fa t Of i Dm IMaibam Mtcot& wy THURSDAY, Fehruary 22, 1!. j m ! jj A LONDON. Editor. . , I v... n,.4i..,.v. ..!.:.. t in J..ljv:i o um .'.',;. , . ... ., ., , ,. a-ri.u lusinti w iin ine i . ennui icuiio , 5 . . ... t H.ul OJ'jiusuilf 111'- .-iii.ejii.nir,..n i" . to lu re-elected to the Senate, j;it as he Mua lirst elected by a diuilar fusion. If he could have!1'1'1' been assured of hi. re-ohvtioii by j ;i fusion with the Democrats aiidj ad', oeatin the uineiuliucnt, he uu- j doubtedly would have done so. j u.iod tLat was his intention audi liope for several mouths after the Leifishitui adjoui ued. Tie certainly did not oppose the rnsHasji-of the act by tho Leyis- Litutv to submit the amendinent . .. .1 . 1 1:1 1 a O iue pjp . , 11U1 win ne ojv opposition to its aitopuoii .ulil nmiiy months alter its pass .','6. it is very sinilicant that ti e two Populist members of the! Legislature from his county ..umpson) voted for the amend- ment in the Legislature. Ihej ..;e not only Butler's own Hep .vseutatives but were his iuti lUi.te friends, and it was generally i.nderstood that they voted his sentiments. For several mouths after the L.-irislaiure had adjourned liutiei: .ad not, eiiher personally or edi-i -rntily in his paper, utter or; ue one word against the amend-1 -Hut. It was freoueutly iul- iishediu the newspapers that 1,... lJ' .- s j hivored tb adoption of thej .lH t!n:,-, one se.ed las horse. I aiienumeiit and no coiitr.aU'.tioii ! .. this W..S made by llutier or ! : .'iv .a..' .wi' him. After wailiu ' , fi .,, I ,; I,,,'. 1 ma" j r .nit he could not secure his iv-; .lection from the Democrats, at . st he decideil iieain to sell uutic'-" 'a moiie.v. .i b; . . .i i . ..i . I villi; cashier .-coed ...Hjiu ui,'.,,!',,,.!..,,,,,.-. ; lut can ne a.L'.an Uo in,.-; a.n i 'in limii'St. while 1'olillil-t.-. oil,... I. ,!.,.. i .,,.1. .,,.,i .. ii,,. North Carolina so anio.i foi ; i;Utler S re-election lli.it t c ale vilhuy: to vote with the uenoe no aiiilist llie LVreat Inilk o. ine. ."hiie meu of the Stittv? It lua , e a , "V, teieii for liuti, r, lut j : a i.....i',f .1 'J I .. 1 1,...- ' ,. , ., , i can u:ey, U....U uiaioiu-oaiie win, be 1l tti-v ovtrned by abowm ignorant nt-eioes to voie? TllK Topiiiist party is divided ;uto two warriuvr f.-iclions, w diici. f course ilestroys whatever in- tluence the party united nti.iih; hav" Li e uiitiouai . ecutie coin-j nuttee met at Lincoln, the u.pitai , f Nclirasi.a, on la.st Moudav , for the pt.ipo.sv: of s' lectin- the time aiul piitce ol holding the next na tional convention, ..ml it was ii v,t f ,,.! ,!.., a . .1 : . i . r .iii.l .iiile, illii,b"lt- . . , . ! 1 he chairm tu ot the committee t t- Seaator M.uiou Jlutii-r, who , .'Slued at tins Meeting and v;isj oitterly denouncd by the bolters . - '. ., ,' . , for '"il'iiriiess. laithrai.d uuia-j joritj ol the 'i..h'":.- ".hi 1 nimiitee tavored iltst n.itioiial con saine time and to loll i't place with the i 'euiocratic imtiou- al e.eivention, and the nomination , ,-. ,.i i, 'i i, iv, i .,,.,! . ..1-V.-M. i..J...l. i...-. -v.. opposed by the minority, who in sisted thi.t liiirki r and Donnelly i. I .- heady been nominated as the Populist candidates for Presi dent and Vice-President. Finally, fb'i" an uproar the minority bolted tiie meeting and held a separate nieetniLf, which decided to hold ii national convention at Cincinnati on the Hth of May. i.uuei ami tne nnijouiy oiu;.