i 3&4 (Jhatham EJecori Thuskimy, April 27, 18J!. Local Records. Miiuy an acre in Clint ham w ill be uttd tliiH week. 300 bugs of fertilizer just re- partment, to introilu.-o the raising ceived atliynuin & Heiulen'8. jf broom eorn and the making of . w homo-made brooms by our people. Cox celebrated cotton plant- For this purpose he has sent to era for sale utliyuum A' Headeu's. every station on all the roads of i the S. A. L. packages of hroom Dyuuiu A- Heiuleu will pay ,., K(.,.(l f,. fivi, ,listriliiitioii. you the highest price for your , Jj, ,.,s sent several packages to wool aud feathers. "the Ki:oi:i which we will be - pleased to yive to any person who Several of our citizens have ni;,y call at this ..lliee for them. Buffered a goad deal with their IJrooins can be made just as well .vaccinated arms, and some have i.,v jn ,'oih Carolina as anv beeu quite sick as the result of where else, and our State ouirlil'to vaccination. jmake all that are used by it citi- -If you want'a nut. fur or ; and tl.us stop this oneoftho fttraw hat, to Hanks A- Lip-; ,,ia"v '.'1" .'"' ' winch our ...pit. Hats and prices to suit all. j mf ' ' l,''1!U'"i ""tm.tl.cr SlatcH. .vi'hev have a -rood stock, and oiler ! Aa 1 y-t li.-w.-i.v t he ,s ;,l,,sh- . wifhaIUall profit. ; lm'" ,:,f l"'l,Ist":l1 ''T'-''1" . - I "lent of the S. A. L. v.a.s cei t.iiii- ' Vegetation of all kinds is now!1.'" most wise, as well as ,ul.lio rapidlv advancing. The foliage : inted step, made by Air. K. St. in thefoiests and the gram in the lie very efi.oient nn-.l fnr- lieldsiire pro winy jrrceii and form- seeiny (ieneral Maiia'r of the S. iug a l)euutiful landscape, j A. L. And we are pleased to know . ! that his sphere ot usefulness will Ladies, if yon want the pret- ' ,H so -r''ntly extended by the eoii tiest niidbest shoes yo to IJynuin & -"-"nidation of other important roads Headen's. Thev have just receiv- and construction of new roads by ' t'4 a larye utoek of low cut Z'elora t!l'' Seaboard Air bine, uud Hav State, they are fast. I , ,. . ' - - TKf.KSJA!'!l ('ASK I)k-iik.!i. A- We much reyret to hear of the mony the decisions rendered by death of Mr. John J. rearrinyton, Stale Supreme Court, on last . of U.ildwin township, which oc- Tuesday was oik allirminy the enrre.1 on last Thursday )ii;;ht. ' judyment (in favor ot the plam Ue was one of Chatham's oldest ; tiH-s t1"' ,,;,s" "f ;t!t. r I'. and uiobt respected citizens. i Dow.lv and wilea-ainst the est- ... ern I liioll Teleyrapit Coiiiiauv. Ae reyret to learn that the ; Tllis (,1S(. W;1S ,,.;,! ,,t U. a;t Mormons are makiny a yoodmany j ,-.lM Tnil ()f l!l. ,,,,..,.,,. (.nlul of converts to their faith in the:,,,;,, ,.,,,,, v, u j,,.,, a .., f,. Hoiiiueiii pan in iiiis coiniry, in Cajie 1'ear tow nship. Auiony them lire a prominent mayislrate and his wife. j There is now no trace of small-! pox w hatever in this county. All danyer from its spread, because of , the recent case in Ilahlwin to.wi- j fillip, has now passed and there is no excuse or cause any alarm about it. - jn these words, tome home at They received this week at! once. Haby is ery sick" was th tU.) Popular store of V. L. Lou - j livered beUeen S e.nd '. o'clock don A Son another lot of those ij1;,t niht t,, deieiidant's op nice worsted skirts at $1.