V . - 6l)atf)an Record Sfri Ctettow RATES or ADVERTISING II. A.. LONDON, KDITOR AND PKOPIUKTOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One square, one insertion Due square, two insertions One square, one month VOL. XXIII. PJTTSBOUO. CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, TIIUUSDAV. SKITICMUKR 27, llMMt. NO. tl. For larger advertisements libera! con. tracts will be made. Strictly In Advance. 5.7, I IN THE CHINA' SEA f-V A NARRATIVE f.y SKtV Ai: I-! Ytlliil'T ' .Vr-.'o '.?' iKiVs I!avji:i: 1 1. : i (.KTINCKJ-. 1 S i Mimi'v Ui";e apnea! cd nl tin- win dow itqi.i!i! litlic fan', pecinc; into til.' li".htcii store floiu tin, outer dark lies. l was hut !i moment, however, for the held itiMiilit the owner of tin' face was in the Mori-. "Here is a csii-lnii.fr." I nl 1 ! 1" 1'liiitiT, who came li the limit in lather it sii-iv Manner. 1'hisler lil ii.it like Clammier., and t li i fellow win decidedly a Mniii-'ul. I littvo cod reason for rciueiiihcriiic that I. mill that night. l.onkiiie hark, now, after all these l;ai).y years, I can see that fare loom up in tlio window iii clearly and as startiingly B it 1 1 I then. U wus i.nt n l'itta u t faci. It was a crafty, hateful tare, lint the almou 1 eyes were opened wide with aniiety oi fear. know not which. The rich onciitid clothinc win limp aii l hi'.lruu'lcil. The water run from li i in in rivulet a )e flood, pant inj, hef.iifi l'luster. I liic-tr her'?' he asked in " !iieiui l'.njr!ii.h cunnu to the Call lorn nt ( ' 1 1 : 1 1 .1 1 u u 1 1 I'histor nodded. II"' was not dis lined tn treat the Cha.itmaii era. u, in ly. Ho did hot f-ny that 1 was Cue l. .-tor. ( loin, q'.-.icii ''' 'Not in'icli!' ret jritee! l'luster, !iii.-.liK, out a! the : 'm in and shine ii;i hit suuuMrrr. "I inn not tlie loetor; and if ! w.n. I wouldn't C" iit to night for thu i-st Chit auiuit i:i Sun I'.ait. A look of appci.l riime iutn the eel ;st mi's fiiec. Win. In:." 1: aske", lookinj.' a! :no. "Thai's ihe dorlm'," replied Pl.is Ii'i ; "and if ho goi'S out to-nielil he's a liiKe- fool than I think lie !.'" "What in it you want?'" a-ked, not iueliiied to lie t-oo severe wiili the fel low lierause he hu l hneti uufoi'tuuate enough to ln horn u heutheu. '"Not ChiiiHUiim Mek. Chinaman only want eoine. Molicnii lady sii-k-very siek iuaho h'' ('loin, liloe tor. eloui savee hi i , ;:o:ee liir p:iy velly lii Cl.nr. ! f.inow." Ih lo.il. hold of my rout and 'oi 'viu pi'.lllllu llle toward the ilool. Whuit- is if.'" I linked. No far. Clou:' M.-li.-an lady do W illle Hlln'e hrl '-. "Well. J'hitir," I :-;iid, 'titm-oii my f 'et mid shiikiro: iny-elf. "I.1 .-nd in 'your iiiu.'t. iiitu i . n!:il I'll 'i and e w hut's tin matter. I'ili-ter Very l.;t -il .Il-;lts:e i. 'I'.d while l.e w. is e. t:.n: tin- Hi'.-'.. ! !' I.i-ii fc.r me, he l! r.t-re.t sou. i thl.i .' veiy ID II i' li to the ill- ji.'H.l .'rlin-l.l of luy'int.'llivt. L it I .';: lu'l mind tli.it ! 1'hi-ter. It iii w:.y: ai-d I fell rather in. I, lie I with ti:-- spirit of it I vi-iiture ii ; i . i !e.'ii,. ;.. see t li tiling thioii.'Ii I 1 . i i:-'t lieeii to mv 0. 1h't' ''iliei l:ri:':.:li.' ..IV : I' I of eall mi. 1 so had n.v ll.e.hi ille e hiiliiiy. Kollinn up the hotti ma oi my 1m.ii nei-i, I said to the ('!..' .u. ::-.ii ' 'I io oi. . e.., i l.e I'll oil low . " I did lloi l.l.e j, till V ( 'l.il.i -e, ii:ul ill I li. t know ho v th y ni'a- .i i d taiiee-; hut if th- w..lk tha; lollow H.ive ine that lii':'u! -.t.is a short one. may I foiewr he s)..i.eil a lotm wink with lil.r e.imj-.iiiv ii-oler iii.-.! eiienin Mtauees. lie p:.i.eud on jitM uhoa 1 of mi', ciiatleriu;; to iumelf in linn; tellir'ililo li I: :.:. His li.'iiids were turked in ins slf-'Vi--. With my head ihi'iked. to l.eip t'.ii! vain out of my lieek, the co.iar ol the inai'l.iiito-li turned up as hiii iii ' i-mhl I'i't i! and my nieilii'ine ease i!m..-r u.y arm, my lunula deep m I'hi.-ter's p.nkels. I Mtrmle after the fhum'oliii - 'hiiiiiiuu ir Wi passed ii.uumi i.iiii" pliysii'iau-' inns. I did Hot thu.i '.ueu. hut in after days I Wolid'.-l ed w hi;' impul e led that heuthi ii pa-t . o many di ui Htnres and doi'liu s houses on hi wuv up Hie hill to I'l i-:- r'.'. In the lieht of siihseipie.it i vent - it w ,i iippareni thai In did not w.ti.i the pl.yvieiau In know the in i;;hh..rli..i.ti into whit !i he wm K'"S. I hi mid on he v etit. th vn I'liestrn-l. ovc'i another, i:'.o dislriet" that were entirely new to u.e, m.til I was sniis tied that he was 1 1 yi;, to mislead no is to our dire. t:ori. I hei'iiu to think he was oin;; to take me i.ll oer San rraneiseo. And yet ile win in a t r ineiidons hurry. I.ut he would no! lide in a RtiMet ear, n ir would hu lei IP" Jura a e,irria!e. At last u,y mysiei ! oils (,'iiida Htiqipi'd li. fore a gloomy .inkiui house, the windows of v. 1 1 1 . i i were dark, as if there was no life with in. Had I stopped (o think, I lin.vit even then haw; ;'ivi li up the joh. h u what with mv eiirio-.ty mi l my :!.;. nest to mvu a la::.i f, e, 1 was ih-ii-r-mined to see t!ie i.d i n! lire thro'i ii 'I'le Chi:iini.a:i imp tliri-e .pi.ri. kliueVK and two t 'i.v, ui-i-4 ell t!ie ilnor, 1. nd it was oprli '.l. 