-, oT-imittee nave called tiieir con- .Ci.iion at Sioux Falls. South kot.l, on the iltll of May iind wiii Hen iii' d. !' I'Viiii. , . . , k . . 1HE British at last have in.-t with some success m their war against the Ihn i -. afterexperieiic-1 iiiL' an almost iiiuiiterrupted se ries of reverses. They hae ii -Keved and entered Kimberly. v . ii . ...I been so Ioiilt besieu'i ,i. ! but Lady smith is not yet reli, ved. This cHUipaiL'ii in Smith Alii,-.. . will be provided by the citizens has been a -rent surprise to tl...-' t"rl.tto for ail ,1, h-at.-s. Pe ,, ,. . , n . auced retes have i-.-.-u secravd world o-enerally, but especially to f ,;..,.s the British, (ireat Pritian now has in active service against the I .1... I 4 .... 1 .. .. 1 . uuc ia llie liiit-ni .inn mo.si iow - , rful army tlmt it hits ever sent into the tield if any war in i!n ! history. The number of Puitish' soldiers now ia South Africa i ,.M'i' u..'i!,M a, ,,-! ;i.. the Boer sol dicra are but about one-fourth 1 tu..t uiiuioer. J Of course the British wall h rial- 1 ly succeed iii rvrpowerin? their; weaker adversaries, but their ulti-l mute victory will be most dearly j bought. Kkstvi kv still ciiji-ys tin; luxu r hava.-two Legislature m 1 Bi'SMon at me same nine. ,.i ....... i... i. : bodies an; now holdinp; their ses- sioiis at the State capital i I 'rank-' fnrti, ll r liepuhlieans bavin;.' re- lurtie.i item me uacKunoos oi 1 , . I 1 I . ..f , id county ami the I ci.i"i rats from t(st ; .een s . .,..-..'... ... , I'll". will soon he uocltleil in t ... , , .tin I t he military have I , ... . (, ., further l.loodsln d. It is said . ivlm s troops, when at 1 . 1,1 .ne.d a", putv abo:,. the innniitv" wauod l-'raii:.!ni !, oalna Itiueh i'llpltol Th.: 'war lor humanity" waited I'uited J-'tates p.tiit dus l.ot seelii to have lvne-., tited t!ie isiand of I'ovto Kico, 11 rec.-iit disp.ite.ie! tra.'. lie hu-id from tin. re areU";' H-'i.s. press say the conaitioiisot U.at is, a-ul w. n MU-v duriuu the darivesc ways o, . nation by j.o.-cvelt or at.v .- .U1( tjJ(i issuing -a.:oi.ses to tt.e w-; ;, , . '' ; Spa.a.h ruie than tiu-y are now. : oouy e!e. but they have no h..;a . jn . w,i,., i,MhMV.l n,v cant plac. s w heie our v. .lets used 4 ,,..;.T, , , ,. .. The chief cause of complaint i, i sacnhein- ad their onV.al pic; i.i:,u0 ;lt thl. iii,,,., the l.-iuo- to be. K:., 1 n e has la,:, l.t i.s J ; -' 'i U'..'. the oppressive customs duty. o, j!' T'X'a oTo subs, , ,,:.,,! aliped llnd a mb.oray pa.tv ,. l . n: .jr -a..,. ;; . 1 . . , . , 1 .111 be shown that liooseXel!. litselt bv the 'dooUou til t ; e I h - he ne.l ill a lilsioil ;.-:.. W ill , s, ,,,.. , ... i.. i.m : v tar;tl,o,,su.arandt,A,acco,wt;:c!.u.,.:,,i a, ,,;iS suU Z slmal con- we pro.it Uy the expeeicie o the, ; . u a. i..;;; u jr- W almost prohibitive. j euou, hiu w a, the .uaiaH U ! U , . p!ni. llu. past? Weshah.ee. ; ,...,.,. j.j., Etld NcS'o Kijtliwajrutit. C.Ti e! I v.i,:u.i:c:.ii Miti. ft. (.net la iile. !''. (.'., t'eb. 1 7. Mr. J. i). Lauu;hiiiL: liouM', who UM'f. a.'.'... . o. ......... ....... .... T!t c im .U :'"fi 'JaUl lUJiU,ltii,X ,V1U',,lU;,,!- .'"i'ri lot oi ti.a.uto i.i I .i.a.-l... o Keiuib beans, t .at the ha I.s t thrill'. Oi v sbnsl- Ui'.t l.o. n l UHOI....I . s.., i.es in tune to -o ., -n.r 1 i.ai aav. . . Y,t. rday Morning he .eft lor J home in buy by haas-f. At a I a.ei, , ';' " , "ul - 1 ' ; tw .. one u eaeii -.nSc. i i sviunt si, and the e on his shouh latii. vain an r i'i u ! : . . u' at- ilt'ade, too,; p.is-.e.