(10, if you eralor at Sanford w ith the reijuest xvantanicereiidytowearskirttheylth.it it be sent at once to Air. Ciin suit you, l'ipie and (.'rash from! J)ovv ly at Aberdeen ithiriy miles 60 cents to !.".(. j disbud i so lint lie could yet homo sailor? What about Thev have all the a nice latest st vies at I, the l'opular store of W. L, Loii . don & Son; they Lave a special value at 50 rents, trimmed hats at ,iiy prico you want, come to see ll.m iin.l ftiui- eim ,,,,, : w '' " "' price aim qu inty. Auiony the jurors for t he n 'Xl term of the Federal court, which beyins at Ilaleiyh on tiie 2.'trd ot May, are the follow iny from Chat hani, viz: J. W. lVarce, of Al bright township: l'red. H. Willi ams, of Williams township and Stere Willett, of Matthews. They arc proud of the ele y.int new stock of colored shirts, jifekties, ready made clothi'iiy, atraw hats and shoes at Ilynuiii .X He;ulen's. They have a riyht to he, for their stock is the newest, best and cheapest in the county. An inspection will convince you. I been expected, i . As mtirht hav ihere are many applicants for th (position of supervisor of the een xiis, which will be taken net ye-ir. There will be nine supervisors ap pointed for this State, one for each district, and each will be paid $125 a month. Antony t he appli cants is Uepresentiitivi.I. A. (iiles, of this county, who is endorsed by many prominent Ilepublicaus. rERROV.U. In-: Ms.-Pn' v. Pr. Kil-i yo, president of Trinity College, preached oil the subject of Chris tian Education to it larne eonyre yiltion at Mount Pieasant church, in 13aldwin township, on last Sun .day. : .Mrs. John W. Thompson, of Ilateifrh, hits been here on a visit .to her father, Mr. John McC. Ellinyton. Mr.. and Mrs. John lb Do (Iraf--feureidt are visitiny their laii."h ter, Mrs. T. L. l'eay, at Durham. Mrs. N. M. Hill and son have yone to Portsmouth on a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. J. Calveit. j Mrs. W. L. London isxisitiny' her sou, Mr. IT. A. London Jr., at Charlotte. A (iF.XKltors OFl T.lt. With his well known yenerosity and love for the old Confederate soldiers, Col. Julian S. Carr, of Durham, ' offers to pay half the railroad fare I of every' Confederate soldier in J JJurliaui, oranye, I'ersou, man- ll.ir, vunumiu mm i .i.m.u r, imh. wishes to attend tl.e eterans Ke- union at Chnrlest.ni. : The only conditions accompany-' mg tlna oiler are, that every vet- erau must report at Durham by :i o'clock on Monday atternoon, May i the 8th. weai-mir the rei'ti ation irrv .'out nnil lint nf It. P. Webb Camp and leyyins. If any veteran ; in ('lmtliam wishes to t;ike advan- taye of this offer lot liim at onco 1 notify Col. Carr s secretary, Mr. li; L. Lindsay ut Durham. I Tin: S. A. J,s lTr.ur Knurr. 'We Lave Leiotofore frequently co.umemle.I the i-iiWu- spint.,1 .,.lu-y t hu : L.-.met.-r.y.es the m m- ...;i.iMMit of the healer, A.rLine system of ra.lroaik lhat.ol.cy is to start iin.l stimulate ii.iviu. every outi-rpris,.;,.,,! .mlustry lint u-ill I.....1 i.i f in il'it o i ii iimttir nt t lit country traverse, 1 lv its r.U'U. Tile latest evi.Ienoe of lliis wise policy is the eti'oi t now heine-iiiaih.' , ly Air. John T. I'.itrii-k, the luan nirer of ilieS. A. L's industrial !'