(Iltittltum Ucortl. RATES OF ADVERTISING Ooe iquare, one insertiob 11. One square, two insertions j Ltt One square, one month 8.8 For larger advertisement libera cod. ttoOts will be made. !)at!)ara Reccrb. II. A.. IX)iNDON, EDITOK AND PROriUETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, . $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advanet. VOL. XXIII. PITTSnoUO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, J AMTARV 21 11101. NO. . -. 1.1 , N THE CHINA SEA A NARRATIVE OF I!.T SKWAKI W." MOTRINS. rorri:i.-irT !':! it I'otiTr Honshu's S.-.;i.i ; cn.MTF.n xiv. I coitim', i. My hope was that Hon-Ko-Hi woniil luako tlio mist-ike of sending a small force, -which he would ti.it ill) if tho nlarin-Vicils were heard nil over Ta' Mooch. , sent win il to I.U'lii-linr to gather anbout six hundred of his bravest mon, and wni! with t ls-?i n in tho forest about 111 oiiiprn nil until the forces of Hen-Ko-lli l.a I pis-od them on tin; way l' ialnoor. then to follow them ilowu nei 1 al, i -k their roar while wo wrro t:i. caging in their front. Tim iiiou k! (iulnoor won1 set ti. Hiiiild : fori. In 1 1 1 i m tho women ren dered valua'de assistance. They were fairer enough to help. I font it mes.-enger into tho cave for ti v unifi rm and km or. I. For ren Fon.-. hi iiiy.nni I oiil not wish to meet Miss Ai n 1 I tii:i. It was late i;i the ui'icrnnmi v. hen wo In u .1 tho hut l ie. I tramp uf l'.or; -j.s' Loofs. The. f 'it was built o:i that iK of fbiltienr neare.-l !'.r .mpniTiih. In it f jilaee 1 all the uonou at hand, and a force oi' s I'. 'ii.'i s mi l"r i so-F..ii k. To the to edit of the. fort I stretched a li.ui i.f u:ii':ah lii'i.iih tilt! woods. The fotvo thus it- t iile 1 was under the t-omuiand of Can: -Sauk. To tho left I tr'ti-!io 1 a similar line, mid took omnium! iiiy.-elf. We tints formed a fitiiuel, tile apex of which was he fort, and into the mouth of which led III -J Street of the li. valors, i 1 lie pound of hoofs w is most wel ?ouir. My men were boeomiug impn lient for the li'.'ht to begin. The shouts if the cavalry cmld u.r.v lis heard, '.t was Tin tar cavalry. This fact was .u prisiri . The presenee of the. o lu v. le.-s It ir.-'.e. m s i far away from Iheir ust'.e.l hani.t v;:s unexpected, tl ma ie ia nr.:;.' my i.i n move tieivo ly, a'though it was not necessary, jliit the reputation oi the Tartar u; a ir titer is pit ty well established, iiud 1 knew v.o pa I h t work lieforo us. Til re wo'-e tv.o ltatt.ilions, pinli rhly '.' ai h indred all told. (Mi they i.aiue, ; a'!i.''i:ii; furiously, utterly i loi'ii'i: of the trap t!:.i! was waitne.j lor th'.'m. ' When the head of the column en tered the funnel formed hy my forces, 1 ;:nve the order to lire. V thousand rides l.!azed forth a Hiisn'iiatfvns :!ash, o;i.- ipiie';, sharp I'rvl-. iMi l ail was Mill sixain. Tl.e : t.i. tied Tartars eheeketl theii I'.o.-i-. . uiuVrs of lhc.ii fi ll Iro'e their pt'ii'iiiiK sie,-'s ami luyiua.i ju, ni' 1 dyiii'iou the ground. !i".'.:.e cri-.-s e.ime from thi'ir ofli CO s. I'vir e ho'ikvi ie,- was a ma.i i ii 0 the Mina'.ioii of fear, his h-.r-e ilk..- a s'atite, urinr wh., kll !l" m:'. m liis no'.i nver.M'iii! b'efher. On e l:' to th" iy. (iia lu.iUy they st ipor ami (rot to dor to tire, Hired their ail'i one lea l!y 1 more t;i. i il upov tin mid i.ic.i , cut tli v.o i.uy:!:' r. I itio.-'i 'it it ' cv'u.'tl .-. i if they could no', rally arai:i. Ti e : i ! leo, my st.-i ions iitta-l; ! tt.o n.ii.'h tor them. They were i,i i open n..il, while we wvie Hi. iiidtlea that ti: y e mid not tell e.it uu nVr-. . . our locution. Hat I h -ar.l tli- el utor of fresh hoo."s. A.i.,: '.i-r l'.t:li!ii was rii! iu..; up. A e.y of wr.ni.i i e.iiii" fioui t'ua lie wilder' I lavalry.'. en. who hml ill rea ly taste 1 ' charge of h i'!, an 1 an. 1 tile decimated las'.Ls fell haek on the i i'lo'iec'ai lit '. A : h 'i t itoisu' ion Int. vet u tl'..1 fi.,ii;ii:i ..ii:i,; otii.-or i ' oli.v. od, and the two coin laidi i-1 ia.'ai .1. One deemed ii'. c.it to h..!d tin ir prei.eat liiisiti'M., mo I v. e:e i , iii. in,' their naiiros w it'.i e.n 'o;a.'s. i'ue other pov 1i":i :i:al-- a t!i to:ir to the ri.Oii, ainl fitai t.'tl for Calne r p ii i:;r r. sr.". t iiviai; my c.i:::;iini: h ii:iekiy, I ld juy men us fast ir; they could f.,1 thre:i,;ii tiie trees that surrounded us. The eavaiiy were slowly workiu." their way, uul we sou.i eoitfronte.! them and opi-uod tiro. This time they lose to t'n i e. vision. s one luau they leap-l from their horsps mil oiiarjred us with their eiirhines. At t!i'; saaie innuioiit 1 heaid liriinr from the oilier side, and knew that tiaru Sai'.k