Fe:r..v'c:-:ciC- W LIT I n H I one wao Iins sinTered innelt from th depredations of t lit will ralililis ir: i past, I should like to enter ihis mild protest against the oiiooiir.it:. litem of w tint inuy yet prove a .lisasi,; in mr fruit iniorosis. In li.ullliiii;- iiiiainst mice Mini ruhhiit 1 have tried, nil of tin coiiinieiil.v r. e uiniiiclldoi.1 methods, such as Miii :irii:i; i In linrk with hluod. fni. lar and nih.-i ulisiatli'is supposed to l, . nl Hi. . n. i.ii 1. l:i-ril-liit; ! in Whiter. Stock ill' all Mini.- needs tinliloor e ri-cisc, rp.ciail in w inlet', when tin IllllOi! I'Ccelllc - 111!. -Ul-IU'll. Till' aui- mills ---hi n; 1 1 In- turned om every pleas- I mil il:iy. The ( limine lines ilieia irm.il. I i... rodents. If verv liuiiurv the 1 The lit:. nr. inlh'.iod ami ihe ehvul.i . p, -sis will m,i stay away I'reui i; lion kepi hrisk ami heiililiy. The eard j irs if only hleed or tar nn i I p nnd lirn-'i. hh pli'Pi.v nf fresh nir. j nei ions used. I have also u hd uv.i Km id. vi. ! - 'i::- food mid proper a; ' pne,' newspapers around the Las' . lenlioii. v Ml insiiiv imaiiist I'.i'ietYU- ! tie iriniks, hut I iniiuul exa.-;!;, s. losis i.r a:..i oih-r tVi u- j t he muul I hat I his dues. M tin ia ! in mound up I In- earih aretiu I 1 H-nnks in ihe fall of Ihe venr. am! ti . n pin a shield of win lielliuu a i. i inches from the tree. This wii n w.t.i- in i in- I'.i i.ni'. A weed i as t;:U' 'a "a plant nt'.i of tis pt'npi i' place" in il. pasture as I'lsinvhi-iv. .Mil l u iiei'e lii li.lstilre is deleted I.. ,v:rv s , , lit .loin-.- i m r" " '"' r,vl 1 mere dam.-..,. the,'.- .!,., ii nuu'LI in ! V""ul ;"ul " ""' M u"' V'1' ......nir., .: .-.:!! iv:,,,l In M. 1. t:1. ,s ; mt.v llor 1.,11 , MP f I a,.' n: ' iire il.ii :P'c inviled I ' " '''V 1 ' ';' ' for ,),, II and i. sel.iei hoes' M1 '"' "'" ,IV"1 ' , iviuier eoni. i! ai is iii iiiauy ivspe. ! as a mulch and prelects 1 1;. ten r... : final lii iiu- iniiireil hy sewre i'r. . j and ihau in.'. This almie should r ; Illelld il In Ihe a! lent inn el' all Vi '.- tries are illcll I'l.iWtl aliellt s i , i ! winter win-Is. , sp -i iallv dnnii- '., Mam slui ai.-. that lln-v are lo'si i .' good floods gotes iii .J Sen ,lell's s,,l,.,nll.l II i i; 1 1 1 1 s . INci-ilil .ears New .li-is.-y litis (.Villi ;.i Ihe fionl as the loildiui; Stale 'ii tea I improveliteMl. She hat ,B loot, miles of lliodeftl toads, c ; le ."iv i miles ei addii iuiial reads 1 i , in en applied for ill eeess (it ! ' , 1 I'm- u hu h i .ill raels h:t liei'll a.- i .!'. lasi.ad i i he sandy rnaiN . w . :. ,.;. tin S:a!i i.. lnuv -in. I 'I .1 II. i e. e 1. d i .ail-, m.- ili- ioiii a ei.tt- i thimiuh a well studied ; Si -,:.' Una. I I ' Itiliiissiuli I . I. l i.i i i- pii.'-t:.'il i Aei' sili.v p,-SMv e (nil. el .-l- 111.-. I ill file sea- TCfili;:!.!!!! i ! -i i !1 is nl siieh a .-!;.!!.! ' a- I.I lie p iisetl mi- iii ih-- anil. i. it. and niieii weeds tin pan iii'i 1 -.;r. edeis and llavors in Ihe iiiT; .r.al ; s : .-...liti :s. It the pas till-, s .-.m!. I I e eh .ired 1. 1 v.eeds an I Inisli.-s a ud i '"'ir ,!;:.. -. in n in Im-h-:' Jiril.ss. 11 -1 e i Wi.al.l ihe.V prmlllee eemi I..1- iiiv la. .i ni'iials I. in .la- ,....!.:."' vm-,,1,1 1 m.,!',-;""- ' '" "' -! ' .mi... :u eel .,:.!.., .!-.. i.o!. ; '" V' " '- ' ; ' 1 I ;il. .Ml.f ;l sieitn. i ,,ea n is an i limner in press the snii i !,...- a I i I in li'tiiiU :i -a in. aiul wi H il I.' .. l ' M.nil.!.- IV.ic.-. i in Ihis .,,sili,, ii makes . ... The f. ti i ;i i.i fie illusiraii.it. iii-,,1 and tiid as if laid ihe.-. 1.,. i i. M r.. salisia v . r pli.'im; arntiml ; ,i,,i!!,le ate Imi' S. V. Chau.l.ei u VI raw s ,. k- . - ,tni '! pas-tiring .i::eriean I'tilt ivamr. nlvis. si,..j ,.- l;n.. ell 'leetl efnt's. stl.il as i.-;;..'. a. I iehi-... -. elever audi " ' tiu I'n-i-. In tin- I r.i.i s.i-.m. 1 A I le-'kllm lilile li.li' I 'il II !'i -i - I' - ' mil ihes.. nves iliai are tint !-.!: n.' v arie.ii s a it.l t he uhl t rees : : i.i . : .-. - pi's--,.! t!:,, prnlitill.le Peiriim .' 1 i had hi st l.e repl.i.ed l.y .-.v In . - ! ! I'i-i lei' Ihe fall s, Mini;, if !.,il it a.:: i i apple live i.i i e in sum li. a rn I j The winii-r i.-i!ii w it) pin-li iim I ii:'. I I'.i' Siii! .-ll-ehf..! the f,.et s, i l!il I1..- 1 ,ive will I., all ivadj m v. an :i.... i. i as -. ell i-.s spriti-4 eni.ies. f 'i - : eet n, ,. U';il Hilh-talid ,.l. i, i .- .!;. i: 1 1 l,:!!''i- i ihilit a l!i e s. I ill liie sn-lv. v; ".'I !' Ihis l.raee ; ,j; f....,vi;ltf ..,:.,,., i v il ill V ... .