liMlllHilH CONFINED LIKE A PRISONER. HapruantallT Ittuodat TalU of tha lukM MiM Friends Flacd on Him. Representative Alexander of Buffalo was re leased from quarantine the other day and appeared among hit friends u good health and spirits, Rays the Washington Post. He went home from uiigress Thursday evening, Jan. 18, and walkud Into the hands of the health officials, who had Just derided that Mrs. Alexander '8 maid wag suffer ing from a mild case of varioloid. Since that time Mr. and Mrs. Alexander have kept their rooms ut the Concord. "How did you enjoy quarantine?" he was .sked. "They call it quarantine," re plied Representative Alexander, "but for all practical purposes it Is an isola tion more complete than jail or prison. ,W could see the people in the streets; voices reached us from the hallways; the ring of ihe elevator announced the 'coming and going of friends, but from them all we were as completely cut oil as if our rooms had been in tha heart of a great forest. An attendant, nlghl and day. sat in the hallway. Our meals were sent in from the cafe, and thl wail came eacb day. imt this was our only eounectiiou with the outside world. No one couid come to us. and added the congressman, laughing, ' no one wanted to mine to us or have ul go to them. "Many loving notes ol aympathy came ea h day from friends In this city and Iluff:ilo. hut no onj wanted answers. Flowers came, but the bearers didn't wait for replies. Out friends recognized the truth of th ' scripture that it i more blessed tc j jive than to receive. Itepresentativt I.amlis of Indiana fent his sympathy I and love, saying 1 II gladly writ , pvery day if you won't answer.' Tbf i Rev. Dr. Hamlin of the Church of th Covenant, suggested that I could roll)- fort myself a Mr Lincoln did undel Similar etn umstanceh mat t now naa something I iouid give all applicants, Cen. Tyner. assistant attorney general for the postofn e department, offered to set me out on a write of haheai corpus if he i. ..Id find a court to heal his application. 1'ortiinately." said the representative, "a door opened from our library unto a small balcony, dis connected with any other part of thl hotel. Her., we not air and exercise 'Afl?r iloiinltii; hat. overcoat and glovei 1 walked b.ii k itii,! U r?h like a sentry limited to six steps, i.Miit us many .u were allowed ih At the end of sixt. tcr appreciate the four years' itnpris. utterance of Lore like his. didn't, m 'nieiit. but i! '.' I (lo erase my t::: i, -oner of t'hilinn. .1 iys 1 couid bet ior of Houivard'j and the noble ron. My steps. he stun." .1 o pave ri.iilil i eek. Wen, a . inn' ""'IP- Well." We ' Nolo. hi 'ill til. C VlUl! IleX l'l-es I I niiin. "i x v .H'!i t'..r :'. I'h:l,iel.;:;a Vefofi let..! has I one cf the most reimiri.ali Ue.nh of 1'i-e.i at the ape of s u:i undertaker caieiilateil that b , : over :. . cit;;tetis in ihe an .ilol.'i-lake;, H yea:-.- lie w.i. lol'll .iinl it i.s t.Ille lio . For ill V' ilili-.i;.- "I don't beli. perioiisly." said lor. "'1' 'n inr women !! li ll.ielie- lie or 'lie married taken oiu man. in. No. Maude, d-nr '.v that it. is contrary o ' tions to jiend bath. ti the niail.s. .- not h .s'.al feu . I ." Ill aid Thft come I .an w!;. Should be e. li.sed horse play illdulLMIiy When ..lo ot her girl looks dagnei r rl iloe.