Beaaty la Bloat Deep. 0!-n Wood means a clean skin. ?Co beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by tirring up the lazy liver and driving all im puritiea from the bodv. Hi pin to day to baniah pini)!en, boils, blotches. blackheads, and that sickly biliuus complexion !v taking lascareU, beauty for ten cents. Ail drm. gikU, satisfaction guaranteed, lUc, Ucc, SOc. From HO pounds of gas tir in a tan ol C ill over 2,000 distinct ba l- : aiiiinc dyes are niuJe. Klta permanently eureil. No :1 - .; n -i s. re after llrst dny'n Uhj of 1ji u . n.- - i . : o. fre-rveHeatervr. trial hot tie ami t r-u l)K. It. U. KLIXK. Ltd.. HJ1 AiVli s. . i'.l.l.l. IM The quantity of Amen-nti t..'..i--'. e mi;b to Franco during th" preaeut iu -tith is -aid to be unusually lar.'o. Doi't Tabifro Spit sarnie Tout 1 I ft Awny. To Quit tuba .-co easily snJ forever. I c ims relic, fait of Me. m rvc ut.J itfnr, taiic Nolo IJac, the won Jcr worker, th-t ia( weal; tm-a strong. Ail drugr -us, :.i.',.-ir;. lure teed Bouti'.et at! I an.t.: t.;-;. Actrcsj blerltng ltemody to, t'L .aD-j .r New Veil' boots an. I shoe to th- t.utii'-- r : UT.n 0.- 000 are euld to he t'laiuif.i -l :. I ytr.y in Ureat Britain. 1 ton A I o' "1'lck l.faf"Mi.' m-j doei not make cv.-ry mouth n- - i-nr,,-.,.. but coim-a "trichty t: irli" d . - w- mrj one a imntdt-iiithtfu! mrwli-. '1 The rbilli.a.'!s nr.- i;m : '' wouda wbi-ti arc ttlti- M ';i.,.n :)'' :.-t of tbe world. To turc Coil at I pat lull I .rcva.. Take Cweards i':iti.iv i ntu. : : tjc ; "fa It i C. C. fa:l to cue. dr.,;,.-a..s :. :..aa i.jy. Ornu;.',. iTod i 'tiu 1 o! th" p. .i.t this "Hhou lin- I eon p:o nr-a'o -i : .. t if.j::.t i -bi.-lury. Ko-To Hip for Fifty lii.ta, OitiWl tobacco baft ecu weak aawi ttirouic, Oiood yur Die A.'. Jiufau. I aouiU'a wheat -Top tin- -..r wiii l-e hv tar tbo greatest iu tlm liit..r' : Ion. .. i,t M r. tVin.'o ii : : ;: ' o ''.'!. :i cotilltf. M f'elM ? ; i ;mii:-, :'! : .! .!! t!un,:i.!a'- ..itn.ciif.- .n I i ; e 1 ol I M II! . I i A , f. ; "I. '?:. 1)11. C. .1. M..II Kir. 11,-u-l .! j Joill' Trotlrt. lo-.' -r- ' I ttlu ifi-.iirl.ii'.'..! ".h t'i.. ---- r. -.. : . 'ilir iHo N V.T.. :tl...: i.;n .., 1 A I M MolU - A TIM . T"K i II I !: - tlllM.WK l.l Cll 1 Mil, ..- t-.:y. JoH'ii s. Ktv, rt-r '. - l'i .: 'tiur ti. .No- liishop ..:.tlic: ! Mc'.li '.i - Lli;r :;. In the Head Ii an Inflammation of the , briiiieliiiinif t!io im-a: j a- ae- I i 1 by a i'o, i.r .- n ..; U .::. I with impiir" : I. i '.i t k r rh -s .- i i y llood'a Siir-apai uia. whi -li era. I' i' " r the blood a',1 .-,-r : taint.. - .... dele-ato tissu-s an 1 I iiii l- ; ! Hood's Sarsnpcrilia Is Aiimrica's 'IreiOt't 1, .;: i::e. . -a ('. ' Hood's Pills cur.. i.'.er i : .-..t. IM-. ri'..l:..:i- I . 1 1 . el' oil In's , .i : VOils 1 s j,,,! to . '. Ililllilliili o! . ' :. ':. tl,cllt I.i. ii Vliieh I--.-:. ... ( XCI s, ; j- ,. i ",-ol,ls" ill, hi. ,. -', .. ti.-es. lie . II-. . ol' tin- i-.i ..i I I -ll!ei!!-' il t - -1 1 1 -1 1 - ' as. ular in : . ... ;il l'.io p. :-'. . i-y. -.i i the bra.u is, ii! .; .. Iiioi- lu.bN i. i.i! i:. s .'iral -'i'a' T ' - 111' I lie lITi' !'.'-. . til l!'.. -. i I : il-'iiii.te s i: j. . -' . ; ; fulness. ,. . .. ;.. . a.i in- III. it :,ial 1 i liiius' ion a in I . :' lire .-oini.'.oiily ,-i-Mciilil lo t e .-on. tin' In in. I : i ! ! :i. .. iui;.s. rEUIODS OK I'AIN. Menstrr.:iti..n. tl bah, viiei ! nf ..f CNlst- .1 ' illle of Woman's !.fe,'s.i t';,.. bio ?nee to many because it meat great MitVei iiij'. While no woman 'is cut ire. . periodical pain, it dors not si I., have been .,:i- t iin- s phi n ov'IaR(?r-"&--T that won,.,, ftf 7 liealtby W&m I.rUmK. 1'iii'rf- 'ijk-t- "fc' nam's e:,'e- r-" table Com- I pound is (. '-T the most lj.'. thorough fr- v-r j-fW (--r-, male reirula- 1 V1.; ( :! tor known to 1 j I.' i ty medical st i- enee. It relieves tr.o eon, l'.tiiu i ha I pro duces so mn eh discomfort ati'l r. bs nieii Utrnatiori of its terrors. Here ,",,i.f: Pkaii Mns. l'ii.!i.Mi 1! -w .-an 1 thank you enoiie-h f..rwh:.t y.i have lone fortiie? When I w to y u I was sulTeriiio- untoid pa n menstruation: was n. rv.ius. nelie all t he t line, no a oi .. l ite feclintr. ami did n.t f, . 