-'' mi. h i- ir llnnjeiipiiial a iii:..: '.. . L, .,. .;; ' i'ii'iv that p.-aeh iti.-s s!.n,,M a,.. .- eii ,s ei' :.n ,. ,,, ,1 ,, ...,, ,;, :i L,, ,v lis-.l'.-:- l.y. j '.'.'.is pi, 'tilled live s!,..i,;.l ..,. - - : . -' ' ten. '. prutii"! in ip,. spring, l e.!';. . .! e'l" 1 et sunn peaen i iv, la-i I'.;'! , p-iitted a part of the-n m hen I ' - :.i "in : t ne i.aiauee i pnin.-.i ; 1 have ii. a I ii al.e in ,;. :-.. il'i! . ". le e sn far as ihe ur..v. : : ' - -r i '.' Ihe I fees 1- i "i ' IH efl le. I . . , ' a ,. x pea. h trees in t... s.,: ' I as the -iii.inier was 111111-111! 1 1 . 1 : s."ii l ! ir, es teade 1. nl',' :. 1 -n.v 1 ii. v !,:!. t li..s,. s, a, . : id laade ! I u.,i 1!,. I ,.. ' : ! ir. . s '.:!. ia ihe fall ami - , .: : i was ..lily a Me I,. -n , ,. siaii'.. 1 ; '.!" I : 1 s I.- li.i .i tiu' w i. i' an ! . hi 'he f.,11 1. , ; , a' lien,- i... ' .('..'li.v l- 1 1 -ai s. ' I W 'II! I spe'l !' W .'II !. . 1 i '1 ' : 1 i.i . II-. p, :-iii,.";t w a - -. --''al a.ei I... laiks ,. -'! t,.. a'l ,., ' - 1 . '' 1 i.' r- a' .ei- e v ti ... I -.IIM U--I fi'lli'l : .!:t..'.-.! i :,!i H ''' lil'si la. v. iih hiln-r - . - i !.. ti tain n up l.y ,1 1 . . ! ihe I. A. : t.ii ih- :ii,l la e ill I- !-. se, I,.: 1,1 'I, . I ; PEOPLINC A CONTINENT. Kelt Kor the Uowtls. So nutter what alls you, htielnehe to a (mner, you will unver get well until your Li mm nr put riKlll. Umativl help uutuiii, 1'nr y.u w.iiiout a Krlpi or pain, i.ri.iiiK'i iiisv uiilurid iiioviiuants, eont yon lunt 10 ii'tim t.i start Ki-ltloir your health L.u'k. ( Anet.iEia Cumly latbartio, tin fcenuiii, put up In metal 'lioxaK, very till, let hus C.C.C. utauipeit ou It. Utnan o( tiuitailoBi. tiili( l.onns sllii-iliiii Kmlm'iiMl Minify lo lit lai,l In Tlilrt.v Veili'N. A 1111:1 X, lieli.iauiill. in Ainslee'-l Minrazine, says: 'There are no had lands' In tl. wlmle tf Siitllherii Silierlii. and the lieh. arahle kind extends liilliilreds if Vel-sts farther llorth. We passed Ihrouult oil the fiver sleiinu is an I i ciiy l-Mitor "This siory of vonrs the titilroad In .lune nnd July, an 1 iil.oth the nnul don is U vcrbost." I'oiind the cliinaie ai that time alei- H; -pm'ter "Well, hand it liaik. and I'll .Lelle-i- tlelli'litfiil. The veuelai ion. th ' l' snue suai imo it." trees mid shriilis. w ere like lllii -e e-' I ' j WaiHi-d Sn ni-rrri From Molliacli, Vew Vli-l-iml The .reps we:, v -!l , U 14 ' ' V'i v ",r , th;1' , '' j I.I vor.k i.lncy ..ml Inteatliml UlM.r,l.-r t -rit mw t.n.i.imi. in (iij ,1 -r.-u-. in nmini i.Hirtiilitv In ihis eounitv I 1(,.v. Ai.rnr.fs Wis -run. Trvnn. X r. t" Irani aeili-.'. Ihe pie lenl.ed p;.-;.. . !u,iiiH' I'- -a -I ih'.-aJ-.i lais hrniitilit ' ,i!ui( i, aicilv Hint i-uivs. Knrhist stamp. in! I . i I i is now s,. 1 if 'in lu in' - 'ai. i uiriisiirii i v tlin univi-r.-ai l .. ill s sillee the Kllssi.lll I nil if llll- ', has adnpteil a -:-in uf i-. .:i . i I n M. . m. -fc- m . in M law's This T I We iilTor On Hunilrcd Dollara Rfiward for I any ens,, uf I'ntHrrli that ranuot tuo cured J ' Uall'a Catarrh t'uri. K. J. Ciikmy . Co., Tohito. O. VYc tile llllll(-slni(l. hivi kimA-n !' .1 'lin. ' in-y fur the last h ran, nnd liclli-ve III in jn-r- I - A 1 fi'iily liniiiinilili' In all luisliirs trimsarllniis U I i rV) anil lliiiiin ially alih- M carry out any obliua- ' fiTTT? T!S. linn iiui.lii hy tlo-ir firm. UUfcJOiS WtsTiV Tiu ax, Wl.i.U-alo nrugglU,Tglol... V HEADACIU- AND l.tllliiPl'K. Wauiino, K inn as JURvirt, Wholesale 000:GOy00000 imiukists. i nii'iio. tnnii. Hall's i ntarrh Cure Is tnken Internally, act- hlif dlruel v iinnn tho MoihI ami liiurotm mir. fin-i's nt tin system. Ti'sti'iiiinlaia nt free. Pi-ii-i, 'he. per hnttli. Sold bv all OniKiflstn. HiillV Kamlly I'llls are the best. ODDEST DELUSION YET BWugstoti cnu t'oa-t of a 'i')d manj things of which H is proud, says a Kingston lOnt.j illspiiieh In the Xaw York fuu. hut the Infest It can mnU le m IlttlC hit eecellllie. HI' all the enzy men with iinvr ilelusinns fhera a i I'tvi n - the '... 'ii; feel !' . ii! Ili-ll. 1 i e - 11. . t is pi-.-s a i and ii.s,.;. . . tire lai-u. . .. pnne!-. s .el I. .!, . and ii,.- !. f. i 'I if t rr. .-. v he tnvii s ;',,.;' t ',!-! I' A (ill. I 1. '! I.eeti 1'lil !'!. par. I l, t ..; I:cej. 11,1-1, III, Iin . - .-. 1 1 and v...,! i l! v as -. II I: '.... is'.i;. i . nnd a Sell-. .11- vara ty . 1 efl..'.'. a va; . a ;, kinds u try. Ii, ell. ! ! Ir : ll el ,levl! --. Ne'.V . l.e il I :- ' lilleii' 1. t !.:.