Chatham Itccaril. RATES or ADVERTISING If CC -0 X '0 11. A.. LOM)ON, ED1T0K AND rUUl'lUETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advanet. One square, one inset-hot (Hit square, two insertion! Una tijuare, one month. L 0 VOL. XXII. PI ITfcHURO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C. THUUSDAY, e! ANUAUY lb. l.Hii). XO.12. For vgT advertisements libera! coa tr ot will be aula. & I IF PI A LOVE DY AMELIA rwrili!, by r. ciiavteu i. VlMIMTl. "Ah, the poor little flowers! Ret out t-o iri in ly, they must fed as il they were at school, ml I Hut enjoy themselves nt nil. If 1 was u floiwr, I would rather be a bliti bell uud i;row out ou the mountain-sido ptst where I pU-:Ho.l. Hut we have u lino garden at Loveus-hope, un il tliu house is oi l enough to have stories about its rooms and .pieer dreams m all its chairs. There is even n pho:-t in the bmg corriJor not oneot the imnleru Reieii title (rhoHt i, full of iiHyeholojjioal mi Ki'tions but a iluiii, simple, utiaijht furwarii ghoNt." "Have you uvi r Been it?" "Very ofteu in tho twilight. There U nothing that fe. iH mo iu the hurui Ich, mclaueholy wiuilh." "y,ouie unhuoj'y liiljuf former tluyi, I iipuie '!'' "Ah, uo! A bravo youtij lair.l of LeTeut hope who followed l'riuei) Charlie. Oj you nee you.lor narrow roaJ wiu.liu? aernj tho mountain breast aouthnaril? The Highlaii.l Lost took it, unl yuiin Wulter Lratboui wast with them. Ho was nly twculy yens ohl then, a:nl ho never ca:ue home ii-rnui m tue tleli. Hit ttioture is iu the corridor, a piy. jiauu.uiue-ioum.K oo.v, n n mo uii lucky white rose of istuart over his brart. All the Janfarie.:, too, Lave beeu men of the sword. My owu father died nt the head of hide ji ipiiny iu the OUSet of buttle." There did not nee ti to be any gn awer proper l- tins Mateuient, and llowbruy old not attempt a platitude; yet lie made KHtherine feel that he was iutrcted aud nyuipu'hutic. Iio deed, his whole, n.itmo was in a roii ditiou of liuppy and Ii could not rotnmand the words ln wi-ihed. It was us if a door of his ml, l.trher to closed, l ad In eti fiiddclilj ictt"l by Uatheritte's hamls, und bo was confused and nma.od and under a kind of enchantment. Tin ereou 1 1 j ! a ou which he walked w ith Iter were not earthly bills; tl.u lie breathed with her had in it Home diviner ele ment. Her low voice, her bvi ot, rip pling hiiitfh, th.-! o.v.iyof her .oartneidi against him, the mirAeiilous lilit in her eyes, threw hi n into n ihdiht toiue tianee, in which he visions of Love, like unto Kath'-riue; mid all Lie soul mid nil his senses were i-uli-jtigated by tho suddeu fplendor of the revelation. Aud KnMieriuo knew that this lu minous, utill serenity had uothin'; whaterer to do with insensibility. JSlie understood intuitively that it. was the natural expression of feel in? that ha I not yet learned how to speak. Sim herself was conscious of so no euiotioti new ami strange. She talked about a aoore of idle thin?, becituso her in stinct told her (-ileuce would be in discreet. She was a little fearful, and he kuew not of what she was afraid. Her lips voiced pleasantly all the pro prieties that Kiuird everyday life; but below her lips her heart was uskin with persistent iteration ipuestiour wLiinh as yet tdie answered only with peremptory "Hush!" The luini-ter and Jessy walked a faw yards behind them. They were ta'kiug of the entertainment to b given to the stranger. "He is welcome a day or two nt the niane," said Doctor Telfair, hut with out much cordiality. "Vou know, Jessy, there are always my sermons to write, and the thought of a visitor is the thought of the burns and of the fish in them; and you'll allow, my dear, that there is not much spiritual ity between trout and sermons." "His father was your friend." "Until a woman parted us. That was long ago, and I hopo I have Christianity enough not to visit an th lad the iil-vfill I rn:e ha ) toward his father. Ask him to stay a week or wo weeks, if yoa like bis compaay." "Ton seemed to enjoy talking with bim, father." "Not inurh. lie has no political aanse, and ha ia an Episcopal iu re ligion, and fithiui? he has no right kind of reapeot for. His company ii neither 'here nor there' for menfolk, aud for young girls he might be dan gerous. " "Why should he be dangerous?" has 'a way' with him, ami I eonld see that, be was fairly bewild ered with Ktttheriue'e beamy. I'm thiukiug tbe laird may ask him to slay at few days, for ISmthous knew his father null enough. They were in the me classes, and the young English eijuire was a well-keat figure. Urat hous was proud in thoso bygone days to hare a bow or a word from him. Tbe young man favors his father, thoiiirti be is not handsome." "Katheriue appears to be pleased with hiin." "Katherino should keen mind of her manifest destiny, Kho would ba a foolish girl tu bring complications into it. I see Hrathous is coming to moet us; so I w ill just ptcp forward with Mow bray and introduce bim." He did so. und, with tho y oung man at bts Bide, walked briskly t iv nrd tho advancing Inird, whil Katlnrino vaiteii until ,f-y joined her. They both watched tin; Me eting with inter fcl, for both k .c.v tho uncertain Jia-poi-'liot) id the laird of LavuM-hope. Fortuuulclr lit at. 