f)t l)alf)atD Itcrorb -ff. -4. LONDON, EDITOR AND PROPffJETOB. EATES ar ADVERTISINC One gfjuaro, one insertion $1.00 One qujre, two icnertioDB. ... 1.60 Oue erpiare, oue mottL . 2.19 lr hirgir n Ive. uscincutu Ilbsf: TERMS CF SUBSCRIPTION, Strictly in Advance. VOL. XXI. PITTSIiORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, X )Vi:MliHIl 21, 1898. NO. 13. , contra ta be mado. III V,.'.,--' aerate, CilAITIli; XIX. The dinner went on gaily :t u-1 lilj;1i 1 1 v. ilospiie in v ,,;ni!i,,t;s dim .ivory. Km N'et '.' i j I grovn itj J .-; . mil Vorke was vi ry ., ; . think no else tn 1 i.-- Hi.' numb, r; Ihm I felt in i -r:i f il- mid un " .1 t ! 1". ji 1 1 .., tried In i::n to shake off :!o i ll'i of Miporstiiioiis fancy. At !.'! I : ;.! I . ii r. t I i n t business i.f eat It!:' nt:. : f i . k i 1 1 ;r was over. I was ex I ling -otiie n;i !- people in I In- curse nf t!i." tvcniiig, :iii. I by liii" Him- llir g.nt!o ini'ii left the table tho rooms w ! l ull' full. Ncli'i" wiki! enter nf admir ing .-ir Ie. nitl o.'iininly in. one there look ed I ill' so ..v. ly. I wuioheil Vorke lis li" Ti . I. I li" gltim iil p. Mini. then wont tirrilii ..v.t .i h.-r si.li". : 1 1 1 calmly en-i;i'-"-.-. -I In r :it!i"iili..i i:i :i manner lli.it ...hi I, ft lii tn n .!. .ir li.-M. Sati-fiid Willi this :ii-iinv.-nii iii. I turned my atli'tninn t.. i'i; ...I., i" gnosis, I'r- -.!.! tin re was some sieging and In.:-.;, . I, i ,.:ily ., int. rvais. so as t.. r. li. v.-. ii..; .!ii..-k. i. rs:i:'m. I I'.ked the. hi ,.f . .. . cs Ml. ill.. s-.lllld l.f laughter.! nil.: I '.!. ! i." - .- Hi,. gay groups forming in. 1 I : ..' t; . m.-o'.ves up. fr.'in tliui" t.. i::i-.". i ht'g'nt K t t.-l .1. -. fashion. i!:.r. 1- ;t t-. - - : n a- a background to vu ).. ! ''ir. -. I I'.i.; :i .li.n '.:( :'.! tint ovomiig tli.it Y. .!!.." I.K.I .'.etc.,.,; I lo Spell k to 111'". 1 : i in....i:i: was c:.-y. mi. I I lin-l a ill .-. i. !' :t ii Jliinii a..roai"!iiti! a t.'ti-.'i-t. t.' i:li !:lii'. My iviiii'iiiliii;nvs uf tli.'in w U..I :i.::t:t. I !. . v. r, h- lia.l V .it h. ; ..l.li..'llllii! liotl.T tlian .i;ir.!.'. aj.l-.nst il. I'..r I lollll'l llilll hll'l- f ! i l.i l-y m.v iili". I "I i. M:l !. r..l.'rallllMti yon." In1 Ih-kiiii. "TI - . ; pa,., r- H.'if ri'it. Von havi. r. a'.'v l.i . iii.- l.rililant." "I ;Vh!." 1 -alii. L'iaii. lu I II. I) i .- -- "is a ... .1." round, that . I I aiiihitioti." ho said, I iir-eii' of ils aehiev e- I lull had l.e.'i.iiie sil'-h "i . . ! !,. -. i.i. .-r ie nature? I am jiu-liiii.l t . i. ..ink il is the former. Tliinits l.i-.- iiiii.le r ecsy t',.r one in soeiety, y-.;i kno. The world very kind." t The wild . .kiu up my L" e llL" V" he fan II ! i . I half. "Al -II, .u v said al.rujitiy., . i v. u live infinites! y.iil have spoken to T'li, the li.- lue I.. "I !, .'. e ., d.ed."." I said, "llu rc will .. p Liny ,.' . .::,-. lights in whi.-h it may 1., p . I'.'.- to r-p lir thai omission." V;:! il,. .. V" he -aid .at'.T'.y. "lo .ni n.. ,ii. I in i." i-a.l lo re that I am Id, - y i , n,. , : ,.u il .it you w ill he 11 1. ii, is ,i i. i... a jtain :" "My .in-." I s :t i I t ra nipii'iiy, "are T':.-.:.iy ir-.m llir. .. t-. sis. and Saturday i ii, :. nil,,- t,. tw-lve. Vmi may . .. 1 I,, i, on a: ,,' tin in if y.ei feel i ii : o I." l.i a .r . ... I lilo- tl.isV mi l -." I - ild. "there are more. 1 .. ..:i i-i ally i ail this a . rowd':" "I li.l.il,." I.e said. .:s-i,,llll!e!y, "lliaC y.. "i- .w fi. ie h.in fill ev ry time 1 soil ;;i, I : i- .:ll. have li.-lieved 11 Jiossi. 1.1. ' i'i .1 oh.- , ..old rhaiip as y..ii have if.-::. ." I "or ,.ne ii, urn nt. I iliink. niy self eoin l.iar l foi-s ...k in.-. I'.r he was wrnnr, niid lo i.iy .t il had Lien aeiini; and very li.nl ,'..":.. to". I'ol! I Would Hot let llilll sie i!i..: I v. a unhappy. I would not In tray : he - ,-n r t roiihle of my heart. To jot no I 1 iii-'h. to smile and talk, feeliuK : I.e. lily he walehcl llie. had lint lieeli i-a-.i . 1-ut I had a. lupllsh.-.l it. 1 felt lays.-, I 1 1-. us !! : i.jr lis he spoke. I dared li,.: look at Irtn. "I '..uiiii. in . a your manners," I snid at la i. "would I.' sap.Ttliiiius. Hut you in 1 1 1 toim nil.er tiiat w lien a Ki'iilleninn n.i.lr, a l.i.ly h" usually throws a thin nil of p..li:eii.-ss ..HT the truths lie in frank . "ioiii:h to sp. ak." lie ieri.., on hi- heel and left mo, hut I sin. ild I.e .oiry to transi-rilic the wold that lisred hetweell Ills set leelll. I wiil fit.- i.lll lo ,'le.lil of hot illlel,. line lilt' to h. i : ( II lilt XX. ll.-.pi:." Vu ke's ll!li.'laei..US re.'.'plion of my iin ii t :..u he eaiee the very next Sat urday i . i ii uu". 'I lie dinner party had 1 k on tl.o p.. won- Tile-day. so he had Ii"! ail. d iol.f. II" si I I., me nfi. r shaking hands, ft . t I.-:, n. . I I.. NetMe's siniiinir. II. r ,.v was swe, t iifl thi-iilini;. The sim .'e h-iil.i.l -1 - i!l ..wed le.lhini! to itseli', Irr a great dial to her interpretation. As i'.ie liiilsii, ,1 Voi ke 1.. lit lo me. "l' ,it ilnii'l ....k n uay and worldly erea ti'.:v i.'