-ess: .iMrT". t Ik ilotham Recsrd. 1 0:1 OH t I n. A. LOXDOJt, CDITOR AND PROPBTOB. TERUS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR St Icily In Ativancs. ''''--'vV'V'V'NV ''NW 'v'V Vv'.-vy'' 1 J Swamp kVWVWVVVVV A STORY OF THE FRONTIER. rr ni3r:x e. t i pj ilijlii ih.'.wrt ll.siutr'a Sen!. CHATTED XI. CONTISTEn. "I (Oiosa you're right a'mut that," responded Sutnuiilliy, "but yo needn't worry. Dhody's smart enough to look nut for herself, I reckon, than who's kin 1 o' soft n')uut some things, like 'must nil gals." "Well, I hope so,".snid DioU, rather skeptiea ly, however. "Dut it seems t i nit! that tha coat niiiHt lio nneiuii ui mly dirty, ju lging from the amount of liiour tlmt yju ure laying out on it." "T'uit't exaelly ilirt," explain." I Sanianthy. "It's pitch. IT.:'s daubed one sleeve clear up to t lie elbow." "I'd like ti know where he's been to get iilc!i on lii elolhosy" vo;i'lor? 1 Piek. "Tlii-ro i-u't a pine tree any- ln'i o nrou:i I tli ii iK'i';'u!iorli toil, t'lioifjli tli!- may 1.' fouiu B.nall ones U,':ir tins J!i i Sw.i up." "I (i um wli.'iv In' pr.it it fr.i.n, lint it'. t'leio n.ne cnon i," rpo i le 1 Sa niiuthy. "ifo oo:in n-ft'ti'.iiu' out the ooiit n liiilo :pi'!l no ns ponip'u-' in n kunu'l o' ni'lis'.iv, triii iiu'-'lay, n i' h,' h : '1 :i'it this eleaiifil,' of I was nli'.ee to ti nt 'rouuil wh.-u he tolil me to. 'I'll (jive yo't a q i.irier 1' y.m'll e'eau it,' nays 1k, a-seein' that I v. as jr i-i' t sit lol ly 'ii.mt ln'iu' or d- reil 'iohii I. J liat nia le n ilill'eri uee. I eoul bit nil n a quarter ntiy quicker, K'j I ii.ii I IM ilo it, n:i' that's w liat I'm up to, now." "Sam.r.uliy," s ii 1 Dick, in alow nud ni vtci io.n whisper, "L lielicvc I e.i.ilil tell Miioro that pitch ca:uo from." 'Vhy what d'ye mean?'' askeil 'i luaiitliy. licr woman's cariosity nil grouse I in n i iu -:a it ly the air of Inystcry ii'ouut Pick's w oi -.l.s nuil man lier. "1 m -an just this: That I belL'v.j VTaynii's a nuca'," n is.vcrc.l lick. "I lielicvn he ml I tell us who .stole those Unites if he su.v tit to.'' "Cioo.l la'i'l ' "leliverauce," cle l Kaaiautha. "Hev y.m nny iilc vlio uu-Ut the .""'in nu'iiirtli it was? Jli yV" "f have," a lsivercl Pick. "Dat I limi t want to s;iy auyihiii;; more no.v. l'eriiap.s I oii';jt w,l t) have sai 1 as in.tch as I Ua.e, lea! 1 know you ea'i ke -p thi i rs to yourself. I haven't toM you atytliri. that nuiounts to niueh. lint it may net you to thitikiu;;, it iit if y in keep your eyes n iil cars open u y see a i I li .ir soiuetliiii'; tliat vi i;l help to strai!iten things out. I think, as 1 sai l, that I know where that pitch ca iu from, an 1 to-:ii'iit I'm oin to tin 1 out w hether I'm rif,'ht. or w ron ra'ioiit it. If 1 a n, I hliall feel Mire th it I know wlio one of the men is that hi. Ye 1 io steal Avi i ili's horses." "J)o you .- " 1 1 i i i 1 1 liimV iisl elSa ma ithy, iu a wiii' p.r, with u furtive look a iotit the' s if she ha'f expeet- c I to tin 1 Mr. Wayne listening to their r.uiversatioii. I do," iriswernl Pick. "15ut T wasn't puns to say auylhiii inoro n'unt it, was I? I'll tell you more n'o tlt Wiiat I tlii lk lic'ore Io.if. Jnthi? Tnea itime keep w h it I've liiate.l to you '!elf, 'ia mi ithy." " will so," res)on(leil Sarnan'Iiy. "Ilat U i vM yj e oaiii to mistrusi " lint Pick was re-oltite iu his deter inin u i in to fay no more aooiit the matter then. "iVait n vhile," ho said, and went ba "k to his w. rk. "I'cr iijlie-is' fake," Ka'iir.utliy l;cit nayin toheisilf, by ells, u I day. "i'd like to know if it rin be so! 'J'.iu i lee! A boss thief ia the. liouee! My ijoodnesis;'' crr viTEa xn. r-i'ii w;ee as a imrucTivB. It was after niuo o'clock, and tin; sin ji lg class w as i i the middle of a new tune, vh.':i (till th-con, who was niitiij by the win low of the hcIiojI li mse, looko 1 out an I sa v a man g )i'i ili.vn th-; j'u'h lealinu; to tho frost. rjals from Mr. iioouc's. " 'iV'ars to lim that looks like Pick Jl.'.iyt on," tho i;;ht Till. "Wonder what hs kuikiu' hou 1 1 a'ler now?" Pick Ua I st 'j p in tho pa!h and was lis' -'uiu' to the singiut;. As liill watilu'l him from the wia.low ho uLu t 'd on. ",fc's S.iu' from home," nail Hill to hi u'-elf. "I'.n a .iu' 1u foil jr him an' hcj where ho icors this time or lay iia'iKi ain't Bill Cireenl" tlo contrived tj Blip ont of the fich iolhousi) with.