$f)c hntl)auj liccorb IT. -1. LONDOJS, EDITOR AND PROPBTOR. BATES O" ADVERTISING One arpiaro, ono insertion $1-00 One fujuvre, two insertions. ... 1.60 Oue Btpiare, ono month - - 2 19 l r Uw r inVetti.somc'di liber V T,tir.. ! ! ... I.. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. VOL. XXI. PITTSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11), 18011. NO. 21. $foc I)atl)am Rtccrfc. Ctettom ft POKE 0" How Willis Farsell Secured a Wife and a Fortune. BY FHANKIjIX FILE. II AIM I K II.- roiiltiiiuiil. ' Tin v wish it to be published nt once," lie iwplti ned, lis the other finished the cru-al, "so lis to send copies to their n il ii. I ', ' "tireal si p, Hurblc erieil, lllng- in.' up lil arms, nnd then hugging tho nun ii rii! . "Talk about, the enter prise of metro) olltan joiiruuls! Well, i-ir, we v.ill ci.nip. 1 ihem oneo to quote fio'ii the Clarion. Hero. Kb, up. there! Copy copy opy!" And when the boy hu I ilesecmled tho fourteen steps of the stairs witli four ot his own, clutched ire pa:er mid oluinbrod up again, his joyous employer shouted ufter liim. "T ell J. hnsoii to doiible-lenil Unit, and set I he headlines big as a vendue o-'c; l.ei.ve ovi r anything to get :li 'I in anything but polities or live a V." Tuning to l'assell, he Flapped that I. nul rio is gciitlcu nil on both shoul- iei.t und exclaimed: " llnn't scowl! t rl the scorpion across tlio way tun.'.: .l-i I:' to denth with malignant n win n ho sees our bent, but wo should le as guy as red bullerllics wing ng their way anions yellow but r. ii; .. If Woe' Ion lay wasn't t "oi'ie I dure our next Is-u , "W it is. pro- ! ma'" mo to hades it J woiilln I put j u nosti r o: viemry right ov.r that lo; o i lit lO'iicle:" i Al. th::l Iiiiiiiii lit the dour opened, mid . Captiin i' I ianetty and Miss illowhy I iT'cliM. ' All' this is Miss Grace Wiilowby," mi id the eiiitur, beaming and lowing. ' mi have 1 cell described for the Clurii.n as i ..' v. en I tli i Clarion ne, er lies. 1. 1 1 ii:.m.i uli.te ymi, Bir." An I lie shook ; I. mid; ru'ln t inatleiith cly with tl'l lar le.ty, inr h:s gu.'.e w.is nbsorbelly lived u; on the lospootivo bride, "lie seated - :. y 1... s,.1:,.,." I n' i" was li s iissoclntu who phfod th I'll ,irs, and who receive I a '"I'liaiik i ;.cu" ii- .ii! Miss iili.wby. I S i. ii dear so;-," said O'l'lnil'o'.ly, i "yi.ii have l r.iiited our requist an I will pi.i. i' our marriage in tlio pnsliit ismio of your ncwsi aprrr" "It will be on the press in an hour," I'm b!e I' p.icil "Hh, be ore it has happeno.!?" Miss Vi i.i ,v.-..y exclaiincl. ' ll'it you i-nld the I I iiinii iioviT- never " ' Never 1. lined a fatso note or blazons a Ii. lien, lint It Is i rompt to n. degree, inn n.ni ii,: niinetlines to iintiolpat on, in telling t l.o truth. As 1 uuder.siaiul it, ymi must b Married by 1.' o'clock to nigh., and our pa, cr will not be read i..is.i!o ti ls ollice liefi to morn ng. Winn's In' in My now will then be nn a. en. ii. i shed ia.'l." " l ut yi' i will not publish anything nlo.it tlie iliiui.onds? That would bo iulo i'. ly praiiialuro.'' Hi., aril ee leiatcs only thai you and ?!i.; Willi. wi.y liave eloped from l.ue I e.-.'' l as-. Ii r. plied. Willi a tone at iiiu. .1 lo i. aiier which the spcaUcr He me I depU.rabt ; "that you arrived hi 1 '! s villcg yes'.erilay that is, to-day; t hat ye-.i were wedded lust evening !u ii I I I Una evMiing; an I Unit, in fie it ti-.! e o the llev. .losima I'eikins. the ccicniony was crforinc I by his assistant, " with which tho assistant'! Miiee lopped by a despoil lent crescen ! . inlo a sigh so deep and intern il that t'ne o li is di i not lu ur it. ' 1 'iauiunls! liiainollds!" cjacii'ated i nn So they t.d 1 him all about the twenty Hnii.'S. ii'p ut yet set in legal dilll ulty; tha' the Wi ilo k awaited tho advice of ."trigo i urry. n .d that the fornni" was 1 h a in t e lawyer's safi", "In our sale,'' rcnmrke.l llurblo. ' for, like this o.liee, il Is bharoil b the .ludge tin ! nn'. See?" lie turned tho knob or the lock mid opened the out r door, "iliit cno'i of us lias a private compart no lit. title I with its own lock, the com li.n.it ion cf which is not known to the tdiier. Not that wo are distrustful. 'I I e Judge and tho journalist uro bond ed I rum heart t heart, llko tho Siamese twins Silas Tuny and Hiram ilurble mo si and Hi In intimacy, liven now, u' tho very cliinux of n political cam paign, when Si is a candidate on tho I inhibition ticket mid boomed by tho In. i. iid and vapory apology of an opposi tion ournnl, while Hi sounds bugle Musis, in tlio Clarion for his defeat ii-nl freedom's victory, nevertheless our per sonal relations are not strained." Col. llurblo oin oiieii.'o was spoken to Mis iilowby, regardless of tlio two other listeners. "We bought theso things of hu ag.iit. ) paid for them in ndvci-tis. in', and gave tho Judge ono on his six- j tioth birthday about a year ago. We'ro I nigh tho same ago." "i Ii. you'io not sixty?" was Miss iliowbv's gentle protest. ' "It I'm not," was tho reply, "it's be- cau-e I'm closer to sixty-one and a ' lachoior." i (Her Unit hardly pertlnont or praiso w.iithy assertion ho seenied positively gleeful, as ho gn.ed in rapt admiration at tho inir visitor. "How can you have so dashed all the hopes that you must havo ratted?" Aud she said that without so much as a sug i;ost Ion of roguery, "l'ld you never once full in lovo?" "Vis ouco. So did Judge Turry VotU with tho eaino girl, bho couldn't makp a choice between us. After trying lor a docn year sho Rave it up gavo us up and married a Massachusetts in in. As it might havo been, SI and I were sure to be enemies till denth. As J; was, w. loennio sympathetic friends ! 