If JJ-T ( . M - ' -0.Srf tiW"- ' ( CWtom tfljatfjam ttercrb. ItATES f'F ADVERTISING II. Au. LONDON, EDITOR AND FHOrRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly In Advanot. . One square, one insertion i One square, two insertions Ono square, one month - $1.0) . 8.00 VOL. XXII. PITTSKOIK), CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY. FKIll.M'ARV l, WOU. NO, 21, For larger advertisements liberal con tracts will be made. 1 LOVK CHAPTFU H. CONTINtKI). JessT was helpingher withherhoots ami habit as ho spoke, anil ns soon as the last button wos in plueo Katherine drew her criuisou Hob-Hoy eap tight over her brown nnd went singing iuto tho rain. They stood a few minutes nt the open dour and wuteheil her head long raeo through the swirling wreaths of vapor, her vivid-crimson cap the only point visible in the gray banks; yet for those few moments they heard her voice a some higher note pierced the wet shroud iu whic'i she was en veloped. " 'Will tin unit tell inri whiit she siuirH?' " quoted the minister, an he j turned pleasantly to his fireside; nnd Jessy took up the verse and niiishoil it. "Perhaps tha 'plaintive numbers (low, From old unhappy fur-'dT llilngs, And buttles lout? "go." Jessy was partially right, but it was not Kathcrino'.- nature to Bins tad Bongs. 15"sidos, the wind and the ram made her happy, anil her heart re fused to believe 'that Hiehard Mowbray had Kuiie away forever. "l'eoplo do not come into life for nothing," she argued, "and it was into wy life he was Kent. Tlie old ring and the old friendship were just the only introduction Fate could manage. And it is fin- more likely he came for my weal t'tati for my wot.-. At any rate, 1 will believe thiH." To such thought, mingled with the exhilarating storm, she reached Lev-eus-hope in high spirits. Hli habit was waterproof, and hIic Hung it ilV with a laugh, and then removing her cap, he shook her hair free again. Her cheeks were rosy, and the rain drops lay like dew upon them. Her eyes sparkled, her month was curved with smiltQ and she brought the very spirit of youth and vital joy into the room with her. Jamie Wintoim was sitting by tho window pretending to read. Ho ni really watching fur Katherine. "Why, Jamie !" she snid. ''Will any kind of a storm keep you away from Levenn-hope ?" "None, while you are here. Kath erine. I have been so uneasy; hut knew you would be annoyed if I caino to meet you." 1 "Indeed I should! This lonely ride to the manse is the last shred of lib erty left me. I do not know w hat 1 should do without it. F.very other hour of the day is, iu eoinn wv or other, under his control and surveil lance." "Uncle's words aro always worse than his intents, I think." "He says ho is going to send iuu back to school." "What have you beou doing Kat'u ciine?" "I was, it seems, too civil tongues!. Bud not attentive enough to you." Wintoun colored painfully, but he replied, with a great deal of spirit: "Uncle Iirathous is too interfering in my persi nal all'airs. I have not complained of your treatment, Kath erine. J.ven it l lia.l causo lor com laint, T should not ask him to inter fere." "And Jessy was quite as attentive to Mr. Mowbray as I was." . les ill- uusn ei ru, iuu iuu ion,- ... .I..1.J..,,. ii.. f.,l, (l,t a freedom in this matter that Kathcr ino ought not to claim; but theu it ail useless to say ho. Then there was a few moments uf embarrassed silence. Katherine wanted Wintoun to continue tho conversation about Mowbray, aH.l Wintoun knew this, but tho subject was a painful one; ho could not iu "" " V "-VV7- ; ; , " V "nrm,e ' ,-:1U' witn ioroeti iiiuiueieuec. "Jamie, what do you think of Mr. j Mowbray?" I "You ought not to ask mo that J question, Katherine." i "Why?" I ' "Because you know I love you. How can you expect mo to love a wan w ho may be my rival?" "Nonsense!" she said; hut Win toun noticed that a vivid blush cov ered her face and throat, and that she went to the wiudow and began to sing in order to hide her feeling. Iu a few moments she returned to tho fireside and said: 'He has gone to Edinburgh." ' Jt-.it he will return." , 'How cau you tell that? T)id he Bay so to you, Jamie?" "My heart tells me so. He admired you very much, Katherine. tyjP t'ot blame hiui for that. Who could help it?" "Yet my guardian blames me for it, Jamie. You will not let him send io back to school?" "liive me the right to protect you, dearest! Then no one shall say a word to cross you." "Always that is the way!"she cried, with tears in her eyes nnd voice. "I am to become your wife in order to escape my stepfather's dictation. It would bo simply a change of masters, ow no one can be generous because no one is unselfish," "Do not bo so unjust, Katherine. I will not ask you U bo my wife one hour before you are so willingly. Dearest, I love you bo truly that 1 cau live witbout vim mid yt !ivs for you " Vi'inUtlu iibft t-WMiii Ll' M hi HE FLOWER OF I GALA WATER. O STORY, BY AMfLIA rC PARR. VM iCWTfinht. t