Chatham &ecov&. Chatham Rercrb. II. A.. LONDON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advanei. RATES or ADVERTISING 9 One square, one insertion One square, two insertions One square, one month i LfiO - WO VOL. XXII. lTTTSlJOUO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, APRIL IIKM'J. NO. 'M. Tot laxfrer kdTertisemrnts liberal con-tr-ou will be made. 'm&wq HE FLOWER OF 1 A.LOVE BY AMELIA TopyriKbl. Iiy ltolilftT HoNMri'- Soy l (. -HAPTEN VL coN'riMci'. "I'll 01s a whoso eyes love had lii.t OJlC'IIVil MlJipoSeil Whlt'lUll's llttlttldf 1n he a necessary defence against his uncle's tyranny. J'i.i- tint land, hav ing, a" lit- thought, nu'eeedod in com pelling JUS liiiiiny to iU'i'c)t Jus i for tl.eir iiud liis'ow n interest, l.eciime I'"",K I"''-'"! Hie XM'. he verv authoritative, mid fussed utid ! ,m"''' " the '"mibi- lor his own horse. fumed about iv. rv j.rttv circiiiiistanee j "thdashiels:" lie muttered, ' Htid wus ni ne and more ilillicult to hl,"'l1, ! ll ,V"U me goim? there, I am manage, as Mr-, llrathoiis made more ""'"-'. v11 '"''' ,v"11"'" looked freijiu-iit demands upon him for moncv ! "" lia!M .V "t to have some mi-chief for Kiitheiiiie's bridal outfit. l.ver'v "" " cheek brought forth a dispute. I'.very "Now," sail Mr.-,, she il'limnoiit was '-ehsoless extnivn- I "''eked ''r ix hip for emph.-i - b . "i If Kline.'." H was xx.e rio I hv the dress. ! ''anl w'!1 n'Vl'.v " ' iiiljsiij, -Is a" fast makers in mi l out of the 'house, ii!id '"sSI- crge ran trot him there, and l.y Kathenne'.s inexplicable e, "i" ' kome ro:nl'..rt ui Win spii ils, and more still by Wiutouu's ; hum.' .Irlrriiiihati.jii nut to dise'.i-s with him j In less than hull' an hour I h. y ar lliose small ih tails of the expected j 1 'v'"1 'll Wiutouii. mid there tiny event which-eemed ini.ortant fomul .famio ai.d his j;i!rst in t'n the laird's natui e - the I.ind of w inc I '"'enUfa-t .;n h-r. They wn --uo!in;t iiud v.i'.l liii:; c:. I. and iMinjr car. I the l.rople to he , the leii;;th :t'id ro tour, etc. ( In the iin i i: i n f of Srj'li nihi l , All Hug in her i'.hc v, mi ic I to h i r d and licj;lrcti'. i.f the inirria lit. 1 1 111- tweiiiy-lifth lhathons was s-i. ilcspniidi tit an I me dt'Li Her easy, saniiiin- di'iir iliui had led her, thus far, in the daily iuiti-iea- tioU of "si.methii. h:i.ieliili," fur ! I'oe t' do. she had li.i .'iiie icliance upon Hint j And what tlm l was there ol a j;ood tiine uhich hioUs uf'i.'l- pei. olc ; M '.lish. Uliri'iiM lnihle i. Id rilai d.a.i. hit ti n-1 tin ir ull'air" toil, lint ' in j "'ii there wa- : u--li a you:i:.' man live days a document luu.t enne, I Kichard Mow h; av pic cut '.' Ilislove vhich wi.iil.l he n s,,.iil shock up mil ; darling eyes, his luiud ...m- I i.e. his down iahi Water. And if Wiuloiii. j .-h-iiu mauinM', imii lii':i hi.-will, lies, . Hi d her ihlU'.'il'cr for .le e.y Tel- j hll t c Vcl' he Vllllted. He loo!. Ka il- fair, and M.evl.rny. for any i-rasou. did ! ''l ine into the draw im-v.ioiu and ut not I. .eo hi' i i ooiiitmeiit. she felt i liis heart in h"r hmcls - -he o el l.i r tll'lt the chii;;r!li Wi.ul and hri' hufhan 1's mi' he iiitoleralile, i r ! o jus! t hut lor once she w...ihl he iinaole to meet him wile her u-ual we.inolis. due of tho-e su Id. ii -id; tc,,rs that frequently m t . i k the lienit jn -l in line ali ir i -.ii t.r i'.'.ir i talo n aw.iy, ha 1 Miiiitteu her i:i (lie ni'ht, a'l 1 she h.i 1 iiMirinaicl the hi.. Us midwords of a'l In -r ac Uniclaaccs. the oossip. Il'i.c (111 1 I'.itrue. that Would riiie; I'r.'iu h.M-c to l...:i-1'. t he pus-i mi of r.i'e that wniihl I. uo-k Ihut i.oiis ii;;ains every Inima'i creatine; tli" niini'-t' i's ciil-ii 1 1 pi ,ia 'ii" : rc,.;ardin.: his own dm ;li!cr really, that uioru ):;;! she as feeling as it .she iui;;ht he it very wickeil woman. And Kathcr inc iii I n ' appear at hreukl'itst. She had 'i,'oiii. for a,"ln r I sai I; and Mr.', lii.i'hoiis !;iati!ie.l hrr lord l.y a ry sincere an ;cr at the .;iiluiid her unconventional way. "I rahhliu her shirts n;id .siioen in the dev. liUe a luilkili;; maid," site mid. ficll'uliv. "p is iilisind !" My -l.e is t'.i- l'lower . f I .a'a Water. " ;ii ' lo ntluuis, s.itiri eaily. "mi l ic. 1- t he den ." The ivi.i.ii U turned the lady's wrnMi 1:po!i the speaker, and, utter a ihs ii :i i i al.h' meal, --he hsd rttired to her loom to think things ov. r. until titiaily In- !!; half iucliued to make a clean hi ca t of the whole nlVuir. Shout ten .'. !, ck Kathei iuc en ten d the room like a sirca'; of s'.in shhie iVotu Iran. She was dressed I'Vpii-ite ly iu )iiilc-l.'uc, v it'u vhite h tcis in lor ha1 and at hcrwai.