ffiTuttltum Qccovd. Wtam RATES II. A. iANicrv, KIMTOU AND I'liUlMilETOR. ADVERTISING TERMS CF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Slricliy n Advanci. One square, one insertion One square, two insertions Ono square, one month tl.Ot VOL. XXII. ITITSIUMM ), CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, TIIUiSDA V. riCIUM AUV 5,iyo. NO. -jr.. For lawr advertisements liberal con tr cts will be made. MOT A l.OVK BY AMELIA i jriKii;. i.jt it (jrvriKi; in. I OS TIM lit'. Tit! looked lit till- luvtt.v, luii-lil ;;ii I : stiiii.liiif; In-fore liiui. mnl lie coul.l not ' belp iidmiriii,' her. lie uls.j likoil her ' lcetiiro. It lii-oii','lif n Mush of ,'.il,,r to ! his olift-ks uuil n vny plcu-aiit wniiiith ' to his lienit. Slit- w.-i.t tin- im-anui! ion , of hope iin.l it'so'iitiiiii: an.l hrr tria tweed :uit, hrr soft derhv with iIhoiic ' erect ruble's friilln'i- and her uriov...l IiiiiiiIh Hoemeil to ri.i est to him the ideu of t-iilri .live .,,f smart hi Hi,' to he 'I"1"'' "I will n -t in whatrvri- way you ; think liest, .Itssy," he said: "t'l.it is. l win iu ns .e!l as I ran. I .!, lo not Know How I n. 'le l.r.itho.iM ui!l take my fill. II.' told me to ...,ve hi- house, and lie has i.t -cut for ine Are joii waiting fur a uracioiis w.ii-,1 from tin- -sun f Nalmlr t. Ims n, -t Mini a thin- in his keefin. lint I warrant he it l..i,Tii,.. to you, .,r th- i.itinl. r of veoj le who eni-r for his . .Linany h very sniall in- l"' ou ,...u a i.i: I., nit Umlsliij.; then- it n,. sliani" in huuior- mi; a si-oilea man tor your own t u.Is. And in ordrr tot,..' Kiiiht-iiiie you must see liratiioiis. Cut yui' jid.- in y.i'ii i.i"!iet mill t- !l K.ithnine yt.ii nine tioae it !...r j.ei- -a:;.'. 1 .u may l0 111 leall.or. ,laii,io, l,.tl it ,s rlrar to me y..;i d.. not know the ti, .( thin- itiioui I...IMU',' rem i.ivr. "What is the his! lhiu'. .Ie,-yV" "Ask Kiithei ine that iUrstioli and look ill lit"- lii -e tiie way y.m are hmk ill How mid i-he w ill iiiiiyhe iiiitH er y.iit. Such a eo.it at you have on! Such 1 s!ii.rrt i. ii your neat little feet: flight to think shau.e of yoiir-.'lf. .1 it :n ii-. for none ran hmk lift tor than y-.u run if y..n take the. ien-t troillih- ti. look wi if." "I wi-h Knthei i':e t'n.'un; t... Mowluay is a mtv iiaiidt.iiiie nian." "Me is tliiVert-nt fi'oiii you. Imt lie i ll(t liandsoiiier. llr' hut In-nwn rye nu.lvou have lilue: he has lilack liair mi. I you have lu-own. Vou are hoth fleii.ler, ami yon are the taller. It it a niattt r of taste. Most women would think y..ii thr hotter looking. I aia Hire y.. i have the host heart and the 1-ost traiprr. 1 .hire say alt,), ii i; oolites to the main ai -.rumen!, y.m have the lomirst i.ursc. It is not hidv-like to hot, vou know, .la'.iie, tir won 1. 1 i . ... .'. .. i.ri (ill .Ml. "I oiinht to wnit fur the iiuuisicr't l ttiirii." ''It is not ncert-iuy. I will make a jirojier en-use for y.iit. ratlin- will talk t i Tom Tyilrr fur in liour if they jret I" Mieialisni, and somehow even the ltihle It ii'ls men there iiow-ii-,iavj. T can niiiiite myself with the piano;" Mill she pivc him a l.right nod cf di-. inis:ial, ami liemi to sin-,', with a liiorkiiiK lameiitaliou : '.i!i. l.av.-, voii'vi-I'.'.'ii a villain, -ir.. " th" day- ..( Tr..y and IP l.-n; v. :. y,.i .'il', -e l the tall "t Pii!i-.aiel ot very innny in, .re!" He went away laiinhiu ut her im peachment, atnl .lossy ali.l not tinith the verse. Her lace ure'r s,ui,hr.j. .'Von sad. Siua lifted a lionk, iipcue I it upsiil.. ilown. anil )irctcti.lcd to read. The aitatiou of self-coiitriuiis Hess ma h; 1,-r uiicoiufoliahli' ; and hha knew that tht. had l,e-n playing ;l p:il t. "I do not .ine much for Jamie my Pelf," she mu i.l ; then she suddenly tiling down the hook and went iutothe gurdeii. The tout! of her owu Voice frighteucl and iuforme,! lor, f,,rthere "vas iiiuloiihte lly in it that curiously utmatisfactory riur which may always In? heiinl in the it iiuueiiitiou of the uuacceptt-.1. As slut walkc.l ie.ttle.--ly to nnd fro alio saw Wintoiin no out of the coiirt yar.l otihi.i tinet horse, an.l she stood till uuil watched him ride at u steu 7y gallop over the hills. 'lit! is il (rood mull iill,l he has a sen Bible luiml, though he is never in the chiU'ls," she tiiotiiriit. '1'oor .luioie! If ho only had w ind's and. a little sa.-rc.l fire, then Katheiino mi-ht love him. What has Mowhray that he h,n not? Just that saere.l tire that glows and warms and Makes a woman's heart like wax lu-fore its Maine. 1 nm (rind he tli'l not look at ine uor si-rh lor ine niuyhe I v.oiil I have cmiKht hn,, from hiin. too. ' Evidently Wiutoun hal not this Hiiero.l Manic to impart to Kaiht-riiie; indeed, alcssy had often imtioed that he wus eold and ill at eat,, in the pres ence of Kath.