QL)t nii)aw ficcorfc . A. LONDON, MOTOR AND PKOPBrETOB. BATES ADVrRTJSlf.'O '.up cij ittu, c n? iii i mil ' be f-nirie, t-f. 'U-;t''lb' f.n -'j :.;!, !n;;u'.'i . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR St Idly in Advance. 1 M) VOL. XXI. rirrsuoRo, Chatham coryrv, n. vnirusiA y. june , im NO. 11. lic Chatham Kecarb. li'S VARIORUM. jrnv w.m ,: It i I r l . eonm f Irlvc for tbot, .ir.l ut every turn; goaie l,o,c ! .t v cat t hoy haven't got, and iiiut wim iliey have tlu'y spurn; And some m-U ior t'.io mouutuln peak to (. et f . miu's Inst r.iy, lura .iJ into some sunless holo and . l-oi it oil next tiny. Some ui- faith n lirst-riito place to M i .1'. :i" l 'ii-i. i n 1 f :ivi'. Ad.' !i:-'- . : . p' - v ut eons-ist In being Ci..!:, I' lot j. I .1 i e, jtni . '.i -ii i .t iv.inklo lutlie band, and : .-.ui i.n.l vVjlJ ' ; . i i '.i' live that they can spend ii. i iVv.. ; L.-y ' in Ilii 1 labl by. finino t.ik a ilr.iii; '.vlifii lliey nre dry, and f.i'." i. ii I !i'-v- ii re wet : Fi.wedi-iii!; l.-t -ifi r'tin",'rnnc mke, sole,- l'i i- f: . ". iy forpot; Aid ? j ih t o-1- !. .-. It!: y.a aud mi, free it- . i n'l -!. nu n 'in s,l, Vli i.-A" :!!-! a rule fT t i I - nnver t.. !. ! ml ii-:. f- -.:Tie Au I IS.' i ilii.', fnne lur.i to tli.it, (or a i.v ,ii. 1 :. r f.fn". v,-. n f turn U nutlil.'i:, nu t Ho 'ii- iu! Hi.' Mir.i-. - :i -'ii in n i ii ruinLf .Mint, a I I i. I 'll i i.Ul i.l-t . Wirt u :-. . !i I I II II. i ITi.'lt Ulld MllUll, 1 t .. :i .... Mi l nil to .lll-t. ,l.!i r i- i.iiidi'r. ill Uiilvesitou Now? OOOCSvO J.-0COC00O30O0O0O0Q ? Till-; Will F SIVA. S O ! 8 o j', l-i "-Ii l.illor.l liltf f.i-: c :o?.jo j';o j vO?osooooooooo ALCl'ITA was the l.ii tliplai'o of 8oli. Soli was a Hindu la.ii 1mi of iifU'i'ii p. a im in eti, wli .' live 1 next door to thv Kiiii; of Bebar, Til li.ll-.i.Il T.l'll.'ll "i l.tv.l(.i, two and I 1 ,.iil.- .l.ovi, ! tbo Huvh lliver i A--y ' .. i'.'olii Ciiicillln ' l iho was but d'lobin. or wftidi-virl, ! 1 lb .1 : .',-'- . I' llindlP, Whilo Ii i ii- ; 1.' i v.. i a fricn'. Indian I'm. i'i i iiiic.i! ii'.i-oio. livmx in lo i oii i ' i.i Miitn ilv, on bis -I'ii'.i'i' 1 1 : i i . i ' oivt-i uiii-'iil not to ! i vr tb... I. kill' lb.10,1 of lul.-.tta. :-,v. !;:'. hi. lun;. i-u- of Pebar re- i.i i .n r.iii'V tin. ni the-1 ivci'. ... i i ..;'., '..1 l,.ll...i mol Ian lit. I tb In olo - :.'i. I mi-if. i.i a dih'.r.ida'.- I. to : '.o i In ; i-t oiib-ido 1 tie j - "':'' ' '' IN O'JAIN r P0rtT3 P'CO. i' . i i .. - it .-1 i widely dilYt i - - fnt c i.i i .:.' 1 : lie luillt up hoii's . I'lir I inloiiii: ili.ii-. I'niil'ii.' in-1 f"-ii- uii .-it .-! ". ii h i. h'liiiblf eoiv, for 1 lie ri. t t..-.i- .: n.i. th- -i.-.f-i !-- t.-tboied out ia the: i-',ri. L'e:-.v.:i.ic-u' in !' it... J:i c: -'!"''i;''b ' iim'-"'"tfr eebra suako, ; ia t:lli,fr a p'n.i.it.v.i i-ute. Tiu-rt; t..,.' u-.invi'.,-I, i.a 1 ti.ktiii lip bis . is Uit waU,. ..v.....;,. i:l ri,u.mer ;".!" in tn- tim-,b."l loot of tbo hut, ; u.e watcr iA , 4l , cjt ,'i 1 w i, '. Iti"k i t-Mi'ded by the faint- , )lleket allli ev,, ..j.,.. n,t (vl,,,, Ii ii . Ui. i.i. ai'iiitt-o .-pirit oi Siva, tbe !-,;,.;.. ,iiu,.v..v.,.l .i,.i.. i..:.-.. ui !c .',-1 of tb., lowest caste of liu, d. is, . as iv 1 on milk ami egps at i.i! ii'-S, i vi :i vhi u tbo rest of tbe bo. I 'v,., upiii upon Marvatiou. ; thr-Vil ,llti.. , .. :i.. , a:ibi ii "! I t-m J.H.0.1 with awe npou ,t.titral dto i :, ia, s i.,-.v not I-.. ;, ,-, iifUdil.'..!, but only once , UeoesS(. v . f, ,v U, i,, , , ( ;, .,..,... '..vf-fl tbo k (alien upon i Tho 1e (., . liu. ; h: t v Im i Ibat fiM-Vr domaude.l j i ll- ii ir oi a bandsomo bar- ; t in ii ' - liooiiiii; it(oii lue.jijj ... u i of tb i'li) .l"0. i 1 1- o.i pair o-.eiy looked in ' ; :i:o ti' ii aU't ri rd seil that '" oi l ii t .-.ii iv, that lie was us It- ior! - t:. " if d of tii? event 1 'mi: t.do... i . i ii : .. 'in .i :'n i ioit," . pvieiuptorily or tb -1 i i.i i.i:: ;. i n the fill's slender tt.ii.i an t oiiitcful poso bad pleased' lu.i l o..i liiiifv. "rind out, "naitl the kin, ' l-' y .ii beni me, DoabV" l oab in .ic.t i.itimated that tbo km i t. t . luiiiiiud should ba obevod; li.it is ho did so, a frown clouded the bii.w r hi-, u m;:'.1Iv placid oonute- l.HltCc. 1 . r soitu- im. nuts Soh stood watch- i. t'.,,.u tbe i'iro D.M.artiuon!. in ,.; 'u i- toyal n, rJiboi's progress, uu- ,;t.,-.,u, .;l; Am, ri.'.ii, oe noi'tiou a He t.l as b pa-.M-tl out of vi.