ifSffsfrarrifci i 'dV U.1 TiilMisi)AV, March 2, Local Records. )) bushels of corn wanted by 15. Nooe, Jr., for the cash. SOMX) best heart pine shingles just received and for sale, by P. aidh Jr. ! lleiucinhcr the old savin;-, "If Man'h -otiui in lilse a lamb it will p out like a lion." No court was held in Halifax county last week because of the pinic there iiliout the. smallpox, j 5(M) cedar posts wanted hy 1' Nooe Jr. Can lie delivered cither at Pittsboro or at his (ioivran saw luill. For Sale loo acres of :ood Hickory Mountain land. Will he sold cheap and o:i easy terms. Ap ply toll. A. London, PittsboroN.C. The Legislature has passed a li 1 1 to amend the charter of Siler City, by which tlie corporate lim its of that enterprising town are enlarged. ; One of the largest real estate Bales ever made in Chatham is now i near completion, Init we are re-' (nested to riv no particulars un til iinally made. ! You hail better burn out your chimneys 1 1" fore t!ie March winds lieefin tii Mow. Many a home is liurned hy a spark failing on the . roof from the chimney. ! O. S. Poe A Son will handle ! several dill'eienl brands of J'erti-' lizers this season, Parties wish-; injr to liny "i0 or loo l;i:r lots will find it to their interest tojret their! prices. j It is said that a youm; man in j this county was to have married at linrlinirton, a few days ao. but ou hearing that the smallpox was t'lere he telegraphed to his sweet-j Jieartthat he could'nt come. ! No act of the Legislature v,i!l ' pive more pleasure to a la rare, ma- jority of the white voters of Chat hain than the new sehool law, j which will remove from office cer tain Fusion school nilicials in I'nis! county. j Two more souls made happy.! Mr. x lley (iooilw in has becunp-j pointed postmaster at Ascend m New Hope township, and .Mr. ii. j F. Johnson has been appoint, d ; postmaster at JJryatit, in Oakland j township. A w ild deer was chas -d in t!iis j neighborhood on last 'J lnua-day. ! it came withiii a mile of tins' place, hut escaped its pursii; is. No one knows where it came !rom. j us no wild .leers are supposed to! he in this sect ion. Thev are comber in, the Rprintr -roods at the 1 opularStore j of W. L. London ,V Son. Antosuj the hit is a splendid line of ladies, wool dress skirls ;it prices as io-,v , as you can liny the cloth. They j have a few of those pretty, cheap j wrappers left. j There will he a regular com-j inimical ion of Cohiiuhns Lod:;e! 102 A. T. and A. M. on nel Tm s-1 day niirht. Woi k to he done in the Had derive. Members will; please he present. I'.tii hreu of sis- j ter Lodges iuvited. Frank ('. Poe, W. M. ; Pul up your eiin, for it 'n now' unlawful for .inyhody in Chatham, "to hunt with h:r or join, or kill. : shoot, trap or m t, anv parti-id.;'., '. :l .... i,., i k.. i last day of Febrnnry an. I the first j day of November." Hut you can! shoot rohiiis and other birds tin-j til the lath of March. I The voters of Pear Creek, Centre, an I .Matthews townships ' will not have to vote a.rahi at the iuconvenient voting places that were I'stahlish.ed for tlieui under Fusion rule, hut will vote at the old places at which they had hecn accustomed to vote ever since the townships had heen established. White and I'ost Oak cross-! ties wanted, delivered at any jioint on t he Seahoard A ir Line railroad. ! Will