1 have tiilten thr, e b. i !,s ,. Viiikham s Vea-ot.ib'e t .ai i Of Hlooil I'lirilirf. I o-o b... rills, an 1 to day I :i in a w 1 would like to have lb..-.,, know that I am one of the have been e ir,-,! of feneile liy your w oiidrrl'u 1 mo. ! lei i Miss .Ii.nmc !,'. Mi: i -. I.. ! time of h.i.l head-Mi.-,l I red . n tiili'tr. ' ! wilii 11. . l. ..tie ..' Liver !.. , -son. 1 i.. siiiTer i:..h y lio ..inpliiliits i d ioiviee. I. '.Ve. lf vou arr stil't'.-i-iiiL- in 1 !:' w o.wri' as Miss Miles did ! Mr-. !"nl.l'i!ii ; Lynn, Mass.. for the aihae : I 'ell si Offers free of chiii'To to all in u. Afirr I win luilui-e.l t.i irr i ASCA- HET, I will nrrer nun. ml ih.-a. a, , la' linuso. M? liver wim Inn very lad bhai.e nitit my tii-iul acbed and I Uml bi.t.:i.-, tr.. utile N .i.- . in.-,, lak ln rJi'rol t f,-i . ii Mv ,f lia-iils,, USW1 tbrm with rteiiefliiu. i.--,i'i lersonr -tanm.-li ' Jog. Kacausu. Ii'.'l iviitto. St.. st Luuis. Mo. Pleasant. Pajatabie. IVtent. Tasi' f;,.!. t'c Guud. Nter Su-m-ii. ll i-attn. uit.i,K U- ... OURC CONSTIPATION. ... attrtta irni r.r..., t iMr. mir.i. rt. ill Sour Stomach (T CATHARTIC tdI mark ioiTtmo jaat' JkAAA-AAA A A A. A A. A. A r IFOR FARM AND GARDEN. I V ' KMMiim tut.1 N...t. ir the uiit hiilsttvo t.ot erv hi'-o UitMints m:iv be deMroveil l.v Jvu: n,u l.ili.ur water over tljoi.-t. ,'.r Ve-toi -tiW l.,i'in- tea. Imt t lit' nu-st ilVctUf re:!:,.av is bist.!. of tut- bon .,.t,.t-i fit . holes; mv inches .leep an.l two Uot .n ait. tiiisiiu iu im- iiM'.liat.-lv ni.ei- the li.pii.l has bceu I'ctf o.i iij t in..-..r io'. . e it roinm.u'shoo'i ..-..I. is .:,usll.v B!hv;,...1,,,;,W, k,-,s whi.-h-a.e laertbt... th,t I.:..! which eau-e s.-ahoui .-is s. i atii- . ina's. a. ol is a ,!!..: 1 ar .-.V ::ih.ilet- t s' ( f thi"- with wo :; i,,,;..tho .i..s. the i:... . a-, i the -h., .;!.!. !; 1- tj,., , . n o-l i'. ' t- shi-.'l. yr;':.-''oa:a'i.' "ics! a-.llt is,;.,. ...,..,....',!:.. t! ... it i- t.' .11 t! e: o l- s ! '..lea: thi '0 ai.' li;!.v j. .. . !. l' .e s,-, ,;, i ... 'o. -) i h .ill th . w a t!v is ih. . in : ot ::.e o 1 .. ! .! !.,- . ! b a:.- aii.i ..; a w the , ... i.-.- ,r t . -.:. re 1 I ...-.lil.s tlM.'i -I.. ..v -Ms. ;!;-! .l., !i::l -:l . -. ! -. 1' i : -. .1 v ai I .. t,!.. . she , w , A.I I : ; i i ; i ui.i Pi.ii i t il s r.i.' i. I'.l.iV I . :l I . . C.i I a : l no a . - ..I' I . -,s i, I re- .-l;i I ! ; :. 1 .. v I :, 1 i : . ; ii ,.:. U 1 a, ' . i.v a i i i ... i i f. s I V- ..a no ': . ' I -i. i 'ai. si,..,, ,,, i . .1 ' e i! i.. ei I : I .. ;! ,.V I, - !.-e it -.. ., V .. . ....... . .. j , . .-' . 1. -e -I,.- t!.. . a- i'. .-,.;'(. , ir; : ... la, a , : i ,- . , l: I Wii, : I.e. .--:., V I.I' Ii. , . ,l Id 1 11 ...el. ai iel .1 I r, .1 I... !l T bio . - y - , ; r- , p; - .., .- ,.; l.e e;,ti i !. I'.-d , :. e .i a i u i , .;it HI,!,! tilOV Hie li'.- l.e I. ...,;,-s !le Shim- i i,e ; a u mr.-r I did Hot iriiie i.i....- ,! il..-l! I iiad I ,-1. II I i ,i It at - i io- i . -e .'ial, I .", I weiah, i ii bun h .it' .1 iily a, i i ', u be shoals ! iiai ;, i I i ,!-. I .11 ; I i. u ei.i li l-oiii t:it- I ; r.,e la, y l,...:a'l io eat. Tue liisi W ei. I 7 i.o.'ie:- , i' ,..,! lOld JO OllshrU ,,, v, ., ,, lee.l 7 I 'J .o ;i..l- ,,l ., k Lo- a.-ll h i- "i tel. 'tue .j .,,,;, ., i, l ! s l...,!.U , ... : In... .1 s 1. " im.iii.-U f..i ,i h i.,i-i: ! , -I. : . I u : I s-J J'.l ...-ui.s. f.ei-f., .,ud i,i :t. v.,--!, s .',; - ,o-, .. I - V, , a . we e !C 1 ''no ,.,,rt!l lia 1 Utih erk . I -, id pa t o! !, lo,-s i, 1 It, !,-,! oihe s .,ut ,.u a pa., no ,..,-,-... a 1 ii v w li..! .h.iuu ih l i-ev had :,!. ti.e e,. li I e, y VI .oial i ll. i -it II i sued .. want ai. 1 1 , i i i to. y 1I..I e... I l s,...., ,-. , o il alio w e. e i.i ,i inie -i,.i. I well!,.- 1 s c,f tin- t.iu t. e;s principally im i"s. Tiie ti - ,-,., they a'r' J loishf's , at- :.:,. ;i 1 -J llllshels e.. 11. s,. .,. ill lo.el, ! - iuli of Hit It illld lis ill - H'd 1 w o , U ! U lee 1 :,,-h, '.s id' partly ied iit b-1. I had noli. d the;:! eiiise ih Leu- I. r tue. i tilOppille-. "tile hlllt I Whee'ed out from the 'u.