- - -, : : f t ' ' " 1 Chatham Record. BATES or ADVERTISING II. a.. Lxzviorv, KDITOIt AND PHUPIUKTUK. One square, one lnsertiob One square, two insertion! One square, one month tt TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER. YEAR Strictly In Advance. 8.60 VOL. XXII. ITITSIJDRO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C.TTIUItSDAY, A1MMMH. 1000. Nt K 35. Kor larger adTertinemcnta liberal con. tr ou will be made. 6 G O w HE FLOWER OF A LOVE BY AMELIA Q ,ir t st' i Copyright, by Br.iT Bof' HosiO CHArTEU VII. CONrlNVKD. Then they were both aware of Kath nine's wide-open eyes ami tbo intelli pence in tlirm. She nJuiieOil at hoi confederates nud then took her inutbot (fide, "Purling mainiini, kins mo! Itlest In! I mil g"iu, muuiinu; oh, Ides" uie, mainiini, uuil kiss mi! again! And, iniiiiiuiit ileal', if you ciin lay sumo idling, uiiil n t Jamie to sing JamU luiikes cvciybn.ly listen to him." A tip.ht, I'liiiiiisjflusixif her ckild'i li.uiil, u )!:Ui' full of mother lufo mnl Messing, uud then Mn. llruthoua, Iroiubliuo, utmost fainting, put aside, with ii strong hoiirt, her own sorrow, mid culled, cheerily: "Couto hole, Jlllliio Willlollll, llllil ting us ii -n'." . ' Without v''11'!'01'' or intention, she ripened the book lit ".leek o' llucl- 1 tleuii," Rii l .liuoie, smiling ut tin) apro pos selllillll lit, S.lllj litll l lllil 111111(1 ' spirit how the lovely hriiloof the ohiol t'f LiTiiigiou vv.pl lor "Jock o' Hazel lleall.' Some ..in was luiil.im; for Kiithorim ft- thf I J t wui ill of the snug rang thioii ;h the parlor'. Some olio suid tin V had seen her ;;o into the giet'11 house. She was ealleil, lint unsworn J Hot. Then de-ey was misled. Tiiey me doubtless together,'' mi.! Mrs lo.itliuu-, between versos. The little so-gh of wonder grow, und, linu'ny, dancing stopped in thu liull. and the lid. Hex were, ipiiet, mid Lriy one was usliiii:;: "vVlnro is Kuthel ilio Jillll'urie OU'' 1, --V Telfaii '.' " Mi'. Itrat'ious prolonged the en lene, , u id iiiterx u!n, und .liUnii iiui the lUird vi-rno twice over, inn ho seu-e if 'Something wroiif?' lu-dird like llioiieht from mind U :i.in 1. The ii i ii -1- licgan to Hound ill .ue.'e ; .1.1 iiie MIU4 ii- if ho hud to -i;cl, mi 1 Mi-. I'oallioin t'lajed with y-'.ei'cal re-1 !es' in -oi. lint tho tire- eon hou;, went dloiiiug ol!, uhi'e.' giiesti v. mi Lie I, an I tho niH'u-y (eel iik; sprea I to tho sinokinij-rooia and liioii;!it th I n:' 1 out in u in.-s and in Hurry. An I when ho entered the 1'uilnr, .lanie'- voice hud a telliiu tad f iihie- in it. f o'. as ho nrtght hi uncle'' i'ju.t, lie involuntarily delll to hi: tars ti'id e,il',M,ioiiMie thf lu"t MiijV.iluily i'io.hetie words of tin ' Mi.'.- ue it !' r l"'th in t"woi' ami ha T ie i:i l -'.s in t . '!!: ,,',r i:. ' I r ler ami awa' W l' .1 . i. Jl.i. -l li aiiV llrathi in neiit .nii.nly to hii wife ' Winie i. Iva'hcriiie.''' hi n-ked '"'he i. not I' he found, I heur. Vv'liut Hon-,'iwe isthi.-i, luu'iim':" S'. ii . iiu .le-sy, I Kiij'iio.e lloth a.e i:. i--ru' for while. Thej li r e a s I t i-ou, no d uil.it. " "I iliiii't helo'i e it ." 'll.eu ho :-e:it the servants flyint laiomh ex. iv room of the koiise. il r. al.'iied tile L'.U'dcll hllllM'lf, tlit'huzel .:i!k Ulid the fjceuhouse". The twe I irU t ie nnt to he found. Wintouv a'. t u -teoi 1 and cross, picslioned. II'.' kliew I'.otlniK.'. lie h'ld heeil MUi; I I .-. Kiit i i i no ut jo i sent u hell hi ln'Mii; that :, a.l he knew. Airs. ( : i ul hi: u s tied t her ro on to avoid th hy iui'a!hv .i'ld (iiestioi.sof the curious. ' le'.tli Ci'.itlu iis said, ims-ioiiutely "My Maid ha-- evidently run aay, .:elitie:ue!i, and 1 lauko lio ilniiht it i with tin' Liisiishuiaii, MoaIumv. I must reach the railway lines as mou hs .os"il'h'. W iutoiin will take the south 1'j'iu.l st.i'i e.is, I will take the north. ll.ii rihee, ( aiifer, Seoti, Jlas, yo:i u! have ilailhtcrs of youi ovu; as v.r.i rile hoinew .11 ds I will i-k you to iii,' '":t for the wicked lasse-i." Then theie was uiouuttiii; nud rid i:ii and racing in every ilircclioii from l,e,ens h i e, mi I tlie hall was at mi end, mid the e'nls und youths went home i:i a dt 11.4htf.il -late oi e.eitt( Mint, a i l no one had the ica-t t'X'f tatimi or even 1 In le.i"t desire that Kuthei ino shou'd he overtaken. I'l dee 1, it ;i- lull a halfhearted met witli eury one I'Ut llm laird. (ir.id ually his companions left him as thej 'cached l:'. Is lea linn thuru t j tin il j.wi lioiu -s. Fot a l were sur thai Katheiiue hu t taken a train eithel ortii or s or.tb, au 1 Mhat use vva: :hro in running nfter a stca'U eugiutl At tho railroad htatinus 110 out wjuld acknowledge that they bad seen the joinn Indies, !id thoub the stiuuu minister was in the verj et of m u rviur' Katbernit) and Mow jihv as tiie laiv.l and bis frioudi oassed Wuitonu House, 1:0 0:10 ba 1 a 'Us'ieion of ha' was ejoiti on with in it, for