he received in lar.'e or small lots, and will receive all that will lie cut according to specifications. ' Inspections every three weeks. For specifications address W. It. Uons.tU- Co.,)Iamli -t.N. C. j It is very natural for those uvmi to oppose the sn lira ire aiueinl lnent, who can hope for an oHice only hy the aid of ignorant nero voters. Therefore you may ex pect all Fusion papers ami pie-' jiunteis to denounce the proposed count itiitionnl amendment, hieh will secure w hite supremacy all over this State. j They are t liroue.li taking stock at the l'opular Store of W. L. London & Son and they find a rood many remnants and other roods they w ish to sell at once. You can bay them, they are cheap 'iiourh and must yo, first come first served. For K days they will well you ready made clot hin;.: he low tost for the cash. FKitsoxAL Items. Ther.- is quite a "luovin;;" in our old town. Mr. S. M. Holt has moved from here to his old home in New Hope township: Mr. W. M. Fubanks has moved into Mr. Holt's late resi dence: Mr. (i. J!. Filkin-toii wiil move todav iido the house vaca ted by Mr.' Lulanks. a: id Mr. S. C. Jhiiie wiii i,)oe into (he house vacated by 'My. i'i ! k i o--1 1 id. Mr. Joseph 11. Mor-ri'ii has boiulit the old Koi'crs holism io.pi,sle the Fpiscopal church) and will move there next week. Mr. H. A. London Jr.. of Char lotte, spent last Si;:-..y vit!; his parents at tlis phae. !! was on his way North to buy ids prin,r roods. His many friends here will be phas.d to lcarti that he is meelin. vvitii much suhmw ;it his new lniine. r.isiiop Clieshiv.- will mnke his annual visitation jo this place ou I lie 22nd of this mont ii. Miss Mary 3!el!e Kuh.mks has returned i oai a visit to friends in Stokes county. Stock Law. No bill has been introduced in the L"j: isiat'ire ba the extension of the stock law all over t his county, as was petition ed for by a lai'e number of our couiilyniei:, but a bid was iniro dii.vd mid has In en p-issed to ex tend the present slock law terri tory so as lo embrace all t hat p.n t of Chatham wit! in the foiiowiu;r boundaries: "i'erinnin at Ihesoulhern cor ner of ( ran -re vviase it joins Ch.it ha n county and thence down I law river to while the present stock law fence crosses sc. id river, I !a !' c south in direct line to thetium spi iipr, thence s no Ii to the west ern boundary of Silence T,:h.r's place where tie c.tock law fence now is, t hence with t!.e s i:.', i"Jo to its wesl.'l II corner on ti,e 'i'oiu llairis old place on the Li.vpt ro id. tla tite with s.iid f ine ;o tlie jrate on t!ie Meticcii road, thence inadiri tt line low!;, re the pleseiit fence cros-vs the I'iit--I'oro railroad, thence with said tence to tlie ate on the Lockvill" road, I bene" s ut h u!' t lie I'eue.i'ii.--toii ;iin Ihviit pl.n-es to I law rier at til'1 elollih oi Stiidi'liJ- reck, thel.ee stpilaw river ( VV hich is hereby d. cii.iv.l to be a lawful fence I to the eastern abl.laa lit ot the id bridge at ISenley's mill, thence east vvvrd'y on th" north side oi' ll.e oid siae road to the present feme, thence vvilh s.j.l lelicc to Td; nil's shop, thence on tlie liorlh si.ieof sai-.l loci to the ihf.l Ki i hi residence, theneea soul Iieasleriv course io John K.i. p'nei rv's fence on the icullt side of the I'iitshoro and Itah ivii road, tl.c'ace aioe the noilii side of sai.l to;;,! to Ihe i Id i ! el.h I'M .11 Council Jia-e, (la nce across Kanl ro ill and aiolij' the south side ol ihe same to the stock la v fence on the old ioctor I'oUsliee place, thetice with that lVi.ce to the Wal.e. Piii hani an.l ( Jrauirc coun ty lis" to (lie bej in.iili:.:." 