-nih;. Who won!. I faney a little thi.i.' ! ke thai .oiil, I ,.ueli you:'' "N.tiii-'s v,..e always l"U."lies me," I aid, a iiitie a-ltai I oi' the leart that V i re rioiiihlliiu" ..a my la-hes. "It is n,,r In loi ,r.v..K and drawitn; rooms, ,,n!y f. " '- I.,-; i. r moments." 1 ! w . nt up i . N. Pi". I s.:iv him look i. . ,,v r - .no ki:-'.- lhat lay on the piano. 1 '-; pel "n.i,.- he was askifs; her to I .-, a u'ai n Ar.T my remarks I iiiliiht l.a iii ai h r. e evpe.-ti d it. 'I he ui' I.e. an lo till rapidly. The "i iMiol." o' wiueli I had waned V..rke, V . is eel !;:.: l'-Te lollltfilt. One thlllL' f lion . .1 mi .: I . t. S .me ,,n,. played, soiiiu I,',, s.l :i-. . ,;.ie one re.-ited. I lever pOo-pl--. pre',', p. .1,-. i - it :i r in i 1 1 peo phk. 1 1 ii ii t I - J 1 . t" I. . :r iurns. ii".d played llielr I ..I-, .ih.i i .." . rta.u.Hl t hem-elves with t r -'ii :.o.iidi".'s. If it Ii ii 1 1 been my n ..::! t.. tun ki" ii i v "i veiiini;" H siiee. s-, 1 -i pp. -, I . oiiid have l.elieved 1 had a, t" f I It wilhnii! o rw eeiiini; van ! tilrtf . ilrt.l." slid Vorke I'.r r. I -' v . -- I'. i li -later oil ill liic il'i-li-I, . "v i ,. ., . i,i, s'.auii.iiK. talkiinr. J.-i".:'!. -s. i lor nearly threo LvJ.s. l-il no- (.iko you iljwu to the n frpulini'iit r..oiii. I tiavi" just lirmi)ilit Xi'ilii- up. It is roi.l ilu ii", n n.l tin ri" uro SOIIH' SI'lltS." "I mil tatlirr tiri.l," I al.l. tnkinx liin ..ffi'ivil onn. "It is a pity I.oinloii (iraw. iiiK rooms arc so small. (Hip (am imvur iiinna;i" Riillirii-nt si-ats. I fin.l." "I tliink your siiiits will ivcnr out your I'oily. lie sai.l: "ymi In ar i xi iti niciit lui'l ly. i njoy it, jii ilian; yes." prnvfly, "I think j..ii i!o cuj.iy it. Hut you ate lh. i likf yuiirsi'if in tin. loast." "I :!i." I sai.l M'ttishly, "you wmuM, no! wat. li in., so. I Intvc tol.l y,.ni hi'foro It is no l.iisini'ss of yours what I do, liow I !....! ..r "I r Hln tlii'i- y..u kil! y.uirs.-lf or tml." h" iiiMid. "X.., ji.u nr." rijflu; it in d.) luisiiiins ..f inino; only I ra'ir hi-! won- 'iTiiijf w liy any oiu' wlm Is as )ui.py ns mii say you nri sli.ml.l throw licrnolf lu-iirl atiil soil! into a whirl of dissipation i:h t hi- i-tnTuy you ilisiihiy, fiml tint tin slri'iiirtli." "Of roiirsi"." I said with n lit 1 1 . Iaut(l. "my min!i is a falsi iind hollow thiiiK. mid I I .mi only a n'ddy liutti-rfly t.f. fashio'i. 'J'liis is n now si-nsntion for mi" tl'o limine to hi' il s.H'ial siioorss." "Ii w.nil.l suit you lioHi r,' ho said, "to I..' only a il..iiu s:ii' ono." "r."lli!..s." 1 said, "it would: hut," laughiiiL' auain. ":In"oii.' is vi-ry liriHiai:t. and tlio other very slow." As I said those words. Sir Kalpli Al tered the snppi r r-with .hip of his far . rite .low liters. J iliink he heard tliein -I am a'liinsi sure he lie.inl them, and the fael thai he had done mi sent the l.lo.nl in a hot tide to niy la. e. "Let us "j," I , iid alirui:ly: "I must look af'er my quests upstairs." He jr-ivi" me h; arm. We pnssed Sir I!.i'..h. I saw liii- st. Til look in his ryes., and my heart sank within me. What i.l l'a"e always l.i'on'iit him a. ross my pntii' at (he in. .st i oiupi-ou:!s:iii: iii..meinV Th" ev, nim.' 1:11111' to an end nt las:--iho rooms were empty. Nettie. 1 and St l.'alph liim.T. .1 a few nioineiiis mid ii,s eiissed i : e 1 1 1 y the ar;..us oeeiirreuees. I in:' do a fun e :n !a t. "I am v. ry tir.-d." I sai.l. "mnl it is Sunday inoniitiir. V"ii." IooUIiik at Sir Halpli, who was leaning ayainst the man-, telpi. .,", "y... I suppose, nr." Koiliu to have a sued,. ':" "Vi' my 'I. li" answered; "nt least sueh is Thai." I -aid hchily. a I elan I l.aek at him .hit 1 1 1 shoulder, "sounds alariii iiiioy like a l.i: of the I'hur.-h t 'ateeliism or tli" .Man ia" N -rv:ee. Hut pi rlinp oii though: it appi 'l.i ia'e to t..e hour and day 'I h. stali.-a-e f.ie. .1 the i!"..r. A 1 r. Hehed i'. I . ould s. e his faee roileet.sl II llie "la-- In whl.-h he stood. I Ho ; ,-, ,1 h e, p.. : .1 a: -1 -."1 i- ....ke.. i"id I lilt somehow as il my je-t:::i w.,n'is hi'.d .iarred upon I. iiu. As I stood lin re an in stant I eaiifiu a e'.u, se of iin.. ther fa.e l"..l-.inr ha. k :r me. WPh a smldi n pan ,,i w.tii.'er I itnv it was my own. Tiii" 1: I' my .Ins- was not whiter than thai .-..I., I'h-ss r. il.-. iloii: llie li-atn-ii'i: -atin thai trail, d l-' liliid tile made the diirktle-s of eye a'ld llilll' l'."l s! il rt 1 i tl" aiiiiiiot it- -ii.e.'.y n.ie-. I turned ipiiekly aw in. "lio I i-.-ally l.,k like thai :" I thomiht, wiih a lntle pa UK "'' nlari.i. "No woinler Vorke Wall,.-1 llie." "Al J. ill ;..o 111'. .1 to I slell lo -loUletllitl I have 'to -.i.'. V" a-ked Net'ie. following sue iii'.i my i u a few moments later. I I,. 'id - ui.k i..wu into a la rite easy ohair i. j ihe tire. I felt utli rly tin .1 ..ut. "It I- so si ran-i'." she said, mid half- shyly in -lied lor load against m ki "1 I hardly l,.li.ne ii yi-t. only that I am .