l)t Cljatljam Rewr5. fK hnthau) Record II. A. LOSDOIi, CDITORAJiD PROPBrTOR. TERttS OF SUBSCRIPTS, $1.50 PER YEAR St Icily fn Adunce. ch.utlt' vi iijbiTt K'll'iia rur-dm ed bis ri-tjia fTa rl ihi'KPii t Is- down town 'rc-ets rf '.'if I 'is'ne-s i:it r of the ronjjpg metro. ;-i:!i!31 titv rf the- ur'.H N it'll . i g at'enti' :i to thr iiie'i-- pomts and ?Ilellf -if ilUvl'-f is lb'-t l'rer".-1. fvicrtt'iii? ..'.J 'i'i'a Hjllroad Jp-.t - ! Ci ! hui't m '.'bimgi ami '"bkh had I'K; !jfMi.' '"l "! f"'ir j'a'S j'.' tt'i'jf. The "f I ' rt I'i'i-'.rn n 9 of cours" visited. S.ra! i.i t!if bi idiot ever the riiiiiifo roer, whi'b. by the uv. ,,ff Tit III tilt .''ill'1'! ' U'lli"ll !: it ll"".' I. "i ii'i" c l" 1 J he deiiniboa' 'hnr'" I'Vt i-l:iii!f ill'. I'l l .- 1 ; '1 t'j'ii 1 vi'it w paid to tlj ! :i I ..f l"l I 1" ll .- un!. (.! -.'Um-V. l:r! th- .mi k "i-n-1 '' .! - ft 'he Hi lib. ulisr- th-y ("'ll.. 1 J!r K'li' l in hit pri vate cl'.'f . fcirl was intt.'ln ! t f.i rn"- Tmy. toe easYn , ;; ll-wml. 'In' Nak ir!!,-r, o f-Tfi-'lit nan midd'e life. . 'I t-i ill. I k' e. . ' ll" !'e Sl"1'l 1'e " is iiii'.li y,-t- ! 'bat !; v.n ill tr. I n Kiu l Kc!!-i-(. I'tnl -'t rpbv. Aii'l .v.i Mi X'll'-mr inT" rtmid l;i'U, i-. f- r i ::! t !'!'. fhil' b' r ii-ai:i. Tit Kc!lgK. Ist'jr .jc J too. rt r-is'.obK-l to di!in:u' town, tho'isli c. lnuv$ tnut tlij-r, !:o' i-r, ou 'lii occ inn, tht yoiiiii; nif-n iliii! " i'!i tte I'jS'k fr at tlie Mh ininn H. vm- Af".-:- Inn. Ii ilit- I.miiIit 1-nitf.il fr-n the fllif-r two J I'j.riir'.l t.. 'lit. ('!' 'f t.js;iit;, hrt tiitinc Krl that ! mtil.J t.-.i u In-' hiiu I' i.'ti"l. Uuri:!i; tbi- nttinwii' tin- fn in1 rf--pni"- at'iri ii tu :i t : t on ' ( bo liejt-rs, aui'i:. !: n."- mt is ti ?i lltlOlll!'l.J Mr. K'-IK'g : ni ! h batik a' f- ir Vrjork ,n:, r l I : t :-J !.! ;..f.!er, ,, 1,;,,1. -i. 'icsl, h'lf'Mir l i t h! to ii: to in 1'iir ns t., I;, r f .ii-'i'i'-:- Mil ihifc i.o. ?;..) I.. l:fi f.ilir.il hr Pr"P rJ up in I il I' kiiii: i'"i Ii r.irr. i - in - ii : than i'"! '.!, v bill . )! '1 l i-M- hor, r-i.) 'r.g t.-niii tin f i.o hc f it. MitlM. h. :!; . v t K!i!.-r K' !! 'Oli. Ii'-!" ;i- hi- ti-'tiiu! n h" I'm' r-.i!ll.v !.( ! wifo. '- the t-.vn Mrs K1!! st nr Uii'imae 'I'mli"1 'I " "Whv, S'- liM-." il h:? v itv. nnl frir, ''it in- t Ii . I v- ,i thi 'it.li 1 li.i'l Kt-ll fli'ijlLlillli-l Wll'l HIV ltit'T i'l-lli'.V fn- y arr lc is n r. 1 -1: J i. J ivN.lvr. nu.l 1 lifiv- n-.yiicl t... ,ji'v ,.. n"nh! H'H I f'r I h i . tir. 'l !: i " "Uh. ht i.r think .-t i'j di.-ir itei :" mi) the ; I, l? I "i ii'l lr- win' -' In ro l'i do s.'iii' tlnni; :il!' ' ill'- j - ti r risffrrhig nn aui'iM- n :hl n iir' rf!--ril to htnl'.'i. ! l!:i!l ihiiil. t! n! my i.lMBt bcr. rho. ' 1' i; l nr-f- ! t'lt'.i'i .mrl in tnip-I't.-nr.M 'u ' i. I f it i l-r ib? t'tu. ii r c u i:iif.(o!t.n. ' "I t-jtwe," it id 'hf I snker, tba ; nr d'lvf-nt hre wus a f .If ii') '' "Ob, ilisnk ,' ''ii. il'-n-k you' And uon hut j(.n a: b'-nn-. I v ill i u t I'larf n pail; vtht-i I Wi lis' ! r-vi-liiiK nnd rep-'ir "i :rj ro. u: I wh wiito ti l.r"'in?r Ani's to rrijlit, t !: kindly I bip he"n ri-rt U d." ' F'rny iv him fir M". ' id Mr Kel 'oitk, hs l" v. idniv p-i" l friitn the room. ' llcw do 'on !! j ' ir iicw-fotind lr, 0 n r ' " lie rt 1 . 1 !ii wife, as h fn'ik in'o the if Elin- r ha l vmtrd 1 di.nl t i,T, Sirplii n. I (-hull lifrnm mil" h ht(,i. iifd in In r. sIk i i-o peiillf n'nl kind. Sb" bar f"ii ni'i'li orn, ntid I bopi- we . fin help lui I" (mgfi lli pajt.'' 'Ibeu v.iij .hi in t re j ret, ruy dear !(, that vp r'iwd her into . nr home'? ' I urn v fry tliiiiM'i'. Stephen. She tti'l bp ii rjinfi it t i lie lilt;- fin, d'-iiiiri I l.'li"ve it"" ' I wniidor, Stephen, if I th'ill over prow ttrong. r - if I eli.il! i vrr uik igalu; or if I dm to b in mined hire h fhort time ioniter iiinl tin n -. '"'b, St. plim, I pom" tMies f.ni - " ' lii'ii't, dinlii's! "ii noeillef clr almni -.i'irilf. Veil knew lr. Hewitt mated ihit with Iho npr.rnh rf rrdd wrath-r .'on ....i!.l tiireiv i-illy. bi, I noted how intii.h inipt'.vnl ymi 'ippiif l when I h!it, ti-,l the ihi'.r." "Lifi.-nini; l-i !vin"r rfidinif, hns bnnd. I f"ii;ei, f ir th" lime. u' "tnk eefji, di niiiiet v nnd piiin. Sb hnn nn h a ot am) penile 'oi'-e -slie (VoIh fur me fi. I In M'wrnl oiciicn'ii? I fiineied tht re were tears in hrr e'e iii. ibut my mndi ti.'ii lii-nnii'it (liein there. Ob, Ht -hii T" "Ileal- one, y."i me iiiriTim rjon that fhe ban left jmi 1'eibnps ?hp ...ptinii'"! the readini; I'-o hmi; and tired yon." "Ob, ue, Stepbrn, ! nin tlnis pvprv day." Weil, my wife the diTt'T mvs that there i mi i "ii-i't'itifnl diseaie; Hit r-jiir malady it- due t-i the impairment .if the nervinis fuKi. nu l ibut, rouplrd n 1 1 U 'ntoniniii, has ridme l xi-u to your pr-s-nt Kale.'' "If 1 roiil'l onlv hep ..ne nii.ht, Sie. phn one f'lil niuht v itbout dnip, there aiinht te hi'i e," "Wat. the d ulor here to diiy, desr'' " "Oh. vs, ninl tnid. n h nliiyt J . s. ihat 1 "an i.rifresiiitf n well .e (onhi he expedei I seim tiui-r d-mbt if be tin Heritanils my line." "N" phyM. inn in t'hta.'', tHr;(, hisb-r m (he eiiiiui!ii'i rf mtuibert of Ms own j..-.fej!