(SUatlutm gjccorxl. RATES II. .V. IA)M)ON, EDiTOK AND 1'HOI'JUETOH. ADVERTISING One square, one inscrtioi. One square, two insert ion i One square, one month tl.OI i.l TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strict! 'n Advanct. VOL. XXII. PITTSIUmo, CHATHAM COl'XTY, N. CTIiriJSDAY, rKIilM'AKY , WOO. For larger advertisements liberal con. tr.cts will be rnudu. P i f vLl all dill milUIW. NO, 2.3. mfm HE FLOWER OF y A LOVU DY AMELIA ' I'HAITU: U. ionium : i'. "Yeslerehiy I put a pieee of 1 it-1 i - Hope at my throat, i, ml he tumle Jne remove it. He -ai 1 the saont of (lie tiling iiisnle liim liav ii fuintness. I iiiinteil out m vera! pieei -s in the vine.-, it It 1 he atisw er. A if I woiihl near a vuse full of ether ihcicrs with heiin- . trope, he tub;'. it . ships , n hire it. He makes the s. i ii.' , .' ,.1, :. n t.i illiv other flower I oh e. lie takes ,li-i. likes t.. a'.l the ,u n . I look v. II in ami 1 realiy , an only .hes t my.-. -If in n irrav inev or a I lalahi.-l's t ti tan villi any I'oiufort. All my fi ien.N ur in Mime tt.iv oli.eeinoia'.le. Th Hei iots are llihty ; the N'. thei hy ; n Is nre etiav.i ' i:il : llie lli-l 'ps are vu I'm-: the Tennieks are heyon.i lieaiin..; for their pi i.le; mil o on mil s,, ,ui. If it as ii. it f ii the i.iim'. -i . he w.eih! Cioss y.ui oil' i n y isitinu' Si ! aNo." "Why il li" ih s'leh tilings " "Only liee.ius.' he is a natural ty rant, il.' loves to Ml e.V his IMI.T, uml 1 iim e 'ini'lete'v in I!. I ' lit :! hit ely 1 ili'l not ininl hii.i v, ry m ie'i. I lm l maniuei I I y .11. an 1 e ryt'.iiu c pivi me j .y. I v. ore my pretty tlresse i . when I eaaio hi "e, an 1 pi.ive.l itn I H.l'.l'i V. lien he V..U . 'I' of the llo:s ., ' III! 1 e.O'iie.l n.y u .vel an 1 p' t y t i lily o Il room ; an 1 as lo:i " a I e e.il l visit Jessy 'IVli'ai' . I eai .si nelliioj; ' for the .- h.t . .a i..r a'ivlio iy !-.." 'V.n hav.- J i:ni-- Wii.t.oin als,. on vo'ir -i 1,-. Janiieisiiiiiiiltitu.il.' ".la iiie is w ell em i.;'i. " ' W.-'il eu i:l ,', ! An I J .i...ie ' to i. i your !i:islan l '." "No, he is 1, ,;. v.i.V I w ill II. lmiiry him. Ja'aie kino.-, h.ov I lml. I ni!i le in. u iin lei'stan 1 the i l'ier ni-iil. I ''i l n 't ni'-.'.'i to hm t hi..., but 1 fear I .li.l, f..r I.- ha t I.. , i to I.eveu - il 'pe sinae. m l the lai. l was f'-etiiii.; an I I'.rniu ; n'o .iM his 'llei!:,' a v riiin-.' nl! t!ie tone I ate my l'reak:'ast tlii- m uaiiu ;." "''o ir Jamie Wintaim ! Hen s;i :: a iron 1 ll'-.t. '.e I. 1 1 i i ifa' i ! e s ml '. " "He may ba'.e ali the ooo.l .pialities that ( Nlst, Je-sy, H'l l yet he litis never ma le me in all the-e yn'.u s ivire fur liim a t soiue one m.i'le me earev.ioia nhinee an I a sm'u ami a to't ''i of his ban. I. Ami this s.i.iei ..u.. lit: all Ja.uie's pi 1 ipialitii't u 1.1- I to hi' O'.vil speei a! o. :.." "I! "ii.le-i ill! lh.ee otiier ."?eelleii cies w liieh y.et are eoii-iantly invent in;; for bimV "Very llke.y I 'lo lUVelll so. i.e. livery 'w.eeiri li.l t. luveiil ..r the limn "siiii lo.es !:. i le tl blne. N"t nlie in a tho i-tiu 1 ha-tio-m uat tir.illy. " (1:1 tiiese topie. t'i'.y t.tli... 1 with tin ever iuerea in : i ti 1 1 i . - t . Tin' kiik bell ran,, uml the minislei' pre.iehe l nml 1'iaye I, an I the imii-jre.r.i' in i Hi-attere I o er tie' hill . an 1 Kalliei ine htill lav up ei .ley's be. I. w lib a hea I aelie aii.i a heal la.'he. teliimr h.r filet's an I ile-pair-. im I lite'iin.' to hopes nml liLe'liho ..Is, iim.'iy a little, weep- inn ii little, let: with a!! timliui, ;re:i! I'oinfoit in J.-sy reisoiiabb' nu.l uu- reasomilile frii'ii'lship. When I s-ior Telfair ea .ie bael; fl'ulll tile til'telll".,!! s.itiee, Jes,y boblly ilel'ei. b' I her e t n an 1 Kadi.;, line's ilcliu .piiuiey. "Kathei-ine is realiy .-ick." sue mill. ii li. I 1 snivel at home with lor. Ami you otieht t i i o nii.l "itc lit,: biiiil n -o i l M-ohiiii;:. father. He i -hilnply an cUMaeotis iloi..e tie ly rant." "He lluiikt. he is iloiim bis .buy." "lie kit.ws he is otetaloiii' Iii- ilutv. Ami ii is the ovei'loini; that ,leli?hts htm What v Kiitlici iiie cl'viiitv about'.- ' "I'rviui; ':" "Ye's, I bei'.i.l ! a i sobbm l'oor little lil'fi"! What was a!.'.' i1 e v t i:. ' or 'l ' "For tlte ii.ooii. I think." "Voii mea i for that Mr. Mowbuiy she met be! " "Yes; that is what I mean." "Jessy, you ureiiv.i-e wee 1 ojy. nml I will tell you soiiicthini,'. Y'.u must jll lt;e wln..lierto speak or to lie ijuiet. 