''fflmmimi(teK&Wim ittaiiiiii!i'iwr'iaw l)t CI)ati)am Record. &)t l)a)iuv furor? H. A. LONDO, EDITOR AND PROPRrTOR Gf'- ADVERTtSiriC One s.juare), me iiiei tn ; il.OIJ One injure, two iz- lions. ... I.fct) Oue square, one mouth - H TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR St.fctly in Advtnee. i' i r li; rj.rf-r s -1 t PITTSUORO, CHATHAM I OCXTY. N. C. T 1 1 I J US I ) A V. DKCEMIiKR 29, 18.w. NO, IS. VOL. XXI. l CAPTAIN TOM'S WIFE. A Thrilling Story of the Days of the Amer ican Revolution. BY MARTHA CTHrTKR I, ' "Isn't lliat n bout, that Oi'k ujon 1 the r.vcj- ui'ev tin- ouicr thou?" ' The tp e.stioaor, u paid, blue-eyed ' young nniu of j erhr.pi 25, bore the marks of rojgh experiences. One t-yo ' Wa3 tloged I. Il l t.lu) t-iuO Of bl faCO rwuliuu unit dlsooloicd. Kl clothing I mi in di: order na I his loft arm budiy 1 s-omlned. Ho was reclining ou tuo j iau p earth ut tli mouth o; a shallow cu.e on tho bh re oi the Hudson, near t what id n w- the w.btorn terminus of l Chr stopher s'loet. It was In tue fore noon of a buitiydavla the month of Juno, 177.. ' In s'r, king contrast to tho llinp figure ' of t . bru s.'.l and buttered Ha ry Ship- ! ioa w..s ili ' ni-li-1 oiood, laullieeuly ut- : led gent- oiuunly lookup w u of some I th.rty r more years wuo stood before ) i in. Ho was in citizen's uress, bat of . nnirdstakabie military bearing, tall. . well i uKii'tlni;d. with u shapely head, and feature-: of unusual manly beau'y. Tie 1' oed toward tho object indicuted. "Yea." lie satd 'U'ety, "thai. 6. ems to lu a I u.i, jtobably some flaker inan s. " Then, t hi ii ng and Using his I pitying eyes npou tho disabled youth, j fie at-ked, How did you get through tho i.igiit.'' ! "HorriUy. Such a liolo as this to j s'ay in. and my heu 1 ani arm splitting wit-lun!" I I: is bud. Perhaps you would rather j I had let lie-in din.- you to tho old Jail ! but U a i:i ght not huve been tho worst ; id yoiir 1 1 ill's, ' "t h, no. this is a palace to that. 1 I cut '.hink 1 din mi hi a t o: u ! , but I am in agony. T,ut t-hail I do? Po you ; kni v whtlior thuse devlla are etiil j humini.' for m.y: ' i ' I tli.n.i thi-y aro, but not lu this liro'.'tion. t cinc'ino raitsed the cry thut I i 'J my h.:d t'l.Hi-d j-i'-j behind luru on 1 hi.- li ! mid T kipc! oif to tho r.o til m th" da i !;:n and P. lot of troapcrs ! i-lar.i-':! i n 1;k ri.ti .). eclin to over- tiLo juii. Mi if -while you found a ro.'u'e hero." "" i fiitiii.l ;. for i'-.o. Jt ifi ii my-1 cry t'i mi' hiv yi.u ev-r biiiuh' iu hrre. I iim'l ueerij to reim in' i t . ' : ' Let uM jits-1 row. Mow would you ltii- :i I i oi br-BUfuet?" l-'n-m !.if : I (;c.. e'. ;: i" wl iio t)-. r. rakc-r exhumo'l : a Biniit. in '.-i'i j I'li'i'l nnd iiiii'fd It upon ! a l;i.'ii-ci.(M pooUot liandnei chief whu-U lie f :i 1 ii on -Ii- r-,"Uio! b'-forn t!:o yotiiu n.'-.n :i,r n tnbio.d th. it v.d-. u j Ilelieioua M.u.wie!i. A little flask was , liinwu i ivi ;i iino'.licr (O' ket (in I tij.io' w.iiu i-.iiirod iW'i a t ii y fl.ver n.u iin-l , jilaici inti e; it. Harry t-hip on lri l fiiMi-.l lor nearly tw.n y foiir hoiii, : mid having -n : tree ha:' r ho helped j himself like a e'.arvin man. Ho l.rijjhi- ; Hied at on.'o ei.d fa:d: r.ij mo joiiy io 1 to rue, and yot I , do li jt even l;ii"W i ur cu i.e.'1 i 1 a:ii j-hi'ii Hi. Huni-i for the pies- e:.t. I i:u:i,o! t'.'-eiiti- e iio so r tl:'.;,. ar- war t. J- !..; a,:' th- i; !;:;.! f-dt; my l l o,i;- r in-t dl yon rny real iiaiue. . !.r may have ears, and ..y way for mo to net off ay. Hoc. or? idd you e'" t tiit;ht. a .you promised.''' Lhiiil c Hnpioii, if no is 1 w.-ut imme.llaleiv to "V. i,. yoer ! r. Iiiiu i ii lie here, to d him of your lui-io. s-ine iin-I your li.Jurie.-?, and where um .o ibi be found, and tirt'e-l 1 him to iov io nieaQs to help you nero-s the HiiU. o.i to y. ur .au.ily. lie w.is tin- ' eivi! to ine an 1 aloise l you. lie mid yt.u were a traitor to y ur eouni rv ai'd Jei-erved to b h in.;e.. and that ho lu i t h-r io.ll n or would do anything fori I', ill. je. yoti know that ha ha tnlieted j In a rebel ariilo iy eonipar.y under tho : ciiptu uhip of a you i s man by tiienaui" I of llumi ton, to w hun, i y t he way, J J had to an; ly, in the yuine of a do tor. lor a pei in. t to i-peu!i to " our brother. '' .. "ilea ly, that is pietme.-que! harile under A.exan ier Hamilton, is he! Hid i UaiiiiiUui I now ot the nature t your triiind to my broth r-" "Of course he did. 1 .ould aeooni- flUh mulling without telling him, and ! waa eon'. Ineed he Wonld not betray I you. lie expre-Bed great uymrathy for ; you. and sorrow ihat ou were on tho i wron' gide in tho i n'ro. eipy; 6nid you j niid he wer. ehuu.s in college and that iie liked you Immensely. He made it easy !oi n e to coiner wuh jo ir broiher ! without eavesdroppers, and you know ' the lo-ult." J hat eouhi have turned Charlie into prone?" moaned Hairy t-h.pton. "He! h -S aiw y.-t i eeli tho d- arest boy in the j world uat. I hit- ly, bo tender-hca't. d, po 1 K'lierou-., n true. Hamilton was a 1 clover lud, foil ver drilling the boys in : miliiHiy (.yiiinustieii in tho colli ge i Hioiinds and ihen oratintc on j olitics i and war. I could beat him in re ita tion, though, every t.mo. I was at the I bead and now io think of my being a fugitive, hunted to the death In my own natl' e .New York, and u y b.oih.