Mi J Sg U)c v.iuuium tircord. e - -- XT. -4. LOXDOtt, fcDITOR AND PROPB'TOB. j ADVERTiSINC- ; One p.jTinre, one insertion $1.09 J U.i- up, ;o, tiro insertions. ... 1.(0 j Otic .j.piare, une mouth . 2JCt j For larger iilvtiitiseinenti 'loess .conlrnols v,ii! ,u made. TERUS OF SUBSCRIPTION St Idly In Atfvtnca. VOL. XXI . PITTSKORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. CTIIUKSDAV, MARCH 2, ISHO. NO. 27. r - . -: . . . . s, THE I Swamp sV A STORY OF THE FRONTIER, TIT EC. HliXFORD. : 2 Cuyrit'l:t I' lto'ctri lijiitu-r't, Sms. ciiAVTr.n vir. COXTISfF.I). It wai two o'clock before Wayne, re turned from his midnight tramp. He climbed tip to t lie roof of t'.io kitchen, und in through tlio window of bis room, mill Pick sy v ho more of him that night. "I'd liku to know what he's tip to," sid Pick, tuoie than once, before ho went to sleep. "Forhitps his bruised eyes pained him so hii couldn't rest, Hiiil lie thought hc'il ceo if a villi; in the. night ir wouldn't uH'ord relief." Atnl then Pick laughed softly to himself at the thouuht of the mark he ha 1 lc"t on the face of his rival. cuvi'Tci: vi ir. tut. MrsAin on Tin: cottonwood trf.f. The licit il.iy a wet u:i I rainy nnil Uoi at nl t'ltvo-.i'ilc fur farm-work. J think I'll hnn.iM;;," Pick Pai.l to Mr. I5im:i". iVrliap I ca:i run on u c.iviy of j u:ii li"." "A iiies u'l 't-iii wonhln't r'o I n 1, I allow," sal 1 Mr. U.iono. "If I a' n't ho liii'ile t r'cama. i. IM t.o 'ioiiir. tut T ilon't ki'rr to he lai'l up it week from wlithiu' 'ronii'l thi-.nijli the wet, 1 reckon IM hitter siaj to home. You nii,'!it nk Mr. S'ay;ie t no, ef yon.7e lm ikeri1!' u'ter c ciip'iiy," ho Hihloil, with n sly tAiukle of lii t ye. "Mr. ny ic mul 1 can't mint ou the Hauie. trail," a isworeil Pick, "I Hjo. th.it," Mii l Mr. I'.uono. "rio loen o 'ry oouy. 1're wautcil to Pay mithin' to ye n'l.nit nmlteis 'n' tilings for iiiitn a spi ll, nti' I iliinn.i hut now's as pooil a chance in I sh'll he likely to git. 1 want yon to umlers'nml tliit iiv.ther 'n' I ihoi't uph il 1 Nancy i.i wha h.'.-i n-il'ji:i'. Ve'vii talke I to her ah.ett it, hut - I.oi il! it ilon't ilo tins leas; mite o' .nl to try an' mvy ir rca-M'.i vt i a ;al that'.-igiit ntuoiisli iilet in her h '.i'l. I ilon't le'kcn ihe kci'M an nu ful siht fer Waviic, hut hIio thinks sIh;'.n iloin' Hiithtn' purly amiirt, nu' opposin' her only mukes her all tliii m r ilet:irmi:ic.l to liev her own way. I ilon't want ye to Manic, ns. We ilon't like it, but, in I m-;1 nt'..r. we c.io't help ourselves. She's fiKhtec l a T iM'i ilo as she likes if she. B.'.n ahoilt it. I!. it I fed fie,) to nay Hhu'it m ikiu h fool of herself, n' it's my cit'i li I opinyiiii that Wayne's ui.tlt.iu' u fool of her, ttio." "I ilon't hhtmc y in in the least for 'hst has hupeiicil," a'nwcreil Dit-k. ''I have hhrneil n on.' hut Nannie n'i.1 Wayne, fro ii tile th 'i. If she rcal'y oaves i itire f u- him tlori sht' ever ill. I fur him, she's il tiii ri ;ht in elio )sin him instea 1 if l . Il she iloc:i:t'i, Kile's iloitin wf.ui ;.r, anJ I'o tohl hi r mi. 15ut it tlocsii't make mn. 'i th.l'er- ncii with us ii'ncil that !i uv, for all is Ollile.l hetw een 11 '. .She tuhl mo no, H'rl wlieu n nivl tells ino timt, I'm not t'.io fellow to no o.etniti;' 'rouiiil her, itskiii' if she h i lu't l etter thi.ik i over a i l say ye-.. I take it for i;iM:ite 1 that she k'l.nvs her own min i, u iJ means wha'. she says." "Wall, I'm tlespnt sony nnythinV. Iiftjipeiie 1," sai'l .Mr. l!oo ic, with r nigh. "M-ithcr u' me huth felt as f weM like to hev a match of it utwecn you an' the jii 1, nn' we s'pocil 'twas the Name as ma Ic. I'.ut it seems as f you fouhlu't be sartin o' notliin' till it's lone." Pick rlmuhli re l his un ami s.t o.T. As he went nroun l the coinrr of the ho is he sa v Nannie stamliii;.; in the kitclicn-il ior, shaking ttic t runi'os fin:.i the tn'ile cloth for the c'uickens to jiek tip. HUo KVt' hi i one siileUm, lo k, ami thin tunic I her iitteutiou on the poultry "Ah, yo.i nee li't look a, mn if you iloa't wait to," sail Pick, with rcsc.it f ill feelings ri-iu,iu his breast. "You can't b'.a no ue for any thing except tlio oinhellihincat of y.i.ir channi i M'.-. Way.ie's fu1.'. I hacn't trie I to prevent vo ir intimacy with him, iri 1 I ilon't inteti I to. li lt not oblige 1 t iike hi :i bje.t t-e vjj o, Mis'j Nancv Uemie!'1 It was n ltnow'urc. nonr the mi V.lle of tlu ftfternooil when Pick Nt orie.l t-OAa il h.-1'.ue. Huihlenly ho ca :g'it niht of the print of a man's foot in tUo unit, rain iiioi-.tene I e.v.th. lie bout ilo.iu h i I cxauiiueil it vet v care filly. "iW-l1," ho ra;il, In rcrutinio-l Ihj f.i.ilpri it, "thi-i is i.i'.h." ,i s;riit;t thing to I'm here. It lunsi ho a' le.t t three, miles from Mr. 1'oit r's. I cu t iuinine what j l-'asuro a man woii!n tl'll i:i a tii.ee mile Ma k i.i tln-fO noo.ls, at the ilea I of nivj'.tt, n uon,,' t ho in. is imtoe-i a o! t; nats.'' I'rom which the re.t c- ill r.'ali'y uu lerstttu 1 tU t' h - i cli'.v.l t'.io track to have be u m i Ic by I. . Wayne. Ho got .lowu ou his knees a'l l fX a 'line. I the tout print s.ill -.:orc c.csely. It was certaiu'y i.ia I J iy a tout that WMro a bout from 'i uu b.lnvr." That wai fviilent from t'.io n.t:rv sle, tuiall heel a nl g.