lt4 (Kbalham Record ThuksjmV March 0, Us!)'.). H. A. LONDON. Editor. THK Legislature lias adjourned ntil tlie Tuesday after t!u' second Monday in June, VMM. Tin- sixty day for which the constitution fellows our legislators to draw pay Expired on last Saturday, ami, as A matter of course, mod of the Itepublicans quit worl; ami went at once to th 'ir respective homos. Sufficient Democrats, however, remained at their pos--. of duly four days longer without any pay, And nislied up sl!l;'f i!ie mo.-d important work of the session. Thi.H is not the first time 'tha' a lVniocrat ic Legislature has ie ftiaiiiml in session v. ilhmit pay iii order to fransact 1 i , ! 'i:-:u. .-s which they Were e'ei I.-.' lo do. The work of this Lc.-r.slature Svill now pass in'o history and v. ill receive close s.-rut iny and erit i mil. Much was expected of tins I.?is!ati:re pi'olii.lily too much l)iit all fainiiindi .1 men mu d a.l Y? that it hart fully met all rca Koll.'iofe expectations, am! i'.- ses sion will mark a new i -. in ti:e history of onrtrood o! -.1 ?:.ia!.. Tim lniicliiliscti.-.sed-'.IimiY.'w'' Car law has at last been pass. d. In another column it is puhiid:.-.! hi fall. There was hardly any oth er measure, before the 1,0..; Mature fhat was more discuss-d than thi . It passed the Senate w it h -a! v one ffisrseliliuo- Vote, and that v. as east by 11 Democrat he, :r;se ias he stated, it nve the Kaiiwav I'oni- TllissiolliTS tin po". i' toe-amp! i-aiicli roads from its provisions. An import-iiu hii! that lias i. . u passed is the on., repealing tht Railway Commission aet and es iiiilishiny the "North Carolina Corporation Commission," wnieh will succeed to the duties .f uu railroad commissioners with en larged powcis. Tliis hill ;:iv . tla Corporation Commission !! ra I supervision of railroad, stcamhoai. navigation and eana! eompann s. express and telegraph and tele phone raimpanies, huildm.:' an! loan associations, lai ks, siiii ty and iruarauty nun panics and sh ep-in-ear companies. The ( '.unn : -fiiHi- has all the lowers ami jur.s dictiou if a court of eem -r.d juris diction. Mid will con-d.M of three llieilib.-l's, i-lectcdl-y this l,ill:i- tare tempi irarily. At the eem-rul flection next year the three Com missioners are to lie eh -"ted I v the people, one fur a term of tan Veal's,, one for a term of four y-a'. s an 1 one for a term of sU veers In case of vacancies the Hoard of Internal Improvement is to t'dl Hindi vacancies. The three Com missioners elected by this Legis lature are? Messrs. I'raiik Mi N.-i'il of New Hanover, li. ('. lied 1 i 1 1 -field of Wake, aial Samml .. Holers of Macon. Ii v a unanimous and rising vote Shft Senate, on last Friday, pass ed a resolution to :.ppropriate $.",(HH. for placing a bronze statue rtf Vance in the Capitol .pia:v. Kloquetlt speei'hes in advocacy o! She rpsolutioii and eulogy of auee were made hy a number .f S.-u-j tors, llepublicaiis as well as "pern-' ocrats. i Very properly a resolution v.-as ivn-TUiimoiisly passed by the House iliankiiiLr Speaker Connor for "the nble, impartial and dieuit'u d man lier" in which he had presided o.-r that body. 