am SttM& mi Tnrusn.vv, April M, lsuii. ti. A. ju.)NDOIJ. Editor. Bkcu'sk of the decision of the (Supreme Court reinstating dipt. Day as superintendent of the peu itentiary, the new (Democratic) directors of that institution are beinu: urged to resign, ami they will meet o'i the 27th of this month to decide what they will do. Capt. D.iy lias requested them not to re niuii aid promises to lie guided by their su rest ions and wishes in his management ( the penitd: tiary. They are e.ivl to resign because they cannot have eoni jilet" control iiii.l s' not as sume a partial responsibility. While their ivsi,u-na:ion may er. nble the Democratic party to make political capital in t !:e next cam paign, bee. use ii" t iu- laiserahle nilsiii.-in.i -eineet '!' the i n i i ' n tiary Iy the I'lia'aiui'ds, yet we cannot jeiu in ui'U'iiic them to re hijii. If they can rerve the State --ii' tl.ev can save the people any useh -s expenditures their duty is to do ) and not to iv-ticn, even if thereby t!:ey iesc;:e tin ir polit ical o;ipoia':ii iron: a n:o--!' unen viable dilemma, (live Superinten dent Pay a fair lliab ami ai l him as he iias retp:, sted, ii-1 if he rejects their advice and hecd Iiof their sn-.'estiolis then let them isi:;n, just as Mi. .1. Yt.I.ailey resigned from the '.t id of Ayri culture when he found that he could not prevent ItiisseH's syco phantic henchmen from maUny it the "State's manure pile" for dum ping! fusion politi cians. A'.!"'fi the many good acts of the last Legislature was one re peaiiligcltapter 5ln of t lie fjawsof 1S'.I7, whieli est iMish.-d the State ISoard of Kipializatioii. Our readers will remember that during the last campaign frequent reference, was made to that act of the fusion Legislature, ami it was denounced by all DemoiraMc speakers and tapers, act three men at Raleigh the rail road commissioners were em powered to change and increase the valuation of property in any county in the State without eer having seen it and without any notice to its owner. In this way they added in l'-:7 nearly a mil lion and a half dollars valuation to the horses, cattle, hogs and sheep of tin farmers of North Carolina. They addeil per ct lit. to the valuation of the cattle in this (Chatham) county. No wonder the Democrats promptly repealed such a 1.1 w! And yet the Fusion papers have not said a word about it, but have been as dumb as an oyster! Tar;: to their promises to re store white supremacy to the negro-ridden counties of this State, the Democrats in the last Legis lature passed an act reie,a!itig chapter l:." of the Laws of 1M55 and re-enacting chapter 17 of The Code. This act applies only to certain counties, as follows: Ie-r-tie. Caswell, Craven, Kdgeeombe. Franklin, (Jranville, Montgomery, New Hanover, I'asipiotank, I'er ijuimans, Vauce, Washington and Warren. This act thus restores to the a bove named counties the system of county government that prevailed all over' this State from 1H7 to ISD5. Under a decision of our Supreme Court, rendered at Sep tember Term, s!i7, the Legisla ture can give different systems nf county government to different counties. And, accordingly, the Legislature; can appoint the mag istrates and commissioners for the above named counties and allow the voters of all the other coun ties to elect their commissioners and magistrates. Senatoh Marion Butler has de cided to become a lawyer, and will shortly become a law student at our State University. This is the first instance that we have ever heard of a United States Senator, during his term of office, In-nig a student at his State's University. Anil by-the-way is it possible that theformer presidentof the state and National Farmers' Alliance is thus going back on "our noble order"? Or has ho gotten all out of the Alliance that there is to be got and is now going to throw it aside like ll scpieezed lemon? It' will be le e riber"-! i ieir i" lav v r i an ' ... ;::.