had reopt nod o.i the other bat taliow. My ii'eu foilght i!e-peruielv, b it tin Tariars v, . re h.oro than a match fei tlieie. We v i re ;rr :diia!ly driven biirk, nu 1 ) be.iii to i!es air of win ninjfthe battle. I had calculated on tho forces from r.romporrah attacking the cii.sny in tii" rear, loit it looked ns if it wo'i'o! I n too lute. Heftr.l htnieil us in the face, mid ilofcat luraut tUa.tii. Suddenly thcr.ii was rent by a fier.t war-cry. Hundreds of rit'os harked their venomous voices in the rear of the Tartars. Tho Knlek hattle-cry was I'Ui'e.l throuii the fires,. the thout.; of victory. liad'i-l!or had coiuo up. 1'ivm this point it was simply a question of how long the Tartars would continue to tight before they rledor hecauie wipetl ot. Hand iu band the men of (ialneor and the men f.f Puomporrah fought the enemief il their ciciutiy. And hefoie the terrilie oiislaitght ol victorious revenee even Tartars could ii. i' r.i'.ii'l. K.ti.ii'y the remnant of the onct jirottJ cavalry turned aud fleil. i: - i ? Mr -,i ADVENTURE. I did not follow tlietn; we wouti have plenty to do without that, (iaru-Saiik ciiine riinninp; to inc. am', from the fort eiiuie Oso llarlc, follottcd by a hhontin crowd of women. "One battle won," I PHid, lis uiv (ioiioruis reachod my iido. "llow many mon have we lost?" "About ono bundred of mine," sail' ( laru-Siiak. "1 lost anno," said Oso lhuk. About fifty of my own men were missing, and I counted them us dead. 1 at once pent men to pick up the wounded and Rive theiu proper care. We found Mnr hundred mid seven 'y the Tariars dead or dying in the nods ami iu the road. "i iaru Saak," I said, after I had looked the situation over, "wo are not half done. Tho liht hits but just commenced. Order the alarm-hell! liiii"; .,; once and call the entile ar ij to arms." ".-nr, it shall be done at once," he replied. r.ad'vlior reported to m, and then went hack t bis own forces. lie had o-t but few men. I'rom the preat bells I had ordered I'a.'ed in tho trees an alarm rauo it. The i all to aniisclaiiped iu evoiy por :ii ii of the island, wherever a dumar ir a Kalek d a elt. I'rom every direction lin-u enmo inn '..fi in. Hclore inornim' I had an sirinv oi h".4v.i trnm-au'l armed and drilled : "Idicr and us many more men ready ! to pick up their arms as fast as the i '.fillets of the ctii".,y letl a jruii nil i loatiucl.J ! IVforu day luiak the women pre J pared lui'akl.i? t .1 cotUio and rice and j fruit; and I sent a n ile to Mis Ar I noi l ami Mr. Am i v. tellim; them ol the evi nts of tiio ni.n'ut and that wo I ivi-i o on our way to (,'uiental. I 1 had no intention of attacking "' t ailed city. T had no e.iiinmi. I knew ' lii.t't inside tin: walls there was heavy ".rtillory. To attack a fortress like I'm v.-itlj i:'es wu foolhardy. I ku-w I th.i' lleii-Ko-Hi w mid send bis army ; 1 i ; down tbi! n 'oellit.il of bis sun i iects. And it was fiis armv I '.mis on i..y way to i.ie;. As ivo marohed toward thiieiital, we usee. I through Urouipoorah, and the women ruiiij out of their houses and loliowe.l the army out of town siiiiu v. .i: - - i ijjs nu I e leoir. iMine; th.' men. i;elv.on Urompo uah and (,)uiental t'.ie narrow road liro.i lencl out into n widoplaii. Here 1 ordered a hall. My amy hud not yet come to rest v..n n I ii -ard t ie hi'.'h s of tho ad vanei.i , In. i h.isti y nrraupe.1 my forces in mu-'i the Mt'.ie way I'm! I had done before. Tv. i-ive tlioi; 'an I well armed la en a!-' a j4.ni liy force when iu clui lii s ii'nl l.i iks. I J : 1 : wh-'ii seait-.'e 1 .ii'oiiu I iu a nbiish they seemed a vast ..laititu ie. It was 11 delightful recep tion we were preparing for the gover nor's army. (birn S;.a and his men lay up rdoii. the l asi-. rn liortler f tho plain. Ilatlo ihor and his brave Knlcks ranged alum; ihe west. 111 hov.br. 'J'ho southern ru.i was ft riocl by a detachment ol .(ulnars an d Kaleks iindcr Oso-ltark. I was with t i.ini Sr-ak. To a persuii comi.i ,' fnnu the i;orth, ,-.s wcic'h'i s-o'diei s ...f Ib-n Ko. lii, not .1 .himiir or u ivalok could he seen un til the Hank of (iaru-Siiuk ami Ihido llor ha 1 Iieeu p i-sod. T ue head of t'.i atlvaneiiig o.diimn .'