entatlutm Qccovd. Becorfc. RATES LONDON, D PROPRIETOR. ADVERTISING One square, one insortioc. One square, two insertion One square, one month 11.0 J 1.(0 - 8.68 SUBSCRIPTION, 1KB YEAR VOL. XXIII. PITTSBOUO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, AlTUVr 2.5, I.NMI. NO. 1. For larger adTertiaements liberal con tracts will be made. 1 In Advanet. Cfattem Tgr II. EDITOR JjN TERMS 7f ROC? ON ELMWOOD HILL. An Irish-American Til is k BY WILLIAM Miaitkii T. - I A bit ok int:t.M in Avrnir. Tho town of F.lmwool used to be n farming suburb of New Yo.k City. Sow Its boundaries are obliterate I, and It i fcRootion of tho c.ty Iv.ng between Con- Iral l'nrk and th- lii'veisldo Into, ami nearly built Up with lino rosldoi s. between th time of those two coidi- ttona It hud a period of occupation Iv mall gardeners and others, who llte,i la the humbler kind of homes some of which wcro more hut on tho rocks. Tho grading of tho streets left some of these structures at u conspicuous elcvu- tion, and the artists ef tho magazines and other Ulna: rat oil periodicals wore fond of sketching these ploturesiue Views. Tho poorer Munition were uecii- rled by ft ;iiat(ers, but the Host gin !o ttor yielded ground rout, hoivet.r Slight It uiiKlit bo, to tho owners of th land. iut Oiere camo n point in tin1 ex tension of tho city's building linuts wlmn, by means of a city ordinn , those objects were swept out of ex istence. Tho early moon of an August evening was shining on Illtvo nl Hid and was favorably lltitint: it up as a remarkably close resemblance of a ruial so n Iroland. On tho sholtlng rock stood two cabins, composed of a misccllaiie. one collection of materials, yet formed Into a rude semblance of cottages. Vliieo covered come of Iho la k of archi tecture, and the u oon was not sot ere In expoftinic the joints of ugliness. They loaned against each other, back to back. though for tntitual suppoit, each being conscious of its own structural frailty. A pig-sty was c'.ose by, and a pen for goats, while small patches of garden ha I been made of the s,.: whi. h covered a portion of tho r-totio. I'p tie) ledgo a stairway led, by means of an Intcr.-perslon of rock-hewn and boanl built steps, from the street to the cab Ins. I'ji this ascent climbed a police man In uniform. He ha I been detailed to serve notices of ejectment to th" in habitants f Shanty I own, as the neigh borhood was common!' culled, an I his day's task had reach, d Mitotic- evening, endiiiij with this visit to tho liim.es of the O'Kourkos ami the He,'k'. I ho oc rasion was, indeed, like that of an evi.-- tli n In Ireland. There had t n pb-nty if warning, liowcNer, and wl.cn 1 helim llourlro, smoking in front o h s door, . ' Sc. r approai hing, ho knew the errand befot-' it was delivered. Tie visitor simply handed a paper to him, and delivered a similar o.io into the a I- jacciit premises of the J. eggs. ti'ltourko put on a pair of imti-bowe I Uroetacles, shielded tho ."nine of a match With his palm, ami by the dickering light shol) rend the formal notice. A learned man in his way was n'Kourko. Ho had once taught school in His native Ireland, and his head was lull of boo'; learning which hail no practical value to him in actual utility. Ho was a Vague dreamer, an inventor of wildly impracticable theories, and altogether a man entirely uusultod to earn a living In a cltv where adaptability is the tlr clement ol personal su Itisind of making and realizing simple plans for the support i f himself and his wife, h gavo his thoughts to almost If lot qu.te irrational philosophising. it was different with his son, lonnell O'ilouike, a handsome young follow, who joined him. His hair hud th au burn of Ireland In Its close-cropped offorU to lie eurlv: his face bore tho open good-humor of his race; In n pea 1 lady-hip was nlv.:y- fond of Nora, and ant costume, instead of the clothes of a Nui Heen.e I ijiiilc taken wid her. loo. Now-Yorker, lie would I ave looked like She a true goo I la ly, and a Christian a veritable "broth of a bov"; I ul his vvouiin. Sure, didn't she put a bcuuti tongue had lost the brogue of bis native , ful stone over the corpse of ouhl land, for he had emigrated in childhood. Ciirolan in h ilreiia Alibey. at her own Even his father's Irish sp h was but : e. cu e, the darliu', and ain't she love 1 faintly characteristic, as he handed tho I by the poor people from one end of document to i'oiinell and asked him l.o. h l'ernil l to the other, ilodl b'ss what he thought of that. hoi! " I think It is time wo quit the shaiuv Listen to mo. Micky if you're sober ami tho rock, anyhow," was the si.lnte"l i ctiou.di to comprehend. I.a ly Maud reply. "I'm earning $1'.! a w eek a- a I writ.'s that -lie ill adopt Nora as b. r lawyer's clerk, and in a y. ar I'll bo a 1 mv" 'laughter, it die can get a complete lawyer myself. If you can somehow '' -"l relense trom her parents. I t,rln, In a mneb fnlher Wit ejin iie..r.l suppose it's lollllh that 1 11111-1 sec to livo In better quarters." The one lacking thing to eom- 'plete the Irish-American sceno agieo ably was a pretty colleen, mil she came Into it