-ut being observed anl crept cautions'iy alon? tho iath toward tho phi w liere he 1ml seen Diek la-t. It was a cloudy night and one could see but a little way into the gloom, except when the clouds broke away for a moment and let the moon bhiue through. Thero Lad been one of the-so breaks ia the clouds when Pick paused to listen, and liill, looking out just at that time, had had no trouble iu recog nizing him. His curiosity was excited at once when ho naw Pick going away from Mr. lioone's. l!ut- one settler Jive 1 in that direction, a Ocrmnn, till able to ta'k a dozen worda of Enplish, nn l with hi.n Pick would bo unlikely to have any business. liill bad been keeii'y suspicious of Pick ever since the eouvei sation which took phi?o at AvoiiU's on tin first day f the search, and it was therefore quite natural, and but the work of a VOL. XXI. v vt-V vv.' wi?'t Secret !,: s kexford. moment, for him to decide to piny the Kjy. Pick Und stnrted for the Cottonwood tree, on which he expected to find sometliiu'T new, by a route somewhat more roundabout than the one lie lui 1 taken on thu day of the disc ivery of tin) writiir.r, but part of tin! way would run on higher ground, where the un derbrush was thinner, nnl travelin;; in n rainy night would thus be reu dered easier. Hid Oreen crept alon the road sw iftly in shadow till he. could faintly discern Diek's li jure alien 1. Then h" s!;K'ke-.' 1 his puv a id kept alon j at n safe ilista ici' lieliin 1. A bun I u mile from the sclloolboUso Piek struck oil into til woods. Piil I'ollowe I hi u wi h all tin; ca ;.'r n ss of a b'o i liri.i 1 1 o.i tho scent uf it lle-i i r fn ,'iiive. " This i s t; , I i i' t i b i mi 'My exiit i i'," whisju-ivl I'.i I !o hi iisclf. '"T n o 1 1 w ii it i;'s z tin' t a n eiut to?"' T.vo or l'ire: dr ipsnf col 1 pcrspira tio.i bruk ! out oi JVili'a fore'iiM 1 in the th )u ;'.it of h re !iieves earn i ito his mini. At hat b v.a-1 a c a''d. llorsi-thicvei st jo 1 t hi n for all that i.n il sin-r.i'e a i 1 d.ri ; Tons. To be ni ar th is w.i t to ). o.i liu brink of a p'-cci; i' '. II ' fn' y r.-rt" i 1 t'i' awful d ri u' he mi f'lt n ia so mi 1 Pick prove to he on-' of tii- il.r.:-d 'il ehar.i iters a id lianjK' i to dis ' iv 'V hi a. Uat he wasn't tfoiu x t ba k o.it now. He hate'l Piek too in I h t i i,'ive iii while there was a e!ia i-- of di.vuverinjr. som.'thi i x a ;.i' I -t him. ()a th- y won;, throu ;h the ir'onui of th" ni -i . the t'liek trc.'- maki i ; -ue'i a d.i'-k'i.si a;'out them tiia ot';ej bill I i-t si-'it of tlv ma i he w.is f dloMi'i. T:ie:i he would p.i'i c a i I listen, and the souu I of a b. c il.iu iira'ieh or some Uu--h si! i'i i i ; ben-'a'.h th.- pressure of l!o''s Inil, would let bi n on the ti kn a i, u'l I h" woil.l huriy on till h'.' ca it u v.i ; io li npse of the !i I-ire, which was h.f.liy mo.'C palpa ble to tin sir it thaa a :-h:i Ijw anijui' othi-r sin bu s. "Wall, I t-w'a-." eiclaimel Ui!l, un lcr breu'li, m th y p - tctratcl dceji er a 1 1 d.'cp:r i it to ; f.;ivsi, "tliU is -:.i!i' i itv-rcs. in' a'l 1 no mistake. I ivWi 1 ba 1 d.i I's nl' m 'iskit alonr. it 'il'd kin' o' seen like co iip'ny." Vi'lwai faby pii ar.'d to do one thin;;, a i l thai was to inn if he Wi re to bu ili-c j - -era 1. I'u lcr the cb-eu:u-sl.viivs, h.' fi It that he c mid run well. At lea ,t'.i Pick n ao i- 1 the old cot touwoo 1. lie ttru-'k n match o-i his coat sleeve a id hel l it up to the tree. When Ciil sa v tha! li.rht he felt sure that the moment of discovciy ha 1 come. Close by wh- re be ttno-.l was a e'.u'up of lia.'.el bu-lii's. lie obeyed the :i:-st iniiiulse thai came io him mid do l ;c I belli id tiiem. I'ce. iir through them he could see Pick ft iu-'i i by the tree, but not at all distinctly. It.' dared not attempt to ;;. t a position where he could see to oetn-r a Ivaata for f.-ar of maUiu'; his pri-si-nc kiiu vu, I i til ' li ;h: of the mutch which Pick h 'hi up to the tiva he saw that i'u s old wri.ri'; ha I been csa-icd nu I it .lew iiiessa ;c, ii' i.ia! was what it mi :ht be called, left iu its place. M ich as tlio other ha I pu..le I Li:n, this one puz.'.led him t.till more. It ,n iiko this: 2, 0 ,1 1. "Will, I must own up I'm up a stumn now." cic'ai.n -d Pick, in lie ii .tiil.' 1 the iineriiilio-.i bin ik'y " fivo, tore.', four it id o:i . A cross, with u dot in one of its uncles. This i a vast i nprovciiient oa th.' other, so ui:' in beiu ; mysterious g ies." lie struck ii'ir.her luafcU and r rt iiiue I it still inure closey. U.tt the Kcruli.iy fjavo him no key tj the s.ra i;j ii tolc. "Too pitch that I left in little patches has Uolu well s'.u. arc 1 over tho lavk," ho sail, lo.vcri'i"; the ili kerin liiatcti fum the writing to tho rouU siufa-.'a of tho bark, im mediately below it. "It is its I thought, Mc Wayne; you rested the arm on which tii.it ceat-slei-ve was a aiiist the treo while you made your , puzzle lor l ie to lack uiy bruins ' over." He turiio 1 away from tho tree and br aan kin homeward journey, passing within a foot of where liill Hreen was