f)c tCijulljauj Record o ADVERTISING- One square, one ims ri.ou $1.00 11. A. LOADOA, EDITOR AND PROPjr.TOIt. TERUS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR St Idly in Advance. I One squwe, two liiecrio r.e 1.40 , One nquiue, one tcofd: . 2 VOL. XXL 1TITSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C. THURSDAY. Al'UIL 13, I8H9. NO. XL For Ur-r contractu n 1 o a I.' tljc Cijallinm Kccor5. J" rrrrr ".' v .;" ti s . -.- i V i THE Swamp A STORY OP THE FRONTIER. (j Uy 6DEN E. 4 w . -.wX..yX.'.X's ' X ' r-lvnct Ij i'.oticru UcK&n i Sea. CHAPTEll XVI. 'I knew oho don't." said Samanthy. ouo imuiui u-ju-.i ; v.. takes on the wast way. an blames her- self L'Ko fv j yiiiui.-. ij'.u no ub Kuin I git wore jiuw'ua cv'ry single vuiunit. I shn'n't draw a Urooul breath till 1 think yr'ii- got to the coin-held." SLe lii'led the paniiy-wiudow noise lessly, nnd Dick envied through it and dropped lightly to the ground. She watched him make his way to he pardon-fence, where he was lost hi th. shadow of nt Vat. l-jhe etood by the window nnd wait ed for homo Uiinutof. Xefaing hap pened. "Thiio, thank the Lord, he's eate fer a spell, I roVvOn!" sho exclaimed, rlrawinr n breath of relief. "Wonder what they'll say in the inoinin', when hey po to hfi'j r bin au' find be'? luisin'v" Thou :hc went li :k to bed; but th excitement of tho niqht vonld cot al low her to fUip. Vision f escapin,; men cam? to Iwr, followed by visions of men tlnufrlinj from a rope, and then (he would start up from the dozo into which rii? ha. I fallen only to fall into another doe, ia which the samo eights were repeated. "I hain't rested much,' (die said, with a prim fmile. 'h.--n daylight came. t'llAPTER XVII. a rof-TroNrr) hasoi:- !. Jfurnir.g broke. With the fii'.t t-tren'.. of red in the east, tbo i n :i 'eh'.) ha I been "ii puard were ptirriti;' One of them came to the door of the imlli hoitfe and listened. "J rtck.'ii b'.-' a-!erp," lit- repot ie 1. ''Aiiywi,y he hain't u-inox ii Y'ltiud." "Wnll. bt hi'.n have bi: snooze oat." said Liil reii. "'I''" pr.ib'ly the la.-t u.io he'll enjoy fei lipht rmsirt spell." As soon as it w.v- Tilly li'.dit men be jiaa to nri'io They caaie from nil j uts nf the ot tieaieu. and i.fore i 'lit o'elm-k the entire malo i-orti-in "1 the m iitl': r bod we on l and ft was eviueiil froin the Ptera and resolute look on the fuea of most of them nnd the determined air which characterised them that they felt that something of f rave and weighty im port was ahout to be done. "Wall, it's tight o'clock," an nounced Bill. "Sh'll e proceed to businesf.?" "Howie we (ioiu' t" git at it?" asked fomn die. "Why, f;o at it nn' d i it, auie'a ye would a'iy j.jh yi 'cl u.il ei hau l, ' an aweied liiil "There hain't no sense in ttandin' 'round an' u-kin' how a thing 'e go I to bo did. That'll never du it. Ciit right down ta bines aa' it won't take loiifr "Well, then, fe'ch out the pris'tier an' le' 's bear what he's pot tu say fer himself," said Deacon Snyder. "Thal'u the talk," f-a'nl Mr. Hal comb. "Let's hear his ttorv, fu.-.t of all." "Yes, trot him out," chuckled tin manthy, who waa aa interested specta tor and listener. "Trot him l ight out I'm jest achin' to sei yo do it." Bill Green. 83 master of ceremonies, unlocked tho dour of the milk-house. "Come out d' that!" he culled out, in "a tone that was meant to convey terror to the. occupaa of the milk house. Hearing it and watching the way in which Bill f.wcl!ed up like a turkey gobbler as he delivered bis order, Sa raanthy chuckled all over No reply camo from th- milk-house and no persou emerged therefrom. "P'r'aps he's nsleep yet," some one in the crowd suggested. "Holler an' wake him up, Bill." Samanthy'u amusement increased. Bill put his head in at the door very cautiously and looked around the room. "He ain't here!" he cried iu dismay. "He's gia us tho clip, fellers.as 6ure's ye live!" "I could ha' told ye that a'consider able spell ogoef I'd felt liko it," chuckled fsamanthy from her post of observation by the pautry window. "He's gone, sure enough, Bill Green, an' J reckon ye won't git yer clutches on him right away, nuther." The excited aud incredulous crowd taade a rash for the door to soe for themselves if Bill Green's statement was truo. It hardly seemed possible that their prisoner could have eluded them after getting out of the inilk laouee, to pay nothing of getting out of it. But an inspection of tho room satis fled them that it was empty. The bird bad flown. "Who could have helped the oritter to git away?" cried Bill, black with rage and disappointment. "I tell ye what, there's been some underhand doin's su mm ere, an' nobody needn't tell me there hain't. Ef we o'd only And out who 't was, I reckon we'd make it mighty iutm-stiu' fer him. J do so'.'' 