It., BEIT IMvvfi'i R,iv I his lace, saw it l ( I n in miiloit I y hi generosity of unselfish love. At that moment the tall, ungraceful youth I was almost handsome; and she gave 1, i -ii her hand and said siuij.ly: "Thank you, Jamie!" Then a footman brought in a tea- ; tray, and Mis. Jirathuits cuine down ; stairs. She was llushej and wor- j ricd. and said : , "l.'ho laird has taken cold and fears ! a fever. ' Wintoun made somo sympathetic i remark, but Katherine was lost in ' thought, and the men! was not a pleas- i ant one. It was scarcely finished j when the laird sent for his wife, and I Katherine. ea.ting about for some thing to pass the evening which would I not permit Wiiiiouu too much oppur- tunity fur cunversation, bethought , her of u new book n? border music; and she proposed that they should learn some of the songs together. Wintoun was delighted. He knew that ho cuiild sing, and to mingle hi- voice with Kalherine's voice was u rare pleasure. So they looked through tho book, and Wintoun struck boldly out with: Mat.- Mar.- r.tt.-rl.-ian.lTi-vl-.tiVih- He played the stirring notes with spirit and deci-iou. Their voices blended charmingly. And the room seemed suddenly full of mounting troopers ami the stir and bustle uf galloping horses. There was no weak Hole under Wintoiiu's lingers. The men of Kskdalc and of Twistdale went living past to bugle tones, and they were just calling musically one to the other: -All Hie l ine bounds ure "V.-r iln- llorder!" when Mrs. Hrathoiis entered the roum. with a worried lace and a lifted hand- "Katherine! Jamie!'' she cried. "You must stop playing to-uight! The laird is very nervous. lie says it exciti s him, and he has some fever already. He thinks both of you are veiv unkind, and he insist on the piano being closed at once." Of course, he was obeyed, and Kath eiiue then suggested a game of chess, lint a chill bail fallen upon her sunny moo 1. She was distrait ami discour aged, and she moved her pieces with out consideration. Wintoun had no wish to checkmate her. He played as badly as she did. At last Katherine stood hastily up. She laid her bunds over the hoard, looked steadily at her antagonist, innl snid iu a voice vho.-e tone was authoritative and deci-uvc: "Jamie, we are both playing a false game. Let us withdraw before fit hel ot us lias to say. 'I have lust!'" She then swept the pieces into their boxes, closed the lid ainl put them away. The action had a kind of pro phetic fatcfuhiess, n prescience un foreseen and unplanned, endued w ith somewhat uf omnipotence. Its efl'eet upuu Wintoun was almost that a .-igu from heaven. He did not doubt it, or analy.e it-i meaning, or ask "Why?" it ali'ected him so. Ho only felt that iu a moment all had changed for him. A sudden despair invaded I his heart. He kuew that lie had lust Katherine. He might reason himself back to hope, but nt the end all her Mattering talcs would vanish, he was sure. A pitiless truth had been . , , , . Hashed up.m hi mseioilsuess that hour, and hu could not dispute it. Katherine was annoyed at herself. Why had slie said those words.' 'Why had she suddenly stopped their play'.' I She felt iu the silence that followed a I strange regret that she had spoken,' j and that he had understood, 1'or : i ouco her ever-ready thought failed She could not iiiol a sentence no, nor a word to sav She stirred 'III"' tiro and moved the small tal aside, and theu almost unwillingly looked nt Wintonii. And her eyes opened on him like n P-ook of Kevela thin. Sighing deeply, he arrested his dis mayed soul, ami tried to laid nonie eoiimioiiplnce remark which would dispel that uncanny sense of fateful foreknowledge. He went to a large w indo.v and drew aside the curtains. The whole laud was wrapped in wind ing-sheets of mist, with a ghost of luooushiiio iu them; and for the first time in his life he was aware of that I occult world which every one carries I about with him. ' "Katherine," he said sadly, "T w ill j go homo now. I have got an niling ; heart to night." "I am sorry, Jamie, lint an ailing heart is butter than a bad one, and ; Iirathous hns spoiled our evening." As she uttered the words Mrs. I!rat- , hulls entered the roum. i 'Jamie, your uncle wants you," she I said. "1 hope yon will not cot trn. lift hiui about anything to-night. Me r so nervous an. I hard t.i iiiana re."' Wititoun otily bowed in reply. Hi was by no nu-nns in a eoiiciliab ri temper, and the sight of the unreason hie, imaginary invalid was an it runt inir one H is lie.i.1 bii-.re nn.l ribbine- lmd the homitiess ..f velh.w- inne.l 1 with gray. His sheep eyes were' watery and furtive. His tongue ai-j ways too big for his mouth was Hit organ of a voice Indiow, iiui-rulou-, , and yet authoritative. He was sitting j up in bed, with a laiae Ir.ilaii plaid over his tlould-jrs i "V'"H1 vliM inAu its ivh'i' itt Uit I'lil'iie " i.e e.i-1 "l iitn'.i kt'llwl Sti'l li StKpSViiV ! ml !iU j Katherine were singing nway as if tin. laird