'Tin' sai.-ll of a h it, foul atinospiiere e.i .io oa! iulo my iiu'e and tieurly i-tii! d i.u. Almond yen from two loati.i ry f.iers peered nt me. from tho dimly li 'i.ie I hall a- I followed my i;ui le i:i ide. 'I'lii'ii' wa . a moni 'S't's eh itteriii-;, a: i f so m::::y monkeys, und I felt a queer .sens.i! i ui as I heard the In i. v dour rinsed hehind me. i was in .or it l:o, e.uiie what may. The. fellow who Lai liroiiirht me eeiui'd to he the. iiuiNti t spirit of tho lace. The otheiH oht yed him uith alacrity. At hia word my nine kiutosh waa taken from me and cio tfully h.iug un to drij. ! OF ADVENTURE. tf. t;.r ' HOPKINS. '( 'loin mi id mv j."lid'. imneri omly. I turned to follow him. He 1 the way up a gloomy flight of stairs und through tile hall towerd thu '.rout id ; the seeond story. Mere is." he said. lie Mopped li. fore a door that evi deiitly led int. i the front elmml.er. II- took a hiineh of keys from In- poekei and ipiiekly uiilorked the ilenr. "t'loiu!" he sai l. I stepped inside, and he loake 1 eare ! fully around the hall at if to see thai 1 no one else was there. Ther. he loeked i us in. Tin (Xas was iuirniiin low. lie stepped to the side of the room and ; turned the light full .oi. A hiie hed 1 stead stooj in the renter of the room. I stepped to it and looked dow n. I,v nijf there, s'ill as death, puh'. w ith ! scatvely a hreath atii-ring the sitowny ! liosom, was the most heautiful nirl I ; thought 1 hud ever seen. l air as the the fairest lily, with a skin as pure I and white as was, the heauly of hi", ! fae. eaiue over me like n sudden vision. Her lips wen full and well -shapi .1. ' Her throat wai da.liu'.' in its white I nesJ. Her hair, Ioiijj, (lossy amUoil. w i's tniitled and snarled. Her pri -! ei'iii in this hive of 'hi inn no it st.trtle.l 'me. The serrery iiiaintained hv tin i fellow who was lu r keeper told no : thai f was in the pi tvi'tiee of one of those rieat and horrilile mysteries tiiat have made the lilo! on tint lair land of California. Soiuelhiuu of my t huiiehl rriis: 'nave appeared in my t"a"e. 1'he ( lunaineii stood ovt r the hedsiue, writi(.;ili(t ln ' hands and frying ithnid in his own toii(;iie. He (;l:ineei up ai my tiwl ni(t fare, and snid: ' "She my wife. She ( 'hinaiiiaii wife. Savee. dloelor. Savee he:. I Min-h hii; fo if m.t do ." : lle'-poke eai nestly and an'cioiiaiy i did ii t dnuht his sineerity ill wishino her saved, hut I thought he was a liar , when he said she was his wife. She was evidently hih horn. The seauty elothi:.;j thu! she hud mi ta ! rieh and ot Ain":iri! m in ufaei in e. 'There were no ji-.e!:-. h she had ever po.-sessed any. they had Ineii taken iVoiu he:-. I mentally hoo- i all . ii .s.ii roiiMil iu;;'s while I iii'ido a hasty t ion oi 1 he :rii I. . fler .'nr. I'Mitmna -fill work. I hat she to tl .iiMoa il id ili'l'll dl",': .'il. I not till w iiat the nature if (he ur.ie; ii-eil via--', hut il w.i - - i.iii.-: ii I ii.; t'.i:i; hal the power al!!o-t lo s.ls .. ;i.l life, 'i'he iiiuimaii ii:t,l line I lo i m.icii and .a-- now t'i udit eiicl a' tuo p.i.i..hle iesiil'.. I did not ,i: .clo e my i!i -com : v to t he 1 I 'ni!::iuiaii. I w i. "iw fully .-on t nice I that he w.is a srouinlr !. I 1 eotlhl accomplish ll 'lhlll:; ley nttorm- 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 lluiiwha' I I. lo-iv lo lie tin mailer. I opci'.'d mv iiciicuie ease, and eh".e iioiu it a iiuel powe.i'ul r lorn! :w adrnt; Unit arid iliri cily upon til.- hea.'l. I lit':, ,1 ine h.vclv head oil in arm, and .hupped th" potion dov,,: icy patient .-, throiit. A ft i r what -e. iii"d to he a:i i'ltenn'ii ahie tune, I had the satl-ta.-tlon .! -eeiu;j a slight iiiovemeiit o! threhest. Then a t n it i-h ill of the eyelid'- . 'I hen, alter a still loiiirer wait, sh ivu a deen inhaiat urn. "Ah. she hi c.il he: ' I a' i. "-'twill lite" "tilood' (il.iod! AI v :;ir d . Velly li.iofiil wife! No die'" I eyed the Mtinttol iau contemptu ously. The lltoiioht thai I was neeteil of 1 n i 1 1 ; so simple :n to lie L'Ulied hy his wni ils uiadr ine auirv. The Chuituuitti w .is now- In .iti'iin lo fel restless. It .tits very e idem thai he rejrnril 'd all need for ni ser ! tiers ended, when I i.aid she would lite. I knew he did u.it want ine to he present wln-u the jiil relume) t i coiisi-inusne-s. I was ni ih nil it w ha! to do. My imp, lis,- was In take th.' 1 in my arms and liin my Whv I . ' the street. I w as not ai lued. I did . not .loiilit that eti'iy Chinamau in the house was armed like u hris'iiiid. ' ;;,liu, there was Ho doilhl Hint they ( would not stop at mill der to t'aiu li;e,r ' ends. Hut then it eunin oVi-r me, I suppose the story tint old illaiu told ine should prove to lie true. The ridiculous spectacle uf AiciiihaM Crick re, M. I'., luin a Clnu.i man's w llu mil into the street at that unseemly Ito.ir, with a (.'line; of cut tliroats at his heels, was not a plea' ani one to eotiti.tuphile. I would, al least, under thr.ii! eireumstaiic-'-. make a (tiv-it inipi cssiou or the wriiu.