-uer.tl s.i.ip . "Noboiiv veaiM h.'.j'i a hcoi i''it Wayne," suM Pick. "Vt'nyiie I . .tie that track. It points t i.var.l the Hwauip. 1 ni c,'iti t :ce iv'-ier U went to." He follo ve l the tra-.'ii (: , 1 evl:.:;;j, La'f nu hour. "Four wile from rei-l.v'ii, or I'm no juilga tf distance," he caul, as hi pauii to take breath. "I wonder "iev 'V Secret. how much farther the siiitjing-tenchcr walks on moonlight nights, when everybody else is supposed to be in lnM" He iliil not have to go much farther before his question found in answer. Tim footsteps lc 1 to a large eotton-wood-tiee, uml beyond that they ili.l Hot go. And then Dick made a discovery that puzzled him. It was this; Tim rough outside bark had been cut away, dow n to the. smooth w hite inner liiiiuu;. and on this was written in pencil the following Words and figures; 'Averiil's, near Ieer Crock, We. I., J A P. So. 1." Pick rend the messa or whatever it might be. over an 1 over, wkh a very perplexed look in his face. "Averiil'it!" ho rcpiatet. "That name sounds fandliar to r.io. Let ice see." thoughtfully, "i'hvre's a l inn by that name living ahov.t ei.,'it miles from here, I think. he m ve I in lately, Ves, I'm rir'ht, T know, for 1 luard tha' Deaemi Snyder talked i T trading horses with I.i ,i. I'.ut wha! this has to do with hii.i I can't i u;ine." lie real t ,o vo".ls in i'ie tree over a. 'aiu. "It's rather a q'ici r thing to co.ne mvos i in u -h a pin as this. I've known uf folks writing on trees f ir thw fun of tin- thin,.', but I never lnnv.1 "f tic. ir u'eliiug up ic. hiiduiglit and g 'ing foir mile i int.: tlio woo ls t il i it. li'.t u'l n t i l lie to me. Jlut it's Wayne's writi'i'f. plain tn Mi'a. His h ttt rs on the blackboard, at Muging-iMdiool, lime just tho ninie ll.iuri-his t them. Yen, it's ihiir to m li - wrote tha": hut what ho wrote it for I can't gu" .-i. I'll see what can be i.ia le out of the pu.le, though, if kce ing an i ye on WayiiH '11 help any. 'Avi rill's, Wed ncsihiy." I wouh r if that means that somthiiM i (-'"iug to ha pen at Averiil's w hen W edncsh.v comes'.''' He walked mound the. tree, ex amining the ground closely. He could see no oilier tia.ks. F.ti dently there had been but one pcrs.in there! The truck from thr tree led away n little to the south t( the one ho had followed to it. "I'm going to see what n little maneu vering will do," said Pick, a-, he spied a little pi!i;-tree near by. lie tonk his knife from his pocket nil cut auay s une of the .roil ;h bark on th eoutsT le, As s mn as he had reach-. I tho inner bark, i iteh be. ran to exudo iu liitle, transparent drops. JI h.i 1 to wilts. une time In f re ii mi lit lent a il ui.it to auser his pni poso h i I a 'eumulaied. Then ho took a chip an 1 MTaMud s'.iiei of the t cky r.tud' o:V upon ii. 'i'akiug this t the o 1 1 m voo.l, he sjvrt'ad it over that pari o; the tfej below th- writing w lii. h would be must likely to in contact with : n man's arm if he were to uttenn t to write n:i t!u smooth sa.'e nViovc. "I'hci'e! If I see any pi! eh on Wayne's co.it f lceve, I shall be roily ' s,i e he's In en ba k here," Pick said. ' au l, seeing that, I shall know when to come and see what's item done." !'or, though he coal " not give his leas is for it. he felt nun that the ; writing had been phi 'ed there for Home on.1 t ) read and t i answer sumo special 1 purpose, ami that the parly for whom , i' had been left would understand prc- oisely what it meant. He meant to understand what it meant, too, before he let tho matter drop. ' lie iitteni ted to follow the trail fn in the tree. While it ran a'ong the low la i.i, it was comparatively easy to do , sc. Hut as soon us it caum to the Irgher la id it disappeared. The rank gro.vth of grass and other forest plants, i tne, alisenee. of which was noticeable as i tlio land Moped oa-uwardly toward the j Vi; Swamp, with tlu thick carpet of j last year s leaves still unrotte 1 cover j i i, I'm ground, took no impression of ! the feet p.n-iug over them. l)i -k in i le up his mill I ta say nuth : in; about his tlisMveiy to any one. j He tv.Tul 1 wait a i l see what happened. , It was barely possible that Wayns ha.l j wntien tee words on tho tree under tin impulse which men often feel to serihhle oa whatever su; faoo presents ! itself fur scribbling on. Aii.lthen I a il this w.:s tlio i lea that took firm pisses iii of Dick's mini it liii'rhl , li ive bo. u wnit.eii f v a purpo.se, and ! dj '.I'tUss ivai. "i .1 keep my oyon ojien, nt any r.ite," tliii t'e'ir Pi k. "It may am oip.it t ) o:a thing. If it dea l, there's lio ii.u'ai done.'' j ("UAPTU: IX. I 71ST ViT.IiNTSOAV M'UIT. Pi male his discovery on Mon lay. We li'csday e cuing he went tj M'igi:;g-achool. The m u k ou Wuyne's faca had turned from purple to dark yreeu, and was tho tnhjffrt of much merriment 1 among t ie irreverent yo ingstcrs who j iittcH'ie 1 siuging-.