THURSDAY. - - Dec. 13, llKMi. XZ A. LONDON. Editor. Th:; Legislature at its approach ing session should by all means provide a bettor anl more just revenue and machinery act. Every , : .11! - t and fair minded man must aari.ii mat .dl our revenue aud machinery act cau be, and oulit to be, improved and re formed. And this has been the case for many years. We are pleased to note that Tr Worth, in his an-, linal report, will call special at teutiou to tills-- important matter and insist upon "a reformation in the maimer of listing the property j of the State for taxation." He1 recommends that the next Legis lature appoint a board of tax com missioners, w'.iuse duh it shall be to get up a tew revenue and nia chi'iery act. This is a most tune-; ly recommendation and we earn estly urge that it be effectively carried out. This board of tax ; commissioners should not be ap- ' pointed to report to somo succeed ing Lnris!atnre, but should report 1 1 :iie Legislature this winter, so ; that the present Legislature may I at once enact the proposed new J revenue and machinery act. This important matter has al re.l ly been too lonj,' delayed ami s' liihl not be delayed two years .. i. is by no means any- ' thing new. The Legislature of, 1S;-.j enacted a law (chapter SMi j .ir.thonimr aud instructim; the i;. . ernor "to appoiut three coin-1 pet.""'1 ion as tax commissioners, ' who.e duty it shall be to tlmr . uglily investigate the subject of- taxatiou, and report a bill for list lie.', assessing, equalization and ci'lle' tioli of taxes.". The (!ov ei.or (Soules. appoii ted as H''- tax commission three very compe- '.ut greutl'.'inen Major John W. G"aham, ex-Judge George How- M'd and Capt. Thomas W. 1'att.u, , . , , ti . , . , o faithfully did their duly. They proci.ied the tax laws of Hi. uy h.ates, and, after carefully . ..Ivin.f tl.em. Ihee nrenared a ! new revenue rid machin ay art wl: time renorteil tn t!i l.iiris-l i .i.uro ot jssi. lp.-y inaiio Manx- wise and much-needed cbarg-'s, j but all amounted to nothing and ai'ir "lanor was in vain, lor Un Je 'islatniv to which they report-1 1 -ok no action whatever. ltis eaitl that not a dozen members of the Demoerats who spoke against that legislature even tea.l their i the bid in t lie limited t i!Ue aihe.v lt i0rj. i led them wi re practically unani- 1 1 1 l i ii lU'Uls in objecting to the imperial ie reason, probably, why tho.l ,.s ,h) !.-i:t. of in Leg'.slutuiv of is 7 took no action i;iL, ti)l. lVur,, u. .,,.hlV fl(1il die rep ut of this tax coin-1 ."s,:ino, the minimum number pm ai.s. . - iie political ! Gdc I by th. bill, to lo:i,e:-n men lKirtv controlled that body, f, 1 h-m'ver so disposed and of iv ,v . i i taming it id tin' higlii si tigun s i,s while th.. Deinoc.ats bad a major- u lty ui the Senate, the Bcpub!icans ,)l.,.iits ay.,Vl,,i ti;ll jt l!i(1IV iiud lutlepeiideuts hatl a mi'jority i power than CoM!.mvss - vei placid in the House. But our next Leg-1 in one man's hands a:i 1 n...ic than islature not have such an ex-; sh,'',!,11.!" '" "'' 'th- , .. ,v . , er oliiectlonali.e Ic.iuos were