'ilie territory embraced wiihin the above boundar'n s in; bales cdl f Ihddwiu and U ioi.uns tovvn diips, -b.iut t wo-t h. if. Is of l!oel. iJest. ;:b ml oiie-ha;l of Centre an, ! about one-f. iiti l h of New Hope. Tla' stock law is ;d ready in fori e in the .a ater part of this teiri toiy, and by extelidiliLr it as above indi.'ated it will s ice about fifty Iniles of fenciliir, its no fence will be l'eii'r 'd on the couufy line be tween Chatliam and )raii're, Uur ham aia! Wake. This I i'! takes effect on the 1st d.lV of l,et S; ptember, Mild on and ai'te. that dale the stock hr.v vviii be i;i fall lorce w ilbin the Id ri ii ire eh 'v v ,'i si-ribi !. . not iced in t!;e proceed ir.-s ofi!,' Leu islet lire, as published in tic Ib'.h iii pap- I- liiet .Mes srs. ( iihs and Wretiil V l;.orU!s!y opposed Ihe passa-re of this bill iutli" tii use, but of coilise in v.iiti. not v iihstamiinvtlu ir boast ( d iulbieuce. ii fe.M'tl Jail tn I'l'ic'biltl. Hum 111." lll.'hll'",! I I'lC"'''1'. A petition for the pai.loii f Simon How i", an oid irv inni ante lieilum nero, who is ill Chester field county jail b r sti alin;r a bar rel of llour, was made lo (iover :ior Tyler, 'ihe ohl pi isoner has a daughter living in tla Norlh and dolus.'- cll. Slse wants her lather to come to live with her, and it was stipulated in theptti tion that the prisoner would leave : the State if executive clemency was c.Tj.iitcd. I'ucle Simon, how-, ever, said: "Tell th -t iovi 1 nor I am content lu re and do not want a pardon under the eirciimst luces. I had rather stay in jail in Vir ginia all my life than live a vear in the North. Family I'uiMiatU ti!h U ie. Amesbury, Mass., Feb. 2a. A family of live, who lived on a farm near liiton, N. Ii., have been poisoned, and the tallier, mother and one child are already dead. Tui other four children are at Ihe point of death and physicians have little hope for tin ir recovery. Ida farmer's name was Horace Hates, lie fore his death he said that a few days niro he received a bottle of wine from a friend and ih d yesterday noon all dr,.nk s, mie oi it. Shortly afterward ad w-ie taken ill. Charles May ha-, been arrested and will be held for in quest. Tim First North Carolina regi ment will be innm . 1 i ; ; t -1 u.tMcr cd out, and our 'boys in blue ' will -ladly return homo from Cuba. Chajnl Hill Clir-aimrs C,i.i i i. Hit.!., N. C, Feb. 27. ( ne of ihem 'd e,ii, that has t.c a;- c; life of the Fn:. Was the V.-ed di.. lea ! crci- eS cel. d;'. si it i'V !,!' nb ' : ; v is'., r. ;:-'' - erarv so.-;- ! e ; last ' We're:-.- ', r 1 1' t I J a .. i o -1 Tie tvooi,:- b'ssf-:. f. .".!...- 1..1S O! I;,. , .V, -'.CS:.,-.. . . .-'.v.-- Porn" (.. Ihe Pi. and V, i i. la r- li.u- l o' t.;e I''.'. S.. i.-!y, po!c on Ihe ij ;e.sl ion of I iap iisei aed iheir so c.'.. s wore in. re olan int. r.uv- lalion or t:-c VM;(in:s i sayings of Wasldn.bm as to w hat sliouel be our future policy th ;n a .' bite- on this iiui. sti-Mi. I !r. Faille a!- so made sons- very f.tlimr remarks con.criihurt!.