-eib. r'-''! '. AKin' ' , and 1 a vt-n so mvii.v haiitW a .'-on of foil as farmer ilutier oec nines a iat.t r he will be ineligible to member ship in the Alliance! ' Yr. are indebted to the courtesy of Congressman J. V. At water for a copy of the twelfth annual report of the Interstate Commerce Com mission, which contains much in teresting information about the railroads of tl. e I'nited States. A luoug other surprising statistics contained therein is a tabulated statement of the number of rail way employees killed and injured in different years. The very large number is startling. The first year, for which these statistics are yiveii, is the year lS'.i;! and the 1 ,st is lN'.i". This tabulated and o!,.i-,'tl sialeiicnt shows that 'J. 7-7 railway euipe'V ees were kill. 1 a.i I :i!."i'.. were in jured in 1 .-.!:!, ; i' tal of .'! Mai'., which is l.t7.':itoie in m the total of killed and wound.". i in ltli armies at tiie ui'' -.! battle of (et-tvsburv! Ta;- old la v .-indents of the Lit. lion. .b-!::i M . i ! : 1 1 ; : propose to test ify tie-ir a; :i' ion 01' him by present ing to the I'niversity a marble bust of him. forthi-i pur pose u'l appeal is i"1 by ;i cin.: liiitteeef !;ls ;', traier slud. lit. -4 f..r conti-i:.;.ii:ns cf from one to live d.ii.l:-. to I-1 sent t IVof. .1. Crawford P,i.--s at Chapel lliil. This v.i'.lbe a st appropriate mem. trial, at the s;eiie of his la bors, to one whose tnemorc V ill ever be fondly cherished by all who ki:cw him. Is only a few countits did tin old hoard of education refuse I o .surrender their odiccs to he new school directors. A suit has bee.i brought i.i Sampson county by the it! I bur. I t i test the- constitu tionality e! the act of the lest Legislature which a;. pointed the new school di'v. t,,rs. Ri'org ii'i. ri ta i i r.ilia. Washington. April 17.-T'e.-See lvlarv of War t" lay i---m".l or ders forth.' re.trgani '.ti-m of the military departments in Cuba in accordance with the changed con ditions i'rotuthc deinobiiiiiioti t.f the volunteer troops mi that isl and. I'ptothis tiui" th'-le have been seven military depart aunit in Cuba, constituting one military division, under commend of Major ( Icneia: ihoohe with head. pial tel. s atlfav.iue. Under the orders is sued today, tie1 number of dep :ri meiits is reduced tt live, the two eliminated being the department of I'iiiar tit 1 Rio commanded by r.rigailier ( ien. llasbrntick andte.e Department of Matanzas con liaiidei! by I'l'ig ldier ( It'll, l'- ites. The Pepa'rtment of l'inar did Ilio is ltl!lso!i.hitetl W ith the P' p.ll t- meiit of thi i'rovince of llevana and i'.riga.iier ( leu. Lee. now coni man iiu. tlie latter Pep irtmciit. i-; assigiiet! to the command of the new department. The I It-partm.' nt of Maiiten ss is consolidated w ith the I ep,art ncnt of Santa Clara, and Rrigadier (Ien. Wilson, nnu in comiiiand of tic last named department is as signed to the command of the new department. No change in made in the I epart:neilt of Santiago or tile Pepart lilent of Ihlelto Princ ipe. I'irigatlier (i-m. Wooil will continil' in the c tuimaud of the form ! tlepai tmciil and Rrigadier ( ien. ( 'arpeiiter in eomilialul t if t he ! department of Puerto Priinipe. Si.itzerl.i'nPs Pfo-p 'riy. I' th" S. c J-Min.rtl - f 1 It.