'miiJ h'm ia ver XeSei m j I; mVF!? OF GALA WATER. STORY. e. EAR!?. : ttit Doa' Sow) 's,. American reaper nil 1 noxe lino Jersey ealt.o, and ho was rea 1 y to welcome I Buy one w ho was rea ly to n Ionic' tlieui. lint, opart final thi favorable j condition, lie was pleased with his vis itor; please 1 with tho memories he t railed forlli, and pleased with hi g.iut'emauly appearance anl iiniel no reei ttion if tliu KeientiMi) faniiiir; whieh win thu Kj'ee.iul piiJo of the lasr.l of LeviU!!-hoM KutheriuA uirl ,)eHO wateheil the three men turn towiinl the burns ami ! tho fai in-buibliiiKu, aiiil tin y uii'ier- flloo.l what woiibl be ouro to follow. "Korn'i hour at. lemt t'leirta'k will be of bullocks," Kahl Katherimi, with an air of iliHaijviiiitmuut. ".el us iro iuto the house au.l nit w ith iut mother. Anil ret what a perfect afternoon it is for a walk!" They were at tho wile entrance gate, and at KatlioriuVa toui of re gret both turno I a'l I looked back over the uiouutain-pittlk tluy had just trod. It was flushed with the mo-it delicate tints of tureen. There were tufls of primrose where the meadow was thu ilii'ii)sl, and tho air was full ot frar.iuce from tho yellow blossoms of the broom. Tho wau cold water Il isliu 1 a id rippled with translucent tints iu the bursts of minsliiiip. lit i UHu -r ihttnor ( ! ,!,(, the linnets lilting in e.ery bush: and all over the giaisy parapets by tho gtites there was a mist of blue- bells nodding in tho soft wind a wel- come to hprinif. The loveliness, freshness and the Siveetness of the scene went forever iuto Katherine's memory, bleadin? itself magically with the face and voice of tho stra.i- ger who bad walked by her side. Slowly tho girls went through the gxvdeti together, stoppinz to a tuiiro the white pandered auricula" and the hu Mm r lil ici, and lingering Ion;; by 'he po:i 1, that was sha lowe 1 by tho htrgn white thorn, fur it was just breaking into ft wonder of snowy bins, sun. The bouse of Levcns-hope stool iu the mi 1st of the garden. It was built of ro i ;h, weather-beaten stones, ton lie 1 here and th re with moss, tt'i'l i' h .io!1 enough ami lonesome- ono nit to lie tho habitation of aM tho ghosts a i I dreams Katherine's faucv gave it. l?ttt tho interior bal an sir of briny, old fasljiono 1 comfort, I brightened with inaay modern olo- ; nancies, tuiki i; il altogether satisfy i.ig and even jilct ires pie. I The girls went leisurely to a parlot j on the sec. in I lloor, it lour, low room ' with many win lowsnud bright tire, oa t ie heart U. Here they foiiu I Mrs. ; Hruthous. She was tilting iu a com t'ortahlo w icker rhair, with a b i-ket of I .ingle 1 silks on 1 w.irste Is on her lap. Is the girls entered smiled und pointed to thriti. ' "I wish I bal been born a good, ' methodical creature," she sai 1, with 1 a Ion? si?h, "for I would need to be ', a very uint tJ uurnvel this wea'y tangle uud keep my temper the ' while." "Have you finishe 1 your screen at last, Mrs, Hrathous?" asked Jessy, j "I have, my dear. Some day a' so : I w ill finish in y cooking book. Vou ' say 'at hut' very wisely, Jesy, for ' little duties must give way to great ; ones, and the writiiliz f a b ok or t ie working of i screeu are things that j k....n but ivnstefnl ei-vani r..niu to bo watched nn I guide.) every hour of the day. Did you meet the laird : as vou came through the garden?' , "He is gone with tbe minister and nn Englishman to see tho Jersty ! C0WB ! "n En '1 i sh gentleman?" ' "Yes; the son of na old college ae nnaintanco " "Tlienrmnst sot by my worste Is ! aud look to the cakc-basket and thi i pantry-shelves." j She rose with the words and began to put away her Be.viag materials, Katherino looked loringlT after her mother, who was an anvedingly pretty wuuan, small ant plntnp, and verv ! locomiiigly dressed in a pliim-coloro i silk gow ii ati'l a littia wnita-lace ca Ulta-lace Can ' tipping the ahuadaut coils of hjr dark In own hair. "Von might put on a lighter frock, 'Catherine " she taid. "Jamie Win toun will be sure, someway or some bow. to tlnd himself here, and then there will he four jvairs of feet for a reel or two. " liut thouirh Katbcriee went to her room ostensibly for this purpose, she did no'. f"ltill it. "Von could not look lovolijr, Kath erine." said Jessy. And Katheriiie tonrhed the cah mere softly, and lemembered that she had put it on that afternoon fresh ami new. An 1 dresses have their dps tinies. In this one she ba I spent the most wonderful hour of her life, and she would