'Bat tho trouble ia, how're ye goin' to find out?" chuckled the delighted mntJy, Ui thou ti$ mht Si BiU'j ... . -. !. i o Secret. RtXrORP. v 'X ' v . .-' ' s X j this cise her Cf'a&eh prove J strona pleat are too ialens for : caouijU to a;l-:re '.h: or Lil quite fat ; ipiaotoriiy. wrath was a description. j Investigation enecetded i I nothiii" satisfactory, bryj.ri a kncv.2-' .h ft-capc edge of the nouuer i.'i w!. UaJ been made s. jort1. w. custd of lif.vias aided tbo prisor.er in gi.-ttiajr oway. Xbia be stoutly dc-uiod, and bein n ma a ia whom neighbor had i-a plieit confidence, bis aceen;on of ia- nocente wus wener.illy believe i. . a rorler, as everybody knerr who kaev, anything apout her, vi loo timid a v.-omau to attempt n.iyUrins rC'iuiriu;" cool nnd etea.ly r.cve. Wayne, J everybody knew, ha I r.o fi i-.n b hip for Dick, aad no oua suspected iii:a ci Uivina assisted Liu ia lnakinrj hi- e cap-?. Sujpieioi! CCCaied to ."eniro e:i Samartby for i.-;uae r:a'":i. itt;J :-he met l.'.r.ny d.i;k and aa.-.y 1oj1; a the tookfrcqaent observat io:i of the cio.vd. The saspieion "'itb which r-be MUs .:ui'ued ga-.-e lur a nca-e of ex:-.l taut pleas ire v-Li.-h she i-jtild n-jt keep from : bowing iu l:er fart. li.it nO:. i f the!)! ire fit to sjv a.'yihin; toher. I'eiba;.- the neighbors wc-- e some what afraid of vhai the resuii niirht belt thrv roused her tf:mer. Sanian- thv i;n 1 lli.iv. tli i-i mi,.,'! (rir.-n tline who interfi l ed with her a i'oretasi.e of w'nat might be expected if she "(;vt mad '' It i- poiMe that they may have felt it linhoeomia,; tho dijniiy of u man to quarrel with :i w. nvr.i. It possible that they har.llv tb.uigbt it Uardly With while, now tlia iHe bird had flown, to bandy word.-' n' ont the manner of his flight, i in-M a-eu-in-; anyone of complicity in the maitr mam not fe.iiif: to ;:ie him back into their Irian '. ho the ieaon what it inmat. ! S.-i'iiantliy v.is not openly charged wiih having Wiped Dick to get away froai theiu and the penalty of the crime i f v hie'j mo .1 i f ihe.a cm-idcre 1 l.i.a really puiliy. . M. . Pot tor v. ,ii severely blamed f not bavin,- li'itemed th ir . pronnd pa-.-.l .--! betuoea th l.iill house and cellar. Many were confi dent that if Mr. Porter or oliur mem b. r.i of i!; f fui'.y bad not btdpi i Dick to l.nl.e hi- escape, they ha 1 been sure that ho would let himself out of prion by means or tliio passage, and therefore tney bal kept f-ilcut ri gurding it. It wai plain to bo seen thut luth Mr. Porter and Mr. Boon-.-wire glad that ho vas ( ouc. Later in the day there was a litt'e elab of arms between Saaianthy aa 1 'Bill Green. "There'sa ci ;aer ia the fence," sai l Hill, with a sarly, glowering look at Sam.iathy. "Yes sitree, a gul-dtiraed bi;t ni:r'Ter, 'n fd like uoihin' beuer'n lo frit him by the wool, 1 would (V Li' Dick Bn'yb.a ! out o' th-1 e a! on. , I'm n liar!" "Aleblie yo be. anyway," fai l Sa nuinthy, dryly, otalUat at tho pro? peet of a set-to with her old enemy, to whom sho hal never "felt friendly dis- po .-ea since me time wuen ua c.ii'c i ber aa old maid. Tiiat wan years a. o, f bat Mtmanthy hi. I n go.vl memory. "f wa' n't ta'l-in' ta yon," s-aid Bill, j no, i-eir-uiug iuu men in mpiai'iui nu her when there was any ouo by to list fa i to it. lie was ratuer toa.uui or.comuu; out r-econd best. "Oh, wa' n't y.v J thought ye was by the way ye glared at mo," sab I Si ivi'ithy, coolly. "Uatit doa t un. ',.. no diU.'uucc, oneway or t'other. Vm goin to give ye a lectio a Imcc, nn ye can take it or not, jest us y. like. Don't go 'round tho kentiy huutiu'fer fence:' with niggers in "em. Some day, liielibe, ye'll tiad the lugger ye'r look in' for, on' 't won't Vie healthy ftr ye." "Shaw, now, 1 want to kaow," said Bill, at a bus for anything else to say. jjU'd .ie.lo ye mought ha' had u tassel with a niggf. or satiiiu' rather lately, by tho looks ' yer f.ve," nai-l Saaianthy, looking liill'ti svolleu nad discolored countenance over critically. "Arniky V good fer bruises. ni -r yo've got 'em, bat tho best luediein' for 'em is to lniud yer own bisutr;s tin' not f.ir l wiih sutbiu' yc can't handle." Bill turned away with what Va3 meant to represent lofty disdain ex pressed on his black-aud-bluo feat ures. Samanthy put on her snubonnf t and ran over to Mr. Boone's. Xnnnio met her at tho gale. That young womau'a eye 3 were red and swollen, and tho looked iu if the had pas!cd a sleepless night. "Oh, Saajanthy," cried Xannie, ba- ginning to cry again, "they'll bau3 poor Dick, I know they will:" "They'll hev to git him first, I kin der reckon," said rjaiaau'ihy, with n wink and a grin. "Ob, Samauthy, what do yon mean?" cried Xannie, eagerly. "Has anything happened? Have they found anything out?" "Yes, they've found him out," chuckled Samauthy "out o' themilk house!" "Oh! oh!" cried Xannie, all in a quiver of excitement. "Has ho got away from them." 