'i-life, l ut I was tolling you about t . so boxes. Tho locks art irado to be het on four loiters. You couldn't hit on tli con.binitii.n in thousands of thou mnds of limes trying. The Judge says Lo avouI 1 bo sure to forget his it.it wasn't lied In His memory by a uiomor nolo suiceet. So the diamonds aro quite 6.i'i in 'ho ludgo's box." i.urbie shuf and locked the do ir of tiie ale. Ani vou're thinking, sor," iaid (V riiiri-elly to l'assell, "that the Judge v. i.'i not come in till evening' ' lie his polio to a mass meeting vh eh v.i'l rot be over until nightfall.'' v. -s Ui" i. ply; "but 1 am sure ho will V, i p i.ls . cuing appidntiiiettt lierc with i I ,llk V'-U Then Mi-. s Willowbv H al! 1.1!' .ill hour or so ot tohee, 1 riUirn ', miv, o'clock." M00N8HN E. "I trust ho won't disappoint us," said ' Miss Willowhy demurely. "1 must be niiirrlod before midnight, you know." In the gardi n of Colonel liurblo's In petal fancy many acorns of fortune ' ha i been planted, with never ono to ' gro v Into an onk of Wealth, liut tho t it .yant man was ready to tako another , ciianco. ti this delicious heiress should j fomohow liii'l t i'1'larro ty unavailable, nn l yet should absolutely require a '. bridegroom before midnight, well I She interrupted his thoughts, but did not at all disconcert Ids scheme, by i asking: "And what was the name of tlio j lady whom vou and tho Judge jointly loved:" "Oh, sho is only a memory " " llul ber naiuo: ' "Doiolhea." As Miss Willowbv bowed herself out of the ollh o her last glance at liurble was mischievous, an 1 lie took il for en- ; i ouragcnieni; but v hat she was men-. t,i ly saying to herself was this; "l.ih. It is fun to Und out things on the sly. Now. the 'memory' t which the Judge i-et the combination lock was the woman ; he loved. Her name was liorothoa. Ko I the lour letters are in l-o-r-o-t-h-o-a. j ot a ii an th nks ho can keep a secret. " I s lor llurblo. he hastily climbed the j stair, to the composing-room. I "Johnson," In' said, "iiulocl; th.it Inst ! form. I wish to make an alteration!" iiai n:i; in. an issri: or t.ih i i.wims of i.iiiiiurv. The coiiit hied offices of I'ditor Purblo und Judge l urry remained as quiet as. Miss Widowby had p acidly lelt them lor the space of ten minutes, and then . came turbulence in tlio person of tho lawyer, who struck I lie ilooropen w.th a blow that in" in enmity to somebody, within. The editor bad not come down 1 from the composing room, cud it was . Willis i'as-cll win iii tho .hi ige cncomi- tcrc.l. The young iiinii had never seen j anything like passion in t nisi member of j tils tripaitdo chiefs, and ho was too; uniii. oil to inquire nl out I'.; but not j long was he left uninformed as to the ! object or subject of oholer. j " Vou S' linii'lrel!" the Judge exclaim- ed. "Vou hireling of the opposition! Vou traitor in my camp! i h. don't look surprised. You mu t know what vou w'oto In the speech for old Sain Hillings to deliv. r al the mass iiieot.ng. lull w. io lii iut into that solid old inrii.ei's ii.oulh a pb a for prohibition a pauegyri" on my Illness for a return t tho judicial l ench. Aware of all that, .Mill c.n Imagine ihe effect when oil Hillings ici l a p!o.i for personal liberty in bev erages, and a virulent at tack on me as an ei en.y of I In' inherent rights of freemen. I could have killo 1 Sam Hillings, and I think I Wouhl have slaughtered him on the spot if judicial experience had not Inclined mo to mod eration. Hut 1 secured the manuscript, sir. and lo re It 1- in your own unde niable linn Iwrighting." "Hood Imaveus!" cried l'assell, in stantly comprehending tho di-aster which ha I arisen from his contused ; i-tale of mind. "Why, that's an article j I wrote lor tho clarion. 1 must have 1 mu lo a horriHo blunder." I "llniriblc. indeed, but blunders are crimes in a political campaign.'' "What can 1 do?'' "You can take your punishment, yo'ing i gentletii.il, If this thing defeats me. I Tho l enaltv happens to be mine to m- diet, sir. and down you go if I do. You j vroto the verses that a woman in tho . Frolic Hurlcsquo Company Is going tj I sing at the Opera House to-night; didn't your " "In my capacity as as-ociato editor of the Clarion, yes; but w.lh a pledge of profound secrecy from the inauii,'i-r. " ' Well, in my i apa ity as lawyer, tho matiagor consulted me as to whether those verses were libelous. They touched upon the scandal in tho church cli"ir. you know " "Yes, 1 know with the refrain. 