-:i. if'." "Well, iif jo" "tied. I uni nervou. !I'ii:l mi' the bunk, butbaud, and ;et tea.lj for It a." The banker' tce were n more toh'T appenrnui'e when he i!iavnded Hie ftairs limn it hid "h'li be tjrt entered (he room; but ho ttuumbt. ''lhu' i' "but it is- t "oi'iiiii. t and in i nr. jio." Ti e tm d.oi.'K r. siwlnl iheit fath.-r at the t'.i l.il'I'-. I he ininlni" ippe:!,-. 1 leanini: en ti e nun "f Imt n-u. I!. ert orriipird his u.-i:iil k-:i'. And l-cri'Hih llie s-mi'i of his fit-ter in law, Mr. Ki-lhiui:' mind was nunrnlint divi'ile.l fi'-iii the Mitlmr on the fl - i ' Veil d-d uc-l tiitJ ifadiuf to tinaim i tinn'iiii', inn:!?" teiniiiked l.aurft. i 'I'iii from it, my dear," was (he reply. "It ivp me uftat phiiure." .In i, ;i,., j..ii wrn' rille'rd of yfir : tA.k uf u-auin,- iu ;. ui aiitf Ui tUc'( '. VOL. XXI. I sa-d Mr K'"'. "Tafl.! Oh i-ip.i I V3i .(-.! t.-v hap-!-r 8 v.bcn tfi-li..i f. ii -j lmin:!'.-ri!iT to dear tuami'i," .'.iinii- E -i : 1 t' ii. spni.gine f li- r m -. i-p i' it t, n!.- a p!i-ff'ir- t'i t::.', 1 i .J.. it.. ,.., y iili hit ' y:cr-t i.:ji.- (. a ;1 i.,. W1 i ,,,, pi-iiii.'1't 'iiid' t'i ;n i i.i- .-j.ai.rr- i' t ii if .-i nii.i I'lfisme. 1 v-e.u'.l n.t f.r . .. ,o!-Mant!v tO'lilllf.J .) (he h 'I-'- I f ;Li ' (IK'.' Mi.'iil'J I-- m-e i f i!.,. i-n- ihi -t in tbos' r.!,f':f, ,1 f-.,.r !.. . ., d ''T- ' ill l-rint! it tb'ie ' 'I ha-i- i:"'.-.-;.l i i-hiili. ia Janr'to' apptniTiui-e.'' t nd .(v I (..tht r. "an-J "h-r-o"Kli!v rip-r--.'- of li.t -."I .-.iv, iM'it Sb" b.-ii. I it t. li'M-lv ..-'iit".i'.J " "My .-'-li inf-iinu- me i ;' y -i l-i- e Jv o fchowi. j him 'h b'Tiins "f ("li,. n:". lt"b r'." ri m-irl;. I lb- n-.ad-iiii 'Oh, j fe- i.'j'r.n. of ii 1-u'. in n j !(. tiu;e 1; ;f 1 1 hriM- h 111 tllOIf 11 -ill I" Aft'-r tc i the hunker nnd In ? uu,:.t dausli'ii' repaired ti th.- i-ynii "f di in v.'ili'l. whih. !" .-'hrr im Pil--rt i'f the f'iroile eiiteie 1 ii-. j :nl-'i j Kohert s..i, .-a'. I that !n hid :ri em ; i-6nnr-:i' il-v. a (.." ii. and - !n- .!jiar- i tore, tjinc Valium but ii- nvl mi, !: v ; "ii and l.nura in th' j.arlot . I Afcr ctifl ti.i r-b'i 1 halt .'n'.nr Mr. ' K'-ikiif reiiK lulu I-1! l'i " th" Ind tv-t j ir.bod b-r ! t r. e ..,n, .lrli,. hrr .m'iim'?. I-' HVilii; I 'It I.".-,; r, i,,- -., I'ji room Now t, , .;!l ,,,,,i J i ! I on poudf ri::f n b!i''1i -1 'I'" I ":'.' i'- .liiti-litf-li In- ...,,,., ( r--. v. - i- . -1 1' i ' n t . -'iii'i i..n.l.l. . ,....:!! -1 th::t this VI.- .i ti'-'.-d opp.'.f-.i.ir. .j pteer'ain "il" f i.-t tint Mijfb' ai?t him in e tii in. t" i .le.-c.-nuin-ti-.o liiit !: Lard'- l.n'-'- li.v to pro. f.e.J '.j f, hh.-rt a a-.'i:i;nl.iiK'". ' V'-'l -itlt'd !l.-0 l-i.l"- l-j-ih". C'.'ttiC Kail'" pr' i-ntlv a -..!: d I-aoia ' V'-f-. i::.li-.-d. Mi 1-T.M' :i , md "- is- in-md-ctd to all '-f J'onr f-nlivr's "'J h. l! '..'I III' t I.3'-Tf ir.iu Mr Trry." ' J-1'ertm.r. ? Mr T(.rry" Oh. h ros ier. V'. ! "as i!:ii'"iU''r.; by yoiu fath er to Mi. JVrri, a!o to Mr. Howard, (be tell, r, and to tb I ' kko -ir-r. Mi SU-ns. 1 believe" i'e. Mr. f I. an i the l.-'-t lil-eeiinr. Hot did Vr-'l Ilk" M-. lel'IJ, rr.jiM'-' Oh, I th' mht h pealed i.i be very ' ni'idi i f a f i:':-n.-a::. 11' s,.i tiiie '-ftk!is -i'ii i: mm n!" " "I b: f.t .' I to-"i.-!it .-oti v. ii!d Id.- I.-t ! -1 mi ;mi Mr l'-ri j "" "I- he i - p. ': -I fi. nd .1 'i -;rs. Mi I . -1 1 l-rs - i I i.i'!-' HI-lj 'li'ii ate h;-. a- 'laai'. ' i::' i .'' ' I- Mr 'l.n- 'Hi. - f.-' Le.rr- l.r 111..- Mi i. in - T I I - ' j Woik tr-in." . ii-.-i-- d I. a:'., fiii: t ' i Ym-'v ii-t . i !- ' ! ' 'i- hi ui l..V,!1 .-.I I ill:', i:.-..'i.'l. 1 ' I b.-re" ' tie ..;. ii.i. .1 ' 1 h-ai t!.. j d' '. rl t M r.o-.- 1 ' I.; v tli ) ,s I lv. -' r.-ii..'-" And i..-,: irlm 'or -.-a1 .-u th- iff a. she v-.. Iim.-i. iiiii, ' '.fir-U !i- dje: as .I'iii i "j -.1 ie Wl-ii 1 i" i - I . I ' iry f r...e. l br--h Id hi - l'i! n t',- fimi rf b:: b-1 ro'b d i.i he .-.-.ild iv i w-. l"-v . in-.- ii'.'i-l'i-i't I ' !.i;;!l ';" 1. a" "' A !.d l.-i'.i ikji.-f-J !-.. fii-i,'- r ru b. r lipt I he t --I a PI -and " !V "i'li i -.fut-od at they i am.- i i r aj--l. Earl fat tiunilii; th- -:njf if a lii.o and feiii-ii,:!'- hflil heard uolhioj: lie (jreetrd Mi Ten'-, but jtonn t iade Us- -riifus and t'dnel bis iu"tbr ' by. l'-'j,' ;!ii .ilain.cd "lieu I entered hor l" in, "I did m't rxpe,-l yO'J f..r nu In nr. i t fln"i!l e inipr.i' iti j our time." ' o i hanee the:", mother.'" v as the re ply. 'I auia is eni aeid Lb 'vrrtv e Terrv. the isihnr . f lie r f-i.her"? b9nk.'- ""o ' ': And L'aii fluted !ia' bid n.irred 'J'lie "rl-'-i l"'l id : lii"in' I.i and then i-iid ".she i ii'-t ni'iiri- d t" I.a"T'-inr J.Tir. Vmi mui-t li ne a i . i 1 1. u in Uni I. ink. and j "ii ni'it have ii - .. -u " "Ml. KlIli'KU ( 'Id II- '" 111' he we.ill'l r.- loiii; have ii-,- .,i-.i,-1 " "He v ill! ." .I" joii l.n," t-Jiai i kiilmt,' tin- bankir - v !'-n..-l m. nn kf-i pin- li- r a'iv. ' H"w , oiild I It iii-irphim. : .!i- hi" l"ni ia kin.' (be drug .-i ' a : .iii-l 'l oi'i kim-v i'." "ImP'.'-sibh ." "Six ."'Hi- at" rue if h'-' lnnl'5 v.a fra. tun d in a ruinway. She w,ih ihinvn from hrr i-iniajje nnd vrontly fhorki-l. The ph.'fn'iaii u'e In r moi'phili.' Li ie hero h?r sulferinp, and fin- l.n been tu I. ins it ri.r iin-.