of Levens-hope was in the very height of perfect health." "Have you sent for me iu order to ! quarrel, uncle?" ! "tsarrel! (Quarrel! Who sprukn of quarreling? Think shame of yotiu. ' self, James Wintoun! I sent for yon I becauso T want you and Katherine ' Jatifario to tie yourselves together as j soon us may be. I a:u tired on! with j so much love-making iu my house. I . have finished my own share of that) silly business, and it is nut pleasant 1 to have song-singing and reel-danc- j ing and such like havers niirht alter I I night." j "1 cannot marry Kat'ieriue until she gives me permission." "Permission, indeed! I Wonder' who is her guardian? I have given : you permission. (ioba-k and tell her ; I will allow her to choose any day be- ' tweeu this and Michaelmas." ; "I will tell her nothing of the kind, sir. 1 doub! if Katherine and I will every marry. 1 do not think she loves ; me, and I do not wish to many her i unless she does." "Are you gone clean daft, .lames Wintoun? You will marry Kat herine. Of course, you will! I intend to see to that. Io you think I will have dead folk worried out of their graves and live folk worried into them for ' Katheri'le's nonsense?" "Kathcriue's fee jugs are to be eon- i sulied." "Kathcriue's feelings! Heard one ever the like? A bit of a school-girl, that has not to her feelings any ( more than she has come to her reason! i T will remind you that 1 hold a luortgngn uu Wintoun lauds, and that you are looking to Katherinc's money to pay me." 'T nm doing nothing of the kind, ' sir. I would not marry Ka-herine for her money. I do not care fur her money!" And Winiouu snapped his lingers passionately almost iu his i uncle's face. "You are a born foul, . man of this day who does money can go out of dati his heart if he likes to. then! The not care for and break Out of mv presence anyway, sir! You have mado me a great di nl worse, and likely as not I shall bide awake all night for your ridiculous nonsense!" Then h.i rang the bell furiously, and called out at iiiesaine muiiieiit: "Helen! Helen! Come you here! Helen, send fur Due- 1 tor Musgrnve! Peter fc-vmii uti, ridrt for the doctor! I have hud a chili I'll be havingafi vcr next! What kept von. Helen?'' And so on. until Win- tonu was glad to escape the rasping, unreasonable voice. The chill wiud and the drifting vapors were more kindly and coiulortable companions. The nt--ct morning the laird was still sick and the house was wretched, bill the mist was so thick Katherine did not dare to go over the hills. And this condition continued for four days. Then Sabbath came, and she found her way to church, and afterward to the litanse; but there v.a i no great comfort iu cilher place. The minister was preoccupied, and Jessy m vet- : named Mowbray. Moreover, tin treated Katherinc's one ipiestiuti about ; him as if (he subject 1 ere 1 her. "He has forgi ttcn our very exist- 1 dice, I dare say, Katherine; and wo , need not worry ourselves about Ids. j He wus seeking pleasure, and we made I nu hour or t wo for him. I am ijuito sure that ho will just mingle us up with the lino views, the driving, tho Jishing. the sight seeing and tin-other boiinie lassies that he will dance a reel wilh." "Then J am leal sorry, Jessy. T liked him more than that, an l i will . even tell you m. " ; "Pear, why should yon? .Men aro. never to trust to. l ather said this i 1 one would be 'daugeruns.' " i "Oh, Jessy, if vuii would love me a j ; little!" '. Then Jessy Understood her friend's ! trouble, and she talked sensibly no ' livger. She turned her fougii.- and , 1 began to praise Mr. Mowbray. She' i said the like of him iu looks had never : been seen on T weedside. and that a i blind man might have known that ho ; gave his heart away the moment ho , : looked at Katherine. i "Yes, dear," she said, "as !e sat . there and you stood nt the open door, i ' he got a wound he will never get over.'' ; It was not that Katherine confessed , her love. It was thai Jefsy diviue.l ' it, and that, with the uiiseUishues.s c-i : j a true friend, she hasted to give the only sympathy that is of value- tho ! ! assurance of whatever we wish to be- i ; lieve. This conversation began be 1 fore theniorning service, and w us cmi- j , tinned in the noon interval. Kath- 1 j eriue's heart was full of her small : domestic troubles, and she could no 1 longer restrain her nlh t-IICC. filio tll)ll tressJ. lum. ;il t 'inpi landtyian- meal the laird was to every but ! especially to herself. "t nm at his mercy.'' she said, "and he makes me feel it every hour. If practice my music, the piano affects his nerves. If he finds me with a novel, he asserts that it is improper reading and takes it away. 1'oetry oll'eiids him still more deeply." "Father siivs the laird is very liar- row an. bigoted about litctatur Ho the thinks lioblirt Hums cove i.f.niiid." to in: i nxrtvi t:i A Tlllhllig Tut . Hy pulliiu; a string at the edge of a recently invented toy book certain bellows and