rm 5 II ii VY Oct 4 l'OO DA Oct. 4, 1.00. " ollnVlG THURSDAY Local Records. . , , . Nice Mackerel at ttynum & Headen's. Acar-loadofshiugles for sale byB.No.KjJr. J A pood milch cow wanted. Apply at ltKcoito oflice. -Fivo hundred cedar posts wanted by 15. NoooJr. Dry hides wanted at llyiium & Headen's at 12A cts. per lt. O. S. Toe k Son oxpei t a .-ai- load of Halt to arrive this week. W. h. London .fc Sou will j.ay you 25AC. a bushel for your cotton jjej Carry your cotton seed to 0. H. Von fc Son, they jay 2'tc. a bushel. 0fV!Uf it , T TV uieut of (touts Hats, at (). S. Poe ASou's- v ti... Dou't buy your winter shoes untd you have examined the stock of (). S. Pun A: Hon. Do you want a winter suit of tlothes? Then call and see the cheap liuo at (J. S. Poe A' Son's. Wanted 10,000 bushels of col- tou hu.,1 at I'ynu.n A JIc. len ,. lliey pay the highest price in cash or trade. Yon can buy a jrood bro-an shoe for 5-1.00 at P.vnum A Head- en's. Thov have the best stock of shoes in the county. J Chatham 'possum hunters cau now enjoy their favorite sport without fear of the law, as the .possum season besfau last Mon- j,' . , ... We take iileasnre in callm- attention to the "ad. of Walter WoolIcott'sOne-PriceStore.wlicre you cau yet almost anything vou Wivnt. " If you need anv kind of fur- . ,i , . .... niture call on or write to 1 houias , ., ,,, . i , , A- Campbell at Jialei-'Ii, vvho.-.e '. . i 17 . niamniotli stock can suit you in any line. J -The Winnie Davis Chapter of the Daughters of the Colile.ler.icy will hold a meetinu-this (Thurs- day) afternoon at t o clock. A lull attendance is desired. The election re-irtrars are Afrain requested to et their reyis. tration aud polling books vhich am now in the oflice of tie ter of deeds. t Messrs. Joseph A. Goodwin .....I l v W.....I.I.. ..r v..... H ...... township, have bought the old liurkn store at this place on tin- Western side of the court-hou.e Hi HI a re. and will take possession about the middle of thi.i month, i on t buy any dress "omls or .,, ,J, J T, lllmery until you see the new i i i . ir i ir ock at liyuuiu t Headen s. If ... A : ;n t ; Tl... mill stock " 1 j , . fm you do, you wilt re-ret )t. 1 he iie sioeh wu i'yiu coining in .u ..." , once, ami a ham Isomer ami more .....i: .1. i:.. . l i 1 i.. Htvlislline has never beeu brought here Ou Monday, October Mth, F. C. Poe as executor of Jesse. Kiel- ardson. deceased, will sell ayain at public auction, at the courtdiouse door, the "Whitehead farm" in Hickory .Mountain lownsnip, con- tAiiiiu about 12i acres. 