t:,' M 'liWrrnf i8V ftm nryH-mii-nr-T rhfir i fir' - ljatl)ftm Reccrb. Gnuttltttttt SUcwrfL HATES II. A.. LONDON, EDITOR AND PPiOPlUETOR. ! ADVERTISING I One square, one insertion $1.01 One square, two insertions One square, one month Stt i For larger advertisements liberal oos ' tracts will be made. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAH Strictly In Advance. VOL. XX11I. PITTSIJOUO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, A AMJAHY 17. l'JOl. NO. 22. IN THE CHINA SEA I it ok A NARRATIVE nySF.WAIlD (CiTTitlflITT H'.'9 DV . s cHAPTKii xm. ' IcoNTiscr.t). I "Oolol:, tlio .Titulars ai d doin g f.o.l vork. T!i ey are wonderful in their skill. They are making for yo:i many Buns. Hut what will ui shout in them? Water? Saul? lfalYoitdt.l not think of that. You tMtin.it Imy a handful of powder in Titliuootili. J'.nt this is powder. And when too pruns if Poko-Kains nre rcadv, tlio powdot of 13aJo-Ror will ha ready for them. I liavo not told my wife women talk. This must remain n secret. Oolck, be tween you aiiilriie." I was almost dumb with surprise nt the forethought as well as tho skill of this man of sorrow. Tho genius of Kalek had risen to meet the penius of tho Juinars in u united light for free dom. Were such men born to bo slaves? I told Mr. Avery of thi powder, and once more his hopes wore raised a lit tle higher. 'We had n passageway cut from tho river bed t tho cellar of Bado-ltor's house. Tho powder, as fast as it was made, was carried into the caverns and stored where it would be sate and dry. Mr. Avery became an agitator of the most pronounced type, ile visite 1 all parts of t'.iu island not inclose I within the walls of Cmiental. and prea-lie 1 revolution to the people. The seed was sown in fertile oil. Tho result were such as we euiild w i d:. By the time wo hal bem on the island three months, I had estab lished i secret league, cvtea le i from lay cava under tho Saore I l'orosl to the very walls of ()niental. A y.tt:u of eo.nmunie.itiou was poi;eele.l, tvhoreby I could at any time, from any portion of the island send a i:es-na-.'o to any other portion and receive an answer iu au incredibly short space of time. lly this mean I kept myself in formed at all times of all that was transpiring at Talmooe'.i. If a tut gatherer left the portals of (inicntirl with a force of soldiers at his back, I knew it as soon as ho got avv.iy from the shadow of tho wall. If lien-Ko-Hi went out into tho forest roads to ride, accompanied by his attendants. I kuew it, and sometimes watched his course from a securely hidden nook in a tree-top. . "We frequently thought that we were discovered, und hastily prepared to meet our fate. But tho protection of Cod was ours, and wo were not found out. One puard, indeed, suspicious aud inquisitive, followed me iuto Mr. Avery's house and stealthily watched inn go into the underground passage. Had iie been satisfied with that he might have brought tho governor or liis representative to investigate, mi 1 would, no doubt, have reaped a rich toward. Ilut his eagerness led him too far, and I heard footsteps behind me in tho cavern. I turned and be held the grinniug face of the soldier. There was no time or room for senti meat. The fellow held in his hands the lives of Miss Arnold, Mr. Aveiy and myself, t rushed to him and seized him. Ho was armed, but no taken by surprise ut my temerity that lie wa fatally slow to act. I put my lingers around his throat and choked him to death. Then 1 threw his bo ly iuto a deep well, that was apparently bottomless. Of this occurrence I said nothing to Miss Arnold or Mr. Avery. But 1 was mot watchful :'nau ever of my foes. Under tho supervision ' of Toko Bums, the bed of the lnver became a great urumry. Tho men worked in dustriouslv and skillfully. Iron was ftealthily brought from the mines out hido of Oulneor and taken through Mr. Avery's house into tiie caves. '. Ureal care was constantly neces eary. One error now one false move, nud our hopes and the freedom of Talmooch would be dashed to the ground forever. Tho people knew thia as well as I did. They appre ciated the dangers as well as tho im portance of the enterprise. They were cautions, brave and obedient. 1 had no fault to Hud with any of them. Xow and then, when lleu-Ko-Hi ot his Soldiers would perpetrate some new outrage, the people would jrrow iiupatii ut, and cry out to me to hasten the end. Hut t was loath to declare war until I held tho winning baud iu the great game. 1 restrained them iu their tierce desire for immediate veu peanve, and while they waited, their determination became strengthened :nl their convictions deeper, until I bad under my control an army of men with hut one mind, one will, one pur pose. Tine sped rapidly, even to us who so longed for freedom. Tin great work . e had on ban 1 so occupied uur minds that we had no time to mourn. It wa ciioa -h to know that our plans erc pro.rossiu ;. Tho ritlo I had taken fioio. Oha-Foug it.. one by one, or in ilo.:en suuiiar guns wer turned out fro .1 ',:. workshops and sr: a i de to wait fjr tiie coming wr.r. I c .ipV.e-l my or .auixaiioa. In u-'or, i nil, under t:io com fua;: t of Uas u-'aaU und Os.i-Bark, four i. 