-o happy, .loan. eaVl you t-'il.'-s'.'" My 1 earl si'emi d l" -land slill for a mo- ii, .nt in iI.eiT -urprise. I I. eni down and raised her head. "Ii it ahoiii Vorke'.'" I eried hreathli'ss !y . "V. -." she Silid. the shy. hnlliaut rnlnr llii-hiiif lioin .f,.w to i-hiii. "lie has spoken." I was t.,o uiitfiy ainaxe.l to atiswi-r a word. At la-; I found l.ri aili mid speo. h, and. I fear. in.li"iiiiii..ii. you mean lo say." I eried. "thai he has proposed iieluiil'y pr. ipose.l ';" "Oh," mii. I .Villi.', ralsiiii; h.r head and laiiirliim; softly, "how piosaieally you put it. I d .n't heli.ni' a man i-vi r does really pi'..po-i". Hi" just drifts on. anil says soinethinj' a word, oven a look i-i-iioneli; and then why. then, y..u know it is all richt." "And s..." I said stupidly, "jmi know il is all r i k ' 1 1 "Vi-. of -se I do. 1 suppose it will In" a !"iii I'liitap'iiieiit, l.e.-aiise hi" has not even h. i n e.ille.l yet. and there are ail those dinners to mi. Still," with lhat. linle happy lauirli. "I don't inind wailitit; any 'line. h"W.n.r loin;, and so I I. .Id him. oli. 1 have I u lo'ieiin; I.. tell y,,u iiloiit it all llie ineiiinir! H you del li it cuess, I Sll. e';" "X i." I aii-vM-u-ii in a dn.i. heavy tone; '"I iiriainly ilid not i: loss. When v In n was It'.'" "I t was I.efore hi' look y ,,ii .l.iwn into llie nipper room." she saiil. timiinR lur I'll s upon tlte lire ell,'.' III"!'!'. .'Mid HllldillK ill her ?.ilt i "in. nt. "Oh, ,l .an. I am so happy." "I n e.nirse you an"." I answered, trying tj i:u!vauii" my lolei; into similar juhl faut loins; "and so am T. atnt so will ho Sir Italph, and and every l.o.ly. Hi nlly iioihiiii: i'oul.1 have turned out heller for for all parlies." "I know you would 1.' ploa-od," she siiid softly; "I told him so. 1 said it had been your isreai wi-h that y..u wile so happy in your own married life. y..n al ways win' wishiii). mo to bo the same, .loan" l..okiin.' suddenly up al me ".I., ymi lliiiik he was i-rv fond ..f y.ui nin'o, thai In' lhat he nally l..ve.i y,.n'."" "I,..viil n.e!" I said bitti rly ; "..f l ours,, u. .1 . I'. i not veii yoiii'si'lf on thai senro. my eliild. It vva- only a passinu' laney." "I' is nil -o of y,.ii to say s..." she an sin red. a li'tli' niori' u-ravoly than sin- had y.t -pokoii. "and and I snp after all. a man i- not always .'..n-tant t.i ono ! l..ie." "Musii!" I sir.l. "I hear Sir llalph's -tip. We w e w i.l talk about this lonior r..w. I am lire. I to nihl. and ill leinper-.-.!: but" kissiuif hor to'iileriy and fondly "1 play that y..i may be happy, Xettie, always always nappy." I'll MTIIK XXI. "Not in I . .1 y. l'.'" .i-k. d S:r llalph, as he onti'i'id. wi. le Ni-itie llittid t'.ii'..'ii;h t'n" opp,.' ,;c ii... r an 1 ova 1,1 him. " Nil," 1 i..i.-l. "I have been lu-arii.if noino wonrlorfiil news. 0111110 her, and I will tell yuii." !li" advnneoil; Inft ho ilid not sit down, only stood there by tin- iiiiintoipii'eii -tall, ki might, massive, with his eyes bent mi I ho lil t". "Il will Jilonsi' you, I am Mire," I wont 011 rapidly. "Youyou nave wisho-I ii often. Can't ymi guess ii V" "I am Dot (.'""I at Km-ssiiic." ho an swered ooiistrninediy, "Von had bettor tell me ut uiii i"." "Well," I euiil. bursting' into 1I10 milijoot without further proluile, "Vorke has pro posed to Nettie at last!" Ilo miirted. Tlio words oertninly loiiseil lain frotn his composure. "rroposoill" ho saiil, almost 11 . iinTid ulously ns 1 myself snid Ii a ulii.rl time bi'f-iiv. "Are you gurc." "Slitf luis just bi'i'ii tilling me," 1 an swired; "she whs too ehitkl to keep the jiows very long to herself. Are you" loijkiui! Ktrn'iKht up into his fuoc and 11101 1 iiiff hiB eyes ' n- yon suriu'isi'd Y' "Very," ho suit! slowly. "Wliyi" I usked, eolorlnu Imtly ami in iliynantly. "Vim always tliiiuitht ho wn I. .ml ol her. inn ulways hoped lie woiihl marry hor. anil now " ".Now," Iip iutorrupti'd. "I ntu u"t so sure about his foelinK - that is nil; un.l Nettle Is too jrood, uml swei't, and fair to In- the victim nf an unworthy euprioo." "I -I don't understand you," I Baid, coldly. "Do you not? Then I will speak more liininty. Yorkp is not worthy hor love, and I do not think ho has given her his own." "What make, you think so';" I asked, faintly. He answered tne iu otic word: "( ihsi rvnlioii." Then I pt.nv cold, and sioU, and afraid. I knew now the secret of the change in him. I know ho had Kucssod Yurkc's fi i'litiKs fur mi', and I knew, ton, that my own reticence, deception, confusion, bud lieiu like m many additional proofs f..r his suspicions to rest on. "Arc yrni pleased." J10 askcl 1110 sud denly, after a ImiK, dreary pause. 