from the residence of the Heggs. Wide-open gray eyes, Willi dark lashes, had Nora Hogg, nml the clear white of her cheeks was free'i led like the Btlpplo of an engraved face, hho Seemed younger by two or three vears than llonnell, who whs ."', and like him she had been brought a Toss the conn too early In life to leave the broguo of Ireland on her tongue. A modest girl, and a neatly dressed one, was this New York colleen of l lmwood lioek. Close dwellers there had sic ami Don noli been, and closer yet had tholr hearts 1 ome. When she was told that the. eviction was a certainty, and thcrcupi n 1'onnoll asked her to walk with him. sho blushed a little, led i took his arm, and it was evi b nt tlia' ; their conversation would relate to the ' question of a future home. T.veii the abstracted i'liclini OTiourke vaguely ' Understoo I that, as ho Watched them! out of sight. While I'heiitn O'ltourke was still i meditating upon the document, his neighbor, Mnky Hcgg, zigzagged up j the stairw iv. Ml -kywasa sad exam- jde of inlcinperaiioc, and lie had just I returned from tho "berren" of old I'etc ' Mctilathcry. As the bollle was pnss.-d around very freely alter old rote was ; jut under the ground, Mic!;y was full to the back tooth. To show his sobriety lie called upon OTiourke to see him jump from the three-logged fctool, which stood by tho doorstop, to the bottom of the washtub. He put himself in posi tion and said: "See inn lop, and then say If I'm dhrunk. Hurroo!" "Are you coniin' In, Micky?" camo in a woman's feel e voice from within, for poor Mrs. Ile-'g was a helplessly, hop. lessly bedridden inwihd. "idvil a slop till i iTiourke sees me b p from the tub to tho stool. I can lei like a goat, me liu ri In 1 " And giving a Sr.ng In the air Micky came down with aihtid, nearly ci usli iig a goat that was com fortably sb ep ng Hear the cabin door. "A nice oHtnplo you are. Mi. kv," said O'I'nurko, solemnly, to i cue from a f unci al as di i;n!t ii.i a pipi r. ret up. Micky, lu re collies tho prie-t Bum .-Hough, father llanley, who w.u , Romance, Written for Paper. J. FLOriENCi:. returning from old Metllatliory's fum r- I came along. Micky li : t picked hnu- self up. brushed the mud from his ! clothes, nml put himself on tho stool j f"1'' rather came up. "How iir. you, i 'liclim? ' sii'd the I priest. "Ami the . liililr.-it Well, I li lo I bless them!" "Yes, Father, 1!i-y are well and ! can cat as well as any chlidor on tho ; to ks. I ttidi you would spake to I Micky. Father, lie want looking after, I To-n.oi tow morning he ha- to he up , hr'ght an I airly, for we're gong to l.o ; viet.d. Look at him as drunk as a lid- ill.r." "Yes." said tho priest. "I watched linn at tic funeral. The death of ol I Mc'llaMo ryshoul I be a warning to him. That sinner did not draw a sober breath for a any moid hs. Iu you hear mo. Micky.-" said tho priest, t-li;ikiti up his stupl-l parishioner. "I'oti't you want to buy him, l ather?" replied Micky, "He's as fat as butter." "He's thinking of selling tho pig," i aid i' llo irko apo'ogotica'.ly. "It's not to bn made a ri'lilancc of, and he's iriinli enough to f.-iro-y ho s la k in Iro- UtU, t -otitt-1 for a fair with the porker. T.I ten. Mi -kv," r-aid the priest. "You see how that ti per Mc llatlo rv die I, d d yo no!? W hat can you expo t to g liii by this constant inebr cty Think of Metilathery's end, my man:" "le'ilreaf like pipe clay, " replie I Micky, in a maudlin maimer, his eyes how jhalf oj eiie.i, and tears running i nvntiis checks. "And." h lltii:Ue l, "If it wasn't for the back spot on his bel'y he'd bring mor.-'n I'm nxin. " "iih, yoi are incorrigible, Mii ky," sdd the priest, a- lc roared with laugh ter at his pa' i.-hiohcr's answers A shout of laughter was lcnrd a; three pretty, br.ght-faccd children came up the liUi-i.le, and, wi'li hands It i 1 . ! with wild Mowers, came running toward th prio-t. who receive. 1 tliem w.ih a k s?. for one. an embrace for another, and taking the smallest in h.s al ius he. her high in the air till she laughed With childish glee. They wcro u liouke's yoi.ngsters. ami had stayed till dark n (cntial 1 ark, thus getting homo by mooidigiit. "Well, darling-, I'm glad to sod yo this bios, oil summer evening. You are all as j tvtty a-the Mowers, and rolled great credit n jour loving mother, who takes such good cue of you. '' It i- Miiiieiliing to bo romombi-rod, the fondness the liish children have for tho priest. Tho appearance of "The I''"I"T" ' an Irish village Is the si. ua I for a g' neral assembling of the clul- ilr who inn toward tic good man, an I, climbing around his kgs, with shouts of welcome, hug and kiss ldm in token of their J. eye and veneration. The p-eks of I.bir.v.o i pre-onted tho snino cl aruotcrisi i,-s. "liuuiii'o th" ho ise, my dnriings, " said l-'aihi'i' limit y. ' I want to speak to Mr. I'og in a matter of business, tome here, M:cky; you are sober enough to listen to wlia! I hao to t-av. i ''"'J oau'i i eiini-oin, iidin ino oig House a- r.iiroiia. where you came iron!, has wi itten me a letter. She was wry loud of your Nora before you oiulgrat-d. She has lent Per