1 hiiM' bil.l thice newspapci . from the vomit; man. His name is in nil of them. I have no .hmht tlu y w, i iittenileil lor Katherine. Ho was sure J would tell you, ami i-ixuully sur, that you woul'l I'nrty die int'ssuL'i t Katheriiu'." "Wheie mo the papcre, lathei'.' AVhy iliil you not tell me before:' A Ihibylonisli signet wouhl have been lunio wisely i cHil bvyoii tlian a niii!nb abont lovo iness.i I uui inn iiiii'sfiii.i ..i.u. ... u sense of tho teiiiler pas-.i, on, Jessy. I' live vet, in v ,laiit;hter. in a situ h, of the bygone. Hut I was tiiinkiiu of Wllllollll, WHO is a very piea-tiui youii)? liinu ami liv.n- witbm my own Imiunls nml parish. "Kathcnno wtll never mnrry Jamie Wilitoilll. "ihe luli',1 wil make iter nuu is iioiniti his iiiuitc j...... "Not until she is of up'." i "I'sbaw! Slie eame ,f up' the iluy ' nhoiuut J,ioliar,l .Mowiuay. l'ai...;r. you aio ten limes pretiter thai, the laini. Mir yoii.se i up '" poo. Kfttheruit. who is likely to In. tlnveti diatracteil between Hiathou-t uml Win- ,ouu- , , "Awor.lm tieh .1 "'''" J.v. l like n itiiistiii 1 M'fl (in.i ;.av ,! .- juto u fcr.-i.t Uef ....-! viUiti-i tnv j..: OA!, A WATER. STORY. E. BARPJ. i Jn,'lll. l.T K-...fkT II iM-t s s.e - .t.vt;;-;';v;vvvv;vt;.'.'.; ho put I" tin- wall bv two Kits if .,.,... ,,., ( ,, (,.,.n :. y.-t. I a. ii ii it vety -lire if I oii-ht t 1,1 you liu' the lie t - -spot " " I hn o taken y.ui Ih-t v.or.liu that suhjo, I, father, ami - I v ill ticc-r ne.-l y,nir se.-mnl. which is in thin:; I ut ii n.mbt unyvtiiy. My-ii' . il I ej -, e y :i a i 1 da. I L uke I vt.-il it. Mine has jcnii . ; - l .t i with Ituithcriuc's. We ..:!! o.ily 1,. t'i!!;ili'- liii Su'.l-at i';t- i! we o:.me ihctin i.u 1. 1 i , vm v.ou'ol f. e! i: t.i he v.. ur .Inl . t foil. i.l ii l-.ol.ir ut t:;e p-.p r- to .lay. an 1 that he a ihva il'nl ti i ll." .ill. I An iliv..::i:,::tiv : '.Mi'e at '. In- pa pel ulieii Mil I.ir li;,.,tir 'irs -p. ike of tiiem ha 1 i v. I liii-ir sil iatiou to 'I'lo v ere on a Look-. .in II. an 1 -lie took) ,,.! an 1 a -ioll lli I ' l -l'.l u it'.i n mil lal: ilpstaos null tin. I:....; I ,.f !o... I h" rvii ii.j; in-al Inl'l he, i -, t I iy the wie lo. . .in 1 Kutlo i in.. hielriM-a an 1 was p,.in -ia th., I'oilin ; w it, r on the !r ive "I the tea as - v entei e.l. The iie..;i- liar vefiehin: , 'v.i.inj Hv- .:i ti ,.f Tekoe ami tlie room. a. el there was a wen nu'e upi.ii Kathe- i iiie's f.u . ..r the y um : have to I." uiri.ef. in lee.l, l.ef . ! e the s'le.- ll. Ul j'tiees of l!..s, all. I I'i- 'i.i'ls sii.'. t'.u-. ,. . i.-.i'ip i:'li t i i :i : i iv! tiiem. '1 lo- i.h i .! a :'.n I lie-a! ha I heeii a ai pt- I l.y l .it hei I lie at lo -t w i:li t he I esirn.i: i i u !ii -h a st n-, of per-onal 'I'll v i n-pii . -. hut it was fa-t heeolnin H plea-'li ah;e antieipat loll. Jessy's f.iee tla-he I I i her Imp.' an. I cNpeetati.il!, an I Katheiiue put .low a the little lua kettle Mel loo!;-! a' io r frie-.i I w ith 1. ieii!h less inter t. S.'l!i--!i people iike to play with ;.'oo 1 ' lo we, to make ri. Mies an.l s'irpri-' S i li t j.'ea e Jhein-elvi -. but J.-sy shut I !. .loo' an. I sai l promptly: ' 1 i ir, if y..i! wan! to know ahi.nl Mr. M ow lirav, le i e are three new -paoel : with his n ime in 'ii-aii. lie sent them to father I li ii e, lie Une-. th. y w.ethl be ..iveuto Vi.u. I .o ve 1: as in. i ny ' sti-anee liostmeii. I ulv I hi nk of hi, I ' -enoiii t !. minister -) .-!or iellinr 1 himself, mi l no bs!" ( She was tumiier over ..!( paper a- , .she sji.ike, au.l the i,:h,r; neve in Kat heriin-'s hamis. A peiieit ueu k piiekiy .In . le.l t h i: V. .-lit ion to t!o' p:op. rib: liele i tl." hi t n-.ti.-e." 'al l , lessy. " 1 laliuora! Hotel, I Ml ubu ,-.''n . ' lliehar.l M.nln.iv. Mov. in ay, We-t- ; m.i eianl. ' Ibov i he miine a mis out I. Hie a seo'e '.I iiie i ll'll.ies "' 1 i ! I.k-K. I a! it." -ail l-.:;t h: Hie, an 1 ! tie v. .u .i-. e.o; 'ii! h.-.l.l ftoui lii-t , ,;r. "lleie i- the -eeoiol in'ti.-e. I -I'.- lh, lliehat.l ejowbr.iy. M. whiay. We ! :n..rl.i'il. ' What it- he iloim.' in ' ', ri h, J e.--y .' I 'i I le1 spe.il; of I'm t'.i before I eame'.'" j " think li"t. Tlii- is the btie-' : pap. r. May b".. 'Wiek. ( 'ale I .uiau ll,, (,!.' ' "Wiek! W hat ever has he ;;oi... to Wi.-l; u j-v it i-. .( st at John fniroat-. ' --at the last foot of S.'.e.tish ;;rouii'l." " tliiuk I know, lie spoke of an aunt ho liveil in the(rkneva. The licXt jiaiier, I ilare sav, w i'l eiu.ie from Khhwail." Ktilheiitie's hcielaehe ami heiit i. -a'.ie wcie now jinlie. blown oil' John ll'liroat-, lal' ii'.isy "'.rr Ihe u'ieai North Sea. It wi eharmiiif to se, hi.v bri.'htly uml subtly the e..bu ea'.te b.i.'i; f i hi r ehcel.s tin. th.' li Jit lo ltd- ,-y. s. She was hu:io V do n. ii. i l s'ae potirnl out th- t'-a. ami t li io-el h. r slice of mountain mutton, dtnl vm v much eiiiove 1 her tai ls nml , duet ereil cream: t'ue w lula site ttilke.l iiol'tly, anil smil 1 aii I iiimu!cil. an I nan as biinpv us sb,. 1 1 , 1 hecu miera i'e. The iainl as now a to ne'i :iy. , She felt even a bilie bi lb"ereu( 1 lowar.l him. Wintoiin's al.si nee w a- no loii-er anui.yiu. Jes.-y promiseil t se ' the yoiiin,' inttn ami liuJ out w hat was the worst of the trouble there. Ami after a ilelieioiis, deliu'lit- fill meal. Kilt hertiic role slowly uml hopefully home lnt.tceu the two ' li..i,tst w idi tin ei- little seiv.ps of news- puper in her sill, pin e. As for die ! puise, it was hhhh ll H . ay sufe'v elose j t,, j,, !' In-ait I I ( HAITI ill nr. IT.sriN v. What i- love! 