'That is what a naughty echo said to me!' " "The naughty echo says to mo that, if I am not elected, the ussocialo pnstor will tm exposed to all the awlul conse quences ot that composition. At this juncture Colonel llurblo camo downstairs. His descent was noisier than had bt en usual with even that tu multuous Individual, and tho manner of h.s entrance, before ho had spoken u word, informed Fassoll that another third of tho accident hud occurred. Hut it was upon tlio agitated -ludge Purry thut Hurblo bestowed ids lirst outburst of rage. "So you've attempted a trick on your bosom friend, Si? " he tinned nnd snorted. "You'vo bribe I my associate lo smuggle a violent prohibition article into the Clarion making me say editorially that you're angelically right, and I'm demo niacally wrong.'' "Slowly, Hi, and calmly. Hi," the now steadied lawyer said. "How about my associate supplying to one of my idiot Ui'V .AJT .T orators a liariingu me? ' ' Gentlemen," the culprit pleaded, "il was a purely ueehh n'u! c.v hai.u'eof man- j usenpts. i w is muddied I y this elnpe- j nient by the arrival of a lady otue a , sweetheart of mine by tho duty of i huv ing to perform th" ceremony making j her i tie wile of inn. '.her ." 1 What is she to Vou.'" Hurblo eplo- I sivoly demanded Nothing. Andoon't A imik ox voin bosom ikilm. " lo deliver against j Jet mo seo you trying to make her nny- thing to you. I will forgivo this ned-1 dent, though I hil l to stop the props and j iiiuiii llw f.iriti. l..,t 1. win .....l.-.. l..i open tho form; but if you make tlio slightest overture or scuuiucui toward Miss Villowl.y, I'll I'll " ills salvation or destruction is in mv hands," and i'urry drew from bis pocket 1 a paper, noro is mo variety snowsiing j was occupied by a struggle to ilevtso a written by Kl lor Perkins' assocluti), way to subBtituto himself for o'l'Inr ihyming tho scandal in tho choir, ami ret ty as tho bridegroom. No glimmer each verse ending with 'lliat Is what a . naughty echo said to mo! l.idcr Per kins won't io there to say: 'We will omit, if you please, tho first to tho lust stan zas, inclusive.' They'll all be sung, with pirouettes nnd pigeon wings. T his original copy, In your penmanship, 'Wil lis, will go into my safe box. Noxt day after election you will know- your fate. Now, you boo tho necessity or' getting out and busti ng for tho ticket. Hi. I exonerate you." "Si, I hold you blameless," and tlio editor grasped the willing hand of tho lawyer. But on tholr associato they frowned in unison, while ho stood gloomily silent, with one hand clasping a chair, as though to snvo himself from being 6wept to utter destruction by his em ployers' vengeance, and with the other nervously clawing his beard. "tilt, comb tho part.ng out of your whiskers," said Vurry. "That's what you do when you'ro going on duty for Kl.lor Perkins." "And it will put a ministerial aspect on you," added I'.urble, "In readiness to unite .Miss Wlllowby in wodloek with this O'Flarretty or somebody.'' Tho arilelo which Kim Hillings had spoken was ordered into hasty type lor the delayed Clarion, and that delivered the editor out of t ho predicament. T he speech which Slin Jiill ngs had not spoken was sent to tho liiinnor, to bo ) publishod therein, and that would help i to undo tho damage w hich tho candidate j had suffered, but tho manuscript of the topical song was locked in 1 urry s box. and so there wh- no rift for Willi l'assell to see In the clouds that stornieil over his cln.od head. He sidled out into tlio street, and went home to a supper u liicli he couldn't e.it. Hurblo and Purry had no more than watched the wreck of their i mployo float out of sight when l'.benez. r, tho devil, slowly descended the stairs step by step. That unprecedented method made tho men turn to look nt him. lie carried carefully in his arms a small Wooden box. Un discover ng that the e liter was not alone, the boy turned to reascond, being all the time particular not to jolt the box. "Whai'sthat, Lb?" Hurl le asko.l. "I didn't know you wasn't alone," .- ml F.b tried to hide tho mysterious thing behind him. " W hat have you there?" "Nothing." Hurblo caught him by tho shoulder nnd whirled him around, whereupon he crouched down to the floor, gingerly holding fast to the box and saving it from coiim-slon. "You'll bo right sorry you made me tell, Xlr. Hurblo afore the Jedge. You know what I Miid? T hat there wasn't no zlm in the paper. Tnin't my idee that tho elopement helps out much, nuther though it's bclter'n nothiu', Hut here's tho zhu in this box, and you're a si.critlcln' it." He set the box softly on the table, and lifted the cover. "Them's tho runniu' gear out of an old clock. That tin cup in the corner is full of gunpowder. " "An infernal machine!" Hurblo ex claimed. "l'crcxactly. Hut It ain't meant to blow up nobody. It's jest zim for the Clarion. It's sent in by a lolliieal enemy. It goes off biff bang! when not ody's here. Lots of smoke, but no great shakes, and no particular damage. H!g excitement though, and extra edi tion. Immense boom for the paper. That's what il is." The boy was sternly commanded by Hurblo to go I ack upstairs, and not to say a word about his project. "Now, Si," said P.urble, "I am going lo prove my unimpaired affection and never greater e-leem. That speech by Hillings may hurt you. Hut to more than make good for that mishap, you shall have this infernal niie liin . Fiend ish plot to kill a Prohibitionist! Kesent ful sentiment aroused! Triumph at the polls! Put it in the safe to-night, and I have it delivered at your residence to- of curlo-lty, you know. 