-i,li. Us,-sei , ra ! h'l-le - W ilieil I lie V a!e a', ell O'.s ' v. Thi pi., dllee ! I.i s- I I p .1111.1- of pol k OU , a ', 1 ,11 s i f u e, alll )e I. I'llls e.ilu was la roe I 1 i.,l.'h! I ndvht haw weiti'ieil the lnv- at all lllitair t i ue. The i;r! nri'i. I lllil-le tiie c..eiiius!aiie--"I w. i .'ain oi, previous week. Tiie -!i .a!- .- h ove.', i, gtiu of l'i 1-U poii ii,i f.u ea h.i- ,,1 of u fed. ,!! :t on iiiti'v i l uslie-, apples uiid .1 .-.-) l ' - given. Alter the lnm iui.t i-iuai a par; of they would irtur. I at .nee to Col II. There il' e ee t iiu .' uent-i in thee feeds that -ud .in.-'ii The hoi's I 'H-ne l on past i e and gaw a limited n-iioiii,' ,..'ii baie a e;r.,,t , it. -J. .ii Mai tin in Americau Auri.'tiltiirist. , j MakhiK the ltet of Corn Stalk.. Corti-fHttinjj time never come "X"iLUZ iiiiii'UK latiiifi's Leu uu-t he: o he wa a .v. The tirst of oi.rn cutting was alwavs lot 1'it;" it. soas to e.f.u atnl j;ieoii the top i-mt of thf -.'"' ,!'e l!"S f"lr,l'e:n- "' "'imll. it was un.osl tvnld 1';''-':' better thuu the ltts er l:i!k, be!. .. tue ear. Theu. a a'.l th, tal- tiai'lo va' ' i the stalk was . I v I 's.'.i ,0 '"' 'lu'u''- X w , :lls K:' 10 "lu on t!:e hoi-butts.nti.l after thov . v.cie htt-..c.l stooli w turned in to i.i. o:it what tlic .I'.ihl. Asbvti'at ti're l'io-ts ha.l cut the leae mnl h:,,;u el ti.esuiks. th.y we:e ti..-, b.t'.e tnore -au.. ,!,,., .by ,,y r - cf ,.,, , l,a 1 .Ir.e 1 "-; V'tal.y etion,. w ;tu ot.:y tae '"" ; I'"';- ,!-i,1,.v "s h ' . . , , , . . t.tis s:k1.1oii!, e.i.t'ie.l whcti f"! '"'-an ,iu,,' lt U'" ' ! -.- so,.,,,- cows. I ho-U-'l t-.oy . o hi tlio e;;: ii ivr:: siaM.'!!- o t::c t'oo.l to., rich, the c-v al ways ,1.- :. s;.,;;v. not by its I I., ill, i s ; - - . . , , in1. :io w !',! I &t:t- i .o s.,;: i- ii h-.r tongue .t;: :.i". !:.i' e.t. was l.tolieu ft. . i av. ! !;, lie- lio-ltil 11 .1.1 tloul o it ;. . i,. v 1 i : vij. 'is' v i...t !: ,, -: .. . e :..-!. .: .1 i...t s ilt' her. ?:.! ' r-i-!, a.l.l 0-t t io :-. . 1 i ..-.if.i on t i:e ft: ..;i..t i I iu ! . 0 I .. . : . It ti.o t.i.i; wa- u. t ti'. i ! w.m iy i'li'o a! tin' bil'.t. ii' y i ; t r " i :.e !." or a; ! ,.t l! -n. 1 be throw -a i. I .i. l:;--e! a'l l .!:: rail iio t '.. i . . ' it v ' i . ' . o... . t i , a . "A .i v s - - I -t 1 i - i i :: . ' ' t i.ii! t his w as i ill...- . ic, i I . iy" "Vill. . il .:,'- ! i'l t'i .' :.. l.v '..i.-i. . the j . t av! :;. . .it..-- .1 -wn H i' i i.i- .ii ai'i.-r , ., , : i .... .,.:.; i , i . , - t- . i, :. , -t ,.;' the s:i .. 1 the ...tter nttei- w 1 !,. I. . . .' i.a.o .' .' -.-,'.;.''.,'.', 1 ' u..''"c.nb . i ''. ' .n. S coll! iiiii.- ! oar, ... th- vo ! t... v.l.. . 1. 1.1'' . Ii -islv be!!- : :i. Io i u an;, ti- o a::- i ' ;. n i.i e iia I'l 1 t.iiil II.-' w 1 : i s. ,i ,!i a'.ii li . .w ii ! li - l'i i e'l'i'l .- (.!! "si -'il ell . . a - . '-V '. e. i .i ' I ,- b on ;0 . I m i Ii,') ' i i. :. :. V W a V, e r. i 1 .'a-: , .. ,r I :.. i a; i 1 ..i.-Uin .: -, t , x mi; be ,.( .. , i ..!. ...lib . ,. .11 .1,- li. re i- a ..iiiii' ..- i.. l.ept si I V soar I 1st,- ! a ilv.-An.e.- l ine. a -.e- l -.i:i I . Il i-. ab'i I at in an.l ... I. ,, S .i. . li :,! .f.d s:re air a!,- .',-'. t i.i ,'i I'.'ine l.'sl'li a a 1 . s .-t, :., . : liilaee that will i ue i aiulail !... . p : e l!io best i. 1 i I : e pi iu' a -i i . ., ." I ; iier w . .. .. . . , - i :1 wi'lo : I ' .T. '.. hi o new bl,.,l ' i 1 1 ; ".'!.'!". ,'.'.! '"' ' " U , ; ;. .-, -I.i li..! .i.i e ! . - -t aiil , liild -I !,. . I - a fen , il! - w ill. I . ,- , i O - ; I . !. it s Will hei'S !i I. s. ih.'y Hills! I i,e , .i I ii.'l' il Mil i '.V ei f. ,. i, ,' !..,, in leh, and u.'i-l l.- 'e 1 .,' -I.- i'iii.1 a ' li 1 1 . I i i u and 1. '.-.!, e ' i- lO.-'d ,e to or- e IV1U rii'-'.t' i.e. "1 I'll':. Us. Ilei.l, illbe: to Hi I r 't li e w .lie .nr...... . f the tl eh !,. ' e, eiuilx ; il' ,i . . !:, I r. at -'us in e its. I m-i t'n .! !.. v a e - .".'1 i a . i .vho'e. IliUe t'i, .u I I and ill' i'h I ii .,, ii I, ire v a!,- .1 e.i lull'.- a -i 1. I . -i. fill fee,;,.:- Will Sllldy tl.O a a its i.i . '. o. - iii-t a - lull, h as t'n.. ---'tnl a c-i s.,dio- tue ls!e- .,! U-tonies . Ho v.ill eive Hi, ,,. ':i,i I'..-. 