reeds concealed in the binding are set iu operation, when the cows moo, the cucks crow, the cuckoo clicks, the small birds twitter, tho bunbs and gouts bleat, donkeys hrav, and the rhildreti depicted iu the book say " Tapa and Mamma." I ,illl lie, l.lr.l. When the Pyaks of Borneo wish XC tin 1 out which of the two parties is in the light tht-y hav e two btuji-s of tait cf e jtui! i,s iji"tri tlitjiii v ill. p mb) Mulel li.i l tin whose 111 iu'. Ibi.1 dull (wvm ii JtHuitJ U I't 111 H; l(iUK, BUTLER'S ARGUMENT Vigorous Reply to His Letter to Mr. Wilcox, - - - DEFINING IMS PRESENT POSITION On the Constitutional Amendment -Tho l allncles of his Reasoning Are Fully FxposeJ. Senator litnler has puMi-h: 1 in The Cain-asian of ,l..nuaiy I a ,.;-, ,- , Mr. Oeurge Wilcox. ilelln:iii; his posi:i:n in i-d'eiem-e to tii- C ms::-uiioii.i ameiijiiu ni. In -i, f. lie mvs Ui ,t ,,. hist sr:n mm h of Hie eiil or (he ri !.su bi'!!ii; iiiji i-t.-d into b-.s; Hi .t the Uemocr.iric Ic-.aVrs have u-., t;. race issue as a ni':-: eR', clivo ;, invi to ii: a Ivancpment of ihe of t.'ie p.-ou'es iiiriv .-iii.l pr:ncii!i preveiif any independent t h :is.-hi .u-p.oii aloiiB any line; and h fivs i-tii-ci. ; ! i a t tin- lienior-i-.Hii' b .1 lets not ilo-ire to "iv-move the ra ; m crow from campaigns." To do from t In--. r standpoint, h b foolish. ays. would Again. In- remarks th.i while In Ktvew tn.it -they , I not. ill s the anirndni.-t.t. hir-nd to i M.'.'ves of I In-: t- i lily effictive Issue hy t moving the m-jsro iiti:iiitt:t r i'i t in n impair cry from I pnii.ic.-. yet 1 .!. ,-.,r; if the prop. p, utnemlmeir; was con-.-vMliiKun.i! a: I would result in any way in making it 'less possible for thMll to il.- i!i:r ,1cm US "ileal and dishonest cry. and if there were no dnu r lurking hehiud It. that I would Mippiu; ;t. or at least no- a tlvely oip,i.-e it. " S. nat.ir Hurler tlwn pro. e ,!s to point Mit - fir.-, that under Dip amend ment the country negroes ;! h.. fr.iiiclt'si-d while the Innti m .- will tun iie; that n limit fifty t'-ioits in I m-grocs wil not he ilisfr.i n -hi--. I-- a.-n. ttg i;,, in tin town negro. An 1 in n t ice. II II- ohj otilv v, ts that the town iiei;ru , 'te. Inn --ill ,.;ui hnl 1 uff tie refui that "the t :ic i--a.-' II he Iu pt alive. Itl-.MARKS. I' ,:i.-"::u-i.;ii il ainr i; dim nt was posi il, as Mr. Duller stems to, as a p tr. i -an mea.-uiv. It was d to reaiuly a great evil aiul cot pi think. llfOK! aec'irniilish ;i bum: patriotic i.ajeet. U t i elimitiale t.!n- liane- is influence of It i-espo-a- ' ! wits prcii.i ;.- ,! f:il ai;d riiiticn silil th' iiecr.i .-i f!':a A luce part oi . -'r i iviaula! ii.n is. as cicrv nm in kt-.ov.s. fr.ii.-e ! at: I th and i' powr r tif ill-- s. u;'i-:y unlit f : popular mi:'- h.-.-a.i-.. of their ilcn-o ignoram-e ir wat.i of natural cijinitv; th i. is .--:-. liiH.r Vi'tiii..j.' s a in. na.v to th- best Interest p. .; of Xn, ;!, Cir.ibna. TH : !n is l.,t,-.le,l i. ...o-.. tl.-.t If tin- a.l.ipii'.n of tii.- aineiid- i u 1 1 rely move hat li ra -e is :ue it w ill In n:n Importance. Mr. Hurler ,r evil if th- day the ra-e i --.-u. in.- i i think the r.r.-it In N rtli Carolina is We Hi in I: tie- great evil of the il iv is ih fa t'rule of igfioratit ami t hat a in ii I -ii-i-i'?p.insi.M exercise so much p.iwer a; tho l-o'.ls an. I p illutc p'liili. affairs, tnt but throne,!!- only in i!-..-i- siritiijiis-ild. on; ll'., Slate; tha: tic; y and a ft w pnlit leal act it .ii . ' the State, an, I ; ihe situation n their inll't- mean b aders. I.y their bbgii: the prosperity . In nrtny sections in t of wiii-e famdi.s w!:h dice uuhear.lble. Mr. Hut! : sa.s t'u: he had ,U ci.le.l that If iLbipring the .nm tut in.-i waul. I rrsiill in any way in making po.-'.-:i.il.' fa- :l the ircgio cry. ,c IVniarrat to ml if there were -hiinl ft. th it lie ai-iidiu-'iit. ,r til rais no .1 mgt r Itii k'.ng : would support tin- a l.-:ist n it oppi-1-,. j;. No! otl'P do. s i, gra'vantvs and pub!: a:uer.d:ivent is In! 'id. advert to tin" evils tli.it lac I to rein- .ly and .-lire. Always, uit'i jiol::i. s. p.i: tisau p i The r.i4-i issue, against the I'cojil, 1 on! I I herefon- !, p.-ic u--i:e eli:uina:i might pro-per. Hu tha. aliiic; the Si it him. ii i'i. -. pa pat li- m sail pal- m ikes .m l h- mm the I'ari v w'.liins .Ml h.i a.iiiut. his patty tie- ev ils lllterly .-11- Tt) Till'! h why rr ri .i:u or..ii'( rs AM K.N DM KN'T. Mr. Huil'-i' ohj. !.-. ill the se-oud place, tii it the am. in Inn n t does not deprive all negnsi's of the- right to hold office; an.l. indeed. Mr. Alexan der Melver, a Hepuhlie an leader of long standing, also niaki s t.hat objec tion, t'ndi i- tile constitution, only such persons a.s cm vote are eligilile to office, and mgrof-s who cannot vote iindi r tin- amendment cannot hold of fice aftrr it is adopted. The amend ment will deprive at. least l-elweeii eighty and one hundred tIiou.-:.i,il negrivcs of the i '.slit to vote, and ihe elimination of this nejrrn con.