'Then' is tho morrow." i open sesame." "Hi, old man," said tho emotionally "And tho diamonds are there, dar gralel'ul Purrv, "I thank you for this j ling?" sacrifice. We will talk It over In tlio "They are quite safe, Sluinius." morning. Hut could that boy be do- T ho editor and the lawyer were in a ponded on? " . whispered dialogue, ti o. Hut Fb, the "If he thinks a confession would send devil, no.sily interrupted tliein with a liiiu before you, as judge, to bo sen- c. py of tho t larion, moist from th" fenced, he won t dare to ever own up. - All Is fair in love and war. And political campaigning is war, the Judge assented. He opened the safe, and had locked the explosive- apparatus in his private j box along with tlio d. amends, when Miss Y illow by slipped on a bit of snow in entering. She was not saved by O'Flar- i retty Ironi I'aliing, because that gentle-I man had his eye on tho lawyer and li s mind on tho diamonds. It was into Hurblo' ready arms that she plunged, I and they hugged her longer and harder : than was absolutely needful In restor- : lug her lithe, light person from an angle of thirty degrees to tho perpendicular. ' Hut it was toward O'Flarretly, nnd for his failing to grab her, that she showed j a shale of resentment. "oh, thank you, Mr. Hurblo." she said; "and you. Shamus, ought to thank him, too, for saving you the trouble of catctinig inc." "Me thoughts wor on tho diamonds. darling," he said. "It seems to me," she retorted, "that they uro quite as dear to y u as I am. That theory ns to In r companion's . mixed desire to posse-s her nn 1 her fortune was asserted Impulsively, but it had been slowly lormcl in her min I during the day In consequence of his constant anxiety about the contents ot the little leather bag. She was stir- , prised and nlnriued by her own words, however, ami with tho appealing ges ture of a wen; woman to the strong man into whoso care sho ha I placed herself, sho smiled feebly on her im pending husband. "Have .ion come to a decision, Mr Purry'.-" ihat Individual said to the lawyer, lulling utterly to discover the ' evidences of a revulsion Iu Miss W 11 iowby's feeing. "Is i bore, sor. any rulson for further delay of the marriage clremony." ".' really can discover nn," Judge Purry replied, as the couplo took seats wilh him inside his railing. ' "Ihe terms of the be.,uesl. vou toil n o, wer " And tllt'lo be to peil, for, looking . past his clients, he saw Hurb;.. making ; gestures to him. The demenstratieu was incomprehensible, however, and bo continued "Whether or no Mist Wil lowby is liable to prosecution on a con structive elia.go of larceny, and vj i. I also, cul tt''h" ns an ftid'-r and abeltoi of her art, I con see very clearly Unit your ' case will bo hottoted bv tlio lady mar- I rings to-day In accordance with tin; pio- 1 ill ' vision of tlio will. llurblo could not overhear (he ndvieo thut was being given, lie busied his hands with opening bunch ut news papers Just from the mail; but his mind of a lensiblo idea Unshod from his live Intel loci on the black prospect. AVas this ticket in tho lottery of fortune only nnnthcr blank? lie whs holding TI1K COl.ONKI, nl.F.SSES TI1KM. up a Ojiebeo journal, and making a pre- j tense of perusal, when a headline ob traded itself upon his comprehension. ! It belonged to a preliminary description ! of Miss Willowby's wedding, as it, had been arranged to occur in the Canadian capital. I "Como here, you substituted bride- iroom." liurblo vivaciously cried. lUnd ; t,, interrupt the consultation. "Come j,,.ro HU, rt.a,j how Mr. l ergus Ferguson ,ind Miss lirace Willowhy were, ere1 this, to havo stoo 1 ai. tho altar. o'lTai rot tv went over to tho editor's 1 inclosure and was followed by Purry: j but Miss Wiilowby r-'maiiicd seated by the safe, l or an instant she sat ques tioning herself who her sho had not made a foolish exchange of bride grooms. 