-riue. And this iuornini he was sulijectcd to peculiarly inUersa' iiitlneiiee. The luird, in.lee I. wel comed him w uh liiiiuisiukahle pleasure, hut the laird liadhren very unpleasant to his wife r.u.l tdepduuirhter all the liiornin. and hoth of them rival .led Wiiitoun's lu.expeoted visitus a (oMeu opiiorttinity for roveiijriii his uncle' had temper. They therefore leceiM-d thr yt.llllj man with a formal politeness w hich w as chilling. -Mrs. ltrathoiis nke.l after his cold nu, 1 his liins, and then he I cine absorbed 1.1 Kath-i .no's em i broidery. Katherme ,ve bin, I'-r I uaiul an.l a te,v sympathetic platitudes j and return.),! to her consultation about colors with her mother. Then the laird male some coiiteuiptuoiis le uiarks about women, and Mrs. lirath ous left thu room, whilg Katheriut bnt lower over her work, and Win tonawm i!ii.iii'b;.r roiiK.hwu of li Ofk-'Jlyuni iiuali.)ti, 2 HE FLOWER OF 1 1 . GAL A WATER. STOKV. E. BAR-?. i.itt n.iwd -., s... Soliu-liow liv It'll al.-.. ih-tt l'i. iii.lir-' lolil tiii ith' n Iryati'.! I:iiti to tin- " ' tiiili of l!n- laii'.l's liii lid mi. I in i.ii.'H'. Mr ui,,li i -in. i.l w hv ,.. vn- ..iii;; li'il-. uuii-.i.'.l. and wu- holtv a! In- iinrl.' lor I.i inu'ini; liim int.. -in-h di-faM..-; uii.l v. l he l.m-u that a ((iiain l -.Mt!i Ihathous s n (iianvl with nil hit oiqioi lunilir.-. What thro c.iii.l lo- 'hi Imt miImiiii to .ii fi m.-t.fi.-. In- found himself iinahir t.i tmitvo! Cc cuiise il mt milv in suliinitsiuii he cotil.l liud o. orl'iuity to n ti irvr hii.i- m-lf. He wut, iiiif.ii tuiial.'ly, ihiny-'i-c hours too hit", and it minht a- ,.lVt( ,t.ru ,;.,. Ha l h.- - .loiht Kntli.iiiu-s 1. i.-, i, ,,.-, Sal in-, lay. in- si. ad of .Mo ida v. . n.i.rht ha.' lo.in 1 h. i in that 111..1.I ,.f ,t,-,.a;, uhirh i- Krairfnl for all. . tion . I. ui Sunday liad hl nilLrht her lliie, Hll'l she w a - "ali- Kint. a,,d hapev. mid far more in- ; rluie.l to look f..rsar l to h.-r ne h.v, r than to niter int.. sentimental eoiixer- saliuii with licr ..hi .me. iiiv lt ft. t- .1 tv Wintoiin went ti..- i .-amr lir.i.rlr.-s i.ad. The laird seol h-d ..,.( tiuealeiK"!. l.nt he eonhi liud uotliinu' tiuv'il.le t.. e.mii.hiiti of. j th,,iiKh he was ,,iin, tin., there wa ; ..vrivilniiL' to ..lain of. I'-r i ih.r.iVh Kntheriii l-aud wa!ke I .,u 1 talked and -utr; with Wii.toii- :,,., v niuch aft ie il - il.tl loll 1. al! ,',.,-a, I sr.- that ilwa-li:it a t'oiiu tlm. thr old irli-ii ki-nln. and f:-, Iiiiiv.hiiiih.il h en i;:. -piiit wiir ;oiie, and that t li..ii"!i thev were . rv nttaiitly t.iirrt hri , ti . was a w.,;! .1 st'lmralloll l.i twoeti lln -n. ti a".--oarrut, hut in,. ! impa-titl.e than ai l.naill. Il wits in (his daily i iia d a:,la.'.:i . ai tiiat the laird lir-t found out the ikiw-'i- of i!,.. inn'oiitv. K'ltiieriiir't womanh 1 h:..l liorle her her i.ntlir.' . i'!y. ntol Mi ilrallioiis l.c'a:i tosi.'.iv -ins of r,'stli'ttiia--s nnd ii'lir!':oM liu Irr tile hur l's ilotiir-lie a !t'i"l"i.-y whi.ii .iiuae I her hn ,'iiind. an 1 ott'.-'c'. ,o lia e itiM'ii it: te. not i,-e t hat lii-s i oi : , leri'or v, at uvei Lln re wrr two niraiiist one. and he wa . si:,,- t!::t Willi. ii ii would join the enemy, ril'i. r ill his lifst opa'u iisnpprovai or their tii st open I'livni . Thru thrre w ou! 1 he three Aii!s a. aili-- hi- v. id. pi that cute I,- il.it.l.t, -I. :u. I . -.;i-c-i'i- '.t l.V h.- I'a .lla- I. l.nt Hi.-sprm --I'L'-av to -it.'ii:. ,a'i- and I ,t i 11 ue loses w, ir blow in- ;. tin- rose Harden and the blue heaven and .fern a tilth and solt wind made thr place around I.ev.-ns-hope a little I..I .-!' paradise. Katheriiie. however, had hern for tin davt if-:ia'-. and 'in happy, j.i. thr laird, a- a la-t annoy- a-iee, had foil.iddeti hrr ititt to the lllillise. He sai l il Wat "I a'l -a-!;..' hiiltides were infested with 'trippa .-' and 'tourists' whom nobody i.i,. w, and who were not to In- trusted." ! i" pave his i;inn, 'keeper the tiie!-.--l eh'irues ahoiit the woods and tii- front sll'a'ftllis, llll l VaM i',1 "he would In ;-ti il enou-h if soine ti aviu'ers luimi 1. event. hope -ot a shot or two." Kathenn.' knew that he was hiititu; Mow luuy ova'i-tha- shoulder, mil talhed seiii'ni'n!lv to her mother a'.oiu t hn cow ard w ish. "Uoa-iUlte. luiiiiiuoi." she said, 'in will not ha. the emira-e to utter one j word to Mr. Mowbray if ho ever li.i.-s a'onie helf u.iiin. lie wi1! pr-trud to i Lo .'.ciiiitt-l to s, e him. He w ill .-any j bilu to tin- stalls to praite hi.- pui. " ! o. ii, and thru v. ink. at tin- uamc-l.ca-i a'i' to do his ila-taul wi'.! for him." I And Mrs. lirathous did not .Iri'cnd lor Jiusluiii'l or inTclit exouvs tol him, as she bad been wont tn do. However, Kathrrine knew thai i; any news cain.-, or any event occ. ii i a-.l winch was of interest, .lr-y wmtid he sure to let her know in some -way. .lossy ' letuiireL-s were infinite. though -en--raily it was enough to movi' the luiuistor to initke all other moves sii,-. ccstful. So Kathcrinc's hen-t brat la-1 one inoi'tiin wiieli she -aw I toe tor Telfair a' th - door mtv early, lb said he had ooiue to take tin- l.iiid l i Selkirk for a day -r two. Ti..