(Shatlutm Jlccorrt. KATDS VI' ADVERTISING ItC f.'TX'O tfljnlljara Hrccrb II. A.. I AXICIV, EDITOU AND riiOI'UILTOR. UliMS OF SUBSCHIPTION, 81.50 PER YEAR Strict! !n Advance. Onj fujuaro, one iiiaertiev. OiiC tqu:ire, two insurtioiU OUU Beplure, UUc lll'l.llii. tl.Ol VOL. XXII. PJTTSBOUO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, rl V LY - i 1900. NO. ill. Vov a Ivt-rtirtiit utj liberal ton. tr eta wilt Uo li.iolc. I a i COTTON MILL OPERATIVES. Of All People They Should Stand Firmly by the Amendment anil "Vote White." Some Reasons. They Need Protection From the Nero Industri ally as Well as Politically. My frinnl, if you are a cod -n mill top; ; alive I a .-It you to n,vl Mil-;. If yon ore not. and krn'.v ti frb ml or have in 'nnpi.uintaiic-' uf tii;. i lass, tin -a I ask you to 1 1 it to hi:i. or to nil mil repeat it-; coiitf ntb ti him. 'i he f iiemii'ii of Wa to Sepremaev. who h !:., a l.lu.-U v. .to is in go. -el a-' U whi: one, and who have tea o.'ti a proved their preference f r the nc ;;m by elei r.tlna: poiitically and Industri Ullv oer ti e le a-ls -f good. i-.'U-f .' white Wi'lkiilg hie!' tins" ( aetil.l 01 the w hite rare hac .:t-ty In en tea -. Jn.; "spoiial plea-.'' tin the firm of the uat li.il. fie I'd fa a heodsi to tlie nil. lit I:. ale operat l rs in a number of tin Cctlesi mills of tin. r'tale. If they hive lint yc ! rciieliril you;- mill they proba bly will, n,.,l you want to lie an your .l:inl. 1 hi!i,'o thai, i.t heart. there tire ro shiter iiii-n in i!ir m:h than the bun st, sturdy wl;i;e men who ir; !i ,;'. (olt ;i mill:, nail ilia other ladustri 1 t tahli.'iiineiilH ar. l fi'-tiirirs in wis!. h jlie ic. i o has rot y,-i, . ceded In lit-.aup-l liillK the lit ;v. It M oMy ,y id,. Iia.-f lncihod:; f the fil-llle.- am llianielr s II ir that la. i.- enemies aim he Mlemir-: of Wh;te Ri,l." h pn t i ill lmo them to waver aa, t.ii'i their I'aek.i thi:; year on the p:-op i. ed Amend meat to oar ril ite Con nit r.ion. I lie: ef.a'e our i seaiii'.- y; ur enemy nnd mine have to! pled ill: t plan o." dec.-ii and fr.ir.,1 nil'! lyiuit. for t!i-.-Hti.Me at no. hie,; in the.r e:V ..:. t -u h tlay l.r (oaiin more an mr.ie (e.- i. r i'.te a.s their ;.ope!e .;t ... ? h, .-.iilier i'pp'n ent an:! ( ertai'.i. v.'itiTi-: mi i.i, iiAMH iiavi: Mini AT S I AKi:. 'ly f!'ii nd. it i- in.t (li as i -to. a at. th" eap:t .i:.-t. ihc n.aa of l.r r,. lies i..tev -ts. liie licit, v cltuatej. !: ir the w.'ll-io-i1 i white man who i.i ne . I'e.-'leil in thi,-. fire at i;.;,t for i-n-jv.eaiacy of the white p. op!.? over the r.ei.rr.CH of Norlh Carolina. Kither of the nbnve 'las--e could hi tier aff..rtl t i see liefjro political domination co:. tiauo mid he made pe: nruient. In a l.ir;' section of ;he Stale than tiio-e l- Ushar.l tlie.-e war !-- of advice ai. wa.Ml ln are addre. u :l. 1: is the "ci'i at e-iiini!n p. oph " of Ihe Aiielo-Saxini ra.e ef the South--liie lnie and s -iy of our lielovcd old C .:iitiio!.wca!t!i in the pas:, as at the pn i-l.t time the partially f .1 lli.it it ft:'.! the unh tlc i'cd wni.e working l'lan. Vhotv tc.iine i.i moi-t at stake in thi t;: ls. And Willi none of this pre.it ii'.d tn hlc army of toilers more si than the ! tery h'liri.-i. And this Amendment, on which von R c called l i v'lte, and which I p'.ee.d with yen .uv t i vole r'i;lit, wa- cspe- i 'My I'raa.i d as: I carefully d. signed led so worded ;n to an oiiipli - a tiiit very puipo:.! ahove all others. It was to protect the vote I forever i tu the working man whi. ihouuh l.e laay l e unschodlcd and unlettered, a i- white a.s any millionaii v in Ame:i c.i. nnd loves his country j.i u us patri otically, and than whom ne.ne i. (piic!; rr to deft ud it I say it w;u ta pro'ret lis VLte for as lous; aa h'1 livis tl. st the "lirandfatlier l'lan- was incor P 'ratod in the first place; and then when his incnie3 tried to make him believe that this section might fail in the loiiii.s, again it was in the inter ests ami for the pood of Mrs sai.io class of citizens that the slit are was called together to make any such result, however improbable In fare, ut terly impossible now. UK IS INdl'LTINM YOC-nKSKXT IT! Tliere U not an honest man in North Carolina .today who really believes that i! is possible, under the present word ing and form of the Amendment, for liny court on earth to construe that in ftniiuent so that It would deprive a single illiterate or itno.lucatcd white man in tbo State of li s v.