-w, she 1 t0l,,i,., p. ..-;t;!o,l exi-tc t tindcv a tui iicl ti enter ti e but, when a voice , t-hll,f ,. m hutltini( lt et hnv.d i.tavc-1 bor footsteps ; tliajlu:,it Wl..u ,.,, ,,,1 iu d.-taaUmeuU moii! Hullo, f. , there!" j dis-ui-ed as .incioii or piiOfts, read- 'Ab, ram'., .piie.ily responded the lu,,-ll,,11,, Hll,i , ,c, acioue pill at she can-lit eiirht of tbe cap- tll;;t t.vcrv ,.,. tttl.lf ,i.v were, tains Howard fiii... of the ehij.s ly- of fuU1,.;.i ,,.,.v ,it.Vl.l ..;ltl;IV-i tho M t-iidou tieiub. who bud ap.climiaal (ill,;.:,.l.c..;,.:uu,aiu.t,i..l proa. be.i tbo bm unobserved. .i'.mni worth ..i W!rv .a S.,u Juan U w aooii' tint washing that KftS ,, , n ,;1.".,,;(0 ,: , oncoalmeut. to but o I -. ii - u ooai-d to-day?' tie- I lhi) r-.,,, ( t:un tbi a-i.i ca ,o that niiMi'bd 1 1,..- f'u-vitr,l. "We sail ut I .imande I tbo aiuin-- ..' r. i-r uind. riucni ti-.iioi!'.w. and it is now ' g0 weUt i -t ,.i tb,. '...:' !."ii" if. f'f-'b I Hebadoiib:;i p-iioii i'Vo rt tol.fi:-, "I v. i.i if.-, replied the girl, turn- . ,;.i?..,,ri a ill;u ;.,u- aud a ca: i.n.o. and in? .'biiii iy t-.Muid the door of the i e-i''.. i-.n- 1 !i.' v.t-.if , u.o bo.i. but Tbt'.i i-li' oud vent ton Httlo i -.v f, ,m e 1 1 ibi i a- ui hi.liu';. c:y, lu. i 'i.-.-u- 1 bai l:, foi with a loud . jf- Ti,., , ( ,. ,, ;,, ti'f.iuiUi.-d bi.sa b'ii. thuk object glided away! tb0 Chivf. I bovi.ir; a pis 'oi tbi.'.uv.ii tbo no.n un u i tier loi-t aivi coiled itselt j in au atitu.io "t lo'itresrave defense ' 'My t.od, a cobra!" oxobiinaed tbe ftto-iiid in bo dashed forward and ni .it d a I..! o.v v,i:':i bis cpue at the sei ' pen: .- lii'lniod bond. 'l b', blow fell, but not whsre it was lnte ide.l, for li.o .7 irl threw out bor i uruis, au.i, jnie.poMug uer owu per cii, ro? sived if instead, while the snake ,i;i'.,ie oif nuhninied. "W by' AV i. u did yon do thatfor?" asked tbo Howard, as he stared with tho utii".it astonishment at the trem b!'ii. ili'i.lu maid. '(. you niu'it not stnko biiu," she rued in tericr. "You uun not, in deO'.l. TTo 1.4 Siv. the terrible sod. If you bad .' rutk biiu bo would have killed 11.- all. He live -urn iu lliothatch of tbo Mo,." "J)i, y. u moan to i-uy you let tbat reptile ha'.. ; urouvd ;. our bouse?" Il.kf'l tile ,ilii.'.,:ed Stt wald. "Ho wa- only wuii 1 ui. for his milk," replied t' e giil, as if nnikim; an apol tigy foi thf cobra's act. "I bad for gotten to ftivo it 1 "I hoiio I didn't hint vo.l," said tho sU-.iaid. in a tone of real concern. , "O, no," replied tiie wil l, Hiul she thai eiiooii rau inside, and shortly re- 1 turned t . say tbat tho cupt&iu sahib's i clothes would surely be ou board the ship early the next uioinin-. I ' ' Well,' I'm bio we I!" soldo piinol : tl.-s steward, at be csuliously pick; I . lo -iv -.i". thro,t?li bo rik s.' the little compound. "Whoever would Lave thought of keeping a pet cobra on tbo estate? These Indoos lire a nun lot." Two or three hours after the King of Uabor ngaiu passed by Soli's little but, as bo approached bis own domain. "Minil, Doab," ffiid ho to tbo h:ir kaia. "Mind you see about that f;i.l yOU'lcl . " Doab intimated thst tin- will cf tbo I.if'ht cf tho T'nivoi so should be in that, n inal! j i 1 1 -r respects, ) i .in j,. !y obeyed, Hut 1 lio Mi'no ih:vk look crossed bis faro up lie sprang down to run before tho horse mid ojuii th... pates for tbo hina'e carriage to y-.4, through. In a little, Soli again t-bioA r.t th door uf tbo hut, her biii'' dockc t v, i: h i. wreath of sti.,pSifti..it; -tbo dJioiiie piifume uf which I lli ; i.ir a'-nit bt;r. Sonn a lliim-i.- va h i ii h n-i ."."i i'.'s tbo liUI( t-'invii'iiliid im:u t'n" 'Uvi ' ti'ju of tbf I'.ii.i.'.-, v.h-.lo a familial' voi.-v caiie ' .!'. in tc..d.-r L-uU: ".Soli!'' "A!i! JiimIi, J'oa'o." t;i" :'iil ic- fpondrd v il'i di dibl, ' I iviHi-1 y..ii would u-M Sol.i"!" Tiion in sbo n.n .ini-l.lv foi avd to prei t th? kinn'M linrbur.i tlu i o cuiuo uititi a loud Ir.-, iiiiiiitsiiiiit" l.V lol lowivl !y a cry of inoivlt'd palli i!U l tiirror, ainl Soli i.'i! int i lis'.' lovor'i anus, LXi'laii.ii'iii : "l'on'i, 1 am Li: t -u. Itisoi.ii. f liu I loi'TotUu. IIo bas not bcfii fod." "Did j'.ni tiiol out ivho ibat r ii ! M" nki.d tin- Kin ; oi r.rli;..' ..f his v Km .i tin' ni x: ;.o i oi l . "I did, .'ill :i: i. -iv," Jloul) fudlj leplit'd. "Who i.i 5-ii''. lio-ii? ir,f i-iuii''-.!r, f'"' ''fcf' 1 !l' ".Sho v..;" v f-illd 1 1 1 - KIM '. . tbrt din 1 ! II " '' l''1 I. ui burn. 