'I'he resolution was iu tJrodueed by a I'opulist iJolmson of Kampsoiii and was seconded by X Itepublicau ll'etree of Stol.i s., who saiil that the coinbi' t of the Democratic members towards the Republicans had been uniformly kind and that he hail never known greater courtesy and cousidt. ra tion. This, he miu'ht have added, was in most p!easiui:aiid striking contrast to the discourtesy with which the Fusion maj uity hi the last Legislature treated the l: iu Acrntic minority. Ihit nobody I'ould have expected anything else from that dis;raceful jjan:.'. The "Wilson matter was at l.e-j Bottled in favor of the Wilsons as had been generally expected. There was quite a prolonged and iuterestiiiir diseussi..,! before the I'ote was taken. The Senate and Ifoust met in joint session to Lear aud decide upon the matter, 1 remained in s'ssion from t o'c! u k in the at'tTiioon of last Thursday, with only :i short reee.-s for sup per, until ret iiioiionir id half past o'clock. The vote for re UiKlatiny Maj. James W. Wilson I was ,s ; to "!, au l forOiho Wilson The "Jim Crow" CuLaw. was 71 to 'is. We note that the Tin- i'o'.lov, in :' is a cooy of the Itepr.fViitativ.M from t!.M vount.v iu.t f (i0 l,e;,i-.!ai ,:. passed Inst divided on tills vrxed question, w o-d;, iu re-ird t whit.- and col- Mr. (liles votiui for th Wilsons 0v j j..eneeis , i 1 1 1 Mr. iV'e.iu ot;ii;- a-.;aie ;1ratt them. The Wilson da!; a -o ism as liie vole v.a and M.ij. Wi! salary due dui, a ( ntitied to i!, lie iriv .-' a! mount had ah i iiiH.'ei! s a o; eiue l'earsont. ii v. as j of the peoph-'s thrown away, in Ii to iiuv las ia.i.:ee. . ( )i:e of the hoi ael s of t lie 1 p,,-,s ers: islature is the election of Mr. l:ot a.p S am;:. I I ,. i'alters.m. of Caldwell IMill! A.r: Valiim.'lon bc'ttcr. Ki'Mii nir R.v.-ulur (Mmvii 'ini'n' Hutle.'s I'i(if..l n Washii.etou, March 4.-Se..a- UOCtOrS 2ay, lor IJutlcr. of North Carolina, Bilious and Intermittent revcrs Wasiunoto-n, I). C, March II, ,a;lllt. a pitiful exhibition ol him wj1jrj1 prcvatl in miasmatic dis- x. . , . .. . se;i unoiieiioui iasi uini .-..-it- - . . . enusep- Noihin- more s.en.tieaut oe- t'o'n-iv. li is w ied v and tncts are in variably aecompan- ieo i'i',1 iliii'iif t in I'lo.Uli'' 1 ls ol , " . , o ,i . . . , a.. "' a rale cars: , " , 7i i i-;. emptveloeuiioii was on i.qi an uie ,ecj i,y dcranoemenis oi uiu si,na,imof Otho Heejion . That all railway and iZin Uyt Ts t IhT StomLh Liver and IWck i a tendered some s eaiulioal : e.:::p auies, j,s common ., , .i I . i in - atestlme. At last .senaon I law - - ,s,i11!- I'rXJttM rTft'Si'RSS- fcr.,.'lr! nKr.fafre. "." m, each, drew the , . ,,,,.., bateoual. ll! .,".,,u ? t,n ;,1,ls U" ' " ':s; lie basiness. Alteithis Mr. Haw- wheel' in the mechanism of :e;theti.ue of their JU,, (ill!llod u ion for the white aud 'j J . mi J.V tZ2"t nmm- '';'w"'' t' man, and v, hen it is out of order, d eourse they were colored races o ail passenger , ,a wii,h rm, and -u.h-r yaw Pp , who,e syslcm becomes de- T! w om.ii.t . tr.i'.ii'i and s e.oabials earrvnejr n i i i i ,. ,n n. . l ., I he Senator is whipped and Is io- ' "' Jm -crs. sad, aeeommodations Is V" hM '? ii ! 'fir ruunin- away." ran-ed and disease is the result. !i" -t' n-iv be-mrnished by railway com- " ' Mr. Jfaw ley strode back to his , - . p.,, "'v 1 " o.iaies either ie. s ... , ,ra! -passeu- " Ua" f U ! . . i .. i ' . place, his eves llashiue- "l am not Hit S LlVCf I'll IS ..ii o.i' . . i reaso u o i lie iiiui 1 1 . i i in- ir u- . ... . 