'U-an I a'.i'e-'i'o In I and drillo I men T.i.s lor. e '.va div i b d into regi menti au I on 1 1 i cs. Sui'ablo of ticct; . .-re c'.i . i ,i, an i the discii-iiuc in .': o.,,,,,i ,-..'i. uuder lialo-llor Ultic Km iui laousaad niou, tl OF ADVENTURE. TV.'UOrKlNS. Rn1t:RT netXrit'H S.lXll.) inal bravery, but not so well drillel is tho forces of (laluenr. Under the cellars of some of the houses, po'.wlet nud nriiis and bullets were ipiietli i tot ed. Tho celebrate I .Tumar blade again becaiao an important fact, and (iaru Saak was a most striking specimen oi ?cddier as lie stood in the uniform ol ;mr nriuy with tiie great steol destroyei buckled to it is waist. I had dueid'.vl in favor of a showy uniform. Hut the inunufaMuro (.1 these did not progress beyond a fe.v 'or the principal o.iicrs. 1 siih 3;it!itelouo of them for the bloi.l stained one I had taken from Una 1'ong. And in jila -e of his b; '.s I jirit on a shiny pair of new ones turue-: nut from a shop at ilromporrah. J looke 1 like a so! diet-even if 1 diln't jet like one. lint ha In banpyc.m eil that I v,a t doing as well under th3 rironiast.r.ioes as any one cls.j rouid il'j. Xher? tilings denoi-j the Mealy ojrowtl: of i:.y plans. I had been i i i'almo'KMi sit months lieoiro wa ha I tlio army under full discipline. (l:te lay A"r. Avery and I were talkin ; ov.-i on- afiairs, a id g oingo.vr, one by h:ij, ill th details of the w-o-k. "t'rickniore," said the old man, "thei o is not a thin g lcit t t b done. Yi iir plans are perfect. All that is needed now is tlu word to strike." 'Yo., I. h ive one norj triile, por h.ips and perhaps an im ion.int fac tor to arrange. I must have (Inui--:tak hang, secreted iu trie-tops, be twce.i hero and t)uieu:al, several largo bells. They must bj near en lugh together that au alarm, sound ed from any one plac , can be eo.u liiiiuieute I t'.itoii ;hoiit t ie island without delay. Jt will be dangerous m l di'licilt work and will causii some lelay." "You are a marvel. Ono would think you ha I been brought up to this port of thiti " 'Xecessiiy is the run. her,' etc. ji-ou kno.i," 1 rciilied, laughing. " nat are you going to do uestV" ho usUed. "Wait," T replied, ctaniining a Juece of steel 1'oko-U.iitis had brought to uie for inspection. "Only wait." ci i 1'Ti:;: xiv. vicror.v i'o;: thi: !':: r. One day, shortly after I had seen the last of my orders carried out, f was in Claliieor, ostensibly plying my trade in pe Idler, but in re.i'ity look- I nig over tun ground wit.i au eye to !ui future stru r.;,e. It wa not my nurpose to attar!; Quiental. The 'orces in the forti.'icari.ms would hive wry advantage over my urmy iii the Ihdd. I did not, of course, dare build jny sort of protection above ground, rd yet it was my determination U .via the coming battle with as little oss of life among my own men as iiossiide. And t do this 1 resohe.l that the scene of the tirst sti'.igjile ':iu-t be in (ialueor. Suddenly I hear I a crying atuonj lie women an I a bitter wailiug. I I.new too well what it meant. The .vy, "Tiie tu! lie t.i' I" ha I bee. me i familiar one to riy ears. 'rht llicial tiir-ga;ho: er oi Hen- o Hi was oing his rounds to palher in every I'.iing tiint hal not alre.i ly been stolen or to insult or abiw the people. Tiiis particular tax-igatheror was a (Host villniuous-'ookiug scoii!iiirc!,:i'.i 1 murder see.ne 1 to bo his favorite sport. Ho ro le a fairish horse, and a as followed by a h:r of rilfliaus ?.ger for carnage or deviltry. They I ramped thrmua tiie hoil'-cs of.l umars, knowing no law save their own lust hud gree.l. Tho women, seeing me near by, ran cut to bes've'.i me to d i s imethiug at i'iice to prevent further outrage. 1 has.iiy ma lo a reslve and toll me of tiie woui'Oi to lly as rapid'y as .lossioleto the mines wiiere liaru-Saak worked, and tell him to get his men to ether, kill t:ie guar l- aud come tu ,i:e. She iia:e I o V breathless and iniious. The t i gatherer ca ne rili ng down tiie street-, of (i.ilneor with lis rung of followers, swinging into .til tin houses, c nu'.nitting such depredations they liked. When he re.i.'he i me lie stepped. Looking a' me in a mocking way, (i?tiok oil' his hat and bowed. Then suddenly heco.niug tierce, li ecliiinel iu the native language o! the island: Y.