CDItutltaro Record, KATES Cljaihcira Reccri. II. A.. LONDON, ED1T0K AND PKOHUETOR. AQVERTIGING TERMS GF SUESCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. One square, one tusertioc. $LD One square, two insertions w 1.60 Oxu square, one mouth " 2.0 For larger advertmeEH-nts liberal con tracts will be made. VOL. XXIII. IMTTSIJOUO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, DKCEMKKIi . 11)00. NO. 10. UN THE CHINA SE A NARRATIVE JJ By si:vAr.i (Ci rTr.i :::t !: it Jl-oisiv'ss;-:.!... chattiu: VI I r. IS TltmiA-FiltMA. The warm sun boa' iiift down on tny faoo awakened me. I opened my eyes and looked up. Tho sails lm:i louse ou the yards. Ieoulil f-rl i; motion. I got ou my feet and looked around me. . The yaoht was grounded. : I rubbed my eyes to make sure tin; vision was a trite one. Thoro was land, sure enough. The ju.ut uu.. Ko..v '""- ' " bottom led out about two huudrel feet to where the rat-lit had plunged her liose into the sand. Ou the laud were trees and green grass. It had not been very long sinee T bad seen grass and trees in California, lint the grass aid trees on that island seemed the most inviting liiid refreshing green I had ever looked at. It locked most luxurious end eool in there. Whether this was an island or part of tho mainland . T could not tell. If un island, it was a large one. Had 1 been ,ilo:i. I would, in i:-.y e.igoruo.-'s, have jumped i;ito tli;; water and gained the laud at otioe. lint some means was to be ik vised t ) go t Miss Arnold from tit- y.i.-ht in . .I'ety. As yet, sh'- was probably fast asleep, ignorant of t ?v fa-: tha' the const of China was right uudoroir very n -es. My wounded arm tt Hanger troubled mi The wound hi) been onlv a Blight, one, nil 1 uil traces of soreness lin 1 now- .! und I felt I could use the injured member in well us the other limb. I went to the e .imp:iuiou-vay and . iril1- '1''"' wiblo-.t ;.i. :i May h v -callel her. " within a few ln-.h-s of a great town, if I'erhups she ha 1 been awuho, or t!lis is f'ldua -and Irl not see !:ov.- it iinrlems'shx was a li'Ut sleeoer. At ''" u" anything else wo me Hot ill anr rate, she auswereil lnimediatel v in u sweet, cherry voice, und said she would be on deck soon. "Hurry u. Miss Arn-ild," I called. "I want t i show run something. '' "All right, in a moment." she rc-idied. When she ea-ae o:i deek she gave u ; f,'r t;"' no-. -ting v. iih i so i.m-i-.iieli L'!.i-ieo ut the bind and ii look of . ' ,'l v'Id l"-".-t. And as f. .r thi t'la 1 surprise ea:ue over !ier faee. "Whv, we i:ro I'.n'.ed!" she c!:iiiuef. "Whea did -you di. cover la-i V.'" "When I a-v.ike. In f.iet, T di-iu't discover it at nil. It liiscoveivd lnu. 1 l-.-i 1 been fast a-d.-i n sii-.eo roil let! : me last l s i i 1 -1 mid did not know a thing until a few minutes ug.. We himi'ly ran a-n'o-ind." "Are we stuck in the i.iu-1?" "I don't know w!;. th- r it is mud or Find, but we are fast enough. 1 f.mey thetid - is ebbing, and the yacht will fcooli list to one i ide." "Thou v.e shall be upset." "lVssihly. tint h, fore pens I shall endeavor to that hap-: reach dry j ground. Hven now we haven't much time to lose. The water is receding rapidly. Do you not notice a decided lean to the yacht ?" "Why yes; we could coast down the deck." 1Z "We may count ofi' the deck and fvt wet. We had better swallow a bit of breakfast an I get ready t Intnl. We vill wait, of course, as long an possi ble, for every foot the tide recede mentis so much loss water to wa 1c through." ".Shall you carry anything ashore?" "Yes. To begin with, I exp.-ct to furry Ton. Then 1 shall com.! back tnl take whatever is portable. Wo rdiall need many if we stay ou land, particularly the foods that are not perishable, ut once." I will attend to the'-- ; i went neiow nnu nasui v main) up a inn ue sale to leave any of our sup large pack containing the things 1 j plies bohiud, for v.e may lose them, thought we would need moat. Miss More than that, we don't want tolo ; -Arnold ijuiekly prepare 1 herself for j time in countermarches. So we i.m t the lniultiirt. carry our pack us we go. It ill not I got ou the rail nud jumped into , do, cither to tiro von, so wo must be tho water. It did not eo.ue above the tops of my big boots. She eautioilsly teppod up and then, belidiug down, clasped me around the neck. Taking her in my arms as easily as though shu were a baby, I sphi-hed through the water to tho .same. "There you hare, me 'earty," I said, Tutting her down where she could go dry-shod. "That was au act worthy of ft sea-captain." "Indeed, it was; you are as strong OS a lion." "Not quite. However, I am strong enough for present emergencies. Have you the pistol?'' "Yes, I put it in my pocket after 1 used it." "Very good. Now stand right here (lilt il I return. I may have to make several trips to the yacht. 