thu windows of the li;4hUe uulor were shuttered uud dra'od. iml the whole limldiu had a dark ni l deserte I appe arauee. TUeu ht went to the uiause, and mastoid that Vr. Telfair was iu Stir, iag. Ho would uot believe it. Win :ouu taiJ: "l'oa are uureajonajle, ine'.e," aud was called iu auwer, "1 .ioor, iiiiterable laggard of a lover," s tew words w hieh gave tho young man the ec,is he desired for retiring to his own house. I'.y midni :ht th" search had been (iiae'tieaHv ahuii l oied. The laird was auijj at eet one He had "o'J iniih's tl it weie a l llirillt to boa. Son' of his fro lids hal slum u tin le.i-t ni'ticHt 111 the recovery of the eao u.v l'K'U'. lljy-i aiulCiinfer ha l GALA WATER, ii Co STORY, E. BARR. ptieaKfii en at mo nrst turuliift, mil's lilieo had laughed at the lasnes' I'lucU and Seott hud plainly told him that "the day for viu women away in inarriiio' ha 1 (,'one far by. lirulhouN, man:" ho added, "tho lussen just fivu themselves iiwuy tlnse days, uud a line tiling it is for (,'ood men that they Hhould do so. I'll warrant Kiillienun .Imifarie bus taken eui'd of herself, uml the iniuiater'H clever daughter will nut 10 far behind her. I. ft them alone ! ami they will pernio home;" all of j w hich comfort llraihous felt to lie like the words of KhplnU and Jtililad und ! I Zojibar. I tin .Mrs, lirntliotts fell tho residim of the laird's wrath nud fears. Jlii ; went to her 100:11 ihratin;; with pus- , ! sion ami wounded uelf esteem. "This is 11 Hliamufiil to-do, Ifeletl," , I ho eiied. '' l'lii i is a most outrfti;eoii? insult! Tliere never was a more ill- ' 1 used 1111111, I urn demenled with tho j ' idiuuie that has couie to me. Alid j 1 you, Helcnl There you sit 11s calm ns j a sucliiuj,' hiil.y, while that uiiKnitd- j Mil Kill of yours i.s lu iiii.'in disnrneii on me mid mine. 1 always told you what Kalln rino .Imifarie was, a litth) sniiku in tho j;rass. Just think of voiir daiinhler rminin nwuy from h'Hiiti and li iou-ls ami yond ua.ue." "Take cure, Alexander." 'Tt is too late to take care, niii'iiiu. I wish he may many her! I only wish he may! I ii'u feureil he will have too much si-uc; : little, deceit ful huzzy." ( Then the mother's pntienee failed, uud site f lid, w il h a mucci'o Miti."hii' tion : "Kuthei'ine w fts n.,t deceit fill 1H1 in the h:iil! I knew !l about her miir- ! riiiijii. Jamie km w a.l uboii: it. .lessy , knew nil about it. All of 111 have helpee ' Kuthel ine 1111 I Mm bray. They were j in ii rii'd at .Tauue's hmise. You must . have passed the door while the nun- j Islet from I niii i b illion was makinp I tnem man and wife, .laiuie. is i;.'iiii -to marry Jessy Telfair, lie has been, in hive with .le-sy f u' ,1 loio.- time, and ,les?iy was i n,i wuh bin;, Kuthciine I and 1 made that mutch -a sweet, hou- , est love tniiteh us 1 ver w is, Now, ; Alejuudcr. that is all iiboui it. Yo 1 , never tin) i:;lit of any oiiebut yourself, , and you would !..io K'aliy made four 1 people miserable t" e irry out your own rellis'u p'nn fnr uniting two bits ot laud. 1 would ni t siilVi r eiu !i a tbiii;;. No, sii i'' ; "I oil.:ht to have been told." "To what purpose'.' 1 Would hiiv.,' told you if you b.il bee:i a reasouuh! I mail. It u t to Hsy 'No' to youi' 'Yes,' it would h:i iueii as wiselike as t. shaki' a red lac; i:l the I.ie.i of a r.l- i::;! i.ui:. "I do not care ;-o much about Kuth- , erine. She hui aye been a thorn 11 my tles'u. lul -lami-'! Jam e Wiutoui ' In marry Jessy Telfair! It i.s howm' ' beauu:4. And u is you and that i:u pertinent minister's hissm t'.iat haw becu teachiu;; Jamie lately to set him sell' n-4iiiust me iu eveivtliiu,: - vv even about such a Miiall mutter its thf I ' 1 1 1 1 lui.'. of los bedr. nm." "What hui you to do with tho l.id'r be.l.'.'.'in? You weioever too uicd lie-sola- No .no' can st.iu 1 you. I ik not bl ii'ie Jamie fm- li.hii'i liiinscll of you. He ii.ls chosen u clever wife 1 and yiiil may make u; your miiid b let Jamie's atlair- alone for the future." "You have dec- ivcd lue, ma'amj You ha.e .L.ei'cd mc! The wbolo country .sid'' shall know of it!" " Tin w hi.le eoiiutry-side w ill take you for their laughter. Now, -Meiaii-der, you have s.u,l eli ' ..:h all I ton much. If you do n.it behave yourfelf, lwillmako you sorry that you hit were born. I mn tired, uud want to ;o tn sleep. Kutheiir.e is away o'ei tiie bonier by this time. What caii'iol be cured must been luru.l. tiotobei. ; uud sleep. You are lit for uot!:iu: . I'ise.'' wi;luo to the mi'iister. I wnl j:ive turn ttie plain tr it't. 'And you will ;el it also I u.lv i-e . you to let I'.'ct-ir Telfiir a'oiie. Uo knew not l i :t 4 about the matter." "It is nil his pluunini;." "It is lmt. I planned it. T'uete was uo pluimiii).;. Kveuts list grew to ripeness day by d iv. ' "1 never beard of v.ieh treutiiient of a Uilsbuud. Never: Never: It is shameful: Shameful !" "tio to bed, tii . "I wiil not. 1 vvunt some comfort. I will speak lay i.iiud ' Au . I' thus tho wretched ni-jht went ! yn, lull i'f tur mo' 1 and lepioaches., but the mother com forte I herself with i the tlioiU'lit of hi r child's happiness. ' And she hoped that the momitio would brills; Jamie and is'ood new.