-t. II u-stany yes, her iieli:;htf il Muilc, her rosy face, her air of pcifec! happi ness, were, for the iiioinrnt, 1IU'. "Oh, Km Ii. tin..;" ciied Airs, lh'nthor, : lc;l she c,,t no further, Kaihcnne v. a i ki-simr the complaint 1 1 IV her lips. "lie h is c ime, luauiiiia!" she cried. "Wo arc C"'1'-; I' ,;ce him! iet die- i d, 'ua'ama; I 'Veil help you! Ho is wait in,; t see inc! I'.cry nio lueiit ii an hour!" k- retisihle. child. 1. you lnciin tliat lli.hiivd Mowhray has eoiuc.' Whi le is he'?" "He ii stavinir with .la'.uie Win- tmiu. AVill joii please hclicve that. , of nil things' Jessy jfnt dmnie t ) meet 1 him at the train and take him to Win- j touu as hi.s guest." t "Kiitherinc, what a!" j "No: .Inline and Kichnrd have to l.e , hrothei'M, mid tln v luav as well hcRin I tit once, .le-sy nud 1 (Min t not have our lnisliiinds Luting eucli other." Then Mrs. liruthotis 1 an k lied, ami lieiiii to get interested. "Von sro, nlso, luainniu, luy ijiiiud t lU xvillu ever think of looking for Rich iird nt Wintoun: Imt lio bus been at the hotel at ( hihishicls every day, lato ly, nskitn; for him. Jamie found that out, and told us, and so Jessy said; 'You must meet Mir. Moxvluny, Jamie, love, and nsl; him to Htiiv at Wiutoun.' And xvheu she hud whispered to Win- totin, Jimr.e liiHldciI ami mulled and met him lnt ii i "jUt nt the uiidnight i ttaiii." I "Jamic ii an auge! of light, Kather iue." "He is .: very good mau. Jessy l.i.sjcd him for being so good. Men are generally 'good' for compensation." , "How are we to get to Wiutoun House? And I will uot go hy the mause, for Poetor Telfair's face hurts me. When he finds out about Jeay, I shall shut myself ia my room." "Jessy is here, and the pony-eat -riatto is waiting. Vou can drive, mam ma." Then the toilet went rapidly for ward, ami the laird was astonished to 4ee hi wife come Jowu'jtaa-s iu the GALA WATER. ? STORY, E. BARR. ' I sweetests of moods find dressed fur n ! drive. "We me going I" ride over t i "Win -: hum, Alexander,'' she said, "mid we 1 limy go tn i.ilii'-liii In, ."n d'i imt unit , for us.'' i And i.i'allfiiiiH answered: "Very dear:" hut a .nun as I and chitttni'' in the i ! .a-antost ma.i- I Her. limine s hoi"!i was : : :-i i- wrli as the door oii-ued. an 1 thru d. liiittul f'oUlllloti'Ul Ih.'le W.I' : iiatlnrine a in Mov.i.ray ' an:.' h-y and Wintoun nere cla-'ii' i hand', and Mrs. lirallciii ; w.i- c'V:i : -ivrly thaii'.inu: .l.imie, and thus cm ' mining her; -If .tf-pt-r t'i a'.l that t!i- - lour love-sicN v i u ; i i ! : i i 'n t jism as if she was the oulv w oinau in tin" world - hi' left their fri-u I '. tali; of j trains mid ti uiii.-', mi I nil the h-is i hais, w lli.'h eieii he. i I - have to sv 'i I mit to. What Ii- had t i say had co.i iditionsof almost ilivine nc j li.'Oiio.-yilahlcs an! hi!ci:.'c- - the hi!i;f I intcllieeucc i heyolid w ,n .h. - kisses I that Wric elci Hal promises thecla-p-I i : i -r hands and the mini'litr; of soft i Hinds hair with tn --(- 'like t'f davn. I In tile mcallll lie Mrs. Ih.ttlioin i!i ! etls:si"l with .les-y and .l.i'uic a plan I they had nrraued for r-cr.piu',', to - laird's interference. "Von i:i 't-t have a lo t ! pat ty n! I .even -linpc us i oo:iiis y.ej c in." ; aid lamie to Mrs. Ihalhous; .in l durin: its piiij.'rcs Kathefine will join v. I n it v. Tlicv will c i. nc h'-re I h-ic ! already spoken to H y.iU!i'j; inii.i-ici j fr mi 1 mi' i h i1 nc i. 1 1 k ti.nvs t...t h ' ni.' hu! tliat th" mainai'.' ispiopcr ' : lid lioii. raMe, .ill 1 Hpplov. .1 hy lin.-e ' w lio have the rijtt I" aj.pi it , an 1 ! this I certify hy lay word of hoii..r. The m mints rati I dh-d as wit : ni'sscs a! t!;c moment 'ded. and - ' I will ln.t have timet., talk or to f. i . I any in'.'oriiii tioii. Wiici th.1 Ih'-t t'i j i:iu It i f discovery is over, I will re j turn to Winto'.i.i and h i-. r tlici.i ley self to Symiliiiiol... The hiiid v id he sure they have taken tho '. i a In . i her 'to l'..iiuhur;?,h or Carlisle; he will I icver I hinls i f their t,"'i"n' ' 'his,.; ,,i . liar from (.las.'o.v th-y can easily .reach l.iv.-i fd. in I I tiii'ik Mowl.r..v purpose- to carry h'.s hr: le to Alm riea ! lilst." 1 "Thiii is a ho),, w: y od. imic. I do not like it." said Mrs. Itra! h..i. -. "Hut they will not l.e safe hum en Ui.yaiice unless they ice aIom;v.iiv oil'! They me,' round tin' wo: hi to leac'.i their home. I do not knew w'nut .less'ie i.e.l I will foil Wtii-:. Mowhray says they will w o' i i N -i Vork for'u . " and Wintoit i looke 1 at hi" pretty .res-y, ami she s!n-p. ii her hand int. ' his and nodded hrioinly iit the Miii.u'estio!:. And quickly the h ,'trs t'cw hy in t!icue dis.