-r w.liing to let me die! Ue i u niou eter!'" "ar always makes men Int i mou 6ter ." "Liok, Poetor, look! That boat is certainly heading for the thorp, ju t I e low us here," t,ud ilarry hh.plon pu.lcd , himself up for a bo! ter v.ew. j There was no available landing place in the vicinity and tho little crait was ; in oi.vioui danger. Ousts of wind had1 been for poiiio time ptining the broal Ilu Ison into a tumult and the boat was , ciuneing a i.ong the wives like a cra.'y 1 thin ; o'j it neared the ro-igh I ank. "by ovo. It will be dasned to pioces! ; It is a woman towing! !-he cannot man ago the ears," ( ne I ilany. There was no response, for tho doctor had darte I to lh water's edge with the : 6p ' d of a whirlwind; let before ho was l.ear enough to make his voice heard by the o 'piii ants of ilio boat two womou and an infant), the woman who wasrow lug made nf.pr.ng to ( lut'hoine oer liunglug bustifE, and partlallv pueie.'d jii,; waa dr ig.ud f( rar I Into the deep black wnter and disappraiod. 'Ill ' boat . rebounded from the tdioek, tottered a n.otnent up n the rrest of a hlg wac, and tie nv, nt over-tho wou.au " i h the Infant in Lor arms uttering a picro ng bin. ok us bhe was plunged into 'hn river. The ' O-tor had divested -blma.lt f hi- i.o'o clothing is he ran a'il fwn.giiiii himself ' riovni i y !i; ' i aiiei: of n tree hediopp. 1 ii.'otu.' ,! - and .:e"tit!j enjdryed wtOi burdnu that taisd all hU treuiUi J. LAMB, to lift up the ri.xgr UufT to a rUr, of eafoty. It wa tho mo l.er witli hor In fant oiasj.od tlKh'.ly to her broa-t Ju a deuth-JiLo oiubrueo. 1'ho la y wan on trlealvd, an 1 a.ier a little Inun'pui ,tion opened its la ghlut( i ye a .d puukcto 1 Its pretty uiou.h und tv o oo-u-1. Tho doctor squeeod eouie of lliu a er fio-u Its clothing, and picking up hit) co.it fiom where ho l.ul thrown It wrapped ir alout the little luno out, wli'.Mi ne laM tenderly ln:o a not amoiiK the I ushes. Then hi applied ail e:i.T:e tj the rcB'.otatloli of the mo her, wao-o white, g.rlish fa e was Vrjv lovely in her mi roii8eloui?riO i.ieat muttcs of brow n hair, loosened fro u their fa-temrtf, were fo tuniei al'out her n k u.,d throat tnut ho wm obliged to cu' pone of It aay with h e po ket lini e to pre vent her choUin rf. At- e!i-(irud.iiill re v.ve 1 ho plu e 1 the Hash w.th hh iew re n:aiuilirf drops of wine to her lip. I hull faancd lier gently wuh hu : Ht. "3Iy baby," hlio whfpcrei without liftiiiR her eyelid. "Your baby is Mife," wa tho reassur ing retpoue. "Is the dead? Oh. heavens, it Is m sister tdith!" esclaiii.cd eotut one 1 e. hind tie doetor und t .rnn,' li.s head he looked Into ih- horni el lac.' of Harry Ship'on, who had hobbled ioiu hfo from the cuve. "No, Hany, no' dead." came frotn the prostiu'o liture, Wiiose beautilul dark yet were w,de open row an 1 ll .ed i,, on her rOM-uer wi'U wm.w -riiiit Intoresi. She 1 old out her lonid idid the l'ie-or rul?ed her iu o a B.t'it .j, o-tu o and i' ai liecesi-ary for 1; in lo i-uppori ln-r thus for a lew moments. "I came lor . Jl.irry, I hope ih? boat la not tort, f .r you are to u b;e k in it," she a d, and Hoe'oi' Hair - o! -tsi-rv. d that rli-' Uj I the low, 'rained voice of a get.tiowo'i an a voo e v.'i h a thrill In It tha' sent tho bioo 1 ruhini,' through hN v v.a. "o i came !o:' n.e, V.lith! Hew did you know 1 was i er-V ' i s. e l Jinn . "t-ha. ley told u,-. h" came to u in the irght hint nigh: h- had tpoeini ! avo of iib-i neo fiom t.'uptul:i ii i u i'on to inform u- of vonr hurl, end p.ovi an I miinifiid were o liire-sul mi I uncer tain !-.ow yo'i eouM i.e ro'icloii on i ; o'ir Hie Hived ti.af I (; ;nteeid to rioi. r. take me iieel'.'t i-er..e. Mad':.- i in iiie ueiof. Hie rr. t U. ii. Mo le ,.. s-l, 1 will l..o.i lor h nvi n- ' d I' 'hlie fel( IlliO tie' v.-a',,i-i ,,. ,o:jlr. in,, boat. anJ I f iir he i di--i;e i." no, I lioi.k n - . ,.u tv, n , like a li h, an 1 u fj" '., - ; ,. - . .: hero. If, t-ahl tho a v.. ir l fl.? would iiav.. or,;.-,, d a ;::- u- n ' ('.inner. '1 ho worrit- had r-.-ri i ly b-ii h-r when u wooby i -e el ar.d a v.-i . b:a.'., faije appeared nl . e a r x k o . I io ed:;.. of tho bunk.' I. ; i rone oil" 1 Ia..-U ban i. then cnothc'!". end. h'laoy, I. e v.i.,.- figure oi a sh it st nt 0 Ixilllli; in i.o: i i all ir-.w a liaiy, ,( -t done , and l'ai whs iu sight. "Halloa, MiSils' w's d-tr.;.' i'1'1 be.ji lart-'aokiiii de riber lor j e. ;s ho, Ma. youso reu ly, he's ye- l so bt-ut a try. i,' Io a e!i lni b-a got him. i.oiii-.. ;. org v. .dye. Surpr ses hud ehii .'d I'.'e il oh hwiltly that Hairy own ome. lie saw h .tnpiet.ly h oi in.s an i ..w .Hie si; I--, low n e lu ge 1 his bioih !' t ha lie, h. re was his i roud und ..an-lso risking lo r i.fe m a ue inic WuUid have till Ier; l.en to get Ii f 11 on of t.'io trounle li.. i.a I nn! s re. Uy brought up n hii.-itel!'- Matiiga ca.no iorward and tin v veil In n wjin a friei.diy grin. " J,a-ha u'uiry, w t you been ail-jiti' to yireye .Mas-a Churiio ooii't .oi i.o nueli ial ioo,.s. Kes you tiy.u' to beai i.i- trgger n do color (.l.eslion t omo along wid ye '" hat is your hurry'' We - uniio; leuvo Li.it h hen " "les, 0'i can,' inti rrap'e I ihoialv, "it is ail arranged. Nobody wants to hang me; tt only our.-eli, Harry, tha' 1-. in iuiii-ediate onager. I am going lo istay on th e eldo tor tiie prei-i-ut. I i x peot to ay a visit to lii m nil m ashu g ton and a?k ior a eruiil to jo.n ui.v inis ban 1." "Come along wld ;p, M.is.-n Harry. I hear do guns dis n rry in nuto." "i th.uk, bhiptoii. you ha I belter lo c no tin. o. 1 will lo .If ai: r your .s.'c." said the i oeior, ussint ng tho join, : n un us best as he o lid toward tno slioio. "uood by, Mi.