- iou at tne i.av k ot his l.iuuv. He ai made r et out ..f the inie - - y ami was u.eu u.i.beil oi ,,; tnveii- :eck iol .".." i an,. ... . , . . I'. A sian t di.-tan the hll. loes i.i the m.id loiiil hi tt.e op- j posat (l..eeuon. ! ..lr. JjiiiiL" iaiiL; lions,, ni'.iv mi'-1 ,, ... 1 1 '.. ( . I'inu'si -1 1 . 1 1 . r,.. mil, t'ul.( !.,. ;t,,,j ,,j I ,,.!, tl' i , mi-- i u,,. ,,; ti.e nilicl V. Many people i l.-ft at or.ee i'.,r ti.e scene ot tne - - roL (ci v iiml in a t While a' crowd was there. i he slliloili . h)iU,.,lia , ltiLf country wa.- Uack- iind many w ere er.tl of which wire tl e.11,,1. :e iljht to those ot tiie runners. .v lar.. Woo. Is wa - als. i -eareia d. ill tiie li.eaii! in.e bloodhounds hail been tele.r.iph'.'d lor. lave irom '.lie tale .arm al.a .a i.eep. r w,.tt, .it. I le y HI , I". ' l oil I' i - about nine iii.urs ;i!tei i 'cry, a ild i i. '.: J !, I ! ..' si o, .aoii '!e 1 oil W i.K il t lie roh: .1 , i , 'iv pl.l. e had i .-ii r.a-ct. a !r ia tn pa-set-, the I. Ua. i - weie unal';. to strike a trail, alia- a trial : .1 i !l ,iit two I,; .His : In-- I'ia.i w : nb.iad. d and t ii cl i'-vd ia.- '" Mi.'' l..,...l,i.,.ho,,-,. was I,:, .irji;i.( j ,., , w,.ji. ,.; s, .uuers t., hit.,. iii..igli he i positive that i:e coilid ide.i.:. H''4'"- i'li'vasii: eihu is will t" made to capture t Hem. 1 A Tire at Smitiicrn Pines. 'li n-t.ia..fi.i.to..'rr. .oillheltl I'i'.PS. Feb. ! ,,f the most .U-siruciive 11n s th , j was ever know n m Southern I'me brokv out here last liio-ht at b' 1" uesti-oyii.L' tne post-. .Itice, I'.tnK. opera house. ;ili i bd.-l Alpha. the buildups helonviny to ( p - tail. A. .M. Clark. Ilieloss.s a ii ci--.""o. in,-iiisiii.iucc ... . . , ."i State. W hue the -r.-at i.iajoritv! only about st. ,"v a private co, p.,,at nm .,, d , , ( u , About "J., Northern visitorswerelpaM.ieuto: a sui.s.,1 v bv t ce L-ov-l(.t. St;,t,. , lt MS th(li , in the hotel, but all escaped with ernn.e.it lor a pe,,.,d s Hn.h j(,m t(;;it .,.,,.,,, j their baL-:a.. All ot the pap.-i - deal's. . , . w , .iil.l e.t ii.r stand as a whole,,.): Ill the bank i.t ( has. 1. (in.-r -Vi .sun were saveii. an rue man in . ti.e post-otnee was saved, but .. I .. ... . -1 . ... I. . .'. . , . ! iinnii .:,i.i .'."nil hi -i.iiii .-i.i-, . ...... ,,..t , riiet ,,t p.di.-e tell troin t i..- i t Dii-ltopof the house and broke hisjii Assi.-vtmt A'-ellt (has. I.ii ivt'i- ill Itie Sea I ii i.-ir, I Air I. me , ' " : - , V . J ! ai tins poiui. i.-ceneu a i eni lover the ex.- by ilbu.kei l.di il' Ir,ml ,lt. t,.p of the !.. a-e. The i buil.linir was four storn s ;aid w iii he rebuilt at once of I lie seventeenth annual conven- 1 tion of tiie North C.aol.mi Sim-1""" 'day-school Assi oi.it i si will :...i. I ;,, i -1 ..,.. , .. ... !....... i i,i l.V.h and Hith. Iddeiiainiaent ,! It is said that i',,.l'u r will be j iioininatfd for ( io, s in. r and ex-' , u,,.-e Speuci Adams fora Lieiitemmt-lioei ;.or o.i the i ; s't,u ticket, and then Adams is toj !,pl,(,ni,! (h.vernor when LutU r is! 1,-i-ir, i.u... ,i.i. , BetHtor Pritclnml 1ms rec.-m-1 ,,L, 11,.,. 