-!1! Dogf.f a diunar! Why art jroii n i ut work, instead of iiiliug i'.av the t ivciuor'n time iu the street V" "I am here formy dinner," I replied raliuly. "i'a'i.e tin: for your dinner," lie -aid, giving m' a s- ve'.e blow iu tht fee. My ut" i 1 boiled with rage, yet i nel l my p i- e. l Knew mat- one i nor now would vain a'l. iytlme was coining, a i l I had been treated thus before. "See, he has no tongu. He is a dttni'i bcist." shouted the lax-gatherer, liis followers laughed merrily at this itty ai iy. "We will s?e if he can talk. Take hat, beam." He pricked me w ith bis sword. I stoo l in a circle of Chinamen, lutside, and around them, woe the lumar women. 1 ho: c 1 to see men among tiieiu soon. There was no doubt th.it the tax ri: lie vr intende l to oii l me into -i-cu lu'oeilion, tii.U ho iiiiUt Lavs an excuie for taking me poverntr. I berau to fear should do it before aisistanco cmldi nrrive. I Osn-llark heard of thj trouble and : came in from his farm. Oilier fanners ! came iu, aud so-m u nuni'-ter of J umar men hal joine l too ii-n.icii. 1 ma le im rcuiy io the o iicer. "Hal You don't speak! Yell. 'It make you sing then. 11 il Yoiwiil be a fine 'bird to sing bjfuro the governor." At his command they bound me. I was securely w. un 1 no in eorli ii.id th "own down in the street . "Lij there, dug, until I want vol." said my torment )!', "and if one of j these beasts lets you loose I will Itiil ; him and you. " j Tney turue 1 their at'ntio.i to, other things, for the moment leavin Jj me alone. I hope 1 my me i-mu gi-r t o ' the mines would lly on the wings of, tho wind, for I sorely neu 1-; 1 my j men aroun I m i no v, a i l tli'M O were j n it euou ;ii a n i:i ; th.! far.u in t lu i of any service. j Tho tas-'.'il'ierer nnl hi crowd I c iiiliuue I t icir pilla ;i an I piu i i :. j V mien were k:i rjke I djvu ail id-; treated. At l.nt heard th 5 deep voir.; of ( laru-.t a';. I Io was ben iiu ; o.-.irl me. Ho hal bc-ei running an 1 was j almost out of breath. Ono of hisj hands was b'.ojdy, teinn of a cju- iliet. "it is T. O )!!';! i.iru-Sa.ik is bo.'!. What shall I d ':" "Cut mo loorc.'1 1 1 au insta ll I was fro j au 1 on my feet. "How many man are with yo i?" I asked. "i'oiir huudre 1 from tho m iisi of South Mountain." "Then order them to sei.t? the;j China ii-n. Le1, n ouj esjapj. Ilia I them securely." "And tiii bull tlu bill?'' he said, eager! v. "Xo.no vet. Oi l vo ir m iu to gether. Sen I som 1 of th so m ir i'H. Hoi at t'.ieio fello vs an I secure them." A sr.'u ; m ut iu I 'i-NubaM etiiiil. Tiie. in i iui:l,'s o; tiie W i u ;:i turtle I to riiriek i of ra re ati 1 hate. T i-) fcro ity shown by thei.i wai as great if, indeed, it w.i-. n j: grcit.-r i.i Its id i It.iirsiin iss tin i that ! too : i"ii. Hut iliis s; run !J cuai'a-.'t-'i'i-".io w.,s not new to th; world, fl was s iu tin) French llovolntiou. It h..s been so iu i.i'iuy struggles forsupr.; .: ' u",v. Thj ( liiiie'j were tatc.i by stirpris '. I: is tru-;, they lire I u f.'-.v h its, hut the ii.i.iiliers of tiu-.r a-',.ii-a its. the unexpected tur.i of aV.iiis tjol; away all 51' .'.iccutra'.cd anion, i ue wotnen sei.e I s 1:1.1 crowded iu on them en 1 liewe I them I UO .VII. .M -. Avery, woo hi I Iij" ene one 01 the thro. i', iii.vran up ti lur. iie v. as visibly a fleet a I. "Is it war, Crickmorc? U.n it jonie?" he cried. "My frieu I," I sail, pi., i.i g my tun I on his shoulder, "tins is in p .1 ! fory.ri. I i.'i'i! uve en ,t ; 1 of its to do ' the liil.ti!!:'. v.iii ou would go at once to Miss Arnold, t'-'l her wh.it is being d me, and rt.iy w.t.i her unlil it is over." "15ut can 1 not help y a. Cri.k t.iotc? Is there nothing 1 can do'.'' Im "So. please do ns I ask you. Y,.u will help me more by reui.niii.i ;' with .Uiss Arnold, and reassure her, t.iau iu uny.hing you might do out i:erc. tin t 1 Miss Arnold mil tell her tiie first blow for liberiv is siruck. Th'j tig at 011. "1 will d ) as you sav. Cr will do as T.ni sav. (.oil b C..UI):-.' : w itii x boy, nud sustain you 1" called (i.iru- iiuk and tlso-liatl; a i l gave them orders to prevent the c-ca o of a single Chinaman. I ' 'd l );o-!;.::'.; iu char :'e of tho pri.i.oi- rs. 1 sent llaril-Sao.k and L.ko-:l.:ius Itu a force of iiieu into tho armory lo bring iroiu there tho necessary store-. livery face w as set with deter: :i:i -t: 1.1. There were no tears, no iiuia-, no cries. There was no fallctuu u" I ag-tin lit I'.in 1. To meu wiio 11 el b uuie so much in siieu.-e (or iwcu.y years now b'a .e I w .th the pent-up ra;; that was cousuui.ng tiu'.n. J had with me t'ae ti ter- -t ie lion. c geaiice was writlci! on every blow. Tii-s meu camo to mo for in -.true-ti'ins. There was in disorder iiuy wuere. 3Iy organizaiion hal been sn thor..u..li, my choice of odieers so good that eveiytiiiug was d me witho r. tttr inoil or mistaie. l.is-.