-r speak lo an : her. she just The small hours of Beelll longest tc Me f. II missed his his: 'it.' .uo home. morning who lias s to walk I' (ureal old "i akrt I.xAr;vE Int.. All dr muists I : 11 W. uu t f s - as-'. la One Day Wt"-s:sE Taiu h. .1'.' li. liey It it (llllu t.) h'l. it. i re on ea.'ti boi. Hose tuisbfs are tlie :..icst tinui; in l-iooni- mm The one thing that musU fles a person to give ad' vice on any suhjeot is experlanos experience creates knowledge No other person has so wlta an exparienee with femaio Ills nor such a record of suog-oss as Mrs Pinkham has had. Over a hundred thou sand cases oeme before her eaoh year. Some per sonally, others by mall. And this has been going on for 20 years, day after day and day after day. Twenty years of eon einnt success think of the knowied&a thus galneiSI Surely women ara wise n snkirjg au Voo from a woman with such an experience,- es peoiaily whsn It 3s free. If you are Ul get a bottle of lydia , Plnkham's yegetable Compound at onoe then write Mrs, Pinkham, Lynn, Mass uffii3 Thompson's Ej Watir ! tiii- FARM AND GARDEN. l4nj;Mi of Time Cow Iteiiiniu Dry. It was fouud bv mukiiiir inquiries imon;; a large number of farmers that i wiile variation existed in the length f time thut cows remain dry. The ihortest time reported was ten days, vuilo the average was iil'tyseveu lays. iiy far tlio largest number lay )etweeu six uud twelve weeks, and tight weeks oeeiirvod in the reports uore tbau twice as often as any other me time. Teach tolls to Walk Ft. There is uo pace so valuable i r so uuch appreciated and so practically jseftil in a horse as a fast, fair, square Milk, and there is nothing that will wise au animal to be driven harder Aid kept so continually on the other j mces as a detieiein'y iu this respect, ays the Horse Fancier. Mouths of ime 11 ud hours of patient, intelligent ill'ort are expended to make the horse , i fast trotter, a high actor, a peifeetly ' juited saddle horse, but so far as the valk goes, he is generally put npoiiitaut; hut they should do piaute.i v. ilea he market as nature made Mm aud 'oils along at the puce his ambition I lietutes, eommeuded by his owner as ! l wonder if he happens to walk fast, j md hwoin at and overdriven bv every me if he ehuueos to be Nzy und slow. The fast walker is often made so by jjoiug put w ith a mate while breaking jvhich happened to be u quick, free i nover. and no farmer or breeder eau j je too careful in seeing to it that no , iolt of his i" ever driven or led beside 'i sluggish, inactive partner. A Stdl-ClitniiiK Mrtiii-litmi. My plau of making a cow stanchion, howu in the accompanying Ulustru ion, is, I think, simpler than any that j J;ls been pi"i j.vritc W. 11. uted to vour reader- I'elsue, in American grici)lturist. Tlie bottom piece, a. jas a four by four mortised so that it ivill tit the bottom of the stanchion jst, b. These posts i - - arc tapering -- j ?u?rb j iTJTl V ) ' 1 a .' ir' ' 11. K1-" OU iiu's. owar.l tin top, us tt.ey look ill t tC be tor. i and v ot ' ire ;ii.-t as strong, tin- staiichiou is ni.i I four' between u Ir-h upright- are phi .-c I. of tw i two by the t. s of tho -iu- tixed stanchion ext i: I ihroiigli uu 1 bovolid ,;h. d. I t the I lose "' . uehioii, b. i te!i 1 otic-l ill' inch ubov I' tin.. v, ,. bv twi .itches, c, bet c- ' cu t lie e, and Us Companion us! them so tl..u w lo n ; the i.i oviible i ic ; left tiie lat.-'tt. 1 lo,,"c st.t- ii are pulle 1 to the id ..U"t iiol.l the it. Let ti.e lat.'li heyoii 1 the notch ne lm Itliat when the 1 puile I t.' the right the latch 1 drop down upon the sialic 1 shown by t lie dotted line at Inch the lever, f. to the mov.ild t c. 1 1 it is j divi I iul cow and k- i ji in 1 1 , the latch (Mti bo i.ii-e i wi turbiiig the ot hers It" it i to keep in aav par! i 'U'ar cw ill. move the others .take out the pin at ., place it at h und that cow m i-t reman: ill. The small circle" i:i the illustra tion ou d represent the places for these pin". 1 use this wol k a.i I huv (taiichiou about o thicker than liiu This pc: una the Cllsilv, til. ken A bird will take a- will a human who 'urn the fowls days do not rive this thought. They are -ub, the lo ad, ci Id iu Itic disease", throat -lilli.'u'n iiiiiuei.ts diiii.ptu - arising u-ualiy colds, or Slid fell ehalies of tin I'.vcu win i: tin y are pro weather. I.veu wi VI led wit li :i warm the directum of tl. the foil Is to be sub cliaugi luiiy i'a i.i'.i"-hts air. to trouble fallen uirciiu, be loll, s that ti., lo, in 111 lu in.;s uu dances. When th h eolds they will not lay, and for f. reasoll every pivcailli'iii should taken to notei't them from il.uiipn, I'liiiiiiiL! wiiid- und s:ub leu chaiui (lit,- pleuty of fresh air, but not a lrau.'