own daugliior since thou, and she writes ihai she constantly thinks of her ileal pots foster-sister, Nofa.'' "Yes. fiilh.r," said Mld;v now per- fectly sober from his ptr -rt naii. "Her ! about it." 1 e.s, v rr ie rence. It's tho mother that decides. "Is she able to see n o' " " I'lu.e i o-i'o in and try." The prii st eii'ered tiie cabin and found the b d-ridib ii lionali Hogg lying awake oil lid' i oih li. Mio was feeble with an ill' urabb) malady, whleh had been mused by a street railway acci dent a year bofoi e and which was sure to resuii in In r iloiit h at no distant day. He gave her a priestly ble-sing and then delivered hiserran vi ly gently and ei n-ideratelv, for he know that ti" Hue luolher Could at once tolerate the sug gos'h ii of giving away her dauglit r. Win n he had at length leal the loiter to her and she lu'ly comprehended it, .-ii died: "(ih, I couldn't do It, lather. 1 couldn't. It would kill me." "It is a pity it isn't I'olf that some body wants." the priest exclaimed, "and not tho daugh'cr that Is a comfort to you." "Don't say one wind, if ye plat-.e, against me boy. May be ho i-n't what he ought to bo, but I am ill hop. s he will eon e around in time." "W. ll, I hope so," and (he priest in dulged in the rr. tikness of a.lvl. e com mon to his protehstou in dealing with th" poor and ignorant of their pari-hes. "I ut he'll have t ml a deal to In come a good I I see him too much with tlio toughs and the gangs. Hut tlcue. don't cry. i toiiali. We'll try to reform Dolf; and as to N ua, think the matter over. I'e i. ember, she will re celvi: a good education and become a grand lady. Won't that bo a satisfac tion to you, for you know that you haven't long to remain w l h her. Thi.ik it over, loiuili. " father llanley emerged from thecal., in lo find I'heliin ti'b'oiirke and Mickv Hogg engage 1 in a dialogue in which the talk is ail being Cone by I'hellin. 1 hat loai lied and ei rat ic man was dis coursing ii on a subject which, so ho was tolling, ho had duel dated in a i. pi e. h on t ho previous evening belon the Kosinl Mub. 'Ih.it was a l dy which met in the ba k room of a saloon, and was compose oi a dozen ail I ut liralioi.nl theorists, ea. li one of whom consented to i.sjcu to tno whliiisicaii- ties of tho lost for tho sake of being h ard patii -nlly when Ids own Dim . iai.ee. They were m thoroughly at va riance Willi nil established things that, they wouldn't even spell the name of their club in accordance with the dic tionary, and ai tines they took b i.dopting long resolutions iluo-'tiiig how tho affairs ol the un 'verse ought to bo oc iidiicled. I hciiui (iTlooike wa about the oddest of them ail. The addrcs. that hehal ib livere I, and abo il which he was talking to the befu 'illcd Mieliv, he had forwarded as a theory which, ev n In his coini'iitiioiis, seemed singular in deed. It had I. opt llieiu so Interested that they had iieglccte.l the convivial lunotion of tin1 cluii. Th.ir beer glasses had been empty for a quarter of an hour before he finished, hut upon his conclusion the lungs wi o quickly Ul'ed, and the owrtopping foam ran down their still s to the tat to. " Hero 1 1 to the ho; e, " said one, "that Mr. O'llourke's theory in iv never be tested on ' liourke's h-if." That was diaiik with tl d-y lailgbtor, so K'llonrke ( onfessed ill Id- ncco.-lit to his neigh bor. And yet he. declared that h-lia l in pressed bis feibivv-niembeiB im-inen-ely, "Yo ivo I rains enough and to spare, I'hellin," said the prio-t, after listening to enough of the concluding tiarratito to uiidei;iini that 1 1'llourke was full of s hie now, strange and impi uctii-iiblo dnetm-. of his own inviiillon. "Why don't you u-e j our education sen-ibl v, as jour son l o nell locs' He'll be a sticees lul lawyer i. no day, for he's strengthening I Is In nd by good work, while voii're addling; Vi iirs with your philoso"; h:e,-,l lubbish."' While the pri. st w ns sp. aktng Dolf I'egg came u;i the stiiirwiiy, g.l e to the priest n none too r- spodful "g .od-cveii-ing," and s!ouch" l Into Ids humble homo. Ho was not mi ill-looking fel low, but his maun, r betrayed bad hab its and n reckless disp, .Hit nut. The three men i unversed a lew minute about the impending eviction. 'J lien they were startled by tin outcry. It was the feeble yet shrill vol. e of Oor.uh liegg, and they hurried into her enl'iti to tin. I o .t what was the matter with her. She lay with her oji s closed, and exhaustb-li i xpressed in tier t lull, wall face. Dolf liegg, her hulking so n, sat ir. a chair tipped back ugiinst the wad. with his , t ins folded liar I, one leg cro-sed stillly over the other, and his scowling brows m lortorcd over his eyes that only half their evil light was Isihlo. "What is it?' lather llanley ask. d. t.'i'.ing a s.