-us-i. uis. toi after lnncli they lost themselves in the ilen t ntiune them t h-netl.. however, Air-, lhiithoii claied thi. inl t return to I. even- hope, "ami .laimo. " she -a for the hiii'd h a ml wc must "iii'l-l M" v. n h ii-. Il-.pici.c's ci i ill ui e, hit i iicith.'r wor 1 ' nor sij-u to o hy." The lain! hud uotti.l and hack an 1 v- tin i cinted. Vet hec .ttl 1 hi. Il'ld -hiels 1 di .nip am. he did not want hi-, w lie to thi that he lia 1 any reiiiei:i!u nucc of Aloxv luuy or any suspicion tliat Kiitherice nii.elit hnvc xvritten to him, or that In could in any wuv interfere wi'h her iiiarria;;e with Wintoun. He thought that hy i;;uoi'ii!K the ihnier he i.ught unnihihitc it. lie hal sa;is!i..,l si If that the T.nolishiiiiiti whs m.t nt any of the inns in hthishiels. lit- had ctiiled it the manse, mi 1 timlini; t ii doctor had Mitntly n-Ke.l, "it they had r.,'' mi l lieea unite assured l.y the servant s negative. And yet there was sotuetiiiiio; utnmt Kiilhei ii.c aud her mother ho eoul 1 uot uudi i- stand, lint hoxv eau a man complain ; of u feeling so vague that it is undeliu- ( able? Alter Jamie mid Jesie had left. Mrs. lUathous seetued iucliued to talk, and the laird gladly humored her. "She is sine to let something out." , he thought. "Jamie says we ought to have a party, a little dunce uinl a supper be- fore the wed, ling to lehciise tint cere- I niotiy and introduce people to one nn- ! other," was her first remark. 'What do you think. AleMi'ider?" "I thiuk it will eot too much money. if his people lire straueeis here." "Then let Jamie pay for it Yo::r ' duiii;; so is only roldiino I'cter to pay l'mil. Kathcrine has I i no m l oi , expense hit. iy. I shall he jlad eliollji!l when she is away to her own home." I Viiil he looked so s.otr and ill tin- lured that Airs, loatlims imsweiel Huickly : i "So shall Ii I am sure tiobody enii : wish to stay in vuiir liotue that call j help it!" ' "lam sorry euoii'.h f ir my nephew, I He will have his hand- full' with hi IToWi r of Cala Water.' Itml she w ill w ither and fade ju-t like tho lest til U.S.'' I "Tllillt ll!l 1,1 rolllsell' M. .III,. ' dir. for saying uch itnknid words. If Jamie has a drop nf ymn h!o: d in him, hu w ill lunke a po,,r hii-hmol for any ! trir!. My dan-iiter need noi make y..ii ' snriy for him. If I Innl taken her in to the world f. r a sr.i iin. -he 1 hil''e hcitered y.ii'.r lieph-' V a ll'ohl. If y.ui arc sorry fur Jamie, stop the wed 1 1 1 1 v u. one... Knth.-li'iC will he ir ia 1 to lone it stopped." "I dale say she will. U hat dn s,e for the shame and the talk I Would have to meet up hill and down diilc and in f e market j lace? She could then iiiiiny that runaway I'.uo-ii-'hhiH'i. I dare :av fiu' won! I I,, e'ad. I'.iit I htm let i ? t i pain am! : ):a lie .'amie to ph i-e In r, Po..t . Jamie:" "I'm.:- Ja'iii. . indeed: Ah-vimier, y . : i have a hid t i.i;:u.'. lint tako (an-: The had toucue eMiiluaily av soiii. ''. - liuit pay for all tin o i el'S. ' Sh.. ill!-. I her .,!I of v.o .l. threw h.r knittiti;; pii-sioiiately into her ' oik hic-k. t. ami I,-' I the room. 1 1 '.i.i 'lo K.ilhei in.-s r.ioi.i s!ie v. ui. I he ;;irl was -iili'.i' in In r . i lit -.In . ', re.eii'14 a soil,; Mowh"ny had v.iit'en ' i In r. a.'id h r!. hri-hl f.i.'c. t!l miles ami dimples, i Ir tin tears cpriu.'; to her i he.-' ey.-s. Site told Kal lieiihe what he; i.o;ai' I ::: a iia-1 .-nil. and added ; "Now. i,,y dear. I ;.! h:v ;.. l li'ie scruple-. Tooie.l I o. -eiid ill. v nation-- I . i i lli-io- and iii Me ii t.'. the ll- thi i l.y- :e I ail tin y.cim? people vim kti,..v. T, Ii t!:i":i it i- fol ai: inform-.! dan :i ::. i Monday in .'lit, ami t hen leli Kiel. aid In- nri-t make hi nri iiUi-ieun ins to suit . "M.itiimu. dariiii.'. h'ov in. yoii uo. ill;.; to h.i'.r the sterol t.ia! wes:;,ill .'.illly? T::c lai.'.l n.i 1 the minister ' and the p i.i!!,- vou huinv ntie and ?" "I shall t.ll 1' my titilc ;irl is iio..y: that Cl.arlie Janfai'ie'" '.:!;!e l.-i -I i- l.spi y. As f..r tin- laird, he 1 w iii l,I:l' u:.d I. iif ier in pr.iilic, and i' i down o:: hi- k :n'e-i to i:;e when we are nhuir. I tut my liii;:. !-. at him! An i as r..r t'i :., hosier, the land is i to en! hi:. i ::ai;,e a", I roil-:.- the i i in in the i.tiiii - tcr - i tar I ii it !c i -pretty ce; i :i:i t s.y: 'W'iat -:i t. and Itv, and y.ei uiii! 1 mil .'lowl.i.iv - "ii and nil of us tiid liu'ht.' )o net, civ- . 1 1 1 1-.-. -1 r a care aoonl me, Kuth- i i"'. my ila'ii'n;' tla I..: ':).'. t -In:!! e. a:i" M.nielliin . to hi t ,ik the li'o'.v ''. Ii"'t v.:i are " en- from me. and I . 'hail litvc the li.'iil with yo'ir jn irh i in at 1. ,:i.l. At any rate it w :" he pleasant to .'."i.:'i 1 him liu.l he has m .ci ?er any o ion to nitv'his ll" ill'H-.' h a I' n: i; v i r. r ir: voi no i.: .i'..i. it... of her eliild i- la- !:,. t'.er. itel :i.. ' -a': el t- 'I he hi ide dilliec w .s uolfill t ill'!' dis ctts ti-"'i ; co),!,. to' tini I:, iehb-'l ll "I 1 ,' .'.. i.M l-id.!- 'I to i', ' an 1 ih tite while li-e lain, v .iMiwity mi ,Iuy. Ixatii 'roie' t ini. v. rr.' sent to the N ! ihw estm n !..!., l.ix ci'penl. There w is teleeraphiuj to and fro. and rnli'i.; in : . a::. I ttie.c, ami iiohotly had e r -ecu Jami- Win touu so busy ; hut, tin ii, w heti a mail is to lie linn rit d in n day or t-. o. any. tiiiiu; is ma Unary an lepedi"ir. roitiitiately. Monday wa mi.