1 Harted mid looked up. but ns I nml his eyes tin" hot blood m iiimv rushed to my face and ne k. The, lory eertniiny of misinterpretation only added In my "on fusion. "Of curse I om pleased," I said, but my vob'o was nusleady; "wry phased. Tli'Tn is nlivays somothiii): delixlnfnl in a woman In a friend's innrriiij:." It " -lam-hine- foolishly -"it is the next best ihiiii; to bi'iiiK married herself. And that, uf course, is iiu- event of her life." "I suppose it is." I.e said, bitterly, and turned away. "It is a pily she does not clve it a little more serious enn-i.lorniiou ihan you appear to have iloiio." "I o you mean." I suid hotly, "that you are dissatisfied with 1111 -that y.ui ro"To! ali'i'iidy " "I. irret !" he interrupted, willi risinj; p.'issi.. 11. lliat is 11 poor word :i very poor word. When ono would Hive one's lifi" to amend n mistake when die kiiow-i that ail that lift" is marred and spoilt l.yi reason of it one Joels fotiii'tlii.'i) more than reuri t." I f-lt as if nn i.y hand lay ell uw' my heart; if. if w. l'.is would Imt come to I-, lii've or express in any one way liiis sin! Ion. fearful sense of mystery. "Oh." I cried suddenly , "I n.'V.r JU'V'i' thniiKht you ioiiI.I be . riii'l. I tliouicht you .-on!, I misjuilpi " '.it;d 1. In- saiil, bitterly, "never thought that 11 day would ionic when I hoiild kiioii- to my cost you were not hoiiosi wiih tin". 1'irliaps," with a little .iddeu break lu tin." deep voice, "I uvn' sliiuate iin- importance of tiiinirs. It dees not seem II Iritle to 111., that -that ymi shi.1,1.1 have withheld anything lhat was in your heart, of had hei-n 111 il. I am imt like nio.-t 110 :1. I ! Id y.,11 ilmt loinr iii;o." "Vis." I sai.l lu'li'.iss'v. "Hut I have r.ot done you any wronj:." Hi' hold up his hau l as if to wnr.l off a blow. "It was my fault." he sai.l bitterly; "it has always been my fault, I see it now that it is too late. Xilii'ty-jiitii" people ..11; of ivory hundred mar their lives by a mistake. I 11111 no Worse off ihan than lile rest of till-Ill." "Von do n..t think of me!" 1 cried with tin- liiT.i'iii'ss ..I desporaiii.n. Then my stri nmli fulled; tears hurst from my eyes in a Hood of uiiivsisiinu misery; I burled my face iu my hands, s.ibhini brokenly. Hi' came and 'ai l his hand i.'cntly ..11 niy Inad. Once before I reiueinhoretl thai; same action, and how I, iu my f.-n.l coii' coil, had fanciid it seemed as if he wen1 blessini mo. Ilui now 11. w what ilid it mean now':" "My ileal"," he said, and hi Voice trem bled, "1 do think of ymi how pitifully and sorrowfully ymi will never know. It is tin sense of that pity mnl thin snrrow that appalls inc. And you 11m so yniiiiK; uml I -what inn I do'. Heaven help iin". what can I do' It is not in my power In set ,v..l free. nr lives 11 re fi t ter. .1 with tn.i heavy chains forinii.1it but ilea til to break." "I wish." I cried Ktormily, "it vv..ui, collie! (Ill, I Wish it Would eollle!" His hand dropped. When I nt last cin.ke.l back my sobs and raised my head, I found ho had left the r.s.iu. I' t ! moment I sal 1 lu re ipiite passive; my eyes traveled from point In poim -troll! tin' 1 ut i1iiss 11 lid the ivory brushes on tlio toilet table p. tin. i:loaiiiiiii. fohN of ih sily s:it ill I iia.l worn. A soft nf numbness settled 11p.n1 me. I was wearied out, and jot 1 i-oiibl not move. I became ooiisoioiis of a foolish foeliiii; of haired ni;aiust that uiioffeiiiliin; Kow n. " To -morrow," I half whispered to myself, "I will lock It awiiy. 1 wiil never wear it 11 kii in never!" Then slowly, one l.y one, the tears hi can to fall ilow n my 1 hecks a"ain ureal, plashing, scaldim; drops, (in,., I remem ber. I. niched my hand, and I found my self looking at it in a dim way. as if w..u deriim' it wore not I.I.....I. "Life is not ptiiiii: easier for me," I thmiKhf. "To-nii.'lit I think it has seemed t..o hard!" ( HAlTlli: XXII. One week replace.! .1 !i..t In c. on,- u,o:jtli followed another, ami thi'oiik'h inch and all I followed out the line of conduct 1 had sot myself. There was uotliinir else to be done; ami 1 han d to think, l'hysi a! fut ijf ui" prevented that; nnd I crew 'liankf'il for tlio w .-ariiii'ss that left ui," -1 pale and listless ami worn, sitne my nriiiii crew h-ss n. tivi" by leas .u of lhat very wearim. In the wiirm summer .i,,ys iin. iee!ini;s .if liissituile ami laiisiii! i;i'ew ronier the hours for which larhy served at es .use were .eiieially spent by me I y il) K oil the sofa in niter prosiraiioii of mind ami body. X,.w ami then Sir Ralph looked if mo f us ioii'-ly. "Are jo 1 in. I i!nli:n ton iiiuch'.-" he would say ; bill I only Imiil'Ii.sI, 's.id nlliruicd afiish my ei.j .yuuiit mil my stroll nth. It si-, mod In ine tin: I vouUl net give up liow, lluj a th. lUn was, the nthor would he ten tliousan'J time Worse. In August we wont bick to Monk's Hall. I was j-lud to bo homo one more, clad to see the old familiar places, ft'lad to run nver to Temph lon uml hear of niy father's literary sue. -esses ; clad, hut J"l Willi little of the old K'tl'IneSS. to Klltlll'l' the l.i js ,'ii'iiuinl me once ugniii. friiu H'hool and 1 oHige, tir.il hear tho merry voices, uml listen to the chuff and bullying and tormenting that slill were part and pa red of tin -msi-ivi s. 