-r.- wa to he an important niertiliir o1 1 in clergy there aiietil a inatt.-rof lo rr-y. "Atd. Hr.itliout," h-milled, "it 'is such .neii of tin- laitv as voitrtelf who mil.-l stand by the eleritv." I-.....1 ..'. .. n .a.'.. ...a I,- tiicro was a tittle of ei eed to ntlr he wus just the iiiiiu to strain at a i,'l,at lletoiclu- I' l l linished drt-tiu ' for the joiirm-y be had H-rs,,ade,l himself thut the mr.-tiii!.' nt Selkirk would he at a .lend loss if he was not pros- n.t. Vet iitnid nil iio- theolok'ieal im- i.oi Ian--,' In- 1,1; he dial mil lor.-et to iivo Kithriiii.-ii strict i'iUnctioii t.t to leave l.i-M'iis.hope unless in th,. coiiipnuv of her lii.-'.her. Th - miiosi. r said he' hud 11 iii. sta-e liolii .lossy ,hi.-h w, ml. 1 bi.iik tha! order. Imt lio- laii.i would hear toll of 110 iut.-rfor- ,,',.,, I, .. ... 1... I 1 ,11...... .., ' 1 1 When tii--' two nii'ii "-,'r,i n.t of six'nt. K.ith. riiic turned to her i.iotli. r. ",er mill, I. Kathenn.- mv a . -1., . I ... a. . ... "'.' ' " a ." ' T''" XtlTi m'; ' " '",8 llUllUUlll.' "Xo. I w ish 1 cout.l. f have Hit.' dairy and lin.-ii loom t.i aitclid to this tiioruini,', oifo we -.ould start iiuinf-ili- !.'!' ft'! I a .1 is .... ,, (.... ... ..... ... - ,'i'ii,ni.iH.,.", .r. . ...... ut. ".Mamma. 1 1 I i r , y.m are as kim1 ' as you are pretty, and that is -nying u ' s;rea! ileal!" ai l the phasant nhl, and the kist which went with lln-uii Hrlil Mrs. liiatlio'lt In In-.' hull -eh, h! duties v. i ill a llijlit heart. "It i . such an ea-y thin to m ik. - . le l,,, ,v. tl,,. leilect.d. a- -lit tut down w ith the dairy I k il l.e- ;au to ru'.liil 1li- iUal'ts ut rieuui and ! the pound- of liutt. r il I'rpr.'-t'iitt.'d, ' .Meantime, Katheriiie had one f : those warm impressions, thot,. instine-! i!..!y -11 i..,i-. pi. . iitiine-it- whirh rnahh- it srii-ilivc t.iii! to alilieipati i rvelilt. She knew tiiehnld Mouhiavj w.i eoiiiinr. The -. ft. warm l.r.-ei told ln-1 1'ie lords - tui; til" lien - I to her; the Mower- ii.id.h d an 1 waved an 1 l.lu-hed their coliseinuiH ss oi! swe:,?-;,rnooste. l',',M-tti,iJ -how .hc'-oui u,: s.iow ui. ..in 10 pi o.i no . ii. i, i.i,. j Slo-was - uddeiily ii!,ioii , nl. .i.i hn uppi ai alicr : mi,I truly aw nr.- ( t t iipi i .;e-s.'d f.u time, and she inn i . p-tniiv i lit if -he had Hot a tili'.ln.-llt to h.-e, ..-in. ile li!th- l'owii of I in -t lawn j aii.lwl'.ite as Ii.;!,! had jut li.ru laid I up. 1. 1 her Led. She put it ii.lt. . I it with a white I Oil... n. sue hut i-'.hm! Imi l'i .uil'ii hair, slif ii.mI ui' her pink n'-.leii-hal itii 1 -In t .ok iuT j ii 'i l.i.l.. t i.i, .1 i., .1... ....... ! , ,.., , -., ,,,1, ;.,-, i,,-v. l..,.k.-l at l:tr. mi. I -!..-Ii--' II n-i.I phi.'.'d It in 1 - lie. T.i.-m -!,. heard1 1 oot st . - v.,!,-.-. lo, U-iU :t . . , , Willi- I ....'-r . t'i..- ;. .- ... h.i-'t l"i - m hi- Ui..-- r"i."."i-'"v'i';'.'.r ivl'i"..'" rv ' . h,- iu-t.iiitl.v .hv.li,-l tUe initli. .li'i-VV.;H i'..iii;:-; tlir.iUi.'ll tin- L' Vilrll n k lir wa- w ith .Irssv. knew who it v. a-'. All leal was o.uie; h .pe mid l,.o made tria l her heart. i-ia !- iii iht h. r rves, iici Ie i'.o hrr eheek-. dimpled her mouth viMi soiiie ., i.:in.i:i"d hi", lace with that ulli at el i e.-t; in! ,-h ine which l.ei.niirs I. auty traotli ..ined y thr heart. liy the inlrHr.'t. She stood lu-.tiol.ie-t. rrtct. .'.eiy ii"o al. ..rlied in ii tennis. I'm ..u.' nioinrut she had an i'.ipuls, (..answer .1, - -V : '.-.ie nct tii.iiiieut -loan i.lieiise lo de-lmv. f"'! I t w w w '.. ie she wa- waitin. If M.. w in av !i. !d her fate he. al-o. ruuht 10 know. Til. 'ie wa a slc-h! licsita- tioii. a ces-aiioii ol !t il man vine, ti.,y . re plurk inu a llowrr. shr coul.l the in;sh treinlie al ll- hi..-; a'.l l Pa-fore sha- ,'ou; I l.ieatlie a-.'aiu ..l.--y avl M i w 1 .r,,y ,.,",'' uito -i iit. li. l I'M'. V. all' -.t.'.liehl to il", h M-l l.'I'l til.'V ill. '.V i.i: 1 ; o a II, Ulie'.. In a l.iolio'lll iio t...si'.t iier tide. She ,mmi him hrr i.'i a 1 and 1 steil it. il wa rd In Ve il.- I tlt (.ae Word. I Cut ill thai ..'ii her "lam. tail tv, li was impo-ti!,.i ihoilll .-Ml tro th.-l that th. " l.a.-l; I lio- t'.r:ii:iiii;' that int rlu. c . cive'i'.i. !.'.! ! vc-in,,: M:.-. li Would hac li.'.-:: a- iili-Uid a- to linn Lack .a s.holar l.oi.i th hi.ii-t ;'..,' u to tint lowest. They, Uldrcl. k".l f.oil oilier saline coiiiuio!:phi"r .'irsti,.iia, l.nt they luca'a' if. m. turn t!ie runs and chords I .,( ween ti titi.-.n-r't vrr-.'S in. a:,. A'.d.l.--y v. a a oo.l i it! le 1 'ntt. I a tin- raso sha- ;: aiiia'e 1 to 'a I to Kt'.t ili'i iiie pi'i'i-iseiV W-.il.d 1 , !:h-d Ki'tlia-iine ,io f. i - : .1 i I 'he .'a ill Id ii-.t wait l : then: i-. ,-. i ,,i,..,. i,..;..s; she had i- ' itup.'i ti.'O b.i duett with .'Irs. Pratiioii-, and lt,.