'lis n.it Iterealter; Pr.'-f'i.t nilrdi halli I'l-eseat I.UK'liier. Wlint 's to , -.nil., is -lilt unsure; la il-lay tlier- li"- Im plenty, l in n ."itiie Ui-- iiie, stveel - an .t - I v ei, I y Youth's u t nil' will let eii,iir... T.Velttli Mcltt. When Mow bray e.iuie iirst to ( iala ti-.,.,.,. , i,, .,...,,,,...,..,.. sltiiloi.. tie , i i,.,.i ,. i came a.; uu tin' ro-es w . In 'iiiiiinu to bloom. The inteiMi! was not a , . i-. i : . ,, i . ll.ll,;.. ,., ,.,i,,i,i.; it mul.es wot,,- I au itho.il acliial k,1(,w,til.,. f Mowbray's ebai a. tcr she I liml iissuie 1 herself tiiat lie was the ,ute of lier soul a:,.l that it wouhl be kin l i f sin to hesitate in her nlie- I'lall.'e. She bil l n-n .Mowl.iiiy lull a few hi mi is. Wiutomi hm! been her ...iij.,,. ,. v..rs. Imt n., .lotibt ha.l tl.()ll1l!l. , , ,. ,1,.,.;,,,, ..iiist Win ,,, .lmst without eoiisnleration !.. ..;. :, ...... ui, t,.,.; I 1!mi,(, ,,1V,.,. ;ierstaml tlm. I she ha,: ib-ehbsl icruimt him; nml I wit.b...!.. i..-t ,n,.Me .ptick t.,,'.p.e .... .... . . .... ., ,t.;. .t... . ,;,..,, ',1.,;V..-,U l,wU l4 0 1 1 1 i ! : t ' I n ' I him ll'.'iiill-il of t,rl tlier Cnlistl'llel ioll His utlel,.'s tei..er ha.l s,ill..i!y foi'eeil him to take a po-iiion which he ha.l lu.t eoi,si,, i ,1. iilel which on llectioM he reijrette I. I!,- li:i l in la t spoken more pr.ui.by ami ehivalroii' !y thiol he felt. The ,'et I !i:.irni'.i he ooiil.l not eioliln tin' th..ii.rh! of le sh.;niii.; Kathoriiio 'J'- rive Iter i n imnlicl the iiiiiettl'n of all lij.i 111 '-. llll l he ib a yoium liui'.i wlme lri' : iievs ilipeiole.l upon its l-.i'iu lis.. I U I 1 liiet'.io.iieal. I" inisiial e , lit . .1 r, 1 eiimtioiis iliv( nil.,.. I his f.iiiliU-iitiii tlirew It lit o.it of hi- oi l. it. uml he f.-'.t lilie some f, rh-ni ea'-tawiiy. K.ilheiii.e was loM-ly it',, I h.Ve: ol-.i... aiol he h ! .t the hithit ,.r I . . i . i r hi r. In ten: in,' her.-elf from him sh, i i1 i. l , .1 a v.oiui.l. tool snlii i ,. x of any 1. .el v. :i II tlr- SI II II!. Oil t.i Win'oH'l. lie 1. - sente.l it .iii.l his uu.-le h:il I -. -: i I'm liist re.'ijiieiit of his . 1 1 1 1 , i . ii i . I'.iit hi heart s:itV,-i in;T v. as i;..; n'i ulheriiie' i'i'l:.i'.i v. , . . i 1 -1 , iinii'l hi' peisoini' an. I family prhle 'n the keenest inaneer. II. em! 1 i:..' i:. h.irt yoitni.' Ilel i.il aii.i .lurk Net !:: ': a. el ll:oi v I'or-i. r woiil.l e.m.lole ut a him. lie was ..f,v;r,e that he ha I 'pi in keil" ill ion t K ttllel i:., h..' foV iiim ii 11 1 his ii'!':;iie.. ; 'i li'.' l'o,, i' of (hill W'.lt, I in a f.'iV t i III, nt I:'.-.' : yiilj at !:: .1 l . I.l .' ' 4 whi.'h w.i. sure t.i e.-me. Il. u tin . woiil I twit him with I i." I ji.iHMuhjii' t.iitmph! How t'ey w.eihl iMii'l 'li' with til i it li.-eaiise ha !ie.l tin. e hail ill e.l Vell! t. o late :i 'I.l eolll.l lo. iona.: 'li.le'' into We-! an.; elan. I Mow I.l ay's i-.Itie an 1 e, I n a:el earry ..It' Mo'voi :t 's :.e '. Not n.it a I a!l : m ry I i-i u ! i ! y.iuir.. man. his i ;n.i;;i int lion hie I at t'hi- ei i-.s ati rnl.!.- ivhi Ill" No eou'ei In' alloi .1 to be ,piite oh lii,.u- in' hi uncle's threat li v.:: true that r.raiho'is ha 1 pal! of his , - laic in paw n. i i im T ti : 'a !' I.i! hefb'ss a', an early t'li h' lie. tiler l.it.l not 1 plal ' io , position as una all. m ,. a liiive iiitt'b-i ! - ;a'e. She ha.l left it in ihtheii ! . i whieti l!:a!iio:i- ha. I ;i - - d li i i it ii hililei to iiliil.H-. ! W il'l ';l i- (t -kill : bilt in tiinuieial matter-, il hi- uneie wo t .Vain-t hii.i, wlint cnibl be .lo' I'he-e re!b .'ti.'its. mbb-.l t , e -ei. . eo'. I, p: o iu -e I a le . . , a hi. h ! ; i.itn at horn-, for a v. i ei,. K i !. ;: thoil'tlit she w.l- lo lo.l'ne io: hi ::'' seiiee. Tlielail'.l wtis-"ireh: io n't-'v was broo.liu- iri.T the n.i iy v '.i' h" ha I sai.l b.:!i w ei c o'amiii tiiem s, It cs soii.w hat an I 1'o'h vtere.i.r. l.ius lo l.e ti ten. I tu,.'.u. H'lri it. a; week th-l e htl.l I. cell h 1 1 u. 1 1 I known tiiem, when he i..:.:'.ti Ii.ive reatly iulbl' iiecl b'.t'.t his l. '.e irt l his creilitoi ; for it is not in any l.i'e oipoi I iiuily is w tti.t in-;: it i - the -on!, hI-is! that i s itlicr i-iioraiit of il "Iniiir" or else loo fearful to claim i: . II. any ease. intoiiu let il slip an I ( cry .lay too!, il larthcr away. balh . "i.ie I e.'eit e l t lie hope V Ilia. I h I 1 b-ell sent lo !,.: thl o l-il the t tl .. .i :' in v. spapi'i's. an.l lifter tliat SaOhit'i Uiiy she felt no inure e p'tn.-l lo.i - alioiit Wintoiiu. lid rantui :i- i-y in tin- pern. I vent m e im : ' '. . : e.tmc -ueh Weak ami t ''aii-itoi'v re .'ret - au.l iloil'it - as hml a--.o!e ! !;. r i:i her loiieliue-.. "I Will h.lVC the l.c..c ii,e-s ,.f o.'. ill.' as well a i t belli.; lot ml." ': it,i I to llel'.