not alter a ribbon or add u brooch. Neither won! she reason j with herself as to tho "hy" of Cos resolve. The dross bal bud a happy beginning. To make question ahom it might upoil nil. "It just suits yon, Katbei ine," con tinned Jessy, "it 'jumps totho eyes,' as your eowns uoiallydo. So di tier cut to Cbi-ii iii riot's, which ahv.iyi have a iccondhauil look. Let us g. into the guidon. We can sann'e. about in the sunshine until the lair.l and the others come to us." mo htiiiierine rei:-e i tin satio hl. jh4 t,w lavaal W UvttiaM. So Ktitberine rp!"v I th sail n litt'o red cloa';, n-i 1 ai II. iy v.w'u'. u-: together Jssy sii 1: "1'here icust be poet . n"iiui 1 t.iUin' notes, for it was but rester l .v I rea '. n verso thi:t w is puith' intpirid b i yon, Kntheiiiie " 'I'irc'.H ; rrii'll elo'i'.- nf fith'.l re T i-n a ')'t dr-'-s uf I fin-' i;r Thfii a tiflovf.l lT.'Wo-iil'1-l I hci1, With fair. .jet fa-M tviuu.-ls te'Uv. T wonder if I mad it uji invFelf; for T tell you, JCatheriue, ymi turn cveiy one either iuto a poet or a lover." Then Kathnritie woiil 1 have kiscci'! her friend, but the laird r,d b nlv ca'iie round a priMito lindnc and the tiiinis ler railed to his ilau .'liter. :md Mow bray stepped to the xiiltMif llatl eii ie. Thus they went tlirounh tho nardi-n together, talklil.tof t,a:tny tlni, -t:t'-iu, bin jhin JT, touehin? hands in t ley swayed downwar.l I'm branches of tl.u I'llddiui? tree', almost t uicbin l cheeks s they bent their faces irii iio? tin; hot house flowers, filll of int'iVn'utni ; M'eiila and tlreuius cf love-!ulcu blos soms. Hero they liii'.'ered a little bfhind the party, a id Mowbray, looki'iir hu 1 denly into Katheriuu'n laco :i-kel i l a low voice: "Mow ion- uave i Known rui. mi. s j a i ni le . "I cannot remember. It seems a loll? ti oe a,'o. I ii. ust iuive dn amed tiboitt you wheu 1 wim nihil 1. lioa remember?" V.s." "Wlint do you reT.eni'ier?'' "That your uuiuc ii Ivuthcrite? Katheriue!" She paled divii.cly mid drew a lil'ie away, lint his eyes were upon her - eyes full of pierciutr liht. Vet lan- i uishiug und thcmii li;vt! the eyes nuMsiou buri": to of love. Vir whiteness, and the bnhtcTii:ij' pallor I of Uatherinc's checks w us that "co.u ' plete fteel of cui:itl,y chastity" tnat : "angels laoky." Mowbia bo.n'.l bc- fire it. She passed onward and he ! f!t il,,.t .( .,.. I, f i ! twet-u them t'mt he could not, eve i I. v : thought, invade. Vet he w as sti uugi-'y i hupjiy. He bal been permitted to : take this Kvat step forward u id lot had Uut been feut back. That was j much. And Katherine da'i'y ie could ; never forget him. As for hiiiiseli, Ijm ' knew that Kathentie was hit !o-t j 1'ieiule found ugatu, too star ol'ull l.n ! future life. 1 A fc .v steps brought them oul of th j 1 warm perfume 1 air into the cool ftesa- j less of the mountain hrce.e. ,I:.y 1 was n a ting at the d or cf the hoi , house, "I dsro not enter it," she sai "the , heat and scent al .vays give me a In-a i ; ache. I a n not Itoei the tropics, ta a.' is eviileut." She was a-.tonis'ie 1 to find Ka'h : eriuo and Moivlnny x.i ij iiet, Shi , wiiuderod if "iinylhin i ha 1 o. c a a: !. '' ! Hein? burself v-t of the n touuale ', j she did no u i l-o-stan I thai sj! 1 1 br ibe lirst speech of hearts una !, I the melsneli'ily aa 1 mystery of love. Tue mirth of the evoaing a i dis cord. The bur l was in ta.u r; -,.ia ly huppy mood which vas the liel di agreeable thin? to las uiii-easonan'y ill-tempered maul. lie tmle joins u ith the minister mi 1 snuii'nc l hat i el ino and scolde 1 his heriti'its, :i-i 1 imagined lii:n-elf to lie vei y iiuposi u.-, because oteryone re ueai1 ei ed lie u their host an I t delate I In n. Iiuriug tlie eveni'i J.i ttio W'intoii i, m Mrs. Iti athotis ha I picilicieii. "foil a.l hi n so.f present ." aad then she can ! I out the rest of her plan and playe 1 merry reels which K.itliertne tiugi.t Moworay how to ilioec. It was a eharmiii? lesson, for Wiiitoun was ono of those fair, tall, long necked youths, w iio are a'ways glad to be m- M inm- latinr and happy toinakeothcis happy. Also he hud more iiiduenee over h s uncle than any other mortal, and h i succeed 1 in paitiaily toiiidaia t'e ijlfeiisive prommeaco of that gioit'e iiian. For he liad tint, us vet. tin' lc.i-t jealousy of Mowbray. Me ba I k Katheriiie nearly all bis life, lb I 'VI hal no m"ri ft'al' "f I'"1'"'? i"'1' 'u 1"' 1 f,r of his estate slipping uaay fi ...i him. Wheu Katheriiie iv.i i twetvo yl,rs hl and he was l ighteen they lwen "Id they were iiestined to marry each other at the pmper time; Katheriiie had niodo no oiijietioii thru n" "',,ivo ""B ',i"',' Theier..n Wintnun looked forward to his inar- rin n i,h Flower of (la!a Water 'rT iimvh ho ha t anticipate I ta.. coming of his majority. Uota even's wr tue ordained bles-in ?sof th-' he r of WintoiiP-Lanils and Laivers-Mo-s. About ten o'emek the minister s.u : "There is light now of moon and t''s. ii''',. wl" l,l ' ';' 'y i'iuier ami my guesi. Aueu i:ie laira was .sjnu-ia: iv einiMve; be wanted all tu remain; Ii want, ! Mr. Mowbray to stay a few dav, a lew weeks if be liked. It was hut .1 f. r Win ton n to make bim sen the impio priety of asking thu minister's plot to remove to his bouse. Hut Mow bray's serenity threw an uir of r priety over all mistakes on I enable I liim ia bin short ndieii to enc Kath erine, at once, bath the assurauce and the hopo be ilesiie.l. The laird a id Wintoun conveyed tho party to the gates, and Katheriiie took the opp.i: . tuntty to slip aay to her run n. Sh stood in the dark and wat.