-y 1 Ittid t'teil w av t" t'::r ':..! e atii ' ,!;.- lhi'1.-!--i-::rr liict it!" IJotll Wil'eha',1 he, o :t i-t I. all.i ;h, :. s.-..i-!i..'.v the !.;:! I . ,-!,.-; fell fr, in l:'tl:.-r::..'' hauls :;:: t J.. lii'uv -.va-oi.i i'ot.i -; t! ', ii: n:- mill. K.i .., i :nc. ii. v l."aeiv. " lie aid. oltlv, vo l iiiis'h! ha - -lepi.e.l out to th, '..hla'd b-av.- au ti,.- r. m 1 .1. . t . -,,-.' l,' ol...,i r ' ..!,,..', I -,av I . in,- ,::" word ..: wrh'oiu' -I'' Tha I! '-he -pl'kr, and t .'a".l V. I'.il ai.'i'. . lit ; lltoi l.lilln- W I el-1 1-Ui t 1 .ta, i,,,,i. ,,. .,,ai v. il l Intl.- jubilatr CI llrr a.lsV. .1 Mowbray i. a , .'a' 1 otil v ihi - li-jht ru.'onra'irnicii'. lie -ave iier no time to tpialify it. lie Wooed her a - mm i-ituht ti vo.- with an ii rr.-i-tilde will, w itii a patsionatr dr-iir. nd lov,. is a iua-itrate in lan.-jua,;. . Hi tiiuht Mow bray w.-i-.l- tnr.t nutocked the maiden' hemi: ta'sht him words that swayed her th. re antoiin tiie loiirlv i,is,.- t: e, , as t iatois -wav inul- titild.-s iti the nialkrt-piacr. Tiu-v were often !".!i,h "l,ls. with no -chohuiy meaning, li ,' tio-y touched her with a tieiioi.e.;. intelligence. They .rrr otleli lr tll lil l ilt a sweet, impulsive, imp. tuoi:- t'.eratiuii. but this iteration wn- ic; potent a- the ipi'a-k, rciMirriiatf l.i.r.i.-. of (he haiuuie: ou tin- i'.tivil. If he said only "Har linu." he :;til i! tAei.lv lini.-t. und earh limit it ran;,' hotter f: hi" heart and went closer to I, a , - such wooiiin makes :.:i noy loan baiidsi.tue; it makes a ha'i.i-m.ie man . but little lower Hum ati if :;!. Mow- ' bray ha-t tl.Ht beaut v w hi.h cat.i.. s ! Hint lii.irms t he rye a i-i .. , till torm, a wiutniiii maun, r, i'.- f ilar tt iitiires, ,u"'- winit i (.in, !, i arrr. lo- :i of riuest t( Xture; Hal. shield ill i't p:,h nets, t,. '' " " ' . expussi-.e t yes wore not liim o laaili'i; tliau the lost of his 1 .100. And l.ovo trans- U'."rr.l him; he wa- ..'! ;tVsi. al!y . d 1 vino, unda-r the celestial .-aioti. .... Swiftly went that x-.ondoi fnl I.i tir a lilting the rosei that rte!eci:i!,!e, ex- ouisite hour that never con., t.. anv moital but once. There w ,:. teals ,,f laptiuo 111 their t-yt-t.w hen, :,l la !. tln-y I'll out ol tue llovery laoyiinth. , ... .'.! t.. 1 ..!!.,... t, ,,.,..' 1 , ,; r . ... , .. "t thai w',,;;::' am, 'I ",C. alll'iloiV which allmt)il:i!si,iust expnien.e w!to " ,; ;, ,' ;, . J . ,, . '"- r. .' v. ''0l' ' Ul'4 rocm Had fell up..n her ' huoos and wept 11 littb.' mid praved ,1 '''XUx )u u'"1' "'Utfll riacttlatuvtis 1 Which fit n nt tir..-ai --.I (OiildiPiC i.l sj Wi'tfk'Uwi 10 !l-- '.Vliiliv . , BUTLER'S GORY SPEECH ' : : nrtjjvpre( RCCGIltlV tO UC,I Cl CU Committee, A POPULIST REPLIES s llic People oi win cannula Coiifronied wiiii Most 5cri- ous Problem in Their llistor). i A I i i. iim'I!! in. ; ir.t: of in.' 1 i : i -lbt Sc-m- " . ; 1 1 : i 1 r . . in U.u. :th. S--IU-tor IlHth-r in. nil' ,i i-iCeru t.i. a wa- Ok- ttuts' Mfv. I. t ti i r, I a- o.,l inrtf h. n- I 'Tt I Wil'lh I'ir.ilin. it'io-lao. tit'.',!,, ate 1- was ,i jil.M tn lil- follow rs to fish! nn 1 to bo into thr- .-.unpiiKii fir im;". Ii wa.i hill i lit :i! .1 to;-y in the rx:ir:n,. -a!- dilated In iiu-il.' hhio.lshc 1 .in.! ' :l j wholesale iilrody . uiiip iIkii. h. icier ""' I"---5!"" ''' "1' - lans'lai?.- we iri.it.- .: U.. .,, . , . W- Will tllm l i all, rims In 1 to join us in I hi, r.niuaisn. W v.:!'. tiv.it tiu-ni al! f.i:: . I am hmi M i Oi hali. Is wiiii t!i- opponents of th.- sti:-- f,'aK" "'I -'' i mn.-tg;,;.,.. ,,,. fmiy , you If w. .,. - nipt nilr.. Iv. i tlii, ir -i w.. I. . v.. i i tli p.ist. NiijtIi Carolina will aziin i-i- a trie State. ' Having ente-e.l tliiss fljrht we en n not forsake It. We mu-; go Kirw.u.l. Now evon more than then are our IPe : . flireatrnn.l. here one i.-.-m- ,.ni !.:r oi." an I WI' Ml ST ITC.1IT i ll.!. TH AT IS SI'T li.l'.i i. TIm; ;.-tir ;, whe".'.i' r or ii.-! N.ir;ii C.n'.i'.ini ui- a -free men. i.'t Us j..'.:; haul- with ail who will leiji li- and w lji" out sil :': .1 c.'il-s;iira.-y. "I am .ttii-ti.-. t li.it tlio.-e in fa. ir U tree .t.iPr.U" . alt. .y i oiiiiiini:u ill' .-trenKfh in the . oniinn c.iiuii iUii. re- let ai tli.- St n. from the ! I Slilr; (hi UK. "The iieur.) on t'.i.iii I know . or. f'-"ts Us. aii.l It must ! s-ltlri !.- in': trust in - man who n is liv. -l oil the loario for Ihilty years lo .-i"-tie it. We've iret to si til.'- i!. W" a!'' tin- folks who at li.-.ut want It si'ttl-i, n. c tlu-y. We w.ui; ii seit! I s'i th-y i.iii no lot. iJti-r us.- i; as a srare.-ro v. The Ke)Uli!ieiii',.s also are anxious for its srttlrnieli;. alld they'll help '.'i 'i-t-!le it in 'hi- proper wav." T.KT I S JOIN' HANI'S NH liK- 1'KAT KOUKVKH THIS Idiii.r: CANC. OK WAR'. Ml ISIS AMI Kill I SIliKTS who i.y to i ik iy vioh-u -'" til l whi"il tiiey i-tiniic w i.i hy fair m. ails. Pin li takes MiiiietiniK niotr than a rri shin Ms, :iiv ;i I'opu'ts'. Ill tiie eii.