Chatham Qecwd. RATES l)at!)am Rcccrb. II. A.. LONDON, ED1T0U AND TKOriilKTOR. ADVERTISING One square, one insertion $L1 One square, two insertions J 1.M One square, one month JkM For larger advertisements liberal cob. tracts will be made. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAH Strictly In Advance VOL. XXIII. ITlTSUOIiO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. 0., THURSDAY, OCTORKR r, IIMIO. NO. 20, Cfattom SIN THE CHINA SEA 4 A NARRATIVE Ir M:VAIIII (,"f:'Tnt.ii! r !: it Kit. ,Jf-t .J?U.iV?i' i.fe - (iiAvrr.u iv. (l1 IM'IMi. "WonM I l.uoiv hint iivain?" T re 11 1 rather warmly. "Why. lil'. ii v fiicn hn-in't been o ul of lav sifht sin 'i' sun-it. Would I kuowliim'.' Well just let hn j-.'t my liii'-M't's on lii't iti Mirsi'il lli-iowa fittlior ivouM not know hint tli-n!" Mr. S'h U'm liltii' ryes o) -eno-l lit my wiirnitli. Hi' u us about to ii ply, whin I'mlnton retutno.l. Mr. -kill fully e!i:ui"e.l tii" t:il : Ml .limitary '.'tli u v sua- in tin- nis-tam-o n Inn", sh ino-i y liiii".' on tie Itori.on. It looked li!;.- I. in 1. I ii-ki-l thi! c.iptni n if it mu sit.'li. .lie ir- "Ye-, that it liui.1. It ii t t t-. mill of roriuomi. Wo nie un-i , i,;. ill)? tho China Si'.a." Till' Cliilni Sim inlei oslct nil" oaly fist tin' stretch of Mill. '! tli.ii (In n pn lit o.l ut from lli.ii;: K'lii '. As Me In--Klin to ilrrtv so in tu- to tin1 ru I of on.' , , ,, , . ... , J . M 1 1' 1 1 1 V . I felt 11 IrM'lll II 1 1 t 1 V to . ., , ,, ,v JlllSlt'll llllOli;'!! Mlll .'III lllllll, ' It hii'l li :ne my liii'nt of lato t. Iiiciliiittn on ilr.'U nt hirlit. Soun times l.iiuoston unit Ihil-t .n unit. Sonii tiiiii'H only one i r the otlu-i .would I io il It iin'. Soiiu-tinirj I went 'h! '. On the tii;',lit of tlm .! iv wo jiiisi-.t form on, I wont on ili'i'k in u mil. j;. Intou w .is i i ii li'i;', uU'l l.a'i .!"! lnnily ii vu-; I in r u it -nt mi with an linli'in uv.iiy ol.ii'i'i'. 'I'lo'i fni'l tlo y u oiil'l 1. 1. no 'ui'!'. I iin not o'.iji'.-t to liriu ; n! iii'. .Mi t !niiu:lil :i kopt iih' roiiipan v. I li'.t-.l to st. in l l.y t'n1 rail Mini mil- mr. tin1 po'viliilitiot o . w.'i i' -I'. i-i us. I know tliry tti'i'i- wi I.- nti I va-i mii. lnoiu t!i..t my tiro fiii inl Mrri' i- itii i n i -i join, I .li. I imt i i; -, VllI'M I lo ill'l !' foil' -t"p lll'llill'l III". ''I'liio i vi-nia.,', tin' -.'," Kiii-1 tin v.iii'i. of Mr. (la'nli ili S:i.-!1. "r, vuii -n;oyin:; i : i o 1 1 1 ' ! 1 1 , M i .-1 I'lvi'Uiinu-i''. " "I am 1 1 J i y i ! i ; tli" p-o-M. i i i I. :ii.lm,' liuii'li inoi.'," I f ; ! i I. " Vr.ry I. Il r. huvf yi.ii in. IK C: i'i'!.iiioi i , w lial ii nui-rr li;;'it roi n fi .n.itiu! Cliinii Si'ii wli- u t'o- mo i ilain'i' in its li rtli' MiivesV ' I In. I ll"t lii.tli'i'il. I Irii'.'i .l o. r ill ' rail, ainl t liei o ' in .'Iv us h p tliai ily in tin' t'linTiilii mI'i'.'u that w.' n lli'i't.'il from the Mat T. I ln i! I u, II. lino tli" pii tty i-H'tI. In an iio'tiiut I vmi f.'ii'il fio: i In--loii'l in an ir- -i :io. I tiii ni'.l .pii.'!.- I'llt MIIH lit II lll.'ll'lvnlltll "'. I'" toil' I I'otiM cry out, I i i i'. i -. r.l u -.11111 nin; Mow on t!i l.v.i-l. Onlylinl! oi:i'i"in, I t'i'lt 1 1 iv oil' lilli'.l 11:1 I lIlHVI' I lllr:' till' rail:.. A loitrfill voii'i' Miuii'lr 1 iii n:viar; "Now you r.i i t i lruUfy unyiui iy, run v.m, I rii'liiiior 'I'lii. iviii'l whistl.'il past in v I'm"; I fi ll. I f.-It th,' I'losn'ov,',- ,11... i 1 Inn! In'L'ii t'lloH U ovi'i lioiu i 1 1 v liau Iiok Sin'11. I was poivi-rlt'ss t i uttor 11 Kouml 11- , 1 iwni tiou 11. 1 Mrii"k tlio na. oi In ml lirst t flt'iiii hs t!."i.-li I hii'i tiiki'ii a tliif for spoi t . The inoiiii'iit urn ol tin' ship nil I tli" ln'iolit from whifli I iia 1 liili'Oi ho 11 ! lilt! tl.-l'p illto till' SI l. I ! . A ll 'll'M 11 .1 wi-nt, until in 11 half 1' ousrioiis imy I tt-ouilfii-il if I viis t-vt-i- - . i 1 1 : t to Mop. I flo Hot kn how fur tliiwn I wi'tit or lio'.v Ion;: i! took inn to f.i'li tliiTti - proliiili'y not i.iany ri'i'oiiil.i - vvln'ii 1 frit 11 rii'li of i-ohi ivnli'r. Tlio coMllrs.s of tint wa'i-i- my MMiHrs, Imt I ivas iiliHolutrly pnwor li'KS. 'I'lus rus'i of ,)io M.ltfl' 11 us trrmrniloiis. It whirlfl 1110 iiul t irncil in-i np 'iiln tloivii, rolli'.l ni.' ovrr iiml tivrr uii't '.irptiin 111v.1v Ilk" II pii.'i'o of mper. It llasln.' l uvrr ni" that 1 win iu utii! of thosij swift niiIi iiiuriue riirronts ko roimnoit iii t'tf P'.iuth Ht'im. S01110 nf ti'.'sy nnl" jiriulctit currents nrr rui-l 1,1 travi l 11' 11 uroator lull! of tliuii n iui I f a luiiiutt'. Th" 0111! that lull mi' iu ils Kis. ivoi lint til-) hlowrst of III kin 1 Wllllt llltS Kll'l' Slllf" H"IMUf I t'l p must roiiiiirk.tlili) thin;;, hut whif'i Ilt I nut Sfoiii at all Mrauon thru, wa' in! fort tliiit I tli.l Hot lost' my pir-t riifi! of ninul. I oi lit ilo liothino, it ' trur. 1 una ln lpli-H iu tim jji-usp if the v.ntrrs. !ut I no fully nnii, I ih'.H that I ht'Iil lay lni-atli iiii'l If! tao I rout forro bivoi-ji 1110 i.loni; uui" O't 41.". Kinro lioylioo.l I 1m 1 lierii 11 i;oo I Miiiiiurr. iloiirM 1111 1 hours I o-i I Ipt'iit in tlio wilt"!', Il nit in iliviir:. 