- u. l':i,i-e loXeiv nays which are the c!i:i: in ,.t tiic ilyif-c, oi'iii.t"!'. mi l the in . in. ti.o.l'h n:. olio-., wa- .io'kl with 'ai'- ph'.i:.iitly'O..I. A I. i ;. .- !ii p:itt id Vi.uiig me. i an. I iioild. ti w ere oiilht red at l.t-veii- hoj . They trooped through the halls, and i an up all I o'ow ii the stmi-s mi, I d meed in tin I at lors iindflir e.l ill th " ;?l .'.'inhoit-cs, Tiic hl'i d w ii.s imiiol lilht a" I eih.isivc M s. i'.rathicis wa- phiyiiie wahzei mid .-ingiii;! solids mid liii liu,; ia.'t !ii'siili. sell lino servants h '.c i.inl there and every w In ic There x.-.-vo t'ntdicis in h." lar : hail. :'ti I tio Vj were (lancing the l.ahceis there. K. itln tine, in a n w hich h i ! the, liielhii'Ic softiii of pale-primrose : i!!;, covered xvilii Valeiieiennes, xvusiiwoii- dciful picture. Her beauty was so hat nioiiious, so i a. limit with love, so cthcicnlited by the emotions tilling , her heart, that even J, -sy wi amazed at her transfiguration. She danced continually. She had a kind word for everyone; she appeared to be the ; happiest of all that happy company. ' J( -sy kept close at her "side, and it: v.m le'iiembcied nfti'rward t:at she' .. m evidently on the watch, and very ti cipieiitly 'ii the southern greenhouse. This ciu'h.s;',: c was cuti l ed trom one , i the parlors, ami had a wi tt the , other end opening into the ardeu shrubbery. About ten o'clock Jessy was sing- ing, and it was xvhile the delicious , strains of "Hraw, liraw , Lads o' liala Water" ixere lloatiug through the. room, that Kathcrine was aw are "f the concerted signal. Wintoun xvas j looking into Jessy's face, mi l taking , on his own heart the words dropping - I musically from her lips; It, it t';.'-' Is at:.', a-. "ret an . : A' ...iii l!ie u a that t ! l-tt.T: Mi I III ! his, int.l a. . ... Mine, i i tie l onnle u I ..' i.,i:u Water'" ,' TO I'.K l'ONTINITI. I ', A " STRONG LETTER. ! Mr. Billing Declares Butler's Argu nonis Against the Amendment AN INSILT TO THE WHITE MEN Of the S:aie-rir. Rlttlnjc Studies the I Amendment, anil Warns No More j "Ami" l.ltcraiurr. The. folh.wiic; is a pcnuill letter Bent tj ('hairtnan Simmons from Kor ; i-ytii it)iir.:.v. '1 1: i;. ,- of it. Mr. It. Hitting, was iincei:a:n at onf time al io how he would v.i:e, anil so express ed hiin.-t if to a levi line otlicor wlm t-avc his n.iiiie to lint lev, and he (llul le.rt sin: him Hm letter he ref t m tn. t Mr. IhttiiiK tin t eiipoii Kot the anieiiil nirtit ami ccnviiicil himself that it had heen mi-.a prrsi uti d t,, him hy tic ', Uoothers. ami wile - this hct. r: 1 Mli. IdTliVii To .-l.'N'.V'rOU HIT. ' u:i. Iliiral Ih.ll. l'...vt!i Co., N. C. Martii 14th. Senator I. nth;-. i.;ir Sir: - A'. u h'. ter ratlin .-.mi il.ns ;,i?o. and tii'.j it the papi :.s you i... i up to ih fe.i:. as y.m say. t';.i ami o.'nienl to the roils! It n ion of Stai". S . is t r.ailly the letter you si in! has -o mi!, Ii ni n e to do wlt'i tile des; ru.-t ion ui ti:;. iie.iccahlo r. unlit ion uf our c op'e ,;o',v. tin:. I liiink it iioi,-,-in hut ri' '( i,.r in-' to tell you ti: it : yon will plo.i.... i.i not sciitl me ,,ny , morf Wh' ii I the foli.c.v. lug in voi r !. ' : -t tu to in We i IIMISt hit'.-l out selves t l e-iier and liuhl this : . , ,. m,,, ,;s ., . ft'. ill! power." I ..Inl; you itisiill nc and every o;.'n-r lii.-n who voh .1 in l;i t iff. il l i.i ,) . ...on s;at.' : f ;hl::.4.s in tn i I 'lie h.-i.t I., .:tu;it n.s o. V..n I. my i.oi !:.:.. Iet.-ml-l it !o it,sup p.e, lut i; j: w:-iu to - y.m, way r i -ni'e In 'i. hiii' '.ti. to try lo iulnn on ii 1 '..-- r i iion-? us down here, who ate p in" i i : j.. pi. . I wool I hav" w'o'..!er..i why tki rn.itti'i' w.,s .s:.;!t to me. a life ,,n;; Demur int. If v., u had Hot cm h n..-; two l-i h' on. s f :: tin- lo till up a. n r,- ' tin is n vim. n.. ' nrirlo il I-'crm No. t. had ..:j it. "List of I i. niorrat.s who do I tint lipp. ivi of ami ni.iv rt" ;i? :ins: Vei ;.mcmlmet:t." Now 1 kiime, jio :; ', ur. :il ruuny white nn" u. ht fore I stmheil tin,-, .imendmeii'. I .'p.,:;e my Uoiihu nhout v jtini; for it. I spoke from tin-, lielil: I titen ii- to its lii'-thiu,.", s.i:d I am s.'Hdt , tt .; ic!a:!i rci,;. ollit -ti' of my i:-ieiihorhoo I rv . S.U1H hotly who l.eivd tu ;:(jK, s,.,,,. my name to you. an I t'i.:l'.- Irav I r.mie l Re.t jour h :t r. ami Hi it's whv 1 re- tcived for ove,' (!a.i tie. which 'n-rilth- p;t e:'. I, ami ti.imi n'. I i.- ptti the Asiiei il!" if 'o nc ji:sj u .. ni ls e,y hi-ier on tin- .id i.ipet : r.:-.-t: Ti: '; whit, if tlicy (imld not w.-.s :..-ouhlcil. ami 'ic :e. ic ii '. weiii d :;.!.l lieu 'or-s ho!li. re. I and write. 