ftlic Cljatljam Record. JT. A. LOXDOli, DITORAND PROPBTETOB. A r? V " T 7' . ' : ? c TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly In Advance. . gt.oo ... 1.60 . '. 2 Sfl UM't.l A--lK!1li VOL. XXI. ITTTSIJOUO, CHATHAM COl'XTV, X. (., TIHTKSi)AV. NOVKMIJKR 3, 181)8. NO, 10, - Hi 1 ' sit! jfS"4J'14 ' I I" nly fools liko myself wh., s..ff..r f.M.i jj ti.iJSLK5 ytffL NVi-Sr-'' """ "'""'I'biiiit. Ami. after nil. I mi;.- I . ... . TNS-J ! . ' .- . 2 "'so juu in'H'f Kin r ll wioil-lll Mi lite n: flpil, lcnviiif? her yenrobl son l..-liinl, anl ' uneasiness I ft-It rotfardiiu; Yorke IiTrei's. t "And .1..':" mie-M .tn-d iIh Yorke wjis Iht companion. Ills brother 1 1 i letters seemed to i,.c cobb r i;: I , "Wi!' .1 im and you':" followed them from place to place, hut for : 1 if I Itlniv 11 ti'-'-;-t ;i i 11 ill lii.pa'i !i. : ... " '. 1-: . i 1. !,'.'. vv i!! .' n Inns time they niiinnj:ed to elude him, . t ..-! f,.r n whole .!. hi' win,:,: ir i ; in i-iy ., r.e. oii'i sit Inst he iliccl I" u fever !iii,'i,i in vi-ii... Tl: 11 v.mM ... evens. :.l i i"' - I." Iiiily. Yours afterwards York- came 1 . i.,-,,1 -ies. si ml fervid 1 vpres-ioiis 1 ; i..v. ' I ,. ;..r . ..,. ano v t,i .Monk's I l,i 1 1 alone. Tin- rliil.l whs y.,.;!1... ' m,u-l, , w ilk in, rcu -i 11 j : . ..;.;, hums .1 . ! 1 . : .: ..,( in ! r 1 ' .!.! and ihero luul boon tin ltii 11 1' 1 1:1 it uppoit I. ".'in'," iiii.l "I.,.t i,t," iir-r. '.I ; r in 1 :ii-ii t, ll' look tho I'oy under his .-liiirif. '"it ' U;.-U I coi'il not o.iiup. -m ml. ; i. ",..! '-o !.:i. tile 'silted liim. 1111 I mi" !:iy . ( 11-' : -i 1 1 1 ; l c. 1 .t osplaui. ' l-.-i.-l.." I . r i. . "!. 1 1"' VVUs never lic.'il'il i.f llu-.lin. 'l'ln' I I t ; !. . ,i I ,' 1 hi I'm i.i, 111!' il 1 ; . !';.' j 'l:;iv .1 : in ' . !. I : ! )'iiin rty liijisinl into tlif Imu.!- -( Y.rki- j ! jml. ;i!,. w in-ii (.:i.' i .'.v Mr U.ili.l, ;:. :: ! I j.i.! r : ' I'l-rrrrs 11111I liis heirs, jhM m r.-n:i ! 1 1 ! s t.;i-;'iy - It" to l.u:nl..ii ..n "I m i " I 'Am,; , i.u ., ". . r-i I ' i' i ';":' !, . ,1 .-! innny," I nuswi'i- r:n .' 11 ml 1 tnlki'il nl'iiiit ymi I10 snvs ;in- lisi'HS::,..! ill I 'j' ' ! It? 'Vi'fV , ";1jU , "Tliiink yon for nm t ti VM'.J? .-- lk". tlint mannrr." .' . -.:SA:1 '' ..'.V-t t'Ydii-. " "'r ro,,rsp"' aslft bim yon d... a l! ' "- '-''-V ''-VFi'T'V''''. nm siiro ho fpfls it." f ' ' ' VjAXP'ir1' j 'lo'i't ciiro if Ir. iI.h s." n!,,.-s Y hitliT iiKiiinst Sir l-O I'oi.lisli .f Villi t.i Mill I fl V1..-CA',C?5' '' ' I iloii t ';iro if Ir. il.i- s." ii!,,M-s Yorl ilnStcily. "I linlc liim. mill I nlwny t.c . - -j.-.i.Mi j sluill. It is not only tlmt In- lias Mi-ppi'.! l.clwri'ii me mill fin'tuiic; li.it now Ii. t'llAl'TIIlt V. ! rlioi.si's to tlirust liinisilf lct-iTii hip ami Aftrr that i-it 1.1 .Muiili's Hall -a visit j my my frirmls. It is v. ry li.inl." C01111111 in. .in!, . ,j n 1 It.niipiiuiK- 'iini'lir.m ' "' ''" 111,1 t liin k .v. -ti sIhmiM say tl.nt," i,i tli. lii.sit li-p.-niclcil ilinins room 1111. 1 j 1 flt'i'. "H' lins not tlirn.-t 11s nway n pr lit o! iii i-iiiiiipnt liot lionso (lowers "" 1 "p t'oysiiiv .him unsainf. r.niil " "l inil h Ih ii';" 1 n-Ueil as lie sii,!.. i.;.,- p.HISf.l. "I 'mil my 11 11 -! t el.'iini.'il it," lie sai'l in a 1 ..v, lianl v.. iie. "History i'eii'iits it-ieli". j on know. A k a in 11 Yurkc rerveis a:i. a U.ilpli l'rr:ers dwell nt Monk's Hall, ami nain tliev Imtb love the cmihu! ,:ivl." "'Ii. 11..- in.!" I e.vilaiiui .I, ti'ii'ilii'il .it liis Kiooiny t.iin'. "liun't say tliat, ".,rkv! Il i- not ti ne, ami pvi-n if 11 wei-i.- " "WellV" ho n.skod ns I pnnsiil. "Ob, Imt it could nut be," I i iii d vein nienily, and eliiiKim; more elvsely t,j I.U (i'le. "Yon nie not wicked nnd indie live like--like that other mini." " '.Mi ll lire as circumstances tnaki I ' 1 v '. 1 y 1 11. 1 -a y. and r. -.. i . !. . '. 1 : 1 : a 1 1 1 - a :. i '. i 'i: : : ! I:.'i liim p.'inl 1 'aid. 1. 11 lii Iiiimii what .: i i, . , . i-.ii.i'r ... !i. Ii'e. a-. i 111, lr..idi!"S ..I Lis .,,h, w. ! 1 '.m;:i! I..':. :! i m. While ;,. uas ii;ii rv. . I 1., i,iy ! '. 11 a- ,.,:i pl.v ." Ii- ! sr.-at Mirpi is" that t'atlu r toek to payiic: 1 ai i.iptiir.ps i rr, ns isii in i.i;r iini.'l i 11, ili-'.ppiii:: i;, 1 ' iiii!'' I .-i;... .-ual In n! my l..-."l t fur a lew i,..ineiils at a time, iti.nu I-; May :ad tele't r.li.'f s" -iiat 1' I'ari'.v's side, and chatting 111 lief in a I threatened ..vei-wln lin ic- '.villi p.11: '. r..!ts I. at v . ml. I he fi'ii ttdly I islii'.ri j li..ii. I liii!ieed, t.,.', that nl times a hud; i.f li.ci- lie laid his !'"t,d i:'!.il..' . 11 my i hie and nn.iety vv.iiil.l .teal'o'- liis hard. 1 !e :.,!. su-rn t cut tires, nn 1 that ti- tAwnhl r..ai" 1 f,,., ,,,V. ,r,," he taid resiushly i.r.,1.1 :".i.,m 10 l-min. as u nn ahlc I.) settle to his usual pursuits. tno nlcht, iiu I sat with Darby by the iii'p, my lather eutcred tho room. I was mi used to his presenco now that I only Linked an invitation to tin; vneant chair fi'iini Sir l.'ai'.h t.. in,, m imi-liii'-vve seem. t no boys: lie bursts out wra ! lit nil v. 