-clf. :i- he w eat home w 1 1 ' i ' itle three I, its ot paper in in r p - sioii. .I.imi" may love me, im' I I not love hi-1 : an I cs mi Jamie htt t '. htibit ot loviu j; ne.i'e t iia.i tin- .lit itia a - si-ill of the coll 111 em. I v.'ol v, Hit I"!' Ilich. u',1 Mowbray. He i- -ut, to collie. " Sil" '.tils then s ury that J. -sy ha I proiiii c I to say u roti uliatim.' noi.l to Witttoun. Siie w ishcl ha ! (obi hel lo leivo ailairs us tin v were. The btiril's ui..:, r at his nephew's at, -em".' w oll'il be e.i-id- to bctr t it tt l Jamie's leproa hi .ll i yes anil the t. i-hicm 1 attempt to pbu-o her witiaii he wottM lie eel tain to make, she hope.l 1 fate wiiubl prceut Je- -y -.in.; Wiuiolltl Until 'he co'i'l c,'.:'..liie' her ib'sirc. Ili'l Jessy ,U1 m, hil.c. w arm fi ittii.l. Site pel -ua le i h. r I'.ltil ! lo ttike her t ) WllltoTI Ib'U-.' curly o:i Moii. lay moi iiiut;, an I wlnie tin' minister w cut to tali; with i si-i, plowniaii Je-sy totik tin' unhappy lover s,u inti.sly to ta h. "Knuitiut; uwiiy t ten b.o'oiv y...ir rival is mi t lie ! I a:., .is'iamcl f yon. Jtiiiiie Wintoiiii: Ihe man liiiiv iicm r i' Hut lot!!' (lahl Water iiL'aiii. He may have seen some other picttv til l us he went thr.ii.;!i t tie Scottish lamb heart in litttthm "lie is sure d may have u liiie hack io i fi el il." "No one's i elui .s are to trust I i They arc simply ihe urns; unrciiahle eviilcm'e. Suppose he ,loes e..,ne back: Whtilthcti' l.oi.lTauntoii a I-mii-cil Katherine. au.l eai.ie baak tin 1 buck, ami then went his way ami ma. rie.l atiothci' w oman. " ".Mr. Mowbray fell in iv.il love widi Katherine. I know lie ,ii.l. " hut ilo yoti kicw ,.l l eal ho , V" "I think I know all about it. Jo-ay." 'You ilo not. If y..u w. re in t. al love wouhl von siop away from Kadi ,.flm. f,,r unyiiiin i ,n inyoiieV No. v I.l,,..,. v i,..i.,,c . i. :.i. . v.. ,...,' I . 'er on v.c.r .le Ye voubl seek your uncle's n.-tr. . .. .... . . ,,,.,!, i.. ,,,!,. she ul, iiiariv or .lrown lor selft.pt bcvoml him tit.,! i' on ha.l thimbb'fu! of p..l s.-n-e y.-ti ,,ubl be eoaxin-; me this . rv iiiitiu'... ., s..,v tlie uoo.l wonls voti hate not .piiit i-uon-li to say for yourself. Jamie intotl ll, oialer voiirl est lior-e ami i,u( on voiir best cult ami ir.tav ,lVer t I.cvci.r ho.,e ami ask for win,! was pi,i,ist.,l vu : ami t hen see to n that vou let im one sav Wo."' ' , ..,'. , , .'. '.' '.il . ' .f dm --ini n lim'! at,-!- b-. f in...!.-!!, :.-!,,,'!. ;"temi uUo.,; II." Me,-,-y .3 H'til'l'. MORGAN'S SPEECH. l!o Discusses The AnitnJni.'iii yuesiini IN Tlli: ln:ii:D STATES SENA ft aomcof 111: lixtrjtts I'imiii II (ireat ArKUiiiont M I'riti li n il's f olutioiis. Hlnn 1 t rai : - I roin t a.- ; of S.-m,tor Mcl l-: . 1 1 . ih-liv, : ,i. rti:ie, .-': ate - S n , ;e .lalll " ii on i i 1 -; . harn s - .1 I lion: s!:. M it ..iii ! :.ii'sl lii.o n.ilo 1 '!: hi I 'i - i. In on. il iol-.p'-l wonl'l no: ;.:, ,. ihe i :, li : nv 1. all i l:a: ! i:al'l I. . ; .11 i.l all i'1'.l: i lie n Tli pi unit e f r :i - . ! ni ti. l.y ii! -. :: i!: i iii.tl or .-'.' I-.. It ir nn r. Iy a I o llli.iiltioli U!;, V ill ha ', a no .'I!',', I tl .- iS.-ntm tt' i nimt s-, .. "Tl:- ;otit.i!." .-. :m: ir i.Mr. '::: U a;,! i v.-i.i.hl . Ii .:!.' . i.at pre i li Mil l!i .'. .;! : c ! ;::ai , i the a!! u.-i v. t o- i vil :!',' ', I" MinpUas ,,. -I ( ii, e a;! ,;.,VI' '! t is-, I a . i If III. l.y w ilii II ll- . ei! 1 I'O. I'.'L' .1 St'' I. to ,ili i il-.. (SC. ,-t. fi lial! Ull'l-r I ll .:.:!!' of in ilia .:if. .1 from tin- I'naei .; of licit!.. :':-' 'I : ' . 1 j i : ' i . i ntal '.on m ' '. la;: ss . .: 1 ' i h e:o:til e. II. a I'.u: sm h :t ' ii e woiil.l a'i -. ii til- SoVl I'. iull p.".'. . t' of the St.lL alel rem.iml it to t!:- , nmWiioii of on.- !! l ilorics, ail of who laws may t, i . petjlc'l hy CiiMi,. -. "In his o; i-nial i e s, .1 1 11 j i in t' !io:; oral.'ie .-'eiialof ,1 ; -! inct Iy I k 'a: ro'iml as to tlie ,' aty am! p.,.. if i ' .:!-;'. - . i u il- a ! I;i- v. itli ;.iiv Si a' .Vllt.. ei . ..I Htil ."I i"' He- I ;.. li! ! cHU e :il''!l.llll"li: '.1 le tl ll" i t 'I that ..itc'.i : S'atc ii.is liol a i -pu i.i ::. :: f... in o! , riiM'-ii' . ( li; fur h i i :l. -I h" '-.'. ao" - t i si t tt'.v.n fro Ml t iii . ,i.,:tit. 1 1 us :'. otiml ami I 1 i r, f i i a p. .'tio ii f liii :s .ippaienil-, b- st:ei:'iou . - umtv i.it less ltoi jstf I s- 'hiitf. oi;-' to :..- State a".'l F-.b-r-;.l I'n oit. I' is . v i.i.'iitly im.'t! I il b this so!,-. it -I. I., lbs hu e in alto: !i-i form of wcils i:. itue ii : i j . - . 1 - ti'el ! he sat,!.' ;i pn il i o I !i- po't r ot ( ' . t -!:!' .- io !. a I v. I i i S!ale a - .-U' .1. ll.i,' i-- i nl. in .!' -I ;!! Iv - 'i'. set in t... i.i.'n '- :l'.:ii;iI I e.s I it a.n." The siii. titnle i'-o !i:,.ti ,.f S. nti; ,r rr. 1 1 n . I u is i.oi 1 1 ii- i n p u i. in i t . . i.ti: r Mi" f.r.i em temle.l. ;t r.. part r.f his ,-l ". I : e.il. ib.nbl -.,!:; il. Ca!-l.teiM-l'ke ;,--'ifr-'!H foil e.'.a: l 1 ' he I -olit ! ill I is ., it I lii.-el.lll-: ll: 1 1 ! i 11 of in . I oi 'I' 0' previous el'll- i!:t i.u. of s;, - . erle-s lb" :.. I e el'i'h s tie in b its t. :m . o: ii e.