'J rnis, one-uaii casn, ami uanmee in six K. W. Pou will speak iii at the following limes i: at Ilari.er"s X Koads, months. Hon. K. Chatham ; mill nlaees! at 11 aloe ou next Moiul.'lV. tie Htl. and that nijflt at Siler City: at Silk Hope on Tuesday, ami at Cumnock mi . i 1 1 : .:.... Wednesday. JlIS coiiipi'iiuns, iMessrs. vuies ami .leiiKiiis, are in- vittnl to meet him at these ap- Miintments aud have a joint dis- C'U.ssiou. , ... -London s PopularStore st.il Kt.uulH at the front, with their landsome stock of millinmy. lheirlady customers all say it is tie han. somes st.n k they have ever had and that the prices are very reasonable. ouhl like you to come and see for yourself. Thev lave all the latest stvlisiu fancy ribbons, silks and other fancy You will always timl tie best at London's Popular Stor. . Whether vou want "Uano or other (,'oods. Pest e-nano s-2 oo bae;: 3 per cent, l'losphate $1. :!". Try some of the Ki per cent, phosphate if vou want the best thimr for wheat, lliey are avrents tor luick Eye Drill, Thomas Disk Harrows, Olliver Chilled Plows. Pay the li-hest prices for cotton need. We rerrctto hear of the de ath r -t .. t ..i -:i .. -M i.i .... Ol iur. o.iiiniei oner, oi .uauiiews . ,- .... i . , . ..i .wlnl A t nillirl. iii Ii w mm. I " i " i i i ii first year he was remarkably we) preserved bo h ,. iyHii".V and mentally, tl.til a few weeks a-,o hecouhl ride horseback w.tl as little fat.-ue. as a man of forty reinientiy r..i n.ioi.iis piacea.ui ly forty miles. He lad accumulat ed considerable tnoiiertv. and to the last managed his business af- CHATHAM S TAXAIM.i: Tlrouith (lie courtesy" of Mr Join T.iwlal.ivisler of deeds. u-.. -ir,. f.nil.1,.,1 f,, .'.Mi.lwl. il.i. lowing abstract i.f ta:;ahlesin this t.OUMt- as(,,ili!(.,, ,-,, J,,,. lists oHle lisl-tak.-1-s as ivp.iii.,1 thisyoai, . . 4T-.HI-II ...-.. v:.1m-.l ai a 1 X,;.-! :17 town lots," 2,lt'4 horses, " 2,'.)JL mules, " 'inr --oats.' " li-,777 lol l 'i i:i(;ji7: "77 H,3:iU t uttK-, " Vf-V.. " 11,74!) sliccp, " " !.". bicycles, " " Value or farmine; uten- j "behold ancl kitehu. furniture, Value of provisions. Musical instruments, l'ire-anns, hiLi aries, Cotton ,lV ' . , . , j J'11'"1 l 'iskey, 1 'luted mid silverware, Watches and jewelry, Ineoines, Money on hand, Solvent credit:!, M....1. 1....1.. 77 tlli j- ll.f.S"-' 7(i" 7d. J! I,nl.' C ' is7 Jii'i;.".:! Tl 1 7.S .. ii'.iin i 1 070 :;:!,-'i;.- i.?."!) u j.!' . ii. 1 1. :;: All other personal pn.p- vt 1 1 1 Vi. Compared with last .vim., t'lx- allies there are 1, t".!' more aer. -of 'ami lisle I tins ye;,r, lew. i town lots, 7.1 feu r lioi-.es. ,Vt m..;.. iMiilrs, hj few. r cat tie, '.): S l'eu r shet p, 2,.v fewer ho-s. ai.d ;.-7.- KM less mom y mi hand. I'fn . are '.i:!J white poll.-. I I ti is V';,!,:i,:.'i"1 X't l'' ll''l' 'V'" (,ss ' ,;,;iut;,)n ,:i .,. A ,.,.,.,,, .,,,,,, ;l .W'J.. l.i !' i; .-' ,an ''', n the wlnl- pcool- L-o-i .- . ;s.;. ! . .and the c. -lor. d ;.. .i i-t.-1 ' ,7.MI, .Hid Vet til- seho-.i l.: i.,ld on all this pr.ip.-t tv - . .nh ' " '; . . '"pi dly oil white a : I c..!. . ..I 1 ' ; ' "' ci.ihlivn. j ... i. ... " '' ' V ' ' ' ii-:i:s iNM. riT.Ms I ...;:.. !.. . I Mis, i.uia !;..:. .f i;:.ive-.Miv." i!;'-"--".-c. r. n .