1 :. i .. I .. ,. s .( indwell and e-,.i- ears, or by compartments in , . . ., , . wiiipjed. lie exclaimed, 1 am ,,;t ,h;lt much p.seu,,- e,rs, wi.ieh shall be J not running awaiy. ;;' J-j-- ,, ,. .,1,.;,,,,!,. ofoviued by l he i a' wax s iind. r i h. .. . i i . i ,i, , are olleiisne. 1 l;ae sulleie I li !K ,'' M i n,' v ,1 dire. tion of (he a,,l,,., 1:'l"k' T' ' 1 share of injustice here, because it e.ods attempt , o,iiw,,, C.i could not l.e helped aud because I . i . tiou on the 1'hilippiiie qae.-tioii, , ' ia..,,,,. i ,t QQ EVERY CITIZEN 03P Cure aH Liver Troubles. lull' t' or aeci to be ( 'omm.ssioiaT ot . . are. He tided this posi- .(''1'.',1 .-.. r.-d years most credi- trav.-ii I hi. se'eeeediue- .John I'., to ia- 1 III ist foieibleiilu-.iratioii ;V, v. !,e,. Pel i.v, ell I V'iliO- o t Us;, in rule. a J ; ui.e the Peine- sioum-. oi t. , i . i i .. i-1 . t lie Agricultural ' Pepai t! :. a;, '.' I e.;i.slatuie ha. elect '.1 the I'ol'ov. iii:r additional tra-!e;-: .!. . rimes. First d:s tri S. M. t rt . W. I . Smiih, I!, i I -lout's. .1 no. S. Can ii in - ham. A. I.. Mei 'uHom. W. A. (iraham, I.. V. Wa. uh. . Pill. At h.rire, .1. : ( '. m !.!. W. II. Cap. hart. .' A. .1. C. Ihna h, (i. F. leee. .iniiT l i Hell I'roxide.l. that this shall to relief trains in cases , 1,-M : . to I'liiunaii or sieep rs,or ll.roiieheypitsstiaias hi not slop at all stations e iai' use.! ordinal Hv for t-.M.. S., i; of II, era! i In ( n' l T e.,!itro I t i ; - OW e Iim:i t 'I lb. t! I1 ' naro u!ar e 1. St'';. of t .;:.; o .a. s. I:. v of la' . of the I ' i: i fi si t v "; ua la id their fee- ''' I ,;t Kah ieh on . : i u eek, and ill'.ndi , ,;' . -s was transact- t ii.p. .-.talil were the ,,; the early civet hm '' l;n :v and the el. etioa of e . ..!;;. i.e s Ii. p: 1 a ill.- i'-iMfe.v, ,r of I , I A o: ia i of the h :e lb. ii. li Mauuo,,. ().. ,,f i !...-,. I.iiiejis, is the "Ahm.lii Hall." the a lil.tla iioiis of v. hi.-li w. laid last year. Ai oi:( lo.oiio. ia ad.liti. n to the I'.Ual alr.-.idy seeured, al'e Ue. d. ;i lor ;': . em.,;.!, ti"ii of thU bui'.d ii' r. a-iid t i . tru-: -es made arrai.v !, :. i . !' r I lor; u i iij' this anion nt. Tii.- oi h. r bail. hue- i- to b. a .h r- i l iti.m to st i'.ion: ;. ill at tendance . Hi ;s; fi odieei-s or oi t in : p-. i-oiiej-s, nor tlaasporte.l. i;.-,ii;iv Coi.-liao i ijlieei sueeeedili- ., are in i eliy an: Iii 'l -pt fi . :; i he provisions ;;..!( I i. and Hal' a-je r..:i ir-:, i: in tiieir li! I he e iif.'ivcmeut nf t!lis uaa -. ;ry t secure the I of p ."..i;vrs, by reason r i -ibl )' of passe;iee-ii- i a.- s.i: all number of ue-;-..-:, ;i ,s . ra. ii-iu" on m;c!i , e'ailu' or I .raie 'i lilies. 1 i. il w Leu aa coach, or rtm.-ut of a ear. for either, l .li he e t. i tilled iit a ! I V ht ! e no el i 1. 1., en . a j ; be Li b ami the hit I'.-.l.-ed : r of pa--eiij. i c;.!i!iol be, 11 lhe (-..:: il- !! Ill e'laree ! , train is i . :.!e. ailt Iiofi.ed . in 1 intimated, alihoueli he oolv particular pains not to tl -tinit lv promise, that an extra s -ssion of the Filty sixth Coiijress would bt called to ileal with it, sooa after tie- treaty of peace -rocs into of ficial l il'ect. ( )f course, he IllaV h.ive been talking for f. ar that Con j I'cssioiiiil selitillieiit Would force an immediate extra session, in oil"r tosettie the luattortpih k- Czar lb-e l tlidll't succeed ia his t-tl'oi t to hill the Nicar.i :i!.i Canal 'amendment to the Kierand ll;ir- bor bid. but he scotched it. : i'lie i:ev Ar;r,v bill, with which 'the democratic S--II dorse died the . :!ra s-s.