'J'iiey left at last, and then some male visitors enine, hii.I iini "iii; Ihini Yorke I'errirs. Sir Kalpli had suggested it, nnd I had listlessly tigroid. Nettie, of course, cnnie over, too, and the September tluys br.i ig'nt the 1111 failing dogs and guns nnd giinie -bags. I had opportunity for rest then. The s'r:rii uml tux of entertaining were lifted off my mind, and tin one, oven Nettie, know '.hat half my days wore pui-sod ly ing passively in my dressing room, too weary ru n to road or spenk. I am wr.uig, though. Some nm else know. It wn Jdra. Mar-li. She bad found me in this yst'ess fashion so many times 'hai at last shit remarked it. and I excused myself by aying lhat the fa lilies of tlie sons-in hud bii'ii too much fir tue. a ad lhat 1 only anted rest. The very tiny afterwards I was mirprised l.y Nellie bringing her visit to nn abrupt end. The usual idea was given-her grand mother's wish. 1 did not combat it. I remembered afterwards that Mrs. March hud been iu the room when Net lie 'pokv. and u I '.Hade that remark she half turned nnd flushed a sTaiigo, 1 Tiger ....k In her direction. When I was once m in. alone, she fidget I'd about tho nn. 111 on one excuse or nil oilier, fifking me perfectly unnecessary .pit srinr.s, Hi'ran.ing things that wanted iii iiri'.iiigomoni, until 1 grew f.,uievhu; impatient. "Wiil y.ui excuse nio, niy lady," she mid abruptly, "if if I venture to nsk ymi 11 ijiiesiioti? Is Ml.-s ( r...ft ongiigi'd':" "I don't see lew Miss Croft's affairs can possibly intirost y.ju." I said coldly, nnd look up a book to show thnt I did Hot mean lo discuss liie subject. She snid no more, but left the room. ".loan." said Parley, a few moments t.ftorwanl. creeping iip to my fale, "1 l.u'l ilko Mrs. M.ir.li. I have always had a feeling lhal she is not safe." "Not safe, dear':" 1 said in mrprise. "What do ymi mean':" Siie si k her head. "I I iiui't tell more than idiat. Slie locsii': i'ke ymi. and she in sn often with S:r Italph. I have h,nrd the servants t,ay so." "V.ni mustn't listen in servants' gos sip." I -ilid coldly. "And what .loos it mat for w he! in !' sh" likes me or not as l ing as she does her duly ':" "1 wish," the child persisted, "ynii O1.11UI sii d her miny, ,lo. 1 have been think ing that, ever since die came, y.ui have . hanged. And why does Sir Italph never cine lo us il- he used lo do? And oh, J,. dear .lo! why are you iilw-nys s.i un l.tdaVr . " I tihapi y !" I Viii.l. "What mains y..u fancy that'; Only h.w -spirited and t:red. ienr I Ihiiik I 1 as sir. ;:!.- a, I used to be." "Vntl I'sid to he strong." she Mild wisi- fiiilj ; "nothing ever iire.1 you ujice. Pmi't v.,1," she adileil suddenly, "don't ymi I'ke l.eliig married':" 1 !ri"d lo laugh. I think if surprised ine 'iit'.e that ihe laugh i nded in a n,li, and lhat the incisive ipiestioii brought tears tn 111.-' eyes. "'I am very weak and foolish,'' I said hurriedly. "It is my own fault that I am not ns - as happy as I ni ghl I.e." There came ti knock at lay door at that moment, and the next instant it opened at my permission and admitted Vorke Ferrers. Is is Nettie here':'' ho aski.l. Then his eyes r.'.-t.-d oil my agititle.l faee, and his own changed nuhleuly. He ci. -id the (ioor and came ml i the 1 in. "Nettie is packing." I said, calmly. "Vmi know -he is leaving Ihis nior 11 in ;.':" "Vis." I.e said. "1 a 111 going In ilr.ve her over. I wanted to know vliut time she Wollid Want tho ca fringe." "I will ask her." mid Parby, eagerly. and slippi-d away from my side, and was out of the room iu a moment. Vorke st 1 by Ihe lirepluee, idiy-, linger ing the ornaments uml figures 'mi the lllillllelboal'tl. I hud risen from the couch, hut lew re-t-ale.l myself. I". was a long. h.n'. time ,liioc wo had had a tele 11 tele. Wo had 1 11 conventional and fricsully for sn long tli.it I felt no dread or eiiibarrn-smont in his pi'. -fiice. I'liseutly he raised his head. Ho did not look nt me. but straight into 1I10 glass before him. He emild si o my fa. e there "Joan," he -aid. abruptly. "Im did you conic to engage thai Woman as house k.-pef'."" 1 II A FIKlt XXII 1. 1 was so staggered by the lit. eX led .iiesiioii lhat I ii.iiiil find f..r a moment i n ..r.ls t.. aii-w or it. "I did in.t engage her nt nil." I said at last. "It , as Sir Kalpli." Then I.e lui'inil and looked nt me, and soinelhiiig in his face sein the blood flying to my t.w n. "i Hi!" he said signilieiuilly. 