-te, who cm now vote or who shall In come 21 years of use. within the next cisht ycais, v.lH.ise father, grandfather or any other ancestor voted, or was ever entitled to vote, in this country up to the time the negro was given the ballot. If an enemy of yours, in the guiso uf a political i-harper, comes to you and tell.s you differently, then he is delib erately offering you a gro-s Insult an les'ilt to your natural intelligence and to your manhood nlike. Kisciit It! and let him understand at onto that you are ro! the fool he took you for. llo will have more respect for you heieafler. And then you go, if you please, t i liny white man of honor whom you can trust, to your pastor or your family physician, mid j-ee how quietly and de cidedly ho will tell you that what this fellow alleged is untrue and more, Impossible. There are too many negroes now who speak -lightiiigly of our honest working white people and fal.-ely assert that they are as good as they. ! negro is as goed as a white man! lie never was nnd 'he never will be. lut you vote against this Amendment nnd clothe him anew with the frati- ! thise and with ollice. and he and (hoi hordes of ngro(s from other Southern j States where they have properly been I disfranchised that will f!. k to North I Carolina, will try harder than ever to iisscrt themselves politically and so cially; and aided and abetted by sm' Ii traitors to their own race as th white thin fellow who are trying to mislead and deeei.e you on this great ques ioii Ifot their own sellisii ends and for lh- bene'it of a few wlu employ them to do this dirty work), will have better opportunity and will accomplish more towards steldlins the negro rule up-ui Hie poor white men an I w.uncn of North Carolina than ever was aeroui plihhed before. Tim hokkous that mu.iit i m. i.ov. It would rot then be long before the negroes and the ir allies w.iuhl seek t i trott.l you and yours out of the mills nd factories The day wniild n ei !ir long la c nii:iit rhcil M:p neuters would have a i ac'u 1 majority In mest of the countios o' ie S-tate, if li -l m all of lae.u. Tiu j talk all. nil your linle hny. Let i,ie ad-ii.-.e you to think ,.f (h.- fii.ure, .safety Mid wi'll-bcinu of jour d lighters! In cb:.si:ig thi.i upl oil, permit me t i copy two extracts from a I!:il igh I : ter. writ tin by a v. II knoAa i.ewp.i I'ei' c rre-j'.i'uleiit to a nuni'ier of pa !i. i s a fi w liays iuro. This c il ia sp ind I I.' Is i specially familial' with tin- c,,l tea mill condition In Nor.h C.iroli.w. and lie. i. a f , .; for ih h- ftpurc saf ety a::d welfare. e Mi" ALL M ! : TI1K Mill, OI'KltA- 1 1 vi; .sii'M i.i) vo'i'i-: wiu i !;. ' li h.if lopi d l.iti ly that the til i A iiii ndnicnl forces have In en p.iy- i iii): i -p.-i ml attention ( i Hie cotton I mill opi'ialives, especially in liie Tied I moat cuiuilh't.; t.'aat hiie.l caii.. arii .: aave ,uiir in and "ill amaiii; thc-e pe-i-i jde -.ir.. i :piiig their politi -nt II..1.-OH v. i'ie ever 1 1 1 ' y thoiiglit it o.ll l be e.' I .he, Mul by ly'i!); ia the lar.st bare f'.id manr.er a'lear.iiid to t'-acli the mill hands thai iho Aiiiendinent would aire liieir ir.sfii'.i.i hl-enieiit. a hi i; thM even it it dldn'l i's .'perati.il.:! ward I be ag-iin.-t Ihe int. -reals of the operative 'an;, 're-o w.' "Will, if Cure Is a while man or white woman or white bay o: girl in Ninth Carolina that needs protection acain t the tie:;ro more Mian the cot ton mill opcrath i s, then I wiil conies. to more ignorance tha.i I t'aink is my s.iare. "I'p to n:nv t!ie oi ton mill has bei n the one fac'oiy '.lauding out pr itui t.i i'.iiy as the employer of while hi lp. nly and largely of that class o: vhiti.s I v.i hi in ;,nd (hildreii over U '. ars 'nn bid. ill w ho fi.i luncli i.e m'i -e.i a tin aieniie to i arti their livhv; in !ii- 1 oue.t way. And yoa ti ll me that tii.-e pe ple -tiie tnen among then, ivho i .'ir-titu'e nb.iitt otie-liilrd are iroillir t" v.: e the 'uiy.;e,-' ticket? 