-. and pi'oli.ihly injure my pros peets foi life. At any rate, I would he the hill-June; sto -k of the (ml, h it tialrCluh. I -ooii otit iiierd ltiv-.,;! that a radi emirs. i m the lonlti r would acctiipiisii no ' I, and liurht, j.o-, mIiIv, he iiai info I. Whatever fate w in in t.to,e for the hea'ililul K'l. I did . not hcliuve shn would h-- liarnied hc- fore sh. I auie cotisrio t-. Then a happy thoii!;hl struck me: One of ; those sparks of r cuius lli.it l ecasiuu i ally lichi i'p a dull mind i.:i I then t. out ucaili. I would a di. muster a sleeping potion that would prevent her heconiuii' eonscious for at least four hours. In that time I could do . whatever .seemed hest lo do. ; I had heard of eases w here gn is were stolen hy persons and held or sent i' away for tho lieuetit of others. The ease 'i fore mn uiicht he oiu of that kind. If ao, the celestial was only act ui jj for somebody else, and would no! dare liarm fin- -id hi::; i i;', for I fear of iiis er.iployer's wrath. These, thoughts went liriU:'h te.y head cry l uoidl v. I made a resolve, and hnsienedto an upeii it. I nave tiie jir! a dose of ehloral alld said to tlii- hiiiaiiiau; "Voiir wife will lie ail rndit in tha ui.irniii!.'. oii inn:.', no', wal.e her. Let her sleep i:ll she wal.e- hrrsc-lf. Then she will lie wi ll." "ThltiuL! llo.'tor :rio.i 1 mail. Heap like ( hiuauiiin s .loss. Velly j smart. Ai.i.'h pt'y.'" j He fiimliled un i.-r his peeiihar, : sinrtlike r.inueiit, and from some eu paeiotls pneket pi o. lured a I'al pocket, j hook. He counted mil lite ten-dolhir ' I. ills arid hiuuh .1 I her. l' i : 1 1 I put I l li 'ii! iii lay pocket a- if tha- -oil of I thlllir w ere .1:1 evei v-diiv -'"rl oceiir I When I walked iio.ni the stairs tit the door. I run the -.'I't'tii". m' ine smue j ; curious eyes that I hud when I came in. (In- liroiiirht my hut. neallyl liriisited. Acotiier i.ro'ivlit my mack- i ititosh -.yy, rutin !. I'liister's cure fully feeliur-of lis ample folds to as , sure himself tint', it was dry. I'he Morn had :iinii"d. I stood n ! i motile!)' ou the threshold, ami then. I passed out. Tho Chiniiuiau whis iiered h'-lund me: I "Dloctor no! :.;iv anything 'lmut I t'-ii". Sate". .Ilo. lnr':' j No .siioue.' wer.t the muds uttered tiiun I 1 (Cm: i ' el'Lt my ill oolisid- ' ered resolte. I could have pounded ' myself fori; fool In cause I had not j a. !(:! mi i:i 1 1 r - iii.i:i!se, and n restttd j the from -he Inule. hy force and. j dratted Iter i.oii; the house. Ii was: cow fearfully apparaut Mutt the girl, in,-! end o1' I. -iii!; i he w ii'e of the ( 'hitui. j nia.i. was .lie vi"ii:.i. ii" ih intended j tie'im, of th ii.u!e-t system of nr.; !'..iui.e.I klduaphi : v. r in eMsteliee. I Mv h'.-.o-t lie-it f u ioady v. it It i aue in I I rea'ied how I had heel: linpe.l. Ihii the do. i.- was . laiiiiiied in my lace, and I hlood rh i'i li;e dai l.m-.-s. No'hin;; was 'eft then mil to follow . i he plan I had formed inside. This was to reach the hiuhes! police iiioritn-s to lie found at that hour of lite niht, and to phi nlv iiiy the cao hrfoie them. To do this p-npciiy il heeiim" U"e ' essury to upoi' Miiiii-tl:iii(t hy whieh ' I eould identify t in house. S.i lar as ; I eould tell it. the Marl; oarkm-s that ; surrounded l:te, there was nothing ' ahou' the evi'iio' 1. 1 lliat house to i , distinguish : I'm. i a do.en others j : around it. I'iie uui.e somher fronts, j the sale.- lu-aty o'.itliin:''. loomed iii ' heiorc nil hoi h s ih'soiihe streets. ' A (! a sued oi ii-iieri'.ioii. I I .uioth...- spark !! ;.:el:'f sei.-d I i ii,oi: me. A 1 1 n,i :r v iri; m: j :tha' si -, i , i e i 1 li. nr- lo he partie-l , lihirly l.rie.hl id iunp.i. With-I 1 nil, niotiu.r :.oni i'i iimn ol the J : Incise. I illtnhirii i.i my ii'i i.i 's j'o:' a : ; sti iui; or sni:'.i'!lii:'(; nl thai I . i i : . I 1 'had pin chased a h.iokra. : lo uy ' lihi-ary a day in- t w o helnic. :n: i had no a. tiled tn- io-i- iii'o w In -h it was ; !o -ii with ll plrrr of lepr. Tin . tape j I had loi ;; .!t. il : 1. 1! loi.. to H tfl-.Mt I it, I disc t e'-c.l it ii my .-.f.'.- Let. I I drew ii foil! . a id l.rcalhed a lih-ss- i in ; npmi ii. Willi tin' pr re ' tape ill In V ill!!. '. i !..f telle I o lie' ' euro and in-I tin- mi a-u r in : -si rin ' a-oun.l a tree thai :!,,.! ! dir. . !h iu ; f, out o! the do n . j th. tin;- ii .e.l thiii'.:-- linn siMnfiifl. . torilv to ciy-. lf. I i: i' ied oil iu Km I iliret'll ni of wiiat I roar! ildnl to he t!-e Hay district. I km- v thai pollen 'headquarters luy i.i tha' ni: ecti ie, ; ::lt I 1 1 1 v iihji'i I iio'v to i ic !: t liefrt ! as soon as pn-.sli!i-. t ,y I ...-r. i'-d, j htlt III truth I 111! letillt sn.- pl'i.'.ress. I Vs I went lilo;i4 I .'I., ely !n!i'e 1 I , eM'l-yt'l.ll,; I cmi'.d -. "e. I v-l'i, j to' e-t:i!i!i-;n il syue, : or chain i f hind- . marks Ilia! woti!,! i;.iio'e me h.i 'i. in I Unit, iioii-e. (Iu mir iilei. th" street ! t i.-iw a heii! Ii-c of (?n a! dimension . I That win a o.iod mark. Thni I u". i j luili-e m' I: ihh'" irolit than tin others . staltdlll,.; nil-ill. i.tll III I'l" si reel. I'hi.