Ak Vnur Dealer fur tllen'a FmI Ktw, A powder to shitko Into your allocs; regis tha feet. Cures ( hi ns, lluuioi.s, tiwol'ep, Soro, Hot, Oilloiis, Ai-hiiig, WwontiUK Keet niid ln KruwiiiK Nulirt. Aileu's Voot-Kase makes now cr tilth t .-hoes ensv. At nil ilniutslMts iiinl shoe -lores, an eta. Numple mitilt-U FltEE. Address Allen S. ulnistti'J, I.eKoy, N. V. Choosing a Wife. T'luMy one cannot help falling in ..vo with 11 li:tmlsumt woman lw knows hoss tn ilrrss lirvsolf. 1 'iidily-Ves; lint when a. nnin chooses n ife ho Is wiser to choose one ssiio run dress n l in !;' of a lohstev than .i.i:e wim knows . : 1 1 y how to ilivss h-r- ir. r.esii'ii 'i iMusct-iiit. Stomach Troubles In Spi ring Are tii t i m.i.t; I'Kr.t.iMi, Imil tusto in tlio ino.ith, ilull l-.'-M Who, sleep loSHUens, poor appetite. No mallei- liow direful yen nr nliont ruling, everything you take, iuto your stomach turn sour, causes ilis tresn, I'jitU!' uiiil unpleasant guses. Pent ymi uiiilciiilau.l what theso ay niiitonn sienals nf ill stress menu? They ere the cries of tlio stomach fur hc'.i '. It is being os. envoi kel. It necls I'll' peculiar tunic iitaiit ies anil iligestivi; ttrciiijth to be foitti.l iu Hood's Sarsapariila The best sioniftch ami bloo l remo tlies. known to the meilieal prufessiiMi are eoni'mi'.'.! in tho iiieilu'iue, iui.1 thoiisft'ilu iif grateful letters tel!iii its euros prove il to le the oreutet-t tueilieiue tor all stomach troubles ever vet ilisei.ve'-.'.l. V.'.-ll In.-. nf-.l 1. in -;. lilokes the' mii'-vim; : 11!!. I CtillVe i-re,l. 1 1 ii .ii: in It . . cheap. " Kli-' i:o by -i:i-.t:.-to t:ii t 'I' the Ui!illii Dili ;iv 1 Mays '.I looked. i'ii" a. an Wood Per tec Stce in Summer. ! '.: . - I !' ev .u-.na work " a. i I .1 er.T llllil -iiijt pleir ! iW !nt-s ihiriiijj Mitiiin .!:! e. I makes ooi . ,h svaie i I" lime and : hell. tilT-'ll Winiil - .pipe ssith sour. 1 r ionic, whoso p' , elht ti. .. .c-;-if :m- is your sv !'-. a n:.-:ils iiinl lu'i . .. v.; :is'e also. Il ,s i .'Uil split won 1 !' : ! ri US 1U 1 1 llfl H n Hu H H lU. l " THE SPRING MODES. I. Hut NeUHon'il fr'niiuleft Arc Ketuinril. Sut lleiuouteil lv Many New Itiies. The ppring dress is a eomiiosite work of urt, retaining all of last sea son's fancies auJ BUiiiileuieutitt; thcui by many new ones. Tho modes of this last sprim; of the nineteenth eeutury present tas.:e I'a- luiliar feutures; The ininoess dress. Tho t'ulouuise. The overskilt anil the tuviie. The l'laiteil skirt. The bolero anil the Ktou j.u-Uet. The box coat. The lavish use of luee, eni''i ei lery an 1 fringe. Au.l the lotip, soft, pliable oiVeel t nearly every posvu. Tie iiesv oiul-ol-the-ecntury dresses, like ihoohl beinuiiic:-ol'-the eeiit:irv dresses, are lituiy and trausavent. ; l-'aslnou seems iletermined to r.'irnl : nut the evele in the matiuer iu w'uteh : il began. I The spiiiii; modes iutr.'ditee tenta tively these novcltks: ( Festoeueii di aperies, lockiii.; pel hups tii.siird panniers, ; Little eapes. i loiis.p:ietaire onlVs, rcvhiii: Vj ihc elbows. i Slee-.es ssnie below the elbows. j . -o 'l .iion plaiting. j A'i I an iiii'nits' uaiuber of small va iiati i'.s nud moditieat iosis, like t!ie ' eombiiiiit'.nu of line lav.u sviih piipie, the elevation of the stripe to a pedes tal be -i ie the plaid, the addition i I direct. ere scarfs to the sprins wrap, n marked increase iu the idolatry lav ished up'ia the tuck, and many : i sv aiid I eauiil'e.l things iu I lie detail- of crna'i.i"'s and triiuuiinu's. , i'i.eie is '.M talk about sh.r; The newest imported dres.-i - a1'- ,'i-t ;i- 1 e.j. in float and t'un a- uricii in tin- 1 aek as they have a!! w.::tei . Hit re is liiueli di-cu-M'-a fuller skirts, but the fnlhu-ss i- ab-.nt the I'.-e! i-i aided llares an' p' iltuus; s-i tin as .'.