- h!' and characier of the father d our .n::j rv and lbo lessons o shoidd draw i ll' re- Ironi. Ihe program was mt -r- iM.i'se'i at ,i-e;iie:i; !i:i i vaii w n :i 1 at i'i-eeiient int -rvah: wit! .some vary se.ect :ria painoi:.- iiiiisie. Ab'i.-clher it wasiini' st en.an ao.e tdlis.ps noti:iH'j' liasc.-.-i seen a .-!,.. nn ov.r tiiis comniuii! v in . . . , , . , i n-y ve.os , th- f'-cd death of IV. Jo, .n iam-;:-. ! u t ..is ..-at h not isd.-t'.e ii,;. u!s and l.-i'soly of Ihe I 'uivcrsitv feel ,uri''ed bet this eidiiv --;;;;'; r -Uhenito,!,e justice of their own kce d;, o! so not...! nml i.pt i.uU a , ,.,uia;idci-s. citi. a. M ssoi li! s.mce. v eie; .. . 1 i ;; fee hi the h.s. held ia 1 t !,m. ei sily t. hapei on V aider!, nun at v. hieh ! F Al.lc-ru.aii and several . ,. ' ' '. i , m-iii ha :u' ier, w lio is m a position ,se.:.:);:s ,d the lacUily .male , ,. wni(, tmav tl.t the Miort a. h:H -ss-'s, i-aviic-" fid in i ... ..; 1 .. ... . , 1 ' i , ;, i ,. iribiltesolicsoeet to the Incus 1" ': elitial and IclUisular ,. j . : r.'.iiro.u! In.s lieen lioneht by peo- '".',' "jV v .., ,'ple owning the (icor-ia anil Ala- .""'. '',,.""'"'t b.ama and. the Seahoard Air Line. w. ,!e l-eiv v. ,:o lives about .'our .I,,- 1 . . 1 .. ... , ,, I lie believed the intention was to I'll ,-s V, d (! he','. Il.et Willi. I1. . ., , ... ., ., ... , I liieoi porale the road With t he ot Ii- '' ',' "" . '' a,.,. I.se.mst;, i sse was a pa.- :,d .av.oi.l lmMti.tr cons.ai.t u.. - of ';.! r:;b- ies iillil bv some ,,,11, 1 ,.,:..-,,,(,., (,.. l.. !t,.e l...s.. ...'. t-- "P ,!'. hdhler af.'l '''Vn,:!i? . ,i? .p. account o, , . ,, . ., - (1 1"'1' tn; !,,;S "T tivea ale Vei'V a 1 u 'l'cia'liM vc tor . .ii h.-r r .vi)', r-. Tee Fuik-erdtv M is'ori-ai So- eii-tv 'add a verv isi el ".d iu:r ne.-f - I I,..- in (i ; r-.rd ilal! t.mi-'.t. 'f : e Havana. Feb. 21. H:.'5() p. m. ! f. (':!.. i:i.r I 'tp- is were read lie-,(? mi. Maxiuiit (iome;;, the Cuban I f,re lie meet ii'-r: "fhe Life nf .commander-in-chief, entered lla (' rnrliis Uai'i'tt," bv .Mr. .. va.ia this af (crnooii escorted by! F.eb.-.mv. ''.: "A sketch of C.-.pt. itb-n. liiidlow and his stall' and .biha-do.i i'.i .k.dy," by "!r. I!. M.! Troop L, of the Seventh Fnited Lo.i.ion; '!'!, c Coiiiieetion of;S!.ates Cavalry. He marched at . lace- ..ia.il on v il ii the l ousii - t "ion." by .Mr. C. . i'.i'ov.i! and ! (' ii. Win', i.en iir at the hatile ..fj vinj M.i.tul-dn." by Mr. I !.?.!. V. a-.-sta-:. Dr. !;.lt!le, tlie llesi- d. -iit of the Hist,, rieal Society, al so '. ave sen," very interest imr re- e. iuis, : :..'- of Fniv.-rsity life I e f ,ve l!ie war ,. hi.di were much en ;. e..l. H. 31. L. F.xcitcn-.c.t at Cnliiinhia. ..It.mbia. S. C, I'cb. 25. Four S: .'.',e coiislaiiles. eharv.cd wit h t he ehi'.'i -ei, tent of I lie dispensary law, v,. n! at :1 o'clo -k this (-veidu t o t la- resi: iei.ee of .lohn Stewart, a re.- pect;.!.!.' cili.eii and a i !.'ik in one 0 1 he bie-e-e.-d mercantile i s- table hniciiis in (he city, for t he purpose of y aivhinir it to see if tliere was any v.ijisi.y in tne lioi.se. Tli.v v. cut with a S'-arcl. I when his body was found about w.-rranf. but vv.-re m.-t at the do.-rliio vanls froiu'his home. by Mrs. Stewart. She sent lor her .husband, v. io on arriving' iudi r lialitlv r. fused to permit theseaich. The io;:stabi. ;-i.l ! that tll.'.V had been informed ; .t he h.sd ;beel! sellill.'