"(Chutlunu tccrxl. (HllQll)am ttftcrb II. A.. LONDON, EDJ.TOH AND riiOPKIETOIt. RATES ADVERTISING One square, one lcsCTtioi $1.0 ' One square, two insertion! i 1.60 One square, one month - 8.8 For lwoi advertisements liberal coo-tr-oia whV bo n. ade. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. VOL. XXII. PITTSBOKO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. l, THURSDAY, MARCH U100. NO. . m : MP ni ,77 t- LOVIv BY AMELIA T." Klll. I'J K' cif.vi'ri;n nr. ruMiM 1:11. "Mr. Muwbmy will fee! nini ii ibliged tn yon. ltolis m Lars can not keep out l.ivtv I'ii ymi i:iri",iue tin? 'Kules' of ii ladies' !c!ii..,I v. ill lu lUlirO successful?" "oii wiii see what I illilu! 1 you think 1 x-v ill ',,,'rmit n couple ..f fill v women tn break luv t-la:i piece-?" "There has lit-i-'.i some excellent fouling limit by silly women in ail ages, A I t'la s: I.-1 . Ymi had Letter n-'t try your wit ii-'uinsl them,'' "My will i- siiflici'mt. I say that Kut lit i ine. hliu'.l man y .lani'c Win tonu." "If she wills, nut unless." Then wt'nt oil t of tiin I'imiii a:i.l If ft hi:.; n!oiit with liis wiii. And (lit i t: was a f-in ilt mi her fa. -r, not liku .into the smile a'. i:n obedient -n!iaii. ." was nmie like tic s;io of a woman vim is anticipating a controversy and i certain of . iotoi v. ClIAPTKI'. IV. I Ml sT SKI' 'IV "Till- arth wle-p hi II nil -hh.'s -Mia he n'l'rli'iii M 'iiituiiis ::;o. i.i.i!. i.' .Ir.-n n -I l-v :!i- I. : -- u limn ' A t it- i l. an i'M.1. (ll.V.ll. "Nn j jy ..) ar.'.-tt li.il r.i ti N'? Ij.i;i.-i' I m r 1 I 1 1 1 ipii in I Two Ii'ttir." u'liwl : i ry ,trly n t inoruin from Mr., llrallioi.s to i.ii.' n':o it !. - li fi miri-i' ltx.-v ii-hiiij,' brr to f.-i ut-t Mi. M.ioiay nut t VlSlt LoVf!!-- l,,.oc lol' tWll Ol thl'.'l' Mt-fk. ".li" was." Mo- s..j I. ' n'li'lv i rvsolvi'.l to stail I I'V t lit- r naii. -li" lin l ii a.lt" liim tvii'i i i i;ai' I t Kit! !i t-riin', liai s!u' in :i -1 hr. . tiiiio t i ,mii-Fi-lor tlui ki'i !i'l u i.l ln i w . ltm:ia;. tlio fiilnr.." In r 1 ;i : ti , t'.i.. la ly was much troubli I i,: I r lilt-Sfil. Slit- I. a i, 'tihiiiv, latTt' -j-tVi'i'tiouatt! lotii'ir t.i.ir-l tin- laii.l A'iiu sin; mis rt'iillv ii-.vh ro i f: at unv a:i', hht 'li l ri oomiio a ivi laia loy to Iris i;iti ii...t us i n-amln-at no on hrr. .Vsi .In uio Wi:i!na:i lia I MCUO t-'aiui t ' hi' ''n:isi It i'.'il . Ilr lia.l won a lai'Kt; sliiuo of lu-r liking. Slut t-iiiild Hot 1 t-mi'ial'i'i- i in' iaxtnio-e in which In- hail I iff ii tlioa.ihtifsj of h r fot-liiis or lit-nltn-i fill ol hrr v.islo s, Tt iiijiiro liim ''oih i r li is niVtn-! i.iii Hiol his -ln!.. ill I sfrai a iittlr too li.nl; lint sin- Mas ia hiin-.s ihat if time vus ta!,i'!i to lo.ik at iho .sitn.tiimi reasonably, miuo' liiiaii.-iiil a r.i'.ii nifiit fii-.nr.ibiu t i Wi Hoau r mi l he laailf. I !rii. -f. sa wi-.!i.-.l Mon'oav to kuf i fat if fi-ht. silo-..' tin- I. iii.! utnilil oiiiy In- tvi 'itaft: I by his jn-fSt ro'i'. 'Ihc olhfi- b'tlfi' was a xv: y intfiu pi rate cim from the lainl to the mill itter. "Dt.Mi Sni: I lioj.o y..ii Mili n,... til" ioi'fr uivii you to k't't till' iiihii .M-jwlTiiy mvuy from (iala Wal'T. lie I an olYen-'i to tnv l?!il 11,1 I 1. 1 inyear. ii'i-l lii'i:i-tiit-ii M'l-kiiin Kill !i"i iiii-'s Iin.. ujtliait j Vur l .ir tvnrraiit fi-n.n in". I tlilnU il t. yrt.ir iVil v a :i n.itil-li-r .i Ke.'j. j-.-a.'.. In j f.iiuiiifo. ait-l I i-; .-! y-' i to i'h' m t:. ! or tli-i 1 .r.l.-i t i l:ii iiivn Iioan-. innl to Id ili iifory-'Ur il.iii.Mi' r lesi .-li malt" "r ni" Ml" in matters I t.v.iu l ,.-r jn'Ik'Mn'ii! . nil ! ilo 'lion, lil tit in i ' i L ti . r v.... t.J-..'!" w- is i t. It -Unl.'v, "Am mmh.i'i I: it i i'i i '1 ho iniiiister, who .s n nuvi of i tlery siiirit, auswi'tf l bin letter Iruiiiity with two uor.ls, xvbieb nit better lift miiiteil, fMpeeiiilly m Jes-y )rett! n led not to bear them. Tin faeoinl reply was laoio tlab 'rat., but just at trulblul. "Jiiniil-Aiii!.: I liftv" your li'itor, ainl I n sorry f'T II. Tlmrr l ir i'mudu for .,U"'i a bit of it. IKmi Ions writing. Mr. Muiviiniy iroim U(i nii.l ilusvn ala Wuti-r Is on tlni ktni; n litffliwny, nul liu lias as iuui'Ii rl?lit tliet" a.s v.ai oranv nth"r m a ti . Astorinyiluty.fr I "fall in It. t'l I'r. si.y tery will ask no iiiii reason 'v. liy.' 1 it'll jiut nuiier nt'ltlier lalrl nor ma-t -r. An 1 1 will bi'rf 1 'live t i renilinl you of your own Hhnrleoltlllls, fi r l( Uil lioo.t l. ism. If w I" ifT'in l"il your eves uinl y.mr ears yer-" t-t In) liaulsli" 1 from (iala Wal'T Jin.l votirsi-H in a it"-, it. ymi w nibl a are Ml to ileii, laird, mi l tliat js l!if trail.; itml If tli tralli Unrts yuii, I inn only tlulrii purl of tliai 'iluty' Mm rt'iiiiii-l lao" -f. As for tliu lb WT of iiala Water, I ii'duo liartn in my K'-'uu Kfiiiu-iiiaii ii.iininK ner sweei beauty and lr.ilim' f, win her. Katherlu.. Jnufarlx I n wotunu, niel Is. tlii'ri'fore , U"t iieyoinl wooiim- uinl wfnnim;. 