-la-crus the ..ttt'i:.- the li,- :;r- creater i fore i - l.ii i Vii'Otl fi : have ;t well Von will i up sti'Ve v. ri; l.-tf:ns. ie This that is oil :;a- t'-vo sin: -'I a plain f. l.ut- in th- i l.i.; nari.ev t.ovai 1 n a : fl ' rllV Un as mu''h as ' Hie .-.'UMis. cman's I'll-- tieve-t ever- :-.;rts nr. ! I -"ij!-i'.-.p:e b. youd d- r.-! ! . ; oiute l . -kn ts ai . v.:t.i hi -e tl.-we.-s butt- ;l; i . ! ;'; ou i-.iC side 1'V :.. -v.il- or bit- .. coral. The ' iv .ii.i-i ovi r.iress is nr.eh if-i-i Ire- - s, ainl i looped with i 'i"'ie lU -st noscl over-kins al l p.eal adoiir mu-dius an 1 di: -:il s;e i.-.-e 1 Marie Atiioiu. tte o-.r they are 1 ...ped ;.t ca.-l; si !e baeli rail liiuuai.r sit -'e;e-' ive . ; lasted on e.'.cl: .1 -able b.c-k. :uo at.il aaeifnl lptioii. I ililiiied . - and a-is oi ' .-.-'ui i -:' r thin i ttes. ' ir on ! !-s and a-i i.e-. ! of the ' of pun- ; when siok Is Lydla Em Piitkham's Vegetable Compound No other medlolno In tho world has dono so much good. No oonfidenoa has over been violated. No woman's testimonial was ever published by Mrs. Plnkham without special permission. No woman ever wroto to Mrs Pinkham for advice without getting help. No man seas these letters. Her advise is free, and her address is Lynn, Mass. She Is a woman, you can tell her the truth. No living person Is so oompetent to advise women. None has had such experience, She has i 'stored a mil' lion sufferers to health. You oan trust her. Others have. Lydia F. Pt-ikham Med. Co., I.tdii, Mass. 'or all majirer c NERVOIS DISEASES. For it er cb-til I lore See , iii-oiden.-1 e-1 with (Hip-ire i at in co ; I wa-ii mate i ! l: n holer. The ,. !cl--i an i'iii- witii -i: !. c j: i - a-i-1 ni; i u-t-a - motifs. bin i s are of ice it a t .ie dest :-i br.ei .-lit u- 1 y mean:- o! tiny m...-!i h;;le lu'isiin boii-ro i made r .ivs oi -.iiirir; ; aii l :i with r '. -lies oi tin in. -.11 The A h;;l ui'. i n. i iast"' a - -i i.-h. dr. Ill- Many have :o'e almost i the wrisl. A feu- thin lire ti-ht to :i in wpli d tb tu lip-. mv l.lllieiy 1 i-hional i ma-s ii lovvti in- -, heart' laari-old f tho t:;t tilon,. jiruvi i -i rA '-it '-p : c i r.c ROOFING MATERIALS- iilack anil (lalvanized Corrugated Iron t, i- r.-i,, lunis. It- . 1. 1 . . cri-.l l. i-rrt ii.l p wn Si. -i I in !, .,t a , Sib,,.. N urn,, I i-l . H.-av . I s--U Shii Imiv ni l l -i. a I.Hli.o,: ill ,-.i M.UUU4 co., j-a. STOPPED FREE P'-minentlyCuffibf OH. kJNE'S GREAT NERVE RESTORER . lit r.i 4J , i HOTTI.K PR EK -.,D irii..rr i,l(tf for , f !I,.uti.. ! f.-i- Dlt.-. DR. K. II KM MB. III. 1 031 ArU btret, C hlieiDhl. mate 'in. I i.s t r-o tor rf ! ilr.g it (Li- Sn .rli SHe t. i I. ik n-lll Mh l.i. ir .l l.rliic ''ll' -pr ll nta'lrs Ssl."i nr n "vTif'ir ii. r n.l f l f.-t -i-w-i, p.. , i . tr. Hoi tc r s rii, New Vm IF Si TKHI Mul.n -k Irt-lil. imlf he . r llel i i v II..I l. N. . H Idl .lli(:ri.tli ii i . 'iiir II i if lis, 'i hi.iI Jti S .in.li.n, r O O O C V NEW DISCOVERY; U IX SJ I O I qui to i mil our-, on. Afteats Wanlfd Y, lrni n .-ani-uiii ' ir mo liaii'iana ui- 1'i.rttBitt. n-l t ramr a. Writ f.r A-.i'lirsnn i ii . :(7S I. in. sl.rxi'laj.Ti-i. kj Best Uiiiati Hyrm s Tmm iuutf. Ce M ! limn, rV.ild rVy drsgaHtH p tt&VX! I Thompioit'i Ey f atir :tt of III, I'.ii-i 11,-ss Wotllilli. Itoi, write:. Ill the I.adil - inial tli.it women, haviiu vi -i th.-ns! lies lu.-npulile uf meet 111 I lie ile'iei'i.ls ui ie. i i.-u hlisiuess. are r.u idly 1-eit.j; replaced by meu. "Nai naliy. the .itie-ti.iu arises iu the mind: Vn.it will become of these women V The answer is that they will go back when v they came: 'tito tie home ui doni -'ie helper-i. This i-i . distinct eau-e f-.-.