-su-. I'r-uU will tit; you up bkrini, " en. d .-lauiga, us t-i vanished oeyoiid tiie luu.f. ril.W-TMC II. t'n Ier the hot skies of that mentor able mouth ct -jUlie, 17To, New oik was one o; tho mo-t Stirling pla-t.s . n m West ern t ontineiit. Tne eieel.o.i of (ill ill dep II lent tine iie on this bi o tlii Allantic Uc an w.is the i.ii-n' . oi biiig topic o thought and ipo. eli. Wuranl bloodsho 1 Was on the iug. Men Here working day und night on the 1 rtilit a-t.ou-t. ior n. any weeks New iori, ha I been in ft Plate of a,oiii..e I alarm, l aiiillies were iiiak.io; their escape us best they i (did, taking lillleoruuh with the in as the ciiTUiiist. n peiaot ted. 'i b r.eh ln' w not wlier.' to go for Pafnty, and the poor, thrown u;. n tlio charity of inter. or towns, tu icre.d t r- i a compl.cat on of ills, lluudieds of men wore wi liltniy deprived of the iii- a'is o. tupporiing the.r lanulieii. liiuabitant . a . well as soldi, rs were sub eel to strut! uiiliiaiy disc pi. no. Washington liad reach.-1 New York on the 1 ith of the pluvious A, r.l, an I war. in almost honr y con.-ii iHtioii w ,thlh piincipal men of the Ne-v oik fine gross, several of who.uweie ap,olnted to military ollice Tro. .ps .v.-ro inareli ing into the city from ailioiiiis oi thn compass n variegate I costume that must have seemed gr-itesiiue to the ilii glith toldiorv. i he old ri d eoa's worn in the I-'ieucli wars had been ii ought li -mi tho garreis and brushe I up for u e by the Coiino to ut men. Tliu- every now and then m seen a diiuy re-'i-ineirnl of pf.rlet with u triangular and n.u Ii tarnished lac d loir among the .. v fioeked volunteers. Some oi the !., i larders worv tfreftl hi.nti' S shir!:' v, .!' , . ! n Ut iii.it ii. I roi; s from i . ..in in oirk blue wout with red fft:li!;te. 6cm'. of tho Joieey rlfo 17 eu worn lu ehort red cju's mi I f-tnned tioueer-, others lu ehort b!u.- coats, i id leather breeeiu b, ligt.t biuj btO'.'a'.n s, shoes v p.'i btu! buckles ixn 1 wool i it'. bound with yii.ow. .1 lie i'c.:i -y; w;:i . l'egimentB w.-re hi a!! ll.u c-...j:s o! t,: i rainiOW, Ll'otvu co-ts lseed s.it'.i i,,ii'. biue "outi fnoed with io!. I 'll k m-s faced With wiiite and s.u id. d w.tu .-u a' pe.ver buttolid. bjck-k.u oi'o ' -li e. i i blue eookha'.s with vdi te la..... bin bit .. lib-) biuo luiiM faced wi h -d e: w.i.;.. scveial roir paiues cai. e w th .u' any coats at all, euoh man wv li I ut a b ug e shirt, Mi 1 tha'. to fcuial: that la,- ;,ew- nglinnier n a lo luu ot then, 'in. Yirg nn.n wro :n whlt eim ek fro i c fui Ii. lowt-d w.th i u.lles a tiio i.ocl. ci lo.vs mid wrists, bia k bto.-ks, hair n tne, and round-'oppoi. broa d-riu in -1 I I .e.; Inns, iiitliough ere 1 ng th.-.r b ir olr iP o n - ere un fo. iu. d ill li.u.j to.i s la 'ed with rod, or bio v n . o.r.s lace I ' with grien. Washingti n s ttua.ds w.-r.-bi mi tout faeed with bt.ff. nd waist (oats. burkSiin breeoh"8, bluk felt hats bound with wh te tape and I ayone' and b.dy belts or white, iiautln . shirt with bri,e( hesof the tame clo h ga.l- r, ! la-h'.on aiout the 1 gs wo-e t.'-eu in every side, and ash-'$c were convenn nt garu.onis 'or a . ninpaigning country, iliey we, e soin adop el by the loi.l-iii th -n.se. ves. 'ih s was the or.gin of the mo bun trousor or pantaloon. Tho quest. on of what to do with th" Tor es was a ixioUoly beiu? i!l.-cu-seiJ by ihs pa : riots, as t hoy were making ml-cii.i.f hi every liuu i. It was ,-i tj, tl to til-criin nate between those who w. .e i ion ly eri i; in.il as ct-v-rt eneinios and such as imlui J lu a e.icotui diliVrrn e 1 of o;.iui n. Many wero se..-.e.l on sus picion and imp boned by tlw otumltieo 0. 1 t'o.'1-.jiira -y. The p.opul ir !,.. ncit v.us leroe und uneonipr mi-;'ig ne 1 or.ii ollo-l neighbors to show I'n-lr e.'lors. It wa- u.isj'o to !r tithe a pynal'Ie ugain-t tlin A in. rioau e.iuse. Neu ra'ity was not lob rate I. All i; did not lie.'laie tliemsi Ives "for lii.erty" v eto, tu the lo er class partieular y. pronoun cd traitors und pureu. d v.iih iner-.-iie lati.'or. They were cliufe. I Hue beasts and obliged to f e -ret tlieui s -ives in tho wools, e-vnmps an-l oh -r hiding p. aces and wait for 'he eoiain:.' of too iiri1 o-h io uiy. T..en in the b---t laiiiiiies fa'...ers mil mothers v,'.;. loomed to see i her cliiMr- n arrav.-.i aga nst each otlier, as in the i are of i ! ii ii y and t iiiiri o bhipton. Wives su-.-their husi.ian-ls arming against their o n bb-.il. j'ersonil and riomibti.j hi.j,;-ne.-- vvjs eopardized on u.l sides. The Shiptons 1 ve i in an e'lpgan' hou c in Broad street, nil I were ;'ieai y b-loveii by their n.-soeia'.es. o.oiu-i nhlj-toii was u ret red x.rii s:i o.lieer. i-'i'-li ( s. ibivo cliiidr. n were i oru in N v. lor.i. His oriiy daughter, lldith. bu t. in IV'-i, muni d her (ousin, lloh.iid T'.em.iin u young n.a'i about bero.'n age. vlien hostd ties wcio riawnln.: h" h id delied nil his iciative- nn i fain ly ial reals ami joined the paiiMits. .hal'i.s bh.p'.oti (ill likewise, d.-sie !i s lather's protest and pruers H orv sniit(.,i's i v mj-a' iue4 wero w.th It's i. iiner and with iiraisli iu .-r-iiip. and In eo.i.l ate i w.'h hi- bio'her l h irl, s ..n 1'iesni. e 1 out i coming to boil ng !i ;i' -' he 1 ,er i.'l'e . I lull 'old ea.-ii ' . . .? .rtii ;. Th-y b'it ti I i in l.v ' I -. - e-l i ("-'I . II--. I V .1 .1 li: .'.o : -. iurl bef. re iu iliug it . o to . t-.ii. j.'oti ff.n private y u;,ir'ii I tli i In- '..'as In sell un ii r su p Co,, lie ,, , e . l ie -I- d by -ho I i.ll.ail ice ..11 l . It- I. ..''' i,..r...g the next for- in -i.it. 