- J'bJ'id ".is reielered in fax or of the plaint iti's ay iinst the (lel'eiidaiit, because of tin' lie'jh-j-eiit delay in ill lixeriiie a telegram. In this case the plaintiffs' com plaint aile-ed that nil tiie 2lst of February, IM'JS, their infant child was suddenly taken sick at Saii ford i where they resided) and whatever for : wlnll ' I'owilywas at .iiei -ideeii on business: that a teleyram ; on tiie "At i. int. i hpeciai, a train u I,;, a, ......i -.I...... ..i i- lock at infill and arrived at Sanford at I o'clock: that the p - rato'i" at Sanford aiMi-cd to send tin1 teleerani at once uud have it promptly delivered, but it was not ,. ' . , ;eil.el e:i 11 l I II i o c next d.-.y alilioiieh Mr. Oo'.-.dy w as at Aber deen in a oil. li ter of a iniic o! the leleiaph ollice and thislact was known to the operator there: that in coh.s.'Ucii.'c of thisd"lay inde liveriny the teleerani Mr. Dowdy d-:d not reach home until several hours jitter the child had died, and was thus unable to be with audi see his child before its death and comfort its heart broken niothel diiriny its dyiny hours. ! The jury ;it the trial look only a few minutes to render their ver- uici. yiMuy ine piaiiiiins ?i.Mo ,s -rilie than we can spar.-lor this damayes. The (letendiilit appeal- is.nie. We leave tln-se to the idl ed to the Supremo Court and that ay illation of our readers. i ..:! 1 l . 1 l ' u ionn.il, as .ioo.c siait ii, nas now i lililliied the judgment of tin p.-rior court. This case is w hat is ....o.. l i .l ..,..,,:. I." ...; w hich sails are calculated to make tiie tele ;r.tp!i eo.iipany less neyli- ei:. i.lld careless n t'-iee t'.iais w hich t In y deliver promptly. I:el -iny T n III- V it ' e Clutrlest S. ('., April 22. An outcome of the ( ircenw.iod coun ts' neyro Ivuchinys is reported l,1'01" ""' adj.. ininy county, Salu- ilit. ilie negroes ol lilch.tl'itsoli ville, where thev are eiv inina r- IIIIS, liave determined to pn nt lit'L-ro lyuchin.es, and white-cap-piuy, and the plan adopted is to iniirder a w hite man, or to burn the homo ol a w hite man for ev ery neyro w ho is lynched or w hip ped. They are said to have band ed themselves together for this purpose, led on by Peterson, a ne yro preacher who hails from ( !n-eii-w ootl, and w ho inflames the pas sions of his dock by constant re- petitions of the Phoenix slaiiyh- tor ot neyroes ami ot her "oiitra inllieteil upon our r.-u-e." Ti:e story comes trom tilleyed yoo l ii'.ithority, thouyh the name ot t lie intoi in. nit is not yiven. It ! xvill be t horouyhlv invest iyated by the peotle of ' Saluda Court House. No action has yet been taken by the whites, us tiie expose has just been made, Three Killed l a l uiiii. Ihirabo;.. Wis.. iril " Two yolllly W (lUlOll It IU I O!l0 lll lUW Ol e ki,Mj all(1 ftlintiK.r ,., injured by n ci.jeayo nl x,-th western traiii 0..v t,is n,,,,,,;,, f,,,,,. w,.r(, n.t'niiny ,, t, tracks from a ,,ai.tv at n lu.jy 1,,,!. '. . P.ootio loinoei-.it- Last. year Mi., Mollis 'l .r. ...... .,f Ate,.! Camp, raised a your.l that, w hen j taken from the vine, weiyhed .r.!l pounds, men asnred (W inches in cir-1 cumference and holds 1C How ia that? r-dloi.s 5 I ' I)uh liters f tin- f onfVderucr. Th(. Willll; );(vis rIm,t!.r ,if r riMltv , iii0 Nn).!l t ..iro!ilJ)l nivisi..;i off,,,. P.m'-h- o-o.mv.Wu.