'He has so." answered Samanthy. "They thought they'd pot him where nothiu' or nobody c'd git ta him when they shet the milk-house door on him Us' night, but it seems as cf snthin' ci umigbodjr mm la' got U lm &u' helped bin in git or.- r,' ibeii4 eluti hc, ' for bo';) gone tljii uiorniu', tur.t pure." 1 ' Ob. I kno- how he (;ot ovcy," i cried jvannio, fliuc io? ha- arui ab-jtit fia iaantby's neck a'ld , living her a rrcat huor. "i'ou helped liim I kno -y.n : did! yi.i'iotbe bet' varnai in .ihfl, woidi, cid X j:it lov y..ti i-r v ia', yo-i'vo cioue '' Aai then -'innii' u-.".Mrcl ttp ejurar.'jn -li wln: s.oo !. ; 1 l. kaowa of any ojfl cl.o tloia; s.a kissel fin-ii.t r jt, win t5ir.-e I tho l ire S3, b'it Ailz'i roc n 1 1 ff.V.y i-. re . y j n.vru. ha t 1:' d to f..y that she OiViid.i'i ''ii,.::;"'tii' r. j' itis-in' '' t tsadc livr to tie j. ic;d faii'lv utruod Lv: Ltjarh but in "Theiv, talt'H ikiu' f he f aid, a:- !':?: 6 were i:i 1. cat o.i X,insi8 part of ift iuteti-.ica to rejjcat t'a-on-:ra-tic-V '-.i-ems t3 mc it Ioti.' ki.ul cuvi's for u i-'jl tu 1: so tck-;.I iotLini: a f-.dlcr'a got a -o y whoa 'iwa'u"t jh, loi-r n-o'a l.ii' .reel: th.-.f f.h-.'.-i i-lc.vely fpe.-..!; tu bi .:. I Jei'..-;. y;Vl met with ro ite k.;ud o' i i.f..'f'.-. ' I have. I vii e i.'.'i,- i i:.r: 1 f.hout tha fellow, " -aid Xunni .i'.itly, h:-r eve so bn,ht nov i'.i.t. the teats dried lapidiy in thsu. "TU1 n. l'..v.v y.et helped Li a to r;1- nay, Saain itliv. 1'u jut', dyiuj to hcaruii uhfiiit it." Saa-.anthy t;oU Nnr.ie Inlo her con. i'donce aud tci.l br what ta, ' - id-:r i.'readj- kt'O.v?. 'I'll toe thai tho Tin i- ukan daw a to t'10 hollow t.'ee," Nami' t.-id. 'And I'll take a l:t of bviii '!wro every night, too. Ik r mo, Sa-.i:triliiy" vih a sudden shr.er and pi-o-'-ii;g ju'o at the thoufbl 'T a'm ,-si knnv. they'll cateh hi, a eriia if he stay; e'ooat tho neighbovhco-l. Why dida't he go rirbt awayonl i f ii'" "Hc'sTcot Hcf6 ia hte heal,'' said fiamanthv. mvitci iouslv, "Wait aa' you'll See What the natnreof taoio i ;eav nv'ht 1n she did not think it b:it to exvilr.ia putthen. It mie-bt be be'.n a- to It ep the t-u pieion regard i i ? Wayn- ia ihe background for n time. A fur dark. Nannie took Diek's c.un t.i the holh.w tree, along wj:!i a 1 jh l of bread that she had made that day aal take'i t'-pecial pains with; a!-i i-oine fresh, r.rrt baiter and a ieue.i' ou-i r.-jimte of gingerbread. JTo likes ci:i"erbread," '?:. sai l to c'!', while a tear fei on the pajic-r she was wrapping tu eatables iu. 'And he used to liko mo, too. Once lie told ice he didn't huow which wac - vi ( ter. yiagerbread or kisses, aad 1 lii uij-ht it was r.n u-vfal foo!i-h fpeoeh i.i 'liil'e; but -oine'V.'iy it iioii'1 se in:.o no-.', l'cor Diek! S v. i h he knew .). H.-iny 1 am for liarimt tt1 him .v. .May'bo he'll understand that when b" (hid-, tho giu-'eilurad. '' 'i mi which it will bo understood that Nannie was liciouiinj pch im-. at-.tl a til repentant. CHAPTER XVIII. THEtn imsr CAMP-Mccri::j. Not a trace of the lost horses lieen found. Too search had bon i long aad thorough, bar. at last it bad J been thought bef. by all concerned to i lib.indou it. beca'ia there seemed ' nothinr; mere to be doau. Every po : mI.!i. ft', ii i to lin-.iP.eleM-totlieiitv-tery ' Ii.t I l't.-u male, and tie) mysti-iy w n - !..ore perplexing uo.e ilmniit th. i-ort. "We hain't !, e n.'.h'u' toworli oil," , tai l Deacon Snyder. 1 wish we c'd iind tho critters', but we don't stem to be permitted tu do so, au' I s'porO 't ! was tho I...1 I'.: will iii.it I sh'd lose -01ll B0 J dun i,ut'" I uu d grumble, I). it ho coal. I t help feeling that he Wl-,uld havo planned things ititlVivnlly jia K,p jj-.n-.l. ii.,of,p i'1Pl;er 'II hov his f to Ttai Green (-aid more than once, smart- ' in over his disappointment at Di rM.:11,c. Ho u-li in if it is faf e t I ., bloodhound foils when eh : , r ils vi.i;,,,, "it mid sat vc bin ;ilst vj,,lt t0 i0S(, , ,a r w-uiild i-o, lti tickin' up fer Dick Bmylou " for Bill fi-lt Mire, ad ahm,:, that Mr. 