T. .4. LONDON, EDITOR AND PROPBTOR. RATES i cw -ADVCRTiGING One cjuare, one inm-iti-vo $1.00 jOue Miit.re, two inst-rti-.m. ... 1.60 j One eti'iare, one mouth ... . 2.5f : r f ! . :i 7 vt. . I..-, u libtnt tfr.tr i ! i II .-! TERUS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. 1 VOL. XXI. PITTSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1808. NO. I). m-sDj3mwJ Mist Mot ., ; M -. i r.itiy fr-ni -. I'm not 'iif l I: . i.rliin and fuss .Miss .l-tiitt, jis yon ' ' i' nf ,-. our mot her si- ".:-; ) and feverish. :i s'-o dipt these two ' infant II w :l ill ill d I." ' .-:il" Iliir.-e, 1 l lift. I T It;, t I, .Infill. Ill fill i'!' si v nf w hmu Nurs ! i j in sr. I liiy tlu'rf tl 'U inii't figure Willi i ii. 1 f ei ertsli rj i'K -liiy l.. In : l'1 Mll'l passion i::lns. t.-r I liliti"l III.- 'I'd. I .li.-s simmlcd ill" .'iii I nf tin' liri lit u i'li ji almis, resent f ul I I i.poll till' complete I'll' disturbing its IIS-'1- Ills, fur h"illg nf till' I'', tl I'lr.'.t ami tln ; i:i'tiii'. fragile moth " I- i' I. n... I, ainl ,i,,i. 1. 1 ii'. ir f..r fourtooii m. .In I; I iisk-d a i ing my check beside 'Hi', ilial f..r months M glowing K.i )..lli die nils ivi-roil tonder- I I V J nil .'III- nut ploas sill' w . III nil prPSPIItlv. : M hum likl'il n little i i i, iin.l protect, iiinl I lim "That .hi," I nn- WIIS (llitn - i I ' - -. i'l. 1 1 1 v i 1 1 1 i I . I you kIioiiM .ii mlii-r I lint." 1 us s.l. hi. I .l mil n ii.l would .-i".' thing except that thp i' " ii. ii,'. r!ni"i'; t Hut none nf ant.. I l'i r; i'i.'ii n. .in. nf us cared I'll' "i1 ;-.? was ill, my fnlhiT ii .-. .1 s-im' I linn Ills wont: " 1 ' 1 ' W .is a nuisance; lll.'lt . i.i'l'llii. in. Ills nf tli(. linllsi' Wore I ' : - 1 'i ' t ''-'it I was in a I. .'I :il..., 1 1 1 r mi ill used nnd --d:w:-l. talk :il... in it." I said nl length, a is y.' i feverish, nml iirht i ! -: . 1 1. I .. try ii nil got well i In i ! If y.iii mily km. iv how . i- ' -!!ii:i; In ii ri nml I'tnnili-il bniw ii' ! tin- stairs fi-..iii my nmthpr'M I I" ..lii'ii iilinia tin. linll, nf- .. in- ! mi il r i 1 nf it, mi. i' i ...in hi fniin.l mysi'lf in itn i'ii- n-.'-i- I hulil'iili u nil h Hi'"--"' i n. -I ii.-lf in my aiin.l. nml i ' '... as pari ainl par.-i-l nf II. r. . IS' w li.il. i;lit. My v ri'i iiiiiiiiii! .1 in. I ink.. I, f 'Hi r, mating liiiniiiiii. tli.it hp lia.l li-irnini;" ni: l Alfrnl, .mr. w as kiipplinir mi thn :.. liaml ami n li.asiini; .ii i' li.-iuir inns.'!" iii.-,l '1'r.l, 'Ii'- a. i ..f : ptini; I'mlily's 'i a i i'l.- his lin ml in will .Is inn I. "I mi'I slin In.ik lik.' it; ; -. .!... fin. I Imv.'n tlip ki.l?" ; . . ii .i.iini." .-rii-.l Unsliii', i . tin- tal.lp in.-ii'ii.l nf iliu I i- .i:- in.' v. illi a I'l-nnil crlil, . in. an- l.i-aniiti. I a iiatninlly . " ir .-hp's liail a missIp with I lal J..-I Jfi't tl .' In-st t.f it, y.'ii n-u tlip inal.'r'f" :i ic . i i'ii I'lirlly; "1'vp just N I lii i pii rianh '.' It's tivp 1,'fi l fi'.-li" k." "Imi-i; AIIi.'.I is ilnini; his l.(.(.t tn burn thn I. a I :. p. i- li-anil," sai.l '1'imI. "Anil 'I'r.-ii. i- l.i .i':'u m tin- li-apnl miiup timo nt'. I snpp..... h's ri'inly. I ktuiw I'm ji.!!-. Ii'inti y. a mi .pnin ri'inly fur it." I a!k.-. p. tin' hri -pin. p. "II- i.. i II li.-lp with the tnllst," I sni.l, (r.k'i'u np ai:"ili. r lurk an. I iiiii-tl.v flis- l.....ili- II:.- I k ll.illl 1 ho Klii.lcnt'B liiinrl. Ally . I il l w ish y i.n'il Kiv up trying to do 1 'i tlniis hi ,,ii. . - Mirsn say it's 'llio lipiiiitifulost rhil l as . vit sli.' niissi'iiv " nski'd Kins Alti'nl: ".mil kimw i-Iip's InM inch of us thai in Mini." ' I .l"ii'l kimw," I sn ill. rising from my lin s a;,. I i-niryiiii; tho Iiiicp pili nf t.inut I., il.. tai-1.-. "mill ilnii't enip," I nililrcl, ill Ii inpi i. .Ily. "i :r swi'i't si-l. r' nsiinlly plai'M na tiir.' is I'litlli-il." ii-iiiiirkril King Alfrpd, l'....v, i 1 1 u mi- ainl lakinu his si-at nt I hi' Wei! 'pna.1 lnai.!. "l'mi'l ymi niind," lip (l-l.l.il. pa'lin- ii n thp link, il prucPH 1 h.-iir.l: "!' I siainl l.j , mi Inn man Thp itili a. I. r shall I'.- r.-. i;ati'il In thp nnrspry, ln-1- mil-! Pin i i . I r fm-t-l w -. ,t,. hhall I..' al i..i -.' will nut pf-tii'trntp thosp aimi". iia.l wp'II prmnisp you to i-v.-r I. ml aniitln-r nisttr." n't m.'iiiir tn iin," I sni.l; "t :t-"iMi up '.ih ilo shr'n still a hahy in Hi.' n 1 1 i j ." -Ami i ia- iM , nml kpiiIpiI. Whu kimw sV" i Imi'.-.l in Kinie Alfrnl. -'n-s ill.- p. -ist m To.l.ly," I sniil with diifimy. wn'iiiii a-i.ln th.'sp kimlly siir K, -i'i, .us. "Tin- . lul.l hnpn't .hail hnlf fni.'ii:!.. l'..v i:ii."1y you niul llnirhin in !" 1 1.'' ..in. if. r nml imiallpr: hp mu:ht not to ml us inn. h in wp tin." sni.l TimH.i Inftity. "Wi-'iv ni'ly in -tine for lii liK" tivp wi-llai.-." -Ilii-I :'' .ii.. I Kinu Alfrp.l wnrnlnaly. 'I h, ai i P.. ii amp of fi'i't. Listen! Thtv cnii..- 1 1 a r.-r. 1 1 is il is - -" C. .,i,i. i '." I n il . I, rnisiiiK H w liiti-, K. :i i -. I . -i. i- 1 1 1 .mi tlio 1 1 a triiy, Hnil spriui;-In- in li.nt.'ii 'y to my f t ns tho ilnur 'l , . , ,i. .. ,11 ii ii.n't.-rril i In. run. Its ii.. I,-,. i i iiithnu bf.visli liiifii tolloweil fhg u'in-i linu nf tuy own, '.liniii!' sai.l the pan nlal ..i.