cuse, bet. ause the Democrats have , i . ,lf i ,. i, . ,. , . ' poinletl out l'v 1 'euioci .its, I m t an whelming majority in both ,;ti iH al that th. y cmld do. Mr. branches, and they w ill be expect-j McK in'ey's ordeis had been issu ed to use their majority for the ,ed to Speaker Henderson, and of best interests of the State. Il (,llls0 ti,l I,iU Wiis The necessity for immediate' ' ''ator (.'lay, .f ( inad. , . , .. . .ii la strong lxnnt against the ship l -ish.tlon on this i.nportant sub-; Uf)W lh(. J l-.'et is generally admitted andisjder of business in the Senate, more apparent and pressing now when he compelled senator Krve, than ever before. The recent ex-j is charge of the lull, to ad ami i:it:oii of witnesses in the suit I ,ult.tlK11t lf't !' Ihe au , , . nual sul'sidv oi a twenty-one knot between the corporation eoinmis-; slljl, w.()lllil :liMiHK Senator moil and the railroad companies j day also called attention to the plainly proves the inequality of j fact that tho ten and twelve knot .ax valuations throughout "this I !il,s which carry tin; agricultural !.t;te. A id the many tleiuantls . -i. .-e Di in-rmaiie lor lncreaseit , :.t', ropiiauoiis oy ine nest i.etris :;t', together 'vith the deticit in the treasury, impi ratively ilcinaiiil ii reform in our revenue and ma '.inery hi'vs, so that tnoro taxes "au he I'olleetetl uithotit inereas .af" of taxation, ami the .n.i n of luxation he made, more equal and uniform. ,. , n censu. ot 1 100 shows that , "tvi.'-cioro lias niereaseil more in popmaii " since lhliu than any 'iMitf town in this State. Her population in lh'.lt) was :,:il7 aud ao'.v it is 10,035. Chariot te eomes next. Herpop iLition in was 11,557 and iov it is 18,t)Ul, ami ranks uext loJ Wihei'i'ttui. Kalfitrh's popula t, n m t merea.sed as much as j om,liel),ltlll by 8ecretarv Lon-and v-,.3 expeeteil. It was 12.G7S in provided for in the bill introduced 1 . mi., ae ! is i;t,(ii,5 now. by Senator Hale, is to make a i ho liopulation of some other I l'1,ue to ltear Admiral! ' k . . . ; , . t n ! Sampson can Ih? promotetl bv M r. ! ' . V. towns is as follows: u- M t - i i i j i i .Mckinley. Hear Admiral Schley' -ton, 20,!i.(.: Asheville, 1 l.COl: I jmH ,nilnv warm frieuds in Con ''". ustou, 10(W: Durhani, G,C7'j: press and they may have a Word' !icord, ",t10. Salisbury, (!,277: j two to say about this scherao j . ;,:- ,o, 5,877: Fayetteville, ir before it -ets tl.rou;.h. , t) ' . I Students of 1 umau nature an1' uiid ew Deru, 9,V'Jtf. Two important church meeting's were held in this State last week, n !i i) i- t t One was the Baptist State ton- ... veutionat lialeih, and the other was the Methodist Conference at t-v Bern. The former was more larireiv attended than usual. .s usual, our old countyusau, Hcv. Dr. B. II. Marsh, was elect ed pres- ident of the convention, (hie of the most iutM'estinL' feature of tin? convention was the readiiur by lev. Dr. Hufhain of a history oi the .North I arolina Iliptist I on- vent ion, which held its meet- iug in bv2 at Hives Chapel. in this (Chatham i comity. There J was quite an