1 i imiiiiiif? illnli r wiiti r, mnl i In' 1. in jiy lilirary in Sun rraiifis -o, s.'ii-r a! J ii liils that I Iin 1 taki-ii iu rolli'f. I imitio poiilfsts. I'liis tr.iiuin;; inv. .!oinl inn in iouil stf-n l. It Was I ii stil l lor 1111) to liohl lay lu itli muter water far noun- laiiiut" . lint it Hcomnl liko li vo Vi-nrs to iff (.hooting iilou uii'lrr tin' t'hina Sim. It ivas proluilily just iilmut !'ivu 1 1 i 1 1 -uf.'H liofori) that iry riirr.-ut 1"! ko its f i .isp. l-'i i Uiik the ivari'ii'r ainl t ali no'r.t uroiiii'l iiir, I Hiiot iipwitnl uit'i II mighty Hlrok". I frit, riitln'i- th u: s i.v tin. Ii;lit tliroiih thr rapi liy sh 1! o vuii; wntrr its I iiriiri'il thn surfar.'. I also frit thr tlrrri'ii"i! in thr jor.-i i :.;.'. A few inorii sti'okr.s ami I ln.'illiril nain. I look' '1 nr .mi l mr, Tiir iiiuii ihip ('ity .if llio 'In .fiini i .' -t r u liat I iippi'si'il to In. hi. i'. ii .. ii-il'lr in tii" Mr iii-tut. f", pr t a i j -v Mli'tik uu 1 n "i-fil of si.ri',. ) ... lo 1 (" It i. lis plain t! u . ai.ij) CJUh', lo' t'lj; -'.'tr-l fioii! h'T J t.ii if tiit'y La l In'cu 0'iaii) of 1. y OF ADVENTURE. ,V." HOl'KlNi. lamr - iT II 'm ' S. t,.) 5si ti &5 1 iitiiMropIii' at otii'i', I win no qnii'lity an ii' l out of tiii'ir i i'ai'a lliul tin y woulil irivo iin- up. I Moioli'ir 1 li" I .llll'.'-'.oll HU.l II. ll ! 1:1 li-nll'il !r: . 1 11 my lo :., n;ii 11' t '." woiil'l t"i'..' 'I aml'oU S'li'U. I ill 1 not thin'; i'.u atti'i- proljiil.l''. 'no' I'.-llo-.v a. on no.i 'n to l'i tin. lil -l to Iin .1'. tin i.o. . of my "in rii'i'iit '' ii'i-l t" I..' 11 In' ."mi. nt1 tinii' tin. In-i. I n.'ii'f i . 'l.i-.: pi'i' .mil on li.'iii' l. 'I'll.' I lllll I of I'ol'llloV'l I'i'll'.l ll"! I'l rr:i. I jll'l ; '.l ll-olll t ll" ill, i'i'I .'ll II .iii it'll I lay from tlo' snip, that for .'.lo'-.i Will on l! thrr : 1 lo of li 1'. I li'l n il I.n 1 w liorlh from ?-..:ilh, I 'll I know that ulnii .' Inol ii'-iil for iii.. u no ha I lii'i'ti ii of It. 'I 1 - '"'I 11,.' to lii'ii-Vt' t 'lilt 1 llU'l I'l'l'll -il! 1 i' . 'oiitii 1 1 V tin' C.11T1I1'. I.a'.rr 1 '. il provi'il this, utl i 11 'il t'i I Ki'i al y 1 1 s i'a!'illa!i'il l!ii. ili'itaiii'i'. an Inn 1 ."Ii iilily iiii-.ta!;i-ti in Miipo'-in ' t.'o- 'l.i I - aw t . l... fr.011 tin- --hip I ha I . .1. I I !:.. 1 1 I for soiiii' lit 1 !o tim" "ii n ..' 1 I' ... until i i..t i tuny i' vi ... . ' , . I holl I .'I'll u In' i tui' l:o until I i.a l fully r. 1 noii, 1 l!iiii' that pr.iiiii ii'.l hop" of .h"!'..T. .it I t-uw noihin I ti..i;r I o' ii:ii ! s, liiil, 11-1 in. no w 1 1 f 11: m ;!,t, I ii i i' l to 1'iriipr t iio.ti' ilri'a h' I 1. 1011 ft'-I'M III till' liri-p. So far 111 I'l I'll I'.i'ii,' any iii. tniii'ii was 1'0'n'i ; .1 I, h.i I 110 liar. 1 i'onl.1 ill '.i fully H'lnain on top iiu.l pio i-l iuy,. .iliitli r I M'.iuti'-I t" ."I li'i! soy f-i o i i a i 1 . ' ' r Mit ' fsli'in-1 "'I f'-.;n I: ti 1: 1 1 l .li I ii-.t know li . a 1 -n : l i.o-il I I., i'oinpi'Ili'1 to sustain i;i 1 .1 in tin wait"-, it:i. if li ii 11 i-T inn-1" no- it - vi'' t iui I kiii'W I w in lost. 'l'ln. tlliii'.; t 1 1I0, t'li'll, Mi'.it.i li',.',, tli" l.i' t i.p.','.! Mini,' I .'..ul. I. 1 stai I". I nit' illi ii loii', 1 a -y --ti-.'l.i' 'l'ln' Mat.'i-of th.- 'iiiuii Sim i-t -m snlt iiii-l 1,'ivi's (.'i-fil liuiiy.t'ii'." t 1 . tl. nitiii .My only moi!. ' i. pi opi'l uiysi-lf. Without to!. pin ; I swam forwa- I f.o ali i 1! an hour. I ,n u rupiil h iniuii'i Lilt tli.- .li lii'n'ii i'ovi'1-r.l was hut 1 I t in l''i' mi ;t f i tu -1' of uati r. T'.i.'i' I iv-t'-il 11 tii'iiii"nt uii'l 1.11: i t ; in of. 1 1 i' t hi :'i 11 1 I ro-.ih! I t 11. 1, an ' oilor Mirny of 1 1 1 - hori 'ii. To nil I'Vfiit j. iv. I saw fur away- i'l tin liiri'i'lioii tf'.v.'.r I vv 1 1 1 1 ! 1 I li.i I i 1 oi' 1 l'ii'iij what appi'iirt- I to h" Inn I. ( foul I Mi'i. no tn "S or 1' v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01' ; 1 11 1 ion of any l.iu.l. 1 -.'! tins miis a:i i-luii l of r, ..-!. I Iui I 10- ii 'l I lint I lo T" m t i'" itiuiiy mi 'li i :l th" Chlll"si' fo.isi. Ion uii.i'.-v - i' wa -, il 11. lot .Ii'.l li ipo ; iwi'l v. i' ii Mi- a i'iI i-.nil-.i :' I s.vt'pt th" v. at.i .i.'iiii with my vr.;o:i"is !'iol,i-- it-i.l s-i ,ut .--I to.'.iii-.i tlo- fin-.'1;. Tin' r-iiui'l iniiy half In- .it in'.l. s avii'.y nr il n.'iy liavo ii. i'ii li I ii-1. 11. i- 1 11! ino-t auiuliiliiti'l ii tui'i'lfar m ion 11-.'iit of tins i-i-i.iii. All thai I kn-f.v J i'l tin iii 1 1 1 1 1 1 is thai I swum a' "'ii f,"!,r l"',,,."f'"-".. " '" ,?!"!'", ":l' -v":": I Haw til" liar.- I r.i 'i;, ri'inin.r it l.alil hi' i l hi :' 110 .1" tli" ivhI't. Ito.'i. . . 1: ,f !i,n ' I at 1 I '. 1 . 1 . . i ...noni.i-, . aioi I r, I ii 1 f .,' a li l.ll I' l' trt. ('ill llll.; lal -!(' .ill 1 1 it I. io 't I -ii""t-i"l"il in 1,'i'tim I'll inyi'i .-I. Tli on lay r ,al I ;l ill,; lYoni li.''. I Uu'lh! lii.i'-l In sa-o tin rout Imt I 1 . -.'. I'. v,."il I r. lu'.i la;. proj:ri'--i, 111, ; I ill 11 loii ili-t-fo'i y ft to s.i 1111. I v ,i :: '''.Iiiiu I'"!- il 'r, SO t !l" I'- "it Wi'lit ill t a- : 1.' i".. I ili'l Hot :.,'!; to ia,". . !,y air ,1;,'. I n i-lifil, lalli.-r, to ii . 1. in I l iy : trrtl.tth. It wa . v.'il I 'ii I ... 