-iit on the edge of the b.d, and holding one of the invalid's hands. "Has the boy 1 ii doing anything to yo i'" "That's right!" Didf exclaimed. "Ask her- doii'l ask me. Of coins,., she'll tell joii the truth, tin I I w.mi." "Did he strike you?" the prio-t asko 1, seeing a red mark mi the woman's wrist, as though she had warded oiT a blow. "He didn't strike me," thu respond d. "He live I to ol mo. lie know my hundred dollars bail been drawn Ironi the savings lank, that I I n I 1 hero iin.b r my pillow. It's part uv what the taili'oad lo.ks l'iivc tin' for the a 'cldent and now we've got to u-.o it for the hirin' of a place tolvo In. When ho thought I was fast aslapo. ho conies in on tiptoe, and fe.ds fer It. Hut I was awake, nnd I screamed with all Ine might, which wasn't much. I'm sorry to tell it av him. I nt. sine, the prieM ought to know it. And 1 had to call for hep. for he'd have stolen me money." I he priest patted thu woman's hand, and said so-.tnlngly. "Never mind It never mud it." Hut turning to the young in in. he mi dressed him with bit ter emphasis: "I loll', I ki.ew you were a brut -. How it eame to bo so I don't ki.ow. for your dying mother here is a go d woman, nnd your father's one built Is the drink. I have known or your st i iking your poor, helpless mot her, and that s i.,,th ! Melons ami cowardly. Now you've tin ned thief -a most con toiii) tiblo thief for you'd steal the very money thai she r. cdve I in jnymeiii for her ilfo. Dolf, lake my warning. You'll ooino to some lad end if yi ti don't reform yourself.'1 Dolf said nothing, hut sullenly un folded his arms, tun rosso I his logi, picked up his lint nnd slouched out of the cabin, lie stamped down the stairs to the street, and bent his, steps to.vard the groggery, where his gang coiicre gated, boii:d to gei drunk if whisky could be obtaim-.l without money. Micky Hegg was sober by litis time, and his custoinmy all'ectlon for his wife manifested itself in the exclamation: "I'll thrash the l- vil out of him that's what I'll do." "Don't do that, " ttonah said. "I.avo him to l- ather Huiilcy. May be he'll be sorry when I'm dead, nnd do l etter. ' She closed her eyes and was silent for a mil. lite: then she said, w.th a sa l smile: "There's pleasant news. Any l ow, it's plea-mil to inc. Th" doctor w.n h.e, ID- said I wouldn't live long, r than six months at the in. .si. There, Mickv, ,!,m't be s..rry. Af 1 thoiclit mo s-nlleriiigs- me days an I nights av dre.-i-Sliil, dieadliil inn was. going to las' lunger I'd be in despair, but the doctor Is cerium about it. He says I'll die within six mouths." "And there's no oss-.bility of your re covery.'" I Hi-1 i III ll'liolllke ilil,ile.l, with a sln.'ulur n anifest .11 ion of inter est. "You've got to lie hero, ami do nothing l ul suffer, and wait for death''' "Hush, man.' the pne-t whispered. "It's Hie truth, hit don't speak it to her." The priest nnd Iho neiglil or bade the Hoggs goo l-iiight, and departed. ll irl I li II. Ml' K V AMI Till: W ITCH. At daylight next morning Mick started for tin- stockyard at t! side underlie, it ii Washington Heights, driving tin.' pig before h in. He felt fllil of Irish patriotism, for wa- ho n..t al most tai.ing a pig to the tair? An 1 wasn't the proceeds lo go to pay the ground foil I of his dooitio I cabin, I.. f. re .the eviction of the family, and the dem olition of the structure' Micky lihicd bis pipe and as lie trudged along un real would whistle a bar or two m socio I eel or jig between iho wllilts of lil-i "dulhoen, ' while his mini wa tilli-i with l ady Maud s request to bring up Nora as her own. "Why not' thoughi Micky. "II iii ell knows we have as much as wo can do to bring up the lit !e wans, and if one was gone ili.-io'd le more for the rest;" and then, as if ashamed of this scllish view of the inatb r, ho mutter, d: "No: (.-iv,-away me own Ih-h and Mood'' No: o t ter starve tuoi-st." An I tlu-n the idea of Nora I ining a tine la ly a:.d i: :n g in hor earr age, while people would tak olf thdr huts t . I. r, h u pos s-ion of Micky' I lain. "Why Ii it. in. hob ? Sure, slio's an pretty as I old i or'n-u' daugh ter, and may lie I'd g t a di moo to i e a gatekeeper or loadm.-i-tcr on the i state. Hegorrn, Norn can go! We'll a'l lo rid-, en" of thc-e days.' "(i'loug there, ve divil," ns the j iu tujjgod at the ropo around his neck, .oi I wiih the mt'ural disposition inlu-r. u f I igs to : o the wri-ng w ay, he darted be t Weill Mclij's I gs, upsetting III". '1 he rope slipped Horn his lie k, the p g started back the ro id he had cum'. Mi ky picked hilar elf up- and tail in pur s it with many a wild n.-nl wicked oith. "Had luck to ye as n racer; but I'll pay ye olT for this when 1 eatili ye." sad Mick', as he inn f-ir dear !l!o niter tic p irker. Wh.-ti ho onpturd the pig whb h he did after a long chase, le struck upon a new idea. "I'll put the ro; o mound his waist," sii'd lie. "and then, begorra, I can drive ldm either way." The stockyard was na lied !n an hour, and Micky sought, a iiivl n ct. i'lt no one s. eined incline 1 to I uv a single pig. He saw lln-ni In the pens by the thousand, but tln-y had -one by iiir loads from the West, nnd there w is nobody to buy one 1- i.e pig. Noon a -soil without giving ; r dicky an .oppor Hi it y to dispose oi hi- i liar:;o. "('.me hero, nviok," sa.d he, addi-ess. ill J a little ragged boy. "Ilouel this d.ill n' while I go to take a bite, l ie hungry and must oat. or I'll drop with the w'aitin'." And gblng Ih - p g in charge of the I m , M h ky skipp-d oif to a shebeen, where he .llsposcd i.f two gieat ple.