- enrjiratalation, It means Uic svithdra-val of a vast num ber of women trom duties for svhieh they were never intended, and from a eoiiiiueivial atmosphere which i.i reality, is distasteful tn the seusi'ive femi-uuo mind and tine womanly tem perament. It can ho most dolinitely stated that the vast majority uf women in business to-day have absolutely ii" taste for it. They are there fimply because necessity drove them to it. They have done themselves little eood , and let it be snid iu all possible kind ness, and yet perfect frankness, they have done business even less eood. With here and there an e -option, women have seldom risen above subor dinate positions, and :ir-;urt the jues ti iuas we will, the standard of waaces b is uu'ptestionably been perceptibly lo-veivd. This alone has kept num berless young men from marriage. A-.-itin. it has certainly done tin? health of women uo good: on the contrary, it has filled our rest-cure-, s'luitarmms an 1 hospitals to the door.-. It has been an unnatural condition uf atlairs. Ii. it. like all ruoveineii's. it worked its good upon Jtho h nue. I'pou that it has had a most sa'utary e fleet, aud it is impossible tn overestimate its far-reaching and boueti.-ia! lulbionce in that respect. As iu all things in life, we move in a circle, and wo generally return to tho point whence we started: back to first principles." Mm. Hny h h srj,,ty i,ka.er. Mrs. John H ay, wife of the dis tinguished and uihaue Secretary of 1-itate, was a leader of Washington society fifteen years before her hus band had accepted a portfolio m thi Cabinet. As Ihe lirst of 'he 'abiiiet women, she possesHcs adi urable quail lications for her position. Tin; wife of the Secretary of State is the arbiter of social life and func tions during her n ign. As the sue cessnr of Mrs. iiob.n t iu this capacity, she has sponsored stun,, radical Move ments regiii-.ling social and oliieial prestige. She desires to break do u that cherished belief of Senatorial women that they hold superior rank to the women of the Cabinet. She wishes to establish the. manifest dig nity of Cabinet women by destroying the custom that they should make the first call upon the contingent of women who represent tho upper liouse of the Legislature. It is her ambitiou to impress upou society the status of the Cabinet mem bers and their families, as possible heirs to the Presidency, and thus to end a controversy wilh those not iu tho hue of that succession. Success. For .M -. s, iiiml i;it l. These aro tlw days w hen those iu possession of two or more sorls of materials that can possibly be used together are rejoicing. And not only may madame shine iu odds mid ends of handsome materials, but even tin school girl prolits by this economical mode. One girl wears a very pretty dress, which cost at making very Iillle, because only abeet two yards .if plain cloth was required to eke out :t leiuth of plat 1 which had for some time re posed iu a chest. The w y deep yoke, the upner parts el the sleeves nud the big, shaped l! ounce weio of I lie plaid, while the long 'cut!'.-," the bread shaped girdle and the upper portion of the skirt was of the plain cloth, in '.ins case a rich and dark blue. The skirl, by tie- way, was re. over--k : t elVcet, with a deep point buck and front; rows of stitching hel l tins and the plaid tbninco to-etlier. Of course, if one had plain goods, tiio plaid could be found to hiiriuoni.'.c. Ilii lK-m SV.iaelli in I he M .11 l.l. The richest woman in the woii i is a Ciiiean, Senora Cotisino, who runs a ch.se race with .John IV II .ok. f, 11-r f-.r the position of the wealthies; oi all living millionaires. The scr.o.a is said to be worth .! wma, n:iil, so t hat she tingtit give away o'- sp-nd her own weight in gold t ii ry day fi r the iu-x; iiTti e:i year- w ith.oit eb:ri-tiu4 her capital, and tin 1 at the end n! this period of prodigality her ;uvnii;'i lated interest Ftill left her the richest w.imau the wvr'd lias ever k'l.niii livery inoiiiinu th- seiior.i awakes tin l' hers..',! sl.i.o i ( , :,-her lh n w -e:i she re'ires to re-t. Sieeea I'.oisin ., who is a w i low. is a-: L-, i.: r o'ls a . she is at'.