'y- onlv db.o Well, lib i it !'(.', til; il ' ' n.i alo.." bii'"' ',v-' li.' - l - b - 'IV" - lied I jii.j i' I I'o I I bin'.-, witli e i-i: lovin.: t'liolt i a : ' 1 b V.., Vol A .(.'!. r.. p.'.i. . i..r I lo. i.ill .-I i. .nib i I tb. ''1!1ti - "!' 'A :1s ;b.nkjni their axes and oh ip ui. tin- . boini houees to Mif ii, e block, A- ih" tboy pi? 1 II" .1 i'.t ii n ii"ii tb gl' ,v al!ll .. , ,,, M,y, 'but !!.. . In.. . l-h'.-p. I'- t. I IH V M I 111 I!'..') ial. ! su .arc:ii'''-.s.r' i't,.T'...:',..'. '. . au'i . : in i' . i. ..I.!'.'. 'lib' b v hich Ml"! ' hbirts. ,oi..f ib 1 each oih.'i' v. 1! i.''' ,( nile tb- V. i i. Ubfii tlif V, Voik w as a I ' -. i ! ,i .:::t . . ainl ..!'i"i .to-vi!.-, it .l.i. 'lt lollii I mi Ollli- lUiltv ri l ".ili:i'.i tb. ic Tt' o or tbito I of the boy le 'f.lut "1 a town. 'I'!,. T.'lt.'o 1 o. it i i-l dill iL-.frn ..j t Q ,t U1,,,,v. "I'M tm ,v you into tuo internal iorion;'. There was no ni..i e: , r.a.l tbe Chief emptied all bi: pi to'.s and c.11 lun-.t tbrju.nb tl'.o .viiubov. liu. tnlef n'l ire time lyin' mi tbo :Vr-i . "Will yuu i.iiri.'iiili r.- thoutc 1 t bo r - jji I hio o 1 .0 roiuiiis 1110:0. for answer the rubber tint up from tbe floor, wei.t out 1-y ib" l ack door, came round to the h i ..".da, and, t.ik iug tbo Chief pii in. r, bonn .1 hiui futt aud left him theio. Th rioalliis M,oi of Hii'i;Koit. For full rive miles 0 1 b, tb sides of thf Meiiiiiu lliver Bangkok 1 1: f U-'k-m Us tbiatii);? shops, and f..r at le i'i b.i'.:' that dist.uten 111 ti 1 row 1 et t bo lnud on tbo Hc.i'iitT site of tho bank, itero ale tbe roa'.e-; uutnbor of too. shoo-, and iiloi.o t'.io banks reside proiiiibly t i.c ibnd i tbo city's b in hiiii-ii od t'.i'Hi-rid liibabtinni s. Over liu" I oi ;'i" Ki'tii'ii'.oV livj along tbo f-et t'1l bbiiiL.-, wb.'h v ri I in and 1 .ii'.f.i.id t'-.e , .Iv wiib coit.iiniv all tho 'lovioiii! -. mid iioiiiivoiitiy tbo 0 iMiI uimh s r- of a t ow p,.lii. Tbey nie n 't licaiiy .-o bio d as the country klon ;s, iboii-ii wider than tho chief business s',. . t oi th. native town, .;eiiii iu:r; t'oi it not seyiiiij n.it.'l. of their loo i-i?i'. I'f.' '. mco .S-in- j ani .- u... . o ti-:it l.-u feet wide, :.:i I 1:1 1 i - v.: -o much as tii.11. i ' s ' ylCJrt,l-L-ltw H n i Tilir inn n I nnniT V f hhlM fU. llftW WW fe nun niiii uniiumi. r 71 An 1 ui proved Hull icnr. ! Tbo plau of setting stakes X-fasbion,! and of laying tbe rails in the anglo 1 hetneou tuem 13 unwise, for tlio lcn- A itM'i: THAT i'an:ot mum, s. n that tli rail is not properly pup- ori.'.l. Ii tin1 Mi.jua l is ioit the itnl.m in o p.v '0 lilown.vaid conidn'it ly. Tbv out fIiows n luttPr pirn. Oi.it: : tout htiibo i- to t liruily in a i u.i -priiiimular po"-iiio!... whom it has strviix'li to tiiippoit any weight. It ia lull' . I Iroiu each si.lo by i-burlor ftan-'s, vbicil Oi-i wpiked to tbo up li!;!il. Tbeso hiippoit the lull", the whoiit beiii:: finnly bold in plnor by a biildiiio of plain feuco wiro tii.it in How to niexpt nsive. Snob a 1'ein u cannot setth , bo pros-fed over to either Mile, nor piillud ai'art. It bus lo 't:'j- where you put it." I'ro-.l.ii Ins I.nntltw I"or Murlift, ?dy espei ielieo ha:; been lriosllywit'i prado ew.ii and a few full blooded Mir .pMiii on. March lambs have id- j ways paid mo bc-.-t. Til'iit of idl, 0:10 j li.ti-1 have "voil lilood. (iet 11 lir.M-1 ela -i i .un, t ben the bettt-r tho ewt-H 1 ti.u I'.ealfi- tbe pi. lit. NiiVe theiloek ii: a l!ii Illy conditio' 11! innliii- time. It,. I a mixture ol roue a fee. 1 coin t l.b i, elovor ud timothy bay, flive till tboy t.ill eat liji clean, l'or . in, feed oat:- an 1 binii. tuvo freely, ' it iiol v aii-iully. K ot p tho lloi'k vei l lame. Ho v nir f'Wu tdiephord r.t all tiint .-. 1 w.oild feed v., 1 corn t.-v luce.1.- j j.,,.- , u .. i' lirnish pb.-niy of p. id w.i'.f'. If t'io wnte.' is coil Inntly I 1 foie tl.t-iii it ir not ;o in c. 1 y to , have it wnriued for then tbey wiil:;. t i ill ink unlit: h to tin cuy liana. Knw- 1 ever, 0110 t-ho;ibl be caret al a'v.iit water at lambing time. 1 have usii.l bank bams, Hit would prefer sheep i b.ii ii.", provided with plenty of win ! do'.' s for fiiiiilitbt, also well ventilate I ; and 1 iKiiuy. j If one has followed tbo above rule-. 1 1 ilii..';. .-access almost certain at biiidi. 