1 i a,,, . a i ...... i... . .... n. . : ......: member ou the Philippine Coin j uihshiou .f M.7..7f v'w n. J tfallK i t-;li (lr.is.l pbin.irv -lst ! to the 27th, by the Seaboard Air Liu. " ' Washington Letter. Ifn.m .ur ...,. h.rrH-,,.,,,.. .1 Washington, l-'cb. 1(5, llHui. v.., ii'L Tu'.?Zu: fm. tho n,.,,,,!,! u.;i presidential nomination lias found a suliicient ..iui..c. ... ........... .... I I ... .... ,,W ! HI, ,1... t I... . " . ; : , 11111,1 u viU-' 11 11 11 , ,it reiuhed as!.,,;uton .sev,..-..l days a,o. It .s ,,ov. .aid tl,,- tU-vo isa k.M.Mivelt Vli,!(' f . . . . . , . , i , i that .t .sple:.:.M:liv ,.il:,.; .i.1l: il',1V, ', 11,1(1 ' '. it h tin' lileli w I "i:i-!itT , !""' - "V!-,";)V work Ik-iv at tl is parti, ular V.'0 Lepuiea:! na , ii -ea. ( ( ju in.H . ,.r,0!mi t. Hu-utions; i,at .;V !'- s I tentiot. and ull vn-uM me t'roju :;n.smie ivtusal to be a y 'i .-.t.- .KVl.,,f ;., ,.,. kjl illvit;.. ,, u-e-livsuiei.t:i:u,.is,.,,,.u-i-: ..Wit,; V(il,r . 1,.,ssi(ll, j wiH ti.-: a-aa.sitl.o ...e-.r.u.j ,:;i :d ,n.lll,ll,, , (rt , ,,. ljtlUv ll( UiU, ili.alvaud in ",-4: " ,l t- u-ily :v i....-it;..i upon" s-me ot Ainei nuii coiii: canal j,iUt f his sibena- to at tract t! - i:ppoit ol the a at 1-is. 1 K.-i ille;p. .s. -v ........i. .., I I'.i ' ol Ueiuibinal.s m botu . n- . A 1 nouse won. a oe o-i Mr Meiiiiil.-y .i-f.-at.-d tor I !n-, t li.lt iseVi :t j u.ei'i'ly ii.ftkin.r a bhariu order to 1 :". tree the adinini.-iratioii to tiaow ! Its inllllelice ill f.ior of las lc 1 nomination for (.i.aoi nor. i;,pieseniatie lull, of t'"l- 1.1. -.do, showed, ill a slan t sp.-.vi'. t;iat li.e el.ii.i.s ioe.iie,t:v nia.ie uowea. Ill a slant sp.e.e.j i.y lh'iullie.i:is. that the 1 made !! ploMs by the de ' . i .1 i ; . ! pi ,,; ,is Iv the e "slts I . ' . .. v.. 1 l,.i,. i , iU. ,.:,, ;,,,: t(l 1 IWhu.,h !(1 .,.,,,,;.,; jtl - 'V v,vivM l.oi, i to t ,,r eent. on aaily balances Iron. ; tate lum. we, ;; ; j,,-, ,iv;MN, a , ,f;. ,,,,;,,.,, j ! the millions lieoosiie-i by Secie-; , , .n;.,,,. .; a...i I,. S. .ei. i lata ( .a.e's ..!i' i s in t.at ! n.il i cii.a a. ti I i.e,l as a crime iie.oa:.-t i 1 1 ,, is. ' deposit the oeoii.e. Senator raliaf. rro, of Florida,1 " ' ' ' 1 I , , . , , i a , delil.i lot the charge made ill a: '. ' , , ,, i ptli'l:. :l ML-orolls ; .Nt-W 1 oi : i.ipei. oi! in.- an, i . 'i i-; ! tV of a d. !, , iie, in. a I'.iliisii at b. si'H.'e.V to . . 111'- the a a i .o 1 1 . ,i .rand the , i ;f),u. ,.,,,...,, lVt i- tl I'll, ciiase j ..! a lot otliacol a . i .mpaiiy o : . lion ; v. 1 1 u -ti , ..e . -M-ii.ii . i ...... ,i , .. . :. ' In ,,,i. it hni Iii - i I o i :c r. 1 1 o I ..'.:.!.. - a i i .... i.i . ii'in f.ji,' ' , . . . i :ii i':a I.i say w a- ! e- ..... , prii!,,pteo la ,i,e ii'iiiini.s i -'eiiaii r t ali. .-senat r ,i..i:.'S, of 1 w i , 's.' s.i,', , h a .iii :! ti. ' llC.lil Loid 1 1 w. ;.s .li: -t .1'. .' he 1.1. .'-Ll, V ,1 Miii .. I.I i. a i a.-,. i r a r: la "..iiioi ,.t I:..- i ' i'. i i . i . .:..:,. Wi.,;. : I't ii.. ..a i !. -el e oe "W ; i . .:..'. . is.-uauee , '. ' ' p.oc.'s., e;i., J " . :1.1s i in ii ; .:- . i ' .tor. a. th.- ; .,. , -. ; : ;'. e iute,-.-:-. , : i; , . i't ie.il iii'h p'-e-'ei.c" is ? iesin d. i ,:i 1 w n'd r.a under al is, 'bid de-p . i..te liiiiiiici:.! Old- pemif'i ;.i h;;e political Hide; ,ad be tiliali.'la il dep. I.n t !;.-'ii I-,,. !,l h'.'ll li.dej . I. '.I.'!:". 1 . 