-l si eiiis her in- tin v lavishiv hospitality mid e 1- nii-tr.-s r::i a kiuj.l Cii a lit r. ni.i:i-.i of mIv. mid lo-t- into all The i r ri i-ii. i-v ii - ol 1:111. is V:ls! .in, of mines . s.lppoit it, merchiridi-e it- VI islet .siau bio of the V t ml.'-1- l-einol. bo ti-r b..y. These little nit u "led at the In -; ha 1 n idy-ma le. vet for the material 1,11- a most de-ir.iV.e. for a eht! 1 that elv. t is -i-u illv Itc-iutitu! ho'.: i very bit as 1 1 :. i cloth is the i. uf course. Uiiber one iu h .we iainc' and aii Jllst .a. a: (cr I'l-h i:;ei e a' t ' a-.'1 I ri'ttv choice a-, 'of while i.i I. i '.-til with a blue i I', r eMra wear t I. pie i f ecru la. -c ir Ihe -ha ie of lh Tio-ie are a i--i a' ana iei -k. w ill prove If- blue , TilC bill r uf white i s.cit.icho. bo en aj.- laits both Tml.tisf -li.-ll ami l ink ( oral. Il.t;r or.ia :o tits of Italian e.-al ill . i lisite sha ies ul paU' an I deep l ose I. r .-.re cii-O'iiiliig b r t it in r dark oi hair. -i oait ii:ii . the pale pink : es an- set ill si:on v tili-ree silver i-'ht into the ! .- ;! or leal lie! :. to stick Hit i t ; il is sunk into ,..! ,,f tint, ie ct tie Vl IV I tol-i r. -, -able Id lace a;, t SOe'U t-l 1 t t I !.:.! or a :i In., slender IK. A-.-iiu the br ad sliiuiug 11, wiii.-ii foiiu t!i 1 Mimeti. ies diamonds are .,;:i ,.r plavd lb-are so cbib ehlseHed that of t-x -p!i-It.!y . beautiful th.-y ;e a 1 led lustre I . U-A ni lit;- I'r.iin Ihe -h,ii. - lj'irb iiiiav of n-'W fancy silks. M r.v ijgiire-i ere". Iw Chiues idoselv e;v lace ent'of e do load til'.;; . tasteful L-phyrs. in a a s and weaves, e of midsummer fab silk and wool iu: v- Ti.i-tcd, Al--.ii inn an 'i rn.-etl in black, wiiito an. 1 light vcr an. tall c faucv lnoiisr.flilie bou iiiplehiclit of cMtan Light and iiie-liam-w eight grcua iues with oiieu or closely woven meshi cloth skirls 1,1 and fall I'lfiich Sai'iil tiii-e, p'ir.-i s of seal, l.i nocco aud suede leather, wi'h sterling silver mounting--. Various style with single, dollb plane I backs. An abniidauce crepes, bareges and nu.i' staple and novelty weave-. An enormous range uf spring fab rics showing iin-'s, dots and stripes in extremely mat 4i-r.tugeun-.iK White an I b.-ht-cobued I'reiich ilk and veiling SHAVES ONLY MILLIONAIRES. A Harbor Who Msken About SU000 it Vesr From Four fmtomm, Thomas Whalen shaves four mill ionaires a day, lie makes the round of their residences every morning and uses his own fast pacer to save time. They all pay him a liberal salary and iu three hours each morning he cams more thau the average barber does in four days. Mr. 'Whalen's olieuts are P. TV Armour. S. W. Allerton. Marshall 1 ield and X. K. l'airbatik. They ' employ him by the year, aud his salary j continues w hether they areiu Kurope, I New York. California or Chicago. ; Jlis contract calls for a daily shave in ! Chicago, and if the millionaire's chins i tire not to be fouud, Whaleu is not tho : sufferer. His 'pull" is said to be of the gentlest, but his fellow barbers declare it is very strong, aud besides tin- salary he get there is always a lib nal Christmas present. The scale of salary paid is as fol lows: Mr. Armour. jfTo per month; Mr. Field, 7o per month; Mr. Aller ton. -? il. and Mr. l'airbauk. B-t. All of these gentlemen have their private barber shops, aud Mr. Whalen has the running of them. Ho keeps each supplied with the liuest razors, shears, strops, soaps, mugs aud other requi sites of a first-class- tonsorial parlor, lie knows the turn of every whisker .f In;, patrous, and there is never any kick about razors with a 'pull.'' Mis labors begin early. Mr. Ar mour's home is his first stopping pla -e. though recently, during that g--ii!lemau's residence iu California, he has not been getting up so early. Mr. Armour ha; always shaved at i! o'cljck and often earlier. From them it is only a block to Mr. Field's I'rairid aveuue mansion, aud just across the .street, a little to the south, he I'm Is Mr. Allerton ready for his daily scrape. Lut to reach Mr. l'airbauk he inns', make a big jump to the North Side, and his fast I'li.-vr comes i". goo.l use. v ai s are loo uncertain, and Mr. Fairbank cannot be kept waiting or disap pointed, and before '.' o'clock Whalen is at the Lake shore drive entrance, ready for Mr. l'airbauk to come to the private barber shop. " i'om" Wliab a is oue of the best kteiwii barber- in Chicago. He has made a competency out of his work, .r;. I his income now is by no means beggarly, averaging close to .-.'tiiilo for the year. -Hi- la-t shop was in the Meiimdist Ch.iich block. This ho sold several years ago. He now do v .tes his attention to his four million aire customers and several liuc horses. Chicago I uter-i iceau. WORDS OK WISDOM. '.V- spur t Timidity is a r..hhi-r. Cynicism i- sin icisui. 'The truth nee. is no apology. Mite sometimes become might, livery seat may be mercy seat. Hitter truth is swi than (lattery. Inequalities in retraction wake rain bow s. Cowardice i- the tap root of r.iuiiy. I 'is-atisfaction may be the activity. 'The fi-uut horse always has to pull the hardest. A double-faced man can see in only cue direction. Lucky stones are only fo ind iu plucky paths. smooth and shiny course makes slippery travel. 'The higher life is found iu t:ie val ley i ;' humility. .leaiousy is the eouiplnae to oar superiors. There is nothing more than silent time. To live the truth wo mn-1 ti nt h abiding in ns. Ameiica needs good pm more than good politics. 'Truth may be bruised an but it never gets heart failure. I.iar- should make it a point to care fully cultivate their memories. When the wish is father to tho thought the both will look alike. (beat souls are subject to widely unlike passions, just as gnat pendu lums swing between widely-opposite, poles. Ham s Horn. : we pay t lo.pieut have tlnj nts even laid up, Manuel shirt beinstitchin Taffeta and waists show; w hite, black i Large biacl criistations waists, showiiu: tucks, a tail'eta trimmings, CLina silk squares for Ti-rsiau designs ,m r a e.doied backtiroiiud. velvet hals showing in ! Chantilly lace over of white l-'oiir Colirthii Suiitlav-. 'The four Sundays of November aro observed as feto days in Holland. They are kin'wu by the curious names lleview. Decision, Purchase and Possession and all refer to matri monial atlairs. November in Holland being tins month par excellence do vr.ted to courtship and marriage, probably because the agricultural oc cupations of the rear are over, and pos-ibly beeausethe lords of creation, from quite remote antiquity, have recoL'tiized the pleasantness of having wives to cook and enter for them dur ing the long winter. On Review Siiuday everybody goes to church, and after service there is a church parade iu every village, when the youths and maidens gaze upon each other be. forbear to speak. On Decision Sunday each bacueloi who is seeking a wife approaches tin maiden of hi:; choice with a ceremon ious bow, aud from her manner of responding judges whether his ad vances nro acceptable. Purchase JSuiiday, the consent of the parents in sought, if the suit has prospered tlur mg the week. Not till Possession Sunday, however, do the twain appear before the world as actual or prospec tive brides and grooms. white tail'eta and -oil drapn tulle. Artistic an I exclusive designs iu parasols, including stylish etVects iu iace, net, t in'.rniiiered and fringed varieties. A great p anv Irish crochet laces 114 widths s-ii'al.le lor liugei'ie or dress, Ii immiiiers a- well as oquit-ite pats; lerns of the allnver type. i I '.'