-:m l;.s been on a isit to Mis.. CornW '!!r ! a"" :'' !,,,,..,., ! . m.. . n . iiv. n: I. '. '.. . , . "W. i!. '.'.", M,ss 1 r- '' ,l '' o. S. IK !' !. county, i. i.iti.iir ..li.. . Ai- ;...... Akh-i Sail st.eie. ... . ,,, , , , , ,. ., J( I'r. I.I i!el. ot i h. il.it'. , , . , , lias lite!! oil a sho'l v; ,,; ., I i, , ., .. ... , . latlie". Iie. (. I. I.ialul. : l'rom tli:- L laiehsviiie i'.vCi. ' 1 1 1 1 . i- i . i ... i .. . i: "' 1 '"" -Soiue ol the deas.iiit ;..eaii t- .ll;i,,.s ;,. ,., t::,.' mar.v j,.,.,.,,',!,. e. .,.ts at liarii.J.'iV. i ,1'urin-out brh-f soimirn t!i.- h.st -,, t " I cio ... - a ks..n, and their two v.-nlle Z"ti: "1 1 iltsu.ro. ... ( . We fei8-i!onmt tum v 'l;'"" iy't- - in nnd pl-'fi' Mr. .I....;-.:-. lliouyil iip.i.v i .1. ..: ..e o. i;. 1 frosted his lock, i.i i.e.. rl ia i. ..; a : i. i .... i :. n ... ou-ldv I'amili.'f whh Hi- . ,'tle.i! and other ailairs of the );d North Slate, for the Mfy eal- "! move. Pais a i.amol e.a.Ma:;.!- iny persoiiaye -si feet t vi i:. .!:.. : . i . i i . ,i i , , in iiei'.ni, 1 1 i. ii;e nea.n i:i iv.m iiii'li'MTi in uif itinni'i '.i ii'Ut.n. ,n Iiri(if .j, (( .. f . , r i ., , ' treni leaiilll--one ot tile 'lieSUst., , , .. ( Ivltlil. i KI.Ki I'loN l:io r:;s Tl:li:i'. ( ,u l ist Friday at llyuuin tl.i r w;is a pr. -limhurv trial oj -i i!" . of tin; 1'n -loni.-.i. who were clia.:: "l with violently bre.-.i. iuy tsj. the electjon in William., township. .mini Jiueni -..... i..i. a 11 i... trial and quite a larye 1 1 oU VN ,l v p.e..e.... . , ,., . i , i .. :4i,,,. ..- i: llli .i:i u:d !a , nl lee i, hundred, and in dw it lisiauoi.'iL' his1,. c ., . . f , . ... tl .. ... Poe A- Son, tor ro i. eiv'tity-three wars, is us stiai ;nt , r .. (-,o: . in: i. .... j (f .... ..i ; i i. i; -. for V. llliams ami H u km nnderect as th.. proyerbial lialia..., .,..,: I The warrant had been issued by N ' j jiH . f or's plies ' P 'James (i. Hamlet J. P., but wW: V" ,2 ' v s V. th- case was called for trial the U; ' ,..., defendants swore it ojf ') en iiiei. !1,1',,!"'.i'1' a i, ( -r and it was then 1 rated, rr. d 10 A. . 'u, i- ' , , .', """! II. Norwood .1. P.. who. bv cues: lit oiall parties, nssoeiat'-d witlhim- sell'S. p.. 1'ainil J. P. A hi a t a i . . i (loen Willie.-;.. :-, wire e.:,:,i::iu alir ed lor the pri si-io inc. nn.i i:.e nr- feiid..nts inii u liic. 1 ;u evid.mv. A nol proa, was i ni. ;.! a.a to f:e of the defendants, and t la e. a! t e r the arvuuieiit .f conn.-. !, !. !-i:ii- isl.,lt;., K,(:ill ,lV(,. ,,. (, 1)t tV.v,.,! 1.,lmi.l' ' T! . ;, "..v.a j ,ave t ,;, .,,v. NV;;V j... 1)i )TV Tlol ,.,, ,.:.,;: i;i ;. t ,,,!.,. . ih i.ij.,., ,,..,v ,),.,, j, . ,t,.,j (';,.;. ,- , , ' ' " ' . , ' ! " ..' 'ha. 7.,u' p ,!' 1 ! ' ( '"':-l':l 11,1,1 1M 1 !;-'-r"v' It wiii !. i . ia, 'a! , r. .i ti. v V. Lite's bridge ;a-i .:.. P a-!.y i i. was washed irva . ;; f.-v. ia ,.! i .