1 li tier r . 1:. e ii ! "Purely there ia ro i iass of tiiT.p'e on 'ho fr.ea of the larlh so blind l i their awn Inti rivils ii ; to c it tin ir own in dustrial and tocial tliroi!;i in .-u.-ii a sui.id il manner! 'if they will nut do this, wi'lingly, tiiev should Hot be foiced to so vole, it is. kii.iMii, has beer, provca, that at lea-t. in one mill town iii i -e v.eariin; V.'hil" Supremacy b.rl r.s have beta made lo take tie in of,' ! i'o.'.' til- 'l", a' would allow thcui to u . t.: work a-'.iia. The man at liie 1 ,o k of .hi, ic'der is said to have been one li. M. t'arp"Li'.i r a mill olUeial ai.d delegate from the 7th district to the McKinley convin l i on at riiil'idehiiiiiv last week'. "I'ut he lias been ilimvii up by the local r.ew--paper:'. Others should iv- I .-eive the ame t rea' lic nt . ai d the free dom of tin se while men lo vote as they ph ase proii te I. Any such in your '.iei.'.!ibi riio;.il?" , "lit)',V AHOl'T YOCR I.ITTI.K CIUI-? ! "l'n;ible to mi-liad even Mie nio:.t : iiniorat.t while mail, by 'in-iiiuatiug' that he tnittht lose his o;e abms with thai of tae ncgio he disfranchises. some of the enemies of the Anierdiuent have been cMlaimiug with much ; gu. to: S "'Hut how about your Lay?" "(If cour'-e everybody knows that ev 1 cry boy will have eight long yeais af ; ter Mie Amendment is adep'ed lo learn to read and write: that go nl schools t i be provided, better th n we ev- cr ha I. and (hat Mie while l,; learn to read and write l y Mi tiaic tluy heroine -l- ami you know your l y will. Hut h t me inquire: 'iloiV about your little girl?' "Aye. that i- the question! Will she be safe from the si: tacks of the devilish black brutts who now make the coun try girls ami women of large and nu merous section . of our State afraid to wa!!: half a mile io a neighbor's house alom; t ie public road? lop aids larg ly geiittcan a. upon wiuelier you vote for and adopt Miu aiueu lin.-nt. "Defeat it. ar.d the nevrr. cs of Vir gl'il.i. South Carolina and (leorgia. and the oilier Sniithcin States, where they have been or this, year will he elimi nati d as political oclor.-. wiil II. .ck to North Carolina in great numbers, an! the danger of negro domination rmi insolence and rapine haa never been so great here as it would, under th se circiim-tances. become-in a vuy - en seals. And don't be content to think your vote will m t lie needed; it will, and you will not hae do.ie your duty by that 'little girl" and hr niothir iiu iil your ballot dropped in. i the ballot l..!" U't it he a white vote. A LAIIORINli MAN. Ill Ti l R SI LLS 01 F TO rilF RI.rtBI.ICAN. After the Lie tinn lie Will Be Out Inr (illlij. Ihiring the spring and Rummer of ISti'.i Siuator tlutler pos.ed ni b.in-j friendly to the aim ndni-eu : h sta'c! to more Mian one person that. "at. tiie proper tin:"" be would iled ire lor the amendment. There were l ints t that effect in Ihe Caucasian, tint the months passed ami no co'iipeii-.T ion was offer ed by Mie Democrats for Senator l!ut br's support, and the "proper time" for him to declare for whit.? npreinacy did not iirrive. lie lii.a'l.' impre.-.srd the republicans with i.i i ,,. still pos-scsseil s- -me political potency, and in (lie month of th tobcr a .a! was made whereby Senator 'tutler wa i to ilecl.nv again-t tin- aiiieni'mii'ii,- alio j support l eiMo niiiremacv. and the m- groc.i and while llcpuld'.cans were to! lo-clivt him to tiie Sen at. lie i: ill- j ileawiric; now f'lithfully, as i' is his nature to be faithful to anything, io ', cany out his compart. An I lie is charg ing that the I leiiKicr.lts, ticida !a th' cainiiaign of lStS promi - s ll.e very op posite of tlio-o whh h i i' C in.'o-i.i ,i of Dcccinber, IMis. sia "I that . il .1 make. Koriuiiat.-ly th-. i m h:i , noss cd when Senator Itu'l r cm mi. 'i.il any one. The po !! - k.i ov hi,:i X ' y t forty v a.- i! I. '-n '; o -.)!"', " 1 1 1 alulicm of !, ia . ii. : : : . 04 r..c has never had a 'ilun! cr a party he was lint ready to betray, and he lias never ln-hl a jTlncl idr- he wa ; nut ready to aril. 1 will make umi exception: I I lo li i in credit to Fay he wa.