1 believn tn lovit iinirriaKi'S, laird. I lliink t!m uniuii of hearts t belter tlina lunt of purne. Autl I will furllicr ask y.et to ri'mmul'er that, tlioiii;li yon mav be 1 alrd of J..vi'us. I urn minister of KlrUc-lmpc; ami that Levens lies wtlhtii my palish and spiritual jurisdiction. Vmi noist give, ymir own inessim'e to inv ilauyhter. J wijl carry ill wonis fur no m.in. lint I leive no rensnii abl'i Joul't Unit Kill lieriini Jniifari'i nml Jessy 'J'eli.iir will eoutliino to milk" ami me.bile wilii f ii"ii other's joys and sorr nv.-. your order am! my nil vice to th ''ouirary notwithstanding, l'or wn aro le ltlierof us men to lint kit tbn tvniien of this tluy iiay uiui'ti h'.'f I to our lilcli.K' anil ill-lik-luiljt. 1 hopH to hear tell of you soou 111 a morn wlhtf-'iko nu I Cbri.-wun-liku s'lrilj and so, wisuinr jeii well, I am vuur faltMul laial'trr. ".ii-as C'al i.n Tti.rAiB." vxs . f t. V.T5-s'- I I "If. Having written this letter, Doctor "Well, women beat all! I will have Telfair went up the water toward (la- no inure to tay to either of you. J!ui lashivls. Ho thought it likely he the wedding v ill take place. So yo'i would meet Mowbray, who was btayiug Uiake ready for it or not, just as it at the Oiilushiels Hotel. Te was not ' p'.ease you. I it uo longer a ijues nine that he meant to int iiere at all tiou of women's likes nr tlislike-. 1 with tun ruling itnn"s lov affairs; be i a ill take the law to my side, .lust was simply in that mental condition ' understand that, will you.' l'or be whieh seeks the guiding of cireuui- hind Alexander Hinthous stun is the Htaiicet". lie miht meet Mowbray ami lord chancellor and the court, and if 1 lie might not. Il tto'y did meet he euiniot uittimgt my lady ilatlierin'.' I iniifht cptraktii Katht-i ine and ho uiight i will even make her a want of chancery think it best not to tlo so. j and put Mr. Mowbiay ' r whatever A mile up the water he did tuert , the fellow's louue is under bonds for Jtfow bray. TU young mu was ridiuft good bvhavior. Sow yon may go youv nuCD ah .' GALA VVATFR. ;? STOKV. E. BARR. HUT T. I slowly slid tumigh'.tully toward J. evens-hope. He w is very 1 i 1 I V . Hi' knew timt Kath.'i iim Inv.-I him. uii.l Iih did ti it spoil hi- j.,v by i ii -s t i'Hi t ii l; uinl qualifying it. Hi- Mil-, going to -re l.rr, sun! tlio sweet nir, t ! brieht suiisliiili: mid til-' r-iii-il of summer tv ere going t. it h him. Tin1 in -mliiji' "is 'i's'l!li''t"f!- "'' " t-eilisb lover he ki; iiiitliuiL' .!. lie was t ti'-i-viii'' Ins "..ft lint, iiti'l the Ire h wiiol was blowing his hair. 'he bi i,l! -lay h. i ( y iabis ! -sj : In- a- hiiHiiiiin.' softly t hi;n st If a little hue otir. Who'i the miiii -ti'i .ii,.-I him oi ilioblfl from hi, h.ir.-.-, threw the bri iilf iivt'f hi-ai in anil waiiu 'l liy his siiie. Tin-1 1- -.i a . ii lit I le b-.i'Vii wren -iiiiil'4 on tin- whin bit-lies, uinl tln-y tool sliil to waleh it b n!v ilie!!lii' to ward the "iin. it-, h.-a-l t'nro-.vi.i liii !(, its breast -''ellin-.' Willi e-sta-y. "Hf i- .-iiihii;;; l i bi- hue, ' s.ii 1 Mowlo-.ty. ''Ihe bird i. elie'iiil'le.I: efhort his ins ibittt'i !" "Wiiur-! Will-..--:" ei iel tin -mini t.r, "'Wiii.'.; i-i.ii - nr In .ir'-rr. iy r---t In 111 ' r i limit ;.i .riiiio;'- I r.-.i-': "h, that I had win;.' like dov.-: " Hi fa"t was -ad: he w,t- already sorry for tl." b it' r h" ha 1 written. 'l hae I n a'.if-'ry t his in.-rni'i-. Mr. Mowbray." he emit i:me -1. "a'i 1 I a 1. 1 oat of fa. or siith my. e!f; for I .-an tell Vol! Ilia' i'ii' I'.i'lueti; a mil l lee!-. utijjry In- ha- i i .i-e i sirs ii.ji for tin truth; uinl he lia In-i;ita to -tiive l'o. himself. 1 think ymi had bet'i-r i i le '.o the iiiiiii-". M I-- l''-'.f.i ir w ill liave a Wind or two to ay to yon. As for me. iiiu-l talk wiili mvowii heart for mi hour." Theii Mowluav undo!--toi el that t there wa.i some aniioyaiii'e, and the . laird's behavior on the I'l'i-vimi-; ni:;li i t.iive liim the key to it. So he thanke I ! I liic'tiir Telfair I'll. I lode rapidly for j ward, his joy ha .11.; been su l-le'iiy tin ned into anxi- ty. I'.i the liieantiine the laird had lifi n I iiiakttio every one at l.cve'i a- un Inil'P.v a jm-siblt'. He wuh .ii-o!-liii Jaliout the strawberry bed before breakfast, nil I noihiiit; n: I hat meal i sati.s't'd him. The oatmeal was half (boiled, the t'liojis wove biiilied, tie i roll- cold, thi'i'o!Vi.e tinuldy. He k".t j the lootiiiau mi a trot between the I breakfast mirlnf nnd t!it kileht n most of the. time, and it jrntiHed him to st i t ho yoiliiji in ni ill il ito of tear iim I trembling, l'or lie was unry at the silent ili;.'iiity of Mrs. Ibathoiis and .Katlierine. lie felt that his eomdaiiits miii'iit to have been indorsed by them. Their lion iiiterlereiieo was a tacit tltairoviil of his misconduct, j Alter tin db agreeable meal was tiver, the ladit.s were lent iiir the room l toKetUer. He recalled them in what lie intended to be u veiy authoritative ! lnaiiuer: but Mrs. Jiriitli. iis ili'le-ti'd iti it that tone of bluster which is nl wny.s tliu siin of cow anliy timidity and hIic asked iiroiiiptly : j "What do yon want with u, Al -" ainler'" I "I have something very iinportii'it to nay to Kittherine. t'onn: here, miss. You will bo married on the iitlt ! of Sep tember. It is Jttiniu'it birthday, mid . ho ma v us well nnikt; it his mm i -iiifjo-! .lav."' "Vou are (Join;- beyond boitiiils mi overy nide, laird," answered Mm. lirathoii for her ibiushtev. "It is the. rii;Ut of the bride to choose hrr wed tlinoolay, and her husband also. Ami I iloiibl il you have word or warrant from .Jiiuiio for what ymi say. Ymi ' may be laird nf Levcns-hop'1, but ' Katlierine Jiuifarie is beyond yt.ur or ! tiering." "It is hi;h time that I took mailers in baud, (iirln that are as good as married playiux shuttlecock with two meu'a hearts! It is not rtmpeetable. 