- -yes. tin re iiun-s us iii'irh as the diM'te-r pn .- ribed -; -.ti im sli" eiiiplii-s- a b.'ftle that niil .'uiia i m i-.' f.-i ii rem-'val "f I he pri-j.i'ptin-idio n.-i. tent f .r it to-day." You think that she dees not kf..w but i-lie is ttlLlllli V ' ' Siie kn-i'es it is ftnitliir. that retf pain, ai d that N all " Hut Mr. krllocf'r" ' He may kin. w that thr ibie'r-r origini! Iv res i-rih.-d ii remedy f f " huh nioridnov "as on- of the n ninneiit par's, but d--.r-iv-t k""W . f th. i Mint n "l.'lrli it h.i luc'i eairi"!- in.!- .1"." the d'.i:tor. I hey et ri' i.lie h.-r Miflen.is to that slio-. k." "The ilimsdnei.'-- W hat dn tin y knoi' al'.iiit ni"rpL'irie ' T he" ' "M think, nn 'he " "I'liiiri'' I iuow I hut they baie run di rt iii-.ir.'hiae tn nd ef the wonan She wi!i die if h'T n 1 p!' is e,;t ril. ;sic will di. if she ki-i p. t.kl! K n She iriiiht le k, pi nl '. f.c .'ens i. n jut a pri'pi r iiiiintity o nn rpliin- a ud iic l.'i ! ad.i u P.i carthlv troub!t, ' o lnil'-h, nr.d iia 'mil t b:" f 1 1 lie-iii. .1 ti," ui't-teiv ,f her tr'-u l bs. Oh, well, she is in the baud of th Lord, i-r- ni II, o Im bed. Karl. I nm wornt.l viit. Tv n fait? we h-i'r asrer taiud." The yotm man left her, and thr widow resiinn d the reading of her book. Over her s-hoiildvr ve can see the li'lr of the ibapt. r eti" !ii p(rufin: "Aetiou i f .norphinp i u th human s-ys-'t-ui." ( HAritrit mi Ihii-e iuo'iihs tune passed ino the eiotiiii; ef the last t luapier. It ia now ihe rvonliii; if the liiieeuili day of November. A bh ak i".d in eonr: dim (hrough tho l-e.ts ,1 (')iiuif.i, i-liu.-int,' the Hurries of s ('" 'ii '",h tbt. i.pt-ii thoroughfares and piling il in white mounds axnlust . tho nulls of buililii.j;s; NWt-ep'.n it 111 t con ffiijvut hall';i' y, ir Icnrink- it out on the bi r.-llt I',' Iin bike. I'liele Is wee iu th" re-lj.-n.-e i.f Ste ; hii b.U"ki. uun in Ctf htOJU ut Ltuli PITTSBOKO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 6,1899. all r! its rotna'r-'. for t!ie i:y.r.z suit s ! smrres tLr-'uh Onr.flaul Cear -xy. !'3'.- u Thi'.n ns. .".! v er a new. tmi. U v-M": W'.'!i:u ba' t-'t'i'-.- l'i 'e-? I'-t.-.air.s i.f 'J'jsh.a Ke-!!i t'f Tlie famiiv n the Deal r-tri a-ersue res tic nte hi'- b'it fi.t t"t".r,-rd trrm 'be fturte.v. and LI.L.; Iv j!-;- i mlfAs' V ira UB'lfi!'. ' '.. "- ' : i.i".-L".:s .f !!,. baiib.r. ' C'-iiie. jay dnr:- t-U" :- i , t jryl-v-' ''ii; i has iiiim.-.jL-d tij.i tvi :: - n -he il.!-. Nirliine ba. t a-.-;. i!p to. el-v. Voil rami'-' s.;: . ,.r ii... (.r,o- i-'h.-ui i- :ni-thii t" "ia:. v-if Hr-;icti Vo'ir d-.l' triMuii i- " i'll th" .ai,;:"!. l."w, ar.-l 0" ,." ' 1' t--, v..r f i'be--and t i b r ai a:"-i (- l-e-'- us- i'i"f. i"."u . il, i " its. 'i'j ihildr'-e." M"! th' banker, ' r-e ir.u.-t I .in- :n fubtui.s.io f-i 'i.e- il f i;"d '"(h. papa. b"W muld He' ' And .Iv eiii.' bit thr- madum's si'!. rr?-"i tho t-iih r nnd tank iiro Hje avois 'f b' r fa'her dor 'h all 'hinge wel',' -n- rh.ld." .-aid Mr Kl!"ssr. is b I" J .hi". ti t'M table. "ijijrrj". dear Lmri"' ''i:"!'"'! the ' idow, "Oh. La "Tear. Lie'ieur.., by V.':M i bo"- The rashier wa sead besi'! her on th f fa, and it wa his arm 'In' ?'ipp"i'- d hor to the dniirm' room. l! ens to bc-r br'I'.tllCil to the f lie h'r I r-love.d mo'her ba 1 bi tu i!lio (-.' M-'i" -i t h In. r happiiii-s?, tha' h- turle i ! ! . '.-ii-'iliti'iii. Tin v ido'v bit h.--r hps hut fi..!!".'cJ. !' i::i: t '-n the- aviu ci l:ri' son. H"' i-i f had sir' idy pre. dcd th in. The j-iiiii; man's leal nr. s an 1 denies: r e i'-noed that he i-!t ia i's ft.!! f-irci th- 1 1 1 ' a '-e-nji-i;t i'iat had hi l".!'' '.! Lliu. Ill '"i s were r d and -'dl-li; his .."in t. i-ain e wns hai'L'ard. He l1'1-- ! h's faih- v ar.-l sistcts, but his iimiMei - l.is i-nt!". niHerii.e mother, wh-i bad u!"a: p!"'"l his eniio ami mad" esntse f'-r him iu liU iiidis-erp'i'-vs. h had ho'U l-ved id r-vered H " ill cow l(-a,ve th"? ftfi.iy seated tin.- table aud record a few -.vt-v. t!ft have trar.spirrd since th'.se dis d 1 up to tb r-ndiuf of the pleviru! chanter. ( I'o be continued. ) Qu-or American Kiver. ';rM,r vsrie'.v of river in the norld seu: di hive a rousln ia cmr follei tlon. AVhat other country on tli? fuc r-f th globe alTurda sucli an asEoi'meiH of streams for fishlnv' and bjt'ing nnd s.'.viuini!rj? and skating besides: n3rins uiy nimibt-r of streams ou vt hicii you fin do uoD of these tilings ? Oti" van baldly Imagine rivers liko tin', but wo have theifl, plen'r of tli', 'j you s!n!l As !'! hshiiis. the Araf-n-'an boy may c ist hi? Hies for salmon In th" At "ti -ij.Jr, (: anilo f.-.p simrks miiKv .1 troji ; al sun lu Floiid-i. without If.ivinsj t!ii domain of thr Amr-ii. an flai;. LUit 'he li-liim-riv. i ? ;iy.