'J hen she carelessly placed her hand on the knob of th ' safe by which sho sat. Tho door swung open, for Purry ha I not locked it. and there, within her roach, was the box contain ing Uio diamonds. Thereupon n surprising thing hap pened. Mb-s Wil.owby thoughtfully, curo.ully, yet with no iuih cision, tunic. the knob of the Judge s private box from ono loiter to another, until tie! four loruiing the combination had been i touched in the correct order. I he bag of d.amoi.ds was exposed. A glance at 1 the three men c nvinced her Hint her I act had not been soon, quickly ii'id j noiselessly she emptied tho diamonds 1 into her pocket, replaced the bug, shut the box, locked i', closed the door of the safe, and remarked "I suppose to-morrow's Issue of that paper wilt contain tho llicht of tho bride?" "And the disappearance of the d a uoiiils," laughed O' Flairetly. ex'iilant IS'A "1 was to havo been only an oosber at ihe weilding. "So tuis anblo aiys," Hurblo ro marko 1. "It alo mentionu tho oppor tune arrival of some members of your fandlv from Ireland. " "In'linl.'!'' "Vou didn't expect them?" i ;)'l larrctty d.d not answer, but too the paper out of ihe editor's hands und ; put ii into hi - own pocket. Then ho ie- j turueil lo Miss Wiilowby, who had seen Ids sudden censorship of the press, ami who now saw his suppressed ugilnti.m j over tho published news of tho (I'Flnr- ret ys i "1 have been amusing myself, 'Shn- lulls,' "she calmly whi-porcd, "by guess- j ing a riddle. What makes you staro so? Vou heard Colonel Hurblo tell of his: and Judge Hurry's love of one girl. 1 hen ho said that the Judge's private ' box in this snfo was locked on four let- tors, which tho Judge declared hu'd no sure to forget if they were not asso- I einted wlih a memory. I asked the liaiiio of tho girl. It" was l orotln a. My guess was Unit the name e. n niued the lour letters of the combination. I l.lkely T-h-e-a, that being pretty an I pronounceable. 1 v just tried it nut press, limine took it ami ran a critical eye up and down its columns. "l:d they spell my name correctly?" Miss Wlllowby do imely inquired. "They've so apt to uiako it o-u-g-li instead of o-w-by." "And mine?" O'Finrretty nsKed with iirdii us gnyety. "Well," Colonel Hurblo replied, "your name isn't printed at n l. I made a i hangc In tho types at the last moment. This article says that Miss Grace Wil lowhy. (On. bee's most beautiful and ac-eompli-hed belle, camo to Liberty and was married to a g. ntlein iu whom the clitnr did not deem it advisable t name, ' "Meaning ni". sir, of course," and O' l lairet'y bowed in sincere gratitude. Then, lis Wiliis Fas-ell entered, head I ed: "Here Is the gintlo.naii who lias kindly consulted to o'llciate. Let the ceremony go on." "Colonel Hurblo and I," said Judgo Purry, vary blandly, "have had a mu- iitiirv consultation, ami wo alviso ! delay Thai's not to 1 e thought of, sor "Tho fact is that the engagement Is off altogether," said Col. Hurblo, in an aathoiitative tone. "Olf altogether!" Ml-s Wiilowby faintly echoed. 'lor the reason that, if tho news which the ciptain has i o.'keled Is cor rect, ids wife and two children nrrtvt d in t.'uebce yesterday." O'Fliirretty was for a moment irreso lute. W hen he had n. a ie un bis in. u. I what to say. It was this: "To tho ihvU wit "ti tho prying, meddling, cossiping papers. i o d evening, gentlemen. Good-by. M ss Wiilowby; aud I trust you may be able to got a s.-iMsfnctory inisl -and in my stead. With th'ti he backed out of tho office, bo A ill g. Then Col. liurblo arose to the iim--ion. "M .ss Willow by," he said, "i.l! tho as, ts ot your situation po t.t to the pos.tive necis-iiv of a hu-l an i "Hush!" ll- be! whl-peri'd r.-sp .i-e. 'Tlou'l lool, toward the winnow or Ine s fe-not ouo of you!" liaising to", voice, sh-' went on "You do li"' honor, sir, to oh. r our us-istance, hir linns' beg at le -s: two i r i ie minuit -. d de lay ; n' 1 mv imfo .unate ii'f.iii ,.li Ci'i.iin ' .'I larit-tlv :s concluded. He tool, mt' ' '"' s.ik-c of my diamonds. He lias l .i I lo rel'uqtiisli me. l ut he doesn't in. mi in give up the fortune If In- can prev. nt It lv n desperate ox- ph.it." Alter u furtive t;liin o ami ,1... . tin- room she i out lined: I mid Inm how lo open the Judge's dux. Ii can I w.-he I to tost his In n sty. Ho has this in-aunt gon out through that w.n.lo.v, Into which he. ha 1 we nked, and is lio.v escaping won my n i. "(ill, we must cap him?" Jin ilj' t crb d. " No, n ," sh coolly commanded. "1 am too luckily rid of him to ever wish to have him brought bucU," ' Hut tl.e diamonds?" "Oh, they have 1 otlieiv. ) nc enough alreii ly. "Hut their loss loir, os you p nniles. " And Ilurble was elo iienl ns his own s.-heme began to dissolve inlo naught. "If wo ran recover ti.ein a husband can instantly be m.ileriuli.ed.' "Without them!" And now It was Willis l a-sell, suddenly resolute, who spoko. "Miss i lowl.y is Ui" same dear young lady wh on I wooed at Sew Haven live years ago, and to whom ! now venture to offer myself ng.iin." "And she accepis vol," washer reply. "In lion, sty 1 must confess," l'assell went on, "that a cloud ban :s over n o." Ho meant Hi" topic 1 1 veis. s, which were in tho Judges box. "Not until after next Tue-day's ele t.oii shall I know whether s nislune oi storm is to follow the cloud, but '' The cloud was disi oiled with an ex plosion like a thunderbolt. The door of the sale Hew around on its hinges, II II' t HOI111I1.. -lunge s npi-i; u iwncu tin) smoke and smell of biiint gun powder. 