'd p. '.".e,.i int. .rapid intimncy with our " talUiiij; nhiait tne hoys." I lieil ,'i-s. Hardly n day passed without I ,VIIS cv,'n lliinkiii!; of them. I meant ! tun le i.r in phew o.itnini: over to see ns - - yon. , . ..... "M.." f I .1. .1 MiiiicuiTiis .1,111 .s nn- lnihe r crrers, "" 1. ..i m. n.- . ,. , . y cl..,,,t , 1 . r. 1 ,""". " f"" n ;,"r:,?,c i: .?t.!,l,n ,w '-: ! .""! u fiiiji wiuioei iiinner neiiiiir, iiti'i no was i- .i-.... 1..... s .1. i".- . . . . . ,. . . , , lis inm h til In. in.' in (he school room as """-"..mothinu that is h l, pain and ",';'',. ' a,l ,i JV-.fi " ! ourselves. I'lensiiro thrills my lean and ni tin j , ,: '. ','. ,. ' Ii- and Ally became Croat friends: (hoy l"'!- " ildly bentim:; but. f..r the life ..(' ! Vllxt' UmI.I'XJ .. ', ", Tvere constantly ti'iiethcr-WMlkeil, talked. "". -au speak no vv,,r,l. aial my i-y. s ' ,.,- " , , ' '. " ', , ,;; i',' ,'. rode, raced, ided in and fell out with l"'iioiith his ,,v,n as 1 see met hiti- (, 'k!1.lv .,, ,.,;.,,, ,1,.,, . ..,';, ' j,., , ali other in ritfiibir boyish fnshion. nnd Ml' miId (heir t.i,e that nev.r jh has (n h.l( , ,.,,,,1,1'" , u,hl ,',.',.,' ! for the space ,.f (hose ('hristmn holiday ""l wmIi so hot inn! lierc an oarneM- j ,, M, his yiu f:1,. 'u ,,i. and' s.t' I were vv.ll-n'l, inseparablo. ': j ,) sorrowful, be kissed av.av ,v tears . Itnt all thine, mst cou.p to an pud. nnd .loan-vo.i! ho nitswcrs, ,,! , ,, ii(,sili) )M,. t.Uui.iu:, .., ,, j , nie 11. .11. tavs 11. in. veil that result 111 duo;" " " ' "' " " n. the sihiieo of Luil-niiihiH nn 1 davs ! (.1-. I initc.l t., mv lawv.r rotirs... I,,.. ,o;.s went buck to so! I. I -'."'"'j .ir you. you must navo neon very hi. ivM ;( M , , wlth , r..iIl(. s , , ,1,,,,!,,. V, ;:. ua inebniine I .!,!,. and Alfred en t prod upon """ iii'teeu. 11111 . ... i.i',.,iu at me to . irii(.s uf w u o h,vl .oll t- T0,vs , ,!,.,,., t. ..j, , f.,.,,!,,.,. b;s,,uii n.st. II has ilccatnpeil. and my nllairs are in a tin m.' " .f quoted, with a little bitter opposite, nnd ho seated himself in it with- lini;:h: "and I have often told you I am ' our more ndo. 110 saint, ami certainly between my mic,. "Js she nslerpV" hn nsked presenily. nnd me thero is no love lost." "Yes." I said in a whisper, for it was "Oh. Yorke, Y'oiko," I cried, half v.ecp- , nut .'Men (he child had rest. itiL. half nl'inid; "you tuns not L-t s o l. ! "l -I vvnulial (o talk to you," he said tii eti!'ii(s cnin hold of you." : in a .nilidiied voice. "Can you lay her , '.No, I will imt," hi? said, Mi'dcnl,--. ; "ii thol-ed for n while V" "There, kiss me, Live, nnd exorcise W'oinIerlriK n jit - !. at th 11 11 w .111 1 .1 r.;v,iy ,, in la.-,, ami voice, 1 tool; in,. .;! ! ..vi',' 1 . (!: I . .I and ueiitty laid i.er lie:-,' and c. i'. . ii. r wi'h shawls. "I I liai.i!;. U.- .1 h..,v to t. i! y...i." he :i ,! at !:.!, a- I -a' awaiting ti.e cia- ,01 I have fan a s. I- le' '.vlll be ah riin n .'." "I'retV" I cried, nnd rai.-c l my In ad nnd cashed away the sudden mist of (cat--, 'till, it is not that! Il is t In- hope, the j'.;.. when all seeine.1 ilarLi.-1." "Yes," he said in ihe same m-lille way. "'A cre you alfaid it could n bo 111:111 a 2i d'.'" "Indeed I was. Id. j mi run. ml.ir," 1 Weill oil uaily, "one,' liefore I called you 'I hia.'icinn '! I think I was ritihil" "Do you? It is very ni.-e ,-f you to sav s-i I: makes 11. happy to ti.ltik I have ever I.. . 11 of u little use to y.,i:." "A little:" I .l'ie.1. "Yell mm the best and kindest Iti.-nd I have . -.. r had. At h a! - " atel I broke int , a i.-tle Imppy ! . 1 1 1 ! 1 . "I have n.-Vei' had :...v Iriind at a" i 1 I 'fi ; but that c". -n't 1; at'- r -I can't i'a.i.in.' a I i' i I r." l - -i n...i.. Hi.' is t.. hl.M,,. "Y, .:" I "An Min'oilm n. io.,l.,.,e Li ,i'V I lllelol'.'-lo. 'I n'l 1 :.!, a I ' w . s an mv i'sl no n; - ,i" mi 1 -anient." he e. 1 to .1:.; y at tin- lire. "I I I laii -ii ah.iul luniioy 111. 1 - en ;i. :.v. 1 lia "I 15.1! I, ot b. .mi He II, I. nil. ! v ; !i p. Id I :,! I.;. '.. 11' V on e Ot the 111- HI -t t, nt, at cllPce. mid Dl.rhy and I mho ery uny .- vv nn . i" a- ma.,- v ,Hi il f w,.)lin)! ,,,,,, ,.,.. ", IV " " 'M''i "'0 tovorness to d"'"'d mo itn jealousy--ii:..vviiitr a- I ,. ,...,S1, ,lv ,, ,,!,,. i,,,,,, ,,a kw ! npmi.v. lor mv fntlior consid know that I liavi thins to ..tler-tliat ho : , .,... i.,,,,,. red I no L.i.e,.,. ,, ip,i ,;.. .,,,,1 1 ,vonl l i has every t him;':" never h,fir ,, niiv ono but Invsolf teach- ' ' t-aiintt speak. Dizzy and faint, I b in im: the 1 liihl. "May I cme over now and then to see oii and enliven your solitude'.'" Y'orko lefieis had ns!,e. ih,. day the liovs were lelHiliU-. "If I am loii.li." I exclaiiiie.l, with sud ! 11 indieiiai ion. as I looked nt the four liriehi. I-,,-;.-. I....vis!i faces, a little grave nnd ico'm.'ist as tin. moment of parting appi...i. In d, "if I .' in lonely you won't 111a!." any did', letn e it is the boys I want. Y..11 i-oiild never bo the same." "I d.ai'l doubt thai," ho saiil. with snnif f f that old li'illine.