'I In ;; - lo hi i; nil 11:10x1. cte I bo,., ,0: lo I.i-.! io,- in'i.'iteii of taatug 1 ai t in 1 to i o ' iig - 01, i -t. i . ei e 1 e.-iii'i'i but o.t o cu. e, how ever, f n' him to uir.-ii"; In seei.re l boat ntld ill t lit. dur.xiii ss id iir- ea'iy 1.1011111; j.e ami his l',ia,,iy were . oil v-v. i 1 with a lew nee sari. 's t Hie -lir-. y si-, ip of the liaison, w here tie y took po os-ioii of u Jarut- 1. uii-i' i n ti.idr o.vii ju , tv. sonte 1 al a mile r un th" r.-.i. ill.-- w..h en.y '011,1,0 ar--' rcMigo, t. nd lentil who wfit W. ll lilH.rl. illieli e , Ut I'.-'IIMI to .rW '1 eri. '!i- lir-t op; oi'liinit.v in ... u-'l' to i o nei.r in r hush .ml. ": am at yo ir servl e, '.virit can ! 'io for. (in-" Tie! tloe'.or had eiaiiil'O (! un tho ban. from ha-iu.. scon Jla.-iy sa'c.y i iiibiirke-l on hs ir p across tiie it 1 a on, (o lite! his pa'iein. . 01. vaiePC.U : lai.ii! y. b-.e l.a 1 er p' to her baby and was i.miis ng it by .-ll aalli.g tilts of ,jn s 0 er !s la e. 'ii.. iu is n little I'.abi'a'ion in the woo ls t 1 li e n-irt!l - t 11 , not iur, vvlj, i, (Hue o our Si-ivaiit- .ue slaving, i v nl go the e. May 1 klio'V ho.v seiioii iy r y . rot,., r II ir.y Is ,u ured? ' "lie hi- no w.i .11 b. 10 fur ;n I cm awate tail' -ndali -.r his li.'o. bir he he na b'leu as pi. ould ha e iin . eJi.ne e .re. Was it tr'io what t'l:nrif told Hi, tl a h" just bai elv e-cajiei! being hung, " " 1 mi a ight oiv.i thought so it y -u had tech tiie .11 o oils U .1 ni iU that had linn iu hand .v hen I a:ii upon th" sc. lie " sa d tiie Doctor, on iling ".viav 1 go and br ug snitio of your jieoj 1 to you "(ill, dear, lio; I wif, go to them. If I had baby on my nhoiil I. r I e. u. I run away even from u biiu .of In-fiiin-." ami she i.iiigl.e I merrily in trying to ns-. to her io t, uncoils i0 0 y Ht-iing bolh the lo tor. s iteii .e I hands. You had better -ee 1? you can walk lefoie vou begin lo mi.," he said, piny- tllllV. " I am nil right. Yes. I can waik," she re lied. ".veil, then, I wonder1 if hnby w.ll obligu iu" wit 11 my coat? " He p.i-Ked ui the little one, hel 1 it both .u iho 11 r and imh.I.? it luugh oir ngi'.i, and, lay ng it on tho giruiud aga 11, , ill on his cat, ami then took it .11 li.s nil is . 11 to mittili'illy. A litt.o later 0:1 a giuecful. hatlehs wo 1 an, v ho- 0 elo lung, very mu.-li roiled and w.ltel. elunu' la t to her limbs, was roping her way s"e by ste)i through a Bwauu y lio.d, iol. nved by a urn a curry ng a 1 a y Seine negro women sunui'ig then pelves in fionf of a lii'lo hut a iong Ihe tiee-i saw what they u' lust thoiigut an api iiriiion, I ul pr- shi 1 1 v recog i.z.i I tho woraii nn I 1 a am r inn ng to un et lor. vut de matter, missus?" the. a-iiei in 1 ici'iii. ' v o have been to the bottom ot th.. r.v.-r; Maiilga upset the boat." "I.i r I's bake! dlory he's to Go I yoii's ; ot (.ut, lire's Mati'ga ".she has r.-lurke.l to niainma will, tiie b( ut. I'iniila. tuke tlte baby and r.-lo vs tii.-kind gentniian who helped us out oi tiio water. ' i h.i order w is obeyed with noisy de moiiMratious in tha way of bug. and I.i -os, the baby eming well plea-e l With it all. and .1. iio imUt of tiie com n.o ion tho Doctor lo-k ilriitnsh ind, i iie I it to his .Irs, and wu'ke.l rapidly away, hiiving left t Ue worns. "(iol iie s yo'.i'" 111 lor ' ars for a porpp'ual in. m-iry. Mute now. g irsi I know (lit ehr.p' ;--ti, ni ssus v mo did you iiiid Iiiiu.'" I auuiiig ui, wlisu I waa Uylug to ' 1 -rathe. What Ij you Lnow a,' cut h ni?" -He war-' nt Mbter III tott V I.T-t year. He eatt.e aioi.g vviu oe t'oinini .Iol e, f(i ' ciiap da' briinj : i t to .1 S.4 iKUi s. ' !l, h ii -s i.e. n gtio I t. u;. .-in. I 11 lilU-t st 1 lev my tn ' e . Hi Wi in un v.- I ii-nves ct e e.-l ar "I mil t h v some ..ry g.rii.ents at oi'.-c, ani :( in 1 t baby. d,( me tin i, to,-. I r-u..i for I am so.n,' to call 1.. (.,. .".. ti. '.' a-".iigti.il." ' - ti 1111 hour und a half the tr-i m l 1 1 - -1 it . I I air bal I Cell dried and eoim cl an i a m i ! i.'t si ial y in the lu-h . 11 ot tin- ..ay. a d 'he s -O 't lace of i dit i 'J';e. - n 'fi "' 11 a J el.it s.ju- g.vp y hat w,,tle a tli. 11 g '-' ti of s-me PU iii.-r liuii s ,11 vvb.tn ..nd blue s. t off ti-e 1 lrp ! li iil'tt to g eat loivaiitiig.'. Til" b by smile I a ;i o -1, bat, tr.od w.'h an. mat on -', en the bewitching ob-ert went ( u of bignt down tin pathway. i.t lnuond j.ill iiousi, W'htngton's ll id U'l'ter . sU.ud up".. t.n e.i iiiei ce to tno -o-i. .(-.. t 41 ot ar distant, about wh 10 ( ha .Urn s4iow cro-i-es Vuii.'k 6t eef. It was if pantry villa, n mile end a hd' lioni Uv,'i, i,urr uitded ly li.-id-j of . ia an 1 kiu 11. w th a Ro.ver ;'iir n nf otte ii e in ,o-ed by a be ge. 'li e rose war ? in bloom, i.n.l I'r.-ubi. walliii ti 1 esule lo r mlsiresS iiliuigihe K.tii! 1:.' ei.frtae dl i 0 t.) llic e'ltrunc" to tiie no..- o.i, . o i d l ot resist p tiing l.-'i' ban 1 ilo .i.i.th tin f n -e ami 1 iiate:i ot. ( li -. v. li h . la -ten...; 10 i.d til's hat. at, I tti.n waked oil di mure y. .- a '.b-tily tb. 00 wa - a eiatter of hoofs nn ! tvv . Ik 1 -emeu gaii 'pe.l lO itnl 'ho . iirv.- mwi.r 1 tit. 'ii. ' io- of whom lif'ed !,.s 1, 11 : 0:10.1. -1 I: it :. . he pa 1- !. ..'I i li'h l,:u I.e. I on l- r tii" ii-lmir.ng . o "a;. aiu .i 1: wliii wh... io i !,.., ii. 1 ,e 10 ,.-; r,i ...titiil y: '' hi, I i'i c mo 111 jnv way? "N. . t'oink yo . nr'i r t'Kin 10 t,-k ;:, .'