interesting discis sion, about the Convention liny inn' the Biblical Recorder, and a com 'mittee was appoint' d to organize a stock company for its purchase The next session will be held at i Winston. Bishop Morrison presided at the Methodist Conference at New Bern. A resolution was adopted by a rising vote endorsing the de fendants in the trattis-Kiliro suit, and the character of the pl iiiitilV i was passed as in good standing. Bev. J. A. i'oad and l'ev. (ieo. B. , Webster, former Baptist preach ers, were admitted to the Cmit'cr eiic an ; w ill become Methodist pren .-rs. The Conference w ill meet .ext year at Eavetteville. Vt'ashlngton Letter. fPrfiin ir RxirulAr ' Ihu' .1 Washi -ton, Dec. 7. l;mo. The ii'.-ulers in l undress are on tiieir Knees to I lie oreuers, beggiiii.' to bi let oil' with a sinail redu-tion in the tax on beer, in stead of the entire war tax as de- manded by the brewers. All this has been lil'oil-.dit abo-.n in a week. A Week ago the llepuh! lean mem bers of the Ways and Means com mittee refused to even consider ,( reduction in the beer tax. Nince then Representative Halicm I., who was chairman of the Be public in Congressional committee and kne all nlioiit campaign contributions mil promises, nas succe'',iiM i u-i;.-.... ..r i...,-. 1... .. ' Sena'. e. as a inember'of the Ways ilmi Means committee, and has told the llepubl .au memb -rs thereof a few things, as Mr. Mau- 1 ll;ls i'ls" ,,''."'- binder a question of whether theie wi l,( u reduction .f the l.e. r lax, ,,it of how small a redu lion the brewers cm be cajoled into uc- Ccptilli.'. Til" bill as reported troMi tlie Ways an 1 .Means col i- , mittee a re.luciioii ot -lo nits a barrel in the beer t ix, but it is not et certain tn ii the hiviv- iis will accept that. While the Democratic caucus on the Army bill, which was rail- iroadetl through the House tins week, d: I not aree upn air. party nt.iicv in oimoing the bill. products i the country will not receive i:. we than one-third of the Sllimilly , for the fast pas seii;er vc-sels xvliieh t-urry no ng- Juue. -J'.ith, lV.i.". Kef d. from (1. limit urn! U'oiluct.s. Seiiatur Vest i A. Thuiiuis, rNi., ol li. V. Sev-oll'i-retl iiu Mcinlmeut to the lullj more for Knot, uii.l lie.ii-iaiia repeuliiit!' till . twa the1 Sciiene, each, ."n.'c t.-l.tiOj. purchase of lorei.yu built ships "D" 1 ), c. 11, 1J.", ree'd. for use in the fiu'eiu t-arryin.y ' froiaJuo. 1). Wicker lor Vin tr.ii!e of the Lnitetl States or itn-' boioiih .V Shcppaul .lo..'j'J. posing taxes or restri. tions npou , "F" No. 2. Kcc'il. at .suinlry thites such, aud ..riviiur American eiti.eiis ; from I'm! Aiu.stioiijf tor E. A. the rijjht to purchase vessels any- I Atkins, l'oii-t. :l.iM, for J. 1,. where ami for any purpose and to' ('uirie. Sin li'. i l.uO. V. A. L'ur- have t hem registered us shiiis of tho U.iito.l States. Senator lillmau got a liliiuau got a l.ill through the Senate without oppo-i sition, apiiropriat ing $7.'.