'Torhapi lhat 'ie .nuts ..r ill" "Accounts for what':" 1 faltered. "I'..r her tiimili.irily," he snid, "and tl rrc-poiolence." '( 'or!Vsi.,!i.b'iioe!'' I gasped, turning cold and taint. "Vis," ho sa d. "A few liininents ago she passed nic in one of tile corridors. She constantly is pa-sing me ill mm of tho cor ridors. For 11 hou-i ket'iMT she n'enis n singularly ulii.piltous person. Hut 10 n turn. As sh" passed me her dress brush ed again-i in e; -lie hurried into ..no of tint looms, nnd I half curiously- looked hack. As I did s.i. I saw lying ,,11 the carpet it white sipiare pa. I.ei. I walked bat k uml picked it up. Here" and he look some ihing from his pocket nnd handed it to 11 c "here it i." I looked at It. It was a leMer. directed to S r Italph. I or a no .111. in 1 stared stupidly si tint pa.-kct, tiirndig it round nnd round. Then! I looked up. I "This," I said, "is id her writing." "Sin dropped it that t swear!" ho ried. ini ctuou-ly . "liven if it is not. what business lias she with your hus band's loiter?" "I will nsk him." I sai.l. ealmh. rising and putting the loiter on n table close be' side 1110. "I i-nii't say." I continued, "that 1 our liked Mrs. March; hut Sir Italph spoke of her as a lady In distress, and well .".nine, led. I behove. As far as the performance of her duties goes, she is ad mirable, and :i seem- foolish to harbor -cjn.lio. s." C'.'i titiueil on Hit jjftgi.'. YF.i: in the village tlte Kiiigslcy-t wore called by tin ir 11 e 1 n 11 noM 'pe- CW $ I. ' ' ti'v'!)'"'! can't nit svKv'i' iLvi ""' lipos.'l to poni himsi' v TtX-: Jti oout ra.li.-t ihfiu. 'it." 'ttlMM There was the i 7, -''.Atr: C.II,.,,. ,..ll...- ,..! it'ys, ... .. . Trf.'e.- three sous, the 1 lit - lc all wotueli-liuteis, or a! lctist worn- un-sUilutiers, for oven wh, 11 boys nt tho district school, not o,.e (.i' them would play with m in any v. ay a girl. As it f::tui:y, l!.i y i m tri'.His, ecnnoii.i.'ul mnl i-l! h-i. -do. Work, work, work was the t vder of the day. ainl save, avc, stive, was the key-note of t'::i-ir live-1. 11' tin one iinioug tliein mor." id a than tho others il was tin" o! It .Jack, stud if one iifiv than at. the sous was avciso tn sucictv. Jiflc. il was on Tiiiitik-.-iviiig : lhat our story up, us Imt we .1 any d' the Kiii;:--'.ys 1... I thouolit to lb"' diiy. I 1 I:. , li iiiiseiitiuietital 1 xi -t. -noc I'i . been no ifc mul n.a.ic 1 I' ti' that co.'iio lil.e l.lc.i-.iiil n.i.'" wm I.tt-tlcr -1 -.011, 1 li.-r of it was niig t if I'll-v. lull .lavs I t,,,,;. 1 along the way. 1'lier" win nn 'i'liaiiks giving ebeer, or Clu i-1 ina i gift-?; New Year meant ni,t!iin' to tijetn Imt n change of date, nn 1 Fasnr was only Siindiiy, the ility .f revt at lim fann boi.sf. if uny one cntld lie -aid to rise lirst in a family where all wen up ln-liiucs. il was thin same .ta.-tt. whose heavy foot full ol'tliliios wakened the linus,.. On this T!ia!i!;s..;i in;; itiortiiti;; lie wa -out even earlier llia'i usual, f..r it wa ; cui ii-!nisl:iii;' tinii" titid in 0111: way at: 1 another they had been hindered t'ti, particular fall. !S1 'imlilit;,' 1 it i'ii the cold, early li;;lit, be was sU; prised to run a.;.iiii't u grent wit! .v. basket. "Wliat tli"! triti ..'I'.-" tliis?"' l:e grow led. Now we would not have yon uiidcr slainl that Ja.-li was a particularly ill natured lntin; b ti t it i-t UMiuHy tru.; Ilmt in families win.-)'" the lilllj refine incuts and court esios nu; o'.nilte.l, the liny., -:t'i 1 s cnli'nes t'l" girls -grow up suily and ji'iit in'c i.) lnaniier, even when, i;i re.ilily, the'.ei no an ger in th. ir hearts. With the bah'-ini'ined ih.nij'ht in mind that 'some neighbor bud loft it after the fatni!. Ii.td retired, be lii't-d tho lid. ".f npiterl ' wuh the one word that ( scaped liia lips, and then he simply dared, li'il it was in ! .luj iter or any other ccloMlal budytluit l:-v there so snugly in the lui-ke;. but 11 eiy 'le'l itil'til It , re-tria! l-..iy-iii nther wm tls, a beautiful I i.i,.' sailed up into bis face. ".Jupiter!" hi' said u.'.iiii, und lei fall the lid, nnlvto lilt it ir'ain iniuie- liatcly. It v,n ihl have been n study for 1111 aiti't -i'i.- nil brown fai'iii- house sum. I th" leafless noes for a background, tlte llurry of sirnvr sifted over the porch, tins great w illnw lias- lict, from which smile I the lovely iu I'aut, mi l the 1 1 ii" tit 1 1 1 figure iti high hoots, u" ..".alls, "hurt luvcvu c.iat .Hid slouch hat l.einlii:-' ale-vo it. Ilow long he .nigh' h ive i ctiiiiin el iu thin pose is uii.'eiiaiii, but the lit - lie one's ellnits tn fiee her iii'iiis aroused him. (luce more letting fall III." lid I kit, 'hell ill'!' jtist the b nt,. tb merge Hutu uer room. "What on nii'th iiu.stiiiiicl. ".-ininebn ly 'f y.itit donl'-sti-p." Mrs. Kiiigsley '1111 left n'l the ho rich wiai -trios. 11 iipi i! lii'icl W S M Mli IMS. I 'rniii biting the little eic.tt,i nres-ing it to her In-east'.' I : atid Mr-. Kiiigsby cuild not, though si., 1 Hire first that .lack's bad. w n 1 5non the remainder of the In.nt'v jn the so me, sin prised and wm ilig m'i r ".lack's baby," as p la'Ied from the ti 1 -i. 1 iiero was untiling bv wblcii .'ilid bo id, 1. tilied, save a nhile card bem in.. thi' one "Fay" ..pi. 1 1 1 At 1. 