'I he Interior was a mass of clock-work and charred paper. "Tho thief M t tho infernal tnnehino O'Y," said the editor. "And my dreadful doggerel la d" Htroye I." said basse. 1. "Whatever it was thai you've lost," said Miss Willowhy. blushing pret'.l.y and lolling Inn: hold lo r slightly tremu lous hand-, in winch were the twenty diamonds, "lure is mv loitiuio. t. np- tain Sliatniis i iThirretty d scovcr that iio has st.l"i only a pol; shine." linu r.M 1 shaking II nnl (icui'go Midklo Kemp, the .'iivlii tect of I lie sent t monument ill Kdii. liiirgli. was a man who raised him self in .in obsciirit y by tin- slieer for. o of talciii and ibd i miuai hm. lie had a reining nit ure, ni.d a shy mul siirinking luaiinef inward st range-. The lialut of iiainl-sli.iUing '.'.o He I in linu an cinba r.issineiit aiul si v. ii i.ii which lie omul scniceh coiilti i lie id' his Ifieinis give- an aaiiis iig i Ic-ct'i j it b l, ol the in inm r in .wii'li lie aci'.iiiiiiisiu'l the deed wi.ci. it bi catne inevitable. T'ii" .'.m w"-c walking along one n Kiliiil.uigli, ill the f llict streets 'ii I! w of an ;iii" I mated conversation, when Kemp slid ' deiily lioia ue awate of a lricin; ap proaching them frolii I he nppnsi t o (It- i I'CI'tKllI j instantly the cni'i'ent of his thoiignt ! was arrested, h lost the thread of I coiivoi'S il ion and ill n beanie silent j alti'iret hci. A w hinisii'aily tf.uiblcil i cxprc-siop crejit over his lac, an I a I nervous coanno! Pdi novelii; ei' itself in his manner. ! Kxtiaoiiliii iiT inoveiiients began in ! his ri 'lit hand and arm, wlih-li he kept il.inglii.g ami jerking ba iiwanl and lui wat'.l in a helpless way, as if he ha I entirely lost eouiroi of Ihctn. tlradually the haul a ;. care I to slill'cii, and rne, with the cni. until thev weie at right anuc-s :th th" Inly. . Willi a powerful effort In; shut out his liaml. and grasped t hal of the liiciul who had approai'licil. and th ii. tho olileal pas-ed. MI li a sigh of le licf, he br.si.ly n'siinu.' I his part of the ciiiiveisal on, with the air of a man who I. as pci lot mcd ati unp'cas nut but ni'Titii! inn- ii.'t Ion. Mis i iii! i il"'-i nee lo dress is aiiius ingly illustrated Lv -in lucid. tit which (ici'iiri'ed when he was called upon to attend a committee in 'cting in order to discuss the ''I'st ir.it imi of (ilasgow Cathedral- Ho pi i f.e incd tho jour ney from Kdiulid'gh in tilasg ,w on foot, and on arriving at Ins destitu tion it no iiirei' tn him that a fresh shirt-front wmild frcsiien bistoiiei t i a silllicient degree. lie bought the article, put it on. an I qtiile sat isilcd with hi iiuina -t.-late ai pc Iran (. waited on tic coin. I mil tee. and t ben. business dispat 'le I, 1 ,. ailed un .n a lelal lie. "Wh, Go org-, spoken" person. ," cried that "what h ive y "l'laiu ti I c u lining to your shirt -t in the glass and yo'.i arc!'' It does not inal t "for. fright an I al. lie ii am ng I lie giv. He had 1 u gut ten ill.irl- .las! look wliat a fright now." h as I am, I III" 11 fnli-.s." Ill I'enillH' traxcl-staii cd collar, and ihtav If ati-par-il. rising ma i-ti..'i:;y ab .c the new and spotless one. Oilll:lt-s til el.ir l'.llll,lll-s.. While the number of .nlor-h'n.d persons is not v n huge, only about live iu every hun.lr. d siilh any defect in tiii - ivsp. ci, of those being affected on lior degree. Vet the pi s uiietiiues a-sutnes v r i phases. iii,.' tioai and most y in a m : "iii in. non mat kab !e Captain Abnev i he had found t w itly stated that i r-. :is w hn pos v i-toii. that is it- I mi hem to g r '' o '. :' ., pll'.tn : ! 1 1. :. of a sessod inoiui 'hroniaf ;e i to say. ail colors app- a' I." different shades o'' itr . If the reader will in ' graph of ii landslip '. : ganb ii tilled with I ii li he will bo able f I'ova I'.nv, r. i idea of lii'i-t un th" the nl I aranco which i to eh" who si:T. l :! ! io;! nioii i ll picse. iio'c 1 bm. (in m soiiielimc Itn li ss the ctTec's . -' over fai : Hivtt,. tile members, i s icjoty no ii g a sea iic: at it f. q- li li painter, t ..-.! I royal Asir e ::, That in r.: iriiin. a ! 1 1 r u r or oi an Imu;, .v 'hi' it is s' .'. . ii pa i'itng art ' let 1' a i d. '. tiita. a v.T, i. and le -at ccii tin n.oi 1 that nil I- 1.1 lie." NEWS? ;ERS IN THE COLONIES. Spct-lllulioilN Alimit the J'flccH if (ha I : i intiisioii I'niicv. Now that the I'nitctl States lias col onics all its ow n American people, who never do anytuiing by halves, will ho lushing over there in urent numbers to the overdoing of everything in n business ami industrial way, ami the newspaper mail will hot he behind others in this nudoinpr, for lliuloiugiu variahly follows overdoing. Tho population of Cuba and Porto llico essentially Spanish, is composed largely of illiterates, who are as indif ferent to newspapers as they are lo cleanliness. Those who can read ami care to re a 1 am fairly well supplied with very creditable newspapers pub lished in their own language by men of newspaper experience. The Sandwich Islands lire made up of a few thousand English speaking people, fewer