-. faithful to Urynn in IKiHi. lint only be-, ause he he - I lirveil Urynii would he eha-tel and that 1 h w; uld be; taken care of. This year j you wills'.' that before Novmhi r. I liuilor will have made nn nraiigome-nl wiHi Mark llaiina nad that ilnir iri - lioiial committees will lie woikin.; ia unison for the defet of llrynii. Having s .Id all r ise, he will fell out. Hi vaii this year. lluiU'i's consideration w.!l ' ciiin r be an ollice nt the hands of Mc I Kichy. In ease of Ills election, or il I will In the customary ihiriy p'.ec, 3 of jsil.er. If .M.-Kinli-y is elected we will ' have Mie unique fippctacle f Mnrlon Ibiticr cringing at Mi" feel of I'rltchard iind llai'.nii. claiming to be a great, f i t aitor. and i'p orving. tli..vf ire. a bet. 1 b r rtihe llir.il No;', n. of Die Ashevide I (ii!.. IV. j Among the bcni 'i.-ent r.'salls of Ihe j . lection is next Ausrust will he the dim- inailoii of ,M .rl in Itulier al e:g ith th" nigrois. After the August r!r -llun it I will be mi' of tiie S.'tiaie, 01; of cilice, out of the State, out. and out. fcr gojd for Marion Duller. SFNATOR BlTI.rH , , rA, ,. , . . UrgcJ th:P.-ss.i:c of tluCoiis.iiutio.iBl Aiiietidim nt -'I li'.- C.iucjidiia Com plained tlu- Dcmocra s Vu U Not hififraicliss the Nesro:s. 'Ihe I'nsionists have been liaviiiR tii.ii h to sc in regard to the Deino c' .its havini; broke n their premises in submitting the' Constilut ional amend t.e ill to the people. They have been ijaoling fiom elilferent. newspapers, t'.otu a Ih ged stateir.. nts. by Chairnian ' iminona. Mr. Don, and others. Hen is what Selii'lnr liutler jaibl ill h' organ, ihe Cau-asiaii, in an editorial oil Xoveuibi-r 21. IVis. Iras than one month iii'i.- tiie clectioa: "'i he I'opiiiists and white Ue publi cans who voted the Deniociiitic tickil iid s i, no eloiil.t, with ihe- ilisl'iu t 1111 h i'-l;iiidiiiK tlmr a Di'inocra ic Icgi.s !'i lie would call a constitutii nal con vention. We. will now s 'e whether or not the !i moi ratic mai liine will keep i'.iiMi v.itii ihese votersi." Here is what the same papeT said in an editorial on December S, 1S;IS, just a month after the eli'i-tion: " I he Di iuocraiic machine promised the people on 1'wr.v stump thai if they were put in power that tiny would eliminate Mie nem from polities. It s; cms th:i. tin y got twenty-live or thirty t'.iousaed in w votis ell this promi;.. Now. the way to eliminate ihe iie-'i'o from politics is to !! down th.-" bais and invt.e 'I'eg h g' Williams and oilier railroi'd iigi-uts to come ami take the ncgnicK out by the thousands, or to di-.fi ani hise the ie m o by con siinttioual iirai ndmi lit. We will noon sea in whiil way the Democrats will keep this promise to the people." Ihe Populist llanilliiiiili of IS!)S Ku vorcel Disfranchi-cilirlll. In Ihc i iiinpai-n liaml-book of the I'opulists, for s:'S. prepared by Dutler. Thompson .ind (Ynipany, one of the chief eomplnints against the Denio c'les was Miat the negro had rot been ilisthiittch: ed. (in Dace 1 appears this d'.-ciar.it ion : "I luring a period of twe nty years in which that party swayi'd overwhelm ing power In North Carolina, it never pa.-s"d u law nor made an effort to disfram hise or take from the negro the pow.-r of the ballot, whieh they now declare tiny so mortally dread. "In nearly every Southern State, ex cept North Carolina, the negro is dis franchise'.!, with the result that racial antagonism panned be aroused, lie cause of the absence of a basis on wh!i to proceed. The Same power that disfranchised the negro in these Southern States has been wielded by the Democratic paity in North Caro lina for twenty ye;, is. and yet no ad vantage whatever has ever been taken of that power." This is the complaint made by Hut ler. Thompson and Aver in ltlS. As the campaign progressed the one 1 meat demand of the people was that the isoie should be settled for all lime to conic; and ill answer to that e!" inat'ol the Democrats generally prom ised site li legislation, with th" limita tion tliat no: a single white man should be disfranchised. I'ut !cr Complains lloit (bo l.r-lslii-; turi' W III Net liUfiirncti si' I lie Ni'jre'. l!ef(iro the legislature assembled the Caucasian began to prediet that this piomise ,f the Democrats would not be k.