-i-. hu h hail never l-een ever aii'l ali.n .- w i . .im.' to mi' ears in that npv.ii'l passage frmn ehil.lli...'. to inilisi-r.-linii ",..an. inns, s.'iy s yniir nintli.-r is asking fm- ymi, ami -nml ill" liny s." "Askiim fur us':" 'I'lii'ie was no mirth m.v mi the ymini; llile i,-.-."s. 'rin i-e as ie.i,i'm in my heart save ..lie sharp paim nl n-.'!ii7..'. iln -nl. as. iili..nt .lll'.lller m- nl- Im.k. riislle.l fr-.i 111" feetn. nml up the stairs p. tin- ..-ar l.ive.l pii'sen.e. wle.'h. n'as alas. ,. ar lu-awn! wmilil S....II he ll preseiiee no ni;. -mily a in. tii'.ry ! ci i i "ri-; i ii. It is three years since iny .1. at- ne.ihnr's .hath. I low wi II I r. in ml.'.-r when father calleil us mil of the school r n to l.er l.r.lsi.l", w here she ln so Mill, so f i.'t 1 1 i'l . Hilly mice ili. I she sp.-.-ik, nil. I then ln-r Wnnls were lul'lresscl in no- in a faint whisper. "I'nr iny sake, .l.inn!" I knew what she luriiiil. I was to tin Hi H nl to t!m halie wh.iin I ho.l .leiermiiie.l to hale, w hi.se minim: " as euHtins her le-r life. I preSKe.l lid' liaml in token thai I hml liear.l ami uiiilersioo.1 her thai was nil I mill. 1 il... Then cainn li-rilcalh. :iiy swn.iiiiiit. fnllowe.l hy an illness which provcnto.l hip from attmulim; ihe fiineial of iny liel'iveil ileipl niother nml kept me in my room for nearly tin inmiths. W hen I was well piimieli in join the hoys in iheirplay they lecnlh il to M.v Uliinl tlin lahe. whose very oNislence I li.nl almost forgotten. I IiipI, in fa.-l. n.. seen h.-r since the neensinii I nielli imi. .1 in my pre- iullM ellllpler. T wont l.i the nursery l.. fetch her. ami ns I lookeil upmi her little while fm-e, nml saw her ir....'ii hair ami dark ey. s so like my mother's, nil the resent nimil niel ji al misy I hml felt :iL'iiinsl the chihl pa s, a way, ami tln-n ami there there .anie i'ii . m.v heart n ileep, amilini: love which nmli ing eoiil'l replace. I ....k the t.-inler mil" from Nurse i 'rmty's arms ami c.u i ic.1 ln-r in t ii i in . Ii lo my hrmhei's, fniloue'l hy the nurse, fuel then ami tin-re, at Te.Lly's siiEircstimi. v. e name. I In r Parhy. al lliough father had had her chi-isicmal I 'm ithcii, his inothcr's name. "Vmi nro .loan," said Teddy. "Let lnr he llarhy; then il will he llarl.y ami loan." Ami llarhy nml .Joan it has I., en ei-r Hiiiee. Wi noticed now 1'i.r the li i t tini" Hint tile IiiiIio'h eyes maiiita incd a l.'.c l Hare, which did not change when hrmight Into the brightest light or near the llnine nf n cnndle. and Nurse fruity finally mil fessed thin she had hml for sonic lime a suspicion that the halm had he.-n horn Mind. And su.-h ii pr.a. motherless Mule n il., had d !o he. The . miii. into III.- world w anting tl " s I ma. I. Ho .f siglll. c-y the in. in. .i v of my dying moihcr's .lyinu w .iii-. my sake, ,l..an." i-ii.-hed r inc. iiiie.iiis.'i.msly r.-peati d iliein a I Ii Tor m.l 1 igg.'d the little i.n to my lircist. "I inn gttid in. ih. r did m.l liim-.i," imir intireil Te.l.ly, f..i- limv she wmM have grieved." "I mil glad in. .1 her did nm kimw." 'I'll.. ;., were Teddy's words, and at first I had echned 111. -in thankfully, seeing only di-sn-latimi nml iii.-i I'll ril.uii in the darkened life of my I i 1 1 1 1 sister; hut as time went ..n I found that she llcedc.l lltlle of the pity ami coinpassimi iliat ocrll..wc. in mil henrls. A hrighter, sweeier litilc n.-itur.' Ilever ihw c,,pc. itself. The child herself .-eclm-.l ipiili ions of ln-r loss, and walk, would ,I. lie way frmu place to lashi. ii ..f li.-r i. 'a ii i wonder, sa id Mill" al.-nil my inc.. iiimlii-r's (lentli. when she hetail to fll'.mt. a lid feel her place in n staid lit 1 1, that caused its all I. All this time havi father: hut. indeed. f lie had withdraw n himself from lis niol-e nml in. uc. We lately saw him. except at Ihe formal ilium r at which 1 and the two elder hoys were in duly bound in appear; hut ill course of lime Alfred ami Ted ami lluuhie were niul to n hoarding school, nml Tnihly and I shared the instruct imw nf Misn fray, a soim-H hat nmiiptntcd governess, to wllolll. however, I was 'II- ilel.te.l f..r my limiicl stock nf ncoiiiplisli. iiimiis, as it never s.-cuie.l to eiiier my father's In ad thai 1 needed mme varied teaching. The mi -I'm-tuno ,,f his .v.. tinges! horn wmi hut ii brief wonder and emit passion frmn him. II.. .allcl in emiiicn! doctiirs, paid Iln in tlnir Ices, nnd heard their decision stoically. And afl. r thar lie seenied in trouble himself in mi way about her, and rarely looked at her even w hen Ic niw her in my arms, or clinging to mv side. She slept ill my niiiis. and was minis tered to by me nlmie; and now. as 1 take up the thread of my simy again, she was three years old -a little Minny hailed, fairy hk" crenini-e, who seemed in me the very t iul o iiliiiu ii t nf infaiitiiie .. elim ss. It was nearly f hristnias again, the snow lay thick upon the inooi's. nnd in the glow of ilie lirclight I ami a:l..s were sitting waiting !r the h..ys. They wcrc c. tiling home for the holidays, mi. I r.iihly had gone in the dog .