-ipli'ia reigned supreme. 1'ho forco under l.artl-'s.iak rc. ri pened fro.i the c.ivo with t ie cans and animanition. Tiie eyes of too ti gatherer snapped angrily when h" saw t..e unexpected di-piay. "What is this, ,l,ig ot a Jam u l' ' hu e'iclaiuied, almost choking with rago. I mala him 110 rep.y. I called Oniru-SiiaK, aud sai t: ".Send a messcuger to the mines at Xortii Mountain und have tho uu.i ".ro:n (Ialueor gather here at o'.oc. I." tiieiu tako guns and shoot down the gaai ds." 'Tiiut is pood," said Oai ii-'-hui';. "We left many Jumars dial at S iu: Meiinlaiu when we broke away. Viui .!..) bell is Hot to b i vung'.''' "Xot yet. 1 expect the j-ci emor, iviien lie learns tho state of a fairs, v il. seuu 11 ;'orce f cavalry here. We wr! silence them iirst, aud then the 111.11. u may lie rung. Having dispose I m t he tim-t formidable but sin.illi s' bvaue.i of his army, we cau surround his ie fan try as tite men gather fr mi tiie is. and when they hear the a'a. ,11." "Croo.l. I uuderr.tan I." replied my general. to be co.vriM'Ei'.l A servant girl in a liir:nitihara family was taken to task for oversirep in ; herself. " Well, ma'stu," s'ue sa:i., "1 sleep very slow, aud so it take ins 11 lou 'uile to get ui uighl': lenU" 'jotjr dudoet of iiuaioh LAUCHTER-PROVOKIMC STORlib FOR LOVERS OF FUN. ti. )u:ilii v i.r i nmi- - Ait ami Niiium -Nut i IVi-IVet II. .1111,1 1'i Hit 'J limit in iti-Mllitlloii-l lio Mm-eiii-s, ri-i-luiju Witchery til' Woman, IUe., lili:. What i" uuiii'? Tiie mo luting up 'rhr.i'u'h jeai's of tnil a:i'l waul ami woe, el..1, lin.diy, t l.e.ir ie.. ti s.iy, is if 'iwero to your troil.t, liny tie kkkooiiiiutes you li."l lomr mrn. L'lii'.-ajj ) Times-Hi l.il.l. Art nnil Nut ine. Was th- country lovely, Mario?" Oh, jiwi loelv; b looked for nil ! Hie world like :i landscape painted by somebody. "--Indkimipnlls .loitinal. j Not a rrrrri-t ltnunil t"i. ''I'liere uie no eilitors on that list ; of America's most famous iiteti." ! "is Hint so? Well, tlifii. It Isn't n I list of America's mot famous ini.ii.'' ! lidliitmpolis Journal. I Her Th'-cat In l.il hit I o n. ; "When we're inurriid. dear, you 'iioii't be always ilireatciiing to yo liniiie to your inoihcr, will you?" ; "No; I'll ilire.'iten to have inoihcr 1 conic in; il live with lis." '.'lie M arches, I't-rhups I Mrs. Prouillcigh -"Yes, my ilauglili r .ii.iys the pi.ino by ear entirely." I Mrs. Xexiluii'ilii'e "Iiidecd? Somo . limes It soi'.iuls its if she were using il.r foot." l!:il! ilitoie Alili'l ieau. Wltehrrj- nt Woman. "Yt hat liuikes you avuiil that girl so. even if you do not inutiil to propose to -r':" I'm ni"i"lld she'll t:il;e a notion to make uie propose."- i.'hicago Heioid. M.cl, nil "I would be your forever"' be pleaded. "Tlllil snUtldi ej lat!.e.iied sh'.. e.l. devoted servant ol'.l-f.ishloneii:" I CO volir deV ted help, then! ex- you; -Oelroit Journal IV hy .-he timl.l I... 11. "How ci'. ii you marry that wretched nan, ilhinclie? lie !s a mere not h i tig. "My dear, is si nolhiugs, with a ,1 ill re o..o ittid u il.'li'.r tiiurk in front tit' tii.'i.i. 'i'l.ut's v. iiv " Clei il.ii. J pi;.jU ljctilii'. i C.i'cat ScIh me, Tom 'Your fat her haa been follow ng r.s nroitad nil e citing. Can wo top the e;ahuiuas.-.te.i ut? ' Ida -"Yis: I will (bi.i a ipiarter and law will k 1 p his foot u:i it until He; ."lopatiy have all goltc." Chii.agj W-iva. .-.leilly 1U1.W-. Mile-! "My !i.iiii(U:iiiier celebrated 'he otic liumlre.iih .'innh cr.-iary of liis ,ihi!i on.- day last week." Ciles -"Thai's not tiii:t. If my great .'taiidfatber were alive today ho would Lo ioJ ycarj old." L'hicaj Newj. 1 The t'leetiiii; Hour. , " They say ih.it girl visiting Mrs. .lip? .s homely 1 iiuiigh to stop a clock." "XoliM'i se; 1 found her so nttr.n. live" and eii.ci-i.-i'n'iiig that while she was sin-.'ing for me I eta alvd up and stopped the cluik myself."-1 'i-ll'O.S l ice Press. l-ii-ln-l:lto "sjiril lllnl." Iioetoi-"I put liiiirors in my wait-i!ig-rooiu iiisu-ad of iiiiigitr.iui s." 1'ri. nil "1 tow docs it work?" lhictor - T.i-.c. People arc so fou l Of look!!!, at tin lilsi hcs that y c line early ,, as to have a ehauee U I to;: it." Town Topics. A iii.i. anil's of Wt'iilth. j Wrest -"Tell you. friend, the rich ave their troubles." j 1'inwM'ii - "i'.et your life I ito. 1.111st when I bad two pair of pants. I found ; the labor of ciiaugin' things irei'.i 01.0 1 n-t of pockcls lo the other set of , puckeis almost luorc'n I could laiid." Ill startllni- Ailtiiissii.ti. ' I was surprised when Mrs. r.::'.'.':'a 1 doeio culled iny iitU-iu'on to the brivhi- Uess of 1 ho slurs the other nig':.,.." "Why?" "from past conversations, I didn't thin': anything was brlnht exc.pt that 11. lie boy ui hers." luiliauapoiis tin::. The fictile Thcriiiiiiictir. "Hero, young innn." said tin.