-s.i'.y .tit. r.'llin !! I f. nil ll - I r:::s. for sil' ii can -cs. T'.I- ei!.!:-i,"i i I i er.. ii!i p"i' :: - or , I is-o or I ' ' i '! -. inbittt.! i an I'- l.iwfuily nttnle :u iiriny ui e ami formally i', :i on- ti.a' !nte n i r -1 it on to race or culur or pr-t io e-ui 'I'! it'll of :- i'Vit !'." " .'til KAi'l". MSi'lilUIN.VriON. la Nil li Carolini lie .o:osi,.ti .... fo..- lit. p. opl,. a -i t i'a purp. of lb- p.'.'p i.i .1 alio : ,l:m i ! I dm , o : titi't.ib.:! i'; tin Sllll! II, 'i'.-MUee if it Is inn il-iit'etil vti'liti;' w h'cii i ent nib in the cm 1 1 1 1; ' if Lou:-. till I. "in. eMiminiiiu tlte I lii le nf III ! a nil -: i li :s , oust it u1 ion b. -irini; on th" pi, ion nt iicjvrii .ii'ira.'. I .im tieil. cm.irarv to mv tils' .tnpress: m. thai its h-ital itiic p: . la' toil ,is, lo-, -t no ptiipos,. in ili.scriinin.o" auainsl any p-rson , laiitiini; lim ii .'a m :,, any eh r.ion on die an, ::,,i of bis ,,r her race, color ,.r c : c .mi ' i m nl -bit , t . . "T!i ttie.ii b.ely ,,t lb voters hi boiii-iau:! win) liavc o ta lie I this cvti stiiu'.o'.i ;tie Itn 'it u:i ' '." t-a''- of i!U" aii.i wcie li, ci .-Iti. J . ! 1 is. Tl-.ey a:c ii,.; at';, el. I by tl.. !! ,1 am.- t'a r ei. t."! I'.'l 'V, ell f i; m bi . - ill: I in o' !a i-l.-is. t.-it are n-aironi, , t-;iii tl 1 .li ipie.-l loll til.lt i- ill , 111. line, I le. be.tli l a. . ..- v. itli i on -Ian! I;, im reasiiii.- .,.'i' aiel i.- til . c nly ,i id ,1 ;r,, t - ioii. :iti iiieil tvidi ill-cim ,ib lot i. : in s -j-alou-v ami iintrcil." Tllii AV!'iJSt)N i.;- r.l.tioli. Tie ia i. no i. s-'.lib r !: f t'lmii liii eot; !,' iui ,.', pt to ii' a w la li". - of political s, t, at', ill, in : s , 1. ,,r am! as li ti. I - I 'to i tie ot ! ..a 1 i st lllel am i,,.,,,,. .i,.,,,. i, ... n... t,.,. of i,e ees that ran liol lauaiiiit mix. an.l ' ilo inn r:.it;e lie is pnssibl,. io in ate a " liuvfiil or tob : able union I ;w i t'ein " I'll" s.-pa: t.itioti ;.s fo: th - uoul of I. -! ii i n i s an.l i ii I'. voe a!ile. r.eiin; li," Work Of liiVille W;t'!of jt i- , 1 1 1 1 Bu I i - mil iii. ; li iabb- !,i e.dier i;u c I n pbt .;, ;,!. n, i.t ,1. s.., iab im. en -li.c religion., ami inline; p,ma r t':i" Vfi a an tin liobts t l" ..vi .: pl.n '. .. . ji It i no t !a' w nrbl Im s i.a I , liist,;, j ami ii i - :' alb' ho a a I ha' ' In white i nv hobl- t . liialn-i pi n To f.-,i a,, t tii .. low . .-1 . i atum into a po-. doll llf political , uu ility w ith the iii-li-i -t is only to i 1 ii- die proi-re-.s of all lualikilnl ill il.s manh. ever .sirciiuotts ami ill plop, r oi.b i . tnwanl dm liiuii i st phic, . nf li'itii.ni a -pirat ion. Tim le ot I li ...111. illl. I ... octy .tear tnve .., a ii. i. 't npi n to ,1 't.ai f.o ,1 , w iiieh l in t w , t : l l, l.e cp. l a ..lib. P ' let fill lit' ' i.i lo I i'i tic ill ! . lei illj'.l -t ii .' li t' l ill iltlv seli.-i .-pofsjl,,.. iili. I it.- honoi-iibie S- 111' from North C.,i, 'e:,i is here , n!..i'.oi ioi; to riv! tb- '.iiins uiu.n her, nn! it, tiu-n p. on a' t!"' . ff arts of th poop!" of N.i:-' i ' oolii::. 1 a 'p- f;,, , .' 'i,l:,e I; '! I iMo OO'ebliol! ' S, tci.-l of th- ;' r Souihe-n S:a., in it, J In ti..- t o tii.f r im. n lai n sine t s 1 7. ami ma nt ,.lb r iiirn. iii'e inovnn; tinder til" si i.i i'.nPlils.o. in in- same iii reel ion Tl,.-y i" not I'i' I'M- tn Miller i daepersctt n I ,, . . piji tt .' i it that , ii of iiie I . " ' - ' - i- n e. 1 1- it I : .. 1 - W.il- if. l at: i at iiini.1' tin- i :.!i-t 1 1!' lei l.irt s of t' -In Wii!t!i s. M:s:i;.s.-.i,to S. "liii ih- .-upr. iiic coin" li , : ''tt! 'Th- -51-1. " i'1'..ii'i l.." mois- 'I ill' , i i 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 . . t iotl thil' it V I a ', ttiuaii i .id., i o.i In- -ash, IS (if the , ill. t'tlltiatl us amerce I must tic -1 !' 11 at I '. c 1 . i ' . liuish . f t.i- W.1,.,1. iipp, to' on the fin e o th- si !' i t .v a- if tl,, expo- c I p. oi- ,ue I twie" a tei.-sary int- mil !.' fmie in! the .'...' t i,' I .. !,. a a il: ,;,, 1 Iron, il... -:a:.lt. " i . . t.i ,., ,',,,1 ,i i, m. I . b, ib I iti-. c l oil. X-'"" ! ,,!,' ":'' " '' . be .M.. I-.' t ''I it OH th" " ''" ' '"' :.,. IM' , .a (he e ...i-tolk Hid, '""' ' .' ,,".v'.,' 1 s..,il biu-h. aa 1 lt". .ui. i ' with a U: ami thai i s p , . ttli l. " ' I n.t - !.::. ' i'di a: I li tih t tin : i i i ,i. . II..O n.oi. -. '"'"''"'', '" 'hi .- '1 i" v h . u -. ' i . , wit . ha- ma h' n "I' I. nis ill o ! -ue.i a !. o, i.i. n. i- , . ' . . .. .., i. ,. 1. !i ., ..' , a oi; il.e b. ' of -ho law I.V f "-"':' !"' ". '"' ( ;t .- . '.i.,,.i .: . ! ..;. ami inu-t f late Inm." ha- f. tti 1 lt.'f . -ti- V'"' "'' a:,,:.- ! , ,- ,, . . ..' a or ; , tious eon- that ,t i- im! ti.. iaito s, ,. 1 a:r tiiat- ,ii' :. , . ,' t '. . ' I'la. I ' . l I' i ii'i!li;!l t I'. S V, to I a i 1 ' t i t ill 0 Co a! a t ' i I O . ! - V I 1 . - I ' i oieta.t.-t f I '.Caie-S n,'l"ll a s e i 1 f 1 1 ' i .' . "I lltlV-' 1..V ti a' . Ii ,li . r iittmiti'.:. ;i i silil", i.niilie.- .-. ;.,a ! ,t; th" n 'U a'.