1 ii:u even going to brinj the stove ashore." "The stove! Why, what do you want with the st ve?" "We have to remain lure some time, ntid it will do to make coiTeo and cook things." "If we aro to romain here so long, wo shall die here," i he said mourn fully. "Why not leave the things un til wo learn what kind of hind wo are on? Then, if it proves to be au island, wo enu sail away again without putting baet all the things." "i don't know but your plan is best," I replied. "l!ut 1 must get tho rille an-5, cartridges. They ure in -dispensable. Wait!" I tramped into the water aain and boarded the yacht. I took a silk i pillow-lmg and filled it with coffee, j Bilgar, rice and a few of tho cans of weKttablca. I found an ax, wUkU 1 1 OF ADVENTURE. v.-." noriiiNS. Itnritur J! "ki:u'.- Fobs.) .h-v-.-., ,vs.;.,. thought iui'.;ht bp 11 -oful, and wi:h tiu-so things, lny ride and ammuni tion, I wont back to Miss Arnold. "There is ci'it thing I overlookc 1," I said, "iiinl it is something that must lio done." '"I must anchor the yit -lit, for at full tide she might ll. ait 'oil'.' '"Yes, th;it is truo," she replied. Once more 1 splashed my war to i tho yacht. tool; nil 1 cull carry. I with the anchor to drag, a:il .started I inland again. I Tho anchor w.i too heavy; I left it '"It may hold or it may not," 1 paid, "luit that is the host I eun do." "Are your feet wot?" she inquired anxiously, when 1 joined her. "No. t'ha I'oii g knew a tviel: " r two when lie bought th-o ha it: ; they are vaterproof." "That is i;ood. Now what shall v.-.-do, now that vrn are on laud?" "The very first filing in to g"! a comfortable soot and sit ii w:i to til:, over the situation. There seems t '- i!e!ity of oomfortaliU spoU. I. it .; go t there oti tit kl:o!l .tti.l t u:: .,. . the hi.' palms." " ery well. tli-n:." I "You ear. e.'.n i too heavy for that. 1 true-:. y ax, too." ' Thus e.ui:'j e the soot 1 ha 1 I., t v.: J s .;:: i-de. 1 l.HY, t: j down our lo I "Well, w, laud, at lea-t. Ve 1 'e on tho laud, it : 1i lie; but w ha: ilaml.' ilus is a M:m:::.m l-art th I any jiart that is familiar to me. .Si ! we cannot be near ilong Kong. If we i i:i. et with Huvuge men, wo are no bet I ter o:V than b -f ire." ! "Miss Arnold," I said, "we cm meet with no more savage m.-n tha i I those we have already luei. 1 do no! j "'o ' iu:i, it is ei-"t:;in!y t!:e m.i-iil.i'id i-land o:i the ,'-:M '.. ! o v.-u i any isl.m 1 that mi jlit I'll fu I1"11' j "f kn ev th- i . e:itt ! ll-i-ig l- a i - sail. Tin- i- 1 of ' ! ii a i .1 is a ! j the .same di-gau -.- v.-.- i. 'I'll ; are both large nud iiihahi fact, they .vnt.iiu l.i: ..-e ,':'. 1 Hong Iv'u it.-e!f i i on a'l i i there nr.- u i part of the i-h: pristine simohciiy su -h as ' here. You coul 1 not go in J of thi! is-an-l of 1 boii? Koiu meeting people. Mv k'lov.le. laud. 1 :id .-:'t i we i:a any j .!. ; v,-!tn,i:i ht-..; th t'hina Sea reaches no furih-r. If we a' 0 lu,t ":i I 'ai ia:i i l-'ormosa or tie- manual!'!, toea l uo :ioi uiio'.v w..ere we are. I mil down mi log to think. Miss Arnold sat on t!ie o.iier e:i I of the lo-- an 1 l.ioke 1 at me discoiisolat - iy- "1 don't see but -me thi'.i.j for us to i.i," I said, s.ibei iy. "Yv'hat istiiat?" she asked. "We must m;u.e atr.n.ip for it. V,', may not be far from human habitation, and we may. Ibtt sitting lo r will not help us out any. They will i. e. eome to us. We must go to ihem." "I aui ready to do anything you think is best," site said. "ity following t'.m," I e in tituled, "we muy reach a lishiu.' v:l hi,e. We may ut least chance mum a hunting-party. We cannot make i .:pi I progress. Jtitho tirst place, it mil content to do a little i very day uiit.l we fete'a up someivii.-i-e. " Miss Arnold was very pale. My plan was not particularly roaviurki ;. "I!ui w hat of the yacht? .Shall v.e not continue touse it '.'" "1 havo thought of tint, but I do not us yet give up the idea that thin laud is inhabited, if e do not liud traces of human presence by liighbail. we will consider a plan of taking the , yaclit along the i-oast w it!i us. 1 am so poor s sai'or, however, that I do not cure tr. risk our lives in it. I ha.