- : nil ir ! . e. iii w.- e i::.l. i i, ;, ,1: 1 1 . 1 . s it, i,, U i' m s: i . i,!.- r.e.v .. a i h i,,: i;..--; !.. .! . r.!. ea.alv .a- l.iNi.. , . ' 1 I - i . ! .- li.a 11 a I, mi lip. -I ll. . . !'V !' I lie IM.it - -I I'.llLiil'. 'I e'l' - I th. f-M-ts iiis. a- immi:-' .. 1 i. Mi. II fill Hi 1 I..- dll'i Wei, , : . . a -i : ! ill- il! I ii" i a ;1 i! i- ;.. a ii... ... ' ' I'.'lci. Ihe s.i.l I,, II, ii. .... w I'll. :. will iin that. A i....iiii. ,.f . .: . -::. a in-wly set i . m ,n ,,, ,;;!. - iidy it nn.il i he i-....ts lci a -., ! i. ii call Le I'eilliiM ll . w l -el s sl-.uiilil I .in ..ii".l:v !..x arl in :" !:. as 1 1,.. i.,i w al an, -l.a,:,. , .... -II of In" tl'ee .'III. I pre, el. I -'111- .1.1.- S W. IPirliiman . 'i N v I'.l.lll'l li.ei.,-ie.-,,l. I. .mil I'.Milirx II, ,n. ll. t.t.i.H- hele -;. ,ied eiy -aiisfa. i. a , p t I.,!!'!. tell fe.l ,.,,!. Wit li.l . - 1 Well' V. tl feet iah ill li'ii'i and ha s, :., i. !,:., s;., 1, 1 s;,..M i a .!. - ,.h V .s IV, , i i. ' . -. w nl. Ii adit. I - tile liner -H' 'a illlli ll lik'tll I II In..-!.. V. ilii'l I ill I'ill' eel lilt. I'd. TI . I i - i i -.ii" mi' ! i! s tin . . - : whe;. i:,:av.l. 'f; fi 'I. : .. a sheep r.e-in. She.-p il'.''!-. lllcl'i -I , : s.ltl- fhi. ... ' iv far the a' 1..-.1 ia aie. till!.-: i - ' e'l mi ! sni -. li'!-e. fail! ''...' 1 1 e. .; of S. I f.!' UlVi!' - . I i ninrtiin.:'. afier uii:. i. i (, s tii, no al. Ih- : . .its his :.t. haif It.;.. is citi . n ii- . t. mou n i ' Jiinl !ii-;'.'. Pint n I " in all :i.' hush. I i :i h stalks tr. a c. Sllfl 1 a'.i 0. funds v. hi ami a t'...-;i' lll'l 'l v ,. -1 MV c.'. . ' fill in-' I :. th- ii '- . Siir.-ly ,:, Mimra. -. 1 1 'l -.-fl.' ' its !;". a: I 'no (,," 1 th.. !':' . !-. minu; 'le- trmw. T!e Tneili 'd i- .. fittisf -I'tnr).. iti!rric.in A!;i'i'tii"ti i.. li'..t.- Him ' In- ' ..iii' i T i a fMle nl' 'he n.,1-1 lia lilll tn.tury t-. i .- fi n,: . Jilld win!. ; i . t it '! ,. . ,i tn swani a: ''c ( .l..-ir.l .-in. I a; ' ly itHo -a-.e'l iml. lies. All nil l.eia .s'helter t, i, ! iii" n..-. wii,.'- i!:,-i , i rciiii. ,-. fi.f cleanim.. as mav ti . Illlilile lie- I..-U-I; when Ih. iv i. Ml ! f 1 j iKitluliis ,.f lite nests. l'i-". .': wiii. ii is seiilee. 1 : : 1 1 ' ' s iire a not s,,,i , ,. ; have -i,.,i; iniivnlile hiiards fnr ii of tiiiis.-ii.ee. ami I fir if tiie pie-e.:' ll-mr -!' lie- nests. I irinkiit:.' i-aiis ..: Kelvin ti r.ii'hii eiiix.. i .iiiiu.-s e v, ii! ! iriiii.'lis tie arraneed jnsi nmh r ; -in time lia-.e an epideini.- ,, rai.tet j wiinlnw; dust -iml rit huxes liki wi-n-.'ain whii Ii will ih. ii a, niinty In t In- A I, mis,, similarly em-.sirueteil w.. i fruit trees. A few ef i hi s, pr, ,! ; i i , ' a 1 1 in -i-ill ul inside iii r;tlii:emeiiis e,,.. Iire. ders eseapii' : in the w Is ii,j ;. il.e I n It fur SJ.'.. If litn-d W illi l:-i.- in .1 few- years s.,m ,, ,,.u ,i,,.-1 i in.i ! I.inlipm; paper it will nearly fr. of half wild ' i. iim-i's mi a i i !a : !-: - .' ami easily kept five ef v, -nii.il. that would take ;..;ir. t,,, us ;,, -ma Any kiud of a Unor cm li made, l-f ternef. It is t.i n,. hived mat ifn I piefer a raised i ni -thorn Ihmr. Mh :, i-r.-i.e will keep rti.h'.n iIhco:., pmpcr . . ( lay well packed, lin n wet th tiolis lllilil We know -iiil!ifhil!(- trie- .. ..... ..a ! .:- a'.pinval -. '! i an ! tin- eniiti- I .... I - , - lill't llil'.i- lint ii'! ' ' - Ive. ... SI. lie a.d a i I t. ad- a:.' War- .e-. , -. : , .- !. I'ei Ii. I' lie i ill. I ' .' ! V. il - a. lull it . M i- :-. -! .... i il.i ili.tl ....! i . . i . i c iv ..'-"I r. ads, litem i-l . .-. Id.-, l'.er- i. t - s ;,,, ,...,,! ;:, i'a. VI ", ,ii Ii I. 111!. I Iii- -el's. ii. a i .ai an,.."- : ; pin-li d ; s, v r.t -. -.. i ' Ii. 1 1,.- . I . in. at .' i.i .i-.,- miles i.f ' e a. ! i. 1 I ii I .1111- . at,; . Ta- r.-'-t. w til eie.d ii e: I 1' 1 . ; ..,le:ie.w 11. , I ': i - i' a-i.,wn. rial! i . '.' Hi-!... - . :. lu ll'liiw ay i.'id , . i., .1, ' ". ri.!,,mis..,,.ii, ; .. . . . . I , : a -o . . pet..e.l ill ...:s.,.,-;..... si-i'e ami ., ., s , :. ,.. ., w.-s sniNiUT.a. i : ...i. .!. . w Jet- . i - ,a a .-I.e.. d L i. I . .. -ni i .- I ... -:, Si. .ta- .- ; 1 i ' : . a . r : !i... s at ih . . . .- ' .a, - -, Ii ! I la- ill-'- , : - ii !,.. Ii at. I .... , : , i li e In ll .-, i t 'h.- llnli-. t'iual i - - a..- . !i . a. It Imid." ". '. . -. . el I "in. lii.l.l-. ' . . -s i'l t he illl- i.i. lit" :i i- s.,w. Hi.' . i 1 i i'ill I 11'' i ' il I i -' - I'i' I . . e . ! ,,, p.. i..; s,,ys ' i !'' '! '.,-. liv. ll if liiele a .. i . . e. a'e.'l ii. ie and ' 1 I ' - t.i,: , a-niia !. stij 'a a ih' i y I int. 