1 inn not able to boar it. I did not bleep well lust liiht, utiilto lose my sleep is as much as my life is worth. I inn so nervous nun uiuriniitf ii is realty pin- tub I will not sutler in nils way lor any girl's vanity, l-'lirt, flirt, tlirtiu, morning, ik. n and niKit- i "Ahixauder, take heed what you sav. l oil aro slamleriliji lav tniugiiier. i fBy Kutheriue is a flirt! She is I ., , . . ull the sauio an Jniuie h wife, yet. I saw her iiiakina ryes at that Knulishmaii aait whispering in corners witli Uim. 1 saw her!'' i "It is uot the truth." "Is she not betru'.hed tu lamt's Win- touu'.'" j "No." I ''Heleu Urathous: ' "I uity 'No,' not unless she desired the unirriafto. .V promise, made at twelve years of ago cmibl hardly be bindiuK on a woman of niuelee'i. even if it had been an unconditional promise. Katherine nor 1 over rcgai'iloJ it as1 anything but provisunial if she liked, if Wiutoun liked, ii we were both in tllO Nflllll liiinil.' way Imtli of yon for X am just worn oat w ith the rare and wmi y of another man's daughter. 1 lost my good sleep all night, and I have a palpitation of the heart even now, t tint is like enough to get worse." "I -up o-e Katherine has some riu'hts. Alexamlel V "Lights! No! She has privileges and they arc all and eei vtliiug that a good irirl win . She has ihe privi lege nT as line a home as there i- in Twredni.lt'. She has the prhib'geol a good mother ami of a guardian wise and faithful beyond the common; she has the t'l ivib-je of a man iauc far bet ter t h:;ii she merits, for as a lot of fool have called lu r ihe l'lower of (ialti Water she ha ; the vei y threat p. i liege i f ow iiiii-.' manv a boitnie brae and me ido v by lla!:i V.'n!. r. and of bloom ing In i lib' away in them. And a one n my name i- Alexander lirath-on-. I will let no l'.u .'li.-h body trans, plant the I'lovier i.t (iala Water. The Mali that tries it wi!i neer i'1'r..t ths boi .h-r Inline again !" ' l'b;it is all gas"ioiiiding and bran ..'tidocbi! Yo.i swa. .'er like I'i.-tol. and aiv.ay- eat th' be;, a! the cud of it . " "Madam' Ma. laml I will '' 'V.t;l do. You l.in.t ve'l do. ('unit', Kittitei Tie:" ami iln.ti.-ii i'nr la;i'l loud up and -ti'l-k the table with bis closed hatid. till. 1 even mildly .-wort- a little, the ladies went calmly e!it of his presence, leaving him with out a Mingle promise, and with a very p.tsilite seii-e of defeat. I!ut the oppiivtunity to explain and defend hiiii-elf was nu absolute neces sity of hi- li.it a"', and he was sorry now that he had written to the minis ter. It w a - above a'.l things desirable that In' sin. aid have iii- good word ami support. "However," lie ment tl i v concluded, "I w ill just i ide over to the manse. I will go on my I'.iirbary mare with my man in the I.t veils livery behind me. Telfair will five in a bit to that, and when 1 ihe laird of l.eveii--h ipt - -ay a few w .i".l with a ring of apology in 1iifi. tin- minister will be J. id t iii.-.i. ;h to put the oil'eii-o away with a whuff nf the hand iff a polite word m- iho lll.i.' of that. I'm- it is tnu' a (io-pel that the mini'-tei- is ju-t a nobody without the laird be hind him." lie put on hi- livihi. -t-l'utiiig riding co.it ami his )cnt saddle gloves, palled hi I'aib'iry mitre and his man Archi bald, ami rode proiid'.y.ilow n the main a ci..i". licfme he reached the big gate-. In-, nut the minister's man with the minister's bf'.tt r. It was blow the teetnnl and rather harder to meet thai! his w ife's defence. "Site'i a like letter." he muttered when he had real it through. "Tin! man writes to me a if I was a very sinner. 'The comely humility ol a I'lfsbyier' indeed! A more prelatic spirit "could not be foun t in a High lipiscopal. I am pist distracted with tho iu ult. l.eveiis hopi' in his parish iiinl spiiitua! jurisdiction! Humph--m'f m'f"' and sumting out his defi ance of this truth he turned his finely caparisoned animal to Wiutoun House. lb; found damio in precisely tho mot id lie de.