'i'ii'r riirl; p; oVi.' l to If I'.'.i l ii 1- ii'ii.y t '-.i'l I iaiu-;li."l. lint, lit Is- t, I i.a '. til. ;o-"a! joy of in in.; 10 ur i in. 1J1 t 1 ill" ;:i f ,'iiisii -ii h 1 1" foam fr-on ta--Miiti'i-s tinit luo-.f 'ut on ii 1 iui-'-. I hu'l ni'li Mifi 110 or.-uii'i- iliiii'.'fi- t ia'i too Mitt'-r it i ll'. i l-iul 110 ilull'it ti ::'. : tin'i'" a.iutlii'ili t..,ii trta'lui' l m in . man rating un.11 l "i,., Iml tin- lt"l; ... II iii;hi-r I'owi'r must have 1 ' l- : 1 ui.l. j 11. , lor I miw not o'lf. j I rru 'lii'il tin- roi'l.. I My 1 1 fill-1 sank unliiil mi', for ils -I ll'S Wl.l'f lis ..iiiooih 1110I as II i M..,,H-ilInr in t'l" sol" of 11 It . 1 i'llt'l'i Hll.-itio ll:'.'t.i!.i.. nrfo..t'l" ihii!; j-1 -. 1 1 im- r hi,.'h :. mr,'l, mho piiaolr, pilil 'titrti' I ta swim jv -. . 1 1 ? 1 . 1 it. I in- ro.-k i-ov.-n I, I shoii!.l jo ':!' rt'.lu".- I to li-riiri'-, nil 'il four nit it was 111... u 1 : 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 ; ur 1 i'o'i in-'iit t 1 l.i", so I'opi . h iM'i'oiii'-. Tin-i'r tvits !: 1" '" ' . si:'!,!. My h..:..i :f- -1 i 1 .in 1 ror !., t l ist, h.tvin-.; su -i 1 . ,1 t ' halt lay ro'l'nl, I foil : u . ; , '..'i-', I s .('-r.i'. I inf. -. . -11 ; ! .': 1 i-y t jullo. Tii. p. i:i!i lr-1 into an r. a . 1 .' nr" 1' iv or i'll t-i I -i 1, n i 1-. a , i.-,'i ;il'!y i' t in M.-ni, . p.- i Im a Ir" !, :' .'11 n! t in' w a'.rr v ". -i ..-Iy .'aim, ail woiill I,.. , , , y ill .' !l !', I " It Mil i .'iii-n!i!l"y sil .1 l i'i.l.l I il" v ll' I. I ' "lit t hi', ill 1 ; ': .oit'-iiiiy, wii" '1 -nit iilio-i! tw.-; .. f. : , i-ir. ' I'l -i i" ti--' MI'-l'i-'ll; r I . i'l I o! si-!", w r.i' uiip.-ar.- It.' -i i . .11 ;; : 1 '.i- p. i'i!.' j'l.i " in I Ii i 1 Ml r.-';''l si I" -.1 .1 an i !: rill s. !;. fa-t.'n-'. Tiir lit of -my! '.in ; tiia' !..-to'n "iir.i Iiir pir 1--1H-I! of a loiiiati 'o";.f in fill .us!" i-, soat . inn ; of a s'.-.-k. it-it Ihi r" was li"p,. in tii.m rin. f..,- I'.y a ( iV n t I 1 . ..-i 1 I oar o; tii-- 1 iu-;s ni' I ilr. 'v im s'-f . . .0 .!. I it.l . li'. :ii lit .k to -, . .- ,' " i 1 y 11, I I a" ; i.i ; .11 ;.- . 1 wa si.-o. I i"i! t u" i y 1 ' " lir-.o;!!;, t iri't-.-h' , 1 ni i." I eliutbeil, clii!:il au l (, i" I inisrii t. tTio ro '. !ii. " n ir."i"'. . t y. as n n-lnr I.IV oil ll lllr. A ia .a pri f'. 'iis Molnlrl-. ful f.-nts of siirn r.h uu'Irr l!i"'rrir. ruin."t.i:ii'.s. At Inst I st. 10 1 on ;. Mat tali!.' rook. It ni I oil iiul l'.n: 11. I Iml fouiiil ii la st m;r plin'i', Imt 111 inorr. Not 11 si, Mi of s-iisf.iiam ; fo. -I. I roiihl not rat roi'l;. in. 'I I saw 11. thin;; rlsr, I sii w iu my fulurr notion ;lmt a linrr in;; ilrntii from stiii vat 10:1. Iiu l I ituy kui'l of a I'onti nuiii-i' iv itli nhirli I roulil lish, I u oul. I .;!a lly liavii ilr voiiif -.l sonn of thr lii'iiy inhaliitiiiilH of tin1 ih rp without any rooking, Imt I hail n..i!'.'i,r. 1 li!".;un to tlfspuir. it is not a pliil-.ilit tiling to Ionic il'-atli iu ;hi. fii 'r ut afly timr. It is Hiinpiy horrililn to if r it st.iini' you out of roiiiitrnau "i! ivin ii you nit) ill 1l!l pclS-Ss III of lll'll 'll, - t 1 " i 1 I ) I l"l I oti'illtii'-, u i.i -. a'ly : .1 nin-'i In, t. ir.i'li v ill r. . : iin y i." of a loi.'i'iiii .. .ml, p; a i.'.l l.y ill" 1 ' in ; - of In 1:1 '.-r, aool ill ' pains "f t a In" .t i i'liri.t :.i 1 i 1 1 -1 1 t li" y, it fri;. litlul an it al i-'i -H ni o-'i! ir 1 I 1 . nt ma I in i .t-"!;', tl'i'ii i'xh.iu;.i n .-mi I ilr.t'h. 1 1 t!i: : I t- "i 'lit of, itu-l 1 . ..Iv.. , if it .ML." t" tar ,',.--s!, fi:,' lii'i'i.-" lay min.l j'.tv' ,, I ii im I I h'.ip fi'oai tim i-oi-k mil i'i' . "i- my .'li' ii'-foi'i.' I'm s.i in in-; iv. 1 . to 1 ,'i-.-.'' to o if. f-'.t I ! at 1 all 1, m "1 I-'fully i-.tlm, us il ; 1 - a . I.. ,a.' I" -a .t' I lo'il. I'Ufk l nil f.; li"'.'' il i.i ", :1 I ol. I 1 rii sin:!". I, t. .'il a -411111 : m .;hu- ! Iv iip-oii'.-iuti 01 :' my p: . 1 ut. "I1' I r.iu'i hi1," I '-. I to i,,y..i-f .il'.ii !. i-.y i . 1 . .' , fi.. 1 tin' ni'.-li r.i '"i. I-i ll.!' I la", "I . aa at 1- :! la - t UU'l I Mill "' I -ii'.'li'ai! 1 lay-.-!:' on tii" tint ror!;, it!i no' ii':; Ion my v..-! r'ot!u.-i 1:1 I tin1 I.iiiliau' -'ii'-.s a'". ir ia". I Hit t f lllllll !l'.. I I' ll lis'"". I. W'lo'ii I tt..!;r th" y in n a-t hijli iitttl Ho' 1 k .nr if. nan. My i-'i IIiim hail 'llifl llll'l I -i f , 1 in i'i" I i 1 1 h ,1 r -a 1 1 11 ' of suit. Ml units I !.. ;s M. i-r : !il)', .in I i 11 ''a.- I in i-i ay i 1 1 oi' my h 1 ly. lil" 1 1 :: ; a 1 - on- It.l i II' 'I I' "II ll - i'ii-;'o'-: '.' 1" !.. .1. l"i! tin- hut' sh'i'p ha 1 ,.-ii-."!i" 1 im' it:.-!. tul. y. nt !--t-l. I ot up i'.n I ' l i'.u .'1! 1 a I o .! til" Links 111 try j . -1 1 1 : -. I nas 1 . iv han tv. This Mas t'.r li" ' 11,11 in ; i.i' my !'!oiV lriilii. I r.'ii' ; a- I tins, an 1 fi" i.ittrr-iii--s of il.' .ptir Mas upon mr. I ririi foiiti'iiipliit,' I ru -ti.i '. lay -If into thn sea to ni I it ail. I iiu i ri-ii'' -f ll .liin -mi Crusor. llii iv, i-t li 1 1. ,, 1 roii.i. urn to in v 1111 rlitlil" oiill'.ok. I Vi.'