.line into view, (icm-rals in g.iutly unifoi'ms, riding snow-white horses, lt d the way. Alter then, the infan try. Tin' cavalry of (iiiiental hud been destroyed. As tiie column drew nearer, I looked iu vain for Ibm Ko-tli. The.', worthy a - careful ein.iieh lint to expose his precious carcass when thero was any liuhtiu ;;i'i.i;' on. hm.evi r br.ive ho mi.i lit ho when a crowd of women were to lie suhjurp'led. Ho wus 111 ! wit'.i Iih army. When tbe head of tho advancing; column had reaehed the center of the plain, 1 gave the order to tire. The roar of the lilies swept ahinu the line. 1'irnt ( iavu-Saak jioured his deadly tiro into the enemy from the east. Thru Itador-Kor and his Kaleks deait lite in a blow from the other side. Then the stiuiu from the rifles of Oso-Hoik met them in. their very faces. Volley lift er volley was poured into the rnpidly deerensiug army, aud the ;euorals seeiued to be utterly lost. Suddenly I ket my eoinmand of my irmy, and ceased to bo a factor iu the ti -ilit. Tho war-cry ol the Kaleks rang out 1-,'aiu, nutl J!ado-Kor was Feen advauo iug to.varii tiie ChiiiRiiion 011 a run. The entire army of Jumars and Kaleks threw aside all thoughts of safety, and, rushing out on tho plain, resolved it-, self into great circle which went, coiling around the enemy like a ser pent. An cnille.'s img of blazing rifles wept around tho doomed Mantchoos, iud above the roar Bounded the cry of fictory. I stood silent aud alone, a mere ipeotator of the thrilling scene. The Mantchoos did not know howi ni attack this revolving volcano ofj death anil fire. They formed a solid1 aipiare, bat their tiring was desultory uu 1 uncertain. ThcrHsultof this was jliviuiis. Nor could it long be postpoueil. As tile after tile of Chinese went down, th merciless f bouts of tun Tal uiooehiillis lea 'hi'l my ears. Tho ondnraiico of tic niitivj a. iiiy Would hold olll forever, it Peeme.l. I wondered how much longer they'ould keep up that gait . Tho Rcreaming, hisypi.', roaring human torrent that ha 1 swallowed up the army of lleii Ko Hi would rest .inly when that army w as i'etroyc 1. I might as well have e-saved to stay tiie forces of Satan as to preach i.icroy lo those men i f Talmooe'.i. The pout-up hatred of twenty yeru's hail broken forth, a 11 1 I was power less before it. When it was over, there were iw 1 thousand Talnioochiaiis dead upntithii jile.in, and the entire armvof Hon -Ko-Hi. We had won. Mr. Avery. Miss Arnold and myeh were free. t'iie people of Tabu ' e'ii worn egiiiu a nation, and f-was for tiie time its 1 uhr. Tin' lyra it an 1 his court were still at oriental, 1ft they could not hold the jj.irri--on a..!ius! us now. (iaru-Saa'i, l'..ido lio:-a .nl o ':' .' I. came running toward mo, and the aie was rent with cheers. "Free! Free!" cried ( !aru-vank, grasping my h:i:il. ' Von have niatle us free. Vou are king of Talni'ioeli. ' "I am possibly. Hut before we go any further into that, let us tiiiental .iud linish nur work." "Vos, yes," saitl l!a do lior. must ha'ig we must ce.tch the before ho makes his escape, .ho gror.test prize of all." T dispatclled a uieRK'Uger om !o (ialnoor, to inform Mr. Avi f-et to -Ve t V.Mlli lie i 0 nioi' v an 1 I Miss Arnold of our last great victory "do juiekly," I saitl to tiie man "Tell llieiii tho news of the 10' V irlnr; of Talmooeh, and brin r them to me a .it You will liud me at the pii:a.' f Oriental." (HAITI'.!! XV. AFtn. T-ii: CiiNt,'rr. The nahu'e) at (iiiientiil stood 11! tl northern end of tho oil v. Tin reinro it. stood at the most northerly point ol Talmooeh, for (V.uenial was tin north ern extremity of tiie island. Tim palace was not ipiito up to tho modern itlea of what a palace should be, le.it il was strongly built, and, iu its way, imposing. H was solid, seuaro and strong. It had towers ami turrets. It was sin 'rounded by a largo park. That end of the castle facing t lu st reel was, of course, the front, but :ho facade of the opposite on I u as ireoiselv siu.ihu, and faced I In: sen. From this end tho ground sloped away j .0 the frowning battlements that ren- lered O11ionl.1l a wo,i.lorfu!!jr v. t-1! for- tiiied city. The streets of (Juicutal were nar-1 row. The more ptot.-ntiou: Inmst sj weie of stone. There were bazars, I jtitVee-hoiisos, guiiililiug places, to:;- j Irinking rooms and all otlu r places! 'onorally to be found iu a t'liiuca ' ty. j I had little to do witii the formal taking of Oiiiontal. I left to thiru- ! Sauk tho duty of proclaim in;: the gov- i eminent of Heii-Ko-llt at an end as! well as of securing lleii-Ko-Hi and j ill those who wore close In him in his : yraunical despotism. .lil t what to lo with t'ue monster I did not know, ' and ordered him placed in a dun-on.! until I hail come to n:i'.' doci-iun :: to his fate. Aecompauietl by (l-o-l!ark I weni ; .0 the palace and nw.itte.l the arrival j of Mr. Avery ami Miss Arnold. , I sincerely regret that I cannot do 1 justice t ) tim meeting between Hun- j kaunau and her son (iorgret. I did i not even linger to gar.e up m them i'i heir mutual enilu'ic. :. There wi.s niniething snored iu that