1 1 Hid, peiai-'i.i e ; eildelice III Inn, '. There seem- I" ; at t ract ive in I h" for th" ilM'l.'I.e 'V It III t i.i. .11, , lil 1 1 s -; , , ,- , " '''' " ' --ies. . . , ..... Interstate and , ,.,, "y- ai'. - rce hasaeei.,,',1 hy a ""-" 's u, .. in avo,- ot tne b,., an! ass- ( nnuless. I li :.. I -e co. Hi Interstate and I'oleiei l.epili.lleau Hints n nasi- i"; i-imon ... ... ....... t ...... " rvmiae u.e hum MV'" ,H" l . .., r v; In I -a 1 i li I :n oil. ! i I ,el ,- ....... i - . r. si-:, tal I e L.; 1 1, ot i ea, to call !u ninit. lie aia s. , o :.! i:i resolution aiithoi i.iiil" tnej pe.ll-.er ol Hie llor.se I', appo,,:, iii s .eclai coin ,n 1 1 lee. ma, no,.,n ., i.. i v, .a !....:, -I., II b.d.,,,.. t,, " , , , , "' poldlcal jjarty to wnl. shall !' r.:. ;, I all bills and re.-ulu- j Hons i, . ,,iiil to trusts l ichidiiiL'l jth, leadv ilitfodilced and now 1U: t vh.. 'iii' in vai n .ii- '!ll- j '"' ' s. Hall's 1- solution is i 1 1 hands of t he ( linluit- oii Killes, and th'' question ol w hetii, r th.-re shall be any triisi -lsl,1',:','".ls J1'' uiinit- tee. whit ii is deiniii.ib a i'V Speak er Henderson. i)elirinr that if the isthmian . - , ,i i canal is to he a woria c.iu.u, in isiead of the di.stiiciiwly Auari-' .-aniil. it oii-iht t be. t he world ouuht to chin in its share of the Mist of constructiiiL" it. pepre- sentatii.. .lelV.-rsoii v. of New ik, i,a introduced a l-ill an- thorizin- neeotiat ions vith the main iiii nai ions ashing ,n,w ........ r...... .. eontnbnte to the const nut lou of! ( b.e iiian.al was captuml after the canal 111 liloliiirtltill IO ine ex-, t, nt of I heir shinnine- touiniLe. Take advantage of the chfa i ...... .. .1 'v.,..l ... . .l Air I ii.e tl,. s, ...i I. in mid w inb r and the .nn.int old city ' New Or leans, during the wonderful Mardi tir.is festivities. Aiwter Kor tl e Air.ciiuii.v-'.it. TJl? J , , w u illU.r (,, tflvSrtHlua Atwator ue.eivcd tool latofor Inst w.fs Keeord, ex-: plains itself, ami e commend it to the careful consideration :f all : 1 . .. I . . ll(,n, st lopunsis; 1V1) I-' j "Washington .Mr 1 11 Ijay. ' 'jMi,ro s' (.'. Sn, 1 rLiv.d thisinon, - in-y.ursof li.ih inst.. invitiii - i m i .-. i ii 1 1. 1- hi; ii i:i;m ., u: i 1 1 1 iii: ,m, (o VntshoVi, morrow at a inei line of the citi- ! county. I se.Me! that ! I'lU'i'y my po.-itinii upon some ol Ine questions i:o'.v ii.peniiost in tne munis ol th pie of Noli h , t'aroiai:; lie. mv own .,,.,.,.,.,1 p.iti,,,,, 1 .-..nstat.' that , . , , , . .... 1 Toj iii; I', ... ' .V; . . ', ... . sincere eon lctn iis upon certain i ire lane, s.i ... 11...... 1 bee eae a 1 opu ri know iuu! v ailici i.a.-i d wite the ihpnbUcail I :t t . i..r .1... s:.L.. ..i i!..' i'niis ,.1 it. ' ... .1 I .-I..!.,. !.i v i.... ,l in I hi-, !lepeet has bi'cii cntileiv consi:.t-i ;,.llt. i -I staie in. .-.t .nil,!, atiealiv t hat ; "I state most cmidiatieatlv th:.ti:..;n,.. owi.e.l l,v Mis. Sarah , ,, , 1 . . ,, , .. ..- , a. in., ..... I aiil lor W nlie suprclllac. . a n l ..e , .. . . ... 1 ... j ' ''le ol tne w:i!e man in . 1 1. 1 amlma. ana h, tne eanamt n u. -I t!ie ..:. an I ..;..a.t j ( ; UHU.,tl. u,, i : !.,.... ., . a,,, v..,., ; - .. :,liy o,h,i '"' can le..,: n to ant:,o,ae my la' 1 '"' ' " "' i""-" ino. in. nt a amend the State so as ; North t'aioiina t .nstatitioii el the ili.-lranchisc a p.a- tion ol' the io,oiant n in ,.; r-. ; or to .s.tcrili. . the pi a. i iiu- I ll.e I'oo.illsl l,:.,U bv ll.Mli.' with the! ue pulilican i.ulv. Jt i.s alt op- ' .. 1 , , , . , loiiiiiatv v. i. n il has ni cm.' to , ( . .. 1 1. . k; .. . I. , ! laanelilse v. ..- w ro'ev innv ;.'