1 1 ak fust Mis. Kin i-y I'c'unn I 'oi.ii, lUitiiugly: Now there'll be a tun, "lean tn .lolin Swi el ' ".I , ml Sw 1 id's?" ipiei ie I Jack, ab- '. as be w.it.'licl bis, '' '''"li to u." littl" , icn; 1 ind1. 1, tlln;n 1 . leiinjjy undid plllgi utilil the little ed, Were ll.M I .leadlllg- ly un. wiia; worn. in cum reitain.i it'll il j 1 .o m mmiss v -,- 1 IJs-iWlVvsW j ' I ' ,-'. M,-M'. '1 STORY rOK THANKS0IVING. l:V XTT.VA I ALJjWKLI. HELVIl.I.n. I'V.o I ain't be''" luma'tM'jm'1' t.t,..' '', ... hat of Unit? I, ,.' . ,. . 1 . , . - . hut ol t lint ; did I ever! AMiv. ..... . , , git tins V01111K one lliti' tho lluoiit. f.ffiup uiiii anoui 1 A wave ,.f o,.l..r 4 . . t.,,.1,... v . 1 v.s.o o 1 .... 1 , , .. , . , ..1.1-uiiiiirii, luisiiuvia lace, nut tie ; I only replied that he guessed tbey . cotld buurd ln.r until Suurlay, least-' v.avs no one could be .-puled from the ' hn-kimr now. J 'Xd how d'ye s'po'e I'm to do my ,.ik 'nd cine I'er a baby oil that time? Here i'.'.s only Tlmrsdny." 1 "She don't seem trouliicsotue Tit. " ''Xn, nf crnirse she'll be g.iod while ; , I'm minding her all the time, but wait 1 lul J put her by." , lb bu e Jui'k bad been nt work two ' hours lie made n;i excuse to go to the ; house. His mother happened to be; out of doors when be entered the I kitchen, but there sat the lovely child in tier basket, gleefully pulling the strands of .1 skein of scnilet varn. The A SONC OF THANKSCIVINC. Thanksgiving for tlm men who braved Th" yet scarce furrowed sea, Jlii'h.T than cringe, with soul enslave), 1 , kingly tyranny: ''ii uglit upon tills virgin so l "I'r. I :.. p worslii. (jod: " T :::l..-;:iviiig fortlc men w!io met i .1. st.,r:ny brunt of war. V.'l... yielded life vviilimit regret l.'-.-t -,vr uig b" eon piernr: fort.."-' wao f 'm!it fin-1 live J t set I't itiii hunt Uteri v 1 s' 1 1 1. v sTs 1 ui r y.ii.i'. "SE DAY J''iiiiil;sgivini; 1 Imt th" olden s.-ars bv time ar" hid nnd healed: That now. iiirtlag's.'lose-cl'.ist ering t !'!:in,. on im gory Held. 1H year by year a rich iin-reas.) s: ring- ;i mi t tie arts of pea -el 'i'li.itik-giviiig fo t that glca'i.s W illi liglc s , lair tn s Tiiaiiksgi; It.g for the gl of tri'iundis vol to be ri-ui- drciti ui" a r l, 'l ..aiik.-giviiig. all. with ..ii" a.', l i t" our fai .i.'i 's l.oni! , cili. ton S "..ilar.l. in Harper cklv. 1 mniuenl slie oa'igbt sicht of him shi gav e a happy, gurgling laugh, dropped ! , the. yarn and hold out her arms; bill I I lie pietended not In see. When Uot i 1 he glanced in her direction, the baby's bp was trembling an Ileal'", were well- 1 ing up into the great dink eves. ' i Me made u step toward her, then paused, looking from bis dirty hands! ; and tliisty clothes tn the dainty gar- j metits she wore. ' 1 "I ain't lit." he muttered, but then that look! "11. "o more the smile came like a bin st. if sunshine through the clouds and the dimpled bunds reached out tilluriii"! v. (inn gnn!" she sai.l, but he thought ' In nu ul. t good, and -well, when his nnithct eiitered tin" ro..i,i sh." was sim-I ply diinibfmiii.b d at thesiglit that mot ; d.i'l;, wh i.v before, was inai cliiu v about, the child on his shoulder. one hand In-t. ind in hi- ml her i.ukept hair. the l in 1 patting bis cheek. "I ion, goo!" she .11. d binder and , .luck Kiiogsley. are ymi eray?" t she died. With a shame-faced e ' prc-sioii. he turned Inward the basket, I but paused half way and turned do , li.inlly. "Nn. I :iiii I crav. but I in gnin' to , Ue-.ph.l. "(ioin' to keep her? M.T.y mi us. vmi In u -1 hi' oill en ycr head." - "I tell yon I ulit'l. hut I'd be ' liiiiucd to put a iii ly liltle critter like her in the pnoi Imit-e. Hain't we got oiii.uli, I'd like tor kin.w, tn Iced . lie seoh kid?" "lint wlio'il take care ..f her?" Tin' poor fellow looked perplexed. ay, at this niiii n. -ul. ne-t!ed her a.'ain t bis 11 "Pa. .hi. iiu k.cn.iing i'oiiteiit bC j , linbodv else," he I dlv. "I will, 11 there's answered ilelianllv ; hire a gn I." "V girl"' Mis shi ieke.1, I'm in all Hover Jiired help I! lav. "leastways I can j j Kingsley fairly her life she hud . the hniise' one I . ' And then -in" poured to, th a tirade f abuse that, could little lay have ii.ieiit.,,1,1, w,ml,l have humeri inlo 1 very soul! Happily she could not nlci-tand, but Jack did, after a is 11 .11 nt least, but the etVeet was ex- t ciiiiaiy to what bis ninther ile-1 t ion i ins answer showed her hei ; '.,i -daki "It mny all be ns you think," he .-ind ili.-.vlv. u-edoii't'kiln.v aiivthing j about 1', I .ti I tin know this i1111iTee.it bah.: uiu't t,.. blipuo nd I'll be blamed i if T ilon't Ktiin.l fnr Lc" 'nil ligbt ihe hull world, if need I.e. I uiu't lit fet much! the Kingsleys uiu't like other pcoiile nohow, 'nd if this here kid ain't rcHjiectable it can't uiuko bo great odils to us; v o ain't B'ciety folks but nil these Jinn litiis she's got ou bLowp she don't llung to iiu poor t rush rouml hero. There's a niTSlery about it tLat 1 Li.jie we wou't never uniler- stllUtl." After this uncoiamoiilylon Fjieeeb, 'in k KiagHley put the child iu the l.a-Uet and went out, bis umtber nevet suyiuga word. We ire inclined to think i:l.. ..1. 