-ioa bin 11' of Mr. MeKin ! lev, whiell eaves the ,-idai iuisl i ;i , tion the mi nber of men asked for, limits their scr.iee to two ' years from the first of u - vi .Inly, was a bitter pill tommy of the i imperialists in Con-rress, but they 1 had to obey, -is tio;a the W Iii to j Hons,, and swallow it. Mr. M.-ixiiiley still lacks the : lit rve to fi i!hv t he ad ice of some of his hot friends an 1 deman 1 the resie-a.-dion ((f Secretary ALvr. but he had eliolieh to compel Al-:.-i- to announce the abuu I would rather takesometlisiipii. 1 it ineids for mys -lf than waste the time of the o-oxt-riimeiit with a stream of eu-rlastimr words. ' This last phrase poor iiulh-r could not ,e,.f toer tiurin..:' the rest of his speech, lie kepi rill;.' iny tin! changes on it aiiam and ; a -rain, till at last Hi: Fcttioivw : whispered in his ear a watniii .r t'nat he was m tkiii more vole for ; the other side t iiau for his own. j i.ij nii.iui id el Cnimrcss. Washington. March t.- An out-, burst of patriotic sou:.' in the; House was the only incident that j broke the spirit of tlL. nit y and tie- j coium in which the life of the 1 Abb I'DIN IS Noimi, Siicrn a-ei suuni- WKST. SMiUiEiM rtc.ll. 131 I Jut car, o i.l -o. ill 1 i'orto liieo at puniic ex pens. Soutliboi-trd. N- 1-13 ! v N w V. Ik. 1, U. li- 1' "ia i-lit li-Iill Ii I on l' re.-s came to all -:,i, .,.... endtadiiy. The ),.x..ioey f,,.,w- j-; ,V ed suii.'S about tla-ll.-iL', the holi- v. i i,. oiabie sinet-rs joiniiie hands and I', I'.'," ll'ji '"' foi uiin..' a civic, iind as (he hist x.';i;'i,;i',l,'.Vi' notes died aw ay lilt mbel s, ollieel s r m, . i, ..!., and einphiyes ilisappean-.l throii j h eil.V'ii.-. the many tl s and the jM-eat '.''Vw' ....I h l!l W;,s de-,ete,l. in the Senate. ,',r a'!,',;'.,;.. there w;is no siim'iii.r of son-is, 'v -u" , but the Vice-l'lesi.ielit male ;. j2Hrr "liiceflll little speech t .1' fa 1 e w el I . j as Speaker lit- iltiid ill the House. ' and Iht-U as lr. Ilobel t h'""d : , v V!. in-1- iiaiios v. itn rsei: inns, ;, i tti, , , H'.o ' Nortbhoun:! . ia. a i.i- --I. a i- i . t 4.. .,M V m,, ,m I -...ii : i i,. in i i i.'in :l vu-iii '1 M ,'i i.i .m -i ni i j Chin : .... i 1 ,.m :t 4 i .it. l.i " . oi ! ! ). 1! p !U 1 1 . !''' 'i'iii !l -.i :!a tl shall : ! ip -1 d..- -. .;t ia el i V I.V Ihe 1 the Oi r p. -.-a i- k.-. and . I .-,11 . ai'dl lil'-t ill i.i :-eC-...... r i.eeouiiii. h'.i- aav r ii'.w- v i om , e.aaply in e, i , ni-ioes ,.;' this ! 'e t i il penalty ill '; ive ele 1 i.l all a.: o'!-t stieii coia ii w. tv ( 'oinmissi- iii- i-., l!e i-.-lhltV of . 1 b, to the Slate Sll.l man c i me tpu. t iv tn and iinscieu-, ,u , ed from I he desks of those w hose . ; oiilcl.d lite ell. led Willi the .stloUe l. of 12. the li-jht metal name plates. The "exs" will keep theliliiS souv enirs, ail 1 ;it tin- liet s. s-ioii new dates v.ltl ir I'-1. in ii-i. n. .u a.- t-. ilt .r .1,-1 1 i,. " le.d Will - J' -i . - ii," i.i ii, ., i.. pa. o- III, d to C tu.leats nn.l to be ! i i i i i 1 i i : " in t '.m !. a u ! i.i a S. C..i r. ! ..oe,i p. t u t t it. h- se iWobliil.iil.e-. .leat beilelil tolhe '. ill attract lie I meld, a.