1 111,; 1i.no. Have -rales oi litdit hn-ib'. ; 1 f leiiee ready to pen un diil'trtiit ; t v."S wiih biiub.s when nooe'-ts..ry or before boabint;. I'lepare a in lf let !n 111 tbo center of the room or 111 on f.i nor. l:n:l 1 a fi ai:ie to set around V. to heel, tho old ' hot p out. T.eiiVu vt r.i! 1 i.c -s Mioro the lambs .i'i i:o ill -:l I 01,1. 1 " 1 ' I tbe (i-tlif wr.ii 1 ..:! ; i. i n.'.'lioi .iids or i'.bioliii -; h.-;. . 1'! :!.. I i' : t on iilb-l th.-y be:-in ' t. ;!.:.. I'.i.i'liie bar a at a i i ::. 1 .; 1- 1 on:, , too b 1, bai j ' ' i-.-i :- f:i. i' b - lb : l.n-.!.. mil ii. 1 0!:. ! - in l! t : v .'..loo. Mi t '. tile --'i'"i iy .mil well fc Lb: I. )'.-l .'-.- ..'!.;. lis I : ; 0 l inilii'.:::, ,'t e t i -I ,:. ' foe 1 .1 i.iy of t'li i.ipi- er In : . would n't tilt thorn, i.ii ibi'o a Ida i.c- ; lie-'. -s .,: v Inn 1 an. I . "ii.-t. - 1 - -1 seal itr ti.ti.i wht'ie ri .be y ..!, I v. If the com bidder is fed 1 1 i.i f-'ed la 'lo' when too Mormy 1 , be out i ie. i 1 I l'ool 1 in tbo 11 1 11!" "!' ibe ,1 v wuii :-. lit:, 1.;! Mj pv ol i t.'it''. V- '' 'l j. . t lire I'.ii.ir. on. .;t o t hem a or ' " 1 1 the . bed for a time, so you u. ,v !;.. o uj) the rc;:uhn' teed to mi-v (- : .- u t.l ".'. a change l'ci- pasture, bao r!ov, 1, Mncijrass and tiiaotby. h not m tbo i-hf.-p, as you will iei:iit it ;n t'. fall. Keep a supply of salt before lb; floei; always. ' After v. on, in.', nitotho '.a'-vib-. : I pasture I'l ieo t- ice tvou o.- in ti.,- I'iCld HUtl beuill I'ft:di'l ivl.-. 1 -I.. lll'.l- ly add she! led ei-rii, iiiei'.;.-ii." the! Corn veiy slowly, bu lo ... tbe .. Hi . Ova. 11 should Vo fed twi " a .hi-.. Much care and mm I .indi' t in 1 1" be ext-i eised lo avoid ovt i ice i:'.i. Laml s 1 aired in 1 hi v- ay ai e 1 1 1 iy for market any time iii'ior li.e wt-k-obl. In 'iiT I sold otio la'.'.i'i m An: -u-t wtiL'binir Ji!ti pound'., two .nb.-i the 1st of October that w. i-b,-i U'o Hiul K'O 1 espeetn illy. 1 soitl tbo re in a ill dor of t'iio fh-ok l-oloro w ;:i!i r stl ia 1 U' live eeuts or pound and ibey avt-i'iiL.t-tl Hit pounds a.i I leu oiuiei--, V.', L.. in Oiuii-.se Jn-M Ki mer. 1'UtV HI lllllM- lll'.l.t. AVbci; one ultempis raioii..: d.ic'is for the first time tboy should ' t;.r in niiii.l that ducks are isstntiaiiy i1:!-1 ieren from chicktiiis, t.ud there arc a ! few points that must be labeu ij', cons nie! at 10U npo.i v.l.icb, tboa-.b binip't. i;i themselves, sue, o-s or l'i'.i! lll't .lep'. li.U. 'I I-.-.- ue:.t 1'ir batching sbou! 1 1 luii.i" upon 1 he firoil'id, if 1 os-iide. ". ilncl: 1; . ii-.ui' c moio liiiustuio t;.:' i j lu-'i .:;., but a lit-st of sod v. i',1 ; 11U--U el t b-' I I! I ' e. In tbi-i Miiv tl... tie. ! f li.OI- tlUC will l.o 111110. t 0111 tb, -ai v 1. d ii Ti.'.- l '.' -iiniibl i... be w at- ;,' '. li.i I- .-s i'.oilv s-'iled. a- tb-' suibu'i . oiiy mid ii.tiuiiil eo'itii'iions ..!,- :,bi I - ini.-ibit'd wiib as liitbt 11 1 - i iblo. In a Httlo Itfs than four i. e. '... tiie ev;' w ill batch; tbey shoubi If lie el wiitehed sotl'.ut the diieklin.'s im. y be helped out the sh- 11 in on-, tboy nit- i-,iiab!o to free them selves, covin., to the toUli skin which lU:iy j hire beet-mo t.c dry. Hut such osMstauce should not be giveu unles tel. tally necesbary They require oothing to eat fot t"rr' - ''V - foui bourn, wbou bread crumbs Honk-1 in milk lv.av be civon tbem . i . .. .. .., ,1 t .w diinkiui? futiutain In ueee&sary, cr sr.ii'.ctbinir fimilar. ns from tbo first tu,v v-, attempt to get into tbo v an r. 'J bry must be knpt dry until n-p.v!v frnihut.l out. They i outlive fofi f. ed; n iiinsh of coinmeal, ho'M'uk'S and bran is pood for them, b.it ir .dioi:ld liot bu ton floppy and idi'iuid In' foohfd or K?fibU'd. .lobnny on '.it f-fuiublt'il up luitv also bo ftivua turn, 'tln-y a i vt'iv fond of mi'k, ! and li'.i.r mil ir or v..tir sbculd be 1 a i v.-ayi. n.-ot'S'-ibi to tbtiii; tins in !;; ecially i.e. csf-ary wbile tatinct, as 1 tiifV v.;;:.t ft drii.is viib (dmost cveiy j i'..'j-.'abiiil of food. Tbo water eoou j I rroii-.cj ill i by, ft' tbey drop food and (i'l'L into ;t whilo drinkiup, rind tb. y (V.oiii.i In' !:t pt st;. ato from rbicki r.'i I f-n tbat tii(' bittt-r will Lot bo tt ii i ii to lii-ini: e w.ier mid become I lnib'.f l i lin'ii.M'-. j l'i ' 1 i utv tTO or tiiieu boms tli.i ! fii !'e . .bij.i, aft'"'i' tbat feed Ii vo t'.iit. u i'..y. 1'iib . tboy bovo froo j ii'iifi,.- i. ii a trnvcdly toil llify iuiim; Ins ' Mtppli' d v. ill, ct.iiiMi f-aiid or f(rn cl i'loin tin' lir-l or tboy will bave iu t'li; c' lioii. it tnay bo mixed in their food - idiom on.' ttiii i'.oiifiil to n pint ' oi f.M'd. Wii. r. tbt y bi'ftin to foiilljfi' o ii i i !.'