-s of air nnd voiee that I had always lin- knack of rousing. "I never tneatit to enter into rivulry with them. I oiilv thousht yon inicht hp dull." "I nm sure to be that," I answered !o , jei.l. dly. ' 1 In t I don't suppose yon would enliven me very nun h. On (ho whole. I Would rather have your uncle. Ho is liiore sv ii.patln tic." He (lashed ..no of his ihiiiuloroiis looks HI inc. "I w ill send him. then." he said, i. ilv; nnd .talked 0 IT to n here Alfy stood, by the lo ad of the inipatietK chestnut. I to.-k no notice. I was used to hij short temper, and I knew his nnp'r uevei lasted very ll.liej. 'I'll,. 1 l,ys ,Vlr, 1'iil.iiiii larevveli ;,, Darby. Toddy was ir tents and T, d and lluu'bie almost in tin mm adit am. ''h,. ,.,, .r.,.f wn, ver.v pale. mmI lare,. .Imps rolled down lie) elie. l.-- as ':. 1 Int:- (,, her favorite Toddy. Tin 11 there came u moment id" throttliipj ns the slroim. warm yiiiini; iinus vveni i-oaiid my nek, nnd Toddy cried out to 1'arl.y: "Me sure you don't forget me, (biek-y," mid the . hild uttered her usual formula: "No, 1 won't." and with n linn I (low of tears and b I l.ys (hey wprp off. I w ent I. a. k int., the hall with Inrby In my arms. I had forgotten all about Yorke 1',-rn-rs. II. ,..,s nut come near nie for a week. Duriiii; that week his 1111. lo drois in twice la share the s. ho.d room tea, nnd we in duUo in desultory talk and friendly rein (iiletoi s. nnd I l.ciu (.. think hini even kinder, .leverer and nmre coii'ianioiiable than I did lit ti I . Put I miss Yorke. 1 miss him creatly, His fun, his little (its of pique, hj.s Kv sallies, even ..in- quarrels am (lisncree-111011N- I miss them all. 1 ask Sir Hnlph after him at Inst, nnd be ravs he is ill- w.-ivs out mostly with tl rxfis. The information uiv, s me a little pane, hut 1 fill' le.tliillL-. line ai'teriio,.i 1 Fiart oni for a nolitnry walk. D.nby La" n old. aid I leave her asleep i, my own room under the euro of ihe inirc. I have not been out of the 1 so for sev-i nil days, ami certainly this one is let particularly inviliiii:. The ckv is stud , oloi'eil nnd dim; a cold wind blows over the heath, and I turn nside inn I i nter the I"ti4 stret, h of wood (Imt borders it in tin hope of esonpitij; its bois terous attentions. There, in the In art of the wood, loiter ing, I i-co the ell know 11 (inure of Y'orko Ferrers. I'.-r a moment a little pleasura ble thrill of gladness runs tlir"iiei my veins, and involuntarily I quicken my ft,-p- lie hears me, I suppose, for he sud delily tiiri.s mund, nml then stops, and nvvaiis my approiu h. "W ell." I Ptiy, and hold out my hr.ml. "ymi area s!rain.-cr! I-I have been won ilcr'iik' whether y.oi had not F'arted for the Autiioili s. or-or plsew here." "I should have ihoiipht you were too well employed to miss me," he answers loftily. "Well employed:" I echo. "I have only had 111 v- usual employments. You know pretty well what they nro." "Only lately they include n jtuest nt. tifternoon tea every day." "Kvery day:" Then I break off into sudden laughter. "How absurdly touchy Jon are! Why. you will never pet on in life if you take offense ut every imnKtneil trine. All (he same." I add demurely, "I inn ver.v much obliged to y for so faith fnllv delivi riiitf iny message to your un cle." "He n.ted iipnu your invitation very nadily. 1 must sny." "W'iiy did .vo l pot come, too';" I ask, plum ins: at the moody face. "it was so likelyP' no says with enrn. "1. at least, don't ;ive my company where It is not wanted." "Ami so you look offentie nsnin!" I ay. "Well, (it least you hav. been nmusini; yteiiself ti-ry suceesHfully, from nil ac counts. If your uncle took afternoon ten with me, you took yours with Miss Netiio t'roft." "Did he tell yon that?" he queries eag erly. "I suppose.' with n little harsh lunch. "In- wanted to make you jealous." ' lealons'" 1 repeat angrily. "Wlint al iird nonsense you nre tnlkins! Why Vionld I bo jealous':" "Ah, why'" be echo! UoiiicidU. "I C'nAPTF.U VII. r.v f.il state, so 1'. "rcrs sav "I errors:" I n-hoid in suriuise. "Do 01 menu Sir Iiaiph'.'" Of course 1 d... Ho has been in l...n- nuainsi uie siraietn, sum siein ,n ine jjalph returned n.itii I.on.ion; nut, ,,, ,,;in!; jt,, tl.iai;s for inc. but It's pine tree, and all the scene whirls madly ; irii" to my promise to Yorke, I ra'her ,lllt ,,n,,., .. s, ,aw, p, v, tiefore my eyes. Then lie holds out his voided him now. There worn no more ! j" hrihteiiini; sn(,leiily, "I eonid arms, nnd still with 110 wrd. only a , ni, . iv chats by (he school room lii'" j H1, ., pablisher f.-r mv book, 'that vvcuhl faint ami sobbing sich. 1 . n-i 1 into their j ,. re afternoon tens. . ., i,,., up the hill, hut you boo tho "lad embrace, as one who lin. is homo and j .... t.'V spring time ki'cw more benuti subject shelter, after Ions wan.L riu,' t"iir-. I ml. a'nl the yottlii; loaves clothed the ' .-t. ,,t c.slu.tv popular, perhaps." f l-'or one week i seemed to myself to trees, and all tho dark and frozen calm of j j.,.,.,. have traced m.v way ba.-k (. the p.lden winter was displaced, so did I, in my I f,. iij'd at n:P sharply, .