()00 tor a' lioveruineut Imildiu at the Inter-i state and West ltulian F.xpositioii, to be held at Charleston, S. C, ! Dec. 1, T.lOl to June 1, 1!H)2, ami J2.")0(H)0 to aid the furtherance of the exposition. It is understood that the revival ,.f tl... ,.."..l0 f vi irul - exhibited in the political world are trvir-to reconcile Mr. 31c- Iviulev s words with his acts. In .. . , . , the cIomii;.' paragraph of Ins nie- H WlM.,is .ieh read like ;i patriotic warnim' to Congress not to be led into making extrav- a-ent appropriations just I eeuui there was a lot of money m the Treasury, and now Mr. McKinlcy is iishilt all !iis ni over to drive nh- jeeting Ih niiLIicuu Senators into the support nf one of the most e- travaiiant ap:i-opii!.tloi:s cut be- Ion o:iiri ss-tiKii i.r sn, sun- which will put millions in - to the pock.-ts of the already rid owner-, of the fast mail and pa sen ger no! !. in stecin in tl inp tinl next to: poc a ts o tliosei trel'jhteis, which evii slo (pur maiiutaciures iind pro-, .tli the takiiiir of the vote in the House "O the ( leoiiuir-ai'ine bill one o ihe loiu'est and most bitter tights that eer took place ill the Mouse, in winch there was no par! isau politics, was brought' to a i se, ait hough It Mill doubt- ; less i.e renew i it in tin- eii.ite. Senator Cettigrew, icini.",(ied i the ndmiui-d rati tha b' wasj still i i the I'imr, and that he had! heard aboiu t in-suppressed report, ot the expert accouutuiit ou the stealii L's in Cu'na, by clleri'!:.' aj resohr.oii e;.;liie.' for any nddi-j tiolia! ii;:'. '';ii.i!io:i that had been li-eeived hy the ( ioNel'inaeUt about; Cuban finances. The resolution J was sent to the committee on lie- i hit ions with Cuba, to die. A fatal Ponder Explosion. A terrible explosion occurred at Jackson the ei a.;:y seat of North ampton cout ty. Monday evening llbollt li o'cl'Vu. coiupii tely delliol- ishiuir Mitt. 'f. Kiiwauis' and killia.' I M wards and bis .1- year- . Waveriy. There was r person in th.' store iMi ar is' ln-y.".r-o!d li ed m ith sii- la iu- "ii!y om only at the t 1 si 111, w h jury. ihisl was pic del- j:lI coimti r. the diii. 'o. says his , about received th and it is ; 1 stunk a e j.o-.ider. lliuliv Is of fell .ili,' little I rot lu r i Ui-.' o' i:t -'t was on the e.ipo-.ed that match on or Timbers wa iv feet into the distance from ed. t own was t'T- t tiuiiu lS Were ; m :i t tin- aiioat blown and the bl ! Tile rible. s. t oil gllishei UUv.l; ('estro.l dio. k !o the' The scatter.'! lire but wi l No one can re, I- lor els good health U.ih lnoi' once each da IS not ..Melided t bo When thi isi.rdi is of the stomach al'l--e, bii e ni-ness, headache ti x spep-ia and pi les soon i'olioW. If X. '.l Ml-ll io.loii I tl;es" ailnieists Ue p ytittr bov.t Is le-ular by taking l hand crlain's .'-tomacli llld l.ilel' Tablet-'. W lit II I t qllii'ed Th -y arc .-.i easy to take ami mild ami eemh' j., ,'it'ect. 1'or sale by (i. 1;. I'ilkingtoii. Cotton Seed, which was eolisid-' red, a lew years ago. a waste pio thitt is wi iih tliis to the roMt rs limit' than fifty millions of dollars. And .t is iiow I ei,ig demonstrated that even the hulls n the seeds, which have hereto fore gol.e tow.i-te, ale et i d to and cheaper tiiall Wo ul pldp for paper. W hile Lui.tim en Thanks d..v. Mr. Jas. A. Mar-lm, adesliiirn. ('.. :,', ,,;..oi . '-!, ..s. I. 15. liiclno !,oii dl ,1.:!!:"S Kiciiarosou, but w mm.