1 i:i as pahitaide a e,,;;i..i,,i, ''' ' ' " ' ""' "' ''"i1- ' wnal li av I e ,e:.. I, I a taney s! V lr. 1 '"' 1 "I -la-tleabl... I! H I I.-I" f lie. nudes in,,! iiar.lsl ip- ..f -,. - v 1 ,.:u-!. at. d I.i f . a l.-'.i I i s .,; ti e I . 'it i . u.-.l e.i.ailV. who We,- r: V. w , ! ii - of 1 1.,-, .(...a I- a . w at i . 1 u ! I no i.-tiis. ali ia-i !;.. u nil:-,: t 1 heir bai l ii.-ks 11 a li ev we..-a:o!i.-eol,lr...,l I I i ..a:!.:-. 1,-ia. where the tempera- 'i, . l' I .i :..- , "I I, . ,,11 ; , -. - t,, I 10 .ieefe, s. Hvelit- i.. 'J'enth f-utir-, i!- way to il..w I'r.-i when under .; alol t yout., -o. ilea-;! of tlm , Mils ll-l.r ! I', ill,. I- , iy. ...t feel uoi-v I- l.ii' ouee." iie iu , 'eet. "il i i I Yr w as v. 1. u i- a, ia- t.i the 'ill t lie i . .1 i, ,.ie - ;,l I ts as. .. lei. -iu- slid I. ul'. '. . I at li- by ti..- .-ni-i-ds. an.l ra- tain. l.i-e!-., w i:h whom I . t tihiinr. wa- -ttuek ai my -ide. U.- ..'id not -.: wm-e the tile .m... f,, i.i. niol I 1,-lt ue.,.us f,,; a tim,., lint after that I was all i ji;lit. , ici.oits j, ee that the ii.hnt ,t si.iok I ..w.i.-v brts ii-t; ..duo.- I a i.e. !!!' i.o tVarsifii- ele.nenl it I Wiiria -. ' 1 1 nil ri'.o,, iii,.,,,--t ,' i 'ie . ! I , 'ace is in, iii,s,-rii foe. -- Ne ioik OLseiver, A Marine (i)u?. Tito youue; FiiKlisliinen failpil t(v pet her ou board ft Canard steamer from I-iveri'ol for New York a short time nay. They had never tn.-t before, but they haiiptnod t cotno toi:. ther in the l ist evening ou board, ntul, lhnli:ii that they had a (Trent deal iu eommoti. coon became, something more tluiu ciero aciuaiii'auces. It win a rotiih j assume, mid thr wvre scl.b'iii able t p-t on deck, so they spel t finest of their timo J'hn ec:;! to. It was between tin deals of one of their trnnies. and the euo who was sininj im the bunk iwlioni wo will call Mr. A .wr.ssliuilhnx' theearls. when both In came aw are that a third pi rson was stati.Jiiu; nt the cabin door iookinu; at thetn. "liood tio.l. .lack!" fNc' Mr lh, itiii'inf tip from tin- o .lidi. ' h w ou earth did Ve.l et liere'r" 'I he !.i:ure at t'i!.' do !' said liotliine-. but iiiiotl. turned iiVi-vr. 1 a"i,i w nlke.l ir.Miv io:.. in. The l'.'at was v.dlilur baliv. ami when lh ha 1 done tiii.ibliiii,' the p. Vtniiilitoa'l an 1 had -oiii hi l:isw a t the do r s,..-i,. f,.. s , is hid ehii-sel. A. was tiiif.iralhy s.-i::e-w !iat ast.aiislied at th. l:;y t. : i. iu ! rrui't'oU iijid the w-a ii:s fi-;.-:.,l bad ti'oated t. s" he threw the cards on t he bod, a' 1. haniinr o:i 1 the door, scrambled out after hii.i. When ho in t iuto the .a-s:te l.e iw It. i tuil.i.i: some ten xiirdsoiTb ok up ii'i l ,l..wii iu a bewihbicd kind f w av. uud ro bi. lv el-iu -ieht. "Wii.. was if." lls',e,l .. us the , tie r ca'ue -'.oily ba.k to hv.i i.l'ier i; tamilii.' li.e Stowiiiil. 'T have iu '. f '.i i.iui oil boa d b- fore." ' H" .. I-. bp Ih.-r. I.I, 1 he i- li.-t ell 1. .1.-.1." was the ht.irtlii.,.' ii'it.. u-. 'T iei! loi;i iii ! i . ::. .. d. aad I !,.. -v ho eau't ha'., eoM. .;w iy." "N'.ii-e..M'. luy oe.i: fellow ; i' i..e,-t havo b. e:i o I- .o .f the .u r-. i e. i taii.'y ...:.'t ' it M oir in ti.... II wis a. nt; -r!y i,:.!i!;.- i"'l an one man cm 1 . ' it-., ther. Mo was tall ai. .1 ..;i nrc -holt, ho w.:-t ur :.i; 1 . U .if - , nk, !; was s'.eit IU .1 yi 1 : ; . sll.u. :;. t i -i-s an- ...:..!.'! 'y '": 'v, ;;" I kti.m. I .al! 1.1:,. : v 1,. r. l "t he is ioa!lv n-v 1 a'f 1 :-..!',. r. i is I'., 'ui 1 v. .. t -'.i iy nt jv-i.n w i . i ,.t!i, r. b- her. .1 :, h. -,- 1 . r, t i., . ih th, ie V.l. ii- r--.. : Hoi..- !' , liners hu i m 1 ' th" 4 scrip?!-'.: Hi. d I:.- !i.-M r i:pp-:i i, aehed Ni w Ve ' w h. n 'h- v i- --.j.- t 'hi: i f.:-t'-.-. w. I- .I-i-i A I'a'i :i. Vill'e. 'I have heard." i li.e hi Au -tin !, :, ah' p. ' nth, op; i .;i-.i.-i wii., I'.. 1 iii a , t-a.iut v ii. t! i . , v !u -. f-.t up. if d wh si "I ! .no lev ! : i! vol.t I beat- you. :,::,1 I t '.-.. ht I v. I suit w ith y . 'i -, if w e ,- i 1 : -train hiia." "V e'l ere la. -tiii,. t-u-lai:: . i baud !.--.. rl.ii'- I... Wo h... t. i',-l I. ,-t '.'A- n ', . i- . : ':d iie -,.s !., -. er b.-a- v.- " v w a ' - d la , at:-, il. I'.e ..t ' , ! ..!., s.. p. l.ear !'..!.:.: t ,h. ie,.',. , ihe ! :,.i.'