-v wll U ,lltvtill . nt the resilience of t ho vsi),.Illi t 'j,tsho,-, uu- , , f ,. A , - . . uiiil it is lione.l that th.-ie w ill ln many new ..ni'licauts tor meini er- - . . . . 1 1 . . . - siiip. litank applications joi n.t l.l- bership can b" hail by apiilymy to the presjili.jit or secretary. According tothe constitution of tin' Daughters of the Confederacy those women ai-c entitled to mem bership who are "the widows, wives, mothers, sisters, nieces and lineal descendants of such men as served honorably in the Confed erate Army, Navy orCivil Service, or of those persons who loyally yave material aid to the cause." The objects of this Association (asset forth in its constitution are as follows: "1st To briny into its oryaiii zation nil women throughout the State who are loyal to the memo ries and principles ot the Confed erate ( V.iise. - 1 Liive assistance when needed to surv ivors of t he war am those dependent upon t hem. lird To collect and preserve relics, objectsand incidents of his toric value, to record deeilsof he- r-iism, especially those of South ern women, and to unite with the Confederal" Veterans in the de termination that the portion of A luerican history relating to De late war shall be properly taurkt in 1 In' lillli It KcllllllK (IT X WO T.'iT hools ot tl and to use its inilueiice toward at - t.u'niny this object in all private st.,()1)s. ' I th --To honor the memory of those who fell ill the services of the Confederate States, and to ro lu jiib.-r yr.itefully thosesurvivois who imviiiy faithfully served and sullered, remain loyal to the Con federate Cause." The above named purposes anil objects should enlist t he sympathy and eiicoiiraemetit of the ladies of Chatham county, and should siie..!i!i:te a laiye number to be come members of the"V 'initio 1 -vis t'lia'i'er' at its next meetiie.'. MliS. li. A. boNnoN,' Mi:s. IS. N. AIa:n, President. Secretary. He best Ii is it: ccidics. tr-ni i In- l.li'.in:i. Jwnrrul. A Lincolnloii youny man lost his breeches last Sunday under excitiny and distres.-iny circum- stances. He has a sweet heart down about Hickoiy (irove and his sweetheart has a tatuer and the lather has a doe. The yoiiuy man ami tee-iri are fond of each other, but the doy is unfriendly to him. The vouny mall went to see his 'yirl Sunday and as l.o entered the yard, the doy went to see him. The yoiiuy man went for the front yard fence and the doy wcni for the backyard of his pants. The doy yot tin-re lirst and w hen the youny man went over the fence he diull't take his breeches with hiui-the doy had 'em. The only thiny that saxeil the youny mail's meat was the dissolution of co- partnership be!eeli his breeches j and his susm nders JLe.v lin- e-iri fainted and the; doy ripp.