- whiskey contrary to !t lie law, ; : t : I w. re del 1 liuil'.ed to make 1 l;e scan h. Words billowed an i !'.(.:.! I v up.nl Sinai! cursiti Cm-; d.le t rav.i'. rd t bo latter shq pc.i hiui. ?!ua.rt ran into his : boii-e. liis wile ha;! eoilie out oil tie i.iaz.a. Iicntlie tioorwav .ai tlie uooiway Siu-o-t opened :lr tl-.e consta- ,1 1 -i , l ies, l i.-nvl'.id iciurne.I it and shot r.irs. all lilst below tin hear!. The woman was damjer ousiv wo.lii.ied but not killed. She is now Ivin- in a critical coinii jtiiiu at the city h.o.-pital. Stuart j v. a-, ah-.i bi.diy shot in the mouth, his ton.'iie beiuj- nearlv severed. I Li the liisiiai-e that tollovvc-M t 'oiistali!.' i-.ivmoii was shotjjuo-. Mr. 1'eeder made hisown thro,:.;!, Ihe left wrh-.t. The sher- iVrl ili.eis froui chemicalsaiil there iif and several ladicemen arrested by reduced t-xpeuses yreally. t he constables and carried them to ;i ma;:itia!e's oliic. 'idle news: of tii" si.ootiu.r spread all over t he j ci!v and soon four or live hundred j iufnr iac.-l men were in front of j (heoiliee, makin-a bi demon- t rat ion. The constables wci e kept prisoners in the ucurist rate's of- j ti.-e ail iii-.:hl, Lai.'.t.ie.l by tit s b.-i if .-ml his deputies. The j ' t ,v o he . -d military comii.-'iiies v. ere ! .id-rid out ami 1-ept the crowd. pl.-sed back. There is no dan- : ycr of a I ,-1 : L i : u r, bul public fee!-; isj- is v.r,aiL'!it iii to it hir;h stale,! iiiil if airs. Si uai t siioiihl d.e, as now se, ins probable, l'cclir.!,' will r. in hii her. Wasloiu! mi S V.I,. i-r. mn .!.!;! . i, i-i,. li b", a. m. . .,,ai. 1. S .. ii. e -' ill... " . . . . . . . v i .. . :i . l. : t- h;v ov.iii-lo a vvasi.ont on t lie. road near Hole-nan. The vvash- out occur,,! Snmh.v ,du! t alter th- uorih bo,l .Micnta special 1....1 ...I... ... ..I...... It.,..-- e'ver, vvh, n the south' bound At - hi'da special, v. hich left here at 2.1,;, r :a h the place all passed over except the two rear cars, the !eep.-,s. and th.y Iropplcil over, . ivaeuiousiy no one was nur ami tne pa-seiicers ve.e taken Iron, t ue sleepers into the oiliei i-iirs ami the train soon resumed Us "T- l'he earn were rinteil iilnl the tr.lc'i lepil ied In foiC noon today i Thievia-ruhniis. U ., 1VI. '17 i he ..wnevs ' . .. ,, i:;i,h!.eeM.cetly that Cuban sol- : .! ' f,, u .,( t. ,.: cc. '.lav lor the VurH.se of ... .... .. .. ' v..ior lluss.-!! !t. Far- mi l;. Vl..sl narslia1, with a ,..,,.,.1 .r, ,,. .,, jj,,. i. .),,.., ,,. i..v,l,o- .l.t so , J.., ( -,,iu,is iUI j .i.r,.:.-.! them. i . , , i ,.s ,.i4...,iM.. As th :-; -v ' ri a'd was nniicl inback, .,!,!; rai;) Cuban Koldh rs came, ,.,, ;,,,, 1)V01. Iti ti, br;indishincf (h ,jr riiles. Major Harrison be- .,,.,1 t!.;.f it rescue was intended ,vx, ,.it,e.l his men and or- i th an (o 1 aid their rilles. He U directed a Sp mish-talkine; .i.ii,.,.,,, till the Cubans that must in t come :u,y nearer or ,.is,'. J,,, ttuhl shoot. Followed by .. ......udor Culai:8. Maiorllam- Son and the nnsoners marc bed to t is-ii -adipianers ot ier. Uotler - .,.,. whom Prisoners were . ; rails e r red. II! ''laor laiiUlir U .. .... lv,.,.,t ,,r them. v... ,,,. ;,.,. ...JHfo-e ,o(l,.i-. s t,;,lt tlu. t,,,mU laddies as though they behm-ed to a lor- ;.,. .n-niv, not . punish in them in t he id v il ' courts, but cemmittimr 1 i l , . il ., ....,:.. . it...: Inin-'iva'vt lb, i r. i ai! Denl. Ihdlimore. . , . eh. A prom I- ,el- two into a compact HouthctU , ,HaiH,:thi! s,.,.mt .,; s.i( !u. y.M t j,, ., ,,mitio!l . i . , . , w r . :;ive. J. Skvlton Y llliams, ot ,.i,.jnll.,.1 Va., president of the itJeore-ia and Alabama and the , S(.;l, ,,,,, A. U WJ8 1--I.