy (ielior'.l Wood at Santiago , is practically completo Mid iu pind working order. Major Mot'luary, foi - merly Attorney (ienural for itxas, and it Spanish scholar, has heen appointed in:. vol', mid tho Siunish uliiiMils ale triviuy place to Cuiiiins. (ientlul j Wood says ho doi.a not know tho 'npa- hh dies of t:.e men taking olhce. i hey aro ciiosen hy u committeo o? oil t.'u ' linns, whom ho believes to ho honest ami conscientious. Ileer at t Cents a I'.uinJ. There is u hasvooiu in Jerecy City fi r the employes of tho American Su Uiir lU-liiilni; company, wlicro l eer i-, :.u!d hy tho pound, ui it tullo over four cents n pound, that is -.'ii pound for s'l. A pound is c.ilisldi l'cd C'll:d to uhout two and ono half ordinary ilass. IX (,u-. 1 . A. w ii. i.y. N. Iff. JJfythh .;' :, 'V int. s. p. i unmh:. Train i"r.ilies iu'n i;uther. A special from lluh!':ix, N'ovu Scotia, iays ;tn cxciii sioti traia troui tho I'ic till exhibition crushed into it woikiu train near Stcolertoii. 'Jho colli -;ion hilled liiif,'iiieeis Hpioull uud OTIrion. I li'emeu lleiidetsoii and Mciiuuio and William Cunieron, piissoiikoi', of J'ic uii, ii. id nijiirod Johu Mc.Milliui uud r ti umber of others. kmiekeJ Curhett's Hat Oil'. Tho pugilists, "Kid' -McCoy und .liiiues .1. Corbttf, whoso match tun .been broken till', met iu tho (iilsey Houso lobby in Now York and McCoy knocked Coibett's hat oil, und then, while Colbetl was held by his friends, Kicked Cm lu ll iu tho 't'oin. Ho then run nut of the hide door, uway from tin! crowd. Corimlt w us taken to his room and u doctor bummoued. ' Curlew Law. Thu town of Meridian, Mus., bin parsed a cuifow law for adults, which provides that on eueii uiht of the week, except Saturday, no person shali 1 bo ullowed to be upon t ho sti eot s of the ; city uftor n o'clock, except in casus ol .extiemo necessity, tho sai l hours of o'clock to ho ludicatj I by oiubt tap) of tho city bell, i u Saturday niL'ht ovcry ; body must seek shelter at pi o'clock. , Tho lino for 3 violation of tho curfew law will bo $ ' Tho l.oiin uiilo iiiotur-cur rnco Iio , tweon I 'ui 13 und Amsterduiu und re tin u was a ureal success, ami doiiiou slruted tho speed and durability of au toiuolulos. Tlio tune of t no winuor was oer :!0 miles an hour for :t i hours. Keprescui.itite ol lieneral SouJ. A Suutiao dihputeli says tliul Scnoi l'ouioti io Castillo bus accepted tho po sition etVered him as representative ol (ienerul Wood ill tho country disti iets, uud w ilt enter upon his duties iiume diutel.v. Ills Bulary lun bcuit fixed at f-':',sin). Tlio uppomtmout is much up luiciu'.ed by tho Cuban-. Sti ikiuu' union luinei - an 1 impnl fel iii'L'i.iot had a battle in tint mum stio 't of i 'ura. 111 , recoil 1 1 sv A uuuibor t f shots vtoro Iii 0 1 but r.o'nudv wus b tllod 'il'N. .1. M. WII.