-, are not :i rig n. if shot . and their Hi v. Livingst ui Johnson, of ( il e. il ml'ii, has btl II eleeted cor- i. ..ading secntaiy by thei'.a.p iil ;at' I oi;i nllon to succeed Ih v. John 11. Wir.te. ("apt. A. II. Lassiter. a freight conductor oil the S. A. I... Was ac cidentally run over and killed by a locomotive kt on last Monday. ; The Cloik's Annual Slat.'ment. : Alilill.ll s'.jiti'lii.lit of llimis iu haiiii.s of 11. It. 1 i.Dli, ch I k tSllhe lior cum t ot I h. it!.. un c.iiiut v. "K" l-iv. lh'c'ti. nt' .LA. Wuui.'ick, Jan. lo, 1 siitr,, f.,,- i;. il. liruoKs, D. S. for ,L M. MclJriiie, I 1). S. tine. rie, D. S. .2.00. ' 1;5U. A)l,j w. 1Sj)K. ree'd. from Atlas 1-idw.irds lor K. w. Atwater sl.oO, li. w. nlioiit, Hie, v.. M. 1 ''iirriii.ton, il.iit;, i'. i.ynum li. n. Uaiulet 20c. V 37. ivb. 1, 1SDS, ree'd. of s. m. Hult, ex-c. s. f. tor bens of .ib ncr Lambert, $r..5ij, for hens of l'aiiny Lambert, 15.2 1, for p. v.., Ida, L. V. and M. i.. Lu'iiili, eacli, 50c. (2.), Klla Austin, ?:,', o, Nauuie Lambert, 5'.7tl, l;et tie Lambert, $3.70. 'I'" 42'.). sept. , lti'JS, ree'd of J F Alston -state vs. chas. Lasater, for John liarriutrt r, .i.IJO, k. v. wat kins, a.M i " i32. Mar. lS'JS, ree'd of K. M. Feai rinyt.jii, for o. w. Teer, D. h. o()c, li. il. clumpier, l. s. liOc, J. 51. i-itchett, n. s. 30o., k. IV. Atwater, J. 1'. 1.20. X" 510. Uo, lb'JH, lec'd from T. !.. l'hillips, Aibnr. N.u. Phillips for uichard Phillips, Hoxy rhil-! ut suudry dates as re lips, Kimca rhillips and johu! reivers for pessie Beavers Phillip, each, .8.1i (?:J2.S0). :?" "0 of which $30 00 is invested F" 52:J. Lec'd at sundry dates' in i per ceut. interest-bearing from I., r. Baldwin, Atiinr. for! '"'"d secureil by mortgage on nena Peiirsou. sS.r:i. ! y" 575. sept. 12, 1S',)8, ree'd of I.. F. Baldwin for T. Y. null, '. s. and E. A. May jointly .iHi. Aug. i, lv.m, ree'd from T n nil- ' vi 1 1, oni'r., for t:eorie and Al bert cross, jointly, $11.72 (from sale of laud). M;,y :jd, lso.S, ree'd of II T chapiu, i inr. lor wm. Mai ks heirs Sii ;';(. : v dates, ree'd from ui'l An irews for w c!ie. k, "iOc. "l" '-MO. l:ec'd of 11 A London for Koheit and Isabella Jourdaii, jointly, ?'..':i I t. "r ' ,' eee'd of lioss Matthews. p,.,. p;is, for J w McAilains, 1 "r :t:'..s. ,i w sc JIIO I, .inly :t 1, is:is, ree'd from tt for M I Mcllaliey S'l 20, l urrie tide, K M oorrelb s2 0. ! ')" Pec. 20, 1!7. ree'd of II T, ch ipin, Admr. for oholio Jtdin-j S( n 5 li (!(!. "f" ."20. Feb. 8, lS'.tH, ree'd of j n: Hilliard, Admr. for T I". nilliard,! Mairie nilliard, orace Phillips each, ."ii. "l " ."'i7. May 12, 1S00, ree'd of It C; strong for i: o Petty, si 50. I "l" .".IS. l-'eb. Is, 'k;i:. ree'd of I'alvm York tor e n nnliile an.-. "F" 02S. sept, it, JsOO, rec'.l of T M iivnnni for J I. nilliard. .'Me. "I'" 4iil. Feb. 21, 1 .'.''