- old lady wlih lire In her c.Vc; "I've b.iit,.j back this iht.rnionicter you sold inc." "What's the mailer villi U?" u-ked the cicik. "It ain't ridhihle. Ore time y; lo. 1; at It it says one tiling, and iho 11. :.i time ii says aiio'ihci'." t.'iith'.'lic ijiaud. urd nud Tiints. Wifely AssUMiiii'c. "Yes." said the poet, "my first .:.'. uf poems was dedicated to my w.fc.'' "And to whom was your second hue!; dedicated?" ".My wife." "Now you tire petting out a third. Who is ii to be dedhaled to?" "I (iiiiino. When I spoke to my wife about it she taid sic "d think the laat i.'f over If 1 would pvc bcr a li-.t o The people I hate wor.-t." Cbiiri TiincieUcluM. An Arll-t's I'litiitnr, "I sup. lose yen vo'ild rather p:"V Hamlet ban cat." ' -'d the inliui, . g jiiitn-; woman, who is giviii to c. !i.i;tihil:Miis. "Well." :inwered Mr. itartics. "I never put it '.uy. Cut your leu. it-, 1: 1;. -riiatp e that n. '.tally StotUiiIl'!"tl 111 Jus; that blt'ts'l sis 1 '.. preseuts i.. .- 'If."--Was!iiiig:en Star. An Ititmviilnii l liiltlcntiy. "This is Ihe great and gioi';.,l!S lil" 1 ':K-re 1 ..-.I h." "V. s,' ibicaiiuii Is not diuied to u'..y t the colil-bloiibd .-.nic, "llic only tivtihle Is that liny .':i in l, i 11, noli lime Iranslat.tu I.a'ln il; w.ioi 1:11, viv. hi to be b ai 11.11 ; t . say 'I seen it- aud T dol'. H.' " . a.-iuoju blur. reach r.i'uulni; I" th- f'.in'.L. Tin-re is i: , , i:it more universally relished tiiaii loe pi:.'-'.!. '1 !'.'-re ks luirdiy fin acre of tah.bic s. .1 m the l.'liltid States where s, ,.,!. oi i he II "I Uut n:s Mirli'iiis i f ibis d -llclot; fn..t t-aliliot be succo.-t'nil.v sr. all. le.:rh:g the p'.cs.iit by f 'r ll.c largest crop m this fr.t.l ev. r p:'--duced lure 1. is I u marke'ed v. 1 h more or less of J-.o'il to the ,V. ci'.-. (jver large arc;:- iosi . t il p.c la.'.oi r r.ml fungoid ills.-ils. s l rt'.e ! i-.vc I e, peehilly disnstro'is, ytt. tai.h: c eoiUiiry i's n whole, mio!' i-.- . tlolliitr: to cllei.uni'.'e extr.tva:::'.'-! hopes of pfolil, it may be mii'l-Iv s:;M that there Is llolblug to s'.lgr :,l ill.; coltrif.'eiliell.. So i'.ir ;:s loeiiy piii th :is ( th-' hoii'li life cnUeeril.il, I be i lllici.'t o.' pcie'.l .rowing is uuusiiali.v hopei'ui. lliil.'-r-to v.e li:ie b::d every . binu io 1 1! -c. I' ll go tin- Imliisiry, i . .pt uu and i'i.ii is a tiear'ny sale for the fritl:. J-t -i leivv. In il ipiiel way, aiul :i i.r :' iii.'iny pl.nei s. mi in.bl-.irial n voliiilc'i is iu pf iri s ; v. ht.'h proml. cs ;., idutiige nil this. 'i'iie iiini'l.eis a 'e ceiii illg this way. Iir i i'.v eoto-u t':i-i .."V, every inlil, i very furnace or I'ouii '.. or niaeiiine sir ; el im.v K.nd i.tcr: s more mouths to !' 1 und more li '...! detimnd I'cr fruit, ami win n t good tluie con hir" is her,', il v. IP, -. li.-re to s.ay, atel the day ..." : two tlih'iis of i"., :;. I'tt-le'l of p.-.i '. grown to t!.c I';;.i,',-:'.is find 1: : t.'!-.' 'llleii ill.il cell.!... . u mi n other third, wnl i ti'y 1 rciticiu! :'. as an 111:01: - :i... f.-i-i 01 ca.o : - ' hye-iroiie days. : h:g to turn tin l-r there I' no nee: of Whenever, therefore. th iv p .J 0!:o pi.U;g'i fo'lo.vitiR nn-uher. On--trrowth of :!!,,-. es,. chilly iiiiitifi'.;e . t,.m. urn- hand and one p-louuh vid !o Hiring cities, pr. :n -s -i hoae.- inarU : the work in u mo-'t snt'fif o-ti'-ry v, ,.y. the pracli ...'.'.w.-r 1.. v .-11-ider 1 1-I (Oh. NiiWMAN S l.MTTIilt. tiriisi.c-.s eoi.h.hv .....1 and Ih.-i Put h'U'e is the Profci-s 'r'.s letter: who ::re l',tt m t :'- a 1 an,:'. ifj such favi.raM.' e..r, ii ... may i:;vivt. the larg-' i rewc.rds. Tiiec who .'ue eel:' '..phii'mg 1!" plain hrg of 11. v pvi h 1 r 1 ,'r.ls can Hot be Ico c: refill ill til.' s 1 ol Soil. pr. par:.::, 11 i.f the . '..!. !. an.l I he cilebv if a. a ih s to i. r r, w n far as ihc t':: -t 1-. c .:: : 1:, I. a ...t! ly lotilii with n 1 lay M!b--..'. ! ci .. .', drainr.ue Live bcs. r. - ,'ii. 'I'l.- p. .1 aralicit m' the soil 1:11 h: :-,i!y 1 ; r ihor.jtiuli. If Hie gr. und s h . i d h-.-he, 11 pferioir-ly ctilliVi.ted, It '.'.: : be well ploc-cii, li::rr..w.-. I. if n : nirca.ly rh-h, in-d, t'u't ly f r i ., ! ; the !at" Mfti'ii'T .' i.iitntnti I' !' i ! ' trees 111 e s. t. I . a has jiis 1., n .:;,.v, 11 1 ;i th h.iai luite't th.- I ..,.:. A cj-. on 1 he v. ay lla- tr a uor,; shotiid in ,-f 1.. diuary farm lab. .r.-rs. a, ic :; . . i 'au .1. 'i h f ; -. d t . Ii.ahhy in, vi'.'orous trees a. .ar o'-l siiei; Selected, sl.orlc'.uil in to tail tiucv two feet of stem lo 1 reoura .'. branch::. g. A r I s a .iug of I i tit i I '" : 'I .-hoaii! de MiM-n nt t h ti;, of plat. lit',-. inal il iiiole'.i of si raw. pine ta-cil soldi' other tii-.i',s,u:-i holdiiis la.it should at once be upp-l.d. Those who plant a peneh .: Willi the i-xpci lull-. 