-ehf ol. Wayne heard ; then, nnl knew win! they were ( l.i'.igliin a'uKit, but he pi eteuded not i to notiee it. ; i'iek ! al c--.is ':t- take an aetiw ! i.i. t i t t'i- singii.g-scltocl. He dil ! n f. el like re.- iviiig instructions i from a ia.ii Le I'u'.i :e 1 as touch at he i d d Wayne. Hut ho would not stay j away troia it. IC he wero ta do that he kuv that it would be said lie : :. ' stayed nway on account of llm tronW between him and Nannie nud the fing ing-mastcr. So, to s how them that h wasn't inclined to withdraw front -o oiety on their iiecuunt, he came iptita often, and was tt till c.iii'i'iiv.iuces iho same jolly Diek Ihayion that he ha I I always been. Hut if 1 tell the truth I I have to record that a large share t.f hi I good spirits win as-.iu.ic 1. Of.m when he looked n! Naniiie, an 1 n,.i ' ! snme lnnghin;r reiiiarl: to whoever sat ! next to liilil, ho t'idli't feel til- lc.v-t I like laughing. Try as he might, he j could not get over his fondness tor tho ! girl who bad jilted him. He knew I that Mm ha 1 doiio wrong, and fel. that she was not the girl he had thought her to be; bul, in spiio of nil ' that, she was still Nannie iloone, ami Nannie liooue had been more to him 1 than any other girl cottl 1 ever be, h . had to ii-knowlcdge to himself, iuulU us ho disliked to do so. There was r. very sore spot in his heart, and it i"i I ; not herd readily. lYrlniM it w c.ild i:i time. He hoped so. "1 am a fooi to lake i: to le art so, I supp.ise." he !iid t i hi use! i', mo'-.; thim one.'. "Hut -I can't h"ip i'l" "When singing soli ,o wai t.v.-r, and Nannie wn'k'd oil' ho n,. with Wny.ie; a feeling of leprcs-'i :i c.i.ue over In n. "I don't wan! to g hone yet," ho th iiirht. "I'm blue in a v. ii 'tstouu to night. Il' 1 wen. t . be 1 I e ml l i t gn to sleep. 11 walk n'viun 1 by 'I'll i tla's, uu 1 if she's up when I get there I'M stop and see if I can t.l'k ma ters over wi.'h her atid f.-t in ii ion !!y terms a;.ii:i if p iss;'!e. I t! Ti, li'i'i to have every'io iy w h j,j - ,. v. . 11 I e.r e f ir n rai is m " So lie wa'k I n.iy from i'.i - s,,li , . h'Cl' e to.i.i-l tii" Meven.-t",' pl.i . ;iho la h.i 1 uoi be. n ir. ; in 'i i - e''e,.' tli'i! nitt'.it. I'.-r'aups Hi !. ! f ,;;' out that !'.a' he hi it. .11 1: -::''o:' Wayne v. as trii", a i I Ii i 1 ; . ;( . a' home out of i:i'.lig ia ; m. If mi, it would be in cay mirier f .: to :i to be nun frh : Is a ii i. -h 'o i ' r t'o't i 1 il out yet s'.i-s wonld be s i.-.. , , I'.e.t when he re.v'ie I the Si-ivi 'ei !'! i ' , Il3 ha 1 eli.t ig - J hi t mi i 1. 1 ncrcs was a liut burning ii t!i kit ,'lr-n, but h i did not care to stoo, 'ic .!i I not care for llbo la m It . .1, 1 f u- Nannte. Ii-- tli I a ,' want !: to get In thinking that he ha 1 an v. lung bnt a biv.tli: vly iv-ar 1 for I, ' I,' h iV i 'e to t all id her at t'lis tin f night, for the r,urpos. .of Irving to t-.'- feet a in conciliation, the ;ui.:'it mis. co:::-true bis motiies. "No, I won't go iu." he "ii'M, j I Thou he happened to t'd ik r.'-.1! a ' pi'ce of bin I t'.o i.;i. s fo, i !. - eu . lie- be h i I let 1 .om i it-.i in' buy i . :. ; lb; would go 1 t i! - a I iok r. Il '. v 1 mioiiliglit. He mi;,.: a i v.. I! be ran- ' bliug nri in n 1 in tii g tj b: I a i ! :: -j bo aide t j K,lp. He readied tho phi-.'. A '.' ill i r-lim'y h.i 1 be.'n built cm it by sen) 1 s!ii'igle-:n:ikor.s. He otitere 1 tli l o I i iliiiildiuguuls.it tlo.v.i on a s:at i.m: ' ran n-'ross one en 1 of it. I He sa' th-rea idth eight wh it c o.srai i i. was best for him I pursue. Yu-:i h 'h.id talke 1 of buying this l.-i'i I Iu hi 1 evpoe-o I t i m.t'i v Na'itii.t lljo-i.1. lie liked f.i'uni.i .'. li- foi e many y. :-.t i i.i. i.is in lieoi. ii'. ille w . ciM be .r-ii .. ;.io I tie d of mo.o y. It scemi 1 a saf-' i iivtuieut t ei! whii' mm y ho be 1 . i uipieee of Ian I iikt th's. No-v v v.nv ; thing ...is cheug'.l. lie h.i I lost V, i : nie. If he were t i buy t'lii I.i . i h ) e ml 1 n d selile ou it. for .etllin i.i.i le it nee '.-i a y to h ive a h msekc. j.er. i Thinking ihe m.iltt-c over set ui.'d t a.'t as u sopoiilieoii him, for he ft II I into a trou'd- I sleep. When he wok- no l.e knew thm hj must have been a -le, i for some houi r.. He gtit up an 1 went out. i "About two o'clock. 