-, too. I m. tally noted I Ai every ecruer I studied Ine lamp- pn. ts, for t he nnnies of ', In-' irei ts. f; did i!c titid : 1 1 .t 1 1 V sigm. Hul I found i i.mi,.h to estahllsh the fact that the ; house I h id , i- . h it lis un Sam! j street. jUs in it-. 1'iatil. street. I , i knew T was jiist n:i th'- outs'. .rs of ' ( 'iiinutown. 'I'uinin; down Imiil; ; ! sin et, I fel! my way alutiji for a hlork ' u.- tit. i. ( u n eoriiei , w ell dallied, Ij found a policeman staudin-j. He 1 seemed tn take u trreat interest iu my j loot -fluents. When I approached Imii j he took a few step- Inward me as j ' iliotioh he was uoim; io atvosl ti.e. I -t qipi'd ahriiplly. , "Say, olliccr." I ln".;all. hefoii- lie in; I a ehanc.. to say .inythit.r. "I want some us-i-tatlec from you." I "What's the mat tec'.' Arc ymi h, -!' he inked. j "Nn, I i:ii no' Ins,. I am tl phy-i- I ci.iti ho. -tor Ci irkm.ire, of the (ioM deli tiate Ciuh. I win . ailed to a it. one up here : i Sand street to sec aj wi Man. A Chiitainau came afti r me. j The woman Inn hee'i ilril?e.l. and in ' 1 now line. luscious. I a.iinu my way to iioliee hea-liplarlers to i;i-l help. Wn.tt j do yo.i advise un- to do' ' "i'he ollici r hotly wlinlled softly to I ii:.n-.ilf. He ei'-d me euri..iisiy. '.o;idt i 'l if he w .i-c.T i-oni - to maku me any reply. j ""t out:;; titati." h sail, you hatu n-'Vcr;;ot y ini -i ll' lui" I un la mir ni til, . Chiiirs,. scrape-, or y'n'd h i si.'i riu' eleai- of tin-. ,,:i". liil! if yoii'te -oin'. y 'u'd liettur :;o. Where s I il" hiui.-e V" "(tn Sand -tree!, jint north of I'.aiik. Two houses fiinn it there is a limit tree ill the : aaitt side of tin street. I tied u tape around the on all tree that is directly in Iron! of the limne I mean. Yon eau ti ll it I' that." 1'n iu: i n I IM i:n. 1 111. I.aln.t Mnlliiil Niivxllr. A French doi'tor recommends n course of MayitiK iu lied as thu he: I cure fur lusauitj. WOfWWD WOMEN S ARCHITECTS. I'rinililiir 1'hsI. ami s'klll In lliimi. I'Imii. nine m Niw I' K'lil of I.uImi!-. Iti ,ii :i; irnei it ely ileeoran-il and Sceniiiily I'linifotl.'ilili' silile of r s ill otle of the piMilllil I' .'I pn I'l li It'll I houses ill liulTalo :i yoiiu woman ruefully nirve.ii'il lu r pnssessioiis thai had .just I ii mot oil in. says the liufiiilo l-: iress. Irienil ai in ar lu r. and lo p'lher Ihey planned lie- disposal of I he ehiiirs, inlilos. pietnres .-mil hri" a Inae With tvlliell the liliill.s Hell- lillillll. The loi.ims had apliari'inly nil ihe requisiie- I'm mlnri. There were a manii-l rnd raic i;:is .-.ml i-leeirie i-ht liMUI'es. i;niiil Willilotts. a I lose! as hirsro us tin- n-uall.t ulloneil in stieli houses, a tiled liaihiooin. tviilt puri-i'-laiu lull Mid a l'o of a lieihiiuni. A I 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 -1 1 1 - u 1 1 i 1 1 i I i : I - t . would say there w.is not hilt;: mmo thai teasmt euiild desire. Xm so i tj- tvniueii who were e.'ileiihn It';; the pus.siliilit ies of Ihe l i nuns. Where will toll put I lie tlressiuj: tal.le o Hull ii will lie usel'til hy day Jiulii ami (raslishrr" asked the irietnl fkilletl in ananin furniture. The possessor of Ihe silile shook her hi nd. The ideii tins iinpiissilile, for the win tlow was at one end of ihe room and tin- i-'.i.s jet ai tin- nt her. on noil her side was ihei'i' a .puce h 'tween doors or lirephlee iii'(Ji ell.il!r, ( of I lie ill'essiliC inhle to sinnil so as :o In- in a j;noil liv'l t hot h hy day and niithi. "li is Ihe way with ihe mnjorily "f hoii-es I hut ate Until tor speeiihtt imi." said oil" of the women. "Men ilesiun ami i'l. in ihnii without a ihoiluht ntlur than that liny may hate an attraeiive aipear:inee ill order in rem quickly. , woman's tiist ihiinlii would l- 'is sti'h a room livealih'V ami liteahle iin.uiiilily ineaiis convenience ami i iimlot'l." ( leiieiiilly when ii woman impei-is a house or a roiini. she imagines herself iirrati'jiiit! life f tniiii ine iu ihe dilTer em rooms and living in litem. In fan iy she locales llie dressing lalile in the must lolivellielll pl.Ue lot' il. if the window ami :;as liLthis ine not properly jihu-eil so ns to make ilressjn n.. hair a eoml'm lahle r ss oil iter at murii illi; or llilll the rnnlll is cnudemlieil at nhre. If llnre is lint siitlicielil clear wall space lot' tin I oil io slainl against wiihiiiii I'loi liiiiu' a lour or window or sliiniiii'4 oil it maniel. ii is a ilillii-ull leaner io tvi iiin ili. her to il at all. Il'iitsi -; tliai have I ' i-ii wholly or ti.iiti.illy plalined hy woii,rii show a inai k-'il iinjifot I'hteiit m er i heorilinaf.v ilwi lliiiit. pailictilai ly in Ihe kin-hen. .:nii;i's anil otlrr workrooms. No lu.;!i can have a practical knnwhih.'e in' iii" : i-.iiireiii'"'i.s nl a wi II nppoiiii I kiieln ti. iu, Ies- le- is a cook or a Inn lor. There ine mailt oilu-r pirnis .-ilioiit a timiH' Ih.l. When i oiisiii.