-. .....: I 1 1 1 1 ,. Last week s ni of i!:e oi l timbers of the brid. 'c w. ie taken out of the ner, win ' lu l a 1 lodged, and i ' was t hen d:.--coer. 1 that some ul tim lav-..t .Mi si. nl been sawe 1 half in two. and ii had evidently be. an do:i ' sen iai eai s ae-o. .uu y. i i.iiiiur.-.is ,,t per- sons find vcdiicl-s had been p i-.s- ,J,r, t 1 1 all niat llllie 1 1 II' Ml l l ae .-ill. oieiaoea, . . . . and lioooilv hail anv niaii.i tlu ir ,,.,.,, ,,,,,,;,,;,. W(. ,,n:it w, ;, i ... .. I v ,l..ul.l n, Us JU ,,,. ,,,,,, ,, (a tl, Hv,.s ,.f ,,., ,..,,, 1ullirini, xvMli(, , '.:,t ;l nni!,lln,.Ilt fv ,a, ,vu..,h wltl did it. n ;M !.., ..,. .ounty farm, .s have picke a la.!".hi r of Ca ii r.is-ion.T.V Mcwtin.:. 'I he comity ei,niiins.:oi;er ; hold Lm.r tv ..lar monthly meet...'.' on last Mm. ...iv aim 1 uesday mill mi- 1 1 - I I he follow iim1 a.a-oii ai.. . is,.,, .( :: ,,.,;,! J.,r culm -.r A !.. '.. J-;. ;'-';'" !"! ,, , !:! conn. .!('.. i.i.-", '' '' ''.-'ce, as oin.er n L-i-ann jiirv, l-.on !! Si.iii h, as court crier, liJ L.lwaulsA- 1 Iron:: htoii, for .'l' i iiiiiim ri'iuiiis, .J. T. r.isehal, as clerk '!' 11 . .. .1 I - - Iioani. i le.. ! ,; I':"'-!"" JoIiIismu, iiisolveid Irl-.-i. C. I. Mil! in, fur bacon. (). S. Ji.lins..!!, insolvent - "itii t :l Printim: Co.. loi -lU'l'lirS for uliiee !' i.-if- .1. 1 5. Li s it, li.i ann ;ir re i;til I (iree!i s i i 1- I J. I I 1 ..( J i i ; 1 1 1 1 Uossi r. l'.r buildbi bridge across Hear clerk, IW.ll W. II. linrns. for reiiairii!..' Woodard's and l!uilalo In i !:.' Wiiid'mm, for build- brid.:-' near Merry I .!'.S. !' !'" "v l nui , r :i v.orkm.iise, V H. Cuiv. r. as p.-H i:..!d; ' .ti'i.r..u;.:!i. 1. ai. II !!. ':)- H. ;..! ' . ' ' - "T.l'. ai l, mm I le I'!. !!! ,rl". r. i r r p .i: : '.. 'til...:...:--, f -r v..; Al, r I -:: 'i'.l-i a! e.ac ...v In- a:i. r 'i'.i' c :.-; !.-:. .!..!: i . ' ; ! 1 .. ! ', A.e , 1 r (. Hi: i .' r !' ' 1 1 i I. !'. C. .!.. i . ; ;:i..'c r .r.l r... . for a vu: y , I, i ;::. "..: ...i . o :.! an. I :.eriu ( C!,...;!.--; V. Thomas in-iv- o. ., . '' ,' '.' '(.:',' ' '' ' '"' , , "" ' '"l -M 1 " 1 1 oi-e.-r. " " 1 i i.i in I. I ..-., I. f t .. d (. s .!,.,. ,v ,,,,,, t.. ,,1V,.V. j; . v u- ,.,...;, ,. ,...,,.., ,e.:l;i . i :-..;p- .-.. ..ai l.al' !. A. Tvs:.". as :.-:::. r. .1. A. Sri !:r. ! i v.;; 1(' u ;i'A"."'-l o.' in-.; c.n a.:, ci W'i' ! ,'1 ' ., i ". ' .' ' .11 ."i' ,V ,'. ' 'V'1 I.. Ii. I '! . ::i :u i i . !.l v. ,;. . , , i . ' Ml. towns!,,,,, icpau mower etc., :i.7; l.r 1 , I). .:. !iew"-, in.."!ent fec-i. A. (Ides, for sen ices 1 ' expeUs, s by Ci! and L Ml'-' i:: -. ' "f C.,!.: vs. COi!la;i -.siou: ! s. 22 in 1 A. II. inks, for supines. j (;,". ,,,, V;., j lv'. ." "" ' v', s court :-' j,,.. , :u. ., ir. H. T. ha'aii, :is slip, r intel.d.-Ll of health in. no rinieii ! V of .- -.''l.'-l'l a , .' " ' . ( !.jV''. " ', . ' iii : i. a ... . !' ;r; . l! N t for 1'la .., av,,i aidhori; :a!pel i- rr. i; : an i ! Iai. i . ' n's n. . ;i .: ;. 