.'iu 1 11- .owns composed of laeej j iiisei tin r t otiiit-ete I by open, fancy 1 stitches, through which may be seen j ;h" contrasting colored foundation. Ilxhibii ,011s of spring; toques au J other w .liking hiiis of straw tastefully 1 1 111111:1 1 with eliill'oli or some uthei 1 1 anspai eucy 111 eumliinatioii with aim elte, in iiaiiieuts or lionets. lry tioodi Kcuuoimst. Think Men Crow on Trees.. The Sioux Indians still share w th the old Aryan aud Semitic tribes in 1he belief that there are trees la-it Hiring forth human beings and other -that bear various portions of tho .human body, and in the fourteenth century an Italian traveler, uu arriv ing at Malabar, was tuld by the natives that the country abounded with a tree that bore men aud woiae'U. The latter 'were attached to the limbs by th uetbei extremities, aud wer- lull formed when the wind blew, but when the wind died out they soon w itl.ei e.l. These specimens of humuity reached the length or height of three feet. .1 inlying Clinrm-ler. Yon can never judge a man's ciiai :tc. fer by the way he judges y.uii-. -Jiew York Pre--. Chronic Tetter. Dr. Jamee C. Lewis, of Tip Top, Ky., writes: "I have an invalid friend with me from Florida, who has derived great benefit from the nse of your Tet terine, in Chronic Tetter. 1 wish you to send him a box to the above ad dress. Money enclosed." oOc. box at dniK etorei, or by mail from J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga. Hotels in Ihe Tropics. Bonn! and loilping arc very reasona ble in -i n:c uf tho South Sea island that pretend to be more or le- civil iced. In Tahiti, fur ii;s,nu-e. you r'.iv has e ( very acconirrudatiou the island l, .,-. -cs. together with mea'- tt'.tt are the best the lounirv a'tnnls. tor til" sun: of St -'.s per week Tin re ate other i-lanils where on can board tor tiuth in(. but sou have no light to "kick" imi'er such C'-vitiiis-.ini I'ld cannot consider v.uir-r't a bo.i'drr. Quite a Dlfferant Thin. Mr. Doe--I am surprised that you put ui' with your son's extravagance. Mr. Roxe O. I don't. I merely put up for It. New York Journal. I he Hem l'ret rlillon for lillls mel 1'ever is a bottle of Onovi's Tsiri tss t un 1 Tosio. It Is simple iron and quiniue In a tiistele-s furin. No cura do pay. Price 2.rie. isoiiie men try tn jive- th Impression that they are suftVriiiK Irniu iout, svhi tliey are really trout. led with bunions. PrrvAit Kpkhh 1te produces the .-i-t.-ft nud brightest colors of any known dye start. Sold by all driif-giKts. A cirl wiih a muddy eotn lesion uaiy have a clear couscifiiee. Carter's Ink. Otnnrl tnV tsa nereuilv for cond irrltlnr- Tr- tor i : tie bent, tus-u no wore Ihan poor Ink. GREENSBORO. N.C. For the trtjtm.nt of THE LIQUOR. OPIUM, MORPHINE m4 ether Oru( Addiction. The Tobb-cco Habit. Nerve Exhiuitlei WRITE I 8 FOR JO-HE The new- woman Isn't a marker b MTVUIit Kin. theuew Such tliincs as creditore' meetings are 1 lik.'lv to be overturn. AX Ever .c "tte blues"? Tnen you Inow how dirk cscfytliing looks. You rc completctv dtscoufsgsd tr.fi csrnot throw off t rut terri ble depression. A little work looks like a big mountain ; 1 little noise sounds like te roir of a csnnon : and a little sleep is all you can secure, right after night. That's pol-The Frjr Nerve Exhaustion The tr jth of the matter is. ouf nerves have been Soacd and weikened with the impurities ia Your blood. thing for you to do is to get rid of these impurities just as soon as vou can. You want a blood pufifving medicine, a perfect Sarsapa rillj. that's mhat ou want. You mant a Sarsapariila that is the strongest and Lest ncrse tonic ou cm buv, too. That's AVER'S "The only Sarsapariila made vnder Ihe personal supervision o! three gradvalcs : a gradvate in pharmacy, a graduate in chemistry, and a graduate in medicine. $1.00 a bottle. All drujrjrists. mv rrr r. vi.r ti;;- e -.'