- n-'-t iho i.h-s'. ' ia. "'ii'. ii"r th most i:is'nii tl. e a? to di-vei-spv of . l!iT!3'e, soil, and t!ia sort of thing v-hysb ai sooai.ai'hy, tlm ' c h-r all? ii. Iir lost.inco. if ton want ' ge' a troc I liU-a rf what tiopii-il hirat aril moisture f '11 do for i ei'-uurry. slip vour i-iinoe from a Kloiida btejmrr into Oiklawaha niver. I? Is as oil a i's name, anJ apiieais to be hopeless1; undi i-iileil as to whether lf had beitcr 'on'iau In the flsii and alligato: ami draiiiage buflnrsi., cr dovoto l!?!f t., raisin? lire-oak and cypress trees, with Spanish moss f,v mattresses as a sid prodim'. In this rjckle-iviind?il state It does a lule of all tbeso things, o that reallv ' hen you are on ih river you Uiinlt you are lost in the woods, nnd when you aotually pet lost In the woods you me ipiite ronflden' your ranoe js at las' iu the river-. To say that s'l.-h a riier ovei (lows Ms 'auks would hardlv 1- '"orr-i-i ; for that would imply that it wa- not l..h:iv:n Itself; 1. :;d.s, ll liisii t any hanks -or, at le.a- t. very f-n : Thr fai t is. tlioso peaceful rh'lid.i livii'i. f c-in to uyv dep p:-etiv not. h wliore Uiry like or-r th" pro"y V'l'iiinnla without i-'Minv rl-fen:-.., I"ii if .T.i'.U rro.'-' '.a!..- - u !i a llllelty pl-.-sl"! ' OU "O'lld -l'i' lllHV Hi" pi o(l ,.'"t ,aii r hi ui wish w-.ii lier lui'-leiin.-, ami -l imt'-r s-yuah-- ami I'-'iiuid i Lie slliil'luo.-i. So th" Oi klU'.ah.i 1,'ivei- ami a .'..! of It.-s kind i'";im thi-onsh the 'i i" id - or maybe it l wood-, il,n roam throusli tlu-ni -an I th" iii'if Minis from the live oak.-, and the i pr.s trees f.tkk their lu' cs up thioiu!i the water in the odd-st. way i lu- u n abb-- si Nndioliis. 'licnn Muic anil Iliii ti. (irsaii mnsli' lojirhed iis ol'iuax with Bach; It may. perhaps, b" said that all mtisli" did. At any v.a'e. our thin is f-rtain viz.. if there has In "it any proeress, In niusio since the day rf n.a.-h. I' has been dim to him. B.o ! 's ni'."!.- i polyphonic: and polyphntij Is truo mu sir. 'i'o Ms touiidatimi npoii this s. In. "I i., duo the fae-t that there iiu b. . n n.. ib oadenoe in tnu.-ii' in tin nri'.i' . " " There bus been no ndvar.ee l'i p-'ly phi'iiy sinct' iho il.a s of Ha li Sn-'li ad aiioo us h'M been mad" lias 1. 1 u , I inutility and hi. blur- of m.,' lula rim l or pine oi'iau mu-'.- Isa ii t';ll i-. and pvi'bably will nlw-iy.- r.-ni.i lit. iin iiieatest ,,f all Ci.inpi.-i ! .-. I.'ven v. '!i ill the mu b in ii'.-. ha'iii .-il ai.;'I:.i:i. . s that h.iV" bet u .a' i:ieh"'I I.i tlie i" :. -ii. ll.;- w ork? are still MTV tlillh nil pi i--haps tho most d;rtn tilt of ouiii e i.,i". r Itlons. He must have been ii t: at an organist as lie was a eo-niio.-ei'. Put tie should have bieu nbli- to play npi-u the orgm of bis day wil-s so exa. t-n.-in technique as his own !s simply m-ii-veloiii". It U one of the phenomena of ipu- :, ;l history that, while orchestral, np. i.it . and other branches of inn-',. ''," .' their lufanr.v iu Ba'.'h's d.i'. .m l bin dcvulopcd viuce tlicu, Lt.ii li l.'H..in;t'i or pan music to Its clliunx. He w.i. not tbosmU source whrme Unwed a rHii let which in time wa.s to evpau l i 11 a lTOfld stream: he was the bio-nl sin .nr, Itself. The onl 'L'd.h." In tbii'ian, rueana a brook, which led a ruimus t;ei- .uan couipo-rr to s.iy iiiinuiiiirly t:mt this (cieuf master was not a Ihii-h. but nn oi'iau - M ibvrudre tlullipau'. ill t Lit Tumu. mmmmrmmm 11 'n-in m i yinnimmii un-i lmi Wtew I'D VAL'J. OF PHYSICAL EXERCISE. II i .t lVouico lay Accinlre Gr.ui 'u;.ii an-.l I'cifcct Utllb. Tiivsical exercise 'u one of the laws of health and is as essentia! to health ji-s food and i kcp. There is a teiuj.la lion to nil to tat too much and lake too httie ts'-'i'cie, ami wbito toiao of lieot uioiiust these habits a i;urit uiaiiy liiak-. U'-.t the iliglatcft eii'or! to ovei to:i;i? them, i'ocd nnd idc-p fie. us v.c l:uo-.v, L-sseutiul to life'und Lcaitii. and l.C!.'.it;so tho uct-.l of txci.iso is 1:"' lr..-Uv'bt bouio t ) ua f o f-ji'i ildy a.. t!ie;-o o!hor ttccssities it laroiy ic ccivt.. the alit-atioa it dett-i vcs. ilvcry oij.j l.U'-v,;! hi! must, i-a lcguhiily c-.ich tiny, vTictUti- t'uo v.fathcr 1st: li:io n rais.v, if hialsh uad Ftieiiy'.h an; to Im niaiiii-.iiiic-d. row teem to realize that the l.rv.-i 1 inrci.e li.-iuiio a. cjn- sen nil, .tin I i-.-.f mr.nl We i. tide-! b.m- lunch exmoiso is net-.le.l every day, Low mm h will givo the (treatect beuetit and Low numb "ill ltcoii.e injurious. Let us tirst giant that all form?, of exercise aio not equally soo.1, mid that fouio are qnito injurious, tba'thi.. I. et Hurt cf exercise liiny bo overdone mill that exerci-.e is not equally fr-od t'.t all times rmsons vaiy exti einely iu their t-ndiuance cf exercise, and a MulL which for cue, person would Le insullicit-nt might Le quito cut of tho power cf endurance, of another. Here, thou, is the great difficulty i.'. idleiing udvice, f-if no rule cau be Im 1 dowu iu thi pai ticnlar. Every womia must tiij'.l out La Leiiclf w hat nrnoiuit of t vereise :-ho may take daily without tho leas t faiipii'. For a healthy v.'oma:i of tw fity or thirty, th. to It v et mik- j' v.-'.'k or an hour's bi.-yoiiui? 13 tho least amount sho thou! I take. .vlaiiy j Co; io believe that it they t.iko a ji'ljI aii-.onn' ef ex-.-ici-u one day it is m t lii-.-aiabei.t upoa them to take r.uy ti..- next. This sort of rea f oning ia ii"t only fallacious, Tut ex-cei-.iiug'.y h.aiut'ui. J A!I toi iiii- of exercise are not eomuly poo l-son;. ars beuefioial, olheis iijubtuiliy m., -ohi'.e others again aid dO'Viiiiii'it liaimful. Walking is by lar tho Lest f .