-.IS-. GHMISE WWl Mi . America for Americans, Philippines for Filipinos. FUNERAL OF MR BAYARD. The War Investigating G minis shin's first Case I'l.n.e Cuiinnissiuii (ietlinj,' Duv.n to llusiness iKp.irliiient of I'urto Rico. A special despatch from Shunghui, suys tole'iuma fiiruisheil by thu Tuotiu or local governor, ulocul paper, alleges that tho Kiiji cror of China committed Btiicido on September 21, lifter eiyuinj; tho decrees which placed the JijwuKtf ! I '.in press at tho hend of nll'uii a i.i Cliiua. I t his, it is added' is understood to menu j that thu Kiui oror was ussussiunted. i Tlie repoi ts as to tho ineiins imployed lu his taking oli'dill'er. O iosloi v has il Hint ho liud by poison, and uimther that ilvatb w ii -i:.ii -ed by sllaliuiii'.loii, v. hlUi a ' in; d slal j that ho wua sub jicted to li ihlliil tortuio, A ltd-hot iron bein tiirust through hij bowels. All r.ulisli 1 1 caking secret une and the priucipid memhei a of tho Chineso l'oreii;ii oliice, it in further announced, havo been seized uud buiilshud. The Ciiiiiiiiissii,n's lirst Case. 'Thu war investiat iin comiuission di.voled its time Sutuiduy lurul.v to ! the coubidurutioii of u Ktatomont tiled ! by Mr. Nelson, Hirs!.. on buhalf of tho Niiw York World, yiviuu vthitt hu ' st t ins n record of facts coucorniiiL' tho ! establishment of Camp WikoU' uud its I miiuau'eineiit, toothui' with .sptcillc k m T!ii: SPANISH HATTI.CSillC .MA 1:1 A 'I I '.'I Hi-A. I'ioceutiy I'liistd t:lV Santiago by l.ioilt. Ilub.ioi;.) iesliiiice.H of ul ii:.i;s, cliuiged to havo f! -to I, ii: ! til. to! ti' of i' lis lio.-i- j I'ilals, dculii.., etc. A loliif list oi witnesses wiio forwarded and thero was a troiieri.l le'iue- t that tho curies- poli-lents und I eiiorlurs of iho World. I,u j called. 1 he commissiou diru.'tuil that ; u i ui ly I o v.irwur led to Mr. Iiiishiu- foniiill,; him that tho statements should I luivu cuieful eousnlcintiou. j Asuiiiaklu Makes a Speech. j There is cnnsiderablu eoiniiiout at : Alaiilhi upon Ae.utnahlo's Bpeech tit Malolos reccutly. Tho lay iioto wus' tho iiidcpend.'iice of l'hillippino l.v liuiils. Ii-.uiug tho oolii.-uol his re-i minks, A;:uina'do said: "Our Iriuuds, I tho A mill icuus, came lor ti.o purpose of ; demonstrating tho generosity ami j grandeur of their govci ii.uuut und to ussi.-t in releasing tho people from I slutei v w ithout annexing tuo i.-i!niitls, j thus suttmg; a good example. V o now j tt'.nici'.-iliUid mil upi rcciali the. famous j Moiiiou doctrine oi America for A inert- i cans, and jiiste e douiiin.is that they i udd tho Philippines for tho ITlil'iuos. " I pclhie.; the SiJujw .'ien. 'I iio I'uwes commission bus issued j orders dc'c'.ai iiigiibout Jii.mi'i w hitfl men I who huvo mm lied Indian women in the ' Indian 'iVrntt.y to bo iiitrudcia and! onhu in r t hem to leave thu country at once, 1 In! I il. bun neolit bus been culled ! upon foi bis poitco to eject these s.puiv.' : men, us they i re cubed. i Ilenrv (icorije Ncniiiutiil. At a iiit-utiiu "I thu Cine ago platform j I 'ciiiociut-i in Now York I lein y ( ieoi -ge. j the sou of the sinlo tux udvocuie, was j iiouti tinted to head tin independent ' liemccrutic ticket. : Filipinos at (he Miiie House. Agoiu iUo uud hope.', lopiesoiitativos of Agiiinuldo.called nttli White Hoii.