'I!-, p.. ,. i -: ;i i w ,. - i . a .:,.! iii'i'i', m . i ... r i ... i e : . has 1.. i a a - '. .it ei. ' ia-i la an ad- . w i.i. a i. I. i i r. inn ,1 . i. m, ei, i.i i : v,.ie, s : i ),;:; w i,. i- a . ai , . .. . .1 a . -inept .- ii v .' .. '. I a. i. Sim iiv; f,,' Silieriil. She n.akes a . ill ,-' ,;i ' '.- amiiiat inn ..f all eiind.dai i s fur utai I li.ll. and thus,, v. iin hae lia- : .lllit' llilllilie.l! ini's l-eeeilC. ' .'il I iiair families, fr. e ir.iust.i.i'ii" i., . . I It;. Il -w ciiiiuil i . I .anils are all. 1 tn t hem w hi. I. ai . vmpi rem t i s fe!' tWelllV leill'sl a' Ihe l lld uf i: ' tillle ll-ey III.I V he leillid n' pap ha - '. itl a moil. I-..I. si; ,. 'flu y ii r- -il a ' ell'ilely fl.e lliaa I liie nidi ;:l! leil iii.lii.iry - lai.r !!' I' i' .m:i' s. V " I ' is lent tu emiai.inis v. iin all . a.p. lea. Is t .eiu.l ; . eei'lilitl ili.lellli: ulhel'W'i-e I I . . ' : l:e f III. I alh.WCil t . I e 1 1 '. ' a I'i 1 1 ' U h il .' . a i- li..i la-hl ,,,i !. n paid I'm' thiny e;i;-. : -.- ! ''.' I- V -I j , illllil'i'.l Pi.pleltl. til- nie lll.il I. i a l.v '.s'd j i.llll i.'ilt. Nil Wuttdel- llllll ..l..e ! i 'i'i.' s,i .1 j m-aiii ef llussia:, piTisann , ' ;. i r.y .. in-l ; !ilie,., i.i eioittfale. Wli de . "!,,,, - . :' - 1'i'pi' .. I i ;, - lime i'i.tiii.1 ill lli.ir new ia a I ..il ii whi.ii i- Li tier titan any I hit: . ',. .' Ill.M' rl ef lli. WII ill I he 1" -I he" .'..- j 1 rj . I was t-iiiisialili.v liiil'!'" : i la air i .f pi i isp.-i'it al.. ni' m , ! i rial, s.-i l.-tiieui t i,e in al h "i 1. the w . il i.ep: I. a: u a d. I m a' " . ! diitnly iehliiia s,,i, the ai .,-:: ' I s.pla!..'. I. .Her w hen . e pa -- I , t h i'i n i e ' a ih hifir of liiii'npi an sin. 1 . s a! !e In emnpitle the a i . -I .-I I .C-, ' . I ! lll'ii s.'elit.l.s. allll I e.l'.'. ' ' ' lie eel. ll'.si.J. '.h.'l Ihe llllssi,,!! p s. 1 at. i h 'i.-i's hii.'.-ilf iii many wa- i ..' i i iai-i a ' . a in iieria. ! -I!:. i ...j a .lay f.-.sil a- w -i.-ii ... -1 t:p i '..- . , , at ni-, i s i inn u , Lid lint ' llleel ele .,' l;.,.-e s I e; 1 1 let's . snaa .i'! s ' InW .'.a 1 ill- s ill jut. I ! I Ml . pie"! I'.'il I i lilili't ts. I I .'.V seemed In I'll I" liie si i;-.',i, s .. ,,pie ill tlie w II Id i .. -.-Lie ef ell.;.. I .11',' t lie si I il ill lie 1 t ' ' i hardships w ' a ii i.tli ml l!i- art . (.ill ef ;l ll. f- III 11 si f:l :.'' ' . , A i;; tlie la .l-cl.'.ss pa ;;, : , i l-.'if i.W'tl s. aa.e',' W.'t'e i ill . I "! ! -'. i;.:ii:li"s .h..i had mm!.- i. -I I f.'i-Miiies in il,,- new- (iiimuy and v . ' L, ;e ,.,, ; ,,, I . , j ,. ! ,,, ,-s . III. il l.i-s'ii v. iili their cap.!..' ' '.0D3 CF WIS00V. I s eer lllle thill 1.1 W i.u ,1 'S I ,-.-! I:ii!'.: fni' i iheis ilees i. ..'fa .. : r I himself. -Ih, III. I 1 1 n't ! i j..nr la-ari -i i v.- . ..Id a: , .al in:.; .ally eli.. fl'.ili!. ss and h j w ith ;. .e.l ii, In ihe te -lis i,f j,,i:r - -'in,! , e i ', i ' i ": ' y . ii y,.i! .-an h;si ', i,. i u;i, r W, i .Ml I!.. Inn -. j ll i- p, .--,'!, si i in i ipl.. :' '. i iiiiiehiiii-ry ei IA him i'iiiI ihe v cry he- I ii-elf is , t'll-i.. d illaelU ihe n it, . '-. i !.i;i w lap ci:: -elvc- iii cemfei'l .' . , i il u in- i. i'i hi ii is -.ii.thi-r- -I in '. i. .- ! fehl- -V. I!. Iliiii'in. ! Til ie t-llies hell'.,', le'il as We p.,- . I Liie lll'ler elle. the .lilt, ,1s e.ll.'d ll'li'. hilt he uucs I.I'llM'ly ell W'h., 1., ill's w ii .. hill! ihe pelilMi'c i.i lis l-idell. Jl II. I il.e letltallei- uf the i ; H 'I'll i 1 U. i.ll'l I he I a . ish h.'.'iri ef Anii'h. I' ti'amiu !'. T a-.. ,,f i ri:i-l. Lent- in Hluiest I'vry P!sn'- i nro for ( oiis.imptl.in Is aninrai 1. g mM U) .v.-.tpar.. with thai uf (in in (,,,,,. Ml iiii-ilii-iiu for couulis and mhls. - N ...,., , , , , , , I sawuki, Hicau (iruvc. N. J.. Keb. II, i Oivldillil w ho Is coiilliic,' in lie lltstine asylum lu this city, lie thinks In la hoy wii( hu.s ii;j shales cuts tin ltil-n I.iiiimii .rf-Hbl W ! ' . !- 1 it. 1 . i Iin I lint I. Cnl lillH AMI l in I-- i.a ; ke. than iit.ylti.lt kmii ll. 1 Iii y. i'ii' a man It: never i. a, a. too old ;j l'l'lAM l'lllll.l l'IK .rOilU0l-s till.' f.'1-l--i Hint I a: -I'.ii'.-t e.li.rs ol any known iii a sl .i:. S Id l y iill iln'.i.'s'ints. linn. allayn pain. euros lint ciillo, '.'