-, ' ' nor was sii" ilisappoi.ite 1. Jamie 1 came about noon, tlo was shining -; with satisfaction, lie Itu I seeu the minister, aud his ow n marriage w us j arranged for. Fot'tuu.ite!y for him he : i bad beeu delayed loni; ouoi'.b to sl I low the laird to speak to the minister ! tii st. Iu fact, the outraged Lratbous i bad entered the nunse parlor while Jessy was fcuiUugly pouring out her ' father's 00 flee. j "How did you get here, Mi'-s Tel ! fair?" asked tiie laird, nne;n!y. "The minister from linerleitheii brought me home " "lliliult .i: And when i'ld you iet , home, sir? Or were you hiding last 1 11 1 s4 ' t Irom me'"'' ' ' 1 hi'U' lii-iil no 111 AU. laird. I not Lome half fin botir nfto. Is it any ol' jour business?" "Yes, it is.'' Then (he laird told his Mtnry, nud told it with very uury additions and interjections, and in tho very ini.'st of thu passionate recital Jamie Win touu euiiio in ond e-;luiued bin share in the mailer, and this necessitated the cotifes.- iiiii of his love for Jessy aud tho asking of her hand from he: father. ilo was constantly and wrathfiilly interrupted by Lis uneie, but Wintoiin nt this hour wus manly enoiiKh. lie said liruily: "I love your daughter, loetoi Telfair, and viith youi' consent wt think it best ;o bo luarried this after noon." "It is a base plot nil through,'" crinl tho laird, "and you. Doctor Telfair, are nt thu bottom of it! A line thin? for your, tocherless hiss to bo ladyol Wiutoun House! I daur you to he ojiile a lad like Jamiii Wiutoun iul" marriueje! 1 will have 11 church hcs pion nneiit it ! I ill that I" "Wiutoun," suid the minister, iputt ioiioriiiK the laird's remarks, "you ur li'ht. I'liiler tho pirciini.stuiiees, it i! proper for you and Jessy to bo murrieii I ia lucil lilt cl Y- "This nl'ternoou, sir, ut tnreii o'clock. Will that suit you?" "Yes. Couie here to ;he man o I will myself make you 111:1:1 and wife.' j "Do yon hear me, liiiu.sterV Iwil ' iiot have it. I will put yon iniilci I bonds, Juiuio Wiutoun, I will! 1 j will:" "Keep your temper, laird. You ! will brni( mi an apoplectic lit, setlimt ' yourself iu such alike blaze of sense ; Ii ss pa-siou. Wiutoun, uood moru 1 iiu' ii.. 1. 1 moriiiii, 1 in ill . It is not I every day that 11 man marries his Liu.'.hter, and I have friends to haste i lo the vveddiuo. .lossy, my dearie, : you eome with lee.'' I Hut when lin ha 1 taken her to hi' sillily bo looked at her with tinker, mid ' said: "Y'ou havo done very wroii'.', Jes-y, : and you have caused mo to do wroujj ! iitid to miike a foolish promise that I mii;lit riu'lil you 111 the laird's and i ether people's eyes. And 1 will toll ' von. Jessy Telfair, thai the whole I riivu'iisiuuoo i-i 11 liaitie, und no one 1 'Hi the earth but tine.' foolish women ! would have lui-l anylhin;; to d.i w il'11 11. "I'.x.'opt three men three foolish men, fatlier Jamie and 7 f. vvbiayaud the minister from 1 11 iul It-it lit 11. '' Then Poetor Tel'iiir shniiveil Ins hliniilders and tossed his sermon paper about; but Ii: ally h.' ki-se l Jes-y, thon,'h he shook hi:: hea I reproach fully ore he did s... A t the laird had foreseen, the .-lory M-tti.tla Water iua coimnolioti fi o 1 the lonely (aims iuth: Mo 'I foot llii: north ward to Pallo-itli. and souths ar.i through ail the homes of Tev i"t Li!e. Ihlt time does vvoii'ltr:', u'l I the laird acted precisely 111 Mrs. Ibuthoiis autii'ipate I he would. He bliisi.'iel a littie in I'ubli.', and complained urn' 1 veil cried a iitlle to his lawyer 111. 1 more intimate friend; but privately he ,eiit down oil his knees t-i his w ife and iu that excellent discipline vav gradually led to see thirds us she m v them. He was lirst reconciled t 1 Poctor Te'ii'iiir, and then be for-ave Jamie. Contrary to nil expectation, Jesy was not tocherless, uud her liMh fortune set W intuitu hinds and Win toiiu's muster frei'. And in s,,,,n u tiiis wus the ease, llrnthous made ; merit of fornix iit Jauiie. "He is my nephew , after all, Helen, ' he s iid, "uud 1 cannot m e him tiie back of my hand, t'.ioiioh be we'd d Mi ves il " Then he be-an to be eurio'is al-"if Mnvi luay und Kall.ei me. l.mu an.', freiiient letters 1 :ie from vanou-" c-eiLiti 0. s, nud it was 11 trial to sen his wit'e cuj"yi:i;.; them all by h"iself. He heard her also t. lln, visitor) about Texas California, Japan, India. (Ireecemid Itutv. etc . u'nl he h just euoiie'i to make Liui 1 cstlcs!y curious. Ouo day he said' "Helen, my dear, 1 think 1 ou ;ht now to forgive Katlieiiue and ln-r h i--ban I. I suppose they xv ill he boiini s on, and I do not approve of .trir reliu-; in families" "Mi-wbruv ! t- t" l,'1' i"b' P'"' lia'ueut, and he is hiuryine; home f-.i tne flection, I think of oinc; to Mow). ray Hall next week." "I Will e;,, Mtll Vi.Hl. IklHlWIll' about election business. I can uive our sou in-law xaluablo advice. Au.' 1 hope I 11:11 a (jond Christian, lle.oli, I und know lew to forgive a wroti ;. It xoe.ld be a tutv for the two yeum; things to feel my irier -th "i;:h it I xv s just auer a sha low in their . home." I There was no shadow in Mowbray i Hail when the land aud Mrs. Unit j hous rca.'hed It. There is 11 sha low likt-lv to bo there, lor love ma lo 1 'constant itlorv in l ie tine old tuansioti. Aud Kadi, t ine was so happy ami so busy, aud Mowbray Hull was so much larger and grainier tuau l.evetis-uop,' thai Kru'hoils felt subdued to a luo-t conciliatiii'-; spirit. Andbeiealiy was very helpful t Mowinay in his eiectinneeiiue-. The vonii a; miiii vv as iii-pose-l to iely 1 ;i his Hiicieiit mi'ii ' U'l' I presti-'c au 1 his lights us a luu-tl ud. Hut these tiii'.iits hui lost much of their indueiice evi 11 nitii the hinds uu 1 sb.pherds iu tiie e-tatc, and it was the laird's Scotch subtlety and dictatorial manner winch demolished a'-l objections. Ami when the victory was xxoa the laird .lid not fail to take U the cue ill t Uae him. "Mowbray may tbaok bis stars and Alexander BratUous that ue can write M. P. after his name," he said conn plHceutlv. "That is so, is it not Helen?"' "You are just a vvouder, Alexander m l doubtless if vo l hu I eome soiun e the harvest would have been a 11: ' st i be'oiehuud.'' She was stmidino at the win low witli a beusii'i ; face aud Itialhoii- vui tv,' hvi' sivlc. "Ton nrc nye jesting nt me, Ile'en," bo said. "W bat arejou looking at . pleased like?" Then bor frlnnce directed lum to Katlu rine and Mowbray. Tiny worn in the sunny garden stumliiijf together with clasped bands antl uneoveri'd lion, Is under a luro Inburnum tree. Its golden rain of yellow bloss ims made a yloiy on their faces. They were talking happily and heart wns miswer in;; heart, und eyes unswei inf( eye.' in love and laughter. "How- happy they arc, Alexander! Are you nut Kind they jnu away to bo po happy?" asked Mrs. Drat hous. "It i.s au extraordinary exception, Helen! Kitruordinary! 1 hope it may hist:" answered liruthoiis. "I'm- iu all my f ixty years I never yet knew- 11 happy runaway marriage. Never one! And I have ulways seen that thetrirl who :joes lor her hir baii'l without her parents' blessin;',s t;oos for -lool ami sorry and shiime i'liounh." "I'.ul, Kallioriue had her parent's! blessiii ,'. 1 ecavo her my blessing froui the lirst hour. And I jravo her Char lie Ja'iliirie'.s blessing also. I knovr that Charlie would anjirovo liiehurd Mow bray. They are both Tories 1111 l ("lurch of Knoland men at basl, Charlie was and ltiehanl is. Cliailm liked lishiue; and fot-hiiutiiiir as union, as Uii'liard does; nud us for the ela-.-ies and literature of all kinds!" t iie la ly lifted il)) her while dimpled ha:. Is t express tiie 11 l uir.it ion that she ha I for Mowbray's and the deceased Jan fal ie'.s intellects. The laird was not much dushe I II 1 coiiiiuiied: "I knew Charlie Jatifario us well us you did. He was a nice, ordinary, yimii i.inn. 1 ilare say Mowbray would be ui'oul his level. I look a lit tle above that murk I t-tood bv b-iv-bray iu politics for your sake, Helen 1 1 1 V own opinions uri a L'ood deal in a ! Vance of his - and I v. on his .je'it for hi. 11. Hut for my influence In- won: ! l:ow bo bitin- his thumbs o'er Lis u:; pro.it.ible elo.-tiotis bills. Y- yes; lo' vvi nt ou my shniililers to th" 11 -e nf Cnnru ois, and tlial nobo ly e.ri deny! I'l-iiiu; I have no opini hi nf at u'l. Any hit of a boy can put u sli iu.; ut tiie end of 11 stick and Catch 11 (mat. And I woui 1 think slia ue "f myself if I could b"!ir to be one of a In crow , I of men and horses chasing n poor lioJofot, I'm bye that half t ins time tlie fo e- !s the better of them. As for tin' chissi-vs, 1 stood well enough in theiii when I was a eollei;i'. There is a tune and ! place for the ehi-sics, and the Laird of l.i vi-ns hope kinnvs Li-tier than to mix his farming up with Horace ;i'i-l Yii-eil. I am about two til-tl 1 year s ahoa I "f tllein, Helen. Cii.irlit' J.uil'ario w as my Irieud. He , 'it his dan ;hti r in my care." "Votlmeuu he left her motley in y mr care." . "I'luirLe thou .'ht a il. al of my wis. d.''M, mid 1 thought a ilea! of Charlie's unnd, easy temper. I'm' his sul.e I hope Ivatheliiie may be happier thllll is likely." "She is happy. She i- very happy." "At the present. Hob 11, at the pre--i' 111 the future --" "The future," .-aid Mi s. lt-atlionc, 1:1b 1: iiptui him, shaiply, "the future ;s n ! iu your ordeiiii, Alexander. Look at t'icm. Tio-v love (bid and ench other, they ha-e V iiith, beauty, health and wealth. 