-' t:i"ti. S'.i itxc rluud. w it h a populal ion about tiii"-ha!f larger an 1 a t r ritory only on-e-third that of North Carolina, has one hundred techni cal schools, to one alone of whi -h is paid nearly s.!oo.imhi annually. What would a Swiss legislative body say if it could w itness oar struggle and failure in an effort to appropriate ssH'.onii for a textile school? Switzerland, with no nat ural resources but granite, glaci ers and avalanches of ice .and sii.e.v, is grow dug rich much faster t Ii. m Noith Carolina, with all the re sources nature call bestow. The poor people of S itzerlaml have r:l '.!, ono.ooi I in sa viu'js-banks. There is a iessoii here for us ami our law-makers. Tlie Negro Himself Responsible Frmii iln' I'r.'rft '.!'r. If the Cousl itutioiial amendment is adopted, let the negro remem ber that after all he is respojisibl '. Showing no disposition to study political questions, he has almost iiivaribly himlly followed jc.rty leaders. Ilt has never rebel lei! a gainst corrupt bosses. ( n the contrary, at their dictation, he la; often opposed measures caicuhe -ed to improve the comlition i.f la bor, thereby not only iujuiing himself, but also injuring t he white laborers of the country. The North Carolina p,,wt r Coiiitany owns a very vab'able water power on the Yadkin, con sisting of ."(O.OOl) horse-power, which is to ln immetliatelv de veloped for running cotton mills by electric power. The develop ments are to cost S'J.aOO.nOO. The !'..:.-:.... e'h ister of R;:d r: ; . : 1 i'l a spei ial !it...:: :' .. !' .-i--1 rcr, says e. ' i I .ti.s-;-.ibeliall Railroad is completed, it will be possible to go around the world in III! days. Washhistou Letter. fKnim inr itiw.imr ii'ii'i-'wf n' . Vi AsiiiNciTo.N, J). C, April 14,1809. It is regrettable that Congress is not in session, so that the dem ocrats could inject surHciciit ginger into Mr. Mckinley to make hiui call (icriuany down as they made him call Spam down a year ago, .I'L.'f0' O CIC t IK'S I I he people are stirred t ! 1 1 . i.ii . .i . Ihi 'lish marines by son natives 'a'.id the killing of two lieutenants, one American and one l.nglish, one Aiiieiieaii t'.usign, .and four marines, and the administration is lining in-1 as it was doing a year ago wailing, (bnuany has do--sene.l a sharp call down from this government four or five times since the war with Spain began, but in every instance the adminis tration has allowed itself to be plaeated with a little soft soap 'iom the (lerinan Ambassador. Til's Sa no. iii liu-iiicss has arous i i;he people, and act ion is de m. ;::.! d. Senator Stewart voiced pu'.'iie s.o;t iiiHM.t when he said: IV ies (ter.uanv want to light'. If s i, she may be accommodated. We are a peaceful people, but w tin not permit others to go around v.'.t'i ehij.s it. i their shoulders." And Ie'; reselit.itixe Mill!, of Iowa, a re;niolicm, said: "In my sect ion the teeiin ; has been strong against (iei'.na'iv for six months. The people believe that she was hos tile t. as in the war with Spain. Tlie peeiie are in such temper that they will not permit any j triilmg or hedging on the part of j tins g.ive nu.i'Sit. lhe tune has; come when the mind of the ( tor- man l-hiip. Tor must be cleared in aa ellective manner of the ideii t his country is afraid of him. War lt part. ncnt otlh-ials are at l.ast coiniacel that peace in the l'hiiippin. s is still a hmg ways ..II' ..,,1(1 liiMi,tsivitt.,n w 1.... ".i, .in , hi. .. .. ... ... ginning to realize that the islands mi irnatiou o- tue news inai .er- , ., Xr ., ... r . i.,,t ;,.,. . i u ii i to ancliora're in the North Kivcr, perate resistance, our weie iuial f man treachery in Samoa lias been ... . .. ., , V n-i . l ,,.. t 'i,!,..,, u,,iii.n ;i i f .. .1, , ... ,i. i., . ,.r .. o1 A Initv-tonrth street. 