1 'i I st ill for a cony "f till i:tUe!ll!llt"ll t jSc: I lI'VOl'Ktlt Tlio-np.o!!, id K.ih and looked this t.i.toi r up for lux --If l i s ctiiei I 1 t'o":ul litis- "I'very m nrc.-iiroiL jir.i.-'. if lo.' re:-!-; ra ; m s li ;i 1 l.e ,-,;!. to i;ol :.u. 1 xv i j.-e..ii.-.LI:iti!o;i in t'i I; it. h.. kc I sl;l t oil and in s ctlcn p, :s;in who . o:t .I i.i:: r v I. 1 -7 Do lit)' :1 ill , ' !,:i .-tieli p a s ! s!i ..'! : secti.m of the -il sh l.ltlgUil'.'e; " i :i". hut 1 .ail re id l.'ii -; ' No . it 'led to it,;,. " :: :'ti it: a, ati. I :. ii i of a:.y ' .hid the rliiht - tail ire to po-- . .iilh'a'h'.ll 111. II- N'oxv I've co! ; hat hefoje tM'.,' ,h. I while prep!.' in..' means, th;" .'- ha in. and ail I i tel write w iii :..:i free to say v.'tllii like to I' ::;' ;ii.:i' .1-1 ia !;. r.i? . I !. n. ;.- i . he t it'l.lM't Xtii d '!:'.- r: ! ! III! II X'. i w lei can't : hi. ai.d n- ly ".In.: ; h ive liof'e. Secotnl. Hi't h I he .-' , 'It'.il tlllle il xvas (lii:iiilir.l nling in the i! i zet'.' afti I'W.iril.s i.i ext'! litiini; my a-h inn if this xv isn't so. l y its xaxini; tii.t' it Iii ' law (Mill. I .-d;i't I Iii-" this, ye. , thoiiudi ii iiid..;ii ;i. :,iip i ile ir Ii ' . . hill ;' '. i:i i.'.'n iiiti's and llir- Si;- p. em. Col,.! Would grand). it '.. i . o: t1 k out th. . ' ti.'ii p tr: of r.hf l'cacihir .:nd ! : efo' i ti Iftm o :1 in.; i .1 . K xv ini ii,.,, le'.irniue. f:i in xe'ine hill and I. mi":, ii I. til" and. W iit. Very ,..,v it no. a :i t oi' any'iic.v. I h.,,1 bt t!.l.- I'e I' ll I .ll"ilitl? nc faith ia to il I if first mi I ill' . .s.l I Wet III - And :.ii" . ,1: v. Th" I-. li:oer;.!;e . whin- uii-ii intii. ;y 11l !'... It-, mi a pe .l had to d.i It e. i -a ml., inn :n;.:in. iy 1 io.,die I t: on., ty is iii.e! up r if nn.! ii mu.-t stand I ( t rfainly Inn i ,ie Wiir. an I it Iii" pa rl v nf ally dl l:.:" . ie labo. inir ie,iple xvho in m'ii'.i m inuishiiess liiua-chis.s oll'icc-iiold -!:.e 111 lT tl.M- to Voll. p I 'd.'in. Now a heiip '.Ml 'cad ,,;,. V. I'i'e i ii liiniin? iiiK-o r vtt tic pnty ever sin -e inn :n;a'nst hom -i x. or: . : .1.01 f i.-. an 1 I .ion' if so I h.-ir nn. of V- hi'.' p. . ,i'' but Ha v hav b for the Dall. '.' beguti whit" men. and tiny bi-giiu it early and have kip: ii up lite Would thai par ly. I thought :o tnxself, l,e fool I'liougti to 'iit its ton throat ,y luimlim; tip, of Iiie.--' 'hup --st xxhite friiMids who ha. I no hiWK .'.'ii:!it: a ticket ami s.iv: 'llet". y, ! in,, t.a ateil fn.i yon. vote j this lit kit fr Hi" am 'iirlinciit and I I rnarani.e win ueetroy you,- p;tx:-b-i;.. of imt .. i'i, for me nay mo;-. 1 ( ci'.isr. yon i.iiii Vote no Mil" 'or ittiything." iithl t" a nifiner Hiat's in!"! a:-Min-t it ad lo- life say, "Ikie. x.--, iiluca:eil i.iut. : . xou are iMtter thin that whi.e man. take thi- ticket an I ion and hi in t"4' Hie,;- will kill hi. ihance to ..te any more." Mr. Huth" .if.x h. dy knows that's a.U rot. ridiculou.- and so I found that th.--best m-n in tlrs ?''a-e and other Stat.-, ami Ii. Hi" I :i t.d Stste Senate all said tliat the Indlahulbxi over the eon Ml:utioiiHli v of Hi" amendment hr- i atise it w is ;i: txvo sivtiops ami that Ih" bad fi'i'ioti was goad law and tile amendment and that legislature fo al s.iic!i was had law was jnt a xvnihl hue no power t pass any reg-du-t :,i t i save the iib:i;er from Istrirlon law that would In any way heiae ilisf aio-ai: . il. by spring just conflict with u nullifv any pruvision nn ii men a- nn of the amendment. There is no .hiti- I hav. -oimd out that a Ui tnl like i Ber of any sen.-ihle mm who has read this has been working In Ixjuisiana for Hire" yeans, ami is working all right, white men .curif rich: alrng 'Del tiig gers havit quit voting nn'S ''ioii: and 7iio. t. niisins roLt:iti, and I ;. i,,k'.' to myself, "That's just what I want thi-ni to go to lining her; ami 1 In -livt I hr lp to push It along mid hike thf r'si; " rx-hru I 1 1 f ditt to satisfy rvr-ryhoiiy'.s (truiht.s. nc m n1 If rs of the I.egNlatuit- tt"'t i"i' ilii lav? before the people, haxe g i . . it out that It will meet again in .lull", and I'ho vory flint thinfT It do's will he to put li'Uh .sii tjiii) 4 ah 1 a In one sec tion, and g'lve the vlilti' man a rhanrc to rule this country, 'i'lmf's right Tlun for CURTAIN every white i;'u who wiir horn and raised iu this coun tiy. no inatioi' v. li-'Hior he ever looUed in a book, can ei crniore Vol", hut i nigHT who eoiihln t vote in lS'o and nolle of bin heirs w'.m ran t rcatl mid wric nrixv. toiiI.'I cvr vrto, anil that i ; holi. Ktly ahoiit like 1 xx'.mt ii. f '' ' do not In lirve Coil Almighty ever in 'einleil for n'gs'iis to have ptahty ma r white people, ami I k:i o I d.u' d intend o if 1 can help II. without hu;i Ing tinv of niy o.vti race am! Third: The 'tla.t tr. Insti a, I of hcin:; -atisiied III tills pi aspect of liaviitft "' iimeiiiiincntR iiiarrieii in .lune and ' eryb..nly happy, .so il e.