11:1 1 -urely 1 believe that .tiny Who : i es thill full A Sin'i.ii ' s.al. The T.diiib'.ii'o't Saot'an.l. Kwn-n; Pispat ch coin ai us the f,.i lowing struii'e story about the renin 'ksbh' conduct of a seal: A iteiitlei.i 01 residina; lit ltroii'ny l-'ei ry, it -ays who owns a yacht, t ok n run d- v a the river tiie t ! 1. t- ilar. 11, 1, 11. .1, .io 1 l-.v some I t,.j,.,u, f,'. the purp.se m" bavin,' a n al hunt. Ou the ha:i- .'t the tuoutli of the estuary they saw lur.'C numbers of so ils old and youn a. Itelioviiw that these et catnres are at Ira t-d by xv hi-t-lin, tin y tried tin- experiment, and v. eie surj rised to observe a youn ; seal following, in the wake ! thexacht. Coiitiii'.iiii t,i whistle, the creatine follow e I up the liver, disappearing for ti time, ami then ivappeai iniar.w i'h its head above the surface of tiie wa ter It was not far off when the ya 'ht lea hod its u'.ioli'U'iuv m West l eriy buy, and after the yachtsmen went udiore they were more than ustouishe-l tn see the yoiine; seal lloppiu-: up the bench behind them So tame was the crcat are that they had no ditticulty in capturine; it. It w is carried to thoii In. mc. I: was will fed uud cared for. Not having a proper place for keepim-; siic'i :i pet, it was re-oive.l to restore it t its natural eloun ut. an 1 the yachtsmen proeene I down the river to tho neinhh uho.'.l of Uroilttbty Ca-t'ii. where it was p'.iae 1 iu the water. So attached. howcv er.ha 1 the seal become t captors, that it refused to le.iv jml aaruiu followed thetu hoiuc to West I-'eirv. Hi. I mln Trlppnl Itlm. The axeraa-o witn-ss who appears n 1 c -iii I ol jf.stie-' , itlier never has ': i t m v l.atr.i 01 inis i. iootten tin httio no once poss, . -1 1 It is small won h ', Iheiebn e, that i.e is apt to fall hcavi v over the Latin phi jst.s which trip si tlovviUkt'y otV the tongues of le--.il luminaries. Puuagtbe hearing ot a :ase before Justice Hawkins a witness remarked that, a there was no next A km, a eertaia person was appointed "peady tity." llvetj judicial lguor. uce ot this" xv fir J phrase was pardon, able. 'Tcnd what?" queried His Lordship. lie means pendente lite," ehai ila'.'y explained one of thu ' -nisei enaaai I "Oh! y u have .itu in tho 1'ii b neCoiiit. evidently. emarkel tlie 1 u '',', ami pi ce io I to so.in 1 hi. a ou Ins kii.ivvle l . f hi v. Its depth was -eon phi. iibe l. lor he broke down Mt the lirst question.--l.oadvu N01 FUSION Leaders Planning to Unite Ajrainst KonestGoeriiintnl. TIITIR SCHEME MAY NOT SlCCtED 'Mien The While .Men of the State Register Their Opinions in the Cum- ill;; I illation. .Iiei lal liale.ii Cni i'i spoiuleuee. 'l'ho Kepi. Inn an at.il State Populist (liitiiui.'ii wi i" in t iiiii -icuci 'here la .i llij.lit. '1 It veil of fod'es-y was cj.-i I'V-r lir pi'oi .'I'd i ii x-j, lmt jiiducIi h'lk eil out t 1 t!: l'.v iii.it t.,c siiuii.ioii w.'s liir from pmit'yiii'T. With tiu-m sunn j nf th,' mm-. 1. 1 e lio-.; cf I'O'h piilti''-s. K'-.i mi" foil' 1 t.o- l.ii:.'..n, M u's.iil. 1 jpoi-iiory, Oc, of the ! -puhl .1 alls. iTi:isiirr Win' '1. Aiuhtor Ayer, etc., I ot tl:e I'opilhsis. ! A l.'iilnli! .111 said tlle;e was Ilo situ I of ae;iv;ty in his p:n :y :::iv wheie in j Is-- II :is t . so far ii-s in- could ili-i-.rii. I lie ilei-hneil lm did ii-. t know vvaa. ; woiil-l ho di.iie .is to ;i ii. I,- t. that .'i: j W'a.-Inliut-.'i Mr s ' Ciim;- were r. i;ui:it jul; that. i,.i.i:' i'i i t:i : l vvoiibi ! ! illy mine - Is ib io 1. ', Am-.'.'-i li- puliiii .111 s ild h- vvoiib! 1,'iii'ss that a W.iisi.ui S..!.-m ui.m o. 1 p.omir.o:ii'-' would !-' "H on: us t.n hoiiml im.ln -,- uioi p.; i-ei.vo :.:;'e'l car. ! d.il He of th ' opli'iin ill - i"' t." !' -lll'i 1 oral ie party. I A 1'opul,.-; w ;: ;i 1' inlid '!ie cotlfer- elieo l it-! th" io'iiu!. lie in- would ani'ii j to n ny . hiiif. l.o- I'opuL.-t.s waut.u that tiny wore .is,una no qih'.-lion.--. l':;;:t :!ii y lie- il the l'opuiiii-s and iur.:-i li.ivo i.ntu. The fi'-ioni-:- .!. clue to put n: tloi: "hlaek h. :" .s'.at-' rtuperiiiteud' i:t M-- t'.ui" bii. 111 e in- lav :s !.- inme.u.s ' .noeii-lm, ut. Too !( pi:b:.e.i:, niiieii.in in. 11 ; .id .".: 11. ;'-' :; aija.ns, ;ii:n. . 'i. I ,,,.. . i.:il. iee :i!.o-.i' '' " , ,. " , , , :.e bl.i. kl.st.ui; of l:.in:b!ii an l-a b 1. ors vv I, r !l:e amen. lini'lil, s in. I that il t'ml .it - the attitinlo tilitii'.!; lb piiidieniis who favnr th iiiiiouiiini !.: i: M ill a.i'iy itself tum ii - a !.i ;:; ni'i; 'iy 01' .1 le.i li 1 uml be -i , uix.iii is in K.i.- ri. Norili Caroiii' 1. Ul. ri '.. :io have ;,!wivs Voted th" Ib-puh ; bean t i-i-t. t'h.'iriu 111 ;?iniiii.iii.- r ' m.ii in I t i io li piii'lii an leaders t.ik- ill;, this view -. f favorills -in' ullloiiil- no'lit are to b ! 'ir.rl ,11 eoiinty iiiie: eoun:y 111 tie- K;i-:. Kepuolie.iii S' at - i''.si:. uii:n Hoiton has i.-suod Ids tilth i.m.palKn circular. .1 f'l.n-paito .''tT.'