1 hou- overpowered. ( ne ( ulian soldiei res pons I) i tor tlie auiliuslung oi a , t ., . .. , ,. ! -n .... i 4 .,. j ,. . ,. ,7, , sands if enthusiastic peope lined was killed and tfiiecottieia wouiivl s:aa II dctac nmeut ot Ainericaii ami , , 1 ., , ri,, ( ,..,vi-i-;...l .,tv ,, , , i. o..., , d the river banks and gave their ed. 1 lie sei geant was canned oil were not a bar Min at s-ii.oiMi.iHMi, K,(. nrdered to this port for re aad that we w ill pay the money a union week. The cruiser w ill prove I .tig time before we get posses- jriat ait faction to the thousands sio'i of the property, such as it is. V.'iaei Aguinaldo'scupital was tak en it was announced by adininis tr..:ioa officials that the lighting was at! oer. vet during the pres ent w.e there has been almost continuous lighting over there, and our troops dnhi t have to dt al! the attacking, either. Speak ing t seeral army o.'licers, (fen. Shaflcr sai I: "(ten. Law ton 11 and '.h ,;,;. his men are achieving much sm ce-is so far asthev go. The fight ing against the Filipinos, however. : . 1:1 .. i...i.;.. ..f ii;.w H,.,'..,.,,..t tlte l.imshin.- is stoo- i'l they come back, lhe I-1 1 1 -piuos are bound to give in even tually, but I believe it is a much mote serious task to subdue them than most people think. Another army ollicer said, after noting- the ivseiuhl.tuce of (ien. LawtOll's campaign to those against the A- pa.-hes Indians: "The Filipinos will get tired of the chase sooner thau the American Indians did, and after a few years of attempt ing to keep up a tight against the authority of the I'. S. the insur gents will disappear or surrender." That's a nice thing to contemplate isn't it? Ray si,(i.i(i,(iou and thou sands of good American lives for islands which we will get com plete possession of in a few years, and will not have any use loraf ter We get them. ( ten. Shatter has had critics hi plenty eve made and ' since the chai'.:e was never fully disprnveii that he had "funked" in the San- t : ago campaign and that he would h i'.e made a mess of the w hole business if (ien. doe Wheeler ami others had not prevented, but his testimony regarding the canned roast"' beef brought more harsh criticism than anything he had previously saitl or done. In the face of the evidence of nine out of every ten witnesses who have testified that the Muff was unfit to pat, Shaffer said it was irniiil ami that he ate it every day and enjoyed it. Kit her, he over did tin thin;.' in his testimony or he was furnished with aditl'i-rent sort of canned "roast" beef from that furnished the rest of the army. How his testimony was received at the White House may be judged fniu the fact that he was tlie truest of honor at a din ner 'riven by Mr. McKinlev, be- f.., i... l.,rt '.,.,, ,1 -,.a ..l.l-.'.l 1,., w,,i,i l!,, .., ,,f !,.. fti-,, additional major generals that the army w ill be entitled to under the army reorganization act. A Tiiji to the Kluiiilihe. "Wapakonet, ().. April 17. A party of United States Senators will make an extended Alaskan trip this summer, to the Klondike regions. They will leave Seattle about .1 une 1, tin by water to Skayii.-iy, from there to Ijeiinett Lake and I law.son City, where they will be taken charsre of by North Ameri can Trading ami Transportation Company, 011 whose boats they will sro down the. Yukon to St. Michaels, and thence hv ocean back to Heattle. Their journey will be solely for pleasure, ..,..1 will occupy about '.10 days. It will cover some Kl.oiK) miles. Iferr Pol hick, a well known en- pay of over ?5(M), only about 7 per ci." ei- and electrician, has disco y- cent will accept. The Volunteers , . , !. says the Vienna corn-spoil- desire to come home by orirniiizii cif ' the Daily Chronicle, a tions. ( i.