. -a e 0 t'ii.irl,.-, and nv.ay lie I .'; i. fin i:i: i" r .t r.n. I No- 1.1 i;h i:-t.ic.i. '!"!! rraviii:,' f'u- fr. . dutn H s rotig .'liiidii.; pri-on-t.'-s that tlie.v w 11 cv'ioi tiito'.v a'.vav tic-.i I'iitiines of j... nil 11 I'd' i"n.' -al.e of if t"-ri i i.-.l iy rit I :i-..'tt : !!. 'I'!)" ii'ith')!' (rf "Tile .v iijorijan Isibeii;!," ;) book ties "ribing r....tv,-t lii- in the h-outl), says tlutt f '. priso r:-r haul serve,! out a loin: -1 tlt-. tieo up 10 its lllst llllV. Us 1. ,,1 v.-otked faailif uly, aiiti n.ivei' viola'ed ti ju-:na rule. All the ntlli'i.j is li.ld tii' uiiuosi lotifldeniie in him. lie ;is to -.o j-eii as. d tin-- next duv, a ti i no tiiiiihie was ii;-,e of ti Siia.I (if tiidi w-.r'.iuy o; t of iluijrs. 'ill' ea; t ii'i uf the rntrjp ht'd or ci6i.ii) to lis'.; a tar.cl Ir't 0.1 tho toji of :i iinoi-ij -ritr: Vii:!. arid siii I, Jo. o- -ly. t'i tii!- pi is -iiei't 'iio yi-1 iliitik , !ii coui l c.iiie liicli i1' I s-. ni over tiie bid for 1 1, a I n- Hii l: u (! ;n tho'ide.i. "Vi'liv. 1 . cuii I oiil !. r;iit::in." It., ai'iic! ""'-e 'it-! -. lttif. iiit i-tiuti c- 1. to-ii.e, nn!, 1 e-ides, I s . :1 in" a tie' lu.-ii lo-:iiotj''iv." "1 til.o oi." -aid ! he ct: j.l .: : 11 I i t-i. .i'i nver ! i 0 iiili. :i mi t.v:i -J f. .- ti l)1 o ll 1'. I Utiiill .'. V ll f tl t ll" e 1; iitti ... . ! up .l;,!iii he v.'.i- ooue. Aiei the ,t - nf i-ioved thai lie liad ::;ii ,:bi.i; 1.1. io tttid lliei) -tit ilov.'ii ioii .1:1111 1 r o r t lie i-ons. W in 11 be wh- 1 ani itr. i Lc .-.. eiiit d iitil f da.e.l. a ol e etcl "i or no exfilaiiatioii ex.'i-pt lliat ii.' 1 1 -1 rntildii'l help It. '' Alto! IO' ' .l is. ,1 T allow llilllseif Lot. I. r. i!e vv.n io b release.! i:i ti fi w liavs. iin . lite e.ijittiili -aid to llllil. il) re io re in e ' . - s .n-- n rami: ")o yo.i 1 .,, ; ii v.i.iild bo stifo bir in lo - j 1 i '.o.i o.-.-i Uiere?" A -i'i ::! ' o i'i ssion iVi-rsircal Ills f;ii-. , -nil tii 11. :u one b.irst of c.tlloii.-', i-.t.m'.' ii- ci:ilii.'it ioti. aplilili." said be. "jotl'ii better i;..t M-i-il ur;, lflg.r th.il f.n'ii'.v.iy I roiiloii't. I'oiiio i.ark- if w.'inti-.'vl lo." I'iii iio l.o.rcil.a. Vv'li. n jo'iiil-' s were li.sl ir.tl'-i-ilii'-. d iii'o 1 iii i 1 bt ii Mr. Jiovv atid I I li.- ex o't l .io ( f tie in; f.i lu.'t i'.n ...f 1 iie tub t lot. 1 lij.it i -u.li e. i.iiiii rr Inin.: 11 siilije-t of i- in.ro-vo,.-1,. bal mil 1'i's-t iifr.vii.it i 7 : I ) tii" p oiie w.uld iieitlie, p. ant nor infii ilio ii. 'i'iii-y i.echirod t li -iu 10 l,e t iie ;l - 1 i's ti .nr. ami tiiat they v.eie gi -tn lo his saianii' linij.'st:. on ins 1: -iti;i anil l'itio-1 tn.it lie liad no fruit. 1. .il t hi Inin to "i ari'li tin e. 11 ill I'T I01..I." V. liere.if) iQ thn po.rdeVll I ell lo digo; p; ill tlb-eirlll itii.l loi.n.l p -i ii. os gr iwiiijc tliir. iii. A -inn. ir by-11 1 seems ! liao oh riiibilir liil .1.11 11 tlicstaiil liiit isiers In l.-'t-w i- i. .-lure, lliigl.iiul. In lin t s ine Hie inti. -(l.ictiou of pnta t -1 s is jiopuiailv aitributif lo hir Miiii.t.-l .si oi 1. oiM o kiiWiiall over lfrnaiii iis - 1 in- Wi.;ird of the N irth.'' According I.i t lie story, Mi ciiael anil 1 li'. devil formed a tojart-ni-r-dnp ;in ! took Hi." lea-e '.f a farm 0:1 tin; M.-it own states, calleil the "S'li.telidii?.'. ' Micli iel was to man ago tiie. farm; th' dmlliho cajiiia ; I be prodii -e was In be di idfd in the foiio.vitig manner: 'ill.. Ilr-t jear Mlrlinel wa to have all Hull fg'ovv above the grouii I aini lint devil iiiitlllt gr.w 1 milli the surf.o-. Tli- M.'i-oiid .war shares U.-ie lo In' (IniJeiliU jdsl tllC ojipi - site way. His s.iliiiiie majoty, siiatigeto s iy. was Ii idly I) 'iileu b, tiio .Sii.V ivlicli.tel, fob tha! Ja-Ts ill IgC, with i rue .Vol ti-h fiire-iglit. t w 1 ail tne land to wheat tic tlr-t jiut and iii 11 : c I all in jeiialoes 1 he m-. ond. Mi the j.o ir ib v i 1 got iiothin; hut Muhble ail'J 'lillo Kips. lin.v tiles,, ali-n il le.eoiis nriginateil to o 1 1 11 see 111 - di kiio v, but thn fact io mains Ihat I lie peti'.Uits of both lltis ii! ami Kiu'latid 1 veil to I li if day fre (iiie.i.ily iilliuie 1 1 imi aloes as "iievb'n 1-i'uit '"' "Yon are aliogetcn-r no fresh," , said Ilia pot ilio tn tli. egg. "aui I i have my ey s on yo.i." ".Now. look ' here, Irish," ciii'l tae osx. "I dar , siv vou have a good hoirt. but re tnornber that win ti wo com to scram Ue far a liv.u g v i.u're not iu it, with r, "-Life. ' Think ili.t .u.d you will act right ACPii'iS OF QUJ-EU CROPS. LET. POIT'S CHINESE FARM NEAR WASHINGTON CITY. Em. -erf of a ri lenlliit iu Cultlvlliig Ihe fcuaiii;o llt-rlm I'or I liop-siiey iiml lilii-t .'I'liiolian llein-Hciwa l.'iilllvali 1 N.i I'lanl liiiotTil to Aiiiifl'i.-Oll l aruiei. T'min too liatimii to the tilovv is a lout; stride, but it has bc-eu tuheu by I i'i-" ld't family. Hut it v.-m- culy mt. r o:ib IJIiitiaiuau iu t'uu District of Cob i - feon-l imi'ti'ils that lo) wve In ,!.., .,- tliiiShir. Aii.l tho r.