.ii'. iu which In dw'li.s v.: what he terms licui.icrut not to t ike ii ihe frunelii He kmiv.s iH l l'i'i ly vv. II l ';:i oi rats M.id ;!'.- would ' . I wh U I hey are ileitis. :h qu t'011 to lm th-cl'lcil :H '':'-' I Til" local evotii of the we, the trial of 'I b.uu is ,l"i'.' -i-xlioriel' w ho liii:'do''ei . ' , nt a ii'-i'i'-i f.ini'ly. I "' old I'lslftOS 11, .itter. Pelll , ,, -. Iv ,'..: Ih ar . wa- s. 1 HYl. .1' . ''" ,t ta "'" ::,: i-'orn i '.J lLsaiiil v vv .t - : .ludit" !'.' - oi-.'iV iletell l'-.it'lo. . 1 district ci'iuiiu.il UI' day. The il.-red the phi. Wiirre. 1 Tin ail I int .in;.' 1 enmr i:nnie-i : . I'll .'.rl - v hot. : has ;-. liifeil tl.s-.l lit k. of , , pte,': o ai -she 11. ; .- !'i if.c-v I i - s'.i'"d 0:1 ' aiii'.i .'.iiv .bat the losi-l i oh c'vii ' an I'l! If v .1 am-; . t'i'o'u vv mid have only tw (iorv- M hu xvs : of laying th which I ;':-. s'. 1 ' I .1;. IO f 1 1: hit ion Is' capita: :. 'Vs tin 's.:.; Jillx for the Yu!. 0 statu" .ti f.i 1 siii us- i - iu pi'i uress. In ;. :. t'.ise will I e . ; phi -'. lmt 1: ' 4 will the a::.e b ' p'.ie. , 1;; 'l'ho bea.d of .14::eiil:iite , out tiiroiuli t'.ie Mat.- v 1 loth ipt: in aieat intnibi 1 forth tiie l.i -v that ' ii" ' a.'b VV I'll ticks ) ball I e ill! "io I t. eildilU' I 11 iri.it. i ,-rii;.: 'u'th. ! public mads ill aiiv -l. tli hi'-. 1". no 1 I fi tn e t 1 : 1 ' i : y of In- ro. e.v I ill uliv etiolo-ure or i-tockv.'n! thiisin ' j Hie -Aliltc .Man is capable of Self- ' (ioxiirnm nt. C. f .irir.s of ' xper.e!-.. !. :v.. ipia..-j lied th- Six. ui r.i-e t.c - 1'' -ove: T-.. j in. -i t and t'u- st.n ci'ii'.i 1 :,' . f otn- r , 'I'l:: ninii ve.ils e.f .ol ail. I Ir.al, 'in - ) :..i.::cl tin' t -.lie.-; lieu thro.t ! , years of toil, .mi -' I.e at". I war. tin.- I i r a. tied tii" i-i "i- l :i" no-..) . an no ! I revere 1.1.' '.' :"' '1 ' b'-e ;i.. ,-v , an i ; b:;;iil.v leap ov 1 - . ''..'i. :-. ." t; : i II" Ml est triad th -i.;.-: pi'ii-. Tin, Hit.aPC't: ure I'l-ilt: ' O--. j Itirn tn sjvern solt: inn he in.r. hopi I to lcatn to govfrn cr-. : why the wnnr: man is sr- i'i-riok. The white man. wmthcr odu-'.iteO nr ; 'ir-o.-tili'-4:o.l Vii:iivv.- a. the illl - :J- tie- i pr.. voter d.K'S no-' know tha' r.. .- .in ! ' 1 . lnr In offiae and in.ver vxid r...- hi h I 1 h. i rtnie cm pro.' a, hiai in .-..r. . : the law. Nii'i'ii as a rub' 'Xpo,t tin r r.i.c attd cv.-ii their party : pro- i : ; 1 hem when a: : s ijcned lu-.'.iir t!i eo'i:-;s-. They u-:irie lilo rry for li- . ease and fccn.v nHe their cv :l pro-1 pi.n.-if.es fun sw,iv u.cense '.hey - l can f.:xe other tn.-un 1 - in n:y ow:i x:Jti when tfcey cry Lirerty." Thts i-. -xperiesce and from my c. 'ii oiwerva o::e 0.' the principal evldencis of white ; ten. hut osly me-.;!,s:i t'-t' S? t'-xo t.i s-.xTiotxlty. Men m-iy f-ubsicribe to tiai -all tLe attecnloa of the better c!3;S o! cocla-.-atloa that "all aoa are created I npsjrcet to te fact tihat the w'ao.e Ten eo tal" aad ye. cot sutott that it Ui ittc? oi events Is towards a ;vle.- w.tii tie aic-inms o: e;mer me tJo clarat. oa ci la depend once or the ni floral cw'Mtt'it'.oa. that a weaker, less ir. roll btc.o race shall administer the;: Iff (: ' T ..t '':e pc tlluUiilion o' both fi s.- i',t,!'.:i:ei"s the 11 c a roe lived life a.- s'ive- and were just t. Pt for sufr '-:, ;';. u as they were t'.i r;y v. ai s a co i"i.' kvp, in1-' .1' 'N'i'n ok Nri:-'.. StVPl-'It-X :'' UN Ti"' HMPL'ltLl 'A I'AltTY Tho RoiHibhean jarty so far aj North Cat-olinn Is enuecni'-il Is divided into two Ui.sjl.i. t ;n..l eejic.rate pitb: Wfit and East and lihu-k holts. The average Western N'or;!i Carolina K? inihliciii, an 1 in this rc-pocl I am sorry to say e'ctuitor Pritchar.l s-eeniB bt:r lilt To bc:: v iufonrif d than the average, 'hut .!ly nud iii.a'nploiol.v .om.prelirti-l.s ' ?i situaUon In E.mtcrn N-oi'ili CarolH..i where the negroes, ..miorant :i 1 .m ihuit, are entirely n control of idl iteiuiblltan woxivtuiUons .iml where r 1 ry effort to better the si'idlti-jn of 'ifi.io '- is 1 outit'-rai'ied by .In' opposite ui o:' r.'mio 'olioli-lie.irtej .vhi:o man w.'.ii omrupt jira tieos vviri e-.s iu a.iu'J'l ;i;l--d.uon e. ami ropii. .ide waik ii li.ai.iiiuiou of ilia o.vu .ins' i I'pul ju.s.y .1. iiuii'i-J iH'.'i'. Al- hv.iiB.i I lie lii.pi.-ii.i'.iu paity has an - el.i-iit p'an iu or,;ui!.zat..in it. it e.iivHy ovor 'o,iiv., on ii.; "unit o. h" iKii'irsr. o ami 1. .rrtijwioii "f !! .0 --ro p:. i ! . .01- who he.i'K liumeri- iihv .-:ioi...-.i r ':i - ovi r wu..o men all Ui.-'u : 1 1 ior .1! will .n:. o '.'.is :..oi,v 1011-1 i:t for tiii iu to he c'.c :oi .leb ;..:., to ,t .-i:.it.' It. .u:ilie::i cou-.e;i.-. ;;. 'I v. :i. e KepuhLcatl, il .):inc.-:. is I'.iii'ely .1' lo .r 1110 ivy a:ni .i..i'.-r I a- 1.' e-iiitrol : : .i:ii-.-!;.ise ln..r V..ti . '..is i.s 110: ,i:i m i': 1; i-t.-W 01 T I I! Al'i Tlie 111 Kin oi1 i 4 1 j ui iely in ...1 s. .in i ::.,rs he do.- : -' rue nit;.il an I 'lie 1 0 in ib-' :i'l:i- s s'r. :,- I ises -:!!i. o;' 'ae - .01. i.t. is 1 Ills w 1 . .1 1... 