'Porter knew nothing of how Di got away, he was glad that he v. gone. And Bill wa". right about tu a. After the search lor t:u n,.r-ts was abandoned, a sort of tui'.l ham for I'i began bv thooo who believed that he might Miil be linking in the iu-i;;h; hood. H win not systematic, but it was kepi up persistently for Dick had no trouble in eluding those who soii:,'it for him. It is not au nify matter to i-aplare a man ia u wild.-r-ness whea he knows that he is bun ; hunted. JCuowinct this, Dick could govern his actions ia such a mauut-i' iu to completely thro.v them oil' tho scent. Bill Green and a few of lii cronies bell to tho belief that I!i--k wai ft ill ia the wcinityof iirou us ide, bat whi-re llu y eu.ildu'l di.teimine; but they lui'tiut to liud o'.u, if posMolo. TliLieforo they kept up their f-eaiva for at least a week, but llndiu ' liiah- ' ia-' ut the end of that time, they coti j eluded that it wau not advisaole to aejleot their farmwork longer, nad I they, too, gave up tho search ii a 1 measure, though Bill said they'd all keep their eyes petle.t, lor they "mought run onto suthiu' when tluy wu'n't expectiu' to." "I'm dead sure o' one thing," said that astute individual, "an' that is that ho won't dare to show bis face iusi'e tho settlement. Fer ho l.r.ov. s ef he did, it'd be a mark for somebody to shoot at, the luinait they tot u glimpse of it." Two weeks went by. and then a now excitement took th" piae-? of the ol I oac. l'rom secular mattorj the minds of the residents cf Brownsville tamed to sr.uitaul ones. ilu La ccuiuuuaJ. MM AND GARDEN. ' eLe.-L n ; meal should be dissolved in hot water. CMioflve Subtliuate For l'otato ft.ib, J oo 1 early-cat clover hay, of which it ! The scab of potatoes can be pre ; will begia to tat a littlo by the time it , vented by soaking the seed inaweak;jj two weeks old, Tha it should j solution of corrtbive sublimate. Dis- jL.ive a few .vbcle oats aud wheat bran folve two ounces of finely pulverised ua socn u ! it will eat them. Timothy I fiblimutf in two gallons of hot wa'er ' bay or c .rn meal should not be f-l i.ad lut it stand ovur night or until the tho dairy calf, as they ore too ftt't-tn' sublimate is all dissolved. Dilute this iusr. I ta (l'.ieen pul'ons and permit it to : The skiai milk feed should be k-it htnud iu a woo len burro; four or five ( ttv, Ull t.'ie calf is nt least Bis moctas hiar.'::. biieet ihe seed to bo treated, cdd. Pad calves are raised with t.'iu M.-rl) ul all dirt and i iieiti so in the L i -fc trouble, tint if they t.re spring ' : o.ati.m one and a half bouts, nit.-r calves, it ia Lclt..r not to let them run . v. b.ijh dry the potatoes f.nd cat aad ' cn grws a -- lovi ct skim rank is feci, ! Y' cat as ujual, taking caro not lo plant l al they thould ha.'o t ee i na of u ui-i-,1 i ioaa.1 that Las previously y.-.rl foi'oxctcl.-e, and free accata to a j bcr.ie diseased potatoes. The poia- l icVio whore tacy r.te.l not be tx- ' tirs i. .ay e i on! bii-A9 tuey fti-e ted v- ' h tho fo'otici. Greet care i ) ) j.,t bo tiro I in uuiacr tlris sublii.ints, j -a owoe. lao soianou must Le idacf I in ii.etallie ve:-t-Is. . H the chiy eilVeuvc trcaimcat cf io i icveut tctb; ii usually does ;;f!:it;-, .v-d is bo cluaply ati-1 ? v i that it oagut to to t-.:it-:;yal use wherever potato t-.ja u :-... v I f .ii.tvolllii? liie licxn tVctvll. I at hu.ci weevil develops in dried beaas at r.lmoit euv tiuo d urine tho eio.ae i'OiiO I ia tae winter. Tim (."; are deposited ia the (.. i.i be;a:s tho 'arvas hatch iu u l oap'e of wo-eks, and una- oat cells ia tho interior cf the beau, whero they at tain their eaowth aud pupate. Homo timt.3 soverul ins found ina sin-ode. I. earn Tho only -vcy to get rid ti Ihem ia u bin is to make a storage place as cea- iy air tight as possible, i'. ea place it sinivrof carbon bisul phide on top of the bcans&nd close np toe bia aud let it remain closed for day or tvo. Carbon liisiilphide.bTiiig b.eavi-r thau air, mi l very volatile, j ,.nittt j, c l.der to prevent toe silage jiHi mc-atos e-.trypoitiouoftliebiu and!jUieP, f,.0,u ft,. - j,... Uptm ti.o wital. lca'.roy4 every livie... thing among the j ordinary r s halt paint luav be u.l. beans, (.'are n.:i:t bo taken to keep j jt aH H,ti.:iueti)rv.ia nccount I've u'vey during the livatmeat, as the . itf) lcn,ttu,.v to tot ten "up with the bbuibmido is ve.y intlainmable. It , i ... r,r t!,., io!.i ,e Tho n.ttliir' if has been sa;gi. -t, 1 that if tho beans j n. j in c.te I to 14o iit-grees as soon ns ripe the -.a-ii ally pi..wn larv.e will be ile- inije 1 witiiout lujury to the gerin iioi'Iii ; iiiiulity of tho seed. Late jd.-mliu-jf is a'so ndiieed so tiiat the crop will ci ui-.j ttiu ravages of lite ndait i.i-eot-i. etv Luglaud Uo' -stead. A Vi:i Our ii! .is.t: potiit. toe: Vf?.nl Iiiiileni.