-tltiiency j ,. m l i, ..ie i.m n i n.l l,i i of- , fl,sv'!i..l,linii. Ih.it Is Kh iiUiu for at- . Kumenl. Mr. HutUr and Mr. M, ler. , and t vi-rybody el-se, knows th.U if ih - I aiiiendnient is adopted that th'-re will j be no inure necio office ho!. ling in j North Carolina. As a niat .er of c nir.- -. where their l.e e only Us potiecri.e.l in ooiaCrf-rti-n with l!i s.-hools. for iu-st-a'-e, a few nrgroes may be per muted' to ho! I offle?: hut. If Lie amendment is a lapted it vvlil !. tm p.is.siide for a i rgr.i to lis- again i i '" I eil to a p.iliti.'.u ontc.'. ir Ik- Iec:.M ; to any position wherp he wall cai" ,11 j touch with while men or vh.ie w v nien of th' S: ite. or ex- rcise any co:t I trol over their aftalrs Hut Mr U.ithr an! Mr. Mclver aro nil -s.itisrle.l witii this rtrnctical removal of tho negro m an on :ce h .1 ler Tli-.y insist tint the law should .- iv iu mi many words "that n i ti. ;;o sliall hold office." This is ,i pe.iill.,:- pa.-lilon for men to oo enpy who arc a-ixiotisly insisting that every negro shall lie albuveil to vote. Think ab. or it. these men, political bed-fs'llows w.t.'t Senator Pr'.tehard. and who l long to a t-la-ss of politi cians who have looked to the iiflgro party for ofia -e. one of thorn now hold ing Du Irg'i office of l'n:ii-l SUte Senator i- urgr votes, and who hopes t-. ! , i i-'Ctfl tv) Ui.'i' offic tiilY-tl!. ' ?9 VOI. C!'j"''!ini to 'ftivsiH;e .,.'ir liir' 'fc ftil I riV.s no;, ill ep: .id ti'-gro- . of ! h Wlrit is iho ni.d 1 il :!.!' rlo . -a iiu.i;.- from 'i. in- e l.v r Mr. u:!i--r cms an I pn'ilr.i :i I tii.it negrcrs -.had '.i.. offic.' si, il, ,: only wii and I'opuli.-;.. n !.- pi me ins of the i;efi .,: lint J. i- ii Mr. M.-lu . wiii: K p'tldleati. wil! pi op'.e of North Caiv!:i are upp.-isi 1 to Ui cause ii iio -s not cut:- ! Ik- ..Til tldilll'i.t I i!-. .1 pvuvisi i r.x ..t't;ce. M o;.;i lied to 1 ml mi'i-I.v ! . olTi. - s I'm- lie- - i lower : h--.' against tie- nei;:-.) h of Itio lei 's i l.i.-s at-, a men. I :n. n- iiecuisc. .M'lSP i .! prives in !'S. of t lie I.. l'0 Vi of office at: 1 i..Kt i i are willHig li..r r. Ii lion- Di.it ev.! i riinn nt in N I-.H7 and l--:'s They ear- n, T'.H r;is: i-m :s , fliem. Tln c .I ni.,1 u !i:i '. a h'Hit i party. Mit. urn.i'i: nh tiii-: iti "ni si:r 1 ! N Mr. I . m 1 1 f d.. u - w h it wi ! the re- ui' if th- " r : : . !'a' : . r ' !l Hi! I he lie. ! 1-, , ,)) - ,: -, ' ind the rrsi of th.- am ; iv tr j aii I -i i oper i' h i: : '.. :.y . lh.:: e! in--- !i- t h ; : . tloti.il? sii . ly d dm - : '.:;.' irive anv i;e in y -y-,- i . llll i-i- I! oli'; iv i met-, itu, nt of ti; O.t. Unite I Stat--. 'Mm: ply lys tli ii il... ri 'ir I t ;.h.id u ,: ; ,. ni. ! "ti a -coiiiil n:' ra- .-. ' f in-liliun of s,.;- i: a,... fa.ther dan- " Mifi'n deny or a iiri I -". n ic ' vole. t:i 'it.- i -ntrary. verso. I; ... iys ii i: i j,.- lain pftr.-ons to . e t h: Ilied. SMmlillK by 1 1 -Il ! -red si p iral-ly. - his . po.--iii!y he an -, ti.-1 :: t! i har Hy p. is :h! - I ha: a !is-en to an argiiii;-:.' ,i -ii.r.v tii.il this .-. .-:., ,n i. denies or abridges ,-inyln v ote. for It ,1 . s .xi ;, if lii it. Neither - . ; I by I : self op- n t i : U nt- intlturl.inaii: . 1' ..a an In,- i: i ii.i- every ho ly a !m .: - : ' . has a 1 ig'lll fri Imp Tic . in hi f , f these sec-ion., 'ilcti : ; ; '.elf an. I ecus:.!. -ri'. I the i I!" apart :': ai ,lie uijier. .-an t.-e--iti!y f'-1 uu.-.i:,.- : : lol'.al. The real ipicii- n ii thi-: W..I - a : iut: - I at: I " i :m- ii I ei-.i; r,,:c it a tiotinl If ior,sdend si parat-ly i. vli--n i taken tog. ttivr a . I e , !'-'!'is r ' ; ;.' -1.' -it-l j.' sti-,u,e all - :' -i '.!. Wl" "''' ''ri' ' 1 ' ''" ' fosi-ther be t .i-: :;. Mi ; negro to o:e ,.:i ... .... tir previous c.;-, I'i:. ti ' i til T i if the Kill! r ; !: nt i. Iioui I ii !: d .V ,: i t: : 1 1 1 . 1 1 : i . ol:-' ; loaet her. ii'.n. t o '.i ' separately was va'a! .iti 1 i tile inn-cnst itu-: i : :i . I eh ni. :.: j in ll :n tiir. it' u of : U" t '' , in ! t he iatii ,ni; y v. ai! I Ii i: ' i, ut di-i in- 'ly :t in r ::i t . -;her: and of e nu.. :., a v : i fail. Se. t'oii ." li . '. : I right or ! ile s a w ay . a : aitliy does r.o: .1 t:y , r .. i i. ly's rig'i- fur .iiiy c. a -. atilin.g act r.ot a d. :i iior ', i"t- It simply in a !. . . !!: :s. Mi all that M '. 1: ; ' -.iv a.iiini' w li,.i : ii: . i-1 i ! '.; ipp- sc'-tion sh.i.i! I h-- i i t I tior.al is w ind and flit y j ie;ng anv basis f,.r lie- s lld.rSI'UA'I'I'iN iui..-nl IC'l.lliV '. -.v.ia! 1 l- -..',1 and .! I'll,' iKitlg bi tiitlstri:.- whil we :n 'take the c-- uf a umwt ! read and writ.- i- I i ,in:!' r section I: in- ra -p. in court an.l says .-... ;:, in I Wily th.i e wl: i i m i i I A; I'd v.i.e; I . at.n- : r. i ! a.il I I am .li--1- iti, iii.-i I i i-iii sum , : :u r ni ::i c I niy.-elf !, ilisfran :i.-: I ' Is admit te 1 to stiii: m- I ." Nov. is it i-ot umc : 1'lt'iit any ,.:i i i :. i If t i coin-; c i n 1 1 1 1 ' I'..'' i!i.