-an in meet them. f..f I In- stun.. n was imir miles oil frmu our house the old, i.iiin, haltered looking building that had i pi ns fi..m some retnoie ain-cstm- in ihe n-igii 'i limn the fomiucror, ami lay ami.'st mom-s nml Inicsis, in ii wild district of Hamp shire. The child was sitting ipnctly mi my lap. listening b.r the ti i -1 smitnl of wheels. I.ung before I heard Ifn III the litlle ni.-c :-nliiily niiiimin. i I. "Tlu-y's tuiiiinui''" ami she was ipute light. A lew moment , nml there w as a rush nf f.-i t. a slimil nf eager voices, ami the schoolroom do..r burst open lo ndmii the troop. Tlu-j kiss, ed nnd hugged inc lust. Ih. n luted ill. little one mi lo the table an. I began In criticise her. "How she's gr-wn! And Imw inn. b prettier! Isn't shea iln. key ;" ainl lli.n Ihcy fmnlloil hci gcnlly ami tcii.lorU ai.d King Allred lificd ln-r mi to his shoulder, find inarched about the m in that la-h loll, in Ill-dor, So he said. In exhibit 1.. r to the bpst ii.lvanluge. "Isn't she n swell '.''' a-k.-.l T...I-I-. . ad mirinrly. iw the tirelighi 'Ime cd . u ih" bright i ritiisnn frock, with its hem ; .-net snsli nf bl.u k velvet, thai I had ma le l..r h.-r. '.She is s..:" iigrecl T. d. "Win. dressed ymi up like thai, little I 'at by ".In mail.- tuy piny k." .ittsn lillle one; "and im-'s dot a 1 1 n ft mo has." "I low Intl. Il pi. I " -I- she sp. ai, Hugh;.-. -i..s ! : s.... -, j is I will,' !lko in- u"! it'-" id the and a -a; I "Yes. I do!" nnsworod the child, with ! in emphatic nod. There was u shout of laughter from Ihe 5..ys. Then tlu-y brought the child bin U. Hid placed her mi my knee, and grouped dieinselvi s nroiind the lire, nnd f..r full Ion minutes there was a biibcl nf rpics 'inning, ehalling and nun"i use that was v ll iiigh deafening. "I suppose you know Monk's Mall is o.-. upied at hist." said King Allied, rising nml ringing the hell for ten. "I ii-.ii..-.i the blinds were up nnd smoke ...iir-i.' mil uf the chimneys ns wo passed, aid fl-nfl told me Hie pe...e had been i -i, k II Week." "I didn't know," I answered , ar, i -ssljj "1 haven't been nut nl all sine the sii-.t fell." "Wonih-r if both undo .-ilnl iioplicv are there'.'" went ii Ted the Implanons. "I say, what a sell f..r tho young i hap. wasn't it the iiii. I.' turning up after ev ery ..lie had given him up fur dend'; 1 should think he felt rather savnge." -Who -the uncle, or nephew ':'' I n-knl illietly. "Nephew, nf course. I wonder what the (.Id fellow is like." "Vnu'll bo fible In see liini mi Sunday if you go to eliur.-h," I reiuiirkod, smooth ing the soft loose curls fiom Jiaiby's .reliy br-.w. f lIAI'TKll III. I 'our day s had passed, find Snndny had ci'ie, ami this Sunday was Christmas day. It was a dour, bright, frosty day, with brilliant sunshine that spat id. I mi trees and hedges, nnd the diamond icicles that beiiiititicd their bareness. Parby was standing by tile window, ready .-.pupped for church in crimsmi p.--liss" and furs, out of which hrr gol.l. n ln ad nnd sweet white rose face lit'.-. I themselves like a flower. The child knew perfectly well when I was dressed and r.-.-idy for her. Al times really it ni c to Ilie as if she must lie able to see. " keen were ln-r instincts nml so Infallibly cnlTei't. I was settled in the family pew. where generations and generations of Temple tons had worshiped In their time, and Parby had nestled close to mo. and with awe struck face, was listening to the ih ei rolling loin s of the i.tgiin. As the clergy man entered mid took his place I saw two figures appear ill the groat s.piare pew opposite our own. At the same instani a nudge from T. d and a whisper nf "The Kmcr" sent the color flying to my face mid mi Twin-lined me with a sudden til of shy ness. I emild not for worlds nnve investij P.-.l Ihe newcomers with the i-nol, critical s'-ire .f my brothers. It was not, in fact, mi"! the service was half over t lint I sniniii-.u-cd up courage to look ill their direction. Thou I saw a bright, handsome face, w i'li laiiuhitig eyes, that met my own iw if claiming ncipniililallcc with me, nml in renewed confusion I dropped my lowered lids upon my hook, thinking M myself: "So tlint is the nephew." J had tint m-ou the nude nt all. Aftcl' tile service We filed nut "f the peW ind 1 1 1 il r. 1 1 ' I down the aisle n family procession, hendo.l by father nml lirnugh! up by Pin by nnd myself. Close upon n il '.ei r. came the inmates nf .Monk's Hall. As .'.(. left the church p.. roll and etnerg.-l into ilm bright, frosiy it ir. 1 -aw a ta:! li-'ure pic-h rapidly by and C'.nie up with '.all. or. lie. in I II ill. Slopped, then a !! ; -i - -c. look oi welcome broke ..v.-r hi- Inc. There was a brisk shaking of hands, a rowd of iinc-.limiH. Then iny fatln i i.i'iie.l round and Ii I the group of sons 'ind daughters with which I'l-ovidem-.' had s.eii lit lo bless him, mid we hcn:d his low. cl.-ar voice introducing us generally 'o his e!. ami esli emed friend. Sir Ralph r'crrcrs. Sir It n 1 1 ill shook hands wilh the ' lis individually, mid then looked nt me ns I stood a litlle apart holding Purhv's 'land. "My eldest and youngest daughters." -aid father, and the kindest, iioblesl face I have ever seen w a s h h ik i ng do w ii al me i. id ai ihe tiny hand drawn slowly nut of '!;.