-.i around with the Sun-; day pant ; iti his mouth, while the! youny in in dodjed behind a tree ; and waited '.ill dark to yet home, : would n ipiire more space to do-! SliaiCi i; M-T ' Fiii.li ii'. r.lanihi. April 22. (Jen. Law ton's briy.ide of 2,"i- men ad vanced alone; the road of Laoina at ilivlie'nt this morniny. No irepai.lto sliMiS ol t he enemy were seen un jtii tiie troops h.-nl advanced seven 'miles, when scouts exehanyed the , ... 'lirst shots w ith insurgents near i ullali.oi rivel. The liritey developed intoa run niny skirmish to Noviiliches, which the troops reached at 1(1 o'clock. Tin y found the tow n de serted, the enemy haviny scatter ed in ll-e low hills surround iny the place. Their sharpshooters directed a h.irassiny lire upon the Americans, thouyh they did no yreat dantaye. (Inly one man, a member of the First North Dako ta, was wounded. The troops w ill i-ncimp at Novaliches until to morrow niorniny to await the anival of the bayyaye train. The heat is ha iny a depi essiuy cifcrt up ald animals, many beiny pi ostr;ite.l. I i -iHi'ioiut in ,.il S-ivaiinnh, C Li., April 22. Tlios. leiininys, w ho .v.-is a lieutenant of the Third Connect ieul 'oluiitec-s, nmstereil out here a few days a-.o, is in jail on the c ha rye of ha iny stolen a ili iiiiond sunhitrsl Iroin Host. Decker, a youny woman with whom ho was in love. The pin is valued at about stall. The dia monds weie found in a pawnshop, and the tickets were in tlenninys kot. Every effort has been i made to settle the, case. Xii Xeai nes There, Now York, April 2b In the ac count of the .leU'ersoii dinner by the Cliicayo Democrats, in this i 1 1 :...t. i . r t . .,:i i -: .1... llA. 1 l,lt: i.iynt in .jiii. tee statement was made and tol yraphed that colored m. n wore .present, tins, it is si.t'e.1, is en incorrect, ami uiai no c.u- orc.l man wasseateil at tiie dinner table. A Furr-n rs Wife AsvinKcd. Columhi.-i, K. ('., A j v i i :;:!.- A special t the S! 11. o.li (iiVcl!- vi He. S. ( '., says: '-.. la;1 iioi.i the city, the wife of Silas Wi! !i- aais, an industrious w hite f.ij-mer t.V'U.'oll the White Jlors" Id,. !. t . Oi'Ul.llly assaulted bet v,.-e-i "i and i o clock, tins a!t: i n.ion. by a nero dressed in un: !' i la, w l.o uiiiieiii m . i pi ii -a red in I he house , U'illiaiiis was eiiy:i',re.l 1:1 iroiiiii'. 1 lie ih jt'i .:;. I In J' aial in coinaiitt iny the assault he chol.e I h. ; severely and bruised her riyht arm. Tile Iicuto ailisl:.',! :;t oiiee and was ai'ti r wards seen the road to I'ie.lniolit before t ie aial li was yiven in the neiv hburhood. il li.ims had started ti town, and was only a short distance iron) home when the assault mi his wile was made, il.'was ipiickly informed, and aft -r returniny home, he came yallopiicr to town for a physician and for assistiliee to catch tie wretch wie had invadi ! his home I II a few ininuti s l.uli v re mounted, and it was not Joiiy u.i til the road to Wiiii.uns' l.i.m" was throneed with riders, the number from the citv alone beimj' j estimated lit :!tni, while the neivh- bois for mii'.'S around joineii :u the search. Alio o'clock the ru mor came that tile l:e;;lo had been siilTou I several mi!es l.e!ov the lesidi nee of iiba.s. 