-l:t, ion sho-.v.. a home-iafide thai is veiy simple in -".-,7 noun M.it'K roT.vro coviairn er.t.t'i lift i on. The t'o hide:! io pioa.di la.-h other toward th" fear i ii.b, thus Vi ingiug the two sides di rt.eilv iierosi each of two rows Ivim; i le by : i ':. Wlicu furrowing tlic-e r,,-.,.- b i .It.- eiii'di bo turned outwar 1 ia i a di of the t.vo rows to be covered by th ' ii neliii.e. This will result in draw in:' the email buck over the seed, and will not i i-lgo up between the rows. T!:c. furrows can be made in sets oi" i-.'o ii.eli, fer tins pnrp..-o. The hm -e ' . iietween tuo rows and the h.mdles t ermit one to draw back over ilm so. ,l just enough of the soil to cover them properly. Hie loii'slloi! ii T Cropi. Ia all seetioiis of the country there an many farms located from twenty to forty miles from largo cities wher it would not bo profitable to raise 1 1 uck. It is somewhat (lillieull to l,u tv what should be raised iu order to roaii to the must profit. Of course, when such bii'ius are largo and have -ro Itf ed prodt.ible crops it would bo folly to make any radical cliauge, but the raii-donn farm is tho one on which the pioidem of a living, to say nothing of m -t profit, is most difficult to solve. Many such farms might bo brought to ti hR'h state of cultivutiou and yield a good protit ii poultry, swine, calves and pet haps a few sheep wero kept, usi,.;,' tho manure with some mineral f.etiiiiter to l.tiso corn, clover aud otin a grasses and grains for the stock. The n.tri'gcu aad kuuius needed in hiu't simh folia eouh.l be obtained by the v. -1) of crimson clover, cow peas, ve'.vtt beans and the other legumes, Small 1'iuits might bo added to advau ta ;o and with a row or two a comfort able living could bo had and all tho tiiee i!io farm would bo gaining fer tiid v by. the ineihod advised. It is dii'.i tilt a!:d expensive tabling np a wom-i tu larm, bat location is some thing, t o whot may be lost in one di rection is gained iu auotlier. As far iispu? ible uperaie the farm on the lines oi' demand iu the market to whieh yoar crops g.i. Doa't ruio cot ton when the niiirket demands beef Ki d poultry, nor potatoes when your market is 'languishing for frait. At 1 i ii t it Journal. 1 rrdlna I'm Cilf. The calf tihould bo fed in such a wny as to promote growth of frame uii.i to develop a capacity for consum ing and digesting milk producing foods, and should not be fod no as to iiu.ki! her excessively fat. Fattening tlio ou'f or heifer will eueourugn the beef habit, which will be liable to cling to her through life to a greater or loss extent, to the detriment of milk luo luctiiiu. The calf should he fed whole uu!i. till about a week old, then gradually snb.-tittite tkiuimi'd till by th-time the call i- toiirtef.i to eighleeu days old tho toil', is all hbiiti milk. This should bo l-l warm, tiie tempcratiue of new milk, and sweet. When ba - ginning to all skim milk a little oil tossi iliwui J be ed Jvdi ( flxit uot more than u tahlespoonful a day a part of it iu i-'h lied till, by the time all 6kim voiik is given, two lablu- 1 spoonfuls should be given. The oil r.ossd to tbo l&L revs of tho sun, unit! Lave u dan; pl-..ct whero tlu-y can get ! n.w;.y fiom li e fii..?. The heifer j :!ioni.l l.e kept growin Ml tne time, t -II fcbn 5 a two years cbl, at watch timo j 'be should eommoaca pivi.e milk, j which s tho I-:;4:t; if he hi.-. rarai, Li-ll and l'iit. ;!.. i 1 iu S.h t.'.iiif Ii ticlloll. I Or oititt! v a.iit.inir.sd ii-ju shtin ir.ty M-. t-1 a . a lining fur s:!o., wn Ii 1 -ativf.iet oty Vfc-a 's. 1'ho luetho I i;f UMng i: i.-; i-.i build ia the form of aa or i'.-..:'.i y uo i shy, r.n sg o'a- injv? i f b.ah'-Iach i.ti;iV(is a b.'eh-.u t-u Ihe ia stile. t;;t:i p''.tti:i' galvaai.'.ed ii'-.oi oa :n uripu i-i','.t to tj:i f.-f.t loi,,', hitv--ta;, th.-i wio'h uliieh i.-i n---t-b-.l 10 is tead from oae staddiir' to ici itiu r or ! caver ii.vo-is the Fb'a,-'e "f t'-vo tstud diugs, uaihit t tho lvo tiies tiosi-ly into thy s?u Mi:i'.'. mid tho middle also if the L-tu.'-li':.;? rav oae foot apart. In this case tweaty-foar iaeh g..!vani:'.cd iron -von! i bo Used of the lighter weight, say Xo. or oven 'JO. After the lining is oa it would re.iuire ;,!, ,,' ,.j.i ,,,,.1 wi, i i,i-.,of tll, Bia!,,. tv-ndu to wipo the paint on i i;i i hiois. j 1 tl'.ink r,u evoa li.'hter woi nt i I pa I tw. I th ! be! a'doi-d iron iui.;ht lie a.-e.l In t-.vef.i iavi-i v of balf-iuoh liair.f. Jn:ii;-. in-.; gaivaiiu-'d iron with r. -pliult paiul ue the tierai-l iaver i-i i,.'ai- t- v us put on, ioid thus Kceiire a vc:y iiitis I'aetuiy job. This, lmwever. woni.l not be qui it- as p-rfect in i-i ablliiy to !.:;. j) sibif-,-? as wh.