nevcr-dyiu ; .ove that bade ma leave them to them- j selves. ! I wandered tiirougl. ti:e wide calls of tiie palace, u:id foil!!.! a curious commingling of national arts. The stone j castle had been built yerus before, j by the Kaleks. The arehileetuie, the. workmanship and the insice moldings iml carvings were, distill 'tly theirs, i mi the. furniture iiud equipments were. .'hiuese. Tho eombiuatioii was not j lapleiisiug. and tho chaug.' from the 1 lurk underground home I had know 11 so long was very grateful. The only 1 unpleasant feature about the pahie was tho painfully uppai : nt ovideu.'es j jf opium. Kverything was rctloient I jf tho drug. Wbeti Mr. Avery and Miss d omed 1110, I had explored nearly every lepartinent in the palace, and I es corted each of them to tho rooms I iud selected for them. Miss Arnold, dill accompanied by hr faithful himar woman, was shown into a suito ;f rooms the e.pnil iu comfort and ele auce to any in Vokiu. (iorgret initiated his mother i it.) '.in mysteries of the pa'ueo kitchen, iml under her exoeri'iiced manage ment the place was made more hahit ible by the production of a good sup per, after which we went out 0:1 a broad bal 'oiiy to listen to the shouts if the multitude who had not re covered from the excitement of victory, 1 id wore making things very lively in iiun n:al. deacon tires blazed on the moun tains and iu tiie valley. From (uieii .al to (laK'iior the sky was lighted by liieso Ihi'iiiiiK tokens of ie-aiued hu premacy oi tin people, liverywbere we Ciiuld bear my nau.e. I'.ven now lie exultant Talniooehians ujverae all .he credit for the victory. How does it fee! to 1 e a king-.'" isked Mr. Aireiy. ' I never was on such intimate terms with oua be fore." "Xow," I replied, "it is time to irop all such nonsense. I em not a king. I don't want to be king. All I waut now is to ge Miss Arnold, vou aud myself awuy li ma here, rind Miss Arnold's father aud then coin uiinioate with my friends, Langstnii ind Kalsti.n. who are now without doubt in Sail Fiatieiseo. " pro BE CON fl.Nl ED. 1 TIIK ORIGIN OF STYLES;; THAT N'AKE FOR AMD ACAINST NEW FASHiCNS. tlua ilir New Molten Are ( i'fntr.1 I nt) u- in 1' nl' Atiii'iirtlll lileim anil ItrlnatnU I :.i:i I'llll-iilil I'i iiiltli'l lifil I I'li'l i-l il Iioi'O.iIIimis l.filitfrr Arrrititt. r.ishiolis ami styles lire llevei formi d J ,, "0111 nf 1 1 1 : 11 air;-' ihey are nbv.iys , ra I r.iiiglil into heiim from 11 ilelioite 1 n 1 1 :".ii' nr fin- II eerlalll plirpns-e. j .hist why a mode is born is rarely lii'itulii of by ihe iim.ioriiy of p'oiiue cis :;u,l wearers, espeeially mi this side of ihe water. t-'nme nf ill ' fashions of liygoiie ihi.s rca -heil us iu s,, emicieio a form and were mi ilireedy reluleil In lilt- iullil 1 mi s 1 1 , : 1 1 e.ivo Ih'-m birth I hat Her oriuiu was 11111 lisinkable. In more re 1 ei.i days we have had lo ihank lie I'lelicli stage fnr I he imi.im'iiv nf new I'.ni.s. : : 1 1 h;ik. we readily recall 1 -i" ii.lri nl nf l.nh iie. iii. n f l.a I 1. 1 , ' ' i. . . ! ., , ; ni- I'i. npalra. anil nf a arieiy of Hi ru I'.-inll Ideas, ri aching frnin h.-il lo vlmo .'lid enmpiisinu every ariiel" nf wciir. inelliililli even ,-n eesi,i'ies M j...v elry. Tin world had bei 11 satisfied for so iran.v yen is lo l'nk In Paris and i' i nsiii'ipnlilan and hluii pressure eisl ciien as llm liirihpl.-iee nf all that was panieiik'irly inieii si inu in art 11ml siy! 1 I ill I llee till I'll l"c;,ne seenlnl liallire. Pjtris ii:i riiraril'd by the 1 nihiisi .:slie illld pnssibiy ll.il 1 Vol- inn lligelll buyer of oilier enuniries, 11s well as America, as Ihe only Inrl lipl.n 1 I slyle 1 in only ciirre w hern ideas of '. value took a eop.eiioe form 1'or many ; .vears ihe eiilire world no-opted Par , isieii dicialis. impiiiei it al. srioiesipie j even, as 1 hoy solum inn s were, v. iilioiil 1 a niuriiiur. : 'finis ihe Ann rie.'in buyer of former ! ilays. with an cai:cr. ei'iisiiiiiinir popu . la lieu behind him. ready in lake even . ridiculous merchandise at a prnlii. iieeileil 10 know mi litiie that he failed , In limke .1 sillily nil her nf lieei ssil ies j or nicriis i'f siyle or merchandise. All j thai was neec-sary in Insure n -alt' I was an h!bilion of ihe innrchaiidise. So Ihe iilleslion nf slyle real si. vl and 1 real laste wiis an iiniiiiporiaut one. except witii ti limited port ion of ihe p.ipul.iiion of our greater i-iiies .nn. plo who really "knew a thing or two." The tendency of sin-h a period was entirely guided by ihe whim and fam y of I'n, Ign niainilaeturers. who founded I hell ideas Upon llislol'ie preeeAcnl s mid iraiHiions raiher iliaii upon li.'n" siiy. pin.rcss jiinl muni iiulu'iinnt. fhere were always rceiirriiii periods for e.ich class of merehi udise. Por in si.