hidden. Bill held his breath, fearful that his hiding plaee would ba dis covered, and ho waited for some time after Pick had passe 1 him before he dared htir. He wanted to feel per fectly sure that the uniu he had watched was a Fafe di-ta ice nwuy btf n'e be male any iiivcMigntioiiH. If Piek were to ret rue.1 his sbp-i nu.l come upon Dill suddenly, uhiV he w as t"t iiuiiniug the tic wli-ne he hals.cii Pick at work, it would be awkward for him to explain matters. Whoa he had waited for perhaps a (ifaitom n iTSliORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, MAUCII quarter i f an hour, ho concluded that it w as safe for him to vi nture out. He did so, cautiously. Ho ma le his way to the tree. WT.ra he rcn 'he 1 it, ha stooped un 1 listened. Xothiug was to bn hoa'-l savo the r.ioaniu-jr of the will iu the t-tt-ip r.ud the rustliii'.; of th" t'rass rv.-iaj unoii'j the underbrush. With a hand that trembled lil.n tle traditimal asprn-lenr, ho stru k a match ami took his turn r.t camming the Cottonwood. What he saw there was n i pr.::7litg to him as it had been to Pi 'k. "Wall, I miniii," e--liiiiu!'d Pill, with wide-open month and iy, s full of wonder. "This beiitsm'. I s'spos-; he knows what it meant, Yanso ho male it, but J couldn't make out head or tail on 't ef I was to e;o to thunder." From whi 'li the lva lcr w ill per ceive that Dill believe 1 that Pi -k hal placed the mysterious mil l.ail'i'ii; ma ks there. J'rom his hi lin pla e h" had not been able to sec ilislim t!y wh it win d me, an 1 it was quite n itu ral for htm to believe that Pi-dv hal written on the tr.-e whil ho v..; sta idiug by it, and that he had seen him do it. "! ti ll yon," exclaimed Dill, to some unseen companion, "that uir Pick Drayton's a deep one, an' no mistake. Thar thing there means inori 'a 1 hei any idee of, I'll bet a dollar. Fibers a t' spots an' crosses. It me ins sulh iu", but gjl darn my pictar cf T ca i tell what! I su'im, I'.I b.; williu' t t give tha bri'l lie steer to kuo-v Jes iviiat tlu pla.iy tiling stn i s U-r, ) woul I s . I k'l jw whit! I'iii a u.f t j du, fust thing in tho m imi T. 1' a a-oin' to g a i' s-.-e the sin .'iu'-'ca si cr ft'u'tt it. T will, I vun. lie's sharp, an' nie'i'ie if? can so th - u r. Pi:.w t'oayion, g..l dm n yc, you think y.T mi j'i.v s nairt, a i' to n iod to '. l i.tto w ith mo, bat I kin' o' reckon I . it even wjtii yc, sj:in v.-.. v. Kf j ever git a c'tau-v to ay ye uTl'.u a gi in' to d l i:. Yu.i do.i't ibn a n t ia ye've gut Dill Green on y.-r tra-k, bi.i uc's there, an' hc'il fl.cr y.-r li..o a Uuu it. He w ill so." Dill fircen, as I have sai I. could re member u i old gru lg. like an In lia i. He was not the person to fjig.-t or for give. In rea'i.y Pi !; ha I never inter fere. I wiih hi ii in a ly way, but h- t ii k plemare in linking hims. If think tha!, if Drnyion ba I n.t cine npo i the scene, Nannie miht havj a 'cepteu his attentions. While the ti lth wm , Nannie ha I alwayi ha I a c .r.lial dis like for him. but ont of p i n1 tuNe'iiei,' shi hal eneourap I him to thi ik thti time mi jhl come when s't s would feci more fiicud y toward hi.n. Cut after Pick ra n i sir? ha I n it even n smile for pour Hill. He win fi-rloru and des pondent for n time, nil then waxed wrathy and vindictive. He hal loii been on th-.: lookout for ni oppor tunity to "got even" with his rival. "I hain't iiiu.'h on r. ti ;ht, I allow, " Hill admitted to himself. "He'd lick till .socks oll'ii t ie in a jiu'y, but I c-.i i git even with him so.uu other way, I reckon." .V last, ho bcriu to think, tho looked for iippi-itu'iby was ar hand. He slept b.it little that night. The events of the la-t few hours ma le him iv.illes-i, ail vi-i:iioi h iim "-thieves, strange hi.'io-.ry.ih:cs und Piek Duiy ton tlittcd In fore his min i's i ye, m the silence a l 1 darkm - i of his loom iu the loft of his fu'.hor's litilo log- iloU::C. ciiAiTiii; xi i r. nu: AM tricrtt luvn.i nv,; covsrt.Ts. As he had di ei led to do w hen he male his midnight discovery, Dili lireen iii'ini to see Mr. Way no next morning. The sin ;in';'-t-vvher listened to his st.oy wi'uua interest that gra'.iiiod bill gre.iily. lie felt th.it he was net up.; iu a roleof greater importance.) cr imps, than he w in aw are of. Itiut would be decided by after-events. The sense of the possible, if not probable, importance of wha: he ha I to tell induce I him to assume n dignity as grotesque as it was uuun'.ural. lie put on a patroiii.ing uir as he asked Wayne's a Iviee. It implied that il was vi-t at all necessary fur him to ink advice of c.ny one, but, under the cir cumstances, he would lju willing to listen to any sugjostijus tho other mi lit have to oiler. Wayne looked it t him with a sing.i'nr expression on his face as he told a tout, ih i mysterious iusci i,iin he hn I seen Piek make on tho old oUouwojI tree. "I'oit say y in srv him tniko it, d i y.m?'' n k I W.ixn . "I di I so," a is .wred Dill. "An l y.m are sure you i him i'H j'.ni yiir 'lae.! it on 1 or tiio o'clock on the uiglit Ae. ili's hors.s were stolen?" "I did so," replied Dill, as solemnly ni if In were itis.vori.ij q i.