-o in couipituy w ith ( louoiul (ireeno, nud had u private conference with tho I 'res ident in tho cu'nuiot loom. I ho inter view w its entirely informal, it being dis tinctly liuderstaod. lli;;' tho udmiutstiu tiou did not lecoivo tho icptescutativcs of tho insurgents iu uuv olliend citpuei- The Sick In He ltruuilit lleiite. Tho President has giten instructions that all su it lit Potto Pico be sent North ns soon as they uro ublo to tiatt'l with sutt'ty, his puipo o being to loltevi! (Iciiciul I'rooko of the further euro td tho sick, uud ut thu sumo tu.io enublu 1 he tucit to receive the treat metit obtuiiiai'lo in the better appointed llUSpll.l.S. Will Sci e Custom House. ' Tho conduct of tho Spanish customs ollices ut iluvuuu is vei y iiusiitislucloi y 1 to the Pi I'-nleiit, and it is said to hu; t been decided to take possession i f tin! ; illtniii'i heitse there ut tilt ettily ditto f und udlitiuistol' Us aliuirs under I egiiiit j lions to bo pie-ei ibed by this govern- i mout. The Insurgents Will IKtr.niJ. j (ion. Maximo dome, iu uu interview I ut Camp liojiis, l roviiico of Situ tut hu a, I is iiuotod us saying that the tuMli'gc::ts will ilistiaud and apply themselves to bu ilt labor us siioii us tho Spuuish troops i uvttcuute tho island. j Hie (irutiHil 1'iuranii;. Ilopoits fioin the tiio swept sections , of Color ob und i-cjusin ludicale n ' heavy bj - ol ptopcHv. with a lew c is niltiet. In one place in Cohn.t.'.o it n , ropoi tud that evt-u the ground is hum ! iug. I Till: i l'.Ul. 01 ViX. li'.i fl. A rr.i'udoii el ! i.iral (it'i'er'n;;s Ccuiiioiiy ert Simple. 'J'hu f aire i ul services over iho remuinii of tho !ito 1,'cu. TIjoh. I'. J.uyurd weio held in the tld H-vdiiiii church at Wil mington, lel. '1'hoiisiiuds of peophi assembled ul tho oditicu, but wero not udiiiitted, us it had been decided not to open the casket rud permit the public t i view the reiiains. There van a pro fusion of ilcr.il o.)ei i:i,'s, in addition to thoseoftho family, comiiij,' lroi i lili.i'. !.i Ut homo find at othor pluce J ho lioli i.iurv jiull-bnui el H welo: l'onuur I 'ru-i-ideut (iroter CluVi:h.lld, foi'iner Si cro tary of tho 'I'lousiiry Chillies S. l air chiid, Jibo W. Iiinnell, (iovernor (f 1'eliiwure; Chiincullor John Ii. .Nichol son, (itorire I,. Hives, of New Yoik city: Johu '. Ciaven and Thomas ( ra ven, of Sulem, N. .1., and Jinlo Igna tius V. (irnbbn, )r. James A. Ihaper und Henry (I. liiinninj,', of Wilininytoii. The services comprised simply fi.n pi ayoi -book sctvicu for tho burial if the dead d' Iho I rotestiiut f ! iscopal ehilieU. 'Iho hervice was ri.u I joinily by Itev. llr. (i. W. Iiuuluss, ol Tux edo f'aik, N. J., who us icctoi of ;-.t. John's Protestant I'.pi. co church, a.-hin'to;i, pel formed tin: l.ia' il..;; ceremony of Mr. und Mrs. I.uyuid, am! liev. Murtiu li. Huiihip, rector of (lid Swedes. New Steamer fur Uailiiiinre Steam I'ai.ket. A Bteuii.er bus just been completed for tho J'.diiinoro Steam ('ticket Com pany's service oil Chesapi uku Huy, bo twocu Ihiltimoi e, lid I'oiiit Comfort, Noifulk uud I'oi tsiuouth, n., vtlocli is ono of thu largest yet limit I'm u.-o on tho iulitlid suit water bodini of this country. 1 ho vessel lias .'.ouu hoio power and 1 Ion ton.- incusm tlio ut. Shu has a sliced of !' miles an hour v,i,ui oiuled uud is propelled bv t tt in ice t novelty iu boat-, of thi i class. 