-ired. The young man was feeling hurt and wronged, ami his uncle's sympathy "as sweet and his promises comforting. "It i all in your own bauds, .fa:iue." he sai l, "the woman Vou lovo and the estate which it would break both our hearts to see rouped ami sjbl." "1 will do auyliiing reasonable, nu de, bill I do not like to give Kather ine pain or nuuoyaiioo of any kind." "Katheiiiie does not know her own blind. She has no idea of what is gogd for her. No girl at her age has. I'ii I hers ami mothers and guardinu have to watch them a if (hoy had the death fever. At nineteen year of ag-l tho whole generations of women go demented about Hit! man of their choice; they always have and they al ways will. It is a kind of crisis; j;ct the'm over itnd tliey take gratefully the sensible husband selected for them, Y'oii have been too kind with Katherine. ite more masterful. Make her take good fort huh from your hands, and wliuu slit! is married she will come to her senses and thank you. I had to take the mastery with her mother. I have to do so yet, .lamir. had to do it this morning," he added, with mendacious .sclf-cnmplaeeiii'T that did not impose upon his nephew. "I was thinking of going to Switz erland for a few month. I have heard that cli. ubiug gla-iers is a cure for love." "A ud leave the ground to your rial? I wish f could give ymi some of my spirit. (u the contiary, be at I. evens hope early and late. Keep every priv ilege you have :;aiiied with a tight Ifiip. Tell Kutherine you want to be married in September. Speak of Paris and U.'iaa and St. )'!er.burg and the Nona 1'nlc, if it suits her for a wed ding trip. Send herrings and brooches of all kind, (let the whole country hide talking "f your marriage; most women would rather tlio than have people say their wedding was broken oil'. Man. .laiuie! If you It t that fel low, Mowbiay. steal your wife, you may ju- t as well give him your estate; nnd if vou let Wiutoun slip, I am not likely to trust you with Levens-hopr." "!, not threateu, ur.clc; 1 need 1 neither threals uor promises where I. it lei iue i- coiicel llei " HO lit I OVUM Kl. 1 tlnlv Inn latlltii- "Now that you have bought arm j paid foi the hone." nai 1 the luiinwiih il s-ir-salisrii d chuckle. "I want to tell J ymi iu eolith Icm that it his only g"l J two fan Its." ' "Well, what are they''' "When tie Is in the held he i veiT j .l.l'b' ilt to cat di." i "Uli. I ..:..!i t ii. in t ii.ut: I'll ss'on ivuleh In Ii What is the other f.in!t'.'" "Why, vinu jouUati caught hwu j he i net wcrth ar.ythitig." Tit-Bits. in wis:.? How It Will Be Made Per- , manent - BY CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. . ... A Conversation Between a Business Man and a FarmerNo Property Qualification- t aii'lii led from 1 ..1-1 '...-k.l l-'aniier: "That .ci-ms to ho o. ft lint otily does not deny anybody tin- right to VOU' but it seelllS to Hie lil'll.'r ti;. confer upon certain persons tije right, to vote." limine s Man: "That is it exactly. P.iu b t us. in thl- .-onneetloii, I'xnmi.'e .s.-'ction I, Itmi is the only section of the nine mlmi-nt that In hlges the li" g roes' right 'o vote, il you Will W" I'.' rriiilitig it. 'I lint section do.' not itl low any negio to vote utiles-' le- ran read and wi i.e. That is a t b-av ahi'bl.ucnieut of the general ric'.iL ! vote: a clf.'.r i. uial ol" the rieht to vote to all iiegiufs who i an ant vim I and w.lte; hu; the tleiiial is iieiaus" of the lilcli of t ilili iillon on the part of the m-tito; lifciiusf he (Mir.iot Had iiiid wriic. not. on ;i lit of his nice, e.i! ,? or .: vious i oil ll;;i,:t. So tii.i: s-e hy ria-lillK th" !.vo sfetiob-i thai it is no: Tie ."its .-. 'ion wlit.li .1. ii i -- or ain-idtSi s the iii.'ii: oi' a neai i to v. i.e. bur I;, is the t'h section, an. I tin- 4th M.iiiiii denies ami ahriilges hi : ; s-r Ii . not bo-.i.i.-j of hi race, im; in-t.i'i-" ile ilocs no! posses.- cert iin ci-:-.t-tioi..i! ipi'ililie.i'huis. which tif S:.re ill- ,l j. If- '! litiir. as everviiil." ,i .!-i'ii!- to impo-iv Now tin n. we i i . i 'i :h.! llt-; r ' t.f t!ir-e :.-,-. i .. viol lies Ihe Coiisi.Miti'jn of ihe I'nit il .- .;. a-;. en taken s ,i.ii'.uely. (V ciitii -.'. the rrf.'-re, if when t ikt-u io geilie; they -hr.iill viol.ite iiiii! Cim ! "1 : i. tl . til" llll'-'.'llrt i f lit iTi 1 1 e'.'-llle!, W'.-ti! I i. in the eorniiiii.il ion o." thv '.vo ail-1 in ly. aii I of hiier taken m-u a 'mill wool, I have M! rof!!ie:-." ie:;i!fi-: "W.-M. lenity in '.0 fit' ir " ' I ! 1 1 1 ihe ,e nlliiH o;' lie' I si i-iioii. N.i.v. 1 woiihl lik" !o ask yo.i !:' iio-re 1 any iiru.i.io.lliy of i!:;' two se.-tii.as taken togctlivi" bcii'.t; h'-l l in he liV-Dllst;: ill loll li ?" Pu-it; .-.i .Mm: "N'mte in the wot! I. I mi in-; a l-r.vye:'. tin: T hive talked wi h a irrc.ii m.ii.y aol" la.vyei-.s ...ion' this niattir and ! li tve if.nl pretty mi: -)i at! tii.tt ii.i ; le'eii iiiinii! i:. and 1 Iin. I t'.i.i: i-v.-.t- lawyer r.f any stand ing v lio lias inve-': red the aiiieiiil mtiit has .-t'.n h-i! i.f i iin lu-o:i tii.ii i; is i iir..!!tn'.ion.il. I 1-now some l ia yer who tluiug'ht i: was not const;, tniional when they i;r.: ria l it. lvoi i. - n -i as til v ii.vt - i.i.itfil I th v t-h.iiigisl th'.'ir mil'. '. I uiiibvsi.ini tii.it i ll!' ilill'-llilnictf is a copy o? the Louisiana jimeniliii- lit. and tli.r. tic' we- p.'f jlar-d oy ! ' i of the gif.lti - liwjirs the .-".iu' i li i.- jn'.i.lu.-r:!. i'.l't'-t' liiu.H i 11 vest i Uil I i oil. . 'ic 'hitt Ihr-y l'l'.-(i.ii-. d it so i hat' it .v ... I I not ii.- oie:i to vnlbl coiistcU!'.!'. il nhjeci ions. I l.iii.w- Hiitlrr iiiid I'r.ii ii.u d say iha' i' is iin'-on-iiiiiti.i.i.d. Hut lieitiicr o: tlo ni has any ve.in!.rioii as a lavvye;'. In. bed. one of ;;it n hi just (rtt his liieiisf. Senntoi- ?.i tipiin this subje.