-s!io:n oa ,i witness-sta id. "ckeal 1 yju m ike mo a copy of what y.m saw o: tho cottoawood tro?'' uoked Wiivae. "I reckon," replie 1 Dill. "I boke 1 at it long enough nu' sharp cti'jujli to git all by heart, I allow." Ho took thi! sin ring-book from tho tea dier's ha id. and proceedc I to mak i an awkward but correct roj y of the iu seription on the old tree, on one of tho Ji v leaves. "There," he said after a critical inspection of his work, as he hande I tho book back to "Yuy.ie, "that's jire ciscly what I see him nmik out on the tree, an' I'm williu' to make adidaxy to it, any time." "It's more cf a pnzze to me than anything else," aid Wayne, turning the book in all ways, and evidently failing to get any key as to its mean ing. i To be continued. I J1 j The lloyal Asiat ic SVci y i -i lo found a gold medal for ois.ia .ii -iie 1 O: it-utiil ' scholarship, to be ai.a'ded trivnuial y I for tho best work on aa oriental nui.- ject iu the Dnglish laiigungc. A TEXAS TDKKEY QUEEN ', ALICi JOYCE FINDS PLEASURE AND FR0FIT IN HER FEATHERED FLGCrt. Elm lint Alrraly Mmta Ontte it llsnil noie Furl uni" Gut Urr 8lm t Vr. in M il, I Tuikfy'K ; ctolVed oil Cotlur lie.-rioii at (..lain !m-huii. Whilo driving slowly oloni? n lonely inoiintain road iu westeru Texas a few days a 40, writes a correspondent, my horse suddenly pricked up his ears und as I looked about for the purpose of discovering the object that had at- traded his attention I saw botiiethiu that rather astouished me. A large lluck of turkeys, led by a dozeu or inure big black gobblers, wits coining slowly over a hill but a short distance aivay. A few of the birds were pick ing along the sides cf the trail, but the bulk of the flock was iu tho main highway, apparently undisturbed by uiy presence. I am perfectly familiar with this particular regiou of eountry, und I knew that the wild birds wero not to be found iu such great nuiubirs near a public roa 1. My amazement at the geutleness of the turkeys was little less pronounced than tny astonishment iu tho sio of the Hock. I stopped my horse, and, while gazing at them wit.i a I the admiration of uu old hunter 1. nd w ishing from tho bottom of my heart fur a good Wiuchester a very p.eily young girl, mounted ou ft spirited 1 Itlo mustang, galloped ou behind the birds and bciau to survey tho eouii 1 yiu every direction. I now realized that they were tame tinkers and I liovi) on to the bunks of a little monu 1 .in rt ream that rnu through the valley. I he j ouug girl met ine, and alter a euiii icous salutation the inquired ns in the distiiuce to the next ranch. I a ns a t red tlmt it was several 11 . lie-, -.till on del in ; what it all unaut, tor i cou-iderel it lather au unusual cir ciiiuitanee to meet a young girl und a .lg dock of turkeys iu thut lonely iiiiuutar.i region. She noticed that I was evidently puzzled, and, smiling, relieved my menial perturbation by informing mo t lint sho was luiviiig u .1 n.-k of turkeys toiSan Autonio, where she expected to sell them or ship them 10 seine larger city. Now, for thelirst time, it occurred I I luu tout 1 had long ago heard that luiintrsiu curly times in Missouri used to drive their turkeys to St. Louis us they did their tattle and mules. I was uow deeply interested and anxious to assist tho young lady in anyway mat I could, though I was fully aware i f the fact that tho girls of tho Texas frontier are limply able to take euro of themselves. ho far as this particular mountain hello was concerned, it re quired, oii'y a em foiy glance to con inee one tliat sue wiis neither aliaid of beasts nor bandits, A bright Win idiester s wung from her saddle within easy n ach of her hand, and sho man ; xtd the restless mustang after the iiiHiuii r of a trained couboy. After a inomi ill's rclb ction sho informed me t'nit she lived up on the head of one ui the (!uadaloUies, and that she was re Miupanicd by her brother ami au oliier young until, and that they were I it pared to camp out, but alivayspre krrcd to ston near some l atieh. I told iicr that I intended to cnuip myself, an, I thut beiug funiiliiu- with the road, I had sclecled tho snot where wo were sU'l'i-iug nl tliftt moment. 