't'he wood.s will be tl:oi-ou.'ii!y :e--'rc!:-ed, and the capture of ihe neL'j'o Will Iviic end liny. beyond ijllestiiill iil Tiitdve I'l'isons how ucd. 1 'Jacksonville. Fin., April 22. -.' special to the I nues I .Citizen from Oak I i III, I'h.., says I lie steamer ( ie l al e. hitney Captain Hawthorne, sunk titty miles east of Cape Canavali 1. One boat load, of sixteen !i;il!, ;;it( eipi- iny to land at Aiiisiiiiio La joon House of !e l'u;.e. xv;;s cpsei and twelve m -a, tiii'lii.liuy tiie captain, Wele drowned 'ihe chief oiiy. i t i eor, assistant inyieeer, lirei.ia'i and one s ii', r v. ere saved. rj !. eapt lilt's body has broil recovered. Flifceit men in amit her boat ;.l" s:i!l u.iii..i:d ;'io:.i. ;' I Mi it riC' ' ri ;lrlli C itiv-i ion I The Comitiis-ii ! will next week is: Matkiii'J. t.flt 1. 1 ! (H.-.T.V!-, 'ier :if I m-n ice .lie (he n in! i i.; business, ' ( 'ai oiina. etc., m jstis it is as foli. t- in coniiKinii s, risk-; v. ritten ( 1. ".I t, iossrs iiieiu red :i !V .:::;'.i. e.s paid s I 1 1'.. preniiicii re ed I,o.n;.7V I. Life con.p,- risks written I 7,i::.".'.)7:!. I incurred S." 7.7t'.f!, 'losses laiiin a i-i-ce: ,e ! : , !e:.t an i him v enni w rit i -ii . !S. t J .".'.;'. i, ' pt'i-ii'.iuii.s r ci i d ."uli.a'l I. p.- II leS, h isses paid SS7I.1I-' Aeei r:.-!.s iiieili (..Ci'.l, iy'i! Willi ll;:3. ', ( .. April 2b- - i )ep:it CoMecti.i' iio.ue today ! sp. r.-.l-.' (-iii oimt- r w ii !i is and narrowly i-si-ip.-.j lb- was attempt in- t- '-ol-i do!! :r war lev ,-;i;--- tic; owners of the bears -liai.s. 'l ie- hiti- r i- i'.ised Tole.l ilevenui t.-.vo be death, loot a I from t! two !l ju y, and ( in- b on the o!':I i ars w ere ,-. A turn..! e p.U t h of !iis clot him.:- he bar. ly e-t -ape. I o!l' and life. with hi.- Holcu b'i ller's .Si-esn' id' T; t;c i a in It i'a-'ilv Serves She I !e; liliud Cirl in Place of ! and i:.ves. "The delicacy of 1 ieleii i- sens'-- of touch is certainly but its I.e. nness ha.s tun; it. ably been devehiped i'ioin a ly noi'mal loiiieial io:i," .Joseph F.dyar Cimnib -rlin, i en Keihr. the d. -.if an.! piodiyy, in the May L i'lt.-.' .imirii ('. "Site 'ie-nrs.' us : presses it -that is, feels - : fall oil the ll-ioi- of the I'lm distinguishes f. ,! falls whii for lu.ii-kedly one fiotii :;' L.isl suiiiiit- r, v. hen she -A: iny har cxi rcise one d.. In, V, I lle.l II:::.- e e::-i'.-ot- v.-.ilk-1 r the teL- a my up aiu v. as seatei the x in it i ,i, , : . ci'iVhi, iloor, a year o! litth It id.ie t, came v..dki!i:,- li-.-htiv the verau.hi. i!e!en s once, iitid co.ii:o: up Ii loiichii'.y my I i ps 'ashed, on her-'V I a'is'. efed ') . smih-d and said, 'I Ihi-i'. v suit sotuid.' S!e is p.- tij.oil ..d :,! e aial M.-ri- l!'. leu Vl.t ! ! D a .-rlicnhit-ly ibrni i. i!,s. l-er hands it i.-- beiiirf lews k. , thus o -c,l- sensitive to nmsvd She is fond of lioldi t a raiiist a piiin.i when piayi d, and her face pleasure hi!'- she ; p:.-;!. She (listSityUis!:!- I i i cvn.'s iii ii iov. . !,ord. I 1- (.i.llio. but bel s-'li.-.o iny . -oi s no! di'i'ii.y'iisli I in.-j.'i' and mii:i-r chords twecn coi'e..-tiiii'! and de-i sound s. it is to be borne i or I,- 'r-i.llt that i:'y errs A and feCO'. she has no remainder . whatever the drums, I'i-iu-.r ttipt tired. Meat .!.:. 