.l(.es. .'ii. i led up, m i 1 , 1 . hl'.e l.l-ti: w i , rv h'Vi s hi- niiv an,! lit!, w iilaiel la . -i t . i -this I .ppol till: it , ..le, emb ii i .aim. in in. ' on ii i ' l.iil.iW:. 'Ills OWII colls. . . iae an.! his in.ii- Vi.lua: j'l,!:j 1:1. lie w 11! ... .i -,, I'lieie .ale i h. iitsaiuis ! ot hi : i'. .piiii' ls w ho ii ,! upon ti l- i- lie I do. all I t!i".V will be ii'lll.,1 ;i! ;iiis eoid.'si with the L'leal buik ..f the wi.,;.- le, li of Nol"h I'.,,:, .' a . Sen. ,,i,' laid, I' has ll.;:-S file llli-ad.e of his !d'e. lie il.,. !;;.'. e i ,.:.'..'.!,! ii . 'is t he n, ly ;d- h-.'l i.u. to tl:e :. .1.', i t I'.. i". 'i . i i . . .i. i t i..:;.i!r.'.i :' i,. : p. !.i n .:; pl . i ! i ft. iii '. !... a, '-..el ". . I I i.e "ds . f oltice. ., i ti - p.i, -!;. i. o; . : i , si;- ' v. hi..' i . i an ' i t . s 'd. n. 1 i i ihe c;.il v of the v. in! a.ieut of No s'ile as the , f- ICS i n iaain tiV i!i I .iiomia. iV id i 'lectiol: .-. 'I:. -. s. , s'.lleiy l!l lie e:,.e, Hi ll, fid I e latilied bv the people ,':t .oils. I "le ;,-e si. in.' L'i'oil !ia II ill ;i:t. 'A ho lrie ii at. .1 I lad i. it! ann'liiiiaeiit sh.-iiiil l' :. cli.le... :m.-,.:,-tai;tiol:ah (hat ti remain- )( ( .., ,.,j .. . ...i,,,,.;;! ,'; ,,,;, j iu disfranehisi.u: a la,-,"' lunuU'i ! ,uf wJiiti. vtlt(.. HJ .j be ,,. i, ;is .i win and that i the ."it h s. was entlielv iMii- Mitiilional: Mill iiatiir.illv a iloiil.t i . , . ', Kii.nii i ;e -ii i.li e in.ic iae .- i .... .. , a,,. it i , ,,(t 1R ,j jka(, j.nv .. 1 1, ,; ,'. wj ,'f ,. ,,.1,,! ,,, at adjoin la d. session """" V""'" " " - . o, . :. allien, inn-id. as is proposed to be . .,,, ;, il-t hat tbea.ne.,,1- mi.Mj !sila:i s,;1(l ,. flll, . , -i r,noosit ion to the amen, ui.ent v. ill tiiereiiy oe ois ariiied, and the plausible iii'L'U lael.t of tiie opponents of the aiiieinliii, in will be eliu.inated. Yours truly, ,1. W. ATWAI'i .li." ricpttants Tore Into Crowd. l-r-.m Th.-1 l.il i a . i u l:iK.-'.id. Lomlon, F, b. 18. An excitin.' scene to, .k phue at the Crystai Piil ice, Sydenham, this aft. riioon. Two 1,11-1' en ph.tnts lieloiiLiii.L' to the i iicus rail amuck, killed theii i keeper and tusked another man There was a t.nible panic in the j audience at It ndinj,' the one, rt in tfieai Uioii.e.;,' to ...q.e,i. iur : oilier escapett it her esc.ii.etl thiouuli thr L'loiiu.lr-., but was tauoht late thih j evening .n Hie sidi'.nu ot iiieck- enhaiii. Martli (lias by ti e Seal oar. Air Line, I t bi nary 21st to thr 27th. Tired ol Bu.l-r's (Maying t'tni.u.. D.Hor Or. lu Our 11...,.-. r..,.ulM ..itwi. Against Senator laitler'soilieial 'V.""' i;ot ,. to say. ju-,VSs like lain. 5ut he has iihived"iolities" with the l'eo- i e s party 111 this State until (Into , is not niueli lett to plav publics . : . I ...i 1 . ! 1 it .. jttitli. W e believe the party tain ! he reorganized if we le::veol!. U' - e of the ''praetieal p. .1 it . li - nd return to livst l-rineip!. j ( Inrs is a nni:i rity p.-rl aiul, liotwithstandil recoiu lor pietty 1:00,1 -tra hve couhi not h-r-' " ' i jority of I'opulisls in the ! v I l.dtnv. Are we to p.. s. . m jMir party identity? Ca" j put a tew men in oil!,. .-.I -h an,, ,.Sp..llSl.y Are ve to :us. with both the old pailies 1 his- vear as we did in Is'''1' we had more old pai' '" : With? ll v.e lv n Mer w i! ii ; ieeiytl:il. timl e;.,: . . j : i, ., , , , , , wont n that r;.i: t 'ill I 1; 11 us I 1 ; 1 1 p,. 1., nnii: nn ' few le-i.:. is v.l.o'il p:ol.:.b!v k. 1 ; Moi.intou .New.