-l i r . " p: a. o'e n :;!: I ie : :'u.nt - ' '. a- n i; l. r my . t, a -u a t , - i ea . Th. y a: i :i f h I . V. I ' nri ! ' ,'iul in t u i c'ei v f . , i u -. an 1 ti..-y at !'- I ! i: ' !! In u , b I i a tin I tu . ', ot If 1 lV 'i:.-'.-.-..e t '.lit. ' i.r ii ii 1 -.,1 ,iti"i.'it ti :il "' ''" '' ;li;'1' - "" ui. l r.a, A --t t i, !....!.,!. ... A' i a ; the Mohawk I"- I f w. . al! 1 t idi tt c. a. thimi ! ..' e,t . i ,, ; . , I li.-v I - tl '.' :.!,.; . - t. -,-. aa. ah.-y uu I I . . i i , -c l.tut ( iiiri1. ,',!;! "., '!,,;.',; ',' , '..i'.tv'";.'!' ' 'ill ii ;l. ..fe tt'i' -a;. .. .:it li.e f" 1-. !:-'.. la'c. stiti 1st ,ne ami ami ij.'. ,'. ti- ,. b . u-e ..f ..),". A.vtf, i ;. that i- h'.uc-!. .;: urel. a- tti-y .hi n.rtu- ,'.; ,.,! a!.' v ti :...! , ! i... - ) it:. nt t lifcstiy no! ma b- ,,' i a , i o:N is ... itt-.l. oti I . i'.c l lata! i . uii 1 the St. i ,,. ,,,, ;. it , 'tleiciit an i hai-mb - - " : - "!. riy I,aa. n.-e li't. r. latin- lake uvnut I! --,,!: r .- . . ti nl .h i;,., , . ,, ....,. A 1 tu ' -1 IM s. . i ' '-, . ; t '.- ei i a t, u,.,l iiie Soiittu i u 1 ter s:iii,l -lotie is o! ft . ainl i" I a a. , ; .. , , ; ,tiJKn tii.. utitib 1 b a:".ra!'e tif chief :u :'.! ia', with lo re uu 1 I .:"-,. .1. :,!: I ! '" I', ul'- .. ;i. ' -i , ,, ,, .,a'n! v I iti-a 1 iti ei, , -...i'..-r. No! tj,(.iv ,.,it.'r.,pp..u ' of 1 !ue-toue. 'ia -.: d al .. ili'iiti'i' ....: . , ( rs.,:'i ia a ,i,.,. v. i-!i-4 its Wo are li 0 -tii" tiiat lin'iv i I.nU". 'Hi- f- ;-. a m ,.' ! mtt". fit-r.-l.v -n- j, i - propel v . he -au . f i." li ' t titiu one e i I uty i ti 1 Ii- Si ate oiltsibt v ' ::ir ,h" i"!"''!' i: '" mi ' i! ....,,. tiljH ;'m,a,r;.t',' - ;' t i- ) .0:1 . I -iau i in w ii! -ii I in-re is no. ;" "'''; v , ..... ,. An- lict -.a: a ,t -no qua. iv ..f f :'. kuils of '" '" ;.' .v." t'-yv.v -) '. ; .:,.. ..!,,.,,. ,t I- -, 1 a. .c- ii:.- ..(.,,,. in ) eradoi. nl ii,-revor : '" ' ' ''" ' V " !" . s i.eibl be nn-. ! i.: i ei'i- t- l all ;; i pi a' i'.t i' i t - 1 1 at ,: 1 1 1 4 is n ee. h -1 '"..'.;',',' . , ...,,t;(. ., I. ta' lie I to the taiip .1,.!,. Il.l'y-oip j a si oa e i' i - 'u-r l i . Ua hi e t i if o Ut - p. .!,.;! !!'.,!, , ,' t '. ', '; t'. -. '' .'. i',' t. a .ii-!;, .tu:.! i'.ii."..i .i e'-i-t-l put;in-oi liif! ia' taif -rial tor im- II... ile-io Utl i th ' .,,!;,', ,. Vtiil' -U !. lipoll ,!lo:. .'tit! he ! .'i't j ,. '.: I...V J'.,V...l foil.'.-. lb :.,s o: V .,; ..... Seii'lt-tll .-'! o " ' ' i . '' I't 1 - c ll I i : , t li , -. I : I- i-.ap 'iiie t.l'.Ue o! t u, ' iliil-l'eUt -loillM !,.. btisis oi tii.'r.; remains o .i , -a l'..r cl.-in i i m - ami :. - a for r-a liiuikiti:' v.n les, '1 ootlise, Inn a I !:. tin ib- will I.- d." , v ; , , : 1 ,-, ,.f , :,!,, ,- ,,,.. l i.i i- ,t, ar. 1 ii,cy are all it.. . i. I i a;, an 1 "-ran:!.- a. in fi- i or !ii- ex! . in i i: c i, :) ,,it..-,av n. .n.it... a: " ' :;re, Hi , b ' 1 1 i . t . besi, the form' r pro: lllo'. v i 1 i i.t 111 l v it':!iia' y p ,v "t l'- Wil US T, '',!'. .;' suppi'i-.-si, tl -.ill tilis :,!.! .-'! a. .': , onuec: ioii wiili ii lU-.tspft ii.'. "No -teat bo.iv dm wt.tbl eon! 1 I a, , p- a sit i, ii ; tt m l tin .'" , :' j,c. r.tt Hiatal.- f li-.r- ;' wii:- i,. .i,.!" xp, , :. .1 t , 11 " ., ibsi' - t.- ! .r-.it" I i '- : -illfi ait" i ! ' ic So':! in li t a tile l!".-!i am! w il! ir-. f - am i : tli" hoi!., p. ibt i" ut;' I .' i -.a a f ictor in -ov ,'itii! :.' i !.. r.-'.'li y to ;;o tnto th . ,;..t ni i;. t ili'l':: '.' ::i I. ui-i ft i : S i. ; u Si a1. ; h u en ;. i n lim- of p .biie ,1. ' !. ; tl ial l bs': '!- I fill i pr-e-i. - . a s'-i; ,i. tti"b iae f ilt .,- No !,i tot a. in w ill e. ei- !... , oil, .-: a lnitalicii h piit t i f ' of i ;.,ii !.! f -iin; hi iort I .nvc t .mm !. ! 'iiltti bin .' btit I ni nol iin l nle in thai .-aeriliee of t h" honor of i ' 11. c ,!' ! he tie.-t I'Uct iotl of it' alt 1 liaril-cai-iic l it'-t itut ion Climelit. i-il ',. ,- to !! liter tie to t w .i'-l t Witjl po b::, , ut -. .1 t!t s eoutitiy w cl.t'Ct'c. 1 I'i'e- lice, of ;!OS-- pioy dial ta.e for tin oj.te uiv unit s mi ilium! li .tl itble not !.;.- "Al tm ! w idi t it ballot .a text 1 1 at .: a- m i n y I I. don of ' he't' I i -ill - a ti'l a ' plelii, t ,.' I te I' lil.lt; bl 'O i .' tit, te. tin ai w di - , ::il a ; that iiie tii.po.-;h!e of !' aii.t in. t In ir ,iisa,-i,oiiit nn ui t in y b -1 1 1 1 : 1 pi r-i -ti .1 ti s-.iim : tin- pi i lb--'..- t iial ' In .' a :: to att l ill to. as li.'o-. pi- ,. ,.)' t'tea' llbei-I.e-. I'm!- r t ' tv!', a il theV ila'Iuib Iii ! ii. ii' ll iii.. if v. ib ti rale I . t'le- 11 1" b, i li.l n v i ry of!, il 1'. s.u i. il to n Ih- ii' tin ails of .-uc-, ess. until tin r. is it a real saf- iv for woim n ami . hiblf n i 1 I'1 '! 'I' bi uiab' v li tti i Ic uieit b- if Wa-h- til'tol- ' If Sou lei n f T i . i - - I.l lai- tb , cb ei i.'U !'. I II! II :. t la btl V t '', t t rotp.',. :. if not dn- b- tt. i . t . .. n t!mv ate ; i . I in: upon di" sam I bat law of s. If -liefi lit e t hat in.