-; in coanties in i'.i.- cainpaiftus fif roofiit ye.u.s tni' I'.ipulis's hiv.'ii ; l.en r ii Tin i i. Tii y h," li..-n in nm;-- .iuii;rr iheve ih.ui anywhere ci --. l.nt tln-y havn si.iod true as steel "WK ll.VYK (JOT I'll nr. IIT AND VK HAD AS WKI.l. MKK IT ()! -i Ts to do it. i i..-m- tin-re a,- -. cnouirli votes in favor ' n-e suffras tO Will ill I 111' I .inip.lUli ill -pi to of I 'l-t, i...ti.o. . v .r,,rr;., , .i.i... I.,.-. !es.sne.-s. lint to .o i: w Have Kot lo'l'lt. .-l ...ii not kel, ':. lift he on ur jsii.n-,1. Th- .1- ti m law of ''"i"!'-"1' I'opuii-; party, h' I.V.H was whl- open ;,ti 1 1 , oal.lni r,-k nl'; to l-tt.." ;i.:n: tn-, ativihlnj; e.isi. r thui n -'. il .",o..io.i " :" "Ni" ''; 1111 "' ";i'' Vot-.s lllKtt-r it. Tic' ,'..... .-le 'lioll 1 .1 .V 1 " I"" b'.l'-l ' :,t '- ' "' is woi-e. Hut We'll wi,: .r, spite of i' "m's ('; '""' ,,l:" '" ,n.l f siniini'iis a.- I i'i I .liins 'n;:ny. What o.i". .h II,:. ti,- ii..,,:,i;,-. ...... ,, 'i,is ti,-l,t .! ,,,,, a,.,,), ir-r i-s HWi'S ' orrii tiil-m wi, .il'io I'HI'M WHIP THIS CiANIi nl'T O!' Tll! - STATK. Let us ai.noiiii " to th w.ui, I that Voirh Caf .liti.i will l:it,Ror uc ruled iiy -i.aiv'il i I sn.rts au l a niti'.' u.mt ati.l a little uatm . : loadU.-- men wno hae lietray.'l i.uiv aul Th- l.-pii:ili,-.uis .u- wili.r., t'o.- is for .-is-ii; in your he w; : to t.lU'- the hal. iti ale i I and hold :i "o. alone, d lie shr;i;h !.--n -troiivetitiun ami name .. i:-!,.-:. Tiny leadership'." A- c. Hiilll-.N Will help lis elect it. I It ..nil. the!" Mr. Creeii '..is one . f t'ae ti:.--will In- satin- Rt-iiuiiltcaii- on i. and ir in Wake to join the l'attii.rs- A .; may He w- ran tlnd a I tioi.-rat who .ml was its presi.l-i.t in W.ik- . wi!! t.i-n in tiiis aiiti-an,en-!ni,;it llaiu . i' .'i.r- It was .,.iuf;i-.l in:o tin- in Thee are s-nnie such iirotntnenr li.-nio- ,'t:i!.s and I think it .po.-srhle that out of in ire of them may offer !o tak- ;i nl.t on the ticket." A Populist Replies to Butler's Speech To the Hon. Marion Hutl'M- 1 ,", '. ' , . itu or tin I'oiinl.st State Kxi-i-utu.- Com m it t-o in Ra-.elBh. Imt I have read an aceount of what took pl.., e a- tli. .... , ,, ; , . .. i ue.M'.u;-,. .... .ao,,. ,,..,.,.,..,,... wiiii siirnrise. rhatiiu and ili:u.iv. I wi'i.t into tiie Populist party lioti, .O.I.. l.oli.oinr aloal ,',,. ,r. . .tisiii!."! wink I'or -!i.u nartv (, ,!o ::i the State and nation. I lime remained ill t ho party for tin- same i.m-.,;i thmmh roii.-.-ions that it lias .: ' :i made serious hliind, i s and t hat i; ha- hltd itself open to severe nut J is'ili- Vr,',;,1' 1 ".I'y' ' " .. ...A'... . . . . . Inir a.',, anil strel'" ll won, I lie ',, - f .' faults uruun.le I in rir, urn -i.m " ratha-r than in al-'iilirrate into:1 ' mi With this r.'lle, lion I have eotiifort" ! mv.vi. j,, ,,. pi,' and have eons,-,, n tiously striven to iiol I it to th aims and ends coi:ce:v..! an ! emiiodicl :n its d-claratioii f ): ,1: i pies. siel,.- iii- t.i ti- whatever i-'f o: ;.ae impo.- mish: .irisf tiie Populist party woul.', :'e f.i,in.l f:ivo:las' i'io tUlit. Now, si;-, ihe p, of Nor:ii Cao- I lia are aoiifroiio.l ' tllf most snious , r ': s : s in tlirir h. story, sin. e the time wh.11 tin- S at--'- tlitelliRenic and won!' s.-oilrm I is'l : nice. et atld de- -iii. hi i y f liiirh pl.n-es. .1 ,,.,...,1 ,n ii... ... ui'amir lnne tlae sV-al. throtigii ton e. f 1.1,1 I and fanaticism, at ..., ...,. ,. i - ., i,.o - .-. -s .aa.-a-.i-..L -a... ".. I'.v was eon.shh-red ir.i I rtiu.tp fui lre-!i linl'tnUle and ti'.-:'" high l.ali.l.'d .ait- ri,vi o m auu..- -in ivuigaai", .o if-ia vsy.i.v. : i.'-i iiiiun ..,v ' 'u'ilu"r" " '.v' '-'"-. ..'; itB li.i illl 'iUi. I invl tllC Populist State;;.; Z:-:XX ui.'ii h. i- lirna. In 1 i. ess and h.i- .lone o !h el. i 111 t r ; 1 w.i . tr' t ii . -. j- n u v. 4 ii ; ir of woaU ; i : . . 1 1 : . liopil n .- wo.ihl ilr..;i i::!i' or would he .lUltno.sUie.t ell- U K ' IT a h.-li I,. i'. i. i. r.-i ,hi i.i....i ii.m p...ts d j l;;';;"';:'-". ;;:',:1'IV,-::-v":vV",r,,i..; 1 "i-'i-- "'-"' in 1 i ho S;... .. i, i;.,u- t-skiTi i i foi- !e;..lf ;,p -t,rk -.nioviin; th in cili'i.' ih.r iiis .I. I iv. i In i noKrr-s lll'l !ll II I . I i.' ; pa- l, e iltl 1 S (,. V 111 ;!:is to. ', i tak.c.i! f Ie h is i i ihi to a-x- pe. : ii i' i'Ii .y - oi w'ni iiis i.iu.'-il :it X,,(... ,,, u...,., v, ! r Iife.i-' wilJ -: in.l ho!!..'i to saoill- ! In Imis, .via n S ;. , .. o ccr ii her d-f. n-e J 'h.it Hi.- win; n . . Cn.lt r such eotidiiniis w ha; do 1 liud ... . hrn; on iep-il . :. : is the altiiil.l.- of the I'.'.nlli-: ot s; :.- an.l r.i-ro ph.li- i ::ati ui il ,(, . it , ;iy p.'tyi of whl.-" ! li:r.l'CiH-.l 'ii.in wl':: 1 -"i. Mr. ItiiTh r. are tn- ,i- kn..'