-e ' heard that the China S, infrequently: swept by territic typhoons, that c ime up without waruiii'-and destroy evei v thiu in their paths. A very insigni:i ! cant squall would be more than a match ; for my poor m iHiiai-.ship, so wo h;; 1 j better bo content on hmd." i "Vvi-r well, jtlil il you ;-:-.r," "Let mo reeotiin iter." ; T walked a few step:; into the thick"t and perfurtae I a semicircle ai the : spot where Miss Arnold Mood. 1 The laud upou uhich we had dinted ' was very fertile, (ireat dowering trees J and bushes grew in abundance as tar ' ns tho eye could see. Kverywhi re. on every hand, were countless myriads of gay-colored and beautiful llowt-rs. j Ferns of the most ho.-.TiifuI pattern 1 grew thick around has.ioeks nr rocks. There were nut many of these rocks, hut the few to lie seen vere us white j as e.labaster. Their highly polished ' surfaies contrasted beautifully with the rich green of the mo h-s nud fern ; that clung to them. Along the ccv-l the way seemed ch ar enough, but to get inland one luu-.t light his ivr.v tUrov - h tho iuLjjle. Tho sir waufiii- I grant with per nines of many flower. ' "' .taw iuii'imci-alde snui'll birds. some gorgeous i:i plumage ;liid sweet in song, and gli al, numbers pmull animals gavu a spice of U;'o to thi grand and l.olde se- lie. "It is a beautiful spot," sail Muj Arnold. "A veritable (birdeii of IMeii." "Hut In anty is not always sab-r, Hindi v.e stay here any longer?" "No; there is no need. It v.i uhl I be simply a waste of time." I I dcked up tiie pack and. with lit cord made ef grass, ho;: -id 'tiie other things together. I gaYO the riMe to Mi.-s. Arnold to curry, j With a hi-t look tit the yacht, which was gracefully lying on its side, we ! turned awav Iivm the spot and started 'oM'iliwit the i-o.i-t. We walked per 1 haps a 1 :ili-. I In- ant.) feel the weight of my burden. "i'iie.o- things : e-n t weigh ions,'1 I said, putiin.: t in down on the g:i-v. " ;:s a rest bef-.-re we , j;o any f.utiier. " We sat itoivti on am i.--growu ruck. ! Miss Arm. 11 b. tried her face m bei hands. I ha 1 never been u praviu ; man, bu; tli- untitterc 1 prayer that I knew went up ii my courageous companion's hi art va warmly en dorsed in mv ow-.i. J knew she was ; r.iying f.e- o;iv s-i'e'.y. Wo had iio- s-t long, when f sud denly!--av.-.o-e of a ehan -e in the a ii;' thow.i'.iV. It iiadl.ikiU i..; a tuvgld. ugly h ok. tiiat startle 1 i e. Ai-. ay og. the !. ! e.i I saw u peculiar s'real; of whiie. I v::i ;ibo-.t to ;i.eak of it. v.hell Miss A::.' I 1 t- itched me on the j;r:a. "I'oe-..- Crick:-:. ,;c," she sai-l. e.i'miy, "I raw one,., (,u the e M-t, io ..r Ibeig Ki-':-.'. u-i sueh a s. a a? t . :-.. 1; was I'.. !';. cd by a terrilic s .-:-i. i. N.'thin-; e; -inal in t'niy t est of t! .s-:-.s. We as - v i-;g t . iei ! th ' i'u-y now." " I'.. :i w e - r; -t si--i. slo ': r of es.13 ill: I. We ar- ::--: saf- here. C.n:n ! ;io r ;s:l forest. Tl-i-re ia .' 1. .I. oi;r goods ai 1 m-. !e our way i-.l.t-id a few i nn bed ic-t. lb-re lie- tr---s were of great si.-.e a'l! -:i-.-l:lll. I se'.e.-.el tlire- tiiat sl..,..l ji-.ii- eiicu olii"'-. fori. lin : the a:: ;I. - of a t. ian 'le. T'.ii triati tie covered ah in. lo ir fe- of space. Hastily pulling llo- y.i - iC.-i ax fr.ea the pack, 1 cut .- oine apliin.s a:: I a quant ity i l thi.'k i n n :i i ii viuei. I t.ia h- sides for the triangles with boughs mid vine'i, an 1 bound the: I lii-.aly to-gi-.lter with ropes of in- s, ha.-tily tui-iel. Not a word v.s .-. eke:: by i ; of us ;is w work;: i. . The ;r-s b: ';'.! !-. ben I h-firo the i- l.-ing ; : ir:.i. Tii- b'e -k ,.!..-.-. 1 1 e-.ui-l !i,Kii-;..r:i ru-hii;; t i.-ar I us. No r.-.f! ha 1 it vet f.ilh-i:. We h.; I ii.!! deMo.1 ;!: . e .wing of o ll- l0o II I! when the -! is I b- ii-. i i- - i ii 'htv i'c.rv. We i::- i iefi a .-.:. 1 , t, ; i-l :-i I- ..' th- 11- th'n v.- i-.-li- I at:-1 'I'ne 111 -I i: o v.'.-.i :::i!l, b:r it sei v. i a a oi-oteetio.i. I '-.v.- t o- wind olewl '.'h- l:e:-..iin.; !-.-..- of t:;.. ..:. ,u tr..-s e-.u:-l be f.!l. Tli r i; of onr e i p i .aro (area: :!-.! ev -.y :a i a eg to , away. We cul.i not talk. X i v.-ie eon! 1 b -h-i-.S'i ah-ive t-.e ro.-.r au-i thunder of H it little i :t;., )',-!!. Had tUrre been a great downpour, our shelter ' v.o.i! 1 have be. :i no shelter at ail. Hut as it was, we escaped without a wetting. The to-.-in !aso 1 a:t h our. At th en I of tiiat true we e'uerge 1, cramped and sti'.l from kueeliu ; hi one poi;io-.i -. long. My lt -: th.eioli! was of the ya.-ht. I ra-i to a point froi.i which I could see the spot wlp-re v.-.- had grounded. 'I'he y.i -'ut -..a . -,on . I called Miss Arnold, e.u-l she s--o:i st od bv mv s'hie. We uin -d out eyes' a id ! -ol;e-l away up all I down the eoa-t, 1.:;- no yc.eiit was there. Finally, av..y nut t sea: we l'ain-ied we saw : t in- uii-oirne 1 luid of a ve.-.iel heiiig ; iii i ven before the waves. ! "We are in for it now, anyhow," t sai l. "Willy nidy, this, is our niiid- ' tug place unt.i'iody e inn s to our r.dief. or tint.! we com.