-nii e. tin w hnlc nrhl was i-mrer dur ing Ihe ilil.VS nf ihe Si'inllil Klilill'e In adi'tii iinything Kreiich, :inl readily in .d lo Ihe uiiiloiibteik supremacy nl- French fashion ideas. 'I lie French tasle nf lilii period was j 1I1 ciileillv en .Hie and anything bin practical nr artistic. I'.ui ii was ihe 1 only lasie. ihe only iiii'lmriiy of ile day. Pa-is then being .h" cent re of ihe World in ileinl riirnesi, the celill which all ejes .-mil niimls iiirii.-d as iia siiiir. e nf .ill ;lml was truly brain: nil iiud inspired. Tliicnnsii miier wus thai lie elii;l!ni,. 1 he liiii.psUIn or rriiiiiliin and nilirr uic.isiro jl'u-s were easily Inisied upnu an eaircr world. In ihe (iient prnll' of dimwit French maiiul'iieiiirers and deu'ers. Then fnllowe.l styles 'il wiiii.-h lllilold yards of (.'foils were draped inlo tin i-.i-liiiiie. simply to ntikf a srenier feast for Fr.'iieh wmdi I atid silk man ufaclnrers. 'I'lie form or ligure if ihe wearer was ni rely i ..nsidered ;n iIu'm mai lers. Women had lilllo to say nboui ihe iiuiiioioi.s disguises nml frciiklsh iirraiiircini nts which wi re heaped upon theiu. nml which only extreme trrace ami urlistic sense pnrniitled of being worn successfully ,oven ill Paris itself. Think nf iransplalii itig to Aiiin ira. Willi ils then unp.jvc'J st reels aui pe culiar condiiioiis. styles roiiirivrd only for the nemo of metropiiliti.liexislence. Vol every wnie.in. pom iiud rich, from cud in en, I of our broad Slates', had her ehiuii'in. and fat wmnen waddled I lii.iin.-h Ihe fiinl-dci'li Illlld of Western eiiies hoMilis; iii i heir hoop slciris. Then Inllnweil mini her era of iilioi-y - Ilie bustle and pad period. Croat ex tensions ill the back enuiMised of wire with Imi'si. hair pads ai tlietop. hohliiii. siraiirhl mil vnluiiiiimus ilrnperies. This was the lust quiver of d.viliK slnv eiy to fashion. Of niursr, women re belled, mill swore, mid people nf sene. burn under American fnedoin. 1. 1 "-.in in think iiud determine. Siiil. accustomed as they were to lalCe fash inn reliiriniisly. as a dnrtriiie lmmle.1 itnwii In liieiii by i i'l I ii ill ;i n I lii .ri i ins al lioine and a broad, the idea of de parting from the faiih was regarded iis lit i It short of i ren si in or heresy. No woman of twenty years auo would have thought nf rxpressiim her own opinion nr suggesting ihe form of dn -uitcil to her wains. She took fashion plates as if limy were cdieis. The dressmaker's ml, ice was follow eil as closely ,-in. I as carefully us that nf the physician. Kveii today tin smart, woman be lieves in her dressmaker, especially if she has a good dressmaker to believe in. Poll in lliose days she look all kinds of medicine. wh"th"r It suited her case or not. as far as dress was concerned. America chanced all this. The free dun of i xpression. the education and courage of its wouun. and the great mercantile ense of its men soon iu sisted upon more prai lical forms for American entisiiiopi i..n. The iiuucres sary. ihe tawdry. Ihe uieniiiuglofcs were eliminated limn dn so suf1 Jei.iy .'iud ruthlessly as to astonish tho akish 1 Ml '. tifill, 'e! ivo I lint I'.oi: 'Ihe .-i.v!" . l.'.l' 1 1 III. a and soil, , 1 "llll" ll'.-C. 'I'il.'ll. by maker I"-. I'i'om Ins -, who visile lite Amci .': 1 1 ' I by. Ill" l rein ii ili'.-s-en 10 l'ii lii a li ve lliius , calthy Ameriiiiii ei'sii.mer 1 him in Paris, lie t . .mi l .oi v. una n an a 1 1 ra"i i ve, fill, ina-iiiiliei'iil 1 rea lu re. full of . chic a- iinv Pit iieliwo'imn. ims. sf-snie; ti.iiiir.-il grace nlnl lea1 per-unal bi inij. ns well as 1111 imh peini' iicn of spirit and a 1 lour kiiowlcliie of what sic wanted and liked. Psiiaiiy lie po.-f ssm nf a gimd ffiiir.'. ami proud of ii. this i-usiniii"r le'i.t.imlf'l in. pi-r styles, siiiisiilier , '1 1 ! i in -. I'i'c ".'01a of mm 'Client iiinl .'nine ariislie t'ea-oii fur il inbellisii II. ell: of i.ol ens'Ulll!. 'fin I'l'ellell men I- ipiiek '.0 learn Me lakes his sliUirestiiills . In lf In U'els tllelll, alai 11'.. in this .S 111 rie .ill Wimuuii ii If I Ihe American lii.i.i' wlmm llu . merit 1111 v. ..man had ,-iirtiitl.v ciueaii d at home ie beeaii io f'C.iuuia.c a new set of Iiinre siM"e. more sim'il". Ji'l 1111 'si al- 1 :-.n i i V i. .iirlll' IliS. wlii.se lilies III" .ii..i. wnrld. in.'iii.lli'i Paris iislf, I .1- u liiii'-ly l.'il.c.v. .1. ;-n P.ir:-'. v.''li r,- linle eii-fie nf mi Ulle.l Kill.. .-'.Il'l iUei'IIS ol III" ens i.e ai. d milliner, world, is slill lit- ".1 al eelllre nl' si J I' ; i- ie '..ii . r ill' In tyrannic,:! mai.;. pi d ni' I'-l'T.ll. 