-ales of Kden. I'or one week I lived. turn, seem to brent he new lite, ami (road ..j. js ., mit v,rk," he's'ai.l coidh-. moeu. spoKe. slept, as one in a nream. the earth wuh lighier htep. ami trow 1:1:1.1 1 saw but one face it; earth !' sky. I j with n chastened, senile t;ladii. s that heard Imt one voice in the winds of twi- 1 sm-h things ns beauty, and love, and i'i - liuht. Life paused and stood for me in rlality hud been given to uioritds. uiak- silent, full eonipleti in ss. and h.nrt ami im,- so fair a world, promisim -0 holy a soul were wrapped in a living e.stitsy of 1 luture. joy. I 1 kept my secret still to my self. IVr Day ly day he came t.. inc. Lv. nine 1 !1S j.,, jt a )!ln ,,. , y .e, aus,. after evening wo sat Lv tl !i... I r..iu ! some va-'io iineasiness vvi's ia 1,.;. mite!: lire, and talked sofl ami L.vv of a happy ' a doubt that, even !,. niv -ill". I - ..I; flltllle a future Ve LeillVeil ill nnd o- j whispered, as 1,1 whether Yorl.e's L lier-i .. ,,, ;, iV.i 1-. 1 sina peeled (o realize with all the sublime an- were quite as frank, and L.ng, and . :; .. ; . , 1 1 , nwav at once .'v ilacity of yout!i. Sir li.-tlph had ..ne to 1 ..-ti:ial its they had us. l t . be. 'I hi . , . ;..' j , ., t , . 1M, ilu.'iuoaii--. Tie- London. Yorke had decided up, 11 his 1:1- J doubt in time grew int.. I rouble, a.- otic ,, . ,.,'.., ,.x,.,s,.. ,j fa. 1, ;i:; it i' reer; it was (.1 bo the liar, ami his uncle t day Alired eamo from Monk's Hid' wilh 1 , .n ,,, i,;!,..,,.';,,,, j; j had run up to (own, so ho told 100. to the news thai Sir Kalph h id gim" to 1 .011 i ,, ..', ',,'. ji,,,.,, (-,,,.,. ,,m,!ie, , make the necessary arraugeiueuts. ol...u 111 business copnectcd w:tii Lis ( Vl, , j s t . cii;,j ; ,,d tuir .r.va- wpro left to ourselves, m.v lover nnd I. j in phew. ,.,.,.!,, in,,,,s. Ai pr.soat. ami There was no need to tell any one of our : "To tell ihe truth." be a.Lbd. "I llonk ,1 .1 ,...vl . , .m't l.u and we told 10 one.' Mv Master Yorke is going the puce a iii'l" I..... v.,,,,1, ,,,,,,,, ,ir,, I f. It a Midden tihteiiiim at my throat . L.iibt," I mis vcreil with duo meek- cs: "but il is the gn at works, is it not, hat are so ililii, u!t to publish'.' The lilile, p :, iii, miii ola s go off easily on. U'.:h." "V. thai i s..." be agreed. "W.'ll. I..,'i, what 1 ipeiiallc wnuteil 10 say i-hi-, 'lie ilector tell, me that the , Uii.i t" sp. :.d -.lii- winter otii of K,i:: 1 M i .-.Nl' ', M. Ml, Me, S.IM10 i f ti Id iia.e il i-. I Is . hnppy secret. father never troubled hiiu-elf ahout in.- t"o fast, and Sir Kalph wants to bring To him. doubtless, I wits still a child, an 1 ! him to hook." w ith no such thoughts as love or mar- I The vv ..r.U gav . me a dreadful sho. k. I riago in my head. Ami otic night, through dared ind ak for an explanation. That the rain and mi-t of the wintry dusk. I w.ek I had in. Idler at ail from Yorke. strained my eyes t., catch ihe Li-t glimpse I L. gnu to 1 si. I. r vv In tln r I should tell of the tall young linnre I knew s,, well Yorke what I had heard of trust to his and loved so ,b arly. then turned back ! I candor 1., confess il. the lonely room with streaming eve and 1 He wrote nt last. A letter full of np..l sad nnd aching heart. ogies. excuses and lender liitb- phrases. l.,o te ll, 1,.-. 1, 1 ,.f 0 1. it I IM. evoecteil ( 'HAI'TLIt VI. It was some two hours later. Darby was in bed and nsleip. and I bad exctiM .l myself from dinner ..ii ihe plea ,.f n bad headache. Lonely and heart -sick. I Lad wandered into the .'honl room, .-. . 1 stood by I lie vv indow, li-'etiing to the w in,! as il sighed ihrough the shruLb erics. As I s,. stood and listened, 1 hi aid the trump, of horses' feel, and a mom. nt later the door was Hung open, and Yorke entered. His hair was wit with the rain, and his fa.-,, looked sol and pale in the gloom of the tire-lit room. "Has ntiylLing hapi 1':" ; or:.,!, alarmed at his sudden app. ..ran, "No," be said, "but my 11::. le . .i'-ph-ed that he would wail my nrrivai ..1 nm ilou. so I did not see the fun of si.emliiig my evening iil.uie, and I took l-'irrfly sml I ventured t rode over, .the truth is i Hi. my .lull ing:" nml his voice luoke. and ho drew tne suddenly into his arms. "I didn't Ls'f know what it would he 10 say good by !.. vou. nnd I have so many tbiucs loft un told." "Come and sit down bv the lire," I said "Your runt is quite wet. Hi, how could yon come out in such a terrible night'.'" "I nm repaid I'or it," he said, touching my lips witli passionate loudness. "Then-, sweetheart, that will prevent a chill." Laughing and bleshiug. I Ld liim to his old place. We plied logs 011 the half, dying lire, and sat .low 11 side Ly side. "Now, what is it v.. 11 have forgotten to tell ':" I asked. "ih. Yorke." iiohtliti.r closer to his side, "it was good of j 011 to come again, only 1 am a I raid I shall he still more miserable when you leave really f..r g I." "Dear old room:" he said, looking round at the shabby, familiar walls ami bench' s. 'How- often I shall think ,.f it win n I am awaj! .loan." and In- 1:1-1-0, .1 mv hand ilinosi fiercely, ".'.mi musi piemi-e un faithfully that v.. 11 will 11.,: have m.v um-,.. lure any more. I want 1.. tli.ak ..! room as 1,1ns, s-i'-rcl ', ih, v.. ,0,1 ine. I.i our L.ve. 1 should b :'c to picture i,.u 1 to hear nml just 11 brief mcutinn ol his . 