- upon ;i town. ' li lt don't Mo-, ry." I wanted to keep iier spir ts is.i:.i ih.'.oj.iug. "Surely this liolde spot ha- ::ot e.-..'iipe 1 ti'.e no tice of :ua;i. We iiin.-g ran across kind of a h ion. le t us : tre-up oti. Doitbtiu; aud f:i!teriiig will avail us n Chiu;. Are you reclvV" 1 "Vis," ;,ie rei'li 1 quietly, "i am :-. a Iy. " We eoti-t'i ti I a sh-irt disianeo along ill.- e .ast, an I then encamped foi the night. I built ii small, rude hut for M i..-. Arnold to sleep under. After a light i upper we sat. a short time t.dkin .; and listening for a hope ful sound. Hat ti i human voice br..e tl:e :-t II! in -Mi si Arnold retired to her little hut, .'Old, after a wlnli. I threw my self on the grass an 1 was soon round a-lecp. f ro ;;it i-o:, ri r; ; i.p. Tiie :.-iitli'1)lliti Si-tii tin. ll.-H.iuin. The Kotiiei-'uilds male their money themches. About tlte time (borg.) Washington was born Moytr Uotlis child, a eili.'en of I'rankioit-oii the Main, opened a small coin shop, and did s.i well that he left a nice little fori line. !!;s soli. Aiindm Meyer, suc- cec-lc 1 hi u, and did so prosper that in 1 7 71 ho wa i really n rich man. About that time llnghind wanted to get troops to tight tleorgii Washing Cm in the edony culled the I'nited Siiites, un I Aiisei.u K 1 hschtbt oll'ered to send over an army i f 1 1. Stn lies, nans. Toe Ih itish t lovi-i nmeiit ac cepted the oi'ier, and these Hessians were the famous oiu s who made "the hither of Hit country" so much trouble. n i liii i'.'cein' l a very largo mini from Ihitaiu for the job. Chicago TiuioaTItialJ. OUR UUIHiKT OF IIGIOI! LAUCHTER-PROVCKI'iC 5T0RICS Ten LGVERr. Or FUN. i.-r Outi s V. ill-l-.i-l All Tiiat . II It, The lllliir .11:111- Itiii- I l...ii. I'.. ..e, I II V lier,- l!:u lt-niil.l' l.ii-1-.r.-ttiul" I'liruiliix, lie. . . . , s l.. , ,i..r:iiW W.l! -'I '!,! :!:'. ii,.- ; i ' .-- ..; h. r . A-! -!..- ;- i.ev r 1. C'l-v .mile I ' ai. Ii i U ill's .-! -e by. N'i v I ' it Is n 'I r "-' ill, i-l t:.::i.'." I' .' .,l.v cirl to i.iv, ll'llll Y- : r,:.. ..:- i, I.., ,1 -e- i,.,t Want al-.o. .;t.ri v.,1!. -hi lg-. T-n-l All 1 -ml. . :i" "Is y. .ill- ki I.s. !. !-::r"" lb- -i 'in 1 ent.': fe, l ii ;.; i.;: ;..v.." l.:i'... As It Mi.iul l It... I'e "'. ns il a I I . :i t -il V Sli. "I ;-nt.p se s ,. '!'!., y are b.gli iv.-al:i:y. 'a- ago N. v.-s. Tli.' Illli. r Man'. Ituot. u. Neple '.' "i;li. ;!. i;ou; is n"t'n;ng, lin.'ie. I h. tddn'i no. n! if I ii.-i'l it." lis I" "I ,:.. nhin'i mlii.!. . Itin r. if ;-.,ii laid it." ri.i.-a-o N.-v.-s. I.IHO- I'ejiiliil II. M:.y -ItePe . older siNee she ivs.s I'.errieii." I'i.iu-h: "Y.s; :!.. I-:- :..l;i:i 1:J hmi: oil' b. r rge." .in !-. . V. 1.,'IV III.' I l.llll.l,- l.i,-.. .li.n'i se ::t m l .;-.d I.. -r.-i f'ollt." Nig ilV tfo'il.le to ! e l:;,;..s.( v.'ll tl.ilil. Noll I. ai' ". l e !;h ;''le." iVtiin!,' Onr.eei-.. !, o: "My :s. . v. i'!;,. j.,, rv.-.s :. i .-:!." Plilbi.l.-lpi,;:! P , - s. rtie m.ii a i'ii-Siiat-I -y "Y..u .,-n'i 1 i in 1 i to draw a el , . ..-.v "Xo. bin ."ii Is 1 1.-.-, i.i A i.I'-t.i i.-iiu l.i,-. e'vrueu-e Ib rald. o 1 . an . be .". i;. i-iim it.'-.i.' .!. .1. "1 'id -.11 e er live , i a ii.n-.n!. d tmiiseV" "No. sir. I have .-ilwajs m.-ule it n iU-Iletie.. to laiVe tie' bill collectors, call an me ut lay olli. ..." Sill lisr, Miss I' -t- "Ii's li:-i.y for y..t: t! foil doi.'t ha v.- 1.. pe by jo-ar whs." Willie!-, ;. "Wl.y'i" Mi -s I'.-r. "T!,"i' I Tin;- pr .v, it." . Si.mer il!e .b'-.irm.l. A Kl-liii. i..ii ith a IJitT. ri i i-e. Sl-ceotiti "li : i-; a . ry oi.e i!:': g ,'u r"v,,!vin I !;;.:: .-. in- di.i.i." ?!.-.. .-v. : a. !; "i h. as.' lie- .--, ! .-. in.' l.,-.!.e:t-. -; I il.-.n-.hi ti,. y . ::!: d S,,,-, I'e s. ,(,,.. IP's', mid -My ,-. I'.ag e- ei an lie- lo day M ! waned lo ...;t.--v : i:,; tif eolirs - I del In ' -: U I', la a " W ii'e Thai's .pi;!.- . I.M'l.liii- ..r .V"'!, hlll'by: What llf" y.el '.- ila. t I I 11.' ta," wi'll tin- tf-1"';' Sin priioii;. Itilihl'l',1 Willi.- "I I'O -Itla.e Hie .'!::;, ciittit-o for tae ei UiM y u v.-.ntM !.. o lake yii-i ! y siii prisi ." 1-llloV. led nl N"l!i ' "TI. I i - t. I lloilbt I V.o'il'l I - Silt pi ;-, 'll if y.ii. .1. I Jti.-h ii tiling." Indianapolis I 'res.-. 1-ati, 'ill M.i-lo i'. "And I'i'iv." '-"tit hiii.-.i hi- iin.-'.y .iii-i', i Ian ,,i!-!;ly .-!-. in--.- I: "1 am go ing l-i t.i'.e y. u :::. ..!:! ple.e of my mind - ha' are "ii d.'inu':" "I utii lurnhi- lie- ..ile-r" oletit l.v replied Mr. M . -Clih-ng.. Tr. Inuie. I-.i.ii- Viol. Th- Frid. ' 1 m.i u:ii-:!y i;.!.- t."!