Portuguese, and some (Tiiuamcn and Japanese, but tliogreat body of the people is I ut half civilized mid full blood and half breed Ha waiian;'. Tho Filipinos will require many years of education before tliey will be gin to read newspapers. The Sand wich and tho Filipinos groups have newspapers adequate to prevent con ditions. That additional newspapers will be needed to meet tho exigencies of cliiingel conditions on these islands goes without saying. Much American capital will go to these islands, and much emigration of Americans will follow thither. These will want news papers in their tongue ami newspa pers that represent American enter prise. So, too, increased trade with theso isiuiiis will invito advertisers to tlio i columns of newspapers published ia thoso several islands. 15 ii t. as said at tho beginning, tho tiling is likely to be overdone. 11c cauro there aro possibilities open, more will wish to seize them tliau the opportunities warrant, nnd it will bo the duty of the current chroniclers to write tho obituary of ninny a daring newspaper, overcome of its rusUues.-. Newspaper Maker. Maine is In tlio FlrM. There is some occult iiil'iicuco v hich frequently causes well-bred and well intentioned people to forget their breeding and their manners directly they have a gun iu hau l and lind them selves on nuotliei' person's land look ing for frame. Yet there is surely nothing inheit ut in n taste for iiehl sport.s which involves such disregard of others. On the contrary, as is de monstrated by shining examples in great multitude, there aro sportsmen who pliow themselves in the fit Id as nt home and everywhere thoughtful of their fellow-men, and whose pleasant fellowship is sought not only by the companion w ith whom they go shoot in;.', but by the residents among whom they shoot, and to whose courtesy they nro indebted for thcr opportuni ties of sport. Fvery shooter who thus treats a landowner as he would be I treated iu turn by him will liave no difficulty in linding; in this country h day an abundance of good sliootiu F.ven if lie shall nt lirst bo w arned oil' i and debarred by trespass notices lni has to thank forthi", in all probability, the gunners who have preceded him, mi l who havo made their invasion of tho fields fo intolerable that they have put a brand and stigma upon all oi the craft. Forest and Stream. Itxlra I'ny For a Hprvant Who Thtulis. A friend of mine had just hired a general servant, when that respected individual gravely inquired; "Docs a eirl have to think hero?" Tho employer gasped a terrified "Wha-nt?" "Do 1 havo to tliiuk?" was the stolid rejoinder. "Why, good heavens! of enirso you havo to think!" exclaimed tlio now thoroutjlily puzzled lady. "Then I'll have t i have fifty cents more a week. I aF' ays does iu places where 1 thinks," said the girl deter minedly. Then it camo about that, in her vo cabulary tho verb "to think'' npplic.1 exclusively to meals. If a unstress ordered breakfast, luncheon and din ner, detail by detail, the mai l had n, occasion to "think." It' sho were oMigod to plan the meals herself, she wanted fifty cents a week for the men tal exertion! Who could blame, her? Chicago Times-Herald. Hcrorit n( the IVn. Tho intensity of application with ! which the mind follows whatever it I j lays hold of in literary pursuits is ex- , cnipliiied in the case of Hubert Aius- , I worth, a celebrated writer aud r.uti- ! 1 quai'iaa of the seventeenth centuiy. j Ho had been for years engaged iu a I ' voluminous l atin dictionary, and j while fascinated with this heroic work . ! gave so little, time and attention to his wife that he incurred her bitterest- j jealousy, nnd before the w irk was quite : complete she oouiiiiii'.e.t the whole to : the llames. Instead of nbaudoning ! hiiuseil.' to despair, Vinsworth si t to j work aud rewivte it, acomplisbiug tho j entire work in' tine. The same bitter i disappointment wm endured with shoi- ' lar heroism l v Culyle when the MS. j of his Frederick the tlvcaf was de stroyed by lire. i .Tapani1' in Mexico. An investigation shows that the Japancsg colony, which was estab lished r.boai two years .150 ia the dis trict of SoC.'ii'.u co, cu the Pacific Slope, iu the Stale ot Chiapas, isprov iag itself to be a perfect success. Overlililiuore.lapaii.se tamilies are now on their uy lioin their distant native land to the ueft cohny, where they expect to make their future home. There n'-c uow lieaily 10. 1 tatuilics oi' Japanese located there. They are em ployed in raising colore aud tea. St. Lou's Ol. be-Democrat. ICE CREAM ON OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. i:mv II i- l'a:-!i. I ami I'lcusrvcd For I'riivi'lri'. en t lit- lliuli Sen-. i'i.c iveuti sl-.-niasliips all serve ico e caui u ili.iii 'i aa I buy a supply for tlio louii I trip ia New York. Tho i a i.c is ii i- of ela ns and oysters. 'i'li.'V it tiie shelllish away in n tank v l.i i i, hall lull of rocks and seu v , I. They draw off the water every i ceiling and refill the tank with a I .,. .. from the sea, bo that it h por-i-ctly easy I j keep them iu good con dition for several weeks. They keep lohsiois in the same way. Ice ei can: more dillicult to handle. It takes .'