-Kiilts i litteu'iou Kcrioasly to t - Mlijieet of have amply coupeujulc-l him for the gold venture. j i.ee I'uit, a nionu-cycj C'elotia!, ni rivo I in Washington Iat April, with bis siviti.s tied up iu a huekskiu bag. lie (tuiim ilirooily from California. Lee found the laundry lield crow ded, and bis caoital v.ai too small for him to consider the estabhshuiei.t of a grocery fsboi ). One Sunday Lee dined ot tho Chi nese resttiuraui on Lower Pennsyl vania avenue. Lee, who Las an in rjuisitivo mind, iiuestioued the pro prietor uboiit the source of supply for the many queer vegetables auJ herbs which form a part of every Cbiueso riish, mi l learned that they all cuino from Ht, Louis, two days distant by rail from Washiugtua. None was fi aifod nearer tho capital. Here wa Lee's chance to invest his money, nud Lo v.as (jtiiok to see it. Tiie n-xt day Leo begati to visit tho suburban districts in feu-eh of a suit nble p'ae.; for his l'urui, utid after ft week ho decided upou p. little four bcrj tr.ict of land near Ti-ri a Cotbi Sta tion 0:1 the iluh iiuore aa.i O'uio llail- j roan, ns tno soot nest touted lor ins purposci". Ihe owner o: tno laii-l has u number of colore 1 farminji tenants, bui he vvat niildiy surp'iscd when I.e.', v.-.'.:, vn iiitcrpreter, for Lee sjjeaks lit t0 r.n,r!i.'.ii, ealled upon hiiu "to lent form." Mr. l.yaeU made the rent 1 ea.-onablc, .Did in nn hour I.eo was in j os.-es?io!i of the farm. His entire, outfit, a udo from his clothiupr, con pisted 0!' 1 wo four gallon waterim? pots und a yoke, piich as tho coolies in China use for carrying burdens. Lee got down to business at once. The day after I19 took possessiou he employed a colored man, who lives near by, to plow up his little farm. fseeds wire obtained from San Fran cisco, and Lee worked oil day and sometimes ou moonlight nights in his little firm. Ceils were laid out in regular checker-board fashion, and with a hoe, borrowed from a neighbor, Leo pulverized tho toil, carefully re inoviug every stone. At first tlieiowero many things to contend with. I.ee did not uuder-l-taii'l Uu uevv foil, and his tilf t crop was a failure. Thou ho begun iutenr.e furuita,', Large rju.v. titles of fer tilizer!, .v. ro put 0,1 tho beds and a iietvcroji was pl&u'.el. Every uioru ing before the sun was up, Lee, with his j-o'.o uii his in ek, wnt eri ug jiol r.-u eacu side, waiered t.ie tender sprrtits if green, winch wero just bursting; ml of the ground. His water supply was obtained from a ditch lot) yards from the beds, and the opcintiou was tedious. W.th the energy and per feveianeo of his race, I.ee would plod back and forth between the iliieli and tiie beds until every plant on the place was given its shun; of w ater. Again iu the evening were the buds watered by the siiu.0 slow process. Finally Lee's unremitting toil he ptiu to tell. Tiie crop, forced by for t.Ii.crs and water, was even butler tluiu the industrious owner had liojied for. It n.iituiid rapidly and was gathered and taken lo the city, where lie received nu advance on til. Louis juices for ii. t-ince then Leo has gathered four croj.s, aud another is ii'.w r.unly for tiio uiark.-f. iu all Lee's fa! m ihei e is not u sin gle plant which is known to hi neigh bors, Wiio aro tiioi'oiighly nuiiiliar with Aiiieriitiiti farming. X. in the railroad tjero are half a dozen rows of what he ra.i.- C'li-u j-'ok, or Chinese cabbage. The jdaiit looks not unlike a huge liirnij., but the tasbi is peouliar, hot mid tdightly spicy. Uelow the cubboge bed, s.ij.jnutei on slicks which lake Ihe jdin-c of tr.-i is work, there are 11 number of rows of a j-iaeiii, a Inl'e jrreeu goui dlike melon, whn h is much fought uit.r by Chinese epicure?. Lee has been parliciiliiriy sucees.-fiil iu raising these, and they bring excellent prices. I'.ii lher on tlicre aro melon--, haid, (paeor sluiped things, a whithli preen in color. They ripi u iu Novem ber, and when full grown pouiotiiijes weigh as lunch aspixty pounds. YI1e.1 they ripeu these melons will bo the first ever brought to Vashiiigtoii. There are none raised, it is said, near-t-r here than California. On thu hillside, just ba.-k of the barn, sev erul beds nre jdautcd w ith iiioinalio herbs nmi Ptrangedooiiing Vfgetahles with liniuoiiouiieciilde names. Many of these hiflj. t laiil.-.f iiji Hint niysterioiis hut none tiie less toolhsoino dish know as chi ji-sik y. Tho plants aro all divnrlis'n, but very bivtiiiiaiit. Cieans a foot ton;;, b.-nt nn! uvisto.i 111 every conceivable j shape, take up a couple of beds. Tin y j nre black iu color, and havo ti sweet j iidi, insipid taste. Chinese lentils are I given sjnice iu the beds, uu.l tin y are j vciy Piicc-i-sfully raised. Next ' ear ' Leo intend lo attempt the culiivu'liioi of bamboo sprouts iu the dump iird along the ditch. If bo succeed- I..-' income will be mntcrinllr liicreu'i I as the sprouts now used at the n taurants are nil imported in ems fiom , China, aud are very exjtensive. llvi iv : nioruiug I.ee gathers his vegetable? in largo sacks, and p'epares to go to the city. j on raciis in 0 ana.-Ked to tie 1 yoke, ninl with this heavy load the industrious Celestial trudges down the road to University Station, a mile away, where he takes un electrio car for Washington. All bis produce is spoken for the day before, and it is easy work for him to deliver it. It is ilsnldr.il lower Feaiinylvania sve liiie, bin the Chinese colony is lo- cntefl, rtirl before ronn Lee is back and at work ou his farm. Wttlk ror (he s, 1'. C. V. I.al'onclierfi unggents that the K-.i eiy ior tho rreveution of Ci'Hi l'y Cail lreti fliotibl liave power to i'.i .'( iu w il h j ai ei.ts such us tin! la'. e ll tliiij ii Toileinaehe. Mr. ToHemtt. w'as t .vieo inarried. anil he pf. 1 libera! v it li his baptismal f'tvoi - t" human liouieuciaturo. Ihis -was the result: 1. Lynljib Ydwallo Odin N'cMor Egbert" Lr unel 'J'oedma; HncrU Ur chin wy no Hatio'i .a ( .