.J n...t t'.'-'y, li paif f.ir !.a wi'-h 11. ore t.'uu pifjsir.g tr'..: My -ppr 1 a-isl wntht in.:icl- n. w I ,t (t . f el Old tnt Ie. In.ir-.i, I mrdiu'ie to .?'.: 1 g rf! fit u. il a chanf i at ;;. pvts Hi:!, Sn.ervu.e. ta(.1 1M. 21, ly- c,tr.ri.j:i. Fsr urrlti 1 p fw , .1:. J w n in a v ret. htA v,n t T !r, I tiH-k Arr'$ : tr trtv:iiti, 1 i!rt-t n..ri-i';. , il r'.-ij withu.t tJie , !'v hr'.u r it j"Vi'''c t'T - i. i v.. Mr amy. Vii;frr A NA1LRAL MAGNETIC OIL FROM TEXAS. Illnoirted by II H .IIISO llnlliia !. in . Hie in.wl irnrt.lrrriil tll-i'otrt'ry of tlieaae and a pur?.!? loilie itM-iiirn) uoilil Kliiunmtlsui, ai-ule par slittlN. Klilnal arft-t-liens, t.ttrr lulntii. t'r.VHlpelan. pilt'. ralnrrliite e.. Jit l.l to t Ills i tfl like niil. ami ismllvo y eurei. In t lo ilui. sample ean 3ii'. issil paltt. I.OOOIeallmnnlalarrre.firitNTSWflNlED! Till: Hill) til It IS Kit MKIX M.AKcntsri.rN.C b.l-. skaTii uarrxK.)liir.,r.o.biix No.l.Uenrlella.N.C 'Hi" Kirl i.rr.-r m i i . u lifr. l.i s . lid- l..-r tune re"-. ti... t I'ti tire h 4 ..Id l.i.o- lilt: - - ii., t . A.i Iriiirni-t- r-'-,.ii i lh. -I.re. II. SS. l.li t,... :, '-SS-w.ik- s MJC'd t.lleli I.e las iu if it i t --It- alss.i.ss crop can grow with- Potash. U.i.lo of !! I his III N I I .V I SS 1st I Hi i.SS li.il lil'.MS let.-lle 111''. . I:..i. I. Ill i, - I ; itn-io if. -lis ..ill liny it'i'K SS A i 1 1 I'l'U llltll ii.c.lir. l'"'i"'i S I ..' e.l. "l-t. ' -i . - -o iii l '. i. , Istv. ! ...Tllio'li ely I'lii- are the M'-. IllsieW-s I I's'tliniir. s.-n. I,, tin. t'c..'.i, iiiiii - piiln cut Ihiui; r..p fer children i.nis. ri-dii-iiiir i u fl it tit it's- Wlli.i e,.iee;' M '.yllie. out Evcrv Grass, cry ;;rain of Corn, ail l'ruits and ' ;m tables mut l'.av: it. If -nv,.'h is -.itt.piicil yoti tail mint on a full crop if too little, tin- growth will be " scniMiy." fir- t ',.: . I t n- a A I s ; , r m-O' .t.tl f-.:.:.--s I aCi-i-.i l. : .t.-r- 1 hrt . 1 l,..ti:ir. ol UM s K SI I SSoUK-s. : Nil--.i i si , .. Votk. i j i its IF lfiej ar mi -jt cant-iit'S MONUMENTS, Tombstones, Best Stone, Best Work, Low Prices. c Va ihe rrc'jht to Vour Pcpot. Write for Catalogue. CCOPtR MARBLE WORKS RSI I IGII. N. C. Postal Service la China, W l.ilp rirnn s;is fur nlit inl of nttier nations in the inlopti-.n of :i posi;i si-rv. lee, lli.it iniiioii :iiit':ir tn linsf ifiniiin. oil almost :it n stnml-till. mi ir!initive me its liifsent f.ielliliesi of nnlil distri Inilltin. Mo-t of tl,i innils mv rnrrieil l.y nit'll on foot. s tin rover a n Haiti nninlii'i- of lot-alii i's every tins nr every sveeU. in 1 1 ssinier in.-ill foitilei's ari' aoilt Oil II l-es Hi' lllllles. I lll tilily oil 1 1t,- route lit-tsvi ti reiiinyUi.'ini; ainl l't'.-in. All those nllieiiils aro foniiitl Cil sviih the t'r.stollis I .-;l ll tin-Tit. lllelt' I'fiii-cr iiii separate I. mean for tin- maiN. On t In- l iiei s in t ' 1 1 ; 1 1 a . pari ieiilarly the Van'tsf Kii-liir. nin of tin- largest atreanis of the ea'th, ilio mail is inr riitl ::i little l.e.i;-. piop. llo.l in a novel Ii: :i it in - r l.y one -man p-r.viT. 'I'lie msa ssei l-s the o:"-s wi'li liis fe, i, sierra ssiih one i.aiiil an. I lmlil a 1 : tr parasol ill i.- . i;er. li s p pe is ahia..s in li s inoiiil,. ainl l .s eyi-s are clm-,1 t Lis ,,.;:s,. i, Hie M ite;-. Tl-.e infusion of Wt -tein i-iie "in ei ;ti" ii!, as into I ll.ll.'l S ill s,,ii ir folloileil .y nnilt' iiiodern iiii ilmils ii tlio liaii'llin- of tlio Illll .1- tllei-e. A l iterary Secret. A man ssas ii;-i-iiliiu l.t.