.'.out sail pounds for tho round trio i.ir a passenger list of UoO, II is out up in cubes of olio quart i ac ' i , which mo packed in pasteboard boxes alter being wrapped in oiled paper. The boxes arc then stowed av.r.y in tin cans or chests which hold enough for a single dinner. Theso aro sealed nn l piled up in tlio ro fi igerntor. v. hero the temperature is kept even Ihe whole year around. What ice creani in left from ono voy ng ii! is used on the next. It lias been known to keep in good condition for t wo or three months. In Denmark some one has discov ered a process by which milk can bo preserved in a similar manner by freezing ii into blocks, nnd the pro-c'-n is sai l to be a great success. Fresh mil!; in cans cannot bo kept Ion.', r than forty-eis'lit hours w ithout losing m, infilling of its flavor, but it ii claimed ibid milk frozen by the now process may not only be preserved an i.'ulcliiiite length of time if kept iu an even temperature, but i entirely free from disease genus, as if it had been boiled. A company lias been formed at Copenhagen with a capital of j?3n,0l)l) to perfect this process and erect a plant capable of turning out 110,000 pounds a day, which can bo shipped to any part of the world in vessels that have u refrigerator capacity. l.i'tlfi-s ami the llltir. To writo a letter when one is suffer ing from a lit of tho blues, from tem porary or chronic depression, thus Minding forth one's melancholy lo be come tho chilly wet blanket which cau smother tuiolhei 's happirjess, is equally short-sighted. Out eoir.es tho bright sun. hiue, nn l your clouds van ish; but your darkly and wretchedly conceived h tier hns gone beyond your reach, nnd you cannot recall it, nnd it is busy about its baleful errand when you arc in no frame of mind to own theja-you sent it out. Years afterward, it may fall into the hands of your heir.'., and may lay at your door tho charge oi a tendency to insanity, or bo quoted in evidence of your spir itual or mental weakness and in felicity. Ucfiaiii from writing letters when you are in c low mood. Another point, and this has to do with the loiters of well-known people. What ri.;ht h is the public to the in timate knowledge, the unveiling, the ' rivelatiou caused by tho publication of letters when the helpless dead cau lift no hand for their own defense or protection. Much as v.o enjoy bi- i ography, there often comes over lis u creepy leclitrg, a sort ol shiver, at t no th-uight that those who wrote theso private pi : -onal letters never intend ed them f. r I ho perusal of other eyes i'uuii tho.-e of tho one to whom they were addressed. Famous men aud women si: -it;id take precautious dur ing their lit'- time against this invasion of their in h . i.liial rights when they are no ion vr hi re. Letters are endowed with a sort of earthly immortality an indestructibil ity which resists everything except the llaincs.- Harper's Bazar. Mean Man. I hear 1 of a Louisville mmi who was pretty clo-.e. There died a preacher vh.i was perhaps tho most popular man in Louisville. His friends undertook to raise a neat sum of money for hi- family, and did raise a igoo.ily sum. Somehow they succeeded a f. '.titie; a c nitrihiitiou from this man I niu telling you ahont, but in stead of giving cash ho save his nolo a1, ii i ii ty days. Tho committee tried le gel him to pay cash, but he refused, nil I they left with tlio note. There were two or three ether note, but. when th committee explained to tho givers that they would like to make it a lump cash contribution, they all, except l lib; one, took up tho notes and paid tl'.c money. When all had paid cadi except this one they went t him a'i 1 explained the situation. Ho ihvLiicd to make it a cash sub soriptii a, but liually, in answer to tlio cotiimit'ci s repci'tel aopeals, ho n;r cl to pay it iu cadi if tho com -ni'iti c v, oa'.d discount the note. This tiny i count dcluctin the time ; the bunk ilis tbe note ha I to V cloe man. for i un. 1! Nashvill was a vi Pauuer. One cm the Jtn!;r. A celebrated Judge was once trying a ease whero the accused could only understand Irish, nnd an iuteipieter v. as nceor lingly sworn. The prisoner sai l something to tho interpreter, nu.l the latter replied. "What does hesav?" deuiaudcd tho Judge. "Nothing, mv Lord." "How dare all heard him it?" "My Lord liogii!iii'i:r b. to do wi.!: tl, "Ii yoti you say that when wo '.' Come, sir, what was " said the interpreter, retiildo, "it had uothin;; case." ".ft answer I'll commit x, what did ho say?" Lord, you'll excuso nic. Who's thai oiild woman bed curtain round her .,.,.?' " erybody present roared, did you say?" said tho :; a I ill ! '.iiicouifoitulde, 'list. y. spalpeen! That's . that's going to haii o yon, sir. 'Well. La' he .11 v :th ihe sitting 11 At wbi "Aud lu.ig.'. 1 N the vez. utld

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