-. Iml l Qiickly Cvires Colds Neglected colds always lead iiiiea hie. -iiiK with a hot to something serious. They .. . . run into chronic bronchitis i .'.ai t .'rii.k t. .. int. 'ii water hoii ev- ( which pulls down your peneral rlti.tr. A.l.i as I'epsn, nut I rntll is an , , , , . b I '!,! -if -linn,.. ' healtli ; or they end in genuine i ''ail in' " i ih, ceiiiiuum! of ihe consumption with all its uncer tain results. Tl, Hilda pun.li. lilit. I'.". llll" I'ill t'l'l'kl I'i pIKIII "Of hi I la .nal I'i ",. r i- a linitie of lin ivn'n I'vsrri.nm i in :. '! esi.'. It h .-I'liplK irnii and ipiliiiiin ii. ti in '.ei.'. fern-. Nn .-ii!...ito pay. l'tieo-jS., .- ! A v'f.l.iim, nun n . ! ii.o ru n tliould have r.o Ay i taei us. n I i a--i-in --Kiel i fit.. i-i' 'i -e it ! l,e . l V i.-ii. dant'il ,.1-i 1 1 : ; 1 ' i i I ' i -i I.i . , ! s no Di i'viiity Iti Christ Cu-.r.ii;;' is No cm v.h. ;i tl., th. le. a e, ,1 ,1. c;1( ,,:,,r ,! it . i i al t,-l 's ii n Sli't I .nil. cure fur ilis. iiiniine- sa'ls. s .i si,.,,!.,), r-, a- ,; I in, : ..: .'.n r. ........ .. 1 nan. . ia. 'ie turkey tti.s fin :' Thiink yiy i uu Ii iy. Uon't wait, hut take 'er's Cherry Pectoral just as soon as you begin to cough. A few doses will cure you then. Hut it cures old colds, too, only it takes a little more time. We refer to such diseases as bronchitis, asthma, whooping-cough, consumption, and hard winter coughs. n 4 ni c n ( ..I.I lu on.. Fa v I Ciirni' fit. M. 1,'iimm' Iaii'.. a-,-.-!-: - ie!t;;..i ;hi a.. !..- if it f . . .. V.. i .,; vi -i.-iatiar.. , i. e.i.-li I. i. F, eh ll'c: '.- a. I t .. !.s ; i-tl Ilia lie Iln.l.ey. Smi'" ,a:.s' :: . i ii.it frnm t he uu,! i:a,e hiiny:.:. The in, ,n v. h ft '-a- of ;ti i ia en the -.round -' ii'-'ii: souii line .-iclhir. li.ethliik',iiifttiatliKUnis,ro.liit'.lii,lamiiia. TOBi'tied hk. ini'l for -' years l.e lias lipcn lu.iliii.ir for a piece uf toast I lii(f euous'i to si l down on. Wlnei vis I ltors eonio nnd meet him he always tpproRehPa tin III Willi I'll n-l'ies! for t imuiieiit's ennversii-liiii In private, j As he is p. .ficctly liarnih ss. Ueep- ers iin imt put any rosirieiioiw upon him. If yo'.i ct-ani hi reipicst he whls nrs In your cii. : "Have ynii cut a ph ce uf tuasl nhout you ';" -No." ymi -ay. "Whal Is the malier. .villi you? An y.m turnery "Ilunijry!" r.hiciilatis the liuiti. ''Why tdieiil.l I he hunui'V V 1 1,'et pli ipy In en.. I'm tired. I'm a pn.-ii-h-pd osu. and I'm louhlii',' fur a piece of t(i.it lo sit on " N.ititr.iily this i-.-.piest h ids to llli!;;htr. n ml the pn:ie."il c-i fi lireS In hhxh ilniiirnn, 1. 1, t l-e cniiii s hack regularly at ihe ir'tival of tin next t'at--!i if visiters in ne if la can't have letter Inch. All -.-ris ,,f litmus wl.h h Innh life P 1. iv-' I-" -ti sup ilied In ihe man. Imt I " wauls tin. real llii!!'. and as elia!:'.- ai.-l eoil.-lu'S are lint in I'll- nut ef ...i-'. d l.n ad, le. Is ot.liijed in irn en mai.';;.' h'a per pellinl plea in isit, la all e'lnr rrspei-ls the man - . a.- ti rioal. ami If this , -a-.y 1,1. -a ,,,-,,1,1 ,:,.t ,.t Of his le-iol la- 11, iii!,, ul.lilill his (lis. charge. A he per-:. is ia l,is da-. Iiisiuti In- will pi-ih. i.ly -p .he resT of hi.- d.... - in i h" a-, Inm. I ock H3,- rt He- Woi.f. .May I 'nt 1 ;- . . ryiie.1 s 1iili-.lt. nliui'.t the nay .'nit hi .he a llu-'iiii Uiss you an tlie lii.i.s y !..'..!'. Itelh. llMiiird Well. 1 '.It.'t l.,-!l it, 1 W ils j...: tee. iii; ,,:f -. hell ha iislied ' un If he i -nil! 1 h;r. t i..s. I i-s. J I yelled. "Cue:" ami he l.-. ihi.u.- j ruiliidelpliia I'-.-ess. ' Wiiru "Tlicre is or," .:. i f men 1 that whi-hy tievr in.'ii' - Ware- - I "All.l llf'.t is?" V, i- "Hi ' 11.. a Wl.O havfi it alone." Tliieesurs: s$c. .we , 5i.ee. All drug gists. J. C. AvtR l u, l.ruell, Ma.i. r- j ii4e0 .nS-i- "' f :i.!'vi?&l A It; tial.le A liiitinti, . A :-.' 1 i..:,,aa is nn uii . Hunt fn'tei In I'veyli , . i , : ..(.i i-w.-r-n th.iii ie itn n' i. !' a'' i".i e - -v a: I lain tie l .-t, th.v wid '. ia . ii :h-, -it::.s ,,f t,. i'i-."; e.t'-.l. .-.tin.. ,f -iit,ri-i. ..,i .-i::.-. !. .lay- i.-i. .-!.-. et '.. nr.. i-errc-liy -:il iaii t'a i in. I : .: i-..-i. I ni. Oar X i-ri -if.' hit-I,... -n, an I ...nay laieas nsr-'i' uk-wis.-, tleit I. nn -n's W.-aUe-r Aiin.'.iiH.' I- ll.e H...-I n -.-ara'- i.a.l r. . ,' ;,. ...... ..; ,,-i;.. . ' , , .--,!!. t f -1 i -: - ia ,'..s . iaaiaa have I -. i i, '.:. - .... '.- w-.. i. -ira.li eei-re-tni h i-, t...i.i - -i rt. -. - , ! v i.e - -lit I m: !..-i el ai.u'i. - ' tl w at::. - r i. na- lau h ll :.:i. ,i -i-n . i..;...r . n.i'.i-tr.ii a. a w ' a .. - !'