.ilil tin 1 hrrr 110 mini l-'ri'lav I 1 krrji mr ruin any; no ii'uit -1 to :;,ve iiir 11 iri" 1 1 i 1 1 -r milk ; 110 :,! in to mow atitl i i-iiji in ti'r fu! 11 ri", 110 MllMll l to S IV. il !l, I! I ili. lil It! Viis noil" "f thr : 10 ! loi '.'rn-s o:' 1 1 ii faniaiis S;i iss finally Koi. 1:. son, w Im tliif rut uu ay ni a snppi""i ih".ii t i- hi'i'l, an I Iiiuii I 1 ,1 v lor t hfir li'ii.'iiiii.' ul! I'i.' it lit s of a :ni".'i'ss- f'll i.torla.'ii'. 1 liuoi no zr Itr.l to i n " i y 1.. . I ii oiii'i loi'l 'at li.i-ii'i f 1 .1 it '.1 ." t 1 rivr mr 111'". I mo 1!.! tin.! u.i'.h'.i ; in:: Ii. To r.i I I al mil -t ii'i! 1 11 1 - a- t I 11 us li- a-l. N"! on-; !,n . .-. .1 n- im.a r ,'. -u'.i' n.r, llll! 101 a n ilyia ; 1 mm aliKll'l "IS liol-f ';.-ii ! "-i -'y. 1 o-i aii'ir 1 li.'i'or" 111" ril'l i l' : I 1 111 . --I 1 ':'' il, -.ii ff til ro l-"jaa ; I kn. .-. I...! t imt -p..s loly to i n I .-oil..- :" . 1 I i.'.i "I't t In ri) I a a 1 '.! 1:1 sh 1 o ; p. . i 'ly t" iin I o'iii !:-ii;" ' : in-i; . .1 v.iu . r i.iy--,!'-. p .- i'.!y t . pi-io-i'-i'.lr :t-i-l s. .1 vii 1 lays), -ry of t'a" pr. - :.; :' tim ir. .a i'iu-;.-i. I pifkf.l 1 1 1 y way from I lie- Iiul rork up 1.1 wi-i.-li I s'.. , on : 11 1' .I ' of Inn, ti!" Ira lia.,' ai-..U'i. tar little- 111 Irt ol v.a'i'i'. Tii" If l'.;r Mi'i'inr.l l.r'.i u l.y In i., I . it I not of r.a'i'iil 1I1P". It, v a 1 ul'ovi' l.i.. iiivu' i"' iniii'!,'. No a-'-tioil of li.r ti'lr ha I li on! it. An 1 it. vu, t o I0U..1 for tna'. What whs nio.v, I la-oi "ht I r ul I M'.'!!ir I'lurku of r ; 1 1 1 1 1 : t "I . I .ai'"fu'ly fo'.i.nvr.l In" ! i.;.', Mliii-li li-.l to 11 rrrvi'M 111 t.i" rori., .io'.vi into uhit'li oil, ; -y 1 - s . iif ri.-. -tops ii-,'.-.. cut. I ' 1 iv u iiito ll,i . po. t o y Iril, mnl my li.'iil l ItoliUor.l I, it a In )"'. Tilt! nil. -nor of tin' pit mi : i-'-iii . ly uiiovn 111 1 iv.ivrs, s!ii.!l.'i-., liy thr hi'.'ll stir-i-o iU'liu-,' ro.-k. An 01 1'l'Viu":!!'.; 11 nil l.";i out I 'tr I'.iin. No v I li ' ;.i 1 to think of Vont" t'listo. What if I foumi thi-'f 111st t ii-asiii-rs iu 10. hi or silvrro;' pri- 'ions tmii's? Wfll, wilat if I ili.IV I its!,.', I my rif 11 ;iiin. T ivoiil l simply iii. in tlio 1 , 1 1 i-t of it all uiilr -s thr lawful iinn i s of it ritiiii' tl'i"'r nii.l siii'"oii"l i:r. rii'-rt! mhs Hi.iit.-r ilaurr of tliriu killing mr. So t In- iin "ovriy of whit' mi;;at piovii io I, llio hi-liii plu.'r of I ill' f lllll''l llll! frill'. 'il pi'iiii-s of tint S.nitii sifiis Mai no! i-olii' to help mr. liiii'l 'y I went il nm th" stoiirt steps. Tln-i f. i-i-f a! h'-i" mil' Itnn- llll'.ltif thf l, Hil l I l.'ll' V, llili'll if-irlu' l th" l-atto 11, thtt I iv.u liei..--. fit! lrvi l of til" :.. :!. Cil M'll'.l! V. A r:nv:. )i.f : r. i-'ii-sro. T was iu t!.f !' .i! iia of 11 (Meat, fun-iifl-!ik.' pi;, .1 !lt ii i'oli'l uu!! of 1- .-li aro.imi i"". I I'l. .llll s.'-' no o;i, lllll", 11' t 1 v, 1 n 'n If 01" ;' I'tio'l'.-.u to pat a li .1 .- r 'i "i. V!i:i , 1 ii.'ii, i,-.i . I ' 1 ar- of fir ' I ti-? I '..: "v.i . 1 'he 1: .rol l - : a a-,.! 1 I,, f . I !.:,! ii :.' I h.i I I" 1 1 a'l ki.nls ol t-.-'s ii" I inoi-'. Im: I riii',1.1 r i: , a, ,0.1 -on ,' ii-y ;i Ti! l"i:,' it;i i o, .-ii si'. -o in "'.I k'. ll!" -.'.-ll- till! !' I I-i ll'.W 1 It i.t 'lit Ii,- f:u! fi.- j i -.ta ii r I l',.r -I..1I 1 ; j- Is I.v ti pii-,', s f ti.., .- ...s', ;,.! i. f..,; '., ,.. I,.,. .., a. .1 t , La , ail.iV. Til" lil.l .. r , !' h.a.f 1 !r-t I .-'I u iirii I i'i---,'," i' I ih' s'-ii . 11 i-.v i. it mi', ainl lav in, .-..-: I'll1.. e im -1; II It'l I l lll-M 1 , ': 'I Wil t! ii iiiisrr:.'.!.' .!.! T oi-' t'o-re :t!o!l", !.iiv,li;i,i M ol I if l-i.'ll la.l iui ! '-v.-r ii , 1 -', 1 ! y f. irii'i 1 to 1 11 I !l"!ll 1 ; my n 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 ' I I r'.'i 1 It was !,.n I i 1 ,1 o. N 1 1 i-r to "air for 1 n in n.y l.l-l !", h .0 t . lit) -1 , -o! !i 1 ' ! ' . mi' 1.. v n (".r v !,. a i it i.rii I:r lall-l'n-s if tr I Mas tlj.i! nil') N'itiii'1 l-a: si. -tie- St. 1.11 si- n.'! lit) ufc t iM',M i', ?! frTr rr laTtrTsTTsr r TsTk linn Wny lo linn n l-'iinti, T-ntnl never ve-irs out If proprrly Iiiiiiilli il, ami onr of tin- most prolital'!" liii-t In. ,1s nf liiiinlliii;; 11 t'ariu Is rmniin:; ft iliilry of I'.-iislii;; slmli llnit roll fttlinrs the pioiliiit' rni-i-il ami ii-liiriis ll to 1 ti- l.-iiul In the ii.-iy of :i fertillz.-r. while thf lluisli.'il proilui t U iilloivril to Miilk oil' to market. l)l'fttl'i..Tltll lllflft'lfl 111 A ft pit rti l;lt fl Itn i. Cut olt' thr tops from thr iispar.i;;iis lusls lirfiil'e the Set ils are ripe an, I I lum Iiiu ii thr tnali-rlals. I i m usury plan. Mraiv mi the I'tils l.i'l'oiv tiilnu'. I'.y ; fSii lining Inaliy of 111"'l rln-ini.-s I M ill In- ili'.-iroy.-il. Hi I'oi- iiit. r s.-ls , In roifi' tin Miiii iiiiinuiv ami . Iniii" ll inn il spring. A Vi'll - A rriuiut'il A ptitrr. I A ivill-iirriiii ':i'il npi.-iry that Is siut 'l" llll'l rolivrliii lit is thus il'-si-i..-i 1 l.y an Illinois apiarist: "Tlio liiirs nr.' ' pl.-i I iliiiL'on.'il'y In the row w lii. It . Vlltlil Sollt hr.'lsl lliul llorl ll'.'.'t-st, so la-ll 'In riu-li pair of rows thr liivrs ii'oni least, iu tun' n:n! Miiili In llm oili-r, jlilillJliU rarlt nil", ua'v' llllfV 1'ri r 1,'oni j I't'i'S to In- itsi-il ti r passai;rivay to I Moll: ,'ll'olltlll 11," '."f.'n. Thf lolls !i:r p'l.