-rm. Walking is essen tia! to health aud no otimr forui of ex e'. '.isa cau be substituted for it. liicy idia, riding, rowing, are good, but none of tli.-.-.e possesses the value of walking. Many of tbe outdoor snorts nif excolkut ii not carried too far, be-j The average out-door pill must os-cau.-u walking or ruauiug is a part of i sess ut least half a eluzeu of the: e them. Oolf is especially a gains to bo ' creations. In the. country they nro cultivate!, pa-'mulaily by those w ho ! indisi'casable. Sometimes t-ho lash v, ill not walk for walking's sake alone. ! ions them hei self, but this is no small Of the aiioii5 foriasof indoor games I task, and reijuiies time ami tasie and none compare with the outdoor sports, jnkill. A few luiiiiiles' ilumbbell exeiciso nfti'i Nothing could be more- beeomiui; tail morning lath is beneficial if tho ! nnd pieturesquo than sumo cf the dual Lb el Is aii! light and no strain is j lively combiua' ioua oi uusliu, lace e.vpeiieiiced from their maiiipulat.on. .and ribbon which (ire already :T;own. r.euiembei that Lii'to muscles do not They are in pluiu color.-, or 'lowered we a. u h:aith or iircugih. i in Iriirlit oi lo coli is. to sun every llxci'i ise is es.-eatiul in nil weatlu-i s, i tr.ste. Soma arc s. ft ;;a 1 ilro.-.iuu.'. nu.l no! 1, v.iudv or raiuy weather will not c-UHc i no to take cold it ouo is pr-jpeily protected. Of course, yuii cannot exoeet to eiiii.v voar walk e r Loop your health if you go out in long ih'e.-t end fjj'jjt-t your rubbers, lul if you aro pi re pared for the inele- 1:1. i.t weaiUer, rain or bitting cold will not r.fl'.'ct vour health. However, I would not ii Iviso an invalid to go out ou rainy ihiy.'j, but rvercif:e uitmt not Im ahaudouud altogether, and bulf-au-hour's mild gymuaaties may bo rub ftitute.l i'oi tho day'n walk. K.i reiso is, best takeu iu the morn ing; is never wisa to take much cxer ribo before, having taken food. Don't exi'icisn iminedii'.tf-ly after a meal, and likewiso doa't cat .immediately aftei taking exercise. Harper's Itazar, Hoiac-M.idc Mirolr Velvut. Mircii velvet is as popular ns ei-," lemarl.od a fiisbioniiblc milii i:cr, who ia an anted for her amiabil ity us for eiylocf her hats and bon nets. "'And it is not always easy to get a good as'orlmeut of colors, ev u in LiifiO .'-h''p.'. It is as 'veil, then, fur tmo to know how to make it herself. " I' he velvet is laid ou a smouth juessiu.; b'.nrd, thieklv padded. which is Dot too A largt) hot iron , should tlmii bo passed tiuicklv it. J in! iron must be slid rather than presso,!. but iisiug full weiubt all Hid time Never reraovo tho iron until it has pnsed from edire to cdf;o of the velvet, nud alw ays start from tho edge, oven it it canst s you to go over tho fiimo part twice, and always press the ri",'.it w.iv of the velvet, llve'-y wom an umier.st.iuds the 'up'nud 'down' of cloth and velvet, and you must press 'down' tho direction of tho pile, nud ahvayj follow tho straight thread of tho velvet. Wluu pressing a bias pi-.-CJ the iron must always go i-'.ant mg from e-.lso to edge, whereas if it is I ftmiht jou press iu a straissht line, 'Jn th.' factories wlieio miroir vi - vet is mailo tlicy use lai'sra rollers the width of the velvet, which prevents iron marks. When doing it ut homo you havo tho disndvautagoof the small ron to guard agaiust. but by pi.-.ctis-! i:m 'on seiiips yen will sou a become pu l, ui: 1 lind it is a great nd-.litiou to your possibilities of usiii'T old ma- teriuls and sua les that mo too i;I.i'- I tskirts with elosin?: i!ijj. Tke ft saa.ple of velvet that is . dtt-ad of at the back ni apparently not a match t r seems tor. ' favored, lf so an an. harsh iu col. 11 , it will bo com; loiely w ll;st - Laso'io boilii ti.iii-foime 1 by miroiriUp. It w di ! cliau ,e a fa le I crdor, ami it beautiful wliiio bloom to even the cheapo; t .) lahty. " I'hila lelplua lu-un-.r. l'-l 11 Ki ller on n YVIirel. Helen Keller, the wonderful ro'iim girlw l:o, all'.iounu Ueitlg I'llll.l. ut at aud dumb, tiepi ived ofso tunny 1 f her I seuse-, accomplishes as lunch im I : even move than those gifted with all their faeuliies. is learning to ride n taiub'io. Although some two or threo . year-ng1, under the guidan e of Col. I X, W. Uliauieou, Ui mouctel a uu- :v a, lew or.vs O'.to tlmt sno tjok Lc-r tirst !etr-u under tin sui.N : aaco of a wcil kuo'vu Lii'j-ii. I. 1 l'i'Dmptly ut a iiuaitei ja.-t to she j slai't'l from yo. 12 Xt'- iiiny stt oet for a lido to Jamaica I'lain. Miss 1 Kvller temued to have no dilliculty iu ill jiimiu, :;U'.l btm tnd oil' v.ila !i.'.i. 'u t'slt'-coutiiionce ami as if i-he was unite ' u -e.l to lidiuir. She w as aivuu luuch : e.jiid a Ivicj by a party f iiiii ; tsti-d ! smali ti.iys w ho str. id ne.ii, (-n-ii'iitly I thiiikin.: thvu essislaufw- iiiv.il.;:i!jle. Mii-- Siiilivau, Lei tach-.i, aceoa; ! p 1'iie I lu l ..!! he: ide 1 It is l.cpe.l by 'hi- t-Np.ri iment to ! a!--i 1 f.-i .', K' !!:! i at.Vor oxer ' i-:-r. v in eh l.ur-lly i-.