!it. and allow the lioti-e t,, freely vt-utilated durui:; the day. i when the lords are on the roost lh must bo snug and warm. 1'. II. cobs, iu l'.n liiers' Advocate, -:deet nf M ttlctOlii; on llli.iiiiiiin; I'laltM. I In spite of the repented expel i I mi nts at. ililt'ereut stations, as well as ! in garden!) of private persons, there lure some people who still talk about mulching trees und plauts to retard j blooming. Mulchiu plants eau re i tard blooming only when the entire ! plant is covered with the mulch, as 1 iu the cas'! of straivbt rries or rasp- j berry and blackberry vines that ire j laid ilonu and covered up. This, however, call make but a lew days i dilVen-iice in the time of blooming, j for it will Hot be site to keep such vines covered after they have begun to .t arm up. As loUi? as they keep did the. niuloU may safely bo re tained. lu the case of trees, however, the 1 i-iulch will uot ret.ii'.-' the hiopsouuug , l,,r a ingle hour. The mulch ullecU ; oi ly the roots of iiie tree, while the sun und heat awaken the sup in the limbs and trunk into life. It is th-' j life in tlio top of the tree that causes j the (lowers to sia-imr forth. Experi I nieiits with B' a e vines huvo demon I stntted that then- routs may be iu : fioe'i earth an 1 yet their bi sin-l'i'i, , i; la.ic.i lulo a h-ithou.ic, will bring j forth blossoms and even leaves. It is possible for miilchiiig to become a detriment if iet't on t lie grouud above the loots of trees iu the spnne;, espe cially it' the mulch bo so thick that it keeps the ,'' mud frozen for some time after the grouud around it has been thawed out. As has been oaid, the sun will start the buds an J leaves aud the sap will begin to flow. The next operation must b" tbe development of the various parts ot the tree, includ ing the roots and the root-hairs. It a, therefore. dflsiraWe tbt tbegroPadl i,.ii!i linn Di-i- Uu- all 1 ' e a !ie ,,i-,-.' of tie tie oio'itii of an iuci. I ' one lull! is hlo-e. 1 l.i .v il !c i ,.ie t 1 1 iilov 1 .1 bv t 11" sa.i.e . " . , 1 l,k."lv iiavc I.- '-"-" '.. I1" ;'" I'.v.liaull'- la,. warm up and dry up as soon as possi ble to permit the various activities of the tree to get into full operation, lu most eases, however, the mulch is too thin ou tlio grouud to prevent the thawing of the soil. Geuerally speak ing, it does not pay to attempt to con trol flowering of any plauts by means of the mulch. Farm, Field aud Fire side. Culture il' Strn v berried. The followiug excellent method for erowiug of strawberries is advocated by the Virginia llxperiiuout Station: lu the tirst place, select only yotutii plauts for setting. These can ulwayi be distinguished by their red roots As soou as the plant has fruited tin erowu aud roots take ou a daik color It is not advisable to select many va rieties. For a family garden two lirsi eurlies, two medium and two late va rieties are suilieient, and one of cud: season would probably be better However, it is necessary to avoid so lectiug varieties w ith imperfect bios sonis. Due row of plants with per feet tlowers will readily poliiuuc twi or three rows on either side. It is best to set strawberries iu tlx spring. Farly setting is not import the ground can lie put in goon eonui . tiou and given clean culture until lat iu autumn. Care should be taken tc remove all blossoms the lirst season, l'lnce the plants m rows fotu tee' wide and JO-Ui luetics usuuoer in uu row. Turn the runners ulong tin line of the rows so as to till up a mat ted row about oue loot wide. It n , well to prevent the plants from set t ting iua tight mat. This can be ac complished by pulling