-iii-il lit Vi 11 l'i i-t llplll't l.ll n lll. 's, jllllil the liivrs I'.iin- fi rt nil ri'lllli-l. I T!ie lilves are so plan-.l that a Iin.' j lr:iw!l fro 111 t!i" Ifiir of :lir lii'si on-' , will toil' h thr front of Hint linn llilltfly lifhilnl it. Tll.-rr I.t oili- V. i'h' iltllry t-rosswis'! ilii-oiiirli thr ri-ni'-f mi'! I 111 11 lar;.'!' npinry luoli- iilh-ys wniiM hf" l)lEi lli,ll Trials Willi Ii Irhi'iia. The fiill'.ivli.s' iMi'Hrls nrr taki-ii fioiii a luilli'tiii r ntly Is-iinl Ly iin Oklahoniii . i. line tit M:iii"li: I J. Chlrki us tli'-slril Kalir mi'ii mnl 1 iirti iii'-r inph ifly iv'ii-u thf urn in , WHS foil Wlii'l" lllllll Wll.'ll 111" lllllll ! W.1S ful. C. Tlir Kalir mm ;i 1 1 1 Kat'r im-.-il ; fril III this trial J h M"il hut two pi-r ! rrnt, l.'ss loin! ilii.-st H.I.- 111:1! I. r than I thr i-jiTi'spoii'lini; torn proiii"is. ! II. Kalir mru :is :i iimri- suitalil" rutioii. t'onshli'iiii:; only ihe tvluiiu' II iiiuii 11 1 si of L-roivtli -111:1 K i 1 1 tf nml tat fonnliii; inaii-rials, fni- rliii-ki-n.s 1 In, 11 ! K.'ltlf lue:il, roru. or rui n ini iil. I I. Cow pi-as wi-ro iliufstfil rr.isou nt 'ly well, nml nrr f I I'm- jrrowiiii; rhirkriis ,-niil In lis. fan lii I If (,';iin In iliu'ral il.illiy was isn urnl l.y fc-ilili.i the rowpriis. ! To iiili urn 1'iifHiiiTii. I Tilt' Vrlinoiit i-M i -ri 1 in - ut ; lal!, .11 lias t'oi' many years rxprriuii iil"i h iih , (iiiuilry soiliin; riops, an. I ,-n a ivsuli nf Its work ivrouin.riiils to Vi-rintiil ' (lalryiin ii tln 1,-irur u-i of siiiiimr!' Kil.'lu'i ii 1 11 1 of oats ah, I pens Sown al Verkly liilei vnls nml foil iliirin-; .loly mnl Aiiusi. Silii'f is pfolml'ly iin cheiipcl' I'ltiil; outs mnl pe.'is sotm ivhi'' the lieto-r. If the former Is ei.iilein phiteil as 11 istriiily miiiiiiii-i- tllel, for years, It wouhl lie well to i-oiisiilei- the ' irri ti.ui of a sprrlal MMiiiniT sil". pref 1 rally I'otiuil. Willi 11 small I'-tiliii'.' area, 11 small tliitiiieter ami a n l.-tHve ly i;real th-plh. ISihiu'e snreail over 11 lari;i' surfat-e In Miinim r, spoils rap- fitly nii'I loses liirirely Iu 1. 1 iliii; value. ! If nuts mnl pt'iis lie rlmsrli they lltollltl In' sown III sllrrt's .j-r lots ilt j Meekly llllel'V.'lls', the two sown sepa liilely, the peas first rather ilerply ami liairoWt'il In; tin- 011U of Hirer iliiy.s In 1 i.t anil liiisheil In. A In Her ' rnti.'li Is likely to l.e M't ttrnl In this j M'il.V lllllll il sown to;;elli l'. 'J'he ( lop 1 may he either fed tiei-u. Iinynl or put III tin- silo. New l-l'ii-'l.tli'l lluillt'-iielttl. 1 I Si-cm-lnf it TrtitiKli. 1 Many pif-ture mill f.-irinyartl water In:; tioii.rhs are half lioiMir'tils set 1 Upon the m'oiintl. They are ill to 01 1 .1 1 1 1 ("l' of Itellli; Up! I l'.v the rillll". , M lil'-lt also liu'lit raeli nther im.-iv A Tiim-oii l oit rAsit iirn. f.tuu the water. A plan to nliviute, iu pari, m leii-i, I ... 1 In uf 1 lies,, evils- i l-h'.un In llio iui. Two poMs are lll iveli In siile 1 Iii- lull ami n M ;,. li'iiinl iiuili'l as shown. Tins liohls tin- tioiili ti 1111 I.v to Ihe ".muii'l, llll'l also sipiralis Hi" rail!" iviiile ilriiikhit. Tl-.e same plan tan In- M lili any :lntpe 1.1' u-oiikIi.- I'iirui .lour ln.l. l H.-rnl l ootN r(,r -Vrr.lli,K. If III" Weetls are rut when youn:; flu I leniler, II lii-lll line is pl-.-fel.-llil" lo 11 hiavy one. le 11 iht. weeil-' .are har,! nml ilry. a Ino with inore wei;.li: is ( In eii'nr rase, the hoe Mioul'l lie as liL'hl li t poss-ililr, iiml tin t!t" work, li shnllhl lie of l!ie very In si mat. .rial. ' lie liaii.ll,. sli,.nl, .,. lii.'!r. ami of the Ifst Moml. Tli-hoe sin .lil.l nlivnis In- ke.t sharp I.v Hu lls of :i tile or ".l inil -i.iiie. II' I !, err are slums in tlie soil a tile is prefei.'ilile lo ti." t-riiiilsiniii-. as Hi,, hie rim -Hli.'i l' 11-111 -1 1 III the lii'hl wlit'li lieeessary. lil rollseqlleuee of list- in l!ie tirM.allil s lllll prtiiii' on Ihe Iiir of "riii'lst.ine, nr Iniiil, Ih" hue will wear rapi'lly.liut il is well lo li-iiiriiilii-f dial s-.-el is l!"iiper than tii'i.-el". A sharp line, v. liih' In th" liar.'ls of 1111 1 11. if-rile lii.i 11 of hiTy, Is ilea 1I1 to weetls. At tli' S.l'.il.' tiuif It nillld lil'.tell to ill" 01 i i-t lies of 111'' liillltller'ii ti-lliper. A dull hoi'. Iu thf hautls of tt boy, tciu's to titter illsi-niii-.'i'.'enutit, jmil f i:r itislies him with an cmiisl' ful" net ting away 1'rntii thr farm. Trrnrli I iik I'lililitiet. The pfore:'! of treiiehli.:; rntilinrjrf for winter Is n-ry sin pie. A trrii'-li Is t If al"illl 1 ihli'i'll llli-lu-S lleojl ami the eal'lui'-eM are 1 1 11 1 Ii -t I, p!:n-i-. hi the Hiiieli, li-nviii,,' 011 all Ih" h aves. I usually pin tlie heatls tlowu ainl l. ols up, mnl shovel mi mi lii'-li or two nf rmili Minn piitiin- tli.-in III. Tllell jllst lii-folf the i'ro!!lli fin "f-.i-.s I shovel 1.11 more i-arlh. uinl eoii-r 1 1 , t 1 1 1 rlyht of t.-u Imlii-s deep, leiivlni- il few npeltill'-'S to lie tilled with straw Iu inhl wealher. Cauli llov.. is i ;iu ho Kept for some time in a rold I'ranir or ei liar, if Ihe roots are planted In moist soil. In the tuaikel "iir.leii, win 11 In i ts, rat-rols, turnips, mid poiatfti-i nr.