- luil" in u If. and held towards him. "And what is j.uir name, my dear':" he llslild, holding tin- w.-e linn. I in his great .i.iiin, and gazing with a liltle puzzled o..k ill his keen gray eyes at the lovely 'pile face, en which the winter stinliulu '.-Il so uaily. "I is Parhy," she says, in her pretty, ilainlive M.icc; "ami dis is .loan," taking lei- hand awny and pulling it in mine. Sir Ralph looked nsl.. pished. "Parby and .bum!" he echoed. "A ii"W i.t-sioti of the i.l.l story, .Miss Ti-inph-'II ':" "It's mily n ni. knanie thu boys gave tier," 1 said hurriedly, fur I saw the gaih ring clmid mi father's face; ' her real III UK' is 1 I'.rntllell." "No. it not." allii'iio-.l I he child. diak;nu 'ar gold. -n head; "it's Parhy, ami m..'s li.'s Imi" husband." Sir Ralph liiugh.-d outright, and ii I t his kind, trunk eyes, I laughed !"... '.-ding as if his genial face put mo . u c i terms with iiiiu .lire. ily. "Hut I am forgetting nnsolf," he re luiiied iiii.kly; "I niusi introduce my icphcw in ymi all. Mere, Vorke. my boy, 'miio forwaid mid show ym-i-scif-' I did not need to look al the face. I know it so well. I could have told !.. u Muni" the color of hair ami eyes; lie- Impc of the lau::liing inoiilh, with i:s swoop of fair mustache; the l.ca.iiifully .iiol.li . I. if s what xcni. looking chin: the In In-, iiiielcss gra f ligure. Th.ro m rc mme bows nml I and clasps, ami 'Io n w . moved ..i, our nuiiiliers ancmcnl td by two. mid I heiiiil father w irmly in sisting upon these new no.piaintmioos "oniing to take their Christinas dinner wilh us. Wo all walked nil together, father and sir Ralph chatting in n friendly nml fa ii I iit - fashion that iimii.cd us, Vnrke I'cr vers mi l King Alfred just behind ihetu, mid Ted clinging to ll iv n iiii. schoolboy fashion, as I walked nlmig with Parby. 1'ies. nily Vorke Terrors nml Ally nun ni-oiiml nt-.'l join us. "Alfred," 1 ask, "did ym Ii,-,. that i!d Mrs. I'cicbrook was in church. V I .Minder win. that pretty L-irl was with her. I o you kimw V" "That." says Vorke. ipil. Ily. lo r Ltanddaimhter, Miss f rot' Nellie frm'i. I know her very well. What a hm rid old woman the grand iher is! Po ym, ,n h ast. I suppose ymi do Know her':" "She is one of our oldest ami .lmrcsl friends." says Ted i aim'.! ami inon la . imid.v. ami with a n I-.. king gravity of M.ice thai would not in isliecome falln r. I glance ai Verke I'm-i i rs' diseom erti .1 face, mid iln li at my brothers' surprised mies. I feel indignant. "P.. not believe lulu. Ml . I'm n rs." I say hurriedly. "She i- nothing of tho soil. We detest hoi a mean, backbiting, spitci ul old woman, I am sorry f..r In r granddaughter." "So am I," he says, looking at me grate mill. t IIAITKU IV. The f lirisinow iliiiuei- is over. "AY h,n .ai. ii .-r tin key nml plum pud Inu v, ' i.iv butiu 4tiuih(i t (tibn Ktulki tippoiiianee nml conversation; wo"-iavo t.i lien notes nf mil" visitors, and me tatli ir ine-imd to be phased with Sir Ralph. Mm voinig ones have gone off to bed. n il Alfred mid I and Vorke ''i-rivis at Siting wilh father ami his friend in the lining room, and tin i- partake ol "a la-t irrui cup." "II..W jolly you must all b" togcl li. r'." i. n. irks Vorke I'ori-i'is, w ho is at tuy "...!t !" I say dubiously. ' Well, yes, I .;;.: .. " We .'.I". I'llt I sliOIlM thilik ,VoU :.' ! i. v III. i'li" c.-el.'tlt cnmp.lll.V." , b h,. k I'.'.k I have before noticed . inio ihe sunny ey . "A man twenty years elder than my roll' . an scarcely bo 'o.x. cllonl ootnpaiiy,' " no -a . s w illi a 'sneer. 'Twenty years!" I ev laitii invohiiilar-i'.--. "Is he really twenty years older V I should never have thought il. Itut limn ' aie pi" are young for llieir years, ii. si as others nro old." Ami i's I say it I sigh, remembering Imw heavily my seventeen yearn secin miictinics to weigh upon um. ' I suppose ymi Hilnk I nni old for uijieV" Miys iny companion huffily. Ybu don't look twenty years ymmRvr i ha if your uncle, eon iihily," I nnsw or nagWy. -lop. tfioti, no one would rvor lreaiii he w as- forty!" "Vmi have not had inu.-li experience in J. i. 'uia of age. I should think," Is my "luip-inlou's i-.-ply. "Your brother tells iie you have lived hero nil your life, nml for n utter, downright stagnation, giv ..'iitry lif" w ith its daily umli viat- ug routine." ' I la vp ymi expi'ii.-neeil it':" I ask coolly. "Well, not exactly. You see. I've been m llt.-.p. and llieti at college, and I only am" hi-ro wli"ii whi'ii -" Up lo-si tat.-s. and his brmv darkens. "When ymi Ind i-x tut hum 7" I sag lb looks ai in. b'aekly, almost snva livid. irly I have hit upon n s ""i on know- of . It is i .,i a ( i'l, .iher a. Ii milage e every olio know s. loiihl. That is mi ... ..i try life; every I relating p. one's neigh lad I'te I ioI-'s affairs is seized upon and discussed villi the utmost a idity." "I won. Id-, if you so dislike it, that you till Vi Ilie to lpe here." I reniiu k. W oll- l.