'I i iml pant-in army n I'.HI ...hue. in liimiar Nn lfii". r i-sllo Ill In- .'!, I Ifllg-slllf. '.'ill:.' aves the wm!l .'...man ;.i ii'in. eollsi rial w..rkrn. lay In ' l.lli. ll I ill I' a vole that lo in every atelier ii. iiinl abroad, for I in voire of "li.v watches for a-m-e or ilissji.i-.. inaii.-li nf each Pry C... ids Keiiii- I'.iri -lens iii'.'ii' 1; I ie e. ..man. ale I 1 .: Iil 1 i". --inn in' il ! file!. I Hew Ihe pre '.VII. le! Viil'siiis Vi. Ml Hill t 11-iiil.iil.l... 'i l" I'i!. I lii'" I i.e Vnselill'e. " il. was wr.ckeil iu a 'p!i..i'ii oiV I In rn: i f i ii-iiii. ii fi . - 1 1 .- i 1 1 r l.er bows -i. in. her sierii l..ii''i'. .1 and her bnip t .i-ii. remained alleat for twu iia is j I t ill's 1111 lla S,.ll.llelil r. i". Illly lill'de j by l.ieiileiiiiiii t 'mil !i in iii b r Kelly 'hat j :i le.. '"Ill war ship . u'!H lit -ally llll sill!,,'!''!". I lll -ss: h, i- hell. -in is lipp d Hip. P. ' The ii'i.ti bulkheads nil up such i U'S'-el's ie.ld inlo many waler lit;!-: coii pai'i limits, w hii h ::ins th" ship bllf.V.-llli V. Illnimll lln W:H cities f 1 in .iriniis plaei s. 1 All oil 11 I II. !' example of I his W.ls ihe i rcis. r Maim 'I'liercsii. which wa I'oaleil ai'ier bing sunk ol Santiago ami ah. nuhim d in a bin siniiu as it was being ttiwi.l t. lie Puiied Stan.-. 'Ilie Spanish snip n is i In. light lo 1 sinkiu.' then, bin ii Ibnicd live liuu ilrnl mill a iii'ier b. iug iil.iitiiloiied. li.n allv geilig a-leoi on Put l-lalid. Sei ii.usiu-s nf a (..-iiniii lltlli-ial. Nn! long ago an Ameri'-au resident iu Hamburg hm! a funny expericli e nf Ihe seriousness nf I i.'i'luaii nllicial il.'in. Il"i pug . 1 1 j j i;. b-irkeil l-rikily CHI I I. Ilillg II'. 10 his p'tiler ill the llnlll garden al a s. a.j i h-aieil eu-ifUi linns" oili.-er u ii" P i'lii d ageiiisl lie 1,1. s d,a Ti,- ii i in -ii i I .! Ill 0' Wils pl't n n lered danger.' a p tl I p.l! llder l 111" pulls mi ii'r. which 1 1 I I ii s that "th. ;" slmllld i penally ei iiiiirlati In ken in tl,,. lnii;f. no.i.1 nf S."., Illlld ihe l.liiei.ll should proii.iiin. e up", i h: For ten days po.u- pug.iy v Ihe hnlise lii'.,i" Ihe Slill. ."llilitinll. ins la pi iu i- lanariii a and he was I't.iili'l il I'liniciie ni in . .-ill lln n : iis lie ravel.. "Uispe freed liniii his ilnrance. 'or 1 1 u in I him "let suf hydii'i'liobi.'i inn in ilau Ii'iiu; iron ger in' bit in Oi-utii;i. I'liltin-i' iiii. I Tratle. Ii is ri iiiiaied thai iln-m are in Italy ."..-liiii.iHHi iiratite trees whieli yield, on all average. I lioo.uiin.iioii oranges per year, or "oo oranges p.-r tree. In the province of Sc. ilia, in Spain, where the largest ipmui ii it s oranges are grown in Kin-op., ih. n vorage aiiuinil yield of a tree is i.on Units -'he Ish mid of Si. Mi.-l, el. in tin Azotes, pro duces on an ar-ii of "i.". arms. ;::.o.noo.. 000 or:i'ig's. which air almost entirely .hipped, in till .Jitiiil. In IS! It l ihe toial expolls from Spain exceeded l.'IKi.- 1 ii 'I l.i H Hi. tin eee exported ill IV I! I some .-.ii.tioii.tiiH'i nr.-iiiges. Croat liriiiiiu con sumes ii.unii.iliy nraiiges to the value of about, .Ss.ihiii.iino. A l.llllll ill f-)!! I't lll1lllk.H. Ii is wiih sopje surprise that on. le.lds in il lecein report of the ilirectm ol ihe National I iiiservn i ory ai Alliens ihat. taking .-ilea into ."iceiuuii. enrth iplalii's ilie .-ibir.ll twin' as lleiplelll :ti C recce as iin v ;ire in .lapan. The hu Iil- cnllliliy Uis usually hi en Innkni iiinii as par i x ". Hein e the laud ni raithipiaUes. li u.iuld appear that i!: ' ill' 111 pl.'l k'rl II l'e. 11 j 'I It tile Will. In, Ill'lli seven tlian tie s, m 'recce, althotmh he gma: iil'chit. . r.n :il moiiumenis ot Cr.-oce hit' e sni'lii '! luu. h uii.re froir cisinif dis: uibaie . - Yoiitli's Con, minimi. Ill Hull..!- nl' II. '1 Neil Cork l.l-R. Near Siibim. i In oilier day. the friends tiiid iieighiioi's ,.;' : young woni an who hm! liiei wiih an aecideiit pro foeiled in a I autv in la r home illld through mi e!o.iieiit spoki saian pre sented her wiiii a . in k leg. after which i here re iniis,i . rccii,iiimis and a supper. The local pupet in giving ,id .-iccoutir nf the ,'iflair. d' lie.n.'ly note? that "the next day the donors were re .ioioe.l io know tb.it the limb tilted ad. mirahly -- Kansas City .Imirtial. r.otll'llllHIl tislHtl". Il P.t'llelllhl sixty I lit re llobleS OW1I the bull, of ih e.iiint iy . None nf Ihi-h e-iatcs ar ! ; than l-.UW uclcs, iir.i.-titriiiii w ri'l l"r. I few aomicers ii ml m 1!- Paris had ' bo p.'.. 1 is. it-, beaui il'ill. ail, 10 1 i:f n. 1 ii i"ii or it 1! joocl oacls joles j jroit.l C.'