-! ' l.'illlolll J.ili." I il'oi.tu "I'.III I've go! In ii i liov. ll I I the otliee. l!ell!'. lo tall'o' II li llig." The I'.riile "Well, may be y-.u l,.n e. I'.ili ibui't y.iti IliSiti. It's s. lli-h of vuii ';' - Fuck. Hall i'ii, in I Miss T .n.pliiii- "Ap-,.e:u-iiiie.-t! s-ar. ly arc ili eeivii.::: i vi-r body I' ll- me I hut l.i. uti nam Ti -a-h s ii Uiiowu n.i lie I. lost giillaui .i.'liliei' in th.- s ice " Capiaiii Sen. milt 'Indeid he is. Why. that nam h-s pr--; ed in i-vi-ry ;;isl In- . M-r m, i." Harper's I' Siinii- I..I...I t It. Ill If, Siilims "I i-an'l itangil e U hv ,'erioii marrli'd Mi- Sir..!t mtiiid." '1 "..r 1. lb. v.. or si--' .-i:- in:: him of ihe sinia; n-rin. habit." Siinias "You il-.u't s.iy Tiliili'.s "V.s. she ,l'i-:.'l give him ,1 i liiince to t.ill, M all u .. v." i'i.'.hoUe Slainhird nud Times. -'il i.'tlri. it-iii I lii'.iry, -.f:H'.'!s sn-." ihe pl'ufi.--Soi- beitaii. "Hail t: ,t!:itig hi.i'peni lo .'iliibody who Ii he is ::. a .liti-d lo i.a-tun- lo Lear." "i ill. thai'.- rotl' r.-pli.-d .lie rang who had .lipid, at 111" age of I wetity ,.ne. v. itii a girl whom In- had '.i.oun throe we. I.-; "jim led Mate i'.,.- me Ilia', be has nm. her giie-s . on 1 ;i" ";- loe sn.i iint if Ii. -II ii vi- I g.C ;i l.rlviit I'mtir. V" mi-loit-ly itup'.lr d '.Ii.- -ii,.' 'ling grnd liale. who Wii- . im i. full oi : mp. "Will, ii i-.n'i c-. Ici-.l.i a- o might be." ailswi ii il ihe u-il . hi in i a 111 , who a hmg i" d into it; "bin." she added woii a gh-b-ii i liter, "perhaps the gas is tiue.'.l d.iun."- Fink. l lltrl. v She las tier svtoi liienri is iihot.l I . .-lart en a .iuiirin-.v louiid ihe world. -"My dear Adolf, w iii j,,u ha true lo me w l.i ll nil an- far nw.i.O 'io:ii,-e to. t Un l ynu will iiile to iae fn. m i M'l'j town ynu isi'." Hi' "uli. Ada. is it hoc thai prompts you to nay this'.' Ada. -wear lo me. do you really love tiie or itre J ml merely tolU'etlm; foreign posing,.; tiiainps.' Vil.TL'2 Cs r.EI.F-C0NTRCL. tiie l.ilie I'.i li', i i-ii Sioiilv ioiiI liiiiinitf Weill I'., it Mil l, Mlif. I ! i'.-i II : I V.i. '-;;m-;i. of ." I';. ". ... . iiivMi . -'I--. '.:..:! ii t h- v...:i..-'ii v. o i'i d lie- I'.-or i . l.-i- a -ion of I I'.u::. : i ..n i h. gsei-nq i !,-! .. i t i v. h.... Si :ie of (':.!.:,. in.., ' ! t:.i in :i !e:!-. 1 m.i .' i-v '.i, m- .i !-t.'i V.'. I.T-.-ry .-::. iv.r..' 'In..- I'i : ! .:! n !.:r . ... pi mi: vie "i Ii' d- Aiel t... V -dl I he llidl:..!-: ll,; I --le- ; 1,..::: v - r wii kill li.-r u1'::- p -. ! -. 'I ! e ' ' - - to 1..-I- I.- it :: : i - ! u 1 i si.-! h d t p in a .;':!, .1 .!!. :!!' i.'l ' li.f. i ' hi l .-.-iu iie, ii l. -n All. I' v. !c :, I a i:i.-.;.. : nd the I'... r Mr-, i sai.ti's tempi r lies 1..-. i n I ,'. ail..;.:: .-il ll.eie v. le. I.;... l.t-o -., I., r i .: i :,.-i. : ,-IV, !y -:''. "f ,...!!) !... ll.e t.-to! I- w..s a .1.-, :i,p:..ii ,.f iii-.iio't y. an.! ten n .ose;:ie v, l:.. Ii . I 1., iiii.inil. . A -Clli' jij.q n., ;;n ,:Vee! is herd led w I ei ,irj: l.i ghis ami .-iinci. -r .-i:..i :n li.ei,. eai.i. A bad l.n, per i- I:,!.!,.. l.ei ii ., i it-o!iin--r b n-.r el-.ollull lllfl il i' .S o'i. .-us I I'- ii nr.' I U-l :'. : n p'-nmni lb;!.- '' in :i Inru- hoi.-- v.l Hi grui.'d V, III. . IV. s. Tli" hi!" b. '..-, .-a i.-oiity i.i d Insitn-- u can !.' i e!i ii a I n- litno. i I ! - -'- ' etid 'I. i . , ' ie o! : l; sa una-. ; ',- a 1 tl ' I " ,'li t';: -i i-i ..II, a !a : :, y - , I i' r tin : -Ma.i.v .-v. ii. A-k Mi.', i. .-till all. ni-i !:, ::.,. v. -hi ii'g.' an io ; i - T r i, ;M , r i;, ir'-aii::..' b. ulle. .- : I he m!I -I. i.i- '"Ml and ..I' -..i -o a h I..,: 1 1,1 ' ''- ''' :' ' ' n " I-" " ' oiii ''. e .. :" '''!' !...!;! i: t i , 1 1 1 1 I . ,'ii i ; . 1 1 i.i '"-n'r..!. I''- raih.-r g. ...! fen i., , .,- v, ,,, !""' !i:i-i '"'il names ;.i -a,a-ii tmt.g. People loo!, o Hie,. i,,-,., I 'hey hurry Mid do what hm.; th.-t.i to -o ..hi dii ntly. Inn .:,,.,,,. , .-, j.-u'll I--- y in- I' w in re .v. i .-Ml ill-M I' lillil i' nuall. j,.,. I ill, -II lon'l'e v. ha' llie w. i ,. I , .,!!s ini.'iiie. Ma!;' "" 11 '" '"!'! ! nia.h' ut.. I !!' lia II la or! I, I i --,,1 iie i n, I i .... .a - . .,. , '' " " '":"''- "' "'- ' '" u.M' m.-tm.-ie ni-i I v;'" : 11 i-y bha. but we l.n-.-v, ;'' '""''".' I...-HI i I :.ot ; ' ' !! V" !";' "'iiae. . 1 "''' " i;h id ;- of t'.' ri:...r.'i,..'.. ,.t ,.-i:r ..'.Mi v- I -I,. . a : - ' " -- ' " ' .'Hi1 - 'Il I"' ! -i 1 ::'..': s; .-. lallii . ,-i;' 'i'''V"v - "!! ' ' ''-' V' A"'" '''! -"!' - :te a-..-,, if p. nam I'mtt :" -' :'"- ' u ' i:' -'I- nn! ;, - ';'"' 1 "n'!l I- a-i.g . '' " I!"1'"' '" I' " ''' .v'"-' I'""-' .'"1" ' ' ' n,e .v..',, ,,, , .'aliiosnia. , ' ' '' " -. . . l,i, b.pi ..i.i ; ;::' ;"'r '--. "i ue- .m'h i.'l.,, 'olSiml- . . At, ,'.