'Well," she said, "if yon do not c't- ject to sharing your camping plan with us, we will all camp together." ilanily waiting for a reply, she wu ti ii like a the-ii, and before I got my hurso unhitched a young li'-.uu el j lather pleasing appearance came tin with nunxeoii his slumldi r, followed l.v the van of the lluck of birds. Tluv eiithered uboiil hi a, iilteriug their low calls a if they knew that he was ni'ii'.r to do sonittliiiig for them. "Our birds," ho laid, "uro vcrv bit, and they are so tin d T will liu'e t.i lix them u place to roost." While T was wondering what he was poinrj to do he began toetit the b tshes so that, ho could bcud them over al most horizontally. The birls were so iliick about his feet that he con' I hardly move without stepping on theni, and they seemed to kno.v 11.. ...1...1 .. .1..: ... 1 iwiicii.r v urn. lie nun 11011:3 mm ero eager for l.iiu ta tiusli the Job. They miiln red ahout him, i.tteiing thi ir uiiv cuiis 01 iijsiicsH, uiiii tun uioiiieiit in n un neui a ousu over tuev wuui i l y upon it in such great numbers that iniiiiy would bo crowded oil'. The big gobblers (-coined to prefer to secure positions iu tho branches of the larger tuns. There appeared to bn 110 en 1 of tiio (lock, forthev wore still eooiiu 1 ever the lull, and the luouiutit they! iic.ii m 1 11 1) soiiiiu 01 tuu axe iney wouiii turn t li t-ir heads to one side, and after h-tcning tor nu iuiluut they would ni l to the. r master, inauifetiii ho restest doiigiit wheu they discovered thnt the day s uun-ney was cimed. I by tho fiovcrn ucn: Ibo voimg girl, accouipauied by , tt'oti of Joseph, 1 10 i..-Upi- brother, who was driving a light' mln -wUo was t 10 s . 1 wjTuu, ritiuo into camp langhiu j and ; Jacoh, who was the s e lattitig as if they wero iu tho hap- was tho son of Abt a' a pict possible fra uo of mini. liutl no sooner (lisuiounteit than tue buds showed their preference for her e.tro by guthcriug about her in great numbers. Several of them new tip on 110 pony s naei;, wune oue succeeueu in leachiug the young gill's shoulder. She talked to them us if she were sure that tiny understood every word she said, und after she had procured a Uutchet they followed her from place to place, while bue aasistod iu outtuag Uown ine ousnes. After a few moments the prcot flock was t estlessly ucellpying places on the roost, lei'ilgli they watched their little luisti 1 -s i cry closely, snd frcqneiii H tin, ei- ivi-c ol the birds would fly ft, .11 tle i places und run to her, 11; . ter 11 i tl i ir low calls. They Wi.ttld )i V ii" nt 1 her f.ije, nud tui:t their hint 1 11c side, us if they exptct-.'d her to do sotnethi-ig for them. "Thi v ute all ricUt uuw," the taid M s1,c ,00,1 ,,,tUiu nt lhcm ia dent admiral ion. "They are so taiun and sce-n folmvi) so inn cli a u ction for yi ,i," raid "(hat it cci tuiu'y mutt dimness yu'.t tj part with them." "Oh, yon have no idea," nhe mi l. "iiuw much it giievt-s me; but T have others at home and doubtless will lo aWe to raise another (lock uext yen." There were 500 birds in the lV.ck, an l during tho ivciiiug w hi!o bilking with t!ie young men about the c.nr.p flre I lcainid that the yoiug la ly's .. I- . T . .. '.. 1 .:.i . I... ". j ..1' brother laughingly told 1110 that, she was know n in tins Wc-t-.rn country us the Turkey Queen of the (inadnlonp". He Fnid that hIio had been raising "U'l or ot!0 turkeys eveiy year fur the j ast erven or eight yi.uiM 1 ud that sho cot "her start," us hn put it, from a let ting of wild turkey's fags' 1 1 1 tit- she found iu iu the woods. "The bird",-' he added, "are muc'.i hieer and tho meat id better flavor 1 lom the ordin ary tame tin key." Tin y ci-i tniiily livo 111 a region of .'.ninti.v wnic'u is the na tural hi. me of the wild t.iil.iy, fur 1 do not beliei c there isauotiici .-put oil earth where these birds are :n abun dant as they were it "ew yen s ;, iu the mountains on loo ben ( w nlei of the (inn -lulo'ipc. l'.ven r.l this ti mi it is doub'u'i-.l if there is umit'ier lucilily in t'uu Fiitted Sta'es win re big f uhljlfls are more p'entiinl, lru fro. a t'.o fact that the w il 1 birds fee I 1:1 cedar In r ries, there are oii'y ct ; i ., , :i m nsons wiieu their llesh i 1 t'.L Kr 1 ito table. CHIOU! F5 CT3. ITnri ptu'ips ii i'-ip v.aun of ft ittt'c lllCiit in tho .Slale. of V.;- liu; en. The ea'lieie.il s of I'.-i.ii ct. ,l:'iu the i re.iinius of nil j i; In Hits: i t hc'. v.-.ut tress' ha-nis hot t Mlj -, ; ti i-IOl. evening giccli.ii, i. Tho ' Kurds and Co?.-!: b.l'. -thut Muiln' Arra! is j-. ;,,!-.;; I i y 1.1 iiueaiihly In in -jr. cud ti.a! no loan c.i 05ce.nl t.i-i peak mid live. A society has bt- ti fnun le 1 in Paris, France, who o i-'o c t n 1 n creation of a cemetery f-u-do l'et dogs will liave t'lecctit Lutiul here after. The civalrptas tr erf Australi-t prrows at t'ne late of l n fe ! 