-neral ( )tis has been dis nicaiis of tele-jraphiii'.' (JO.mK) woiils approviui,' ail applications fur dia per hoiiv over a single wire. , charges. The Rati ;uhs Return. Cuban Riudits. New York, April lib The cole- Havana, April b"..--The town of br.itiou attending the return of the Caimito, sen n miles from llava l 'uited States cruiser Raleigh, na, was ntbieki'd and looted by from Manila occurred today. The bandits last niyl.t after a lmt Raleigh, accompanied by two light. The attack was made al It small gunboats captured from the o'clock by a band of well-armed Spaniards last summer in Cuba, bandits, who took advantage of a ml a ileet of about twent v-tive the fact that t! d.v garrison excursion steamers anil tie.' boats, paraded from Tonipkitn-villo to . , .. i , ,. to vii.hii. tt.iiiti. ,-mti mini mere o.ick hearty cheers . if welcome home. i The cruiser did not leave her plundered the town and com-i anchorage oil' Tompkinsville for mitted many outrages upon the the parade until shortly before inhabitants. j no,,,. An hour before that time a - - ; drizzling ram coiniiit'iiceil to fall, ... j ami this soon turned into a steady Chicago, April 1". A special downpour, which continued the to the Daily News from Louis remainder of the day. The air ville, Ky., says: "The most gigan-' was raw, and the olmvrs ami men tic liquor combination ever en of the Raleigh stood upon the gineered an amalgamation of, deck three hours, drenched to the whiskey and distillery interests, J skin ami shivering with the fold, w ith a united capital of !k2iMl.(ioTi, Py far the greatest gathering (Ht will be practically completed of people was in the vicinity of in all but the smallest details lo ( train's tttinb, which was the turn- morrow' in Chicago, when the men ' ing P"in! of the parade. A nation- now controlling the Kentucky1 id salute was tired there by the Distillery iV Warehouse Company 1 Raleigh and also by (he captured will finish urn n .re meats for tie Spanish prizes, and the scene was purchase ami absorption of near reiitleied a memorable one by the ly every distillery of rye whiskey shrieking of a hundred steam in the United States. l.illSiH.s if, Mil 1 -M Ill.Sitlll H.lin ll i i: . . i l . . r. ..i .. locomotives ninl cheers from tlioit- sands of people on shore ami on the vessels in the river. Men, women and children stood there for hours under umbrellas, watch- t he Vessel." Tlie iiabili at ( h.i'b xt.m Charleston, S. ('., April 17. The executive committee in charge of the preparations for the annual reunion of the Uuited Coiifeder- j,te Veterans, to be held here Mav loth. 1 Ith and lth. was of- fu-ially iioti.ictl to.lay by Secre- t try Long, of the Navy Dcpart- ....... .1... .1 : ' !..!. ....I, meui, l 11:41 l 1 it" iiitisi-i 11.t1v14.11, :llst rtliril,.d f,-,,,,, Manila, had of Confederate veterans who will be in the city at that time, and an ovation w ill be extended Captain Coghlaii and his civw. The of ficers of the Rah'-igh will be eliter- taint d at a public bainp.let during their stay hen. W II. I. 1.0 TO WILMINGTON. Washington, April 17. The 1'nuS('r Raleigh will shortly goto Wilmington.' N. ('..the. nearest; port to, ine ciiy wi.ose li.