'J !n3 t v in-scroti b w ill e.iiiiblo her (o he turn t d in rt much smaller tirt-n than it studio lereW hleaniei , hi:, I , ill bo of gi cat valiiu ill liiovni rbout hsiiiois. i l:u 'I i lire - i e. whlcli i.i the Hit lit.- of lloi new vessel is modeled w 1 1 h i. ihuc 111 tho hull which gives her much greater width iiliuve the water linetiiait i.,u i::d Without iiil.ufenug with her spec I. 'I his feiitiuo w ill roii.lt r he. cxiru.i -iy s'eav. i.i tiiy. Shu is limit of .-'eel v .iii lungtbw iso uud cros.-w iso w tur ti.ht buikhead'i, is liuished iu hiil'dwods and w ill havo iiccoiiimodm ;oii : P r ". u pii-songers in nddui iu to u h.i e ii c..l,t cnpucity. '1 hu Toiitiosseo w ill b.i put on tho ruiilo between I ml: i: ml e mil In.mpton lloud.i. coiiui-ciiiig v., ih trams of tho .-e,ilu..ird A :, I .mo und other linos tei minuting ut I'm! point. A iliii iiii ss Mel ii.' a! I j ;. A special from Paris suyu: 'I "tie Amer ican und Spanish peace coiumi.- :n in ns.-omblod for their lirst business . cs sion at ' o'ciock Siitni day uflei rooii, iu t:io rooms iisMij'iu d to tiieiu tor il.o deliberations ut '.he ITvneu l'orci.:it I !' lice. A s cent! i-nli.iuco i . M-t upui t for tho uso of the coiiiiui.-.-ioiici i, in order t.) furnisli them woh c". er.t pmucyuiid conveuieuco possibie. Wants l,i euJ Troops I n in Mm. i.i. Tno lel jllioii iu th,! i i , a , is spieadiiie-, and suttrtd iiotmcci ::i tho Ishiliit of l.lloil huvo been invaded i ll. I : imu idlicers of thu ge;ui.,n,:e-'. and I heir fuuiilie- ma ;-ac: c.l. I iio give: .i or and t-laciiils lit Moil. i, i.-lund of Pal huvo tied to .Ma'.ii' i. '1 iie Spuum'.i i-.iv-ei nmelit i , seek ing the c.,u e..l of tho I lilted Statei to send S.,iii.-ii ti . ops liuin .Manila to the i-a.vas lnl.tiui.i to suppru.-s tho lebelllou tlieie, to to uwud the lieces p.y of dl -j atchiuj tiooi s from Spain. The liepartiitiiil of I'm In Ihie. '1 ho President has issued au exe-cu-tivu I'idei' cretitiiig I'eit.j Kico i'do a now military depuitmout t ho kliouii ns tho I epitrtmt nt of Porto llico. with Major ( iuiteritl John Krooke in foi.i inuud. Tho heuibiua'lei .- of t'.e de partment will ho ut I'otice in. til .liter toe evui'Uutiou of the island Py iho Spaui.-U iiiiiiy, when il will bo li.ms f el' rod to ."-uu Hull. Chiinse Xilai.lt Itriiisii u!iec: T ho Pl itlsh I'orui .'ii ( 'IK, e 1 ccived a disi'.atcli lioni hei i.i-i lllllllster ut Pekill, Suvili,; Ii:., Mot tiuor, a memhei (il'the I'.i i', i stt S A I r. lion, on I etui lung home Satur v w ith I by a ! a 1 .i.l v , wus m. lulled and ait i. In. d, which stoned him an I him with mud. I. liter in lli, ll.o ill-patch adds, soma -Viie.c"i nu. sioli.il lis xtcio si In ll ul i y ul ' in i.i ,, as w :n thu Clin.oso Hecielaiy i : the l uittid States legation. I he !.i t i' I ibs weru broken. Sir Claude M. Mc l'ona'd, tho I'titish mine' at I'ekm, reports that there is a .iiMiuer ous feeling itbioiiil. Steps have I ecu taken to caMthe attention of tiiei lu neso got ei iiiuent to these outnics. Slll.tlilil Sent In Spain. Information hits reachod the Piesi dent that thu Spanish authorities ut Sail -1 null, Porto Pico, ucentiy to. k possc-siou of and sent to Spain about i mi i ludui g u 14 to an u-sociatioii ei sehtiol teachers. Tins matter has been tlie filijcet of a prote.