.. ree'd of II T ! smith. Admr. for Leuett.i smith, : si5. i "l " .nine :t, 1S00, ree'd of ,t o o. '.dstcn for Noah cheek. .S'J.'iO. "f" Ii0i. Jan. !, lSiiO, rec'.l of 11 A' London for v. . Martha '., irby v, a n, chua N and a w stiaughaii, ' each ?2 :!" (1 t 10). I'tl of li Kay, execulor ot win. Warden for Warden aiul (.uthiie heirs. 2s.2i. "i:" Hi:!, heed of ii a London for Mainly r. cook ami others, . Is. Aug. 2 I'.is, lec'd of I, F,'r. I T v.'oaible for i A Fwiiig. shell'. S'l Ml. Nov. s, ISO!!, lec'd of li II Hayes fur s...rah Hart is Heirs, jointly, '." .'.). "f" 7:12 sept., 1000, ree'd of ) i v. smith for Mac Albright. ;t lit), okie crump, s:! Io. "l "7.'i i. st pt 10, 1000, ree'd of w )'. .Mini bison for Waddy Mcch na-' ban, :.l 10, .1 M li.ariit r. Si 70. "F" 7:ii. May 7, 1000, ree'd of wil-. lie hittingioil for J J, ? 1 m. "V" 7:N. May 7, 1000, ree'd of I I. ohiham cost in .1 I' toiiit, S2 15 'F" 75:t. ;; c'tl of .1 11 sharp.'. May 25, p.ioo. tor s i. .'d-esrec, s5 so. s7. si pr. , 10:!O, ie. i h s sp.xcy for li T hiicl. "o. a w w ide r. J I' 05. ch: C'.l J J nson. Si no. o. .S. l.e. 'd of II A I olmn'l for I'eiry. .'iOc, rhm iiatt:s (!0c, t.igsiiee. 00c. li ' J 1! Feb. 10, 1 OtlO, ree'd of I.eaiilia .Ul-tli.-v. , ,tb; rx. T F Andrew, for I.eainia !'. Andrew, si 2 1. '00. Apr. 1.'!, loi in, n e'il oi i. f luhlnin, A.hmi. ti. A. Andrews on deposit Sb"ai "ti. oct. S, l'.'OO, ree'd of J W Lett, guardian for Lett heirs, S72 00. oct. lO'.M. ree'd of J l: Lane, guard ian ft a- John i: i'.iv .vtT, Ada nrew i r and Mary )t nrewer, s757 '.''. oct. 2.'M, 10OO, rec'.l of li II Hayes and .1 A t.iles, commissioners. SL'oo.o I held subject to judg-. nieiit of court in ot iitiu vs. on eii . t a Is. Apr. 17, l'.'OO. rec'.l of J M Hancock lor I. eirs of .lack lvur.son, SIS 12 an. I lor wiliiam .v.isley ii luiaor, '' 11, from sale of re:;rstiii land. I; c'd of s m ti Jt, at sundry dates, as receiver for wm. ar.d s.umiel ion ester, .'.102 oo which is in vested in county bonds at li p. r cent, interest. Mar. 1, 1M.", ree'd oi s M Holt, us lect in r for l.uci.aii chnk ami lame chalk, Si'.'.") 02, SlO 00 t.f w hich is inicsted in bonds .se cured by mortgage deed at i per cent, inteit si and SOO 00 is iiiv. stetl in county liomls. Lec'd of S M Holt, and li H ueavel's, S15.CO Why "send oft"' aiul :t t calli; lit "like a sinker' by Lit iii.' at ""auk.e tricks." SwiQaro Rotar" Smsmft C. B. Ellis, Bananer. BnrliEit:n, H C. Or Mr. W. li. HA 11TSOL. nTTSUDlU), X. C DUiTvHAM MARBLE YARDS, C. J. HUL1N, Phoprietor. o o In pnint of workmanship, material, conformity to instructions, c:Torts to please, dispatch in the execution of orders and moderate charges, we defy compt'tttion and invite cninpar'son. Conespondence invited and estima'es and designs (if desired) promptly furnished. irai estate. nei 3.1 N'.I3, ree'd of s M nolt, ns receiver tor .1. :;iue Mann and I.ula Mann KM 30 of whii'h 00.00 is invested in (i per cent, interest-hearing bond secured by mortgage deed executed by 'i hos. w cotton and wife and 50 dollars in invested in count bonds nt (i per cent interest. sept. 2", lS!)t',, ree'd of s M Holt, as receiver for W i v.enner, IS dol- lais ar.d ;t;f ceiits which is in vested in ti ior cent, interest bear in ir bond secured by mort-oa-.:' on real e.