. a ti i'. as I i.e. t., ;,,:,,. II-, iv !... li t-,,, ii t 1 ; !li, ir pr..f. n I.t ii ...li.fv na! !'!. i- i.l-i.t I :- ,l.-i -ni tee t a ':.-'.- i I, - i ! a :..-!,- ii!'ii,s p. r- I- i ' i r r.'ii I- : - in i--. : i ; y lie.-nt ,e,y I'm.' s ,-r ' a r-'.-u.s' t ie ir..w.i Mc- a .(.-'.uri- u' l ' . '.' .--.-v . f. l.a. I It. e. wi . p-.a.-r it", aiii ai i. i. .-.i.i,:. u f ;.', !., an eet -.a ;..-i...i, p.- m,.,, i .,: r, l.-ir-. i I - 'a:, i . r-, f r pi caN, frma 111' nia..- e a Tlia r.-ii. w .i-tti ,.f ..'. 1. It.lllliltK l.('ll I" I f$a. ",o s,,., c,,iiii,.i , ...I Willi iittn-1- nialus is I.IK) In ..Von. OurSll.ill I ili-i I In, rillillMt In- '.a..l ie I ,'.t i t.a, I'.vcrv cotton 1 .kinte-r shotili , j 0!iO ill-iit'il n.-i-.n-rs. wriio iort)iirv;iiti:it i iiitisirau'U , -syF1" ani'iiit t, "siiiiuii s-uuurc. i It is sent frer. t.i KMAN K i t V..'l:k- i Si., N. V. - AN'I- Life is .'epieiiil I hy sll. 1'tli. e. j. . life Ihiit is le.; ,.. I util;, life li.el ' .. Sill, ,. The .1- ad - 'If !- the Lilly ! life liriiii'!'. only ii.' a. an win Hi',: ! siiih - limisi If in i.i- ca'i -e .- letii 'lii- j hi-ied as iis ap... ; I. I' .i... i- 1 1. I', a ,..,y. Winn we are .'ill il.il-. a- We sin, id "That 1 in nil :' lul. s.cady in ni' liiallii! "ss : : j Kl has a. .. .; ate I Weill. llll, It. 'SS III e.l! Mil. ii llii,s. is in .,,. Ill i.w, ; I leil, iii iis ineastt:,.. nn i 1 1 - life ami I aaialiei-. '! i -i. j I .-1 i 1 1 , ,.f cer.v z I lieill ei'iuiii- ni'-. i ; i va- as . ;, r i I j v.: tiiuimli our i;. may I"- ! re-; j,,u , ., n,.;. ,. . l,ll ll.il.el'l I'nll.M ,. S ill.e !'il!-,-n f,.' h i I 1 Wullld s:iv In eii wmi.;; air). I'i.'U " Siy. he's . apa' :. I il !;-r Churitj s Clo.1T haj. v.li, 1 tn V"t!. fm a j, sai I 'i.i-s :...:n in I l.eiil ll lu ta..', I an;, i '.::, . - in lie day - in j ealt ii.;.' I 'uliivate a ( i-i :..i ... , and fur. Iheii-h.. i i,, t':,. (iai .. . ;;.; T' nun: iijis ' ' - - '',,. This ; -'-li4--i.Vf-ilJ !...-. ri-.orniin . - ., - Stjjisi-,. 'I hf.'.".':, po'Kids'o; pT ' a-i'i.;.-., -ri -in.,., i.-riii.s 1. 1' i-iit !,'ri:v ipt-i-. a,, a -er I .': a 1 1. a ::- -tV.-s a fe .l -.'. si, in ef the ail., a i "ill i v. . i Ii ell ,e ll , fi 'l l W .ll 11. , I.. !::' add. Hulls. ,i,l ul' ' .i.;-l -i- '1 ! . i nmpiele iy y.-ar. and it i SI. u "i fi-ein -u .' - . ! Tmiy day ' it;-'!: may , pa- ,.;' ih,. j i-r I'. Jlfleil er d a I ... 1 1 ; e. aiiil learn i v. iti h le:ii'l!'.!iL- Is ! I.:. 1 ' l ef X iailillli j i i a i . us, .mi J ,i:ti..iiii uf iiiii-it1- . I lame, a wniiian sli,,n'.,l 1. al,.. t,i j t' ,.i:i-y nit th" m 1 1 a ..ini'i! ..fa Ii-.i. j :, ! l.i. Id ami sl.uiihl y.-; lia-.'e lime ml' al ; j ; rod l.ieialiire ul -' il.e s.,ri. .lul;.), ; Wald linwe. ! ., ' i' - '.i' i : iii i :: ' s-v-ii ;in'ai,.u . . -.ec.le.1 t . ii. t ti I 't f. --i-.inlv .V.irs.in . -S-- i- .-, - urn . s, rap le, A -'mill duur wiih I i ! - - j al'liiniii'tllel,! is . Ml liclli.llh Wlliitue. '.r '"- .'ni- f.iw is t.i L-n in nnd ..nt. Tin Inn... I li t 11" ,,,,,i- is i ii n l.y si feet: an. .lia r iln.-r r 'IV.- 1 .f li'.e .1,..',.S s..lt. he .-1. ;.' I. d-.-'.eas. s.e ni' l..ls,. prnpef t" nl!" . . i i-.niee In s, llll, h "IL" -lad. Ill-- ., i- ' Weaii.e!' il (llllli.s ,-all Le l.lil.U ,ll-..-' i'l ulef tlie Wile iTi'll'. .Vests l fe ;,f. ' '' ' l a listed ii! li e iiiiei vcnin spac-s. ''-)- i ilii.-i ii inches aimve iluor. aruimd :!n ' ' "' iiuiit ami t wn ends. .''' The l-.i'i-l- ill'. Ihe full ll IIL'lh Ih" 11 ii-ar and i . !i.l six feet If'. Ill I : i- '' -- wall Inward la.- from. Ties,. .;.., ,il. ; l.e three f.ei le- ami Imilt a- ia , .. l-'iz. 'l itis allows aiiiph- rn.iiii 'u .,; i h-itu illi'h "ia a Ui aiul In li''l mil ii." n !ai iruuuhs. Ti'. -unsiiii. pup s ai i a s ia ' level iltl'i e.'icll elld lilted sleli. ll 1... I -l.il.' II. In. . -. 'ami. I . i. Hi,. 1.1 S. . fully !i;.. I' ll.' I. I . I, 1 of the li.ul side of l!a- i il .'!'-. .' I lu-esetit we I. now- i.n'y cd tie- (.-, ., -i a, . and Ii hardly -. ti.s p i-s, ,;. ti,a- i ', uo ii'W'ii-e shh. to ilie plctsre. A- ilIiIv. will alter dryiiii.' iihik. a ta... hill can he sivcpl. Sand sl,,.c.,. I irn.. ii i.n-r it after il-nnia-. an I : a e Jii'.i r is pill ill liie llells." .!. '.lilicr, iii Aue'iieaii Ayrii iiltui'.cL i fi.- i' - ..'.j. , t the P-llef. ; ;': i . ;,"'.:y. of the 1 ' a . an e'dy he under . , -' -l.il I .y IX - I slelli ' . V.li ."il e lid I ie- il.l I "d'-IC- v,.