-imo she bears, to receive from a cuizens oiniuittee some adtii- tional pieces of siiver ill thescrv . ice presented by the city of Ral eigh. After that she will go to Charleston, S. ('., and touch at otLcr points not yet designated. i Cuba Will lie Annexi'il. Washington, 1). C, April 15. Annexation of Cuba seems prob- able, if not certain. Secretary Al- ger hud a long interview with : l'resiileiit McKinlev this after noon in which he undoubtedly said that the annexation of Cuba is necessary, desirable and in evitable. Like Postmaster (ien- eral Smith. Secretary Alger was convinced by his observations in Cuba that its future prosperity depend upon it being governed by the liiiled States and that this, is the conviction of all the better ; elements in its population. Roth Heem to feel that there is no seri- mis (piestion about the value of Cuba as an acMiiisitiou to the I'ni- ted States, AVhile nothintr authoritative can be obtained on the subject it is onite safe to say that the present attitude of the Administration is in favor of the annexation of C11- 1 ha, of course with the consent ami upon the choice of a majority! of the Cubans, and that the steps: now in progress for taking n cen- sus of the Cuban population are: in preparation for 1111 ascertain uieiit of the desire of the people,! winch is cn petted to result at a comparatively early day in 11 tie- claratii 11 for annexation to the I'nited States. ...... A Di'sr Saves Ten LiveH. Felt on, Del., April I.I. The re markable instinct of a tloy saved the life of ttn people at Cartees' Crossing. Alain (irahani and Ids family were awakened tluriin; the ni.'ht by the violent barkinir of the tin.; and its at a side door. Startiuir tlownstairs with a revolver, Mr. Graham open-j ed the kitchen door only to be en- Veloped ill tlaiiies. The carpet had lieen irniteil by sparks from the stove, st-ttiiiir tire to the woodbox and tiring the en tire room. Hy hard work the fam ily extinguished the Haines. The dor had evidently ln-en aroused by the loud crack in-; of the tlanies, and ten iniuutes later there wouhl have been no avenue of escape for the doomed family. 'I if ed of Manila. "Wash in rtoii, 1). ('., April Hi. The desire of the Volunteers to return t.. his conntry from Man- " evidence, in a report which shows that t.f those who have been offered opportunity to re-enlist, with the otter of a bonus 111 travel there consisted of eiynt ( uban soldiers unclerconuuaiicl ot a ser- k treant. The Cubans made a des- prisoner. I he bandits thoroughly . , ..... New i Jiitnl tor Arkansas. 1 Little Rock, Ark., April Hi. A bill has been passed by the legis- lature providing for the erection of a new State caoitol at a cost not to exceed .M.iMiO.t'OO, and now awaits the (ioe rnor's signature. The new c.apitnl is to be erevte 1 on the site of the present peniten tiary, which ,ill be removed I e vond the city limits. St' ii k hy tn vh'ii 'die. Wellington, Wash., April l.". While clearing the track ot the (treat Northern Railway a short distance this side of Madison to- ' . , . , lav, a r..tary snowph.w was strucu by an avalanche and dashed thousand feet down the side of the canon cai rving w iih it seven men besides the regi 1 tr crew on the engine. All have been t'.rg out except one. Four were in jured, three fatally. Mie hundred j ami seventy men are searching: for the missing man. ! A young man in R.uilolp'i cr.u'i- j ty manic. 1 his third wife within six mouths and before he had at- ! taiued hts majority. (.(n t,.,,,,,, savs that it will' (.il(i SMu.r t ,,., i,.-,- . .... ...r.... ... , ARE YOU 1 i BANKRUPTinhcalth.1 constitution undermined by cx- j travagancc in eatin";, bydisre- p-ardinp- the laws of nature, or physical cauital all fronc. if so. NEVER DESPAIR j Tutt's Liver Pills will cure you. : For sick headache, dyspepsia.: sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutfs Liver Pilfs an absolute cure. MY III IN tl. M: AK.I.L. Li. g, kLWELL & CO- wiioi.r.SAi.r. and t:i:r.UL M'.Al.i.lis IN L PI. A km ... in 11. 1 IIS ICSS, IUCY C I. A'.SM-r Greensboro, W. C. j- s I'KMY OK THIS .