-t. i' fight to iie aci-i'iif'-d (pit t inn. He is t ; gi .-t ai.il! ilic Soiitii :.. o- j.iii s op; it ion .-f"HKS t( HI. : settling till ..ii-.il as the hi.;-U-.."lii.-f 1 e Iii" v.t: and is Ii. eldest ll-'VH1 tho I'niicd State. Semite, aihl he ih' cliifd in a sjiei- -It lielivrivtl ill ;)'. Si'itite :i few days .igo thit hf had i -ir.-fully iiive-rg.r.'-d i: ami it was .-b-j'.ly cuii.-titii'iu'.- d. In fa.-', hf said tile Supreme coir: of th" I'libed St it. .- hud iilr' .i.h ia a caso frn.ii Missi.!ipi. ilei iib .1 pr-.irtlc.iliy tit" bail piiiiei;e invehid in favor o: tho .m.-tiliition.i!lt ei the iimeii-l-iin iii. Ali iliis talk ii-ni; the iitiieii ! r.ifiii being unenn-tit'.ithmal Is iniily to scare the people. Have not you un til 'd every time the people want :n r-n.nt into law any gff.it reform, the iippourllts of the pimple lai.-f tile Uilrstioti of it. nn. on-tltutionaUty? If ihf iifopb' were m li-trn to tile." t'.f lll.lgogtlf.s they would llevi V fh.lllgi their laws in iinv important particular-." Farmer: "I never urn!; any stock in the aiiggrsiiun that the Oiaiulfallw llaase would he stiilck nut of the a meiiiliueiit and t'.it! cilu-atlon.il t huise won!. I be kept in. Iie.- tiise it was al ways plain ti nn1 that whoever unci! for oti" of t:ie.-e sections would have to vote for tin' other, aitd ih.tt if !i was nut for the .'th .section the proie wo-.tll no; I'uli' I'ii!' the am' ndrnetit at I 1 1 . and that tic c. .tin woitil s. t tii.i: tite people viitfi for the anicr.iliiie!:: wiiii the ".'li s'-.ion in it. ami b ii shonbl strike til. ". nut li would be for i::g upon iin- pe 'pie an aim-n init-nt r. tin ir t onsi-Jtutii'ii. w hich tin y .lid n .i . vine for a"d m v.-r would have vo: -1 ; ffir. Kut til" Itepiiblicaiis are tfjitiv' to fiighten lit" people hy H'll'iic tho-.v that the pi-e.-iir Kepuhliciti Siipnnie 'ouri t.f tiii- S: i.r.' will have ill" de cb.lini; of thl- matter, and liny will .ic rl'le it with lite Republicans. I .'! tliotiiiht. thi: when a .itetlon a'ni't the Con-t .Iii' i":i of the 1'nitetl ; m -was to be si ttl--.;. that, the S'lipt'-in-Coilt t :J th'- I'nitt-J S-itt-a vv.-i- the ntiiy C'cnnt tin: could fettle it; is tii;! LOt fcO?" nusiiicii Mm: "Why, cprtaiiil. vou are eutiielv tight, about that. The The rrt-et'.t c.u.patjn in South A:r.t. is pra.t:..)ilv w. nr-t opi.H.rtan!ty tht rintt-h mi. -."- .tut'iotitu- l.'i-' nl '" p.liliPK thv ,' -"''rp; t;. a t. i tc;f. Th.- , y. h-i "ip- attactutt to 1 Dur bail I'.igh; if.'.tr.'ry rccciiilt cfvirrtl a unite of on ti i tli - in one day I"i tin- par ptv-e t'l obi. i-nig iiiinrTa;.tioi' oi '.he Hoci ioiif-. .".nig soul-.' sktrin-.-hmg on the wav. T' Ult in ihy w-Mthfr H ai'iinrabiv .'. -.cJ lot svc!in Women "re net peimitttd tw ts pla- itatt'ifi m ,'.-iu decision of tiie Supreme Coui l o' Noi'tii Ci-irollna on this tines' ion would j not In.' bin lint?. The S'lpifin- Court - of the rniterl St.itea aimif .-;in tlnaily Circus of Himself, settle a question of this sort, and Sen- A special dispatch from Wii-hing- iror Morgan sav Ii lia. iiln aily settled .. , ,. . , , i it in ,he?.MisS!-s.-ippi in Mvor ,,f '' . "S ; our inii.-ii.ltr.ent." ' Congressman tmorge II While l-'ai tiirr: "You said th- Louisiana j Hprrrli thrre M -mbty : Cmi.-titiitiunal aniemlni"ii: was the 1 The negro Cotigi fs.niiiu White in idc : fiiine as our.. Has tho Sup: "iiie Court j another exhdiitii u of hinisidi in tie of thft I'lilt'-d States ever p i-.-ed upon j Iioum in ii :; .- '.o i tim-.-.iiLii of Ui" ronsiilutinnality o? lh.it amend-; personal privilige to reply to nu nll ni"ii'.'" , torlal in a Itiileigh ni'ii'-i- iTiif Nrws i!iis:tie.- .vi .in : .no. a lir iirt nif mart of the I'libe I States nor ::-:v other c When 111- Louisialla aiii'-inbiii tit was in f, tie the people for lina that white women ate its iiniilo. i r.itifi.'itti.in the Iii nuiilii-iins In that . Jls negro women, and i hat white iinni talked ju-t like they are t alking here. a,. mro (I-ni;nal tana black n-n u Tiieysnili' was ,, itntioiial. and, 1(sS;ll,-. At, , ml,-. tie court wi.11,1 .-) ib-clare Itt: thai' ... , , le .-,;' se.tion would It- stricken out. IniiKs. atier hnv.na 'he edit. m.i! hi. the toiiit would so ih-cliire P; that h" s;iid- Mirt tliilot. .in.-" it- 'hey are .-lying "M : Spi-nkfi'. I desii" to gi.'. i'ii'.. line, but tin- pe ipie j..iid no attention v: j,. .lamleroti- publie.'ti.'U tin' wbl-s' lo tii.'tu down there as they will imt m ..inula-ion. I desire that it do kiv. and i.ittl!'"! the unifinl- ' .. shall go out Ihr nigh tlnciimeii; - ol in: l'iirni.'i" "Ibis there bein any regis- , lions- that t ie vv-tvid may see what trallon under the Louisiana ninend- thr poor i oloreil in in in ;ho S iniil.tti I tnetit?" 'has to iiinh rgo ft. en i ci-vtiiin iht-.. Musiins M.m: Ye-, a full regis- , tmiKIti-i til's .-I st.-n.-i-t it isp.oim-. 'tn'm."' 'Were u,,"!.,,.",. Mr. Speaker, thai I -.nub, ..: ... ihitf if.ip.- alliv.c.l m register V ' ii very large per. n' n-- of the win'.-l'.ii.-iiie- Mm: "Y's. - .;, our that people of North ('.r.n.i:i, my nilive w.inteil .o register." State. No b.