off ruinicr. after the plants have set sutheientli heavy. ' Having given the plants good cul ture nut ll late fall, the application ol a mulch iu wiuier i very beuciiciu for several reasons. If prevents uu seasonable blooiu, winch often oceiiis in Virginia, and much weakens tin plants, moisture is retained and the berries kept clean by the mulch. The mulch must be applied carefully, for ll too heavy the plants will lie Killed, I'ut on just enough material to cover the vines almost oiu of sight. Old, partly rotted stuck bottoms are gen erally the best material available in tins state. Fresh straw is apt to carry considerable, grain and weed seed. The mulch can often be slight ly parted over the rows in spring witi advantage to the plants, spring cm tivatiou is beneficial if don,- curly, hut it is a question whether it will pay to ivm.ivr and replace the mulch 1! i.ot, omit the cultivation. The charac ter ol s-iil w ill haw bearing ou tin plant. Light soil do- not ;. lu'U'l need cultivation. strong enough to vnu a hydraulic rum without something of this 1. 1 :,d Win r,i a hydraulic lam can be u-e l 1 think it is far ahead of a wind pump, us it is cheaper to begin with, will last U.ngi-r, will not blow down, and re,inre no oiliug all ymi need to do' is to t.i'.o euro of the water. The pipes sin ul I not be less than four feet under the grouud or the water will be warm iu summer aud too cold iu winter. u 1'ig. 1 s is th-,- Hpring, r, rani. '.WO feet of pipe run up to t, ii sixty galloti tank iu pantry; with oVoiMow pipe, to b, a ten-barrel tank iu tho ham. Iu Tig. 2. a is a board ll; b, lever twenty inches long, with u quart bueki on bmg end w hich has small hob s in bottom to let the water leak out, an I a weight ou short cud to raise bucKct when empty. E, plunger that puts valve d iu motion. II is a block ou the board n, under plunger c, with pin ut e, to guide o oil of valve while bucket is leaking empty, lbvtted lines show position of lever wheu bucket is tull. Ohi-J Farmer. A l.lig'it (inn. Twelve pouu ls only is the weight of the new automatic) machine gu-j under experiment iu the Uuited Stuty J Army. It fires 450 shots a imuuU audi nu be carried br oue uiu I have a si'i in-r on :uv larm thirty live tut below t!:-' i' vol of the house and foil feet away, an 1 only sti'oi j c . ou-:!! to run a iivd. i ' tain abi.c.l . ue-li ill of lb'- tiu. . ol w, 1 .,s- ol I. ::.:!.. ti-l a ..I a- - fo- i- u-- a.o ela.yl.u, I i ,1.,, I. so If-i.l MX I '-''-, '- ' ittie. al-o ii a : 1 l-.u.'-v. ! im I'" ai-t"i . '. ivill not s-in-' t.r.iui I nave ,, n i,..i oi i..,, he. n a" makin.: a i''-e Ir.e.i lili.i lo lo.u-e ,.( ,, ,. !,..tyteet. Wilde It Is lii, pill., ll 1 .. ... .. . lu u..:- ab.oit tw ntv fiail ins ' hoist , l ' ' . . , . . i . ... . ! .i . ... l.l bt o'ti aav iu- " ' "" 1 " 1 ' " "-"' ,j r : e 1 ; . -. w e .- ' -l .' it U ''I ilallo'is p, I llt j, . . ,v. 1; tt c;'i i , Uli'c iilueil all thj sira'i- --'r--'J I 1 '' Tt-i (.,11. 1 i Void- a easily j In 11. '. Yet those I 1 t on stormy ! ! fact n single I o V ec, to cold .,1 i b.-Wi-N, lull.,' i Sss i-s an.i all the " 1 r i t 1.1. 1 . i i . i , 1,1 '.' AM' I, V I.... ... ..I.s ,,,, I. , I, ll., laartcr-iucl' i i" : . ,.eep t!:e -i,.a,i . . -. -i c rani i .'.!...:,' ciiiiiiualiv. Cl .. ,...a.i.-.. ,. ... - I,. .1.1. u o. . br smo .r " u' . I ie Ho''" 'Oc w i.: ii i. riiiuinit.