-eil. add In it- ple.lsltre illlil. if lieLli'lteil. make it a eoiii intnil .oti"ie ol annoyance. Won, til oiiuhi tn kimw liest wlial lho-e points are. and lor ihai. if no i.iIht i i n s ii t . it is aruiieil oiiuhi tosludy lln .",1'ehlleets' profession lllole "elu 'la I It . I: tvoiilil Lite a new held of l.il'oi-. and he Usei tll know li d-e. thninfil he Used I; only i'or lur own In in lit and com ton. r.hiiln Con nil Koi llllll). Iii. yeh' i-iisi iinies shott a lendi-ncy In railter pi.-iuicsuiie elici ts. Imt ihe t ui ilclicy is oil" that, like thai of lite low cut uiilVII, requires tn he cure! nlly lliniiLthi over lielorn follow duu. A -marl hiey cle tjowii is made uf dark rod lim ti and. while el'l'.'rl it e. can scarcely he tell I siiil.ihle for the purpose lor whieh it was de-i-ncil The jacket has n new slc'te and a turned hack rlllV Willi Ihe llllder sleete of lllllslill, ihe triinmiiu uf the kowii heitn; hands of a ihtrkei teil wilh nun hitie st in h iii. The iiiile hiuh and llarin:; eollar opelis liter II W.llsleoal of line while lll.-ked lllllslill. Not so plelllli s.pie. lull on many iiecmiiu.s smarter, is a U'nWII of hei(;e llllell w hose fnllf lial lntf hiiNpiials iu ihe hack ate siiti-licd down In rite Ihe ctTecl alinosl of a halet shirt. Willi this is a short jack el in Kloii shape, Inn made without a hir.li miliar, and fastened with four smoke pearl huttuits. . yoke, or rath er. a lilniiseil Ifnht is nl tilckiil white muslin, and iltne is nn triniiitiim' mi the trow n i'i'. pi i In- row s of m:n hittc stliehinu' which are always necessary ill every Well alipoitlled hicyele nl' (jnlf Miii . 1 1 niqi' i's l'.a:'..n. Iluir 1 iiiiriiHiiii'iil Teas. At our pill' leas, for hisiance. every Sain ril.it men are u tcry eouspiciious feature. The leas follow I he handicap loii'iiuiueiiis. of which one of a scries is pl.i t i d each w eek men's ami wmu en's simdes mid ihiuhles. and mi ,ed singles ami dnilldcs. the haiulicaps hei'iu chan-eil alter every s,-iies as Ihe pl.it er-. iuqirote or n-rhais play tun -e. A hii; taliie i spread under ihe aw i'iic.r of liie ehilihiiiisc vi iniidu. :;i.l alllin"t:h ii maitoti is respmisilih I, H' the ctiterla.tiiiiein. we HirN lake tit in. ill aiilint. her. (Hi ihe lalde is a ceiiii-euii if il.m.-is Usually wild llnwi'i's m.ill dishes of cake--, sand '.tidies ihe liin-l popular lielti.' I hose tilled wiih er tpe fruit in.ifiiialaile. w itii h has si i cut i rely cm I he i;,nl o'.il oi.iii.'t' iii.irinahuh' into Ihe shade cainhcs, and tall pil l'ris of (lilVereut cool hen r.ues. The appnililllietits for t , . i Is 1 1 1 ho; lea ale at ill' end of III,' lalde. hilt iced lea into which we pill i little rasphi'i i'.v ineir.tr lo iinproto ihe taste is milch more popular. So is the inhturc of ciimcr ale and sarsa paiilhi; lemon and oraneaile, with strawberries and pieces of pineapple flontliiK ou It. Anna Went worth, iu ihe Wuuiuu's HoiDe Cuuipsnlou. r.ml.lin From Frninr. Tt Is a case of T.iiekl.', I. iii kle. who has not cm a I .::.!. I - ' iu 1 1 d.-vs of w otidi-i'l nl nn ial w oj I. Iti - -n: :ir-. rivals from I'rat hate lirotiLtl.t hmne W illi till til S I'Mpti-lle I'.MMI'i'li s of the new at i iu nit ei -spiit hy . and so tlulldlouslt toiled ate Ihe un as elh ployed in the tn.ikiii of ih iiu riea' designs i tin I are tin- fashion of tin- day that th" minis ami lustre of pr t-imis slimes arc lint needed I o el 1 1 ri in tlleir lie.iuty. Ileaus ol Knmaii empi -i-nrs. of liella Ihihlii.t saints, of i.'reeiati od j ilesses. of J iiili-h I nl rollers and of Ittnil ern l'n in h nytiiiihs and fairies are ' favorile ottia tin .1 i s lur these lieatii :i til hell clasps, rinw ersand lulia" ; it li '"ills and liettie.- wioiiulii in relief or j in dull jewels, sii' li a-, (icails. eo:al. I t in quiiiM-s or moonstones, mi.- id-., ainoin' Hie niosi adunred martels 'I III1 'l lllll II III lltHl k. J Vi'l'.T ililaelite. :is Well as siili- I tile iirnl cheap, is a lute lawn in Imfo : It! iu-. wiih splasy white liirurcs which are Hul inn assertive, .mill.' to I lie pale tint of lit" I. Inc. Cut w ith IiOuht mis -'i.:-es. ihe skill had each and every Si'lllll litlililll'd Willi W hile In ad i 1 1 ir. tlirotich which was run lihu k Unhy l ililioli Tins mil liniuc ended si inches shiirl nf ihe foul of llle skirl. Ihe hko h l il.l.oli heiiu; lillislu'il "fl wiih a hum hy. tass, je(, ,mv ,, n,,. l ililioli. .V narrmv i utile eilpsl i he cir cular tlof .,. tv 1 1 i -i i nil limn l.e heat h. The same, iii.tny ore.l elTeef was i-arrieil mil iu the liodi.c and shet.-s, the iiinlinin-s l.eiii" in the rihhuit rim I leading 'lii. l-ir Vom.ii I'luvMiTii. In slariiii- away il is important in 1 1 1 i ti Is of the small time's. The hi mies lake can- of themselves. Wo sim nl v never lot".ri-i I hut nice in w ilre-s. any more than we do that nsli i rc;i thin Irnm the 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ' -ir I in i i in- paper or case of pills, the cMra hairpins. and. illd I. the thousand and .:," little iioihilts that may fairly leal , mar ihe whole trip; ah', those are Ihe ,a-. al ly little annoyances which we ton of ten fnrp'l. I'.vi-n if we ate itlile lo n plcuisit iiur smrcs we Inn oflen tilnl the lesorl shop so woefully l:i -U ii l: a real assortment as it is "steep" iu lithe. They lake this way of ceiling oven wiih its to.' Inlying unlliitii: hut "notions.'' A Crreum I or Hie l'iniiilrKiolt. This eiild cream is Splendid In keep the completion iii "j ii ii I coiiilnion. and should he well rtililied in nl nihi. and I hell ruhheil still mine with a piece nl' sufi while thinml: I'ttre white wax. nnefoiirth 'if :tli ounce: oil of sweet almoin!