1 think,'' hi sai l, looking a' the stars. ' I'm gel ting to be us iiiiieli if a night prowler : as Wayne." i lie sYt oil' toward home. ) As h1 piissel the (iroen phi v, ho i heard the sound of crackling brush, ! ami saw a cow in.il.lng her way out of ! the garden, over I ho rude fence lnivle I of limbs utl d poles elo-cly follow t'd 1 y a nia'i in scanty at. ire, who seemed to be trying to do what he consi lerrd justice to the occasion by filing ci.' rt 'fearful volley of oaths alter the t.er j passing u'li nal. I "It's Hill (iretti, and if he si i mn j h"'l! be mi leriug where I've he 'll at j this ti ne of ni jot," though: Pick. o turned ou' of the main track t f th ro.i l in order to yet iu the i h.i 1 v. ; .' the trees i n thai Mile. He cen-.i : that Hill tli. I not so ';i:u ami v. as ghi ' of it, for lie did n it feel iu ihe .n - I to answer iptesti in Tin roisters v. e.e era ing, a:'.", slreak o" i o I i i th- a t til tha' t'i y was brouking when he reached h.iue. on att Lin :l Itoits't-tiiir.v:: i. Pick was i ill wing in :!: !'. ' ! by the loa 1 on T.rirs lav, . hen If In ir t the thud of il hnrs.-V feet il. the lo f.-.ioki:io that way, ho t .w v. m i n no the bill. The horse. u in saw away. 'i'iiug Pick. .ml rode iin le tli-ctetite, b.il.ti him to eoiii thai v.y. Pick w.e.uil the i o -Ins at onu 1 th h itidle of tile j'.o.v an '. v.n'ke 1 n'.i s llto field to tiie fci.ee w here the .n...i was awaiting hi u. "I say, st.uu ; r," bo called otit be fore Pick h id ln-.tche I tli- fence, "lit e ye seen anything of any slvaue i: ui'i 'loil-i 1 these digji i's to-day.-" ".'"o; I lu'.oti't." ft isuu el PK "Yersure, uir ye?'' .'i'.-.i- ii.'ti'.d fie torsemau. "1 ni-iu't kii.c- I r ye inotlgiit 'a' secti 'cr.i yti' km bn- for;- t about i'. One w;.-s i.i ai'l'--C'r w.:s bay." "Yes, I'll ipti'-.' sure. ' .in- c e c 1 I'iek. "ilo' s j'viii p! u'.y !i. .--ab.ats till' 1 w.ci' In't it i' o '"ici i'crt .! il I 1: i ! -c-i an.. --'.iMiy, ' o-cs. Have yj'.i lost : -:- ".'o, I Lam t, out u ueichl vi- 1 mlae Las. " -sms the reply. iTo b coutiutifj.) fil'.UX LEAVES AMEMCA.1 FCU3 CENTURIES SHE FOR. i-IT- CCLU.'iSUi'o CAINS. T!o 1 1:lu "f C.lsllU Mini I.t'iin Ilatilti) Iluttri 1 rem ttic l.asl Aiuvr.citii J'n. f i.4ienMl)iit'n J'ltiatt-t tU'cr Most ui I tie Wilt l ll neoiUiiliel t.. of ,re th.tu four cctil 'irles of Sii.-ci ish i'u'i; i- i.otU tim A'i; e-ice.s ended wiicii tae Atueriea'i liag w.n hoisted over ilavaue, Cuba. The Sp.nisli lhi- is swcid from the western coiiliue'it, noriii and south. Tie-' tsinr - and Stripes Mow (lies iu its place whi. rover th i Ihig i t' -ome re rn'olic or one of t:ie humane Kuropian monarchies oi l not already llv. Sp.iiii.ih mile in iueinca began 1 '.'J, when ( "in i.si.pnor ('iilumou-, an Hitban, .liseoveti-a Imi-.i Sal valor Jsl- It was Jr?e and roomy. Auk vicaii in nu I. One voyage followed another coiistrne'io.i. Us principal room was nil South America an 1 u go d share ul' baronial hall, with two fireplaces in Xoi.h America, t.ay noi'iiug of Con- I which Six-foot lo.'.s could be buiuod. tr.d Autei ica, ; rt; mice claimed by Too house was th- g:'.tlieriiig-ilnee for S;-a:ti. 'oiumbus died in chain-', bat Maxwell's va-'-aN uu.l friends, iiu.l e uiii v ai only too ii;, r to pioiit by they gathered tuere by seoit s. Ins iliM'overii s, and shi;'S and men j "I liave sleiit," writes t'oloncl In followed wherever ho had f-H ids foot. inati, "o'l its liai'dtvi-.cl Ilonr, with the t'uiia was tii-o iveretl October '27, i inigiiiy lueu of th l.'te initio:! lying 1 ll'J. and mimed .J iinii-i bv (.'oiumbus heads and points nil iuouioI me, as hin.' -'h'. Thi - mime oidu't suit, nor did M-veral oiiiers. Tu. nativts c.i'le.l the bi .'.atiiill island ('lion, and thai i:i ue finally been le it i b g.d title. lYio'i explored, thinking tin id r.ud to be a inn t of India, but pooh toir.nl out that it wa an entirely new Ian I. lie found l.ij ( uhans n mild, ?,Inxwell ha 1 no safe in which to tie-liard-woiking race. It was easy to, posit the monev received from sale of la-U u o'i the Spanish yoke. With but a slight interruo'ui.t it has t ndureir eve.- since, the o.vis'n caiituriiig t ie i ' an 1 iu I 7 I'.' .l ii eat ios-s nu-1 re s iit'itig it in iit'J under u treaty el p.aee. 'i he ishl-el V.'.-.'i climate so saoi u ec well p.i;iu!ali:d, iie ,n ; cfi-.e'ties imd tic 1 'ny t Lie Spa .i.i 1 i fc-tiih) nu 1 its I s that it w as soon n o the lievei -cud-iu:)o.silioiis rae-I- i-'-. Tho i'e'.enue iv as en ; mints -an 1 S,'..iu look o.ers look c . V, ill"! L.e I ol'.ll : i.o I'J.ICl:) a year i' it, I. S,o.i lis. i fob in tiio inhuoitaiils sled. Tiny ruled all t an I-. i "i. i'. i I pur in ta iiia us uuoei oke-ii.ip: istitiiug, ill ; til" .1 UOOil til.' and i'.llo -. in ; slave ( 'uea i-, now 1. e neighbor!:! isl ti'.eir iitifort mate the same cruel exv -uili! g, tm tur-Hig.ite-.: jire'-elt, v t i liouii'-.i. ,;i.nvt people, ulo free. I- i L.f.o Lie.) is ut o tree. I- I :: a 1 i: t ' ill o I u.s w .d unit'.- r.pauia.i lule sn.m I'ul a, ii it never r.en be 1 t'ne e ye.tr of humane jiriti- a rule t'lita enjoy.-I. It. is known n lite .it lot u:--si ot t.:e .Miliiles, :;n. n it I .