-t sunt to the S an: -h goteriiuieut. It is said to bo tile pill po-e if this i;o el I. l.ieUt to Cm eel lis letiiin, und, H a ', tion us men-in e wdi bo lukeii to ivtlh-ct il tioiu tlic i er.-oiis respiins'b'o for ita misttpprepi lutiou. DESTRUGIIVE rOREST FIRES. Much Damii'O Has Been Done in VVicor.'iin and Colorado. DAUGHTER OF CONTEDF-RACY. . -- I'ti.c Cuiiiiiiissii.ilers (,ellii'l Mcinh lor W . rl. The (nncru irs Mat be Kc lui l u.'scj Scciil.il) lla takes the Ikiili. 'I ho forest fires, which have boi n burning iu various places throughout western Wisconsoii for the past few days, were f'uiiuid into furious storms of Ihiiuo by I 'l iduy 's w inds uud did gi eat i'uim:i-'i( throughout Chippuwu, Pui ro, luiii'i. Si. (loix and Polk cu'V-ities. 'I ho v;i!;i jes of ( 'laytoli, Aluinelia nud I 't..-!l i :t huvij been wholly i.l partly lie s'.: oy.-,! ; ( umbel iui.d bus suite led i. tiitov los: i.-in: I (ii-iiW'iud, Piirion, riciitiee. I oillips a;,. I 1 urtlu l.nko wero sav.d only by gi out elioi ts. Po I oi ts of In.- i of lifj in is coining III, but Lit vu not I i en vei ilied exc, ,t n, uiik in stance. 1 lies huvo beoli cheeked ill places by nuns uud tlio r iibsuieneo ut thu winds. A rough estimate places the aggregate loss ut lioni t!,"""."111' 10 i'.'i.il'io, on i. The Cnluradn I urcsl I ires. Pepoi Is I'loiu thu west mi 11 polio I of Coloi il l . i coiilinilo to t'dl of the liiwigorf 1. 1 tin timet files, which bid fall' to devastate. Hie :;ieutol' purl of tbuloleats of the Mule. I'.li.riiis in Srniuii'ii. i ii. Wood has inuiigin uted luuuy refri ins ,-iucu iiecepting the governor ship ol i-;.!it ilign. Ho has li'i Uicli I'eil stantiy id w.iik. T he gaib.ige is taken oiil.-i ii; ti.e city uud burned, und tiio llllheillll.', 1 lilts of thu city dl'lllilod. The ill: foreo in tlio city uud tho light hoii-c system iu tho hurbor buvu hi.: :i le e iuiilished. 'Iho com t.-i ni'u ii. ii in i . ci at ion yet, but i Ienerul Wood hi'n: i ll -ils i mcIi day us it nlico judge. Iho si.-k tuo glell i il elili medical ul leiii oo am I tho Worthy poor uio led, I -, i r.itioiis being distributed every ib.y. Sincu thu A uiel ic.ins took tho ci'y tho locoipts huvu been sIoii.imii. lie: I e. eld expenses a'.teudllig thu toil, of up. -rating thecitv, wnicha'o I to suli.e exit n! exll'.toi ilnnoy, uiealuiut . '., l"MI it w eek. by tho ellectito loons met iu I opto I by (uij.lnl Wood, itgeli tl ul ipl.leio ic ol yeil.m letel bus l.euli U'.cl le.l. J l.e jelieliil hopes sooll to M u t the .-.-lioul i uu. I thus pet tho ililMl ell oil the stlcet... Ikiii'diiir i t tlie Ci.iileihriivt. i.eiieiul -I oil u I'., (ii.idoii wii-. sbown iho As.:., culled Pie-., di, pal. 'h from ( hiciigo in w hich iiei l.ncy I co Hill cl to bi.'.'c lici the t.lle "I 'a .igl.it-r ot tiio I i, .1. d.jiu.''. " c jlile: red upi-it her hy i.e: . it t t it :: leu Is. T l.e gun ei id :n a i.i. I It' the liiie i-oiild l.e tints 11 .1 1 lei I ed lllni 1 , , , II I, , I eat e..l Iio 1 :.e- : i in i l.ai ic.i! .y 'no ' M i ,i V. in I. lo w as t i.n i 'iiy .1.; ugh tec ot I'm -i- ieht I -:r, ,s I...1 1, ii, the I .nl.