-io t!ie li'.i.;.. e.i'i:.! liii-e.-tly i ust tha laetul In- '. l.-e a little till- Couid eircuia'... up aad bova bftw. en the lave,- of !;:on.; a:,.1, th i laiel of ii.et.il and fj icaeh toe sll.i-e. V.,1 1 b.oas I. p. i- ef g.i;iaui.'.t.d tr,.i tun! I of coin ' i e used, iuit I thin!-: Ilm ens' '.vi, ul 1 lm eihap.-- t.io -r and iu a eol-l eii-a.ite iLo dami.-r f Ho t prrhiip' t....i ci-.- it lo pet n;;: It:; In-ill;; U. I TLeft: Is 110 (;:: s' ti'.,; i .- :'..i boia oa I'i" p. o- i the steel tank.- uad wabu ! ;!.t.v th.. Miftceo .ro'.eeicd a r oa : tuo it. W'Uii-l be ipilio i-.i.tist pi es ji ing tiie silr: ecei't lor the o;.. I lVofes-,.r V. ii. Kia i m :.u :..r a n s c..aeei i ed, iii of frost. in Auii-neuu Af;rieal:ma-t. ITcp.irlnR i'i- sntl I'm ioi. Tho fertilize : .iii.-s::, n b.n to b laiiyeoiisi.h . d by i.iras: rn m ov.b r to net it in :or application before tiie ground i: diy etnulgh to plow. It is n mistake until i-i'iiim m-ioady np.cus to j.'et tl'e manure in the il-.-ids. It is so much v.a,ie time, lor r.l) the labor will be iiee.L-d t ) do tho plow ing and Eiowiif-'. Preparing bet'-.o-hnud for aa i-ariy cow in.: oi any crop is making the iinif , d l af b- m teh easier to master. Fur small fruit s l-oti.toi:-. r an, to- miitoes and peas, the eomiuei chi! t'-r-tili'ei.s, carelaliy seb ct"d itciading to the need of the pbiiuswill i:ei:trid:y give better results thau ttaulci man uie. Celery, beets, cabbage, aspara gus au 1 spinach f-Loald bo fei tilize,! with baruyard mauuro as far us pos sible with tho supply on baud. It does not poy to purchase this at heavy expense, however, for the same ingre dients can, as a rule, ho obtained cheaper iu some iorui of oommereial fertilizer. Oa old gardens that have been fer tilized heavily with narnyui'd manures a dressing of wood asties aud lime may give better result thau anything else. Too much heavy fertilizing with barnyard manures is not good for tho boil, aud it is well to skip a yeuroccu. sionally, and dress the laud .simply with lime or wood ashes or both. The mistake ef owr-lortUizi'ig should be iiveided. One mig it in tld.s way save several dollars iu a season to the aeie, which would go n long way tow ark making the soitf ju'b work a prolitublo oue. In advising the use oi commercial fertilizers, it should be undi rstood that those made at homo give better results usually than the batight n ix tiirts. There are reliable brands of tho latter in tho m.nkit, but the farmer can mix just as good fur his particular uso at less cost. P, ta-h and the phosphates must bo ud led to tlio soil iu so no form, and the el.e aot-r wo can get this 1ho belter, t-o ..itiuus there arci plenty of both iu th soil, but it takes a ihvssiug of lime t i make thorn available for immediu'.e u-e. The lime id also kill bacteria ia the soil, break up t'ue olods aud imp. ovo nieehauical couditiuus, und co .Mit uiti'0;;un into nitrates. Ina general way it may be said that in buyiug fertilisers for spociul crops tho vegetables tiiat need nleutv of pho; pnoric. aeia aim potasti are pt as and beans, and all which supply t. Is ; t. r i oiisumpliou. T,.tndi is highly r.. 01 taut lor tomat it :, melons and ! siuad Hunts, and niiro.iut helps tho ce.ciy, ea'ii,a?e, aspaiagus ana bplu- ; aoh, and similar edible vegetables . Professor James S, Doiy, in AmiK-tUi 1 Ouitivstor. Til MOP "i'F f:l 1;EV1?T; n THE COVSnNV.ENT VILL PROTECT MUSiZI FICHER'.ES. Th :( n.r :.t .k' 111: i iVvrr f M.iil'iii U.t. a .-us i in J a . i.-: 'i.-ii: Soil).. ;; ii.mi'oie Itudt. The United States I':-h Con:r.it!;-a h t.u.wi.; rU-jis to pro:.- . the wonder fal jt-..rl L.lieriv3 wi.h whie'a hat. , re l,a fidowe I r:ear!y ev- ry State in the tlalon fcad ia ;i a I-t.-p t-J "ptarj l. ier?.'' I is re::; y rc.aarht. j'e to lo; k i a ' 'j:"-' a the j.:. :o:y cj these fever.-, a.: ! : ce ho .- ta: v hove, i'loia t- ..e lo tiiat. e.: ;-.i.;ti d the peop'o ct this touv.irv. i.u otily in late ycun, u.u.a.. ... i " i - ..... w j'..- , i'l.o H.-tL v;ci.vs wtrc tho laouUd Luiiuw ... Btccj-i .ulnniaus of f-tf ,. i;:. ,...t;-r.; a!Uy, c i-v-c:aily ut et.-tala po.ut iu rv,;. ',-.. I'..-.- -.'a.; faf.e-ot tivriMit-e-t l;e.-:;.-wali-r '. UB.-ei pearls', lo ; ua ato::i:-:.i:tt.-; In .n:!is i.avo i . (h :0! . l - 0 ': ' titi-nl. a 1,- - O'i t acjl' bushels oi i j Colut'ta OVtltl . uhle p . a! ' . .u: 1 all the ir'pai'.i .a uia- I bv ii 1 I t p: .. ,r De In lo ivi t I s re!.. fvlU'e. fj.lt-l chic iar.ii, by i -by a -. and pru-. . poun T -. .piiltU h:. Do JitU.iu v. i ..a t "e i 't'ti'a. ,. i :' e , I i J. to ! air' a to u- I ,d i .. -.