-pt. On Deceinlier s it bad the follow in'.? to say: "Till- .MM CHOW CAIt DOIHiK. "Since Ihe election ihern lm.s sprung 1 1 j a new i-sii! that was not beanl of during the campaign eir before. It is Mie proposed .1 1 lit Crow e-.r law. The Democrats ran their campaign on the ry that the S.ate was cursed and dis graced and daniiiiil with negro domi nation. Since tl;e elect. on It seems that the only irmcelial legisla.'.h.n that ihe Demo, rats propn.-c te ge t. rid of negro domination is the .lini Crow e ar. They are' now agitating this question, and say it is an awful thing for lie- . r.rocs to ride in tho same car with white people. j( is stiango that it nev r nc. urri d to the Democrats elur nig their twenty-live years of lK'ino. , ratic rule that this kind of negro ' domination was thru in progress and i vas just a.s offensive then as it is now. j (hi - would think, lo see the concern, j Mint, the 1 1. 'no, i at b- machine is show. ; ing over the .li-,1 Crow car proposi- j tio.t that the People's i arty was re- I sponsible for repealing some Demo- e ratic l ew . ri h. luting negroes to tide in railroad trains will, white people. The mt ailing if all this is that I lie Democrats do rot propose to call a on titiiii -nal ceine .tlon. or meet the oxpc'.-Mt'on i f :hr p. ripi,. on the h'il f.ar." q e ..Men, and there ;'0'e it i cr . " - .y m t i.p f m.e doda wlii.h ti ij to saiisfy irtduloiid jpeo pin (hnt they nre lining their duty In .-.topping tin; supposed negro domina tion that tocy howled ho tremendous ly about in the campaign. Now, in order to make It appear that the ma- lihiiic has tint Bold out c uiiiiph tely to j the railroads, they liavn in-ranged I that the railroad officials Khali at j nice, begin to declare that, lin y lire ' iipjx.-poii to the Jim Crow nr law nnd ihtn the Charlo'.te Observer nnd nil the other lallroad organs are given ; the lip (hnt Miey mut at once declare : th.it the llelliocriltic legi-lalure will ! pirs the Jim Crow iar law in r.pito ot i the opposltio'i of the railroads. It is ; ti sliatn light, and (he Democratic. : inouopoly piipi is and the lailroad 1 pn sid nts iitulei stiiiid each oilier. Tiie 'scheme has been agreed on hi I wren : tin 111, nnd the f.ine is 1 ring carried 'out wl;h perfect undei standing cu I both Hiib s." j ''WHAT Wild. DK PONK?" I The Tavboro Southerner, in nn rill- 'l iiial lieaded. "What Will lie Done," says: "Will the next legislature pi s j i'ii 'lection 1 iw so intelligence may I rule, or will it keep the iiplto for ipoliiienl pnrposis? The presi nt eb-c-i ;ion v.-iis carried solely by drawing the luilor lir.e. Let ii !:) drawn by giv ! icg tin- inirlligeiit voters only thn l ii'.-ir of friiuchise. The prcs nil over the Stale is harping on wh i is en- . ,(m FilKt ,ln SOaiethiiig to show that every promise has b rti car j l ied out. Don't let them be disap ; pointed. The Democrats are tho 'stale's g'lardians for the next (wn jynii?. ho b I them do their full duty." I I'ioiu Mi" above, It woahl seem t lift Ihe Tar'noro Southerner h;s p.'tten a . hint ( the real situation and is r.n ! easy about it. The ahove will be very i Interest iui- reading after ;he Demo 'cralie I r-ii diiture adjourns. Why is i; that the railrea I corpora I lions in North Carolina are opno-e-l j to a constitutional convi'iitii-n to ib at j with tin- suffrage' qi;esti:.n. and other j tliies'.tions that may arise? t wouht J be wed! for eveiy voter to think about iis ami try lo find nn amwer." I IliitliT First Opposes the A mciii! nieut It was not until the fall i f l-ai that ! the I'.iiici'.-i.in In alien to an .to: nize Mm it ! n . inline nt : and its first an agonisni j was upon the jjrui.nd that the foiiilhi , and fifth .sections lieing sepiira1 le, Mm fourth might stand and the lil'th might:! fall; nnd il hit limited clearly that iC : the fourth and lit': 1 1 ilans's had l.,-v. J made into one. connected by a provi-o, . the iiliie-udiaeiii would have been all right. On Seplenibi'r 21 it sai l: 1 ' "A I "KKTINKNT INglTliV. j ' Kiscwhi'i e in this issue appears a vcrv timely and pertinent epicstiou from a InhnrriiK l'opulist, making in-' qiiiry why sections nun- r.nd live of the constitutional ,niii-ndmeiil we're not I'liibodied into one section, so as l i re- 1 ' move any doubt e f danger that may exist in the minds of the people a., to : the disfraiii hiseiin nt of liny wbiei i voti r.s in the e vent thai ihe state Su- ; preme Conit should ileclale s.iiion iie Ulicoiis itu ion il iiml leave lliu rest standing. 