1 has bcei W I lltell ilt.u'lt hi power i the t-e.li- :w. .ide b of the hand. She teilainlv docs reco;:'iil.e all ber friends readily b shakilie the hand, and soine t imes reeoni.i's at a sect ilid !!! et -iny, and some tiui" a'li rw ;iid, a person W hum she lias me! but once lie fore. I h;'.M studied this ac- coiiiplisiiiueiit nl tiers a yooit oe.-i I, and am eouviim-d that she rei .! nies h'-r !!c.U.iiiit.iiic.'s not by feeliny oi the hand, but b t he sliyht individual or cliurnc tcrist ic movement or lnoveuieiits of each pel. oil." Twi-i Mii ;e-:i :!!. . ..:.). . i ? I : i 'rih'l 'l !:.! ivi o.i p: '.;. I t! I'h . r in. ( ' ih VI e 1 w!n ; iio s '.::', Wilberi i'idi.ia.ii vsleie tin i and t'.i t.:e (I , id li .1 ' ! he : lc.t'-in thei. the,! with i.' .11! li lie I:. nth v mi it in l.-l! v it tl t he Vi'-, o.. t! a II lib hi! t: and a had tv The liiakin is st 'I1!S I ' 1 1 I I fit. I a sin-i flaa.d ! . i ; iee I :. iva i head , I t to eet I Mimeid tl. To t inea ( -! h, (): ike (i.i;itie j'loi;,o Pay ;i i : : i i h ';" i l ! 1 1 ! liioe- i ! i ; nine n Si:h VI I (I 'i ; P ft U tl I'l l T:. I '!'. P.. c- i . i W i'..t y.k v f iSi- i i Ctotliii .) 5 k i juh, sirens ANI- V. I l fd I It Co- l ! i 6 5 m m V .-1, A .VP - ! V ! P e n . e. a, MA HWvS !:F P J :: ( 'asl oil' iials u -pi ! 1 1 1 lit 11';' -ciui: v. il till - dis- ! urn i in v i.l r th. lll'llll i-f lie i ':0 i kViX.!. 1, k : !,;-.Kii!, :,. c. b-".'!l. 'iil I' A 1 it de- I'l.y Sittl-.iti"! II liell there i ; Stole i'oti.-e Or II " OOI 1 a Iso prop in. on one sti i yood v i ry Sill i Il shop ,ai' riy will In- hl oil L:l tonus. . iipl y to i;. w. wm' i'!:, ( lln.i., V.atcii XI, IMIN. W. I'. TH o.:. til i I, .V (', j ; py -t-.: ''i Our ?u'w Hloc-k Eel: .'.Ni IT Wild a i 1.1:1 ;.! T! Sb'UW Yid'. i !; di:i:ss ;;ooi)S i:i:coi: i:i:.t i- Abhics ani vu cam.ink k si'i i i:i. !'jummi:i ((iito'n coons v. i i.i. in-: nil-; :i'i;i w ::n mouk than i:vi;i: Tin - lai'K l i i: m'mmkk. vor un.b n.Mi Abb THKL! il'S! VI i.oui:.-M i';.b'i:s ai sioi'i:, ; n i Tii I We arc well to M;:i;r v ';'!: i:f.:; M!;N'iS IN IMIJI'oNS. ()',': I ;-;T ' '.' K Wlbb (ilVK Vol' : I ii'ACTION IN l llis I. IN '; AS TIIF. I'.AI.A U; !: MIl.I.INbbY ('!' .X r. U !: AK Yol'i! i i !'.!: I SK W I'. AbK ii siiu .v v. i: dii:i;y:;i !' li wil. eail. ipr: Commerce! i; r. i i A! . k I'..;-; r OF ( mital .St l':i liv ide 1 -osit.i. deposit b. i l-r. Its en- !-. i ! .-. i;; s for r- I A number of .1 b .:. Thomas. s. j l i ; .' 1 a :.I..I.Tiojns, L::h ;:. ;. :;! , i -.; !l. P.. KN! !!:!' ''!.! 1-. PiMI.I li s. ' :';.:.; il. . a- 'j L l 1 1 : : i ' i :i I"; XI holildiv m"I. Ai-.i i'w ed and iiiiiirc; ii,'j. i'.'.nl Shin I'.ills -111 tl A s.:i.:,!v .. j -net' ;il! V ! liiie. el! if f B, U i 5c u v. CI C J--: , Is. TL I'.. ; ) ! ' ' 'I':.:: is.ia - r Li:. An. i -r i I TEX..I:, i o,a ; i f:j i FLORIDA, CUDAAiJ I ronro r.:co. IstrJrtlv r?'St-C?iso -":':f I lin-ilt Ott 1 iit'O ',.'; j ;" :".,2 Lot ;;l Trains; Puiirn-.u; intto Sioorvn Carts on : li ! eib-'!Trr;:ns;"r-5!t : r.! i r- -f c yr':ri'!stoi. i t it hii.'i t,:e I. .ii, .-I .vt.e i" .. i i ii-m, i'. 11. Pa i hv. T. l. A., C I'. A '!'. A. .