.lll II':.'. 11 I li.nnl I'll lib!. rep.i T UK if. n-iii n1,. b 111 1. 1 ; i ciiy i... '. 'till v. ifi.il minis enUStriien Kisi:.; :.. in!ii 01. I. .1 un v. I :l p In Wi C. eln sle- , ... 1 : 1 bin i.ly mil. s , 1 in is ni I,,. I.,, Milieu i piiiiieiiiiiri;, p;iii-. v.-oriliy m sti.-h a H'liioii as W'l .-lehi !' i" Ciuoty. itii of wiih-h is suliurliiiu .'iml mnsi nf which is pe e:-.-. d of siliL'iihir l-.-:i I! . y i:!!l of j 1 x. pi iol' .1 nl : i-:t 1 ;. . in -s as ;i p:.i.e ; 'f I-' -iilellei. il. -1 ' I : ii lilt Il'l f'll jiii'i.t'is. I ii. I f:iHii.y I, as iu si. me rc I sp"i 1- l.-.iii sirniiieiy in-4 .-1 d. Ii. j rai!"..:id fu.-iliii. s !;;ne a..; b"in ill! : llie.V llli'dtl I, lli I.e, II. V, ii'-. ils I..JII- I 1.. ai roi'ds v. ih a It 'v lii.e I'xe. p i :i :. I halo be 11 In'i" a of a .!;-;:i... . m I any 1 mi! s I. i:-:::cl -'lii has I l:e .' no I. I, " II h. 1 1 is ft IU'. I . I V ni' il -eli'ls of p . o -Ml lh::l i V ..s :,,, s lane s ail . f New .1 eil ill U', -'el ii.it.'W ..ri hv tl 1!, 11. ii: ! .. . wiin Would kn I'nuniy. iip. I whir. i r ilies j.i..,v,!i i f p 1 t- r thai r.'Mad e.-iliii 01 a: :. m of . li'il- is 1; .'il.'ii i'l 1 ml 1 It. I M.miii lb:i Iia lie in. II all. I Wbil alley above Sniain Hioli Piilil s. IiV Mi.inn ; ':!i-y i.vi-oiil Hi 'i 1 il'l!. Ill pari I " :i III. liii : ifi 11, y 1 pi:.- s... ' II.. ' illtlV iil! I ' " Yck 1 "iiy. upper pai l nl br!k ..f ii'ii-ili il'- is .Is Ml V, l.'lie lllilll.O Wil. r III. ihe i-'ii.-i as" tin p, ,1 turnpike oi Wiilk iilid I f I t i - - - j i . i. las le.: .i:iersnV. 'mill An., .ire si!l I I'iley 1'" I b iiii.:.! ly ..' .. -,v V"i !.'ioi ir.i . "l.-d i . nl l"-:..'. i'i. I lie .. in'.s i.i if. i . . al i.e. .ii. In e i.li-i - :i -nl... i f III ii il.. w.a'.i: bul ni.. I Inrg iy ir.,i;ii a tit . .-ni i ;ois ,.; i!.r.-T., ei.ltlllt-l ; 1':. nlitl iVr In, !; . til - . i : a . I li-,1 trau-i lu. Th.' g.i d r. is there P.:, I i v. iH I, ie road fore I.i I" ha is w, II lo I -m Ciplilll.V II cess : i'li-r ii: y an trolley St'i - h. !d in ilbej.!! bliiii. mid lie Iol lilt seizi!!' "I V I'll ,i",'. i ll.ilei ll.ill i' y I i giia, i ii mil. Th a- :i! .' . . I l..r:oc''a t.i,;:i He's,, r. o I i n.-!:, tl Hid pi ai l i. Mi.re t ii; i ti uiaiiy .1. bin .ri.'.ir. llfslill' lion .ii,. in il th" r- ne sit. b ri 'S l II seell oiniy. Tml : 'I lilllii tbe - a.!ani!.i I r l .nl ley c.liil ;i:ia s ., roads c.fie -,i.. mid h.-iM' ih n t li' tu. some; in, i ami nn .!.' iiii iii ii liv p-'rpi -e sa ill.- nl i':ii:e. in d i. II ' i-fii'iy S fi' Thr; i;l I ;ally a. I II" nl her ;. ii-'- ;. ; sc. a bllill. Al-il.ll-l :ill o ih if.il !r lo guard ,- ii. Tin-re mig! i Slt'lis II, !ru I ill Ihe I li the ft a i- p; lnHey lit... no! 1 si "li, a mil nf bnd'li'lg nf 11'. II VtOlld lii; s 1 .,;,! lia e I'lilil :ia ,". Til lie -Ita - - f.!tl b" ' ' bieil , ll't'lle.V p, t-' lor I!: i:is'!'.'i'- al , if lI'.'V Willn lie u' ii I'm dining piivp is la mil i ; tlVel'l tl l. I :i . in -e nf t i i tio i ty will probably be t lleiwi-rl; nf elect! ie r, at suburban ri gimis wiil I let lis hope, be e'.Vi rlosel lleUV.ii:, if li'l. rnllils for II;. Use of i: mobile Vl h'a i s .1:1 Ihrse Pill.: -!',l!l'l b. I. fColl! I he i iH Uin' raa- " l'ilell sysletii V, ;!', -en .:!' -.111-1 v. h a ::!. ..1 nil .' iii also, h a slill 'iimi.r.l ml auto ). s. , .1,1 hi pi Ire i roll. .vs. ' I iia le :l- own gi -I pill" illld i a. Ii - lo i:s own purpose, for pi-ioe." iug iia I-".'.!- wlii. h has .!,.! V'h"i her nr in.i a h ihe purpe-e. ihe re ;is essoin ial a wni i, protection mid pm mi l !-, i :. .-.I ri,.:. is :i 1. alibiing of g " I ; il valual'b' w r gne is neotb'tl for I as i,i!n.il'e aii'l j be tin no fnr I In j I I lllioll l.f 111" i t I i-oinls after Hiey have been built. Ni w York Tribune To Tl 11." .nl Milt. rial. The Se.T"t. Il of Agl'i. -lll'UI-. has i ' - la1 bshe.l iii the I iiii-.i-.il .'I i 'li.'i.ti.-t i y :i lebnraloi'i tor i. -lmg phi sn:illy alal t'liriii iea liv ail i ariei it s i. l oad ma t.-li'lls. These l-n.'Ks of ."I! K:l -I lay- aiel .ah. r building in '"iii Pol in. Pule laa' lies Any person .'. snbsliiu, e- ' gl'.IM!. sil.. I'.'.li.s I,., ,1 li li.v ihstriets. I rials fnr lliilli a in.le l.l i. !; ipi I: .'. - i oil, tn Inn r -a' 'I fl liiis hllll.t'ilt"! i ' :.. Ihe Oilier ..I I'll!.;.. . I par' tin -lit ot X... ' i-ioii. 1'. C, fee ",. . -al .I to 1 In 111 I bods llialel'illls tesii inlvised In wri Ifoad liapliii! eulltire. Wa-I strii.