.i!:y a uiattt r of I'conomy lo iif I lb. -in iiii t cd uif.il. This Vi t ally a .'! s , :.i in i. r.liit-riug out and Millies ih. ,i'f '.'nviiif for fouiflliiiifj cf '.lint M'tiii;-. tbn btfl; of which vill c.rl-ii I'j.'iu to i '.ill f out hor.". s:o-.iftii'ii t inif is f.ao mora back w..fd in df'.tl. jiao.iit tbiiu the r.thcr, and this oho v.i'1 nuiio) and eerioiitdy injui-- tio.i o;Uu in tbe llock by jiull-ii'-- fui'.l'ut : nod .-iioii! I lie kept hy i lis-il. iii'i ii -lull is a vcrv important item ! u'ul f !;.,-, ild bo f I ,-vory day. ff tbe : duek.; luivt- aece.-.i to f;i-ftP8, of course, 1 tb it is a!! tbat in n.v. i-.-.s.ry, otherwise ; onion loi s. I'lil'lni::.:. . te. , should be jchiipind nud mivc 1 iu their ninsb; I ilii 1 ;;iv.' t belli oabl.i .,c honi'.s t i pull , Th. yaie 1.0! .- abject to die- 1 in o 11 1. i i i tti'y tin 1 t loan, turn not allow.' 1 to pool; :;;!,, a- too closely nr. 1 linco..., ovr'bi.;.li.o at iiif:iit. 'ibev i'Vc lo i'.vy t ,,te:s, but this unit SUV: . ir,:,, 1:1 tiieil tb it ! jplll.'llt.---L. Tj. T. . ir. I'm :u, fici 1 n'td rirotilo. I Sell:. 1 i;..ti Itrr I'.Ui.y ilil.. elf, I 11," 1.'.- Lulling In rill joijo that a fain.er :t bo only inak'-s ol these is the set- on ibe wheels of l.L iiul t bai ne at asb'.'-p II exocetl the cos' to una all four, and .be r.y ore in . 1.0 l.U Lti , A r- roMTios ror. still.""'. - ::i baulinti them to ni l ii o, 1 . ! ,iy iiothin; of the 1 .vxitioii of imsal isi'tielory . I wncels. is far greater i be to do the woik him- , .ills, it requires au out iv c-st of a metal trough il, nboiit half a gallon to 1' '. -i !-. though more than . . !-i fio v i.i i; v ill bo needed, . -t Liio boiling, must h . ..-: tbo felloes. .t. efiu be made of gab .! ,,1 y a tinner. It should t , 1 y-ti.-'bt inches long, - wi-.ln and live inches deep i lb . I'.y making the bottom I'.cb' s ham' and planting 1 uds to tho top, the bottom y C"i:o..irui to the chvumfer vile. 1. Set thin p:tll OU .0 in : nob a nay that a ' . ! in!t and kepi up undent. i-.-L.il oil to cover the felloes, '. :.,, t.i n boil. Y'oii are r.ow I'iit oi tbo wheel. -.-tbe wht els, h-t thorn soak liiiii! tin: tin s are tic lit. wa'.h- II 1 .:e u.ud and liiri possible. . . iho tiougii drive a sinko, b'.-li is to 1 e about the it bub of the wheel when . ; A stake with 11 fork ill be iound tbe most ecu .1 liio 1 tbt T sitie. set iu ui J I iu w Inch a low i f ..ei- bo'io buve iieeii boiol i a i'f.v ii'ib. s I flow to a I. -.el corn si. ending w.'l. ibe . ppr-ite tide. y 1- , e of u sapltUK tbroiliiu lid bi iu.; one end in th !:.!,". U-t'ii.)-' the tt'io .1 ; ::'.. jn-t free of the b o . in a pit 111 loo an .-, r ' 1 iti.it is at tho de-uvd .... un 1 in 1! 1 of ic" a- a 1-. '. toi' ti.e ot li." r end, tSe : r .-: tii-iiy nueiifje.l. It -- ' , .. tbe :-.lpl.n', it . ' ii l-e , r i.-'i'. placed in t he oil, ibe I :- 'iild be ' lowly tinned to pie C ;:l' "li',-.'. IliO b-uirth of lliUClO I t.l b.-li .1 wheel d. pollds ell US , of il! 00', US - : ,k' 1 ' a ,.11 I - i.-i y !. . i'l j 1 ib.iii ti:.o 1 t b 1 lit UiilOUll! I't oil 11 l'.U' M't.-I . I I..'. '.S n bail 11 .1 ;y. I'.'i . ii luel e Salisi.i -toi y :- .el bi a bbicbs' iii!., :: u voilt'.t ot the ill y v, oo.l v lo ha- M 1 nek the tiro, ; .v d ii.!. in it. New hu ; it el. bm i li rittsbin.. Peiiii. is s.ii I to le the center of IV '' yieinnismintbe Vnited States. I- cliims ooe-tenth of the Presbytviiiii-s cf the North. J 3 f J ; ; i' ?'? ! ?! i-.- - . xuf. i.-inriT n 1. .''..) h f J Q WflKl I ; tiUi'lfilll) llUlllJJJ' !jj 1 . . .'if ."OV-..j AND tDUCAT'ON. , ., " r:V !y""."'!L " - ' ' -- l-'" wonieu in t..i ; m the fol!-, nij t:fis t'''l i - 1 1 i Kit on oi l1, .i. ri'jo'i i r ; ' lioolo by auy one '. 'i.. i ii-.- tt ji I I' ' i't.'.,i.:.jj', of i'iiil dvft', ; .. i':i if i ir.. st., '-- '-.n-ii.ai Mi.' . .. tii II in-.t-. 1'-!'' C'bei.1; . ; i .i-u. i' v oi MiLiiiaj.il, 1 " "" . ' , 1;'-. Dl' - V' - ':-':'1 l"".'""' ill'1 ' 1 'IM u, 1 'it, I o.r B .-:' ' r '.. - I ' 1 i to' ( . ,, .1 1 loo i, a;i '"ifii.:-i;.o, l..'n- i -:tv ' 1 I I'l.'-rt !iu'. .r'Jo' .t:''. .- .' h l ii i:' v :o i, s: ... Amvii , I !.i -i u i, Coii'i i. Jb . ...:.' I '.. I l'i.'. . -nil" l'.i.:i,-.- :'t.' 'if, liio'.' iivillo, N Y. . i. l .ri r ::'. t i:ii-i.-iiv, -iO'l'1. Mr.