- !,'..-.:!.-.. j.:-!. ' -.." i a',!-. i'le.'l l'i.. w..,:. 'lie ball. hi' . ,e. " 1 . f b - ...-.-..r . tr.i. i. ;-.-r- ),..,, ,.; l . Iia-; ki. lo ,1 ii i. .i A .- ti .h.b c phi.a .(',:!, dhr.-r.-il'.: os. h I .. ! .!.:. I:.e bv luy t'-vo car- u ! I .-. i i y lo ad i n th- tl .,r. or , !' e .-. l i , t'i'-- li'.ii'.telp.leee. I..- l a . 1.. :. wat. r ,l"ie, lay back, pn'.i. .1 "t ': hatr by t!io haiidfiih aud ! - I... - -t t I'itis in Hi" a time or ; .,.!- i :. . la rs on my i,,r- -pi ! -. ... i . l as never b".it in,- .-'.. . :.d i.'.l !.. doiM, I don't think I i. t I" !..; '..r i.'' 'lexas i, lfiiii,ll, it; a rie.i-,,i,. I.itt'e Klliel UTr. ...a'! , :i gtr ;i i air of mil toils for ur ,J. ,i l,-'.- I . ;: 1 tie In t ('in,-., th- n I euii'l r.-:. :i I it's ,..,!, l'i -,; :,'akes !.. t :li, . i-- -t r. 1 b I) N , W s. I i- a man I li.".'. e a w if - ti'ii t, (, v:der, lie W'.'.i'd tin 1 !'., .. wit !i lajt. If iir,llils itf Ai.nv Life. '.-.,. ',-. ,-. t r, .i f. O'ui lli.'tlr-t to la.'ir la-rvi -es f,.r iii.. entry in tii- Civil W ir w is . li. Ser toli, of Miir.'V. li i-li C ).. In J. Il- ui.-ib' i if ' I ree.-r I. Tn.. life of ev ry s..blb r Is a ii.ird :n. 1 Mr. Salt,.:, s e:iH. was miev . "i. ti e, . ' We wem in T-nces-i.e. peum-1 la on all si,... Our ra'o.ns were very - -.-ir -ai l lie, "uml we Im t bei;nD to i ..a .ii-ir!..i' alb ovuiiee, nn. I us tin" rain win let ,..,eiU'i,l.. replenish tiie wells or st r.'inis, .-nut.. ens w-i.t empty. We were liur r. el oa. nut tlm only way to queued our t!iir-t was to ira ibiwn on our liands and i.nees an. I .Irinli freiu t!ilio.,f Irnek-s UJii'io y t Li ji.,03. Our fi,i'vi HVi-C JT'iifif;. . f ii s ivr.' tiilo'ti .sick fr"n tlm . f i e-. I was lul l up several weeks : ! .: -! ;!nl fr-un fever, proai t tint iv i- at v i-.s anil -ti.,1 mora or b'SH. i' f ur virs iiu' , I bei'ii-n" mil 'Ii ,1 ,r family d .-l,,r seomeil pu.:'. I v -ii-i.., an I it h,.iiu to look a-" if v. i- a-, h .;. for my re i 'very, uu I i,,. b ai-'.- eu.J w,i- ne'ir. i N a , , I was a tvis.-l lo try Ir. ,,-' IV I', ,-. l'lie i ! i v -i -inns -iii.i re i i e .-ii ut uu- li 'lii,.. I, at wont I ; i -i, :iv a--. Hut I Irie.l litem. : ;j ! I hi. t -r I uiuo li.itt.-r at t ,1 'i...-!.l,,.. u -.- ir lltii? to ,11 i:r 1 a;.-, I use I tie, last of tlm i' i ye ir a im I liavo not been i ,v.i u my iiiiai nta stnee." '. r -.f It. Willliiin-e Pink Tills !" ..i i'h, v.i-t mnitii-r of d,s- , ii a r -r poison. si I.I h is i a :i-- a'.-I iu tlioil-in U of In- a- r--i.arV O-ie Hi the out! related in i .. i i : ..r I "I Kim, I 1.1 l- ' ..I Ml. i- . , nr. r.i ,-.s k , th thnt lie 1 th- ' - Ol - linn ol' J. F. 'HKKFY it i. -: ie--- a, i,.. i ity of 1 iiieilo.' 'uini. IV H..-1 si 1 1 ,-l. uml UiatMid Itnn il ,a t!'- -mu f o . il .11 t o ,-; ;. , ,. a.. , II red '.) t".' I l ilt!. i-u urn to (.-f. ri. i - - I .'n-. ii -. HI II. . II .' K HIMitlKl. 1)1,1,1 IHS .' r ' i iTirhu tbairanant .f Kill. i.i I ithuih t- RANK J. CiiKsicr. and n'llmorlbeii In mt " -. '".ih day ef . w em er. A. W . , , y inoN, - - ' o v I'n one. I i !. - i ii . i ,'. . uVea i .t. riislly. had ! :.,,.- ,o. riv tiiu-iil nr.! mucom-tir. , ,. - . if '.,- 1 ! 'iii intl for tcitmit, nt tin v r'. I.' Htvif A Co., Tolsi-v o. Jld by DruK Tio. dkli'i Faaitlr f'liit ih th IhiI i";;'oy..;-:' llll, I u ,..iv !s,,. . ; l frJ II . tY,i . ...if- w.AWia a T. Never tot bl.inkt.ts rcm.iiii in sot vice at tor thoy aro soi'.oJ. Dirt rots tlio fibre and invitos ninths. Nowr wash a blanket with any other than h oi y S.vtp. warm (not hod) water an.l dry in a pi.uv wl'.ete there is no exposure to wind, sun, or too hot or cold air. B'.i.ikets that have been improperly washed are hard and coarse to the touch, when washed propeily with Ivory Soap they feel soft, warm and fkvey. IVORY SOAP IS og" -fo PKK CRM. VVHE. HEALTHY ro Gratsful "Women ToU of the Mrs. Pinkhum. Tin. e'imax of life force in wotnan is capable motherhood. The first requisite for a ijood mother is hea'.tli. Health of bodj-means health of the -.'enerativo orenns. ' in used iu. 5 yxS! "DiiM: M 1 m. I urn a prost believer in; tour Compound. 