-,!, l :du i. .tu Hull, o' d:;ii.; li.e liiuol the ( iiiiitiiUiiacy . letter m Ihpvt.i w a thu uliiy I 'I e-idei.t if th; ( iio'clciaio goM-i niueiit, no del. :,ti r if any oilic.al could tr liy lep'c ..:.: the 'oufcdei i.ey. Ik : !iii:,r I!.:J. l'or V ork. A spec.n! 1 1 Hit lints say-; The I'llltod Stales it .ICO eouihlish.ell has taken po-se. si.iii if it i Woiking qiial tern, a suite ..1 set eu looms uu the s-iuim l tiuor of tho Hotel Continental, a! the i oi Her I' the !;.,e ,le P.voli und the Pun Ki.ya!, c imi i.iinhiig tl.o I Uli il it- i git'tlens and lol lneily used by tho t-.x I i. .press I u it ttie. Viiioi'icun Ihl . . dill .... I hu eatl.lllC.I of till! pence c.iom.s.. ion's upai tinclil:.. t he clerical lol i'u ol t!oj conimis-ioii has been st.-i-tc!;iitti.'i d and i- now woi k tug busily. w The li .iwni irs tin h.- He bn i ir-e.l. 1.. I'. Mitc'iiili, Acting Comptroller of Iho Ireit-iiiy, has reiiili't .id adi.-ci-ioii on the iUeslioii of tiie re mibiti'-ooieiit it't. iei i.i. i s of stales uud I m riti.rit's I. ir coslt and ex) ens"., w Inch they itiity ha.o li.i'iirre.l in ui.ling tint I'uitod St a' ei i i I iii-e it ol i.litei.i a: m t . lie ho! P. that tho (iovciiiois mat bote ! iiu'iuised for icasoii tbio tu-ts incurred be! i o tlio acce Isitceof thu tioeps into tho seltieo of tlio t inted State:. S.-.rihin ethfii l..! l.ik.s :lr. (Uih. ( ol. lo!r. II : y w ii .-.worn into i l!i, :-i Clelltl'V i f St.tto. id 1 1 ..'clock Pi i ty i.i H ani I !ui c.-i c'lioii v took .'.ice in '.lie 1 1 1 e . 1 , ; : ( s room at the .,iie :: .i:-:', und mo oal It wi.sud I !..!!. i !. d bv -lll-i ice I I.i: i.l'!. i'l the ' il pi cine I oil: t. A!r. I lay '.in :; e.t la'.. ! , ! ie I I: -. i e.iiijiu'-i III 1 In- 1 1- n h: j i'l l.tai chiuet 'e-Tiini I, iiie, in the 1 day lice .P-l'. 1 upon his new duties Miami. .1 I'ehic lor Minti.-isr,.. ! 1 I I'l cllall I s huvo been Cclliph'ted j i r tee loi.n. 'ion i I .i fo: ce ol' t 'uli in I 1 o roed I"'. IV to.' I hu pi o i nee ut ; Sill-, lag '. It ."ll : t-ut it !. ilili.l.!;t.t i w i! !t ti.u i. ink of ii. a .!. t i ' c e r ! -n n , ! six Itellicaiint s, ten .- c: 'e.tn I :t-id '.'Ui' enlisted lueu. I he l sli - ui pay ut the i-nli ted i .en ale the -.no' us iu the I t Intel -stale- :. lint . wlnk'tli" ullieel.s) got two t In. 1 1 eiiei ::'. I :etr:,i !.:n ) citiii ::e , ' '.ii.i pi eliia'ua: no ul too up j poliitii.eiit-. j ! I r c v its- Ki'inie.l I i.mici ri .1. It is i .. .a. a e 1 la Pan. thai Orevius bus alio id i i.eei i t . an lei i i-.i I rem plo ,t. I i la'elo i o l ut en ':e. w lieiu lie uwatt it stut r t.' bring li nt to a l u iicU or A!.;, in t po.!. Hi.' Sii. tr la !K",:.;-i 1 he col I e- en dun ! ol the London Ihify T'olegi. u!i sat- "Ihu Sirdal t. hi ft O.'lllJ the li: t goVi lllol gelielu! i l iheSoiidaii. uud may holdtb.it oust f. t atone. I'll t !: u 1 1 ! i es I g n t h o si. lai -sh p M:ii.r I u . -1 1 . 1 1 1 ' 1 w as iu stiads w hei i : "mi dai- in i ited, mil wusjjul t-i 1. .He supplies li',,,n tiio bitter, tti'iii'i' vh'cn he w nil It it c u bee'i . .'111. e i- o . n ' 1 ;t-,iio la. VI t;.,r M m'! .1. ' 1 . i ' 1 1 1 1 : i ' i i - t.. -how it'iy mi Pi'.i'iti t,. iii i'o J-'ieiic't goverumeut lev tn.ldiu thu 1'iue," TH iOUGHUUT ll!L COUNfRY. The -. i-Mi. Mel id in tl, Mi.