-.l'.'l be i-l-taiuel j ill :;liV ii'lll-l " ;i. Jly 1 id:!) ; a t.m ! iH-m, e-'iidod l.y i'1'.e iu v hem t-lie lias 1 absohi!.' ci-iiliilem-e, ih" t-iuiply h to ' aoquire tlie lin.chuiiii'ul t-tuii-il of . Ijicvtle li'iin;'. wjj.le in return siin I ileliveH healthful! i.-l.t-Iit. She is ' i iy ! t'lithu.-iii-tij over t!iis ln-'v 'tntine, ! an 1 us iu everything e-'..-..- ivhieh sh. ! iindci takes, has tlnowuii'.i.iiiaid s.i.;l I " to mastery e-f het Uk llsusc:l' " s :.-J! -st-.j Tn .Jin use a Very Vein." flill l. I: is the cciuiii'iu experience of nil who have had to iiu with babies of three months old and upwind that they tiro einickly of toys wb-ivb cau only be looked at ami liam-Ucd, whiles somrthii)"; in tho nature of an oo-.-upa- j tio; eui,".t exartiy to tho cLil.Vs ea 1 1 n.'.ity. will hold his atte-uh'.'U lor au I almo-t imlclinite period. SucU occu j prdioiis iu puliim; out tie stopper of ! au empty vial and putting it in v'aiii, I tailing pins uiit of a piaeushiou ami s.tiokiuf,' the-iu iu. winding and im i v.iuTiiiK a fj'ool of tin cad, tiaptiu ' ami relilliiitr -.lisli " iiu saud or wa . tor, will give pleasure for half hours lata time and for many Lours in th". . a. 'Jin tfjjte. The instinct fm classiiy I im; and iiu-a'-ierin:; is very ta; v ! awaken. "1, and ti.iall obj-jcts ale !p!t-od in ro'.v.s or m piles: peM.'.-.-s j and ; Le-ils asrorted by size or c.v r; j Lcii-l.s au.l buttons stiHUj ttpoa .:ei I oi stiiu..;s with lie-. er-failim; enjoy :.:..:, . j Thus toys may I e luvpro'y eu.-e t I wit 'a to the child's positive !-u: ta and v.-hitt ho really i.eeds i? i s-ii ply I cf r;ay uatetia)t sacb ii. 1. I pebbles, seeds, small Lose.- an ties, paper au-.l eti ing'. Wi Iloe Comt auion. 1 i ,,t. :.;:i'i's Sim Uunnets tlie Ilai;r. Sun bonnets of evoiy deseripuou are seen in the p!iops, uud there is no ' doubt that they aro to be tho ra: n;id otheii aid .'.'.a lo c.u ttilVenod forms. Tiiey Lave strinjs, r they have not, bat ti..' stria ?f, if llifie, are unlikely in-: to lm tied It would :,eeai to iiiiii.'.i:; that the summer pill ! intends to pay soine li-'ard to h-r couirlexi-n. and not co hatless in tho suu, hs e'mi ili I last Kto; on. New I York Herald. ry Vritly .Moh.lll ln.lili.e. Very juelty arc Iho cosliinn s u! nilk warp lui'bair, itrap iTeto and i-reiioii-ette. triiuaied with slniiherii's check silk ia 'ari"Us new iirtisti.- i-i-lor mixtures. I'aila ami litui-li'S. The new tj.iues arc wider than they have been iu many season. Straight, full skirt;- continue to bo used iu making up nhei'i- transparent summer textiles for tdcndei ligurv. ChilVoii. monsseliuc de soio and r.l' tLo other u"iy liglit tinnsi'ai ciil te-. tiha reap) ear as leading ailj'iur-t-- f u dressy gowim and toilets of t ei y de i cription. pretty cn.-tume, "iih a skirt i' black and white s'.if pheriT:,-ciit-;:i wool, had a boli-ro "f very lino b'urk cheviot, with n sunt idaitc I w hite r-ilk Hist bene'.ith i-l I'lai'l stoel.in,.;s nie wuiu with !' cycle nnd r,nif l.ots, nud soiuo eel oretl stockings with some thin gnwns, but uothiug is hiDie satisfaetoiy than black for general " ciir. Some of tho new sill; -hut wai ts havo small box plaits running from shoulder to u-uist ou eitlier side of th front, nnd others ;;iud late 1 fiom tho yoke iu the back to the waist. White- veiling or barcjo ui :y Lo ss elaborately trimiaed us n wlnlo mgaudy; it will La eat coot an eTeet, be neai lv as tvnin'oi 'able, mi a lud ilav cotton, nnd dm ina sudden chain;-, la '!'e tempcr.it uro tho liglit woo! isu" e"" '-'" l""'". I A shoulder-capo ihat is unu.-oi ally attractive is, mu b of point d'esprit over w bite silk, th.' delicate lace with i the little white d .'s having n parti, cularly soft ellecr. winle ai uiiud tho ; edge rows of wint- lace, fbutvinji a j few threads of bia t' niiit.h the , esprit, are tltitVe.l 0:1. the side iu iw i.10 mot-! . the roan. I a 1 bo pel skill at tho mnneiillv fastened tot I'aek. '.mis trouble tu avoi uug Ui' ii'.ie nnd 'n.illl.V my,-a I a w-ali-t and skill .'ii'Vteutly l."ced ho -ked. I?yaiUre and perpoi-dieu a. stripes appear on every sort of fa hi horn tun simplest eott.'iis to t-.. m-lnst siiks auej suiins. i iie-o materia!1', as a lule, are m 1 I-- up with u c.., ;ia; nkirl, althougli ri-.oioli modiai"- ii". nlso the gored styles deftly ran -i'; ilin baya lere slrijies into mitred p ii:::s th.at meet nt each seava nnd vro bi 'e a pr. Hy eln vroa efl'tfet armd the cu tne tkij L NO, 45. I GOOD ROADS NOTES. ! 1 lie Iluof the lioal DrMrc.tcr. In a resent number of Municipal Engineering Thomas Coiiyugtou says ia regard to the destructive ellVct o( horse's hoofa on pavements and roads: 'The most intrji tstina jihasa of this ".uestiou is, however, the effect pro duced by tho general uso of motor 'thicles upon tho ever-presout and very important problems of street pav ing, lnaiuteuiiuce aud cleauiug. At present the' 0 licet cf the horse a hoof 011 paved eurfuecs is one of tho most seiiois di.'Vk'uitics confroutiufr tho munioii' il cogiueer. If nu elleetual in.-! lu l ui ibis'roying 0.ir slreets w ero ib -iie-ii, it is doubtful whether any tiling i'-jltei- cnl d be devised thauthn h.o;ri'iC-ring. fitting, twistiug uu I hi in Iiu.: of a h UJe's fe:-t. Take- a pju-ltrou." draft hjise. wciuhiuijeliis'j to a tou. sh-:-o his toar feet with heavy, shai p cjvairred, iron plates as a tia-lion bae, harness him to a tru.