-se nt-i race to pas- ... , , , '. , it is ei'e.oiaiue io ine o- in in ;o i. ' ,. niemb.-rs of the House and S.-ii- r.i w i.v ci or.- 1 .... . ... .... ate .Mdit ily I ommitl'-es tliat al most exception they de cline I Ahrcr's invitation to them- I ..... I , , ., i e.i, e i . . ... ....-t .... ......... o. ... , takelheir ll.ii 1.1111 oil tlie junket, be lore the knew mat it li id beell called oh. it.. I... I li r, I lli ,1 ,1'al le -o-.k.,, eo.dd be Mleiiced if he' At lil'atil. ( iii.. ?d a ieh l.-Sh,lifl .-oiiid cany a lew promiii. id d.-m- Ib i.ry, of Widki r i-oiinty. wired: iciats with him, but they were .ml CioM-rnor Caudh-r vt-st- rdav that j ,.. I ;,, v.i.-l, -i!.. he w .in some mihtia to helpi I preserve order there. The Fia ht IC ,'i L'.l .. ii . It ill! ii in Secretary Allen didn't throw 1 mmun.-s. w hi. li is. ipos.-d main-: ',rains ri iU j at Xitt I i,, ls i.l t be Semite iiiaHYol l, lloiu inn I ii-!.. r.,i,.,v..l si it-ech he made. II l!iuli.U Ni-Jrn S ibli '.'. COUNTY Ought to read Hie CHATHAM EU:i!OKl9 which for near ly TWENTY ONE years lias been doing its utmost to build up oisrgrand old COUEltV. i in1, urxwnu not iroTZ irains i.eavc ntts boro 1 1 I,, Tia -a, I !;:i..!i oi will b o , l bl.iversdv a:u -stU 1-llts. I',-- -id. :.! Aiderm m read hi annual r p u'i which was 1 1 i ! 1 1 . int. .'. ! iii j-:rad . ii.-, e.irae'ine. I'l . ua it w.-i-ojiy tie- I'olh.wiiie- extract: In l-r.T-'aS the i 1 1 1 1 i -1 -! I ! I 1 1 hi l.-v at.-r ma; k period, Pd s :i- l.-ids ,ei.- drawn from every Southern Stale and those from .V..-ia Ciirolina numb, r.-d only -.i'.i.i, or ('.: per cent. . '!' the w h. -le. ( ,;t of .V.M -lud, :.! s (...lay. 1. an from Vrt!i Carolina, beimr tt:t per leer p e ','v-t d .y i-f 5!r:ciiit !! direct-, thi- aud eile t t dune. I Hail Storm. ' and W isconsin, is bt-in Iowa ; u.ustcieil j told the Senators that any sinele "i,t and ihieati iicd to bum the boro- still. ( .. upp r : near t'ii I liable f I , i ueell I N. C. March ::..-Tli.-j ;.- of Mai ib. ii'.i t-oil-ity, , wis V Isde.l liV il in the I'nion could t iisily town and si, t rill I t-came i.liil lue.i. . pi-o.bic- ninety men who were ; J He Uovvrm.r sent i onmei i n.ear. tin-ir peers in ability. j;' m.-u.b. r ..f his stall, b. I.uth-, The impression in Conrressiou- . last iii-ht to invest. o;,te, and or-i al circles is that the admiuistra- der.-tl the lour Atlanta c ompanu s ! .1 Ill I, iMi.i-.. l,m-i-.,l,in.--,ot the Stab- n.iiitla to be ready to' '...',, vr vi. i,..,n 1 I Ja il ' j't .S,-,eai p . I'll. t !iau t li.-re w as any occasion lor, , ,- inove. Meanvv l.ile, as a pn ( 'iiinli- r ,ld-: the tumble iilid iisked him t, II.- t-a l!.e ill. low 1 I'l, I l.ell ,1. ol till :t I -e a.- t i the ', it, d i ,i IV, !. I , V Wliol orlim rnm.-nt st.d ist i. s IV other State I'liiver- .pa.t,- :. 1 I r i. Tl,. , i'd'f. I an I - !' '. s ' v i ,f I .1 I .1. , .a i ... i li -rit. :i t , : t c iiiii r v liit-iisure, io. .,, I.. :..,i...iii.ein that ii wiled I 'le.-ide I , t Melx ildeV I il storm ;.!,d cyelo.'ie ' 7 , I. ...... 1 !,.. 1,,..!.. t.:,rsl,ii. it ; in ml . .. i..-!o. u Hi:-, atter- j h .. ;tt xi,,,;!,, aw,v and its iv-!'nd a company ol re.e-uiais loth. "''''' '"i.pieM th.ll this e(,vernmel.t take -;ilie 1 ,1 .. r oa,es eiv ( ,,, ill the I'hliip- j . , ,UI,-I,le;at I. anal t-. 