-.V. but would neither alii, m , ., 1 nor oenv the ru r. (5 iiit 'z's K ita'y i i'lto IJaviins. i use iicau or ,uiiu armcit v unan horsem.'ii and footmen. The pop - illation of the city was wild with enthusiasm. Fair 151 n IV Times: We under stand that duriiifr the recent snow storm many hojrs and call le per ished in the l'ce J'ee islands. W'e hear of one man who lost twenty live head of cattle and a number of hovs. Leaksville (iawtte: One of the j s -eldest cilcll instances of the cold v.ea'.her of last week was the death , ,f ?, r. Adol phus Jones, of Aiken Summit. He was on his way from a neighbor's house to his home, when he fell into a drift of snow and was frozen to death, lie waa , buried beiieath the snow from Sun- dnv allernoou until Ihursdav New ton Kntcrprise: Abel Sealel of Liinoln county has a pear tree j standing in his yard that was I i-.if.... i,..r,., H..J ........ ... ...... .... bat lie was foiiirht at ibinisenr'.s Mill on the moruine- of the HOth of June, 17K0, and near the ground it will measure about nine feet in ilia. lifter. This pear tree was; struck by liv;htninr about fifty-! three years ajro, Itliad some pears on o l-si sc.. inner. J Ills tree w;is .i ,t"a"11 ' V , ...uioied and ihirtv-lour ycaisold. ' J Monroe Jhnpiirer: Jr. 15. CI. Feeder, who farms 011 Mr. W. lb .ia sli s place soutll oi tow 11, matle . . '., .., 1 . 1 is t ve.ar Sin 11 pounds of lint cot- ion on nineteen acres of land, Nineteen bah-s of cotton, wcih - imr 507 pounds each, from nine - I teen acres is certainly -rood tarm- Wm. Cutoe, of Lancaster county, S. C., went to Kershiiw on Mon - day of last week and started for; his home near Ta;dtiiw, about I nightfall, but he bec;iiiie so he-1 numbed by the cold that he lay j down by tb.e roadside, where, lie j vvas found mi Tuesday moriiin'r, in an unconscious condition. In ttiti :t i ii t o take oil' one of t he ! unfortunate man's shoes a foot j broke oil' at the instep as if it had been a piece of wood, lloth feet! and one ai in had t he amputated, i j s, t :i s unreasonable that a imm! e,:i!-,'. live Iviiiir on the snow for 'ten he.iis with the teiuiH'rnturi j te;i ilerecs below zero. Texas is passing thronjrli an t pidefiie of menimritis and the situation is aiarnnmr. lneiteain record in Fort Worth is ;!0 for the ii, . s il -.,... I:...w,rf fi't.iti 1 I ... ... hi i. - j ' i .. try t.ocns - , vc a similar situation. Many schoo s liave binm c osed .n i',,,',,,,"t ,,f ili0 ,,f tins dis- case. : The Senate of North Dakota has : passed a bill providing for a coin- mission of three physicians in caili county loruie exaininaiion of all applicants for marria.-c li- hum s. The Cayman Islands, lad miles ),., j ,,.,;,..,, Were swept bv a t,,, ,il1(, st,,nn .Vl,,uury Ft and 1 1 VV lllcil lievasiaieil 1110 COUUirv His- i,.;..u SlieiilF Shouts ! ' -j' ( i Veelisb, A!..., Feb. Willi, en M, ...ii .!,.onl c ;:.ei ;!. Horn, a farmi r. a:: to; a s v ,.e took part in )l and i-iv.I on .! I he deputy i!. r. a i'v-'i t th: . I e wosau hi 1 instantly, t ic ohner s ! , I, : I I i . wed lb: in t, 1,1 music ;:. in! li.'a. To Cute a C.bi i . ihw V.v.y 'fake T. Tabl-.