1111. do's visit. 1 fell disappointed, bu; I could in.! press for an utioffere.i i-.mli j 1I1 lice, and 1 told myself that. Ri'ter i,!h j tliero im-iit only have i.e, n some eu.-iiu iill'air to take Sir llalph to town. The next liui" he .ailed I ventured to a-k 1 1 i 111 iimidlv hew York" wan geitiiit eli. but lie looked vm ry -I. I'll ilnb id and answered: "Idling, as usual: When a vou:...' in. 111 ;-..cs to bed at two or three ill the ni 'iic jl,g, aial-'vi-i s at In. m. bo Im -n't much lime or iie iiuai ion tor vvoi k." 1 v., is sdci.i and grievon-iv i!i.-..ippo'.!ii-, ,. I il.o'igl 1 0'' tin' 1 hrc years ih : Wei'.' I . VVo.i, sll.il Woli.L - . Oil" V.s 111 '! than naif o'er, but the n -'ills did n..' Seoul I . I . . 1 1 1 1 s i I! U . Wl'llo il ReUlL' retlHUl frame to i.rlie. In reply 1 r iv o a pas-i....tite. wrathful .unburst that alniosi li'lghtelleil lile. "So my uncle has been a' work Irving .. undermine mo in your opinion':" lie wrote Is I .ls vour love 10 us.tn o 1 looked up. scared ami anvious. "Is she is she in danger';" 1 asked. breathlessly. The qlleslion of ! money passed nn by: I o',i.v thought of Darb.v. "Iangel ':" lo- said, vaguely. "Weil, 1 .h.ii't know if there is danger. She is sr fragile little thing. Hul we 11111.-1. h"p' f,,r i In; be.-t. That is all." "All":" 1 said, nml rose and Hood b.-..i'.- him, trembling in (Very limb. "No, i' is not nil. Do ymi km. what she i- to 1 ...-? Mo..' than tny lito-my mother's jhis1 har.'e. There is 11 liJiing -Dolhiiig I I v .. -:L1 in,! .In f.,r her. It' it i- to save her I iii. l!ic In 'in -V must be !'".llid." I hcii." he -aid, risim-, 1...,, and facing v i;h tii.it new, tr.'ii'olid I m ,i in h;- -. 'I ill-.- I t , list I" It'll t'l I' tl-1 II - 1 ; : 0 ." ,, . ,:,..,. a linl, --im ,..i,i III- I'.'d - . ! ai'-' . ' i' nil 1 , ii!, I w a- I... 11 y !'-. si. 1:1 a nicMi. im ; her hc-c! v,a- ::. - . . 1 a .' iicill I. , A, my ioy .-..be re I down J rotoemb, red I Yoil.o. a:'d n v ri s.dve in questiou his ! him .' ..!.'.. it him. It 1 eel, ,! a gn at deal ,, j ':':: to speak naturally and lightly .: j the sub.leel. The friendly ili!-.k i f. p't on j ap.-iee. The voices by the bed grew -,,'. and icoie silent: at la-t they censed. 'I he , Sir Iiaiph came over uinl sat d.-vvn l y if. lire. I gathered up my mrves for an el fort, ami Inn-si out sudden! : "Is is your nephew quite wcl!V' There was a little pause: then, to u great surprise, hp said calmly: "I did not see him." "You did not soo him:" 1 fall, re,!. ""W was that'"' "Ho was 111.I in London.'' "Where has he j.0111:" I exclaimed, anx iety sweeping away a'l prudence. "Thai I iMi'ld tint .ascertain," he an. s.ver, .1 gravity, hat n..f s. emiiig nr pl i-o.l ai my oui io.ity. ' i:ut 1 fan v- to Ih. ulog,. ..." I was siieiil. My heart I rat sh.w !y. painl'ully -a strange s.tcin,; noi-e was in lay ears. : I.:y. .1 ! a I iii.. gu,. el ih. h'.!. "I t.p ill lh- grille III thill He lllel.l. th.i: I'.',:., d ', !,. Im! C'.ll. "W'h.li h:,s I ,. 1! .,.;" A t..i .: i'.l s' r-iv v ;: ImIi ic hi,.! I .: h jaiT:t.g'v I '..' 1,,-j !.,',- ; le 1 ' I- II only I. Id ';" "Ir is Worse." said S r Iiaiph -l.-vvly. ill,. I II W ll'de llislol' -e, He ,1 m he IV I ill,-!! 1:1 the grave bins ..! iii- 1 ace, a:.. ihe dark gl.-aiu in hi- 1 r Mil.h d . , cs. ' can't I. II ymi the story il i- ma ,.r a jmiag girl's ears, lie-'ides, I..- was vour broth er's friend." "Yes," I atisw ei'i d 1 hiiniciilly, keep ing my hands light! clasped as if to re press the cry ..!' i -ii.iag that would fain have bnr- Ir. m heart to lip: "he was my brother'- I'neiid. inai.'- w'.t.i ." sinl iii 11 burst id' enrage, "is why I inu.-t as,; you for the truth. What concerns tho boys concerns ine, ymi know. Will vou tell me a Ion,. 11. ..r, ':" "I hanl'v ki,,.w In v. to put it," Im sa d dollblfllll. "Do ind p. 1' it a' .il." I said, vviih ni" nieiilarv de-peratn .: "I da:-.- I 1.1a guess. 1 1 is ii i- -.' . :o a woman." The lit 1 ! th.n.e 'i .Lev im a s'iddeii dimin -s -Lr ! d I. 1:1. ai d 1 i- .' . ai-. his Voice ..line hv, .,11,1 - ,r': a- I h.o! Lev . r in aid ii ; .1. " es," i. said: "11 i- .ut a v. . , " I To - 'i'l iMiici 1 Me '. .lo." -1 e - -lid. pit ,;.,' to. '- so o -d. !' II im. a -'..'.v."' I id - .. vi ,;; !,; -low t. ni-s j -et l-clli 1! 11 1 il I'Mlll. ilU'i V'.T.'O lll.il in 11. ih.l iii 1111-i.ad v tin o I uhi I ions, I put my ::,i, f and terror oil one side, artl tot, I Ir: ol f those lairy legends that she loV' d. It v. as An. I. 1 sen's stoty of "The I.itlie Mo -maid." "Why, .lo," --ho said, wombringly, a she loin -lied mv lace when the story drew .11 ol talcs of 1110 In-hind my In., k? If I have- to its end. "ymi are r ryingl Is ymi so vet y been a little unfortunate, it is not q iiti' , sorry fur her: .- own fault. Yon have no i,lti what evpeiises a re const a n 1 ly arising ami a I, "Yes, darling." I said, struggling ag.'idi-t my weakness. "Are imt you': Think of all the cruel pain she bore, and how she loved tho l'nuve, mid then it was all for iioUiing. He married the 1'rin- lev. must live like a gentleman. S r l;a!ph is a regular miser, lie a'tualiy ictused me a imlfry twenty pouinls to pnv mv t.