-hed t ie three figures like thrco aha lows rli. apprar. Then Mrs. l'.r.ithoits sp i.; . ts tier anil Katheriiie turned Mid s. t her mother at the open door. "The laird bida jolt coma dosn- e,a'"' Kathertne. i cannot come flown t-o nigm, i mamma." ! "The laird will he angry " "He is neither kin.? n r kaiser. j Who cares?" ; "Katheriiie!" , "Indeed, uinmrn.i, d ulin?, I nna ii ; revolt. And if yon would 'dam him' i only once be would creep into a ( mouse-hole. I am not gmng I i v. ! swer bis sum n ma this night, u r ai y ! night again unless I wish to do so. wul follow t lis Jnufuii.i luiy'.lo, bad . "" -.-..... u.v.., f V1 UOt" i riiiiliiiTi l:l;lit rinre l..r Hm nnliml. At n recent farmers' met tin? a fie fruit laiser claimed that the i lenl phi '' for uu orchard, was oa tag tup i f II hill. Tie u iv.uiU?e of the Kill ov.r a f'i:t ai t'mt t!ii) ti were t.uirr i ' I if si t t'i. liItt it 1 fv, wliieh pii.o l-i tti-r f.i'iir nn I t):ior to t'i fruit, I 'l l I'm 1:11 I a luttrr lillurul .i .tiu.i re eti.l i .'cljni fiom fioil.i. miiiv r to in. Nxita. Then has biei mn. h -,,i d.iii. t r'l.nt the Wire Mails which have In en hi popu'ar fur a lea- M ais pa-t that I lev I list Vi rv nnic'i V. hil l hhill jle ' or l.j'i-ds ii it u wttn tl-.eiu are h ii u few years. We hive beard of j o le c.i" uiiei'K a non repot te I that a j ateli of rdiin lcs about a yard f ju lie j ' was iiioivu li'oin f.i" loot iniiv Home I I uir or t'.vo years after they were put I o l. We hue used these n.ii's loot Pkel I'leni, as ra- I v o ri en, nn 1 not l.l,.o (i .t ,.u) Ul ,u. i( tlu.y have tain fault one Us I'er W more for t ,o cut .mils. 1 Lose w In. c-e haviu : b nl lias built or repaired w, . wen .., ... ...e " ouiV, uniii i is ii' icci is I eui"'ui.a Auii'iiCiii Cultivator. Cion lir sriali litn. r.r hfif.s bothered us Ko ne by di ? cin '. iu the mi. Ecu a" 1 11 jwer beds until I l!cd whit I euli f.isteti-d il on their lepr. I pok uud It is laa ie cf a pie 'n oi wh tL' ash, ah. nit sit or Bev 'U inciies 1 in r, llatteiied at one end aad nil at pe.iL.l cu til" other. AVI I ST. ATi-:!! S.I lUiVi.'l', 'l'l'.e :lat en I is bent around tin; h le ? uud lie) with t-o.iio strong thieal. It dra ' beliiu I wilt u they walk, but when t.ity go t i scratch tiny tit down . an I see ii q 1 1 1 s.ui prise i. Hea.-y j wire would l.wuiih good inn-s and ate nmre eis'ly ia.i l'. 0. W. Shviljr, ir New hnlaud Jl j uesie.i I. llialn I f a 1 1 ii u in lllns. In nil tiio nisteiu portion of this country tln rj is ti-uaMy ruin i-iioiu'li to prevent grain fro n beiutf thorongli ly due l out it is gaiherel into barn or nt i O.ving to (he g-iteral ilesne t iIkch'i t may, much of thi grain is da- ip hen t lii echcd. If put into lar ;o Inns it. will hei.t nndbecimi in iuldy It best, to defer all largi jobs ot thre- 'ii or until (he grain in the hiraw fas gone throu::h th" sweat it: ? piocrs-, which is leslly In atim.', the wariutii enising the uiiu'itiiio f. come out of tho grain, straw aud wee . This is th fa test way to d:y praiu. hat if tln tlit-eshiug hss been done, a sh op lo-ikont should bo kept on thegia ii iu the inn. Thrusting a boigpj'etj ii-.' .r t.h bottom of tin gruiu pile, tie tempei oiii j tuny b. i-i-iiy detei .lom d. It it lielswunu to tliu linn 1, it is ah no decrees. Tno grain i hi danger und should In taken o ll of l ie Ida in ipnekly as pos sioie. Wu.-n it is put l i . k bare smut t1. iron .lily l-rie,. f. i I pu in Oi'.M don. ill v u I lie -in. A .hi.. 1 biiek wi'l than it wt iht iu Wat.-1, doubts il, let h. in try t that water will Man 1 i Tno wettest grain may ...:u is throv. i ub iro mnri If any Kin i till a bricii a the hiiifuce. !.c ea ely pu' iu bins, if this pici-aiitioii is used. There is r.otlnu ; in '.In- brick to fer lneiit, nu l thu water ia the gv.