'i'le.t i,. i. i .a,. el '. :-: . :.."! op-.ia-!:: tl. an. I r ;i i: ' to i i a I. 'l-.e!, .1 nn. ti! , ! J'.vl; ,:: al. ..!. - sod t-.'o'. I e'ii-t assoei. l !.a r -it's-, all-! . ; i.v: . ! Ai.t I a' ' 1 liaa.i. ! !:es con,,, : i i i ! I .. t 'I :: ma . I,, Vi n- :y of , ,,. .;,, j i,,. . ,.,,!,,. ;;r, !. ,. :oe.,ol! .' . 1 I t rliiael' O e ,... w;,i, .,j j;,,v ., ,,f the asao.-iat i-.n h, hi ,it ( S'naii s cLnrch twentv v.-ars a-o, sin.-e whieli time manvi (tls v, ).,,, M ,,,. mi.i (, :;M,1 r,-,,,,, t!i-ir labors and arc -.,l ii'iw ..l I l. . . , T,;.. iml,ilo! ,,. in (M.j,,, i. I lighter, n d there is,:...,i ,(,,;t.ltv , ,, ,., ,, :iJ1, ,:,,l U.lwv ..j ti. ,,i,d'pow. r,. I 'Ldaiivc tiiiti-.n:Uc 'i:.-i. U I" I I .. . . I ". ... il. I! .11'. i:.iM..n im.i. ,,i i.i '',. Ii.im.i r.-.lii- rcui ic com- ,;!.,. .1rit!,isr.m(y 1..i .;, :i,, f- i5l-.r at 1ms plan last Monday. ami appointed I In- follow in." .dcr.. h.r i le ,:,.,! m i,! pnm.i.y at their iv .- t .v.- pn - " A''-);-" " !' ' I Ml :;.. : ii!.i.vis s: A. I. I.amlielii. . I Wilii-mi's. lli;: (':;r.i.!.: T. J'.. Uray, I J i Kicwer. c. - "' Iii ( Kiioi;Ni-.: W. 11. Cross, I Ibiriiii-ti'ii ' l.o, rvn.i r: D. M. To.'. 15. W j r.rottn. - ;Ci m::: - .! M. Cinliii. I'. C. Wil I IJ M i.i : .N ua 1" i iik n'i. lh.-KoiiV Ml: Vance Che-k, Paul. (I; u: !. K. Martin, M. . .Liidan. j Ili.T'MM': John !!. Klkins, ( i. ! 1 1 iii. v. ( '. M. Harden. I). C r..x. Ni.w Ifoi-r.: S. M. Molt, Naomi Wilson. Cl MN'H'i : !'. 1!. SeluVes, .Ju!i!i V.'. I.e:i:i.l.s. A . P. 1 '. , i:. ( '. C i. i; :ia-' tl d.ellid ; a I'.M.I ilo Iir';:-'- I ai-i- ort:: 1 I -.vo;ild i a '.;. I th" pric-- p lid. i 'I'.. oi a dav r I w . tl;.- 'I el, ca.:.. ...!. ;:; ,,;,:; . ; a a ! 'r'"!;.i in liee-l ..!' a i ..::.( l.fi!!.-!l e I ,.: i ad. : .': her :.. !.u a 1 : i 1 i: iai .-rlain's ( o.i;:'ii le i'.ed;.. i i ai :.!! thiM a .a'V s. . . d r. , . - j ::.. .! i ion for tl." K-::.e.ly." ': :. a i l ei..-as!ve .,a!e ;:i a !a . e i.c a I -. I: I i:e lielsol.al r: coll ! !.a ' a : a - III...... , .i I ... a.'.. . ia . l:a , i . i n aved iiv ii l! " . ll is for sale n.w it P.tv (o !',uv Ciieai,: A e!n ai lei ieov i'.r eo.hs a: .'!.!. a. i r'n: id, !n;t yost w . i:i:i.: '!.; wiii n lii-xe a i:r ti:.' I :-. M le and : .. m -r- i ; ie of throat ai.-l ia re:;;, i: it sY .'! y i.. i a v. a; : ... I and !' al..i' c "I I a! i - ! a ! i . . li p i-.-il-.r; I. : ' ir yoi!. tni-n i " i :ll. .- !! II' l '. :M !!:.! oie- Iii e ai i. 1 I' , '.. il u suae - . ill ; Ve! . Ua'oa t and limy mble.-. "P.os j cii. e"s (iermau Syrup." ll n -t 1 only bi-al. and st i.nal ales the tis-j sue. to destroy the e'erm disei.se, I li'i! allavs iiillamma! imi, causes! ..i..y pea.. rafioa. Al-S a '. !,:! ! i.' ia s r -.i, ami cm--. ;!:. p.iti. .; ' i ry i. .it!.