'I bis is a highly im- poi'latit, yen. vital question, and we would like to s-e th" Democrat ie h adi ;s and i.ew.-papi'is explain v. liy ' these' two sections we're not joined lo- : g, the r when tin. ame-uiluu in was framed. This wiil get at a very ini- j portiint feature i f the matter and '.he ; motives that actuated them to make separate section;. WY do not bedievo that iiny good and satisfactory reason can be given for havirg two distinct; sections, when one would have' re moved all trouble. With only one. i section, and in the event i'f the ! grandfather fe.nuiv being d.-e laiv.i nn- ! lonittitutiotiiil, th ui the educational j qualification would akso have bei u d"- ! fcateil. and no white voter's- right would be in danger. We call upon .on i '-'11101-1 .i c :c 1 1 u o'liipoi ai u s nil an explanation. These section-, have- now been join, cel. and. as the Caucasian says, na white man's vote- is in elany.or. And on October '' it said: "Ail explaliat ie ti why set t ions foil, and five of the an -, lidmeiH were not i'liibodied into one section would e-er. tainly be vi-iy interesting and tini'dy now. It seems that no good reason, e an be given why Muse s.ctkuis were mad" separate and ili-tinct from each other, and v. ; urge liie Democratic pap.-rs to explain this phase of the maiter." Now let us iiiiiilvze 'hat promise which tin' Caucasian on I lecieniber S said the "Deuioei at ie midline" made lo the people. The promise was that ' if they were put In power ihey would eliminate the negro from politics. Now. the wav to eliminate the negro from polish's is to let down the bars and invii" 'IVg-leg' Williams :( conic and take1 the negroes out by tho t ileitis. mils, or lo ilisfran, hise the ne gro by constitutional ameudnieiit." II. nil i'f ihc.-e promises have' b en kept Ih.' first by the repeal of the law t li ne ted in l.v.il by Ihe legislature, of which Hull, r was a lending member, imposing a tax of I.YIUiO on every nr. gro emigrant agent. This was one i f Ihe first laws re pealed by th Di nio cratlc legislature of ISaa. Th" other promise was fulfilled by the submis sion of the Constitutional amend ment. The Caucasian saiel there were two ways of eliminating th.- negroes from p 'i'ii's; the Democrats adopted both. "Is vour name written there?" If :t is net on the registration book of i.ir ' precinct by sunset on .sunset .Inly .'I, then you wiil not have the privileg of j voting for the ami'iidnieiit. If you f,n i will yell ever feci like a white ma a j again? It, ,'iember this is an entirely j new registration. (In to your re-gis-I liar's residence today nnd have your I name enroll, d Don't wait until uext Saturday to do it. do it now. nompniher that the elrfeai rrnd.nrnt nisei the the.r . dliig" of Nurth Carolina. of tho no I Hvcry White Han Can Vote ami flost Do Vote at tlit. Primarics But as Their N otes are Not Needed Some Do Not Take thi Trouble to (Io 1') tho Polls What a South Carolinian Says Ab.;ut()ne of Abe Aliddleton's Camoaipn l.ijs-Poor White flui Tlore Infiiunlial Than liver Before iii Their Lives. "tint many ii'(ii! wliilo t'ooli'il liy stie.il a I i'aini:ii'e'til. Ii ant of trnllililc cnutili t arci-D 'l lie spi'ttke-r was it i"'tit li I'tiie-liiiiiti!, ai;,l ho was front of III.1 1 -. n 1 i 1 1 r lintel of U'llciirh I . k i i rr over on ton'ti ami Alio Miiliileloii's "i';ii.iiaiii iii ruin s", fnldeil in a, a sort of snppli'iiient to a iii-ro i;iu!r, which he expl ui"i!, h:t ! j fallen into his haiiil ; by iiii-;t,kc. ! an illiterate white w uiUiinr in i n j tiibl who hears the same nana- ) ono initial. "It he.ais alll'iie continue'!5.. t vie lie in (Uiestinii. It went I "poor" while iiH'ti t'as tiiotij;!i iveity or rich"s li.nl anvlhitij; I j Jo with th ' Am 'n.hii.'iit) of X. (J., heleive,! tie) i-;m; -',"l j Anu'iiiltnent woiilil mil ami e'l.ii! I n.it. tlisfraneiri-e tiny v.i i i man, thi'ii they in.'m'o Ahe M,.l Ih-loii ,'ini the nc;ru -.li ! -c of Ihe paper, pel .sonahy ; wouW piiti,; t where the ne-fro Ins he on el iiunat-'il fi way, lor ptool to l!io ceiinihtiy. Aiul then willi tiinii'i j-u.lo," ''' ("nwnlir j n i .1 1 lo ile-tiare that several l.h iti -tiiM l.'