-iu i absorbed until the giaiu is ilii'.l. Ii winter all grain die - oat by fieeziu.r VI IU 1'. -!. rnfe-sor W. W. C ..iko finis tli.v pigs do hotter on sli rat'y soured miU. coi.lainiug only lactic a. id, than tin-. !o i n sweet milk, lie says the prob able reason is fount m the fari, thai when the milk rours tbe mi'lt sugar i l r. ken up in tho lactic acid, but this change tiikos pl-.v without any loss ijf solid matter, d ie particle i Uiilk merely absorbs some wu'er and sp! ts up into two parts o lactic ncid. Heceiit i -, erimetits in tieruiiiiiy verm t bIio conroiHiit ly t' tact ic acid, iu co niuoti with sev eral other ve -;eta tie an Is, is digestive and has H rent fee ling vabic. There fore the lactic acid bcin : in the sunt, quantity as tho milk sugar, it is fail to presume that its feeding vain, would not be uiucu reduced. If n. iik is allowed to nlan-l for many ('ays this la'tiij acid break up into butyric He-id an I carboinj gas, the latter passing oil ue I besomnn; cer tainly a ilea I loss. It eonld not b. aid lioia our i ih-i inieiits that skim milk could be kept Hid fi nteiy aud 1 1 II not Inse its feeding '.line, but it teems probable that there is no loss ie fee ling value i t toe tirst ahaugo o aouring and I obiiei iug. As lo why ihe mnr skim-milk should have d oiu bitter than the sweet slum mil. we cannot tell, r.n Irss the answer is found in the gr. ater relish with wiii'ii it was eaten, or im-le-s it is a tact that tho acid during Ihe hot weather helps by krepin? the digestion pI the pi rs iu a litt'e better rmiditiou. Nu Vork Weekly Vu- lit'bS, f;praiii Tnr l'iin)ry, ni" ponilerer on the farm passesc' every ndvaiile."' oier the tusn cn tilled to one or tv. o city lots. While, in our ct ei n nee, frco rauge of the fm in s not the I -I way to rni- line poiillry, yet ... .lu'y uppieci-.le the i. Is wo may i;imi and fun! f.e-h liom the cunb-ii to our poubie. In' our etpi-i ii nee i h low Is at largo so tint mnl'.ue themselves to picking up the waste, hut rather choose t ) take Iheir rations Ii. m hor-e manTers nud p. ? troo.i!(is. They (utien on cur a and I e baps the iiii-nco tip'aiu wn'i justice inat the It- nt t li wi r beads oft." medium mz t1 wo Ime a'-rns do tip our minds that bens ut I.tji- him not much iniircewei:t mi bo'.-i nt Ittiire, an 1 whit vn,ninn csu p it ti i w it'll lio? in the dior yaui? 1' .i if hens are yarded t ooy must be f 1 1 tliern is roo"i on the farm to ( nil a Karden for t'oe ehicho'is. Wh-.t oli'ill wephiiit? We mu.r h ive I- , ..' course. Oue ran cut n "'i'jii 'ii' a'noiiiit fif fed !r t' a fen- f i t t- ,ii i o ol lettuce; then I hero is I'i.i i? 1(- ,.n) lnustaid. A low rows of tvo, u.i i you have a i?reeti food urea'ly r !.s n d a ol oi qiisutity for a iiuuier "is ll ck. inter ouio'is are ;. prodiicers. Per haps we i nn Mud u conn i f o in'mp an 1 M!til!oers. l lieti we Lull1 1 have homo ve'?etuldes winter. C:i'i.'i) mi'l nrtiehokes come lir-t. th I iddies eat raw h-ticliokes ii y.sti lie In ve tlier d..ti't I ii;e tUi ni. ir. i i. etue I chick devour tin in. Then we rotr raie Minid ranoto t) , .,,, n 1 1 1 tuii with loan for Liddi"' winter hirakfift ; to make her lay. We cm cook tl" m jam) nut with coin meal to 'n'ten Hm i poultiy ('i -clily for market. IVohuVy I no vt Ket.ihle raise fit' Ic-m 1 1 niible ! or is more certain t j jn l l well ti un ! ri;ni' beets. Then the I evts keep 1 (v..!! a lnoli ia ni,'.', tlnlM I, il 01OI ; fl. ,.ftrl(,ts j;l , 1S .c.vlU. We par , u t)ju ( c UUf uj , , 'pi,,, ,ens proa' tue ri'T o. hv.V.j nun V. vegetables and tliodt-'. Ihi-ui if VOU w isli e ; The mustard will stay ;;i i. -ei; bo: ,: u1 -r frosts, mi.) when il n foiw 1 e(! i ou tlie beets, Tho laustar 1 v. ill not an- lu'Hr 'he i-reond y earlier ii iitiy uy resemble the old fahioiit'd i aii. A I rival many spaces w uero ion ve v' ) aVt s have bin n taken o'T t tv be so..-a to the mustard for fall ten Hi..' Hal tie h field, in St. Louis i'laul.r. Tliff at n 1 eni,in-rfi v It.sf entioii. In mnny Stitt s cf the M id iio coiith il tenip giito:hoil-o t be u-ed lor a few luoiiMis li irui'' the rolde.-t j weather is all that !J tieees-at v to ft;- ia:de a trueki-r to pio iuce uii kinds of vi-netaMes the y(-:i,- mnml. Tue lloor plan of such a e ' ei uii-aiao is slmw ll iu t iie accompany log no: -0 ; ai noi. It ha-, a Toity-foot front uud ihe at rutl'.-eiiien! is shown in the plan. '1 ii-j ndgo of the hitfheit no t mil of the oietubon n is nine feet bi?h and tlio Inetse is heated ordinarily by means of two wood stoves with a third In bo u-i I iu cttrcmely c dd Wialher when t';-i thert.-.o.nrter is from twenty !' ,e a above to four iloi-reen below V,r. Sny.ter, of T.iMi t (' muiy, M trylsud, the owner, uavs that !:- bus never i pla it by fio-l in this b oip -. h is held torether by hihh'i i'-. nails :n,d i-i ::ot Ulti'iid-'d to bo pel ni-ie.iait doe ijluss for the roof is laid weather li'ps ntid is (.reared by a'n '' ' ' r'.i i o.Uits. o p'Clal ven'ilati i - .ec s aiy us tho riacks g"" I'n .- n'n 1..11. llj n.s ure rovid- l III i ' n 1 in.) these can be opened if ; - iecoiiies etiv-ive ut unytini.. 1 oe nwer or ti out part of thu iioa . in the illiistrstion is nn r ini iry bothed. The sash may bn removed from this to provide for tho harhcuta?; of the plants. Ttte lirst crops grown in thu boost) omMMt of lettuce, ro 1 1 s ! i s an i n - i--iona'ly'.y straw bei l ies f..r i -in ) ISO or market. The ip-.