1 was almost despr-'.rin j ( ever :n la injr w. II. a-: 1 w as a jfreat sr.fl'erer. uiid had been for year-, i stiiTeivd I'rotu wonii. rouble, and had terrible blind tits. After writ;;if t.i t.i I t rl.-d ;. our Coui p.emd. Tbe result, u as astonishinir. 1 have toed i! and advo. u'.ed it ever since, in c!i; 1,1 bi rili it a perfect boon I have often said ilia' I hoithi like to have i's uerlts-iii-ow-.i onthcbky with a search li,rht, silliiit all women would read, and bceoiiviuccdthit! I here is a rctuutiy " f Million Vokich have ficcn Benefit ctl by Mrs. PinMnai's Advice ar. J McaJcJnc 500 in CASH PRIZES EVERY VORKER REWARDED! tuc i MfiMTHI V A si .22 magazine IIIC LtLUULIV iTIVllllll-i TOR 50 CENTS TIIK LF.lViKU MCS'TIH.V U tl.o tnarrel of .1 - ail,- ;..r 1 a i!v .-in.l lew pnec. W!-.l) 11 j Ari. stlc Lithfurralituc l'Ior1 ''". ."aji, r'. Vi. ti. ; I.i .-tr-m.m. s.'i-inl and faon Stort.M by UftiUnn riicr.i of li.e W or, 1. .ul s;.i,-,nl li.-.-ar'ni.-u's if l'c or i-'.re Art, EnihMiilfry. Ilinne l-:ti,t,!eyuia! f,T w i.iu'ii, ipi.t. n, la. '. . '. erv ! ', uart infill nf homo inilirovmi-nl wlii- li a.l.l? I., tli .u-o-i .my nn ch,.r:ii et . .. it in. Purser outdoor-, the LKDOKIi SIOS'l II I. 1 uiu'. ijii.'-ia.a, ,u. 1. a - oidiii,, to CRITICISMS OF Trie PRESS OF THE WHOLE I MTLD STATES, fh womVrfuI production for ii. iiri, c. fiinii'.r ' ' VT 1 ' ,i;'' ' KIKHilt MONTHLY m to be firmly convince.! that no mull .-ctly )"..;: i! lui- ivtr I'l-cu cffer.-l to ihe pubtlt for u 111 tie money. our tuple copr wii! j roretbu Send 50 cents 'or a year's subscription, or a 2-cent stamp for a sjmple copy. In addition lo our 500 Cash Pri:s, divldr i ,imonj thlrlyne CJjh f rite winners, valuable prrmlums, or commissions in cash, .ire given to pulits Mnding yearly subscriptions. Send for Sample Copies and Outfit for Club-ralsers and Agents. - Address ROBERT BONNER'S SONS, No. 104 Lcd.r Buihlini?. N. Y. City. Il llnd ,lu;f Happened. The o!h--r niw'ht -or. rather, it tvns r.".y .i t i v in Hie Iiioniim.' - t he tele .iie In a ooriain uewspinier olhec tun.' loud ;i:id loiif. Most of the v, .ifai't'-i ;.-,iie hoine for the forty wiiil.n ilia! newspaper people eon. Hive to put In belweeti times, but I i,-ro was one ni lli oil the "dos ..v im Ii '- that is, yell l.tiow. he was the i, no pit--in detailed to slay around t.i, i iii o at., I be ready for anything from a ni u I'd, r lo a tire. At that hour ii f j ho lay .ibuiit, well, soiiiewliera iitoiitid :-, il. III.- when the toleplions iu a new spupi-r ollb e lines it jrenerally i i. aiis a p,.li.-e siory that is worth hiobiiiif up. so ihe "dog wafoh" has. tei'.r, I io answer the summons. "II. 11.,'." v;i:,l a voice: "Is it too hit to L'.-t s .mi-thing hit') to-morrow m -i iiin-'s paper':" "Net if it's important." was the re ply. ('Mi. I! is." iissuriiiglr. T!. ropoi-io;- rushed for n pad of pap.r uii.l a pencil, si-reweil Ids ear up i i iii,- o b piioiie .- in in and said: 'Ail l Vat: tl!'" away Iherel" Ibeti i tie i,a-e was heard again, v 1H elliolioli: I ill' . Ie:leIUell of Mil. tO M. - is ii i, ti-i i ti, c,l.'' "Why t.ii.l. r the bhiuUety Id. nil." 'I'l.H Wil-li'l eX.-ielly wlltll Will, s.ii.t. bill it will do. you lol I "didn't 0 s. 1,1 in si., 1 -luff lillliof ill the "I'.ni I .-..nldii'l." s-1,,1 il, voice, npol-'el b illl.V . "Veil si r. it l.-t Imp. j. in.. I. .M.'lv .ililii'H .''enliiiel. , i i ;i,,i i r mon i jf lie li t - ie'.ri in Sot t'oiiipun;, "ii o.V v. . I ; til" Ol .('it 1 t hi lnollt li '.'" j i-,.;i,.ht,. ' i.e.-s tiinii lismi1. The ie. ei; is .u-i-.. n, ( t ii! !: greater t liau -.p. I M. l'i -i u-iit - 'Iiu iii i-li ! Some of the riliii. i-nt hate been iu older." 31ATKILMTV. Help Thoy HtiTO Eooclvrd Frora ! lien, I vvliat fllr... U. A. PiOST;am AKfR, I'.'ii tTion, llhio. say ; tibniit T.ydiii 1. l'ink luiin's A'ejrct.ib'-.. l 'umiiotird. nud l:ov well it prepared lu-r for iiialei tii' v: I ik ak M lis. l iNMioi: I uot.-t sny a praise of your Yiy.o.ible l ompound. I three botllcs of it when I was pre:- natit. and labor was not iitav'.-.- .i -b in' as it was willi joy other I al , -: and u:y haby is b,i li.