11 that l! v. :.! for bself at o r it s.-i h..-l tor al-nioh-n th" Ic,'.-'.... -s 1. ;'... . Iie'itl. .No frtltt tree I' ,..!: p''o',p:'y to c; :e nod p.. c! er is lie., re c.-rtalii :.. f, s- ul ii: , tloti ::i,l ttogl -ct. 1 'h ;.u , ,:!: i:t e, a ilatit fertillt'.atii tl. eaiciid an' -vs :i ''.i' ntie lu-iiMiii!; am! a v:-.:'- to :::id d". Ietuniti"il lieht v.-i-.'i in-.- t 1 a. .! I'uii-.'oid dis. , s are !.. i t.'.lui con ditions of a tavern' la : ;:.:. The selei.'i'.iin of pro.n-r .i.-..-i: . .' I any given leiabt.v is ."bo a u , ; -r .-ipoirlii'.- lite utmost cafe. .'.':. st cv-.-r p.-ncli growing region ..- ai ; 1:1:1 tie ::::d 1 iher ctrl; .., n -. , W- ', make it unwise to n n.l -a th l:il ice of ineil i! il:.-, an, -. 'i '.,. . ;. a.., pcl'ictiee of I , at u'io.c. 1 Wor.hy of iiHi ti. : ::. and ,.r to be pr-l'ei red to .h-'-.' wi.h.l, I - . -i: Ko'.d a sttuwitti li'i.v t:.-.y 1 '. .: Where. ll lVe y, ( t , pr.o e !." -:? for t... pa:-:, vl.-tr . u f- r ...v ti.v sel -ci;..ti is to be in:- 1 I'lohably ihe -.troiii. t n th .t are hUely to he tnnd i y p. a- h -ri-overs ere in ihe inaf.. r 1..' fcr: ilh: ' a .1. The peach tree is hh s,-, ;;h a . .. . nits appeiite an,! it wall c,:i;i! ,. a 1 Innke preii.ahh- use 1.1' ah r; ai! :'.-.' plant food thai tl . 11. ,,st hb'-ral v cf x, ill supply. Ul' coii":-e, ti,, ;..! pri scrlniii n will iiiiscr f..t- ai! . ..s, bur in in,, si ; s a half pen, id or - , of 11 femiiz-r cel. Mining t.0.0, or t;-,e per emit, cf iii'ioe, ;,. 1 1.:,,,. , f phosphoric inlil ::ti.l ten of p on-h lo.-y ndvaiLngeoiisly I. w, ,:;.-, I ii,. i;, . soil, a yard or s i hi a'l ,1-o-i 1 arolttld ihe l"i e !:.:-. ii Is fu-t pi if cd. Ilaeh spritm a i"t ; i -r nf shaiiar ehnrac:, r sia ii'd be na ill ,! , i rs in,- p'.-i.poi .:eis. t'tii.l. wh -tl ihe ir. .- is In full Icarin; ai i.e r ' i,-:rs .1'' i.e. s much as a I- 11 1 i' e.in a t n and il half per n'-:e of sn.-h a f.ti'l..'.- ir may be p.ehta! ly 1 insOo.n d. When time is a fair tna:i..t for ile fruit, peach ro,;r,. llms ,..I:.p.u , will iihvajs prow 1: 1 ay in.: i-"- m .-v, ntherwise luan-i- -h 1 : rat her :.i .m.t: aged, it to ill be l.h 'y to he a-. . h';. but reliiuneraiive Ne. -nan Itu. hi fc'oiiiheiu I'itus, N. c'. Curio heaters Iryao.- ft.nr.l Cnglanrt. NoWiiiiac- 1 '' i- - ly a cot- ji to., fi t' , liittr.- c-lli oil', .1 by tl: t.. be v t" I ley tiie , :. M o -trh-is are . 1 si., the airge ; tif- ni'.ure tirm-' in I !"" ' the rural -li; arc Im .. :,ni:-.' t-i 11;. d . -.ml the vahae of their e d oa : ...is tind ;:: andfatl rr ch- . . ,1 ti:,' r l "lovc,I ih na, !.: ndo.l w ..' -r 'tu "delation '..1 u'cnor; I ..ill. On geuv..i,c . '. I lilow pattern plates nml ;..!. s : lo re is n rre.it rut t',,,i nhiys, utnl 10.11 y a ct- I l'..-e die --.,' ,s be"ll shorn of its : hoy iu c.cise.p., nee. sit.lh son,,' of :iie pii.r 1 , p.e a'l honor lo them--t-Ilfg t il '::' oh! -l!.s 11, id plates cud ,, !:;,. 10 1- I.- p-.-t by ti e offers of lie- old .11.. o l.auieis. - I oa.-lou l.X- pu-t. SUBSOILING OF LAND Hew Picdnijnt Clay Soils Mnv som as llic Rose. PROF. MW.'IAN GlVfS !!I5 VltWS In Rc5p0n.se to an Inquiry tie Writes i Interestingly Conccruiiig the S'a'ue if Subsoil :ng. Ccr. tli.-irl.-s'oii Sews im, 1 C-.nrl,". ?Iiail,uibui'g, Pjieclnl. While w.t h Ir.K 11 -uhsu.l pi nub po'i.g ih.wn in t the hard-pan a few drys t en it o : enrol to your c .i rcspo:i.!c:.t that Prof. Ne'.viii'in on Id Rive us ..lime vrlcahle inf jriiiat.mi us ti suU'oii'iig tu.il ho pel in; mutt hi:irovcU:er.'. of l.it.d.; li? wus nski ,1 i f-.-.v h' l.l.ny n'lesi ions, wl.kh he 'il viiy ati-v,-- c.J. So well .-:u. . 1 Is t, e ii.fori.i: t! on given that your cortc poiu'cnt put t In the s! ape of a t'l.rtsi tuns r ft to the farmers of the .-i..'e w th the ionipli nn tils of Prof N' wm ui. li-. ery s i tt s t:on contiiiod in 11. e ciMtiiiin e ..on Is ir.es; vnlit. ib!c to the f.ira,crj who have cl'iy lamla. 'Dip corre-p.U'.iletit cm hear tcsM mor.y to the fact that a p .ir of leuiis. Weichiiic i" a poiituls. will bre-a'-! t.jiv . I r,f il.e !'!( do nnl or red elnv liir. . : ... , . . ... , i o leu ii.c.-t.s iiccii ari; loom u i i.. . ,i..., , ,;,. 1 n i; ,y,. rieu'.fou t'o Ice.'.. Cl.i'rles Pefy. .ranhurp. S. C. Hiar Sir: In iv.'po; .,.- to vour ;u (pdrira of the 11th itt-t. I have !i en 1 -boring for thiity y.-:.-s for the p; 1 motion of In t!er inetlm 's in our So rli- 1 irn r.irrie'iitii:''.' avd hroueh this Tie increase if tntoui ,-i.c:' nt:d pro.s;)'-f.ty of our f r;.i i's. Vo ;r his: n.i s:h".i as to the l 1 . tv of ib , ;,i-!itii(; and :".':.! thtiroceloy pi:!c;tr;; : the --oil b.-foi " plant In? stvik- s ;.t t-.e root of t'.o laii'i, :. T.'.o n.o!