-riiig what Sir Ralph is telling Ally and father that seems to aitin-" thorn so much. "I have no choice," he snys gloomily; ' I am depi ndi'M mi iny uncle." It i mi the tip of my tongue to tell him ho ought to be morp grateful than he si-iins. but I refrain. I am still lost in m. dilation when his voice recalls me. "Well." he says, and like inagic ihe bonis clear off, and it is his bright, sunny l lace thai looks buck lit me again. ""U have been studying me as if ymi .-.sled to lake ni" for a model. I know yon paint: your brother told ine so." "My In-other s.-ciiw to have told you a gnat deal about ttn ," I say, Irving to hide my confusion by speaking Jocularly. "Periinps I ado-d him," lie says In a low -.nice, and looking at me as never human I h i 1 1 . has looked yd. " That i-. so hk.-ly," 1 say, in sudden an i:.-r. "Why should you interest joiirself I ..lit ai .four e- of us': Why, ymi ..- to till to day." lid know of that ot- er km "IV istelli "I 111! P- when I e il lores t ;' been here ;'. il-.ivcil," he answers i wool; nnd ha-l not h nig.- idea i w ith ox ...III I. cpt, ! course, my undo. "Ami Nettie Croft." I say, ipii.-kly. I !.- giv.-s a linle 1'tarl. "I..n do y.iii know ':" he as,s. "1 I only siippohed it," I say, laughing nl his confusion. "Vmi kimw ymi told mo I'ns morning that she was n friend of runt's, and tiny certainly don't live a stone's throw from .Monk's Hall." "Thai doesn't coiint," he snys, hurried ly. "She's a sort of of cousin, or smnc thing. We have known each other since w c were children." "Vmi have .piiie cheered Vorke up nin-nig you all," here says Sir Ralph, Ii' Piling iu most kindly fashion and coin ing towards us. "I have not h. ard him laugh b.r many a l-uig .lav. I dale say," he adds, wilh ..nipunctioii, "il is dull m . ugh fm' him. shut up with an "Id foty lll.c Illi self. I hope, if it p. mo asking too i.n i.-h. thai ymi will Id him drop in n iw nnd lie a; Mic soeioly of the young is for Inc il 1 1 4 eh. 'l'empletnu ':" "V.-s ahl deci.l. .Ily." says rather, w ith iiuivmP. .1 . oi'.lialitv. "S.-iid him here ivli'-m-vir ymi like whenever ho likes. And and yon must cine yourself, ymi know. I should be glad to explain to you I ha i lien work I have been engaged on, ill,. I whose d'Sclls-i. It we postponed to- Ili:.l:t." I'rest niiv 1 hear plans being laid fm- a visit t.. Monk's Mall. We are all to go he insists upmi il - father and all; ami b.r the first time in memory 1 hear father ai opting an invital ion almost us heartily as i' is given. Thru tln-re is n Mist deal of hand slink ng mid speechifying, nnd liunlly our guests are off, ami we wnteli them driving nway in the frosty Peeeinher starlight, nnd I go up to my rnoiii with Sir Ralph's hearty voice ringing in my cars: "Thanks fur a nmst hnppy f hi istnin!" 'Ihe next day we all paid a visit to Monk's Hall. Wp passed into the hall. Sir Ralph loading the way with father. I following ilnni, with Vorke Ferrers ..11 i.tia side ami Parby dinging to my haml u ihe miii i. M .ak's Hall was -cry. very eld I am iilzaol : say Imw old. I kimw there was n gi i. oral air of gloom nnd in. lil i m- i ai. -.in it tiiat would have enrapl uro.l an archaeologist. Failier naturally was i-i i ,-stasips over it. ami peered into moldings and an ings. am! ga ve dales of t he arehi i.. lure and in.-ilim al decorations, licit Soli . how scenic. I fo interest the possessor f-i less t linn i lie in fotinant. "('cine with me," vxhispond Vorke I 'or ills h iii'l.-.lli , "I want to show ym the pi, ;;!.- gallon, l eave the old fogies .. p. .-o to thelllsciM's." " 'mi in c not na y polite .. pmr urn !." I sad. lollow ing him as he dived thmttgh a ,- : tamed a'.i hw a;. . ami glamiug ba.-k us 1 -i.okc to g'uo a -.ign of imitation to the Inis. which they promptly followed. 1 bon d tin self al lasl at the farthest end "I :l-i- gallery, and standing before the portraits of one of the bygone genera ti.ui ol Ferrers. I lie face struck inc nt ,m o l y its i xlraol'dinary likeness to that f "n.rko. li was a yming face, ton, and l,nmls.,mrr even than that living mm by ,ny side, but miirred, ns his often was, by the look of glomny discontent thai I. .ri, . nod the eyes nml brows. "p.. nm si c the likeness':" asked Ym-k ebruptly. a my cy. tinned from the por trait lohiuis.il. "it omirse ymi do. 1 I v th mi uneasy lit'le laugh - "1 can sec it mi -. il. lie was a bad lot, that Ferrers no great tun ic and clinic to a bad . id I ..it, n think ih. .eight to have painted I i l iack M il om r the portrait, as th, ' h.i" .lone .nor tli.M ..no nf Marino Fnli. ro t ',. i i..g. 's pa V' ill Venice." 1; , n aid ! - i- been Tin I," I Miid ;.. v to! I) ; "i-t i.l time Ills evil deeds luiglit hs f,o;i2, 4 f4 tv7 wah his" Vneinol-v. "Tlu-r.. is i-o m-nl to put up ,'1 porp"tl! (llliil l to ri x iw tl.oui." ' I sl.-'iihl not have thought ymi would I..- im r. iln! to evil d.-i-r.-." h- -a:d. h.-.k I'..: curiously al in-. "M..-I w-n-iu are: hard .ci men's errors. I l.-m . :" Last, j t ', rr rs against 1 1, .-m -di . j "Ah." I said bglnly. ' bm jou s. .- I have had la, o.x pcrii-n-i u t'cit line .n '." "Halo your brmh.rs always been so' g I to jou 7" he askid. "Von -co, i is 1 a novel experience to me, inc.. ting with j h family p.-n-iv like y-.iiis. I m -, . r bad j liny brmlieis ..r sisp i." : "Had you lin' ':" I . I aimed. i"l .