11 year. Many of this species c.tuin a hei-jih of 2otl feel, with ucnc!i.fcrc:ii 1) ot sev enty feet i.t t'ne ba- c. Initio li.av.is cie.-il iil-ji ton v.i'.ls of tho hnbita' ions in tho Philippines, disregarded by the human i.c.'upiiuts, and make theie.iel ve s inefnl by c.itca ing Hies tin. I nios.j iit.R s. Tho Inlet mevn of advci lii".g theatres anl neivspaut't s in I., 11 l.riin to send up staliona. y hallc n;is :.l .1 ,: t with hir-.ro letters i:iiiitcl t.u t -.jo.it-side hiiM uu electric ii ; it , ii ,: 1. Cats can MiicH evi n u .i in; f.'eep, Wiieu a piece of 1.0 ;! i. in 1 I i n- niedialelv in frmi noso the nolrils scent is rce eit ' '. the eat. w ill w Several !..':. County, Va. , hi' ' ' called a i.t. : a s.c ; tn cut : iu to v.ie I; a i the I .".11 iu-..;'.i.t hit r 1 V.v aha'Mi.ic!; i:'!i-.- i nt w Jin! is :!." Mount. ! 00 -ii-i llv 11 on id a 1 ,: -.: ..'.-. b 11 ::i a 1.1 1 ; i 1 il. A ! horses, t! I arena, a ' di'mcr s iitv I t n 1 e i 1 . i ; 1 e ponge1 r.n i ia.-ic.-t tv.tiiu.tt uiujpii;, I the er; :. I'lli'l.t lit :t T iiti1 Tr. li.i . li.i. .:. ' M'o., ti sit m, t t.. i ! l i . a-f. I ilot drove, .' his hea: ; al --'i-'a! M- 1- a love cit two yc : c :. ast in 1 1- A I c die W. : ' .! j ' ': "' ' j "l"'"' , u:' ' "i""1 V pc the hi- 'al i'ire I A j Mo. lieu Thi-. is the way. "V.r.in r-. ,! ill" H.li.r -l.el t . M-" my I'irtiul hi home " sh-j .lr.ii-.ivi , mine, tils. 1." 1 " tVc will iii'"t n; iio u i to-nigiil," t.-.i I linri'in, ' .,t ar ir 10 IV ; tolml v ( Ipucii '' , r t,v ,; .., , . v, , .-,,,.-, p :vi.;a , jj( .,. Vi(.tt 'J'.j Will I'e.'u. ,, 1, ne I ! ial t.i ha 1 ei.. aec-p:a nt or i- t. toe exhort.-r and lastly'' Ic piisul, she 11 1 later, ontv tin a I wed IU til ' s.l ne ,, . .1. :i Pi 1 ' ii. Nt.v Vo. 1 .jj lay prcsenl, ca-- to L. All Aiil-lcnl i ii-iil. A ennui in II :vut w'u- o .or n peno :tl s li is 1U' c W.l il.I.I (1f more than -P o .1 1 ' ceased to nil ill its 1 . lire r of l'cn a I'achel a 1 11 : .', will. ho lis tin - Iii- ,vu m i -.'v w.t'e. s , ; ,1, en luw- chosen of tho Lord. I . ttte Ituhr .loussuf, nnd u , j tho entire province of la! ' j . it with fertility an I ' large population ull th niiirie', b it lias been an important .1 1 to com merce. It leaves t'ne Nile nt Airnt and runs almost parallel wit 1 it for -30 miles, until it gams an c iii'o ii-'o as coiupaie l with the liver bed w.ooh cuaoiet it to turn westward uuvu ;ii a narrow raJS be,vonUeu feet above, t wean levtl of t.o 3 ivei- aud e: te ! district which is uthe:-,visu shut from t tie ferlili .in ; oil Kgypt depeti I r uch its Herodoto too. Is UpH!l W 1: Ancient wrili 'fi-a'.i. and PI. II the 11. 1 11 -1 .- :'v I'm 1 nf i-l'l 1. prov.-H e. no as to ic it. l,.o.e ; ii b.'.ii -al' lor La oat j 'jeius, Ciuca jj ilccuiil. 10. I8H9. NO. 20. TUIMin inrT rO r TWV I lllLi J'lUUll LU-lLi Xlltli.; MCST c'ENEIVE MINE CONFLACPA TI0N IN THE WORLD'S H1STCRY. It linn riecn Bnriilnic Twenty-five Y"nr. j tin I Miiv Lut Aiiutlur .iMuilir of n I'liluryllrs lli'inieil 1 orty Aenrii til Cunt, XwBhty l i-rt llilcli. Twenty-five years ago, on tho f.tk of January, 171, there was ignited w hat pt'oied to the biggest and most expensive mine lire iu tho coal-mining history of tho wml I, a tiro that has destroyed fully rcres of coal, twenty Icct in thickness ou tho aver age, l as cost over $d, MMKM, and is tall burniug. It is estimated that it will la-t another quarter of a cjutury 01 11 una ), sands of .lo - burued aro may cost soniO thou 1 nrs mote bt.'urc it has out. This remarkable fire, who-e propor tions and impoi nuuee lew who are uot mining experts realize, in in Xo. Il colliery of tUe Delaware and Hudson l.'.iiial Co., in the east cud district uf Wilkesbarre, and i one of tho most noteworthy leal tires o. the miuiug l e Hiou of ; 1 ortheasicrti l'i nnsylv.r.ii.i. Derpito it unusual extent it is under too watchful care of but two men, one I luring the day nn l the other u! night. : Two men hae 111 the la- t t ivcuty-iuiir 1 yeiiis been it - rule guardian, vet upon ( ih.iir vigilit'itv tlept iids luirty thou-: s.i'i-l doilars' wot 1 ij of prop.-rty. 'l:u Dall i More Vein u futiiotia t'.ro i ,h.iiit tuo n it'ir.icito rosjion as j in 111 j; tile most vaiiiah e c ml in north- j c 1 ! 111 Pennsylvania, f r it i free 1' c.n i s ;ie ur rock, 11 n I averages Dom t:-;-; t -:t to trtciity.foiir I'cct r.l tli-.eliue-s. 1 -.re use bij.;..r veins, no'a:'ly tile! i.in of the Ic-io :'i re ,'i-ie, winch ; -1 a thick lief s 1.! in! !' 1 ', b'll d iro n l.-jj.j i.f th-.. : selis for 1 a pr.ee. I tn-l He :ny ".ai ; e 1 rtndon 1 ire ' ti.ii 1 1 ; i 1:1 i 1 ie-.es lu ike I , fur i; ..! ; I 'y in. -.