.ss '. votes h iw Inu-ue i-' i f late years than when liie iie'ro voinl in that Stai", e oen hi line, with a tin 'ry like thi-: "1 ;ni this pro if positive ti, it nine ol the while men of South Cirniiua aroaho disfranclii.-.e-l '.' ' Tninine-to me, tiie S..ui!i L'.iioli'.iian stiii; "Vim know, of mi se why a le ;s uumh -r of white vol e s ; re now, sonict imes, itctnaUy pulieil than l'm iin'i I v '! ' I repiie.l that. 1 pt'esiimeil ii. was heeausi' ih ' votes of all white tun (nearly till of them h'-in-j; in th" ieuHiTati'i pirlv ia hi.? Staie.i were not neeileil to il-f-at the f.-w ii.imis who roul.l sliil vot .' ani tip- less th .ti 1(,M'!I whites ef the oppo.-it ion 'Kxaclly.'iie replii il;",iii'l hoe tin.! uf Ih i' f.t-t. a. const. I -r.i-blt) nutnhei do n,it take the pains to o lo Ih-' p ill-." "This latler f tcl."he a U'I,"U al.-n 1 n- iy .lae to the prim arv system iti iHe in otir St.tt-', hv- w iiieli we n Hipn it,' all cir ofiii'ials, from lovei ii.n primal ies-- thou ami t lawn, tlii'in, vote for their ni'in tlier nniiiit.alia ; lltetii, are alvwiys especially wln-n I here i , a d i v ii. t i at the pi imai ie.-. es im-iit ami more than "Ani ai these ie cciuiiiii I ,'iiiner.il poorest wnite nrui in Soul h I are noininatin the c in I;ia! f r ' v.-.'n r an I ;il! as tip- wealthiest a', ! aMe-t m in in the State. ! called' poor man' h ie much tr.o:-- ii.il'.ieiiee in ip (iectintr our IStatf nol i minlv ami niuiiii in.il oi'ii had hefoi'c tho neeto was linnia tlei, and when nonun.it i -. were made by con- til i "r.s. "There is not a while man i.i Soiinlh Carolina ilifraiicle e I as this ly iii'-shed iloiiaies, iiin! ihe negroes who edit it c i ,'i jet an alii 1 tvit fro'ii o'p' s.-tyiu-, he lit, been depiived of li vote unless he h i- been cunvi 'i'.d of ;t feloni -ti -. crinie and served a term in tin- penitenti u y. 'it will he ex i' i lv the t-.un wav h -re i t v eir State. !: 1 j i-ont itlllt'il, if ter 'i a-1 pt I h Democrat ie State c mvc'itlion ia A in il tu id ( rop tralion f e h-' Legislature to provide for h -Utilized primtirie'- in N. C, also. "No white man. especially a p mr white m in van v,.',e against your A men lows inealeul jbl v. class, 1 assure you "The elliminaltoii ef tin negro n lina litis proved this, us till of us (here men will really ju-t be enfranchise' I vote is killed, for the former w ill then w hen he walks into vour primal ies to inlhieiice iind ;i-i lum h lo do with nominating every candi-iale for every oltice tis the' richest and Mm-uie-d man in .Notlh Caro lina. This alone ought to cause all sut h to be more thoroughly in favor uf the Amendment than till others to sa nothing about tlie'taming' effects di-francbismeiit has upon thai animal ('idled iiiggi'i'. T he poor man's w ife ;tml daughler ill not have half the cause to fear the u-'gro brutes a c-ai til ter 1 he ado;i' ion of the A iiiendtne-nl thai th".v ju-tlv entertain now." i l" White laboring man, ponder over wh it this truthful South Carolinian stiys tih oe, and d no' allow the infamous lies of the enemies of thei Amendment -gotten upat l.'epublicau headipt li ters by ;i negro u t ; 1 1 1 Ah Mold ed i u ho d ieab d ,a confeder.ate soldier Co;-do, it kei'ji, ,-ot theses- i a uf tliefn-iou legisliitut e) inlluence y.m tig.uu -i yoiir own ie; , i e-a s and llio-e of your wife, and littl -gn I ' He ;i man ! He a , .with courage an 1 pat t iot ism am) self respect 'tiotigh to trample all such lying i-aee-ls mieleryour feet, and tell t he negm a u t h-o that, instead ef es;,iingto teach you your duty, oi itn .n to make him keep I.i- p! tee And that place d e. not iti -an eitiier son ii o;' i'l,ttcal equality with you ami y -,c.v fellow while w oii i i .-.;: i .