- to l,r stored iu pi's, ihe twnal way Is to ill-.' a pit three or lour fret tlei p, and alum! six feet u ide, and of the length rri'iiired. The V '-Jet il 1 'll'M life pllleeii ill it ill sil-liollS llll-ee or full! feet Wide, l'llllll-i 11 sp: of flliollt two feet lull-, eell t lie s. i lions. Tlio adi antHL'" of th'' n I ! .11 -. is lliat 11 TeW littsliels ran he t.-!.. n mil al :i lime wilhotll expo.-in-" Iin- ri -t In Hi.- pit. When rovrrin- lite p,t. the lop should lir fiiiiinl' d, so tin. wan t will run till'. W. il. -I 11 - i.ilis, 111 The llpilolllist. Sti-lii'---ilil i Slrnit tip'-rirf. Man.-.- slraii In iry ,'rowers 1 'aim that sp-. iim rllllii iii am nf the pl-iltls rr-.lii.-.'s tin- yi. hi. while others de.-lare Hi:'! l! lop Will he tlollliler. 11 'Ml are ri"ht. It all depends upon Hi l.e Ih,. d of mil ivitl I. ui iirartli-ril I' r-mi I1" I't Lillllllli:. The 1111-11 lll-sl lili-II- liomd eiiliivate shallow ami little; the si eoiiil tli-ep and a l'ooiI Ural. Tin pi'inriplr liivolinl in i-ai-li rase is thn same. Sirau lierrii s pi-mlnt-'. mt nliiin th of feeilin-;' i-oois m-iir the sar in. -o iluriiiij Hi" fall lim it lis M in n Ihe weather is roiil illid I hr soil Well supplied Willi tlliii.-lllle. Tlte.-.o 1'ootS .ir" the oin-s upon w h i-li the plants de pend iu Hi" tarly sprin-; to pu-!i tlu-ni Iin. 1 I'fiivi r mid fruit. Thus liorMi! iu the sprini- would kill i'i. :a ami injure Ihe rliiili. is of il rr.'p. After Hie I'rull i li-J Is ov-. f these roots! Iireoine useless ami in iv oin-s are sent to Inwrr Irit is to ('(-t wntrr ami Hies lo " ;i lli.- pliiul from tlyini; of Ihirsi. Then Ihe soil may In- etili Ivai.-d Willi- I. 111 fear of liijiniii-.' tli-' iilants. The II. ' II who mil iv.-ile tin ji iliirin tlie summer, and keep ll up late In t;,r fall, main' the runts form at a iiim-li lower ili jiili ijian those 1,1011 Mho oul liiilte only . iinWoiv of Inn at nil. The result is iliey may ellllivnle iu Hie spt im; W illi ail iii 11 ii--- any Injury, Iml mi the i-oiiirary lining pnnl. pro videtl they rulliviili! slialloW at this se.-moti. Tin y also provide 11 iriiileh to eon.erve inoisinre. lit litis way the fonts mint' gradually froiu lowev lev els, toward the surfaee, ainl are foreed haei; only 1-y tin- hot 11 t-al In-i'. M. Co Cain, in A;rieulttir:tl ripilo-mist. I'lott-rtlou rriiltt Hon.. of tin- most urgent urt d- of the pel' i-t 11 i 1 I'!: I 1 lio'.v of ii n Iiiulc I hat taki s Uiilsi.-,- in out of a lieiouef Iih" Olie berkei slilt'.'S li," l I U'eltill u' still.-.; al t tie- Ian'. I In- In lor lor a i-il is I'liu-k, as It dors in it vrir, .I'm .ii itoN. II it Iiir nl!"'s eyes. r.i.iii'illet Of tillle is Hie best mat, rial, one ami a half yards of ii.-l wveiily livo iiiehrs wide make-: a pmd one. Si w llio ends lnu'ellier in ii seam, bind the lower edi.e Willi so'ue lii.-ht material, run 11 lol'll'l t-lasMe jis lom; rlli.ll.dl to ro loiui 1 a Put ri, mi- by s.1 r.-t i-liin a bill" in the io;i edia- and lo'.l l.ave .1 1 pi'.. of I, il if loll fasten Hie hitl er i d.:e n ,-11. Men ran put ii In sal" Iii" ii-t or undi r the siispi-ndi I aliviiy-i w.-ar an aproii for the pur !" ", rut li!.- the illustration, and ii la n the in. per pai l Is pinned down .-lei- the I'll 11 Is ,e.. proof. poekels in-, eelll ellielil. Ill olio I ti. i' .y inaii-lit-s for i".y smoker, a soiad i. air 1. 1' M-is.-ors to clip ipi -ens' Minus and a lar-.:e sen v. -Iriier or knife thai lias had the .l;o!,. brol.en off to p.-y it I"'" , ii hive rovers and frnim s mid lo s. rape ,,1'f ,i;s of wax. Th- inh.-r poi-ki I is us,-, i.i Imhi -j ; , , . ivax t;, ,t N souped off. Three yards of tit ni.u or hi.iiy iii-'li.-iiu will niako Hie I'i.loll. 1 have Illid I: .any kilid-t of -.'lovi's, illelllilin:.- -Ul.l',1-. I lit hat.1- laid Hielil all aside. I'm- Ih - 1,-st six years I li ne used mittens lal!.! of heavy cotton soi-U bass. Take , .!- ones and cut oil' Just above tiir I. Ut.ii two in ! I I've of i: i. hino leilehiti-; .'round th - edire t-i !.,-, p from ravel im:. st i 1 1 -Ii lln.e row- an inch or i.iore loin at tin i-i.per pi, i. s to divide the I'lmi'is. s.;iv in a -!,, ri oi.-:i t nil.'d li'ttnili ainl y,.u li.-tve a milieu Hint will ! iml Intrlfrre with Hie Use of llio Iin- ; ii'-rs, will pro:, el your hands from ihe I - iu atl.l bi os ami keep lie. s from ra t ! till,' Up. tin- sleeves. A small safety I pin ivill hold lu lu In pla.-e. W ith a ::ood smoker, veil, iipi-ou and iniHriis I'tie tun w ork nlly ami the bees i iiw lint . l!!:rly tn be ti-etii.iesoiiH! i M in n oho ii'.r iloil.'"'; nii'I sh.iiv In-; I fen iv- Mi s. A, J, illtl'ij'.'i', !u Al.-ii-ntiiu I Aftk-ultvuiht, &S s. (V-, r n i 7 " A r' J r,( -.-I . . . t- j- , . ' -S'T-V -j'-q.i'-- - SfV.W AUTUVN MATERIALS. II.-lill,-IIu, I'tii'lli..., Aiiiinrt'S mnl Srrtrt. Atiiioiii: lilt- I'liiiiititl' I'" 11I11 Irn. l'.-1-hi..u nrhi'.-rs a-rfe" tiial as fur as Hie fail fal.i iis are i--nnTIl"-!. '.'.1 ol us- ami 1 "Iv 1 v- ill it-iirp nil Hi- ! iunr. si, win, i-miy hat.d-o..-.. a ml : !'