- .vaiit"'.i '..;.re e i-.n woaid u,:'..' i.tu-a the v.trdi u spot of tue world. Its .In I, ml) iuiiaoitants wiil :i'. reatler see nothing but tho fcliir and Sl.'ipcs from the lhi,st.i:':s. .ip. i.e.iea was the ill-si of the Spanish pn sessions to get rid of tho J-ipanish yoke. Tho lititisii c.iiut'.red it in Itljo ami have held it ever since. As a ic oil; .iamiiie.t iias outstripped all t'le We t Indies. H is it beautiful i-dati.l, li.-h ia iu intra! w ealth and icrtil. . Wir. n Cortes invaded South Amev ie.i m 11-Jl he laid chriu t ) ail South ii-ii.-.i, C.-iiiial Ai.ieiie.i and Nt.vil Anient' Cn.i'.t i tl.e At: lieor..,i Spain chiiiut'd ail the 1'acili a Capo Horn to Vlasa, al ,e Coast Iroin Capo tiorn lo ( V-iitra! Anier 1. 1 well as; M 1,1 South No oilier Atii'.-ricii, r .luroiuiu lu.tt claim liio ;r.. i ,.,!io,i could well uispuie el csji.llll piviinseit to lie nation ou earth. Xow not a tool oi' carta on tiiiiei' tioe u. tae eoutiuetit o.v.is tae Spanish tl.i.. Afier .la.ii'i.c.t, I'ior.iia was the tirst Noli a Auiel'.cmi province to be free. Tiie l u'ted States bjiig.it Florida from Spain iu Is-1. In Is-"-' it be ca ue it itrritjiy and a few years later a Stale. In 110 began the revolt in South America v.-iiieu iin'iediu Spain's being forced out fi om every po.Mession iu tun; eo: linetit, thoiig.i it took it iiuar-u-i' of a ceiittiry to ilo it. Spanish cruellies mid impositions had be -n too ten lb!-. Due State niter another rt volt. d. due great h'olivar led tho revolt. In nine years lie drove, Spain out o; what is now Colombia, ettezneU and ileeii ior. Free loia gut such a hold tna; ot icr oporcs' ttil provinces took 1. . .. l:,.'i'e, i loiorl.t l,,r lYi-.i n nl llo'ivi.i loii-iit tor I :.n,l .aiue..l their in leiietideiie.o in 1 ISJo.'afti r siiiiering So tuisii rule fer more inati three ceutaries. Argentine, Uruguay, Faraway and Chilo all cast o.V th- volte i i oloodsned. Spain was ens: mi! i-f South Amend forever. Mexico and so.ve.l to i:c Ii Central America re- tered ovt r tne plain, take up '.lie i nu e hi- iiii- 1SJ1. It t ml; liing bv turns, succeeding ea 'h other iiicse .s-uiu-riilut- i cjtiutrici till lSlj ' ta bo tree. ! ' Tut Vine United Stales alisorbeil i Texas a-id took California aud all the ! ;t ..I liie l'aeiuc Coast. Soanisli in- ' :l,ieiice was still further routined. Wlit-n t ie iato w.ir v.itli Spai.i was i? - are I t m Sp i il",i ruled less tea I i ) i-eop.e i'l tiio Wisleru .1,- uisjwre, an 1 o i; two la.ie i"l .m ;s, ( ii.... uu I Foil ) Kicrf. Mexi.vi v ,s t Miie, Central A ucrioa, all South A. lit I ,c l 11 id .1.1 -I lls'.!. ..v til. se i.'.st t vu remaining :M- .in Is ii i v ii -eooie, free, aud tue So.i.i- ; -1.-' li-.i! bet tkeu themselves Uaek u ilai'ope, wueu'ce th y c:iuie! l ,te iiitift- .Iiinitrt-tis. The C.ji- 1 1 F.'is 'ia has a moderate aiu ttite. He Lif.es tae popular ims- it.l.a". no I'l'C.fis Fieiich .'.mat;- i ha a jircdilc Sultan ot Tit tg-.'s. l'-j .',0111 'III. Old. lilg tsi,(-it,l Ciea'-l -ti -he-vastluu-.t: -' a 11 iiioror of Aastma etiou tor mtittoa. The j rlvcy is a great lover o Kitig ot' Italy is not a He loves dairy food, ho ly io'.d of nil sorts i.f l.u s, r Wilhelm has a .1 at-'eetio : f .r feathered c. lies :,;e hia favoiile .!'. iio its'ies for one ineul iLiiti.li fer liiu. Qaeeit birds. .,. iti e no. I 1 Il ii.leiiu: ..ies iti.tttoa chop aud UlUt of bee: a I' Angiitis. MA;v:u.'3 R A Is CM. Onit Man Wlio 1i"iriluci'tl In n Ipxl! i Hie llarliKilf splfiiiliir of t'ruUdl IJ,il. j Pul ing the Civil War the bar'oario I Mih olor and feudal rule of Kuelis't nobh s ut'ter the Nor I'.in con nuest was reproduced in New . xieo. The ter ritory was isolate 1, and tho '.over.i j incut at Washington gave little thuu"iit ' to it; but one imi !. I.ueit-u H. Mat ; well, ruled the .Mexicans, Indians and froiiti'-rsnieii v, ho ii:'naliie 1 it. Je.ru ! iu Illinois, he had wandered into tu territory in a trapper and hunter, while by .'letrria .'e nil pnrc!.iii he le e une the l.u gi -t landholder tu the United States. He owned nearly two million iiciei, states the Yoiita'rf Com i patiiou. His himoe, roiitrastel with ti dwellings' of New Mexi.vi, was a puhici' eios... as tiiev could croud, alter itav a fauguiu j hunt in the mountains." i Tee kito'ueti uti I dining rooms were ih ta hed from tun main residence. A la: ' : porlion of bistable-service was of so ld silver, and covers wire daily laid for thirty per.-ous a'.tle, sheen, wool, buro v, ti.it s an t corn, and trom Ins gs ist--nill. IIe)U'. t ic c.isii iu t ic holt ''i drawer of an old bureau. "I ii'iv.- fro pic I'.ly seen," write- Colonel fv,i:-,n, "th'riy t'.m.i-s.i-l l lo:hr.'J -- ; il l, silv r, grt e i'o.t i. t love -ii in ut c t -eks in t'-ai bureau drawer. ! once mi-.".-osii d to Maxwell tiio sue i;t n e.v of I niyin a safe in which to keep ins m m.-y secure fro.n ro liitu-s. He M'li ed us he said, "v.io.1 h"lo the tii-.u Wn . roiiiie-1 mi'." Maxwell ro ic mi a backboard or on ,t. Concord coach, d a vn by six horse-, driving lihii'cli. lie was it reekh-s driver dilshiiiT throil-'h sireruis. over irri'-itiug iht.