-t ions in of si l, i i ing Spreilllell- in which tii thnstji seat I Pi pn ri nn ni and .hipping sampie. will be i, .toil in ihe nrd-'t v nl" I'-' i iced, except im' ,' lln- sp. . :al agrills ol Iia which " 'II be iven pn l' 'ren ee oi i r ail oi hers Samples of a mist -ellanAiis nature not taken in a. enrdance with tiie ill-roc-lions gnen by Hie I'Mti'-e of I'uhlie Road Imviii 's "' il iml be rtaminod A full description nf the laboratory nml its Installation and the niethiwls nf coiiiliiotmc the te.is will be ebon In a forthcoming publication of the Do p.irtineiit. -Martin Iimlge. Iireetor. In Cerniany a ilnrk linn 1 u irnidc Uiat is wtirrauied to no lor VOO'I years vmtn, nig,ji,; WiX!?9tpgtemM!Ht. ' ?,!.'"' OUR liUDGKT OF IlCUOi? LAUCHTER-PROVOKING stories Fon LOVERS OF FUN. 'ilie lieasoli, Vim rlililll.v a Sri II l 'illi.eel!lri' Tllrir l'll:li Winn. A Hil,.iv I-: x I loo llHirleil llll IT, l.'i.'ll.'. DelllK Ills ll'l. t '' - "i ll ii is plenty nf room at !!; i", ' ,-ifl tin pi .el. 11 trille ell at it , ll.l he ellnt'tleil Willi Ki"' As he s.iii'1: "l' a'l yml sec ' "J'liiit's tin rt'iixiii I loe 111 mi iiiiie." Piiii.idelphi.i lli'iort! UN .nijlllll. .Myir-"I woiiiler vvhiit causes oi nissimi of Hie braiuV" 1 ;! "A eiilli.sh.n between two train'- of ihiiuahi. 1 s'lppnse."- Chie:i.7 .e-. Tliiir rlinlit Htirw. lie s been lalkimr ;nir sn much km- ly he .-eelns hi be lletuilll.v going ll'a.y." tiraeioiis: Til' 11 whin mrst be the , ,,n.!ii!.m I'f lie people In'-' biell ml.. t iiui...v r. oiiiewhai Tub!" ,f a simb. he 'SiiobV Say. le "Hid get run oi ,-m i i.iinil lib." il ii: r bv hai'P.v if a iui!i'.liail loo llicll- ilnnsli'l shnllt sn In art' as lu tis-d I"." si 1 hiiiu In exlnbili'd ''A iiber 11 hiih si,;..' I by pliiil Press .ill III 1' Pililil! Ilir in liv The am it Iill.r-"ll.w e ii hiindri d P.u.-y Mini-' r.ii.l I enllldu W'ol'l. eil I S V I'll llll I "It I 1 1 1 1 1 Hi lime lii.!'..il.an,,iis Press Hi I'lelel. !l lull boil you drinking it V" T,.;l ii-; V.il. i i.-.iher drink a in. mag' i.rv any day." Life. bef'-l.' tl I'll I t'I'llll Il'.l.'i; III. Ii -1. ileal'." siiill All'-. I,, h-r h'i-bi.m1 ( iiddin .'s "I lll.il aiiMoii-iy. line li.el c .'Il I I Ci.lding Tii lii: I I hiiic." I nri'inl.i Vellllc to - '." Mlill Fill! el'l op. to lull ".Mid 1 havt .1 ley liiiini:' punning her ii I a - fair l-.VI'-'. ileeelil si reel ill' -fed WnllliiU. 1 '.Ii ! lell'ni: .IfUrillll. ille! I'rosaie. I wonder how I his iii.i ci-iiig ,1 p. I ... brought ::' mi: V simply tell in If o " iiii cm Wi II ipp.-:i. ..Ihel "1b W lllll'olll.'llll le I louver Ni ii stiailou . sloii d.'i s your frii ml ligb! lingered geiiuy." can ii-:" I lift, ctiv." t':ii.nl.i 1 noes. What lolloW '." "That lb. Voll doll-! "Vis; ,r-S ;s;;,ui!ard anil Not Any I'm Him. ,iiy lie Chappie, w hy do ,-i pair of raise rubber In have mi y. Iw llolll. boy." r sh,,, .'" 1 . 1 --- 1 1 n-'iii'l be l'"i I.i ke-p 1 1 li-lll illliiltli -t Ititilgo I'lil'til"' I'lil-tliel "Ynpp has his llsseis to l.f III.. VI'llO- Ihe Inl's. "Well, ibai his i!"ipliia "If n, (sec 11-. ;lmi li.-iil. ib North . . ii l.t ' I..--a ilililillfli:'1 re great "- pi""l Phil:.' yi-- l.itl.'l.lll. "we lllfmlll lilelll that n." inicrrupui! Mi'. tdmuld ' "Very I'loinpili tiny were un-l.'ile Flyppe. Unit iiim r. - American. Tout-hint: in fellow borri. wed SHI pine gob f 111-. A, . lid. I'i i.u.l-l.: I w I Hill, his hand 'p'tll'l lll.-lilif'l I Your Mitiiis iooeh "dy's fi if mi--hip n I il. n I hii-gli.-d b, :" I prmi Wolil'l llllll gold:'' .islel'ol'sh inn I in Hail That l illlii-. All li.-ill"-liieiybndy hailed Put lie In wl.t heir ii.clamai ions iv re tlireclril pas.e.l ihelli Willi s-' i 1 Il ly :i veiled filcc. S,. ii was Hie people walked inline, lot' he was none i.iher t!i.::i Hie motor mini el Hie last . ar. - Heiroit .Imiiiial. I intliin; I null Karlv ill lln' llioio'. Iii iie "You cau l imagine lew leii. nil .link is In inc. he is sn selfish, mo' her " Moll, i I-;, iiipuhoticallyi -"Why, M bill dm s la- .I'.-'-' Itl'i'le - II. '.Wilis wants I" g" nut I.i the tlnair. and things like liiai, tll-it the Veil fill" 11 hell I Walll 111 slay hninr." Collier's W.-eU'i. Ijllll t I I'm ' Voll disapprove of siillle nf III" cntl l.l.iiolial pel iiuisV "1 dn." iinswercd Miss Cayenne. And yet I have heard you exclaim ti a number of people 'I am ilcllguted ui : "lh" re mark was perfectly trim in .aril ei-.' 1 shouldn't car. in bo I biid. ymi know "-Washington Star. Mir Iti-liuli il Hliilli. I he dog is mie ni ihe mo"' inirlligont of animals." remmkcil Willie Wa-h- itlg'ell. So I have heard." ill -vvtied Mi-s t 'ayi line ' inl lie is i lie most loyal iidinirT a loan run have." "V.s. I never eniild ipiite reeiiinl. tin".' nvo assertions "-- Wusiiiiigtmi Slur.

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