- i i"-;s. in i'.n. w i,. ;. -. If.i.h-i ? I lini t;i it. at y.inr it;.-: an- :n,.n -;i'nv ;ns; ':.". .:, la--- oiiiiij.iti.m h.i- h.it. ,1 a :. -. !. i cpu.l i t i. ; .oar,." In:. i n pl.i lea ;t ;n in i i . : s 1 , - ..!.- : ,.nr, , . onj.i:. - i . : liioiiisru -o ;.,- -.v:i- w aihi lii;!.! ., -en.itoria! i . .-.il:i: I t!ii wro.-iff . ' ilil; v ya-.i:'-' .vaiiditi-. ,,. fiitile as 11; ii - i I.i your -;i i to t'.-." ttir.i.ii.- ,ni y; hayon. I, i.i; : I'd! th. m the v.. i v id " th: tni- ...rl majoriiy: lie at : Kill-' ill I':.- Stfe" What ' i,.ili:--.' I n it .-il Stat"- S, 1. . Mr. Hui'.-r. is j; ;!n; yon propa-" to .,if.,.n th.n a.u.-riM lit. "!' frni t!;- Si.it -".' 1: is the m i1. ,-irrumii. li .-ury a w ho I'm eli, ,u . h ive n.a.l.- Tin- St.. . n ,is i."e:-'ii .n i : ..!. i-a-eit in pr.i.'p a;;,l '.rriileiu warirot:. ;- p. Itch.ird ..i.l lie- lie- day th.it it wa- curved from tii- l'i a M u'.s pai t..'. w ihla-j in an I claimed from savagely., -,y ,pt.-s o. his n..;. liii '; o.'. or in you win n you wete p. -. ji.n'.l .t.ui.l- ,.s s;., r uf". iin; tiiit jaunty t l-.rr.it tint th. s"j,i ,j:,n. With i.-it.ir.l !- ti-.'i; ii.,'.,. n v. : o . ;, ,vhipifd" in ai! .v.nof 'he Hep I'iil.iii fil ticir ii;-. ir,v: Tiiey are nmrt.iI and ;, , -.-.aUvv li!.ve-.ir:i!. li :u ij i'e k'ii-'l 'li-y tin !..". i...' owed. i (;,,, n,..: , :.. ,, I'.-i.-!: inim'i." :.- l.a.lt.-.l nrd lii-y ni iv ,; : , -1 . .i r. I of f et -. know oeri.:.w. ;. i, !:,. .-.in no; jp . ;.,ia-s wltii a sol.a::, 'A ii-W'l :i,- o . .i-Iim !i.,t .he I. Al. I who. -.!. ..nip.i. our .ouo.is i, . . ,- artel oil', lis , v.'ly are lo no K.i.ly f.iith to wlrp th- What h.o- 'h- lo t, j.li-1 the sons of il," no li w li.i w.ln.lr.tou. ot" N-a li-' ii tiiit-.-li. I up til- ir. 1., iocs a- i). :(. ,,!,., ,,,,vn.- in ;': ' . ist lo ; l.-i-ri .' Ni.' -.in- r.iiik iiti. I lii- ... tn- .,,, rtion? Tha. .Mi. '' l'o.ni'.t. p,i. T ,..- iit- wiit;.' in n fJ(.ts ii, i- !. alld V.li - in! .Vlth Ih-..- ie..". ill -Il t". ,,,,(V. , f .",ffy :; - 111 a w 1,1; tn in - , Uli:.- an I a w ii .t- m i n ' - ,,. S; i' . .-lio.i! I !..," Si.,:.-. Tin". hoiiora. ii- men and i,,;:,, o: m.ik:i:4 m' in wii -Mil! IT tn- S; It-'s iliul liall-.v .. 7;.,. Mo.,.- i lae S-ii.,'.'. i ii. y .ir-ilii;.- lliell 1111,1 will s. 11:1 -a lili tii- men who tu.ik" up ',': i-r -nt. of la- ; it-s tn-' il.st-ii.-e. Tin y a:,- f, -. n- :, .ml I in-t -to: e. ;r. a :' " - tli. oi. I.," . Ii.ito li o. i p !'.y ,.i'ii! tlia' 1-. traaiii to s.-l! ti,.' Stair in infamy to . olll.-, s to. tli. tr- selves: i i iini' h i h. ni-.iv. s with til- l:u-i- o: iter ji utmn. I in-y a.. a litVilll .11.: Ill- 1 llllil! Will li' t-'t'-.l tii" -ait'l i iherrtorr. a t.i . h im- always pro- our wotneii. Your ,i -.!!- is tin I,- up ,.: ij.i.nn.i ir .',,-oi . olii. i'.i'l !i -a- 1 . a whi'e lll"l'. w h. !: iv- llv - f oy t:.i lii oil th-lr v-.'.-j ..mi who nr.- i it'll il'.y t ill .lii-l :!..:t any on" should n.- a'lout lo end ih.it 'rati!'. Ner.a.- at.d veto aide wli. Mr. Pull.-:-, may do wiia. llrili-l. l.-.-.ii. . filled to do ai:i wi.it t... :i,; : .'ions , :' (.'ai air n-v. r .i. ! M I ''" Von ar- at ; j v. . to .- 1! s. If it yen --.ill titi.", a pur. ii.i-."-. ai.- s.uii ' w,':i o-ll-va' your il it p it ti; ul i: has :.. . It i'e - ard 'Ih-.e :, In ." 1 tli l.V ' , , e : i ' ' , ; 1 , ' ,. js :- no w,,i ::. 'iii:-.' m-n tareis iitr-r.-l you" Ti, S. ti.iso:-', ,, iis-iii- doiiotlcf s. w ie il you iia l"'l" 'I'ui; wa::- in. n :,s' - 1 Yen w no' : il tin' .. : . uud.-i takl'.tri. ..a ' i."i: tn ir" '.'tiiii-nt ' v tf a.'.-.'liiplisa t h ., AOllial th"ll ': ' '"'!' ' !'"-- N-iriors :.r.-! m '-"vi-n w.n..-- woui-i i. rn.i;... i:i. : t.i ir.".r t.Kttu. i ou , anno- : .. 1. . . , a."!,. 1, . 1 f tn u i': ". ' 5 1 1 1 I't'.-lou poiit: s. li'.tl' !"d ( lit tlu'lit that S'.n tii"! .- in ;,1 "f tli.- South in. id- .is.iin.-t the .lanirirn tiu.-t. It won ii-eaii.- Ul w i'- united. In lv.1" Mi. Oteen w n S; "'' 1 ft 1:11 V.ik-. teie:-..!'..; ni iioi ity a I' in,., r.i; !i i 1 ! f :; th r ofi .". in W ik.-. ill,- i:ii , In i s;i M.. Ceil he 'ii" I), .ii i.i i- 1,1 - 1 ,. ,. ,,, l"1, HV ' " a l'" ' '' l'"iml' ' ' ; was the -ia-- .!,',!,.: ,r, I !, lout .. ' 1. it, i w II at : y . oni i :. - III. 'II W II I W i-ll Hi: .. " " 11 ' " ' ("O'l'll til- Hi ill. I W i i- 1..I lf th '. in iter oi I'.cpi.i rii.t w.-n to . I .... .- .s,,v... li.-iiio.-r.iti,- S: ,:,. ('i,.,iin,an S. ,un was iUorv.ewo 1 rcar !. the a.iion ,.f th- IVptihsl ,., ml': ,e last Thtir- ! iy t.'cat. II " - ii'-M'tti illy : .liidstli. from Rni'-s - si"im h nt tin- otnaiitt. in- .-viilently w.mis ;,. ,tr.,-.. and inrlaiii" the lit iio,, , ;. , : i,.sis;.i'.; e tli' pn:.o-e of .vh.'. - to .lisfrai; it tli-. 11 T --; !.i,,-'y lv n i .t- ::oi i. s ; N , t.,.;,X:.i i,.-x; ti.11 . 1 ii t :: ., p .i. out.-cai..- ' the iii.'-ni. ;, ;,. s ,,.' av'li.i' :- ., !'.ai--r : . :..