-tate. ticli 1. ls;"), ree'd of s m nolt, as roecior for r a I'ark and Z v iai k, .'iir dollars and to cents; and have since expended the j sum of 100 dollars for the bene- ! tit of f A Hark, 2'.'. dollars of the j same is invested in (' per cent.! interest-bearing boiid, the re-j inainder is not invested for that I' A nark is now 21 years of a-e mill i leMfes ii set t It'iiietit soon. ! March 1, IS'.).!, lee'd of S M Holt, lis : l , '. lanin 101 r. i, iiiki , .1 i.u i, 1 500 and OS dollars, and Oec. l'J.lftSVO CSUHUUCS. 1MIS, ree'd of .1 w nark for i: n j " and w.l nark ood.ilhus and livejig. tmi TUC FirCT cents of which r.e.l dollars is in- j J C l,4t',llV EilC L)l0 B vested in ( per cent intenst-j beariiiLr bonds secured by mort gage on real estate and KM! dol lars invested in li per cent, in terest-bearing county bomb ec. 1 1th and Mth, ree'd of ti H Hayes ami A f oilliert. com- missioners, irom sale oi n t Heatleu land as receiver for i Headen's life estate ill lU'oceeib one thousand three hundred and! Hexell ilollirs and 2d cents ot which lino dollars is invested in It p.-r cent iuiercst-bcin ing bond with approved security ami 5oo (loihirs is invested in county bonds at ti per cent inn rest. tun. 1, 1000, ree'd of h i Holing for Carlyle council, a minor, i!5l dollars and 00 cents, of w hich 21it dollars is inx. sled in li per cent, intt rest-Learing bond st -curt tl by real estate mortgage. May 5, l'.'OO, received t.f t luude Johnson, as receiver for i i.y.'.c and rulley .lolaison, rents, 15 tloliars which is invested in (i percent interest -bearing bond w ith approved security. j Nov. 2s., 1000, ree'd of T 0 womack trustee s M Holt, per li H Hay. S. for .sundry t laims, tin dollars, ii II nixoii being duly sworn says the foregoing t.itenit nt of funds in hand is true to the best of his knowledge ami belief. i: li nivoii.c. s. c., chatha.n co. swoin to and subscribed beano llii' this Fee. 1, l'.HIO. j elms, i; Kanoy, c. v.. c. c. ! ipprovc.l M t'. 1, 10'KI. chas. f. Kanoy, c. is. r. C. P revent sen in ttrr than cure. Tutt's Liver 'ills v.i!!not nly r :re, l-i:t if l::l;en in time xili revent Sick Headache, t!rs;: ji.da. lu'iin'siH'ss. nialaria, coMslipatioiv, v:i:m!ice, turpid liver Jiiul kini'rcd diseases. TUTT'S Liver FiLLS ABSOLUTELY CUt'.'S. flitt-:. r... A PtK PHLCT, lit-i!"- t.f .-.i: ti lew ii, n nt r:r. PkCHT Orricc. Washington. D . $15.00; "F, His fur-'j; a l?t Iter 1 1 1 ( 1 1 f A KM machine, brand new, for put i ir lit in '.I, your house -v learning you how lo :: . it. Dther ma- t chines 5.UU to Cv,-a'.. r.- it 'I ri' '- 'n o'. olr.r !. r: .1 all I't ml I :::, '. i.-e I f..r Mocrrt f tj. Cv OTTft 'o-"!!- : U 3. Pvrrst 0'itcc H.-I -'ai. nr.- i-i.o.: i:. v l.i.n- :buu tUo0 r: :.. !. fr . tl U l-i n ' '. s.iul ..... 1. 1, .!n .-r il..M.v.:ih .rr'i li i- . V'.' :,.! '.r , c . :;C c . r i "t. lie i..e .; . t 1 '.r.'"ii' :- c. r.-il. ,"l''. 