- sioiialdy. "What a pity '. 1 tl. t.k y ; would nm l.o s,, " I "So w hat ':" he (pi. -t iof.-d as I .am. 'to an abrupt stop. "Well," I staiuiiu red. growing some what confused at my own pi. mi s,..akito.:. "I was going to say -., Im-ti. b.ii km.w." I a.l.le.l. apo'logeticfilly. "you do lake iimlo-ngc very ipii- kly." "po 17" ho said', reddening. "I did md know. I suppose do. They nl ways said al sol I I had a beastly temper." "I have not a iked you for that nm-.-s tor's history." I snid. with sudden irrele vance, ".'nt I w ish ymi would toll it mo, some day." "f el-tallilr " be sni.l ll litlle SU I I ilised. "Hut I warn you it is not a pleiisain one." "No mailer," I answered, curtly. "It may bo prophetic." (To lie continued.) ONE DOLLAR OR ONE DAY. I lioilitncnl tlmt No Van Need I'rnr in the I'olU'e Inurt. If any res table pet sop shmihl Imp pen to get Into the hands of Hie police .'t iii I be lined by a city m.igi-i in 1 e. whmi he had no no. it. ' mi.! didn't want to make known his plight to friends, he Plight bo tii-i i. 'ii t -. I by knowing that so tuc threat. -iii-.l id-ins m' imprisonment ai-c nm so awful as i;,. -.vm to be. This i,s due t., the fact : I i;i I Ilm day of coninil in. iii and the day of di-clia i go always .mini in law is full diys, and thin it is ih,. misi. .in mo in pin a u'-i' son tosm-iiug .in n soinmici' until the mid of i he day ..f c iii in. 'tit ami to ri-hnso him on the inm'tiing of the day of iliscll-M-ge. A ciii'inii.s iiisi.iti f how this works w:is witnessed lie' other iluy .-U the fll.-l lies street pi d ice sta I loll. A Sllllle pot ter had gone liu ie upon some news i I I'fl lid. and while In- talked lo Ih" sd' geaiit al the (cs! lie tioii.-i-.l that I'm miiin lo.uii was peaily lillci with push en I t s. "Wo have had to make a raid upon a lo! of Ihe fellows," explained Ilm serge'iin. .Illsl llleii a ( 1 i . . 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 callie in with I w o vendors ami repoi led at I he desk. "They were all lined SI eadi or one day," he said, rclmring to the batch of iu:-li carl iin-n iluil Im had taken to ciiirl. "These I w .. men paid I heir lines and bavi ine li.n-k with me to got their carts." "All right." said the sergeant: 'gel soul il I ill" hack loom ainl ln-!p t hi-in nut Willi lie ca i'l..." While ll IM-M were go! II ll. sc' genu '.'lam ed up .1 1 I In- clo.'k. "It'.- after I." In- s.ii-' "All tin- rest of them will in- bm'.- in a biiiii.ic m two. V.-u'd I" it- i' slay and 1..- f-.-i-l- i.. help Iliein nil! wild Ihe res! of the carts." "You sic." colli iliiP-d the .scrge-iiil to the reporter, "these two Illell who paid their lines have saved only a few nun Hies, and if tlu-y had mu bemi green horns limy would haw- kept tlnir money. Tlio others. I guess, have I n there before The olticial day in court ends at I '. I... I.. w hen the court ad journs, ami all tlm prisoners who have I u lined -"si of i in imi 1 1 i'i for mi,, day n ri rcle-isod. It's tiino I'm- the otli.-rs to be here Imw " Sine enough, as be spoke they i.iiiie trooping u Tli.-.v m-e smiling, and th.-y ghilicc-l w illi iUiz.zical looks . -ii ilm nidi win. had paid I heir li lies a ml n .-' " going down he street. New Y olk Sun. The i t ol' It. 1'rosideiii l.in. in's reputation as a humorist rests largely upon ilm I stories h,. eml. I tell, or itiimil, to i Inst rale a poini . S.uia t mhos, ii : llnlcs-.. he exhibits bit, i. .-It as I jiiU"!' iii a not h.-r way, .is in ; ,,:s ,-. i bu,. i.,irr:ih d by 1 1 i; per s i:..e- I ( in,- day I .iiii-olii a ml i . .-.-t.iiii in.!..', nil int una to I . lid. v. . '..itiim in;; cti'-'n ot hm' a b. .111 l..u -- a 1 .1 . .. '" liifii--. Finn Ily , I n. nln - a d . " I II. I -ok In H-. illdge. I'll tell .Mill w ha I'll do. I ll Pink" a horse 1 .-;!,. with Vi'll, ollly il lulls' be Upon these stipulations: S it lit r parly shall see the 01 ln-r' s hms,. urn I it ;s prodm 1 .1 lu re In the cobityatd of the ho'el, ami both parties in 1 1-1 irade liors-M. If eilher parly bio i.s ..lit of the igloo ineiit he (hies s.. 1, mb r 11 forfeit life of 1 wmily Iii e ihdl.i i s." "Ag d." 1 I'icil I he .illdge all. I I nth be ami I. in. . .In wenl in search of tlo lf respect in. aniniiils. A crowd gathered, a lit ii ip.i t im: t-o lie fun. and iiin-n the judge ivttii tm.l lirst Ibe laugh was ilpi oa rimis. lb' led. or "rather dragged. ;it ihe mid of a lutl'cr Ilie meanest, boniest rib staring 011. ,d- liipeil. blind in both eyes, that ever pii sscil turf; bin presently l.iin . lii t n ine along' 1 a rt i i n i-m r his sli.uil.hr ll ca t pi-nlcf's In. is.-. Tbi 11 Ihe ,nir:h of Ihe 1 i-niiil was I'm a. us. I.lini i'l soh'llllily set Iii-. In us,, down, .ind si lclilly Mifvcvc.l th.- cidgc's 1 1 1 1 . -. . 1 with, a oi 1111 ii :il look ! inbuiie li'.giis.. "Well, judge." he !' ally said, "this is the Ill's! lime 1 i m i-g..t 1 ' w. -. of il ill :t hol'se tiiiib' " Sine the ile-ith of Car.'ti Hit's, h hip Widow has been unking !a s, gifts b varlmiis cliiirilies in l-'ran --. Iluglaml and Ausirii. I'.. -sides 1 .'