-,-, ei- ZuTu, i ' i 1 1 -.-a 1 1 w a - 1 1 1 1 1 - -1 1 an. ue, . d b U,,- :.,,i -a :. line Iti.-.n!..-!-- .-,' hii e. ai - r. -an I -n i. ii-..,. o ,- ,. . . - laid. :-;,g .he r. a ling ...'.'k ,;.e (!..v. - "I'.lel lll'eil. I I'l'g "i I ll see : y.,e- Hi bill is eaih d a way ft .,ni . us leli.-lii.ii duties l you,- very iiatitral ll--i.-e lo see V, ho eoile s j p.. hi! I .V"il. I prop ia ii -.-foril: i., ,;a,. v the trouble Ie, Il.l i 1 1 . 1 . sg ii!. h p-tsoll v. ho eon... i:. lal,-." lb- ih.-n l-aiau: "li, arly be!..,, I." I'M I mi --.I ! i . . 1 1" way I,, in:, iji. ,:.:!,., ".Mr. S.. w i'h hi- v. i!e and ,a ug In. -r." Mi' S. . ..-!.. ,! Meiriy s'i-pr:ie,l. !:i the lain'-:, :-, waih p. n'.-ei a!ait . sii'!.-l. Fa. seiitli he iiaioii paiisi ,p "Mr. i'. ai.d il'iaia l." '! !. -i i --. ! eoiiai, u , hop: r 1 1 . i ; eg. - ll. -I .... t I....-i.s. ti,,. ,, ,.4 j,.,. !:"' ! ' ii! 'he t'i"i otdei-iy maimer i a- '.. i -ii ho. i-i ep. in..- im, ii, -li !-, , i a in w i.i: I I i..-. i to ami, .ime,- soiuo laic i o..e- A, I l.i i- i-i,i. still W .1 II lie I .line p--s;'eel " r ; -, ,1 ; "Mr. . S.. in a iie-.v I :et." In a m "a n: .eery f, :aii in,. I- ad in Ihe e-. n.r gallon v,.is liinn-d. .eiilt-s Co.fpai'i, i. Tile ( boil-..-, ,-. I have i ad .-:: I 1 ha.,. ,..;n, ii .an d thai b. eai; , ,a hi. ,, ,., , " IV iele- to .i.-.-i ,h .he I ' 1 1 ! 1 1 I i 1 1 11 1 1 Will. I ' ;i prop sly h ,i lauhe a i...a . ..!..:. I, "bo. :-. I , ii an nm oir- Iie-.ii- -; a .... m. in . lie i- iiidii'i. ivm : -ai j. and . a.-.-i are ,a. n . -1 1. u:h ,a M- i, in . biiineli 1,. in ihi :.. , r a . is. ei. q i si i a inal. a ;, I ; . u .!;. ,u sloe ally. A .-sa al I, ,,. pay i,iy dolla:-. i -i- a i'ii -atiiie an . ,,:;, ih,m. i.e i '' I" I I ii." 1 1-- ia v can lis, a i ly , s ' ' " 1 : i ii -'I' iy w.iul.l I , ,i -oi iy .! :, tha: va . .lap. s,., , j , w I,. :n life w a- :, h. p,-h s-. dull, a, .a. .-I iii'ol. rai.le ih,a. An,! hi,- ., il , a el a-.e 'h I tin n,:i ii is i hai. Hi- ii ,., a- a;, -li-.e. i.,.i wariihe. ,,, ,,.::::,., "Us. Il" i- l. iilllU to lie, p:-.. . . , ihai lb" v. ',,.1 of his lly sl,al i . b'll'leo V. I i, i illtable III,-- by his 1 ;;. il : ''in I " o ats notion-- (1 ,,;, j, ,.. d. -ith w I ; I. in; 1 1,..- rit. s; ami ,i,-.ii,.-m 'e.-rn., lit is a- than ,!i- -.o-ae.-i :-, huiiiel lib si! h pliK-s him a I a liiallo d .ll-:lii aao age in that ,,,l, : me in v. hi, li la- I. .g: been lauahl he w id hail in, , n, iilli, all, n ,,i- ,,. (roubles in ,l:is. Fundi Cor y.ll. ,u Harper's Wi. kly. NAMES M TH? PHIUPPI. JCD. ATimy Are a lliii'li'iiilnii us Our In. linn l or. Im. f-n.e.'ik:-:'.' of ipte, i- mmi.-u r.nd tti l;.::el.'ii ore. I here ii im ..: i.-r i- .u' iry in the v.-or!- a!" -i-N ig- li e wid" ran;.'.' i.'e! in- ereal ve '".- ;.'.- as lie I'liilipoine !-!.iiids. In i,.- ,!;.. t'-'.-'s over hl.-'i tho Spilt. hi '-iN I .ll -v:iv tic i!l-t-.-. v :i: !..,-:ilii;.-i ni; .d ly !..-tve !H- names the old native i'i!' iltt ! Ih Iii' I-i. I'eei III Spilti: ll i : . -. i; la generally I. .-in-.- the I-1!-., s -:ii:.;. T!:ero lire tiiiinlreils ..:' !.(.,: i. Muruts and .loses :n.d s.-i'i'.i Cru;-'-i; .- v. r.-il of ".-uli in om i'v pr e. im-... And lli'-n tii. re are S.tina .i'!;!1. Si: ii lNii-l.t't.:-. Santa Totim-' -. s' :n 1'. ;e:i;.los. S in 1 loioiiigos. Sen ! :. San Mat-os. Soo.-i I:i!m-1.. t-'in !.n -.1. :-'-.iu ip-nu li. S;i-i A.m..:: - i. S.-:i M. is.-, lit;, s. S.-t n M i.-u- N. S.-i:i .Ii'ain, San I'lil.'n-'. S.-iti loi.-i.'iei S::t: la l'..ii'l'.'ir.i -. S-ii .le.-ini .s. S:m -....- :;; -. Still I'.-.lros. Smi l' -l i-iii. S.iu i'l'aiiei . .. . Stiii !'.-;;i., i, s.-in 1 si.l S::i: lld.-f. n-.-s o i; !i. oti i:u:':'.'r. u: : ii l.m-oty turn in any dir. . ; ion wit!: til lin.iiiig a st reel or a t.,wi ,--a Isirrio In a'-ing i!i moii" of a ssliit. 'I l.i II the Southard::, to gile il P ile l. n. li of :n-i, ly. iiM.ied i.-iae of I':, h' i.ovt.i afi.-r Spanisli her. e- r i i . 1 !,i l""i. il penotnig, s. TI:. re !!r.. J. , I.egaspis, Ide.-nii.s. An-'as. C.'I" .,: . Magell.-in.s, I ''t:: .. ! i:ii;i;:i fit;:; -; !:.-.. Sal !... I t.-re nn-l t !:, re w, i :.y I i t I a iiirther i-,r:e;y ii, t!. i!:':-',' I' :-:;.-!i I.:, m. ns n-.t-:.'.:i I ':" l.i:!l'Mli. i'Se'ill, I.M I., ma. Kni'li:,. I.,.. Hits-. Met-iq-tlllll. Ml'l'iV. les. -..rr,..- i-'c. Ai:.. !. - l.i '.-I :'.: i. I. in I'I;-.... X..V, 1 .-ta. a-', lin and 1 i Ti- I . lf Ii '- i-.