-.tihl not he d -chletl hy Hie coin" to l unl.iwft'l 'ii the good iiart and lawful in th" had p:ttt. hill lawful all oxi r. tit ii jumped aifhii' rabbit 1'tnl it was rli'.s: wiiit nnii, aftr r Hf'S who cai','1 ''il i.ud writ" rl'n'l Xl.". I got niv law and n ' 1 it nit.iin ami 1 found that it t-.ays. iti seetiti'i ''All pesons xvho ri-ji ; r ami Mite hefoie It'tis. shnll have their tianie.s et:: ollcl and It -pt ou'evi : ." si you f,f titi-ir are Ue;it nn his record it, th court lion e, so tin" tln-vr i ,ui never he any di-puto ov- r thi-ir in l always ting. H' .s only nn n:ni i.'i --ons wlio ri t :o in- :'l iifti :' lie u and I d lined I his. to one of I'ty fix. i.e. I'ilirer ftienil- w:'.'.i s.cms ") I ace ,t ,.i i..t, li;;iTesl ill nt fi mc'i txv. ,t:n! 1 Mti.l (lint v. on Id he nil riehi. hn Ho trouble thai alter Hicn tin -re mULi lie ninri' ei'itea:;,! niiti; us tiian w'cit. men. and I couldn't help from n l!.:i: him that If h-' tl'.ium.h! th r much ! Ier cf a nigger th in white ni'ih's ca paeity, I don't, and it' I did. why 1 :i .:. ii,:.t inoro bent and ih te.mln i t. ...' ii vote for i lie mm mum. n; : t 1 "x-.'i rut. off v ii'kvrr'.- lir ;; '-' 0 itiieiieitil my children. icl I c..'i! In'i .n-lp from asking him if he w is -1 nnii h ci. tic nn d :i !i iot a nim?er'- x.c ini; iifn r I'.'ox, how in the n oi:" o' comim m. s.-sse lie w:t. so anxioii-. loop iiiui voting now he had a t h..;., t si ap il I'.ght iov.ty. He h ft iil.e ii'.' ll t cut lip somr-bocy's s'ill iiud ; tiex. :- J,.'-.'.rd h1 ".ph'. The last r. ite.t 1 have In inl w is i :e sent out f'i M'ii r. nil" .ic nlipiai l. : .-' .1 Wii.sion. Titcy say that il is th.v. . 1. wiin failed to pay t e ir t s hy 1 1, first of Mai .-Ii. .;" : ror.c will me ' i'Ho-.veil t i xo:e uiii,.;- tint nmeii.lea :: . 1 picknl up t'i" I :'..' ;.iid xv. :i' to s. , living ai.aiit I foi.ud ;!n: "Ate! ' -l'o.e he shall he ( titi'h d to V'l'. in shall have nuld his poll tax u fure ll.e I.-1 day . Mai-ch for th viii'ts year." Now did ph.i.-e if a I: '" i. 'immnn s-en.-e and ;i iittle t i.n.ul ll.e that ii.s i' (o.lld not If a 1 ixx we votril on it. uinl v.c ditl not x . i i'lnil Aug.--', Ih'1". '.: v i ,:ihl any.hitn; ia March. I toy rh-'.iis. Imt 1 kept. "i r a hi: In ti I mit down t - i'l'- ' nl th :: "The prox isiona of t '.' r It il! tin-, i-te , shall go : th- first , IV of .1 !!. i'.'1-. (' t.tft locked like a .-ivUd d".- : -ctior:. No. T. Nov.. Mr. lVith f. I ha i told in'i the ti.-in'd" "f my . hoxv I c im- 1.1 ( '.p.'! ieiti t : i -f.ietii a al o'it tin- an: ' ' r in- mo; 1 oi.d. r , a: .i : lc iil;r it, hut 1 can ; id for :i ": yi r h"H'' tly tiyl'ii; I '.'c' ii. i kiir.. -, for ! v, is ho e ' . .i.:-k tiiyself. Tin- me--- I cn this: ;!i.."in!mc:it Hi 'c t :. ' I I ! am . i otiitcr -'i i ;i ever for -0 u x found o:" Hci: li.a' t:n;. x ill.. (In"!:... to- ' ::.lii. I ' I i .':ltic I. i I he hi ,ii.:l::ill t;t hnhl'tlg Republic His f r 'ii ! deer ix inn. i'tid I hate a I r :0o: ! do in. I i a i.k x .ni could li.r. amendiio' to r a " f'll.y. If x c: ,' I to Mr. V. M. Simmon. Hal- - I for a copy, pe will 'end mi ' you pi efer no: n -Inim him. ' ;oiii- n. w c nttity chairhian. ;.t i N. I'., Mr. Aiulrexv ,loy:n f. an si ml you or any'iody el-e i ,iet.- .-r 1 1 xi: tan Ii II I '.Ills' I' Ihl" to it. to spo.V 111.! t. '.-.. i i is at t i. le. .iu.-t ' i in it . . h.-1- tills , .l! let-" I sun meant xv I! hy wt l:itnt :o u c -: altilx mean , il hy w ri: .n at a t.'.i!..'. ANO I IIIIU HI J'litI IC AN I .IK. A RieKuloiisOno This I ime. The :;:d .a i ti'.n of the .inn mlnioni irox nh s : Section :'. 1'iri.v pi rs.ui n'f-titig n viilr i hall be ai iiie time a h ualiv ..': istered voter a.-- hii'-.n pies: ;, r-.i :a: In the xiay herein piovldetl io !.,,x. and tiu Heiiiral As- tnlily ,.. N ih Carolina shall enact r.-.u-fi.i-tio a laws to i.itry .n'o ctTei : ' a. I'lo x islons of tiiis ,n th Ic" The althaugli h x l" not print it in tln i p ip. r.-. I., , ni.-e tiny know that fun ',.'.:ut lie would soon be exposed, are it u Ing r In ! . x.--litie (loodlers and othh- hn-h x.';:..i, . .:- I tell the p' -pi" fiat n i ! f ii" .-it Ion of the am n.lnn r.t the I .. . i.-i-i-i .i ci- is given ih.- poxvi r to - : .,- i... through the ia Jistratioii hixxa. .., ;.'h. or gramlfathcr. sect ion of Hi" iom mi -imuf. and till, it i an under tiii- ; t.on pasm rpgls-:raiioii laws which wi'.l r-qui re everybody to register mid' r 'lie itii seetioti. Of course it Is only necessary to (.all nftention to this falsehood in ordc: hat everybody may see how ndiinlou.-;- is It will be plain to evnry man cf fen-e when he reads this section "hat it simply authorlz.rvs the Iiegislaturo m pass I'i'Eistratioii laxvs tu aceoidaiP"' xvtth the other provisions of the t!". nuieiulment. lali.u misbil hy Uii." ; statcliie-la " l . biish-xv hackers. ; 'I .;ey arc only'.' fcni ) n:al.emen'. ; to persons w'.m tlt.y tinhl; hav.. in; .