-tti-r i an.- live any- Farmer: "Were the urn .Incited in-j M . V" !T" -., ini-il.e.-s .vi an: .so. ii - i-l t.e-ni. Farmer: "lias thoie hum any el". - tinti inidc'- tiie Louisiana Iin?" Hus-iiir.- Mm: "Yes; no' l uig since li" eb'c'imi in thf great "!ty of Xi-t Uriel'! was hi '..I iindt-r tiii- iiUi'-nd-tiit-ntt." Farmer: "IU'I tit" ut i-d'i -..'ed wii.t voi" in the New (I: leans electioii'.' ' I'eisiness Mm: "Yes. ali of thfii who Wished to." F.irnit v: ' I lid the unr .iu ated t -mot-; v.i;.. in in" New Orleius eh- - Ibisiin-- Mar.' "Nil." F.iruier: "Tii.i thete has in mi both a r. gi-tra-l.iti and in i le iioti nr. hi tiie l..iti:.-'.i::.i r..:;-:i'ii;io:t. a;.d -.. .-.iy tiie lie;. ti ili--.iiis liav no! take:' t : itigl i a.-.e iiclil'--' t lie i n;t: : .- .: !.-t its i oii.-:ittit:o!i.ilily." i! l-iit .- Man: '"No. no' a siitu'" i ". alitj it show oii. '.ii-ively. doe i' I: '. Iha; :.ll tin Ir I. ilk hefmv :.. i 1 'ins: ..'.i.e.!' it bring III' oll'i i il'iti.i! wa i n-fie wir-1 iiii-l fury, in- tel. II d lit fil'h'ell tin' Utn illliilt-'d while p. .-!.!" nn. I keep i-. fin from di fialiriiisilta l ie negro." I'.iililfi' "I .i iii very g'.ld to have h id tiii ' ilk with you. I l.r.evv you :f.f 'hoi'. mghly ui- oil . as ymt si-n "rally .tie upon sm-.ii i:iii.u-.a!it ipie ili.n. ninl 1 vv.tiitiil to lind oil' til-ti-nt'a ; i ';.-. i - iin--.- mn::i-!-..-. We peo ple in 'It" i.niii'.1.. haven't ye: awhile. i:a 1 an mipot :tiiii; i to .-:u.ly the i.i. lion as i lost ly ;i.- y on have; wr h.iw-ii'i had as nun h n nling ni.iltei' aooiit. I; '.- yon have it. i I. Im: we are going to s-it.ly i: lik.- tve did the gvrit i-m' ot White S'l'tienii y in the last cam paign, and we going lo a. ion! it. ;;!',! lici'oie l-i" tl .on all lull WI will know a.- much ahoiv it a- iin- pen pie in th" i.-iU'-e- of po.nila: i..:i. You know in the in-; t -a:np ilgn t people were better ;r,.-.tt ! t If t ion t aiiie on ! nan t in' i .ii ii t r v .:'.' t'.i' ' li peo- p'". This tie-:imi of th" attn mimen i- :itl e Xceclitigly iinpi'.i t..'f .nn' ti) tiie while farm"!', and I :' - I "t.ii.i when tii y ihm. 'Highly nii.b :-: in ! it thi-y will g i ! tlm jirtll. ..Into-' to a man and vc-e f n' it. The ".ii!" p- u pie in ih" -'n:ii! vv arr tin-l o' ;he ne gro in poliths: tiny don't iiii nd evei aga'u to ne bossed by hiur. the;.' never w.ivL ag.rn to have to u '.trough tin.' ierrors whl h d.trl.t :.- i tiiciv hotiics tin rin ir Ml" pi: two y t ' .-. of negro rtile in No' iii ( "o ' 't ' . It sei'iiis to me if anything v.. ;i - ij.le in it..- cn.intfy ai'1 more inn .'- 1 in this iine-ii.;i tii.i!; ynt! ai' t:i t !. to.vn. You can it ly upr-n th" coin.y to i.tie white this v'ar." . Hiisin.es Man: "My frh :. : I am ni'glitv glad io lu-ar yo:t talk -ii.t way. The while people living on; in ihe eoiinti'v are Indeed deeply mt'-re.-.'-.-'d in tills que-rion. The rat iti atioti of the a:v. -n '.mfii: ni'-ins m c t;i tiiem. as you say. dun i: .lots to '.te people living III the towns, but it means great g.io.l to it!! of IIS. whether we in" n. th" ituiiiiiy or iu the town. Person ally. 1 inn going io vote for I ''.eail.-e 1 believe it i- a jus; measure . bee iu.-c 1 belie e it will be iit-tter for the .l- gro. as Veil as tiie white ni.ii-.: 1 aiise I think the white man is .ir.de. I hj right, and by sapei i.u liy of :nt.d'r ' and natnial ciiin ity t t conn il th" i-f-fairs of thi S'ate: beau.-" I .' t ril want to see anv .sm ii . nndi'in.i again as w" had in North Carolina m IM'i and l'.'V iifcaiise I believe w li" : the negro is i-limii.itf d from pd'.'i'- In will be- onie a b"i!er citien. mm ' .!.' .iie ant niote in.tus' i ions, and will ci asc tt he an fl'-m.-nt of ili- otd, i oil.-'alltly bree.iilig .-tii if and ro-i fliit be! wet ti ii . in a!. ! tiie w'r.'t man: het-a'l.-o I Inlifve the adopt ioil . tl: s amen Inn ii: will bting aimitt a tie '.- era of pro j'ei tty ; bc-aiise it w ill draw to Nortii C.iti bn i both i a; ' il and imtnlgration. wiii h will never opu while there is danger of b'-i'o : il"; I'ccause i' wil', drive i'lto it.e "iri.v a lot of liU'.IIl. wtellie?i .vli t ' i'l- a win. pi-eyeti upon the pi e jii.lb r? ..f ;. nr gro thai tiny may m-i-hi" oftn. ttn-y are untit to till." Faimt-r: ' W.di. our talk lias help'-! IU" tlligllliL'. I feel like I'Vrrv v. ii't" man in No. tii Carolina might to pu bis i-hoilbier to the wheel for t :.'! .iiiKiKliiaiit. I: looks to me like a :n er iiirstii!i of white mint agiiit?!. mgro, just like It was in lh!'. fi . t eais to me tnat. any while man " li.t vi'trs against the amenclinMit wilt j.i:' s n.i'ly be voting for the negro ajmiiif h,.- mi :i lacd. "iiie ttar.. port Munuerit-e. vhlih came near s-inkiog lib Major We.-, Ili.w.-' and part of hir- reginif-nt ha irliitnt 1 f. i. t Manila to San Frum n .. The "walking t-h" of Santa Cal.litia I'h.umt!, .,l'.:,.in;-'. i- a member oi th- ti,.l.,ii .ritte at'.d ha congcnrr' ai-tmir tin ga!: v.ttd oi the Meicau i,.:ialW WiFi lt- vtt'P vllt of tiiv pi's'. iiii Its pcvu.iui 'us are t-haped s, ncv u. the Hitt V'tm siu..i tua; -he iLm loZ S Xy"ti& ; rs'wlil U-xotd V, tk 4 nt ot seawecv. A VILE SPEECH. Negro Congressman White Makes a ti i.. o 1 : aim oii.