-.unwell Oruia evill i.'Viart j"ian'::g . io-1, 2. Leo Qiiintus 'i'liliemaelie-Totlc-runche !e Orebatia ria'ita ;enet. 3. Leoue texius Deuys Oswolf Fraudati Fiiiiis TolleiLache-ToIlc-mache iie Orellaua Fiaatageuet. 4. Lyuulph Cospatriiils Bruce Ferkehy TIcriiizerTullibardiue Peter sham do Orellaua Finntagenet. 5, Mabel Helmingliam i'.lhel Itunt ingtower L'eainco Hlntonbirrio Jtlvangelino Vise do Lou de Orellaua Flantageuet Toedmag Saxur-. C. Lyoucsse Matilda Dora Ida Arnc? Erncstiuo Cuifou 1'aiik-t Yilbraham Joyce Eu?euio Centlty t-axouia Dy Ptirt Fiautugenet. 7. Lyono Di-ci'na Yeronica, Esyth I'ndine Cyssa Hyl.la Ilovveua Adela Thyra Ursula Y'tabci Blanche Lclius JDyaart l'lanlageuvt. ?. I.yotielia l'redcsuada Ca'iil.erga Eihel.- vythii Jdeth Y.-a'tml Grace Mon ica de Or. Ih. la Fixntugel.et. tb Lyui .iia Ldith Jlegina Valen tino Myra I' i .vaitii Avelina i'hilipj.a Yiulantnii .io Orellana FJaiitugene!.--Loudoii t 'on et-jjundence iu Now York Suu. Tiiif Way Tl-.c.r Ittiu.' "Yes. sir," said the tele.-.r;ph editor, "you liicy lie pure when there is one biefitu- r ( irtutcr au ither wiit follow wtthiu a week. When the Mobogiu broke up X said Iheru'd be another and there lias been. 1 never kuiv it to fiiii. 'When there is a big fire in one part of the country the wire will be hot within an hour tching the utoiy of a .c-cond( equally a? big, in a fav di:--taut part. Jt's fcti'ittige. I've ofler. thought I'd get same psychcdog'-i to explain it to me but I've never hti 1 time I guess. Murder ma the pa no way. Now this aliii.r ia Flint is sure to lie followed by another, if not titu ilar, nt least related in jioiut (if de tails, and that within a week. V.'ky it was only tho other day " "Jiuipson," shouted the city editor into the local room, breaking into tho Sentence of tiie telegraph editor. "There's j list been a suicide up ou One Huudred a i 1 Tweiity-thiriUfrect. Go up a. id get the Ptory an. I 1111 'to a third of a coin. un of it. YvV.l bune'.i it with tlio necouiits ;' tuo otic that happened this . uiffiiitig and the tvv... tiiis iifiernoou "Hear tiiat,'' jitit iti tiio f c-legianh editor, "wiiat di I ,1 tiil you''' l.'o iroit Free Press. What Ab l.uel. r 1)1,1 For tlio World. Frofessor rieiijamin Ide Wiieekr has written for the Century a new life of "Alexander tin Great, " mid he tays: No single personality has done so much to 11, uko the world oi civiliza tion wo live iu vviiat it i i as Alexander of Macedon. lio leveled the terrace upon which Fumpeiui history built. Whatever lay within thn run go of Lis conquests coiiti iiiuti-.l iin part to form thut Me. lit. Train ati civiliutionuliie:.', under Jbinnj'n aib.iiiiii-'tration, b- came the basis of 1 .in-ojicau life. What lay beyo'id win ai if 0:1 another j.hitict. Alexauder checked his en-.-.vai d I. tilt cii at tin) .' utlei, and India u 1 1 Clnt a were left in n world of I'a. ir o .. tt.'.vn :i their own mechanisms for i,j an an 1 society, th'-ir own theories of tin I aud the world. Al.-xan ler's world, to which wo ull bid-nig, went on itr-i own ecp.inito way until, in tiic.-o iatter fhiy-', a now gree 1 ot cm pie.-t, begotten of caiii'iiercia! k'tibitiou, ii'oulises nt Inst to kvol the b.iri i -r.i wiiicu Uii'otirii tin) ccnturiei have stood as m j.i.ioi-'iil-i t i tiio o itni ist stations of the Minv .1-nra-i jviuilntiv, und have divided the world of men in I twain. He l ooked Wlno. lie wax one of those solemn, wipe looking fellows whu like to think they aro deej) thinkers. "There nre sotae things beyond our comprehension in mental science," he paid impressively, "that we fail to un derstand." "Yes," returned his coiopaniou with e jnal soi ioasness, "I have often noticed that we never e.111 undcr'taiid t he things ii) i.ii-ii tal science thai nre beyond our compi o 0 n -ion. lu other vvoi.ls, when anything is beyond our ilildei slutiding wo e pel le'.ico consid erable il 1 lii c tl 1 1 v in comprehending it. And I Iiml that this nnpiier not only to mental se.cuce, Inn to any other old tiling a" well. Ilvi-i y now and then I Iiml I 1. nl to understand things t hat in e ju. st my eomjireheiision, and that thiii -s that iuo beyond my com prehension tire very often beyond hit iiiiiicrslfinding. tin, also that I nia not la.uiliar wuh things I don't k now iu many instance?, and that " 'i 110 e-lilier in the wo i--lookiii3 fel low's t ye told In 111 11 w.is tune to stoji. -Chiciigo r.-.sl. A (".lit.. Itutluav. Fy means of a valuable totih-ning rocess, recently dts.toverc 1, glass my now be moulded into lengths an I used as railway sicejiers. Glass rails ate also jnodiiced by this fame tough ening process, ll is, therefore, jiossi bio to have a comjileta glass railway. The glass rails are turned out in sien and shaj es similar to those of the or dinary steel rails. They aie far tougher and resist the action of the I element more successfully thin bleel. PCbTO F.iCAN lUCIC. Tlti' National 1 iis'.ruo.i '- a 'Ji . ')(''. !t..t l-oioil.il. T.i! .- ;') otiier f-paiiW -spi akinrr , , :. .. t o- 1'oi io llicKtif. are lend of in :-!.- llv.i'V cafe lias its oichesti n. :. ,-:.'.. v ot'l.l linroly do bus.m-.s ,, , . it ion I .v 1 1 v n am ' ' 1 t :''ir- . H e hit-. 1- J.l.:' of Hie o..y loo- il' mi . .. ,.: tid of ;; mt r vio- i , . ., i -. 11. -,. 1. It1 -m - ,tt,l ..I" o " - ! ,. l v.t.v (' .; I --.' v ,. 1. - i !e"ce-. N . . -y nil of to fi.: i . I..." .'-iialii'- a I vt 1-tl- ',- I il ' a-lel I lo thvr ,., i ,,f ro i-.i's i, .;.:i -! 1 . , - ' ; ,, .iu-' woo it." t .':' ' -I i s-i ;l h i, :",.- 1 o.-oc r.r F.'.-to l;,-i ;i! il. t ; 1 i:,P v t 1 y f.i i.ii.ai. 