- I I' ' i.i .Vo:.-. i! t t i f;0 la.aa ..:.-..rai..ii- i ': V.;l.t- J-.MISS y-tiu'-o g.rahi ,i tu- nnd e ! iu I'.n; "i; . fol I i: t L:i 1 of Iha 1 1- 1 1 The o-.-r tl 1 V-T. p. .11 Lai i ii too . Jieau w.mbl d ill : It.-.- i. i . p. nrl of tieeiei n t tlio lioilji)..' to hi, eu tie; i. lir a it was in. i en to: lo wado ta'o tlie ; I e and open I be : lo-! . -! t ht i the HH-i iter.- u- uo ! diii' i., tilo w. ill. !!. A b...- i .peethg - ! 1 ii ti i!l I l e I. Tm foa 1 1'..: tne i:i;i liei iM I opened bv t:.at the le : oi any pi a. the ' he,!. . Jy foaud t inoMh.i t tie. New de.-s.y liiusst I --hi ! U- 1 ioU:-,'i i Ii uri.i ; i' OVi I -. i ' : t i t o .V - l.r.-u! la- wit:. .a I ki-u'-s -,,.- dual 1' ,e i !. are! i.f i "' , l ie e,r:ms .1 -ed -i-f.t. b eav,:,- j -Ud b.fl ipeln-d ' i tin ii arle. , ii .:' t lie fever ,.. ai ls v. el o si i:t '' t, but a ,0- n I .! : ii : fie lev j " re than .": -,!'. I I 1 .id 1 di le I I .,, t . e iuo i, e.ii ;.i bs'Iti itl id I. w O l.o V o, ,1 if) wo: '. i fo ill 1 In a ;',: .ii ilm tuali .--1 : , u-1- . . I i I I . . :i -1.1 t . Xe.f peat ll I'- t-liL tl' and sir produe Ve tli.i: li. no Wiscou.-ia ha J.iu.iM i w oi : h of pern is. To- -. ar v itiit :d a very w ide-pi ,-,i I outbreak of the peail munis, winch fiii led Ihiongu Ar ka:, -a... a iiaie p.c I .:.-! unatt. eted by it. Trio f.oir M-i.-:i..l tu- v-iiole p-pulai iou. i'e.y in. li'.iaty tonus of labia e.trt al-.aiui,.,o, .1, i.ad the people ll.u-ke 1 to tiie tii-... to pat her mi;- I sob'. Asia '".- .leivcy, the- pearl I hi aruig SLiiiis nei .-.. so.ui elean.-d out, ! ni.d iV-r the tln.o the supply was do-j st roved A ecuh at' i'i at '.e oi tie Ailiun w a- Hi id' f. hi ia the ta- of Flie. i i-s. A prevailed t ml the mud along t' local i aaj .-e--i l..u sel ci.iw 1 , Silei hlS ptiifl. to ci-i: ootiuo t' tho : lo. Us bv U .1 t 110 S.I., . i; it is ,;:! i MUeiif, 1 f- th, J i n Is v. ere shaken Datum: tin: I1-'!' cxeiu a y, man from ?t. Louis was si'i uilim.' bia Vncat ion on the shoi e ci t' rooked La l.e, Mo., aad while situ tig i-u a log with u negro ijtli-.1t) di.-cov, i e 1 a ti' fl pcatl lying i-loso on the h ue roe.r kka. The liepro told hi.u tii-it t'io n.ttive c'u-.!-tlrea i f'. ti at ii- ii I "them thine s" to play with aadtooh hi. a ia a :-. , on th- shore of t'ue lake w lo-ie they were lyin tiroaud in gn at proia-ioii. The licji-u vii- -trea'.iv a uu-ed ut the child- liku irtore.-t the yotiu-? man took iu theia and !it! ed him to uaiher his pockets full. A f -.v i amides luaib-d lo a Memphis TV nn., jewider bron-h! bach a large check and ao a man to in re -ueate the discnvi tic's. I'lta Memphis investi .-ator iiamedi- ti'ely r. 1 ;ned his p, :-ii t-ui with the oti'.i v o . 'e-o lot rcrt ''filled, a"d , ( i Let v. ItU Ihe yjitu? liiau fioai St. r ee. t .its the r-i-ai 1 riitheriug b.u.i-.t.. ''.it. - te-havoied to l:eop it qui i, b'it ii was inqcitsibh., aud a , pi-.ul ievt-r rpraug ii l oaee. The bvres vf Crevkvd Luki weie gobbled !M - y capitalists, whlib. great ,roht. I Daring tho Crooked Lake, Mo., if-.vi-ran inuinte of tho Confederate ,: ildiera' Hcm.j, near Little P.oek, wnile o: a leave of ubseuce, found some pearls on tho Saliua Paver. Ho ap plied for ua extension of lea'-e, the story of las dise.arery got abroad acJ a faroae wse ai once created aloag th liier. At the other cud of the State, on Black Pivcr, a '.armor whiis lishing c,.i:iied a raat-.-l for tait 6ni found a j.iv.'t pear!, for whkj 1 e reesived 925 ifv.n u local c!i;i. u bo sold it in St. Louih for vi '. The craze broke out j.i .oii(ref(Ueuec of thU tori. lent.il find ojd loo lit.iek uniJ Cache Biveis wers I LOo'iimcd wiih re-arl l.untcra. About this time ,T. M. Pabf, o well- ., !, . ..!.. . :.. T Known pian-.tr, -nui'o wm u o; .cheat Lake, Columbia Coauiy, c-jmned a Jew nituseiS as aa cApcriict.i gun loa- t lour pt-ariE, lor ouo oi wuicu ne reciivtd ft! 23. Ia these ways the l'e.ui uuuiiu ua. " T 11 ';:! 1 ana iiisaufas. auu yM-jn became so ahsorbi d iu tho pursuit that local i)aieis at various points reported apprehension ou the part ot tho larm-or.- as io the prospect cf getting iu their crops, pll tho farm Landa being iir'ar-ed in pear! huauue. ; ' .ue d-.-npink pewl of faly pi aius, J. a Lo Pit .;! by a H-oiofill, was roiu 111 Di f i. i elo'1, : ao.it or"-!)'th of its , e.a valla". A .-;-.:.'-( r's boy found .l.-y-Cl,. el , a i . :. '.:) V'.H-i'i Kivet, -o hi- -J..... J it waiciter- d :. l-i i i :;t. Li.i:: : . '. " J 3 . One a t1 wh iauu IwU'i-'i '-ll:i!"t w .