-es of I read an 1 took three noggins of whisky in the space i.i ha !' an hour. .lust then an o'd friend of Ins, rue Tommy I- line. -au.o in. "Mi.' ha. Tie,, nn! how are ye, n e bould I ll kv Come, have a imgg.i. wi I me," said Micky. And another ilr.i.k was the r---i.lt. Now, Tommy took a lut n at mating, .mil down we'n t two more glas:;..s. I'y this time Mi.'ky was half drunk, cud the thought of the pig tooii possesion of him. "Hoiild l.nrd. Tommy." s.-rd lie, ro. , fusing anoih.r glass; "I'll dunk no more till I sell the p g " And lie zig-;agge back to t he va-d. "Here is tlio owner, ' sa d the I . who by Ills time had got bred of lii-i 1 charge", an I was talking to it well-to-do looking mini; "lu re's the n. an as owns depig." "Do ymi want to buy him-" asne.1 Micky, addressing th" man, who w.ih art mi-lsei-r. lie laughed at the proposal fl'si. bu' seeing that Mb-ky m In can. est he listem-d to it. A bargain was stiuck and the pig traiisf.-nc I totlioeuslo.lv of the in-w proprietor, while Micky re turned to the .shebeen to spend t'.e "luck penny ' with his old Irietid. Tommy 1 l'nno. brink after drink wa- now tli order of the day, until Micky had s et:t a dollar of the money he ha ! receive 1 - lor the pig. and wns i-o drunk ho cou! 1 hardly s'aiid. Tommy hud drop) o 1 in a dark corner of 1 ho shebeen and gone i fast asleep. It was quite dark wln n Micky stur-ol ; homeward, and with much diili -iilty he picked his way through the park skirt ! in-g the Hudson and towaid Id- cabin. I H.-ii miles away. Mickv was not so ' drunk as to forget iho IdNr from 1 a-ly 1 Maud nil I lc r d.-iio to adopt little . Nora, and a- lie sta.-g. red I'roin i no s do : to theother h" would hie ouga out "Me : little Nora will be a folno le..iy, and me, her fi-ylher, will l.o a t'f 'itieiinn, begorra." Ho w:u now r.ppron. hmg a dee, cut nt the fool of SOith si-ect. This was a p a. -o which l lmwood tradition said was people I bv fair es. Tut Micky was tilled with louriige, for the wh sky had lire. I his bio nl, uiul ho did not him a straw for man or devil. So, with an effort to steady hU ace, and wrapping bis long coat aroiinl his legs, lie lioidl. I plodded ill. I lo had not pro.-, , io.l ..more than a quarter of a mile bcf. re the i whisky began to die within him. and he , felt im; oiled to sit dow :i II a iwdi by ti e wayside. i St i uiigo music was heard, as if from ufar; so soft and d.sduc! that t l.o faint : est sound cau e to Mickj's bewildered 1 ear. Nearer and nearer it uiiih-, n-ov ! ii iriflo loinliT, How dying nw.iy in the j distance. Suddenly the gru-s nt Micky's fed became strangely illuminated w.th : tiny glass lamps, which hung like 'lighted dew. It-ops from . noli Ida le of grass, while bundle !s of little figures. little moll an I woim n di'es-od in senn gii d grei U. dain-e I and ii aped a loir, keeping time 'o the fairy n u-ie. These tiny creatures weio not l.rgcl' than ! pins, yet were perfect in form and bui I lin os. They were a l: I- t ry set, and : clapi-ed their bauds Willi gl j- they ; 1-iuglied n:id shouted ill tl-.e iiii-onligh-. : Presently from their mi 's 1 cimo one. a i qncer-i oking old fellow, with a largo ' r. d n. iso and the most Mini -al of fa s. 1 H.s little ev. s had a m rry twinkle, mi 1 : though le' wa-i no bigger t'niili Micky's little linger, he ushed aside Ids coni I punious, who roomed to hold hi n m ! groat esteem, lor tiu-v e.-as. d their daio-ing and shout ing .:t his epproa.-h. i and bow. .1 im :-l i es e.-i fuilv to liliu a i I he climbed n.. Mic ..':. log and tool, a so it on I.i-. sb ill-:, r. " cli. I e . id. i -it this is a qi.ar-. paity I've got into, "sad Mi i y, as ho gl ,i.o . d nl the little old man oil h :- shoulder. "Ilo-.vai-e j-.ei, u. e .'ai In', i h.-.t I . r d i tic old man. while iho uiyriads of t.nv J l I eat lll-es fit his feel I ee ed Iro'll their I t heit. r 1 elni.il ,-ia ks. blad. s of gi.is : and grains of s.n.d, as ;f ii.te.ii o:i t M.cky's ro h . "Wiii'd Veil 1 a drink of whi-l.y, n o I'nrliu'.'" a .a in ipc ri- d tin- iopia : ch. inn, lor th" old fellow wa- i,.-:ie ' .c.her. "I would hid.-, d," said Mickv. "Mv in.iiilh is as dry a- a lime burner - he.-i "Come along, then,'' sai I the ..id man, j jumping from .Mi -I.y's shot;! lei to :: 'knee and w it!i aiioih.-r ,u.,ip :.. lie I grolill-l. lie led tin- bewild .led lii-u-1 man aero the roa I to a ...Ion. w.-ll lighted an I w.n-iii, in strong .- -i.tra-t b the dark iitt.wav. Th u-.-in-!-- ..' i'ii ! (allies i a !i wi i: li s little lamp lirh' --1 up, wore lit Ii'oi.l ol hiui. ' A.-io s t'-e n a !! I y the p..w.-r-.. I'm afraid I'll .-lip on -on e ot j.-r in n : hi-io and ciu-di a f. w 11. o i at. I o. th.-i.. wid mo le, t." "NeV.-l IU.I1 I tie II!, ' 'id the o'd tl all. "I hey im ii In icof llii'ii. -i-'v.r. t!,-y Wid e-ive ll-. ot I'm i!o.-l." ii -iir- i ii ii h, ti e in- 1 1 . i t M c- v an. I hi . i-..:. .pan. on i . ache I I lc ! I of Ihec.ilii. the ;-i. y i a i". I ' a i . I' '' n'.'