-;. I wo and mi" hall ounces, n isc water, one and otic half otniees. I'm Ihe lirst three iiiurediehis into an earthen dish and nu ll slowly; then add Ihe I'osewaier and heal il well with a silt or loi i, or an e-- heater. A pinch of horns diss ilted il! Ihe ro-i tvaler is an iiiipriiiomnii. I'mir iulo Intl i- e.ed oilltUlelM pots. 'I lie Snow llitlir I ii lul. Fm Useful iieini which can h" worn ttiiit any frock this season is of pne I ilo o poilil It esii i in tt line iiei I i- ilols , ink Ilk" SII.HVII.ll.es. all. I I ..V tli.it name. Tim tu hn is made in hm leic'i lis. one t iiich knois i.ni the hrci t wiih ends of modi Icnuth. teachin.- I'l llle ttaisl, the III lief is eollsidel :i 1 .1 I lolltter. is kllolleil near lite wai-l line, and the cuds fall In hind aluiosl In Iii. kit ,-i'S, unless Ihe loops are pulled .' Il ml. 'A tiiii'c'tto far a tonne lrl. A preity new idea lor a neikhn e th s seasun is ihe ot-ctte nr dm; collar of itlile. an airy crcal imt stiilahle I'm Hie warm days. A iiinpioi-e Idu lose I i 1 1 Is leliLlll oi' Itlile is shil'l'ed. u:uil ered or ol Ic-rtt is.- ili.-no.-cil iipuu a foumlalioii Inn d ho liroadcr t hail a iln' cllar would he. This is lined in Ihe Ihroal ill liars ami rotors nl' Imii-te and hu e ;:iiiiv in i.-nor. Shirriiin is seen everywhere, and there will lie itinre of il as the sea-nil ailt aiices. 4 Simplicity in uowns is the cry for the liiiure. while III'' mi, -I ehilmtiite lilies ale to lie seen. The I ni-i-i ton e coal is appeai 'inr in lace as well a- in silks and satins, and il is always effective There IS lltlle ilotlhl that the sleet eS of the IteM season will he full, as the litany designs in puffed sieetes now iu et idem e iuillclle. A w, un. in who is partlciil.it' alnuit lie:- litmefie has all her uiu'htdress, s Hi. tile at homo and carefully lilted. SI: says she is .'n unconifiirl.tlile in a loose iii-liiilress as :u n pinirly lilt in-,' ir... k. The eai'ln st Prides of the season had : the Inch cor. -clots . i heir i,m lis mail l.e' .ti II i'1-.-ii i k'li.ls and eel.irs of flow -j -i. it lililiici- .iiid pretty "..rls have I" en iisiiu- 1 1 ii 'Tit off and on e . it since. and I In re is si III nullum, pi i ' t ier with i thin flocks. I Sollle of Ihe cli.holl tl"s hate L'a.Vly l'ii, li'il ends. 'I ke llotti-r.s .ile Iliad" I of ,'U i.ddii nci.il l it er nf i h i!, n up j plioued mi tt i : Ii I.i . Hi. nit colors ,,i .-ilk. j u hit II make :;or 'cnitsly effei i ne pes- ies. Colli line el and chili.., i are jdoiiid wiih hhul. ami hate hhn I. i'Iii I liroiilered ends. I l-'iililalils were never So pi'eltl as they are this .season. The colors air i so well Id. third, and the desiutls - i softly imlciiiiiie. Ihat the effect is n-n ally very nrti-lie. I'.ul sninetiiues it is coinpletely spnih-d hy the ilonniii!; of a hal or toque that does not "j'o." l'.ven cloves of a .iarrinn roliir have It in their power to destroy the liariuouy of a lovely au4 a ctiblly costume good Roads f2 oles Vlt.llll-l H4 r.rlK-I.O-tOI-M. T T l!F-:!M: is no p nl. he ii.si i i oi, ' I ninie i nl in social p..i:i- I eal, anil cmiiiii. i'ei: I ivi-q m "J inu ! llllll Ihe pill.l!,- II.,": wa. There ;s noiiiim; which h.t i- .ih-iinc. its prc-ein-c. lis ".'indues-. ; !s ' iiil licss. mat .so nial " m mar tin- "on -IIIUIlll.i which Uses it of would like til IISC it. ."s Ihe toad hy ill. lei ,'-' N'Ople mat o u M - t.i'je'hor lot 'ho d:s c:is..:oii ot ;iiai let's of puhli. "oo.t of for thai irallie in p.-.ulm is w he h Mumps man a :, tii.oin aniiiial. 'I I'.-rel'ore. tin- muti who inai.es i wo hl.-nhs of :i:i.. yn.w thin- I in -en firew hef.ite has n, iiil.-i p. it i :c- a (ill I l i. - hi'iiefiietol ri il" person w no llllis down a unml -oinl Inns.' t ;i,;, ivami tioiiii.u,-: loadl.ei! tt here ai irsi only rm ks and mud or iii:-: n.td aml liehl full swat l.oatls. like p-c tile, arc prone to wear inio ruis. ami :nany of lie' ruts :n which H" fartn r's half -iadeii ivaon jolts ate Jiarily i-attseit hy thi rut- in whieh the ".inner has jolted ins n pi i -ental i ve .li lc(:islal ive assciiilil.-i.-s I he fai in- r has always wimn-il I roads, hut He knows Hint Ihe failed- hu always jail to pay tor tin in . oii-i-.Ueni y )e litis vieiiertilly looked upon any lioteiiielit in Iheir il'ti-i !iot as a laid Ipoii his oivii km. I' roipiirol. llien. some new force lo join hands' Illd toil I' Willi llllll I, o III the ill jiand ami ill the .ili'-lmli of ways lud li, onus. This now O, h.-i.s irriteil in the iiicycl.-f. Mandril under the luainn' jf the l,i':i:i!i' nf Ann , i, an Ins linen, '.he riders of the tireless lire hate sin. - Jieir oiamialion. in Isso. r;i :-! ti e ry' ol' roml roads.' and hate kepi I ttp Willi ttiilll'dlous ein-iey. 