-lot,,-. N. (. A..hei!'e. N C TroiiUo to Ate -. '! 1,'nr -I ii.-ns l-US iOi ii.iii, .1. M et'l.l'. V . X I ui !i . C. .t.Vil-l, l.in. 'l-l-ii Min:. li I'. A. I Va ,hii;l'.:on J . ( . 17 Dress iiN.iriibD SOMB ; i:.r aswei-l . . : 1 ) S IN THIS iS Wlbb UK tiiiar ii:vb ( l i; S'i ocK OF '. i JSKAT. w i : li.V' WONDi.bl S 1KKITV and Fun i-v (oo(Ls, M.bT.'i:: la'i j is r novmmies, I AN I is; )MF bl.N'i: OF liFdT3. !!!.:: i. VA!r 'Ab'A -( "l.S. v i; snrs. fans A HE HEAP- 1 1 MlS IS Foil LADIES AM) l; bl.Mi.S. i -S i iUiv Meif s Hats Trim- TP E LATEST STYLES, i ; i H ! IN SI HAW AND FPU. au U) ive us a 'tit. J: r.rmcrs Bank, 1 ;i i i : ;3 1 lUAUY t IK'."!). S 1U(,()(KI.(I() '2o,iiiio.i:o ;i,('i!.-i s :i'.M',(K'.r).S0 i tlepi sits, i.sistelit W ith safel iilili- ! ! !:;M !'!.( )N,Vice-rreiddeiit. . . .1 A! !x."'( N, Assistant Cashi.r. Ci''J C-2tISS: a. A . A. ThoMl soN. l!al( iyh. ! . i !.:',. A. F. P,. iK, Aberdeen. :-i-d. J. Siii:-iii:i.n, Ealeiyh. I. M! i,. Lal. -iyh. 1 !. . L.'NiioV Pittsboro. (V-. a, . ! r.' : l.;rl. obtained, and all F (.a !..-,:ii' - r ...'liicti-'! fnr Mosiriti fit. C';n Or.-irt :s OPP&slTt U. S. PTfHTOrriCC Ill ICoS tauu UUU (UUM n : Wi "II. iii ur nhotn.. with drrri t.-M,. ', ;.'.,;-, if patl-ntHhle IT lint. ffl of i ; '. -. Il'ii Ii"- n"t I'.ue till paicni U m-curod. A pAMFMirr, "llnw to Obtain 1'ntolitn,'' lib r..v .. nOiiiU ciii-uu. Iu yuur btun', count, ut t-r.:-. n-t.l fine. A liirt-i-s, O.A.SEOW&CO. PTtNT OFFICt. WASHINQTON. O . !', . '.. i'i.' l i.'iiis L-iVO C'TH'to tlHius.uidjxif Hftttflr.l ciifl t .. - lot b.tif ;i ' fiif.iry.niiil tn cvlol-niii' the 5tli jfnr ii. 1 r.r l.'ivt- iss;i,(l Uoltlfll fd'tinn fdillouof VlckvsfndFtor.i Guide v ' , i- i wor1; ofifi. r4 iifijfot lit!(A(TiuilM-l In rolrtM. 4 ' i,-iii i,.-itilv tM p,-eM lllb-.l with huri'K.nitj -"(c, i.'.i-tit.'ion-i'oi Hncn, Viyt'tuMm, 1'IhiiU, ,' ,m ;.tl.ii'U boiut.iitittlntfiKKl kM. A liinr- i : ,- , ,i. .I,. n.Akmif; hii imtln.rti nit nil ulJ i , i I- toil tnlon. with fic f'if ltn hhiiip, nnil ft ' - ' Se, '.I-ii. wile l.f fill thllt b4 (lfdllUlilf ll Is b. , s . e to am- Hnv fmliM rlinliuitfly. Iul na wmil , , , it.ii r.-vt.-.! iti' n (..(! L'tinUn to hsir h voyw i . mi ii I ilir 4-ui1e nnri n i far Ut :!.l. f'ir 'Zrc. trurlh ot noril ' IS Ct9 lt toil, hi w crcuit I giv-D for Full Amount of !.'rrlLRe to buy other goal. Vic.'? LiMin Com Catalogue.. p. i.'-, i f. tii ..f ft pn c list 11 it nhnpWtb 4, i,.L ,i-i d, li'ielv tiliHtmii-d nod in hnndr Lii,.!-, iu:iktn, it MnvtiM-nt for rcferfiiee, FKKK V.rks !lufitroted Monthly Nlogazlne It, ...I iM.it-'V..t up to dm.-oil nil fttilijtrt r 1 ,'i to it.ii.it iniih' Moilb-tilliiif . t-. "0 cfttt it i:" wi'inl tsfl offfi- tb- rllnsnxia (n'- .i.r, Mi l Uv (iulilr fur 'J5 rriilw. jv ii p'-.'h .'t 10111118 VcRit&bU boU five yam aor for y, i.- moutty tb.D uy Med hovie in Amerte. James Vicks Sons, Rochester, N. Y. Veteran. " NASHVILLE, TENN. e , - i : ' I A I.I. Y K K l'K KS V. N Til , e ConU Jcrnic Veterans, ' 'iiuzl'iers of the Confederacy. ti'J other Organization. s-.ir. To Snnplm, Four Two-Cer.t Sttraiifc S. A. CUNNINGHAM, e. I.l uv-ihj; iu Ciub wltU tUU Tape

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