-t in.? irfiCt thing for tho t'arni'-r to jo Is t - "ire good x ituic tliro'iith the ii'fiav of thorough t.llape. Wl-l oet ','.1 bib r it: the jil-ii.tlnu. f rtilizlii '"il iv ti".g the crop Is done 1:, i.et'.l 1 1 : n Old S ii".g. wl i,'1l l-i p . . .by ."Ippi c-l.:,!.- to fa. :.:lvr. v!?.t "Ot h ul j.m r.al. s t'.er.'' I. eo-'d trM-rr I o to hi . :r c 1 bi r.lar.tii'S we ii"c ant stands o. we.nklv plants. poor culti- ..'ion ::Jl I s-::'ll ( rep". H tl e m il Is b 1, ken o:.ir a f. w inch. fs In (b-o'h.. i.r. l eviu t-.u-h 1:0' ftllveflzi-d. ti "re can h . liO stoiug" of i- (, s';he n'li.ii: t a immrn r iliuniirl ;. I't.t .-.,: .oes . :'; of sev i-ieo v.r.shi",: Vfrn ri'hina 'in Is. si'-O1 the coir.p ,.'t ' c;biii:l or bardpaii l'.: i ts the ilow::- W.i ill .e::e-, alien of !i: ku.ii 11. er .- how- . , ors. the sti all i'l.t.iiit't i-f bloiiell i ail s'oon bis.onu - satura'ci. ami the w: t r wl.h'.i s.oul.l sink ;i '.. the si b oil fnwo off on the surfr- . This Is t'e re:.--n f -,." ilc n p ought'. and so.'j : ko.l.tiii. ! I.de J:uk Pi on. t:.e 1 t pul- e: ir.er. 1 t. t.dcli. c-l. nM. ;i V.'ali. .. r the Ihhl- :: . v .".:. ' ''erve the mellow coililit'ea .;' the '.n.'i e, and rt h e ti."-1 ti.e is v .". lift t'lumrh peer t 1. .ge. 1 -.-'. s crumble i:.!e.' the '. T: s eii. i p'il' ci '."c.l hy tl fro t p little r. !:-:a'l c t'J 'I u'-.i : -1 liein e the si.nte '.an !.:.! ''" ' : plourh v.ij or two it: ':.,-- i!c ; . '. an . ( 1 w'.!: he n'de t) do afo r '.' e ':":: ; i.iii't --ml tiryitos wii.-'r. o- M. 1. l.t t, ef two ihi hi i of trc s:,h- .. ;:':'.' ,V-'i;V be tut' ..d lij) Iia-v -v.tli a !..-.:. . - -l. '.'"' ti: c tie f: 1 ; t w ,!1 jeiivi -htc ;t ; i ' ' uiii.n'e It w.ia the so ! 1.' ' (Ic:- .a .-.n: i" the portion o." ti c - .1. -" e .:i tut!., d ny w.l! ha..- iitt - . a; -t v-iyi ' ,:a s..i ih.tr:::': t:n- s-i:i;n:- r. I'.e.y tiller of the s hi !:""'! etin fs , ;s tit. t ;;U 1 ti-ort !...;.- -i '.t Is on C. . ali i t f H il-e,i so !. '... .:.; pel . e.'i.s 1. to admit a t'ri n .a t ot, of tl. nil- and elr . !..-v: " :..o'-i-tvre. n i:,'lir,u the ; : .'t...t.o.i an 1 r. ul, Ipll- iit'ou of '.:,r :.'). '-.' ".k" 1 no e.'.Vi'oi cs pci-s'.'o'e i t. s - :apii ic; a:; I l.tuti? : '.; : :'. ..;.:':: 1 " rat on iu rnv.lao'i'g t! - . 1 : e 1 is another old saving w' 1 I. 01 appli.-.ihle here. 7.- ""1 l.o: oitc.h p.r;i.ii..t.cu is half iu:l' ivatlo.:." Thotv, "'.1 pri partition ar.d .-hallow ru'.t vd.ra she.:hl ;e oar mo'to. v.'iiat r:::n'ii.i7.KH is n::i.pio As to vo ir QiiiMiin : 'out t e "aw ount of phosphoric to hi :id potash is tho f.rft tt-n or twinty inches of our Piedmont cl.iys?" I have r.o source of ai.-.'.iate Ititornist'.on. Prof. Hal ey. ::i "The rn::e.ps of Asrlcu.i'iic "' ' i- - : "Hi -torts '-t-1. ulate- f.om f..v.y ;.:: ulycC.i that In a i-ro. j,c a s; "trultn: a! b.r.ii., the sc.: ft.ee el:l t imhes of soil on ea-ti acre cout.i.ns our ?.l 11 1 po'.u.'.s of iiltroR- n, n. arly 4 '.' -0 iv. 1; .'s ol id csrl or.c achl ami over K.iiri jmun.is ;' potash." M :: h of there C"-e::;;al clcuiats of ph-llt food !fc Itvki d it.p in itu oi.iole co .. po .11 Is. I P.y thorottcli t 11: ce. :ulniltt.' g ',! oxyri u :' the ir to which the I n : paithhs cf . 0.! a e evno.-cd, l y al e - 1 .iu nn r Mr: :i::t ;.e or. .1011 o r 1 s Cue to .. -.-oive t:.,- '. literal pi n: :c '. 1.1 erate.i ' ' the , ! in , it I action o. ; h owpen ::; . xi the '.. - ':;!'!- con.p mi. 1 and by .r. ,:V o.at t t o.caiuc r,. . : Into the sod t' ci" ..i be !e-s no ! o: artith'l ii . f.lifi Mid those a;,.. J will in irot i .ft. . t-.t. Ti-T. YAl Vli id- Pii WINES. ."I. "ile table - - i on s : .s a f- -tllier" a: -I ' '"', 1 a'-i-e Value cf toohs .': I s.a' :,'.e . i: ! Ic vines.'' Anai.'SS shows t' a a moderate tic"'- ei !n c ". st . "We K't a I ::: r : v " il'us' a !:on of !.: ' Ittti ' n i-". --; '.'' "-vhi -1., ." rats .1 , I'-- to i : . - t. "from thi' litest ell: .1 st i't ! - ' ' ihc 1- u 1 ( Ca io s. w'li-h '' o a - i ' a' : 1 v. as : uire drunk' -ut:- ' !'" ' " pad y- ur hnn i vi r ti.-l'o.-e "' HI !' ' I ,:1 - ,.-l'i-.V 1 's'lir;. . n ! 1 i ' l:'Hoi has : 'v-s - l.,n ..ene".. .: :;. S; U"i,ua p., Oil.- p..or.. In e (" tN- i i iu: r. many n- 7 p. r cert, of the en'i o popuhitlon were ar c-'.el f i go t-2 'on' oaiil niici)' Lauuv l-uL vcsii . irup of pea vims contain feitdulng l:..M . do u'.s as (olluWot Pounds. N;t;ogeii in t! e vim per acre. .115.54 .;;:o. 01: in io.ds ami Etultlito Pti iicie 7.70 Total per in re 123.21 Ph'.ij.nl.oilc iu..d In vines prr 11. :'e S'J.03 PI '.: pborle arid lu rods ar,J Hi.bl.-lo per act C.30 Total per acre 4."i.9." 'l'otasli in vines per acre hi. 73 l'o. '.h in roota and stubble J-er lule 1".12 'J'c t:d i t r r;.re 1 ll .Oi It. i;:".M he irln' tabeirid that pes vines eti,iv the j.i.o.