-ls. All druc -ists r-'fumi in. "'" 'i ey if it faila to cure. -J".;-. The. - ei - nine has L. H. O. u each f a! d, t Charles 15. Kom', of New York. has sent a cheek for ?; i .n a) lo t !,e mayor of Winchc,!",-. . a.. Ui t h- pour of that city, who ,:ic in need of relief. ' W SV F.:! VI sj. Ml ! N is S j A N i i Sii.l' ItV ViUrt'l''!-'; .ir M.r.l is...! n ii,.. I...,, la f-n- n. :' t iii.'i..ii..wii.tf 1. ,: i i i-: t i -; . i t a I V n-.vt . ZJ, Z. ' .,;..,.,,..;.., wi. t in, i,,,,-. u,.-, v. r a, . ' ;.''--" r-ar.c, in,.', a,.,,. ZZ ! " H . 1; r..,,; ; .( It-rt ht.l!'.i. r..;il.Uii1.i,! ..a : ic..l.v I ' ni'.niti. ,i,-i, m(. a j .,-a;.-. t, l, r in.'-:-. IMnlrt.! ii. l-.'.i I.. F.ll.Vl.iOMS. ,,. n,,-.,, ,-.v. ..:..-:-:., 7 . .. ..... ya'"'""' - '-' v' ' . r ,.,,.,;. ,-.. , v . ..,. .,,..!,,.;,,,, e,-o.-o,.,..,. . v. w 1 a i,. t ,.-.i-.i.t .,1 , a.-,-.. ,-. :-:.,!- chin,..,,. y. 1 ,a -. a 1 .ei. ..M. ;,. ' c 11;- .... !-vi;ni.,v n. i. v-.i :., 1-.. ,..,,,..,,..,,,,,.,,., I-'""1 ''''- "",1 ' 1 " ' " H:.r,. ,.r I....:.- .-r.-u, mi uerc il..- i.n,a-,., frank KI..I l, "ii :. lin-w.-r I ..Hi.-r. i.-ai , , r... , a, ,, V,,..,., ,,.,. ';;; ; V",;' 1' " ' ih-n.v 11 -r h l... h it... I !' :,. m, 1 . 11 ft ,lh,, . . ,1 ,.k, su.w I ,.. ,. i -,a, !. -..,.,-, , ,., , :..., ,.,., t tY?'''"'- " " ' 'sivi.unu m:ii,i.. 1 . a. neii-a: t r. 1- Ii . I'iil i'V vswfvy 'p,,j r5?ry9.(, , p "jg a E&;s;'hLl, Cv j vv iioi.cs.vi.i: a.m 1: ! . i . 1 ; . I'I.ai.; ; i B- 1 tr:i rj 4'.n. iAtii ii!i:i t. tie" I'tt-iiitisf 5 If A i'.Vi'.V.S', l;i('V'!.f:s,r drc2usbri, Ij . il. tor li. S I'Li TV !' THIS kii:i will i'i.i-:w.; i F HIS I' !:!!-( i. t, a 1 i-.n I It iN l o t Fsdd'ei.: (ol. I'll A ',J !,!; ! !) VAIL ClIbT'l A' i'i;i( i;s. I- lit 01 i: -- I'it AMI ; ?. 5 s I ? 5 e I V " 8l ' '" Over Id,;,) Aci-c.--. Croat 3-jr,f.'.ti.-2:: Ir.-i-i A r 0 TJo -T O iui v c d . I Will sell in illelv ovot J ' . OHO XC?"VJ!.r,3.3.CL .. ,. .,, i. , ,,. in-ivs nl vnmnoie la 1 1 I . ;i 1 n 'Hi two miles fi'oin Pill.-bovo and f,, ,.,! v beloiiein-r lo liielate , ., . I nomas It. 1 a i , i 1 "ls la-i.lvvill i'i" mv! hi 1 lots to sui 1 pun-liaMM s juud on ' ,..iv terms H'vnn widi In lmv ai'V lam! - , ' , . " , Ull,;: ls x"m' ,'I:1II,( (' lorlher iiilofina! ;on ap- ; J)l" to i ' i f II. A. London Attorney. r. m t-f (jjrj jv; rr- p rtj - . jj Ijlj 'titjl l zii'i PI W:'$Vtf$ f-fl t t'iii'-ji&i'Mi i'l'i ' i- a 1 hum' c e-o. ,-iv a ml ,1c- 1 "' ? .... a ,v . . .. ,. '-t.the p-.ii.'i..i ..: , 1 .,.rlh ( ar, hm.aie. Ir w.-.i-.'i-'ni'iized in 1 t aid has paid vci"-x hundred liaai-and dollars m and there i, ia t one c.mtoicd claim iuraiit it ! All Iosm-.-p.n.i prompt iv. I.-.cv ni,h.n, ,.,., ,;, , 'illM,,,, Li; ry. Fur terms, apply to . , i .a.i.u.M)..Ai(I-.M. vv . J'Ca.VI ituat,, I resident. Sept. 1, 1'.'S. t7:Y: foitlai; ioi;l j, ..v.-. rn - r m H MM R MME&ll&l&i Eses'Csorus'tt existing between W L. Landon and II. A. IsuTon n'j ft ( n K ,i ft S iir (111 ; 1 ,y e ;t! I in e g. .....I ; SCC H (S2H0l Ml ' ! K,V?5ff. v, a, mum Jb. Has Scid but Isix J?s:?i:esf us xaid business?; lo 53. Xi. IjCK'DCIC-wIis " : j 3: j , , t 1 a- CXC Tj? LTI. ec-f p t fiji' - 4 - v s -r,-- .CJ-. .C.. -.