-. T. .1. i n:;!n, M.'bii"!.. In! , Ii li r.tr l o ie lf. -i j '.ii . v. i. . '.;,, v it-iiiiiuU''i. l'. ! C, ii.i.'.iii.i fii v -ii v. Sin.'ii.in il- '.a t.oi; oi;!.!, N.-i- Y-.ik, Ku'tifis .-Ji'ii-ii. An I row '' o:i, libiaiT, '' ' , ... I J.i!n mm. 1, r.:it,c.,-t,-i, I a., library, 1 I'flell lioiild, New Yolk. Oiiltcil lll.il. s'l'-blllltl. M. 111. ,1; !'',-., lio-.toi: lii.-Utute of Tt -o'l iio . . . .'. .-."im, 1 .!tni.'i ( b K.-iiy, Cbican", 1'niver-f-iiy ...' t bi.'io'.o, sTo.iiiim. i'.ii-ili'.i.. Ili-!.ill, Chiengo, l.'uivor ,.ily of Chiem .0, .vl'i.nbil. Mis. I', (i M,:!tbw Knot Col k :-:',', -:'1'I"0. Mi-. C. II. b iiii'iaii. llvniisiuii, I.nku I .0.-! T'l.itti "it;, SI1.11I. Mi-. I'.':;.-.-' it, v. .ckb-v. VennsTl- 1,', M'.-T.i I1' II i.'-lt llO'1l"ltO.ni!l'l. Ko.i.l I ' l'i ..w 11 1. ni vorsil v, ..ol. ir, I'lohestei , .f.-b'.:'V, .".l.lli. . I ,t'r M.i.-.o, An- . n,v. Yoik, r.'.i . ; . "i 'i ' I. f-f:..,ii, biioilic I'ni- . i ,.'.' 1: :ii:o ' t il'.le. i:-; - in ;.' I :.-' I !M . I ': 1 i'li. I 'lit ibe Ilil :. Ill -Ins. I.e! -1. 1 ui, lib bt r. i.t .. . -ri. ...oo. 1:1 b ' . . M 1! 'I .Viti'. e. "' I n' 1 .!'. . I.:.:i 1 "ti i-i. .1 1 Ii!.', I 111- , i lb I... 11, ( 'bi 'ii .' -, I nivei - v : 1 1. ... o"i'-i. ib !. I'l ie. r. ll'.l'Ovilb . mi. . t '.-.' t I I, '..'..', 'K' '' "' I ..1. ,:l I ; '. ' Vt v. '1 ! '..t! . .;t.'pb---il's !.: .!-.!. t nib' 1, New ik. Yi...' I n I il Ibf. ' i ' i n , 1 i.i. ' T - " m i -p.. . . ell. V', , ,1, I I I II i . : 1 1 . . ! ',- , i. I i'l t 1: i .i . . 1 ' t -. - . ., :o:iul iii 'i'.w.i.- mi l o i.t ' i-i-: , ... ff .-I.:, ui'-' 11 la 1 '.ie v . ..I . s ! ollly tb.:. b.il til" I tlu-esl sin.. I'.'ii.iie I to tiny nisti'.ntii.n . fa' in'.'.!' pi .M-i.t v-ai i . -J , tt :l. 00O for a i'eiuiilt JiidiiHi i'al Ci'lloue 111 lioslon. l:...-loii Trai'soript. TUf I ii.liltm In Vockweai. N'ever vrr the i:tca ot noffitin swathed and tb cb" ' . 'it in a g.-onicr vnii"ty of rnl'b's, cr.'.vnis and earte than it is to-.lny. Al1 too i-tyles of iincieiit anil modern times are the styles of tbe present, as far a a tho ilreseiiij of the iir.'k nts. i'lohus, ciioiiiisei te:-, abols, stocks, Eliza bethan 1 11 tV- and Medici collars, sailor cnlhiis. eh 'keis, eiaviilsand bowsautl tit I tb mii ioiios worn by men, ' ii -liu',' bo.-ia.-. -oar im' u:i c . iie.-i of a pii.tiiie tt 1. 1 -a, .'..!, wotiiii'i tbei, ;..,'.' ,. ,p, o; r...! lo t. e .-'ib;c.-l, n d ..u ii-. -t beuty i-ilk, to!,,,., (.v ., .,;. p.,..,,.. (., ,,. 1 ,;i it iii, bu ibe bin 11 coll...', or j arv , l,t ,i0 ;-, u-.j.ke it at I' 1 .. . ..O.S.. liif.t nie pun i : "i'i-i'i..' I'.t its" by t iif ' ' ' '';''' n; " j ' '" ! ' i I. " 1 I'l ''A ' uf I . : i iit-i ' l 0 lout in- J , J 1 I i.e.. -.:. 1 p. .1 : if,'"' li---!.."., iv,;- " : - - ' " '-" '' ii"'-'il':p.e5 .' 1 k ft;: .1 v-tto s .. lo"! I . .a 1 L" ' i.i .-liu i"l .:;.-: 00. t..r. !, : 1 Mi.t 1 biiliii' mi the! 1 a I -- :i ,. . ! eh. 1 ; i.'Vli't'.'ici eiteCi; !,'.'! I . lib : ii ,1 : .ii i ' or ,- u is "t , ( , , ,1." a a bi.'i. f .'t bo' n I 1 ' ' : ' - 11 ell v. at ui '. i' a I .ic'. ,roo : I bar! 0..1- ! in i.i 1 r.-.l : iocs, with ei.iv.o- of i .ee n ! .l.ill... '..II.- a,-.. ....' rv 1,1 11 .liio . I'.iim lis, ami w bi; e t tocks, m :'b ' ou s ol . . ape .f -w.-i . in'. : - ..-e'o'.iO ami striped silk, look ci Wiib ibe white i 1. i.ofiii. ebiitov.i'i 'V cf.t'., .1 v im nl pi.pic skill" i tll beloM I by lb., boll. ;i,opllii' es mid lloil'.eai.i-. : llllliilt I- i;i' I. Yoke Uli'l tk-bc . ,.; la.'t 1 lib-s of i:i'.-..i- a.i i 'Mil, tnks fan bo I-i: bt t-T wt-.n e.t.e-i .tb ; b,..viu : imii in.t sti.pt or checks til hi h bo. 11 . - 01 .heollete foti .,- I '." , Oiiii'il.aii i: - "I bb' '. aud while. ' ""' ''"tb olid btoud, ,"0111,,; 1 He Slloum . ! .- .1 :! tiio.'llue lioi ii-iv i down liio Ir-. ni of tho bodice. I ;' 1 tini-h uhrup.'v ui the throat I iv'dsr of pear! tlio usual nee..'!. 1 ' t. .,,1 ,. , ,,,.:. , .1 . leathers, .looked v.. til black. Z,,,-; feathers dyed b. iini'ch the new j,a,. te! tinted cloth gowns, are smart uov- . e'.tios. H'littes of nnu?e with big ve!- 1 Tet and chenille dots tulle confetti fanned binrath the .bin wtU , edged jewels last en II. i.:a rilll'rv n!n New Yolk CC;- (Ooioiinr OoiTini al a 5Ioflrl PrK- a ,,ik ,ou ;s almost necessity in iuiuioer. 'i'Uufv !! uiacy foula'fls to bul1.llt ts cheapl7 as forty ceuta h yin,i ;( , 0 , I .f h , .j c d pfttt.Ta U 1 1'li'T. . i here sr.; ?a luaiiy d; uus-. ii' 'o'H. J- i,..iv ih:U it would luliii b ' v..