- .t :.; , . ll'. til toe sU nu: no- au.ilil auu i i', j,',' oil' tiit'oiijrli a 'i e ,t t... .d re-er . , ., ' an 1 operates a trip. I"ur 1 . j i Any one handy tools can i . . . k -. ' . a trip of this kind. l iiei c is .pi;:,- , ')'. lafe per cent, of the sprin.:" i o ! .0 "Tj-. . u i l to. 2 -vi. s of in,. tt .ri:u Ham. J GOOD ROADS NOTE Ihe MuLfj VhIup of Uouil Kods. J 1 JHF. report of tho Maryland I (ieologieal Survey for lH'.l'J I auuouuees that the people of 6 that State huvo expended ovijr $6,000,000 iu the last ten years ou their common roads; most of the money has been wasted iu continual repairing. Many of the roads have uo natural draiuuge. They are bad roads a part or all of the time. The Survey has made a careful estimate showing that it costs tho people of Maryland $:(,- a year more to do their haul ing over poor highways than it would cost if they were turned into lirst-rate muds. This estimate supplements the in formation collected by the llepartmeiit in Agriculture iu )vC, when it re ceived data from over twelve liuudred counties from all over the country aud fouud that the average cost of hauling a tou loud one mile was twenty-five cents, while the average cost iu sii Ftiropean countries that possess im proved highways was almost exactly one third as muc'ii. More than oue factor enters into the cost of hauling, but the mam reason why our farmers tiuy three times as much per mile as ICuropeau farmers pay is that they can ianl, in uu average, only one tou over ,ioor dirt roads, while the Furopeuu fanner hauls from three to four tons it a load over line highways. No one knows the total mileage o!J our common roads, but their leugth in. rNew York Slate is estimated at IT',J Odd miles. The nmre important higli-j way? of Massachusetts have a mileage of JO.oOil miles. All "tiidents of high way improvement agree that the co;- diti.ui of most of the common roads in. America is about that of the Luglisli Toa ls, eurly i i this century, wheni Ihey were so bad and toll rates so higii that the question of improvement wa forced upon the iiritish public, l'.ng laud had uo railroads then, and if it had not been for the wonderful de velopment of our railroads the ques-' tiou of highway improvement would have come to the front lonur ago iu this country. The people, however, are ' more and mole i .uprcssed every year with the fact t'.u' road improvement ; is necessary to 'r luce i lie c,i-t of haul- , ing. to make reads tit lor pleasure driving, and to save the enormous I va"te of Iilbol !. iW expended on hud ! real-. Wii I hat ttiere i c fully understand I economical way to except bv buildin I obtain good I'.-a Is exec the best, our ' id icul have mude a 1. step. Tins lc"son as iioi y thoi-ongblv. Manv nf 'atloli will ! 'I been learned mr ill. good roa i- ai lore, arc not u ho built (hi tcr woi k and t hey lot 1 pro he best and, there The men ...ul I ii' no nivc done l i t- 111,, ft in,, my .'. elleil. I bv tl. i .an. ,- ah wo, lo thai it !' Tile Slate J c .'.iv'leal n.ipol taut In 1 sis -e I a bill if si0,llil,l I he in . i'i tl in the lesllll is II the dls- ha- r-c.-sii.i. i t ,c fa--t to a, . !!-! b rail ,n- an a tu i-l fa tor i u :;.,,i I load !i,al.:;i.: the l iclieial As-e...bly p.i-.-!'. r I he expe ii, 1:1 :ir-' by tiie I i oloi -al Sui vt-y in t i.;at;,,n of . ..i I coii-lruci i t..te. 1'ue tiist ,::bbsl10.i I ois c .il.'cllelisi u rejii i t f ill,' rock noil . : nil le iuii I : I.. r go. 1. 1 roii l-iuakin., mi roiid-i to- failure o in, ,-! the in ily otviue; I. ,nll ith fi siipeii- lo grades ' 'ilier ju-ae- viil liclpto . Maiylaul it so 'ill, I -' of 'ood airy. New- of the "improve 1" i ,.:i 1- I needs of hi, idem ti utile, to the fuel that tin y were out competent i-iignieci vision au I w ithoilt cure a in, I ,1: .image, and on man icul mutters. The rep ,rt dace fi nnl improvement : oi an intelligent nasi., ikewise pi oiuote the c-i oil Is thr.nit;h,,iit the c . , l'.-ik Sun. I i-.-i- l; i.i Is I or ll in. With a vo tv to keepiu.; oa l" b u bug out ot l; i. iv m tolls tin, I'nited lit niiiy tins made a free ,b hilt n.i il e t 'il v iilid Halt .: pill, tays of ; .