-a'thy to v. hi,t the otlnis were. 1 thlt li i-wry wotnan should Use your I', 'nipoii!..! v. in-n pre;f nant. it wi'l .'i,ve tin on ui much suit'i r in;f a:id mi-cry. 1 cat. not .say rtioe.jrli in pniise f il. If ru r I i.eci nn-diciuc ajjain. I Usi yo'.-.ri'.iiiipouuil.' Tl.-.. most : t'.e.'i '. -l'.il totii.' known lo luediehi.. for women uppr.-ai binjf 1:1:1 tcMiily is l.;.i!,a V.. I''-, A'ej.' -table ( otupoiind. It i-;i safe'-'tuird for every Woman v.h r.-cs it, ;n;d the fiilli-t b, io lit -...n.-s from its i:m v. i!h Mr- l'liihliaui's advice frn-iv otTered t.i :,.! woman. Her IHlii i , . s is I.;. 1,11. M as i. Here i- ;i i -nviii. hi .- stiiteineiit. bearing dir.. ''y on tills subiiet. fromMi-s. 11. Hisii,,f. ,f is Pai itic .s-t., liroi.kli ii. -N. V : Caper Sauce Capers. The caper, familiar in caper fauce nnd used as a unruish f..r salads, is im ported from Spain ami France. Ca pers are jtiown In Italy, but none is imported from there Into this coun try. Capers are snrteil into four sizes, of which the smallest are known com mercially as nonpareils, and the next larger as surilnes. The next larger in French capers are ea liiieiucs, and the largest capotes, while the next to the largest nnd the largest nf Spanish capers are known respect ively as capotes No. I and No. 'J. The smallest caper are the must de tdrnblr and bring the most inoiie.-. I ii in li rupci'8 are imported nlniosi wholly in bulk in kegs of lit'u cn or six teen gallons, nnd barrels of about forty Ml!', ns hi brine or vinegar. A few cnpci are imported in glass, but tliey are mostly put up in tins country. Capers grow on New Yolk Sinn Tulacato Voar Bowrlt Willi ('aeariti, Ciindy Cui hurl n. cure constipation forever. 10:, c. If (J. C C. fail. UrucRists refund moos;. Ncnrlv X'l.fiiiO.oni) worth of i ntent medl from til" lull,', I hlngdom each year. I am Ptitii-t'lycured of lieiiu l-rii ace nf lnuifs by 1'iso's ('urn f,,r I'oit-unije um. la. rise I.imiman, llrtlntny. Mo . .tmanii-y , ism. FOR SALE 1500 STANDARD BHED DUCKS AND , PIGEONS! All the. lending vnritlw. Ineludlns War liora.i (innirs aud eight vnrietle.s Bnnlatns. A 1. 1, for pale at low pr'0". If "Mred NOW, beforo ifolng Into winter quartera. l'lrt eoma first arvd 8j.e.-lnl barsnlna now ri M Iy, anil nil who would enliven Uielrlnwns and 'ti ak i thir poultry y ir.l protbiiUle. stioald 40UI" er write A I' ' :.('!'. teimlni; va riety mid quantity wnnte l. Writs f,,r cir eulnrii, Intere-ti il i r re.t. Address, I . UtVkl HOLT, Propi lelor, AL.A.TI ANCL' I'llttl, CKAIIA.n. N. C. The Keeley Institute, I'or the cure of the liquor. Opium, Cocaine and other ilruj( addictions, Ncrte Ixhaustion and the Tobacco ll.itht. The most attractive aud hrautifiilly located Keeley lui-titute in tha country W rite, fur their illustrated hand boot "The New Man." Addres", The Keeley Institute, GREENSBORO, KORTII CAROLINA. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. Kstalillshed ."( Years. 159-lfrJ Bank St.. - NORKII."-'. VA. I.arsoat Sloek In I lie Stinili! I.nw t.r'ces fi' on M"ti'iTn..-it.. (ir.lli.-tolli s. Kte., ill M.Trl.l.. . r (r.inite. itfliver.d at ntiy Sor.tln r , 1 No. 12. it Is tree; an.l iuc iiiotiey. (llio ,'U!l!y ill ITol idil illotie lias ;i l n,r: antnial output of I'.i'.O.tV.'t) tin::;.,;. :' hones . 3C0000000C00-0 r. iauh p wmeuT f lunn ui n u, wii , i e GREENSBORO.K C. Will eive per cent, tn-l'1 ;a ri etit crei! draft ami inst lender tiuin any e'lu r, liiielc. f'tKi-t-i:,! i vinj? i" fu-l, nrnl fm tiro '' -t SliPERI(irCONSTRUCT!ON. LONGEST DURABILITY. TRY THEM AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. 1 lelivnr,-,!, F. O, II., tli ts., t i nay Vtilu.l .statf. EARL & WILSON, ti.AMOMA, N. Is! e wt ta l, -n nil '- "! A 1! r- ' I! I I U a fi lie. .l.'i.." lit. Iml-.-if' 1 II. .a a Curi i,,. I 1 AiiCnf Hew ' si, a It- r .,.! lli.T ,il t..ll:l. mill. ii.iC. '" l'' , ,ii- lo.i-rti.i: n.i.i -ri: Ti i milts,!-: H(OI, !i,. h oii f : ... I. j li.., n ie.-,.,.i f - i,l go reiiM in BOOK PUB. HOUSE, 31 I.roiinrd S!.. N. V.t Ity. The '1 lio r tut ell l)riliiin:!e. I'lider 'lio rare ,-! t'i, Sieitti.-ra I , -1.;. t.-i i. mis, !i l r Hi-. I in l , rl'i I in.-i ni. 1' is !!. I n l.tto vl.lm.. el I.,:-.:, e,... Ill wlneli r.-si.l l,.:i ii-.-.l al.l .'ei, ii- .;(.,. fur'h.