-. 1 ' ;: ...1..! ...11 , mi.-Ii i -.a. , i..i -d' lies: will - il!. l.kt-ly tli tli- wt.r w il; not c.-..-.ir .vhan th- y 1 1 '. pruM-ho iiy their in- I in- wnite pro- ..a ,. .. . ....... 1 a. - '-Ira .1,; n. ...... ' ,,n,v:i,,n '; in--V,' n . and they .11 e not lo - "'!'r''' ' "' '" . , ..' .' ... . inilll.V M'o''l i:il'--i--t ", i-'h"' iw.i, ;i,i nnd,. !. .1 1,111a of Uliw orthv ,,,i,,. Ha. . : ' : .-11; w h.te peopht of tn- -: ua..- uioru :a--p'.: r--f ih' 1ok:.' tutu mvu A-'li M't-a i.i i.-.. .1 in ; - --I'l'-a tVM - - o, i liis-.'ive th" ii:i i.i' '.ind u.sw t,n;ii .. : mm' iiriuo . i . in - !-;; '.ii . !li:.-i.'.i i,':-' i u;. ', :v'jm!i 'J C.irolin.i. 'h" . at.:! mi h-i-r:;!'' t r. S;.!!.. Altlu.iui of ih" Willie m.ii i i( .ijilc I. i. They are n w'-.:''. w . -1 1 iio.-i. I. ami I bl'l'l.le 111.' t !.: m l il -V .lll - illl.lcr-- ilnl th'? (in.-.-! iii ill ! -i. lin y ! i iie lo o-.e ..i: ! h.nv !?!. atfi't' 'tll"il line! i-'!-. I;,, lar. t of sinii ; :n n as It'll lo:-. uli.. W.: -.a. ( ;..rre'. . : an. I A yi r t.i l o-." t o .in I drive tin- advoi-.U.-.- of wiiii" s.iiu .':n t".v till' i of tli.. Si t;r w .;. ,iv r :i'i ! , o ;!i ' n-.-ii . ! i .1. ;i ii o: t.i" S'..!-". ati.l 'he at -mi.- in . '.).. lo'v t: may ji1.; r the it on ' h- otie-r leu. When tli, s,- nr.:i a'ir :ii;,; r.i;i.l i .. . . . ..I No; il. army of iu'ii': n.vr " i Lv lor . ; '," ,. lill.- jie . ( 'a! ,.pn I t i return t.. i. m: " I ui .;.:n r.i.'i.iii tln-v will ! or un: I'ritcharU's Ucnni ti iKtioo Ksolu tioil. :i t'.-'i I..CI i in. ,4'u..-. 1. w tilt: in ik, "rtiii- a at of li.'ti. i- h i' ' '" iniy u M Mr. laraiein iry m hi ylul Ahli,- vi, tn. ti (V ... ,,,.n . :, ' i : i : w iv ,111:11- ; , a - i , h -.is : ! i i if a - pap, : -to il ii : -i iii.'t, ; , i iili: ,..t. p,. ;tl nt.a t-. i.--. liir t ..j , pi,. .;, j,nv - th.- his pa--.- I ii." f-"Mr : : 1K , ;, , ,.-.;!! r-tiuiu pa- . 1 hard dees r ..' lon.-l! tl h-tn off- ns;o. lb- ha, t,:l 1 1 n.'.- ' ; i-".- S uat.- ar.l t'o- uiller:', sn. li- j : is a-.o i !i:e S !i lo to ii. Ip fr, . , tar a ,:!, l.V pt-- w;,.,' Net i!i ' - i':i.;t n: i ! t u, po--i. ,., ri-solut.o'i will th- Ah. to men : h. iii.ik- . Pri'.-har.; :n I lie a.nl:isav;s ot noo. Tn- . his a.-s luiloiia! im n m t -'' " r-.-ul A e litis If- P'opo . ills it, !:,, tr. is oie 'li- I'. Rao :. K-p i 'I! tiie iC I lists -;, oo ' inent. a:. : 1 R. ptll'l. a . iii. nate I . . o.l!i 1"! th- P-.ptili-'S ' . ha : i.l. 1 t if !! li" '.a ! Ta- 1'",' .-,- i ue to !,.-:. t'i- R- , ,,.. !-- : tin 1 -h - V Mf l,.,ve t,. ,;, .U. rs li- a n ;t, 1: a '!!,.- ,.- hi' :, " i.-piAe t'n-tii of t-:i.-f llaairo Kl'i't s Th lose tho-'e ti'-tio vo-e: .lv on it- uii", in-: 1 f: kn.iav 1; i- n. a ut.. ..ti ! tic v kim-.'. ' !i..t i ' r.i: 1-n.-opi- 'h- K -phfl.,' ,:: ' hr.-.-fourths ,-f ;- "t,. . P-r !! : - t. ptliilirtT Popil:-'.-aai' n.!:ii' :, Th- 1 -- : Re, in i',:e it. ,.eiii.-:.:ii'-:.- illlla ll.l'.II. n i:f t!l :tls.l i lo liot war.' Th y ,l-i ti ron ility 1 .- iifiol: ,. .. li. i li ta il :rty will 1, hundred and tw. ;; t :i ni.-..;,-! n -srto lot-- In tiir'lr ,l.-sp.-:ati'):i tli.-y n.:n ,1,-r tit I a-k 1: on i :- .- ' a . 1 .-a ill li.' l . en I '(. .ei si; ,11 h.i . the .P.. -.- -a-- p:i.-av- ns S.i And r.'i'i. : i- ji ia . .!,'! :n i y .In. of the II Iti HO'Iil .-Hit:.,: '110 til s 1 ... . Oiivos. - illtell 1. i . 0. 1. IT . the R, c o 'ill: is- a:u :i: ,t iii-u: " polf .,! powet I otC-r il . ui 11.l so .in, 1 .,; IM.' I':.:!.- lliili"! ate: s a.-a- t h" ,, a!! m.i;. , , 11:1 ; .,!. p. ! !i it in- r Vn I lie pr, ,-.- to ask 1 :: ends .mi adherents to i, s ; 1 i ,ii- a rime -an iitf .. . ..1 1 ,:i ,.f North i' ii: , i-ii .1'- tin-: wlrt. a . 1- v. lu-t, r.-ttii sufTrja-- .-.HI.'. A !,. r.ip ail;! ,. o . ; 1 ;n ,u i:us; iittr a . : r 1,-j i.H-ya.n i.y Hull- r and I. - a 's to vote down tin- arnrndu: i-.t 1 m 1 r.t.iin. .'ontiin:-. mak" p.-ri nil -lill.m- ;n Cainsideri' ion of oil 11 -1 , ,. f k,. . I i.iis:ii. and th- s,- illaw rik'- ol ' : l"'ii"v-' " 1 ,"x " 'l: , ,lora'ei .VI., I III OO..I ta-,s ,'l" to 1 was the l oiisideratiou l.o.e ..; or. Iiupo of cutu-o' how .l.-spi- .1,.!- xneti iMir.i-n 'a ;ioum vciiirot ton : a;:.u- uiou ;i. uc'-i liiiioi, w.ai. - i . a iiu. .h.i-.i. . ::.- - '- I !'!, lt RALEIGH IlilTER. The Ct firm-; C: mpa'ia 11 Be a Ale nun ah'e Ji e. ip. . in! C urri spoiiili IjcC r. .:...';.- this year's eaniuai?! i ii-. uioraiih our. It marks 1 :i 1a;. .11 nf I'.e ll.'jmbliian Hit li I.. ,'.. ;. hi.- i..ceii maintained in ;. ' oy Ui.- in gro vote. It iiiaii:" lo- 'i i.iiif.ill, ion. of the I'opu!:.-' mi h.i.- r i! : iei.llis. W ll.) ll.lV.' rlLinRCll : in t . ;i.jii :o .-1 it ; n each two year. m l wh.i i. in -;;iv('ii ,'ihvay.s to tlulvr i; ;;i ine l loo.Mrs liny could muster ' .-;..,-. as lit ii.r.li--a!i auxiliaries In I S..I). tiie R. puhlieali Slate vll.lirilltl'. !-!.:!. 1 i-l :ie,-.