-iilor. and has nut mo in n nice hole. Siii.l my allowance was ample, and I mu-t ' T'.ut he did not know." said Darby, make it do. 1 nlwtiys told y..u I haul 'thoughtfully. "Why did she not tell him Inm. Oh. .loan. I am nil uiif.u tnn.ii.- lev she lov ed him, nnd all about the wretch! Itut don't you turn again.-! me. ii--' tail':" liemi mber. whatever my faults are. 1 i.. e you, mid I look to you to keep me m ai-iit M , a sort of sheet-aiicltor for my own wnv- cl ing temporiimcnt. 1 hope ou dun't di - . cuss me with Sir Iiaiph. 1 distiticilv id.- . u, ioot to that, and 1 hate even to think d ,. vour lending an ear to his malic,,, u.- ir . ..lint- of me; anyone could see wh.v !: ,, , tells veil then it is just jealousy." , This Idter I'd! darkly upon iuv iiha! i.-.ed picture of my l..ver. Id..: ting ou: " hi-igln color-and sin .win:, t- nie !h. ; : i ,. i,. re-. .1 t:o--,l. I,. :c t'l. I is aliiii.-i as v. i 'ii.l.vl ' ' 1:1 ..ciim; ilics. has li.-cn qiiec losi .-Ir ..'. .Ii.s; v, Inn I' l cip.l!.'.' d we canti... a- y..t imdcr-l a lid, Inn Wl do kl.'.W i'.i.i' it I mis loci.tuoii v a - -au-'iM-s tin- I iiiii i! States lliitiis, hurl-, the eliarg.- i.f an explosive a in:'.' and a li-ilf. with ;i force sllllicieiii to pillvcl'izo regiiiieli:. It operates block signals ..n railroads, loads guns, drives in mlnuet-v w,,rl,s pumps, and carves out ,11 s.cls beiioi Ifu! tilings from stoiio and mar bio. It Is coming into u-e f.,r t!:.ci sainls of iiiiii"!' purposes. s a oLmii llig tilnl ill sling agent, it is inclinable. I; c oiics letters, sliotirs sleep and is milizod in the stock-yards t. sl:iiig,itor and di'os- moat. A- to i:- t inure, pro diction i- litiiih' tli it it w :i! . 'cm Iioiisc. sitting here with niivouo e!-c" "1 promise." I a ti.-wi red gently, "l'. it. dear, why have vou 1 1 i -. ..,.i-h jeal oi- of your uncle': I kinnv he oiiiv think- d me ns a little girl -a child to talk to. ai d ninuse himself with; and it will be Laid if I n'inst show myself rude and ungra cious to him, for he has hen very kanl. aiul he is so fond of Darb.v. York. , oiie. , long ago, you proini-nl to loll tiieiho -t"iv of thai oilier Yorke 1'crrcts. Ymi novel Lav., yet. Tell if tne now." "1 wish you hadn't a-ked me." h" - 'id gloomily, "to night of all u ghls. I fold vou ho w as a Lad taan-vindieliv o, p is -i ite. heads' rung. He ..v,, the girl vvm, was to be his elder brother's wile 'I h, re bad been bad blood bcuvi.-n tin in always, nml this mini .nois .'i ... The girl seemed to love Into List, but le was not the oldest son. ami her pe..p.. were mercenary, and forced lu r to in-repl Ihe other. They had 1 ecu loanici! some two or three vctirs w b. n '!o- I ', lii is I arm d i.p ng.'iin in M iik'--- Hail, a.iar enlly quite ft- it iii 1 1., ""d Willi the old pas sioii forgotten. Muoday ilo m was terri ble grief Ut the Hull. Luvly Ferrers hail l;,..-:i!i-i'." 1 said, "no woman must fell nt she I'.vcs Iii 1 1 until he n-ks In r." .. tv catce a faint sigh a' fhose words , -in din" In hit,.! in,., an 1 ru:i illiiii!' war. i s. i.i'-. .;.i,:.v I "..l..'.l up and saw Sir Kalph j the lior-c .'Is n ni'.iP i .! s. II" had . ll'el'ed so ll'.l-eli ssly j will Wasli dishes '! had i.i lo aid I. 'in. I sprang I i '-i,, . nv oii'oi'- -v I -'"'' "' - ' ,!' c.m.ll'os-e.l ::: is ,,!-,, r no ei m--.c i ,, ., ...... i,, , ie,.;,- I'Miiiageaido. I ., I..-' I -. -. !ai :o d-.sti, tin!- ! I'liHt. ft "in 'V : Phi. en. in . I, did v 'v. "It 1 no., r b.i. I,V I di. .1. .!"- t , v.- v ,,, I ...,.; s'a ad in ; I here 1- le lid "II." i.e.."' he lliisvverc.t. holding i iiiily and by no mean- perlet rcai, -.-It sccuicl .. dar my soul with kgni ning Hash of paoi. for all that I tried 1" i" il in its best aspect. '!' excuse it by my ..wn knowledge of Yoike's short and nn i ertain icinpcr. l-'or long I could not bring in wlf to an svvi-r it. Itut im n ptiy nml s hr.., .. ra, ,,.) down the biiriM.is I Lad iai-e.l, mnl led j ' "j iv l.rtler," -lie said, emphati. ally in" fo pl.ad i.ga'ti-t ni.v . v-n convictions. Would mv littic girl like to g.. vvh.ro "We ate all w.-ak. erriic.:. taeliy. in.,--. t!),.r,. is no elihl and damp, only b!i k.v. or li s-." I said I-, mv.-. "I. and schooled i..,..,iM,i th.vvers. nnd warm, bright n ;. iiaini- i i !i -s w.ii-ci. strong c!a-p. ".Ins! I-:..- , i.c.i.a to loa.- tin- lime tii.Tiie. d's tiagi - , ml N'.ov, 1 111" one. what do. s tli-s mean': Didn't oii promise mo vou wor" going to g.-t belter':" Itai-by nestled ih'-cly to him, her face mv -ell I" vv i ate Ii mid I;, . , I ' V cl". .uragiugly ! W ith Ihe letter 1 ill,! I a check for V I suiisiiine all lite itny: tie nsui it. geniiv. "Oh. yes," cried Darby, eagerly. " 1 iocs yo'i ii.ean heaven';" "No. no;" he ej.n mated, sharply. "No. o. child: If if is h'-aven, it is 11:1 eartiiiy tie I'.at you would get well nml sticig In;. --so ihe doctois my; and wo must . ,. nl.oiil taking v an " "Whv did.vou tell ln r:" I broke in, t.i t- - i f.