- I c! lor - everi! ic : v-j,' .1 to a 1 ich bum 1 n v oi a ' 1 a 1 1 w n 1 I: ias lriic'.ie-l by uu i 'i s;ai ting near the loot of s'ia! t, an l tho cai s w ere t lis slope by eicrine 1 pi :'oot oi' 1., the stc.i:.! b-ri . 1 boilers close t 1 I ic i .. was tlu C'.i-to:.l in the -a', and it wits j;,,! e'.iaipiO.i ui aster at Xo. de .iu.isii-.i-. t ..... L lip th- 1 r.t.-d I (1:1 ,!.i n ger. Xntt ud..t s tl-c steam is earned lo the bib 1 ioi cil-;i.:es t'.i'oil .1 b.ue liu'f i f. o 11 the sutt.i'c. T v- in h id been worked butaco uuarciivc'v si...rl time w hen, nil .laiMity l-tl., l-,J,the woriiiug in tuo xieiuiiy oi t.u: eug.U'j ctve 1 in, the boilers w c: e '.:,."i l.v tne ma of cat r.u I roc.v fa. oil : oat i. i I 1 .... : 1 .-. . 1. ; .,.:.,.! c ..al. 'inns p. a innm-at occurred eompHsumeu,, ont ..so u-, ,he ,!.'.., ter which ... t enof.g'i mouey ; .7 tu-u toa prac ictl and be,,.) , , buv several in 'no. Hum. ..; men Ul'"l! u.t.-J.lnP-s L u. t.-.-rktiij; i 1 sh u t s'lilis dca.-cd ni) the The purest ln.-n I have known Imvo t i'l. n r.- -. mi l sla'c in quickly as uut been those citrefiilly screened from I .-Mb!.', I.tt' when the boilers were ! the world, but vbieh. coning ii;i in it, i c'peho I the lire ha I luten well into ' have kept theuiselvc u nui.ttcl. 'J'lil tVi l.ijvem uu.l wa4 spreading iUp- ' sweetest and truest have roa i'.n 1 , ,v. " I 1 ipened under conditions, you would The di -acuity of It ;h!r:g A big mine fe e is tivu 'I i c Pi'e't 'e he..l, tj. n iiie-i ii:i.c:r,i!l h i npo (ItM-S, O --illll" to C of it lie is t-t wuhin stt islu ; ill t:t:..v n it lie :u:t: v ni i:i -i ,1-irc 1.1. 1. h, ii'id fuf w ".'I i fcl. c.i ltd an 1 ! 1 lit V .. - .1 i- i- le- I Pre. l a il c 1 'ii-i l.i'.n r Jeculs beiore in 1: ; u 1 f onlniit stre;..n cf wo' i, Vituelllg on tl 0 "1 I 'l." I belli : ca; re . I h:-U i W lie. ' the llir W n-l i- ' i; Pi I the licit c-s I .. bn; a ic , un I .1 e-c al ee, and 1'. vi-. e. :' I'll' d fi ..b Tl.tg i 1. .1 1 e :, 1 r h.t i iio .1, p it. Co' , Ih-it ' ' I'l. 0 : :c 1. it, I V l! . IV. Ton '..,, utilio t ! i ; C l-'i CC, ll li 11". I cit IS Ol V -.ped .0 t.01 t tin ; 1,. i- ! .1" j 1 i - i c : an t the ,i e 1 r 1 l -nt an j !-. be 1 tu t to .r than , for . 'l'n-i work of t n -t runiu alone . -1. the cn.uj'auy .-I1M.0 11. ail iulhe lio.il'i . l.iuiiiiis in .r lei-i is uf , 1. el .1 : I h-i I b 1 .1 sp-.'it -u u ii - Hi--c -1 ti 1 . :' -1-. 1 ii - 1 V HI, till I oi .1 t 1 tie1 1 . 1.1 ; ;. I li,.' - .! 1. 1- il a 1 v 1". - I ',- h .: e 1 .. i, .1 ' J-" . .lit ,1 P I' u'l I-lili tl 10 i i- t.Vori to sue IP; ii was a'n; 1 !,..i'.-d. Tie n.'dei.r. aui 1 n to Kitve as '-l.ieit in J.O--1 -le, e it o !' t.u" burciir; .. u'.liPig.--, 1 11 .1 1; i i' r f 1 1 ',! 'i'lit'ly ;r, I of lire 1 : c 1 1- ' of ca', 1or 1-1 aro ui n r 1.. 1 u .is in elce 1 nuM'.iity to th l.-j.i -i.i ne iJa l the .tro b. en totally Ji h red, it wonll, ,-n time, have sprc. I ti thtse uthrr vi:n. A 'lva'. :;.,;.-,;,' was b tilt arouu I the iiu.sk "f c,;.! t'ne experts cot sid. red be,',, nd '.o'l'i .', cip-'o-.in-; lolty acres uf t -e l i, hi 0 .Pi1 'nacit.! Ill the worl I, which v.r. Kit slowly to buru itself toil. Sumo id. a uf tho extent of forty acres of coal fan be obtained from the fact tint tiie lire 1: 1 1 been burning steadily for iwcty-iivo years, und ir is lesuumted that P will last for another quarter of u century. The value of this upi's 01 coal is placed at $l,r00,0ih and the coat of fjghiiug it and curing for it Int.- amonufo J to tho S'lnie sun. 'lie wnik of waicliuif! this great toe 1 iiitet est iu. s soon as the l i ' i;.i,l.;-iv:y c'lciivioiu: ti'u lire was t ,.i '. e iter pi--, s v, re place 1 ulong 1 itii 0 ! i. c nn l eve.iv hour in h-i lite yes. 1 that have in'; "ivened a' u.-ii, en.-,' ui water is ket t in them. 1 At t- --iiveuif tit dispiu 'i's are taps, Ail tin 1 wade uccusitiy by auother BATES .rj. ADVERTISING- One square, one itiseitiou (1.09 On Kjurre, two jn.ortiorui. ... 1.50 Ob square, cue month. 2 It Fur prr a Ivi it' -most l!nei wmtrwU tt.il I feature of the five. As the coal burn nnv u fiiHs i;1 flUoll,,ll..i,l, f.i.,, until the roof of rock thut coullues it ii visible twenty lett- overhead. A pooil as thine is a full of sevend fed. exposing tho roof, oue of the w ai- n men, whose duty it is to trump tin- ,.-., iii.l flin lircnti i.f Tot 1 - t t .,!,';.,. "J'lul"i ' ; taps the water pipe, and pie.;, s U'-nn i 1 until the great tououWi-rrig mas nt cold. Theu gangs of nteu are sent ia ; to set up massive timbers. These- Vtiif 1 )rops, some of them twenty iuehos in 1 ilia. in ter, support the roof, in place of j tho coal, which has been burned away. 