-uli.'il 1 !e ' m I I :t ,1 hUtllilil li.l! U! I ! ' !!! . to fo! I i. p;-.i,vti.iii of ltom-s ,.tnl lamil as wo n ell ami i litl b - li. I'i "tn a race 1 1 Mis at il, liatii.e all mural t v.tU-.i int upi.ii their lu'ifal il, s..es ;hh1 till th iiiuuliy With tiot'iots tiiat il.f. ! s. l iyiion titul a retaliatory '.eiut, am tha' infuriate- its intli. tors v : . . - tii fit of iineotit r .llab'!- i mc" 1 1 1 in.-i .TmUiin'; i'.om a it :i tr.ir peneial . t . line 111 .1 ! t:.. i ,;u lie- "ay ". ' .;:i.i; has ; - . a !: . , TV j lo.i ; r . it , x, im ; foi- a ;' lie 1 lio.illl is - , i . . , llieiaily a- , , a , ;' ;.--ir !i;t:i:b i-ao. ;.,!: n ,-.,;.: loo! .Xiiosll ll! 1 1 p. u I N.-.v ' a .a!i I, d.e Mia.- is he, .tin-- a ' o i..oiv ,b , a.b -. I. Amon.; th-i I for '.In- thiti- i.- die hi-.li in- im: from on- ail 1 tin- want. e. i ons-nuiions ,1,-hil- I .i"l.am hcrt , the ln-iicf Lal,, I - I'" ill l;;l It. 'I'1 -a I,, an 1 i'n s am! neglect of die i l ,p: ion of Ihiropean .,: 'ic-. icmiin-; to il! s : :,a o,y i.t-R.if.3. A 'l. rr A,-,n CI, roti l C.O'J1.'1- HOi 0 MA ITERS. ha.i t:.- tu.et.i.i a a '. el a. c la ia,!'' iliaiii'e- v. at int . tit. v .. " 1. e to he N T ua i" t.lV 1 I t I a Iter i v til ,-c n.y ' ma' in .'.I'i - ' i v close lu't-'-. :i; I ok lip.,;, i! iii' I - oil ' 'V ! he lo'll, I net .1. ' I -. I'i "V .1 I the h O! i i.ei i II! 1 ' ' tills in-iio.: ti- I , oii-ii. eoiiviii 'in 1 )' its cit.i-i'i a to a ti. ,;i am! ,tr .j.pitt- to , r., '., cXItell-l . i I I.l! i !' I. . ... ,; ai. .1, i I' ,!,. i ti l' ,.l lllaf lot . l e .-.'ip tie tit! 1 hm t t , n-e ra ,b -i I "l a . f ' : ,1- - I U i. a, -'.;'..'. -'n-. ' . w a -1 1 1 tt ' t lilt I ll. : -lam f'.i'.l i'. 1 1-, i ,i ,.!.':.'. -ai is . ti d: !;;i. ei , i I. ' v , eaiovc ia.; . '"l; I'. i-l. su,,.;t an Vi ii-l" -i i-i n. f Au i'i.i-eatitii .". ui i; '."a :u N. Y !K I'l'V W I'n ill t 1 -1 1 ' 1 alc'a .'!- I I fllt'tV fotl'l I if l-.'i' II. !.' ' I "I tl : .'I'el to bl la ti." i ai lie -s ' f the lo w ,',.-h - iaa ). t he i. lo- 'i -t u : '. in eb'iiicii' ii, aa ... to r-.-. isc iia. ui v i' a. A I ri.-u 1 I-il,' her a Jai.al.cs" -e: ' t ' i'.ipi- ,!:.e i a;:' i lily, a -1 I . a ' t bat -.lie a-iu. ! ri-0 ' it all'l ll w ,-i; 1 i .u " be I," '.'..o i 1 : n l . i - I : l I : v .,:, 1 . iia-ifa! a.ll-letl 'i---e i t - a In ,iv ea : . '. t o.e. tt tn ' ; y thit rule i v ' III' 11! ll.'I-t b - pap jll-l A"! , '. M !e .a '. -, - ' ai cell. ; .ot t. I'i; si , i, all illtl-ii. i ia .-cpt.i. mi I th. n -at . ; . . att i-u -, i ; ,"- in tio- I ,. ,- .i.it.v - 'i..-. oi .-. hieli v . .,i !. i v. a . a y. ui ii w h lit ,' Ctl I It , llC th" il'.tt'- , t iy ; ei- ua!. T- b:tn she ,-- p: .'.hoalliclii. tin-1 he p'O.l r -bioi i the illil Ul!-as lot , a i - i,ci eili"! Ill otic of Ills - . s. I ll in r 1 1 n il Is s, ,, . n r a i-l .'.lie.', ami ai thorn 1 : ... tcr.en was litii-lnii, . Vet a 1 W !! il Illl t o - Oil J he 1 i ' . ! e , it-1 el. ili'e :il lit : ' . i.v : I,-, intic i 1 1 1 : 1 : -1 Ib I lira -a. lUlltiV pi. Ilii- Hat':' of eta.' l'opili -lo ta nn la' V::'. I. I.i;.. ptaec a beans l .s.n. i I I- or i-.la: pc' ..... -Is Ol! Ill t l CI o'e,l .jtli I h-iif. Ail tl ii'iv I o li i'V nu.l I.,: .'ili i ,: y ,: e i sai i 1 .'.r.-s-it, -j. i i.-iteii - l.ub tin- ins;,l.. i ttri.pcpnii iimlut.iii- s ,o, v.'iup it ia a w hile ,,;,, oti'. ami one h.iif th,- "law I' li.c a pi il 1 c eh ! ii an ! st huit-. I'.. , f i- , ' iai ..i- 1 1 , n.i the lo it ii . i li.i i 'i tie fit i' 1,1 pepper a a I sab to 111-;.) 1 thi. -I,,": t, it'.t a ,,a.i: ti i of a.up- ,;,! ; tl,.!,.. iioxc 1 -n'oi. tii ,u on mi ,f . ae.it, i. All a ii'd let,- i ... ... ;, , v s.i.t Si . i . t'ai n is ii.- I v. :t a -i :, , . i in., .i-b. a . : -. , t .., .- . .-. t o ... .. a, . li. a; y .lit-, of no il all t .. o it . . . 1 1 "i , a a i " . . ., lite . if - v. l v li ,-ti - unii, . Silt mo . CU o tt iili. lio 1 1 1 , ol.c s;n i- an I : w o I n I , i bal.it - ro.i. I, r to ; -the b' I'.-'tl c : :s iri.l ...i tilbie-pootiitlls tint Iff ill 1 ...'.',-1 '. Heat tio- tt ,0! trot., i i- l-l tub. ihe bat! t-h.il! v t an. Mi n n t I ai," lo : :.:..,i,'t'.ite .-v. (, -iv . .n i.-. S.i-.. i i. ,-, 1 ', UII I'.liif lb Oi b-.ti, i aa, I two cup. a a - a-.!., a'i t t . I st.... i .,'i.. "... uml ..!" . i.it.ii,;; p-w,h . ia. .,:. , n- i i- - mill i pooiifula . ! lit I ti t tl VI.lt tv. .1 tn nil, i tint l II sllil ' ' 1 ''-''' ' ' " ' i;'"' '"' '' ' I '' , :: e-iptul - i , t i ., . I !-', I i, ' i t.-.i , 1 "1 - 1 1, : , I : a : V ill eio'ii-i ' "' ' . '! ' ' an I . It.. I Mir 1U tie- v.e. ,M'il i aat"ll .,. -it c.; aa 1 In a' " ib i"'v ., p u e I ol oit. ou e . i n t :.; ii ot i .ir, .i-c.l li "ui i v w , i, t! i-t ' e .uml ,,! biiiuahe I i.e. 1 ri.ei i. I c,,.,t ..clv. I5,ik" -lo v y tm. i.'o I v. ilii bin te, ,- 1 p i; , an vol ei v- .1 ! tl nice ll -tiff I -I . II It'll'. I . . 'r La,' ff "Jtf KKi ' '' ' vx ..... S (iOOI) ROADS NOTKS. f , tt l .ii I. - 11'...,! Mat. i int. Tie i.,i. ,,: No-.v Y.n-k ij .ys i.tns ile.