-; .ct-- ...lifel' .'i r to dri " v ja! Is r i.- ij.-i a new tlosiioj Tii." ion -b.-iitid l.i; lol le mi Cii'!'-tivi V, but liot loo eh-. I ' ra'ilv. :id . mi bo lmpvovivd ; iiji'-T. bv ii.r-ini t'V'..' w; lots, fi'ie a . i laiii cdoi' HU'i the- oiuoi to ii'als!i l::o : i'kir' 1: woo.i.'YiV li:.h '. l-'- COIl.suittjd ,.,i,v r..e.. tio'.rr.l b'.aok silk is j i,..un ii,;,:,' r lij.-ured fo'iiaid. us, fo' 1:1 -i.i :"! , i i.i.i''i' ant a uiw sun, ua i' , ! will 'to .', ii'i.lc duty. One o' tb j iv.n can ho ii v im a t-i.uiu.pt, i.-i fastaued bi nrath the tht tte 'f chiffon and mcneseline, with iac. Chains of fcilvcr aud with silver IaSM::S sr used to ''' . 'ui. .ui i w:J i!-' ibitj as an evcuiiig ill'.l',. .imVll- j n.iU( , . , j. ,,.a,.y p, vily ' l( tl-!!.". i.i li.t- tiffin .; ei LI t'k bilk, t filt, Mouut)vt..v ,.,. ,Jl!S;.,v uoma tbet bot ' . t h".i: . I"i- : ,;iiiiu. ( wear. "':.- .- i.,i''. ui'i'-iiii frock i-1 all '.( Il.'OI' II olltf' 'U lil'MtJ Up 0'. 0 It li'Uo :lli,:,.' A y (."."' I J iftll IS to bun. t.i" :.o, . f. wbiob. ii .o.-i ii.lt.', ab.'.i.bl be :' t. :'.'t l Slii., iii'l I.' q.iltO ,,1.!,"t.-,l.-.:,.0.tM"r,!-H.K"'l ei ti'uto n.u - L.-OV.-U. LUC -li i 1 1 tbire out i I ho fo '. m 1 tiie po i i'.ft i"i:. AliV 10:' i.i'lf Il'i ' 'o I' ".it tv. !l ovei- jt alil ,.. , .. ( ...,,. wlt.,n ma. lo u; v. e.u "v-r tin -, i-.ioii' fn tbi . ri. iciflt 't .- '. ' l-.'.' . fury t 1 1 iv e I:..-:..! r.'.au i.nlf n .1. gowns, i .i' jiic'u liu,- ill ' -t I , i '. f pown, an : 11 ii'iy .ii: ci 1 1 ion i- n-. I :i ollOOSill' li.e i'..;i .'I'jiib', lilf 1 i.iil'. 1 -' will be ', r v :-1 ; 1 11 1 1 , 11 'id j ti lie 00::." un der the in , 1 ...' a T11.fi. iaif -priced an mm.-1- o !'.!. 'ibe i-iii-diii need not be of ib- 1! i. st on iiu v. '1 .0 r nr some , i y i.i 1 .. ! ivo oc ..i I- n .-'-l.ls It Tlil d, .1 1 ii' li" . thv '.' i ;;o-l lis that !...'. b p 'he . ' ui 'f - exi 1 ', i 00 . I :- ii" vt t f ;! 's" ' iiioi't; tbii.i.i.v "i'o.'-. 1' " 1-' 1 -'! lite 1 a sill. lo.,'..-. - fi'i-p- '- !!' .... Ii .1 l..'.li I'.-l It.ti. V. .,11 11. .'. ' . ii 1 1., 1 ;.' : '1 -.v;. i. s 1 be 1 1, .( ,-. ;,i ib.- '-. i.i-l ie:, :i I'-vlu'; -n i- ibe bo,- : t .r. i in st ind.i: uia!. It "..ii-1 i -i.. ii 'e l 1:1 1 ali l im v eon iai:.''. JT.I .'J liio'iil'eis 'J no wite of l'i , side. t if nri-o'i w ., . 1 be first I'res id. nt, tbo 't ifei f 1 i-Seon iary ,lohu M . 1 ,.-'..: ..... ibe it. on!, Ib.'j'wife of 'icj. l'i . : el, !at Sti-M'iisoii the third 11. id Mi -. I 'en i xl 'in'.. 11:1- wife of ( !.- .-! ui-'.'--'. i-tit..iy ' i he fressnry, H--.V oici.J'lf . (but p.t'.iti...!!. J be ? 0 . ,, ly :, oiv,,ipo: cl, . f tin I1ue.1l dr.--. f-i'; bint oi' ' . f .'.'I bfi- of tbe liev-.i-i'l': ,,! i- o n- . ,s t -tiinubi'f in-t-re:-l ,.'id IU :' li lell. '.ol ;..vi'llllill :.,y .uu. I. and t ho-;, alive tbo ' -utli lelil- oi I it,- !'..lii"it of lTTib It i.j.i"io,.l In e"..ct a i.ifiiioi nil h.tll i.. W 11 -bin.'toii 1..- i;' a -1,(11111 tors for t lie -' 1 it iy, ali l s- ! '.' ' " 1 h i- ab'eiidy been colivclc i for tbn' purpose A 1 1 f.-il '....'icy culled tiio llaui. i.e.' ..' ibu Ii i.'iilii 'U. li'i'i ;ir 01 ;:,,,i -. I 1 y li: i-,f .if d n.oi.iber ol the l' i 1 1 . Mil' '.'io'i, aO'l h 1." ubi.ilt -J.JnO ! .. . :b, , ti'.-.- C, lo in; I'l'-.-oT 11 tbe tit if- C'f 11 n .-'v. "l pin-. Ci." -1- fnoi' t'-.i'a tUtt .,ri,:,iii,l tho If.' ; stae. ! 'no rnim. ii -.i i.i in U a: lii'ir' ".1 ii. If'l i..r 1 he ) 1, loo -t. u'.ii'atiu iH'ub.i ir'.L'i-e:-l in l 'oloi.'al bll. ty. .lift'ilsii,P iit'i.!1 In ol infor.ui.tiou and teaohoif ibe yo'.i" the sr.ciel obligations U 'tiioir patriotic ntioestor. lt is coia- j'OSed eulnviy uf .voaieii of direct descent iit io ofieials and other resi I' -i.ti- ' f tbe 01 iciniii colonies who , outi ibiii' d : oiiit tliiiiL't-i tbebiiliidiiiR ol' II Cum limit -t rit'i! b Mi '- Uob, rt . M.'Kee, ot ."-.'..li.t ooa. .i.tl;;;btel' tf ei I'lf ideiil Hun., v. ibe Tr-. .-idont. - -Chicir. 0 lb i-ord. jLtiii.n idi'. ti til II, e li.irliirt-ii'in'l. Whut5.-r Tn-tv ' c lilt riyb- cf tbe painnii;.', i; ii- evi.-'i-nt 'bu' backgrounds are capable -A .'to. iv in?; J jieul variety of tl , :o I... il1 lino li, I'il.ii bi :- lU.it ,,.,..:,.. ,,',,.,, ...... 1,. ,, ,,r ,r .ii,lt..t . th.-' is, ;,i tbo ,,, t ; , :I, ... 1,. ,.!, li..!,!-,- ,.r oiibov till., tbi. .V'.:!! l.st!', lenh- U ., . ,. .,t.4. ,,f (elii"aM. oui - t. t"...'iiiii 'ti :,lil"t It .".I 'J., usel 'I ' t-..