-s . '. i i i.isod Iho iilar iiiiiiiij aguiio.t : .. -burir. Pev. (1. P. .Mi rii-oti v.s convicted of w.i'o muid.-r :ii.. .-ate: oo I to !.o huu ul 'oi lion, i i :. , recent iy. W.J. Pn nu has: jgoiJ'-' I" t "no iiioun tit ns of ig.mi t t-i r. ..iiicrato from ua in iio li ei i.. alarm! love . Il .'. ,.to Hy phe, ol lie. d Alabiinis I'u1 I , I lint lllol I' : I 'Ol OI Ul 1 '.r.. r at Cui. . Sl.ipp, .' i... .,ioli. Alu. Cidulic! I'l -e el ...l I latldwiu, wlllt wasch.fl oi i.'an e. : on Octierul it. I. I . ..I.-' t Mm!, diet .11 'aysou, Texas', leeeiitly . If tin; ii.ii. in.; pioj iltv iocutod iu Pulton e.iiniy, (nuigi:. by l. O. Mewaii. ol .'Unlit. i, l ;u it i out oiiohalf us much t,i,. I it imi i.veiugi) assays alieady i;el.-, c'.'ii-n, i l thu cupitul cily w 111 have u h loi.dtl.o iii Uieir buelt ya.i.ls, uiel i ii i !i! Ciiek will huvu found n vol thy j 'v.,i. ? he Wort Ii. 'u :.:.' ,i.'i::, a -. :i i Wvek lias been n. .1. : ed by th. -.dd le:m.eiuts. A ireo-ld tiui'i '.'.a: In:!. I up near I .'v. -a.. I 'iila, i:', I'l:! ei Ii I 'ic'.or lobbed. Pom lailiei s v ... i, i lied to duuth ill the Midvuh' si.,; i. d tin! I.eiiigh 'u!loy Coal Co., at Mi I .ii.-. i a , recently. ' ..loittdo S j i : i' .. -. (o!., was visilod vii'.l; :i n.i.'iioa ! :.:: fiiu recently, v h.c'.. I.n 'our l.o'.: -. '.a euteiied thueu- I. . ... iii -in. pi it. ..i ol Ihu city. Pour or ft'. t i.o: Pel men nltempteil to hold lip I i.e 'i 'em l ipless neill' llilsled, I oi.. but .' in toi!e I bv tho coolness ami I i.nery . i tho Irani force. I a the -. I 1 ..li iu I oolite -t at the I 1 1 eater N.w York Ali.iet.c i lab b id l.aviglio t-nil Inn "i.'i''i j ui so by dcleiiting 1 lank Pino. I la. u us . I. !t.e! . v, w hu is mid to lul in. 'X jiidge oi tioi i ii eu it Court of - at h ( :n o! n. a, v, .o. .o , i :,u- l in Philu di i iila iieei.l.'y on Iho chargu of 'r ma V. ;:.y-oi 'ten Wyck, of New York, has ih elilled 1,11 II. , ll:e loll to iii;!i'.el' nil lld liies.i I.i tl.o I ML.thll exposition on Muyols ii:t-.. I loi.e. ill, oil tilt i. o.a.ioi :':,;:! i:,s niacli:! ilutics Will not, I i : : 1 1 '. ..I h. - :.b. i'l;. u .rout t iie city. i il.e -la;..- i n,,' in i-pi lagli.'hl, III,, li: ! he pi'esolice I'l it . 1 ol'. .1 i f liOJIIII) I i '.p.e, Ji.iitt Ih 'ia,::y di'f.'iiled Jutl I nt. le-ti lit a 1 ..li !i foi a S.'.,oni piii . e. Thu u.li.iiiii.'ti'i.tinii l'epibliciiii con tt '.iinii . I .M. nliiiia v.e , held recently ii. . 1 1 i:ol.:lliliii I I.g I e-sslniin lilld I'.i In lid ullicei 1 l.e platloi nt does in. I iiieiil.lc l::o w i.i'd- si!,r and jiold. Pi. .iose t '.a.'.a. .o, . ecietary gctiel ill i l'i 'nl a, in iati.il in. New York reeuittly t ola ! nt', ii i. i. Pi-. Coliaost.) t-uV "i le III.' :-. thull und i.i. I. soldiors 111 I I , . . al.a uioi.e Sevaui in '', teat. iii ; ul'thu charges . ig.nii t Ih. II. ). ;a!..gs, of Austin, - II'... , h.ilelel'l dc'.c to I'.I, and Will hi c it l.ba. ! l.v lie . oiniinltee of tho ''e'.h, ,!!.'! 1 . 1 . ....tl ( haicli, South, i.i-v. Iryii.g i.e.'...'