. It whs iriiuiurii aihu h. 1 i-l tl.orii"- i :u . -s iii th" I. no r ihal ;:r. :tt ehoii i.r i-riiusoii velvet. An-lliai-.liy d. se.-M. ii. mil , of v. io. us. i oil,, r was il.-.-oritird with a sivrelii j 1 1 1' r 'lii'i-, ill.-!-.- will I'.- :!..- ii-iial I ph- as.-uifs tail mid a bow nf brown ., .ainl for I n-i 1- na" 1-lin 1. slur's, and ribbon. A wiy Alpine hat win Mitchell ii.,1- i: s lino i ia. i.. ,a.s an or.-- in v.l, ih- .-oid sill: and f rliniued with i.u. I si-r;e i.ll! i..- la. -i rlier. d. ll'U-.wlole "1: sil!:. termiimtlu'r III a I't-ii:'.-., ,o:!i in I !a. l. ,-iiid lolei-s, will I ro.-. t,e through whu-h two iuills wor I" 1" I.t in. in ..i' nriny s :'. ' Ihl'i'sl. '..lis p..s. .n -.-ill." ii'li'.-'eli'.e A I'ltBl Alrntt Mtif-erlc. iva'.e in li.-nii.i eata-!'. "-ill b" ( ),,,- ",-.-ii;din"!iii I'R boil-;lit their lln- i.ilis't for ti:.-:-.. w ho loi ' r i- 'i-h i;h sen iee as a lirst consider- ,-ifeels iii i in --. a... l- .-, .a -I, km li, d ,,,;,, .,,,,1 ,ad ll'i-iu Itiiltlc up in quail-i.-ii -. in l-lfk. i- .11 I' 1 : 1 1 1 . - in severe nriii.' form. Women nr fi.iv I - be l.iadt' up itit-i ill'' '."'!. ,,, ,,,a.,,. ..,.t,. tliii-'K for iii-rttliieHn 'lain. I laid tii a'a- d r. -Ul." ' j '. .i ! o i -. .ii i ii i lt, ii- i-l'ul ainl '! i '! i; j.' la.-.", r.r.-a.'e'ol ii v. ill t iniii ito l-ild oil lil'-: pi. lee lof I'llUilsolI.e " ill. I I- ill I .- Il. i- I l- .Ml i'l li: hi ni. ai., bi-.-iiii fins I!! li.e f.., .-I.t- !: .. i.ii II- j...:-in -iml Sarit'-eiii" ir. la. -I faun.; in pan. I "f i-i -i . ilo i. -,i ,-i day iniliiy '-' n-i. roi'.-li .s w,ii i-e i:.",i wern. nt lo .hiii-.- i .11 I uu. si. Si i. toll mi-.iiir. s, r. in , 1, ili.motial--, and ' ':'"i'.l:. " ill be ! i"i!ll:tr favor,!. - in i !::s e!as t of ;..,s. A ii.-u- il.-mii-1 i-i narrow tray ' Wl.t.m of Ho- llmum of Hnnx. :ri..-s similar to Ha" so iio:. !i no-i, T" s'"' i'kld-s of Lisbon llipi-Hl'S the i.a n in-i i "i. nil! ':.- l-.iirii la.-d i""H 'Vi in-:: We note as a curious nml ,J,,I , ;i ,, . - v i ; -; (,.; '"!! iiitii; I'net that at tin- prrsrut mo- iiioek in - iv, a no nl. united by the same prlef, live i idipae , i,.;.'. ; a:'f to be I wji'rivs of tile ilotisi- of Savoy nre f,,,,,.,l .,., ., ,. -iiov, Ihl's i.;'i i'.-1 , - pi n lt i-iiiii.'I Kinn llumlirrt'ii body, .in.," ii fan' fall t!i----s "omls with:''""" l"'sl is '.'un-n Mar-rherita, tho -bp. o: i s .me '. ',1 liillei-eii' ' v i ia in ins :i i. I iaeiiiisolnble coiiiianlon rain f-i.! laiMii'i s ai-d e.,!or .-..!n I ' ' 1 '"' 1 1 1 ul -1' Ti ' I Kin";. The ot her four I.-,. ,.f ; . i 1 ' ,i:!. 'a. e. ' are tin- (Jiir. il Maria l'ia of I'ortiiKnl, (- p. ;, . , ,1.1-e a fad Hi.-n v. id-.w i f I . I.ulx I.; the Trinces!! i ii 1 1 , i -1 1 " io l- i--.e.1 i,r i:a I, I 1 i"i ih'e, rrinee Itoiiaparte's widow; I.- ami t li- 1.-I-; imii-'. pi . din ed tl. ! a::" lor I'i-ll. h-in liaii . I.u b ami an- ' .'Ili'l- .e..i:-.l,e V.fM.lell. Ul i' I' sell. ' !,n ih e'leiian in m-ral ii par: lei'Ia: iy v et-ep" ii-- bill very In r by onii- -" man. ''""'!J li:.- t'.vtn iii'iii iioin ihe l-.u.r v.i.-niiou; Ii i-i ih.- iia . iin:: f i--iiaiaa v. I has Ihe laird pi"!. i -l.- i.e . I. and ! ; ;:! -s ii f,.r l .i ', - has I I l''!.-l! . -' I "las ; - ; ni soli!" i,i- . , I !i: 1 . !: la w ,.i...:i:e: -' , 'i i' i '.il :; i a : i. ' y 1 "1-1 :- ia i id - f ill. 1 - ii; i.t. :ys j,- . i,' ia i-r .!!;' : -in .-llr.-s. I. in i i iin: : . an- ; i -;t !..- lo he I'i,:. a. I i.i it... ; i.t '.- loon, i i n i v, ! re a. i-i.-i-s in .'';!:--. 11! Mi'i' . illi-'. by l- .1 -; II. a W lli .i.v .1- ;.. t-it ". i'.i.l - U. li. Mi -i-y I- . 1 ' iv ; !..-. :. p...-. ..!-., i. ia l.i.! i . v. 1 I d v..:-:i . I' I . i .' I i.-l I il ' lllll. - fa a a ! : ! .' ,r'n.: i -i -.t--t V I I lllll "i, vol. i.- II:-. . 1 I, i .1 l-'i ' 'I'i,.;' M I-t'..- I I i i ' M, I ,,i !. .-- e -s a . 'f.' . 1 I -1 . . I . i - ' .! 1 :n:i an. i. '- .';. nod I i .i : ', - I---i. . 1 . . . . v.- ' lid :.n 1 : -i 1 r -1 - it li'-lflitii; .. : '.. in " ! .-i i.- v. . i'n-.iii s w !a.i- - ; it," i-llrv.-. il..- i., :1- tl-d' ; ' ;,!,','. !"' . Iv I ' in: : i W ii.-ll'O . iu li ill I ' no I 111".:-', v.olna'l - of 1. a '.' iii t ;; i 111!,- .. Tl 1- ll 1: . . I At Cit! -"'.' b: i . .' ii .-" by'.i! ', i p i -. t-r m iu'o. r . ii ii '.-. i',:"v ii 'i' v. : : i ' - -a: . t- u. i si iiid 1-.. .;. -. -:: I'Mse ri," (Villi ,:,ii Hi- i!ii.ully mi. li, .nr.-. -in in inoiiaa. are iw- ei i air'iai-. par! i- t:la :l v in I,!::. 1;. :i.:.. : r i.i-- l.i.r. l Iu , v. lil I-r o a : air i ,!:.. ., for ..-ii- i I.v l a l "..-.'. n. j In siU. . Hi.- i.' : . i ad l.y. pla n t-.f 1 ; ia siai i,, in i -i e. oh ... da : ,';.., ,, -:, .!" - :-l oii'l-s-.-. Hi ; ('.. i- ei ' - -,. r i . A-- '.; I h" ; I a .- r, -il " I,;!"!-. '..f ev- Mill : ; I i ni'. in :!.- --1'. w ill be lir-: f ii: " iie i i iill 'il'f, ! I -I, . -, il-.'- a:-d I! -:., :-:;,i. : i : . --m j '!':- ' !l,e d iU-. Tnei,- Ul 11- HM-l j , a . in ' . lo-:-' ' r ' . - Hi ii ri' li ri' , '. - I. It. : 11 ." lil : " . , UU:, - ii," a nay up . . i-i. . I-, , , ;, .., w . : :...' I I. s I. 'I - ir- pi- ,1a ei am- foiin la' a; it... i h-!--.-! i.iliil.s. I'..:- ful- fall i -' i. i-.ll II. IV ia!:-'-'. I ..'