- .1." 1 w:i- i ii i' i'li : 1..:. - 1.1 1 ; it-ir. I -i '.'' I'.o .. cl.., I ... ! bb' J-; ''' '' '' ' ! ill )..' t ;ni 1 . . : .1 .111 li' Vlil OH- t (im-.u.e- , . -her: U .:i With a bttle . 1 , ,,.,: ,.. .,, ,.4 :,, -.'l t lf. o; '.f i uii!. .If lie ite baud " htitcliiu-'s. Scpiiia'o uao-t:"; oi obitliie in striped rioure I ik-iena ti im' ', 1 with lace aud u.now ruebiug. ot t.,i'l..u rpl'ed iu ; 'eiolU - l.y t.oo.is I oouomist. ' " A n i n " I oy-it v 1:1 s.a,-ou producer about l.i"1-'.' ' y, an. . lTTT PTTDfiKT OF If . M( R. LAUCHTER-PRCVOKiNC 3T01CS FOR LO'ERS OF FUK'. thv sii IVat Awy-A rcfkd FiJ Ilic Eici.lon Ihlr I p-tu-Onte Cr -letillaU Tll.'ir llbirillla TllHslm- fully liiiilaliii!-lJr U.ii. Ui. K'11 0 wa'.ke l tc'rd !.'--r.i T7i-.ii rrl-i s'lll-'. JIis de.'.r ) -ui' wi" tc -o e: . e j:nei iiiit sa t "oiliilii't WKit, natt " f.u:'.l Ut -' i ht:u 'on Uu 't-jet B.il, Oi.i t'il ti.eo the nous tf A 'i'-'i 'Ano i.brii.- iifie i.b .lrnv.ji tie-,' li-.e rtiaio.r oisiii'r, still ;u,v !..-1. -.(, itittMret i.'tf uf lib,"". ! lr.!i t-eetitouk " iii 1 'no i-- ar. Nor tot ir.ii C''L'..".' sn,.-l', Tee -n:c oriiii n-i wu-' ini-f i t" g'-t'tn, f.-.r wUri (,.. wiU ao- i.-b- t'ut 1. r i':?'. t!ioa,i.o 'bat lilie-i ct- . IIo i'.v u 'iiin.'v 11..10; lla o er.tl i: .1.. 1 ."(.ilfkiy r-:-a I- 'l'e-1 Jotl:, I've L'-'li'"' t ) V..T.- ' -itl-'rilt ! I'- I M:' A Wrt rkcl Fk.J "Do vou keep cbit'k't .13? ' "Can't nr J do. TQey '.110 all stole-n last ui?bt " Ch ve-lsud Cla'U Pealfi". I lie Kiri,tli,ll. rLe "AU the wo.b' love? a h-.ver " I'eispnLri nc Suitor- ' 'i ex-:-i'- tOjf the ftb'i fcl !) wlirt loves the eUUii tl" 1-" -I-i'f 1 .r I i).to-le Cri1nilat. "H.i! the litkiilr bau't tbe bud !r.k cf Bii -i. ut biiouo, hii:' .IV" "N" '. Jii.-i tbe liti'mr caik cf piot-eiil s'.iiC.iiOs. "-(""?. e' li: 1 f'laia Dt'ttlf!'. I her ilTiililB m.i.iku. f'.dltoib, Wife-- "Willie up: Thero we biudui'' iu the boas., John I" Iblitor " '-Veil, wbnl el It.' hot them liud 011: tbi ir mi-luke, laea selves'" l'ileii. fully KzpMlnr.l. Bienkfu't late s.nin and I K t Budget "p a' tiv o clock " "Y'ej, Hi.r, v. but v ol inn; t reiuem- bi r it tJik, .:. shoe peopl-i Ml. li ail ' Inl lota Hiiie ti. be slow."-- V'l'ik. 11,41 lliu, .Ilil ttTi.iile- "Yos, in. a jiiaii iivcr diiows whin luippiriefs ia i.i'til h uarries ' Mrs. W. "I ui f'lalt - boar y.-u say that." 'And theu it is too late." Liio. A liiiiti ililfo uf i.i'll.rftl. 'Are you sure that the 10011. you bavo lo lei 11 11 ni.'t ?" "Alt' Ie". a wired id lbs'. 1 boro is a E'iiif.fr in the i.t 1 mm, sn.1 H must be .piirt "i the couldn't piao tice.'' Sihiil Hint l ather (caliniK fioui the bead of the Stairs at l.d.l a. 111 .)- "Fauuief" Fannie --"Yes, papa; what i-t it? I'atber "I vms-Ii you would nek that yoimrt n.au where he would like to have his ("unk put when it comes." Chicago New?. A llvptirllt. Vuvk.y - "Y?C's .litamie dcin'f Pip jiii' t ait'" Tommy " I'at s de hlutT be makes, but d s mo privaie opiniou dat be' epudiu' de garden tor Lis. madder,"--iew York Journal. M.i.1 Iry &(.iDtb1n h.U, Pinks - ' Sty, oil taau. ,"!o youkr.o cf any cure for lutoiliriia''" diti'ks "CA'Uiitir g nubiieSHid to be ! eiuOny " ItinkH - "CoufoiJuJ it, that's whft evo'.ybotiv tills -., but tho bnl'.y s too ) .-ttu;r t.i e.t.u'. " Pbila islptiii He;.-., .i A Dotl.l.ol Avunl.iK" Jin -J r-uesa tt i proi'y noil stilled tht the 1, e pesp!e i. have hree aiii.; "id not bo ulicncd f.iU .ituCii:-hii' ,tit"li:, t..n't it be tiu'ctn litiuk thai tbt-Vrt ainsouie pfple b.k'n'i.' 1.. us v :io 1 i;iiol ,''il tbe. iii elt o t"''t hs p. .,i an .'.- uT-f. '" ludiS'oipoiii .'.tin ea1 ,,,o.H.,k I or i luVA'lf If.- i a,d to 1 ' happy, ori.iu you've peti."i .1 'epillati -u b.ii sayir. tar .a ,i ie tb 1 11 j , ' 1 euifii bo 1 tbe -"d eveil IQ1.11 "What'n ibe tio.ibie'" "I've lost a iother fticnd. I eotu pliuieiited hi'.a ou bemi; ths most cool-headed poison I ever fw. I!e took it as an allusion lo the fact tloit ' be is totally biikl."-Wn.shiiigtou Star, I The I'nrxpectml Atiwrr. HeaniiK a faint rustle m tho dark 1 hallway below, the ehler sister, sup- posini? the yoiin nivi bail gone, leaned ovei the babist, 4,le nud called out "Well, restif3, hie you !aadd bun?" Thero was a deep, sepulchral silence for some raonit'iiis. It ,vs broken by lie henitating, constmiaed voice fc( the vouug mau: "She i-a.' Boston Journal. . 1 1 f ti t" 1 -jS V-