-'e s, stumps, stones, bn altii itiih like .If!) il , v ho drove "lUri-oii'i''-," ht- i.eid i:n nut. with nti ae.-i-ilea.". C'JMI3'J3 P' tt i"ii,u.in :-"irtiiig paper l co ords a niin ty-foot jiimi) by a kangaroo. Pili'itlg one Week l.l t November eigniy persons ni.-r eig'ity veal's o! a :e tiled i-l i.cc:d-ei. T:ie til'it 0.i'e"-b-)lse in Lit! 1. i'l v:is opetie 1 iu l'".t! by the Ureek servant o: a Turkey mi i.m.iui. Many houses in I'.erliii, tdoriiinny, are liumbi led with lutninous lieures, which are easily visible at night. The Ciii.ud Canal, Chim:, is the largest atiidclal wniercoiirse iu the v.rrl-1. It is ii VI miles Ion ; ail coa liieiitho citi.-s Tietitsiti n-.l Hang chow. ih-i'ote a Chitl.'sa v,v, e..t:i is iimirie 1 she Mill d xri ill i-rt'.i- pomp iiu-l r-tate to iicr future home he. t -iitira 1 .).!--si an which is p. i. .-.! in l.:rg i li.-xcs, liie Leys of will'-!', he keeps. l.uUe Moral, tir.ui'.s iirte-er i-n years, o :: i.i ii .tt'lliind, husthe y oi tin -.iiii ; red every : t tl.e presence oi ji'ant i w Inch hi o not tiit r lake iu tin; w-cr'tl. i in l ire it lh iiat!! w ho c .. f w f -iriiig bis bat in ' i i-.-e i Vietorin i f.oi.l mo. -.' Wenloel;. Tuis '''""; rcpiaii,' kuoivii m ai-.v . J. lie only not hit i tiio pr:i the re.se:le o I olester, ill-.. . irivilege was coii.'e -"-. i on his nn. tor by a gran! from King ifeury VIII. - Near Uo.s Cily, I l.ilio, t I.i leei be low the earth's Mir in -e, tiiere is a nib tel ranciiu I I'm ol' hot water of Kiltie gnos teaj;ii'i'.ilii''i'. it lias ),i'es-uri' cuoil -Ii t as-celi I 1 the t ei li.i.ir o; most of the houses, uti.i will be piped to them for heating purposes. O. li'!t'!i li.oillni; In lite Snu.lan. Osirieti lnltiting involves good ril ing, and is animated t-pori. il iviug useeitaiu"! wiu-re a iic.-c is to be found, three or four mounted men go out oti the pl'thl to .'.'lucr, un.i one of them l ide.i i.i the doecu oi of tho ucst. Instantly tile bild sees him it starts oil' a: a tremendous pan1, the hunter following iu hot pursuit, until, utter running pernaps u con nt miles. the usiric.i begins to circle, its td.jeet bein to gel iu -h to its nest, from which it fondly hopei it has diverted its pursuer. Too other hunter', who are seat- us cac i liorso becomes spent: they are thus able to press the bird to its ut:uo.t fcpcetl. until il falls evhuusle 1 on tho Kio.ind, with outstretched wings, caspin? for breutu. The nearest hunt r then r.illops u;i atnl severs its hea 1 wite ibio-.v from his sivoi-.l. Hastily dts u. muting, he at one.' s.ezes tho blt-eding tuinii and tiiviists it into tlio'it i i to j i-veut the feathers tYo:a 'ueiusg soili-1 by t;;o blood, wiueii ii sp ining in nil d.ree tions tioni tiie eeuvulsive n "vcmiu'iS oft", 1" i ii. eveti after d.at.i. fe.it. icis of a full ,-i.iwn bird fetch from titty to seie.ity-liv e .loilurs :nt Kass ila. wiiere they are bought by Aran t;a lcs fniu Cuiro. io.t they ultiiua'.e v u ali. e treblo tuat value m the lliuop uti inaike;s. Caotam T. v. o. bi-tt iy, ia Harpers Aiiie.UiUv. lluw r.i.ivers Till Vrt-e-. ?fr. Vtraoti F.iil-cy, who Las le ootitiy stuiiel the work of luave's, hits that those a ii.iu s have an in genious method oi cutting the trunk ! ot' a tree winch thev w is'u to fell. u- sl-. a.l of iittt"u)tiug t i "uaw it straight tllloil-'l., t" i'V llJllhM ttvil fills, one above aunt her, aul then pry out piect i ctiv. e'.i the t un. The result of then epetalious is a V-sbimed notch, refemohng that inad by a jW'oodinati with Li? axe. OH! DIPLOMACY IS J'CT.I 17 HsS WON CR; ATtT! VICT-l-iES THAN TH(i EUSOPeN M i "I .-. 'J "Ve Aik 1li.tilnl..ly ri-.oil; in "mi- Ir:it. In-.-s Mil. i niliir ins a -I I',. No, ' fin. I Oar 1:.i--m-iiI o i oil i.i ' 1 ii'-lifiit-v Otir 'Jjiiiiil 1 , i. o i-., ' At the recent sesoio:i i't l.'ew Jii:.-.-:-, Conn., of the Ano ricai: ileon-i-oi " I ' Historical A-se-:;a:io:i i'loo -.so" il. .. Cnsvi-nor, ol Amliei st ( -e ,.- ,t the most elithii:.i..s,,.. ,;liy i e -t-: , -oi lilts-1 of til" ei iivci.p e- on t::-- .siiYi-cl ' "AlIICl icill' Pipli i.liil V." 1!" lieelaie.l American diplomacy to be s,i ( .er-i .i- to Jinn pea:) diplomacy. I'ltde .- jr t.Ms- t 'iiDi' said : 1 "A ft-.v days it-go a learned !.. !y i' 1 my aeouiiiutit-H'" it.-.' -I no- v i.i.' i ' was to (-pi ak iici e. I rcpli. 1 '.i.i;,.: : eau Itiploiuitey.' She i t.elni i e : . ".! dii'iu't ktio-.v tin-re was liny ' v , ,'.a ' lion- liligiit lie liliili ioiie.l 1 1. it v-.lei 1 the eonMeiioii t'n.i ti e I . i .. s possesses no i: il !ot:i i' 1 -t '. or .t' Ii.;-1 none to be co:i. .ii e l v i:.. t o.- e - ' Kui-oiie. If the 01 im, u e n i -, AUit'l'ICA tit Allii-I'ic.ri tiipl... 1 -ey i-e fotltlib-d ou faei, our eononi in ,: i.i- able, even p-rilou", and ci i' ,.t !..;i : . ' pro-'uee in t-a -h of us i. !, lio ? ot uiiiiitl ion and sin: ,0 . 