-k. put on a beaviei load and thou start him pr.uudiDg, dnutmg. t'-vi'-tiiig a:i 1 eeiajiiug from morning to night and yoil have a veiy ellicient eugiua uf destruction. All of ourpu.iugeon s'.ruetiou is laigoly atreeted by this t.n'tcr. The granito block pavement, wiih all lis vaviatioas, has no other laison d'eti'. foi its existence. As phalt, pavmg brick and tho other mo lern pavements are very greatly modified by the necasity of guarding II ia' 11st tho destructive action ol tli9 Ljise's Iioj. Nearly all the repairs re lired l.y the modern pavement are d m to this cause, and iu a lesser de gree to the iron tired wagon wheels with their angular edge. The hard est gtauite blocks grind off until too uuevea for uso and are then either re s.'if.ieed with npua!f 01 rplaid. l'a ijg buck wear out, uud, where there is th-. slightest softuess, go to pieces. Wherever a weak spot occurs in tho a-.ph.ilt, it is f mud out by tho hoofs of h.rsc.', and the pavement is only preserved by the most constant main teuauee; while macadam streets a 11 I roads cm hardly be maintained ia even tol'Muble condition." VTbat ln Farrm-j Kvpe-.-i? The city of Chicago offere 1 to pay for one-sixth of all the good roads it quired throughout the State of Ill inois, but the farmer repietentatives of the Legislature ''yelled joyously ' when they defeated the good roads bill requiring tho State to pay fifty per cent, of tho cost of roads, the county th.rty-tive per cent, and tho properly owucrs petitioning for the rosul hfteeu per cent. As one-third of the taxable properly of the Statu is iu Chicago, it would seem as though the people of that city would have opposed tho bill, but they did not. It was the farmers who jumped on the bill with ghoulish gleo aud ripped it up the back. The think ing people of Illinois are now wonder ing if 1 li 0 farmers would accept good lea Is, wire they olVerod to them free, with a ninety-nine year guaranty to keep them iu good repair. It is evident some of our good farmer friend", who are floundering iu the mud several mouths every year, are ia il v in ne.- l of some mental phos phate. liceause of its deep, soft soil, Ill inois is thought to ji the champion bad roads State, a distinction it teems to ciiiig to uutil the farmejs come out of then mud-looked lethargy, or the people of the cities and towns present he rural communities with a system of gojd highways, free of cost. licgai-iliiic: Vour lina-.li. They are bad for the doctor nnd ia mnuy cases bad for the patients, masy of whom have died either because the doctor couldn't come at all or arrived too late. They are bad for the school children, many of whom often are compelled to remain at home rluriug certain seasons of the year oil account of tho mud in the roads, They are bad for the gocd people who would go to church on Sundays. They are bad for funerals and for we Mings. They are bud fur parties mid cutertaiumeuts. They me, of course, bad for horses 11 tid wagons and drivers who are not 1 e sponsible for them, but they are just the thing for those who are opposed to good roads. A road cannot be too nitty or muddy 01 sandy for the pun ishment, of those who oppose good roads. Of course they are bad for farmers" pocketbooks and bank ac counts. There is iu material evil from w hich farmers me sull'ering to-day so ruiiioii'i to their liiiauein! interests as bad reads. Rochester lN. Y. 1 Demo crat. Guillen UiiIh Mayor Jones l'lea. Mayor .'oues, of Toledo, Ohio, in a recent ai tide, takes the grouud that the idle tramp and the idle millionaire should each contribute to the welfare of the country Ho thinks that the capitalist ehoiild invest some of his money in road-building aud tho idle vagabond sbculd contribute some of bis time nnd strength. These services, in Ins opinion, would bo as patriotic an I a worthy of tho love of men as to risk one's life in battle. The tiuni.le In Biiel. A go;;d road verily causeth content ment. No rural community that does not n.nko some effort to procure goodroada fchould expect free delivery of mails. Where the farmers will not let the cyclists assist iu 1 0111111 use good roads tlie wheelmen should build good cyclo paths. I nve.-'mciit in good reads is the In -Hit of good judgment. Agitate the good roads question. Madison (Ind.) Com iti. A li'.thei and sixteen-year -old ou weie drowned recently in a flooded hieliway near Cedar Falls, Wis. It in evnbut that the drainage of this ligh"-aj wl(! deficient. RATES I ADVERTISING . O-e (qr.&re, one itsertion SI. 00 One n.jnre, two insertion. . . . 