-rainre with H vi .-olel ililii.l l.oo'.s, 1',,-r III r.'lti'l Hostel- K.ns esiiiilay. anil a lis-ianiler oieilieaiil U.f l't.ll'iss inc -nil vi-r-a t im'; i'v iiie !. ssiio i 1 iie :i n t tfr of :. ,e ll" in. ".-'' i ilf I. .0I.SI ll. i pans. ,1 for a i ioiic-ni ,-in-l nil. In .1 l !s 1 h.n re tleei.i. ly. Weil.'- he sad. -lli'ifa hartlly a fa r in-si . 1 1 . iiiere's; only j, f.-u i.i lis as hiiie ::. s,.,-ve!. anil it' ol Mlpposeil t" I"' I.IIOSII." iiie 111- ,;i!'.ivr mini, il au l :ipol..eize. fv hi. I-.-l: ii:e-t ,011. an.i the 4 1,-, Ht-i fur Lotliloll HI. .I"'. lii-s-- Wl 11;,. ! W.X DOUGLAS S3 & 3.50 SHOES )g ArVorth $4 to 6 compared . witn otner makes. Illilttr-ett hi iiit-r 1 1,ooo,(hmi wen rem. Tte fjr riiitue luvi- SS'. K i,...i,j' iwtne and pore I Mlttiptd Oil tsttlf in. e.t tut-iuiutt t.nin;l ' A ee.i. e;ir tit shc.ttd s.lt 1 itm - it tl"t, we wiil sf i-t .1 I lit 11 r-i-npt el 1-e- -t". ' 1 it.t . r t.it ti.isr s-.o- lo-. l ei :.-..t'.-,r, d.-. ! v- '.-'. 1 --'a!-i ere n tee l ".it li-t . I. DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Man. m U k V AGENTS, 11 n ker T. SS'tih. Ina-e e. Im unit, n Hi., ...it . f Ii lll-iili-l . . Iilv . l.l. vie Ilif nogo. itil'lem and nil till !! H ee hs SS Iiii" an l olor."l I i!e nrt-i-lviint a lvnn i d .ir.leri- A l-onaiua f.,i noe'i-s. SS in,. 1.1 :,, V.- ,.ii, likel.-eiipiil a few :i Me white tiifC i-.sii. Iiiteli.l itf'll'" jr. u. nioiioijb ta co .No. Ill J-U.4 Analrll llullililiK, Alliulttt, . l.iii -ure I'i.-n's i lire for 1 eiisiieii.tiei mi so. I lite three venrs .il.-..--S!iis. in oh. Ii.. n-IIS-. SlnpieM. Norwh-l! N. S . I'.'l.. K.P.'Cil. AT I is I Ills 1 11 ,. v w hen ' c.titiit.'.l i i:ii,i.'iidvt TALKED INTO IT. Don't allow yourself to be talked into buy ing a Bhoiluy job to save a dollar or so when N, I l the Dest is on sale in every town hi me . . J) South. Did you ever think how easy it is ' for some people to be talked into a thing ' nmftr uu mccv co.. OkKafWIX niaUfc. WOIK MILL VC SEC OUR AOCNT OH WRIT! 0IMCT aWSaBVHHnaWHIIHBWaVnBWBiMH ON 10 DAYS TRIAL. IH: V 1 if mn I rl.-aj t.hinitniit( III T (iritir. it-H I i-i r. fuus ri- m a- ' .-ntiny im Mf ' I i-to.lm'" i tiitrn. i i "i v ITI--.- l $ 1 IfV inakt ' .p tu in- rt 1-iitfer. Hll.'i- itit't (I'ru ! tu t: I'.m'f Hi. tuiMl mi tit ;tr frvnj iii. Wf ari tiiiiiHifM-tnriT't ij .1 1 mi?. .'Hi-uiM.-r hit.' liMtf T IBl i tt. PATENT -I I I Ki ll OH FeeRefundtd Patent a-lfrlt,-l tree ail ....... m .i.ti.ninltllllV. t-Ml I -r "llPtrem' I niLer." I 111 H 1.11 TK.V: il l.i l.-la. . I-'K. Mr I llli -I . SS Ifliliiiil.'ii. Urate !' t ill. ' .l.iii.t Il-tr- II. , Chills 71 tii a 1 gyt5fJrDA0t;uTSj i4NOA0utTS. eje. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION IS Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonie. The formula is plainly pruned on every bottle hence you know just what you are taking when you take Grove's. Imitators do not advertise their iormula knowing that you would not buy their medicine it you knew what it contained. Grove's contains Iron and Quinine put up in correct proportions and is in a Tasteless form. The Iron acts as a tonic while the Quinine drives the malaria out of the system. Any reliable druggist will tell you that Grove's is the Original and that all other so-called Tasteless Chill Tonics are imitations. An analysis of other chill tonics showj that Grove's is superior to all others in every respect. You are not experimenting when you take Grove's its superiority and excellence having long been established. . Grove's is the only Chill Cure sold throughout the entire malarial sections of the United Suici No Cure No Pay. trice. Uoc ;S-V- -IRWriUtar--SA- i. - tltnl -e i--e