-riv :.:!;-. s 1 !.!. ii:. ihai me I , ,ii!';,'al ami i-tip'. e.1, are i:l- . i -atiy thai ..... i, Mid iialy. Whet" ; jp.,) i r Mhra, : -: . ( 'M-raiiglaii. ( 'a it,-.. '.. ;:.,.. An- ;,. lo. M..I !.. . . '..! ! Pa-aeaggii. Fnma-I... Mm- a ha '-, " ad , i a ; !a .a I -a ii ; Tiy in-,- mil. ,:; m I 1 1 : 1 ' , t . .-1 . Marylan,!. Maihot.a la .. 1 .-r ; Ma".-1. ila.v. ( 'r so, a ,-i l-p. - an.-:, , us Tarl-i.-. !'..':'.. P. ,i,i,- I ,.:.- i.:;m. Totn!,,. i n m..e. Pm.-,,. '..... igat M"t g. 'lra . I.a..:i:; and !h u.; ! t. I it- - in-Ii ipie. r a- Fag 1 ..-!-. I'd . l lie. I'm em, Fn- bus. Failluug. (',:!;. nl i. li ne mi halo. Ma la lay, I 'ari-.tat n. Xatiia. p.-n an. Ma ' n I.ii . i 1 . Tayiay. .n iiiuialioe. I .' :n ga ra u. ."uiagM.aiio. 1 I-Mli, F.lgunib.ivall. F.'iv.'l'abalo. .la, . iiia.iylan. ;:!1jiil.i,m. i;nbai. F:.'::a I la ....... , ..... , , , ... .. .. ... : ' I '- """;- "oiaaa. i iiMupi.ian. I a- ,gii'g. I tiling:-.-..-. Ne.-u-: ,! :i;:. la..- s.-i!t.!.-i:!V And v. here, wla-re ,u th- vi,'a. v. id v.'..t-;.I i- t:..r,. : ,.. h a ... ;. , ,'u inal i-i i -iii.; , :,-:ii.- ,- .:.:-.,. uha hv,- i ,n, i-i,;.,, of T.'v.i T..u i i- :!- Si-Pi ;-.,i, ,v . -. . mii-l apa-i s, I ii,e i.a: ,. . ,,, tag , , ,,,; ,,, i-i liau !;.,ag.a. pr, n. 'i:i. . ! Futu- g-.-,v. ' ' I- eal p. et Ian ..-.-,.i, 'I I.V.'i ' 'ieil.l' io Ihe ,!:,,',.. Ihe I,,-1 tea;- ii-r.-v.-i-.-m v.-i-m-s runniug i'.- .. '!'.,, P..- I ,: in, T.-;,;.- ,,f : -; ... And I rule io tl,.- Smith. South S. a : I '!"U't gin-:: i laniefoi' ;ii.y l-him.-naoi 1 W ho i!,,i,'t "i,,. ; ,,..,,. ,..- Ami,!,:.,, by i !- w ny. .-..,. . ,, ,. "Uy ":" .an,, i. f i:n.::, ..,,. T. I '".":.";-- - .iii ii Oiiiiii, i, mm; ,'linotis la. ,i.s ,,f b-ad.-n eoI,,,",-, , ! ,u,is i "hieh i-o s.- r.ipl.lli in the southern .,.i ! r r.,;!r,",'s- T ',T;i1'"- u-' ... .... .....nun-. io ,n,. i-a-i wa; ,i dsn, ii signs were ihi-,-.,!, Night Hid, I. adv. as it ,,.s iM , "" ""pli s. S" 'll Hie ilarkla-ss ,-;,-.,-! j I;'" '' "S- ,;;'l'i":!'; v"i,1- A .."no j tlw imir.-li .. a mi-luy ,st was li.-ar.!. i'ii.h'.i io ue in,' approa, -h oi :i ir,.a '"'I heralded by ,lr.-ps ll . la,'.;.' ... marbles. It ihunied the silll wa',-r, hi!,. ,-i ph.i.iphi.ivseem t'oam w l:i, h r. n ii': i'ii in- .a -.i.t'i'is , niy more ,,pp;-es sie. Th" fain enui" .,.w n ;,s ji , come i -niy in !, Fi-hi iif I!.. Mill. ''i:.. IlVilli.-ehe 1 led Iii. I'iiilei.- ihe le;e peralllle l"ll of lift, ell , leer,-es. giving ns in u- hi'.', iiml tvlieviag ,,ur f.o,. ;-,., I'I I. I loid Mr. Flo. !, lo throw baeh llie lar; a'.'iili over lh" laa'll liiileh am! let our li.n hy fill -, i s,..i,,. hon,.,,, ''! 'h In half an li.uir the fa in e- as. ,p but ii was as i-idi.i -nd ,.uiiii,.us e i :-. I knew tills Ion ii.,. f,,,,. rami"!- of Sotn.t hlng to l..!b.v,. W, had not Ion- t,, wail. f,,r v) , ,,y , blin bag ihno ;,i:,:o. ,;..-,.. ihroiiali the 'ih.i.m from ,.isi ;,. .,s,. I'oll-.v, , d by i ti,. in 1 1,.. ,,.,. ,s;,. i b ii- Wit limit itiii-rmissioii. ,.:ie bh,;-.. ai'o r Miolhi r, and thumb-:- i la-hl'.,-. until i t::- i i,-s w, re blln.! .1 a:;-! 01:1 cms ih :i', -ued. a Ibo'i-aml il ,.. Il i.-.iiid pieces of M'lilli ry Ihn nl. r-. 'i ' " see ,1 .1:1,1 Iy hi-lph ss and iailgiilli.-aiit. - lbov w. udeiful :!t-e Ti.. '.o!i,i." ia;..-. lo my 1 nail. Mil! i; 1 W hid. the hlig l.l helpless. While Mi, 100. iln I iii Dime,.,. A "i o I eoll! ! , i,,-." "... Vei'V V, . 1 :-; 1 ir.i-i hi t li.- woriil." or "Mi:,io,:'e" -'hi - me l aid nam s. b :i even su.-li t rim tail lo ,-i.-i -s ii:.- eharaelei- of ll.e e'lii i-pri-e v !ii.-!i is ...'iridi, g ,. n." 'i'ii n'i- ,, x, u Ha' pi):,;-,., ami I'. 'Ugiiig i-ii.n an, I ih -...t: I.m iip:.;i I hi an. The . ia py of 1 1. -:, i;.,; ',. eaan ,; 1... .i:u-., ;-it.-. W i. 1; ;), r. :.: "' ma ''e ,!,,. s t,.,i iippe-i". I',.:- v.aiiie "'1 li 1 ' hand li." people of NeiV llMiip-hire have 1.1 ,1, al ,.li i- r,.. l,ioi--. s e 1 , - ,. :.,,,: : I;,, lot's. 1 11 the eibi-r they .are baa.ileappe.l and shorn of tm.-hi .j 1 it. ir o. 11 in. d Her e all, I i-lloI..ll! v.itl, ! i f ! i:.;e 1 a'lioti of ihe evil and the nec-.-iiy "f ils Hire. There is 1 -v.,y. I way only, to s.-ne tlm While Moiiniaiu I, lei's, iin-l linn i.i by ri. mi. a, iiaii-.n l.Ild Die laUing of tile j.',,:, i,y ,-! ,j j- 1 it.ini-M ilomain. 1'oresi und Si'inai. Fii leards in ITaiiee cost Iv.o eelils, hlb-ts ihree eelils for ovciy til'leeU or fraciiou thettof. NEW STY I. f S CF FEATHEf??. n.iinvei'l I ii v. I - Nov. i loni-li l.h-.l ii;e. I ... tin- ".1 1 1 1 ill. I. The ii- ii, ut,. I ..! f.'ioii.'i's i'.,:. miPin. ivy pell'"- s Inn eile-d .'.Ii ill ell I .1' I . I e:.p.-i-li i. in this ll '!. Mid l.e bus i-,.e -,!, i.i w.-ii ilia t i in ay of , . ; i -,- I I fir id , mil. I-- bird pi it.:...' - Mid f.::ii.