-ci o-; i. ii" miaiii niton-. ' .. I1"'' m me i''oiue ui .m.ii.i where on find's preen ;u stum nn it i : !-f them. Hut tiiifor"i:i :'' tle of him who ur. tt.in ate now in th- iis. i n repudiate sbilnb-ii I tiesire t tn! w it ill;. nut i lit' thf nttf rn n e ' i.e. r to me. "I did. tin- itii"i- 1 1 . . '. !-1 -in" (Mr. Liniieyi .er.'e- t. il I'f tit tt k to tit' ,.(; : iie investig.it ion will. ,i I : tiintner. as ; : a fl in a t'.. ; lend before i 'ocil org iiii.'. -. . ity. I had found that 1 -per cent, of h" ii- -an'. . -:i,i.ui wi.:neii. not in the .' lit" fiitirr Fi.it. -d S: t ' -. w a'l'r to Ihe ' : iii!" o' i.tn . tii i''. llttfl'.iti e. I dl I li' i ninmisrinn ot ifs.nilt.. Sty i ;.'in whit" women on t'ne i v-. iiltf men did tin- .- iiie- :; 1 black t. i.tin n. 1 s ml tit i' :: I -auks it- i-bu::illv . t I wn-i!-!! ami lil it : il ' ll'fi lh-i;,, ;,y ,i , ,..., Mi mt-li. '.i'.i; weir ..1- n ini.li I by wa' . iba .,, wral-ll. ii i,v i'. ",.,..:; tmm n -. ' m-t! tn- S.i'ithl.m 1. 1 :-. '1 -If n: I pent t; now: ai. -I if any mm In-.. t lt Wilflf ill. -il. - io VI toy til' :.f'l falne-s i f 'li t: -.-.t'.i !! ii'. ic 1. i- im t i make t vi.-L tar i.i-.-.i tie' Sa.rhl :ti ' n-ii-:.' 1 liv. . I 1' l"; I: i'f a- tii i ii : any in. ni in any em-, whether le : vrh'.'f itrn'e or Ma -k !".'tl'. vvi'.'i c "al-ini.- .in a.-- ml" t:;"it; .ir.y '.vc'iii::. wiii'.i, i r wh'ie '.van1 in or bi.i-k w ' 1 1 i;i. I lli.sik ti h a man img'it. 'o li tv.i- I it .nge I tiy t'l" lie ii III! ' ib i l . ic.it i: oiigh' ; . e .1 me ny t '. ceil.- to; by Infii'ii'el tii"a- s.i It ..-tn- w tii it a ;1 !. w.i-l'd i" sot .!;'!. this a-'b-le is i'ii: ' n i ' :. e of w iin' wn- li i . g-.: ;.: t an no- 'I;' -- p . 1 1 . .-l-m .in i -1,1.' t- r.-'.i'. .- -tr -t 'on "f t i tru.i. i-iep irins .'or an b'.','i..i i- lii i I ti i ' aiitl.--;: nml l.te v orl.l it ii.i:: : wi. . li i he C :..-': ". : , ,' -e I ni.e.l s: :; .. by iiie fo. , ;.s ' a .r.i! lif'. t-ntii ;i:u -liiiniec.:-. b i. I in- a . nir n -hi t- I"' redo.' i iin.- m , re to the iv-i1'.-;. n of p. ).i.! it:: i aiib'ls if s'l it lio n a the on I wiio , ::'- the K lb Igli ! i;' r in tin-- . timt . ia iitv" thi- c in. r.i! of aiYaii . i No ii C li-.ilin.i. A.- I s t' ; ' ire. , w tn' : i - e the fillli -" ti'l dici . fill t . fa- 'I'-t-.i'ic. of : a - v. I s!i- : , . I .-- '.' nv i die m le. :u till- ! . ; ie.-a l'.-ic. I .its ill" .1 U' mioli -a!,-. lVjealis's '.hiowii in. to .iii.l.-ti' my i l: , . and niv c.ilidili . f v.' th" i.t th: . c yi ars u i 'hi tl. '.-.'.. and - will" a-; or It'' :; ll r:uif"l lite' : tin- ": !i:ii 'i glvi u by thi f- V ' win ' ,!,: H.iletg'i pa'.HT -it: 1 it - j ,,, .... , oiiiit . v wi.Ii --tt a ": :.'. : i !-i i - !-,-"ii t el it: t nr .le- u I.:-. -.'ii a' Fit's :..n g. I't W., tittili I a: ilii-th":- all. iii A pu - : . uraai s ... -: "W ll'l f K. lllll.iws-. a .I. e l ., loft cv r this . iiy. en;- e, attain-: William II. M :' t' : '.' ' pristlitneli if.-t nu aiiteiii- for live :'i .: ft mil ib'li.r . ilaniagi - for rrfu-ii.ir !.. M'lVe v'lUtgl-i "-: tlflll lb "iVa.' II. V' ' . ' . . :' North Carol'!: i aim' hi ii-e' w:'!t liiniier. Itillow r'.iitii- M i. M Catliiv offel-t'd ;o.-.:t-' 'licit il-.whc . j ,,,, jM t i general il. 11'.: t'iry . It-lit . Hid' .1 nil i il! ti n hi:c p. I -!U- an. I If tb III. Wil. A rlous Charge Wins-' ai-S ait-Ill. N. C . S." i m! .1. .. . K. Wri'li-r. a waite n..,::. . 1 i v. ;:.- old. was :.-- v.. t ' W a !-..-n h, tt deputy sheriff .ir : i n ni . ; I t t .i't I , t t ( 1 to t v i't I . . il in C: :: i! 'V M a -. I.t ,1 maii 1. i i-; .- ra l.ii i upon tin- la L- 'iu - Mr m ill ' il 1. I i.lllo r . ' w a.s place I if. - a;r. .-li d la-', niga i-.i. "ic. wiii il i- i w in-' of fie ft:;-! he - - .'ill!, Wfb-hif lie said in J" sard-- fi-i.', .ii,!c- ,',o:u ;!i: t . m-l : i ii .: -ii:t.:.'i f a'll't in);. He l.iiiit -ami -ay- 'he. has kv - ii.-"- .-tie was a rh 1 1 :. News Notes. Japan's fir.-t Aujf !i rt" P.-.;"!"1. K' v. ipiney C. Paitrblgf. was iciiso. -.a; -.1 on Fiiday la-.i at Tokio A ;'ag Se.ifliry Spauii. t- l.a- ir. ; ribiieii ihf TTeticury off','Ts t. i.-l.t,sa. S C. to v.'M .i"' c-iait-, -ic- c-' ti." Frp.it !:r. -!'. t i :'ie Nov w ..gi.iu .::rvf.".". ' Kllnl.t." whoh will c l tiitri' about Ft-bru.uy IS. I'ae Chiv igo Ht .Oi.l s.ivs i i:. M i;. A GOOD SUGGESTION. I'ropo.siJioii to Amend the Amend ment I'avorahly Ret ived. I.Speri'il H'tlcigb Corrcspoudcuco.) 'l ite i '-ion of I'm' I ii inoi rats ti ,-imeiei 'n- fis-t iititiornl aiiieiidnien' bv ,r ,, i !.; ; ihnt i .-inill stand or fall v indc. has truck a popuhr , ,.,i !. "I 1,.. I'l.c.it -.-ive Filmier Has r, y ,'ii- i t .'i i:ill : ' It now ,-eeins .tt.ilii ihnt lit" li-gi.-httiire iii iis .liui" e.-.-i ii. will pa.-- an jiiiii'ii'I in- lit to th" ;,!-.- ;i.-i- C .1:1 it i'i.iititl iimendniell-. i- oi i.-ing tb:i' iii ease .,e .-eel loll b .;. ,a-i i- d t't-foii t it ip i a: il the rtitirc .I'lii-lidnii i,t -ball I ' ' !n" inoprrutivr. T.i's in i.-sp.