1. 1 .Lsiii.ty iui-l i-i if :i: ..ti -1 iiU :n : he 111 ji.-rl-iio : i in- -.i-i.te p..:'i'. I: -::':rey il.tl. rent. In 1 .l iiijil he must i:.d illllUoll:e n p. '.11:0. I s A NI'jlt- 1:. ;li:ng; ho .. in !.-1 inii- 1 -!i iiot wo- 11 ami s;i,i: ion.-. :, ..ny uffi. . ; - s luLty uu'i ,:i - I lorn . os i-.iils ..- :h l;: I ,;S ,!i t I- :. ':; :: oil: ' :: . .up s '. in i . ;:o w iio i:a .1' si 1 11 :. ':: : : .iio.v. Lj: ly, hut of fui'irf n: ..n; ' :l:o . if. : t tne si t.loi'-e'.' :' '.i ;i 1 y : he adopt.!, s . ' : : :: ;:i wii: Lav. 1 poll lit' ;' ::. Ail eviry it,:. !..e . ..:; to ri itard ii as .1 ; ':' i p.0'-. :-.:n i;io.-;ion. ; K. . v vii:i r- ' i 1 ry '' i. ' ! it. iw.- that tiie ause of d : ::i i; : d :i:.i:ni.- ' it i' the -'if' .1: ' ' "' .nlsiiiui.s'er- : hy w li, : sii-n :-(, ;ol-' ii e i :;- ir.s is the -e-..-a ,ty to !:. .: s-: ! he tii.ii i ::. nni: nut' . t p'..i 'I p: .;li s.'ive IIO.'V e:u-lit s ,n. I tin-; ':.( n.4 a: :11s to up.-iol 1 t!:o S'.fe .:iies , : -tri:'.' .if I v,.ir. Si iMi-: i)!' TliK KKN ICI'i'l'S i To ur--o '!i j Ui , 'on c" iiuio:.' U l!p-.'J l-.e pi 'h V iiiie. 1 "ellsrVO i'l 1: f ;i- l'.e 1.:; "1 .of .ii. ,;f u:ri a:: I t.. : .I'M : s .- -ii hi ltl.le- iio 1 hat rule if an -.'.iter.iftoti: m i ui.' t-e.. '.i rule f.ir- telll ;:si" t'ii.- it;. .:: . .,:.. .,u ..I'l-ttloti ' : : ,.-.o .1 ,iy the :;-.- .'!.!. lit. Kl..'.VI.::-' -. 1 : y m in in t in : 1.:: tae pi ' 1'i.iiici- .-. '... A lid : er w ii.it ,'s . ,vi- :o .id :r- : ri.-- .: - ioi i: ' .1 '..:i 1.' t e : 1: ..f-' i r- ii rn: 1 T.r.n ;.-.' e.is ' . .1 iic.it stitr.ur.i . i.e s.'l:i:o tn '.1 .il', ii.szards .V 10 .. liey al i nil-. Of :' ai:" 1:1 :':c iroverMiu -n-1 li. r St i'e and eour.ti v villi-: lin-: t'i its : MM i i.l 'VN I'MITY. ta.t i.e m-KiM vo;. ' 'f lb p.: .b an p.ir'y it . y mid i: of sh itii- q -.ii.iy ti sou .-"-.;; :;;i: : a.ii OTUptllU - efrrup- :i . V NT S i Y IN IT . i:..p: w h h 1 ,: 1. :s. b : .:i a m 1 '. .- . f V ' th "'a " ' :j.;i. In t.'.s o:i:i:v vv . H' ; o v -hi - i'her I 'A . :ir IdsMAl. I'itOSI'Kt i'. If j : '. t t. 1 ou. I liruily bo .eve ' : v 1 ; y it. any years liav-a.-.' 1 .!.'-. 1 :ii :i. 'cy of the S 1 r .ti wa Ib . in par:;' v Id u! v a - - . 11 a liolt oils ii. Ciin ii i-igi -s 1. ...v.- the fcrave v : m-ti . f . ti..n t t :. : !. v j;;:.c. s t ie. -.ate- ,i;- i 1 so;:-, w u ii i. tiik en ii bk: Cm i I ' :: i' -Mtt'.ae.s ju tl- - .ssi!: y kef i'.- a ,;'. I ib ai." vv !!.: 'na't. .. a ri halt : af-l a s.i s'.it.' a! :tu.' ,r: vv :,; t .1 .M.,1 i.l 11 ck r :. .! ".' :' '.! '. .::.i, 'it o:s :11a:. 1 !,i- :ii"' in r. .. ry alig V 1 I' vv., 1 It id 1 tn 1 all" 'la.:: ; .-! n n." --1-' r.-.iwns , t: 1 lo . i ii.S -V is . :- in- !r. To atfiy i .i- ill rU::-' I teach .1 . t.' o V, -le:-' the Jo;; . rnd ;i'l these vv hit? p "; . ut csll thetn by i' o'; l n;e ay the p :! -' ie-: this n;d't 1 ..." : is;-.; ,i;se', p. ,. wards the wh!;e T'r'T ' ptentiy m the !a.--: ' ;.-.--ti of tVicr.ds to tit ir i x i:.; ,i!.v:i; tho r-;.i :, ."'o in .: h imbc I trie; w ; I'hey wait f -r the vv a .: iv. ik ttr' ;'t:'-o" -l( -.Ik at lli peak !i"-t or they do r. lad viier separation of the ra.-e. I: dos tot take a prophet to forosee thu: j con't.nttatloa of this ftat cf af! ) ..-.-w l: er.d tn a cl.ish bet ween the r vv o ":i p And It is Ibordiov, in I ;;i-- ss o ,--n ''- a' itnon rerreos as uu ' s w h'te.s l.i i'"i!c.ivnr f) p's-vprt ''a ' -!i Xs 'o "b h ,s ' "t ( th" v- '-e--i-v-t.:s .f.i vx h . wi'l le. ;b,s ssrv.v- S .';., e 1 - 0, '.-,,(.,- Qf ;.., p. j..-,-, to t.".-h 1: m T' Jt'b'p '.-' -,' -!te fi-'ly of sevtr the w'n 's' Tit" . harvest Is vvapesi in the whirlwind. FALSEHOODS NAILED. Who Are Entitled to Vote Under The Amendment. WiIminjr:on Messenger. An examination of the 4ih and 5H sectiors ,'. tiiu franchi.'e i.inendineiit. to be votid upon In Augur-t next will sat iffy any one nf ordinary fensi: liia. I wo thin-gs are clear, are apparent. Kiiit, all Who read aiii. write may vote un lor tin) 4tb section. Seeohd th.i! all whites who cannot rctid ami wri! may vote under itii secttou. And why" ii'o.iiu.-" it distinctly bets forth that "ii 'i nr.ile peis, .ti. vv '.a was on January 1, IstiT, or .try time pr.or lin.'i'e.o. eii-.;:!-. I 1.) vu.e under iho laws of any S ate in the l'ni;ed States wln-reiu bo lo'U rosidod. nt.d no lineal des -omiaui of -.ny stj-.a pif.-ou. .shall do iJonied tint . ight to ri'girtei' and vote at .ny ilo . :i,m in tin- slate by le.mon of his hlll- ! i.. :o ii.-.-p.-- iho o lm aticiml OU.ili' .i.athhl jn 1 -sol-l bed in s.ebon I ol :hl ,r:i le: J'lov.iinl h-- siiall li.r-'e repis lerod in ai-ordanoe with the '-ertna of :t..s urti.Je jn'ior to I'm tin' r 1, .:'"'X." Atid that 11. 03ns i'lioly t, .::. a I ;! iv::! '.- .-aii vote und r ilia' r' f'l t'..e pliin if-a,n that ttioio 1.- 'ii-: 1 s.i uln v a; .