.iimi'.iiuO fiMin-s which sln- has giicii for tlio buihliug of a laboratory f-e Fa.s Imir I nsilt ute. she has rc nily given 0.1 mi 1,1 mu francs for the pension fund of the oriental railroads. In bibldiiur which Huron llirscli laid tlm p., nida tion ol' his eollossal fortune It. -shies this, she h.-is giieti I .(11 11 1.1 11 111 francs for the foundation of a hospital in Loudon, and i-everal liclu ticent Institutions III i'arp; haw just reccixeil large- sum frmn her. It Is esiimated that within oi. list 111,1 tnoii'lis ISaroncss Ilii's.-li , .' s; I'ihutej i.t't'i'.'" ''"lies in elbinl). II An Expression of Deep Gratitude from the Citi zens of Matanzas. STRANGE mi Majority of Philippine Congress Favors Annexation to the United Stales. Lord Roseberry's Scotland Speech England Mak ing Energetic Naval Preparations. )no of tin; uioHt fervent e-U'i'esMous. of f-i Rtitudn which 1ms yet Ijubu uttcro'l ley the r-i.ltiitrt of niiy of the Cuban communities that huvc fallen ntnler thu niilitary oceupiil ion -' the Fnite.il Status govuruiuent, was that aildtesteil hy the people of Mautauas to the two o 111 vera of the I'niteil State-i 11uy. ('aptiiin I.. Niles ami Major A Ue'il liecu'.iif Ni koiu, w ho wt'iu cliiii gml ith thu dm trihutioti of releif supplies 111 that iBiu iuu Htrn-ltoit i.-oiiitniiiiity. 1 ho ti'ldrt'ss in pint is us fullovvus: "IK.W- cnii wo (imiiiiin.l languiiKW (;;vu iittciatice t the sentiment that Miiiv 0111 piipulutin!!'.' Mow ean wo failhfiiliy it'i'iesiiut and Ithtis--unl tlio thouglits I'.U'l itleu tl'"' vibinte 111 our Lt-urtH n' t-boniji our follow crou turt'8 redeemed fioiu tho horrors of fum nii! hv the lui'xbansHblo charity of tho great Auiericau nation, so worthily rep rtseuted hy you. In the name, thon, of those thnt bavo hceo resened from famine, in tho name of the city of Ma tauza; in tho naiuo of all that iii holy ud (.'hristiau, wois'ivo heartfelt thanks to the American people for their timely assistance, which ih another link to tho chain of love and gratitude which al ready hinds us to them. All in laior of timculimi. Hav I'ii w is. ', IHpecial '. Thn I'nited Status trauspoi t Uio do Janeiro, which has arrived here hroiiRht the following- to tlio Associnlod I'ress, dnied Manila, Septemlu r '.'": "Ihe l'hilippine FotiKress has hceu iu sos pion, siueo Tuesday, September The lirHt tliinj; dccsiled wan that the l'liilippiiiu ropiil'lic hhoiild not counten ance any policy that should ho agreed on. whereby Spam would have anything-further to do witli the islands, and would reaist by fi'ivo of n: tnf. nny such liieiiHiire. A vote was taken on the policy of num-xatiou to the Aiutii i can icpubiic, mnl auucxiitioa was do cided upon by a luriro majority. Aemn a!do now cxpresnea himself as poreon ally iu favor of utiucxittiou, lord Rnscbcrr)'s Spccxh. Ii-t 1 it, Scotland (Hy cub!.'1.- I.ord Koseberry, tlio I.iberal leuder and for mer Freiuicr, in receiving; tho freedom of I ci'th, referred in the most cordial terms to the "cood underhUtiding bo tweeutiroat I'.ntaiu and our kiiiHuien in the Fuitid States." ( 'oiitiiiuitik'. the Hpenkor said he behoved the whole history of the ill-feoliue; which existed was one vast misunderstanding;. Since 1 T7'., by the madness of ono govern ment and Ilie want of wisdom of an other, tiroat I'.riliao had waged two warn Rg;aiust tho I'nilud States, iu neither of xvbicli wore we coiihiucuous ly BiiocesHIul. " I'nstpntioil fur One thnilh. lioport rocoived nt the War 1 'opart ruent from the American military coin inissioners in lltiwiun. indicate t hat the PuaHon has nut'yut sulliciently n lvancod in Cuba to maUo it even leasonubly nal'o to semi any large number of Amen cau troops to iho island just now. Ac cording to the lust nd vices hum (leu Wade, president of tho American com mission, it will probably be I'l-cember 1st before additional troops w ill bo re quired iu Cuba. Tito Russians Suspiiiuns. 1 iispatches received in liorlin from Ht. Fetersburg- show that the Kmperor's journey to the Fast is veiwed with the greatest suspicion and it is fully be lieved that I'.iuperor William is dosir oiis of ai'iiuiriiifT 11 portion of ottoman territory. Tho Noxo Vrenivn, writing in this sense, wai ns Turkey that even a slight session of I'urkisk territory will be tho beginning; of the partition ol tho Turkish oiniire, if not Us ruiu. I iu- killiil in a Kailruad Avi.tikiit. 1'oni Woin ti, Texas, iSpecinl'. wreck on the I!oek Island road, licni here resulted in tho -loath ol fivo men. Tbreeolheis will die, find two wme seriously injured. A freight train broke iu twont tin-top of a steep grade. The rear portion e -til.1 not bo stopped and it crushed into the front section, wrecking and derailing several box cars, in one ot ine wrecuc'i curs wore ten men, evidently Hlcnlitig a ride Fixe of them wore instantly killed and three are dying;. posiriitiiuis 011 Traffii Rciiinu'il. Tho Louisiana, hmir.1 of health has issued u p.. Imitation removing all quarantine lesti ictious on 1 1 11 Ilie, as far as the board is concerned. Maritime Quarantine I Mended. Aotinn Surgeon (ioneral Itailbache, f the Marine Hospital Setvice. has ordered tho extension of the muritimo quarantine service until November l 'i. The action is of 11 precautionary 11 at tiro and designed to avoid any possibility of entry of yellow fover from the ports in the West Indies. I v I The French government has received I Major Maiohand'n ropnrt, telegraphed from Cairo. It ilon not touch upon tlio Faikcils ffir. I R'tM I'l iVtiTiPV T HI' WIN. - 1 Strange Cast "f Nut-. lecittlt Ccntur) Super-.