-a-. lo put lllltforill- :i lii" i'.-p i!:,:s alii im: tliem in line. l: -: lii' tu i-. p, limse who .sutf-'ivd : n . i i:io- , . . null.,!.' tic in ill IV : . - :.'- ! i :, it ,1. , 1 ira-loii t. ! : ,.v on .-,11 si.h-s a-noiin lio' It :; ..: ::i- t, ii aid the w.i;. "V" -. ... ii i ir y -peali of 1 hi'in-eU .'.t ur.'l - r . ;-,!.-:- If .s not'.'-rioiis that hi r...i i.ti'p' ':,' ni.ii-hina- pop,il:.-!s ..is .: i ,- i, .Pur i.y Ueveiiii i '. olh-i.. inr. Mta. t-'iia'or Prit.il. irl', tivo;- . :,:-.i ir.t.u.irv and ininistc'- ,;..t,.j j;,,. , onv; ,,f Senatoc liutl f. I'.-i ! iy ..:. .re '!.- I'upillis' ' -in in t r : . tta" !:. :r hi.-' week the , Sfii.i'oi- fi.H" "'it tia- ti-w- :h.,t no a, : - ion w ou i.i '..io t, a- to t he f ranch' ; .irneii'lni. n' ' i- oiistiutinii. '1 '.tv .11.1 ii.ii ,ui: ;.".v- of tiie Krpuhl!' all.-, wn.i wa i : I ..'o'tualtir.l ill fi-'.a P.-:iii.-l .!, . ; it'.i'fui astaiiis! tli - :i;n -ml :ua in. Th.- P .tml.-t h ad. -is huMi-mM 0 make ;t. and t..i ii. ike .! s'rr.li,;. The I 1 1 j 1 1 : .- T .s .-.ivitiir tll-y ev- I"-! to I'll! a ll'-tl, '. a' or two (-l tile ,' t-l, iti St.rf, io iie . iio y intimate ua- t ime li-uio r.r.s ..re wiillns l- ,f:'"i' their mu v; in this p.irtl 'Ui.u . ilni ihey only i:.ti:. Tln-y il-i P.o; Viy .'.ii.i tin y ai'". a , i 1 would ko into s .lob 1 . 'i;'!i;ii.n. air I ;:: ..itiiruae in which he. .o;ho i!i. ,: -' I'.-im-tit inake-i .' pi.:.- plain l'i,' ;ii- ate l'i-' .t tiwitu o oil'.-r a halt. I- w.i.-, a 1'. pi,:..-- Ml..' lf .il S.-llator iiui'-r v.lt-i r 'i.i f, -, a'lil!;. ;li.if -lie Re- :i 1 i . .in- woul 1 pui ;; cr-i; i" il uoti.-y and p-cv.-i into this ,;,ti:p.iUn . Not-, ii i '.ir,,'.!;;. i. tii.it the national tiiui.i''- wotii-1 ui -- l.herall..', and i,r i !.- ;,: teii.ioii of I lia: par;;-" I i- ...; w.i ui .-ii-, i.illy given NorsV. if. .I;,., and th- Annus; i-hvtio.'l "il a ipi".-- ..-t. of ti:e ron.-M' .it ot. tl n.-n ituoii: li-puili. ans have A Inf tn.it ion a-iri-ul ite i!it -1' ,,iil 1 ih- 'iio i K-;i i OtTla-a -hol I. i i. .X i-- -a... all: ' have neeil fit w )t . tor i::-. Tin :r talk is a!l alon 'he like --:." - fion to tti- iin.-nilnii'ii". l'rom . .- ,. th- 1 .a. -; this is he.ir.i. 1 t: !.!!.!! Is V pi ill-. .111, 1 this Is ii' ' ... R pe '.'. li:- atld the Populist , ':. .eh-rt . ' '.ft understand : . miii ,t urn of 'lo- lie:no, r.its a u - - li' franchise a'aicr.'ltlieilt- i'ii' :! W li.i ,lt- d '.114 th" talking -. tii"::- piity as iicinir boh In i ,. ., . man. I'm; 1 "-ni.i.Tiit ir Su:.. -. .-tin: !..-. wli. i is a tnastet ,.- i f ui't'.ltos t-.i'iy iin.l a-'- .-. .,; .. ui a 1' tin- plans and , . " i..jp'.:.-i!'.'n says j; ,,!.- -.hat i-a-f T.r.mi I'oiUl-:s . .., t-.m Senator r.u'i.-r. .,ti-l '., .'.,-ar U--pu:.r an ur.l- i . . 1 '":n v: .'ts thus Rii- a ijnick -... , to -he t'u-.o-i plans. The .: i.isei :i;' :'. '!' ' A it:--' '!l . , ,' .: white n: That is the:, :.. Hat S. ii. I- -. Huti-r's speovh. : h ilf-a :.. ; t:it"..:s of strife. , . ;,: ..'. .1 'l '." til, r il'.st- It II.IK ill . : i , tntinil i ', :-' th.' 1 i.'ino, rat oa.-e. tia .'ii. Tin- a-fferi.t ar- already ,,!.,! I'.iiui-i. in ins meat th'sii , :,.,: th- 'lirect'.tii? iml nitmipu '.t.i: li- ;i'i:.ll, an- w-ititr.l don.' ho a . '1 ' - ' tn-.i. ii Sure Completed. Kn.'XMI!". Trim.. Special. The mil - , v of t he dir. , ,,ii,-0,-,d has !.. ieiinos-e.' & Carnltiui tuple;,''!. This pi. lio-ed 'oa l is P. Iter Known as ta Hi.aek !.auioi',V. In' w as r. e-tiily rh ir i. .(... I ir.-.d.-r ih- iifova' iiaine. It is the lio,. no :-i ii, -inr lo hiitld a roii'l from Clan.!. I-- (ihi". io Pott Royal. S. C. ,i. i- p, n, linn t sea un siitlicien' t .ii--:- t- l-uild the road I'e K-graphic Itricsf. , i -ii',:; i t'.ii . d:-p:it,ii says th it H.-.iP', !'! U'-.'.ti.itu itrtiei-a! superin tend"!:! ot -- Plant system of rail ways, i, a- t. ! d his rcxigtiation. to take .-fiat '!.-'!..: !-t. He was for merly witi tin lii more & Ohio, anil later will, the i.i"iiia Midland. II litis P, .ii wiri tt"' Plant system five years. Cap!, .in W H I i.'Uham. (livis on -up. r. no U". -ul at iPilnc-ylH". Via , Will -l.a.a.-l Mr 1 Mill Mil III A M" 'i- :u . disl'.'it.ii says tha! s. ti. no ' ,:'...ii i.:r!-l. d Moronpo cnui! . .. .,:,,; a Si ! S' .iiiior nnd two irp ; ni ativ . s wo! P.- ili-triirtrd for him A sp, ial : ' i" R.-sti-i"! lrcm Luvern .- .;. . X.,-t ,i !i ,- i o ; ied Crenshiiw , ,"!iity. I Im hii. -r if -a . f mi", will ba h ii',- i wiih il.-,: ': Iy the iirw-papcr nitri It 1:, lain t!--. N'W York World an" ,-, i h r liii i;. ii.ti .-rs I, ivr definitely de ci,!, d to are- i at Roanoke llar-iil tie' 'hire, st papr mill in the country. 1' will he an ami trust ooneern. and will liuht tie- 'nof" paper 'nit: that U' tiie iiiirtitnmc- ot i:ewsp.ii r- iiia'l Job priai N ! iol , -villi; -Ll . tie- :-.. :,;,! lo !tf , ,i I1! ,.. t Vtl. ,! I-1'- 'l.:n'y',i',