.ji tin ir limn -' m.i.g l' -.e live ... - ,.: : r i (lies in tlio .1 -. M , kv ..ii 1 I. . 1 eolidll.t-l- I. lor. d 1 e o st.jl.. A. lo - .1 ' the I hi I. .-to.,! .1 hit1, tin- or .:r!n-.i..: s'aii-l, on w In. h in i - .iir.iii.;.-1 1 ttc . of varioil- c. lor-. W .'ll .-. b HI: i tie , o 1 t.i.iv ju-l.p d up" i. the o'lli'i I , and .l.ni' im; a In' w.'b li s I-. e;s :.:-. mo e I a . a: ii y w i i.ke d 1 ! 1.. :.. w nh t ut .1 . : . a ! 'v .-a . no ! in-.., ; : i c. i .i ; , . ; Hi i. o-. ii..- i -.I.. iii. r.e i- . i The Chilli-. u d ip.:- ,'!' Ii in , linn or g ir I- . s is ,,. t ii.- ,, .. : ile.lil I.V o-"!is ll -.Wll to IJ... I ol l.:-. . Tin r b-;i: tf I.:; - .m! ... a it ::;i :i- i;';i. Ki' :is -i i -. : vr.: , otic Ii .s I ii known tiki i clii .1 i, ' half an 'uiur. I AGRIGuLTURAL : e S ! Wilier I in- a(n.i nl I'm n. About '.'.".o,i ion-; of wat.-r p.-r in-re Is the e-linrlte for ;l cop ol' colli. Ktn-li a wcighi of wiitoi' would crush ll strong building, atnl ei uioie than that quantity falls upon ail acre in the Course of ;i join-. Ii is n- ; ,.Hi, i!t to obtain lie wiiter in to pi-own: i i loss. II is Known that if a lull of wa ter is oiivi ;-od ls e hi, .,1-at ion o.-cin-s. If tin- land is luliivu o.t li-.-oii. utly tic loose dir: on lie s-iiii.-i.-e pr-. tents eta poraiioii, :iii, the tfiii. r is i-eiaiuod in the s -ll for ih.- ,.;' ih-. plains. A New I). Moo I.i Save Hie swiiini. lit cry p.-t son tvho b.i ! . - j . t bo. s has had a v.ii-i. , xp 1 . Ii. -e :is to .11,11.' the e- ati. . ol' i -. -piiig sV, ;n iii ... Soiui.' lire i;-,i i. lo g. 1 a i a i he b s; one can i'.o. A tv;-i:.' in liie ijertuaiitotvii Telottfilpll t -il - hi- : ::.. its follows: ' I hate u-.-d a dot :- e I.ke liiis: Take a pl.-ie ..I' i t . say t, ii or twelve im-hos soiiaio; I ore nit r nci iin-h boles ill il. ;l!,. ill oao'a ol' 'hi',., holei U it c 1 11. -oil. I let .'I lis.!,! M: 'l; four teen til I gi,;.-. U feet long, ills -l-l olio end In till- I..,.,. !. Vi h' ii yo'ir boos SWilllll. .lot.! .- Ii; so col-., and o-iii-y i; iii-iiiiu.l am ng the bi es u here tin y n-i-tii lo bo i ii.ei.o-i. mid tl.c.t nr.. quite Sm:v lo -so-iic' o!i Hem. 'I'll, li yon liaveoliiy to , li.:i y liliiu d"W ll Lifoiv Hie air. :i-!y p;-. par. d hive. You this rates di.u: -n- iut trees, cutting oIL' lii'ii's ho-., l ing ilcin down, it i.i.-h n- i .Is it en-. :.! h.iud. and ev, n tin fi t- I'tio r another, tlcy ill-o jailed ol'l' illld 'lie '. o-k ll-ls I,, lu ll lc ot-.-r. t;,u :,,.. m i 1 1 1 j . 1 . f i . -mutters, is --i-y puict;. d, is easily ibiac. ":d th.-t-e is w pat. :r on ii." Il.-i tit 1 f. I- il -I ,, The tii'-l ; 1 1 : 1 n ii t.n.t :i,.:.g ;. to go; good sic'!. I'.ny fi-otu a it-LaVe M-cd-li... ill. f..f it do. s not p it- in v.-.!-lo tlni AV I ! ll le-ol-, lliilll.lt im d M ... If tve ; liuvc .-nine of our own -.-.' !. lived I f ".mi the ! e;tr li.-1'..re. so u-.-i il the jlnttil. I'oi- t'.e are lie :i -me it is ,.... ! find li-.si.. ;,.t u s i ,ioi:i tiie cell.-n- tbr: I'..-. I,.,,,. ,.,.,. 1Mll , in the t'ali. or if we did n,.i ,1- tha'. p. rliaps vc i nn pi-ociit-o ii I'.-oin s-.iiio 'lc r Ida, e. I'm i; !u a ...x. pan ,u- uit.vhiiig il'io vi-rti tit. :nd s.-t p inar t!.,- ti.v. or ,u an .o . i f, r s , i-,i! lia.'.s, to iltiio ..ut tic Ii..-, and tMirtin-1 thr..i::.!i. i . -a-.-n.iilj ,jitc i a slil-fin:; lo I., ai, no Iho ltni.ns. .,.. 1 tin re be :i::y. ;o. ;,, :.t .e it la .it tlil i.iu: u. p. it ,1 .- i nor i; -i iy ti .ii :a ed. ;in, can bo e.i- l.t pul t o; :.c.. i.ii. . till old -.eve. ooiia.l.i. r ol' soluo M, h thin-, an I sil'i all your dirt t'.iioiigh ll ill'ii I lie b,.. s I I .11 ha o boon p, e p.uvi! I r yo-.n- -1 cd. l'.l, i; il dow n rutin i- i-bj'.oly. sow- the I-. bin j,.t tmi liii.-kly. T:,.-:i pin a thin. .... , ;i J;:y. er of the dirt over :1. s. d. in, aga!;i pick down with ;i boird o" .-otue H.n in-liclo. Sprit, !;!-.. fgliilt- with t. ;u tt:i ter, :ind m In a warm place :., sprout tiie s , ,. , m , ,,. i: :,;'s r ui '. ' from wind-, , r iiny c o! pl.i,- ,. p li.cei ti lei-of iho i-oo-.a. or ii,.:,r a -:,,,-. wh"io the li-lnpi-r il u: e v, ,il n.U l;,i! bolou sixiy .1, gfc. -. Tl,,. I r, -i.ii i ob taiiii d by iii:ii!it:i:i::i,.; a t;,,.- ; :.il lorn ji ia titre im; il t lie plain - v i a l 1 stat-r. g;vi'ig. in tiie icaut n,, plenty of sinisiiiiio. Af', r do ,l.i-i s have lie ir third or fourth s : if 1, m-s. u'i I i-''i in to 1 rov. !, d in th.- b x. it tt ill lc I, tic t:i lo i iiiti-i.l.itil in , .ns, p.,t. or boxes, i .it o t ii.-i :i pi. ' of room to grow in. Afi-.-r ti;i: : i i:; -plant im. tiny iiuiy be s. t mil ,.f ,;,,.,:- .,u tviinn ilaj s tli.it i!: y may I... iir i - u-.tti d. so that tiie . hung,.. t !;, :i :h.ya:e planted in t'.e i pen gr.utn I. will ii ' hate any off oct i.u tic ill.- The Agio inlitral Ki:t : uililst, Uocislni; Animal Tim I. nut;. It is n very i .inciulabl. .-iiid huiiinn lllll-ilill selililin !l! loll. . ;,c.i::le.iool,g. for il indicates an :i:ia. ..u..-::' for ti,. m tli.il olio is ..t h to bio.ili. and jo' n : fiiriiH r tvho is r.ii-lng ati.iii.ils r,,r bis ; I-1 ' :il.n I b I -i i;ii:u' in inieiii lc t'. i: Ii t !i il ho know - I,, .o p ,,-i , in - -. I lllu l-s ,o. p , .i ll,, l. o ,,:g .in, pit- boe.nl.,. ihev h.ipj.i i o l,o jg, liilll th" I..