-oii 1 ei. i. is lower plants fiom cuttings nn t 1, mi ticularly gorati'ums, call is, res ilia?e phir.ts undo cimut.iI n-iort-nent of (ith. r Liiids. In a i;.,. a to : his there ure planted for i .-.ti i early" .e.'etah'e crops out -of do it , c il iiagc, tomatoes, ; plan'.', peppers', ucu uhers, siiitll s pi i di, unl h I'lij. imes lien street corn uud p .1 ttoca ire stared in this house. s low a einper.tturo is niitiiil lined r iom i. sistent with tbostron , lifslihy xr .vih if each nop. IiiPbaent il.-t a's of ae;it are secure 1 by the ai ran ;. :in'ut if the. ibvisious of the bouse. S il I'rigHtioi i almost the etcbisne iii'tliO'l of w'itciin?, the water beiu.g taken from tho well of the house. Mr. Sny.h.r kdjs: "I sell every spring fr.T n jli);l to $!.VI wmta of idiints of nil kinds from this ho is., m-.d .till have euo't ;ii for my o vi use. I elaiit three .tit 1 a htt'f acres of thn very earliest crops uud grow Ihe n . n the intcnsivf plan. Myseif 'in.1, wife do nearly till th.) work. five y.-ais tpo my home was a piece of wool land with poor, wi t, cold, heavy cel. Sow it is in fine tilth and y lie'l. Oiilt le of ourowii I ti ' n ir, I ininroie'iieiits have cml. us ub. at .'"). Tlio pas! year I sold ri .i.v st) worth of pro Inc.) .ml bal eiioil.'h rotl?haroto feel two Inns.M all winter. I raised seven hogs, wh.-'i were killed for my own use, r,n 1 still hare live on ban I. I credit the g'e. a umtso with niiint, of in y success in de velopin.? this woo la farm. It bai enihle I mo to e!l ivsrly a'l n r veretahlea before other' . i-s can compete watii me." Amci lean A-1 iciiltiii'ist. rfinlrln aCnuhnsI AS f1. Nili, Tct'iiirina a gunUoul on the Nils is an undertaking of somo ililflenliT. lb ceitlly the 1 latii in tier passa tin on ; i the e ibo acts I a I cevi a nl p n'es ft.ivn in. He'licr nt the present time .Iocs not b..'t co a dockyard, and to i lV. et the mciss iiy repairs tin. boat hit I t bo hauled lngh and dry ou the uv. r bank. Ti) do this sun men were em ployed in. let the itiiection of Com uiBiidrr Keppel, C S., nod la the 1 courts c! Vwv kniu ta tUi iu auk !-'( ii n" sai tvf.:t r.-j fit r.M.. tc j j ll.olND l'LAN I'V IdOSl: A'ill o.:::rs; llOi sib ?' GOOD VMM NOTBS. I j I our. try ir.-H.if. ! Tho BTrTu ;-j i ; .-.try roi1, a at i I're.-i'iit io-, ! uu-i rep. , c i, is . eiinsiunt poor ' - of uilti-e. -i y .. , , n v to tali i. : ftit l u:t i..-a-)--t Con j tet t i"i.t .oi t trat -. b -. At its Imuit the liit '..a i is f..r o.iiy a 1 f.-W UmlltUs l l t J'"l'r U I I tie -. I ..lout US t be 1 1;.. .. ! 1 1, ' u ;:l t ll -) I .11 1 1 U ' -1 ...tti. ie I in I C.j'l'lU I i Is i i u ,ii - i . 'en - on tins farm. I I i the la!', wi a t i i-atiy, i in-ii tue i.-ii' .t le- r, ,. t, a-o.iig is to I ie ! one. t r- is i.r m bad oh ipo. : t . pi w lie. a , n i I' - - e. i let, si sen ii a 1 - 'in tiiat lea..-'. 'Vif I t- e bltn'. ' ' hi i I n i 1 . i n ,, i ..i1! lead i, and snni i . .it is no to s 1 .i tii'T plopio tioa , .t j kr.i-1 p,,.. ;s. 1 kno.v i-.iaiiy ! are.'-, w i.i re t he -..v in in tinn) tro . i.i'.li.n .' il ... .' I. , i l , Ue) saving 5" j wear a id I ..r of ..-u -' im . , an I h o '- . w mill o'. . read over i..-ain ..'IV f ir t:.e I i a'-el itiitiul .v! of I. o .1 mum i iut r...i I. M ob .. : ... ' i-bl,.!.;!-!..!,., applie ! uu-lti ;a! I.. I " ip -l V iSii-ll. 11. I kl pt m or. let j i. illl I r. .pi r tot ng t'.ols, t,.e j I I ll r - i I Is 11 - .- i i , I V si, , t is: He ! .11 . j What c.. i be exp : In - .,U-iliiy .o l roads ni., ! ..I' t:i ; r ii mo.-t ai.y o!)'ailii I, It .plied l.y .... , i ;nornt ! the tir-t pr-.e-iob's ot i .1 mautti-?. v. ui kin? v. i:h en pr.e. r ' s, au.l sti oervied l-y i,.eii e j a i.y . -..eraht, ci not at a, i ? Tbe ti r-o-.e ly f-.r .::ri roa U i-. ..od ll. a. nil i. I'. .' w . :,o -;i eatel .::e::dit.iie .,t i. b y . : t.-.-.v, .!;. present l.-al ne '.! i i.i- !v im I'-nvjd. '1 ae I., i i ' t --. ' .' i ! pant . ,n e.o h. ') Ini sy i.--'i 1 i uh,.? oii! ' i in; 1 1., un l -i pi- 1 1 -. -wor'.;.!. - I it.- roa.h," s!. , :b! be . . .. .1 I .n.".. y l:i,.)!d b- -xj'-. . '!-l.-r th. l i': ii'l'.e s.l; v i -1 ... ; . , , : i :., , Im ill t.ovn--'e -, ...-t.. t ,- u .-a I I i -e .,( ro". 1 le-1 .1 : .', A ! I ' .'. U,;i!fl . '. Is -or l..e ' p . i -:i i-..'.. o: : ! a! ies. - w o . , ; i in t i ta- i-V!,'l:i ti I I. -HI . f ' ; .-: l.j ,'V, woie'l Is ,: !y 111-- .: i'. p! es- , , ,::, I t th-- I.i ': lo v..:.- t v ! I :..a iv oi tl: i I- i of t, ; i .- it I I. unid i. ( ) '-. i, l.ii i' hi, .v h.-t e b p'e , . ', 1 1 ; , . i i ,; ; ;:- i-oh f ,. I I., il U itOU-.' in.' I r tiliee a roa 1 1 at in c if- in n.'t i ;.- y ttiaa u t -.-i, w 'i ; e '.' t ' . t:iu:r i.n.h- be. s -in i I,-! 