-iiv. ' Y"ii know it is impossible!" IIAI'TK.K VIII. I -T 1 vv nothing of Ihe sort." he ai.l. Ihe s'liniuer (tided iiw'i.'. darkly nnmi . ..-, rltd!;- "We sh id summon the fairv : loiais of wind and rain, but the auiuiuu , "iii.'Hi.i eh, Dai bv ': and she w ill luing i,a..s were mild and bright, nnd full of , ham, - an I horses, .-ind all the rcsl of it. sui'shine, ami 1 should have hern very j ,,!,,! who! yi oil" ln-!"H' you've tiuic to liHnpy ami vouteet t"lt fvr tuu Imtsf'Tiit i Utiaiv of ii." iweiu pounds, the ipinrteiiy ai,.w:n lo:' tav .Ires- and Dllllo 's "I .1,, no! In it." I t.d. I him, "and i have a horror of ; dei'i. Take it, and say nothing about it, d- 1 shall never forgive you." I lie obeyed inc. c baby. i-o il.a; a- use. foe and lilt" Its great "I air: a . ill !!," ;i ; vv . lac.v . wao-r. I'll 'le v. iii. I,,- .',,.i: sh.. : ;. t v airy In ; v, e. ii ; :,, t ow . :-. , ,-. ri. i I " and coio;': and Ii." v ecu I he t wn w c ..!! able lo g.-l lih.-l of i'lir nii.i.i well ami . i . : 'y perl'ornioil. (ioiU'go l-.ii'', a Cei'ilian s,io:r.--. and tliroo a.--.-;auis wore bioun i.i a'otns by an explosion of ncot.v Iclic gas mi Dec I-. It i - ul that ho Ind cvo.I Ii-- had discover. .! a inm explosive v.i r c-y ol" acety L-tie. ami ili,n rmperor V. il! i:u Iiii.l In en ai ira.'iod by his ,-x-.e'i'i,et Willi the ti'.auuf.lettiiv of ilia gi-. aiid was sooti t, visit bis labora tory. Si. nl-' '-of life insurance show that in I'.ic Li-: i wi mii.v live years the avcr iiee um, in", life has imTcaM'il from ahout 1- years to iioi-ly Hi, or nmri HlilU n I'Vl VVM l. j -.i-iV mMSMt I! JilLI L A hit h y i jj tl il 'i iwiy f mm u "n 1 r l.t t-1 :., HOI Spain Said to h? Willhiii; to Cedel!,:- rppiiics VitSt a $10,000,000 fhht Attached. mm mm wm warn n us Inaugural Address. Hobson Tesli f i:s h '" the B-.-tr--; ol Naval Bu reau Chiefs Says tiio Colon ami Viccnya Can do ivtved fur $900,000. Seventytwo Dra.is tin a Spii'sh Ship. 'A!!is, . By ('nliie).-Tho Court, oft Cns-:,tioii liaa dceidjd to gtiiut a rio;s ' I . : r.,','. ell oi thi i '1 cv liis e.c e. lin i il.slltlito a i.-i. .... , :..i;. n ., ., , snpi i ; letili'.r.v :inii:i-y. 1 ii.) i-mi". Uav. r'..'..J u; . Iicvv ', ,o-, has lee. ire ! lo o;ior ih.- r,- l l. h. : . .cm ic-i. e .1 'iievti: . Thu led."- of the '' '"' 1 i .,;. l :,,,,, ,, , , '"" '"! " 'I 'i 1 ' 1 : - ''-' ' : '.'till oh, I half ci c-.ii: loci il- ; i Li m i. caiei; I. i !.. iovm,.; ,,.!,. ; 1 UL; :.'. v. i:o; e ai.ii, - , j-, Ui i.i : ...... .. t . , . - vv ti.- 1 1 ii : a ' c I win I ' p., .i-o-1 i a: . . , ,, .-,.;'.: i HWaitci ll.u .lei .1,1:1.' ti !,. I ke-i "u. .. . ,, i ,. lo : . ! luring I i.o II--p. 1: !,:, ,1 I l.: :,e ;, . - ,. ; t.e- - l-.e -ill O' I . !,..!, i.e ,'..:, ; . ; ::;,,-,. ,.' il'.l'S iil.li tiiolDUi:- C'. oil i:l iiliMlc! V to I.I' I . hear tin; vui illcl. Iiiitc vv a no !: ii. o:i-1 1 a'.iou vv liuii tiio ( oui t i -i.'. :, :! ...... ., I "r Ilig Cnnfcdvrais . derails JK'iiiiiiui. L v i "t .-. , ... .-, t U spoeilil liiecliug of (he CIV 1 v; '" " i v I -i. .::t-. council of Charleston. ? "'., it wu- : '"; ' laniiiimoiisly voted lo di-voto t lie tin:.: , ( ',,,. , , i , iitiuwu ns the Tbom-tiu bci'iest m.-i . i:,-, I'Li i pu. now in the tieii-ury, hi ! lie e: eciiuii . ,' j' i v ,-t : . n; y an inidilorinuj luuliling, to in; used ut ! i.i .. ,e.'g. '.. tbe ruttniuu ot thu (.'oiii'oiiorn,te vctm-I person-; n -; etc ; aus, which is to lo lie d there tr-.l has ., i ,;. m, ,1 . year. The fui.i thus u .:opria',e.l p:i,e . mm v. ui.t.i. omounts, all told, to ..'", i ui. . I ho ciy I to sign a ticc. J.v had nlraitiiy iluunted .'i,o in tuwanU the j States Hiuiii.i : iho oi eel lot) of the and i tor in ui. ho tlicl-uilil- i ito ; i o :r : mjf eiioul.l be a buu.l.uiua uo w' en complttdl. ! hi i rnor i. . i liiih.si.n's K.-piirl. i ' ! ' '; " ' f 'ou-triic'ivr Hob-sou in hin rei ! i '. t'"' ' ' "' ' lieforu tho board ut uarul butLun cbioiV. " 1 "'' " 1 saiil thai in 1 i i npii ioo .iloii atfl 'icaya cculo ! . I 1 i oil" id 'o , . ., . , dl V ilo -I a! N , ,v ', ,l , s .o !o, ii Hi .M ;;..,..,...,' , C ): I of -..oii.ili,. I I,.,- , ...,, ;,, ! OOM ; .; , . ','. ' , , ' , '. Iliooltie'. Mr, ll.-lei 'i n'-.ii f',ive the , .. . ' j .:. liuteali iliicl'M .-oaiL' i: 1, i ;:jat edi coo- ( ,. , ccvniii.r tiio l.'ci' a )!h- c :i s ai. 1 ::.e : ,.; Meri imac. I he fotnie: c. :i ,i I e i":-' 'u , ; . . , la. sod, In: liuiievoii, I'.n ;'. v.i- .tj', ate t j . , , ( licit slie !inl bo, n ,-,,iv sctnt'iil. i i.e , . t .. . . lei'l'lluiic colli.l lie nil. i d uii.i l:e si.i n, ,.a.,. , , hliu must lie removed from tho moutj , ; ,. i..,. ,. .... of thu Ion hoi- iii si lac w av . : i rl, i !..-(.,. Now tr.anjriiiit tne In-iasts. 1 , w undoi ;oo i , 'I'ho l'l osidcnt, Societnry A l,.er rind pcnn.ci.i A tl j ti t iiii t (iotiPfal (huluu hud an on-! "' ton, 1ml coiiferoiico S.r.u; !u.v. the rni i lli-'"1 H'' '"'.' cipul topiii under cousidc.-iitioii being , ""' " '' "' ''""' tho occupiitiou of ( "iiba. I ,e:o Is iinl''1''"' !,,,vs: l'"'iii'.. illspositton to ciliiligo thodiito, .lauilaiy t lit-n .