'j:h I'Cin-." I'I ;. n'" ui -t tu.c culi:v,ut . I DOOBIH & FERFALL AT TUCHEXl'3 STOItE, Ralelgrli. asr. O. ITER WESDINGS. We Airnisli complete wed ding out-fits, or parts of'ouMits -wv istatfl ' C S 1 1 M' SKI s a in pies and DRY GOSDSr TA!L93 mm ; soin, csats, ijo com Write to us. 10,000 W1VE3 TOTED t.i KN. w nor t.zckh, N. C, Aro iT.elii.i!? r k ms tiMTi: ki.kst LINK OK AND HOUSEFUnNISII- 1N0 GOODS EVLR OI-'FEHED. INCLUDING r... i i. s: . ,. c.-M-.i. h .- vi;. i.oi'.ii!;. r.iuirt i.mkks MAI.!. RACKS, Witll'INi", l)t;ss. HAHY CARRI t.l:S. t'DOk STOYh'S. I KUNKS, WINUOW SH I)1:'S, I.ACII Cl'KTA'NS, MAT I INi.S, RbtiS, TON. IT Siii'S, I'll ' Id'Pl: 1 R A.MhS AND LASn.S, CHAIRS Or A LI. JIIPiDS INCla i'lMl II N1.'M!' IIO 'KI.IIS AM) IH' 1CK cil i And anvthiinr is m.tJj in the Fui iiiiurc line e.ui he had at our M.imm' 4h l:-tal lishment. THE PEOPLE! STORAGE AUD IVSEHCAN TILS CO. ISaleifjftn m1 Will hold and make CASH AD VANCES on your cotton in store, or upon bills ot Luliiie; f jr same. The short crop, together with ultimate. l.tij;e heme and foreign demand, point uiimistakably to higher prices. Correspoiuleuee solicit ed. J. J. THOMAS, President, H. W. JACKSON, Vice-President, S. W. BKEWbJU, Sec'y-Treas. Always a full stock of material on Laud for all kinds of Spectacle repairs. Send your broken plasses for repairs nud prices. If my prices don't suit you glasses will he returned at my I expense. If your eyes need attention let me hear from you. EYES EXAMINED FllEE. w. xx. son RE II, IVctor of liefrnctioi), C1IAJ EL 1I1LL, N. 0. Eye-Glasses 211a Spectacles of All Kinds. I THE ONE-PRICE STOREf WALTER f O0LLC0TT, precFjtson to WOOLLCOTT &. SOn, Raleigh, N. C. FALL AND WINTER STOCK FULL IN ALL LINES. Wew Goods Arriving Every Week, and a FRESH STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. Spo ial 3a,lG3 livery weejk in seme lines, and GRLAT bargains otTereJ. Alw iiys on hand a lot ot IiUL32CaLT0CX. Loth dress ed and uiulroKsc'l. Also Frum i ii tr and Sliiniles. lii'.ls cut to older. a supply of and OdGltTetG always ou Land, from $- to $100 in price. Will ho delivered nt any time, either day or nij'lit. B. WOGE JR. jPlttsTDorc. 2sT. c l'el. 2. IS'.l'.l. W. A. SLATER CO, Hhitj Friint ll!hlcrs( :() FALL All ffiTER STOCK Full in .-.11 lines of Clothing, Shoes, Hats, and Gents' Furnishings. BEST GOODS AT Give us a call when vou visit Durham. Can bo preserved, if your eyes are properly cared for If you are unable to visit our optical otlice and consult our specialist, we will send you a simple method for testing your eyes at home, on re ceipt of a postal card. Or. S. RAPPORT. EYE BI'EI'lJtUST. Durham, N. C. Farm s for Sale. That valuable tract of land, three in les south-west of Chapel Hill, formerly owned by the late Miss Mary R Smith, is offered for sale privately ou easy terms. The tract consists of about 1.000 acres and will be sold as a whole or in lots. Mr. W. C. Cole, who re sides on the land, is authorized to negotiate a sale or sales, and wi'l show the land to any persom desir. ing to see it. Oct. It, 1900. KEMP P. R VTTLF, 11. A. LONDON, Commissioners. S SWHTi V '1 Ti