! :o ''.nJaiil, ('til. I in. n. i li. . Pi . Pit . i placed under ...i.i.. I la".. i'ii .i.g tu I :.e n 1st urb.'tnceS I l ac. ti the . : : .!. : n.r i .ttu-r- and ini u . led u. g i . 'ah- '.!. I !fo lu g roes at s , . iiigsiilo cull.!- I ate volod luioturu to !.',l tin, a, a . :. e . 1 to .'. .- ec'.ll e tltuir 1 a .' I'l .-in the u ei i.o i -.. I In ro i- t.i.i a-. ..c i :eit ill Sim I ruil i . t o t n :.t , oaa: , : I ' lion :n 1 l ill of :i tl uii.-poi t- ; ,!.:,', i . i ihio nud In .. ..i..i, . inch : I e . a i i ,: ae I l oin M nulla, lie ioiii.ei I'U. illy h-.o ilatsi'lit uud : i '. ,'!i day s .a.:. i.e. 'Ihu i'.eitlalid, e. ha !i lei' Mail. I.i iw. day.-later, pussud f o olai 'I ..', l'hoo'l. M tsc . Pwi.C'iii'. V, i .. i !.o!t v, in 'liei'if I'nsign Mug I, y, . !' Nuilh ( . ; . I.i.a. visited thu I I, -it'. -i, I lee, !ii y. I w o ! epl i -elo ,le -. ul the PilipillO , t or una nt nil . e.l i Wu Inng'ton ro i . nt I v tu c .nt'ei wit!i Picsiilunt Mo km!, y. : i i.atui' Vi'iu!1. nio wa. elected to Cfiai'M w ii. ii i a: v us !", and wus cho ell '"i lia' w :..:! I. being' eloctod lot' ':' il'.l's, 1:. about ta I'f.-lgil. luri i'la i ioei :u ew oi k has beuu ''ii.'.l iii li.::: .: tvaiaai! having his I and- on I !: hail !!e I a .. 'I lol luuglS ti aie defile 1 It lo ! . Ill s riding. I ho Ill .sit 1. :hii I i oiimgs v.oriliwit 1 in i.i..i a! eu recently. I i.e tobit. , a P e ..'.'lit McKin'oy I.i-s i- is I tu l a a la.xt.iro td II- giiiia, Ion. i e. l I.ii v 11 1 i i' a. I I . .jlo' tin lias I. t a i . ,n. -. aud taken up t '. il b: I etui lied to I : " i-io etui t in .do u io i ' e I I e a lent oil t hu : e a i a. y oaa: i s. w Inch Si cl i tin t iishiii..!.'; vcibt! ic. llispectlol. i.e lm- -a i It 1 . '. to be tail! i ! that !.;!:. iu 1 1 :is.a,. I ih .. ' ," v,i i I he luipi.y ! '.. w.- o!. i wea'lh'y I . a i cl .ii cant u' New k. I ..u i' ii. pi Nt!..'! 1 1 1 1 i oi . i lie- been ui'iested Il.e 1 i : 1 1 e. t Stall pence coin missiuu ... . i.,,t a:.. I l.'e.iklii tod w itii tho , a h lunii'is a.i., i , at Palis 10 . eat! . a i.o i 'en 1 1 ...I ant , ? iy led thu " , . I t ! i . i i.o tl I slate ( 'ulll 1 ui , ha . ' . in ! bus' no uu Ubispo iCl'.-l, li.lMf.l.t. I ': o t !f cail (.:..'. 't'u i.t lli'vunupub 1 1-bo", a di c: eu '-i.' ne I bv Cap tit ill ( i un cial I'.h.lict' Itti i, :ll:i; date of Sop- ten, lei . . : i giiiiitn.g u dou to. uu. ui .: a in mc ic e , " t f. ul! polilieiil I li oil I- l.o'.v uu o r cotiliiit'liicul iu tut' land. Sci'.or t ' I'tel ii.r. S.i.i.ish Pepublicuil !e olii, li".s rei eiied au uituliy molls Ut i ' in ai u g the ! . n.l. ii post miti k in -foiii'il.g Ins i Hod lie i u, been selected a- a lei::., by the .in:.' , hi .Is. dllc'l betwtell M. ( luil!l,'"i PnTsl Puuhiiiei und M. luiot, tt lite l.iiu teri:e, vMisfoiight.it! I 'in is, rapieis be ing tho weapons u -cl. M. I urot was tin lee Wuiiieled in il.e 1 1. :.' it and side, and M. t n til iu ic : was snghilv wuuuded on tho lip. ( upturn I'uge, lit ucivl Cutler's ui bi de camp, who has iie n on a visit to, (ieUeiitl (.oiae. ill tho Cuius Cump. 'atvsdome:' seem - Vut V grutc-ful to thu I niip.l Stiites ui '1 i. ilideiit thut tho AnuMieiin initiau ''i-s . dl bo ublo to oh-tiioli.-'.i a st'tb!" ii l i le) (.iideiit. gov oruuietit. -