'J'I.eiti- .'.jit..-.. ' of A uit i ienu iii-b- lob i.l j i.y t - 1 Ulltell Uejmlilie ,s ,1 , 0 :':r:e- e 1 liol.ie'. e.iii iit of A:... .'lean iiioi '..i..cy. : For mouths John Aiiit-n -. t . Am-:i-oan lliivoy, hud been .i--..ie 1 i.n 1 -i ' trauee to the States Ceuii.t'. i -second treaty with tin at Fi .i ;!. to- ; feetetl by Ciiief Just ioe. lay, w ...s ;:.,, ' less an Aiiieiie.ili tlipltvna: :e . ' . t. ' lis stipulations v.t-u- iatr f,-.- I, ttoiitrii ling parlies. I tit tile ga:i'- v. liistmc; .1 c; v otir oi'.-.i. ' "It i.i.uid be en oo- ', tt-.'..-e the Ii is. ni y mi r c i ' m.. v, .ti'.'ade by lieo.t :e, ilo-.' ' . . . ; rev :.: time. Ii is ::..: ,'i .'. ; : i . rove ti'tt there ii-s i ee.i 1:0 . -,. , 1 aey in it M'it-e th .-e !: .: . .--Lo re is no better ire nt 1 ',' -r . I m -in ess of -.:t:' ,;n a 1 .0 pi., 1 c. ;.' 1 . . I i- school of p,a t.eiil Ao.crie e, 1 .: ' t:e. P :s 1: b: iu r t.e;:i; . . ' . iili'oi-dcil by Tie itd t . ite I i-' .:. U 'dia-tsit lorn, I I i t:i' " by li. 1 .. ; ' of a priuen or i-y m:::i!'.- . i c. . - , ho .d in t.:e m ...go ,y . ; 1 " -. pcvvice 1 ' 1 ' I. . :, . 1 lint .id . I'l-'teign v. : 1.- b.-i-.-e I e 1 !s , ; Klge. Si.lilei :i.e - we !.:'.-'. 11 ; .' ; ,- ( lie: -it, hiMi t: -m fn.' iio.-n, but w liut (ieut-:cl . :!;' i - ,1 , of lliillM'll V.-IS t :e i -..! I ... i.i . t I , leagues: ' tVio'-i yon. i . . . m 1 . Spain be was ;ili-. -I ,, v 1 -. ae i fra lk in ids de l i; .' I I c I . y culture on" i;;t io,. a-i - r, ; .- . ,: have itu'-p-t -,-i ll;o.c uf any bind. No f -in i ;n c-'Hiti-y !::.' : '. .1 lit.'IK- 1 to 111 sell ice t S.t -o 11 . I.'. hi itoi itttis. po! ::i'-:l t c mo-i.i-; , 1 ii'.-iitors, jouiimii'i; nt; 1 ec-ie t' ;.; 'I t vt iy ci.i--s. Any tliseif- ei.i 1- : '.his I Mib.eet is incomplete whico i'l.... -. ; iccogiii.:e tne iiliiiity iu .lii-l y -l.li.yed l.y ihe oitl -er . 01' 1 :r 1 I s I .., J tee itur in Al ;,e: -: 11 I ' " !. Ferry in the t in If of Vi.-lo. ;.. 1-.;. .Unrragtlt i . In Jluroj-i.. : v.-.t . ,1 t...-tbig-hi), i'raiiklili-. 1:1 1 'S, Jl.,-,v in Manila l ey. "i'ho Aiiieriean l: j:.it.:it ' live, iu : a phi-s h(itl"e, wiiere li - i.,..,. o.ly be seen, but stoned. Tue ilu: ; c 1 ilidon'. i'ist t--1 ! : i i-'l:i!u'.s a h..!.' ::. - 1 ti'val ea. tie, i.!ii;.-t inipivgn.'tb!'' to criticism -iiid tlnlien.l of re n -s e-.. . ;: by tin) inn -Iced Ic".'. in tot- !. r ; day the natioi.'i ll.-teii it) i-ii.'li Ino ae- i ceiils of the! Westora v'.t' v- 'net'. La 1-v.veiileT tts- if to liu'iu. "1 am wed aware lh.it ir. my nr. ciiitnorol! s for th" II le.pti .1 o: li I'.,. ii':ea'i system oi ii'.o!-,:ii..cy. P.. American diiloi;ui y e'Ver on:'.- :':i 11 1. ot rtiiiu title and i.'-t.:in-e n. tin': -leal iieeouu'lishn.eiil '! i ite i-.; .n-'isity of Its itehievetni.it eoveis tiie M,, .'c iiintie-iith century oi i!.'. . ,1 i' . ,1 ,! law. It has broken th.- e i-.lc .-. - i ; ,. -of birlli, has sueeesstiil-y i,s , rie i t right of epatriiit en, has !vo'.i-l.l t't-i--i'hs an I M raits and eio.t'i'enia' Ute". Viol's highway-,' iles.-. u ,1 I 1 i . t . . r inati. It bc.i couoie leil tli ti l.t oi neiltiais to be reco : to I by 1 . i ;. cli ilie 1 Mate. No.v .'. 1- 'ctii i:, ; the scaii'ohiiiig for uein'. veinent m 1. . great, the exemption oi private prep rty Iroin capture on nn: n it 1- 1 -. ' emi't from captuie on lm '. , "i Miring 1 s.w tin ee lit--. s -," -.-. -. itics no il a it) jatta. m 1 ' V1 1 a foreign Miokc, cue a sir ' si'f 1 igu, and the tlnr 1 om- . '.cm. In the vr.ti finished the boa: linn.- il. i o, the .Viiri'ii-iii stroke. 111 le m'- Deai uess fj loned the boa' v. i,h t. it stroke ball fore-i;:i.i il half A -." :,. , .. Till' crew taught w;;1! thef e 1 :n i.'.oi ing was bi hii.it..!. '11'" An -i 'e in stroke l' the stroke fo" 1,-. ';.- .ic on the Thi-itt-s, Une Seine tii' T I . .. tiio Spree or the c-u, And tin: no: because of provmc al piii .'i-e : 11--tton-il pride, but biciitt: e i ttc fat'ts el hi- torv." itie iit-nt S;;,. Owing t j. ied r .- icl "" rattsec, t:ie prosperi.y ... !:-; 'is r :, bit 11 very g.tai tim ing the i.t-t . ai or twe, a. id th-ilisainb of fiir- ii 1:. o.ne been e iii'ile.i to reiinc t:m i.ne- -i 1! enctini'ir.i'icei. tu'lt rcste i u; c.i ir br-'a 1 ncr.-s. A m. in in one of ill,- in: i.v c- ir--li'-s. iiavin.: ,iis',.-0 I of hi-- cr-.p i i go.it ah. .-ta 'c nnl liv.diu l:i, i I: po-sf-ssf I m' : cver tl t'lo.i . m l ti.di'.rs til on -ii, vmt to th Co'iiity -si .it o.o.t d.iv, a 1 I while c- i hi- w iy t 1 t.ie je. : len.se otepp.'d into an i"l.. 'in t'h ti-l.c- t-i olitaiti ft little legal advice. "Y.oUro a hi.vjt r, ui.i'l yo;;'.'" he s.ti.l, leii-ssiiig the iuly oceti.eii'.t ot to - i ,.'tu. ; '1.-. so," ausiverel the other. "V." ml can I do f .r you ? ' V, Ir t - y. nr name- ' ".'