. ' : ! I. iii l-t-ai'l. if li- I ilict. a ''. illl I- i'.t'-l bc:l i . il'.t f a i or. '1'.. .1('.1 I'lionis in X'. iiitil'.i'- i.i l.-i;.-.. I Coil i-"a- , iy. Iii.-- . i for .li- -, ln.l il i- -n. I'l !-': '-- t- l.ol.i i la- il-.ll.- i'i a-,-,: ti. i i ' i 1 1 a I- -,,l-'..' : r::.i i-.--" -! v I.. i an : ; .sina ; vol. in; . . 1 1 . . i i : i - .. al : h i: .'i h- , pur ... -' i :as - a e i I-r j I !: all... . All. .-: i ! la ti-'i m'-' ..' l ; ,1 ..i- o.-l. . -, a ,', ! . lil- 1 U'i.l'V lif.ll;.. I ,r .1 :.:' in l, nil. .ii' vat eii- ,: s mi:, i i - ni-. inn.: tr-'in ;i :n a.i -.a is in nr.- I at: o ai-i. ; s, 1 - i a peri :: lo n I I In-, ii !,!, n. !'. . sl.-di nt has -... I ll-- -p.. -ii..:i . f :' .i..-- s- ii d l !'..-, Ami Miss Harrison certainly lm (.allied lie!- MleeeSS 1 I.V till' wlllllP- li'-artrd devotion of many yenrs to licr alisorltin;;!' iiitrri stln.t; worli. .r v. . 1 nil IIhU. Iti.Mi felt nml Mr.iw lints nro worn wlili lie' autumn costumes, the latter l.y those Mho have ninny hats, nml iia- former by those who make the early fall hat tin duty for runiihmit vein- tluiiiii; a Kiiod portion of tha vi inter. A bhu-k -brown Hlriiw' ia ii iiniiieil simply wiih hii tin ribbon nml is .-itii"ht up on the side with black n s. The sailor hat in frit Ih vylnje n il It the Alpine hat In popularity. A while sailor hat In felt was faced up wiih -.-rav f.-lt and udori.eil with much aid diiinrim-'s. rather llian term of i-iiie. Tin- new unilerliiirii Is beau ti. ' l in the eMI-eine Willi the sheerest I . I mat' rials and the tlaltit lest of laci'B . in I embi-oi'lei-'i-s eoinbliied In Its com- i... , i. ei i. ,,, .j.t .!ii,h ha ml work Is uren on Is. r:.:. :-. cvi.-.ti. . (!t .,. ,.,.;!,. ,;,."rs. while lint of a Hi" in w Ai.-i"!,- . (i ,s j,..,.,!, j,, ,!, in,,,.,, iniidrr t'a..i I'-i-'h-'ui i ;.,,,v .,,..,,,1 ps. -.-j, S the urent ri ii's idrra t ioii these il.iys. The Iimisi- i, sl,:i'i"s erstwhile markUm inad" lin-.'.-ric iii. loiim-r prev.-ill. a peffi'i-tty-litiiii-; rerset cover ii ml i -! i . j 1 1 i .--1 - bein-; n iiv easily obtainable. I in. diess of (o iiiiii. widow of I-Vr- (liiiaiid of Savoy, and Kiui; 1 1 utnbert's im. ik"!' in law, ami Prinrrss Ix('tl i ia, ii r'aivv of Amaden (lr Aosla. A I'otil Wi-iilln-r Kiil.rlt-. Ai' on-.- t!i" liisi dispiiivs of rold i.e.-i'i'-r fuhries are llaiilielel les, which .-:. shown in brl-;hl and artistic color in:, i. Tli e .-ire laade up prinripally i::'o Iii -iliia" s. b.-iHi "owns, klinoliou ! o, nod.-.- .'-iii.-.i:,'s. Tin., plainer sn ipes and eliei !;s may fie bo',itht for i. u i- 'ios a yard, but tin' mori" clnbor-;u-' pan !!!- in a line tpiality nro sold I'm- ; t.i i-i y ei-n's. Tin I. li-titi'MVfmiliict.. M-a:s . liii" .I.- soi" ili iv ine; cloaks nro ti," vr.v hiic-l eirava-;:inees. One of 1 t !; ':. i.-l iui"!" i-i has l i iipiii-;s of tuf- - i'--a. sMi.-heii. Tin- collars, cuffs and 1 - l::p,-!s are ill-,, ,,f sil!;. V '1V fwuiu"- 4i Tl:o la! s; iie-liu'ees clinrniln-; he yoml iii-?-,-i-ipi ion, Mu'lit olive piveit is amiili); the favor ite i i 1 . , 1 1 tints. Sil'. In d In, mis used to n tirinR cx t fit I as a "own pifiilltire. Tii" pa-: tin sipie. especially for house l ;.-oii its. the promised mode. i ianv yeii'-s, real or simulated, no- , j,.,.. ,1,1,, ,,, ih,- laiest skirt iiiodels. -ph bul l- d I .u: 1'iettier. In Kreator j ari.-lv .-::id more tiesirable than ever. I',.-;-:,- a Miiarter :i nt mini tint than -.-ra . as ihe hitler lias been run Into ; th" "I-OHI"!. l-'o'ilanl silk .owns stilt to bo worn t lar into Hi-' aututtiu mid nil winter , ui the house. I Ca;-. a io in- en retle 1 hfoi'.Khout tho iiiii uu, ii for -ei.i ral v. ear and all wiu t -r i'.u- cm iiui;. J'.liii k roif.'i-if bows only rommo 11 i'null. Tin- fin! of last fall for colored or. s i lit in ly oul. Utile liall leii-.Mh jackets one of th sii-ikiin favliioii novelties iiroinlsed del elopmeiit by fall. Many i (-eenirieil ies of trimming ob servable and probably incrcnsini UM iiir : raven itd.-anres. Very close lilt iin; sliotllder effrcts (o I - Iin- fasliionable fall vokuo nnd for sonic ti nfterwiirtl. I h" royal l ine veil ,i formidable ri val of the t merahl ;-reen. Velvet dots i.-i. -r ihau Hie silk ones, too. A bed -shaped skirt. rcniimliiiK ntw in' hoop skirt days, noticeable on kouio I' the recoil' iiuporiatioiis for fall, ivii-ry indii atiou point iui to tho ."topi ion of much loiierr rlovcu. elbow ' ii.m1i almost oi-rtain for cvcniiii. ; I Mi v im; jackets and wrappers moro I ai trai-tlM than over for the season I i--,t .li on the plan of evening wraps. Hoods of black or white velvet ' iili'i uiiiv; iistoulshiimly olaliorate black i- .-e i -ipi s, imt awfully smart and fs- p.-usive, loo. s.el'1 ribbons much preferred to tho : h-iivy kinds, as Iliey can be so much inore easily drawn close to tho tg- 'i r for stock i r i;irdle, as fashion re- i.nires. A new silk, llatincl like in wenvo, 'i i'h the brillimire of t jk In colorliiK ni l Hie ilrapin-; (ualilies of softest i.-e-.l. In every -ftmti Hlindc from cream , while to o.trdliml, plnin of with cm- j brel't-rr-l ilut-i, tho luteal thing g Diili ii liii. ii i,. riiyijjyiii(ii.j'PJf I