-'.atciii, 1 ts 1, . 1st. lixe.l for tli.Missiiai.ti,.tt of control j u:i, , ,' , ,. Ly the 1' lilted Males I ho iiuesliuiis i M ;U... ..j,.,',',.. , uiseiisseil reluti)il nj.i: i to ti anspot :a- ! ,,,., tlofi, ships, u.'ll.lilrttits, l,u, litlgs lit.d j 1'iv.i'li.i camps. ! litMepotlH c! ihv-t iitaiu i;.d, ;,, -, . tarv c. ii.iiiissiim u-.i ! .-. ti c ai im i ,,,j, j. , " ,. unit to liivc.si:;al,. :,. io,.i:e i-itt- 1 ;. :V:i i '-,-'.i'-i wuru coiisi,l,.-,,, I ., , f f -iin a tj id.- Phi: priaes. I'M" Scvsillv.trt.i ll,a:i: a I !io Sj.uiusi-. e'lai.,, t'liptaiu ! '.ociiiitiip-, i'. : l ic'oii.ir i th. v ., I xv. tli ic utriauil .- ,i I oa .i, lias ill ! r,, a' , A. "to I -1 tad. I i.e:-. w oil boar.! li.o ves-i ' oai ; itn-ii U Moiiisca., : I 'Mii.ii c.i i .1 1 :, '!. : oil - , I o'l I Ml I. , More 'iiiSMi:iii,uis ll.iiii.g,l. ; 'mi A spceiiil t 'Din t iuHiia, Isinud ol ' .' ,': ", Croto, fii.vs live iic-rc of iho M'.i-sul. ' ' riniiia convicted of I..1.01 . pail m the' , tnas-.loie ( I" l!llt::.h a,..:i',, oil ,!, K" ' ' ' ' tonilicr il! Ii. iuivo been initigol, I :i j ' ' '- ' ttdiltHon, four Unshi Iht.-. inks ';. ,,, mhooc 111 . w 1 ,1 , been hOliteUPO'l to '.''ivoni llUfi'lsoll- I ' ' ''"'' 1 ' ted ..e ...' ment at hard inbor. L.M". "." r T r ' I J ,v" ,! t-'H- t'' ) 01 t.V- o Relief lur do fit.' iicCMir.; .; i:-, v.. The central revolution cm. 'iniltee of I t een iiie i i;r 1, Ilnvatia, notvv it to tain! nig 'lie t-eeeii : 1 at o on '.c,-. -:a! ,: v..;;. of sevoral u.lvices from ' eiiei ui MaMaai ! i-xploMo-i (iomez, as to the cruu-at c.'nilit.ou of i d mlge inn", 1 .:i,, tho forcOH under his co: r.iiuiiii. has not j le-ti.n, S. ( '. . L 1- 1 i i , Sio.it any relief since tiio septirai 1011 of 1 1 del iiu' ,1:1st ,,, ., (ieneral tiome's stuu. A .-t rone, pro- of t : ,:t '-ta'c el "e: 1. . paiiauda is lietiij,' agitated against ( io- luvolvo i waa uri tul'-t I mp7, w ho is ehavged with beiur des- potnii,isi, , 001)1 pel potie, and his cnoaiiesure taking every ' eomi :ii le-i to pa v t!i v. . . . li.o Span- ::.!!! .M-ioUfr.s iold of tho p.-.ibaHe, ;:.,.! Hid , . '. e entire. . . n-i bv . .. ol . c t 11:0 I'D- .. . . I I . w Inch , H' CO Will . lose nl, . M.rely .11 ue Hi - . M-aeral i-i . 1 lie '....led Ly ... ..: 1 I Igl) M. -1 . w lulu ...1- eicuteil . es (ill) ..-.I l.ltV of I I'oiii' the " - im - nil-cos ' .llfel llll I ..'Ol Silgll'-tll I' li.o I Lilip - coiomlssioii 1 1 1,0 I lilted . ' i 1 and us- .:r.ti,.i). iiiaiigiirato.l . i, S1(i ni .lay. . :.ra. address, '. t content . : -e': tin , a ' out. ..1 is if ..! Ml- I 1,1. , ill I idll v. : e Ii;,) : 1 enter i-ansivo .- .c tiia a ''.;,! tie . .- army . 1 ,, -up. , 1, la,- peo : I . io ltd- an . ...;. - of cx- .-rw. da I'm t.i : - o, 'illume ' " unpop eci of thu Sir.i .i una en. Idoidui too l-iel- ' I. ci eel VP. I -iiin.sh V ai.e has 'ilau, ill . Me into I .ohm. ' - 0 I .Oil e ""II I - l-.l- ; flint advantage of Li- end i .on. in I hid liki'itc ami Murpliv II .ui" I'V iliieclieti id ti e L lowing niiini'ii 1 1 1 i c e - 1 nrn.v a'" I ,.!. t ao , (!:o sctv, cc , ! tie 1 ,, , .utiles 1 i. Ida i , , a- : KCIKlll'. soil o'' ,'.--( V apt. I i w ai I "! ci 1 b taut ud an. Mi l.. "11 a', Mill I hv. c! New "I o ihhv Ilissltofecd. I aijK'ror au.l I ntprcss i ;u r .l.-i..t tiatc. 1 A spt'i ill1, ft oui i," i;sa'oi:i !.., I'.ia- I ppror 1I1111M au I l inj r,.-.t Anop.si.i Victoria, wituthe.r Kiiitc-, inrived 111 pei lect bei'llh a! ',! e eueani 1 i..out out siuo tho town iit-.iiduv. i II o'clock their mao- tics enteicl tl.n 'hI'm gain, and nt I! o'clock vis, led I'm t'hurcli of tho Holy s-'epuichre. 1 bo butbliua were lavishly decoiiited. Off for Savanna'!. A special from Align: ta, "Mo., savs tho I'ltat "Miuiio Artillery, otisi-tine (, four Liiiteries, 4") out of 'ho . tnen, and !'.' ollicers, ciiiiiuiande I by "lujiir 1" 1'.. Ncvvoomb. hnvi) left for Savan nah, tin., where they w:!! I o attarbod to the Sov enth '01 ps. nciidcd to M.iko an Nominations. The llopuldieaii caucus of delegates to tho enmity ecu volition held iu Wil luiiictnu, N. '. , vleoiiled to make uo nuniiiiiitioiis for ouiiuty otlloas or tkt I ! i. ' i i st! Co : IC...V 101,. I i I ai .nun ill oj ,; , , , goVC'-f liicnf ,:',.l ; Mk. !:o P:v, : liiov c loci-,!, .--In.wi sliit!. di.:sio:i ' ( 'lll.'.'.ti . I be 1 nl.ti'i i breii disiiu'vt il I v 1 I'Uno". fni '.Mil lire. I. s i, tli ti I ti'teilSiiilesin, lllilko U lio'ullc I 1'iv tuoiititi'il on ti,o foi I ai agfi ol cl lit l.lh -. i w fever, malady III i.i 'illVO 1 i I eui o ''ialliil iit( liar : 1 11 in 1 tig 111,1 cad iogiaph -u-u fa n.li .-llsl.no. 1' II'.. 'M'l 1 I arts ,,f 1 ci 1111 "illt.elil 1 ' I--IIUI il'.V flint It t:" I. d in lOVisloiuil '. HI New i' l- sncii "MO S U illl tlel-lil 1 I- ti a -i -riM by ,!' '. I I : i-S 11 ! ly V , I cuo m -lu 1 '.... 1 upon nai toecti:,,. ,,f ti,, eouiiiii-auju. tne joiut- It is Piitd that th.. .'.('".. men frii,. the Viduuteer battulioiis iu the province oMliivnnn will nost wuok manifest to I'lU'.'-la! IdiiUOO. throu-'li ll,.,r ,.,..

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