-p boric arid nud jo.ii.-h fiom the iotl and EUlsoil, n I'.:;:! we call only credit Clem with ti . 1 p..rt of thill 1 out' Us of nilioccn wit. di ti.i-y gi t fiom the air. We buvo no n.tui.s 01 i.i. i:g hu-.v ir.ihl: thy t,ct fro.. 1 that Minn c. WilKX TO S'ltil' Sl'liSOII.INil. 1 h. ' How late in the h-pruig shoitld .-::!-.. 11-r." 1 ou'.iiii'.e'.'" Fall ami wint-r i ie ti.-- ' toper .S'...so:is for subsoil In?, but ii ;i:' v be done in s.vinp. provble I itie .-..b.-nd I 1.0'. brought to the sur fa e. U can. however, be much it.oro easily il-j;;e at ti c proper season, but be: -er h.te than newr. 1 :.ly lands which have either a com pa. I t'.ih.stul or a hard pan are b, ue lii , bv siil,7:)i,;s:g. ; tii. '.. r.r.d hn.d be tinned w hen there is ro;h!t:i; t) be turned undo.?" :.;; but po! fiirndns will not hava :.;.is in this o:idition If Intnl.- nre '1 :'i n.'ixd Uar.tij; winter utter clean ::;... on thry will be injured by ti e io .s of nitrogen and by surface w. -i.:::k Mull lands should bavo rye or s(..r.e u'h'T (0(f crop sown upon t j . : , : ,n the f.:!h This cover crop will p c in' tl i nirlace w:. shirt!?, inui takf u;i il.e t;!ir:t'S M:d hold t hem, lo be il li.to the mil In the sprirs. J. Niiu. n, P. ot'rsso of Agriculture. CTFICUL POPULAR V01E. How .McKii.l.y 's Popular "inj -rity SlooJ in i."-i,o and 1001. Il."::::s :.o..; the tuty-five t.ta'.oj of the l ahm. ;:.:.!: re I from oft'i: la! .'j'U'oiS .-lio'.v tin. I Pri si.b-ut Mclilll hys oefeat of Bryan v.-. is far g.i.it'-i ii:hii iu Ist'C. when Ins piti'.a'ity was o.'-.ly (.I'l.S.-.-l. In !'.".) ii'.c liepuhli.-iin plura'.ty o-.cr Bryauism was M'.t.Slih hi l-.:r. Mr. M. Ki 11 ley's majority of tie total o: cf IU, UTS was HMh !". ': hi.- yc. it is -lTli.'JO-l of a total if If. 1-.7 rJso. I.:;..:'.- popuhir vote for this year iw : r..';;,s.t iit. a fall ng off over we;, '.ii:-:: Irs popular vote .cs C.aiC.l'lli', '..-f 1 I hill'. .".. .'.IwCiniey's popuL.r vo'o In n s 7 1 1 ' 1 . 7 7 ami this year it is 7.J2'), 'IT:, an :: i-rcsse f l!s.-1t'H. '1 ho foiluw't:;; lu'.iie, .."itupibd fiotn off-., la! state : turi.r. -hows the veto on :!: two icd::;:; to kit-: Bryan. To' il 7. 2:3.272 C.fe.-.l C 'II lis year the Prohibit -onlsts j i :"d I 7 1 o'cs: tie P'oph-'s l'i.y .' h l!'2t So lal nnt.-erats. !i l.r,.12. and ill o.'i.-il-Idsvr tichet. S.?.4.V. Iu ivi-i the lioli !i n-.o.-rs !s P 't 1. '.3.121 vot s. IToh l!ht i r. t . l"2 ii"7. eO"'al I.-ihor. 1C.274. ami Nat lotni!!.-! s 1".!H',9. A Sailor'- 1 rnsie- Dr'nth. Savannah. C.n. Sp'iiil. The Nor-.v : .n bark Pi az- i. w!.l h i'rrixel a' ,. it: it. ntir.o Tiie-da... b eurht the brily if l-'caiiin I Toe ti. a young s lor, v. ho in Pri-tny f 1! frotn tin' mizzen ' ,-ing (luring a irale at sea an 1 was t :i tlv I, l'e h III- 1 cad strmk a ' ek be ss and th" :knl! v.'.,s eruch"il. li - f..:l.. r. .he ship's larp.-n cr. vit ' .- ! ti e fatal f el. The body was '"id I i-.i . w..ipp -d lu u No. -v. eig .n f - .-hot Ills l':.t!icr's Ai.ta;;Oii'st. Hi o-t.iti. Ci.. S:-"h.l - Will 'fork a ! o 17 y..;i:s cf ur". shot nml kill al K.;::'a!l A k oi, lie r 1 ere. 'Ihoni'.n 'lark, a prospi rous iinin'ry no r.-hair, v. n c;o; rt in a !ia,ht with Aik"ii. al o ,i in o ii er i:s me1 cl nut. w In ti he calle I in! s vf 'aai; o . Will, to . ho t Aiken II- did no: In sit it but fired at on.e poii his fath?i's ant goiiist, who fe 1 ,h...id. M.-Kin- liy. Alabama . 0 It.'.'. 03 H'hSt's .,r;,:.:i:is ii.TiO M.142 Co", ora. a 1'lt. 7 5.1 HM.fsfi c.i 1 ra.'-i : .. ii.:,r. (Va.,i-ct:-i:t 1IJJ.S72 74.o'U II. a vr.i.v L'L'.":t:i 1n..,."-.S ' 1 .0; ..la 7.!t)f) L;-.i'"7 11 r Ihi). CT.lhS 2'e.llt a,-,', ili '.ii s ..;.:''.;-. 50 1.075 l.t: l'.:il::.!..l Ih-'it -3 I.ftlt.r.Sl ,.,,1 Inwu " -7 sis ."'a. oh; Kansas h, "I l'.J.'n. iifrt.-.m-hy ll.-'-.s-'l i'liyi'i I outtana II f.h.cT 1 M;:in.' t.:,.!?a SO Slh.' Marl.,ri! If'.' s.1 12J,2''.S a::., sai husi tts . . . l'".'i.l-ir l.'.T.l'lli M.higan v'i.:-.a :il.''.s-. Mini e e ' 1 la 1 sit; ! U'.'.i -d Mss --'-si:...; ;. 7':t :: 7ft; Mt.-ou;i :::':; it'i.i'i:! Mu :-.'.;.!. a .'i-1 ."7 1 If. Near. .sua Ul. s;-t.1 1 1-1 ci; Xevada.. : s 'i; f..;'.23 Ni'.v iia',';i:h.:e. .. ei.T.'S f-.l.-tS? ,l'.V .1.- sey. ... l:-, s- Ifit.sSit Ni'.v i,-; A.xZ H7-- No: th ( no i!:a. . . l'l. ,'t7 rif.Tl'o Xoi.i h..'-..:a. . .. HI s:.l tM.M'.t dh. ' ah..; IS 171 .,".' 0nv :: 4' '."at :?, I 7 V. r:..-: b'.i.l i. . . . 71'J '.'hi 4.4 232 .-'.ii:!: Ca.o ira. . .. -17. : at', baiio'a. ... ) lhhl.14 '!...:"! s.c l.M.f.ai ll.'.'o'l I',.;;- 47.0S9 4!!''"') V : ti otit.. ...... 4.. N 12 T, VltcBila 1.7.1 ', I-I..17-' a.-h:i!c'o:i r.T.C.t; 44. S81 Wi t i";.ia:a. . . . 1l'i.7i; f- "'' V. is-.-on it: Ii.'..-'!'.; r.W.tl.'o. W.'o:.!li" 1I.4.S2 1 '.!

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