1 ,,v :,ii'.;. n i, lb too, , ', e'-i be. pt.'l id- 1 w.ii'i. wi:n il.... - i':;, '' - al e al ito l il tik . . .v ;i ia I-, i'e' e.i.i.t y . .-.!: :cts( u'l i p o - , J . i . , : . i.: . : ... T.- .1 t-i.-t e.eoio :,. v it - 1. : p.ei 1 I . . t 1 s.-i a: , -i I- !..-! "it u r ot.,. tw ) ol t " ! : ', the t -t i f a : . I I : . n . ! ! .. i. ' . t v . . ie e si s a a i ii r... l.'...p !' n.i .: il.- v. ek of in pia ! n a o . r oil h a s-s jo-d ten m. n, v .in s', ,v :...! do it !-. ti- i. 'i:.; tils I." oln a ,, . ., i., . 1 1 in ni s fib on 1! b- Ii - I I I u i epat i i :i : t ' .- 1 1 -a Is, , .- . -1, iti.i'ii pi.s- ibb-, an 1 In it tint, t he dti I 1.1 'st y itppl .i.n'liin .: it ll. i'i iii'y. Thc il- o: ",;u!t.-r w.-" a," fo I-, un ! B tone's l.u .r-r t ha a t ' .i inches i a dr. ai et.-r. 'ii . i Im ( i bi 1 i.-;i. 1 L .'-i Heeil Ii'.!. "i.e. li b !" With Ml is thu' Were t.-r '".cs im.n-. lent any ; a lion I fi ii n.i I., n 1 ! haves, h . . I " I"'. ! !..' i, ni iv ', I I hi ii. ' v .',. :, -. -.-I ;,,: i- i'" 'I . Ie: I. i Hi I be ', I i, . piMj led' 'I ... bn n a. l . :. ,:.'.. 's t i .., ..t H 1 too k .. ; :'. m'ii ' "coo I in'.iu ; ii .si i . iv i mi ' for t w i r.n. -.:-' : It I" ton i ll- a Hie In it lisillis, un l ton nine . b - , r.t i,:,e tin:-. S'.J inebe of il'.i t ! ..'i i.v . I will iioike a bi r bet'.er i I'. .a I it in' na in layers of, myt . i -cii - .: i i'i-rva's nf a nn-r h or - , ' t bun w b 1 1;- . nt ii ii j 1 1 hpp'ic i ui oe I i t .is s net a-, the loab- ' nr.. m ; ' . I i a the ppt iii , slid In 'm e , thev -s-. ! .- b y iin.i iiaid, th. set- ;-i-r s . ' I ' put to woikleiel mg m " 1 t: bn i the ruts Ilia' w i re wot .in r ; e ; " i w -n'.i r, a:i-l "lightly mu .. i.i ; t1-. i, , i b I l.i.i.i''. Is tlu. center T;.- ; l-.n I be '.(' St. I umis;, h;. lo t r ".I'M'-, f il I' at the m i',! time o: ' il.nii-; t. : t e malt can be done nun . easily u I . l y nud the road wil pa.-k ! Later, a light coat i- i aiih i r :; .vel should b- up,. hed, t I be fo Im. : l.y another wliea tin' lir-i le com s 1. 1 i,e I hard, aud lb. a in Uu Ly u ti. b ,i ii p. is- hie. ' .! ..rr.v. Tir. On diy r .a Is mat nre inaidted by j ruts made by i.'irmw tired wa-oiis, ' t oi wide tire :. n toad n.inrover i l do r -ii.l l:i ! ib Win n lir-1 Ml ;l o .1 si;eh it li-ild, il is i.i-t lis I ,'v . 1 1 O ! 1 1 i c a ' n bat as tie I. if. oi.' 1:ve ri;n:iiii-; n j t be i ni, bat n : -r p.tssii;.; over tin - .. I it . o a1 , I i .'-j or i-i"' 1 : mi s --a.-. , cu-Ilt! ? to tin- depb.. if the lilt -It - manes u le.y -...i-i load, ol.e that re !;ili..-H le-1. bi u . i I'liri v it h wide in , n i' !' -v I : : a ", i'. I is n.-n iiiueh inoi'i. I .b .i'.,!,t i a 1 toi I"' t - j,-', I i nn, -.. 1! iri mil , t i ', that w i b- t rin en i t ae r. id a: e -re . mimical i In :! inn no t-t'i , .' 1 t wi.eit tin ' leal :s rh'ppy, la M .y ' r r-t.,-ky u ' Hi,. !..,: '.ii'i' na 1 I i r . u r f ,'d under nei.'i; o- when tne inn 1 i s i sticky t hit it ll Uteres to hoi h whorls . l'a-s . t ;i ec Ctniebi-.b.i. w e teaehe-l , .'' r a l nmber of cu n i" tu-, by tin Mis.s ,nn 1'tj ei .nu at 'U in 18'JJ. i ... .. .Sn"-! I 4(-,gr ip!.. Tn. i.'eniiiMy tho automobile wil f r .v. p'",i,t ally in the g .o.l rea.' . ii. v : : . i t. j All o:n I bo'es should I s fi'leu pio.npt'y at nii tinies, no thai nowatei ! t i-.y f tand in the ros I, and loose stoue - nl I l.a in moved at least once t I I n i a - ng upon the roust it u lions I :' . ff N iii.i Chi ol iih's road law, ll ; S ipieaic C in t of 1 1. at Stat., hei I tine ; wn.-lviiig the public roa is it not a tin within iio. iieann: ol tho conn1 I. .mat j.-oi isiun ti (Hiring tue ?: .nbed t'vttatioU tetiyavo Jiiopja1; aaniiaVil I!JJ3HCL0 MATTtRS. BTiiks rvrrltei.t I i.-Hiiln MatHst, r.vny itio knows that (o,'t lirertd immiis i. iko an excellent rleauin; iiiit rial b.r (-nil. 1 v ; 1 1 jupeis, l,ut it iot Sii . n-tally kinjiiii taat pi.j. il e'J le 'V ! f'; aus.'d l-l t il' S!101 . iV. 1' ( nUi.h, of J .on do .V ..'in-.: .., - I .-a nor .-!.. -1 'U.) clean- .!; el ! r n.i: -s ia t'l . ihiuses of , i i . , : .s i -. i I n i iost: a- e . t i b' . , a ihe . nee 1 pictnrei I i ; I. ;' ' ..1 I ot bi ea I c:-umbs. Thii s s;n ; t i bo the nii.-t, e Ycciito najr ni c toviii.' I il o soul mil duL I t lower V use! for Ills Talits. ! T' n day of heavy ll-tral de-oralloa ; c ' i. .as-1 1 iri'.-i ii und 1 1 bbnti bow s b t j I ..-.e 1, uo I simplicity ij now the fie miil.i it-i't. 1 ne ll.lwelS wbic'l ' dec i at-t oo tab'e aio now ai rau 'e.l ; '.n tu'l, sh mler liobenoail ulftss vases, i-' i can 'y i-IV-ciiv" in shade.) grc. a I. : 1 pink. I na ol tin hi) vases lira phi nni a' r it her end ot I iie table, and ; to ii r'loiv..!' ier!y Ililel with luii?- s;,. en, id pink l.r'ebilds or I ta i; eomiilt to this nriitiige j iiieitt, iii toecciiire of the tabic ia a I low j ii diiiiei e of pink n-heniian tgl i' S, in-ide wt'i nn iiiljus'a iit! ;), lining, 1 Ii' .