- n,.:l,.. hy which .., i. i ay ! pi uhialily ..:'.' : ph-h. d. ' 1 at., a. leads i annul ho ha "' , . a;.' ,s uf 1 1,.. . '..nil try V. ' is-' 'in! t.i , fetlmla. " ' i.a'..! i "itip-.ra ry way and i . ; . ' s i - ,i - ,,f l he W ill', ilifi I 1 .-..tl i :-:-y i!llp-L.'i l.y n-..p-' . .!!. .".'I I hruiiu ii dra iiiie.'i . : - '. i- "ii'iuut '.e eni.le.l down. .. a line , ........ valley. i,U,-, j. the i I -I, .. i ; i Ii:it.-.e, ,,l of ii i ual ; . . - ail I'u'i'e nn, laid ..'il .. I... . ' ,1 iiiiliii.'.eli i:!i. s. A I . I-; 1 1 -. '.' '' :. I i.is . am in ni.-. r U:e li.-a-. y i 'ld ai ..ne laid p'n.e r hill ,,n le's r a.. t!...v;li ti: I .i III.-.' ef his 1,-n ia "s may l-o c a . i t a: i-. ely siiiuuth, al- I . W'hii'h ie team eunhl ea eiy li.a ". I W ie , ; I lev ti s t. .,;1, ,t is 1 .. I I s. .l , I .iil fni, . I III fe. Ilc.illli V uliii- .,1 V , t;, lal.l. . . lllei lit' 11... hit. I 'I I el.-l". s -..id i.y s,,,i,. physician-. .. I a stir.- ,nte ..r liuth rlieiinini isi.i ami iieiiiaUi.l. I ice us,. ,.f tlifs i , t a I . is always I ee. ill! 1 1 lilll !' ' I In I ll'"!ll!al ie pillicllls. IhlUed pill. line- 11!.' (li"C--lii llllll-, a-.ly ihati liuiled n.iii! , and slmidd liiercl'le lie plefell', d l, ll sjnpt i s. Iii eases of an. i. nn i. i aimnecs and siiiuai'li an- d'-. im 1 1 I. -lie;'- ial. Spill e h is as,, ah,., -t as laliiatila a; Inhai wa'cf 111 lis ,a.i! ell ihe Kidneys. He, t s an.; lanups peep ihe Lleud pine nil ! .inpii.v the app.'tile. Tiiiiniii i s are thuitiihi in Imliiin to I ..' .1 irelillUe uf (helel.'t. l.iUc I'll- iiics ami w .Men roses, tli--v stimulate I la- In ,.h l.y in i .nil uf the liiri', .ln-1 tiller iin- I.a i tie ul l'..ft lie to 1 Seli, ;cti.i.il lirain is -iiid to h.oe teleUl'.lpIn d In WllshillVinn ll.lll ill would ii"l peril, il Ih" army In iituve till 1'i.r.y ,i. ai Inads ,.f ..niuns ilmt had Li en i ii'in, s,., in him should ar rive. I.tl.nlls llle es-'U!al a. t'ite iiriiiy nn ss. tn m.iiu' pork ul' hef pahiial'le. Hill th. y are also an adiiiiral'l cure f,.r sin ples-n.-ss and indices; u .-very- j w llefi'. !, I liarlic h i s .mil olives , miniate t tie i-irculiii inn .,f in,, .u(,d. 'I'nii lltll. li ll, ill ami I'.., f"W cL'elll- Vies make i.p ilm aveia-e diet. Ilealt U ilcpemls en ei .i 1 1 i ii m mis variety. ".Ill-I lis .s,,.,- !, - i I.M-eielle-- ti I w ilile lie." s.i.i I in" I-. ' ii" I. I'tlihi'.:. Iphi.i IP" i... a l I.". I v. ii.. H "'".. - . iii has sir.isiied ail i i-lir to led M i iiny imk Phl- - ...I. il' l.lind."- is ,'ul.:l.y st, '. a, ,etv of !,i "4pie . I. ail'l' .1 h u," ele ,.ti uml dvirr. Iliir-st Hon, I, ike llalluive'eti and lloyrmanay and riiln-r old world festivals, ih" harvest home, whh h used to clown with joy and L'liidiii ss ihe completion of the in-is'.-ii herins of liie fruits uf the earth in Scotland, hids fair t, ln-coim 4 ll.iiu- of tin- past. Fhntnarapliy Thnf run. Hii'i.'l phntiikl aphs of lhin.: wih (uamiiiais aini liirds are so rare as to coiiiiiiHiiil ! 1 u Ii prices in tin market, ninl the iiia',-.-izincs. as well as the newspapers w hieli print half :,iiu- -up. phiiioiils, ate usually ,l.ul to huy llteiu. in i. ai.- ? t .-a :. i 1 h- a !i an as .'. .a i..t:-: haw had I i . aliil' le i.f ni. -I I. - s,i:. ".liPiesS let .'!'', Ail. !' 1 he il . 'I -1 had s...,. :.,:i,.y :::. !', s, ue ,.e.a,l,., i.e I'p a .-,.! ..;,. I ef : 'I'll si;, 1, III -.'lit he iii la . d uf .I..W :i llle!. , i.i' if. i I..'.. I iil's lellnu we'll '' ,l..., I In " 1 .., I,. ,- w ha'el.-i- iihi li-id at, ill li.e place Ihal he l!...al:t .. 'd P.- liv'i'l.l In the s.f -Ici"i a: ! .- : it till Itii,.. "Wi-: a a ,. . ak I Weill In look fur lay s'Mu i.'.yeie, U was a,.;ie. 'i"d In e :.;.iain ! that he tlemal.t . :. p. .or lelhcv in i ialvesi,.,! uah; ia e i il in uiliiii t" and front ' i. ' I had a lilt - clia'vcr l.oal si, i, d i,i ti!,- lain. Tli.", I Wel l tj tile - 1 1 . !'. s. in . ul d.m: to his s:a!e;iie.- f..,- , n il they i --i.e; iall.i fe. ih d (he '' ill. I" 111 ei-- ef an ei.i.-r.ela y was !. i,i:s. "My sin. 1 .,. ,1,1,. u..,. !,,.!, celle. Ti. ill t la' s fi h, : , at y liethi haw 111 dcpi'tid hi- FNGINESiuw. iMm Tank, Mui-Ls, Maud I i'j-.es uml Mu'i'l-lf.iii .wiiK; Miiifliiiif. K tt 1 -leys, (.eai iiiir, liov,,'-, ilaiii.'.'i-s, etc. I-! list '.tr iliij; ..oil. I so liiimls. LOMBARD IRON WOKK'S AND SU'l'LY COMPANY, bn,Jt- Auiiusto, - - Georgia. OECOND HAND TYPEWRITERS 0 FOrl SALE AT LOWcST PRICES: A l-,..t Ii'mvi, t-ii'liat.tft t'i.