-li- C 'lit t.. if (hose putieiis ol the It ill imorc und fork turnpike, the IL.tiuioic and ilartf.,1',1 tun, pike, au 1 tiie llel.iir uriipike which li" w illnnth-j limits , .6 tiie city and c.inty. The c.uiipui'.y otiiciaN -,iy tiny are iu the railway, not the turnpike bu-i-ins, and Unit their 'ibje.t is to build up and develop tile city uu 1 siii i 'llli 1-1U-' country, acting upon the theory tnat such development i- certain to bcUetit the railway coiupui.v. To se cure proper development, they claim' all ro-ids entering the city should be; free. The York lttuid tnrnpiki) is thirty mill's long, tin) Haiti' rd eightei u milt s, und the llel.iir Kou I nine miles. Two milos of eiit'h of the former roa Is und oue mile of the latter lie within the city limits. Oil the York llou l in tho city limits the company has spent "Mu.iliiO grading and lnucudutuizing. The Hartford lloud cost the company originally -? ii.o i i, and ou it the com pany has spent SS-ioti in iui rovenieiit i. The lioluir cost the company S'J.'i.mio. IlilfltWAV Willli liv t'liiivit-l. Accoiitiiiij to the report of the In dustrial (' oinuiissioii, tho St ite of New York I -lightened it w ell us the way work und North tit !!. U , i u Is the L'tiioii iu the eli igiiitiou ot the moral as t .Mtiomie value of hieli- by comi-ts, Ciliforuia Carolina are also doiuc; .uiukilig does not interfere with coii'hictiiig other (onus of labor o u State ,i'.vi:i:.t also. There are (i. cue in, cull' if every year when work i.'.i the hi'i.v.iv- is nupractic able iu a Nol'tht I ii , In. tilere ev li in r.te-,-f,iderali'e a , V,.t"d to i-i 1 . clothing an I ;u in tt !i:,-ii iv hoi i . , -r i ate. cu 1 day." hei the mil-1 seas. oi c and iv n cu Tins leaves u cui cg'ite of time t" in: de r l.idor, such u - i.i.ikiug ,' her pi is. in silo plies a I, i pi.i l,ICl.,!l.'follotl,)d Is ,,f ."if .rce 1 i lien.' s. Is the rule w ilell fculy ii -pi'ii'lctici tuo A s.-iiiiu!i Oiienlimi. When a 1 1 iveiuuieiit olh ial, in fi i ted to lUVM-ti.ite the u )'uioul I .. of the j lest ion, reports there is I I annual bss of "nit i,i! ii i, oi h to tho loiiiitry because, of hud roads, it eer Iuiuly appears the matter is worthy of the serious attention of the political artios aud C'ou.;ress. If thero is any person w hom you Jislike, that is the ou of wUoui you nould uevcr speak. A Me lb Bulin. City Sportsman :Any game around here? Farmer Tea; the wooda are full of It. City SyorUman I auppoBed It had been pretty well killed off by now. Farmer Oh, no. No one ever hunts around here but you city follows. Chicago News. tiuld ntdal I'rlae '1'rvatUe, M C'ta, The Solouce ot Lire, or Slf Prarvl1on, 3tt pages, nlth enirravlngs, 26 oil., eapei coyer; olutti, full gilt, fl, by mall. A buck for every mao, youug. nilddle-aged of oh). A oil'.lloB evplm sold. Address tlio Peabody Modical luiitlute. Ko. 4 Bulftneli Ht.,IU- too, Xlass., the oldest anj best iuariiatalo A merlon. Prospect ut Vade MfeUtn flee. Six et. for potage. Write to-day for (bene books. They are tbe kvys to bealtn. Vigor, lUCCCdK IWd fjUNUtiJU."." Hot weather would be much bop.' bearable if there were fewer thermom eters. Are Too I'tlnc Allen'n Koot-FaiaeT It lo the oulv cure for Swollen, ISmarlluir, Tired, Acliin, Hot. Sweating K.'et, Corns, aud Iiiiuioii. Ask for AUeii a Foot-Ease, j a powder to beghiikeu Into the shoe. Cures ; while yen walk. At nil liruuitlsts and Shoe ' Stores, J.'ie. Sample seat FKKE. Addre Alien S. Oiiustvd. I.eUov. N. V. The tenuis court i-onietime leads to j the altar. r I lie Hem lrerrlitlin For Clillla and Kever Is ll bottle of On. ivk's Tahielus ( nil.-. Tonic, ft is simple iron and qulnluu iu a tasteless form. Nocure.LO pay. Price aic. Ten mills unike oneent, but the race for wealth i.s not a mill race. llitve you ever eiperieneod the joyful seu fan. n of a nppetiii-V You will If you chew Adieus' l'epoln J uttl Fruttl. The rhymester who writes doggerel i Lis eviiicnily not in.-piieci by the muse ; ryeiiiir Is as siinple as wa-tuii when you1 use Pi'iNtM liioilss Diis. Sold by ulM lirJKHisLi It's a wise man who anticipates ibo Fe.i-ons. In Imt weather it a will to' have a coaled cellar. turn lloneyund Hlejcle. Write to II. 1. Sebastian, Stainford, C .mn. ' Are do tors' income ill-gotten galtiH? FM S permanently cured Nnlltor Dervmis-nf.