'I hey late llii-oii::li their i-nciueefs il' tised ir seh eleii the n-i lneliiii.l- of liiakitiu ;lm cheapest ilurahh' ihoroiichfares. )tll tln-y hate conipiereil many ohsta ,'lcs Ihat have slooil hi-tweell tlniii Illd oilier croups of persons who are ;o he lielletiled e'II:,ll.v Willi Hn i.t in .seenrinc siinmlli toads, limited these very croups liesiiaied lo join the wdeelineli's innvi UH-lii . for fear it was seltisli ami was ih sicn d in saddle 'he costs up mi I liein. 'J in' lini'-i'iiti'ii w ho drive line road simt a ml the farmers have hecn the iwo classes which hate leqllireij lite w.iilliesl efforts of the "ennd roads cranks." as some of the wliociiiu'ii are called, in wipe away suspicion- Cut I he suspicion has HoiV cvapiir.i ted. The farmers: Vatinnal I 'uncross has passed stroiic rcswlut loiis in hivm' of tin- wheelmen's way of ccimc c I roads-. 'I'ho Slal" an! st-.n-m.as shown ill Hie resolut mil. recti, s tliat Ihe Co-1 Of Collst i-liel ion of Ill'sl ea-s roads co; iit-cthic firm v.iih mat lot towns js ton colsi, -:.e lo l.e tie I if f.llIM juoperiy al 'iie; ihat .is th.. enure pop ulation is hem-hied li i's tit and in directly In L-iniil r I-. all ,. ui-riy niichl lo i oiitriliilti- thrmicli tin' tie iliimi id a State ta. Th" lltcl.e, Vm sll'onc law. hy which State aid has hcolt i 11 1 li ill lli'.-i ! ill New oik p,o t ides for a dit ision of the cost of i":id enlist rite! ion anioiic the State. t!,e county, and the local township, ami il. is said, many of Un lowm avail Ine lln-liiscltcs of it will secure from Otilshle sources llllll' ol lite limes I In' "llllll tiny raise I lleUI-el t . s While III the luriro cities, wh: it uiil pay most of the funds, ihe o, it ,11 not fall nlote heaiily than one iciu per ihoif.ai:d ilnllars of the as.i sscd initiation li Is hy niakinc s.idi . a t. ul.i t ion- i'i.iI the I.i acne ol' American lu'clmi n has I'ouchl us way in tin- farmer.-' svinpii: h.t . Il is no voiidi r Ihat Hi" farna : feared the eyelet a! lifsi. The lean nn wheels was ai hrsl looked upon tts a ilinle in knee hreei I. i s, out for an ItirhlC w ith his In si cirl. who demaiid- I'll lll.lt Illhl'lS shillllll. ttltllolll ...st to litlil. si, nn, III the loads l,;,i he clone liiicht I. ate more pleasure. Then the Wheoliiicir.s l.cacite spent itsl stuns of money print in:; illii-trated mad hunks, thousands of which hate heeii dislt Minted, fr I' ens I. and other thuiisatids Purely et msl In various quarters they h ive raised hirec stuns to lillihl eycl (.atlis del it ecu sections of eotllillt, ou which tin' cyclers pass tn and fin t luisiness and pleasure. Money has In i n sp. til lit I lu-in. as in Mr. I loi iii-r s case, m l.e represciiied ill coiui'inioiis ami to s, re.nl what they hive to call the ens pel of rood loads, and Iiotv in Hall inioiv Chief Consul Sains, of Mart land liitision, I.raeue American Wheelmen, and Chairman Aiictiste I'iiii.v. of the In vision Commit ice un lliehways. are hohlinc out the hand nf friend-hip lo the horsemen, and emlea i urine lo lay out a . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii -. I speedttay and cycle path ihat shall he a local monument to the l.allle of c I roads and serve as II III. 111. I to lie follow oil l.y vi- ilois frmii ctert i-itiu in it ni ' t who take n spin. :i ride, or a d.nc upon il. May their efforts succeed in lull measure. - I'.al I iuiore Sun. I finul)' i .it l..n. luspiralioii. like dci' i :.lw ay s eouies Ullepecli lilt Matty yoiitie men ol' t . '. . i v- need C'tlardiatis rat In-r than wins The si r of a i ,t tiii and t '' hue ,,f it lainli are alike liafudess. The snl'tesi thin-.; tn Ihe tt , .111 is the hainl m a lot ine woman tt 'n-n u a- A man m.-iy v n k in-t n i . I.iii he hasn't tlicpaticin persi-ieneeof wotu.'i.. Cetii'iosity ofleli follows the m-s s fuoil of riches, hill riches are slow ill ('online lo Hue KcUel'iius. - Philadelphia llecord. Queensland has postollice -avincs luittks only, and South Altslralla has Do ti vera cent banks POPULAR SCIENCE. V'ar'.r .;i!f of ihe liel.'iiiinc Plr..k-,' 1-epoi'ied ocl lil' Oili in I ho open, ihiriy foitr iet i,t. in iii'tl-i's. e!eti-ti pc cent . Ilnief ii-'-es ami llille l'f colli. l llil'l's. It appears th-'i Hi" lifel'ttti- of (In lliosipliio is llnee lllollll Mosi(llitoeS li. ti- Iiei ti k ii alive in i apit i i ity for eietitt dais t ,i s.-iid ti;tl the iinii liaiy initiitow. wc li feeds upon tlie hir.ae ot" wio'sipiois. is hiehl.v clli- ci, in as a itieatis mr keeiine duttu i their f.itiiihci's, ! ! T!'e lilllc eie-al is MioW'i a I he of ! tin- most is,, hiteil of lit inc animals. It h..s i.o. li lleseriiieil as tin- - Spl l ies oi its eentis i.iel III" milt no luhcr of :'- I ;i tiiily . "tviHi no i !. e-e lit ine rela tions ;,nl o I W II ailee- tors " l.e i i inly, however. I'rof. s-nr .1. W. i'-"e-or.t ha- di.