-1 1 . Ami when the negro voters are di-lfaucln-. d then .dl the white voteis will really be iVe'e '--exercising a greater, mure influential and healthier ilegivc of political freed. -m than e vet before? since Lincoln and Coi!gi"ss put the li.;!!.i in the negro's hand. N.'t-s.. TiUl'I'liy lie l.d.ll, 1111 i tlll'h the Ara ri' .in Ti'Muco Coiupau. N, -,v ' i :. faciei . v. as killi d ila. . A knife bci.iiue loose io fron. a eiilliiig r.uc hi::,', l'.ittin; don on th" back i-f the head, clean Mvroiig'i Mi" skull and him instantly. A -ml. n n- e of I ui'.' d Slat' appraisers has bun onbaed f. fourth Tuesday of Sep'., m! cr, ; i ' . I II S I ft 5 I PI S li 13 t ill il ji!i in yosif Sl.ii.( uiui wiil u. Hi it. -;t 1 1 v lio'lv tit fill i,.;i:"i - Slli !l .1 t-ttllrllH'Ilt Ml m:',' ir .,(' II, .1- J ho .ti- ; wtis ;i, ii c --u il lo ho woi k -iti a h'lli i.h i'.e tui v, as the speaker, Ami then 1, on lo say, in W'il h a i'haie.,,e of li'.til the (li-poiv-e il'ecl, tlitit ii Un heal to S.itii h (..aroiin.i, a siiui if .in p !ili in il,---..' wiida who io nn'. ir. ue ell I I it-poll- 'I iii h.llei l he ite- tor a l il t ic.ilat' ohh is t'liio tries ihe hutnhle-i ma has- just as nun h tod otll-.T ol'ii i fact the . I'liintitinu' to is I han tie ' .via -tidn nit, far 1 am told : h inetil wilhoti! in juriti;- himself ami hie let wiil be of in, no heiniit- to them than ethi i :n polities in S enow. The hut .-it 1 (' ate ITood when the ll,u.;:o. i ive a dou'ile Viilii.'. A nd ote.be will have as tn;i - h ported that a I an ii.atise ir i os'iic. to man Mie toil ph. bbyde ice-pa oi- franc pe;- i . oiniian.. dug - : " ! ::,-.! h I eelv nc. na on i . oiiiagio the i.-...: il Ihe npi a u--( wi'h maladii ic The "is each s'oaii . lorn wvvu.s of union. ,.t-jz-A f;r:-oi'.'j''-j. ''.-. liTo.nca rei i.ovh-h ; o" t'utj. It.. 111. -it - !. .: 1 re. . e'lii oi.i'l .-'t'Ni. i... o:i.-r i - ei )' lull. I I... r.-.i-iiv 1 .i ' -a..!-M .o.ti io 1 J-u I ' : , 1 I . .11 -lil-l 11, .11111. II, I.-.V., I-'' - ., ! -i .i . ! -I IT I ' .' ! ' X. , .. . . a ' i oo-.-. l.-' '.. A.-c. i t. I I ie -it.:. 1 . ..-; .- - l I . !.;'... I :.- ' r't i ;: y v,,-y ;oi I l i ' . I i ' 1 ' o . . ' .. , I;.".' '. . 1 ' a . V." I i ' i i i , : : i '.lllil w;. !!..; I -i o,-' ia.ii I . e.i!'!;' . -. '.iti-' ." II, ,-. . .a I' I- .;. I- f a . -. y i.i a. - t ; I. in ; .a i ." 'Wi. . ,o- , '. 11 . a a .1 '. .!! !'... 11. .-il. I a W,,'. . !.'!!' ! ' a" ic l.e .re t '. i o i , a .. W-... .:'.- -.'.! rr.'t ti ' t ,.-- , - - :..y 1- !'.. ;; ;..t 1 . .. I ia, o'ie ' chic.-' :-.-,' . Pi !.... li"" I'll I S. I "i ; '- ' rather " .;.:.! -' riV.l i i-:' "i )i', .!i i.-'t .' I old.'; !(--.- v I pa... Ih W.o !'.ii., 'i "i '''. v. I . .. a," ; i . i ".l.,':.e.;' 1 i . , r v i 1.. ;..' i i'l iai - 1 I.... "I '.at, l- ia 1 I n-'., in- : t . e '. ... 1 1 . V.';"V ' " ; ,i - I '. i. '.-!.; .-. iii, r. i v ' ..: , . - '.- I " .. I ; 1- -V ! I- ' i t I. 1 IM, ,.. ,-, a' . I aai - .a , : no 't -.si i ..:.' ;.. la. ..... . I aa . :-aa -'a. -.' l o,,., IU, all-,.,. 'a o i . -nllai . , a i c i . i i a -' ; i t a I ' ''.,.' '.;!. i i w ii i I'ii a i lae ,!, lia i Nh b ' -I- .l-'''-e lit'.:.- i i i - or v. ; l',:-;!''"h.: I'm . ;. ' i '.o i . 1 a . ' II ;i 1 1 K. i l.il- ( ' - a i v-.oi .. ., hi !y. ., . ' w . i , '. i .i- inc." - 1'ielao , i a i fi- -. V I..,. .o. iii .-' . '! . i ; . : it v. a - ---ai-i'i J t! u . - at tu, "I eo t!il c ir-, a ! i - v -Iii a iuo," s.n I tiie fcii-iu-- , ir -".a e'. ;':.:. I. "My ii "ink' j", 'tv tar . ' ur -I thi so. :i!a- p.ic'iy.i -i in. " i'i auk," to; - i to- f.-rim-r cire-'l - ca-'U I'lt. ' S t a. , ' ',"t '!-, tried.. 'i'f. ;it t ii:i ' i v. '.' '.. .'n.i'l - am "'C to auytloaa 'a a-,- I ': ;u .-. drc-1 ,'lii ca e." '- I'h.:..'! 'i.-i'-a .aab. Ala- icuo. '.en. - I II,-;.-in . ' "V, .,' -aid tin; . , i , ", "1 i - i ; the p-'.u- . oi I -" i a v -y I'-. , 1 SC." ' Vou ai'j i i"'i it., t ' ! u i i cif y oui- .ii';a'i' c .', i!"ou ? ' i;'ineal (im visit.. i-. "Ihiiti't . !. -in ill. ."'I'. h's kin 1 of uiie-iiut'.e-lai'i'-'. lo.' !,. - i,!H c' ll'iin .io-iit . t .'. t v. ; ilia' be d,s i Ion t t'ce 1 like I wa i'l a penitentiary no mo; ,-. I !'.... 1, l;j - v,, t a spec'. CI -n ei a acn.-ii'it; : ':, t-c ll.l " W; k , lagtoU bl.li-,

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