-' r '' I tlou ." !i" unci:: s: : at ; lt-f-1;. If tr Hum. I ti. ; i I 4 tin I " t do a l-ag "i r I uncoil.-1 .tut aula! .- ii- :: I Iho wli.ila am. l. Inn i.r I Iw- d-.'!ared imr a. iiiiti gt oiiii.l t hat la-: w. ; ge-.lier as a v.ai'.e ag-lillrl .TUlli- v.: ' 1 1; ' c, t ion ." ; ar. 1 .- i , :n : " 11 1 ll.ll'.ger of sect i. :i . ! leaving - -cti .n I in ope: such .Linger a.. Mr. limb pri tet'. l- t.i in, mil..' i i An a h- r re i- a:i w h t in .t li.ild -sei't io:i ", It:. '' leave seed, .n I 1:1 op. : thov tuget h r eh i: :' ma for' !fgis!.i::i.i.. I lo-v I',. I- t'...t .-rpar Heiv ba foui-ih s- tioti , - arw -v l voted for w: -i i:,.- !,--.. I he or. - 1, p.i.n'.v . a. i.' ... i n- ', t in- o:her. I i. a Pile c' a . ' . . a I ijwilicstiim in . ..a-: ruing a s- ..' ; .' coiiatitutiuii, whet-.- the comi tin!-; this eimnei.iitn oet-.v. .'iff.r...!: - .ti.i-ts I ui! wtieie i: is evident ihr :v- one j would no have I, cell ,i l,.p' i vvt'h I out tin- t.licr: i! will hold tvaa b.c.ti Rnod or hold -hem both !,., ! I':. :- tho only way the court cic t- i tho voter wli.i: he has v.,:. i . I Wrike out the liftli s, . -r i i ,,: ;. ,.. I the fourth w.ciii in-tini -n l.t!- v. Stitiltion in .1 piiti.aii.it' I... . '. ! ' r hy the people, nr.! 1' won! 1 ,.- : .. eonrt s mikirg i'i amen. Inn ti1 vv!i c'i selves nevi r w . a!, people alone hive th. ir .'luistii ur ion. that for them. Hut we main tin o? Hip nmendmeiu either when thm a r vh n taken tog c- tiie p. .;. in Ihe pe.ip!" : . ti ii: v e mad la the rig!:; t.i an;, t i No eon:! cm la that neither se ': n i? unoon-t;tu:i. uial. re taken scparitf-iv ther. We wid not fitup ! nial. an argument upon line now Mr Ituth-r .-ays univ D tint iii.i- eratic livvy. rs mi nt i;n die con.::tu tloiial.tc of the am. liilmeiit as a whole, ant !!iO t hey nre d'-tioti. it Wfll. there a,.'- ii an I red" uf 1.. -! In North i",ici.:i v n.i I't-irvo v u fOiiHCIiol:.!, hoieC.;, !!i"t' aiV HMTMlV "ko . .-..i,lift thai prive offle. aunt' Th'-re ore s-v.-ra! Jivlp s in North j '.ii-ti!i:i.- ele --, 1 on tho i:nii-iarti.-.m .ticket. t...t!i ti;i-m up.r,or and Ml- iiul Sn t, have openly i prenr- ir- :. in I (le.-lrm 1. 1 -':! ri. dare, that !lh"y will ..--- f ir :t; at..) l!i. greatest ! rrvm-t-ltliio-' iivvyer in the mild i States Sen..- . .'en .in- ,M .ra m. uf At - j batna. c':;. I ,if'.,r ex-S'. nator '(;',-:;:. Cd-eitti l . t:..- first const it u j I icr.al l :'v ;- - : ia die fnite Si.lt.es, Ii is ! Jus' mad" :' p.iwi-rf-ll . p. ech in I'M" hearing of na'-ir Hr.'iet' in the !'n'- t.-d Sra-. - s,.,, ,,,. , nipliaiieally d. i claritig t . '- a:'. .- e ireful investig.i . lii n he ii foul; I n.i'liaii! iincnii.-t i: u ttonn! !n I '.:- aim ndineiit and that there , i i. i pro'. ... a ::i : wiii, :i can li.- in - t.pet.-, to il.r.y ur aliiidge ti.e ..cl:- ,,'' it. i te it''. to o!.- on a'n'in: I i,: : a- . . o'or ui- pia v iciis .'i.,l i.'a.i: u; ...-.- ;;!... A : I hefu r-- Hie t'-V i;p Iti tin- ..,-e !s i-ritnplele ! Mr. Iti:-.b r vv'll !; if oilier p-r-a! cmis'itn- il lawyers li.l'er.-l and as-wt t.ie cut itiuti.-ility of this uie.is- Wlia: N the opinion of Hut l. r. a s !.,-.v ,'. iipi.n tips eitiisritii- 1 ui"-' ' .Tt . -. imp are. wi'h tha-of M rt.isi. wl.'is. i . piil at i ti a'- a lawyer M-.d s'atiMnari wui'ld-wiile? Sena 1 tor l::ri, r is ' lie h is 'out i I,.- to his opinion. i:njiany. Hut even i-t favor of tho he was a' one tin an., tt 'm. ut . or a' I. nd. d ' i vo:, f monri, ago Wi. front '.' I- i: h promis. 1 l; paii!: ..! " i i . :i io the S- : II. .1I a j id: ial po p slid he 1 si it".:!! a fe-v ley? And was j: . , : i 'or libs p.eit ". ' ltd g . hi.. 1 1 ci:;.. " Hut. -v. 11 if . f,:; ;.. :.i l.z.t: I, the Sc. -rb- o'tije ts tint in. ! r '. hite b .v -. t ,',e .- ; wintl th.- '.'ir I ''" '.:!! ', 111:. lid" ' read .1!..: p.av their poll tax. ,i:. i w if dikfrar.- h;s"d. Ir . '!. i-e may ) otii" w a . -, -diiin tin- next eig .- . :.- ;i how :o n .id .1 : ! . too poor 'o pay their -o it won'. i he sn !n i". .'t.'ti liapp t:.-' that ur. 1 .cms bear !... 1 o.-i ..:i, I'.at if I' tiaai . li ,r. I oil at that he can-i .! in!., in-, a n .! learned '0 f id and v v.dil d. :ihJcs5 I..- .-piifi.- I up , ; -irnini?. It wotll 1 l'.o- take h:ui 1o-.j ' 1 r'ai-fy hi'.llSelf. If -lis, pl'l-tlt.. hi.- hot S-!lt htm to tin- pu'i!..- t- hurl :: ;.. un 1 T ig... :i :'! :- !i is : w en ;.v -Mi, . iv certlin . ly (mm fe int tn .1 few month-- without il; "t"u t'itag vv aii his di.ly laaoia. II" A .ltd 1 II '! tlli.- s h'.ll ,,,e I-'.. toll If !," 111. 1 etc I, ' W . II! I ) .'it'll I""- r .: , : "! 1 i. ; ii . .1:11" a -i'ttn.l. .-"iin.M. I'.vn.rni-:- I'.f -.' 1- ,! irn wh.a' i-:. 1 I ; ;.,e VVll,' Ut pi" 1! ' ::..-. I .1" i i-t .- g- Is!. it nr.. l:a e 1 n :ni "art. est of w tint 1 tii'' rati He- lc I!. ll ptovisi 01 fer pu'-d s.diools. it appropriated an 1 , , jtt 1 .' mi the tic ,..,i: ip puiilic s-'tiuuis. f i"", ; ;. . f-u- ev ,-ry Ii iy 1 0 I" 1 :n : 1 . , I tn. 1 t.i w rit-' gro.v gr i-. -r a'ef every n ar. The w iv 1 11" ii: 1 r.