-iise to :i ju-t nnd i:tildly grow in ir pfjtiila " ; laud." . s. I'l--,," t-f the I'tipulist State Canmiitee .,r : t i r id iimt part of ;t 1 1 he ! i wnli n en : liei ' and tl'' nictuceii II,- ; t - : - ; .dim 1,1 . ..ml V' ho ill fai t It, m et; jf . nn.i i! lit" address to lie- ., pie , nr.. in 'ia tin- i- ltlelilli.lll, .-lid all ti--- r,imli-i.-. li ' im'tt'-r liO'V l hey vitid ia h'.'V w.-ve n iw solidly agiti!!.' tin' iil!i"!iii!!e!'l. The wish was ia Iter i'l I : i'i ti When th'' Poinilis't .. inn!:' am im,!- . .mtnittfe rtaH I'ene.' wilt discover I i - .-ror. A n-n!l i b: i'V. :l:-', Il v. again-. :a. 1 itlg lit!-- n!' !'.' nil'."." .b'-ep i ' ' J I J i . 1 - I lelllOi-i-itl ic nn- ti-illtil i 1. 1. !;;'!! .-lllilll fi'I' I Ills Slat'-. - i. ,. . - -, .. t ic' til" status of alfaiis .na! '"i !.'!. "The trt'llil to-ivnt-l in-- a : i ii itiii t:i liii tease daily . Thl. .-f -HI t I,- ! ! I"' l'opilli-ts. 10,111111 lb nni In ni.- and iiii 1 1.-- i"!iiocra(s w il! . ipt.iii ; ii." I,'.-. I a i ;!..- II. .Me! lie. tin- Slate Siiperliii iiib i ! m' ti'i'oiie iasi i-ii. t ion. u -. i i- i:'i'- ''" -it. ii 'i I n.' i.-: ze.il t.a - . i i :i :..-:'" I ti mi ' al- v. ill not ..'itng-'iii. e t 1 1 - ;!!,; '; :i.. lit. tie will vo! go tm ;i i o,--l :" ain-l it. lie is no! in .. ;iti s. l - be- .!' I', en since his im iiiiiii. in ,. io ,i- i. imiv - tin- iimi-nd mi ni is ::,;." ' ..by cb -m- nn :e poliii. .--. I ' . .'! " '.- . I' l' " if m iii. ,i . i I c .iii ' .i milt ers. j:. foi- gie.it. I'i,.- - if..' ' t'.i r I'opn -iist- who -..il! !' '",..' liii. .Mill. -tier fell ain! mi i :n 1 ii 'ei itt--'. I !b i. , i!.- ite ii v I ry ing a -. - ..: to C. urge. It. : . . i ..it i .--iimii who i .-.! Hi, fl !!.::. I-- 'II I' . lint Will'- , hi .i.ttv .-. w tn- n itl Spl'". 'n -i i,..;. are saying i bC I ! !'., IfV II.-! :$ ll'l v 1,11.,! ! . III!! th" .., ; ... ;. ... , nr. '- !-i ,1 a' - imid him ,i 1,1- iie.-tier.it" ill i;- p'lbin .,! gl ' I .liii -li . in ti.-fai. v lii , i.' i I .- ;,!i .! ir' : pi : ' v wiii. Il will I,,-'... . .- i. - .: t" : . -l i, - '.. .lie Hi p'.i.l i ,:.i- i .i . !. i. ii:',; While "I't l!-t .. ' n i i - p,,:i i i ' a . !. t !' b e I, ; now I ,'i-y c... I, .b, ;.;': call liim a Tlo i;. ,,: I,;,., ,o I a. - iiegrn ii .!, - ,.'. .: , I . ,1, tot! jiy Utilise l.i ... . -.. i -w i . , . t .-' ir.u a nti .f I'" ' - '- I : ,' . -1 l'"i mst.. :hf t oil, i.- i ;,., ,: i -,:,.--! 'ii-lii-vf i lia' ! i- tl, i..;: : - -I . rr all Ihr r . .I-; t - , ia, ; - a- ::,,- ti:. He I'ti'il'i al:- ; i b 1 i :.' Wait-' ami lil" I i- i ;,. -in , :-!.-. : 'il il i," worl I i. cic. 1 . 1,. ai l"S :: : e Iloi gone. tll.-H iy .1 11'- ! -I't. I. i li" W b e It' - ' li-!.- .-'-. " I bate l.i.-i -l I ,i . ! i-io! it.: .-. - , m !i h e it, Im: tin- K"ii-..'.i'. iii- il i.ave whit may ! e i.-ii:.--! .i iio....',...,a!"t .l heinl i i : - C'-t -!.-' -it oii" i - i. li .", '-.- m -. I heir ..a ii !i::!l'. . ! i -ii.:. n. I: - :.il aioiig 't li,- i a i-i-:...- i' - i'ii i .;i " hi'ii'biu.'ir bi ic v. ; I got I-- oi. :n-. until i :' r t b" M ;' i rin . ot I.iii. t'i 1 1 .' ! a aw 1, ii". 1. -v. c, -: . : ,. i : mm i-.-iti-' . - . -ia. . i .- ..te.. ,i,;-. , it. "I".c i- ;r " : t "!l i.t.'l tl : . i "! .1 ,ily :.- - .i it , I,'. ; , Le.m i.t. :i.- !;. k of v- I b- . .".iiiii::.- '.," . Notni ! .. : , vvrl i..- ,-f n am n .! '. '' p.iiii'r: : - - i. it v i'i t'l- I 'iiiican'-. . ',' i. itt - - .ic "it. - i-i " Ol' n.i ; ': i I ' t " I i t , , - :': f!V i'V i'V- .. ..IS!;.!' - ft f .... ! - I l!' It .id I" thf : a f-'o.ii - . II.- ,t ' ts ill! ihr . !i, f , t .. y a., m el.- ami t'a--!' ."iiisi m.: : - i ini.v t-s --lily i.lirr he ; L'-iiit '' - r, i ' t w a. or th; a " . ' I,- .ICO I.t VC:l t.l ,.,''. . O be I imt I . ::-,.', t l I', ;i,vi,.. -'tiii ii. pi i id Ts,, a'.tl Cl'iiw ! "! to: ' .iteil. So .-: vv i'ii- '. ic v . i' ! '! g.iitie I hitt I I' . ( i,. ;-. ' li t,;-. 'i :;. I ! !:cV W Ilili e :a . ' -.1 aa 1 Til'-, day ti. tt-tf urn!,!, bib! : '- :,ev timt by a st i t. I la, : . i ; i , , t-i-c had It- h' I ' , - ' " ud now I " ll' il lidii . ' . if : t i bet that , i i a lil ' .-::U I': vv i ic S.II I ' ! . I , ' I I I" I : : . . ' ;: ,:f Public vi i from Hr. r i . run ;. v I: in ' y . i . i I,. -.- . n : tn .1 i I i'.l.l '. i.'.ritnl t Ply m i:h. a. I r. Cit: , y ... :lt ir- iiri! at: I ln - a. He tl.-.. ml aw tlii ii ing "i'f neT . .; I'i I 1 tv I. (I ' 'li . .l", I 1 .1 1 n i n.,iici! tl - lb:' .1 ,.'.-. n - ': iK i thf ,-:;Oi,-ol io I 'l.ii.iifl -'" - below I vcais. el t!:; i : pe,n'ce ve ,.::.-: .."! .'' ' it.l.il ft. " a- .' i ' '..,- tl'" .:'.!'- f i ih- '! the , . . 1 .ihrenhcit it i'l. vi.e.i- bH 'I r- I':. . i .-"' . ; ,itii . y labtc-r P. 1' e h !:? t a I Am"; ...a i- n I-. f"i' t-f I't..- tl-It-el i.-ii arei ! i f i te .-, w ' '. i- i i ' i-: I; elf t i.p I'nit I S: .1 . ml. - V! ,,'iy. Jus,' e..:it;ib :-. .1 a: Sir W ll nm Arms' run's -bin v.i. '-. Fil-ivi 1.. I'.iigl ami. .ai!"(I j I'll i.' ni: .: 11 in f'.iii 1. t'e.aci't'ji Point, i a- n. -e iin- t'Vii, on P li ktr voal. islie '. w'U at.!. "a '.i.-! iv;.i- a". ii:;vr, ' "PliB0sS

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