'The surface of the pro'snd over l;it great fire is w ell populated; tiit-iv .11 n muiiy houses on it, and mm h vahi n's nronct ty. If the root was ttllowc.t to 1.e.rRj usnpnorted, as the coal burns I (, . ri) .si!,1(l l0'0f life. This is whitt the u- I pany must pnard nisim t couitant'y, ! for "nut only would the Ftirf.tci bo f fitited, but" thero is every possii ili'y i that tie "dreg" of the etve-iu wuiil.l j ffoct other portions of tLu uiiue, 1 Xew Ywrk Post. WORDS Oe WISDO.VI. jfodesty is a relative virtue t hr is that of twenty year-, t nai of t j i rty your.', and that of forty ycui s.---e .il.rjc. Ian dpteriiiintr 1 to e unt no lm.ii -1 but nnclou'ied ov.i's, r.11 I to J.' 11 I oth.eis rlip out of my u.emciry. II. li. Stone. Kvcry man has some pec.l'ar train of thought which he fills ba nf upon when he is alone. X Iii-1. t a (' degree, tuylJi tho D1.1U. j!.:.;jld Sicwart. Cio-j I natnro is thA b-nt;'y rf tho mind a 1 I, li to p.-.-' i'i d b-e tn y, vii.o i'biiost without n ny thing !-, -ie-iiuics, in leee. in sp tc oi' pe-wivo sic . lici. ucic.-. j-ti!iway, , ' X ' one cai u k i.ieic '.'; or !, f ally in he iit'.i 1 ore 1 fro .1 t ., ' n:i!,"-s be has hi ,ise': ii -'i.-tly ii:-;,;ly ilc!crmi,!-l t i il-n th-- In.- e.t'i t 1 keep out of it. I'. "i i To be a 'eni lenian ia t' I" h I'Ol, 1. n.t Lj l-r. to 1;0 tfc'itlo, to be j-cro ! w ise, an 1, pic - in r el I ic to exercise 1 1 1 fin in l! ouall- T: 1HC- fill outward nmutii r. 'i Ii.k-I.i : ,i;-. j The prowing goo I uf t'.e world is pa' t y ilepeudetit ou uiihi tune ji 'is; ai; 1 thut ihiuT are nut so ill wiili y.ci an 1 mo us they might have been h hr.lt iiwin 5 to the numb'".' i 1 live ' f.iithl.illy iihi-Meli life u:.d u-l in nu- ( visited graves. i Who 11 our intuitions fire trond, va !!10Uld Hot del. I .V0 OUIseivCS Ol till! . iiiciuiH I,) rut them into practice; it shoitl I he our duly not ouly to tiinik tiie means anl tuo manner of their say, most hostile, Hut w l.icu have . wr.nlBlit llitil tlie melius 10 n 1 1 ai; iy i-vate l laiill au-t ii.e. .1. 1. " The ever;i i.iy circs and d 1 Ware". lis ,f ;;r,' w-.uea nie-i e ill ,!:' I 1 re'-y, jhts st.! I 0 liintcrp Use t.nc IT Its ,-, 1, in... 1 . 1 ..r y c . ' t . - .i-3 ! p.- , i 1 lO 11 i - u.i ) mger i.Is s-i.!. Lonir- ion ' '.n I w 1 1 n 1 th) whti-li U !i.... ;r swtu.4.1, t j ep.ve, clock s r-.iiuv,-. Ait riiiin,i.i-i I'll. -' of th" b:;l ii tent' A ".cu pei' 1". l-.'I'd o ba 9 : t t( ill.S X'ult i a , .11 :!-. t : n'.ri . tVc c -;it-i l. 1 i! ' s.1 I h'i Tot- ti- a i i .1 i-. o '. : -1 aooiii Pi uv 11 ccpi'iy, ' I 'no unn t-:.t t.ioi-e- v ipi liv ticin 11 Uut t 1 i.'.S ms 11 1 1. nt uiiicr pil.1- 1 pie saif, possibly, the i-hi-ncii. (' iia ! , are I to the ni i lily .t o v. hu-'i (ii-r-: ti:s ai tin y me il !;- .-.c.-.-in 1 -St. 11. a! foil wl.ieu bhei-- '!-..-. . t' t -i-i iioprt ssin 1 is th-: Mini rilcial signs' i f fiist e.iii'ig that one M-i c.'i mt. tho trt-ei-. 1 w.i i mtoiinje 1 niv-i if a heu 1 first arrived Ir re 1 1 sec the announcement biick l.titich.' 1.1 was put L 'ol ur clean ur cip'up Inei-ii tJ llie 1 t 11" 11 III U :!, b l' 'I i' .1 -n-na'.ly it 1 . the ii.i'i'.ic. ril-emc-iit ci e-l ai I; In ' 'h. I'u i' w- is i ,-i f.lir.l ' ivc ipl poy fM.e'.l thin :: H.s .''I'll a i to tin ! uiiri s .'Oil t' at A' cnn- ci 1 ' a'-e a i..li;o.i .-' t.ft eaiers. .nt li i i Hoi true jiecoroi'i:; to my 00 cf v.itious. T!i y may not f it a; the table as long as "-oiue other lialmn il., but they take Mure ti n;' ut tiio n't. eil work of iiii.ier than tiie 1 lcr , 1 u:s or th" '"iigb.'i'j. Ti. y are .cry '!'.-. ly tn fjit up nu 1 lepvc the ta'iiJ v. lien they iave ini ih--d, bill uin 11 it co ups to a question of slow iicn.i ,i'i 1 '.liberaiion in actaal cat.n ; tin y arj p- t behind any of tho fmeigti naiiu i-, unliKs it bo Fiaiiec. The fast.t.ttinflj tradition Oolongs to the se'. i.d ivl.lcil 1 lUffht that nil American 1 chewed to I aceo and tnlke.1 tiiioilgh their iiiim-ti," Xcw York Hun. Sonthrrn Frsnre I lower ;ht1iii. The south of France, is the flower ;.-aideti of Furope. Flower mi ruin, i i c ?:tensive in tho Vav vuilt.y jiiol covers about 115,00ti lln-dish ueifs. These p.irdei.B produce over iiuo.l tons of llowera aau-aally. Lavender is an Kngiibb p.odnction, and is cultivated about Hertford, Surrey, and .several other districts. Its miuie, "btvun dala." from "lavnre," to wash, indi cates its use, which was j.. rfuiimit; the baths -f , (lowers are c wealthy pci-u'e. Itt i-i t- ted i-xce !--:,t io,- dismders of me bind and moves. There are ibstricls uf line 11 dec f in Spaiu and North Africa, wl.eie it tht:te luoully ou hih scu lcvela. Is

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