-s af utr iii-si dny's urn-ef lir. ilini-'s lirtmt Si-rvi- Hest.nrr S3 trini IhiIiIh uiel trrittlKelreo lir. It. 11. Kiasr. I.tJ .Ml A run M- Phila, P.. inle tli' io niiiy tip sernious ftoins. it stands to reason that th won hi be hard to digest. Mr-. Wlns'itwV Soni liine syrup toretil'ilri-ii It-olbi nn, not lens I he hiumi., i eitnces InllurtiMiu. lion, it liny curf - wliel eolu , -Tic. a Im.ii i. . 1 .lo net l.f-lirn f,..- ;lt i-iiimi In poV! h. l'i..'s l lire for I 'eli-ann j tlcj M. K C"L !!i:,l HalTs I liriif.K'Ist" irn. Mtfr I uiai i h t in. 11 ii. Itle ' fell.,' An lnlierlli',1 Of, India. Mi.-, (lay Well, su ppdse I was a m illicit. ' There's no f.r at barm in : l.irl lllrtiiiK a little In fore she's lied. The I'nlouol Do to, i te.nh (laupbtei- that" Mrs Hay Why, it isn't lic e -s.irv ' I'ui k. :i a r- coiir Uo; "Why so scrimi.-'." asked the wife I of the piof'-ssioiial Iniiuoii:!. "I am j Jiiet tlnnliilic- licvv I can pay the liiitih I ' !' bill. ' he i, p. ed. " I'liat i- Mirely i food for thoimht," . be i' marked. And ! yet there ale p. ople who . I liiu tnat a Will is 11, I f in.-.pirai urn. Do Tamp,, h:s ta.-tcs. " (toe." ill Cor .' I, mi, I in lie even -O.lipie i up I hat I'rietiilsh'p ends when poio r begins. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VA. lie Mil) I'lllril lllt-llt-e Ii M.ll -.ili:ii,'ll- or-, i.or Veitrs. f-'i ' P.-l- M -s.l.ltl lt.-..t-i i.r.ilnil I elirsH Hir, leiti-s. s0-,,n i',-r si,"-i.,i, i h,triiiH,a'ii:i, it -..ill -.. 1 WO Ye.,!-. ;,', "11 I e- StUsiUU. :lrn. t-,,r fmttiir n i rl a-ubir :,dlr,-" i l III'KIS, M. It. lli'Mli. lilt II MOM). V . DROPSY new .ilsrovr.RT: t l n r. Dr H a ens the muscular walls of the bowels and gives them new life; then they act regularly and naturally; that is what you want it is guaranteed to be found in N&f CANDY CAT H XRTIO Jf "Ss. ,i r--m i i i mini , .. .,.. i n.i r-n i a na i 10c. 25c. 50c. To any needy mortal suffering from bowel trouble nd too poor to buy CASCARETS w will ea4 a box fret. Sterling Remedy Campany, Chicago or New York, mentioning aJverUNcmtnt and paper. mm- So many person s nave hair t ha t i s stubborn and dull. It won't grow. What's the reason? Hair needs help just as anything else docs at times. The roots re quire feeding. When hair stops growing it f loses its lus ter. It looks dead. acts almost instantly on such hair. It awakens new life in the hair bulbs. The effect is astonishing. Your hair grows, be comes thicker, and all dandruff is removed. And the original color of early life is restored to faded or gray hair. This is always the case. l.00a bottle. All drugglt. - I bate u ami urn n; .k1 it h.., uir frmu i i Aver'" ll.ilr Vigur, ty h.ittiiiislii d at ib liitio in kerning my 'Uni.; our. It i tiif bate tned.. unit I CMat route Stutlt Cnliruitio tu lei'tilliiueutl It to u.)' frit'iitih. M.ITTII T. fVit. !.-'. H.irhuui.iii, N. C. If roll ,1.1 li.-t ..1I;i:i .11 II . pi-lnl lu ll, 'I.I rile II. t lli. I" 11 J.t. AVI.Ii, HAVIDSON COLLCGO, V DAVIDSON, N. C. Silly lourlti Yur begins btpt. 6th. vljssual. Mjthtniatical. Literary. Scientific. Riblitiil. Commerciil. Courses Offered for A.B.,B.S.,and A.M. Terms Moderate. I olhiii Healthful, laboratories Cuniplcte, leachini 1 boron ( li. (iiniiiasiuui I quipped. Scud for a Catalogue, .1. is. kiu:aim:, I'll i.!iii:vi. , l-iipi'i writ wSkDcr vosoir , l.vt... SIM. I, 1 v I LVj y v y .r .T 1 ! w). ojnrn f,:en.fort lj V HIRES Rootbeer k V- mil , i'rito''':t' yi er'' I" 'j O"1 Jjf ii a bi i. - I ii l it i ' " Jj . mm a tnw mm Fight on for wealth, old "Money Bags," your liver is drying up and bowels wear ing out, some day you will cry aloud for health, offering all your wealth, but you will not get it because you