-1 Itn.e to i;-po-o - ii,,.,,,, and :!ot kd p '.ai ng i,.r a !,- r mni In lie- i : i . i r kels to ,, I,, i,, ,,, j., , o. ! l-etlil'lis. S..l;.-;:ii. - ti.,, Ining ju (... i ll pc of d" l,g be l.-r ;!,.r ill III.', s il j f.iri.i.-r to , .,i-i-.v his i.i ,. ot.-r from j ll oiiih to l.i.o. Iii. iin l !,, ;'...-,. p... 1 ns ! il .1 J i af ! a- -i ,1 ;,v. '-;. . ,,:,. ! ill-O III al.lllil" i a- :ng up .-iii i. p;-,.' I ils l!;.-l , -, , 1- vt.-.l! 1 h.lte III. id" l'"l' I I" ir I mi la rs, ;i--,,i ;l i. :..,, !,. are pa ' lllg the iliie ,,f life, v. hell they ,-, i nt iho I . -t pi-;.-.--. I Ve mini .-illold to keep o.-ittla n-io ' il.iy long i- ii: ::i -li,- ihey r. m h ; 1 111! t.l.ilil. It . I- pi lie" ol .f... V,, o ibis p. ri...! I hey hat" !., ii gaining in : Weigl.l and i!,,!,. .a - al o- . ,v .oin,, ot I feci Ihat bas a g-t, n in 111, ::, h.l I iii.-iile il- i on. ,p .' -g iiaioinit ,.f 1 H"-h. nil i, , din of grow ui.- ani I luals link-- c ;. i;,,. h ,:,;-i of the far ! nit r or bi-i di :-. btn w :i. ti ti-,. f,l l- ll-es to i x. i-i ,-s I,; o ,. ,lr, , til II -i.tl'- tii'm. v, , ! to . v. r .. Ti,.- .. i .ii.-. . - t-cr.t ,", ii ihai iho i nih il it" p.is.. 1 t .. : ; : in- . al: 1 all f.ini.v I'. , i'l will I a ii ly 1,-n I to hdp liu -,i bold !u ir t , 'I 1:. ro i n. l tirilici- I'l-.ini' entitle s,,!d in t In.-nk. I t.o it.s -.a o:!;:a;s Mote ih. n fat .-111,1 w, 11 .lev. io;- d i .it -.a It inclu,'. . I.lt.,.1 gl'o'.'.il '. . 'I ! Ill.l l ' I'l of fe-'l Tl.i- I- '.!' 1 . ' , 'i : ' " ! by I . . : I. ils hid I to ::" Hie ,,. - v. ..ui I - ti lo . niii .-ii ol its 1, . - ir in . I :.i:ij io t b- a.t i a-y in.it tcr iilv.iiys to toll just when tt has readied its full prime, but it is more profitable t i sell ju-t before thai period, and thus lose iho few extra pounds flic may have gained, than to hold her il few weeks beyond full Maturity when she gains nothing in weight and loses In quality. Most of us are inclined to hold oiii- cattle ion long, and it may Veil be of value to some of US lo look into the mutter. Are wo hampering i"lui by holding cattle over for higher markets when they should ho sold nt Mice, ol' are tve selling ihcui just n soon as they haw re.iolied their prime mid are in the very in -t condi tion for the tii.'irl;. t.- i:. 1'. Smith, in American Cull ivato;'. A Convenient Itarn. M"d' rn haying I ols arc hard to op- oraie In the old-fash! -d st ring girt .cin.-iji st style of building, and a frame tvi.li nu open outer like the one show ii in J'ig. 1 is coming into use As; e from the five .swing of the horse fork, it bas the .'idvaniage of allowing hiy or grain t , settle without inter ference from er.,s- girts. I'ig I represent a plank frame which is shown in detail in i'ig. J. in place of A i n; 1. ores i:vn: fiiame. tiie usual upright post a plank post li ii .ule by nailing one plunk to the ctlgo of another. T-fashioii. Two planks holt.-,! to the foot , f this mi l extending to the ,'U.litl Willi the bfi.eos. na itvti, form a russ. which takes th plin of tin- usual cross-teed frame. i'ig' Il -hows the ham in perspective and I'ig. 1 shows the ground plan. Tbe break li 'ltt e.-n the stiilidiioliS is a gattJ for carrying feed through to tlio box sla!l. The d lied line extending acruss iir.rAir, or plank KiuMn. the bani by iho side of the drive Iloor is foully tho imaginary boundary of the leading lloor. A slight additional ex p 'liso would hat e provided a partition v. it'.i roli.i::: ,lo, its. similar lo that iu 'iie rear which separates the stable f'-oiu the Luxes, Hum in -l .sing the -able. Over the slublcs and boxes is a l.d'l with a in. ilohid lloor. The mow ri. i-r i.- also matched. Nearly under the granary window is a c 'thole, by which the cats out. r the iiai'i throiigli a circinious alley aroiinu tin- granary. They say this eniirely j pretitits tl.,,. depredaiioiitj of rats and in:.-. . I'.-r my arl. 1 slo-nTil have pre. t'. iri'd lining the gratiary with sheet ii'oii. v. hic'a could bat e N-eti done for tl.r ir-; pi f square foot. The "loan to, ' which forms 'let ma- l iii. .1 PAHS IN I'KltSVIH TIVE. nine pit, was built under a separate eoiiir.-ie:. I lie umber lor nils ana: ground tl . and also the Moiies for I iiiid'-rpittning. were liuTiishcd by the party for tt h in the building w as elected. Tic site wa. tlnil of :t former baru ili.it bad been destroyed by lightning, and slop" I away about four feet in the ,-e.ii-; si. bj -c:g- in ii posts, siMccti f.ot long, wore used insi.-ad of tl.c T-i Plat.k s i ihis par:!, ular building. Ih,. dmsio,,s were sixty by . bin y ! f, , ;. The build, Ilg c, lllplele, Willi j hor-e foil; in working or.li-r. mil two .- ii- of princess metallic palm, villi) D I ; i i i io. 1 - i i. it or Tin: u.tux. a.,i,.,it . I i. . : C, .hive tl ; lb In. , it,... r I I- -i.ie, hi. ui-; i', 'hop; ,': ,..,.. II II. b..v si. ills; K K, '..a ' -. . I . in .noil pit . I e. bi'.e b ad tiiin. was pin up a yenr ago i'l-s'.iHi. Piobably sl'iu would have to ! ail'l. il lo that iiiiioitiit to ilupliontc ; i: b.