'UV Ui" i.tr i.- it"; ! i . in .lii-cii-ei'tli; , r.-.tu'-.lfin;.' iiove! iu t'se j:.".-o:ui--ani-1 i.i-- ,! to t iie n.eli. ft . oi;l:Is first hi;e tin- : liythuiica! fuu.i':e of Lit itr u.i t'10 PC.lide i l'-j.r. ici-i (: .c. 'iil ti.ipiore some opett ; !','., '::;.:! . as oil. .by .-'.pi'iiJg ! 1 1 ; , ' iinl-i.- ,11. do I V la" vjollos fll'd j gc.i.arf- The mot loii e! :io-l 100 , .jUl.-lt, too c. 01)1. lietitt li, for l'u . now j ev:i-. ani ii ia the uVtm-ps f I'n i.t, i uor ,.f lee! w hi -h pio,,:i"js r. i' to ii jui the ( idy to in ' ,,..;,..,.-. -,.,(. vo to toe v',.rt Ju io's. I tli c '; to 1. ' f, '1 -f i is 010 ; a..-:-),-' 1 ' 1 1 ' c ) :-." V.-,l il A soft cli ' !t'.. ;.; (,. 1 ' .- -. ' 1- ;.'-ar.i . v -i. ry,:,.; , i . o 01 1 - ' t'u i ; .1... i I.i i lo- . 1 v .- ,.f ( ue ; !,,. -I; . ' a v i 't ;,. ' ).: 1 1: ol her sole tier- ., d. ep f' l..i -bef. lii" p. "vet I b.i!.i t" t-'tt 1; urd 1:1 ii's U t: i;iiid, ic.'i 1 IV, t.. o! ; iie re- o'lihht i ilit h it: 1 !:C lat idiy rubs ! this lul ic. 1... 1 s; !- o. "lo T0itl i vvith I : l i i-lrir i -t i !..! In tii hand? of u novice i ' nothing but 11 h.(rf i, .1 . i oi.. noise, I.) the ha.!:- a : --'i.c "iraii'a'' player a I v, -ni -, .1 ., , i iiiuic s ontnl conies from i ti.;- i I ! .cgi.'ab'o shell, 0 sound v.l.:- . ia i s ji'it-'.. in t a' oichestra b- . s mn 1 .-.- -t cut liuiy ej.-,s IU ,.:.. ..t,d .-onsilcrab!' , Vo'-'tlllC to till- J el-foiill.IU.-C-. i ii.e piuycr's i.aud move- with iight liing r.ipi n'y, Tu.-- p'fel fori; at time ! liiaU :.- lu.; i - vei-ps t,e n hole Itiigth tf , the f-oiii'-.l r ul then a Jain ibrates i tv:t!i ;n -,e:,ii!j sv illness over but au j iti.h it- 5 .vo of lis btti-fuce. There I seen, to b; 11 perfect ni' t lio i iu its j jilayiiii', iii'.'i.-h u .'i in i-'i' i! rec ii-d i. j o. .0, e the pL.vel', mi l it seems to be J a .itu'.tcr tneie.y oi hi. i.ni.-'y nud his j -.-..-as t . It .w it.s p.,-. -.Iinll liarmoiiize j . ni1 tuo nu !. !y of iin; biri.'iged in 'i ".te r.n:.-., , . il: i ,:i c'l ihe West T...lcs bit sv -;s :.jic.,:!y j cpu'io ; ia I'ci t. 1 I.i. .. Toe j.luvt n geii'-Miily '..a'., t.o-i: ' .-vvti in.itl'iimeots, and ate Jatlt.iiy !:.;'. :;.C lltlll--!i 1 to '.'t'-eill, 'or a- j.j- 1- as t . y .-'.:.'. tin y -. ill hard ' , iy tairt v.i.ii tin ii for their l' li'i ; MiltU'. Tiny are (il.-tiue.iy a roil., j l.-ci'i cm io, itti-i pti-atig.' a.' 1: nniy I S: .-111, t'ol'ol lite:) js I'loii il ly i.iii!1 - j lies lit u' e of tourists' "loot" than itny I for, ;j.;n cotit, try known to the travel - I i.ig At.ti ih-un. Tiie n-nnM -.vi;. can : se -itre it . si, r.t ,...ry . c.i . 1 nt I a" e l:i:::- ! s-e.f, for ,: v. i'i be !...-. 1 1 ". I and ;s I ihevti y ihing v. nle-h ct t bp ca. rn-.i ! IIM1V lio.n 1 i-'-.t ! as 11 so i v. 1,1! I wht.il is J-ii.-tiucily a.f.i'.e und .'-e'i- 1 iir small liny ai.d Ho- lloioe. A is irr n 1 1 frame h whieii stood for many yi -if .- in w lint ;: n.nr oae of t.n: l e t it- i lelic .li 1 tc.s 0:1 the uj per we. i n-li! il Niv Y.ih City, '.vie torn 'io-vii a lev i.iy- and its owi:.t (t-t I - 1 1. at Ims ic "il sa iiy U -t !. ihe :..,.t- e w.i . i ! d vvheil iiilr-i ill '..... to iciiicil ti 1 1 1 via- ei.i -ap. file o.v-nr of t o, t.,. 1 ,c...'.l ll SCVefHl 111., at !l s , f,,- .-' ! '. .1 l.l.ct'i, ami w--:il a-.ay to t-.c c - nitty. Tli." i.i, I II' 111 ii.' riil- .U lltll. II. CU! io their lit : 'liooi s. de-oriel lue house a l.-'V ve. el. , H'ii, atid Wit loll II dllV Oi' two of ti.cir iie; :!! ! no . i,,.' hoys of ihe lieotiitioro ..1 1 I.a I a;., 1. 1 :. red r. Wh 01 tl,. y nr.- I a-1.1 ; it ti a l.iy l.oa i- til y li.ito a i ot tire ou the Si.' m i iloei- and i.-.ua'.av Tiie fire ineii br . oj...-:i lh" i!,., r at; 1 t-xtiu-guii he.l Hi:; Ida,'-, before It had ser ious, v tiii::i 1 the house. Within a wtt-k the 1,. ui.-... loo'ied an if it hud been struck by 11 cyclone. All of the 1 gas fixtures and ail liio bal jnpe 111 I sight bud been stolon, doors hud been wrenched oil' and everything iu it which was detachable and of any I va'up liad been carried away. It wan I a total wreck inside, nud when tlio o.viier municd to iti-p. i-t his property : li was iima.t. 1 al tho c. -million in 1 which he found 11 Tiie ioui .e tin I i literally been loin to j 1. c. s. alliioil,sh ; almost within call of a j.oli -e station. 1 It had be 11 so weakened that it was i in danger of failing, mil the owner I was ordered to tear It do. VII. Tiio tuau w ho owned the hou.- e w .mis .in,n-a;i-s from sonic one. and ho is inclined to fhiiil, thai tiie city is responsible lor ii.;, loi-t'. New York tiim. An 'Anll-scrtii.1,,1 I.P1H;(P, j Ysiiiiy Fiii.- informs us tun! we linve ; nn .It. 1 .senaiiii .1 League in our midst, i It . (ii --in. loi .-, villi a Mil cu-. 1 kmiiil ! e i ! at. tin most promising held lor ! their ialois, mo circularising "So j oiety' by th" nn diiim of blood red en I v. i-cjo s e-iiit.iimii , p.ilo gieen slips, 1 ni' i -i 1 be 1 .: -tob-uf s to lui'iiibership. ' .. ' ... 1 ne.- iii.iii jo aciiablo, but I ' 1 . i 0 l ' itiipict-iiht-iess over ' 1 ' t a. nl . i ii-- -o ...,,-( li . in- a sin i i .:: iit: . I io ' iit -re 1 t 1 combat it I 1 let- 1 itlv" na b ' t' j o- -iiili-. to enlist i'i- . : od- 1 a: a to.- ..In 1 of the 1 I " li1', w 0 01 . vc Voiie hilS , . a-- i w ti. ''ci. c.cy " t.i talk about ? . : . i - ly, lii oi g,..it,;(o s rejoiert I ! .- !.. 0 1 t Norman Concorde. 11 in iiajjjMpejM .... '"WfOr-

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