-. : :.. !.!:; !:l.i; ea! - i y ii ! I . i ru i - ; in t h ; voi I 1. i'orsale by (i. li. i'i!i.!a,,-l ton. 'i'ho Athn.lii' .'. Noi ih Carolina ..!r..:i'l has for le i ears ha I ia . plan of bid; in . a bra;. ad to i'5iiow Hid. Ii will me T1",irsUl appi .mi.i.Uc 7.1,ia.,., tlivue county wi!! pu . , A v..-w ieaie.lv !or . iaiild it. Tim cost wili.it is sa;,l. 5,000, of which tin ir'.I.OOO. Is U Sal. at (I. ih I'id.iia '...ie. !tiij..;!:d !;-.! ! .. Price. -J.- c at r.nJ 'A ! : iaolao-O' Tin' ;.ai!i iae I'oih I ;.'iai!o 1 li-o.:-s, la.-l week, t i .id al at Ul i.. .: cias. ot IV. To Cine a L'n'.J in !mil' Hay Take La-. Mi... Pl-o.eo J.ld.i:,. - Tablet Ml dru: a.i.ts iv!li,.d ll - . - i y if it I n!, t.- cure. li. V. . ( ) i v.-'a ai a..: II' i.-, n. ea.e!i I N. J." cents. ' An ar.-h !' l.-et hi ;li : r.l ,-t ri;. b d i id.ae'v of apple-- I . I iae of t ile li. '. 1 1 ii'S ll t tip- '.'i i hi'... I Kail. I. stl.it i.lli- H-l - fa!'. For Sp.'.liliS. SWellillL.' ),. -s i'.e,e i. i-.tha. : i a:, ib. i ho;.'. i'..i'. P...! a! l.,l: Vi l:i.-ki') 's I juA V.i.rl.. Hj il '.. I I l: .! ..:a X i-niii r t. ,,:,",; . ' ' ' '" . . . ('.. Cat. :! '. 'n ,' ,.' ' ; ; " "... , V .', .r,rVTi . .,, , ..' J,. i-.vi aim ;.! nsF's r.NTs. T ii mvimi bm, VMlVi-'R V'pni.v j iViKf ';i1JJiC;H !: Iiu:j:h- Ji i, wcozTi ti aorj, !'..! :.:!!. N. C ' (i. : : ?ft n r t i ' n .j. r -i. t i 2 f-tS-S- SllKti tfc?5i S ln ; i ! no;, i -i if):';1. 1 . ! I I. mi-' ' (.: iv.!-: v.. ; sm: i;i :i :;t t ; i: W , r. s. ', I I ( ; ; ; . I I.-.' . I; ' I ,v ll a I i M : I 1 1 ' '."I- Kl.i.- .'M . I I ' ii M i t . . in 1 i : ' ..; , "'''" '"' 1 ; , ' " III s. i . r e. j ,;. a., ... i ..i.!.ii!..ir' :.h Ill ! . I T. I .-el ! 1 ; ! i ; j Hi 0 JL L'tJ ( .. ! I - n. ( ;.. . i i. i r I'.i.i.i ! . : io; . a. I l' am v it. : ' '?- v. ia i ap ;iiKl .cJ io I';.- a-Mi will nieiiu ;' - to vilU' : 11 i 1 1 1 iv ho i 1 1 c s . MMDOliftSGI. W. L LONDON & N FALL and uw.k Is iunr :aiau?ail VVu vami vou Jo sec u show vms wlsciher vo t!s!l to Uiiy G;ii Urcss Ccoa .. . . !!.: v ; dn-i ; r, , u'.L 111 f''n:-. . l n , , ill! Ui!: 41 i , i. i ; 4 -i a s u .v tan CD C s."r Bt Co: Ii i l.r! iii ti . vjiv V,,. '.V f. i; ?' " i i. J Ln i .i.;.. ij i 1 j V lVcdio.i ai honij, or. u--.'!: an c". viipi ot a po-; '. . od. I ie. S. h Wr P..' i 1 1 a h u:i, V C Ke Fall ircl Willie, huh i) E W WIN TEH full in evcrv 5)e- or ni. ll, nn- i k- Uci.t ' ot al ll! fsHiHN f? :M!fS'a: f, f V Kf f 4"M T 4JrI liiers is ami h t-i: o .. -. ..; fc;;- '.: .','-,.,,-:,, : ...... .17.-.; v.).-;- .'..!- Lt.'lii .ai li..i iihit 1SS Ai.-' r r.iii' a -ni i '.v i"C:cfxIris o:i hand. iVowi S2 id SlfH) ir.. ori.e 'Aii! l.o deiivi.'.'ed y.l iiiiv I ii.ic ell her day or nittlit. iUI Tittj"bcrc. IT. C I Feb. -J, is'j-.i. I ho fairs with rare prudence. ' ut.t tin ir i iitive cotton 1I..11. llio ia-.iy tUat mini u cl: 1" ne n L ' '' sale by 1. li. Pill-.ilU"li. Lit i!;. oi ! taii l. .I II MH IH Ml I .1