11,i;(.v ;.s , , j, t jj hiil. .1 liy I .,hi -.Plll. s o. ,i. ....... ....... j ,..,,,,,.s lli.;! I his move on sii-.u. 1-. n,...-i, .r,..iiM,ii. .v-r. '! 'T ril vvi-vst l'1,t ''f (i,n,1:l"v Wi.'s '"I'lat-I Mor-ann, March ii. Informa-j r, i I.,, ;' veie l',! ,v ;i desire to make it easy for t i J i has been lveeivetl litre today. .-. i .. !.-! . ! lo-.vls W.-i-e Udl-i . . pi ;.,,. , , .. i- , . ,, li s eu :.t us tit rue i i, i. . i - j - i" . i ( . i ;i s,ni aei ii it-ii i v 1 1 n i i t.ei ii 1 1 . 1 1 , it. 'i , nlh-.-t liioaey fio'u the I'. S. for ! ,, .bil.u's liver yesterday. Mr. ' i.liu ue done to their properly by ;XlioliiHH I'l ll.ilis kei pS his sweet i . ' the I'ilipinos. ipotatois in a ho: i.. n.t.d tunnel Uejueseut it ives Champ Chirk, ,-ut into a hill. M,.ny i-! thef:U ..f Mo.; .). Hamilton Lewis, of ' ,ui-r.s of Unrhe au.l Caldwell la-p Washington: leiry Simpson, of their potatoes in these liiin.i U Kansas, ami .lames (b Maeuiivof Yesterday one of Mr. IV i kins' s m- ii .ay i i ... l ; y I i iii,.ln) N'u- 1" I I la.' " i l e A I l:i it ; i . ... . .1- I I V.-i I. a.. -d i . I I il II . p. I .-, illl.l I ,.il,.l,..K I... i .1. 'V ..IOI, .. o,, ill ,1 I la. :,l-l . I nun -e p, I I..-I .v i . i. 1'. a l ,11 i ' O.I, l.e.l ,. . i 1 ' N I t :i..d :is ! I , S I, P.. n I At ... I, t ' si; v iii Aiic-rii a. 'I'he i ni-.e:--i!y. it w .mid s. em. is lioil..; its fllli tb.dvbv N I ill Caio!i:e.. We still h ad the S,.uth in t!.. r i f ;icadeli;ie si . dent-, and .are ii till in total en roll. m id." in ! ': : ..- tl, Newtol !,' 'wis b.idl k Mr. C. vi.i.-h :t Id oa.- v. :e ,- eyclone v, a. ,- yards w ,.,-. ,! I from about , It ,lestro-,.,,: les on M r. i . : 1 evel'ely thlla- ' ee. teiv I a . ... I,,. . .. . V i N .. I d ai i ' ... d . . -! ! I I. . , . t ; I i . N i'. f .It) 'IN. We !' - it- i tic! I. T p. .ri.l .1 p p .; of Mr.! .Ill: Wi.iiiiu-ii Riililictl. 1 IV. :.. n.- M r-.ii.,: I-...'.. ; e.w York. M.-ireli 1. - 'I'he apart -luents of .1 e. lei- 'I !iom::s 15. Wolii ack. in tin1 a t-i a part meet la use. vr. re fobbed Tuesday af ternoon. A dress suit cas--, aii overcoat, 7,HM in lie....! iable bonds of the A nit-rie-in Tobiic.-o Company, some deeds to property in i.'.deieh, N. C, and a lot of i:- Veiwale V.ele stoh-ll. Alllio-didl of this property was recovered, .-.a I tiie thieves w re arrest;- 1 tiiroiiehiiet id-'ut. l'.x-Iude'e Wom i'.ck h-.d pi. limed to leave New York for llaieie-h Tuesday ii ii: lit. lath-- iilieino ei he Went out, ilCCollljiai. i"d by Mrs. Woniat k, to pay so.i,.. cdls. V, hell he ret iimeil he foil a-1 ids apartments had been loot.. !. h.t leaii:i!ie- tlie extent of the robbery, as he was in a hurry t- j.-t ifvav, he ditl not report it to the police. Two detectives were vvalkin : i:p Tenth avenue this afternoon w hi n r -. . tin y saw a youiio- man eiit-r ;. ;: pawnshop with a bundle under . Ids .ni, i. They arrested him. On a:d ( Xiiminiiie- tlie bumlle, the d, t -e- v.-; t i v. s f. mad ;i silver creiiui pit. her fro. with the name, (bissie V.'o:'!.-..