-ad Hie anu'ii.ln: tn. .r who xviii p,,i I hablx- n.'i' 'i'll the ii-ni-ndim tit. ll :j : simply ;i.:iol.licr . feint of the lb pub i licatis In their oh ration f. fool and ' inl.-h aid the tin. .! H ated white.-. This, , like the other iinsrepre-eiita'ions of il, advocates i.f negro ilomltuitioti. ,wiil nut avail tin ni Tiny xxiii iTiirn ' he.'or" t.ti' I'lr-i : I n tinit it is always i hest tu be fr.iiil; ,i'nl .hi.ucat -wiih the people. ROI,H.VRlY CO AO II. j i I The Ashevillc (iacttr, j rian, S:js il is H.-tteT to JStcnl I Than iu ftehmjE to a Dem'icratit Club j Thf A' 'ir idic tin.:, it" whili i.s 1-- i".Ji' le. I ;: ; !i-e j;, :i;,hiieaii r.r.nati oi i :it S; i'e., tut i:;Vh in , iin.ler the ;: ;s- ' ih -s cf IMfhar i 1'. ar.-'..ii ami Hoi- ! : 'ii, :;: .1 )... ! ; is- -io in':;!ti';.: j upon :l:e jnildi,'.:' ion he il-e U'.i"i:ir,'?. j ton I'. st. iii, I cert tin N',.:ti( Caroltit.; j of the fa " -h it I i;?xn !:.-' , Do k't.v's xi.i. -. ia iii... ixint--; : . r tl." so ' .: th" I! .i .1 'Ian D. 1'- I- l.nry. had I" i h i ntK'i. ' 'i;.' pidi.'c (.! 1 Va:-i: l:::g..t:: in ' : t of rehii :i: ib-uiik.-n in -i .oi l .. : : I and p :l , in jail for It. - u-. "i. f.dio .v;i:j h'tiatLlge: "Ih.-.x ':i Wit it I txicii' , ,t Ih tea. : i i' o.i: : i':i. xxh :: r . .-.! ..T .1 .' . ': ;n : ,' ele.'iol j i.'h'-h. ir ' ,o c.lh-l. - . ;' s.-' :i : i ur'o n 1:. retoai''i.!:i:.r t:;; . : ' I': ;', h ir. I a. : ,n .:i .: he':.', ors : i . ..' :,'- d.srop itta :... ' fa fell .x'ir. ? .hi. t Ii '-..ins; ,-i r. uhki h n : I 'o: . r'i:i' : .- il - i- hi :h o N,.i:-in r 1... in.' lllK-l W :a in - I, - ,'1 Ii s f l..!.hM- 'l Ih i h : 'hat No; . :; lias on- . ' 1 . ai. I- of i!- (:: x hut f r :' f a .: i' ; a 1 ;: tiai" s'ln. ' -.: e. i.'iis :i.e I. ::: ..t ; nf ii. . t al'c . 1 , i- ..'1 ..:' i' I.i h ( . d v.'.:,,.- itilo .: t'i . Wh. . u ..v i! ? 'oi- I: . ( a i:. :kl: ' '' -i ix i "at: ,xi"i: it s n : i I. f r.'-j .::: i. . j.-.. :l..'. :: tli.i ;: "f a his.' : .: ! ! 't i; - ... - ' r - ' l : In. :n. Nat a : '-. . ; a . t ,ti ir. i :re . ..aiai of ah) xx. I , am i ., (': I: l. ':..' ..I: I" wh.'c in. a 1':' i. :' I tie ! .: tin . i I- t'i .1 mi;. l!u;l. r'.s I iip:'ri!oi!::l)Ie Sin. S'" ' .; 1 .: I- r , ' .' :. .'. '! hi'.i say- . nii'll ' I'. t : ' ,. :. ..-.' ,' mmif i b !,;.. i !-t I . a. r..!s for p.r uiitll ' I-- - ., a I- ' ..- !: . v, d tha: ht , t . ,.n ,. i , th e,t :' . ;n of I'M"-" - -i . ai I N. !:. I' ! ''X'.i.s sat I iti ;,: ,'. . ,: . a ."!.- rr .. : .-s P ' ; ntei 'I : "-. ' ': ""' .1" I '!" '-villii ., ... I : .. , . v..:-,! - ,; i.i .n x - s , on- ; : -. i'- v ..' a i" V ''.' i" ' '' . , 1. ,. ;; s, ":;-, of :.i I'ni: So I -!: a .: p. - i; - Hf n .'I ' ih . .-,!.-..- ., ..mi :.:. I re.-:: ' : ! . . ; :.;: . e v. It' o- nu'ii is : stly . : . ' .. : i v. '-.. I a V ,::. ill V ' .1 a:,l: ; e n ...' ' ' -s.i::'i s it- a .. ' I. A :''!' ' C .' ' . , ... , ;. . , . " i;-. .1 i t: .. :il win ii Ii' .", !'. ' o. .. x ' i:" '" ! " I' in"- n t,.- .; 'i . v, ii.p if;.;; i.. Il-h .: : nn ii . . Vi i . - i : I' . 1 . : u-- I ' i.." It. ' ,;i ,, ; . , a ' '' '";' - ti"' I ; n i 'f ' ' in. ii-- .-l; p, o:,t I .;:!. C: " '" ' '' -: ' ;!:,... I',,. :!.!'..... ,"V !:. Co:,- o e (if .1 It' : :::' I. I'd' .it''- I'-""' d spy '...,,. ml til '-.No.- -x - I o .,' m a xv.i ):. ,1 S ti l ',,,. j, I ' .' I :' !' iXollI i le in I!.' N. ('.. ;;,! ,..: w .... w ai I ;i! xo: . am . or ;f .,, - '.' 1 is: a'.l tha' '. in. ;o : .,. w . , ; i, n . ' cn I -'f-. !'"" j -! 'II I ". -. I V I. .. ' !' '" ' " will ' (.. ..:.-: x :' :' : a .'ti-r ! . ; . will: ' p , ' ,' ' . ;:: a . t'' ."..' 1 t- ' -ll- , , ..,',. .... :;.. I . :.:: i- th , I,, .. :,- !.,.: :. I ..a," :l ' d- Cx- ' ... .- " ... ie u, --r 'i I'- ih " ; ' m ! If and I a- r V. :..:." ii. "i "- ' ,' ' I , xo.i o" o, .-' . - ! ,' . ' :': : ' : . 1 . ; ..ii " t VVr . a ! i . a., -,.,'; j a N , : a ' 'a ! :. t. 'I ! init't: ai- t.. : I ti"- I I o!l- .- T'-' ! I ! I:., if aditiif s w i : , li ;;:; He paint, d of ' i ol t ! b.. : I Ic of lit. ii;1 ".:-;nbi..los are '-lo- ' t ' pittalls f;.'i' I'lico-.i.n -and i 'itu-rlb d tin n: . dip t through I li" jo' r . ly mix sed the yini.n. .. of pal', a s; to . e,a ; . ! i-lITri!U". i'"' cate!':;li'. eoiinccMoii witli party only t mnus en'm d Ic ' ' ;i: North Ca f dina. t i. . -: id t..f speaker, a"'' e :r 1 iw and dlsf.- if. hi t ics. ;.s .a vo ai jiiu , r ;.rinie.t is bound to la- ni .- . I ,11- .Sid h. w iiirli th tin:: lis ami ,,vl.Pr. lis ami j o : aeir con 11. strong 1 If -p oil ' ,7.,1,, . at an "I h ,;, ,., -ae.' j t p i Hi a. i lii'i Cioxx-'! roll- I! Ic Not long after the f -To "diior Manly, left Wilmington n:,d Co- oH-nt c br.cMOUS whites and black - xxe..e ,-. pelied from that place, a n u-to proac-b-er ttatned Scott-, of l!"rdi rnn xx-:it :r Ni "v Vork and a- a "Man.'' mcetini;' unc irked the vials nf his wrath, lie notified by llendrraon e pi" tliat his return to hhat place would not br pei in. tied. A Hemic, son man s '.vs tha: iiot'x-'.