! v lcin e i Perre-k " "loii'i! tic," lOjOitii-d t'cti fnru.or. BOildi.ig bis cei l. "I waui vctir help, Mr. LVrri.k, iu lit'tiu a iuort- gas' ei'vy faiui." V.'E CAT TCI Mu'CH,' 1 1 Ho i 1. Hie Mulii rum of All .te. ,nt- -p.,-.uoi ilriilllt lifnorl. tl.e many cures in vo?tie, ami HI' ::. ! fi.fu their reeorils us : y t ii-ni!-,., iiie.p-tenths of them il in i-eon.'iiig the diet for 1 . .' i'vi i:-. : -," is the ()Ositiou 1 iy Jll'ii Minis Krotschiiifli' I , on "I'lio Snh eel of Diet" in Wo .. ati's Home Compitiiion. A v. ele spi.ii ! fad :hiiiii; the lant y -.iv.s .Lin been th.? 'no breakfast -,' 1. 1 tli. tisifids of dyppejities e pv.i'.e.l health, the stout Lava u :i ln and the thin hnve grown it. all tiiroiigli lifting the burden :: ovcv'.a'ted digestions. An equally :.'ci 1 in- 1 receding this was the .'-, o i of tha evt uiug meal ll'y e Veeiive, cf ciiiirse, just 08 s II : -! .lev ii-ci'I cure' wouhl be if it ::! I I c promulgated. ...- 1 1' t1.- r.iD't splendid enrej, u'l ill-, i.i Jl '.rope is tho wrap -. practised iu (iermany; and it is t !!:; tinv one Liking tat-treiituicnt o i i ie wear ui.d tear of five -n- t i -.lly 1 views himself by 80 1. i ce 'i.tittti: iuuis w here this it-it 1.1 i- glv.a nie lic-iiitifully and 1 ,,'nl'y tiim-t-.d ami comfortably it.- '. 'i'i.n patient is giveu .0 ; ) tt it litermetttcd giupe-jnice ) id t .ar v.-ei k - beginning 1 e i,- t r 1 1 -I 'lount, decreased t ) 1 .: . ' 1, :.'.!. .- .i n . las little os the .1 l. -e;- tiii'i-.n great weak i. a:..1 : a, ',:.... Iy iuoi'iastd to the .' O.'l.l., .' '. a'l J'.-tr-ipsaa rj.fli and Atneri- .: .- . i- litre people nro So -il: !, v. ,nt' i-; In course? A ro t: 1 .lie! ail a Hood in of the 1 v. .it j, , ,-- rr-'ting and le g t ec iT.-r-i.i, iu other words, 'ton .-:!-. t 1 - i1 t ilnuiinatod by 1 ' n'- i th-.ti .hi- .t.iiosiliere of , ,1.; -c i,v -t.-.t, f.t: 1 even domes i s i , -, - no. I. thtir uourisli- 11 ite;- w I- e ill. A dog v t'i - foil 10'. immediately ... riiii;-.: -i leave off be-,"..!-., in. T.fii'i ftiotti) will .. .:-::, iititi 'vr, !..!. iy to tieklo l . c.:.'. b.-. 1. . io leei. the only - c :. .1 ,ve I! i! th is uieroi t . o i l, . 1 the stv." t: 10. in,- .iito-i i.niir, I. t-e.-M-l was ever .'! :i I : : ' of shot- and I , l i e Merrimae before r. 11 ! '.iri -ir. From :;'s :."eu;itit of this . I'.'.r-u'eaHy given in :f e l this necoiltlt u . the shi 1, rvhe-n icii-i-.r c.f h mile of 's l.-.i-!!) pn, a flash : : ite v a-eg edge at to - .--.ti euee Tue ex- , "o i- t tiie ship's fide -.: .1 oi l the projectile -ot i'liVt' ji.-.'st d r.ftern. : s 'e-h s...irt rane! -.. loiln-r mi-s! This . -'.lie plain y passed it : .1 ' 's on ;Le spot re o' ct a jdeket-boot e .., ,1:1s lying in the ... e as fiitt; he is firing -.ve snail bo obliged II l-l le w I'.hin a ship's .- otilv La i a rapid-tire 1 ; ,.s.- i.f the miseiahle ' '"lis; yet theii) lie lay 1 ::i : 1 oiut I'iauk at our r. so vital t complete i-li of va ,i- and exasper- l.e p 1 an 1 i.' A ii . r ii.e. Tim iiduina i I'limt little piuiet-bout t li 11: ,-rwtird. st-.-.ri.o.ifd imw snowed , ip, step-liiie fall v.-ith .11 point of Moir.) v it, :-. T.us was the 1 1 -, Uie t 'i.uitiei carrying v ti: to the wall. "A 1 heiui, iir," was tho icli :! port li ul 111 , hir,'' e. "Steady!" "Steady, t , i a w lihoiit l-.elui, we ilo .mi sale. Siiddeuly ild 1 1 C V . :. : :t h (r un the port side. ,-tc: 1 i-.itleiy has opened on '' ci.b-1 Ciiiitt'tie, who was ' e i. 1 1 te, watting to take the - io ilo t-ngiii-'i-oom if tele . -1 ' : i o d-cerd should be shot. "e.y weilt pay no HltentloQ I r. 0 l.e i, v, itlioiti turuiiig. 1: i,f ( otolii-: in Austria. , -; .: . -le of the iniets ill Austria -, M, -.- ue lie. 'lite (ieruians, ii; '!.; ,-; tliea old asceudr ucy.aie 1 11 .! i'oooiM-.s to tarn s .. o ,, 1 a body and so remove ' a ;.iiiist tiietn 111 tho iii ! ci r The advice is not . io i e toll. .'.to. I, but it reveals ... . 1 1 r ice lceling more a. . . .. incident, liven in the ', .1 l- ..i-l, ti e li-itiitins tle- i (lit gy i-'imd 110 longer ii- . i j. :ii 's. Too ipianel, . i ?. a ! lii i ariviy . Some ro--is :, . ;,y ,.. wined questions ;- 1 . .. iiv) -.-eatt-jt. iu t'secbisl!, -1 11 . c i ,-eii'ieraiile niaxiui iu . 1 it ,, v. .--.-os of cioiif.iaud or ' --,'! all bo ill one i. . .1 ; 1 ia: Ian jnaao Cierman. .1 if War, therefore, 0 1 . . h t i- w'no had aeee;)tcd . .. : '0 iu (leiiaa "i. aud the :!.. ii .; "I i'i t'lfc.'ted sttainst " ii:"li is in theory re- : il iii.i-ror only. In e ol feeling any aeei 'vj i- it Mattel s t " tt lieatl, c . -. . ll i'(e. ,-ur io enforce . ' ;. c -.. no, mid thtuiiforo to .:t :1c: . ii'? alt-r-titivo issjo c.'-.i .nans to their ascend . v. U i . 0 Slavs would now , ii. ,. . - en liei Spectator. Mul.o--; iortil I'm- itf Them, it -i.v o: .1. 1 thelalie.iof the etner y i.-,i..- ii o-.l to know it, but the iwin Ii 1 . ,111 to the Manila !.-. . :,.. .ii ng liisjht-shiils, was I I-. .J.e , . a- rides. "Rugs are c," i., .s 1 '., lu -uiue vtplunatioD. "a it i Letter to have our gnus ia good ti;a') tii-u to in uigUt- iowus."