-!.. l upon if. anda hit of table n.ipko.s ex i marked Nevada. The liiilne oi I he l; i thii f is ( ieore-,. Keeley. He eon- v. teised. rup leattue- dames .i, -rli ir m whom the bonds and d. i ds 's were recovered. i!oth men wen- t loeked i:p and the jioliee tele-.. ' r s ' 1 1 : dii hjv Woiiiiick, iiskiim I a. him to return to New York inline- r d tli -felv il'ld pro-eclltc the thieves ' b, were aiiioie-r the spt-ii k- i ,.,t into t l.e t ui. m l. liisl-iotl -. at a inililit' lueetine; held uu- : XN , .stood ;.t t he door of tie ' jtlt l lhc auspices of ti.e Was'iine;. ,,.,,, s.(.v that the t alt'i Ton Siu-jle T:ix Cli.ii. It was a craekiicr ovel tin- spot wheiehis sort of lalewell so lar as im psoii , ,t j,,,,- S(,.d. and rasheil into and Lew is were coiict rm d. as they ;lVl-him. ib-s iic e it d in pullim. will r.-tiio from public life at noon 1 ,lltlt.t. ,,i d.-iiii-'er, la t vvjis .;,,!,! t mairrow. I himselt ' caiivht under the bilhi.e ' ! The deiiiocratic members of the ',. art a and killed. ('., March -1. ;j Senate Committee on i 'i i v Hclics j . . k i: tl ar,eiitt r tif 1 ,ad ldt-ctions --'I'urle.v, I'ettusiiiiil j A Cuuiitess' I i at if il.n: h. tlis.-o-.ei.d a ' C: lt y - ilet lined to join m the i led in a el iv- e r-il i. Mr. Newton h r iiijuii-.l. It l l. Newt m's r.-.-i- V, ,.s iil-iii W f, eked ; injui. d. I W. I 1 i I.exh.eto:;. N t le.e ll.lV this Ve, .:ai..s ,.",,;,,. a i ..,, ,ey.-tleclincd to join .nine; J.,,,,,1,,,, Ja1 p Tl.e Conn ,r, -ht ooject ImU-Heu ma !.- Scotch Verdict ol "not proven ; u ss S, ftol,, whose eld. st sol. is bank by the roao-i .e in the sub- , , . 1. 1, i . . 1 by the majority if 10l.mcrili- from a t.-llitic blow nii.s. ,-a-ii.i; it o.i. .... i ... . ' ,t i i.ininiut e on me cnai je oi m io- (i.i v id;. Ti Hi M-i-aiei-i V P. t- !!b'-:. ;b-i, Sapt b S Ai .l .b .V, ( laeal P:i-s Ai'iit. P.. is.,,, ml . '. I N I li .' 1 l I I 1 1 I s J i I. I S i I 'i l TRY THE it h.eue. l' lo le 1 to be p.-i.ny v.i-i-h Many v lor ii iii; i.i.i.dn.r ,, ;, i., a I-.... i. i.t v it vyas hnm-ht aeaiust Senator Han- j uu,t a ui,it.h,dh on Tlu.isdav! ll U ' '."Ilia, and sul.muted a niinority re- ( .(st H,.,-tt.ot cane ,t in herdivss po.t, lakin.LT the ,-, ,Uu.i mil mi -, out;l!L,( jp-r l.ervvith a mine opera-1 tu r iuvt sliuiitioii should be made, he ......I, f..,.. .. t I ,.,,.,! tl,.,l 1 . . iXIUlT. win uu me oi.iei : ;iS ,,,, ,-ittelill ded case ol I a 11 icl'V 1 i ..t i... r V ri.-t so peoph-of l.esi.iet..n still iviii.-lii- l.t-t-li fully piovt li. Of that dec ,1 V t hat a . elVo.t to extract it ! 1,-r. stalled uom i, re to bila-;l,t,,. t1(. ,-,.,, .iyH: -fl,,.',.) was (.11S.(1 ....i,,,;,, riultin-! d; Ipliia I'V st aev with ii triiuk ctin- p j,, ,ash by I'.oyce to Camp- i ,( r death. Uimii several oars oi o.iUl ,,. .J1 as 1 1 i l u-v 1 r Otis. Coy tain d f -o.'t his mine, tin- Conrad aetd to pay l, ".". more vvlieii Hill. I '..-fore be was vvt 11 mi his ttis iviich.-d Columbus, ami a ..ilin. y the boot of the spin' Wiis ,a.lll(.(. ,,f wi; ,,o(l if Hauna was '.... ....I t!,.. t S.I i'l. W .IS sf I del. 1 ..! ... I " v.-. i ...,l.l 1,.,s li.t..' 't-i -. i- . .. robins Monday W lth ;i cheap shot- S.nce te.t time 'mil ii.tis nave. lt. situation w as very near to .... . , f ., . i , t' .,.,1 ... n ..Is ii. i i . ... "un. 1 lie haiiei ot t he enn la-eii touiitl a. uueivals in luls (. presented in a sentence , , ... . ,. , , l ..i;,.. .....lit a s,ii,n,ii..,l tt.-.t : i . v.t.. iv I l ;.. eti its ne was nrniir ai a oini, ,im.i e " ...... -1 . ' . t l v , w lien . -eililioi ,iu- ih one i'oun-l i'nis vvc I !' K iii's eilld. i'l i T.iiieolii .Toiirmd: .foe Linton, the la-Vcar old sou of Harriet Linton, colored, was out hui.l n . I W I.' . 