-hs mline this Hcht aoir.ini! :h "e a d iv rr two iiL-o He wa- xvnt i r ii and to'.! he min t depart in .1 h .tits !! a. p.u trii OUU JJl'IHiET OFIIL'MOR. LAUCHTER-PROVOKINC STORIES TOI LOVERS OF FUN. Met stiii ii atcil C'iiiiinrt.(ilt Itrdiili I N in in. A Itiiixili Vh AI ll Acuiit A Natural lllnliilllill Too I avtlliilll I he Mo. let It i r.lnll. l ie., tic. 1'l.e Ir 1 and hicyl" have Itel , I n n :i;o lerii nei' ls llicvsny; It'll tit" father xvho wit Ii cold half d'1 rl ;,la-t draw the i?l. e!ul youogler's sic I 1- ,.ii Ih" tarf to slay. Wiifhiiigtoti Stui. : A Ciiii.iirlpiiit I . . . . ,,m 1 :.. . l. WiJis I r-i! s:iv- .il i iiimo lumiu I "r " Voiti.g freshly "I hope it's don J hotter than your faee." lirnnlte t Ntllmr. "Jl m'l you lovo to see tho Still !" "Vc, when I enu lie in bed and j 1""' at it. "Chicago Kecord. , A i:,..,,,,,, : . dH; ' 'Why couldn't n laid store; I c i nu on a cn.. fi basis?" ' i -iht - "That business can't exist . with , ut 'niiis," Ualtiiuoro American. , i At ll Aaniii. , . "h I could live my life over , .,,: w,,,,hl not miirry y"oil." ile ' 1 m; well, it's liardly possi- 1,1, i,.., i ',,..1 . . til, I slick to u mini two ile'.nnes. A Nat. mil liilnmar. - - ,m :sii.- -'T?a x'.oinaii were to ask you how- old y.m tht.ught she xvas, what. . would you tell her?" He--"V lie, oi course." lMiolt , 1'ree IVe.-s. 'J'.io f'lliltidllf. ".Sli't iui- tiiveu him up forevti.'' "Why?" ' She i';ii!nd ",it that he had en l -ictcl a l:ixv.:r 1o censor his love letter-; to hci." 1 iir XI. Kiel at erniiitl. I iveried .Menial-"Me lud, the rai ::i -tc xvaits x ithuut." Lord l'it.l . In r " Without what?" "Wiihou' horses, me bid: 'tis an automobile."- Chicago Record. Met I'lititt el ' lew. '' i 'at iit,".' i xchiiiue.l the liappT liiisl.aud. a'ti f Hie minister had pro nounced them one, "J urn not xcrthy of your h'X c. " "i if c.'ui "" you'io not," she replied, "hut it! my ii'-tt' a girl can't afford t( letixetiaii oppoi tunity like this jro hv." Hci sitilli-icnt lirtts.ill. , b --"Rut you eau t sleeji lilto- there, nnim. Miss .-Vint.' said no one should o 'ct'p.v her bed while she'f flic iixvav, I'l'causi? it ian'l M'TV l-tloll.'." Vli.'i'- (. Usui- "Dli, well, I enu, 1 "eaa-e I'm a ii"ht sleeper. " Itmleiu Life. Thar Ih H'Ii. ' I rh.tiiil thin!;," said Mr. Snah's ins wife, " the liver c.aal men x. ,:iht lavi c ililli 'illiy III keeping lie ir feet warm in xvinlcr." 'xVhy'.'" asked Mrs. Sua "I'.'.'iiis' their t.i.vs tire in col t ' a' el'." PlMsbai'o'i (' hr;i 'It tie -Tele. h. 1 h- I'liilo'iiplix n( X .it a v i, :..: "I cai;'! utidrrstiiinl why v.,1: wiir should worry ah nit her iew ,! .- She lias more penris and liiit :., aii than miy otiier xxotiiim i '!. K'-lniail "She's ech'diinl'y . : : o I she'll heiir of iinol'.nr u . In-- .: man v." T:ie Je velci'i Vi. ;.!v. 'Ir- Mttl.Mlix's li.i ll. s, I'd aio :.ih - "An' v.hal 'l 1 hit ' :!io, .'..IV t , Villi this III"! II Ih .' '?'' Mis .lulcaiiv "Cau'l thi and . ui lni hainl live togtther witliitiil h it'.n .'" Mr-. Mali! : An' w Ua! did .r .'!: . Mi, !; Iianoilv. hv ''Ni. ycr 'on:.' -Tit -Hit-. It. s,. -.ii.ia : " I 'rcle-sor. year me ., lie- sysle .1 i:' XV o lldcl'i'll ' . Iltl.i I till ii . : lint any ohe. alter iiia-tei ing ll,,. ;'. i f i-an n lo i eiuea. h.-r nnx ho: !bi! I am'.ippe.l by on t lih'-'ilty Ih olcs.-i ; Wiia, is it tse! oho' - I .-an't reinchib ; th; li - ' ih'" Uyn Life. All ,0 Hi. loll. Si. . l l ia ., a ..- I. Ml-. Voill.wc.l -"Volt kll i v I'llc'e" '.uch -r aid he x :! gollig t i -en d ns ,:t,, thin? th i' would help ;:s save . i. .".'il I't'l t in- vrtir? Well, il Mi V n !.;,- l-'-Reaily'.' A !:' .'.. ti M - Vou M - V..ii:i gived "No. A litt'u in a aiifehieii! i,.r iiiiug nnis, i utni- , , , ,, ! ,I,'II'1"" rnl'Ot f'loiln;. "I wish I kni'xv," said Mr, Tucker, nixv I caii'.'lit tins rnhl. ' "linln'i a.-.i get a hal cold when von changed your ninb iclothct. hist pi'ing. pe.xv V" a-ked Tointey. "Vrs. I In -Sieve I did." "This eohl's in your head. ; i n 'I it, ! aw '? "Ves. " "I itutss y,,;i f.,it it by ehftiigia:; your mind. "-Cnicago Tiibuue. N.i llfur.'l.. "Many j-oul" txt-Saimt-d the im penoua beauty, her lip cuvhug in scoru. "I wouldn't Usarry you if uiy 1iii" was pitted all over with stuall pox. both my ryes were crossed innl you were the. only man on earth I" "Well, it doesn't make much dif ference," answered the young man, taking a glittering bauble from hm vml packi and inspecting it with one eye shut. "I bought thii 8101) diamond img with the privilege- of re ' turning it if it didu't suit."