-"01lr" mI.i h mar. f.11 inif t' v.-. I.. Cc.ir'i rAST CCLc.s . A- 5tcr!..--.s:ci..il .,".ie i!n. Ii.r :.-l ",;'ie i-.,t,l r .', mi i leu s p. in . 11 t-a-,1 s. il more V-: ami ; . littler t-..t lie-l Ii'"; r- i nr. 1:1 -. . 1:1 ' 'i'-ii : M '!. I'iilu' 10. .. 1 1 . r .mi" ..Ml , m-np , ti-rtn- mi tin. r.l.lVI :i:.- . .i ,i-jir.--i'iiii'.i' o 111 v.i.i r - leal leu - .in -il- nn- 111:11 hiias. j. I;. CATO, llen'l Agi'iit. t Mil ltSO. . . Vi. J.. Uoujlt.. ! EhST HUE. no v " . ". i.i ,ii i(,i., llul. "s.-.-eT? s, CATAIOd Dr. Bull's Cough" ffl FREE ! "f ;:;;;,r.r;;' i;-;',-!: Syrup $?5lll!S8 OOQDS. Use CEinAiHii'K- CORE,;; GOODS COgPABV, To Do Aa W i'll Labor strikes. Thomas M. ('. st lln. ,i tuernbi-r of th" New York i''iicrai as-emhly. Inn pr par. d i'lid w ill introiliice a hill which la- hi. pis will do away with lihar sii iki - sl.u-.l I it pass. 'I lie hill is mm! .-ih.l on tiie Ni w ..-iluiil le'. ltiiifl. . it pr. villi, lor a pcrniiimiit comt o:' at h'.iraiii u .iiisisi.ii, n uf three uien-.-I nr.; ami awards a.e t" he eoaipulso.'y. I in. nieiiil. r is lo lie i hosen hy til' la nd then l!,"V had tu nni. t hur ota,at i.ations nnd one hy tin fin - j, ,.,,. riv nni.! things w.te si!'i -I plovers, the wo lo select a t lnrd. r.i.s My h.ii.ii'i.' eiuthis had ! in 1 1 .! !im'.hol has wothcil with marked s ic ti:y tisitliu- i.-i, ;,ie and ..en my tn Id n'-sitiNew Zeiihiinl. no ' I ike inn ill!! plis-.s. You i iti iiess iac lir.-t t taken plac" lliere in ti.e years. wh,-h.r I I'lii.ii. IC !!. Imwi or m.t. I . . - - to, 1. a .iii-, :' I liiM.ec of ,, .i I ha.) h-'l. es ,,:",- I hi . i ..if the prearsis a id luld liiMi lint! i,' 1:" I'lrf iniiulid tin an I'd have Inm ::rr. -I.-.I I ce -cell In n on tin- hi, y. h- s i,,-,., i,. v , n n. . he's le!;:!" '.I- ".nil n-.lt. VYitll In didn't -end . :' mu.. to tin sulli .ers ..-as wuith si. i or .Ti"'. I'd rnliicr h-e it than i" l nt -in-', a-,. Imt ! say that he is s!.:-,,.v.." - ie;toit l-'i-. Tn -s. i " fsmi Izj a sj r saBtJWSeMaMMLiJ. Oiil L.u lis! I.I., M , I Ol IS. ,'IO. R. VJ. W. PUCH, Mill l.t. " I'l. I J Vl.ls'l' nn 1 I. runic on .- Linili-. lr ss I. tin ul pr, mi-iii i-.l V-I l.i:. -M . DROPSY )7i?Vfx , II.. - I ll-i : it. ti ... .' ''. Ill, itl' s I . ' il I ,-. .-. I; H H. tl! tLii ii s-iir. 1 i H .'. 1 . - n ' , U. ATTI.VI'ION i. it.- l iil.- l if in iniei'ioo UiiH'ii-r win-ii " : .eh. a ii-.- -. so. 5 2 FOR GOUT, TORPID LIVER AKD UO.iSTiPATIGN. No medicine In Ihe world can relieve yo-j like the Njtnral Mintral Laxative Water. Frovidcd by oature lierseil and d coverrd more th-tn 30 years ago anj cow used by c-.fry aatioa in the world. nnadi Mm Ds t.ir nvrr r.i-.e thnusand ol the mcst ..til iU1 ....i.-t..n.. Ibih wlioai -e hive lislinor.ij'j. as ll:: nlcA ar.d best Natufil L.ixdtivc Vater known i medical Minnie. best Natufil L Its Action ia Speedy, Sure anJCk'ntl.'. It r.e cr gripes Every Drtigptt aod General 7 hcbs.'.lc Giocer S 'Is II. M fort be full name, I D!r I--.!,cl v.itli Ajrt "UunyadiJiino".' DLUL Ih'd iei.tr. rami, Sole Importer, Firm t-l Andrsat Paxlchn.-r, ! JO reitnn 5t , N. '. Notes and CommentiS. A!'raid-o;'-l' i'.ni. a ('r.e.v Civk hravp if 71. ha-i j'l-st I. i-n "...nt- I a divorce ;i: Charaherl iin. .-v It. inm his spouse, known as Mrs hmi-N .il-l'ac.-Afrai !-(-rioiiil. kki1 01. lie licfi.tidalit fil l ed in ainwar in conn a-ai n.-.-ree wpiii rt b'.' def itilt, I I.iitif : ft" hni-ii.i; shown th ,t ! fj Iiis wife, whom lie nairrieil two y. am nKo, refused to live wi h him a Finch i div. The say old leave intends lo i fWMZ9$&C1&GCZ SUtZiO Z l . make another his fonr- ..-titiire ou the nictrimoni il s a. Tin I'r pvi.'ditioit (ommitien wi 1 this winter s.-iHl an exf.e.litin;i to ex cavate and evpl.ire "I'r of the f'hal di'.s." Ahraham's rail lioaio, provhlnl safliriiit . uhsrrlritions are received. Modern moiluwls of excavation, with the use of wire cahlea for the removal rf the dirt, will !' enudoyod and it is exneeted that the entire temple of the ; moon gd will be booh laid bar. 5 Factorv lo.ii'.i-il T. Our I f0 PKt S ami Miotiriin shells, S $ iliutratd cata-f fACTORf LOADED SHOTGUN SIEUS J .. v KV K I VAI.," logue X ttuwinmng cumbinatu n ia the fctiJ or It ' L I . A I ' 1. K ." afal 8 il.etrap. All Jeiltn sell them. 5 ' KI' I'KA'I I i K." J i ! WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS Ce. 2 a m - S " "" ft ,SoWlNtH.T A.M., NCWIIA.HN, (.MSS. 0 lllt'lf ... .. 1 . I .". . 1 9mfmfff9

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