- i . , w : ' be gi , at . r a men 1 11- mi ts a !"p:e i t :iar. . . I in-:'., I ". t, lei ". 1 I V White '.. 11 '. to ; "i t n i. ivv to 1 cad a t; ! 1 i. it 1.' :n iv I.e. uue a 1 1 1 1 1 " . I'ti 1 : t .1 s j rimui'is v.l . . 1 -e t.i 1 x .st a in. am ;. N.i ' 'i 'a 1 -ni i 11.1 . ' i nr ; ha' .- ituii'.iti - 1 lie v. tt . Ti how 1 .. .iii:e ,1:1 edti, it :i;ii : .11 ...if .-, - tii ' father uf ali:-.. I ai.- sati i .1 a, ipiti'e an edt; .'.:.. I.-- m'1 1 1 .... a hi 1 t!;; ' a 1 ' it.'liti.i .i'i-! ..: th.s t im--. 1 i'v ui" in s of ri-niov ing t ;. . 'tat , i-ts ill ' tie State 'i . :.' .a ares ' at. ai. , nih :.- .1 bad : hiiig rut : 1 apply : '.ri: i.'is to t he w li.te imy. I party is ,1, u i nline, I to g :. !...- of N. rth Ciroli:..! - ' a . unity than ev 1 r lief.-;-. " 1 I a r. I w r : '. ar I t in w .. . ;. .t'ti tr-.i -: to h'-t Ala 1 Ii 1:1 1 i.Cifs ux;ir '!" i' 11:1: T Hut', r Is f.'..t. 1 in : ' '!' ". he. lion . vcr In '! , ' -. !..- tn .lu .- to tl.e . ,- I ., :; itic t: ltiictti ,1- a ti " V ' '' - i -. "Ill I- it i c i-...- !! I : t i a ' s ,s, e iiavv 't w I! w .t I; ' " W. s- . Th- a lien- s .v. lh : . ' I'1' on 1 ' ' ''. I. - !: 1" I." a ' . '. 1 sha ' 1 ii.. v 1 a ,.i 1 .:i er b " .': 1. i-' M a ..; til. :: v ! . ''a i.u prop 1 : v ': o his j..-!'. i - ;a. -. ';' I by 1.1 tlm pr. vluas yi ar Taxis are due tn Ihe fail Atiy man tu'oi-!.-. i.g 11 v n.- must .-!: v tii.,; la- pai.I by the Ill's' of March the ; ;: tax due the" previous fall That t.t .'it: N' a h..; :..i:ip in Mine m.l.v blu.il w,!l ii-aio tiie prompt ,,, ,,,; ,,; an.l the l"'l 'ii.i-iti-."iii(! in.-ttint reliei and speedy i,j . ii p.j:,;- s.lioois It :s f'li'1 'to a'l 1 omjihiinei s simple nnd Rental- . .ni. ,; ..1. tl tax. at I as there ,s ti tie. Need I say ili.it. my own apparent i- ..'i el,:, ri. nal j -i 1 , t I.m for vol- . mv aiescenc,. vva.. f no ! ,ng l onlliiu- ...g ttie ,,oil ta !i.,a!l '..- duly paid. It: t 11 it. : It'i-b-' -s :u th.s ur.ty a !. n,.i. ra- s., ! . me t- disipl ilify 1 ! witn e ,!-.;. .1 piv i'i. !r poll tax bi .'..:- March 1st That b all that . iM .111 ti 11 1 .: ' "a .s.-!ie:ii..- ! . h'... vv 1, b ' t iilaiii.lv a nro- 1 ot. to iuiliico .-, iieon.! ivAv-riieiit of tii" . o. cat;.. nal t.x or. w ii.ii.-h tTls- jmii !'. a ai's m I i- g. iv .U A HKSI'Mi!. 1 sitill Up .-si-litl'..; Il l c s titgU iii-ti'. then: Ho makes r.di'Uhms - .ingestion that 1 Io' ''':. - " "ii may '. . b.-ld ''uti -in:. : ; ' i-: a 1 th : t '. Mlile tu ! he 1 bi a g an crgiitiicnt on .- ig .' - . : n. he ai'Kiii'S 1 1 :.-.' w ii te nn-ii iu i c . .. !', llbe I. I Jul ev", I sini e it i.x: and t! n'ltsuid llallV llllt- in iy he :hi- court i ! li.J.I that vile .V !i s,-cl;o:i wa i'i :,' ..ll.t lle-lt lh.1 eT-.-i'-e Ili.TIl i .-,.,.;:,! awfil and en, ,-;:. itional. he h:,,l f:t ifill an.l with an agony i'.s .;,itcly awful and con tdu'.iutial. lis ' oi zeal be.-n wani.-d off the anlf and yet .;--. lii.-;. tin- town logtoes are not1 willfully struck into the current. Heuv bsi'raiii htsed while th country ne- I en he merciful to him!" :toPs are .Unw long will it be lie- ' ' Mr Hntler will be hnldlnc night lau.-ti -. s with the leaders of : lies !-1.;. d town .larkii s. ami "llilH at int.. th cimitry to iurl uue ;!, . i o.' I i.miirn dtirkps h- 1 ,1k a..,., agiins iho wh!!.. ;..t;..l n. put i..-. " il !u rfiisi, lVt .-Cs-i;d'.l h- 1 i.e. i.:a'w Kfb fdii Hiiv"v"i I-i l-.u; t ..ff'.: .4 tW4, l'i''li tt:S tveive yell's of age IIW IM. ii how to read and write by - i !he v-ir lt"lV. and 'rirlu. liee.ius.- - i-om-- m 'i in.sy n-i! pay tiieir poll tax Icf. :.- -! .- firs - ut M m ' t- ! he w.c.i j- i- . 1... s iv.- th:r in- ilecidril that ,.ep,.,r! th- amendment it j- , ... . :;. :-.:-,ii.:oii:il aiid woulil rcj-ui' it, mak tig It bM possible for th--1 .... to u ... "tin- negro any tn ;ui if ;hrr.- was no danger .".!. d 1! Tii. r-i Is ir.d. 1 but one way to test i- teat one way ti a-vet'tain whether .' is i . iiKti'iit'on.'il ttr i: '- an I that Is t i adopt it iiu-1 .- ' S.i i- tii" court has to f.ay a-vut V. To "'e it down pre vents tii" iiirt from hivaig a clinc-e t i iaar o:i ii am s-i'ut bun! ;t y. If jt ;- i g..ed tiling 1' can have life only from tin- hreith of the voters. If ;. js a g,, ;a thing, it should be givon a ciialieP nr." U.li'-i at the pulls Ix-ailsC f.mielii.ly ,-av the court nilglit tay n i iim-uu-tl'iitlunai. Tn:. if 'lie conn would pronounce ir or..-'!!!iillona!. (Inn it ought no! to lie i::i.i a at iti" pons- n u . " thing. And sn, aft. r nil t if iue.siton tor it.. votf-!'s of th" .- : e is: Is this m"a.-i:"e one that :ii;e iN ' our lifst Judgni' nt a a pr ia r exerci-c of our p .vv.r f ir the advant ire an l henetl- the . ,p:e of North Carolina : The ).. .;:!.- siiu'i!.! ask tin m. fives' j ley , nut he changed Im w. w.m: tins tueasuiv-: IX) we want has been io Ji , .- - he ir.v .