-?.':: -.a :vta Mile t...!.e, Ai-keiieu-, a-.i .ti'.thr true, f u-! I -j i . t ; t w;.--,h iu '.t-''!e Pod PIvea. iti.W( tiauo, lie gieutc.t ii ail the f;.uf i for P'-:i'.i ihhfies, fte'.io'u gets -1 i e i j.f-jhc :': ftver v.-ry i;:;J. The- hualing i ii.ly, au-J :..aay h-an.lrotls of fu.ij'v i' iu f.:.d y,-ar cut a: a iec;u a" . e... ..iia, lust s'.ason, he-v-e-.-er, n:;;.i- i.vla and pii-tui'e.siijae a.coa'i!- who pubii. lie J of hosts of pearl hum a- cuuitig along the CliDCb Iii--ii- i;r.d it.' triiiiiiiivies; some iu tt.:.t, sotr.e In shcn!i-:s and some go-;i;e- iiom shoal to shoal iu rudely built ;.. I iiousebuats. They wire described as i ft l,-oe and easy ehi-s ol people, work tiicliuj; very hard nil day, siil-idstiiig a ,'o I good deal ou the iish caught iu tho j, ' ;:t;-eii'.a-i and dancing nt night to thi itaae i f tiie banjo as tiiey gathered i ui-o-and camp fires along tho banks. , (ii-,.!,-r:a and Cor-neetieat Lavo re X j ee -y bad th. ir small pearl fevers, ,'' ; b .1 iu Miehieiin n eompany of capital ,"'. ' i-'.s h. s i,c.-.n oreuviied to completely I..- er n Pivi r iu pf atch of i r T..- i :,tru ar.u:' m-tl-.eV, employed i poa- l bitutert, geiiernlty and espec ..v ,::.l.i.-. tuet.e IV vi-i n bus nearly oi :.; tho i-i.. Ti i ful nctural lisheries, ,1 the iitu of tho ih-h commission iv I-. t -v,!ji a ttoii t.i the destruction r is v by th.- use ot a I ti, c i s n;.-.i ,.s t mpi-yeti uy itt.'l ilm.-.. i , itt'i i-any and I'hiu.i. to op for pearl.-, a lb- mm Set I The Chin l:,e,t t.ru :el til- v i :"-u ; n tio sii-i;..-, poop insiiie .1 ii n-iiit: a: o lVuiud drop tok I'.r.o tne stream, se d iiot only jiroteet i.i tide wny, but when -I the slo!.-. iftaere ate no ins; let! e im, .-duo e little oh . s .lie foi-ei-u sabfti'.i.ce.oroiiDd wi.-l- u ,e.rtrls cri ton.. The shells are renla..v 1 in ti e w uer aa.l in a ; .e -, ..'.tit'i-- beaiiii.ul pi avis will bo I u oi.-.l iirouii.l tiie-e little ob.OC.tS The iifcU eo.utui: si-n projuises, if u cm, Ij work up sucii a sentiment a-umf to- wliolf ale d--t notion of ic-.i-m! :du lis i.s is o-- goii.a oa that t icii l-ti.i ' wih ) a; laws prcdlibitiutr .: -! uiea. i I ;.:. . !i. ; .!! liiOllitlil Sl'll I.e. pllittll. 'I ;!:- i.boa: fa a..-, .-.'u. ';;; liie," : .,. i. ii;.e 1. i-iiij ;'t. ' i.' V'.i Ut tt j.!.- t ::.r i'. tii-'t .i.i' t -ia.' w dettb, .-t I ! it, ''lev., i. tu, m. o. yoail, tl V tho ... it i ' h ph .d i.-.ut :t. T'hfttV e t Wi.s lor i w.i ; , ..r- ; tivn Voir; ni an luu i t in y cail k. i -..ueit a a Laud, it he, e it sm. we I t r rauted tv:ry day iu tl, yea- w'i. ic there was nvthitlg i. it c d i an 1 sle;l; where there wus no', a tree i-r a lui-u. AVe stayed i 'acre. i yea:' at a lime, lolly or titty of if. aul'hllUtel tu- st:i el, phauts for their oil. M'e kuj.ked the ioor crea tures over tao hea l with clubs aad r oot :.t ihe, a, then boiled them down. At iii-.Lt we gailijied iu stone buts, piling ia together to keep warm. We Lad uoiuiu ! to eat but liials, sea gulls aud pffitius lm'f the time; nothiug b.-.S oil ' for fuel. Sometimes tho hedi'.N with the sea elephants roblilted iu the loss of a mull. iSome of them wu-ve twentv-tiv,, fLtt loim and they wiiitld loll i icr the uieu or beat them lowti. .l tuo eini oi n ytur me j ;..u:f,otii r eaaie i..-r the oil, and these ,,f u.. ta!,t .i aiiled to leave went to the i,, 0 i;,id !bi.e, w hoi o wO were , lod'-Netv Yo ; bun. rulii-rinu'i-. M-iy of eiie. 'Iti'.l; about v.,',1 nerve," said a r.li... a. a a in ta- Wrt.t Twentieth Mt t u'.a:,ou, "v. i-,-, 1 once had a , a . that beal. 1 ihe ll.-emf.t Wi rsn than Dewey beat tiia Spanish. 1 was sen' to iu've liorate .1 laiicide in Twenty third street to. no time ago, aud as J went into tho bouse I noticed that a yj-.f-j uati of ..i'.I avpcaiaiit o j.-iued 'me c-t the d un aud tollov. d mo itilo ihe io-eti. None cf the othiM r sce'aoti to notice Liui, so I tai.i notuiiig. Th briither ol the young wo aua wba had committed suicide was crying and ro- i pcuting: 'Ob. what skill 1 not t p stepped tho quiet-look iug young man. ! " 'Pardou uie, sir,' sai l he, 'here's ! the card of our tirm. We notify the ! Coroner, see the doctor, secure tho I permit, tuabalm the body, furnish the coffln, provide the clei pyman, hire , tbo siu-rs and die the Drtave, making, ! iu fditrt. nil the ai i augeuioutt, without 1 tumble to you, and all lor a nominal stun. You . autioi do bfttr.' "And banged it ho didn't get the job," coneluile l the patrolman. ".itre," said ihy Kijjfesnt, Xew I York Sun. lgWli."IH mHllM.IlJWJ.l

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