1 e ... 1. . . I BilC HUD H jillir Hlili lia'll llll IJ1S UlOUlli cmd'tinn, Ibntigb. AVheu sbo re covered from the shock u little, sh 1 .... 1 r ... 1 1 . .-. ' 1 ' LIU rill 1 H I s'l 11 i.-w Ullil-I limes tlx uir K....1 1....1. i... i n a nn; i.iJLii ..uvn uiiii iiiir.t irrii'iiiv iiillib ;t r.,ui,i.,,, : .1. r' .. in utilised animal, uml mice in the ' .'ttf5 .0.f Uia,uV- Uo blame . r ly fnr not using more iai. k (...'ir.Tr.Y i.ii Tt i) thi: high ciuii: To A IT. "i: Itirsti i; ins own. . j strategy at the outset; now the buttle ! was hopelessly lost. Weli, he might hire somebody tn care fur it; bha ', would iiot and in live miiiut.3 after , sin! had settled this point she wr.n I holding the object ,f controversy in I ln-1- arms and feeding it most tetderly. I 'I iien for the lirsi tinii.. she reuicia 1 bet ed that tUi- win Thanksgiving l)ay. 'I'iianksgiving' And sitting nud roek ! iug-. her mind travolel back to a time I w hen the day meant much to her; to j time when life was not so narrow, bo 1 sordid, when she went to -hitrch and j enjoyed human companionship. Then . -ho remembered the tir.-t TiianliSgiv ji'i.; 011 this farm, when Jiicli was u I sturdy boy of five and the others vi. linger; lmw sue had mailo a littlo j fi ;ist almost out of iiotliinqr, but, des ; pit 1! the homesickness nud JonelinesH, 1 tin-y had been fur happier than id thu years since when love of gain had eaten them up," spiritually and iiien ; Itilly. With u start she "beard tlio cluck strike eleven. Tin; baby was steeping; could she liiiilnigo to get up a Thanksgiving feast iu an hour? She hud intended tn have boileil potatoes, fried salt pork, brcul, ooll'eo and soralmiii molasses, Jleii, her youngest son, wits nt the burn for something nud, yielding to tho impulse of the moment, she called to liini from the doorway: "Kim uio down a chicken, lien, if you men folks can got along till one o'clock without yci" dinners. " "Aye, i.yi"!" said Hell lu artily, but when he rume iu with the chicken he looked so iiiiuiriiig that his mother snid: '' jdinn forgot 'twas Thuuks p.iving," ju-t as if they cvt-r obaerveil it . itiur iir.vardly or outw nrdly. Hen stii.l unlliiiig, but shying n glance at the sleeping t'ahe went out Softly, but was whistli.tg guily when be reached the corn shrnls. "Can't have, dinucr till the horn blows; ret'lion that'll be 11' . mt oue o'clock." "What's up?" asked Tom. The Kingsh.iys. were not humorous, j but an idea ilid occasionally etrike I lion and now hn answered severely: j "Vnu cun t expect mot her to take care of a yoimguit and Lave meals s. piate up to tue." "Hang the joiinguii:" was Tom'n j iiiigmcioiis reply. "Sity, .hick, you j belter go over to Sweet's this after 1 noon." "If you've any business ul Sweet's I go yourself; I ha' en't nny." I liven Mr. Kiugley, who was not at 1 all observing, opened his eyes wheu ! ho entered the bin kit 'lien. from which ,,,st .savory odm ? bad ulronily greeted biui. Never had thu old mn.,i kinked so i;iviiing before, and im wonder! A t.e-.llisniui' fea t on u table spread - ,ni!y used f. d f..f.i in the t lib 'gated to tie and laid his r,.: company and a baby 1 high 1 hair so long garret. lie smiled git hand un the littlo j In o l iMVi rcd with g.ililcii red curls. I " Wliiinp-ee!'' snid Tom. looking up ! pi nviligly ubniit. "Snail this eolnoa I uf having n girl 111 the family!" j Jack glanced at bis mot her and then I lt 1 what no K ''ngsley uus ever known t i.ln befo.e without being asked - tilled the water pails. Ih 11 looked down at himself; then there was mi, .ther depart tiro, lie put 011 h clean ".vainits" and washed an I oi.inhe.l with unusual euro. I'verymio had a smile or a pal for the bright, feaib'ss babe wlm. they tncitly under j stn.nl, was iu siiine way responsible j for the good cheer. Whetircadytofit tlnuii. .lack ipiicl ly j luted Ihe high chair to n jilace besides , bis own. He meant tn take care id ,-, evidently. And so the new life nt the Kingsieys began. Not nil in a ,biv did the eh.i.io-os ... .mo ib truth of the words; "An, I n i it t lo child shall lend them," wusnever more thor i.ughly verified than 111 thin instance Iiy niinther Thniiksgiviup- time royu I't-Hst was spread and the minister a'tn his fa mi v invited to 1...1I11U 'I'I,, ho ise, was brightened; oach meiuhei . r,f the family dressed, talked niidaoteil .mora like 'vilier peopl. ;' they ever sent wood and vegetable to several ' p,.or families, and remembered that j they themselves had enuso to give ibaiiks fnr tntiiiv blessintr, not least nmong them Jack's linby. The Tinki'v. '..r weeks and week-; the rlpcno l corn lt-.'s gobbled Uv 1 1111 peek; oe.r on some -u, N'.,v..iiil.ev morn, lie yets it in th.. lvA. 'i"S J WCIfW99T1IPImfTiS l'J.'(si,lllliVWWPWSlsi'!f'.J(si-l,ltH

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