-o ilia- all white nu-n ;,!! for r - car. v.,-.. an 1 .id IM'n-r.i'e negroes can ' I failing 'n ' Lot vo e" I io we w.:t.t M have the 1-aw it, lei- McKiu- I'n tint ihe mass of iliilerate neRrroes i.tfv hiiii.clf will r..c terrorize .'immunities where .!.i-l;l li.v , they are c:,cv l.-d t .geth' f and dumi nate the p il. :'.." of th" State? I0 WP ..!:' f".i:ii A want to iiav.- !!; iivv .so that. (Treat I. ,i ple.tscil. crowds of .gr.orait! ln-gro-s cannot put - a ndiiM-iit. iu pi-.v...- a;.! sus- tin In p iwer vicious s oil n:r.v, mid vile r.i'.c: s. who are an olfetii-o to ... will ..-:di (Ipcpih v atfl who degrade tho adminl- and t-n .-ration' of pi.,';c .ilfaiis? If so, llM Is .;: therefore, a m'-a-n:" .aic.iia'el un Intenib-d to ;,n.-.sib!e that 'correct tii.- .-v.l. The remedy Is suh ,V" i-ov.s now , niitti'd t i '!." ii-ipb' of Nortli lane ,s vv'di i-,.t li.-i.i by t:i; ..:.- I g::-!.iu:-e for their - .'.' ormvy tipprova.. I'o : a -y rpp.-ove it; if so ; . : ;.,x. If U-t lll'-m S (V ' .I- t'f.- p'l'ib. :;.! c.is.. ft:TIIK SKNA'PilfS I'KllS ( )N A 1 dTIF.S i' t.iih:;.' re- Mure thi:. a h lif of S- nator Hut-..- -. ilvi.-birtl b-i's btt'.e art -ae discassing tiiis con : -. .viite Imy , stitiitioaal ameu. ism .nt Is taken up ill i,.... ie- Ims ! a si-urri i:i- atfick on Mr. K. .vl. Sim- ' nions ,,t. I .-, au-nitig ta.e i vniorr.it i- pa rty. We a I vi :" 1 his f e't oi.iy to say that uy 'mug. tig in such niarier to fill up. he sh . w-.- c.iiic!n-i v . ly that he could ti-id i;o:i::iig ie tf " bearing on the uu. - ion an I that would stista-ln h. pi.-i'ion again.-.r the a 'ltendmect Tic- (i-iivvuuau !..i:angii'!s in hi! hiigsirate vv'i, n lo r any:.'".' deprives her of reason. Marioa lltitier follows her -x .i ii , i i . . . I'.m- s .me i-.-asi.li h U irri- 'a '.I w .in .: . .-tiiiiii. n a.c.i in- .- UU ' .Xp.a.ll HIS ... AS .l.s l,, nm O 1..... tii- pub.!.- uf adup'tir.!? or re- .l'-tttrr a propr.se I coii.ntiiiuonai "tidm.-nt without jier.sonal vituiitra- !i ,:i and -Ian vrous iussaults on an In dividual. At. I indeed the gnate.r part of hi.s article is devoful 1 : abuse of Mr. Simmons and the DemmTatb: ; irtv. Hut it Is no new thing that Mr s;:iiai:..ns and the Ji.-mncraU-' pav . 1 1 no- p!ea Mr. Under. As 11 in ri. r uf fa. t they d.l not fc li In p.e.se hiui. t:d are quitft um-onci rtii-J r he hurls v itapi-ratlooi at tii -tu. CniERIDGf AND OPIUM HABIT. in. tliu f;:et Author At'ifUlri-rl Uift r.itai 1-r.u live. 'I t'ol. owing has been often quoled, ir : .anno! h. !,i widely known. It t ,n a -coins; 1:1 Coicr. itse's owii word 4 . : r.c.v lie was led into the fatal habit : -i.-ing opi i'ii ' i nio.e a I-v stanzas t .v , nt 1 hi , . j'i-ars ago, soon al ter ray .... had h. n open, d to tile trac 11.1-ai- of the habit into which I had ln-i-ti i, 11. 1 ail' i; ,iei.li,-d by tiie t-elllilig nia- ilficts ut upturn in the Mil.i. ti re moval of a siippo .d i heaina: i-tn. at- iidcl vvitli i vvialin;:. in mv liriees and pidpit.itions of the licit 1 an I pains all .. v.-r in.- hv whi. h I had h'-ell hedridileti for n.-arly ..; taotitl. - I'litiappily atnoiig my iicighbur- and laiidiord'.s t..iol;s wi re a large p. 11. 1 i of medical re-i"W- tun! ni.i" iiiies. I had always .1 f .lidiies- a ..pit. mil ca.-e but most rai.ihiev uis nun with reading men who are .,; ai; ily-pepnc for . abiding :-i inedici w lit ings.a tnl in one of ilus.i i met a case v.'hi, ii I tan. i. ,1 yet v !ilp ntv own, iu whic'i a cu:e had hern 1 fleeted ,v Ihe Kendal Ida. I; drop. In uu ev:: hour I p,-in-ured it. it worked tn i la.!, 1, -t!;,. t-ive'iitigs disapie;ireil. the pain., vaiii.-iied, 1 was ail alive, and h" around me being as ignorani as my self, nothing c ciid ex. eel my triumph, i t.i'ked of mulling else, prescribed tha newly discovered panacea for all com pi. nuts ai'd cita id ;i buttle about with n - . not 10 :.e.e mi opportunity uf ad- lt.lt what then" The remedy at hand infallible Alto ' it - wltli t. r i-miie, a laugh uf ga',1 and liU- s. tiiat 1 rcciil this period of un ..tn- delusion, and how I first ! c .r.vaie of the maelstrom, the fatal '':- :!-"'' '" "-'' b I was ilravving, just then 'io- 1 in rent was beyond my strength !.. - i ti . The flate of my mind is truly pot t : ayed in U10 follow ing 1 IT i.-ioti, to; who h Coil knows that niotiietii 1 as the v ,".'n of pain and terror, nor had 1 at ;riy time taken the Halt, l ing poison as a stimulus or any raving after nleasiiralilt sensations. 1 n,.f.,b-. none, and uli. with what, limit !.".i ' -orrovv did I read the 'Confps-sioii- of an Opium Kater.' in which th writer with morbid vanity makes a boas; of what was my misfortune, for M- re than Ho.oo.i persons were 1. ; 1 1 .. 1 1 .,. .. : 1 1 ..... 1 ..... 1 1 .. . : ivuieo 1., ,i un 11 11 1 111 111 s mm ,. mm cn in ' ""' "'' ' a u.uu- ''"', "''!' were iiscm...-! i" ugers, I fi'1,1 -'' null-!-.-, to man-etit ing I woh-c, ,.e I Ct.. . a, !".- ililectei j Ur sj-ailfti tc"i -;.. '.eia'"'!. to fx 1 4iil,"lw l!.e,..'- j.f.,-1 ...nlur y.wn i i II Ml