-di't. I 'lie l.-i't lliai the builder was nr. In tel :. contra. 'lor. le -s citpctiter and : i cir-i -t ni'iii combined probably saved 'no, hut i-veti witli mat addition to i ;ieiise ii is a cheap barn, coiishb :i : its e.ip.-icitj. and for those ib'sir ;'..,! coin l.in.it ion -cciiis lo nieel tin n;". rielii ill an effective nianiier. ;: ua, v,tw:hJI. in Country Ucutlo a a.i. liu. 'J OUR BUDGET OF HOMQtt LAUCHTER-PROVOKINC STORIES FCt LOVERS OF FUN. Woulil II ? 1'onlljly Tommy's I u.ter. slHinliiilC Hiinr Ituulil Tliryf Ills -li lii e t lurklliic Ihf IUhIiik s,,x l Wuulil lie Just l.evol.r, Ku-., Ktc. If you cross a stick across a slick. Oil' slick a cross across a stick, III- stick a cross across a cross, llr cross a cross across a stick. Hi- cross a cross acres- a cioss, (Ir cross a i rosscd stick across a Mid., Or stick a iT.s,od Mick across u stick. Or slick a cros-cd stick across a crossed Midi, Or cross a crns.-i'il stick across a i ros-i, Or cross a cross across a cros-nl Mit 1., W ould tins Lc an acio-iic? A iisv. ers. 1'onsllily. Lord (fj "You're a girl ::lior try In art." She -lli.tf do y.ui know'' 1 inayb" lifler your title." liarlelii Life. Tummy's I 'ml ii i'l h nil I n i; . What d it liieiui. Toiiiinj ." tin) Sunday seho I l.ii.-iiir ilsk-d. -'ttliere ii says 'tin y rent tlo ir clo'h, -'.'' " "1 siippi so tlu-y ciiubln't afl'ord t,) buy thcin," replied Teinuiy. J'eiro.r Trie Dress-. II, uv nul.l Thi'V f She "reoplo do II t oltctl ln.tl'iy 1 h-'ir firs' lotos, as im doubt you L ive noticed." IK "No. I sllppo-e lllC.V l!o;- oftell. Ai least, not Uioi'e tliai oil c."-- lVar soli's Weekly. Ilia lllti-iiee. "What was tiie oiiu-o of tlio latest quarrel between Mr. and Mrs. Kid;-i-i--':'' 'Mrs. Dickers caiig'ul la-r lmsbaiii lying on one of her sofa cu-iie ns." llai'liei's Hiiz.ai-. ( lii rkliiK I lie lilrliiK Sox, "Woliian ought to have iidniitii-tiM-. i. ... I..,., i, .noli will i-.o t f ii and liui-i:'.' ! . ,. "Now, go slow, i-lli.i; you've tem porarily overlooked the Kmprc-.s of China." Chicago Iteoord. It WollM He Jon l.nvely. Holly "That perpnu.-ited paiiii makes ine think " Dolly -"Makes ymi think of tv'aat':" 1 lolly-" Wouldn't il be a lowly th ng If they would make perpetuated oiang blossoms'.'"- Hot roil free Divss. Avnlillni; the I'liiielfuriii. .Professor's Wife "I iiltvaj-i hav litir pics lll.lde sqllille." Visitor "W by is that';" Professor-s Wife "oh. Profo s.,f n so nliseiit iiiinib-il that if ;i pie tv.-r, cut in wedges In- would be i.pl lo l ilt h . -. pi iut of his hatid." -lluliiiliap.ili.' Jotlinal. 1 he l-in.l Near. Pirst Horse "llotv long do you t-iip-pi e we shall coiilinuc to hold pic; tig as beasts of burden':" Sccollll Horse -"I'.eilsIS of bu n l-ti '.' You don't l-tliotv what ymi arc talking about. They make .'iiiioinobil'-s inov Hint carry twelve iiun iind six guiii." - Chicago H. cord. .lust "I'Miut" tlio Ol.l Miiii. Mrs. Matin "I am al'r.iid. Martha, young Mi'. Si; lis is lioi aliog. Il" l' t-o;-rei ' In hi habits." Martha "oh. you think thai because i he and pa are Mich good friends: but niter we are iu.-iu.,-,i i .n-.-, ..o". Charles having nothing to d villi pa." Huston Traiisoripi. IlH ll.llll-lllllllllll lllllO. Totvic 'Phi- w:ir. all- r nil. ha- bc-tl a great les-oii m the lil.glish." Prow no "Th.-it's right. I gues.t there's lots of pie who in tor knew before the war broke out thai there were sin h things as kopjs. spruits, nnd kloofs, let alone bow lo spell 'em." Philadelphia Press. A Way Tin y Ilnve. "Hilly never tells n funny story tt ie-u his wife is iiivund." "1 iocs she emit indict him':'' 'No; but if he doe-ii'l begin the story correctly in ctcry minute particular, she takes it away from him. tells it acciiralely In small details and 1,-avcs out the point."- lietrolt I'ree Press. He Hint Hint I mei il. iiie. Miss Seiitiineiit "Were you ever di;;. ilppiiinted ill love':" liligible Widower -"Two illld a half times." Miss Sentiment "Two nnd a ball" t ..... '''" " '" ''' on.-e rcjecle.l. -Omaha Lee. A l eiiili.liie 'I'riill. m,-s. Moon --They say thai Mrs. Sw ll'lsiniili is greatly troubled wiih in- kijiiiiiin. Mr. llooii "Yes; I iindersland that She disctercd the filet, il Week or s.i ago, Ihai her liusbalid talks iu his sleep, end she hasn't slept a wink sine! for fear of missing sonn-lliing." liar- pel's H.-izar. lAlrciiil'P. She dip: a ted his Icrtcli! eoinpll- inoiits. "1 look like thirly coins." she . igln d, with quit i I ing Hp. Von look like i i 1 1 - ty nine ceiii'., my dailiiigl'' proicsted he, tomb fly nisi-jL-etit. Now the li'utli. doMblbs-, lay some xt here belv.ocli these two est femes.-. I iiotroit .linirna AiH-irnl .1 iiiiinr. I Al Hie eol-ollitlioll ;be nnciclil fol nil 1 Were I , gully adhered to. I "Hail! o. King!" cried the eomiiers. j And tie- icw i.n..i;iivh ri-p.ui lc! : i "Thank y 'ii ever .- i much, but if ,;'s i all ibe -anio hi yon, 1 would rail, r I rdg'i tb.iti haill" Tic ll al' laiit-.ic .1 b- :i C lit. .ins! ns if this it, re not uptt ml of ." ' ( joarj tild. - lJcti'oii Juiii ual.

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