1 . I It. liie I'oy was o.-iiuv nun. .vi i.isi n ! u ii - he ' si , , 1 1 . ". i tl .- W!W tlH.utrht both ey-. s Lad I.. . n HKlib rUK UKtULAKS ""..V". oJ 1 -A'1. to - ovt ill lilt J s, ., , ,t jt s t,. s Scwlnx manufacture n'd theif I ill 1 1 1 ' .pines iniii.-i- a military (U-s-. .' , pric befurs you purchase oy oth.r. THI NCW HOHI SIWINO MACHINE CO. . , .. ii ir ii I i ,. :. . 1 1 i 1 ll lie. lllli .'I .1 iii 1 1 1 i.i i ties- .. . , - -. , i'.thliehl Ht-rahl: I 'in ill it t lie ; . ' , . .. , . only olio is seriuilsiy inii r d ill, i. . , II .. . 1 i"l is il ill O'l I lie mi i . i o. i,i mil- . , , , , . t saoiv a imrtv ot ne.u h . .. s. ; . , . ' , that can probably be saw,!. ,.. :.t li I'll IV-: ....... , hxti for lis advo cacy of all meas uvvs that nill best promote im prosperity of all (he peo ple. The Record is no CFriSE-HClDEEi' tEEU, iwv (he orau of any KIMJ, but expresses the opinions of its editor without fear or favor, regardless of Ihe fact wheth er thc are pon- NEW HOME!liU4 ov lwU WHILE ADYO DATING will d.o cill it l.cip tlx colored, pocple tl-3i3. condi- OUJIUB, Union tooAn, M. T. rhh. IU. m IxMita, Ma, IwlitAIet, ten rvwclani. CL 4UiaiU,aa. tne liitrn i rats in 1 '.utioii it v ,1 y ant I it tine rat d with Id full r luouth. I "poll as tmind that th dent of the l'. S?" Mr. ( 'a tie rev . " "'l;"ns died su.1,1. nly on e,i coidelids that iissooiiiisthe treatvi "'-sday hist at his 1 ou,e near of peace iro.-s into etVect the r'ili- ib'cktoid. lb- was m the woods ' vv ltli a survi v uiir party w lu ll deat li I eat II nil', eieiv ,,..-.-..- . - ... . . . v pmutoovt i.i- , , , prt-sitleid will f"e v itliont a moments warn- bill "itliH'lt M .'I i, 1 , ! "4 .i I " , loon "'il ''H1,hlfi',,illJt1.tnUiit,.f,.iivli'ndl!1.f A S,,,I(,," ,"'',, , buih ...-J' a tobacco ba usui patioi, of civ il ant !.- H"""' " """'"-' , .-tolilsh.d to ,e ;i cat come, ... ., .... ,, i l ... .1 AT.. .1 W .. i .. 1 .. i.l. i.t f.,11 oiiiv on liie 'in "i ine i icsi . ------- ---- .. . mmr . j.niiiiier. ma mil. i. c. r i,, at one rat or one i.ui woiuo !.....;.. i mir. He Wiisoiide a i a t.mimiit ' 'i--M! ,h,'1T,ll? dl'il , I emiumh-rmil,;;;" control than -natthe time of his death and fBMV H'J fJ V f ,es,. te.s w.-ie thus j.ta.t-d isa , ,,,0 01,1 al .. w siipviviM.r of the public ' ill i iii. 1 Mil litll HMuk mi, I rnv st' i-y ,vNl.w Mexico under military echools iu Sui ry couidv . j . encv is leponsil.! for It. If I lie ..... , a ditl th.-v do it? Most of the testimony taken bv It i-sv vstiiiiiited that the total , ;.. v., ...,,, :.!, ,. l,;,s 1 tt... Military t .tut of In.iiiirv thi'.s n vim,' as to clerical work, etc., by T!u-,iew-ci.TdI,vcio,y,,f('har- iu.t , -ipp.-d !,-..;, to week has supportedthe chai-o of h.s Legislature over the cost of hdte. just issmtl, o-ivesti... popu- Ha . o,, ,', which he will receivo (i.-n. Miles that bee unfit to cat the sess.oi, o lWh w, i I be in the lationol'thecitvats.-.r, Ul.-a- .L.zi ... vv as issued to the 8ohW 1 um-hkaLood of .,tW II0H3I.S ND VEIII ;XE3 IXIIISD AT RE A 30NAULE HATES. Subscribe Now! ONLY THREE CENTS A WEEK. t jftWi ui. ifitoi ' - 1 At lib-' iro

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