-! wih ia.i"s, iiiel nvir .row o wil ll l lb. il Colored a ll sweet j se. ate 1 hi t peas, or a wavin? tui-l I of tank p. i pies shading to deeji led. For n.i'f.i1 o.'casioiis, when elabo jrnta tb .'ni .i' .n.i" itvo tlesned, thero ; may be nst i g l ,i, . of the prinnesa I I'Vergr-i.'.i fi'stne.i.c 1 ub ' it the table, j givin.- it e'.ai unii fleet a?aitist the j white cloth, and if one lives near j where il tr !. l'te diiuug--iwut m i bo ll'iai.uL.l Willi it uu i. I Arrniicrmi'lii of tliu, I V.'oincil who are the deliglite 1 po j Bessois of bilve, Imv-ceiiinge I ilii,iilg , l ooms, ol d i. nk l u ii : t in v un.l precioua Ichinaitio ta.j envy of their less for I tuiiuii! eisiteis. A parlor never appeal i to a wo'oiiu as :t dining room dues. Shu is ul w ays e.,ii.' i.'tnig Koine schcico by whic'i l ei' ilining-roteit ran lm ma le more ho. m oke. As tho dining room is frepii-.itly the living room also, it should receive nil possible; ; rale. If it i fairly largo, has it bnrd j wood lloor ui! a deep wind w or two, : it may he ma le a thing of beauty. j The tl-nis simnld he, po'isbed or j waved, pi e'erably dark, an 1 Mrewn I wiih ft luignt rug or two. The furni ture shoal. I iiiab'h thu lloor, nithonglt , a lnnag.1 un l ch tir nph l-teie.l in , bine in i if i.lo ci etonne are ilesintlihi t r eo'ufi.i t and cheer. The lounge iniisl ln br .il and loir, with mveiul liuiaiib' inllow". Wit' p.. in r iu Delft blue is most of. fi'ctiii . i.!tiinii-;li I'.o color fsci-enie bay call for ti ilitf a a l.t si', le. In till have n few gcowin ; plains. Let t .i be gieeini uud r-Is. 'I hey a hi iitue'i to the cheer, ness nf n l'oo ii. I) ;o ur t w carefully chosen I id -ire tusy I. ing on the walls. Tin ir choice is apt to be a tu rve iiickinij opi-rii!.)ii unless the bad .civile !in e m i !' t,c ' in her goo 1 taste Copiea of fi .ii! puviircs, garni' an 1 fl.' t m a pt-i in l tt i mi d ail ol 1 family porlriit la . . '. If o tie is in doubt pi'V ta - "'te walls tu i v Ii- covered wait I te ' :i'nl Sin. 1 ' ,i , in' e ven b ( s i e-t- ; e'b.u.,. -tie: -i on woes on-l I. . i in I-..-- h til 'i " .' slid res. '. . i .eb... r , ; - - lea I Wi'.l i.ili Vil i ' i" a-'; d i i i, -rt t:b t:if it, :t. .1 : s,; , ... w tt . ,. i.n ' cut pbiss. In : .' i '. -a cbe .; ivib.i swo'cl'ir i . . I .'i..i l. ..; i . t i ,1., a is - i s ii:. J h. ve I the c'a il 'e'l, 'I ht'O'Oiti i:t iiii -r be ai'i'iiirrc l w ii h care. 1 m l p a -e t .igilher the heavier and ilainl i. r v ros, tint euole them gently, si us t. etve the lies! elTerts. )etwcen le. b- the table should be reud with f. I no urn! w hitc denim cover, set v, ith t tei ii-dih, T is ad Is t bo ne hke t -.: h to the room and de-troys tue lj..aal'.ty which it net ta'olii (jivea, i:.-. i..-. V. rreur cp Vimi. WiTtt Toil n knuckle of veal, two turnips, one in oi. sit peppe'cot ns, a heal of in oy an 1 u rnpfiiiof rice together v iy !;ei,ily for Hliniit three hours, ilvt niuing occasionally nud udihng a little suit. Servo with a border of nee. Save the stock iu which th lea! w as boiled for soup. ; M.'i t.i.'M) I'liiFin ri nprrri. Tnt ler n border tuould. Spiiokle over wiih riiiiau s. Nearly till to., mo iM ' vitli stale bread crumbs. heat f ,ur ! ggs n little; pour over them one pint in ini.k. and a l l thi ee-.iiai ters of a cupful of sugar und one ti aspoon.'ul oi v.auila extract. I'.mr this over ths : bread crniubs and bake in a modcr ita , (n.-n thirlv in; utile. Let cool. Turn j i nt on a ph'.lter S.ivo with a fiutt j taiico or i ream. Lure (it.uii.i.r.-.iKrs T.l.e ! I rupru's of tlour, one en 'til o' c ink-I ! lie.-, two and one ha'f dpi ills of mi'lt, one t :i"pa. infill of bakiug powder, 1 ta ee i ggs mi.) salt. Heal thewhita I i n I t h.- y. Iks of t ie egs Bepara'.cly. I'm the yolks all the lice and tan I l ull., and ufi. i 1 hese have beeu slined tugt i ii. r ii 1 i the flour and the baking I loader, lenolv, In at iu thu wbilaa i o. the egg. nil 1 ihe suit, j Srs.'.iii-ii'i Laii. One pint tf Ii. uled spaghetti limit which is left nver will do nicely , Chop into lids Ii bull i".'h Ian ; ,nl reit wplt a half rai'liil .1 thick in. unl simee, s. s-oned Wth n hu f teikspvio.n Hi of i-li'L Hilda t a l-po .iibil ,,f puni i'.a. A id a tabla t -I'.oifitl i f glute i cream cheese and a ) nich ol ailvet i .ed n: inner ttiv. y, jMnke into bulls, lull in grilled caesse r a I by iu deep 1st. I'luce the ebiekeii on n heiile I plaitcr, surroniiil x. th the ipijntn bads, garuisU w it-k ai ab y and .. ia.i hot. Am I i.lni I loisie I' rr rei f i.n. "'li niil 'i 1 VOU inn..-., hilly?" A M ,,s June., ol i'h'.ladelpbia." "It" always did liKe thu .T ton usl il to ta? romid after a !.. -lo in:b-not-d Junes gLi when tt . " t to ic'iool togelher." "iti ; ib'i Ut mi I miriltL!!- MU1" si

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