-'( WILL l!K I' I. K..v 1".! I ' (jivKlllS PKUSON a L A I 11' N TIU.N ID ( I'S I OM LI'S I'l.OM jctiA iham u ii.b hi; i'i i;.si:i TO AIL ClKl I'LAliS ANl I'KKT.s. OTTGHT YOUR PROPERTY s. 5. m mm i Thisira I!oimc CnllipaT.V ill.dile Hervc the a!l'ttliac of ail North Cart'liuhtus. Ir was i.rt:iiTiied in lS;s ;li;d has !ai l over mx huiidrc.l tl do la.i in h -c. ,n,l ti e 1-,,, t coatci-e I cla,,,, :l,,n. , . All l..cM.a.,l p,,ptly. ',vt!y prudent man iciejit tt. insure his pi-Hp' riy. Fur terms vc., apply to II. A. LONDON. AOKNT. V. S. PRIMItO.SK.ri-CHhU-iit. -Sept. 1, 1SK8. OUTOAdF, SALK-BY VIK CunitT ni" I n ,'IMt-tr.l lii II 'i k C. K. hi ' .Il.M HI III -m I '.Ii" I ".IS PI' i.f (Kv.lH i( cii'iniitui limy. I will -!l "-ii hi pie. Hi nil II "I Hi.' r --iirl Ii r ll I'll I - Ii .1 .1, "II SA I I !:l' cV. an- '-VC'I liny Hi A; ill, iv..:i, nl ' .-..lei '-'I nil!'' In. II it ti si i-li in' fnt r..i ini iiy i.wiii- l iiy w. A. i i. i in I.I. . f.-i;li.M'H i'.l it.i'..illiiltiinr al-. ic 1-i n--r.-i, it:li. ;..,-i i.i (In- wH-.v'. .-.v.-i- r uti -it ii ii.'ri him: ; U ! j. it. Ii. C ill.' iML.I .! l.i'l.'J C If till I utl.i'K. i M in ii i "'.in k. t. vovi.a.i: I. AM) RR SALE. I will sell privately on 1 OCl 3 '37" terms two tracts of ' land in 'liiitliatn count v. One tract in Williams town ship near L. 1. Council's .store containing about I 10 acres and the other tract in New! Hope township, containing a-j bout 1 lift acres, and formerly j belonging to Xeeilliaiii Reek wit Ii. ileci'nscil. I Hot li tracts belong to tin estate of the late Maj. Ii. S. ; Tucker. I 11. A. LONDON. ! March :. l.v,i!. Attorney. TRY THE NEW HOME r i TC WRITE FOR CIRCOURS M-JS Sewing Mni-Mneii we mitrtifru-uiro ami their pricm lit furc you purchAsc Qny other. The New Homc scwino machine Co. OBAMUB, Htm. M rntnn Situud, V. T. Clili-arn. 111. t louK. Ho, Tv Bu rrab-M,-u. Ci. AUafitft, Wft. re a ut.t ar W. ,3. Ulilalk'i. mn mi 1 1 ' N . t 1 llll l :is .- I 1,,. S. A Ii V.X a vn 'Ttr "'. .,..,., b.,j Jiiy.ll ii j' d tii'ij fc 1 j'.i ; i.iin , .,.(. is, hmwtrii Pmi. in. 11' 11 tie) At. aula I'niii jiimy iSlcep 32U71.3; S U-O ctsn.iwt I '1. ioiIih linil Allat.ta. H i'i ti-iin tititlii! i 111 111 t-il i nit con m r .5,-, -.-s- r- y neeli-'ii- al Aili.iea ft.r .Muiiledin w X. a. 11 J.4. - ,.,-y. M.i lie. N.-tV,.. 1 1 XH. A I'L A N 1 b , VaIaI.' K '.lb W V In e.'Vect .:.M 'i L'n ''.I . .1 h ii.'iiini I ;n V ' 11 j ll '111 .1 , ; .v.. MAiN b!NK '. .,..,, Ml I.V ;i :.l .in Ar i.t. I'll ll ii IJ ft). I.V Ii I t I. Ml I.V 1 .'' 1 I ! I ' nop li 0. li 11 r 1 ..; .mi lit .,11 11. I.V Wnli. tit ' I v hi, ml H.iil I v M1.AI1;, Ai l-l i.'J II I V b l.'tnui l.v Si. II Mi belli 'I : l N..ri lieu. I :tl .N.i 1 ll. l.lii ll'.V.I . ii. .n'i I.- Iti'i.t i''tsv!i:. I V I. , .1 i-ei II. ." lli 111 ei N" tf I'! . hi ii Hi lit!. I Mt.. 1. il : Si;n.!;tV :i.i i-in .1" Aoei'M'tt bli'i.i I I'l l-tll l.v J t" I'lti Ar ll.'. i-i" ' U :i".in I v Ar 11 ..Unii Ctiii.'.-l l-.lm ,it 1- iy,.tt"V !l tvt . ti Alheitli' l'"M ,t I.ll.t'.tll VliX'. 'I Wl'll lllH t 'ill "1 1 1 .H IVlHthl ll.'lll r.'lt'l. f,l lt'J S(,tlTIM Wit It III.- llf.l Fl'l-lufd Mil I li., mil , i ill,.a nt Siinl'T'l wl:h . ill.. r.l Air I. In.', it' Hull r li tl..' Diiili'iin in.. 1 1 I..-ih l;..l.r.'.vl. hi lin-'t -i..'i.i r Ii Hi" f. ii Lent liii!w.y .'.ti..'ii.y ill Walniii n.i N'.ill. mil vv,i.','iii lUllwi.y J 11. KKM.V.'. T i i:tll.l;si) iruiU . mni-r. 11. m. i:tii:us. tiiii'i. i'ffi sir Aitint. n93P,"1him School SHEYILLE, v.uufHi in i7.ii. !. K. 111. Still AM, 1001 M . l.l..ll.,SU.t. KVJt) f !"u.r-: r.sAriuy PARKER'S HAIR DALSAM the r.o,iil;.r f.ivotir f'T ,l;et iiill.e luir. ki-t,.ti;. : llmr. !. r fit .k.. ...v l.r,..,-. '...,. 