-1 -i - r. -,- . - -C- " n. Jr., in ".zc Zz Sea, -will coatiaiae tlx -j "c-j.si- n.-.-:3 v-ncler tlio a 2.1.1 3 and stlecf T.TVMilNO YOU YOU FAST 1MV0ES AND SOLICITING A .C NTlNl.iN'"Iir ilU'.SAMl-l Commercial and Farmers Bank, Oi" UAI.KKJ1I, IS. J. j ST A 1 KM i:ntt of condition FKBUUAKY i iv.tn I Capital Stock Faid Fp, -v H'0.(MM).(I0 I Surplus Fund, xd.ooo.uo ! N' t Fn livi-ied Frolils, n.itl.4K Fa posits, ..!ii:,ti(u.M Sale deposit boxes for vent. X- interest paid oil deposit.--. Oilers its customers every accomniodat ion consistent w lih safe bauk in,r. V ii-iml:er of '-ood business offices for rent. OFFICERS: .1. J. THOMAS. Fresideut. Aid'. A. THOMPSOX, Vice-President. II S . I Ml! l X N, Cashier. II. W. JACKSON, Assistiial Cashier. .1. J.Tiio'i s. llaleiyli, A. Honsi , Clayton. A. A. Thomi son, lialeih. 11. N. Fi :u-. Durham. .1.15. H11.1., Ualeih. A. F. Pali , Aberdeen. II. i. l;Ni.,. Pahd-h. .1. V,'. Si oTT, San ford. J. F. Slill lii.i.! , italeiVli. i;Ki'. Fril l ies. Tarbovo. Cauky J. Hi N'n i!, Kalei.ch. Tf.oM.vs !!. Ib.na-.s, L'aleieh. H . .. London, l'i ; :sboro. W. Watts, Durham. j A hvn vs on hand a lot of, liwiVkX-CCX.dh dross- . cd il IP I U!itre:."' I. -V!.-i) I lillll- . 1 1 l 1 ' . .... , in" tile .inir es. cut to 01 1 1 er. a supply ..d'Ccffira-s ni.d CSZX&lZ3t& always on hand, from S- lo 1I in price. Will be delivered at any time, either day or ni.nlit. :n ajftftP in J, J 2l a T'ltts'bcrc. iT. O. Feb. e. IS'.MI. v : 'nit:.... N i ! : l I, M WAV or Til". :-.trri THl lMillT L'M: To A U. POINTS r '" :ali:-ornia. PLORIDA, CUBA AMD PORTO RICO. Strictly First-Class Equin- Loijarfrains; F " ' ' a " P I'i RUht Trains; Fast and iafe Sc-t;ecules. ner.i on r. 1 1 inroun mia j;. I, Vernon, F. II. Darbv. T. V. A., C. P..VT. A. Charlotte. N C Vsheiille NC No Trouble to Answer Quest ions Frank s. ..anuni, j. m. ci i.c, w. a. Turk. Wusliintg-oii D. C. i T n h yo f i' I iA j t mv m IfKISPtmni ."' ti'S1 o, N. C - lias ., .W1a1 filmm Uj UllHUclS COIi- will collect s.ll cut- J -r,s T si.Tl 1 11.-1 sTat- VV. L LOKDCH, il A. LONDON JH. "bUL-iriz: or THE C. F. & T. T. RAILWAY. JOHN GILL, P.rcEiv-ER. Condensed Schedule. In iffot Nov. -M'.h, 1K8. Li-AVE GOLDSTON 2V P. M. Daily, arrive San ford ;M p. in., Fiiyettevillc! 'I:. 12 p. m., Wilmington 75 p. m. 2:1S p. in. Daily, arrive, (Ireensboro d:l."i p. ni., Mt. Airy7:ii"i p.m. AKIUVK GOLDSTON 2:1 S p. m. Daily, from Wil luiiiirtoii, Fayettev il!e and San ford; 2:2 i. in. from Greens boro, Walnut Cove and Mt. Airy. W. E. Kvt.i', (N il. Piiss. Ajrent J"W. FliY, Geu'l Maiiarer. ri'citi, nd Tred'Miir!i nlitHlnM. i,J all PU vt.t buflinosi eondoctnl r,,r Modkhatc Fees. 1 Ou Ornet i Orro-.iTt ,j S. Ptiit O'p.r 1 d wo cau rccare pai,-i,t i-t icne time uiau tho j remote fram Waibinr'-.n. ! hand model, diri,:s ,.r -!ioto., with i!rrli t lion. Wtt advlM. if i.a,, n:a:.!c r i,..l. frtw of I charm. Oiur ft not .lu liil ; s'p,:t fwruwd. PPMLtT, "II.iw ,.),.:.nin PsteiiU," with lnit.it o-tual clirn--' a y..,-.r ttaid, Cuuulj, ur j U.wo, eint fto. AdJrfh.., m m wr w w v wv Op PTCNT Orrirr WioMHtrpftiti. O Aeteran. MA9HVILS.E, TtNN. OFPICIAM.Y r'irr.TXTS United Contederxix Veivr.ws, United Dmugbten of tht Convene?. The Soas, and olUcr Onn,utlons. tl.OO t yr. Twt Simpiea, Fee Ts-Cii! Starnn S. A. CUNNINGHAM. Specul Rbpociio:- In C':.V wl'.U tliia Pm tJSWTOW,,p"illlll,.WIW,JtfUlto