-i 1: i a h.iutii';e in the w o: i; of o.m--ti'i:,''i'i.' itipiot el ton Is in the fact li.at t' cat ui us, within its own ItmiH an 1 pi '!y tv, il li-1 rilm le i tliroujh ,.ii' .' a: . a. all ample supply of I'll rat- . i... material. Tuere ar,' 'boil.' b s. mlcr State" as fully ble-t in tint i. sp,.,-t. aid Ji"ic aie ei rl.uti'.v tuiiuy .,!i.e. l: it tun- b!e-l, till til" wleiie, ii i- .'mu'.dul if any other Slate villi -.1 -i'e.ii a pf. partno.ai" extent of I,-, -I an 1 in .ib!- I.iml has so abiinuiiut an 1 f.'i-l oi '.'rinute 1 a supply of l'oaJ-loakill- l.i.itei ia!. Titcie aie lew oiuiiih'-s in the Slut" in w lo, ii quai l n of ,;,"i 1 roa I stotm l.fi- li , Ilo V I!' opel ,tt i Mi . .li.l tilel'.' st hi 1',. ,er i'i w in M s'leh .plan ic a in. aii! i; it pi .tit. iliiv b open I. i I. at- I-!, a 1 there . v. e l-licve, 1: .pitit! t. t-trn'tly -p li.in-', !"lt there tu e mi.,1, Mils ,. po-i;s ,.; o ravel uiiJ bott i iet -. win oil may b tliiii" 1 I 'f 1 a 1 a, a . i . . ' v.l'.ii a .1 1 ,1 1 1 a ' i . e letllt-. In. 11 : i- ei liivcr ley'ioii i- '.'.u-'kiy ,( ti' .', ". ii a o'l.l! : l"s oi iltne-tol.o, ,:::; :: ;', ' t-i.p. In the Ct! skill an I -'! ...v i' o:iik i.. ' itdaiu- an 1 ulou..; ih I ici.iv. ,, ami Sti- j : i i ? : t - J a 1 'ivers it;;. I tic ir trili oai 'e- bin. -)!,, I- pleliUl'ill, t, iiiiti in..', a ti 1 ..ivitii" oi : ail 1 -toiio l,, ,-,l,.isc of 1- i.i.! iv.lb' I 1'iiiiili..; o1' ,.!f oeitn :i!i!i ' -Ua!liie-i all ! t tit bll- ti I' beiMU-e I'I Its hill ll, ess ail 1 llliril- i.ii.ty. I.iin.-i,.n" hat line bin liii;; pr..-ei.eS, bit IS tOO oil d) Willi- : sia'i'l heavy tialii '. I'.iues'.otio iili 1 o!'ier vaticti'S of t amis'. on, t m e not parti. 'ti'ai.y hat.!, ant have aluio i,o 1 lu iii,.; ipiai't n--. It is evnlent, Im'.tct , i-, tin.,', the-., less desiriibla stones may profitably be p.iuihine'l wilii o!i.,.i''l;imls, ami that thus a roa, I may be nitib wh'-.-ii wiil he lielter than uiiv ..I' any siin,'!'- kin 1 of stone; "'- win!.' of course the p ir.-s' ol llieui, ''i us,. I it'otie, will make an ino imptira i:.v lev b, 't. r i, a I than mere cloy iitul ,. tv fork Tribune I I.,- I im In. ll'o , 1 i litis 1 of bill .cs Min. v. !ai;' to tiny one v.l. ) t ii i'ii,iit t iitit we siif . -cs ea -h Vi-ur us tho loai-," say '.! , :. c", ill aaa of ti." I. 'a-ue of am Wie .,,.'. 'i Hi ;h ,t ay 1 ,11 aei.t Com:;. iii. --. "ll ,t wiiat h ' . .-cs i ea! v a ti "I ut to, uml In cv : ... ui 1 ... s'im I. if w- hr.l Uiii , e . i 1 i-.ia i -'t c may say ti.ttt t.'i e..; l i : :, i . a ' r an vthin ; t . bis ,-t-. p.. b, eau-e !,e' .!-" s ail iUo'i- him-' li'. True, bid i-a'i , ... worth s. met mil . ? Supn , p'.a -. . a , v. ty t .!, of wii, at or P cu' ..... la i 1 nti In -i .1 -''"i i - ab! . a- ti i c'.tiil ,.f p... 1 ro.i l-, ,i up 1 ,, . i Ion - a'i 1 to mark." t . crop oi hi fan 1 with pi- li iii' t.,.,r Uiol in jtl-t half tii" time i i- re piirc.l a! pres. :,!, ttouhlu't t a nut .-! ii ue he c . ibl save Ic , s cm ! hin.r. an I w eii 1 n't It be ti -at m. '' Lab of is iin- tarmer's ,1,:; ea; tlal. w liiaii In- is eoiitiini- - kiu.t P. li.iiio.' as pl.nlilt'tivo u. i I .. t i ( v, t tt .. . I ,,, tt ... .1 .-i-akiii' ab-iil ilt. la .-i-akiiir about eon, I roii'l" Ih lav Colonel Albert A. I'opi' sat-1 "It is estiinitcl that in N' i Y-.i i. -.1 v there are twelve thoilsutnl , uoks. ,-ai r in -i on an a. ,-ra ;,' a b'ti'i u Hi an I ii half for tiiree miles uu t ic'u of the bu-im'-s .hi.vs f (ho year, uml w ill: an uv, ra .'.' .laily cost of ?i for i-aoh Iri.ok. Tins lucans t ixty-livc liiilln.ti t uis trau-poi tl one mile in every year for Si l.ll.iil.iHMI, i , iihoul tw "tv ! wo ,'cnts a ion a i.oie. i in: 1 1 ti u-porta! i o.i , am be .1 me by rail tit six-tenths of a c, nl a mile. WheL o il Itipliways liave liei-ll -. coiistriiet... tin,! ilfti.i:-' ill utiiiuui- .-tu hanl I lit maximum loa-l ni tin' niaiiuiini priee, v. leal the lo.v.s! fniiit late toil f -:-;.:,--; ti,l:';t ii, -lllel, oe I, at, lil, ,, or. Ill -lo I. w lieu tt . .'I 1 It tlie ll.tclchllll-C ,1 i.- t u i .ii;. hoit I I he en lii.e. - a i have instil,., I 'pcuc a , a sou.- th. natioun' " H I, .1 tlc.l.l lit- -ate, I. I',,.. ,,: , i i iu i-il .-v ia I Ii lb i '. ,,: 1 1 a . i .. i e has est i - t . a ova i s . , i. i i i n I I mi it li- . . 1 a t t l liiv li!.- I' a lie I St-Ile bv la Ut a .- ; " I I ioi I -. Th s , . : t ,,t tn I lapai la; -in .. :;n- -;i,. t tin l ea! am it,1 of ai . i. a 1 . a. i . , I n, I m I n ii " I S'a'o ... j' .,. , -,.,; ,t e ,il s tit in lii I'n f n .' -. ; .- il i :i li.-i.t ; ulViet by , i ,. . - .ii.i ' o, it her al tiel-ss a tie I h v 1-n : a i - , t h- public roa, 1 s. I'; ! ei. , -ti I i- ai! t . tons uml ilsin n it, . I , ,; . , . ill! i I he eo-' of ban! , t a a ba n, wm f mil 1 i .t b , I ' of ha il. i ;e uniotrit litl l.i'.o ", tn I thai t-.vo .i'.bt.u a .. 'lis aaiolllit Illl J,llt I i . at : a '. a th I bo ui-! f. I ,1, liyhti oiiv otn.- (Jf lHl HMH HM'l "0( " I"' oo not T3T "m

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