neglected Nature in your mad rush to get gold. No matter what you do, or what ails you, to-day is the day every day is the day to keep watch of Nature's wants and help your bowels act regularly CASCAREtS will help Nature help you. Neglect means bile in the blood, foul breath, and awful pains in the back of the head with a loathing and bad feeling for all that is good in life. Don't cdre how rich or poor you are, you can't bo well if you have bowel trouble, yo . -ill be regular if you take CASCARETS- get them tcxlay- CASCARETS in metal box; cost JO cents; take one, eat it like candy and it will vork gently while you sleep. It cures; that means it strength ) THE IDEAL LAXATIVE f HThl 'f1"" 11 NO BAD EFFECTS WHATEVER FROM HPAIUrHi: riti (f AT AU.DKIK STOKES Her Objection. "I nm told." said Miss Keedick to Miss l-'osdlek, "that, you have ilisuiissetl Mr. Trlvvet." "Vcs, I told him to tlic off." "WhyV " he mato i 'esicd uo iuli'iilion of iiulllue; tbo i-in u mi." Iictrolt Free 1'ress Not the Real Thing. "1 saw a I ruin held i last Dlftht," reiinirkiil yoiiiu' l.nrliner. 'Oh. tell ine ul.., ,n t." replica MiM Corn. Were you Iriyliieiied':" "Oh, no. You see. it was only Mrs. IliUl-'iiis h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o it iii wbilo Rlie passed uu obstruction."- llaileiu 1fo Proof. Madjic lint ilnii'i ymi reahy hfllev tliat Ida is lle;j;edV May No: I'm sure she isn't. I asked her if tbeio was any trinb iu the rv port, ami she refused to say u word, -ilarjier's liazaj-. A historic I'aria resiuuriint-- the Cafe Frocope. which was founded by ua Italian of that name in the middle of the eighteenth century - im just been closed, owiiiK to hn U of patronage, Volt.ilre. Itoiisseau. Marat. Dan'ou ami tianibetta were umoiiK its l'ieiiientrs. One of ihe most important indus tries of the llahama Islands i.s the gatherine; i,f pink pearls. It is the only pl.u e in the world w liei i these pearls are found They are not taken from the oyster sloll. Ino from a shell resembling a larj;i snail shell, calleil a "com Ii.'' Tlir-.e pi ails, vsln-n por feet. Initio very lii:h prices, it is said, rniiciliK f : i in $ o to f ."i Him I'.lobbs - "Have you I-en sick? You. look as tboiiiih you had been drawn t.broUKh a knot hole. " Slnblis "Yea; the doctors pulled me throunh." Of l our-e women sions. That's the m turn to t he last ciiae imp at. couilu tiny always or of a novel. II , e m. have had in r ow n troubles. I but she in -, i r fcot paralysis of r.he wrist j from bid.iiiis.' up a dr i.".'iii(; .-liii t. No. Mail.!', dear we li.i.o never heaid women .ti n tali.' the star viitiou cine are not ai. noli 10 wear l Ettlll jackets. AGENTS W nnii J for llir best , llo.n l,n, It ti'r J tii.llslll-.l I ''Hi' "iO- , I 111 i , rk t . , I.IHU III Al,li-lk (.. ti i oiniiy. i lu dim 1. 1 Ml II M.'i,.lo- Due nuciil sells .'.' Ill . 1 e tt.-l-k Kill, le ifleOe ,i-r Mil. In fci.stt-rnij: -nil'- t. u, M'i il'-ii' ' If io.v J. L- NICHOLS & CO., No. 01 : D.'l Au-lell r.iiil.llnu. tllniila. I.a. AGENTS WANTED r r I riiin'. M it t; it I II i ,-nt Ih it lei It I Vni iiry lii, i,f I nil, ,1 Ki n... ,im Win Irt. I unreal in,! rriiist Ifionlfiil l... . rti-r III. I,, , 1, s. ei ; I -I. .11- nil Ihe re, -lit li.lhCi-s Cn eiett I X -.l.-iVe I, flllerv Hill I'l.enr TO S,l,-lli; Als , ti.f lllie-t illie ,,( ti- aatlf ill. .'t. I. -eiaiirf i IMltls. STll'K Macs mil linn i Him-. i,i-H"l w no-1, r oi u. ai 1 lo 1 1 In - si.e.Mio: ttiao fir wil men nr il iui; II i in. is-. I i i.i on , mi i u , A ilmi la, l.i. U ilHiiulneliirer Ilffinniin I.I. KIMIs l.iKhtvsl draft, tuns durable and liucst finish. Do not II (or take one clalin d 'o he as good not sold in y our town, write us prices. U INVION-MI.I 'I, V i . ALL DRUGGISTS Addres rlT ClIKtS mi All tlbf (AILS. C2 U llcst I eiuii aj rup. Tu.-'.i j liund. Lao

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