1.60 Quo ii'ir, one month 2.W j THE RALEICH FEARL. P, uud lu an Atiti-pittiiiloil I mm tiy r Lucky I'l.llaili lpUlu Coum iluiai:. I Councilman J. I'.. C. McAllister, of the First Ward, Chairman of the Dew ey Day celehration. iu a most singular manner has become tho lucky posses sor of a magnificent pcail of such j value that tho exact amount Las only i yet been guessed nt by leading jewel j e: s of Philadelphia. Whilo the officers of the cruiser Ha ' leigh were being dined nt the Hotel I Walton, Mr. McAllister, ia virtue of I his office, presided nt the beard. The first course was clams, of which the Councilmau is passionately fond. Deftly impaling cue of the tooth unno bivalves upon n fork ho lost little time iu transferring it to his mouih. His teeth closed heavily upon Lis lnvorile delicacy, aud tho tquuuimity of tho table was the next moment staitled by a smothered ejaculation. All eyes were upon the city father, as, clapping his hand to bis lips, he removed a hard, shining object, which, imbedded in the body of the e'am. Lad ue-.rly cost him a tooth or two. Tlie lustre of the substance Le had bitten upon arotv.-ed ti e curiosity of the distinguished company. It was recognized at once a a jewel and was passed rapidly from Land to Laud. Councilman John Lung. 0) the Twenty fourth Ward, also a committeeman, who is a recognized expert 011 preemus stones, at once piououneed it to bo a pearl, and one of great puce. Subse quent developments Lave pioveu it to be so. A happy inspiration seized Cuptain Coghlau when the verdict "us passed by Mr. Lang. "Allow me to christen your liu l,"' he said to Mr. McAllister. "Hereafter let it bo known as tho l!u!ii;li pearl." and the Baleigh j.ail !' has become, which is the primitiv itason why pa triotic M- Aliistei bolemulv :i!!irms that Le will never consent t" i-.;it with it. Ia shape the pearl is oval, one eighth of au inch ia diameter. At first it was of a peculiar ligut brown color, but since it has been treated to sua baths and other aits of the trade this has given way to n most dazzling whiteness of a peculiarly pellucid tone. Experts Lave estimated its value nt $5000. Lieuteuii.ut-Comma'.i lei l'helps of the Ilaleigh, w ho is an anient en thusiast ou the subject cf pieoious ttoaes, and quite a collector of the same, admits that the ''Ealeigh pearl" is the finest which has ever coma un der his observation. Mr. McAllister has contracted to have the- pearl en circled by sixteen small iliiimou-.is aud mounted as a scarfpm. Coal In China. It ia doubtful if the prospects of railway niakiug iu China would lie bo attractive were it not for the rich de posits of coal possessed by the Em pire. Coal is said to have been found in every province, and theie are good reasons for believing that, in the mora or less dim aud distant future. China may be tho greatest eoal-pro.lueiug country in the world. Iu Sh.m-si, iu tho north of China, is a continuous field, 13.500 miles iu area, of anthra cite coal, said to be equal to tho best Pennsylvania, iu seams up to forty feet, aud nowhere less than lifteeu feet in thickness. Iu the same prov inco is also a rich bituminous deposit. The fontheastern part of tho province of Hunan was reported by i'wcbthofou to the Shanghai Chamber cf Com merce to be "one (rrent coalfield" of 21, TOO equate miles in extent. Some of the most important of the recent railway concessions- have reference to coalfields, though it may lie stated that some of tho miues are well situ ated for water carriage. The coal de posits of Szeehiien havo been fre quently referred to by tiavelers, aud Mrs. Bishop found nn enoi mons coal traffic on tho Kiuhug Bivcr. All the mines of the interior have been uutil now worked iu a primitive slipnliod fashion by the Chincso themselves. At Kaiping, however, in the prov ince of Pe-chi-li. tho mines Lave for some time past been v.i.rked under European manngemenl, in connection with a railway to the seaboard; nnd from tho Faugehau-hsion mines I'ek in is supplied with coal. Kear to the coal seam of Shan-si are large deposits of iron ore, which tho Chinese have hitherto smelted by native methods. This primitively conducted industry isulieady of great extent- To what extent it may grow, with railway connection nud European technical skill, who cau say'' In sev eral other parts of China coal nud irou ore are found iu close proximity. Chambers's Journal. tiolil holill.'.e ill VI Birr. Contrary to tho general belief, gold can be completely dissolved in water. The color of such a solution may bo either red, blue, purple, or b.i.'k. To inako the red solution, a solution of carbonate or bicarbonate- of soda is poured in u diluted solution of gold chloride, foimaldehydo is added, nnd the mixture brought to a boil w hile being stiricd. Tho water employed must be perlectly pure. The solution thus obtaiued is very weak; it is con centrated oy dialysis to in to contain as much as a giami.ie of gold to the liter of water. This liquid pusses un changed through the thickest lilter pnper, and may bo kept three month without formiug a sediment. Eura day, therefore, who first produced it. was mistaken iu supposing that it merely held the metal iu suspension. t mill! Not (let Society Men. LUsmnrck, in speakiug about those people who are nlways complaining of the behavioi e.f tho police, sai l. "I nm reminded of the ttory of the police commissioner of HuUover. A wealthy man complained to him that the po licemen fere unnecessary abrupt in addressing the. public. 'Well, you see.' said the commissioner, 'I've ad vertised for society uieu to join tli8 lore?, but I cau't pet thttal'"