-rie-s ,-l.ial r.-n. wa'ii ttieit : i. i.e--. uu t iii.itroii-. Ib r.. t i nr.. i'i-j I, i : : 114. :..r i. I...l uiid I null' w. rk. lei- '.i- l!i 1, . - a: il tii- 1 nre tllnl'.wiiclily luted c-'iri. ler t ' riii-e: , h. I.ire 1,,-it.e M-i,. out Into t li.- - u t ! . 'i hps," ,r,"llil lis in-- r.-ee Ve i f I .,111 .1 - IV SV Ami Wllhollt lelltl to, llll till ' ,.(,l Tue rriiunii-ot I'lv-l, t l! ,n y 1 i-.ei 1 .1 n,. nr.. 111 tliti miiierit y. N" in ii-lilur; i-ir r I I 1,1 111 1; 111 ..i' 1. ut, a- 1 11 m t tio-ia- , 1 - ; , ,11 r 1! f t'a - o: (!, lis. l...vo HVe I il.i.lli'iiK-e 11 a- t'n nll-"w eff ul tne-lli-i of il. i-'pllni'. '! lie sui.j.erl ol ill 1. 1. , lien s ,rivil,. by " lie-,, ever w ill." I: J-. n hi.liy oauil-u . If n Ii v l-.-a.l, r of ttie-i. lines I-, l Ie !.! , lie in, Iu can ri-iid til- k'i It n tin' " I I,, r-.w,. I (--!ril,i,lli., ( i'lllell. s1. I ." I'l.iv;!,.uii, nr.. as iii. ul 14- m . 1: 1' . w here I'li-y i an 1,.. r.- e 1-. ily 1 e-pir.-il. A' lli',M- tli.n.kijii iiu: t'ni...H out- lo arU an all ii'.i.e wiOi Ki-atil'id-.. Itovriin w ,- !.it'..u- liiiv -t fi nn by ..lyiiiu' ' be tnrtlu-r- Hi-, .till nil-, tin. lo-n 1 of 1 he Orpli Ul.ik-.., wiV. c'.iuKy iioe in onu-i' inn !., :i,iy .1 -.-i 1 1 n to k lue.v iia, re of tlu rem irt.iil.hi an 1 iu -..iiu, n j'ls t- plmivrr Weik fm tie orphans. New Hooks. 'j'h seitbonrd Air l.lueluis h-n. d this -,-.i-h..u three baudsouio illul rit.-.l l, "Winter Jlieurmoin." "Soutlii-m I imV Hint "Suottslllllll's tilil.le." Tin's." Hie l,e.v 1 rrmlv for distribution mid will be mu.1 ft.'., ef I e st 'to iinv iiddress. I'lu-ir "Winter l-Jv - n- I i-ioiis " i;hes f all luforinttlhai ia icgnrd t i I liiite? mid K jiitos to til" best Winter In - rti I in the country. Ti ".-pertsftinu'ti tiui lew ontioftbo haudsiimvat nud most eoinp!,''.i I bi.ieks otlts kliivl ever fi'i'ii by ti. Its ma',,. - i up i art itl.- from cover to ever nud ii ecu- ! tains, not only ipforinatlou In n'gnrd t- iinnt- I Inir erouhd?. culdea. dou-s, Hotel rates. A', t ut n digest pf tlio (J11111O I.iiwn of tl " Slates covered by It nnd sOmo actual pxpeti.-in-'sef lluiilors nlouhtbe Una 01 the Seulienrd Atr 1. 111C The "doutUern I'iaCB" booklet Is !.) .,ry artlstleall' otteu up, r.nJ tbe Infora ii tton contii(ned eovtj-a every jlf lnt. Any or nil i f tlii'de will bo fciniled upon 11 ppln-nti an 1., Mr. T. J, AildH'.on, Uedcrnl l'lisseui;,.! AvpTit, l'ortauioiitb, Money in Chickens I er -2 V. i maiiiio w-.i mmi.i 11" I'AUK liooK v.l u pru.-liriil I'.mliry llalwT ,1 " nn u,...,l.un 1111 io 'i "i""l lr iloll.irs 1111 1 1-,-ins ', . wans II ii'.u'l'." I l" I'l'l-s'l aul t are I'im-j:.!-.; 1 -" I l.,r.-.:i i,le fer l'.ill.U.isi ivhi.-a I :( -av r.,r Hi,-.-,ui,.i i v.-i .ueiu tr i,ulllv(er loiimj 'uf. IIOI1K I'l III.IMIINtl oouia Mil-eel. Ntov vi a. , t tt'h Itiat R ir I" !''!' K.,,rt r.,iieal,lfi" ami we niliilfri r4i li-ii-. I... iui.t S'tekel riaara. Wiien ,l'l. - ' " ""'! . 11 ill iiikiI ",l. free, a '' ' ;','"' 1 V.' ' ' '' ; " J aet iviii.-li. wnn-i- relH fur aSi, - ? tlU.tll O..N0. w.i Main st.ttliisimi. fill. nuu (Ills liaper. i. I'l ItDnDCVM DISCOVERY; ".- U IA J I Qii,. kr"lielar.l iiri" ,. caiea. Hctul 'or bsk uf lel inn nia . nntl III ilina1 titlltc.ul Sri c. Or U U UHCIM IbtlNB illlKl tl. --PATENTS-- l'r rurP'l i tt mMi. i iimiuhiiciit-. JtlllNtt, I tvtuut At.u.-iie-s. 'Mi Uf MiUy, N. k UNITARIANS'".; Inry itiiiL-n it imi si . Si i:. CLAY UrniaiTAD .'". II H II 11 um: ii v i-i.t... 1 mcyaiamn 11 Mlii,,lr. Hell -lile. I- ft, 11 EM N I nit-le f. -eminent win lo II. M Uaall I 'n r,i n.l ..f t ' W tin- f. l,.,-.iiali.Min.i,ii. 11. V MKItK .'l II. Mil ...tflllll r .01: . 1 OH (-, ., 1 1, 11 Jnrk.uD Hlrrn.t hlcaiu. II Inuil SI7. 50. -SPECIAL OFFER. -SI7, 50." l i.lll le I. n e 1.1.11. l..r 117 v r ..flferin-t 1 Ihr 1.4,11 me n- leu .-'. se.,,1 : "4. t ..ft, rt all l ISO' On- ! '' wli'-ll J 'i e.-nu. I lulle l'i lllllirnUI I ollrar. ,'li l,;i.i l V ShE: AA i.-u t; Aiu- 1 y - WI..C l :i !: 'at a- ::' f;i-i- : !.. IT i -i ' . i! I lot 1J A I W s,' .0, ., I f'.i , s,,.v .1. I rl -a -j 1 a, .1 '. ,', s 1 ... : .... FREE f' WATCH! illliipajljwwjuiJgiNi'iiiiii aijiiiBii "Wla