-.ot en d iii tlx- Hrilisli Mu setltii t. h.l In- In-lietes li. he alt anecs-lot- of ihe lonely hlit" coral in a fossil i on-ill ol ihe i "ret a ci -I in- pcrii.ul, called ; I'oiyirei'taeo.. Captain t, i: Slu'lhy. nn Kii'iisli iriiiih cis'l. who has def. .i. si sjiecliil !ii"iit.nii to Mriiiiii hiids. says (hut t -t'ri.a may fairly claim to h" "111 lliellonolis of sonc lords" Il is ihe ivinier Home of u l.irt;c proportion of the most aiiiailiw small lui'ds of 1 .Northern Kiit'ope. in. Itniinc 'he nic'it-. lineal", the stvalliitt and many of Un': j Wiirl'h i's. and the hush resounds with I their melody Allien al-o possesses a .'i-e.ii iintiihcr of reinui'kuhle ami heitu .if ul hirds nl i.'s ow n. i )U' Isaac Uiiherts. whose heauiiftll ' jihoioeiaphs of iii hiilai and star dns , Ids ale Well klioW II. c'' s a soiiu tviuil I .i.trtliiic aeeiuuii ot ihe inaliiier in ' .itiioh in iiiiaees nf faini stars nttd . ii htilae liisappear from llie ihoto-;i-.iihi. plates un ..ne of his plates. 1 II SSI, he eol, tiled .III.'; Mlalsi llle SiltllO , .Ian. ill IMI.'i showcil only L'T- sl.ll's. llie I i,i.ie s ol l.'.l haviiie cltlii'ily disap- ' j -.-.I. Tins leads In Hie suec-slimi jih.it 'ijestial phntoeraphs. iu order lo I lie nt periuani-iii value, slimihi he im- ' llieillalely 1 epl Olllleeil llV Silllle IiriiCl'SS ! I'iehl'llC J'iel Ul'es lint Slilljerl II I j Ul ll.ee. Visitors in museums of science are . ilwavs inteiesleil iii the mouniiil skcl j ions of eieanlic eNlim i animals, lull ' hey seldom appreciate the amount of -iinly and skill required In prnpcij.Y I can II tile fossil hones toeellter. Kvell 1 i ihe hist ti seems prol.'iilile thai i iLiiit iinsiahes are made, and estiiici I iiotist i s may -oinel inics l.eiatlseil lo (i-.siinn- lot ins ainl nll iitldi s unkiiuw II ,i them ni life This is indicated, tint j oldt h.l the llilforeUeos hclwcetl 111" . !-esi,..ai ions made I iy various naiural- ji-ls. I, in l.y a reel nl remark of I'l'lll'i s s,,i II. i '. iishnrii. an evpi-ri in the t . . : . 1 1-ine o! fn-sil ski'leioiis. (hat if W. I. .nl l.o'h.lie hill 111!' sl.'-lelo'.l of the 1 . ii ,,' lo work upon. W" should ' ptoii. iiit i. ate ohia i 1 1. I :i Veiy la'ihy I , t. -epl .op of i la a iiiin:: I. riiitosiipliy of Siii-i i'mi. I l.,i to l etel real;;'." Ill.ll !!e. '.!- I i hai oi.e i-oally enjoy s conn s only ihio':.h hard work'1' asked Hi" phi! us,, i. h. t. -l knmv ihe iitei'ae" morial tto'ihl pt'ei.i' to cain hi- i li'S wititniil hard mil Inn few do. and 1 doiihi if those let ea.n any pleasure from hav ut.e the pliitn drop in their lap t iliioul fitiy effort o. t incir pari. -I had I'm! i'ai-1 inqircsseil iqiotl lite otdv the ollii';' day. I ehalieed, din-iic.V a; iill" iiiin. ii tit . tn pi' 1 up ii.i ciiiply nil. Pni th-. and siuuclhuie slaried M.V I l.o'l -hts Pa'-k to my luiy lioiid days when an empty luittle fitt-nisiied I'll deal mark io ihi-iiw si s at. Smi! .ne lo myself at. tin- childi-hiicss of i. I sei the liiiltl" nn a hilciiint; iusl. and after eai'efully seleelinj: :' iilimlier of st s. 1 sinnil idTahiiiil thirty feet ami pn pat-eil to make a h'-t of my skill. I he i cry lirsl sloiie Ihat I threw caiiehi Hie Imille fairly iu the cciiir" and sham 'I' d it inlu a hundred pieces. I ihreiv away ihe stones that f h.td mi carefullt ;;:ilhcrcil. ill dis-'l.sl. I had aecomplisheil what 1 had Mi nut lo ii:. mi n. y first throw, hut I fully nalicd that ii was only a link" and iht.f I miehl throw lil'l.v more sumc mid not coine anywhere near ill' marl.. -.Notv. un the conlraiy. if I lunl missed. I would Ituve carel'uily nulcd 'where Hi" lanll hiy und tri"d lo hive corre. leil il oil my lieM throw. Th-' linows ilia l Weill too low and ton hieh. as n ell as ton niiicli lo one hide, would hate he. o Villuahle lessons o ine. and iu lliei tnl 1 would have sue i led iii pkicine ;i stone where I v. .iiiteilu. Thai windd have hcen suc cess eai""d h.v Moi'kine for il. The tcry in! people w in cain sin i es.i ,.:i theii- first Hii-.itv hate 1 iy sym iaihy." Ileiruit I'rec I'ress. A iliire'i l'ioif,liinf.. We n'ieii hear il sunt thai an rmiii'al I- aluinsl human, ami Imtv and then 11" does eite cNidcllce of feclin:..! winch .seem in Iratiscciid li'Ulc naiitre. Nm lone a e.i a nohle liofse, nanieil l'oiii.li -Mef. was taken ill in Itnslnn. 1'ne ani ital's nere were keyed up to i hu.h pilch nf cM-ilei.lclil. and In r mid !"" h" i In t iti'i'il lo iie d-iwti .1 .nl - sh "p. Ti e t et.'l iil.'li'r'S were ill lie: p.'lir, n i- li I'liinilester's ilotoli il er,n::i .t.-.ii into the stall and lay dov, n. The or-e sl-.-i; ,-d ''unfiled h.V his pr. seijce. ih "lei-, he cretv calmer, and linally ,i !':v; do.', n. laid his ilclicale It: ail oil 1 it. an's shniililer anil wen: to (deep. The u rvoiisiti'ss and n iipi'chc'.l.sioti if Hie horse -eetiieil very htintan. IVm lihi.v he was afraid of ileallt, !tf;'.iil I ..ti the i ml inielil i onic when im flept. i ml w islied ti ifiiuiin on his f ct. Wht knows'.' Ceriaiii il is that )ur tltrei liichis the linfsi slept quletiy hy 111 friend, ami IIiuh hIoiio passed safely ihrniieli the critical stage of tils dis ease. -Youth's Companion. VLW MSI-IHitJtiHPn tt t

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