-i use an i than by :: . !i.:i;:--l ured. Tie- ;r.:..- in I'e.iiheri a. ..'i;n s I.. mill ions of i!'-!l.n-i : 1 1 1 . 1 i : I ! . :: :i,l 1 'i Miii ply of I i.e I-;'.; ft. I n -Ii il: : 1 1 . i ' 1 1 is il' il so I :,'. dl;. ii.ii: ii i- ipliie loiiild. 1 lo'.V 11, .1 II.'. . i.i -1 W i 1 I V. eiir :li - b-niit g'nl .nii'ioi Iii'- ,iiid plumes know v.ii.-li"i t'n y ;it-.. g imii.e itrtl.-li" .r art il;. :;il 1 -'ti, r-.- The w . rl; oi I-; Mil-.- o ; ie, - in i ,:.!;fl.-:l:i 1.1. . e, -::i,.y !g-..-.i. ;i ,. , e, ill, -,' ! ,: '. r- n '.. a r. ii- ,;ui,. ti.nre. I. in li.ii .I'y to 1 1 .. r !: -, -t, .);, I p.-:.-, i 1 1,.-, i ,'M'e - .; .- ,..-i i:-s- d ,..- lis.!, is I. ,,. I :.. ir ..nil- i i:-J of e.-il'ii .1,1. m. I il:- 1 ii '.i i i Hi: Wll-le. Th. II V. !:.'l, d.Vi .1 Mel 'llilbUllV eia-led ii v.. tale an -,p :.. d. - leel I '..'m i l'oln t I'e '.'. ', I. .. .-, .-; '. '-. '.-.-:.-i:s oi In-: i -.'.J" is- ' o !' a : ' .: - and .'ui'..e- nre ;. i .! 1. 1: 1'.i oi i r. I ;.. i sdi: and e.. ion west.-, .'.nd in a:-.-e..i:s:aiit'i.v il oi-ing n- w I . '!'." : i 1 by U iileil In.;' e-ti Mg.p'.y the d' 1 1 ! '.- i..' l'ii-!i...:i a' ii' ! . -: 'ii th p Mid a; ii t i-.;i: p.-..!i i-. ;1. sv" - ; -I ill er-. Tin. lit ,l:.';i! "ti :: ; ry .:,l..i...-i ... ii.;p,.:-.i:i.- . 'I". -" '-.I i n r'l iitr-sp. . i d il. . :.,', i I- : tl. I; .!:..,--,,;',:: I i;.-i v.vr I'i. -I I'.--:. I I I i.. otgfnl I :..-!.!. i-i-.'- ti and I -. at: i i.i ..-I '. .'Ii a l.. .,ai! e I !-''. ..; I.l.i:-a.,l 1 - All ... la ... i.a'.e ;i v :1a-- :. .! - ... i li e . al a. el I'e V I -.--, .'. il :: I : aaie o. .'-in'i'-.i pliimi i linn i i r mm. -i '." I a.'l: ti.pknoi "f a 1 1-.,.;, ai i i ; i 'i ph.:. . - I, j are M'tfi.lly made i:p by la individual f.-ati,. r b.-lii ..r. hail.!. Mid tie u v.'.;-;,, , git.. : n .pi.i.b' ill -;gn. S"!,,.- . oi am ihta-lt.d liill'l I i.e -'1 . v. I-! ! I-'-. p'g. l. t g the Ii Mil ' - 1 : d p.. d- I t;v, M..I by its u by it.- ii.. ,!. ;. i gr. i.!: a .' .. j . ..,. . T1 ,. , L: bh', ai.d lie ' I- i a ,;.,. i- "!' all !,!. , . ill- i i.e I-l- -. -I ' - r said r a 1 lie- j-- .. r a i'l-l hail a :,. ..p, i v '.,.-,, I , ,- f..r pilhci -a I. tr ad ihe .ah. :'a I s..:,. it-.- i-i Ii,.- i ihiiii -r;. t r.. i . J. Is P: e: aall.i .1:" la hioll I: .'V lo i a .-' e'.oii'M and niMi'l s it.ade te:t ' f ' '- ' feaih.-rs. ami some ha od-oac- Wear.p.g apparel l.avo b -. ti n.. -t this way. Slt'-'i i! I'.atl.el' i 1 more i-Npi n-i I lain a a!" .- a I In (,,, N;11i,,:ll i . iini al Wai''.ti ith,',',. issmdi a .leak that is -., Si.lnedbvth.'MUlioriti.- :,'. l!he'lal!h;n''TdMtd,:';,;.i probably several n. Now York Tim. s. words cf v'ltJc-.,. Thi bealHlflll . Mi la v. V ,l:a i (, Knowledge i- Ihe 10 1! !' , -a -T. Win son. Ilvi-ry man stamps b.s a!a :, 1. si sell'. Schiller. iral iiu !e is the n.r.-ie of 1 1,- I. a .a. -loibel'l S.cii h. We g t out i f 1, at it;' wha: ".a- .1 ; . y to her. I la gar. Heiitus i :ioti,:iig but labor : t.-i l.l.- g -I,.-.-. -Hi CM th. i ln er,-lill.e:-s is the I e-l pi,,.'., a : f heal!)!. Hum- mi niai in bi'o. "r ymir . ta 1 ; will be w:!-:.-.l. M C. F.-i-r--. Xo tap, ml can. - - a- li I,- ' '- ; p, : - na.l .-itiicre. hieaa !a:a Wiaib . r is v oi l 0 ih -t -i a' all - Vofill il'iltlg Well. I'h.-I, ..a Id. Til" 1 ,',!. -i.ioll of ihe '. II . 'i , ' jeel of oitl- ovist' ie " I'Mcler I,.,-:, ; v ah . e 1. : a ' P .ti, sai- s of a s'i'..i. :. X. ... 1 Stel'. Know s ,: a lhi:ig of i.ay,! a. I 1 very lid n- ,. ; ,.n.ei li.i.-. I. . ..::;.... ',.,.11 :i I'mii, Sis. The K, v. .. ih ;... fa: : 1 f ! his pi: hv s iv ;iii.s. Al oil 1.:... he ,0, 1 l,.:i i . 1 P.- da-' . . .-r . ...j l.,l!lis H i' Ids .V.tle.-'-l. .- -I . ! ' . ll b. ;-i iia.r. ly ,a 11 w - ; .. .. ' .; 01 liiitt. V. i,el el,p,,l! he j . ll" t. ad iln- .1 a. h 1 1 1 1 s. :h- -I..:';.! .. - ... s -:;: lal. Ian. father." r-ni-n-i!' 1. ! ! . d nahi- r. "wa- mu-t a - .i.e 1 hi- if j.ei eiii d 1 11 - hlna b. -. is' : -t..rt. d M i I i -,- t.- -. ih i . ' pliial-h t: lll'd I'i 11 !' ''!. I'i be .".I lea-! Mi i.m 'll d. . -:. Xo! o!,g ..!:-. ..asd a a - I' miliist.-i-s i,(. 1 .a; h - la u- I '::.-.. Ihe 1 v, a t; : a. 1 -! !) - a- -a . 1 . ei ialu points of doeirln.' nr.- . ai d from tie' l-i'-y p "-!i "I - '.:: "I ! '; vol.-is b - nied as i, .m: of 1! - ptilaigs. ai l.-.isi. v.-. i-.- in il m : . f .-lng tie ; ti iai..'!'. At that ata ::' Mr H.-.j ie -' .!. s.a . r qui. I'.y "in- r '! ihe real". l..-ari: - a ling -!.':!. Sue c,;, il ,h,v n :i front o! Inr fatl i'. and sa ai " i h. , loll il aboiii; t-.-ll it a!.,-.:.' Mr. Hiiiliei v, a-; ealh-ii ii.'i !.,-.- an I'Xplaimi lull, nud -loo-I hunsn' v a-. r -i-lurid.