- II, an in -il tile -l'"" wiiij.-e is'..":' or i'i.il.i!..i :;er .hum ii-'t 1. :le .11 ;l: v.- ir 1:, .' 1 .!. Thi 1 e -.ill i.e m, ;. jle ia ''r.ill. iiiseni' l.i of iie xx hit. s nmier that .-..tion. ami till the liars :.; Me ;-t 1 :.: ft mik'1 nhir tii;'-- a: i-i'Ki r much .'-" .11 iy lie. In 'he alio '.,':ii' lit there i-i itnitlfr mo.-; wise. fa.r. in : 1 .--.:: ' 111 o'. i ion. it ..s eotiipiih.iry to h.ivo iii ii vm. r t" ;i iv a poll tax 'i ::is is ju-f and jfi.per. A!) V, .eis l.ot (.therwi.i x 'Hi (it Shoii'.il Ji iy i-nt'.n '.ii.nn towards .ho .-itp;uir! of 1 hf s'.i o pov ori.:ii'-i:t Tho poll tax is the in w-iy to re:i-!i II. and I: is mulo l t- .1 : 1 y -n :h- re Kovi'i-iiu-iit. Th" law tn : - :'- :ipor 1 x: mp: sin-: from tii" law Bo- :-!ii!B 'he iol' tax. A!l 'lern.ii- over ifty vkus of itse ami all pf-rv'ia- who i:e (xen'p: by the rouniv co:n;7iiss:o!i- -s vv i.l 1 0: ii iv e ti p i.v .1 pill I ix '! he vvhitr.-' -' " "h h'i''h : '"-''' "' nf i?l taxes lai I :n !":,;. !'' - ii ' '' ' '',;-;" .iv "he vvhit.s S i: ly til" liff.-dc- ".v liny vo'" :-:: mM '." f "'.-. .1 by law V) :..iy sonn ii: n-r f"i' tli.it privil- ae tne liaivileae of e ;t iz-f - ll I ','. f.T til" si-pport of the I'tivoriini-i-eir 'i;izoi:s vv :-, . 1:0 t at lo ,iii pubbc 1: 'V, :::::'. : ' ::i No p.V.I ti' v p iid l.o v i'e ui o'- ,10 ''io re tlr -t-.'i-- t 1 ; '1 'i.iiln; 111 th? f' it" has uoi :bM: it. Tin y :i. lb WHY S'CME Kl'I'I'ltbli'ANs I'AVOI. Ii'. We Inaril an old time Uop-ralh "it: s.iy ho woa! I vote for the t -' "0 t'of il amef ,l:m nt ;i- .1 icp-t'di 11 tne iriire "iha: Its ;ni. ;u: li '' -- 1 ' litnii'.. . f- -m th :: p r-v a 1 1 :-- el ..'ors ir. 1 -ut: irat:; I'.-t.-'itis v .1 ,11 a. ii!,' th.- ;..i-tv iti tin- . .: h a rl.-.-ia ' . ui if "il f iv i'l:' :- : 'il I'u'. r i- rj Iisjr his oi.! i:a-ii- o! '.Ipti.i tii" l-i mo-f-i' i m N'1 " -' 1 . .1 ;!; Hi -.a'-ii n:-' in iii- n r - tie libs voir M,i : y Atni will b-:'!' a N .v, .1 .a i- i:th. li 't the pt-"l ar. :: .1 ii:m. T..i : '. 'o . aiiicrv '. Uaieih Nrvvs .:: d (bis. tver: C'.tt-i--:i:.ni Atwirer i" in the cl'v. z ii:-: is 'itt-n.-.l fi 111 lbs h i-i it !,-:!.. v e.eii:ty. w!n-e h" :n I i !''' . b ti-. p' e '.1 -'- . "Yi'.i 111 iy st 1: I ' i.o' ii'n - ir. lire .it, .t w i'l . .v 1 : - ; : tin- :iti!-nd:u - -' ! A' ' v i-i-r i.ta; nieht ' '!'le so mis- l'i- 1 1. I ton .'ti'.i-'. ! ' k i'.e 'i-'..t U'l: :,- p,iii:-:ii :.y .-.ml 'i'l '.- .!; I. ; e- p ..ilVWilMO .iml a: at ' t'l''" I , v t v .-p. tii '.Il l-'r.ilik. :: 1 -i-i" : :.l 1: : li V.' A TWA TEH'S !lav S W'.'. 11 if -.-tior.t .1 alio.il h !' ' ' .-. -.i :i :i!; ' y. ;i:v. fit '1: P ' '''' ,;' ' . iter : i 1 l:e h 1 I mi 1 Iv ' '-si' ' v S i 1 t tall; to h.- -ii.--;;, .. :" , l.-'ie '1..:. 1'P W..S ! lie :'. It ill I'.'V! . . :' ;:;!.. lie vitd. ':' '' . a;,' that . 0:111 , '' :!s tn ui 1 n ' -. ,..:.!!: .1 iv.:i-t. " 'i ' x 1, 1 . So M eeivei-sol w. b is "u :.,; -l few v. f.stes from :i p.-..'ser ' si i'l I. 'i"-' -1.,,. r, . l'.!;:-: r of b-' ir .lir.v -r.il. '. -aid t.'. tu 'he ir.lv li:;t"; there : . ;,'' ' he added stup!.- "1 a.i . . . :,-,v w- 1.1 tin; not: of t " v. ' U ,1 ,1 ;.: ! no il sffitll ..!; I. .-:: i I ; '! '.ii'T. tint the a :m lidtneii. :!.' :" " 1 ..it the itigr.i would ti" i.C' ol - if s in -he r-fitrc ! .- 'n- t-i '" ha: 'hU :- all :h it time is in "tn 'l-t' t " 1 i:e n..- In person ll ere, I t. th I' y.-r.:: .1: in from tho f,.i,rt!i .l:s'rii-i v il-.o.- ..' his p-r-ont p x-itiot' Is to -nv ii, tho b iv s .-.ilbl aim a way fr-ea iio pleacii to :' ' 'I -it.e-s. s,.i, ., ,. ,. ,, -h. p'o'ic '. t.t.ix ' e -K- 1: :;.-1 la. pi! t'y an I wi- hon. !' s- K:i ., -i-rttsute 'hat : tt x ''1 ,!- . ' !. s party he beiiti:.- iti.l or. , . - li.s ti-i: I by .-..yiiiit I '. : Voi won't .10 tin- V. a. it a i.e jr. 1 out of i -lit . . . r - 1-1 'Me iH'i" pio-auhtns f i!-- 1 1 k ir rcpro-e-t.itive pr--t iees to w.!t?h:njrton tc the cotiurf csloti.il boyi , - ab?e::,-.- fir.l - : wl h iv 0 ,'., i nk r Tin: hknisHTs One ft' the 1. -1 .1 ."; : ' i f tin- , .ai ' : . nt- nr will be to In 1 .- :;;. a'i if I ,10 w hie ;. 1 nit s' tt' ai' -'ii - w ill :n 1 he 'i -'1 , a: ! , .-.Cor To: :.- of til. attend ae tl.-- f I ". -- .pir k- -b ! does n, t .iti"-' ''." p: etn ft.Ti.ritioa of .vhli" trtt '.. ex i-.u .0 ,.i ise ihtm to ii- more anxious ". and to ft five hur.br to sec.: re nior heal aavantjges for their .h.hlrvto This w.ll, iutsiarUy. make a aa'-r ia .:iiiiea: and belter people ia No::!; Carolina ia the coaiiBo' yc-t.-s Kltt-:or Tree Trei. I rvcomprehensib'e Womnn, Fr.-de-ii k-riavill.i. you plrdf-d yom self to bp fait li ful f "lev. r; and yi t you sax you have in t urb vid over tntr bU'l.i a ei:-j:i";o!.:oiit. 1 liivi'la Of course nnf: my heart H is true as steel -bin w In 11 I sot my rod to it I can be just as sballuvf ,ud tickle us auyboJy Lit'.'.

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