-'itmn ami (iultiliililv. An almost incredible story of nine teeutii century Hii;eiHtitioii aud gulli bility comes ft om the town of Kemp ton. Lavi'.iiu, where a married couple, niiiui-il Wi.hlfalii t. have been sentenced to imprisonment after having been con victed of an e.xti am diuary series of hands 011 11 well-to do farmer aud wife, living ii.-ar bv, whoso dniistlitcr, Cree-ceii.-e, recently died. I iio Wohlfahrts ptisiiaded the fai lner uud his xvife to bilieve that thoir daughter, Agnes U'ohi la hi t. received f'ie-ueut visits from the 11gi11 Mary, who told her that ri'.-eeiiee was not iu heaven, but in p'.n gut.-i y. They further impressed ii on the parents jo! lesceueo that Ag nos emild ui riiiigo their datiohter's re lease from purgatory if too farmer paid :!'.i) marks. I ho latter paid the uiouey niitl a little later Aguies whs alleged to have recene l the news that Croscenoe had been married to 11:1 angel aud ad vised to have her dowiy sent to her, amounting to l.nnu maii.a. J Leu Cres cenoe xvas supiKised to liavo hud a baby mid tlm fanner gave lumo money to the Wohlfuiii ts. In short, tho farmer was l.U-d iu till , manner until ho wus ruin ed, lint news of the nlhiir leached th authorities and tho ohlfaln ts were) ai rested. Hiiring tho proceedings ia court, .'.'J b'Mers w inch Ajtuoh Wohlf iilut was mi l to have received from the Viigin Mary, were produced and the public prosecutor read a receipt "from the Mother of Christ," fm- I Vl marks. Atioihei document was a letter of thitiil.s f.r a saci; of 1 tdntoes ami still auother was iiu acktiow iedgeinont of reccii-t i f '.', ".on inarl.s, .vhicli said that all tin; iiiigels 11. heaven blew their truio imis iviieii 1 1,1' :,;oui'V arrived. It w.isnl-o developed itui 111:; the court pi o.-ocliiigs Unit Agues nci uully gave the tanner a r-i-fa, a iiiilk loaf and e!l,( r thiiigs, wi,;;'!! she iloclared she ha-l received tioin hi'iiveii, while the liirnii-r'a wifa pci sm:nliv baked a tine tart for the lrgm Mary. I'rau Wolilfalirt, as the guiding spirit in the frauds, was sent-sucod to two years' im priHonment. I iter jfctix. Naval I'rcpar.itinns. l.oM'iiv, illy Cablei. The lil'itisb aduiiralty has ordered every sea-going warship to haxe its crew made up to the full complement ns 01 dered in case of iimbiliatiou. Tho older of the Hritish admii nllv pracltcally iiieans the com plete toiling oft. prospective, of every ship's company r detail. Four torpedo boat ilm-trovei .-, which were about to bo titled w .th now water tube boilers, havo had their orders countermanded an i have been nihil noted to redraw their stores, t ulicet s on leave of absence or iineiiiplovud have been notified to hold themselves in readiness to com mission their respective ships if or dered. Kaffirs Dclealv.l h lite Itiirgdters. I'm p. in,, Trutisvtinl, 1 My Cable.) -The Mn-.-i.ta hiithts have been lepulsed by the Im co of I'.i.igheis sent against them Ihe loiigiiers chased them into the lii-mntaiiis. killini' several of the natives. Ihe llurgbms artillery did good exei'iit imi and the Tiniiavaal forces sulK-red no !,)-.. I ho fact that tho nat.ves at t iicke I the Fiirghers is regarded i.s a ilecliirntion of war. Cliatice 111 tlio Ton-: id tlu- I rciitli Press. I ho Paris cmrospoiidoiit of The London Sunday Times says: "The change of tono of tun press is note worthy. It is now certain tlmt the I'nshoda itienton is left out of all ne gotiations between I'ruuce nnd Kng liiiid, and that both goverumoiits have grasped the double fuct that Fngland means to slick to her programme, wlnlo Krnnce is coitaiiily entitled to fncihtios across the Nile." Ilanjrcd Without Dela. A special from riimpkiusvilln, lxy., says: "News has ion, -hod hero of the lynching of Arch Haiti1, colored, who committed an assault on and attempted the murder of Annie Morrison, oldest (laughter of llcni v Mm iison, a promi nent titruior of Cuinberlaiiil couuty. rs .Morrison receive 1 wounds that may prove fatal. "ci'iiiiiiu-tiils ,1 IVasdn! Ss-1 1 1 LMiiont. Tlio liorlin National .ultimo says it iea'lis Hint Count Murnxiell', tho Itus siu Foreign Minister, has recom mended to tho French govet niueut a peaceful sot 1 1 din on 1 of tho I'nshoda question, as Kusmu dues not consider that war will set ve tho interests of Fiance. Pula-iicja and thi1 Oiigcn Confer. A special from Madrid, says: Con si. leinble speculation has been caused hero by the holding of a long confer ence between tlio t.iuoen liegent and tlenet al l'oliivieja, former governor of Cuba and of the Philippines. Departed from Cnnstaittiiiuplc. The I '.iuperor aud I Impress of Oer many liavo left Constautiuople for Pal estine. 1 liov received bu ovation from tlio fiowd of people aH-u'iiibls.l to wit. titet tair dti rUr,

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