-: ! ne i:e.U MnMlle 1 aiises to hi 1 1 1 i '.le.ii !!,' 'tifiiv iii i ., ''oia ii iii in- in.tn.sir I,. I fin!... ! he I'll. II mine Iris ! !., en sold for ;:S.ueO. the 1', n-y inane for .-.'i.tHMi. the So. ( t i ! ! : 1 i :..:ne. owi.ed bv Mis. Sarah L , . ,, Scott iii:l I i.i. I'll, ioi ..'..'','. i ... .... ..... , .... : .: .. i- a. -r ...-o ...... . ... ......... ,r t., t-U P .....Ms I- l, r,..;. n.ines. ;a, 1, it is said, wi! i,a. .......i.i,., , v in i.l.-.ce an, I I w .. ,d,vd h,nds a, v.o.k within next month. 11 ta li m o-iU- ,Mi.ir I'aili .imliiiL' I'.itents. A siilch' htm o! i.tt;'!,! I.-OVW , . c '.. i ., . a W , .i'.i.i !, v - -'' " v v 1 li. (.., h.r.c :a th.- i.ia yu . ..: .' M" , ilva o'a;!-. ii..:, .ad if.". .-'.t;o' ".. ... a,... ,,,, .. .. Si;, v. . l o. 1 .tv t.f. .'.i..- ti,,.:... i.i;:io...l I s .,..... I,.,. ; h.,ai.i ( ii .f. la.i th.;. :.' i! in is 1 .,.:t i.Mivi'n;. i' i; N"! H. 1 e" 1 ", r ta;-? . t.U'.ti.J ta L' .LrJ SU ) 1 w'- 1 11 l.Uioi. riee. V, iii 1.' n v t id.e, ei; in r r, j ,-. f v L J ft tivi -,.b - 1,..;, "' Bfiavsjvwj l'.,w,,.!.,ar.!i.Mv;.r-.-Ji,a..,.hi:l I'll. flit ht:ti i- ; lij. I f r W.ocr r.Ai pcit, Oun orr-r, On'.,.: .7 a V.t.-.t eV,'.- :.d rr:'l,.t.- fr,.-:i W.'i-' St i.J ! I. ,r: cl". ::r. ti..r fa. n , .!, i, : :n-,-i' A P.H'HIIT, ' l'-.V,' , . .' ' .' . I ',' nDi" .f a"iii,l ci" i,: iii y....r t'j. toMii, t-.-iti fr, e. i.a. . . - ,th ..ij, or C.A.SKOW&GO, 0 PAIlNt O.ria Wlvvi ;:5TON. O ! . . TY THE . . NEW NOME" SEWii.9 MACHINE. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS &V?Sl-t Svwir.g rW4'iiinwe nmmtfictur and their prices tclore you purchase any other. THE NEW HOME SEWIN8 NtHHINE C8., OBASOe, MASS. m rHUaa Nw. H. V. Oimc, III. ft. Lnala, If a, tiiHTH. auPranrlm.ol. AtlMtB.(M. FOR SLC IV ... .11 11. .IV ...... mm i M l I ft A A feggCt MW 9, 1659. ' Southbound. V.'ik. I'i-iiii. I!. 11. II Willi 5 tHi nn i i'ii.ti 4 "Htm 11 O'vllll I nX.ti.. :, ,, .it. .. 'r tXy: vnr" i, ,-m,V,.V. ;; .. t:. 11 1 'i 111 IV '.I'w '. '.'.' m 4 .'7a:il 5 llaill n 4m I :l.y.,i. :i pin r. ii.ii. ; ivipni ll'.M'll -.1 fj m iii u.'.i.m C Mil 111 K '.Hill 0 ."i('ll 111 t....tl I 1'' 'lit I ill. Ill 3 4K .II1 a Mil. m 6 l.ial- Northbound .. 4H2 N. 1 1 il'i 'lll Si.m :iii.in iiii.'I.h S H 111 1 4i. ii. 'Hisa. S. A I.. 1. y v ' : " li ! !15 Al.XS I.KlVK 1M riSlHUitM 3 ''';;"; 1 1 :i. in, a ( .'..'' ..r.-.y .S,.7.o . r. V. :.-i.r.. I fin . -" vr. M.:..-ur fin 1" i.' -..,. , m y , ... 4n:i ,. .1 n' I'i.,. A tiro..,. .. - .m. -.1 .-!i,n.-i i... . I : .,'..;., x ,.u.. , : ,;i, s ,. h, w, P,.,,. .i , I-.! : I s I. '! w ,. At a P. ris ; t,..,'i ".. a A1 oi a ! r .TV. M ...lie. N. Oil" M' a.'l '.,. ll'l.'.l. '.'ll..l ill e. I Si-io be. l en pl.i-. A! a. el!, I id ni:.. I-,. I I i I.."-. Si pel'!. . ..'.. ;i j ' t., 11. S. I .card. 1. 1. A.. .. r. Smith, V. T. A., U1,,..,.u . cnr.ni wi'srr . ' Val bi .lotl:.' ll 1 lollse. I t' Kaiei-li. C.'TH. W. K. iiia ter, Al, nt, i atsl or,-, N. I'. , 1 . t. .Iol ti. e -i r s. iitul l.f li 1 ?d;.n;,Ler. " . il. V. li. lihaer. Tl-i'.llic Mi.ll : I .: k Ala m't'-ein Va- r Al-1. ,'r.elal.d ( Mi'.ees, 1 . -i t I! I' ill I ll. .1. . I ' ;y ll.?.l!Nt.TN a wi.i.m lis ; ,1 At!. a t ( i ;e-I l.il.. Jl.:'llro,.i t So i.i ii t 1 1 lii.a. ta I i a. i ii I.s,-, ;-, hi-.Mje. 1 l.viNs ! ( . I ." ( 1 Mll'i 11. 'l idViNs i.ulNt; NOK MI. iJW T', .