1'3. rfl'ir-?'l tlrtitl. It ll.r 1, air. Bit 3llin th l.v. UY:.:.g, .1.4 i. 1 $1. tii-ti ul Itiui iMt. Th Best Cough Care yoa cia Uf9 .tt.l lite l.i-tt known li-ctrcntiv.: , l..Hi.-Br'sTiKiir kei.l in a heir. .. I I le.-p irknot But. I wl ' !.'l'y ll turc anil lhe Mi-t in w.Tkiai; onlrr. C "i lore it. Ill'uil.l.tipllt. II you iu'lcr fr Tl I CWi, A.tlii.rt. l'y h, 1 i. , .1.'.! I .!. TJt .lit. r C1113I0 C,.inpUlr.t. , r : :; r - nil -. Si.n.irli. ll js.rU. 111. .1 ti .'..i... . ! lilt V'tt lilt; tlt m 1. 1"-' "' i' '' - ' J-to-Ky ; 14 mill tve yo'i :j .. .-'. . .' 1 Sold rf Prumiitlt. Lar.- wvina Uif ir.; j l.v '. :t 1,111 v TO ALL POINTS NOIUT1, SOUTH m.d SOUTH WEST. Writ in EM I::.!:, Southbound. Nn. Itn. Vn, 11 I.v S"w V..rk. rcitit. It. n. non.-im iioniin I.v w.nlilnu't 4 4iiitn 4 at'mo l.v ltl'lin mi I, A. C. I., V0ti'in y Oinru I.v I'.iriKitiiitnii, " Ht.' a-i'iHtn lllttinn llfHinm r ili-ii li'tn ii, " I4.'7n.i M Miiin Ar liitl. iaU. Ult'.nni 3 'M m l'lui'H; " 4 ':iHtii 9 nKpni Ar ll'imli't, " AtiTnm 0 wi'iu r wiintltim.m, ' vi n:.nt At- v..i.r ..', ' i linn i:itn At t-i-Mil .ii... ; .vt.ini nivsi'in vrt'iii'-i-r, mt.ini I0 ,r IH-...IIIM.N..I, in:i.atn 1 07 n r l i-t.-.. ' 1 iim 3 r t'tii.i.-t, 3 Mtimi li-iiiittn l.v '..t. Mir " "l.Mlnn 10 4nHm i: l l I'lsiiiiini M.'iim UKuun Northbound N'i. Nt). l.v (. '.-lit. tliitfl S, A. 1. M ilu .m 6 &iiiiu l.v Ml . ,1 11 l' l.v ti nw f ' O 'a tutua At I.,.-it, ' i&i.iu 4 6nin ' V M'Htl " Vikviu ft b.-,n.tit Ar 1 letl I. .11.', 10 i, nil ! Mia 111 i.V " Clili't il l!l.iu 7 4.iani t ' i it iitit. 11. ' ia usi.iu Ar.- tin lull !!. jimiim Ai l. i.' i. u, -i iiuiu 11 itvtm A I- 11. ..,.H, JiMUii ! . I I 'II, " i.iil.llll ill.IU Ar l'. -rt-i iili, m A.I.., , H-11 b -4Uiiq At l't. 1 ,,'!, V. C. I.. M:lllll 7 tiflrt Al ...-Ii. .1 ll, 1,'in , ll 11. IJILMII 11 lupiU Al .. W 1 It, UJi'llI C &OKU4 Trains Leave Pitts-boro-- :t L'O ji. it:. !::!( a. m. .I'ainx Arrive at Fitts boro 1 1 ii") a in, 5 25 p. m', 1 i-c.yY ,s'-iii(y Ar. M -ii. iitit 4 I'll) lOlOnm I' Mially Ex. ruudaf No. liU ami 1112 - I In, Alluntft si .-ai ," S lei Vcflibii!cil Irinnei i'n 1 i.iin sji.., ii.m jukJ ( iimi'Ik itvi-i-n i.-liiiictnii :t ii tl .', 1 Inula, ubo l'iiOii;in .Sic. pel lit'twccn 1'ortU 1, mi: !i U'L I l.Ili esl I'l. S ( ' ; i' iliii.ri i.i, .'.lco. Cleil I liiiecn, ; .i 1 1 vibi. it I 11 p'li -, M11 i-i 1 a, 1"! m i iln. j l-'.ir li.-kci, Sl"i-pi'is. 1 ti., tip ply i .U'l'M, nr la II S. lifunl.T. V. A. bV i-L'l.. X C. : K S I' .1(111. , Vi'-t I'ts uml (i 11, Mmingcr ! II. W. H CJL.OVKU, ' 'fin tie: Miiniiger v r. Me. 1: Hon. .Sunt, b s am.i:s Oenei al Pass. Aijont, I'm iMiiitiiitb, Vay" C, y.s Kit a I. ( l Hi Ik l'( I; If n nil, Ccinj.' to Buy A Dictionary? CET THE BEST, Wcbst;r'sInternalional. A Ciioico Gift V '. V V V A Grand Family Educator V A Lilirat y in Itself V V V Tho Standard Authority V Ti c Init-rnMicr.iil ' a new hook from ' .-vti- loi-.iti'r. .u.lvnbreutol tlie tlmo. 1 ,s t.'"i si'.i-cictiar of the nut dentin: en .l ;id 'fi r. v-mli rrecrrotln 1 .ii r. i,'U rilLori rmnloTrd nadoTar 3 1 vi.mdtJ belore th ftxd copjr : ,tr.: .-,1. ii.n Tii'l-.elv wiirthlBii edit loot. J till f r free pamphlet containing! i.v rnr-lnts of obtoleta and . ').'." 1 i:i j . -ra una tuii psrtiouian. '. s r. nri-.r-iAM CO., PuWisher$, .'iPR'XGFintn, mass, xt. 8. A. Your Friend tin ft- A t Kenwood HM, Bicycle For Lightness. Swlftnm tn4 Strength it is Uoaurpastdk YoJ c-n turn (tem ll Karnilbn !(cnyocd Cycle Cl. io5-is-2tr s.catd si., aiuct. I v r. in am ' -j Ar i- w..m v jo;.T) IiY Al t BOOKSELLERS. Ar '.' 1 . hin r mtmmmmmm

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