--r 1- ; 1 m i.i .ji : 1, it i. i 1 ,l A 1 I'M I Wlii'ln.'i..ii ni,. W.'i.l..n li.llri Ml, Vii'lkl.t ; envM'-n MhIii '"''''" w" urlv. I.i.mi. Mil.' t ii.' I' i i .i., n ,vi a in ft' r 4 ; j.,., inil,k. i,.Hv. N.n...r I i :"' i'i". i.r I ,tv.,u..v I ll- J 41 , ,v, f,, lU'vil,,... i ,. . , '' '' '' ' "" '" ' '"" h... 1,-nlu. I-J V. liilill.'.., I Mini ... l. il.r l'l. Il..lll.'l! : villi, iiranai li'illi l'..v.v. Ih-im. -Iinvili,. " IS i'a j M,.M.,a s. a.i inn. Ii."l si.rli.u-. ' "i, mil. 1 1. -f .11. 1. luj hiii, i.rlv. !.., i.-i nil In j.s ..in liiMiii ii I . I. ..v. a 1 h.hii.'V.IIh 4 ' i II 'I"' Ml l" 4 .o j i'!i., lie I .rii.ki inn, e.i.'i. '.l.' ..n, .-.I- nv. v ii..,ii,-.,r..ii:. . Id .m. , ...iiiriii.-iii. ii' fii'H-. ill.- iih i r.ilti N. is h I Mn ll lih IIih I ill. .. . t . li'l'iil K.lll". I. I j II.-.I .S.rUKi l ll 111 - li.' l t-l.rl..(v .... I 1'..' lli-.r,' il,."H.l HI Mllll-T'l , ll U.,' -.-illvrfl, I Al. j i.iu" mi. I si.iiii.itii H.iiin.iy. hi unit ia, in.' li'.iriii.m j.ti,l eii'.ri..u.. i:hi.i..h1 I lulu, n il,.' s- .'.ilia N .'.'k linufli i ..i.i l.'HV..- . . .. il .5 .iu. null! ix I f in 'inlvw.l -..' . I N.-. k ii "- l ill. '.!-, ivit i. i..'.T i ill, KIi.h'... j . i ! . h. al l. lie i.-i..,'- K n- "li j,i ii 'l 1 i '.ii,liih..ij,i iii. nr. imi. II .III i. U:1H 4 in. ... nil U iii .1 ..ii .-I -.-iii sui, l-.y. I Ii .H.-...I W'.isnii.j ,i iii-.n ii I.. i.. .v.ivlar.tf 1 i. .-.li. . in uu i ..i i i in. hi riv.. it: I' irm.'l. ' ' i in it nt 4 - ii - in, i.iiiiii, I....VIU4 I'Hriiiel., hi li. hi. a b ., i j. in, hi i-l.. .Vtutliiintini. 11 :Jti j i, '.H i . ii i i:,, .1.' ; ,.i ', .-uml ij'. I I ...1II If.r- l.;l,..(.,, N.e. !,.liy t'S.'.it Slltl'ly ( " i m. -in a iv ,:li , iii, i.riiv.t. I'l i. null. T:M I .ii.. .l". in I:., .in.ii t-'.T.'.- I'i) iii.'UII, .iHliy I -in., I.u M , m. ,,. Siiii.l.i; ul y;,Ki H in, .:rlv.' inrt.r . 1 1 1 i m, moi) a m. j lr.i i! n .1 1 llHii'l N e lir.t't. i. Imv.w l.,.lb.iro I .I'.ily. .'H.-i-i't Mii, 1h. 7:io a m, Hrrivuiic Hraltli ' ll. -1 H.ti, tt 111. !(.. linilhil lr i..- SiiillhL.-IJ K.lK) . i.i uri tv,. hi ti..t'lb..ro liiii.". a in. I Tr'.tiin i.u NabliMIl llrau,.lt leavm H.i.'k)'Mo,.ni j ln.lxi h hi ;..' in, ,.r, it ,m..v.IH 11:10 in .! p in, -.rinie a.'irt' :1 m a m 4 in ni. KHturDill j i"uvt s.irlurf I1"m. II ..rt h in 4 5ii i in, Naflivllie i .i li i. in 5 ! ni, ..rrivi. lu'ky M.mul 11 4'. -u '. in.ilHliy .-iil Sui.-iay. Tram "i. cllni'Mi llraich lav. Wnruit- f..r I......U .1 in . .-vs. i S'.i...,) . 11 m tml t.1 1 li.'iui ini'H i. hvv Cllui.iu al 7 it) a. ii ami i tu Train N'' inakrs i'i . s,ti,.o.-ti .u at Wrt t r ail i..'lu'a n.-eli .inily, all rail via la.-.bui MiJ. ll t K.IEiISjM, ttou'l. ;P-wiiir4. J.;it.IKENLV(1tieiipri;lau4,-er, T.'ll. LSltliaOh'.riraillc Miuaor. 878. EVERY CITIZEN COUNTY OsiiIil to read the CHATHAM fl m"4ltSiJ . . . ! U ICll U)V OVCI j r, r y () V t? 1'lML' years lias been suost to build u) ourrand old coutitv. THK iiKCDRI) iS Til 12 RUisi.iiSisiu" , Ti-X:2 j 3 Tllh T .YiiifK, j i . , .it m , a win tor us auvo- .i'iivx of all mens uves Chat wi!5 hei ivomotvi .ihe ps'nKki8i iif aii ihe pro Iple. :: The Kscsed lis 310 liiiil-tuitU iw9 aior the raii of any but -'lexoresses iue i. : I l.iiiitlSjtlllJ 4'tf Stfw 09JIII0!1& II I H . . editor without fear or favor, regardless o f the fact wheth er the are pop ular or not. WHILE ADVO CATING xTT-ill d.o all it I COIOXGQ. TOCCTO J-sS 4-" 1 ,L'",- 1 tlac tion.